Modern prognosis of life in multiple sclerosis. How many people live with multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a severe chronic disease with a poor prognosis. Although in colloquial speech sclerosis is often called memory impairment in old age, the name "multiple sclerosis" has nothing to do with senile "sclerosis" or with distraction.

The disease got its name because of the distinctive pathological feature: the presence of scattered foci of damage to the myelin sheath, passing around the nerve fibers in the central nervous system. The nerves are "exposed" and cannot conduct signals. This is due to malfunctions. immune system... Damage to the myelin sheath leads to a gradual disruption of work nervous system, which affects the physical and psycho-emotional state of the patient.

Why is multiple sclerosis dangerous?

Multiple sclerosis occurs as a progressive primary autoimmune disease of the central nervous system with a steady deterioration of the pathological process. Unfortunately, it should be stated that multiple sclerosis has a disappointing prognosis for life - the disease is now incurable and its course is unpredictable. Sometimes it proceeds benignly (with exacerbations and remissions), but a spasmodic or steady progression of the disease is also possible. Even during remission, there is an active process of damage to nerve cells, and disorders of the immune system continue.

The clinical picture of multiple sclerosis is very extensive and includes the following pathological disorders:

  • a sharp decrease in acuity and field of vision, color vision disorders;
  • movement disorders eyeball, pupillary disorders;
  • sensitivity disorders - numbness or tingling in the hands and feet;
  • pain syndromes;
  • movement disorders - muscle weakness, muscle spasticity, impaired coordination;
  • swallowing disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • dysfunction of the pelvic organs - urination, defecation, sexual activity;
  • mental disorders;
  • fatigue;
  • a complex of functional disorders due to dysregulation of vascular tone;
  • sleep disorders, level of consciousness and wakefulness.

The causes of multiple sclerosis are not clear. Treatment of the disease is one of the most serious problems modern medicine, since there is no medicine that would completely cure the disease. Therapy is aimed at relieving the severity of exacerbations of pathology, arresting its neurological symptoms and strengthening the immune system.

When treating a disease, it is of great importance how it manifests itself - aggressively or more smoothly. The aggressive course of multiple sclerosis requires application strong drugsthat develop many side effects.

Multiple sclerosis inevitably leads to disability. The disease usually affects young people, and in recent years, more and more cases of the disease have been registered in children and adolescents, in young women.

The mechanism of development of the disease

The development of multiple sclerosis proceeds on the basis of three main pathological processes:

  • an inflamed reaction in the central nervous system;
  • damage to the myelin sheath passing around the nerve fibers of the central or peripheral nervous system - demyelination;
  • progressive death of nerve cells.

Plaque formation (inflammation) mainly occurs in the white matter. The process of their formation is especially active in the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridge, in the cerebellum and optic nerves. It is at these moments that a new symptom of pathology appears or the already existing signs of the disease clearly worsen. The frequency of exacerbation (attack) of the disease is associated with this pathological process.

The destruction of the myelin sheath alternates with stages of remission - the process of myelin recovery. At this time, the patient's condition is clearly improving. A remission that lasts more than a month is already defined as persistent.

However, even when the myelin sheath is restored for another initial stages plaque formation, this process is not efficient enough. Therefore, at the later stages of the development of pathology, the restoration of the myelin sheath is poorly expressed. This enhances frequent symptoms neurological deficit (neurological symptoms). Chronic progression of multiple sclerosis begins: the severity of symptoms increases over several weeks without stabilization or improvement.

At-risk groups

The disease affects people of all ages. More often women are ill. However, men suffer from the most dangerous, rapidly progressive form. With this ailment, several parts of the nervous system are simultaneously affected, which is characterized by the appearance of various neurological disorders. The first signs of illness include: feeling numb or aching. These symptoms may come on, then go away and long time not manifest.

The plaques are of different sizes, from a few millimeters to a centimeter or more. If the disease progresses, then they join together, forming large scars. Special examination methods make it possible to identify new and old lesions in the same patient, since the process does not stop, but only calms down for a while, then resumes again.

A fairly large number of people suffer from multiple sclerosis. According to statistics, there are more than 2 million such patients on our planet. The largest number of such patients live in large metropolitan areas. In Russia in 2016, 150 thousand patients were registered. When studying the epidemiology of the disease in Moscow, it was found that the debut of multiple sclerosis before the age of 16 was noted in 5.66% of people.
The geographical latitude of the place of residence is also important. The incidence rate is highest in those who live north of the 30th parallel. This is typical for residents of all continents.

