What are the best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Quite common and everyone is familiar with such a plant as medicinal verbena. Where does it grow? What is it used for? Verbena is found throughout Russia and Europe, from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean coast. It grows along roadsides, near fields and forest belts, and therefore is considered a weed. But at the same time, it is also considered remedy from many diseases. In ancient times, she was credited with healing and magical properties, it was believed that medicinal verbena could heal any disease. It was used as a talisman in battle and to protect the house from evil spirits, it was given to those who wished well, laid on the altar, bringing unbreakable vows. Verbena officinalis, the photo of which you see in the article, has not gone unnoticed in modern medicine.

Description of medicinal verbena

Verbena pharmacy (verbena officinalis, verbena officinalis) is a perennial herb. The stem is erect, it can reach 80 cm in height, sometimes it branches, has a tetrahedral shape, along the edges it is covered with fine hairs pressed to the stem. The leaves are located opposite (in pairs on opposite sides) along the entire stem, their shape changes depending on the location on the stem.

Verbena inflorescences are similar to spikelets, located at the ends of branches, and consist of small light purple (less often purple) flowers. The fruits are dark brown in color and look like small nuts. Verbena blooms in central Russia in July-August, fruiting in August-September, in other climatic regions these periods may vary.

The roots are yellowish, fusiform, branched (fibrous root system).

Dried grass is greenish-gray, with a faint smell (the later the grass is harvested, the weaker the smell, but at the same time the higher the content of nutrients).

Verbena officinalis: scientific research

Studies have shown that different parts of verbena contain different active substancesthat have a versatile effect on the body, among them:

  • Bitterness - substances that stimulate appetite, salivation, increase acidity and the amount of gastric juice.
  • Essential oil with a stimulating effect on nervous system, analgesic, antispasmodic effect, it is also a choleretic, expectorant, diuretic and laxative.
  • Sitosterol - a plant analogue of human steroid hormones, has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and resorption effects.
  • Carotene, flavonoids, trace elements.
  • Glycosides with a contractile effect on smooth muscles.

Also verbena contains salicylic acid, vitamin C and other vitamins, which is the basis of its general strengthening and tonic effect. It has a beneficial effect on mental condition a person, harmonizing mood, reducing the feeling of fatigue and stress, improving sleep.

Verbena officinalis: application

The range of diseases for which the drugs are used is quite wide:

  • Nervous system - relieves headache, fatigue, eases the course of the syndrome chronic fatigue, helps to improve sleep with insomnia.
  • Gastrointestinal tract - enhances secretion in hypacid gastritis, has a choleretic effect, prevents the formation of stones in gallstone disease and cholecystitis, enhances intestinal motility with constipation.
  • Respiratory system - expectorant effect for colds, laryngitis, bronchitis, slight bronchodilator effect for chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  • Cardiovascular system - increases arterial pressure with hypotension, relieves anemia. Verbena is effective in atherosclerosis. Sometimes it can be used as a weak one for heart failure.
  • Joints - relieves pain and reduces the intensity of inflammation in rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, pain in muscles and joints of various origins.
  • The immune system has an anti-allergic effect.
  • Kidneys and urinary system - diuretic effect in urolithiasis... The plant prevents the formation of stones. Verbena officinalis treat cystitis, urethritis.
  • Skin - relieves the condition with furunculosis, relieves irritation and itching with neurodermatitis, promotes the early healing of bruises, cuts, abrasions and bruises.

Also verbena medicinal has positive action on male sexual function and enhances lactation in women. But it should be remembered that using vervain during breastfeeding should be done with caution. Traditional medicine recommends lotions from this plant for psoriasis, erysipelas, and also as an antineoplastic agent.

It is important to clarify that treatment with verbena officinalis will bring a positive effect only in complex therapy in combination with others, more strong drugs... Attempts to treat exclusively folk methods with such serious illnesses, as erysipelas, heart failure, and even more so tumors, are dangerous to health and are categorically unacceptable.

Dosage forms

Decoctions, infusions are obtained from medicinal verbena, alcohol tinctures and hoods. Essential oils obtained from it can be used internally, externally as lotions, included in tablets, cough drops, sprays for sore throat and other throat diseases, ointments, creams, eye drops... They are also used for inhalation using a special inhaler or aroma lamp.

Verbena-based folk remedies recipes

Verbena tea. Take 12.0-15.0 g of dried grass, pour them 180.0-200.0 g of boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon every hour for a month with arteriosclerosis and thrombosis.

Lotions with medicinal verbena for skin diseases. The following mixture is brewed: verbena - 10.0 g., Chamomile - 5.0 g., Rose petals - 10.0 g., Oak bark - 10.0 g., Sage leaves - 5.0 g. and horsetail herbs - 10.0 g. Used twice a day as a means to reduce inflammation and relieve skin conditions.

