How to determine the percentage of fat. Three fat rules: How many fat do you need a healthy body? It is extremely important because

Carrot refers to those vegetable crops, the landing of which is always carried out by a reckless way, in an open or closed soil, if it is implied to its cultivation in the greenhouse until the crop is removed. The culture is quite cold-resistant, therefore heated on the garden beds one of the first. How not to hurry and not be late with its landing, and from the right time interval to choose the most favorable days - will tell moon calendar Planting carrots 2018.

Favorable days for the landing of carrots in the lunar calendar for 2018

Grocery for sowing root is necessary to prepare since autumn. After harvesting the predecessor, the plot on the bayonet shovels, simultaneously adding wood ash and complex mineral fertilizers, such as superphosphate. Before sowing, the grain is soaked for several days in water, which will stimulate the early appearance of shoots. From the correctly chosen landing term will depend on the amount and quality of the crop.

The favorable period is chosen depending on the climatic conditions of a particular region. In the preparation of the lunar calendar, astrologers pay attention not only to the moon phases, but also to find a satellite in a certain (fertile or barren sign of the zodiac). Let's get acquainted with the best timing of the carrot landing in 2018 by months:

  • March - 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22;
  • April - 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 29;
  • May - 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 26, 27, 28, 31;
  • June - 1, 2nd, 3, 10, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 25.

When to plant carrots in 2018 under winter - favorable days

  • September - 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29;
  • October - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 31;
  • November - 1, 2, 3, 4.

The effect of lunar phases for planting vegetables

The basis for making a calendar is the movement of the moon in the signs of the zodiac and the change in its phases. Moreover, a priority in different cases may be any factor depending on a number of reasons.

It is known that the movement of vital juices in plants is directly connected with the lunar phases. The growing moon makes them move up, and descending - on the contrary, down, in the roots. Accordingly, different recommendations are given for landing and care of plants giving roots, and those that are used in decorative purposes or give overhead fruits.

Everything belongs, like carrots, to "roots", is more favorable on a decreasing moon. At the same time, the roots of the plants, closer to the full moon, go deep into depth, including roots (radishes, dykon, carrots, and so on.). And being planted closer to the new moon, grow strong, plump, but shorter. The new moon itself and a day when the disk is completely covered, it is not recommended to work on Earth. Especially fruitless and negative for all beginners is the beginning of the cycle, when the earthly satellite in the sky is not visible at all.

Selecting a place under the landing of carrots

To begin with, it is worth considering that carrots will not tolerate the neighborhood of parsley, Pasternak, dill and celery. The place for sowing carrots in the spring should be chosen because it should be covered by the sun throughout the light day, and it is very important! It will be very good if last year the cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes grew up in the same place.

Time when you need to plant carrots in the spring - this is the second important factor from which the amount and quality of the crop will depend. In the afternoon there must be warmer +12 degrees, and at night it is not colder than + 5-7 degrees. Only in this case the floral arrows will not actively develop, and instead the carrot root itself will begin to grow.

Moving Methods and Schemes

For planting carrots there are several interesting ways. Before you start up the landing works, you need to read all the methods and choose the best option for yourself. Allocate the following methods for planting carrots in spring in open sad:

  • The landing of dry seeds - seedlings are sown in an arbitrary order. The disadvantage of the method is the uneven landing distribution.
  • Wet seeds - seeds weathered in water or soil are connected to small river sand and are evenly scattered on the prepared area.
  • Using a tape or toilet paper - for landing of carrots on a ribbon to open ground, it is necessary to moisten the tape with a stuff-based glue. The planting material is neatly folded on paper. After that, the tape is located in the ground and falls asleep soil. A plus of such a method is a uniform distribution of germs.

Carrot care after landing

In the first two weeks after planting culture, it is provided with the necessary amount of moisture. In the future, carrots will need to water from the watering of the watering of water in the sun with a frequency of 1-2 times a week. Soil moisturizing is best done in the evening, which will prevent the appearance of burns on the leaves.

Ruffle rims is carried out the next day after watering. The purpose of such a procedure is considered to remove weed plants, as well as the aeration of the soil. Breakable soil contributes to the penetration of oxygen and moisture to the root system of cultures. One of the most important assignment care operations is the thinning of crops. Such operations are carried out up to 3 times per season, except in cases of seeding of carrots on a tape or withstands the necessary distances when sowing seeds.

Potassium is necessary for carrots at all stages of growth, its lack appears in the yellowing of the lower leaves and slowing growth. The fruits of such carrots are bitter, because when potassium deficiency, the accumulation of sugars is suspended. A ash can serve as a natural source of potassium.