Race also matters. Persons of the Caucasian race are more often exposed to this ailment than residents of Asian countries: China, Japan, Korea.

Recently, the number of people suffering from multiple sclerosis has been increasing. This is happening both due to an increase in the number of cases, and also due to the modernization of diagnostic equipment.

Is multiple sclerosis inherited?

Years of research have confirmed the theory that there is genetic predisposition to multiple sclerosis. It is determined by a set of genes, both related and unrelated to the immune response (this depends on which ethnic group the affected person belongs to). Hereditary factors can lead to characteristic clinical form course of multiple sclerosis, disease progression.

There is an assumption that in Europeans the disease is associated with a set of forms of the DR2 gene on the sixth chromosome. This association was most significant when examining cases of pathology with an early onset of the disease, that is, at the age of up to 16 years.

The hereditary factor in the occurrence of multiple sclerosis is often combined with external causes. Of particular importance for the formation of a provoking background in the development of the disease in a child are:

  • frequent infectious diseases, especially viral, as well as mycoplasmas, staphylococci, streptococci, pale spirochete, fungi;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • deficiency of vitamin D, as it is able to suppress reactions associated with a disorder of the body's immune system.

High blood levels of vitamin D reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis in Europeans.

Causes of occurrence

It has not yet been possible to establish what causes multiple sclerosis. Scientists speculate that multiple sclerosis arises from the coincidence of several unhealthy factors:

  • infections of various etiologies;
  • poisoning;
  • radiation (including solar);
  • improper nutrition;
  • frequent stress.

Multiple sclerosis is not inherited, but genetic dependence is important. Not always, but often observed in the next of kin.

How does multiple sclerosis manifest? What are the signs?

IN early periods the disease may not manifest itself even if there are plaques in the brain. This happens because if a small number of nerve fibers are affected, then healthy ones fully compensate for their function. With the spread of the pathological process, neurological symptoms also appear. The clinic depends on the location and degree of damage to the patient's brain tissue.

At first, the disease is unstable. Symptoms may arise, persist for a period of time, then go away and reappear. Over time, periods of remission become shorter, then disappear altogether, and the intensity of painful phenomena increases. Functional impairments depend on where the scars are located, which prevent the passage of nerve impulses. Most often, patients are worried about:

  • causeless fatigue;
  • frequent weakness;
  • visual acuity falls, double vision appears, then partial or complete paralysis of the optic or facial nerves may join;
  • feeling of numbness or tingling;
  • tremors or tremors in the limbs;
  • muscle weakness;
  • the gait becomes unstable;
  • tactile sensitivity decreases in 60% of patients;
  • there is a delay in urination and stool, followed by incontinence;
  • decreased sexual function;
  • on the early stages there is a frequent change in mood, which leads to conflicts with others, then depression, behavioral disturbances and a decrease in intelligence;
  • some patients may experience pain - headache, back pain or in the limbs;
  • eventually there is partial or complete paralysis.

Several syndromes help doctors diagnose the disease, which are also signs of the disease:

  1. Hot bath syndrome in multiple sclerosis is most common. It manifests itself as a deterioration in the condition, an increase in neurological symptoms, especially motor, visual disturbances after a bath, a hot bath, with an increase in the ambient temperature.
  2. Syndrome of "clinical splitting" is a manifestation of a discrepancy between the symptoms of damage to certain systems. For example, blanching of the optic nerve discs, narrowing of the visual fields with normal visual acuity and, conversely, a significant decrease in vision with a normal fundus. Or a spastic gait with weak muscle tone when lying down.
  3. Impermanence syndrome clinical signs"- the severity of neurological manifestations fluctuates within a day or several days.

An atypical symptom of the disease, clinicians call pain associated with impaired muscle tone, painful muscle spasms, sensitivity disorders, with associated changes in the spine and joints, with concomitant diseases.

