Restless sleep during early pregnancy. Scary dreams in women while waiting for a child: pathology or norm

Insomnia is a sleep disorder. With insomnia, the duration of night sleep decreases (normally 6-8 hours) or the person suffers from poor sleep quality (frequent nighttime awakenings), a combination of these two symptoms is possible.

Insomnia during pregnancy is quite common. According to statistics, this disorder affects about 70-80% of women. Insomnia in pregnant women usually occurs in the first and third trimester.

Sleep disturbance in the first half

Sleep physiology disorder early period often, some gynecologists consider this to be one of the signs of pregnancy. Why does insomnia occur in the first half of pregnancy?

The main cause of early insomnia is hormonal changes in the woman's body (an increase in the level of a number of hormones) and psychological reasons... The latter in the early stages of pregnancy depend on many factors: whether a woman is married or not, desired pregnancy or not, the state of general somatic health and nervous system before and during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a psychologically and physiologically difficult period for a woman's life. Even if the child is very desirable and long-awaited, the woman has a fear of her future, whether she will be able to endure pregnancy, what kind of child will be born, whether the baby will be healthy, whether she can be a good mother for her unborn child and whether she can provide him financially. All these disturbing thoughts do not give the expectant mother rest during the day, they also cause insomnia at night on early dates pregnancy.

Insomnia can begin in a woman from the first weeks of pregnancy and continue until the very birth.

A woman understands that she is pregnant if she does not have her period, but sometimes the test strips to determine pregnancy do not show a positive result yet. This period for a woman is associated with a certain excitement (especially if the pregnancy is desired and long-awaited). In the early stages of pregnancy, many girls may experience nausea, vomiting, sleepiness during the day, and insomnia at night.

Insomnia during pregnancy is associated with several physiological causes. In the early stages, in many women, due to hormonal changes, the nasal mucosa swells, nasal breathing, snoring occurs, which prevents her from sleeping.

Pregnancy is a great time while expecting a baby, but for some pregnant women this important period of life turns into a real nightmare: with early toxicosis, with severe preeclampsia and insomnia for all 9 months.

Sleep disturbance in the second half

During the second trimester of pregnancy, usually night sleep normalized, but sleep disturbance in the last three months before childbirth can be the cause of premature birth and complications of pregnancy, nervous and mental exhaustion of the expectant mother. Insomnia is stressful for the body, while during sleep the body must rest and recover. A pregnant woman has a close relationship with her child, if the physiology of sleep is disturbed, not only the expectant mother suffers, but also the baby.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, there are several physiological reasons that can disrupt a woman's normal nighttime sleep:

Psychological reasons:

  • Insomnia during pregnancy may be due to chronic fatigue women. At 38-39 weeks it is already difficult for a woman to walk, dress, put on shoes, she gets tired quickly, it is difficult for her to do household chores;
  • Constant nervous tension, stress at work and in the family. The expectant mother is afraid of the future, fear of financial problems, anxiety for the child's health, fear of the upcoming birth or cesarean section;
  • A pregnant woman can be upset by the results of an ultrasound scan, CTG, a visit to a gynecologist, a rude attitude of doctors in an antenatal clinic;
  • Nightmares. From 33 weeks a woman can have very vivid and exciting dreams;
  • A pregnant woman can get upset about the weight gained, because of the loss of her physical attractiveness;
  • A pregnant woman is often worried about the fact that she did not feel the fetal movement during the day.

During pregnancy, the level of the hormone progesterone rises, the hormonal and nervous systems begin to actively defend themselves against irritating factors, which contributes to a favorable course of pregnancy and bearing the fetus. The expectant mother's reactions to external stimuli are inhibited, she becomes more calm and passive. On the other hand, emotional manifestations come to the fore in her - she is more vulnerable, tearful.

In the last stages of pregnancy, a woman needs to get enough sleep, since no one knows when the birth will begin.

Some scientists believe that sleep disturbance at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy prepares a woman for the role of a future nursing mother, who will have to adjust to her baby's sleep and wakefulness right after birth.

How will he cope?