Magnesium participates in many exchange processes plants. With a lack of magnesium suffer the immune system carrots. Fruits may be amazed various species rot bacterial diseases. Magnesium carrots gets from humoring and other organic substances. Many regions are poor magnesium, and even a large number of Houring is unable to fill the deficit, this item is better to make a bed with carrot in the form of chelate fertilizers.

Iodine, iodine, boron, phosphorus and other trace elements are also very important for photosynthesis processes during carrot growth. It is advisable to make substances that contain these elements every year. The natural source of these elements for the nutrition of the carrot can be infusion of weed herbs.

Cleaning the harvest of carrots

To decide, it is time to dig root root, or wait a couple of weeks, you need to get 1-2 carrots from the ground and inspect them. If you saw the appearance of thin roots, it's time to remove the harvest until rodents got to it. Early varieties can be pulled out from the ground as needed. But some remove the entire harvest of early carrots at once to sing a plot with a new culture.

How to deal with pests?

The greatest increase in the mass of fruit carrots gives at the end of August and in September, when due to a decrease in temperature, the above-ground part distillates all the beneficial substances in the root. Therefore, the most appropriate time for harvesting in medium latitudes is considered the end of September. It is not advisable to keep the roots in the ground longer. Clean carrots on a warm sunny day, slightly uplooking at the bottom with a pitch or shovel, and then pulling the bush with his hands.

To carrots then stored well, try not to allow during cleaning mechanical damage. Botto must immediately cut off with a knife, exciting the top of the root of 1-2mm - it will prevent the carrot germination during storage. Before the room in the basement, the crop lay down under a canopy for ventilation and only then fold into the boxes and remove.

Slow carrot in time, and then you will get a wonderful harvest that you will use the whole winter.

Carrots are not only a very tasty vegetable, but also a whole set of all sorts of vitamins. It uses carrots very wide. Salads are made of it, add to all sorts of soups, canned and harvest for the winter. Many gardeners grow carrots in their sites. In order to get a good harvest, it is necessary to correctly grow plants. An important factor is to identify the correct landing time. In this article we will tell you when to plant carrots in 2017 on the lunar calendar.

Terms of sowing seed carrots depend on many factors, namely:

  • Morkovi variety.
  • Climatic conditions.
  • Some features of agrotechnology.

If you want to get an early carrot, then you should plant a carrot of an ultra-space variety. Such varieties ripen on average after 50-55 days after gear. In the event that you need to get a crop that will be kept for a long time in winter, it should be focused on late satisfaction. Of course, the duration of the landing will be different. It is also impossible about the climate in which you will grow vegetables. This also depends on this.

Photo: Favorable days For landing of carrots in 2017 on the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for landing of carrots in April 2017:

  • April 16th.
  • April 17th.
  • April 18th.
  • April 23.

Favorable days for landing of carrots in May 2017:

  • 9th May.
  • May 14.
  • May 19.
  • May 24.

In June, there is no sense in June.

Planting carrots 2017: Agrotechnology.

Crichet for sowing of carrots must be prepared since autumn. It is necessary to choose and divert the site. Carrot loves loose ground.

Carrot loves soil with acidity pH 6-7, with a nitrogen ratio, phosphorus and potassium 2.5: 1: 4. In advance before sowing the soil you need to prepare. Make it will need to be autumn after collecting the previous crop. The site must be switched, bragging and make fertilizers: manure 3-4 kilograms per square meter, wood ash 1 cup per 1 square meter. Immediately before landing, the soil can be fertilized by mineral fertilizers. If you have an acidic soil, then you need to add another lime 300-500 grams per 1 square meter.

Morkovay landing agrotechnology is very simple. Throughout the bed, the ranks are made at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from each other, seeds are planted in them. Sowing is made to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. To create a wet favorable microclimate, crops are covered with a film.

Carrots are a fairly cold-flowing culture. It can be satisfied pretty early. It is reliably known that carrots can even withstand short-term freezers.

Carrots are not only a delicious vegetable, and a storehouse of valuable vitamins. It loves adults and children, adding into soups, salads, conservation. It is clear why many gardeners seek to know. How to do it right, and what should be considered when landing culture? Consider in more detail.

Find out about when planting carrots in open ground

When to sow carrots in 2019?

So that culture pleased with good shoots and yields, experienced gardeners advise to plant carrots in April or the first days of May, taking into account the lunar calendar for 2019. However, some are solved on an earlier fit, for example, in March, while others do not rush to sowing seeds.