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are individual for each patient. It depends on which parts of the central nervous system are affected, on the depth of the damage. The emergence of a new neurological symptomatology, an increase in the already manifested symptoms indicate an exacerbation of multiple sclerosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

Until recently, the period when the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis would be correctly established was not decisive, since the treatment had no effect on the course of the disease. Now the situation has changed dramatically: early diagnosis is of fundamental importance. This is due to the fact that immunomodulatory drugs have been found that have a positive effect on the course of the disease and slow down the progression of multiple sclerosis.

Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can reduce the likelihood of developing disabilities and provide a good prognosis for a patient who can maintain his social activity, family life, and remain a full-fledged member of society.

Unfortunately, modern medicine does not have specific tests and methods for examining multiple sclerosis. Diagnosis is difficult and is based on clinical picture, patient complaints, based on the results of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and studies cerebrospinal fluid, in which the characteristic changes for this disease are also found.

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most effective modern methods examinations to identify changes in the brain and spinal cord that are characteristic of multiple sclerosis. This research technique allows you to obtain a clear image of the structures of the brain and spinal cord and describe the degree of their damage by the pathological process.

Demyelination lesions (active plaques) have characteristic shape and localization. The size of the lesions, as a rule, is 1 - 5 mm, but sometimes due to fusion and edema they reach 10 mm. "Fresh" lesions of the brain have an uneven, indistinct outline. The most typical places of localization of foci are along the lateral ventricles, in the corpus callosum. Spinal cord lesions can also be identified.

Variants of the course of the disease

Multiple sclerosis as a disease is varied. If a patient has had minimal neurological symptoms for more than ten years, the multiple sclerosis is defined as mild, non-aggressive. If during the first five years there are frequent exacerbations with residual symptoms, or there is a rapid progression, leading to complete helplessness of patients, such multiple sclerosis is defined as malignant.

The clinical forms of the disease are based on how multiple sclerosis progresses:

  1. Remitting multiple sclerosis.

The undulating course of the disease with periods of deterioration and improvement of the condition. It proceeds with exacerbations and remissions, complete or incomplete restoration of functions in the periods between exacerbations. During periods of remission, there is no increase in symptoms. This is a classic version of the course of the disease.

As a rule, over time, remissions are observed less often and in the majority of patients they pass into the stage of secondary progression of the pathological process.

  1. Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.

A gradual increase in symptoms with rare exacerbations (or without them). There are periods of stabilization. After 15 - 20 years from the onset of the disease, almost all patients become disabled. But about 50% of patients can take care of themselves.

  1. Primary progressive multiple sclerosis.

A steadily progressive increase in neurological disorders from the very beginning of the disease, without exacerbations and remissions. In a fourth of patients, the condition worsens every year. After 25 years of the course of the disease, almost all patients have problems with self-care. The prevalence of this form of multiple sclerosis is 10-15% of cases.

  1. Primary progressive multiple sclerosis with exacerbations.

A progressive increase in neurological symptoms from the very onset of the disease, against the background of which exacerbations occur. A rare form of the disease, observed in 3 - 5% of cases.

The main indicators of the course of the disease are the presence and frequency of clinically detectable exacerbations and the rate of increase in neurological symptoms.

Treatment of exacerbations of multiple sclerosis

The task of treating multiple sclerosis is to make the course of the disease softer, remissions to be prolonged, neurological disorders - not deep. It is important to help the patient preserve his ability to work, delay the onset of disability, helplessness in everyday life, and reduce the severity of disability.

The exacerbation of the disease is assessed by three parameters: how often, how long and how pronounced clinical symptoms... MRI is performed to identify hyperintense lesions of nerve cells.

For the treatment of exacerbation of the disease, hormonal therapy is performed with methylprednisolone, a synthetic glucocorticoid drug. When taking drugs of this group, the following side effects may develop:

  • the occurrence of gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • high blood pressure;
  • violation of water and electrolyte metabolism, excretion of potassium salts;
  • increased intraocular pressure, the development of steroid cataracts;
  • activation and attachment of infections;
  • possible reactivation of the tuberculous process;
  • mental disorders - anxiety, sleep disturbances, emotional changes, steroid psychosis;
  • increased glucose levels in blood, urine, latent diabetes mellitus, steroid diabetes;
  • , aseptic necrosis of the femoral neck with prolonged use;
  • violation of the heart rhythm when prescribing high doses.

To correct the side effects of corticosteroids, a diet rich in potassium, taking drugs containing potassium and calcium, diuretics, drugs that protect the gastric mucosa are simultaneously prescribed. It is also necessary to control the level of blood pressure, blood glucose, control of the electrocardiogram.