Infusion for thrombosis and atherosclerosis. 2-3 teaspoons of verbena herb pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, drain. Take 1 tablespoon every hour. This same infusion helps with clogged veins.


Despite its anti-allergic effect, medicinal verbena itself can be a rather strong allergen. When using ointments and lotions, which include the oil of this plant, redness and itching of the skin, blistering are possible.

Taking drugs containing this medicinal plant inside can irritate the intestinal mucosa and cause enteritis, sometimes severe.

Vervain should be used with caution in pregnant women.

If there are signs of allergy, you should immediately stop using drugs based on it, in case of severe pathology, consult a doctor.

Remember, before starting treatment with any drug, be it even an ordinary medicinal plant, you need to consult a doctor, since neglecting a trip to a specialist can seriously harm our health!

Non-medical uses of verbena

Verbena officinalis is not only treated. The roots of the plant are used in cooking - they are included in pickles and marinades, giving them a characteristic tart and spicy taste. The aerial part collected during flowering is added to tea or brewed on its own as a substitute.

There are many ornamental varieties of verbena used to decorate gardens, flower beds and lawns.

Collection and storage

Verbena is harvested during its flowering in July-September. Cut off upper part shoots with leaves and inflorescences and lower leaves, which are collected separately. The collected grass is dried in the open air in the shade or at a temperature of about 30 degrees if artificial heat is used.

Verbena roots are harvested in spring and autumn, earlier or later than flowering.

Application of individual parts of verbena officinalis

Most often for medical purposes, inflorescences, leaves and verbena grass are used, from which essential oil, which is part of ointments for external use, tablets and lozenges, infusions, tinctures and decoctions are also made from it, which are taken orally.

The roots are mainly used in cooking to add to marinades - they give the pieces a characteristic spicy taste.

Verbena fruits are poisonous.

Verbena seeds are used to grow it. They have a dense shell and are placed in the refrigerator for 4-5 days before planting in the ground to increase germination.

Growing verbena

Verbena is an unpretentious plant that can be grown in a garden. Most often it is planted for decorative purposes, but also its own medicinal properties it saves to the fullest.

How is verbena seated? Seeds, after being subjected to cold treatment, are planted in the ground in early spring, seedlings - only after warm weather has established.

Verbena is undemanding to the soil, but it is best to plant it in fertile loam. It grows well in brightly lit open areas. Easily tolerates drought, but poorly - excessive watering.

Ornamental verbena species are grown as annual flowers and are destroyed in autumn. Collecting seeds for sowing next year is not recommended - they do not preserve the varietal characteristics of the parent plant.

A few decades ago, gardeners were not tormented by the choice between tomato seeds. Now, in addition to numerous companies offering the best elite seed material, the incredible variety of varieties and hybrids can be discouraging. Surely, when choosing varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, you also imagine branches bending under the weight of fruits filled with color, and with this thought you acquire what is most suitable for the description of such a miraculous harvest.

Various packages with photos and descriptions are full of trade counters.Often the choice falls on the bag with the most appetizing picture or the one that was most praised by the seller. Often, such purchases end with unfulfilled expectations: either the tomatoes turn out to be completely different, or the seeds are of poor quality, or the variety was chosen incorrectly. But if you can only partially insure against the first two problems by purchasing a bag of a trusted manufacturer, the choice of a variety will most likely be successful if you carefully research the issue in advance.

The choice can largely depend on personal sympathy for the appearance of the fruit.... However, in order to transform a beautiful photograph into a bountiful harvest of tasty fruit, it is important to pay attention to the qualities that determine success:

  • yield;
  • compliance with climatic conditions;
  • frost resistance;
  • disease resistance;
  • taste qualities.

In addition, when choosing the best, it is important to clearly define for yourself the purpose of the crop, because the characteristics of tomatoes grown, for example, for salads, conservation and sale are fundamentally different..

When choosing seeds, carefully consider whether they are intended for growing in a greenhouse.

Expected yield

This criterion, perhaps, will be a priority for the majority. As we continue to paint amazing pictures of the yields of our vegetables, our imaginations may not be so happy to face reality. In order not to guess unreasonably how many fruits you can get, you can devote time to a simple calculation. On average, one square meter of greenhouse produces about 12-15 kg of traditional tomato harvest. If we give preference to hybrids specially bred for these conditions, with proper agricultural technology, this figure can range from 20 kg or even higher.

Often, F1 hybrids are more resistant to changes in microclimate, less demanding to maintain. With fairly low light and temperature changes, which are not uncommon in greenhouse conditions, they demonstrate excellent productivity. They are much less likely to get sick.

