Social pension to children with disabilities. Rules for making a pension for children with disabilities


Raising a baby with limited abilities becomes a heavy test for the whole family. The costs of medical care and the rehabilitation of the baby in society are increasing. The Russian government to solve this problem provides benefits to disabled children and their parents in 2018. Volumes and types of social assistance are regulated by federal and regional legislative acts.

Who belongs to disabled children

This category includes minor citizens who have pronounced physical, sensory, mental or mental deviations. They may be congenital or caused by any disease. To take advantage of the benefits of disabled children and their parents in 2018, after official recognition of disability by an authorized medical institution.

Conditions for recognition of disability in childhood

The state regulatory documents contain the criteria for the recognition of the kid partially or completely incapable. Parents or guardians are obliged to contact the nearest medical institution at the place of registration for passing medical and Social Examination. Recognition of disability is carried out if the health of the baby corresponds to 2 conditions out of 3. Criteria for recognizing disabled person:

  1. Dysfunction of some organs or systems due to congenital defects, severe diseases or injuries.
  2. Limiting vital activity. A minor partially or completely loses the possibility of self-service, has problems with behavior control, independent movement, communication, etc.
  3. Strong need for social support and rehabilitation.

Documents for the status of a disabled child

Just so go to the medical and social expertise will not work. It is necessary to obtain a direction from an organization that provides therapeutic and preventive care to the baby. It does not matter whether it is state or private. At the place of registration, the direction can issue an employee of the social protection authority of the population or the Pension Fund. The assignment of the status of a disabled person is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  • directions from the attending physician;
  • certificates confirming the existence of health problems in a minor;
  • birth certificate.

Medical and social expertise

The event can be carried out at home, if a minor cannot be brought to the Bureau for Health, in a hospital where baby is on treatment, in absentia by decision of the Bureau specialists. Pension is appointed after the passage of medical and social expertise. During the procedure, a protocol is compiled, where the state of a citizen is described in detail. The act contains the following information:

  • conclusion about the types and degree of severity of functional disorders;
  • the cause of disability;
  • information on documents that parents will receive after the completion of the examination;
  • data on documents served as the main decision;
  • consultants' conclusion.

SOLUTION Specialists of the Bureau are made on the basis of the submitted documents and visual assessment of the state of the patient. There must be an extract from the history of the disease together with the results of the surveys. Specialists can suspend medical and social expertise. This happens if an additional examination of a minor must be carried out for imprisonment. With a positive decision of an extract from the act of socio-medical examination.

Regulatory framework

Privileges are provided in accordance with Federal Law (FZ) No. 181. It addressed the key moments of social protection of people with limited abilities, the procedure for conducting medical and social expertise, the features of the development of individual programs for rehabilitation and the provision of outpatient care. The amount of payments is regulated by FZ No. 178, 213, 388.

What is the disabled child from the state

Minors with restrictions on health status The government pays the maximum social pension. After reaching 18 years, a group of disability is established, so the amount of payments varies. Regional authorities can provide additional financial and social assistance to children with disabilities. The following benefits are laid at the federal level:

Name of payout


Size in rubles


  • 1478,09 + 4.1%;
  • if you refuse a set of social services, will be 2527.06 + 4.1%.

Preparations and medical supplies


To buy trips to relax in the sanatorium


Free travel in any way of transport


Social pension


Social pension

Since 2018, the size of monthly payments will increase to 12557 rubles. In case of accrual of social pension, the territorial coefficient is taken into account. The maximum value of this parameter is 2, and the minimum is 1.15. After filling in the declaration, the social pension is charged either until the age of majority of the citizen or before the expiration date of the disability, if the status was assigned for 2-3 years.

Monthly cash payment (EVER)

The size of this benefit is determined by whether the guardian decided to maintain a set of social services or refused it. The minimum value of EVER is 1,478.09 rubles, and the maximum - 2 527.06 r. When preserving the right of free travel on rail transport, the benefits will be 2402 p. If the parents of the disabled person are not refusing to medicine, attract 1719 p.

Medicinal preparations and medical supplies

Benefits are provided to buy some medicines that may be required for prosthetics or planned treatment of minor patients. By order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation №117 in the order of the guardian queue will be able to get free strollers and some prosthetic and orthopedic products for their wards.

Pugs on sanatorium-resort treatment

The list of benefits is incapable and their parents in 2018 included discounts on the purchase of wellness tours. The standard duration of the sanatorium-resort treatment of incapable minors is 21 days. If a citizen has disabled due to the injuries of a spinal or brain, the duration of therapy increases to 24-42 days.

Free travel in public transport

Minors with disabilities can get a 50% discount from the cost of travel on aquatic, air, railway, automotive long-distance transport 1 time per year. On city buses, minibuses, the trolleybuses of the disabled will be able to ride for free. Similar rights are given parents or official guardians of a minor, accompanying it.

Benefits when entering the university or college

If a child with disabilities with disabilities passed the exam, he is credited outside the competition to an educational institution. For study, he will have to walk together with other students if the rules of the institution is not provided for. Preferences are provided once, so the future student is obliged to weigh all the pros and cons of the chosen organization, evaluate the training load before submitting documents for admission there. Benefits that can be used when admission:

  • enrollment at the faculty without entrance exams;
  • when calculating the same number of points, in the first wave credit applicants with disabilities;
  • with a positive examination of exams, it is taken by an existing quota.

Disabled child care allowance

Guardians of a minor disabled person cannot often go to work: a constant care is needed, which can provide a non-working parent or nurse. It is often not enough for professional medical staff of funds, so one of the family members begins to care for incapable. The government in order to support such people decided to add to the existing benefits for the care allowance. Agenzhdanin should contact the Pension Fund (FIU) with the following documents:

  • certificate of socio-medical examination, which is evaluating disability;
  • written application for the provision of benefits;
  • photocopy of a document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • a written statement with consent to the exercise of incapable;
  • help from the FIU, confirming the absence of additional payments;
  • help from the employment center confirming the status of the unemployed.

The basic amount of the benefit is 5,500 rubles. According to the graph, it is paid once a month. If another person is engaged in leaving for minors, then he lists the state of 1200 rubles per month. With a partial or complete recovery of the baby or the release of the parent to work, payments are terminated. In some regions, the manual is compared with the subsistence minimum. For example, in Moscow instead of 5,500 rubles they pay 12,000 rubles.

Who has the right to receive

Parents, official guardians and adopters of the disabled person can appeal for financial assistance. The beneficiary must be fully able bodied. If he receives a disability pension III category, then the care allowance will not be paid. The benefits of grandparents are not provided, which are the only minor guardians, receive a pension and do not belong to the categories of the working-age population.

