Correction of the development of children with disabilities. Correction of cognitive processes in children with disabilities

Currently, the problem of the development and education of children with disabilities became the most acute. In the 90s, disability at birth was determined in 3-4 children, now - in every second. If 10-15 years ago, according to our observations, many children with cerebral palsy were born, now we are seeing an increase in the birth rate of children with emotional disorders, including with RDA, with impaired behavior and activity, as well as with concomitant developmental disorders.

Children with “special needs” make up a heterogeneous group. Special psychology highlights the following categories of children with developmental disabilities:

  • Children with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation of varying degrees). Mental retardation is a persistent violation of cognitive activity and behavior resulting from organic damage to the brain.
  • Children with disabilities in cognitive development (mental retardation). ZPR is expressed in a slow rate of maturation of various mental functions.
  • Children with hearing impairment (HST of varying degrees).
  • Children with visual impairments (blindness, low vision, strabismus, underdevelopment of the retina or other organs of the eye).
  • Children with musculoskeletal disorders 1. Diseases nervous system: Cerebral palsy, neuroinfection. 2. Congenital pathology of ODA: congenital dysploses of the hip joint, torticollis, clubfoot, underdevelopment and anomalies in the development of the limbs, spine, etc. 3. Acquired diseases and injuries of ODE.
  • Children with speech disorders (alalia, dysarthria, dysgraphia, stuttering, mutism).
  • Children with emotional disorders, incl. with RDA, auto-like behavior disorder, fears, phobias.
  • Children with behavioral and activity disorders.
  • Children with severe multiple impairments (mental retardation, cerebral palsy, early childhood autism, epilepsy, etc.).

The structure of the developmental defect in these categories of children is different, but it is caused by the following disorders:

  • Motor;
  • speech;
  • sensory;
  • emotional;
  • behavioral.

Clinical picture violations in each case is different, however, it is possible to distinguish a number of manifestations characteristic of all the listed categories:

  • social maladjustment of the child;
  • low level mental processes (attention, objective and social perception and ideas, memory, thinking);
  • violations of sensory-perceptual functions (difficulties in spatial analysis and synthesis, understanding of the body schema, spatio-temporal relationships, visual, auditory, tactile perception);
  • violation of speech functions (dysarthria, violation of phonemic perception, analysis of words, difficulties in mastering the lexical and conceptual side of the language, complete absence of speech);
  • delay or impairment in the development of thinking (decrease, flattening of intelligence, underdevelopment of mental operations, such as classification, comparison, analysis-synthesis, etc.);
  • lethargy, rigidity, stereotype and monotony of mental activity, increased exhaustion, unstable dynamics of its productivity;
  • insufficiency or gross violations of psychomotor functions (gross and fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, motor awkwardness):
  • lack of formation of motivational-need and emotional-volitional sphere;
  • instability of the emotional state, excitability, fears, phobias, increased anxiety, neurotization;
  • reducing the arbitrariness of mental processes, activities, behavior;
  • stereotypy of behavioral reactions, "getting stuck" on certain behavioral reactions and phrases, a tendency to self-similar behavior;
  • lack of formation of subject-practical skills and abilities;
  • violations in the formation of personal qualities and self-concept.

In addition, children with developmental disabilities often have psychological characteristics that can hinder their successful integration into society:

  • uncriticality, inadequate self-esteem and level of aspirations;
  • insufficient development of communication skills;
  • selective acceptance of social norms and rules of behavior, unawareness and denial of many of them;
  • narrow circle of interests, lack of motives for productive activity;
  • Social and personal infantilism.

Therefore, children with “special needs” need correctional, developmental and restorative work not only at the cognitive level, but also at the emotional, personal and behavioral level, because without this, the child is unable to assimilate the necessary types of activity, to enter into various systems of social and interpersonal relations.

Methods and techniques of correctional and developmental work

The most common category of children in need of correction is children with severe multiple disabilities. The complex structure of the defect presupposes a differentiated approach to psychological correction, i.e. taking into account in each specific case the form, severity, specificity and combination of mental disorders.

Most often, you have to work with children whose main defect, such as cerebral palsy, is complicated by severe intellectual underdevelopment, impaired vision, hearing, lack of speech, features of autistic behavior, sometimes with an episode, i.e., with a so-called complex disorder. This requires specific, non-standard methods of corrective work.

For children with preserved intelligence, with a mild degree of mental retardation or mental retardation, the method of art therapy is used, which includes various techniques such as:

  • Design;
  • modeling;
  • Paper plastic;
  • Drawing on various surfaces;
  • Puppet therapy, as well as making dolls for classes from various materials;
  • Fairy tale therapy according to the made applications, drawings, collages;
  • collage;
  • movement therapy;
  • music therapy.

Various materials are used for this method: paper, fabrics, threads, plasticine, paints, crayons, stickers, beads, sequins, old magazines, junk, scattered buttons, beads, etc. Using this method allows you to solve the following tasks: a) develop sensory standards and enrich the sensory-perceptual experience, b) expand knowledge about the world around, c) form a holistic picture of the world, d) stabilize the emotional state, help the child respond in a symbolic form to experiences, e) form the arbitrariness of activity and behavior.

Play therapy - universal method, which includes:

  • play therapy real life (playing problematic situations of family relationships, interaction with peers, rivalry, crisis and teenage conflicts, etc.). In this case, the most often used techniques are role-playing games, dramatization, theatrical play, fairy tale therapy, elements of training exercises;
  • play therapy of response (playing out stressful situations, past traumatic experiences). Fairy tale therapy, symbol drama, drawing and playing "virtual reality" proved to be the most effective in this case;
  • play therapy for building relationships (playing out emerging emotions and situations "here and now", emotional support for each other in difficult situations). In this case, the greatest effect was manifested when using symbol drama, visualization (ex. "Magic Shop", "Iceberg", etc.) in combination with art therapy.
  • play therapy of creative self-expression (games of "creative disorder").

In the course of play therapy, a psychological and social process is created in which children naturally a) interact with each other, simulate a system of social relations and social experience, b) acquire new knowledge about themselves and the world, c) form real relations of partnership and cooperation , internalize and learn adequate ways of orientation in problem situations, social and everyday skills and the ability to adapt in the world, d) form the ability to voluntary regulation of activity based on the subordination of behavior to a system of rules and rules of the game, e) train memory, attention, thinking, f) develop imagination, speech, motor skills.

Sensotherapy- a unique method that combines the techniques of other methods:

  • art therapy (music, painting);
  • fairy tale therapy (composition of fairy tales, stories, for example, "Fairy tale in a circle", "Fairy tales by the fire", "Fairy stories with objects", "Family of animals");
  • game therapy (outdoor games: "Treasure hunt", "Sea voyage", "Space flight");
  • color therapy;
  • movement therapy (dancing, free movement to music);
  • training exercises ("Candle", "The Blind and the Guide");
  • relaxation.

In the classroom in the sensory room, a set of tasks is solved for the development of cognitive processes, gross and fine motor skills, stabilization of the emotional state and behavior.

During the lessons, a complex psychotherapeutic effect is created on all analyzers of the child, including emotional and motor memory. The brain is activated through stimulation of the basic analyzers: vision, hearing, smell, touch and vestibular receptors. The sensory room allows children to expand their life experiences, enrich their sensory experiences and gain self-confidence. Classes in a sensory room help to improve active, independent motor skills, manipulative activity, mastering knowledge of the body scheme, and the development of hand-eye coordination.

Sensotherapy is carried out according to the indications in two forms:

  • relaxation, removal of emotional excitability
  • stimulation of cognitive and physical activity.

Relaxation is achieved through the effects of special music, sounds, therapeutic fairy tales, color, light lamps, interactive floor, dry pool.

Stimulation of cognitive and motor activity is carried out through light panels, the Starry Sky panel, games with an interactive floor, an interactive panel "Geometric figures", outdoor games "Hide and Seek", "Hide and seek", "Day-night", "Find what is hidden" and so on. These adaptations and developmental games actively attract the child's attention, arouse his cognitive interest, stimulate activity and orientation-search actions. To stimulate fine and gross motor skills, the development of speech and imagination, "Gnome Gymnastics" is carried out, combining massage and finger gymnastics:

  • The gnomes are sleeping;
  • Dwarfs wake up, stretch;
  • The gnomes wash;
  • Gnomes prepare breakfast (bake pies), have breakfast;
  • Gnomes do the dishes;
  • The gnomes go to play.

This fairy-tale plot can include not only various games, but also object-related activities, drawing, modeling, applications, elements of game training, dance therapy and other therapeutic techniques.

Fairytale therapy is a method that uses a fairytale form to integrate the personality, develop creative abilities, expand knowledge of the world, and improve interactions with the outside world. Children are attracted in fairy tales by the absence of direct moralizing, harmlessness, amusing plot, the ability to take the initiative into their own hands, the narration "from the third person", the "impersonality" of the protagonist, the expansion of positive experience, solving difficult situations and problems in a safe way.