Contraindications for corticosteroid therapy are:

  • significant increase in blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus with high blood glucose levels;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • the presence of any other infectious process;
  • the presence of erosive gastritis or stomach ulcers.

In this regard, all patients before prescribing hormone therapy it is necessary to conduct a study of blood glucose levels, radiography of the lungs and gastroscopy ( endoscopic examination digestive tube).

Hormonal pulse therapy not only relieves exacerbations of multiple sclerosis, but also slows down the progression of the disease. In severe exacerbations, plasmapheresis is indicated - a blood purification procedure.

The second line of therapy for the disease is immunocorrective therapy. It aims to reduce the frequency of exacerbations. Drugs that alter the course of multiple sclerosis include beta interferons (immunomodulators) and glatiramer acetate. The inflammatory process is limited by immunoglobulin G, which is used in high doses intravenously. The main problem with treatment with drugs that affect the frequency of exacerbations and the rate of progression is that they are expensive.

The third area of \u200b\u200btherapy for the disease is symptomatic treatment: treatment of increased muscle tone, lesions optic nerve, pain syndromes, urinary incontinence, disorders of the large intestine, decreased potency in men and other manifest signs of the disease.

In the case of persistent movement disorders in patients, it may be necessary to carry out rehabilitation measures aimed at reducing spasticity in the limbs, improving coordination or fine motor skills in the presence of tremors or weakness in the arms.

Patients with multiple sclerosis especially require regular psychological support due to the difficult process of making a diagnosis and arising during the progression of the disease emotional disorders... Therefore, psychotherapy is indicated at all stages of the disease.

Multiple sclerosis: disease prognosis

Remitting multiple sclerosis in half of patients after 10 years flows into a secondary progressive form of the course of the disease. After 25 years, the treatment is of little help to almost all patients.

If there is no supportive treatment, for 15 years of the development of the disease, 80% of patients have organ dysfunction, 70 percent of patients find it difficult to take care of themselves, half of the patients cannot move independently.

In 80% of patients, vegetative disorders are detected:

  • constant moderate decrease in body temperature;
  • dizziness, high blood pressure;
  • sweating disorders;
  • during an exacerbation of the disease, cardiac arrhythmia develops;
  • reduced physical activity forms osteoporosis;
  • impaired breathing - shortness of breath, feeling short of breath, difficulty coughing, prolonged hiccups.

With multiple sclerosis in children, secondary progression of the disease occurs after about 30 years. The quality of life of adolescents worsens depressive conditions, chronic fatigue, sense of anxiety.

Outcomes and prognosis of the disease depend on the timeliness of diagnosis and the initiation of adequate therapy of the disease with drugs that change the course of multiple sclerosis. Medicines slow the increase in disability.

Research into the causes of multiple sclerosis, the course of the disease, and the search for drugs for its treatment are very active. The time is approaching when ways will be found to prevent the secondary progression of the disease. Therapy for multiple sclerosis will change dramatically. Treatment will be aimed at influencing the mechanisms of the onset and development of the disease.

Ivan Drozdov 30.07.2018

The main question that arises in a patient after the doctor announces the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is “how dangerous is this ailment and what is the life expectancy with its progression?”. refers to chronic autoimmune diseasesdeveloping in the central nervous system and contributing to the destruction of nerve cells. In the absence of rapid progress of the disease and timely treatment started, the patient has every chance to live the same number of years as a healthy person. Multiple sclerosis, rapidly progressing or detected 5 or more years after the onset of development, entails irreversible consequences in the structures of the brain and significantly shortens the years of life.

Causes, prerequisites and risk factors for the development of sclerosis

The opinion of leading experts in the field of neurology boils down to one thing - the main reason for the development of multiple sclerosis is a malfunction of the immune system, as a result of which its own antibodies destroy the sheath of the nerve processes. Several factors may act as prerequisites for the launch of this pathological process:

  • genetic abnormalities;
  • head or spine injury;
  • the presence of allergic diseases;
  • exposure to radiological and toxic substances in the place of residence or management labor activity;
  • vaccination;
  • surgical interventions into the structure of the brain or vertebral system;
  • being in constant stress;
  • psycho-emotional disorders;
  • long mental and physical overwork;
  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • intense exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin of people living in an area remote from the tropical strip;
  • transferred viruses and infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders.

