Quotes with the word "fact. The fact (that) that

In the real world facts sinners are not punished, the righteous are not rewarded. The strong meet with success, the weak fail. That's all. ("The Picture of Dorian Grey")

Politics is the art of creating factsjokingly to subjugate events and people. Benefit is its goal, intrigue is its means. Only decency can harm her.

True knowledge does not consist in acquaintance with facts, which makes a person only a pedant, but in use factswhich makes him a philosopher.

Factthat the player was in time trouble, in my opinion, is just as little excuse as, for example, the statement of a criminal that he was drunk while committing a crime.

And a technical term for someone who undertakes to develop user interface design without understanding the above fact, - "E ... IDIOT".

What is evolution - a theory, a system, a hypothesis? .. No, something much more than all this: it is the main condition that must henceforth obey and satisfy all theories, hypotheses, systems, if they want to be reasonable and true. The light that illuminates everything facts, the curve in which all the lines must close — this is what evolution is.

Forced to reckon with the convenience and poor imagination of the reader, newspapers deviate from reality much less than one could assume theoretically, and often (although superficially and inaccurately) they even adhere to it, because it is easier to reproduce the real factsthan inventing believable ones.

The revelation of God and the world of invisible things is not yet their knowledge. Knowledge comes from a person. Man learns the revelation of God and the invisible world. Revelation gives reality facts mystical order. But the cognitive attitude of a person to these realities and facts is not revelation itself. This is already this or that philosophy.

“The question of the immortality of the soul belongs to completely outdated metaphysics. Death is the deepest and most significant fact life, elevating the very last of mortals above the ordinariness and vulgarity of life. But only fact death raises in depth the question of the meaning of life. ... Death - the ultimate horror and ultimate evil - turns out to be the only way out of a bad time into eternity, and immortal and eternal life is achievable only through death. The last hope of man is connected with death, so revealing the power of evil in the world. "

Southern residents fear that the Republican rise to power threatens their property, peace and personal safety. These fears are completely unfounded. Factsproving otherwise are well known. Once again I will quote one of my speeches: “I have no intentions, direct or indirect, to interfere with the system of slavery in those states where it exists. I have no legal basis for this and, therefore, no intention to do it. " ( in the same year in the USA began Civil War )

Paradoxically, but fact: finding ourselves forced to change very little in life, realizing that change is only for the better, we discover an incredible weakness of heart and mind, while the change soon happens as if by itself, without any effort.

No sane familiar with facts one will not believe that the typical black man is equal or, even more incredibly, superior to the white man. So, it is simply ridiculous to expect that, having removed all obstacles and giving our kindred, decorated with prominent jaws, an equal field, without any privileges and oppression, we will witness his success in competition with a rival endowed with a large brain and smaller jaws; in a competition where thoughts, not bites, win. Of course, the highest peaks of civilization are inaccessible to our dark-skinned brothers.

“The brain is a kind of organ ... there was an agent in a Chicago insurance company, a rising star ... Unfortunately, he was often overcome with blues, and when he left the service home, no one knew whether he would take the elevator or step through the tenth floor window. In the end, the board convinced him to part with a tiny part of the frontal lobe of the brain ... After that ... no agent since the founding of society has performed equal feats in the field of insurance ... However, everyone missed one fact: lobotomy does not promote subtlety of judgment and caution. When an insurance agent became a financier, he collapsed, and so did society. No, I would not want anyone to change the scheme of my internal wiring ... "(Norbert Wiener. Head. American Science Fiction: Collection: - M .: Raduga, 1988, p. 451.)

The fantasies of even the second-rate writer of modern science fiction, as they are rooted in facts modern life, incomparably richer, bolder and more bizarre than Utopia or the visions of the Millennial Kingdom of the past.

Life in general never takes death seriously. She laughs, dances and plays, she builds, collects and loves in the face of death. Only when we single out one separate fact death, we notice its emptiness and are embarrassed.

To understand the process, you need to have a theory. ... if you really want to understand empirical science, you must have the facts. And the problem is how to organize these facts. Theory, in essence, also "organizes" facts.