Basic techniques for working with a fairy tale:

  • Telling fairy tales;
  • Composing author's fairy tales;
  • Composing fairy tales based on drawings, applications, collages;
  • Redoing existing folk or author's tales (changing details, ending, plot elements, introducing new characters);
  • Staging of fairy tales with the help of self-made characters, finger and glove puppets;
  • Composing fabulous stories "from the first person" using improvised items.

Water sand therapy, sand animation - the most effective method correctional and developmental work with children who have a gross violation of intellectual, psychomotor and psycho-speech development. Water therapy helps to relax hand spasticity, improve grasping movements, motor dexterity, and develop hand-eye coordination. Sand therapy corrects memory, attention, logical thinking, stimulates the development of imagination, speech, helps to reduce fears, anxiety through the performance of specific tasks: sand animation (drawing pictures, fairy tales, "cartoons" on the sand), searching for a "treasure", creating "sand paintings »From small toys. Exercises with water and sand create a relaxation effect, which helps to reduce hand spasticity, correct fears, anxiety states, relieve hyperactive and hyperexcitable reactions.

One of the innovative methods used in correctional and developmental work is the audio-visual computer complex "Take and do" (Timokko).

The complex is designed to work with young and middle-aged children to teach children with cerebral palsy motor skills, with hypotension, impaired muscle tone of the shoulder girdle, impaired coordination of movements, at the initial stages of work with post-traumatic motor disorders, with genetic syndromes, with features of autistic and autosimilar behavior ... The complex includes five games:

  • "Balloons";
  • "What's under the umbrella";
  • "Star Trek";
  • "Drawing";
  • "Volleyball";

Using the listed interactive games, the following tasks are solved:

  • Improving concentration and ability to understand the rules of the game.
  • Improving hand-eye coordination, mastering new movements.
  • Development of bilateral coordination when using both hands simultaneously.
  • Movement control training, movement precision training.
  • Strengthening and stimulating the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.
  • Teaching purposeful activity and understanding the position of the body in space.
  • Development of fine motor skills.
  • The development of the arbitrariness of activity and behavior.
  • Increasing the motivation of children for motor and cognitive activity in a fun and interesting way. Children develop motor and cognitive skills in a play environment where play is safe, non-competitive.

It is impossible to cover all the variety of methods and techniques that are used for correctional and developmental work with "special" children. But it is an individual approach to each child, persistent systematic work, cooperation of specialists, parents and a child that will help to overcome difficulties and give the child a chance to successfully adapt in society.

Methodical development "Correction of speech development in children with disabilities - professional work experience."

Speech in children with disabilities is usually formed with a great delay, many of them begin to pronounce individual words after 3-4 years. As a rule, these children understand the speech of others, but they themselves find it difficult to speak, their vocabulary is poor, phrases are amorphous, there are multiple pronunciation defects.

Inadequate speech development also leaves an imprint on the formation of non-speech mental processes. Such children have insufficient stability of attention, limited opportunities for its distribution; reduced verbal memory, memory productivity suffers.

Most often, a sick child who is constantly at home finds it difficult to make contact. Therefore, the main task of the speech therapist teacher is to build working relationships with the child's parents in such a way that through them all the components of speech development are developed in the child and gradually prepare him for full-fledged speech therapy classes.

The most important thing that parents of a child with disabilities should remember is to maintain a calm, even relationship in the family. Family relationships are severely affected by the disruption of social ties, when one of the parents is partially or completely excluded from public life and because of this is deprived of psychological help to resist stress. A sick child is always stressful.

It is desirable that both parents work with the child. If upbringing is transferred only to one of them, then all the claims are presented to him. As a result, disagreements arise between the spouses. And when working together, even the smallest successes bring great family joy.

There is an opinion that you can wait with speech therapy work, and the child will learn to speak on his own with age. This is an erroneous point of view. It is necessary to start regular classes with the baby as early as possible and carry them out not occasionally, but systematically, day after day.

Each family has its own way of assessing the child's capabilities and success. Some parents do not notice the progress in the development of the baby and are very pessimistic about the expediency of classes. However, practice shows that the compensatory capabilities of preschool children are very high and should not be missed. It is important to find a task that is accessible to the child and be patient.

Others believe that nothing needs to be done, their usual excuses: speak out, still small; his father also spoke poorly in childhood ... And the third type of parents is those who overestimate the child's abilities. In such cases, the specialist has a hard time: he is forced to repeatedly show what difficulties the child encounters when performing a particular task, tries to give advice on how best to overcome them.

The child needs to be loved and treated like healthy, perceiving him at the level of his age, regardless of his problems. Such an attitude, contributing to the establishment of mutual contact between the sick child and the rest of the family, will allow him to develop his personal qualities in the most favorable environment. It does not matter that in the future he will not become physically full, but he will be able to enter the world without special conflicts and disagreements, to become kind, responsive and useful to others - which, in fact, makes a person a person.

Both a healthy and a sick child from birth, becoming an adult, will be able to achieve their well-being much easier and play a positive role in the life of society if they grow up in a joyful, friendly and close-knit family. Even learning is easier for that child who in early childhood felt calm and confident in the family.

The next important step is to try to recognize causes of delayed speech development of the child... Of course, the study of anamnesis, early development, the type of parent-child relationship:

  • they talk too little with the child, he lacks communication;
  • the child does not need speech, and so everyone understands him without words, parents try to guess and fulfill everything that their child wants by their first gestures;
  • the child constantly sucks on a pacifier or finger. In such cases, he simply has no time to talk, his mouth is constantly busy.
  • the child is not stimulated to talk and is not engaged with him, there is no motivation, there is no question;
  • neurological disorders of the speech centers of the brain or the articulatory apparatus. Most often, the reasons are mixed.

Where to start work on enhancing the child's speech development? From those components that are involved in the speech process.

This is, first of all, the formation of speech breathing, a targeted air stream, which is necessary for the pronunciation of speech sounds.

Correct speech breathing ensures the best sounding of the voice. A peculiar inhalation and subsequent smooth exhalation create conditions for continuous and smooth sounding of speech, for the free sliding of the voice along the height, for the transition from quiet speech to loud speech and vice versa.

(Examples of exercises) Exercises to develop the activity of the tongue and lips. The correct pronunciation of most of the sounds of the Russian language depends on the position, for example, of the tongue, on what form it takes (flattened and forms a groove, the tip of the tongue is narrowed and touches the upper incisors, etc.).

Systematic work on the development of articulatory motor skills in sound pronunciation classes and daily gymnastics for the tongue and lips help children to pronounce most consonant sounds without special staging work of a speech therapist. (Examples of exercises).

Working on pronunciation assumes that the child already has steady attention. In other words, you should start doing this only after the baby has become relatively organized, diligent and is capable of purposeful activity.

It is better to pronounce words and phrases if the child focuses on the subject or performs some kind of action with it. The mother does the wrong thing when she does one thing (helps the child to get dressed), and talks about another (about where they will go for a walk). In this case, the baby does not have a stable connection between word and object, word and action.

Lessons on the formation of simple lexico-grammatical categories are planned in such a way that in games the maximum use of natural substances - sand and water. For example, games for acquaintance with prepositions: “Hide in the sand, in some water”; "Get it out of the sand, out of the water"; "The boat floats on the water", "The turtle walks on the sand."

Games for exercises in inflection: "Big - small" (draw large objects on the sand and small ones to form nouns with diminutive suffixes). Such games with sand and water are interesting for young children.

Children with delayed speech development very rarely ask questions, so it is necessary for parents to tell the baby about what is happening around them. At the same time, constantly return to the child's experience, to what he had already seen, what he was happy about.

Gradually, it is necessary to introduce generalizing words into the child's speech and monitor their correct use. If the child has learned to look at the picture and name the image on it, then you can move on to a series of pictures connected by simple content, so that you can simple sentences build a short story (especially good for children with disabilities "Stories in Pictures" by Suteev).

If the lessons with the child are systematic, then gradually there will be more coherent statements. Some of the lessons on teaching storytelling can be taken out into nature, which additionally activates the speech of children, since children really like to watch ants and beetles (when studying the topic "Insects"), touch the bark of trees, hug their trunks, listen to the rustle of leaves (when studying the topic "Trees"), consider flowers (when studying the topic "Flowers"), etc. All this helps to enrich vocabulary, make sentences, repeat short stories and compose them ourselves from two or three sentences.

So, the influence of a speech defect on the process of personality formation can be significantly weakened or reduced to zero if you start early correction. This makes it necessary to carry out special work to fill the gaps in the speech development of children.