When insomnia occurs in many pregnant women, a natural question arises: "What to do?" It is important to remember that sleeping pills should not be used by pregnant women.

You can try to combat sleep disturbances with the following methods:

Conception activates a number of processes that affect the general condition of the woman's body. Hormonal changes begin, the amount of progesterone increases, thanks to which the expectant mother wants to sleep much more. This is what most often causes drowsiness during early pregnancy, which in itself is normal. By the second trimester, most of this goes away.

It even happens that a woman from 4 months feels a surge of vigor. She needs much less time to rest, she wants to do all the things, a lot of energy appears. This state lasts until the last month of pregnancy, when the load begins to affect, it can be difficult for women to rest, there is a feeling of weakness and weakness. And this is also normal for such a state: the child presses on internal organs, a big belly makes it difficult to take a comfortable position. As a result, the woman does not get enough sleep, which, of course, causes increased drowsiness. A place to sleep is of key importance, so Come-for mattresses can be viewed here are a prime example of a quality bedroom accessory, and will provide maximum comfort during sleep. As a rule, all this goes with childbirth.

Thus, there is no need to panic. By itself, daytime sleep during pregnancy in the first trimester is even beneficial. It's good if a woman can afford such a vacation. And what about those who work?

How to wake yourself up?

Those who have to go to the office have a harder time. It will not be possible to get away for a few hours during work, it is difficult to concentrate on completing current tasks. The situation is complicated by the inability to drink coffee or an energy drink. What to do in this case?

Doctors recommend normalizing nutrition. Very often, weakness and drowsiness during pregnancy means that you simply do not have enough energy. Some women habitually continue to stick to the same serving sizes, which is not true. The amount of food should be increased by 300 - 500 kcal on average. Moreover, this figure rises even more with multiple pregnancies.

In addition, meals should be divided into 5-6 meals. So everything will be learned much better. And keep in mind that during pregnancy, the metabolism is accelerated for many, that is, much is excreted much faster.

Next - pay attention to the flow of fresh air. It is advisable that the windows are always open. The more oxygen the better. Walking in nature also has a very beneficial effect on the general condition, helps to wake up. If you can walk along the seashore, then generally great!

If a cup of coffee wakes you up, you can afford a small amount. From 1-2 there will be no particular harm, in addition, milk, cream, water, etc. can be added to the drink. Tea helps some people to wake up, however, keep in mind that all this contains caffeine. And the norm for pregnant women is quite strict.

Do pregnant women need a nap?

In general, there is a lot of real debate around how much and when expectant mothers need to sleep. Some doctors believe that naps during pregnancy are almost mandatory. Others begin to check the patient for various pathologies. But still others adhere to the golden mean: everything is individual here.

It is impossible to say in advance exactly when drowsiness passes during pregnancy. Indeed, most often it disappears in the second trimester. But a lot depends on whether the body perceives the presence of a child as stress.

The psycho-emotional state of the mother also matters. If conception was not planned, if a woman worries a lot about childbirth, then the nervous system can be overloaded. And sleep is one of the body's defense mechanisms.

This, by the way, also explains sleepiness during pregnancy in late stages, when the load increases. The body prepares for childbirth, therefore, energy consumption seeks to minimize, accumulates strength. As a result, it "turns off" activity. And a person spends the least energy in a dream.

It is the same mechanism that works in people and in recovery. Remember how much you slept when you last recovered from a lingering and rather serious illness? If this, fortunately, did not happen to you, you can find similar examples among friends.

Thus, there are methods for dealing with drowsiness during pregnancy, but this does not always need to be done. By forcing herself to stay awake, a woman deprives the body of its natural defense and recovery mechanisms. As a result, this will not make her better, on the contrary, the situation may drag on, that is, drowsiness will not pass. Therefore, sometimes the most good way to deal with the problem - just take it and relax.

The question of the norm

But all this is true in cases where drowsiness is due to objective physiological reasons. Nevertheless, you should not take it very calmly, especially if it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, lasts a very long time, or appears unexpectedly.