One-time cash payment in 2018

The magnitude of this benefit is changed every year in April. Payments carry out the FIU. Considering that children are considered disabled, one of their parents or guardians may take the payment. According to pre-forecasts, the amount will be increased by 4%, but the exact percentage for each category of disability will announce the PFR directly before indexing. When changing the status of a disabled person, the amount is still automatically recalculated.

Benefits of children with disabilities

The employer cannot dismiss a woman who is self-courting for incapable under 18 years old. Until the disabled adulth, the mother can apply for a statement about providing it to 4 paid weekends every month, regardless of whether it was early on maternity leave or not. This ruling is valid in the city. A residents of the villages will be able to get only 1 unpaid day off. A woman is entitled to receive alimony on disabled to achieve 18 years, spend some of the money from the Matteripal for the treatment or adaptation of the baby.

Alimony on disabled adults

During the dissolution of the marriage, there is a constant payment of cash in favor of the disabled childhood, which at the achievement of 18 years have assigned the I category of disability. The amount of alimony is regulated by concluding a joint agreement of the parties or by decision of the judicial authority. Abandon the provision of material assistance to the child, biological parents will not be able. Cash is paid in favor of one of the spouses who are careful with the disabled groups of the Group for the following reasons:

  • health problems that do not allow the citizen to employ;
  • no opportunities for receiving money in other ways.

Maternal capital for social adaptation and integration in society

Benefits to disabled children and their parents in 2018 apply to existing fertility support programs for the population. Since 2016, the law entered into legal force and it became possible to use money that is part of maternal capital, for the rehabilitation of minors with disabilities. The parent must first purchase goods or services, retaining cash receipts, receipts or payment contracts, and then obtain the act of checking purchased products in the social protection authority. For compensation, the following documents will be required:

  • application on behalf of the certificate owner;
  • Reduss;
  • certificate owner passport;
  • cash / commodity checks and other payment documents confirming the purchase of goods / services;
  • individual program rehabilitation (IPR) of a minor with disabilities;
  • act of checks of purchased goods or services;
  • bank details in the bank.

The documents listed above should be attributed to the Department of Pension Fund at the place of residence. After consideration of the application, funds will be listed on the account of the certificate owner within 2 months from the date of application. To reduce the validity period of documents for up to 1 month, it is possible if you apply on the official website of the Pension Fund through your personal account.

Benefits to parents of disabled children in 2018

Social assistance can receive not only a small citizen with disabilities, but also his family. The benefits are incapable and their parents in 2018 are provided upon presentation of documents confirming the existence of health problems in the kid. They affect the employment of adults, contribute to the solution of a housing issue and reducing the costs of the rent.

Labor benefits

Persons raising a minor disabled person on law is entitled to abandon night shifts, business trips and overtime. It is possible to dismiss the parent only with the complete elimination of the institution or if he expressed the desire to change the organization. The employee's mode must be registered in the contract. The government has prepared the following labor benefits with disabled families:

  • providing additional weekends (4 days) per month,
  • incomplete working week or part-time;
  • the impossibility of dismissing the working mother.


The rights of parents are incapacitated in the legislation of the Russian Federation. According to Article FZ No. 440 "On Insurance Pensions" of persons who educate a citizen with limited abilities from childhood, can take advantage of preferential pension provision, having received allowance for long service and other labor achievements. Old-strike payments One of the parents or adoptive parents will be able to receive before the common age before:

  • father after reaching 55 years in the presence of an official employment experience at least 20 years;
  • mother after reaching 50 years in the presence of an official employment experience at least 15 years.

Decisive factors for early retirement retirement Total 2. The first is to recognize with disabilities to 18 years or after the age of the age of the "invalid of childhood." The duration of finding disability does not matter. The second is to raise the child before reaching 8 years. Those parents whose children disabilities were assigned to be applied to receive early pensions for 1-2 years, but then was removed due to the remission of the disease or improving the health of the kid.

Tax deduction on ndfl

To take advantage of the benefits to children with disabilities and their parents in 2018, citizens can even after paying taxes. Under Article 27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, persons raising an incompetent citizen can get a tax deduction equal to 12,000 rubles. Similar tax benefits applies to parents, whose children are trained up to 24 years old at the university's full-time department and have disability I or group II.

If guardians are engaged in the education of minors, then the amount of deduction on NFLL decreases to 6000 rubles. Benefit cannot be used if the parent's income or adopter is more than 350,000 rubles. Only one citizen engaged in the education of a minor can be deducted. Family, where several disabled children grow, receive money for each ward.

Right to improve living conditions

Benefits to families with incapable children include getting housing from the state. Preferences have adults raising a kid with severe chronic diseases and officially established necessity in improving housing conditions. The area of \u200b\u200bthe area is established by the legislation of the region where the family lives. Receive an additional 10 m2 children with the following ailments:

  • multiple skin lesions with abundant pus secretions;
  • leprosy;
  • HIV infection;
  • rehabilitation period after bone marrow transplant or internal organs;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system with persistent impairment of functions lower extremities or complete absence of legs requiring the continuous use of wheelchairs;
  • mental diseases (schizophrenia, epilepsy, bipolar personality disorder, etc.) requiring compulsory dispensary observation;
  • severe renal lesions;
  • active forms of tuberculosis of any organ;
  • tracheostom temporary or lifetime to eliminate obstruction respiratory tract;
  • callery, urinary and vaginal fistula;
  • lifetime application of the catheter for artificial removal of urine from the body;
  • cavities in bladder bubble, not corrected surgically incontinence of urine, antitular anus;
  • neuromuscular defects of the development of the face and skull with impaired respiratory functions, chewing, swallowing;
  • lesions nervous systemprovoked by the injuries of the spine / brain, the formation of cavities in the spinal cord, sclerosis of the vessels.

The priority right to receive a land plot

The property question is worthwhile for families raising a minor disabled person, very sharply. Even kids with verbal perception problems need special care. In order to improve the housing and living conditions for residence of such family, the government has developed a bill allowed to get them land out of turn. Citizens can use them for the construction of a house or gardening.

Compensation of utilities for utilities and overhaul

To take advantage of the benefits of disabled children and their parents in 2018 will be able to pay for utilities. At the initiative of the government, such families will return 50% of the payment. With raising rates on utility services, an automatic indexation is paid out of the budget amount. The duration of the compensated period is 12 months, and then you need to submit documents again.