Effective corrective assistance, rendered in a period sensitive for speech: at the age of 2.5 to 7 years, i.e. during the period when the speech function is actively developing. We do not so much correct speech as we shape it, directing it in the right direction, stimulating positive manifestations and inhibiting negative ones. As a result, it is possible to achieve full compensation for speech underdevelopment even before the child enters school.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

boarding school number 1 of the city of Tomsk


Neuropsychological correction of children with disabilities

Azangulova Natalia Igorevna

educational psychologist

The program is intended for the correction and development of mental processes and the emotional-volitional sphere in children with disabilities of primary school age using neuropsychological methods of correction.

Explanatory note

Currently, there is a tendency to view the educational process through the prism of preserving the mental health of children. This is due to the fact that there is an increase in the number of children with mental disabilities among students in mass schools. Objective clinical examinations, as a rule, do not reveal gross pathology in these children, but the level of development is lowerage.

Correction and development of children with disabilities is one of the urgent problems modern medicine, pedagogy of defectology and psychology. This category of children in force various reasons weakness of the closure function of the cerebral cortex and processes of active internal inhibition, impaired interactions of the first and second signaling systems... Children with disabilities have underdevelopment of the processes of cognitive activity and immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere. Along with this, deviations in the development of the motor sphere are observed: violation of voluntary regulation of movements, lack of coordination, and the motor skills of the hands and fingers are the most affected. With mental stress, such children have increased fatigue and exhaustion of the central nervous system, which leads not only to instability of attention, but also to irritability, anxiety and negative behavior. In most children, there is a lack of formation of interhemispheric interaction from deep levels to the corpus callosum.. The presence of these characteristics contributes to the emergence of difficulties in the upbringing and education of children with developmental problems.

The program is designed for the correction and development of mental processes and the emotional-volitional sphere in children with disabilities of primary school age using neuropsychological methods of correction.

The methodological basis of the program is the methodology of AV Semenovich “Neuropsychological correction and habilitation in childhood”.

Neuropsychological correction technology is associated withbrain organization of mentalprocesses. Neuropsychological correction includes cognitive and motormethods that applyxia in a complex, taking into account their complementary influence, and is based on modern representation about the patterns of development and the structure of the cerebral organization of HMF in ontogenesis. The formation of the cerebral organization of mental processes occurs from the stem and subcortical formations to the cerebral cortex (bottom-up); from the right hemisphere to the left (from right to left); from the back of the brain to the front. All these processes are possible subject to the potential readiness of certain brain formations to provide it, as well as from outside demand .. Correction with the use of neuropsychological methods should always begin with motor methods, since the consolidation of bodily skills presupposes such mental functions from the outside as emotions, perception, memory, self-regulation processes

These methods are basic for the development of HMF and create the basic prerequisites for the full participation of these mental processes in the acquisition of reading, writing, and mathematical knowledge.

The neuropsychological methods are based on the scientific data of A.R. Luria, A.V. Semenovich, L. S. Tsvetkova, B. A. Arkhipov and others. The leading principle of correctional and developmental work with children is the principle of substitutional ontogenesis. The main principle of this method is the correlation of the child's current status with the main stages in the formation of the cerebral organization of mental processes.

Program objectives:

    Development of higher mental functions.

    Stabilization of interhemispheric interaction and increased plasticity of sensorimotor support of mental processes.

    Functional activation of the subcortical formations of the brain.

    Regulation and normalization of muscle tone with the help of stretching, reciprocal exercises.

    Increasing the child's self-esteem, self-confidence due to the assimilation of new skills.

The correctional and developmental program consists of 20 lessons. Classes are held once a week, the duration is 25-30 minutes. Classes can be conducted both in a group and individually. Each lesson can be practiced 2-3 times. The intended result: - prevention, weakening or removal of detected violations, - creation of basic prerequisites for the full participation of mental processes in mastering reading, writing, mathematical knowledge - development of higher mental functions; - stabilization of interhemispheric interaction and increased plasticity of sensorimotor support of mental processes; - functional activation of the subcortical formations of the brain;

Techniques used in the work

1. Breathing exercises optimizes gas exchange and blood circulation, ventilation of all areas of the lungs, massage of the abdominal organs; promotes overall health and well-being. Breathing is calming and conducive to concentration. One of the most important goals of organizing correct breathing in children is the formation of the basic components of voluntary self-regulation in them. Promotes overall health and well-being.

Breathing exercises should always precede self-massage and other exercises. The main thing is full breathing, that is, a combination of chest and abdominal breathing; you need to do it first lying down, then sitting and finally standing. Until the child learns to breathe correctly, it is recommended to put one hand on his chest, the other on his stomach (fix them on top with the hands of an adult) to control the completeness of respiratory movements.

After completing breathing exercises, you can start self-massage and other exercises that help to increase the static-kinetic level of the child's mental activity, increase his energy and adaptive potential. Teaching four-phase breathing exercises, containing equal stages in time: "inhalation-holding-exhalation-holding", is universal. At the beginning, each of them can be 2-3 seconds with a gradual increase up to 7 seconds.

The adult should count out the indicated time intervals aloud with a gradual transition to the child's independent exercise. Correct breathing is slow, deep, diaphragmatic breathing (in which the lungs fill from the lowest to the highest), and consists of the following four stages:

1st - inhale: dissolve the abdominal muscles, start inhaling, lower the diaphragm down, pushing the stomach forward; fill the middle of the lungs by expanding the chest with the intercostal muscles; raise the sternum and clavicle, fill the apex of the lungs with air.

2nd - pause.

3rd - exhale:

lift the diaphragm up and draw in the stomach;

lower the ribs using a group of intercostal muscles;

lower the sternum and collarbone, releasing air from the tops of the lungs.

4th - pause.

It is best to start practicing breathing exercises with the exhalation stage, after which, after waiting for a natural pause and waiting for the moment when the desire to inhale appears, take a pleasant, deep, without tension, inhale through your mouth or nose. Care must be taken to ensure that the diaphragm moves and the shoulders remain calm. When doing the exercise while sitting or standing, do not bend forward. All exercises are performed 3 - 5 times.

2. Massage and self-massage. Teaching a child to self-massage is recommended to be carried out in several stages. First, an adult massages his body himself, then with the hands of the child himself, putting his hands on top, only after that the child performs self-massage on his own.

Ask him to describe his feelings before and after the massage: “Perhaps something has changed? What? Where? What does it look like? ".

We emphasize that the development of all the other exercises included in this section is similarly happening: the psychologist demonstrates, commenting, the movement that the child has to master. When he repeats what is shown, the psychologist helps him with his hands (with his whole body) and explanations. Performing the exercises on their own, the child gives an account of his feelings before, during and after the exercise.

3. Stretch marks -a system of special stretching exercises based on natural movement. When they are performed, the muscles should feel a soft stretch, but not tension. Stretching helps to overcome all kinds of muscular dystonias, clamps and pathological rigid bodily attitudes; optimizing muscle tone and increasing the level of mental activity. When a psychologist, helping a child, stretches him, it is necessary to imagine that stretching is being done to a kitten; they should be carried out in a gentle manner, slowly and smoothly.

4. Relaxationcan be carried out both at the beginning or in the middle of the lesson, and at the end - in order to integrate the experience gained during the lesson.

Relaxation is relaxation. Relaxation exercises are aimed at relaxing various muscle groups.

During relaxation, cardiac and respiratory processes, pressure are normalized, blood flow to the muscles is stabilized and the work of the brain is activated, neuropsychic balance is restored and a person feels rested and full of energy.

This reaction can be elicited in different ways, but we suggest using the muscle relaxation method and the imagination relaxation method (games - etudes).

When using the muscle relaxation method (tension and relaxation of body muscles), the child should feel and be aware of the stages of relaxation: muscle tension should be short-term, and relaxation - long-term.

To get out of long (more than 10 minutes), deep relaxation, to return to the state of "here and now" and to prepare, to mobilize for further work, it is recommended to perform several exercises sequentially, each of which takes about 30 seconds:

    do 3 - 5 deep breathing cycles;

    stretch with your whole body, stretching your arms behind your head and toes from you;

    raise one knee, throw it over the other leg and try to get them to the floor. The shoulders should remain on the floor. Repeat the movements several times in each direction;

    rub your palm on the palm and the sole on the sole;

    pull your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them (exercise like "rocking", or rolling like a "log"). By itself, this is one of the best exercises for the spine and the entire back, but it should be done on a flat and sufficiently soft surface.

5. Eye movement exercises. When doing exercises, the head is always fixed. Eye tracking follows the item located

    at arm's length,

    at elbow distance and finally

    near the bridge of the nose, sequentially lying, sitting and standing at a slow pace (from 3 to 7 s) with fixation in extreme positions. In this case, the retention should be equal in duration to the previous movement.

When practicing eye movement exercises to attract attention

toys, diagrams, visual cues, and so on. First, he follows the object moved by the psychologist, then - his hand, which is moved by the adult. Finally, he moves it independently, holding first in his right hand, then in his left, and then with both hands together.