Why is there such a difference? We note only the main factors affecting the duration of the sowing, namely:

  1. Choosing a variety of roots.
  2. Temperature indicators and climate.
  3. Features of agrotechnology.

To get early carrots, it is recommended to plant ultra-splash varieties that ripen on average 50-55 days. If the dacket is interested in vegetables that are well stored in winter, then it is worth the landing of late varieties. Naturally, their sowing is distinguished, and it is impossible to forget about the region of growing vegetables.

So that the carrots pleased with good shoots, it needs to be planted in April or early May

Favorable days for landing of carrots

Planting vegetable crops on a growing moon always leads to good results. In the lunar calendar for 2019, such favorable days for the landing of carrots are marked:

  • march - from 7 to 20;
  • april - from 6 to 18;
  • may - from 6 to 18;
  • june - from 4 to 16.

Of course, success in this agricultural business depends not only on landing time. Dachini and household owners celebrate a number of other secrets. These include such recommendations:

  1. Grocery for the landing of carrots to open ground is to dwell from autumn.
  2. With the arrival of spring soil sprinkle wood ash, you can also make mineral fertilizers.
  3. Before sowing, they are advised to soak seeds, if this has not done, then you can pour a little boiling water into the well itself.
  4. Implement the breakdowns, preferably at least 2 times.
  5. To regularly hold a weeding and thoroughly loose aisle.
  6. Do not forget about the timely watering ,.
  7. Comply with the rules of the crop rotation (it is best to plant carrots into an open ground immediately after the bow, which will be guaranteed to scare annoying pests).

Perhaps this is only the main secrets of sowing vegetable culture, which is considered quite cold-resistant. That is why it can be seated already with the arrival of calendar spring. It is known that shoots are able to withstand small short-term freezers. To be successful, summer residents also acquire the lunar calendar, study favorable days.

We offer to watch a video about the landing of carrots to open ground:

Certainly you want to determine exactlywhen to plant carrots in 2019 on the lunar calendar? Video simple but effective advice In the article, reviews - all this will help you unmistakably learn about the landing time. And although it is still early to plant root, why not prepare seeds now, choosing best grades For your climatic region?!

Carrot refers to those vegetable crops, the landing of which is always carried out by a reckless way, in an open or closed soil, if it is implied to its cultivation in the greenhouse until the crop is removed. The culture is quite cold-resistant, therefore heated on the garden beds one of the first. How not to hurry and not be late with its landing, but from the right time interval to choose the most favorable days - tells the lunar calendar of the planting of carrots 2018.

First of all, you should decide on the season. A fairly widespread error is to settle carrot beds under the winter, without silent in the subtleties. For this option, only certain winter-hardy and zoned varieties are suitable (as an example, "Moscow winter") can be brought. When using seeds of conventional nemorosstable varieties will have to wait for spring.

Timing of spring landing

Time when you can go out with carrot seeds on the garden, it comes after a complete snow removal and partial soil drying. His top part There must be dry and bulk. Since the seeds of this vegetable culture are very small, they are laid in the ground on a small depth, so there will be enough surface warm-up.

It is desirable that the air is stably warmed up to + 15 with, and the soil temperature reached + 7-8C. For the middle strip of Russia, these conditions usually develop in April or early May (there are years, when you have to wait until mid-May). More southern or having a softer climate regions can start landing earlier. Mind and varietal varieties. Thus, early grades are recommended to sow in March, medium ripening - in April, and those that are intended for winter storage - in early May, completing work by the middle of the month.

When to plant carrots in 2018 - it will tell not only the landing calendar, but also future weather conditions, so his recommendations cover all possible deadlines from March to mid-May.

By folk signs, Sawa carrots time comes after the aspen and violets bloom.

The effect of lunar phases for planting vegetables

The basis for making a calendar is the movement of the moon in the signs of the zodiac and the change in its phases. Moreover, a priority in different cases may be any factor depending on a number of reasons.

It is known that the movement of vital juices in plants is directly related to the lunar phases . The growing moon makes them move up, and descending - on the contrary, down, in the roots. Accordingly, different recommendations are given for landing and care of plants giving roots, and those that are used in decorative purposes or give overhead fruits.

Everything belongs, like carrots, to "roots", is more favorable on a decreasing moon. At the same time, the roots of the plants, closer to the full moon, go deep into depth, including roots (radishes, dykon, carrots, and so on.). And being planted closer to the new moon, grow strong, plump, but shorter. The new moon itself and a day when the disk is completely covered, it is not recommended to work on Earth. Especially fruitless and negative for all beginners is the beginning of the cycle, when the earthly satellite in the sky is not visible at all.