Social support measures for disabled children

Representatives of the administration of different cities of Russia together with the Parliament of the country regularly allocate a certain amount of funds from the budget to provide material assistance to minor citizens who have received disabilities. Measures social support May be federal and regional. The first operate throughout the country, and the second are designed for a specific area. The Federal Social Support Measures include:

  • free visit to kindergartens;
  • free food in schools;
  • learning at home, if a minor can not attend school;
  • priority on free places in kindergartens;
  • individual mode of delivery of uniform state exams.

Regional benefits to disabled children and their parents in 2018 in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Orenburg, Murmansk and other cities of the Russian Federation. Thanks to them, guardians will be able to obtain technical means of rehabilitation, corrective glasses with vision problems, material assistance for the purchase of children's orthopedic costumes and partially compensate the costs of buying small-facing foods during phenylketonuria.


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Benefits to disabled children and their parents in 2018: payment of benefits, guardian rights

Disabled people, which, due to physical restrictions or age, are unable to work, the state appoints and pays a social retirement on disability. The amount of pension depends on the disability group.

What is a social disability pension?

Social disability pension - This is one of the ways to support the state for citizens who, due to injuries, diseases or other reasons, have limitations for life, this is a benefit paid at the expense of the state, when the accrual of an employment analogue is not possible (Article 11 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 ).

Recipients of Disabled Socpensation

The social pension for disability is established in accordance with the Law No. 166-FZ, adopted on December 15, 2001 - on state pensions. According to the 4th article of this legal act, the recipients of the Laminations are disabled people who do not have an NM of one day of insurance experience.

Social pension for disability in 2020 is paid:
  • disabled children before reaching the age of majority (18 years);
  • adults with disabilities 1, 2 and 3 groups that do not have experience or chosen social view pensions;
  • disabled from childhood 1 and 2 groups.

If the disabled worked, he gets not social, but. Its value depends on the experience, which he was able to work out, and the total amount of insurance premiums listed for him by employers.

The recipients of the social pension for disability in adulthood are most often. It testifies to the presence of a man of a heavy, often irreversible disease that does not allow him to find a job (or creates great difficulties when searching it).

In a difficult life position, citizens received. In view of the fact that this pension is even with FSD small size, And it is difficult to find it difficult to disabled people.

Conditions for the appointment of a social pension to disabled

Right to retire persons with disabilities receive citizens recognized as relatives of one of the groups of disability. The appointment of status is made according to the results of examination in the course of medical and social expertise, which the applicant for social pay is sent by a medical worker.

    Based on the relevant documents (directions of the attending physician, the results of the medical examination).

    Depending on the disease of the patient associated with violation in:

    - respiratory organs;
    - musculoskeletal system;
    - digestive organs;
    - organs of vision or mental disabilities.

For different groups Confirmation of the presence of constant disability status is performed at different intervals. This is due to the fact that as a result of rehabilitation, some of the disabled persons can improve the physical condition and restore some of the functions of the organism.

Passage of disability disabilities:

  • citizens who are appointed I Group are undergoing medical re-examination once every 2 years;
  • children with status - after 1, 2 years or there is an opportunity to establish up to 18 years;
  • operated to the other categories pass the procedure annually.

Important! The re-commission on the medical and social expertise is important to pass in advance, otherwise payments will be suspended due to late confirmation of status and resumed only after re-executing the package of documents.

How to disabled social pensions

1) Apply to the Department of the FIU or MFC at the place of residence or stay.

The application can be submitted personally or through the legal representative, by mail or in the form of an electronic document through the Citizen's personal account on the official website of the FIU.

2) Submit the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • an extract from an act of examining a citizen recognized as a disabled person issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise.
The day of appeal to the pension is the day of receiving an application for the appointment of a pension.

The magnitude of the social retirement pension in 2020 in Russia

Group disability recipient Size social. Pensions, rub / month
From April 1, 2019 After April 1, 2020
Disabled 1 group 10567,73 11212,36
Disabled 2 groups 5283,84 5606,15
Disabled 3 groups 4491,30 4765,27
Disabled since childhood 1 group and disabled children 12681,09 13454,64
Disabled since childhood 2 groups 10567,73 11212,36

How much are disabled (disabled since childhood) 3 groups from April 1, 2020

Pension Elder Sum
NSA money NSA benefits Minimum Maximum
4765,27 2227,55 1072,49 5837,76

Pension disabled 3 groups ( 4765,27 ) Together with EVER (2227.55), it is 6992.82 rubles.

Important.Disabled groups 3 groups are supposed to surrender to the subsistence level (at the moment it is 8846 rubles) if citizen's total income is lower than this value. As a rule, representatives of the Pension Fund do not advertise this information, so go and write an application for providing you with social surcharge.

How many people with disabilities are obtained from April 1, 2020

Pension Elder Sum
NSA money NSA benefits Minimum Maximum
6911,45‬ 8388,82

Pension people with disabilities 2 groups ( 5606,15 ) Together with EVER (2782.67) is 8388.82 rubles.

What affects the size of the pension in the disabled?

The most important criterion here is: in persons with disabilities 1 groups, disabled since childhood, 1 group and children with disabilities are the greatest pension. All values \u200b\u200bare fixed and indexed by the state every year. The presence of dependents, work experience, titles and state awards on the magnitude of social pensions of people with disabilities does not affect.

How can you increase your pension for a disabled?

    At first, This is FSD (surcharge in the subsistence level). If your pension (in conjunction with other income) is below the level of the PMP - contact PF.

    Secondx, if you have at least one day of employment, find out in the local PF department what kind of pension is more profitable for you - social or insurance.

    Thirdly, do not forget about compensatory surcharge. It is assigned to persons with disabilities of 1 group, elderly after 80 years, as well as disabled people of other groups, if they need constant care. This is 1200 rubles. For disabled children with disabilities, this surcharge is appointed in the amount of 10,000 rubles, but only a parent or a guardian who is able-bodied can arrange it, but it is abruptly.

    Fourth, do not forget about the subsidies on housing and communal services - this is a way for 100 percent free from communal. If your cumulative income (+ prescribed family members, as well as spouses) minus housing and communal services are less than 10,000 rubles - go to societies.

    FifthIf you do not need natural benefits, which are part of a set of social services (free medicines, sanatorium treatment (once every 5 years) and free travel to the place of sanatorium treatment) - give up them in favor of money. This will give you an increase in pension in the amount of 1155 rubles.

Raising (indexation) of social pensions in 2020

We will remind, the indexation of social pensions will be held in April 2020, an increase will be 6.1%. Disability pensions on average will grow from 270 to 770 rubles. As a result, the average annual social pension will rise from 9,300 rubles to 9700. The size is still boosting from February 1 by 3%

When is the next indexation?