In cases of unformed oculomotor functions, it is necessary to perform the described exercises with resistance to the movement of the child's hands from the adult.

The psychologist always monitors the smoothness of the movement of the gaze and its stable retention on the subject. Additional attention should be paid to those areas in the child's field of vision where the gaze "slips" should be given, "drawing" them until the movement and keeping the gaze on the object becomes stable.

6. Exercises to optimize and stabilize the general tone of the body.

Toning optimization is one of the most important tasks of level I correction. Any deviation from the optimal tone (hypo- or hypertonicity) can be both a cause and a consequence of the changes that have arisen in the somatic, emotional, cognitive status of the child and negatively affect his overall development.

During the lesson, the psychologist should approach each child and check whether his body is completely relaxed, point out the places of the clamps, show how they can be "released". It is necessary, for example, to show on his own body the difference between the execution of the command “lower the hands” and “the hands broke in the hands” (relaxation of the hands is achieved only in the second case).

After completing each exercise, a joint discussion is held with a circle of children, receiving feedback from each child according to the principle "My body can be ...".

Timeliness of education and usefulness of functionalitynal systems are the psychophysiological basishowl of higher mental functions, mental forms deythe effectiveness and success of the child's education.

A significant part of neuropsychological correction exercises is devoted to the development of precisely the interaction of the hemispheres. It is important for a teacher to have basic ideas about the functional status of the brain:

- frontal lobe function associated with voluntary movement, motor mechanisms of speech, regulation of complex forms of behavior, thinking processes;

- parietal lobe functionassociated with the perception and analysis of sensitive stimuli, spatial orientation, regulation of purposeful movements;

- temporal lobe function associated with the perception of taste, auditory, olfactory sensations by analysis and synthesis speech sounds, memory mechanisms;

- occipital function associated with the perception and processing of visual information.

Thematic lesson planning

p / p

The cycle of correctional classes

Purpose: Complex neuropsychological correction of children with disabilities.Tasks:

    Development of higher mental functions;

    Stabilization of interhemispheric interaction and increase of plasticity of sensorimotor support of mental processes;

    Functional activation of the subcortical formations of the brain;

    Formation of volitional and behavioral regulation.

Lesson 1. Topic: "Doing Together"

Topic: "From private to general"

Course of the lesson:

I... Introductory part:Exercise - acquaintance "Hello, my name is ...".

II. Main part:

1. Breathing exercise. Explanation of the technique of correct four-phase breathing "inhale - hold - exhale - hold".

2. Self-massage with a massage roller.

3. Exercise - stretching "Rocking chair". (Clasp your knees with your hands, swing on your back, rolling all the vertebrae on the floor).

Barely, barely, barely, barely,

We swung the swing, swung it, swung it

And they lowered it quietly.

4. Eye movement exercise. (Using the "Visual horizons" schemes).

5. An exercise "Repeat and add" (for the development of memory); a word is called, the child repeats the word, calls his own, etc.

6. An exercise "From private to general" (for generalization); the psychologist takes turns throwing the ball and calling the word "Tomato", the child catches the ball, throws it back and says "Vegetable", etc.

7. Outdoor play "Shark"

III. Reflection “What did you like, what did you dislike in the lesson?”.

Lesson 2 Topic: "Activation of the processes of cognitive activity"

Course of the lesson:

I... Introductory part: greeting exercise.

The game "Engine".

II. Main part:

1. Breathing exercise "Ball".

I. p. lying down. Children are asked to imagine that they have a yellow or orange ball in their belly, which is either inflated or deflated in the rhythm of breathing.

2. Self-massage. An exercise "Washing head".

Spread your fingers slightly and bend a little at the joints. With your fingertips, massage the head in the direction: 1) from the forehead to the crown, 2) from the forehead to the back of the head, 3) from the ears to the neck.

It can be complicated - the massage is performed with two hands towards each other from the ears to the crown.

Exercise "Ears". First, we rub our palms and apply them to their ears, children should feel the warmth from the palms of their hands. Then the ears are rubbed with the palms as if they were frozen (three times vertically, three times horizontally).

3. Stretching exercise "Rocking chair". ( Complication - rolling, rolling)

4. Exercise to stabilize the general tone of the body.

I. p. lying on your back. Close your eyes, focus on your body, perform 3-4 deep breathing cycles. Then strain the whole body as much as possible, release tension, relax.

5. Eye movement exercise "Floor, nose, ceiling."

6. Exercise for the interaction of the right and left hemispheres. (At the same time, stroke your stomach with your right hand in a circle, with your left hand stroke your head, then change your hands).

"Ear-nose", "fist-rib-palm"

7. Exercise to develop auditory memory.

Children are invited to memorize 6-10 words: house, ball, tree, flower, table, butterfly. Then repeat them.

III. Reflection.

Lesson 3 Topic: "Development of the types and properties of attention"

Course of the lesson:

I... Introductory part: greeting exercise "Hello, honey!"

II.Main part:

1 ... Breathing exercise "Flower and candle».

Children are invited to imagine a flower in their right hand and a candle in their left hand. We breathe in the "aroma" of the flower through the nose, breathe out through the mouth and blow out the candle.

2. Self-massage "Shampooing", "Ears".

Complication - ears are closed with palms, fingers put to the back of the head, bringing them together. Use your index fingers to lightly tap the back of your head up to three times.

3. Eye movement exercises (Bazarny scheme)

4. Exercise - Stretching "Rocking chair", "Log".

I. p. lying down. The arms and legs are extended along the body. Stretch out with your whole body and roll to the right several times, then to the left, like a "log".

5. An exercise "Fly" (on the development of attention).

Four squares are drawn on a sheet of paper, they are numbered. "Fly" always first sits in the 1st square. For each clap, it flies from one square to another clockwise. By the number of claps of the psychologist, children should determine in which square the fly is now.

6. Outdoor play "Desert" (imitation of animal movements).

Snake - crawling on the floor without the help of hands (on the stomach, on the back). Scorpio - crawling, jumping on all fours, on three points. Gopher - moving with the help of various jumps at different rates and directions, jumping off the spot and freezing. ten

7. Exercise to develop auditory gnosis "Guess by the voice"

8. Exercise to develop communication skills "Mirror".

Children pair up and face each other. One performs slow motion, and the other must repeat them exactly, like a mirror image.

III. Reflection.

Lesson 4 Topic: "Development of attention and memory"

Course of the lesson:

I... Introductory part: exercise - the greeting "Affectionate name".

II.Main part:

1. Warm-up game Let's clap. The psychologist asks various questions, for example, "Who was at sea, ...?". Children who answer in the affirmative stand up and the others clap.

2. Breathing exercise "Ball". The exercise becomes more difficult as you exhale to vocalize sounds. For example, children are invited to sing any sounds. Exercise to develop auditory gnosis ... Listen to your pulse, listen to your breathing.

3 ... Self-massage "Shampooing", "Ears", "Eyes are resting". Close eyes. Massage eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the eyelids.

4. Stretching exercise "Rostok".

Children are squatting in a circle, their heads bent to their knees and wrapped in their arms. “Imagine that you are a small sprout just emerging from the ground; the sprout grows, gradually straightening, opening and rushing up. The psychologist names the parts of the body, and the “sprout” gradually comes to life and reaches for the sun. The exercise becomes more difficult, different stages of "growth" are added.

5. Exercise to stabilize the general tone of the body "Pump and inflatable doll"... A child - an inflatable doll, from which air is pumped out, lies relaxed on the floor. The psychologist pumps the doll with air using a pump, the doll gradually fills with air, its parts straighten, align - the doll is inflated, strained. After that the pump is taken out, the doll “falls off”.

6. Oculomotor exercises; exercise "Fly".

7. Memory Exercise "Word chain". One comes up with a word, the next comes up with a word that begins with the letter that the previous word ends with, etc.

8. Snake " Cross your arms with your palmsboth hands.

"Ring" One by one and as much as possible

9. Speech development exercise "Call it all in one word."

III. Reflection.

Lesson 5. Topic: "Development of tactile and motor memory"

Course of the lesson:

I... Introductory part:exercise "Gift".

Invite the children to give each other imaginary gifts " I want to give you ... ".

II.Main part:

1. Breathing exercise "Wind". On a slow exhalation with a finger or ley palm, interrupt air jet so that you get the sound of the wind, the cry of an Indian, the whistle of a bird.

2. Self-massage with a massage ball. Exercises: "Eyes are resting", "Funny noses". (Rub the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose with your finger, then with your palm until a feeling of warmth appears. Rotate the tip of the nose to the right, left. After that, do 3-5 stroking rotational movements with the index fingers of both hands along the nose, from top to bottom on both sides)

3. Stretching exercise. "Rostok". Children sit on their haunches in a circle, their heads bent to their knees and clasped their hands. “Imagine that you are a small sprout just emerging from the ground; the sprout grows, gradually straightening, opening and rushing up. The psychologist names the parts of the body, and the “sprout” gradually comes to life and reaches for the sun. The exercise becomes more difficult, various stages of "growth" are added).