Bush type

The best views greenhouse tomatoes are recognized as indeterminate, or tall, capable of reaching several meters. They form liana-like bushes and are distinguished by a longer fruiting duration (until late autumn), which means a more abundant harvest. Since more space is needed for each bush than for low-growing varieties, 2-3 such plants are planted per square meter.

Shape tall tomatoes with one stem for a longer crop

In order for the bush to grow with one tall stem, stepchildren 5-7 cm long should be regularly removed, leaving small "hemp" about 1-1.5 cm. This will help prevent the awakening of dormant buds and the appearance of new stepsons in the same place. This procedure will allow the plant to retain the strength for upward growth, flowering, and fruit formation instead of unnecessary new shoots forming. The first inflorescence is formed after the seventh to twelfth leaf, and all the following ones - every three. The best productive varieties for greenhouses from the determinant class - "Honey Spas", "Pink Tsar", "Midas", "Scarlet Mustang", "Mushroom Basket", "Southern Tan".

The benefits of tall tomatoes does not mean that you should forget about the short ones. This group includes plants with a low stem, which often bear fruit before their giant brothers. In fast-maturing varieties, the bulk of the crop is harvested from the first two to four clusters. The undersized category includes "Ballerina", "Seagull", "Mystery", "Mit", "Eleanor", "Pink Honey", "Lady", "Asteroid" and others. The system of planting them with single-stem formation of a bush is 4-5 plants per square meter and 2-3 plants with two- or three-stem formation.

When distributing in a greenhouse, it is important to plant tall species only in its center, and it is better to plant low-growing tomatoes around the perimeter.

Fruits in the ovaries of undersized early ripening varieties are few, but they allow you to harvest a new crop up to three times a year

The size

Among the large-fruited tomatoes that give good yields, one can distinguish the following varieties: "Cap of Monomakh", "Mikado", "Cardinal", "Dream", "Eagle Heart", "Orange Miracle", "Queen of the Market", "Biysk Rose", "King London", "Russian Soul", "Canadian Giant", "World Record Holder", "Abkhazian" and "Chernomor". They are intended primarily for salads and juicing, as they have a lot of juicy pulp.

Large tomatoes with an abundance of pulp - an opportunity to get a whole glass of tomato juice

Medium-sized fruits can please “Diamond”, “Peter I”, “Slavic masterpiece” and “Bulb”. Lovers of pickling and canning should pay attention to varieties with a high set of small fruits of the same shape and size. Among these, Moneymaker, Sanka, Yellow Drop, Italy, Slivovka, Legend, Yolochka, Kaspar, Italy, Kubyshka, Sugar Plum, Picket "," Ventura "," Robot "," Cherry "," Truffle "," Shuttle "," Countryman ".

For this purpose, small cherry tomatoes are suitable, which look very decorative and become an ideal snack. Suitable for greenhouse cultivation are "Minibel", "Bonsai", "Yellow cherry", "Cherry tomato F1", "Red cherry", "F1 Golden bead", "F1 Zelenushka", "F1 Marishka".

A popular culinary variety

Harvest cherry tomatoes - the perfect choice for preservation and original snacks

Ripening rate

Many gardeners have decided to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, expecting to get two or even three harvests per season. To satisfy this demand, breeders continue to breed many varieties. By increasing the area of \u200b\u200bnutrition, heat and light, the period from germination to first fruits can be reduced to 20 days. Early ripe tomatoes are represented mainly by hybrids: "Druzhok F1", "Typhoon F1", "Poisk F1", "Ilyich F1", "Dina", "Verlioka F1", "Semko-Sinbad F1", "Semko-98 F1" and others ... The early ripening category includes the varieties "Samara F1", "Renet", "Hurricane F1".

Disease resistance

One has only to get into the soil late blight, mosaic or some other disease, and a significant part of the crop will be spoiled for more than one year. The causative agents can be fungal spores, which, contrary to popular belief, can easily get into the greenhouse with the wind or soil. And if the way out for open ground can be growing a tomato in another, not infected place, in a greenhouse the situation is different. If various methods of combating diseases turn out to be ineffective, it is best to take tomato seeds for greenhouses of varieties F1 Roma, Chio-chio-san, Blagovest F1, Budenovka, Evpator F1, Intuition F1, Erema F1 "," Kostroma F1 ".

Storage duration

When grown for sale, shelf life and transportability become important metrics. To varieties that do not lose their attractive appearance, include "Volgogradets", "F1 Ivanovets", "F1 Krasnobay", "F1 Salahaddin", "F1 Akatui".

Every summer resident wants to eat fresh tomatoes for a long time.