For example, if a woman feels well, she is 6 months pregnant, and she suddenly begins to feel weak, in the morning it becomes difficult to get out of bed, you need to figure it out. So when is sleepiness normal during pregnancy? It seems that modern medicine I'm not entirely sure of that myself.

Sleepiness is believed to be present in the first trimester and at the very end (but not always). Statistics indicate that a constant desire to sleep sometimes appears almost immediately after conception. So the answer to the question of whether sleepiness can be a sign of pregnancy is yes. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, as mentioned above.

In addition, such a condition is relatively normal with toxicosis. It often resolves during pregnancy with weakness and nausea, drowsiness, apathy, or tearfulness. If there are no other signs of pathology, then only symptomatic help is needed here.

The desire to lie down can also arise spontaneously when overworked. Women, relying on the usual reserve of strength, are sometimes able to overwork. So there is nothing wrong with such suddenness.

Drowsiness occurs at times after eating during pregnancy, especially if the lunch was heavy. And this is also completely normal, because, as you know, the body spends quite a lot of resources on digestion. Therefore, he needs to rest, he seeks to save energy.

True, this also means that you need to eat a little less densely, because overeating can lead to digestive problems, which is generally undesirable.

Finally, sleepiness is normal in response to stress. If a woman is told bad news, if she has depression or other psychological problems, consciousness may begin to "turn off." In such cases, it is worth getting some sleep, for example, a few days. But one should not completely withdraw from the problem.


But sometimes sleepiness is a symptom of an illness. If it is accompanied by fever, edema, severe weakness, a general deterioration in the condition, it may be gestosis. In this case, it is best to seek medical help early.

In addition, dizziness and weakness with drowsiness during pregnancy combined with pallor skin - typical signs of anemia. Lack of iron for expectant mothers is generally a very urgent problem. This is due to improper nutrition, with the fact that the element is poorly absorbed, with metabolic disorders.

Therefore, doctors strongly recommend monitoring all baseline indicators, taking tests as often as possible, preferably every week. And to normalize the menu: it should contain red meat, it is also good to include here by-products and other sources of iron.

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Low blood pressure

Pregnancy and sleepiness are also characteristic of hypotension. Low blood pressure today is more and more often recorded in expectant mothers. As a rule, the head still hurts, it can be difficult to concentrate. Dizziness, lethargy and lethargy are also common symptoms.

Cope with reduced blood pressure various herbal infusions and fees help. However, keep in mind that often the fees are made with alcohol, and ethanol is prohibited during pregnancy. In small quantities (drops) when diluted with water, you can use, but occasionally and after consulting a doctor about this. It is also important to take into account the fact that some medicinal plants are able to increase the tone of the uterus, so you should be careful.

The pressure rises quite well with caffeine. Therefore, you can make yourself a few cups of coffee or tea. And if you need help urgently, take 1-2 tablets, depending on your condition. Just keep in mind that a sharp increase in pressure can negatively affect the general condition. Therefore, it is better not to experiment and start with 1.

What influences the pressure?

If low blood pressure is not a periodic, but a constant problem, it makes sense to work with it in a comprehensive manner. The situation improves with stable sports activities. Of course, serious loads of a pregnant woman are contraindicated. But no one forbids just walking. If it is difficult to walk in the park, you can take breaks. For those living in private houses, go outside.

Many doctors strongly recommend setting a schedule. This is a controversial statement, but it's really better not to sit up late at night. On the other hand, if you absolutely cannot fall asleep, do not force yourself. Rather than tossing and turning for hours, painfully trying to fall asleep, it is better to sit with your favorite TV show and a cup of warm milk, for example. Or another drink.

Sleep problems

Sometimes drowsiness becomes the reverse side of the coin, that is, the result of a woman not getting enough sleep. This reason is far from immediately and not the first that comes to mind, especially when a person actually sleeps for 10-12 hours. It seems that this is enough.

But besides quantity, quality also matters. Think about whether your bedroom is ventilated while you sleep? Do you have nightmares? How many times a night do you wake up?

You can also ask your husband if you are spinning restlessly in your sleep, if you are obviously trying to run away from something, hide. This becomes visible with nervous movements, the desire to crawl away somewhere, cover yourself with a blanket, pillow, or all at once.