The next recalculation of social pensions with disabilities should be waiting only in the new 2020. The first to index monthly payments will occur since February 1, 2020. The pensions themselves will increase only from April 1. The magnitude of the increase will be 6.1%, as it is calculated by comparing the subsistence minimum of the current and past year. The exact data will appear only in March 2020.

How much will they add to the pensions with disabilities 3 groups in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of persons with disabilities 3 groups in 2020 will grow on 273.97 ruble and will be 4765.27 rubles.

How much will they add to pensions with disabilities 2 groups in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of persons with disabilities 2 groups in 2020 will grow on 322 ,31 ruble and will be 5606.15 rubles.

How much will they add to the pensions with disabilities of 1 group in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of persons with disabilities of the group 1 in 2020 will grow on 644.63 rubles and will be 11212.36 rubles.

How much will they add to the pensions of disabled since childhood 1 of the group in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of persons with disabilities since childhood 1 group will grow on 773.55 ruble and will be 13454.64 ruble.

How much will they add to pensions with disabilities from childhood 2 groups in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of persons with disabilities since childhood 2 groups will grow up in 2020 644 ,63 ruble and will be 11212.36 rubles.

How much will they add to pensions to disabled children in 2020?

Compared to 2019, the pension of disabled children in 2020 will grow 773.55 ruble and will be 13454.64 ruble.

What reasons may cease to pay social pension?

The reasons for which a citizen can stop paying a social retirement:

  • Citizen did not extend or dismissed disability;
  • The disabled person did not appear on the appointed period for re-evidenced by the federal institution of medical and social expertise - for three months since the 1st day of the month following the month in which the specified period has expired. At the expiration of these three months, the pension is terminated;
  • if the established pension is not received for six months in a row - for six months since the 1st day of the month following the month in which the specified period has expired;
  • The death of a disabled person came, as well as if it was announced in the established legislation Russian Federation The order of recognition is missing.

Since January, Moscow is increasing in Moscow for non-working retirees, as well as a number of social benefits. The site tells how much social support will grow in the capital and who will receive increased payments.

Social support for Muscovites Sergei Sobyanin called the priority of the coming years. Pensions, benefits, help with large and low-income families are just a few directions, which from January 1, 2018 will spend a significant part of the city's money. First of all, the increase will affect those who need social support more than others.

The amounts of increasing payments were determined taking into account the opinions of residents of the capital. What measures need to be taken to improve the lives of Muscovites, Sergey Sobyanin discussed during meetings with pensioners, veterans, large families, lonely mothers and parents of disabled children. The Moscow City Council of Veterans, representatives of large families and other public organizations spoke with proposals. In the draft budget, the mayor of Moscow made it precisely those proposals that sounded at these meetings.

Help retirees and veterans

Moscow will increase the minimum pension. Moscow Mayor supported the proposal of the Council of Veterans to increase it at once for three thousand rubles. City Social Standard will be 17,500 rubles. Already at the end of December, almost 1.4 million citizens will receive an increase in retirement.

"If you take the last seven years - we started with 10 thousand rubles. Now 17.5 thousand. That is, we every year almost a thousand rubles the size of this minimum pension increase. And in the future we will try to raise as much as possible, "Sergei Sobyanin said.

Monthly compensation for labor veterans, rear workers and victims of political repression since 2018 will grow more than twice.

In addition, the urban benefits will be doubled. Veterans, Moscow defense participants. They will pay eight thousand rubles every month instead of four thousand.

Additional compensations are provided for metropolitan long-livers. At the same time, 15 thousand rubles will receive those who next year will be 101 and more. Married couples on the occasion of Jubileev will also receive a lump-sum cash payments. 20 thousand rubles celebrated the 50th anniversary of living together (in 2017 the amount of payment was 10 thousand rubles), the 55th anniversary and the 60th anniversary - 25 thousand (in 2017 - 11 thousand and 12 thousand rubles, respectively), 65th anniversary and 70th anniversary - 30 thousand (in 2017 - 13 thousand and 15 thousand rubles, respectively).

Twice will increase monthly compensation to pensioners instead of free travel on city transport, as well as in suburban train.

Support for low-income and large families

The size of children's benefits for low-income families will grow from three to 6.25 times. The increase in these payments will affect almost 300 thousand young Muscovites. Almost five times - a monthly child benefit will grow for low-income families with children up to three years - up to 10 thousand rubles (in 2017 - two thousand rubles).

Payments to low-income mothers and lonely fathers, military personnel passing military service for a child up to three years will increase to 15 thousand rubles, and the amount of children's benefits over three years and benefits of large families and families with disabilities, will become more in twice. Monthly care for the care of a disabled child under 18 years or disabled since childhood under the age of 23 will be 12 thousand rubles (in 2017 - six thousand rubles). The same amount will be paid for a child under the age of 18, living in a family, in which both or the only parent person do not work and are disabled I or II group.

Large families with five or more children will also increase monthly payments to the purchase of children's clothing, housing, utilities, telephone communication. Increased payments are waiting for parents to the International Day of the Family and the Day of Knowledge.

In the budget of Moscow, the growth of social spending is two times ahead of the growth of other articles. For social needs in 2018 it is planned to allocate 430 billion rubles. Part of these funds will go to the increase in salaries to the employees of the Society.

From 2011 to 2017, the budget spending on the social sphere of Moscow has already been increased almost twice. At the same time, the targeting direction of the benefits was strengthened. For example, the costs of subsidies and benefits on the payment of housing and communal services were increased three times, nine times - for the provision of food and dyeing aid to the poor and five times to ensure disabled with technical means of rehabilitation.

At the same time, a system of benefits on the payment of contributions to overhaul, which covered about four million Muscovites in the city. As part of the reform of terrestrial public transport, the beneficiaries received the right of free travel in commercial buses.

