Essay is a work that gives me pleasure. "Labor in human life" essay

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Labor and labor activity a person in history

Labor activity, in my opinion, is an irreplaceable component of human life for many centuries of evolution.

At every stage of development, a person had to work in order to learn how to survive and develop. Without labor, a person could not create tools, protect themselves from animals, find food for themselves, make a fire. Then the person began to unite with other people, while creating a community. We know from history that their work was common, and its results were shared among members of the entire tribe.

Over time, with the division of labor, principalities began to appear, then states, where people represented different strata of society and each person did his own job. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, there were such strata of society as the nobility, clergy, peasantry, the Cossacks were singled out separately. All hard work usually fell on the shoulders of the common people: servants, small artisans and merchants, numerous salesmen, cabbies, janitors, delivery men, and laborers. However, the peasants had the hardest work: they plowed the land, reaped crops, householdand most they paid this to the master. Only thanks to their labor could they exist. But, paradoxically, it was their work that was not paid! They were no more valued than cattle!

The twentieth century is the century of communism. "From each according to his ability to each according to his needs" - such a principle of labor activity was proclaimed by the Soviet government. At this time, each person found a job for himself, regardless of profession, education and social status. Each citizen worked for the benefit of his state. "Who does not work shall not eat!" - reads the aphorism. This is understandable, because in order to ensure good life yourself and your family, you have to work. In addition, work brought people together, fostered in them a sense of duty and responsibility. A working man in Soviet times was distinguished by discipline, the consciousness that labor is not only a material, but also a spiritual component of his life, therefore, each person should understand that any deed is done for the good of the country. How much this is lacking in our time!

In my opinion, the pyramid of society at all times was based on the labor of people and their solidarity. Every morning a person starts with work. The schoolboy sits down at the desk, the driver - behind the wheel, the worker stands at the machine. The student goes to study, the office worker turns on the computer. Nobody is left idle! This is because labor is a natural human occupation.

Everyone's work begins at a very young age. First, it consists in gaining knowledge. This is necessary in order to live in society. Then we get education and specialty that will help us get settled in later life. From childhood, we are taught to the idea that every profession is very important, any work is honorable, so it does not matter at all who to work. Everything is done for the benefit of people.

Everything that a person has achieved over the centuries, he has achieved through work. A roof over his head, food on the table, vehicles, books ... These are the fruits of his labor. A person who loves to work and never sits idle does not go unnoticed - he gains the authority and respect of others, raises his social status, which, you see, is very important in our time!

Labor develops a person, allows you to learn something new, to raise the level of your development and skills. Many people master not one, but two, three or more professions in their lives. After all, having different specialties, you can opt for the job that will be the most suitable and will be loved. The seller can become a teacher over time, and the plumber can become a scientist, if he feels his calling in this. Everything is in the hands of man. Everyone chooses how and where to work.

Based on the above, we can come to the conclusion: work has been and will be an integral part of our life. The story itself is a confirmation of this idea. There are many hardworking people in our country, moreover, thanks to democracy and equality, we have the opportunity to get an education and choose a profession on our own, in accordance with preferences and inclinations. That is why I believe that thanks to the efforts and talent of the people, Russia will grow stronger, develop and solve all the tasks it faces.

There are many interesting things in the life of each of us. Someone most of all loves to listen to music, someone more to their liking movies. We often spend time on computer games, we love to walk and chat with friends. Learning also becomes a part of life. In school years, it is impossible to imagine yourself without textbooks and notebooks. What role does labor play in human life? It seems to me that any work is overcoming obstacles. She pleases and grieves, takes something away, but gives a lot. However, it is impossible to work without a little struggle with oneself.

My parents work together in the same company. They are always there, they solve the same problems, but communication in the office cannot be compared with relaxation at home. Mom likes to say that she and her father are going there to "plow". Of course, even the best job that you enjoy in every way is physically demanding. A person develops, becomes more resilient when he works.

The psychological state, the ability to control emotions, also plays a role. It is important to establish relationships with people, communicate in a team, learn to overcome problems and prevent conflict situations. When you go to work, you are constantly in good shape, in real time you bypass some "pitfalls" and gain invaluable experience.