Carrot landing calendar for March 2018

As can be seen from the calendar of the change of lunar phases, the first half of the month will be most favorable for the planting of carrots. From 3 to 16, the moon disk on the night sky will grow and reach full illumination on March 17. Only residents of the southern regions can take advantage of this favorable for Seva's roots, where spring usually comes into account on schedule. The second half of the month should be particularly taken into account in the calculation of the earth satellite on the zodiacal circle, since the growing month will still delay the juices, which means that all nutrients, from Earth up, to stems and leaves, which is undesirable to start growing vegetables growing in the ground.

1 VirgoThe day is unfavorable for soaking seeds and work with them, especially for crops growing in the ground.
2 Full moonIt is better not to do anything in the garden, except for economic affairs and guidance.
3-5; 5-7 Scales, Scorpio Start 3 quarterA great time for landing of carrots, if not for weather conditions that are unlikely to make it in medium latitudes. But, if you have the opportunity to make temporary greenhouse, then these are perfect days for sowing.
8-10 Sagittarius You can plant "roots" for food, for quick use, including early carrots. But the likelihood is great that it will go into the greens and give weak fruit.
11-12 CapricornIt is good to plant everything that it must be stored for a long time.
13-15 AquariusBadge of infertility. It is better not to do anything.
16 FishLife forces are maximally concentrated in roots, but the land is already silent, the processes are freezing - one of the most severe days of the cycle. Seeds will lie for a long time.
17 Fish, New MoonDay of full rest from all earthworks.
18-19 AriesBad sign. Sowing will be bad to endure the lack of moisture.
20-21 TaurusDespite the growing month, the calf promises a good harvest.
22-23 TwinsThese days are better to skip.
24-26 CancerEnergy will be unstable, the phase change occurs, the moon continues to grow. Plant root is not recommended.
27-28; 29-30 Lev and Deva.Earth rest time. Leo burns sowing. The virgin is poorly mashed the seeds, and the growing moon also does not contribute to the yield of root vegetables.
31 Full moonWork on the garden is better to stop.

If the Date Earth selected for the landing of carrots is not enough, it can be pre-pole and hide it. After seeding, the film can be returned to the place at the first time, if there is a need to speed up germs. But as soon as they seem, it must be removed to avoid overheating.

Do not put carrots before the onset of comfortable conditions. Seeds will simply lie in the ground for a long time, losing strength and germination.

Planting carrots in April 2018

The entire first half of April the moon will decrease, which means that it is at this time that the best days for sowing carrot beds are coming. Consider this month in detail.

1 LibraGood for landing, rich energy day.
2-3 ScorpioAlso a favorable time. All sown will give abundant harvest and will be resistant to disease. April 3 - one of best days For sewing carrots!
4-6 SagittariusLow-grade sign. Everything that starts to grow at this time will reach up and give a weak harvest.
7-8 Capricorn, go 4 quarterNeutral period. The fruits go to the medium size, but long and well stored. Changing quarters, a turning point.
9-11 AquariusCheering time. Fruits can be reborn, being clouded, giving mutants. But for those who wish to experiment in terms of breeding - the most!
12-13 FishVery productive period. If weather conditions are allowed - come across in sowing carrots now!
14-15 AriesWorks with seeds are unproductive at all stages (including landing with an eye on receipt of future seeds). Nothing that has a time of vegetation for more than a month, do not plant.
16 New moonDay of infertility and full rest from gardens and other works.
17-18 TaurusThe most productive days of the month!
19-20 TwinsThe circulation of life juices changes the direction, but it is better to wait a couple of days, the twins do not contribute to the yield.
21-22 CancerThe crop will be good, the fruits are tasty, but may not withstand long-term storage. Nevertheless, if the weather is favorable, you can go to bed.
23-24 Leo, Channel ChangeThe life forces of the Earth are in equilibrium, but everything planted under the influence of Lion may die from drought.
25-26 VirgoAdversely.
27-28 LibraFertile scales on the background of continuing the moon - neutral time for carrot landings. The crop will be strong, but rooting can be devoid of juits.
29-30 Scorpio, full moonIt is better to refrain from the sowing work of all vegetables, fruiting in the ground.

Due to the pettyness of seeds, carrot crops need thinning, which significantly weakens their strength. An excellent way is to breed the seed material in the sand or in a celave of flour, which is poured into a bottle and is distributed evenly into the prepared grooves.

Favorable days of May 2018

Most often by this time, carrot beds are already sown. However, it is best to dry up the late varieties of the "red vitamin" now - at the beginning of May, especially since in 2018 it will be favored by a decreasing lunar disk at the night sky. But to complete the sort of carrots preferably until May 14, under the new moon.