The development of multiple sclerosis can be facilitated by the presence of several of the factors described above. In a single form, they are not able to cause an autoimmune disorder, which will negatively affect both the nerve cells of the brain and all the vital systems of the body.

There are also risk factors for the early development of multiple sclerosis, which include:

  • age - in the presence of several factors provoking a failure of the immune system, the risk group includes people aged 20 to 40 years;
  • gender - in women, pathology develops several times more often than in men;
  • heredity - multiple sclerosis is diagnosed in close relatives;
  • living in ecologically unfavorable areas;
  • frequent visits to beaches in tropical countries by people with fair skin;
  • the presence of viral infections, in particular - the Epstein-Barr virus;
  • addiction to addictions - smoking, alcohol abuse, drugs.

If there are prerequisites for the development of multiple sclerosis, you should listen to the signals given by the body in the form of neurological symptoms. In case of a change in health, it is necessary to consult a doctor for consultation and undergoing a detailed examination.

How many people live with multiple sclerosis

The disease, despite the seriousness of its nature, has a favorable prognosis for survival. Subject to early detection of the disease, its high-quality and timely treatment, as well as the prevention of complications, the life expectancy of a patient with multiple sclerosis practically does not differ from the average.

The prognosis worsens if the disease is detected at a late stage and in old age. In the first case, the myelin sheath on the affected area is completely destroyed and the resulting scars do not allow it to recover. In the second case, elderly patients do not perceive the responsibility of the situation, as a result of which they do not want or forget to take the prescribed medications.

Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation?

Depending on the factors described above that aggravate or have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease, patients with multiple sclerosis have the following prognosis for life expectancy:

  • average life expectancy, which in some cases can be reduced by 5-7 years - when diagnosing the disease up to 40 years and at an early stage;
  • up to 70 years old - if multiple sclerosis is detected at the age of 45-50 years;
  • up to 60 years old - when the disease is recognized after 50 years;
  • up to 10 years after diagnosis - with the rapid progression of multiple sclerosis, regardless of the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment and age.

When this disease is detected, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and undergo regular treatment. Only if this condition is met, a patient diagnosed with "" has the opportunity to extend his life and reduce the intensity of symptoms that affect the quality of life.

Consequences and complications

With multiple sclerosis, the patient is exposed to many severe complications that can also affect life expectancy. Already five years after the onset of the development of the disease, he manifests following consequences, which in the absence of due attention can become irreversible:

  • genitourinary disorders - infections and inflammatory diseases urinary tract, incontinence or urinary retention;
  • chronic arterial hypotension;
  • bedsores in patients who are unable to move and do not observe hygiene;
  • damage to the respiratory system - the development of pneumonia against the background of stagnant processes in the lungs;
  • renal failure;
  • mental disorders - mood swings, multiple personality disorder, bouts of aggression, depression, suicidal thoughts;
  • cognitive disorders - memory impairment, disorientation in the temporal and surrounding space, decreased thinking;
  • joint diseases - their rapid wear, development inflammatory processes;
  • rapid weight loss to critical indicators;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke and spinal cord.

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The described complications not only significantly worsen the general well-being and quality of life, but also can cause a reduction in its duration for a significant period.

How many people live with multiple sclerosis, this is perhaps one of the most frequent questions that every person with such a diagnosis asks himself. Living with a clear prognosis is much easier than waking up every day and not knowing what awaits you. Maybe I should exercise or start eating healthy, quit smoking and avoid completely stressful situations? Let's figure out whether this really has an effect on the life span of the disease multiple sclerosis.

Not fatal, but no cure

When it comes to life expectancy in multiple sclerosis, in fact, people are interested in the prognosis of the disease. There is both good and bad news in this matter. Since multiple sclerosis is not a fatal disease, people who live with MS have the same life expectancy as the healthy population.

A closer look at the forecast

According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, most people diagnosed with MS have relatively normal life expectancy. Statistics show that people with MS live on average 7 years less. Most people with MS tend to die from the same conditions as people who are not diagnosed. The cause of death is still the same oncological diseases and heart disease. Apart from cases of severe MS, which are quite rare, the prognosis for life expectancy is generally relatively good.