Interestingly, for many, the need to be disciplined becomes a real obstacle. It is necessary to clearly fulfill the assigned tasks, adhere to a strict daily regimen, get up on time, work efficiently and quickly. Not everyone can cope with this. As a result, they lose their jobs and are forced to look for other jobs. If a person really wants to achieve his goal, he will become organized, pull himself together.

Of course, labor is also needed for elementary survival. After all, products, things are bought for money, and the funds are received in the form wages... In modern society, it is desirable to have your own source of income in order to maintain independence.

We can conclude that work helps people to work on themselves, fight their shortcomings, live and improve every day.

A man is beautiful and famous for his work. Work is the meaning of life. So it has been and will be at all times. It is not for nothing that many proverbs have come down to us from time immemorial, expressing a person's attitude to work. We evaluate a person by how he works and how he relates to other people. All that is beautiful and all the most necessary things on Earth have been created by labor. Labor is inconceivable without a person, and a person is inconceivable without labor. M. Prishvin wrote that "everything beautiful on earth is from the sun, and everything good is from man." Continuing this thought, we can add that all the essentials are created by human labor. A person can relate to work in different ways. For some, work is a burden that takes time and energy. Maybe these are people who have not chosen a profession to their liking, or those who are financially secure and live at the expense of other people. But for such people, life becomes, on the one hand, torment, and on the other hand, an empty pastime. The main thing is to feel the joy of work, and then life will be filled with a different meaning, it will become brighter and richer. A person may not have a favorite job, but have a favorite pastime, hobby. It often happens that someone goes to work for the sake of material support for himself and his family. Yes, such a person works conscientiously, and people respect him for this, but he can reveal himself only in his favorite business, to which he gives his whole soul. And then such a thing argues, because it is done with inspiration and love. Even Aesop believed that "the true treasure for people is the ability to work." Human beauty is most vividly revealed in labor. Passing the streets of the city, probably, each of us at least sometimes paid attention to how beautifully a person works. Often in parks you can see artists painting someone's portrait. You look and marvel at the talent of the creator. Indeed, a person is beautiful in work and what he creates is beautiful. We sometimes involuntarily pay attention to a person who enthusiastically performs seemingly ordinary work. Take a closer look at how some bricklayers work. Quickly, smoothly, smoothly, brick by brick. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in such work. Not work, but play. But any business requires skills, abilities that come with experience. And most importantly, the result depends on the mood in which you are doing the work. After all, at home, if you like something, you do it with desire, pleasure, and if you don’t want to do something, everything, as they say, falls out of your hands. We live in a wonderful world. The world around us is the natural world and the world created by human labor. But the most important decoration of the Earth is man. Smart, kind, hardworking. And if all people are like that, then they will be able to preserve and make our planet even more beautiful. We live in order to leave a memory of ourselves. Our memory is our good deeds and deeds, this is our spiritual wealth... And the spiritual wealth of a person is formed primarily from respect for work, thanks to which everything beautiful on Earth has been created.

You can recall a huge number of classics with sayings about labor. Russian proverbs do not lag behind in quantity. The meaning of all statements boils down to the fact that it is through labor that a person improves himself and does better world around you. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, it was labor that was the force thanks to which man was able to evolve from a monkey. Indeed, only man works on earth, animals are not concerned with work.

Hence, it is labor that distinguishes man from animal.

Thanks to work, people have reached that level of civilization,

Which is now. The Japanese are considered the most hardworking nation. And if you pay attention to their standard of living and development, the connection between their working capacity and the well-being that their country has achieved becomes obvious.

When we say labor, we, first of all, think about physical labor. It was he who became the primary cause of development, and then the improvement of living conditions. Over time, the direction of activity changed: picking berries, hunting, farming, labor in urban enterprises - but one thing remained unchanged.

The one who worked hard and conscientiously had more material wealth. The one who has been lazy is not

Achieved nothing.

Labor is not only physical, but also intellectual. A person can achieve a lot by working with his head. Scientists, writers, economists spend as much energy during their working day as a worker in a factory. and bring no less benefit to their fellow citizens. Intellectual work is honorable and necessary.