Payments to low-income families

Monthly child benefit to families, the level of property security of which does not exceed the level of property security for the provision of social support measures to low-income families established by the Government of Moscow, and the average income of which does not exceed the subsistence minimum established by the Moscow Government per capita

for children aged from birth to three years:

Three - 6.25 times

in other families

3.3 - five times

for children aged three to 18 years:

lonely mothers (fathers), military personnel passing military service, a parent, evading the payment of alimony

Two - 2.5 times

in other families

Payments for large families

Monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to the increase in the cost of living families:

with three - four children

five or more children

Monthly compensation payment for the purchase of a children's assortment of a family having 5 or more children

Monthly compensatory payment for the purchase of a children's assortment of a family with 10 or more children

Monthly compensation payment of families with 10 or more children

Monthly compensatory payment of a large mother who gave birth to 10 or more children and receiving a pension

Annual compensation payment of a family having 10 or more children to the International Day of the Family

Annual compensation payment of a family with 10 or more children, to the Day of Knowledge

Monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of payment for residential premises and utilities to families:

with three - four children

five or more children

Monthly compensation payment for using telephone families having three or more children

Nine percent

Annual compensation payment for the acquisition of a set of children's clothing for visiting classes for the period of study

Payments to families of people with disabilities and families raising children with disabilities

One-time payment to the families of anniversaries with a marital life in connection with:

50-year anniversary

55-year anniversary

60-year anniversary

65-year anniversary

70-year anniversary

One-time payment of long-livers aged 101 and older

Monthly urban cash payments to preferential categories

Monthly urban cash payment to rehabilitated citizens and persons recognized by victims from political repression

Monthly urban cash payments of rear workers

Monthly urban cash payment to labor veterans and military service veterans

Monthly monetary compensation instead of free travel by public transport common use in urban traffic

Monthly monetary compensation instead of free travel on railway transport in the suburban report

Monthly monetary compensation instead of free medicinal support

Monthly monetary compensation for payment of local telephone services to citizens of preferential categories specified in paragraphs 4, 5-Appendix 1 to the decree of the Government of Moscow of February 8, 2005 No. 62-PP "On the implementation of social support measures for telephone"

Nine percent

Monthly monetary compensation for the payment of local telephone services to citizens of the preferential categories specified in paragraphs 1-3, 6-10 applications 1 to the decree of the Government of Moscow of February 8, 2005 No. 62-PP "On the implementation of social support measures for the telephone"

Nine percent

Monthly social payments to high-generation citizens

Monthly compensatory payment of disabled people of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in order to partial compensation for the cost of basic food products from the socially necessary set

Monthly compensation payment of persons with disabilities due to military injury received during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, which did not work out the experience for the appointment of a complete old-age retirement (for long service)

Monthly compensation payment of disabled since childhood due to injury during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

Monthly compensatory payment for women - disabled people of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and women - participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensation payment to persons awarded the breast name "Honorary Donor of the USSR" for blood during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Monthly compensatory payment of Moscow defense participants

Additional monthly cash supply to the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of Russia, the full cavaliers of the Order of Fame, the heroes of socialist labor, the heroes of the labor of Russia and the full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory

56 percent

Monthly compensation payment of widows (widows) of the heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of Russia, the full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, the heroes of the socialist labor, the heroes of the labor of Russia and the full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory, who did not enter into re-marriage

88 percent

Monthly compensation payment to one of the parents of the dead (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of Russia

88 percent

Additional lifelong monthly material support for retirement ages awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the city of Moscow"

Monthly compensation payments to persons of the retirement age, awarded honorary titles "People's Artist of the USSR"; "People's Artist of the RSFSR"; "People's Artist of the Russian Federation"; "Honored Artist of the RSFSR"; "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation"

New benefit

By virtue of restrictions on legalities, disabled children are one of the most unprotected messages of our society. These need special care, including from the state. Therefore, paying a pension to children with disabilities is governed by federal legislation. In the article, we will tell how the payment of pensions for children with disabilities in 2020 will consider the procedure for calculating.

Who recognize the child with disabilities

To recognize the child with disabilities may be subject to one of the conditions:

  • the child has problems with health, or violations of the functions of the body, which were caused by diseases congenital defects or injuries;
  • a child has a limitation of vital activity that implies a partial or complete loss of self-service, movement and other active activities;
  • the child needs rehabilitation and socialize.

At the same time, it is important that the disability group does not install before the age of perhaps. That is, only after 18 years old the child is assigned 1, 2 or 3 group of disability, if it was not yet removed due to recovery, and before that time the child has the status - "children - disabled". Read also Article: → ".

Registration of pensions to children with disabilities

Registration of a pension Children to disabled people can be engaged in both parents of a child or guardian and official representatives. At any time, after the onset of the right to retirement, you can contact the relevant authorities, while the pension has been appointed from that month in which the application was sent. In order to make a retirement to a child with disabilities to turn to one of the authorities with a statement:

  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Choose the Foundation is needed either at the place of registration, or at the place of residence of the child;
  • Multifunctional Center (MFC).

Methods for submitting an application:

  • personally (meaning that the submission of the application is engaged in the parent or guardian);
  • through a trustee in the presence of a notarized power of attorney;
  • via the Internet, in the form of an electronic document in " Personal Cabinet»On the website of MFC or FIU;
  • by mail, at the same time, the date of the application will be considered the date of the postal shipment.

List of documents required for retirement to disabled children

For retirement, the following list of documents will be required:

  • Statement on pension payment;
  • Documents certifying the identity of the applicant (one of the parents, guardian or legal representative) in this case passport;
  • Documents confirming the powers of the representative. In this case, it is necessary to provide a certificate of adoption, or the decision of the guardianship authority, or a notarized power of attorney confirming the right to represent the interests of the child;
  • Certificate of the birth of a child, or his passport, in case the child turned 14 years;
  • Document on the establishment of disability. Such documents is to extract their certification act, issued by ITU;
  • A document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation or permanent residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Pensions of pension

Regardless of how the number was the appeal to the pension to children with disabilities, it will be appointed from the 1st day of the month, in which they turned. A pension is established for the time during which the child is recognized as disabled or indefinitely.

Pensions of the children with disabilities

In accordance with Law No. 166-FZ of January 15, 2001, a minor to a person who has a disability status has been established a social pension and an increase in it. So, for 2017, the size of the pension to children with disabilities is 12,082,06 rubles. In addition to this amount, a child with a disability status has the right to count on a monthly monetary payment in the amount and a set of social services in a monetary equivalent, or in kind (in the form of services). Read also Article: → ".

Consider what payments are the right to qualify a child disabled in 2017.

Name of payout Payment size, rubles
Social pension 12 082,06
EVER, including NSR 2 527,06
NSU, \u200b\u200bincluding: 1 048,09
free medicines and medical nutrition 807,94
free voucher on sanatorium resort treatment 124,99
free travel in suburban railway transport, or long-distance transport to the place of treatment and in the opposite direction 116,04

Obtaining a set of social support by a child with disabilities is assumed in kind, that is, in the form of specific services or medicinal preparations. However, legislation does not prohibit the receipt of such a package in cash. To do this, contact the Pension Fund, who appointed a child to pay a social pension with the relevant statement.