4. Eye movement exercises("visual horizons" schemes)

5. Exercise to stabilize the general tone of the body.

6. Exercise to develop memory "Word chain».

7. Exercise for the interaction of the right and left hemispheres.

8. Exercise for the development of tactile and motor memory "Freeze". (The psychologist invents and demonstrates a pose. Children move around the room freely, then, at the signal "freeze", they reproduce the pose).

III... Reflection.

Lesson 6 Topic: "The development of volitional and behavioral

II.Main part:

1. Breathing exercises (with movements). Breathing exercises are consistent with movement. The child slowly raises one arm (leg) on \u200b\u200binhalation, holds it motionless during a pause, and slowly lowers it on exhalation.

2. Self-massage "Merry noses". Biting and "scratching" the lips with teeth.

3. Eye movement exercises (standing).

4. Stretching exercise "Reaching for the sun"

(Children are encouraged to stand against the wall, touching it with their heels, buttocks, shoulders and back of the head. Take a breath, raise your hands up, hold your breath and imagine that we are touching the sun with our fingertips. And we stretch our whole body up).

5. Exercise to stabilize the general tone of the body "Strongman".

Contrast tension and relaxation of the shoulder girdle, arms and legs is performed, while the children imagine that you are holding a heavy kettlebell, a barbell on your shoulders, in your hands, on your feet.

6. Exercise for the development of visual memory.

Build children one after another in a column. The leader watches and remembers the order, then leaves, the children change places, the leader must restore order.

7. Exercise for the development of somatognostic processes "Guess the body part and remember its name."Touch some part of the child's body (elbow joint), offer to blindly show it on yourself, name it.

8. Exercise for the interaction of the right and left hemispheres "Lazy Eight"(Drawing eights in the air with two hands in a horizontal position).

9. Exercise to develop auditory attention.

Listen to sounds in the room, outside the room, outside the window.

III. Reflection.

Lesson 7 Topic: "Development of plasticity of sensorimotor support of mental processes"

Course of the lesson:

I. Introductory part: muscle relaxation exercise.

II. Main part:

1. Breathing exercises. (Breathing: only through the left, and then only through the right nostril. In this case, the right nostril is closed with the thumb of the right hand, and the left with the little finger of the right hand. Breathing is slow, deep. According to experts in the field of oriental health practices, in the first case, work is intensified the right hemisphere of the brain, which promotes calm and relaxation.Breathing through the right nostril activates the left hemisphere of the brain, increasing cognitive potential).

2. Self-massage " Warm hands. " Raise your right hand up, moving it in different directions. At the same time, the left hand holds the shoulder (forearm) of the right hand, resisting its movement and simultaneously massaging it. Then the hands change.

Rubbing and warming up the fingers and the entire hand from the fingertips to the base and back; pay special attention to the thumbs. Imitation of "power" washing, rubbing and shaking hands.

3. Exercise - stretching "Boat". (Stretch out with your whole body. On command, raise straight right arm and leg, lower it. Raise straight left arm and leg ...).

4. “Eye movement exercises.

5. Exercise to stabilize the general tone of the body "A blade of grass in the wind." The child depicts a blade of grass with his whole body (sit on his heels, stretch his arms up, inhale). The wind starts to blow and the blade of grass bends to the ground (exhale). The wind dies down, the blade of grass straightens up and stretches towards the sun (inhale, stretch up).

6. Exercise for the development of visual gnosis. "Cut pictures" (from 6-12 fragments).

7. Exercise for the interaction of the right and left hemispheres "Figures from sticks"... (Figures are built alternately: with the right, left and both hands).

8. Exercise for the development of tactile and visual memory "Magic bag ".

III. Reflection.

Lesson 8 Topic: "Development of interhemispheric interaction"

Course of the lesson:

I... Introductory part:The exercise is a compliment.

II. Main part:

1. Breathing exercises. (Straight arms are stretched forward or to the sides at shoulder level, palms are looking down. With an inhalation, raise the left hand up, while lowering the right one down. With an exhalation - the left hand is down, right up).

2. Self-massage (Consolidation of the studied types: "Shampooing", "Ears", "Eyes are resting", "Funny noses", biting and scratching lips and tongue with teeth.)

3. Stretching exercise "Rostok" I. p. - squatting in a circle; bend your head to your knees, clasping them with your hands. Psychologist: “Imagine that you are a small sprout that has just emerged from the ground; it grows, gradually straightening, opening and rushing upward. I will help you "grow". The part of the body is called that is activated at the moment with the absolute passivity of others. "One" - the legs are slowly straightened; “Two” - the legs continue to “grow”, hands gradually come to life, but for now they hang like “rags”; "Three" - the spine is carefully straightened (from the waist to the shoulders); "Four" - the shoulders, neck and head are straightened; "Five" - \u200b\u200bhands go up, the child looks at the sun, reaches for him. Complicating the task, the psychologist can increase the stages of "growth" up to 10 - 20.

4. Eye movement exercises(visual trajectory diagrams)

5. Exercise to stabilize the general tone of the body "Swinging wood"(Roots - legs, trunk - trunk, crown - arms and head).

I. p. - standing. Each child imagines himself to be "his" tree, because spruce, birch and willow react differently to the breeze, the onset of a storm, and a hurricane.

6. Exercise for attention "Cut pictures" (folding of 8 pieces).

7. Exercises for the interaction of the right and left hemispheres: " Snake " Cross your arms with your palmsto each other, lock your fingers together, youreturn your hands to yourself. Move your fingerwhich the host will indicate. The finger shouldmove accurately and clearly. To touchnot a finger. Consistently in unitaryall fingers should be involvedboth hands.

"Ring" One by one and as much as possiblemove your fingers faster, connectingin the ring with the thumb, index, middle, etc. Ynthe expression is performed in direct (from thefinger to the little finger) and in reversenom (from pinky to index finger)okay. First, the exercise performswith each hand separately, then together

8. Exercise to develop visual memory "Magic bag". (Within 3 seconds. You need to memorize all the objects collected in the bag, and then list them; recognize them by touch).

III. Reflection.

Lesson 9 Topic: « Stabilization of the general tone of the body. "

Course of the lesson:

I... Introductory part: A compliment exercise, expanding the range of answer options.

II. Main part:

1. Breathing exercises.

Exhale fully, draw in air slowly through the nose, making sure that the anterior abdominal wall protrudes more and more forward (draw in air freely, without straining). In this case, the diaphragm flattens, increasing the volume of the lungs, the chest expands. Hold the air for 2-5 seconds, then start exhaling with your mouth with a pull-up abdominal wall; at the end of exhalation, the chest drops. Inhale and exhale smoothly, avoiding jolts.

2 . Self-massage "Fish". (The mouth is slightly open. Fingers of the right hand hold the upper lip, and the left - the lower one. Perform simultaneous and multidirectional movements of the hands, stretching the lips up, down, right, left. Close the mouth, take both lips with your hands and stretch them, massaging, forward).

3. Stretching exercise "Rocking chair" (Clasp your knees with your hands. Swing on your back, rolling all the vertebrae on the floor).

4. Eye movement exercises . Arms crossed on your knees; alternately the right hand strikes the left knee, the left hand strikes the right knee. Simultaneously with the blow, the eyes move in the direction of the same name, and then in the direction opposite to the hand.

5. Exercise to stabilize the general tone of the body "Sailboat". Get on your knees, toes pulled out, toes touching, heels apart. Sit on your heels or between them, weave your fingers into a lock behind your back. The wind blew - inhale, chest forward, head - back. The wind has died down - exhale, the head is as low as possible.


7. Relaxation exercise "Beach".

Starting position - lying on your back. Invite your child to close their eyes and pretend they are lying on warm sand. The sun shines affectionately and warms it. A light breeze blows. He is resting, listening to the sound of the surf, watching the play of waves and dancing of seagulls over the water. Let him listen to his body. Feel the position in which he lies. Is it comfortable for him? Let him try to change his posture so that he is as comfortable as possible, so that he is as relaxed as possible. Let him imagine himself as a whole and remember the image that has arisen. Then you need to stretch, take a deep breath and exhale, open your eyes, sit down slowly and stand up gently.

III. Reflection.

Lesson 10 Topic: " Increasing the level of mental activity "

Course of the lesson:

I... Introductory part: greeting exercise (with a ball).

II. Main part:

1. Breathing exercise "Wind".

On a slow exhalation, interrupt the air stream with your finger or with the whole palm so that you get the sound of the wind, the cry of an Indian, the whistle of a bird.