However, people who receive this diagnosis are struggling with other problems that can reduce their quality of life. Although most people with disabilities will never develop severe disabilities, many symptoms can cause pain, discomfort, and other discomfort.

Another way of assessing the prognosis for MS is through research into how disability as a result of symptoms can affect people's livelihoods. According to NORS, about 2/3 of people diagnosed with MS are able to move around without a wheelchair two decades after diagnosis. Some people will need crutches or walking sticks to stay mobile. Others use an electric scooter or wheelchair. Depending on your individual symptoms, you can deal with fatigue or body balance difficulties.

Symptom progression and risk factors

It is difficult to predict how multiple sclerosis will progress in a person. The severity of the disease varies widely from patient to patient. Among those diagnosed with MS:

About 20 percent will have no symptoms or only mild symptoms after the initial clinical diagnosis.
About 45 percent are not seriously affected by the disease in general.
About 35 percent will go through a certain number of stages of disease progression (recurrent exacerbations).

Determining your personal prognosis helps you understand the risk factors that may indicate the likelihood of developing a severe form of the disease. According to the US National Library of Medicine, women with MS tend to have more general forecastthan men. Although, according to statistics, multiple sclerosis is found in women more often than in men. Additionally, several factors indicate a higher risk of more serious symptoms, including:

if you are over 40 at the initial onset of symptoms
if your initial symptoms affect more than one area of \u200b\u200byour body
if your initial symptoms affect mental functioning, control of incontinence, or motor control

Prognosis and complications

- several exacerbations in the first few years after diagnosis
- a longer period of time elapses between relapses
full recovery from exacerbations
- symptoms associated with sensory problems like tingling, loss of vision or numbness
- neurological changes appear almost five years after the diagnosis

While most people with MS have a life expectancy close to normal, it can be difficult for doctors to respond to frequent question from patients, what will happen to them or what awaits them next.

According to NORS statistics, a small number of people may have a particularly rapidly progressive form of MS, which can cause serious health problems in the early stages. Severe and rapid disability can lead to premature death. However, chronic illness is not a fatal problem.

What can you expect

MS tends to affect quality of life more than longevity. Answering the question how many years they live with multiple sclerosis, you need to understand that while some rare species the course of the disease can potentially affect life expectancy; they are the exception rather than the rule. People who are diagnosed must struggle with many difficult symptoms that will affect their lifestyle, but they can rest assured that their life expectancy does not make a significant difference compared to healthy people.

To see a person with such a disease on the street is possible only if the motor functions are preserved. But more often only those who have experienced such a problem in their family will recognize multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic illness that causes disability. With it, people rarely live to old age, especially in cases where there is a remitting form and constant treatment.

The main cause of death is the presence of infection or bulbar disorders (problem swallowing, chewing, etc.).

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and IS NOT a guide to action!
  • Provide an EXACT DIAGNOSIS you can only a DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!


In the presence of multiple sclerosis, patients receive a disability, the degree of which is determined by specialists of medical expert commissions. The nature of the course of attacks is taken into account.

Factors affecting life expectancy

Only a few people manage to live long in the presence of multiple sclerosis.

The influencing factors are:

  • mental disorders;
  • the presence of bedsores and ulcers on the limbs, which cause infection of other organs.

Such causes lead to death gradually.

But there may be changes in which life ends immediately:

  • with heart attack;
  • with lesions of the respiratory centers;
  • with renal failure;
  • with infection of the urinary system.

Life expectancy also depends on the stage at which pathological processes are detected. If the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner, then with correct treatment disability does not occur.

Life span in multiple sclerosis

It is rare to see a person with multiple sclerosis who has lived for more than 40 years. And in order to understand how far modern science has advanced in the search for effective treatment, it is still worth waiting for more than a dozen years. It is also difficult to do this because people with atypical forms of MS die within 5 to 6 years.

But experts were able to ensure that life expectancy increased.

For comparison, we present the following table:

After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an average person still lives for 35 years. If the disease proceeds in acute form, then a person is allotted much less. The frequency of this type of pathology is every fourth patient.

Modern medicines increase the life span of a person. Their special effectiveness is noted in forty-year-old patients.

If there are problems with coordination of movements in a patient at the age of 50, it is likely that he will live no more than 70 years.