... if synthesis is not just an empty word, but means something that really exists in nature child development fact, then pedology acquires in the recognition of this fact its undeniable objective solid foundation.

At first, any original theory is recognized as absurd, then - correct, then - self-evident and insignificant, and, finally, so important and original that former critics appropriate it to themselves.

The story must treat events with an open mind and calm. Otherwise, she will be horrified and will not understand the true nature of what she undertook to study.

It seems to me that logic teaches us to know whether conclusions are correctly drawn from ready-made arguments and proofs; but so that she can teach us to find and build such reasoning and proof - I do not believe this.

Society is to blame for everything that happens within its boundaries; every trashy person, by the very fact of his existence, points to some flaw in social organization.

The fact is that ...

The fact is that ... FACT.

Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .

See what "The fact is that ..." in other dictionaries:

    the fact (that) that - a combination with a union A comma is put before the union "what". But the fact is that I came to an accurate and definite conclusion that after crossing the border Filonov would have to stop at the farm near Bobyleva. A. Panteleev, First feat. It was a fact ... ... Punctuation Dictionary

    FACT, fact, husband. (lat. factum). 1. A real event, a phenomenon, what happened in reality. Historical fact... Feel free to face facts. This is fact, not fiction. “The resolution of the national question in the Soviet Union is one ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1. a, husband. A real, quite real event, phenomenon; what really happened, happens, exists. The facts speak for themselves. State the facts. Check the facts. To confront the fact who n. (in a position where everything is already ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    fact - The fact is that (colloquial) the fact is that ... [under the influence of the expression, the fact is that sometimes it is wrong, they say the fact is that]. The fact is that I forgot my books at home ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    fact - I see fact; in zn. particles .; colloquial True, undoubtedly, indeed, of course. Are we really going? Fact! And you are deeply mistaken, fact, you are mistaken! F., that we ourselves did not think of (colloquial; it is true, indeed, that ...) F., that we won. The fact is that ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    fact - a, m. 1) A real, quite real event, phenomenon, action, chance. Historical fact. Synonyms: reality (obsolete), history (colloquial), incident, episodes / d Antonyms: you / thought ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    AND; m. [from lat. factum made] 1. A true event, an actual incident or a real phenomenon; example, case. Real, well-known, historical f. F. Russian history. F. from whose l. life, practice. F. my biography. Reflect… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    In popular development, in Russian nationalization foreign words it is possible to establish historical and semantic regularities. Some concepts, despite the peculiar differences in their national linguistic expression, contain international ... ... History of words

    Fact - Fact ♦ Fait Any event, if it is established or fixed, which cannot be without experience. When one speaks of "scientific fact" that is the object of experiment or at least strict observation, one almost always means ... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    At one time, we had the opportunity to participate in state tests of the T 80U, T 90 tanks and the tank, which after the collapse of the Soviet Union was named T 84 and became foreign for us. Therefore, after reading the article by S. Roshchin "The Tank That Was Waited" ... Encyclopedia of technology


  • Something pretty, Robert Munch. The collection "Anything Pretty" includes four comic stories created by the world famous Canadian duo - children's writer and storyteller Robert Munch and artist Michael ...
  • What's in his head? Simple experiments to help parents understand their child, Ankovsky Amber, Ankovsky Andy. We, adults, try to understand and educate our child, imagining ourselves in his place. But the baby thinks completely differently, and all our life experience only prevents us from penetrating into his world. Can,…
i came to a precise and definite conclusion that after crossing the border Filonov would have to stop at the farm near Bobyleva. A. Panteleev, First feat. The fact that she, half German, did not sign the folk list ... V. Bogomolov, Moment of Truth. , what this is Mishchenko, and not that they are "Neman" ... V. Bogomolov, Moment of Truth. Let us mark with the letter "Be" that , what you graduated from university and, as they say, you have some education. I. Andronikov, First time on the stage.