How to sleep during pregnancy worries many women. In order for sleep to be healthy and useful, you need to know a few points:

  • It is not advisable to sleep on a surface with a very hard base; it is recommended to choose a mattress with a medium hardness.
  • The mattress must follow the physiological contours of the body, orthopedic ones meet these requirements.
  • It is necessary to take a comfortable and comfortable sleeping position, which needs to be changed during the night about three to four times. Experts recommend sleeping mainly on the left side, in this position, blood circulation in the woman's body and blood flow to the fetus is best.

Sleep positions during pregnancy

Sleeping positions during pregnancy are not unimportant. By choosing the correct and comfortable posture, sleep will be stronger and healthier.

  • During pregnancy, especially in the later stages, it is recommended to sleep on your side and best of all on the left. on the right side, there is a greater likelihood of compression of the kidney by an enlarged uterus. In the lateral position, you can place a flat pillow under your belly and a pillow between your legs to reduce stress on your pelvic area. For these purposes, there are even special pillows like a banana.
  • It is possible to take an intermediate position - do not turn over to the end on your back, placing a roller or pillow under it.

Can I sleep on my stomach during pregnancy?

Sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy is not advisable, even in the earliest stages of pregnancy, although it will not harm the fetus. Because in the early stages, the placenta and amniotic fluid that surround the fetus relieve compression.

  • In the early stages, sleeping on the stomach can disrupt the soreness of the mammary glands associated with the physiological restructuring of the woman's body.
  • In late pregnancy, when the belly is enlarged, sleeping on the belly will be extremely uncomfortable, and this position will have a negative effect on the fetus, which will be squeezed by the weight of the pregnant woman.

Can I sleep on my back during pregnancy?

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy is not recommended at a later date (starting from the fifth month), because the fetus becomes heavier and the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs (liver, intestines, kidneys) increases. It is also possible to compress the inferior vena cava that runs along the spinal column, which is accompanied by a decrease in blood flow from the lower body region to the heart and worsening general condition women. In addition, prolonged compression of the inferior vena cava may be accompanied by a decrease in blood flow to the fetus and, accordingly, a decrease in oxygen and nutrients, which can adversely affect the condition of the fetus. Sleeping on your back during late pregnancy may be accompanied by back pain due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the spinal column. Given this, the most successful and comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy, especially in the later stages, is on the side, and better on the left.

Sleep disturbance during pregnancy

Sleep disturbance during pregnancy can lead to decreased immunity, irritability, weakness, bad mood and well-being, loss of appetite, which can negatively affect the pregnant woman and her unborn child. Sleep disorders are quite common in pregnant women (in about 80% of cases) and there can be many reasons for this.

Scary dreams during pregnancy

Terrible dreams during pregnancy can be associated with stress, anxiety, depression, which arise in connection with a change in the hormonal background of a woman. Disturbing dreams, most often, can be dreamed in late pregnancy, and they are associated primarily with the upcoming childbirth. Terrible dreams, usually, are not a reason for worries, since they reflect the strongest experiences of a woman and thus, the body gets rid of fear in the subconscious. Psychologists noted a certain feature that the more bad dreams in a pregnant woman about the upcoming birth, the easier they are.

Restless sleep during pregnancy

Restless sleep during pregnancy is noted in many women and can be associated with many reasons.

  • Anxiety for the health of the unborn child.
  • Worry - will I be a good mom?
  • Worries about the relationship with her husband, especially of a sexual nature.
  • Fear of the coming birth.
  • Poorly chosen sleeping position.
  • Poorly ventilated bedroom.
  • An uncomfortable bed.
  • Regular overeating before bed.
  • Small outdoor exposure.
  • Depression, bad mood.

Erotic dreams during pregnancy

Erotic dreams during pregnancy are not uncommon. In most pregnant women, the number and intensity of erotic dreams increase, which worries the woman.