There are several groups of people with this diagnosis, whose lives have different durations:

Consequences and complications

The following complications may occur:

  • limb sensitivity is lost;
  • the brain is affected;
  • inability to control urination, defecation;
  • weakness in the legs;
  • paresis and paralysis;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • the occurrence of dizziness;
  • feeling tired;
  • depression;
  • disorders in the sexual sphere.

Frequently asked Questions

Persons who have encountered such a disease themselves or observe its course in a family member ask themselves how to live on.

Can a person with MS study or work?

Due to the fact that MS is not characterized by a general manifestation, severity and frequency of occurrence, it is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. The degree of disability affects the ability to perform work duties or attend classes.

If a person has a 3rd disability group, he can continue to lead the way of life to which he is accustomed.

In remission, the patient should assess the level of his capabilities in a particular industry:

  • physical;
  • social;
  • cognitive abilities.

This will allow you to move towards your goal not only at this stage, but also in the future.

Do I need to talk about my illness to relatives and friends?

The patient has every right to decide on his own - to hide the discovered ailment or tell his relatives.

If there are no visible signs, then you can not rush to inform your relatives.

But when you reveal the secret, you can take advantage of the benefits provided. For example, in educational institutions, such patients are trained according to special programs, can count on individual exams, etc.

How to live on after the diagnosis has been made?

With early detection of the disease, treatment will be more effective. It is necessary to take beta-interferons, which will help slow down the process of disability, reduce the severity and frequency of exacerbations.

The patient should adapt to disability (if it is not very pronounced) and continue to live the same life.

There is no general method of treatment. If there is a serious exacerbation, the doctor will prescribe corticosteroids, intravenous methylprednisolone with a further transition to prednisolone.

The severity and severity of exacerbation by individual drugs that have been approved for use very recently are reduced:

The patient should be in rehabilitation after an exacerbation.

For remissions, supportive therapy is prescribed, as well as:

  • exercise (stretching and coordination);
  • speech therapy classes;
  • physiotherapy.

What specialists should I contact?

How to live without exacerbations or reduce them to a minimum? It is worth seeing specialists. Multiple sclerosis is within the purview of a neurologist. Your family doctor will help you and your loved ones learn all the nuances about the course of the disease.

Many also apply to medical institutions for psychological support.

For special problems that may arise due to the disease, contact:

  • to the urologist;
  • a psychologist;
  • nutritionist;
  • speech therapist;
  • physiotherapist;
  • therapist.

Will volunteers help if I'm single?

Lonely people can count on the support of workers social assistance in housekeeping.

There are volunteer movements in the country that will support and help in solving problems.

In such organizations there is a special literature on multiple sclerosis, which is provided to patients free of charge. You can find trust numbers and the address of such a society on the RS International Portal.

Does MS in older people differ from the course of disease in younger people and children?

MS can debut in a person of any age, but is most often diagnosed in people aged 25 to 35, and in a larger group the female body is at risk. In old age, as well as in young people, the disease rarely appears.

The course of multiple sclerosis in a two-year-old child is mild, and complications are minimal.

In young people and children (unlike elderly patients), the disease is accompanied by:

  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness.

The rest of the symptoms are common. According to research data, if a child falls ill before the age of 16, the course of the disease will be more favorable. But there are cases when, after 20-30 years, such people have significant disability.

What are the predictions?

No one can predict how multiple sclerosis will develop. It is possible to partially foresee, taking into account the type of disease progression (remitting or progressive), the disability group that is obtained at this stage.

Most of the patients lead a normal lifestyle (45%), since the disease does not cause a strong deterioration in the condition. In 40% of patients, multiple sclerosis from the remitting type becomes progressive.

Those people with multiple sclerosis who work, during an exacerbation, take steroid hormones and drugs prescribed by a neurologist to minimize them. On rare occasions, a person must sit in a wheelchair.

In 15% of patients, no pronounced disorders appear for more than 25 years. The lifespan of multiple sclerosis is different for everyone, but you can do everything you can to alleviate the condition and live a fulfilling lifestyle. The main thing is to identify the disease in a timely manner and not to avoid seeing a doctor.

(MS) is a serious illness that affects nerve fibers... Leads to disability, and in more severe cases, to death. Life expectancy in case of progression of multiple sclerosis depends on the severity of the disease, its duration and treatment.