2. Self-massage " Relaxed face. "

With your hands, run over the face from top to bottom, lightly pressing, as when washing your face (3-5 times). Then, with the back of the palm and fingers, gently move from the chin to the temples; “Smooth” the forehead from the center to the temples.

3. Stretching exercise "Caterpillar".

I. p. - lying emphasis. The arms are bent at the elbows, the palms rest on the floor at shoulder level; straightening your arms and raising your pelvis, bend your torso up. The legs "come up" to the arms, then the arms move forward, the legs again step toward the arms, etc. Do not lift the palms of the hands and soles of the feet from the floor while moving.

4. Exercise to stabilize the general tone of the body " Fire and Ice".

I. p. - standing in a circle. On command: "fire" children begin intensive movements with their whole body. Each child chooses the smoothness and intensity of movement arbitrarily. At the command "ice" children freeze in a pose in which they were caught by the command, straining the whole body to the limit. The commands alternate several times, the execution time of both changes.

5. An exercise to develop spatial representations. Graphic drawing.

6. Exercise - relaxation"Sky"

    Sit in a chair straight, leaning back (but not straining), legs should

touch the floor (you can sit on the floor with your legs crossed). Close your eyes.

    Imagine a beautiful blue sky. Clouds move along it. You are watching them. If you are thinking about something, let your thoughts fly away with the clouds. You are focused on yourself. The person looking at the clouds is the inner observer, the one who is always watching. thoughts.

    The inner observer is very calm, balanced and happy. You feel silence and joy.

Open your eyes. Sit quietly for a while. Then get up slowly.

III... Reflection.

List of references:

    Wasserman L.I. , Dorofeeva S.A., Meerson Ya.A. "Methods of neuropsychological diagnostics". St. Petersburg, 1997 Zabramnaya S.D. "Your child is studying in an auxiliary school", M., 1995. Luria A.R. "Fundamentals of neuropsychology", M., 1973. Semenovich A.V. “Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction in childhood”, M., 2002. Semenovich A.V. "Introduction to neuropsychology childhood", M., 2001. Semenovich A.V. “Neuropsychological correction in childhood.
The method of replacement ontogenesis ", M., 2001.
    A.L. Sirotyuk "Neuropsychological and psychophysiological support of education", M., 2003. Skvortsov I.A. "Childhood of the nervous system", M., 1995. Skvortsov I. A. Adashinsky G. A., Nefedova I. V. "Modified method of neuropsychological diagnostics and correction in case of developmental disorders of higher mental functions in children", M., 2000 Chomskaya E. D. "Neuropsychology", M., 1987 Tsvetkova L.S. "Methods of neuropsychological diagnostics of children", M., 1998.

State budget

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Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg


psychological classes "Correction of behavior and emotional state in children with disabilities"

2-12 grades

for students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities)

Compiled by: educational psychologist

St. Petersburg

Explanatory note

There are times in the life of any child when he needs corrective help. This is manifested in all his behavior - he cries, is capricious, becomes uncontrollable, and possibly aggressive. Such phenomena are explained by the properties of the human psyche and are often not a pathology. This behavior is due to the fact that the body has accumulated a level of tension and negative emotions, it becomes necessary to get rid of it, not to let it accumulate further. A benevolent attitude, the attention of others and their attempts to calm the child do not help, the state remains tense. And the child does not know how to overcome this tension on his own. Therefore, such behavioral phenomena as aggressive and negative outbursts, protest reactions, crying, etc. arise spontaneously and are a way of emotional release and do not always have a socially acceptable form of expression. Similar manifestations emotional states bring short-term relief, since their cause remains unrecognized. The main task with children with disabilities is their maximum possible social adaptation, for which it is necessary to teach the child to overcome situational emotions, culturally manage their feelings (). In correctional pedagogy and psychology, there are many copyright programs for the correction and development of the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool and school children. But unlike his peers with adequate mental development, with underdevelopment of the cognitive sphere, he does not have the opportunity to exercise full intellectual control over his emotional state (). However, in comparison with other mental processes, the emotional sphere of these children is more preserved ().

To solve the problem, an organization is needed special conditions, one of which is to conduct group correctional sessions aimed at correcting the behavior and emotional state of children with disabilities. The common methods and techniques of correction used in work with this group of children require special adaptation to their capabilities, taking into account their psychological age and the characteristics of the emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres. To work with such children, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of maximum visibility, the use of objective activity, and the specification of the phenomena and concepts discussed with children. This program is drawn up taking into account the age and psychophysical characteristics of the development of students, the level of their knowledge and skills. The program assumes that from the earliest years of study, children with mental retardation should develop an emotional attitude to the environment through the development and education of positive emotions, correct relationships with people. The participation of children in these classes has a corrective and preventive effect on their emotional state, allows them to respond to their emotions and express the current emotional state in a socially acceptable way, stimulates motivation for emotional communication and encourages them to verbal contact. Children learn constructive ways to relieve emotional stress through play, the use of elements of art therapy (drawing, sculpting, working with natural materials, etc.), elements of music therapy (drawing and playing with music, relaxation breaks), watching excerpts from cartoons (which can be are used as visual material for discussing the concepts of joy-sadness, evil-good, courage-cowardice, resentment, etc.) Thus, the relevance of classes to correct behavior and emotional state expands to the concept of "social adaptation". The work program "Correction of the behavior and emotional state of children with disabilities" is based on the author's program and the "Program for the formation of voluntary regulation" and the program for the formation of psychological health in younger students "Path to my Self".

The addressees of the behavioral and emotional correction program are students in grades 2-12. Classes are held once a week, the form of work is group, individual.

Conceptual components

Purpose and objectives of the program:

The purpose of the program: prevention and correction of negative emotional states and unwanted behavioral reactions in students with disabilities.

The objectives of the program are the following:

    Create within the framework of the lesson safe conditions for the child to express his current emotional state;
    Create conditions for a constructive release of mental stress; To form skills of constructive behavior in the process of interaction.

When implementing this program, the following principles must be observed:

The principle of developing learning. This program is implemented on the basis of the provision on the leading role of education in the development of the child, taking into account the "zone of his proximal development." It is aimed at teaching schoolchildren in grades 2-12 the ability to perform basic subject actions.

The principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child. The content of the program is built taking into account the development of the main features mental development children, an individual approach to students.

The principle of gradualness. A smooth transition from simple knowledge, operations, skills to more complex ones (according to the "spiral" principle). Each type of task and exercise serves as preparation for the next, more difficult task.

Accessibility principle. Maximum disclosure to the child of the mechanisms and operations of logical and speech thinking in order to fully understand them. Use in assignments of the most diverse material related to different areas of knowledge and various school subjects.

Operational principle. Classes are held on cooperation, competitions of students, which facilitate the assimilation of new mental operations and intellectual actions, contribute to speech development, the formation of positive motivation to. When performing tasks, the correctness of their implementation is monitored and evaluated, support is provided and the child's activity is stimulated.

Methodological tools used in the program

In the process of group work, techniques are used, the content of which meets the developmental, preventive and corrective tasks of the program. Basically, these are either author's developments, or author's modifications of individual psychological techniques and multifunctional exercises that make it possible to solve several problems. They include:

Psychogymnastics (mimic and pantomimic studies, psychomuscular training).

Games and tasks aimed at developing randomness.

Using emotionally symbolic methods (drawing, modeling)

Relaxation methods.

Communication games.

Role-playing games.

Teacher Toolkit:

Working programm.

Subject-developing educational environment, organized taking into account the individual characteristics of each child (didactic, illustrative, literary material, presentations).

Types and forms of organization of the educational process

To implement this program, various types of classes, forms and types of work are used, as well as teaching aids and technologies.

Lessons: traditional activities, activities - games.

Forms of work in the lesson: frontal, with an individual and approach, group work, individual.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Teaching technologies: play, health-saving, information and communication, integration.

Diagnostics and performance parameters

When implementing this program, one form of control is used: individual. Control (diagnostics) is carried out (at the beginning of the year) and final (at the end of the year). At the diagnostic stage, “Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics“ Card - observations ”-Evstigneeva, (modification)” was used. The following subscales were selected for diagnostics: Impulsivity-reflexivity, Anxiety-calmness, Aggressiveness-peacefulness. The results are reflected in the observation card for the individual psychological development a student with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities).


To implement the course, special material and technical equipment is required, including: an equipped sensory room, a dry pool, toys and objects with light and sound effects, samples of materials that differ in texture, viscosity, temperature, density, touch panels, sets of aroma cans, musical instruments, audio recordings, etc.

The term of the program implementation is 2 months.

Expected results:

    Reducing the frequency of manifestations and the severity of negative emotional states. Formation of a positive emotional attitude towards yourself and others.

Academic-thematic plan

The program consists of 2 blocks that complement and expand each other.

The first block "The World Within Me: Such Different Feelings" is aimed at expressing one's emotional state in verbal and non-verbal ways, creating conditions for the safe expression of negative emotions and reducing emotional stress.