  • The reason for such dreams is the body's compensatory reaction, because during pregnancy, there are some restrictions of a sexual nature and through such dreams, the body of a pregnant woman replenishes what it lacks in real life.
  • In addition, hormonal changes in the female body during pregnancy, increase libido, the need for affection and tenderness, which can manifest itself in erotic dreams.
  • Also, pregnancy and erotic dreams are interconnected, since pregnancy is a consequence of sexual relations, and a woman needs to comprehend that the appearance of a child is the result of sexual contact.

Sleep orgasm during pregnancy

Sleep orgasm during pregnancy can be experienced by many women and is normal occurrence, which is associated with hormonal changes, enlargement of the uterus and clitoris, which is accompanied by increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. Orgasm is good for both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

  • Because contraction of the uterus is accompanied by increased blood flow and improved blood circulation in the placenta, as a result of which the fetus receives more oxygen and nutrients.
  • The hormones produced during orgasm (enkephalins and endorphins) have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the woman and the fetus.

Orgasm during pregnancy has a positive effect on the muscles of the uterus, because it can be viewed as a training component for labor.

Sleep during pregnancy can be normalized if you organize your day correctly: walk more often in the fresh air, do not overeat at night, avoid stress, choose a comfortable sleeping position, and also share your experiences with loved ones and the doctor who observes the pregnant woman. If you have a fear of childbirth, it is recommended to attend a school for preparation for childbirth, where they will tell you how to behave during childbirth, breathe correctly and the basics of caring for a newborn. Attending such a school, a woman will gain confidence, psycho-emotional harmony and a positive attitude.

Frequent urge to use the toilet become faithful companions of the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, the question "how to sleep in early pregnancy" worries many women. In order to regain full sleep, you will have to abandon some old habits in favor of new ones.

Hormonal changes in the body already from the first weeks of pregnancy begin to affect sleep. High level provokes swelling of the nasal mucosa, which leads to difficulty breathing and a lack of oxygen. As a result, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman experiences apathy, fatigue, and irritability regardless of whether she wants to sleep during the day.

The importance of healthy sleep

During the period of carrying a child, a woman may experience a variety of sleep problems:

  • starting insomnia (trouble falling asleep);
  • frequent awakenings;
  • anxious, restless sleep;
  • insomnia in the final phase of sleep (waking up too early in the morning).

Such a dream does not give full rest and recuperation, therefore, from the very morning, a woman feels tired and overwhelmed. The problem is aggravated by the fact that sleeping pills are prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy.

A study from the University of Pittsburgh confirms the importance of a good night's sleep. Monitoring the condition of a group of women showed that insufficient sleep during early pregnancy can lead to the birth of a child with low body weight.

Therefore, after a woman became aware of her "interesting" situation, she needs to reconsider her rest regime. The duration of a night's sleep should be at least 8 hours, and you must go to sleep no later than 22:30.

How to choose a sleeping position

The quality of a night's rest is determined not only by its duration, but also by the position of the woman's body. There are many options for how you can sleep in early pregnancy. In fact, any position convenient for a woman is acceptable - you can sleep on your stomach, back or on your side.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, when the mother-to-be can still sleep as much as she likes, you should try to get used to falling asleep in the recommended positions. Later, when a large belly limits the choice of acceptable options, falling asleep will be easier and faster. The optimal position of the body in a dream during pregnancy is on the left side.

This pose has several advantages:

  • the functions of the liver and kidneys are normalized;
  • the work of the heart is stabilized;
  • the fetus receives more oxygen through better blood supply to the pelvic organs.

If a woman is used to sleeping on her stomach and it is difficult for her to readjust, you can start using it already in early pregnancy special pillow for pregnant. Most often it is performed in the form of the letters "U" and "C". This shape allows you to sleep comfortably on your side with your upper leg at right angles to the pillow.

Many women who are accustomed to sleeping on their stomachs are concerned about whether they can continue to sleep during early pregnancy. The doctors' recommendations here are unambiguous - it is possible, but until the belly begins to enlarge. During this period, the uterus is still quite small and reliably protected by the pubic bones, so there is no danger to the child.

Sometimes already in the first weeks, the expectant mother begins to worry about the soreness of the mammary glands. In this case, lying on your stomach is not recommended, so as not to squeeze the sensitive chest. Night rest on the back is allowed. You should not abuse this pose, because from the second trimester it will be prohibited.