Of course, mainly the decision to receive services in a monetary or natural equivalent is made by official representatives of the child, his parents or guardians. But it is worth remembering that the monetary replacement is so small that it will not replace the receipt of expensive drugs or treatment in the sanatorium. In this case, you need, of course, take into account the interests of the child. However, under certain circumstances, a child cannot take advantage of the social services. For example, if it is impossible to go to the sanatorium, or take advantage of the right travel on Mezhgord. In such a situation, the ability to compensate for unused benefits with cash is justified.

You also need to keep in mind that it is possible to be only from the part of the NSU, for example, from medicines and receive them with money, and other services to use in full.

Payments to families with children with disabilities

In addition to payments, which the state is intended to children with disabilities, there are payments to families and other persons who exercise care for them. The monthly amount of child care in 2017 is:

  • if the child's care is performed by one of the parents (or guardian, or a legal representative or a trustee) - 5,500 rubles;
  • if the care carries out another person - 1 200 rubles.

To obtain such a manual, apply to the Pension Fund at the place of residence or registration with a statement from the care person. It will be necessary to provide the same list of documents as when referring to a child's pension, but additionally confirm the fact that the careing person is currently not working. Such documents will be a labor book and a certificate from the employment service, confirming that a person who applies does not receive an unemployment benefit.

The care allowance will be listed along with a disability pension in a manner defined when applying for its purpose.

Pension payment procedure and method of obtaining it

Social pension to children with disabilities is paid monthly from the moment of its appointment, but not a wound day of the right to her. A peculiarity of pension payments to a child of a disabled person is that it can get her child as himself and through a representative (one of the parents, guardian, trustee or adopter). The method of issuing a pension must be selected one of the following:

  • Using the services of a credit institution, in this case, the pension is listed on the personal account. You can rent money in this case at the bank's office, or through an ATM. Additional commission is not charged;
  • Taking advantage of the services of Russian Post, to receive a pension at home, or directly in the post office. When choosing this method, a specific date of its preparation is established based on the pension delivery schedule. Payment at the same time can be made later than this date, but within the delivery period. The end date of the payment period for each post office;
  • Using the services of other organizations that are delivered to the delivery of a pension, receive a pension at home, or at the office of the organization. The list of organizations that are engaged in the delivery of pensions can be clarified in the Pension Fund.

Self-child disabled child has the right to receive a retire upon reaching 14 years of age. A trustee may also receive a retirement, which is made by a notarized power of attorney, for a period of years or more. Initially, the choice of delivery method is carried out in a statement on the payment of pensions. In the future, when you change the delivery method, you must submit a corresponding application personally or in electronic form. Read also Article: → ".

Pension parents of children with disabilities of the previous period.

The right to receive early pension to the parents of a child of a disabled person can take advantage of only one of them. At the same time, the child's parent must comply with the following requirements:

  • he was engaged in raising a child with disabilities at least up to 8 years;
  • availability of a certain insurance experience (15 years for a woman, 20 years for a man);
  • age from which a pension is appointed (50 years for a woman, 55 years for a man).

Under insurance experience it is understood by the period of work, in which the employer made deductions to the pension accumulation of an employee.

Legislative framework for registration

Legislative act Date of document Content
Law №181-ФЗ 11/24/1995 On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №95 20.02.2006 The procedure for recognizing persons with disabilities
Law №178-ФЗ 07/17/1999 About social assistance in the form of a set of social services
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation №175 02.26.2013 Monthly payments to persons carrying out children with disabilities

Answers to common questions

Question number 1. "What if the mother of a child of a disabled person spends his pension at his own discretion to his own needs, and not for the needs of the child?"

The expenditure of such funds occurs without prior approval with guardianship bodies. However, you can contact them with a complaint of this childMaybe they will be able to oblige to report on the pension spent, and also conducted a check of the conditions in which the child lives.

Question number 2. "The child has lost one of the parents. It is entitled to count on a retirement for the loss of the breadwinner and retirement of disability? "

Unfortunately no. In this case, it is necessary to choose either one type of pension or the other.

Question number 3. "What pension will receive a child with disabilities upon reaching 18 years old?"

Upon reaching the age of you, the child passes re-release and receives a new disability status - "invalid childhood." At the same time, it will also be paid a pension, but in another amount and for its design it is necessary to re-submit documents to the Pension Fund.

Question number 4. "Can a disabled person be issued to a child medical preparationswhich are not provided in the list of medicines? "

With a difficult course of the disease in exceptional cases, this is possible. But they can only be discharged by the decision of the medical commission.

Question number 5. "Are there any payments to children with disabilities of a regional character?"

This question depends on your region, it should be clarified in the social protection bodies and at its attending physician.

In addition to the standard assistance, which can be obtained, and standard assistance for, families with children with disabilities, can qualify for additional help.

Federal legislation provides for:

Moscow families with disabled children also may apply for several additional payments:

  • (for children with disabilities, who died one or both parents);
  • To reimburse the cost of food costs to certain categories of citizens on children under three years.

In addition, you can:

  • get the right to;
  • get for parent, guardian or trustee child-disabled.

Also for disabled people work various sports sections and groups. Check out them on the site.

2. How to issue a social retirement for disability?

Federal legislation for disabled children provides for a social disability pension paid monthly. Its relevant size can be clarified on the Pension Fund website of the Russian Federation.

For the design of a social pension for disability for a child, the following documents will be needed:

  • statement on the appointment of pension;
  • documents certifying age, place of residence, belonging to citizenship of a citizen who makes up a social pension (for example, a parental passport and a child's birth certificate);
  • documents on the establishment of disability (for example, an extract from the act of examination of a citizen recognized as a disabilities issued by the federal institution of medical and social expertise).

In some cases may require

  • documents certifying the identity and powers of a legitimate representative (adopter, guardian, trustee). As such documents, a certificate issued by the guardianship and guardianship authority is taken, and in its absence - the decision of the guardianship body and trusteeship, the certificate of adoption.
  • the document on the causal relationship of the disability or death of the breadwinner with a citizen of an intentional criminal punishment of the act or intentional damage to his health (the conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise).
  • document on the deliberate criminal force to act or intentional damage to his health (conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise).
  • documents certifying that the person on which the pension is appointed is trained in full-time [part) in educational institutions of all types and species, regardless of their organizational and legal form, except educational institutions additional education (learning certificate).
  • documents confirming the place of stay or actual residence in the territory of the Russian Federation. Namely:
  • A document confirming the residence of a citizen who addressed the pension is a passport or certificate of registration at the place of residence;

    A document confirming the place of stay of a citizen of the Russian Federation, who turned to a pension, is a certificate of registration at the place of stay;

    A document confirming the actual residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation is his personal statement.