The second block of the program "I and the world around me" is aimed at expanding positive emotional experience in communication, support and stimulation of student interaction with others.

Lesson structure

Each of the thematic lessons is structured according to the scheme, which includes the following parts:

    The ritual of entering the class. Creating the mood for collaboration. Relaxation - muscle relaxation, accompanied by the release of mental stress. Exercises and games of a multifunctional nature, aimed at solving urgent problems and available to the possibilities of a specific group of children. Exit ritual. Summarizing.

Material and technical support: graphic tools for alternative communication (cards with images of objects, people, actions, plot pictures with various themes, TCO tools, audio and video materials), volumetric and flat handouts, natural materials.

Calendar thematic planning (1 lesson per week, total 16 lessons per course)

Correction of behavior and emotional state

Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities


The world inside me, such different feelings.

The game "Tender Sun"

Establishing contact

Game "Seven-flower flower"

Game "Rainbow of Moods"

The use of correctional games and exercises, elements of art therapy to correct the emotional state of children. Games and exercises for expressing emotions using color.

Game "Magic traffic light"

Removal of emotional stress in verbal and non-verbal form, objective and creative activities. Games and exercises for expressing emotions through drawing and modeling.

Treasure Island game

Games and exercises to reduce anxiety, aggression using natural materials. Create a positive emotional mood.

Game "Weather at home"

Correction of the emotional state of children. Games and exercises to reduce anxiety, aggression through drawing, modeling.

The game "Such different feelings -

what makes me happy, what makes me sad "

Organization of conditions for the safe expression of children of their emotions and experiences.

Game "In the world of emotions"

Psychotechnical, correctional games and exercises, elements of psycho-gymnastics. Games and exercises to create a positive emotional mood.

III. Me and the world around me (only 8 hours).

Exercises "How do I deal with my resentment?"

Providing children with the opportunity to express their feelings, to respond to their experiences.

Relaxation exercises aimed at creating a positive emotional mood.

Exercise "Kae, I deal with my anger."

Exercise "How do I deal with my anger"

Smoothing destructive behavioral reactions (protests, negativism, aggression).

Exercises "How do I deal with my anxiety."

Removing emotional stress through verbal and non-verbal forms, objective and creative activities.

Exercise "How do I deal with my fears."

Correction of fears by drawing, sculpting, working with various materials.

The use of correctional games and exercises, elements of art therapy, psycho-gymnastics to correct the emotional state of children.

The task "I and the world around me"

The use of correctional games and exercises, elements of art therapy, psycho-gymnastics to correct the emotional state of children. Expression of your emotional state through the creation of a product of free creativity.

Game "Me and my friends".

Stimulating motivation for communication.

Formation of communication skills.

Making a product of free creativity

Expressing your emotional state


, Problem children: Fundamentals of diagnostic and corrective work of a psychologist. - M: Arkti, 2010 .-- 208 p. , The Path to Your Self: How to Maintain the Psychological Health of Preschoolers. - M .: Genesis, 2011. -175 p. ... "The path to your I". The program for the formation of psychological health in younger students. Moscow, "Genesis", 2011. Khukhlaeva joy. - M .: Publishing house "Perfection", 2012. - 80 p. Yanushko with an autistic child. Establishing contact, methods of interaction, speech development, psychotherapy. Academy, 2011 .-- 248 p.

Contingent of participants - students with disabilities

Program implementation period - 1 year

The number of hours per year is 68 hours.

The teacher implementing the program:
Ignatova Inna Anatolyevna



Explanatory note ………………………………………………

Goals and objectives……………………………………………………………

Areas of work……………………………………………………

Planned results of mastering the adapted educational programs of primary general education by students ……….

Thematic planning ……………………………………………


The problem of violations of written and oral speech among schoolchildren is one of the most relevant for school education, since writing and reading from the goal of primary education is turning into a means for further gaining knowledge of students.The main principle of organizing the educational process for students with disabilities is the principle of the correctional and developmental orientation of education. It involves an active impact on the sensory, mental and speech development of children.

Explanatory note

Correctional development work program to overcome learning difficulties ensures the solution of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary education anddeveloped taking into account the individual characteristics of students with disabilities. The program is practical andprovides comprehensive assistance in the development of the cognitive activity of students with learning difficulties:

- provides timely specialized assistance in mastering the program material and correcting deficiencies in the development of unsuccessful children and children with disabilities in a general educational institution;

Promotes the formation of universal educational actions in students (personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative).

Purpose of the program: increasing the level of general development of students, filling the gaps in previous development and learning, individual work on the formation of insufficiently mastered skills and abilities, correction of deviations in the development of the cognitive sphere and speech, directed preparation for the perception of new educational material, the formation of the student's personality, the development of cognitive interests, activity, independence.

Program objectives:

- timely identification of children with learning difficulties due to both disabilities and other reasons;

- creaturea positive atmosphere in the process of joint activities of a teacher and a child;

- implementation of individually oriented psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities and those who do not succeed, taking into account the peculiarities of mental and (or) physical development, individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission), focus on the "zone of proximal development";

- reliance on the life experience of students;

- provision of advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities, unsuccessful ones, on medical, social, legal and other issues.

Content of the program Overcoming learning difficulties is defined by the following principles:

- respect for the interests of the child . The principle defines the position of a specialist who is called upon to solve the child's problem with maximum benefit and in the interests of the child;

- scientific principle assumes the presence of concepts about methods and techniques of studying the child differential diagnosis violations of its development, determination of the main focus and necessary conditions for correctional and pedagogical work;

- the principle of accessibility, consistency and systematicity assumes a smooth and accessible increase in the complexity of exercises for the student, guided by the rules from simple to more complex, from easy to more difficult, from well-known and firmly learned to new;

- the principle of an individual approach assumes the presence of concepts: about the usefulness and comfort of the conditions of group work for all children and each student separately. And also about the selection of feasible tasks for each child in the class; on measures to encourage him to active work, on the stimulation and development of natural abilities and gifts.

-the principle of consciousness and activity assumes the presence of concepts: about the development of the child's motives of interest in developmental activities and the motivation for independent actions. Forms students' skills of self-control and readiness to make volitional efforts to complete tasks and exercises.

- the principle of clarity involves the use of specific and auxiliary teaching aids aimed at overcoming difficulties in mastering basic OOP.

-principle integrity assumes the unity of this program with programs for the Russian language and reading in primary grades.

- principle of continuity guarantees the child and his parents (legal representatives) the continuity of assistance until the problem is completely solved or an approach to its solution is determined.

Areas of work

The program includesdirectionsthat reflect its main content:

diagnostic work ensures the timely identification of gaps in the knowledge of students with disabilities, a comprehensive examination and preparation of recommendations for the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance;

correctional and developmental work provides timely specialized assistance in mastering program material, contributes to the formation of universal educational actions among students;

advisory work is aimed at explanatory activities on issues related to the peculiarities of the educational process for children with disabilities, ensures the continuity of accompanying children and their families on the implementation of differentiated psychological and pedagogical conditions for training, education, correction, development and socialization of students.


At this stage, a program for studying the child by various specialists is being developed. The teacher establishes the volume of knowledge, abilities, skills acquired by children; identifies the difficulties they experience in learning and the conditions under which these difficulties can be overcome. The teacher notes personality traits, the adequacy of behavior in various situations.

Correctional development work

Content and forms of teacher's correctional work:

  • observation of students during educational and extracurricular activities (daily);
  • maintaining constant communication with subject teachers, school psychologist, medical worker, school administration, parents;
  • compilation of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student with disabilities using observation methods, conversation, experimental examination, which reflects the characteristics of his personality, behavior, interpersonal relationships with parents and classmates, the level and characteristics of intellectual development and study results, the main types of difficulties in teaching a child;
  • drawing up an individual route for accompanying a student (together with a psychologist and subject teachers), which reflects knowledge gaps and outlines ways to eliminate them, the method of presenting educational material, the pace of training, the direction of correctional work;
  • monitoring the progress and behavior of students in the classroom;
  • the formation of such a microclimate in the classroom, which would contribute to the fact that each student with disabilities feels comfortable;
  • documentation maintenance (psychological and pedagogical diaries of observation of students, etc.);
  • organization of extracurricular activities aimed at developing the cognitive interests of students, their general development.

One of the conditions for the successful education of children with disabilities is the organization of group and individual lessons, which are aimed at overcoming the specific difficulties and shortcomings characteristic of students with disabilities.

The purpose of correctional and developmental classes- correction of the deficiencies of the cognitive and emotional-personal sphere of children by means of the studied program material.

Tasks solved in correctional and developmental classes:

  • creating conditions for the development of preservation functions;
  • the formation of positive motivation for learning;
  • raising the level of general development, filling the gaps in previous development and learning;
  • correction of deviations in the development of the cognitive and emotional-personal sphere; the formation of mechanisms of volitional regulation in the process of carrying out a given activity;
  • education of the ability to communicate, the development of communication skills.