With the growth of the uterus and fetus, rest on the stomach will have to be abandoned. Despite the reliable protection of the baby in the form of the muscles of the uterus, membranes and amniotic fluid, he is under pressure if the mother continues to sleep in this position. The danger to the fetus is the main reason why you should not sleep on your stomach during pregnancy.

How to improve your sleep

To solve problems with sleep, it is enough to adhere to simple recommendations on how to sleep properly in early pregnancy:

  1. Limit fluid intake shortly before bed. This will avoid the urge to go to the toilet at night.
  2. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. For dinner, light, low-fat dishes are preferred, which will not give a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. If a woman starts to feel nauseous from hunger, you can eat a couple of crackers before going to bed or drink a glass of kefir.
  3. The bedroom should be thoroughly ventilated, it should not be too hot, dry or cold.
  4. When choosing pajamas or nightgowns, it is better to give preference to loose-fitting models made from natural fabrics.

Special attention needs to be paid the right regime day. You can follow all the tips on how to sleep better in early pregnancy and not achieve the result. The wrong organization of the day can be to blame. If you have trouble falling asleep, it is better to give up daytime sleep in favor of walking in the fresh air. Moderate is indicated on condition of well-being. physical exercise (gymnastics,). All these measures taken together will allow the expectant mother to fully rest, get enough sleep and enjoy her position.

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Women in the so-called “interesting” position often suffer from sleep disorders. The reason for this may be mood swings and excessive susceptibility, pain in the back and lower back, an enlarged abdomen that makes it impossible to take a comfortable sleeping position, increased activity of the baby inside, which does not allow mommy to relax and fall asleep with her jerks and movements.

All these reasons can lead to disruption of normal sleep patterns, as a result, toxicosis is possible in late pregnancy. So what can you do to avoid this problem and how can you help level your sleep patterns?

How to solve first trimester sleep problems

Despite the fact that pregnancy can be very desirable, the first months are sometimes accompanied by the need to get used to your new state, sometimes by concern about the health of the future baby or about unsolved problems of a domestic nature. In fact, this behavior of the psyche and the nervous system speaks of your complete absorption in the process of preparing for the upcoming appearance of the child. It's okay. It's just that you are very serious about all pregnancy-related issues and nuances.

Bad or too vivid dreams associated with mental overexcitation, which do not allow expectant mothers to sleep peacefully, are the result of psychological problems. So how do you get some sleep early in pregnancy?

1. Introduce daytime sleep

Most often, the period of the first trimester is characteristic of pregnant women with rapid onset of fatigue and increased sleepiness. All this is a natural process caused by hormonal upheavals in your body. If there is an opportunity to sleep for an hour or two in the daytime, then do not neglect it - it will definitely help you feel better and return vigor.

2. Drink light tonic drinks

If you are working and do not have the opportunity to take a nap, then fight drowsiness with green tea, which tones up and also removes toxins from the body.

3. Take a contrast shower

Works well for increased sleepiness cold and hot shower.

4. Do exercises

To increase vitality, it is worth doing regularly morning exercises... Over time increased sleepiness and fatigue in the first trimester of pregnancy go away by itself.

5. Learn to relax

Try to sit or lie down, relax, and reflect on your concerns. Excessive excitement and anxiety will not have the best effect on your condition and pregnancy. Learn to get rid of unpleasant thoughts, try to be distracted by reading books, relaxing with pleasant, soothing music and the sound of the ocean. Try to learn to control your thoughts and the degree of anxiety. This will greatly help not only during pregnancy, but throughout life.

How to solve sleep problems in the second trimester

In the second trimester, the state of the body is leveled. There should no longer be such sudden mood swings, bouts of melancholy, as at first. The usual cheerfulness and great activity return. The thought of upcoming motherhood becomes habitual and does not cause a whole storm of emotions.

But what about sleep during this period?