    "\u003e Additional documents.

    You can issue a social pension for disability in the Centers of the State Service and Departments of the Pension Fund of Russia.

    3. How to make a monthly monetary payment for children with disabilities?

    • a document certifying the identity (passport) of the applicant;
    • certificate of the birth of a child (if the applicant acts as a representative of the child);
    • approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2010 No. 1031n "On the forms of certificate confirming the fact of disability, and discharge from an act of examination of a citizen recognized as a disabled person issued by federal government agencies of medical and social expertise, and the procedure for their compilation" "\u003e Helpconfirming the fact of the establishment of disability;
    • documents confirming the applicant's powers (if the applicant is a guardian, adopter, trustee);
    • documents confirming registration at the place of stay (in the case of contacting the FIU office at the place of stay).

    You can issue a monthly cash payment to a disabled child in the centers of the State Service or the Department of the FIU at the place of residence or stay.

    4. How to arrange a monthly federal care for the care of a disabled child?

    If the child-bodied citizen is cautiously cared for a disabled child, he may claim to monthly payment Powered by a disabled child. Its current size can be viewed on the PFR website.

    Parents (guardians, adoptive parents, trustees) of the child may be issued to pay. It is paid together with a social disabled person.

    For registration you will need:

    • a statement of a citizen caring, indicating its place of residence and the date of commencement of care;
    • the certificate that the pension of a care to a careman was not appointed (a certificate is issued by the authority to assign and pay a pension at the place of residence or the place of stay of the caring person);
    • a certificate that a careless citizen does not receive unemployment benefits (a certificate is issued by the employment service authorities at the place of residence of the caring person);
    • extract from an act of examining a disabled child under 18 or a disabled since childhood I group or a medical conclusion about the recognition of a child under the age of 18 people with disabilities (note that the discharge from the act of examination of the FIU receives himself);
    • personality document and workbook person caring;
    • documents confirming the powers of the applicant (if the documents submit a guardian or adopter).

    To make payment, you must contact the FIU office.

    5. How to arrange a monthly Moscow pay for a disabled child?

    Monthly compensatory payment for the care of a disabled child or disabled person from childhood under the age of 23 years old can receive a parent, guardian or trustee, provided that they do not work, do not serve and are not trained in full-time.

    In some cases, legitimate representatives of the child may be made to pay, for this, they must treat one of the categories:

    • lonely mother (father);
    • widow (widower);
    • parent that was terminated by the Father (Mother) of the Child;

    Regardless of the availability of work, payment may be issued:

    • the former trustee of the disabled person from childhood under the age of 23, who remained without parental care, caring for him to adulthood;
    • one of the adoptive parents of a disabled child;
    • patronics teacher of a disabled child.

    If a disabled child or a disabled person from childhood under the age of 23 will enter into marriage, he will be paid personally, provided that his legal representative will continue to receive this payment.

    If there are two such children in the family, payments are appointed for each child.

    The applicant and the child should live together and have permanent registration in Moscow. Citizenship does not matter.

    For registration of payments will be needed:

    • On the appointment of benefits;
    • identification document and confirming place of residence in Moscow;
    • a document certifying the identity of the second parent (if any), with a mark on registration (passport);
    • certificate of the birth of a child;
    • a document of a housing organization about the place of residence of the child in Moscow;
    • extract from the certification act in the federal state institution medical and social expertise on the recognition of a child, taking into account the care of which government service, a disabled child or disabled since childhood;
    • additional documents will be required for Unmounted citizens to make payments additionally provide one of the following documents:
      • a copy of the employment record, certified in the prescribed manner;
      • an extract from the individual personal account of the insured person in the system of compulsory pension insurance from the territorial body of the FIU, confirming the lack of payment of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance for payments and other remuneration produced by parents (guardians, trustees) of a disabled child, a guardian, a former careman who carries out care for disabled since childhood under the age of 23, at the date of the request;
      • help from the territorial body of the FIU, confirming the fact of obtaining a monthly compensatory payment of a non-working able-bodied person caring for a disabled child.
      "\u003e unoccupied
      citizens as well as for Separate categories of working citizens, to which in this case include:
      • lonely mother (father);
      • widow (widower);
      • parent who was terminated with his father's marriage (mother's mother);
      • parent, with respect to the child of which was established by paternity;
      • one of the largest parents.

      For payment of payment, additionally provide one of the following documents:

      • certificate of the basis of the introduction to the child's birth certificate of information about the father (mother) of a disabled child or a disabled person from childhood under the age of 23;
      • certificate of death of the second parent;
      • certificate of termination of marriage;
      • certificate of paternity;
      • certificates of the birth of three and more children (to provide payments to large parents);
      • decision (extract from the decision) on establishing the minors of guardianship (guardianship);
      • the decision (extract from the decision) of the court on the establishment of disabled person from childhood under 23 years of custody;
      • the decision (extract from the decision) on the establishment of a child-disabled child of the guardianship (for the applicant - the former guardian who cared for the disabled person from childhood under 23 years).
      "\u003e individual categories
      Working citizens.

    You can issue payment:

    • personally in the center of the State Service;
    • "\u003e online on the official website of the mayor of Moscow.

    The application must be considered within 10 working days after graduating from all documents. Payment is provided since the month of examination of the child in the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise and is paid on a month of the expiration of the disability period (but not more than reaching 23 years).


    6. How to make a monthly payment to the children with disabilities who lost their breadwinner?

    Disabled children, as well as disabled since childhood under the age of 23, regardless of the disability group and the degree of loss of ability to labor activitywho died one or both parents are eligible for monthly compensatory payment.

    Payment may be issued:

    • the only parent of a disabled child or a disabled person from childhood under the age of 23, who died the second parent. The child and the parent must be accomplished together and have permanent registration in Moscow;
    • guardian or career of a disabled child or a disabled since childhood under the age of 23, who died both or the only parent. The child must have a residence in Moscow, and a guardian or a trustee - to live with him together;
    • disabled since childhood under the age of 23, who had one or both parents, provided that he had a residence in Moscow;
    • brothers, sisters, grandchildren of the deceased breadwin, if they are children with disabilities or disabled people from childhood under the age of 23, have residence in Moscow and receive a pension on the occasion of the loss of the breadwinner for the deceased brother, sister, grandfather or grandmother.