Punctuation Dictionary. - M .: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what "fact (that) that" is in other dictionaries:

    The fact is that ... - The fact is that ... FACT. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    FACT - FACT, fact, husband. (lat. factum). 1. A real event, a phenomenon, what happened in reality. Historical fact. Feel free to face facts. This is fact, not fiction. “The resolution of the national question in the Soviet Union is one ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    FACT - 1. a, husband. A real, quite real event, phenomenon; what really happened, happens, exists. The facts speak for themselves. State the facts. Check the facts. To confront the fact who n. (in a position where everything is already ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    fact - The fact is that (colloquial) the fact is that ... [under the influence of the expression, the fact is that sometimes it is wrong, they say the fact is that]. The fact is that I forgot my books at home ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    fact - I see fact; in zn. particles .; colloquial True, undoubtedly, indeed, of course. Are we really going? Fact! And you are deeply mistaken, fact, you are mistaken! F., that we ourselves did not think of (colloquial; it is true, indeed, that ...) F., that we won. The fact is that ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    fact - a, m. 1) A real, quite real event, phenomenon, action, chance. Historical fact. Synonyms: reality (obsolete), history (colloquial), incident, episodes / d Antonyms: you / thought ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    fact - and; m. [from lat. factum made] 1. A true event, an actual incident or a real phenomenon; example, case. Real, well-known, historical f. F. Russian history. F. from whose l. life, practice. F. my biography. Reflect… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    FACT - In the development of the people, in the Russian nationalization of foreign words, historical and semantic regularities can be established. Some concepts, despite the peculiar differences in their national linguistic expression, contain international ... ... History of words

    Fact - Fact ♦ Fait Any event, if it is established or fixed, which cannot be without experience. When one speaks of "scientific fact" that is the object of experiment or at least strict observation, one almost always means ... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    Is the tank that was expected - At one time we had a chance to participate in state tests of the T 80U, T 90 tanks and the tank, which after the collapse of the Soviet Union was named T 84 and became foreign for us. Therefore, after reading the article by S. Roshchin "The Tank That Was Waited" ... Encyclopedia of technology


  • Something pretty, Robert Munch. The collection "Anything Pretty" includes four comic stories created by the world famous Canadian duo - children's writer and storyteller Robert Munch and artist Michael ... Buy for 1211 rubles
  • What's in his head? Simple experiments to help parents understand their child, Ankovsky Amber, Ankovsky Andy. We, adults, try to understand and educate our child, imagining ourselves in his place. But the baby thinks completely differently, and all our life experience only prevents us from penetrating into his world. Can,…

About dreams from the lips of the great.

The fact that in a dream all people dream has been proven by medicine. And man has proven that everyone tends to dream in reality: every person has aspirations, goals and hopes, which we often call dreams. Below is a selection of expressions famous people about the thoughts and hopes inherent in each of us.

1. Images of dreams are a kind of language ... It seems that they have some hidden meaning hidden in them.

2. Whoever understands the meaning of the signs that appear in front of us in a dream will understand that they have an important influence on all events.

Hippocrates, ancient Greek physician

3. The past is a single canvas, imagined or suffered through suffering, experienced in three dimensions or simply deposited in that little theater of mind that burns brightly all night.

Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish writer

4. Inside everyone, even the best of us, an uncontrollable wild beast slumbers, which wakes up when we sleep.

Plato, ancient Greek thinker

5. Oh God, if I didn't have bad dreamsI could be a prisoner in a nutshell and consider myself the king of the universe.

Hamlet, William Shakespeie English playwright

6. In nightmares, the most common, harmless things and forms cause the pain of suffering.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English poet

7. Reality lives in a single world, in every dream it lives its own life.

Heraclitus of Ephesus

8. Sleep is a desire that makes the heart when a person is fast asleep.

9. I had a dream ... a crazy dream ...

It was everything that I want to know

And where I would like to visit.

Robert Ployat, rock musician from the group "Led Zeppelin"

10. When you make a wish, watching a star fall, all dreams come true.

Gemini Cricket

11. Well, I had a dream! Such a dream that the human mind is not enough to explain it!

"Sleep in summer night", William Shakespeare

12. In a dream, we become closer to that universal, true and eternal self, which hides under the cover of night.

13. Life is just an empty dream.

Henry Wordsworth Longfellow, American poet

14. I wondered how this great master, calling sleep "everyday death", did not call dreaming the madness of everyday sanity.

15. And old people will see dreams,

The young men will see visions.