1. Sign up for courses

Exciting dreams can appear as a result of a visit to the doctor, and conversations with relatives or friends. In order to dispel your doubts about the fact that everything is in order with the baby and the pregnancy is proceeding normally, courses and classes for expectant mothers, where experienced and qualified specialists will help to get the necessary answers to your questions and recommend specific solutions to the problems that have arisen associated with the period of pregnancy.

2. Talk to loved ones or make an appointment with a psychologist

An additional factor influencing sleep patterns can be conflicts and unresolved problems hidden in the depths of the subconscious, which become apparent due to the continuing manifestation of hormonal imbalance. Basically, this is due to relatives or the father of the unborn child. The lack of a solution to certain issues makes the expectant mother think, worry and worry a lot, which affects the appearance of insomnia or the intermittent nature of sleep.

To alleviate your mental and psychological well-being, try talking about troubling dreams or thoughts. to a loved one... If you have a problem with this, it would be good to see a psychologist. A simple discussion of worries and a splash of accumulated emotions, of course, will bring relief (as in the case of a conversation with a sister or friend), but only temporary, because the cause of their occurrence will not go anywhere. Therefore, it is important to root out the source of your worries.

3. Cry to mom

It is important to enlist the support of the mother or mother-in-law. Try to talk to them and explain how difficult it is for you to carry unnecessary worries through yourself and that you really need support and help in such a difficult period of life, when you have to carry a child and prepare for the upcoming birth.

Try to encourage the subject of the conversation to mutual understanding and a desire to move towards. Do not under any circumstances switch to raising the tone. If, with all your efforts, you can see that the conversation is going nowhere, try to simply minimize communication with those who are the subject of stress and frustration. Even if this is a relative, but taking into account the need to endure a healthy toddler, it is much more important for you to maintain a calm and healthy atmosphere in the family.

4. Find rapport with the future dad

If the problem rests on the relationship with the future dad of the baby, then this doubly requires a solution to the problem. Think, maybe you just got too carried away by everything connected with replenishing the family and expecting a child, having ceased to pay due attention and warmth to your man?

Unfortunately, this happens and usually it leads to a cooling of feelings and distance from each other. Your man needs support no less than you yourself, because he too will face big changes in his life and the burden of responsibility becomes much greater.

Chat with him, learn about his emotions and thoughts, ask about possible concernsmaybe this is what was not enough to improve the situation. Let your dad-to-be feel needed, important and loved no less than your future child.

How to solve sleep problems in the third trimester

And towards the end of the period of bearing the expected crumbs of many pregnant women, insomnia also does not pass by. Three types of this state can be voiced.

Types and causes of insomnia in the third trimester

The first is initial or initial insomnia. She is accompanied by long and detailed reflections on everything that happened during the day or the last period of time and making plans for the near future.

The second type is called the inability to maintain a sleep state. With this option, the intermittent nature of sleep is traced. Sometimes a person suffering from this form of insomnia may wake up many times during the night. Such sleep does not give the body the opportunity to get proper rest.

The third type is characterized by awakening in the early morning and the inability to fall asleep again, this version of the problem is called final phase insomnia.

In pregnant women, the presence of starting insomnia is more often observed. A noticeably enlarged tummy, pain in lumbar and the back in general, the need for more frequent urination even at night, the movement of the baby inside. Also, the cause can be cramps, heartburn or an itchy stomach due to the formation of stretch marks.

Sometimes thoughts about the upcoming birth and the fear associated with this interfere with sleep. The upcoming labor process may even dream.

Another cause of anxiety can be the fear of not being a good enough mother, of doing something wrong. But these are also understandable fears. Wanting to be a really good mother to their child and give him everything he needs and even more, women sometimes become almost obsessed with these thoughts.

But despite all the fears and possible self-doubt, you should calm down and think about all the pleasant moments that await you with the appearance of the baby. The way all bad and unpleasant thoughts are bypassed - this will help with the proper calmness, which means with maximum efficiency, to get closer to the moment of childbirth and move to a new mother's status.

What helps in the fight against insomnia in the third trimester?

1. Taking harmless sleeping pills

Sleeping pills cannot be taken during pregnancy because of its detrimental effect on liver and kidney function, as well as fetal development. Glycine can be tried as an acceptable drug.