    To make payout you will need:

    • about the appointment of payments;
    • document certifying the identity of the applicant, with a marking on registration (passport);
    • details of the credit institution and the current account, where the payment will be listed;
    • certificate of birth of a child (children);
    • a document confirming the place of residence of a child in Moscow;
    • extract from an act of examination at the Federal State Institution of Medical and Social Expertise on the recognition of a child with disabilities (for persons over 18 years old - on the establishment of disability from childhood);
    • decision of the local government on establishing the minors (guardianship) - if the guardianship or trusteeship is installed;
    • One of the following documents:
      • certificate of death of the breadwinner;
      • the decision of the court on the recognition of the breadwinner is missingly missing or about the declaration of deceased.
      "\u003e Document
      confirming the loss of the breadwinner;
    • documents confirming related relations with the deceased and certificate from the territorial separation of the FIU on the form, the amount and period of payment of the pension - in the event of an appeal as the applicant brothers, sisters, grandchildren of the deceased breadwinner.

    You can issue payment:

    • personally in the center of the State Service;
    • Please note: in the section "Services and Services" on the site created a designer of urban payments for families with children. Going to the service page and using this service, you can fill out one application for most urban payments. "\u003e Online On the official website of the mayor of Moscow.

    The decision on the appointment of payments is made within 10 working days from the date of registration of the application and the provision of all documents. It is paid on the end of the deadline for which the disability is established, but not more than a child of the age of 18 years (for children with disabilities) or 23 years (for disabled children) and no more than a day of the end of the pension.

    The current amount of payments can be found on the website of the Labor Department and Social Protection of the Moscow Population.

    7. How to make a payment for reimbursement of food costs?

    Monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of the cost of food costs to individual categories of citizens is paid for children:

    • lonely mothers (fathers);
    • military personnel passing military service;
    • from families in which one of the parents evade the payment of alimony;
    • from large families;
    • from student families;
    • who are disabled *.

    Parent, adopter, stepfather or stepmother (for large families), guardian or guardian of the child may be issued. And the legal representative of the child, and the child on which the payment is made, should be accomplished together and have permanent registration in Moscow. Citizenship does not have importance.

    It is paid for every child from the month of his birth before reaching it for 3 years, provided that the application for the appointment of payments was filed no later than 6 months from a month, in which the child was born.

    For registration of payments will be needed:

    • On the appointment of benefits;
    • documents certifying the identity of the applicant and the second parent (if any) If there is no marks about the place of residence in the passport, you can provide another document confirming the place of residence, and its copy. "\u003e Containing information about the place of residence in Moscow;
    • a document certifying the person of the authorized representative and notarized power of attorney - when contacting the authorized representative;
    • "\u003e the birth certificates of children on which the payment is issued;
    • documents confirming that children on which payment is issued is constantly registered in Moscow;
    • certificate of the establishment of paternity - for those who established paternity, it seems at will;
    • a court decision on adoption (adoption) of a child who has entered into force (a copy certified in the prescribed manner), or a certificate of adoption (adoption) - for adoptive parents, it seems at will;
    • the decision (extract from the decision) on the establishment of guardianship (guardianship) - for guardians or trustees;
    • It is possible not to provide if the registration of the Civil Act was made by the Moscow registry office after January 1, 1990."\u003e Document confirming the change in the name, name or patronymic - if I changed the name;
    • For lonely mother (father)

      one of the documents confirming the absence of a second parent:

      • birth certificate in form №2 *;
      • certificate of death of the second parent *;
      • the court decision on the recognition of the second parent is missingly missing or declaring the dead, entered into force (a copy, certified in the prescribed manner).

      For the family of a serviceman passing military service

      one of the documents confirming the passage of the service:

      • help from the military commissariat on the call of the father's father for military service;
      • help from military professional educational organization or military educational organization higher education About learning in her father's father.

      For a family in which one of the parents evade the payment of alimony

      one of the documents confirming the non-payment of the second parent of alimony:

      • message of internal affairs bodies or certificate of bodies of the federal bailiff service that during a month time the location of the wanted debtor was not established;
      • the communication of the authorized federal executive body on the non-fulfillment of the court decision (judicial order) on the recovery of alimony in the event of a debtor in a foreign country, with which the Russian Federation has a legal assistance agreement;
      • certificate from the court on the reasons for the non-fulfillment of the court decision (judicial order) on the recovery of alimony.

      For a large family, in which the children of the spouse (spouses), born in the previous marriage or born out of marriage live actually

      Documents confirming that the child is brought up in the applicant's family:

      • certificate of marriage (if a child is born out of marriage) *;
      • certificate of the death of a second parent (if available) *;
      • certificate of termination of marriage *;
      • the decision of the court on the transfer of the child to the applicant's education, which has entered into legal force (a copy certified in the prescribed manner);
      • certificate of teaching a child in an educational organization issued on time no later than 30 calendar days before the day of appealing for the provision of public services (if a child is studying);
      • help on the observation of the child in medical organizationissued on time no later than 30 calendar days before the day of appealing for the provision of public services (if the child is observed in the medical organization).

      For student family

      • certificate of training for parents for full-time education in a professional educational organization or educational organization of higher education.

      For a family in which a disabled child is raised:

      • extract from an act of examination at the Federal State Institution of Medical and Social Expertise on the recognition of a child, on which the payment is made, a disabled child.

      * If the registration of a civil status act is carried out in Moscow after January 1, 1990, the document can not be submitted.

      "\u003e Documents
      confirming the right to receive payments;
    • requisites of the credit institution and the current account, where the payment will be listed.

    You can issue payment:

    • personally in the center of the State Service;
    • Please note: on the official website of the mayor of Moscow, the site created a designer of urban payments for families with children. Going to the service page and using this service, you can fill out one application for most urban payments."\u003e online on the official website of the mayor of Moscow. Please note that requests in electronic form are not accepted from guardians, trustees and authorized representatives.
    • Please note that in accordance with the current labor legislation, the employer is obliged to establish part-time (shift) or an incomplete working week at the request of one of the parents (guardian, trustee), which has a disabled child under the age of 18.

      You can choose to work with specific conditions or contact the employment department personally.

      In the employment department you:

      • provide information about vacancies available;
      • will provide advice on employment issues;
      • will be offered to undergo testing to select a suitable area of \u200b\u200bemployment;
      • provide information about the opportunity to pass professional education, retraining and advanced training;
      • will provide psychological support;
      • will provide the opportunity to take part in paid public and temporary work;
      • provide information on vacancies conducted fairs.

      The department of employment of your district can be found on the site of labor defatim and social protection of the population of the city of Moscow.

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