Life risks in multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease caused by a pathological reaction of the immune system to its own nerve fibers, on which scars appear due to inflammation.

This disrupts the conduction of the electrical impulse, and the signals become weak. As a result, the function of the musculoskeletal system is upset, internal organs, the sensitivity of individual parts of the body is disturbed. In patients, vegetative manifestations appear in the form of increased or decreased sweating, paleness or redness of the skin.

What can die from people suffering from a disease associated with the destruction of the nerve sheath and scarring of nerve fibers:

  1. Mental disorders.
  2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Renal failure.
  4. Septic complications when placing catheters, artificial lung ventilation (ALV).
  5. Tuberculosis when prescribing drugs that suppress the immune system.
  6. Injuries with muscle weakness.
  7. Respiratory arrest.
  8. From hunger due to disability, incapacity for work, lack of assistance from other persons, the state.
  9. Side effects of medications.

Mental disorders

In multiple sclerosis, life expectancy may be limited by the onset of disorders where the patient can harm himself. The autoimmune process in this disease leads to damage to the central nervous system, in which the development of mental disorders is inevitable.

People with this degenerative nervous disease are more likely to develop suicidal tendencies. As a result, the risk of injury and death increases.

Cardiovascular disease

In multiple sclerosis, the centers of blood pressure regulation in the brain can be affected. In this case, the BP figures change towards a decrease or increase.

Low blood pressure can lead to kidney and heart failure and death. With hypertension, the likelihood of hemorrhagic stroke with hemorrhage in the brain increases. Changes in vascular tone during collapse also threaten the life of a sick person.

Insufficiency of internal organs

Dysfunction of the heart or kidneys is a consequence of damage to peripheral nerves. A decrease in filtration in the kidneys occurs with a decrease in blood pressure due to a violation of the activity of the vasomotor and pressor centers in the brain.

Peripheral nerves that innervate the internal organs are scarred, resulting in reduced blood supply and venous outflow internal organs.

The functions of the kidneys are impaired, which leads to suppression of the filtration process in them, the accumulation of metabolic products and poisoning of the body. Sometimes a uremic coma occurs.

Septic complications

Nerve fibers perform a trophic function, provide adequate vascular tone, nutrition of internal organs, and their normal work. In MS, to support respiratory function, the patient may be transferred to a ventilator. A urinary catheter is inserted into the intensive care unit (bladder catheterization is performed).

Foreign objects in the respiratory system and urethra provoke the development of infections and septic conditions. With prolonged bed rest, hypostatic pneumonia often occurs, since pathogenic microflora develops as a result of stagnation.

How many people live with multiple sclerosis

Patients with multiple sclerosis and their relatives are concerned about how many years people with the disease live. In fact, it all depends on a timely diagnosis, treatment with appropriate drugs, the nature of the pathology and general condition the patient's health.

Previously, according to statistics from the sixties of the twentieth century, life expectancy in multiple sclerosis was no more than 30 years. This period was considered quite long for people with this disease, given the level of development of medicine at that time.

Why do they arise: causes and treatment.

It is useful to know that with multiple sclerosis - new methodwhich helps to stop the disease.

Note: Prescribing slows down the progression of multiple sclerosis.

On the threshold of the 21st century, due to the emergence of a wide arsenal of drugs and hardware, people with degenerative diseases of nerve fibers began to live only a few years less than ordinary people.

In our time, the life expectancy of patients with multiple sclerosis is comparable to that of ordinary healthy people. The emergence of newer immunosuppressants that suppress the immune attack on nerve fibers and life support devices have led to significant advances in treatment. and donor immunoglobulins help prevent side effects from the use of immunosuppressants.

Important! In the case of a fulminant course, people live no more than 10 years from the onset of the disease.

How to Extend Life with MS?

For the longest possible life and improving its quality, patients, in addition to the main treatment with glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, are prescribed other medicines. Interferons (Betaferon, Betaseron) prevent the development of septic complications.

For the prevention of hypostatic pneumonia, it is necessary to massage the patient with bed rest. With the development of inflammation, antibacterial agents are prescribed.

The life expectancy of patients with MS depends on the severity of the disease and the rate of its course. Timely treatment, support from relatives, high-quality care for a sick person increases its duration. Ignoring the symptoms, on the contrary, makes the patient defenseless against the disease, and the prognosis is less favorable.

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