2. Herbal medicine

If you touch on other ways to overcome fatigue, stress and relax, so that you can fall asleep without unnecessary difficulty, then you can resort to the means of a natural pharmacy. Try tinctures made from herbs such as motherwort or valerian. Consult your doctor about dosage beforehand. It is also worth resorting to drinking teas with the addition of mint, lemon balm, lavender, thyme, or pure teas of these herbs instead of tea. Do not forget that teas and decoctions that you drink during pregnancy should not be concentrated.

3. Proper nutrition

As for food, it is advisable to include in the diet lettuce, asparagus and melon (if the season), black currant (a decoction of dried berries can be used), a little honey (given the allergenicity of this product, you should not get too carried away). Honey will also be good diluted in a glass of warm milk before bed (1 teaspoon). It is recommended to eat a piece of hard cheese, chewing well, shortly before going to bed. To avoid a heaviness in the stomach that will prevent you from falling asleep, try not to overeat before bed, keep your dinner light and consist of easily digestible foods.

Ways to Make Pregnant Sleep More Comfortable

In modern times, it is generally accepted that 7 or 7 and a half hours of sleep is enough for normal body functioning and rest. But in reality, the need for sleep can be around 9-10 hours.

I think you yourself understand that, given the presence of pregnancy, the body requires more attention, which should be given to rest and sleep in particular. You need good rest for the normal development of the unborn baby, and for your body to cope well with the stress, as well as as preparation for the tense, in relation to the schedule, period following the birth of the baby. So, let's talk about ways to improve the sleep of a pregnant woman.

1. Walk before bed

Let's start with a half hour walk before bed. Measured movements in the fresh air will help to saturate the lungs and blood with oxygen, and the body will relax a little.

2. Taking a warm bath

Also, after a walk, you can take a warm (not hot!) Bath with the addition of lavender in the form of a tincture, foam or a couple of drops (no longer needed) essential oil for the whole bath.

3. Airing and preparing the bedroom

The room in which you will sleep must be pre-ventilated. The bed must be clean and made of natural fabrics. The pillows need to be fluffed and straightened. The sheet and blanket should also be smoothed to avoid folds of fabrics, which, by tactile sensations, will cause discomfort and dig into the skin.

4. Correct clothing

Make sure that the pajamas or nightgown you sleep in is as comfortable as possible. Sleepwear should not have pressure elastic bands and cut elements that will cause inconvenience.

5. Air humidification

If the season requires heating the room, then keep in mind that heating devices dry the air, and this will affect your mucous membrane, and as a result, breathing during sleep. Do not overdo it with heating and make sure that the air is sufficiently humid.

6. Choosing a sleeping position

Regarding the posture, it is undesirable to stay on your back for a long time. This position can cause compression of the inferior vena cava. It is better to choose a position on your side, placing an additional pillow under your head, if necessary. Also, this position will make it even more comfortable with a pillow placed between the knees (preferably an elongated one, as it is also called “euro”).

If the sleep is interrupted by the movement of the baby inside, try changing the position. But if this did not help, you just have to wait for him to calm down. Try stroking your belly slowly and holding a warm palm where the tremors are most felt.

7. Effective ways to fall asleep again

Have you already slept, but had to wake up and get out of bed because you wanted to use the toilet? No problem. The main thing is not to try to think about anything. Immediately after relieving yourself, return under a warm blanket. Can't go to sleep again? In this case, you do not need to force yourself and force yourself to return to a state of sleep, tossing and turning from side to side.

Do something calm and enjoyable that can help you relax and overcome mild tiredness. Read a book, flip through albums, listen to soothing music (preferably with headphones so as not to disturb anyone) - classics, a lounge or just a recording with the sound of the ocean, rain, rustle of foliage.

Dear future mothers, remember that the most important thing for a good sleep is your calmness and the ability not to load your head with thoughts that lead to tension and stress. All other ways to influence relaxation and increase drowsiness will be only additional, but not a panacea. So think about the good and the pleasant. Sweet dreams to you and your future baby!

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