Classes are built taking into account the basic principles of correctional and developmental education.

1. The principle of consistency of correctional (correction or smoothing of deviations and developmental disorders, overcoming developmental difficulties), preventive (prevention of deviations and difficulties in development) and developmental(stimulation, enrichment of the content of development, reliance on the zone of proximal development) tasks.

2. The principle of unity of diagnosis and correctionimplemented in two aspects:

The beginning of the correctional work should be preceded by a stage of a comprehensive diagnostic examination, which makes it possible to identify the nature and intensity of developmental difficulties, to draw a conclusion about their possible reasons and on the basis of this conclusion to build correctional work based on the nearest development forecast (together with a psychologist).

The implementation of correctional and developmental work requires the teacher to constantly monitor the dynamics of changes in personality, behavior and activity, emotional states, feelings and experiences of the child. Such control allows timely adjustments to correctional and developmental work.

3 . Activity principle of correction determines the tactics of carrying out correctional work through the activation of the activities of each student, during which the necessary basis for positive changes in the development of the child's personality is created.

4. Taking into account individual personality traits allows you to outline an optimization program within the psychophysical characteristics of each child. Correctional work should create optimal opportunities for individualization of development.

5. The principle of dynamic perception consists in the development of such tasks, in the solution of which there are any obstacles. Overcoming them contributes to the development of students, the disclosure of opportunities and abilities. Each task should go through a series of stages from simple to difficult. The level of difficulty should be accessible to a specific child. This allows you to maintain interest in your work and gives you the opportunity to experience the joy of overcoming difficulties.

6. The principle of productive information processingconsists in organizing training in such a way that students develop the skill of transferring information processing, therefore, a mechanism for independent search, selection and decision-making.

7. The principle of taking into account the emotional coloring of the material suggests that games, tasks and exercises create a favorable, emotional background, stimulate positive emotions.

Correctional classes are conducted with students as the teacher identifies individual gaps in their development and learning outside the classroom. Correctional work is carried out as part of a holistic approach to the upbringing and development of the child. In this regard, work during the hours of individual and group lessons is focused on general development, and not on training individual mental processes or abilities of students. It is planned not so much to achieve a separate result (for example, to learn the multiplication table), but to create conditions for the development of the child.

When organizing correctional classes, one should proceed from the child's capabilities: the task should lie in the zone of moderate difficulty, but be accessible, since at the first stages of correctional work it is necessary to provide the student with a subjective experience of success against the background of a certain expenditure of effort. In the future, the difficulty of the task should be increased in proportion to the increasing capabilities of the child.

The study of the individual characteristics of students allows you to plan the timing, stages and main directions of correctional work.

As individual gaps in the development and education of children with disabilities are identified, a program of correctional work is designed for the subsequent years of study.

Pedagogical correction of students with disabilities



The form


Intended outcome

Pedagogical correction

Correction or smoothing of deviations and developmental disorders, overcoming learning difficulties

lessons and extracurricular activities

Implementation of programs of correctional classes based on the teaching materials of the "School of Russia" program

Implementation of an individual approach to teaching a child with disabilities.

Mastering by students of the Educational program

Correctional and developmental classes include the following areas:

formation of general intellectual skills (operations of analysis, comparison, generalization, highlighting essential features and patterns);

development of attention (stability, concentration, expansion of volume, switching, self-control, etc.);

memory development (expansion of volume, formation of memorization skills, development of semantic memory);

development of spatial perception and sensorimotor coordination;

the formation of educational motivation;

development of the personal sphere.

Advisory work

purpose: increasing competenceparents in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities.

Acquaintance with the psychological, pedagogical, physiological and age characteristics of students;

Pedagogical and psychological assistance in solving difficulties in training and education;

conducting lectures on the prevention of school maladjustment, crises age development, on the formation of a children's team, on the age characteristics of children, the prevention of deviant and addictive behavior and problems of school education, physical development.

Contingent of program participants: correctional and developmental classes

programs are designed forassistance to students in grades 1-4 with disabilities in the development of the basic educational program of primary general education.

Forms of work. The main form is group lessons with students.

Program implementation period : 1 year. The number of hours per year is 68 hours.

The frequency of correctional classes is 2 times a week. The duration of the lesson is 60 minutes

Expected results :

Formation of age-appropriate general intellectual skills (operations of analysis, comparison, generalization, formation of inferences, etc.).

The development of voluntary attention (concentration, stability, distribution, attention span, etc.) and memory.

Increasing the level of general development of schoolchildren and correction of individual deviations (disorders) in development (pace of activity, type of mental activity, formation of adequate self-reflection, etc.)

Calendar-thematic planning

The content of each lesson includes:
1. Kinesiologicalcomplex (brain gymnastics).

2. The main part (exercises for the development of HMF and elimination of knowledge gaps).

3. Graphic dictation.

4. Lesson results.

Number of lessons


development of imaginative ideas, visual perception, observation, tactile sensitivity, creative imagination, communication skills.

development of perception, creative imagination, the ability to memorize a multicomponent instruction, perform a task in accordance with the rules, stimulate the muscular system of the hands, motor dexterity of the fingers.

development of creative imagination, visual perception, motor coordination of the hand, fine motor skills of the fingers.

development of imaginative ideas, visual perception, observation, gross and fine motor skills, the formation of combinatorial abilities, stimulation of analytical and synthetic activity.

Development of hand coordination, fine motor skills of fingers, accuracy of movement, differentiated perception, analytical and synthetic activity

Development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking

development of motor coordination, perception, observation, imagination, communication skills.

development of creative imagination, differentiated perception, fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of hand movements, communication skills

development of stability of attention, voluntary memorization by means of grouping, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, quick wit.

development of identification, mental operations (generalization, classification), analytical and synthetic activity, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, voluntary memorization by means of grouping.

development of intelligence, visual-figurative thinking, mental operations (generalization, grouping, classification), attention, memory, speech.

development of voluntary attention and memory, logical thinking, imagery, speech, fine motor skills

development of logical thinking, curiosity, voluntary memory and attention, speech, to promote relaxation, restoration of working capacity.

development of arbitrary memory and attention, logical thinking, will, the ability to act according to the rule.

development of observation, logical thinking, voluntary memory for attention, speech, fine motor skills

development of observation, logical thinking, speech, voluntary memory and attention.

development of voluntary memory and attention, logical thinking, speech, volitional processes, fine motor skills

formation of graphic skills and combinatorial abilities, stimulation of analytical and synthetic activity.

Development of mental operations (generalization, grouping, classification), attention, memory, speech, fine motor skills

development of stability of attention, voluntary memorization by means of grouping

development thought processes: identification, comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification and abstraction

development of the child's auditory attention, properties of attention, observation.

the development of imaginative representations, visual perception, observation, hand-eye coordination, spatial orientation

Development of memory (mastering mnemonic memorization techniques), fine motor skills

Development of imagination (solving search problems), fine motor skills

Development of a personal-motivational sphere (development of cognitive interest, self-confidence)

Memory development (training of the voluntary component of auditory, visual and motor memory)

Imagination development (development of creative imagination and design thinking)

Development of thinking (mastering the skills of applying logical operations)

Correction of speech development; fine motor skills.

Development of the child's auditory attention, properties of attention, observation, speech development

Expansion vocabulary, development of attention, imagination, thinking, the formation of methods of educational activity

The development of mental operations: comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalization, classification, analogy.

Software and methodological support

In the process of implementing the program of correctional and developmental work, diagnostic and correctional and developmental tools are used, which are necessary for the implementation of the teacher's professional activity.

List of references

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Anisimova N.P., Vinakova E.D. “Educational and developing games: 1-4 grades. - M.: September 1, 2004.

Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N. "How to overcome learning difficulties for children?" M .: Publishing house "Os-89", 2005.

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Kostromina S.N., Nagaeva L.G. "Reading. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children? " M.: AST; SPb.: PRIME-EVROZNAK, 2008.

Matveeva E.I. " Literary reading: We teach younger students to understand the literary text. " M.: Eksmo, 2006.

Stepanova O.A. "Prevention of School Difficulties". M: TC Sphere, 2003.

L.V. Stroganova "Tips for the teacher in correctional work with younger students "- M., Center for Pedagogical Education, 2007.

Kholodova O. "To young clever men and clever girls: tasks for the development of cognitive abilities" (3-4 grade) - M.: Rostkniga, 2007.

Shevchenko S.G. Correctional and developmental training. Organizational and pedagogical aspects. // A guide for teachers. Vlados., M. 2001

Shilova T.A. Diagnostics and correction of children with behavioral deviations. Ayres-press, M. 2005

Yazyanova E.V. "Learn to learn program." Developing tasks. M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2014

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