It is he who drives the improvement of technology and the general development of man. If we do not have good books, we will not be able to develop internally, spiritually and morally, we will not be able to learn something new, we will have nowhere to get an incentive for self-improvement.

But the most harmoniously developed personalities can be considered those people who combine physical and mental activities. Such people, by their own statement, are happy because they can fully realize themselves. And a periodic change of activity is considered the best rest.

Labor is not only a necessity in order to have a livelihood. It is also an urgent need for many people. Otherwise, why in our age, when any food can be bought, people continue to sow and cultivate gardens in their dachas? Why do people need hobbies related to needlework - knitting, embroidery, sewing.

Many, in spite of the possibility of hiring workers, prefer to build their own houses, repair apartments, sort out the engines of their cars by themselves. Labor, manual or intellectual, is the basis of human life, without which we degrade.

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Everything is created for mortals by the care and labor of man.

We are all familiar with the statement: "Labor created man." Indeed, the ability and desire to work ennobles, elevates and inspires. And no matter what we do, what type of activity we have chosen for ourselves, the main thing is that our work should benefit others and enjoy ourselves. R. Rolland wrote: "Labor is the only title of true nobility! It is the power and joy of a man-creator ... Labor manifests itself in every - modest and great - creative act aimed at the good of human society."

You need to work every day, constantly, all your life. Work is necessary in order to feel needed, in order to feel like a person. But at the same time, labor should not be just mechanical work. A person, performing any work, of course, should think about why he does it, what will be the result of his work, what goal he wants to achieve.

Contempt for those worthless people

What they do thoughtlessly.

In that man is decoration

And honor that lives on for centuries.

That he senses meaning in his heart

What the hand does.

In these lines of F. Schiller - a deep meaning and understanding of what work should be for every person, how people should relate to any work. From an early age, each of us is taught to do some simple work: clean up our things, help our parents, do something. We gradually grow up, our tasks become more complicated, the requirements for us become stricter. We begin to think about what we will devote our lives to, what profession we will choose. And, making this choice, we must ask ourselves: what is this work for, what end result are we waiting for? Will our work be useful, will it be in demand by society?

See also:

Unfortunately, sometimes even the highest aspirations are shattered by a ridiculous mistake, and sometimes by failure. It is no coincidence that when we start a business, others wish us good luck. Yes, the desire and ability to work play a big role in our life, but it is equally important that we are lucky in our endeavors. Let's say we have planned to do a lot of useful and important things during the day. You need to do everything, calculate everything, but circumstances do not always depend only on us.

Bad weather, malfunctioning transport, traffic jams, illness, late work buddy, lack of the necessary material ... There can be a lot of unforeseen obstacles in the performance of tasks. And yet, the one who is looking for a way out of any situation and solves the problems and troubles that have arisen, the one who does not give up will certainly achieve his goal!

"Bless every work, good luck ..." And the one that requires the exertion of all physical strength, and the one that requires the efforts of the mind and heart, and the one whose result depends on inspiration ... But is there a thing in the world that is not worthy to have good luck? Unfortunately, in our world a lot of low, inhuman acts are committed. But can we call such actions labor in that only true, meaningful meaning for centuries? To work means to constantly strive for more, better, higher; means to achieve some new heights, to overcome obstacles. Work for the good of human society. And only so! Therefore, the efforts of an insignificant person will never be called labor.

Labor raises, inspires, ennobles. Conscious work contains the main meaning of our existence as a person. This means that every work is worthy of respect, worship and good luck!

What do we mean by the word "luck"? Was it just luck? A happy coincidence? I think that not only and not even so much luck matters for success in business. "Happiness does not help the negligent", happiness goes only to those who work hard, luck and success accompany only those who make great efforts, those who work hard and hard. If you are afraid of failure, you will never achieve real heights at work. And only the one who tirelessly works on himself, sets himself more and more high goals, develops mentally and physically, has the right to say: "Bless my work, good luck!"

Bless, luck, the work of a grain grower in the field, bless the work of mothers who gave us life and raised us, bless the work of a miner and metallurgist, a stoker and a carpenter ... Bless the work of doctors who heal our bodies, bless the work of poets and musicians who heal our souls, Bless the labor of teachers who sow what is reasonable, kind, eternal ... Bless every good deed, good luck!

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