Joel 2:28

16. Hope is the dream of the awake.

Matthew Pryor, English poet

17. I slept, and I dreamed that life was beautiful ...

Was my dream only a hazy lie?

Ellen Sturgis Cooper, American poet

18. Sleep is a hidden little door that leads to the most secret and intimate corners of the soul and opens into the cosmic night.

Carl Jung, Swiss psychologist

19. I have always had access to other worlds. We all have it - thanks to dreams.

Eleanor Carrington, surrealist painter

20. A madman is a sleeper who is awake.

Emmanuel Kant, German philosopher

21. Aren't the rational and the insane equal when the rational sleeps?

Charles Dickens, English writer

22. All night I dreamed of the bodies of the slain ... Now I know that these were the souls of the trees calling out to me.

Hasidic proverb

23. Sleep is a night immersion in the ocean of images and feelings.

James Hillman, American poet

24. Why do we see things more clearly during sleep than in waking fantasies?

Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter

25. If you remember how you flew in a dream, how you floated like a bird or danced or sang, it means that you know surprisingly clearly that no secondary experience will cause you the thrill that you already experienced in a dream.

Gail Delana, American psychologist

26. Dreams allow any of us to be quiet and harmless crazy every night.

William Dement, American psychiatrist

27. You get real pleasure not from the plot itself, but because in a dream everything is done without your intervention and does not lend itself to your control.

Isaac Dinesen, Danish writer

28. And if you dream in my arms,

So, so it is,

After all, dreams are nothing but fantasy.

John Donne, English poet

29. All that is true is hidden deep in the body of the world, and it cannot be obtained by force. It can dream and appear, and be illuminated by knowledge through fear and love.

Ricky Ducornet, American writer

30. We become (in a dream) what we dream to be ...

In reality, in fact, we see only pictures created by our imagination.

Laurence Durell, English poet of French descent

31. Existence would be unbearable if there were no dreams.

Anatole France, French writer

32. Only the dreamer can change its course.

John Logan, Scottish priest and poet

33. One of the follies left to man is sleep.

For no one can interfere with our dreams.

E.V. Lucas, English novelist and poet

34. If a dream is the embodiment of reality, then reality is the embodiment of a dream.

Rene Magripip, Belgian artist

35. He was right who compared our life to a dream ...

We sleep awake and awake in sleep.

Michel Montaigne, French philosopher

36. Everything that we see or what we seem to be, Nothing but a dream in a dream.

Edgar Alan Poe, American writer

37. Many of my stories would never have seen the light of day if I had not written down everything that appeared to me in my dreams.

Sir Walter Scott, Scottish writer

38. We ourselves are material for dreams.

And our short century will end with sleep.

William Shakespeare, English playwright

39. Misunderstood dream, that unopened letter.

40. In dreams we see ourselves naked, embossed, like real characters, and even more clearly than in reality.

Henry David Tara, American writer

41. Take, if necessary, this bundle of dreams,

Loosen the rope - dreams will envelop you.

William Butler Yeats, Irish poet

42. I sometimes had dreams that stayed with me forever and changed my views and ideas; these dreams flowed through me like wine oozes through water and changed the color of my mind.

Emily Brontë, English writer

43. Myths are social dreams, and dreams are personal myths.

Joseph Campbell, American mythologist and writer

44. Nothing convinces me of the infinity of the human mind like dreams do.

William Benton Clulow, English priest

45. Dreams convey their meaning - but not in the language of reality.

Gail Godwin, American writer

46. \u200b\u200bI used to go to bed in tears;

but in my dreams the most enchanting forms descended upon me,

to comfort and cheer up,

and the next morning i woke up

renewed and joyful.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe, German poet

47. In life, people come and go, but they never leave our dreams. Once caught in your subconscious, they stay with you forever.

Patricia Hemple, American poet

48. Often, after awakening from restless sleep, we feel relief: we will feel the same relief one day after death.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, American writer

49. How quickly we forget our own dreams: if we fail to grasp them, they go away, and we will never be able to remember them again.

William Hazlitt, English writer

50. All human beings are also dream beings. Dreams unite all of humanity into a single whole.

Jack Kerouac, Canadian-born American writer.

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