1 ScorpioThe beginning of the desire of the Moon, the Earth is exhausted, it is better to refrain from active garden affairs associated with root crops.
2-3 SagittariusActivity is allowed, but not recommended.
4-6 CapricornNeutral time cut, it is better to wait 3-4 days. Lost time will return to a higher harvest.
7-8 Aquarius, 2 quarterProbrogenic sign plus transitional phase - it is now better to work with weeds.
9-11 FishExcellent time, all natural factors are optimal. Do not miss these days, the 9th number will be especially harmonious and promising.
12-13 AriesShoots can be quick, but the harvest is crumbling.
14-15 TaurusWho has not yet planted the "maiden in the dungeon", has the last favorable chance to do it. Squeeze late varieties. They will have excellent fierce!

The proposed recommendations should not be a panacea for the garden, even if he just begins to comprehend the aces of agriculture. Weather conditions and household matters dictate their conditions, and we are forced to obey them. And yet it is worth considering these recommendations and, if possible, adhere to them. Earth and everything growing on it is a single alive and sensitive organism, and the more equilibrium it will be, the more returns.

Cleaning Secrets Carrot: video

Every gardener in the spring necessarily sows carrots! However, not everyone succeeds. Why? There is a lot of reasons for this: incorrectly selected seeding time, unsuccessful selection of a variety or violation of agrotechnology.

The seeding dates directly affect the yield of carrots and depend on the variety and purpose of ready-made roots. Carrot is a cold-resistant culture: the minimum necessary temperature for germination of seeds + 3 ... + 6 ° C, germs to carry out short-term freezing to -4 ... -5 ° C. In terms of maturation, all the varieties of carrots are divided into early varieties, which have a growing season for up to 100 days, the secondary days - up to 120 days and late - up to 140 days.

To get an early carrot on the table, choose early and ultra-splash varieties, ripening in 45-60 days, the late-leaving varieties of carrots are better for storing in winter.

Terms of sowing seed carrots

For early consumption, carrots seeds are seeded from April 25 to May 1, the next sowing of the average carrot varieties - May 1 - May 10. If the carrot is necessary for long-term storage, then it is seized in the first - second decade of May, on May 25 inclusive.

In the southern regions, carrots can be sowed in 2 times: first sowing - March 10-20, the second sowing of carrots - May 10-15.

On the folk calendar carrot Sizza when flowers and stepmother blooms.

When to water, feed and pull the carrots?

The first thinning is carried out in phase 1-2 of real leaves, the second 15-20 days after the first.

The main care for the gardening of carrots is the timely weeding, the loosening of rods, watering and feeding. Water carrots rarely, but abundantly and evenly. Ruffle rods are carried out simultaneously with the weeding.

Pasternakai sowing care

Pasternak is grown for juicy white root roots with a specific aroma. Kornemploda is formed 120-170 days after sowing.

For sowing Pasternak it is better to choose well-lit places. Pasternakke cooling and frost-resistant: the optimal temperature for plant growth is +15 ... + 20 ° C, germs withstand freezing to -5 ° C. Agrotechnical techniques of growing Pasternak are the same as carrots. Care lies in periodic watering, loosening and weeding. Clean the roots in the fall, simultaneously with carrots, and stored the same.

Dates of sowing Pasternak

In the middle lane in the soil Pasternak sow at the end of April and in early May. Storage Pasternak is better to sow later - at the end of May.

Planting beets and care for her

There are a large number of beet varieties different groups ripeness, shapes and sizes of rooteplood. Storage sow medium and lateral varieties and hybrids, early grades grown "on the table".

The beetted dining room belongs to the group of long-term crops, but many modern varieties of beets of the dining room are adapted both to the short day of the south and to the long day of the North.

Dates of sowing beet

Moderately cold-resistant culture: seeds can germinate at +3 ° C. But the optimal temperature during sowing dry seeds is +10 ° C. In addition, the young sediments of the dining room can perish from spring frosts.

To grow early beets on the table in the middle band, the beets are sown from April 25 to May 5 under the shelter from the spandbon or film.

For folk signs Time to landing beets It comes when the aspen blooms.

When to water, feed and pull the beet?

Beets of light sound: It is important to deteriorate on time and cut forward. The beets of the dining room as a whole is a moderate amount of irrigation. Systematic watering should be carried out during the germination of seeds and in July-August. Beet dining room is very responsive for fertilizer to the ground.

The first time the beet is thinned in the phase of the first real leaves, the second time after 2-3 weeks, leaving the distance of 5-7 cm. Retired plants can be used to prepare green lettuce. During the summer, beets are periodically stolen and loosen the soil between rows. In arid and hot days - watered. The beetle is beginning to pull out when it reaches 3-4 cm in diameter.

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