Perhaps this criterion is not the most important from a practical point of view. However, how much more pleasant it is to pamper yourself with fruits that are not only tasty, but also beautiful. But some hybrids can surprise on the table no less than an intricate dish.... Its unusual shape is known to resemble tangerine slices "Lorraine handsome" or, elongated ribbed varieties "Etoile striped", "American ribbed", "Mushroom basket". And the color variety, which every year impresses with bold new products of selection, sometimes completely transforms beyond recognition. In addition to pink, yellow and orange fruits, which have already become common on our market, there are white tomatoes (Snow White, White Miracle), green-fruited (Emerald Apple, Swamp, Malachite Box, Green Sweet ) and black-fruited ("Black Prince", "Mikado Black", "Rio Negro", "Roses of Dallas", "Raj Kapoor", "Gypsy", "Black Giant"). Tomatoes "Fireworks" and "Olympic flame" combine several shades at once. The striped varieties "Pepper-shaped striped", "Tiger striped", "Don Juan", "Grouse", as well as original-colored tomatoes of the Chinese selection "Zebra green", "Tszy-Yu", "Vintayjain" also look original.

Fruits of amazing colors and shapes will allow you to create original culinary masterpieces

How not to make a mistake when buying seeds

Let's say we have selected the best varieties and are ready to purchase seeds.... How not to be deceived and get the planting material of the expected quality? The following rules must be firmly grasped.

  • Do not take seeds from random vendors in the markets. The bags they sell from a trusted manufacturer may contain the cheapest seeds bought by weight.
  • In specialized stores, give preference to a manufacturer who has a good reputation with many gardeners for several years. Often, each seed producer sins more or less with problematic lots with overgraded or expired seeds. Therefore, it is worth choosing bags from a company that has not yet been convicted of this.
  • Pay attention to the information on the packet. R it is about the expiration date.

Juicy tomato to your table

It is important to understand

Even having insured yourself as much as possible against mistakes, you should not be absolutely sure of this or that variety and rely only on it. Even a consumer of products from a reputable manufacturer is not insured against the purchase of low-quality seed material. In order not to be left with a nose instead of a harvest, it is better to choose several (at least four) species for planting. In addition, it would be useful to try new ones every season, drawing your own conclusions about their yield, because personal experience - the best assistant in any choice.

At the moment, there is a wide variety of varieties on the seed market. Some of them are intended for outdoor cultivation, other varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses made of polycarbonate or film shelters, there are even for sowing at home. Greenhouse cultivation has become very popular thanks to good and practical materials. And in order for the greenhouse to produce its crops, the best varieties must also be selected. So, what kind of tomatoes to plant in such conditions?

Harvest varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Before talking about different varieties of tomatoes, the following should be noted - a greenhouse is a place where very comfortable conditions are created for plants, but even here you can lose your harvest by choosing the wrong varieties. The fact is that insects are needed to obtain fruits, but they are not in greenhouses or there are very few of them. Therefore, tomato varieties must be chosen self-pollinated. Hybrids work best. There is very little hassle with them, and the result is decent.

Applies to tomatoes with early dates ripening, gives high yields. Tomatoes have round outlines, slightly flattened in shape. One brush can form up to five tomatoes. The taste of the fruit is sweet, the pulp is fleshy, while the fruit itself is not loose.

A very popular tomato. Its strengths are excellent disease resistance, and the fruit does not crack. The plant can reach one and a half meters, requires a garter. The yield of one bush is 5-6 kg. The fruits have a large mass, a yellow tint of the skin. The taste is excellent.

It has fruits weighing half a kilogram and above. Their color is red. The plant reaches a height of 2-2.5 meters. Need a garter. The fruits have ribs on the surface and taste good. The variety has an average ripening period.

For lovers of everything unusual, this variety is what you need. After all, tomatoes are dark in color, which may seem strange at first. But this does not in any way affect the yield and taste of these tomatoes. Plant up to one and a half meters high. The fruits keep very well and are often used for sale on the market.

Tomatoes are classified as medium-early ripening varieties. One brush can pick up 7-8 fruits. Their color is scarlet, their shape is round. The pulp is nutritious, fleshy, it is also one of the best varieties of tomato for greenhouses with resistance to late blight.

Another highly disease-resistant variety. But he has long ripening periods. The fruits are round, red, slightly flattened.

Variety "Fantasy"

It can reach a height of almost two meters. The aerial part is very strong, one bush produces 10 kg of fruit. Good fresh food and even better in salads. We are very fond of summer residents.

Tomatoes with early ripening. It tolerates very hot weather well. At the same time, the fruits are very tasty, there is sweetness in them. The color is bright, scarlet. They are well kept, which makes it possible to grow a hybrid for sale. The whips are high.

These were tall varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. Now let's move on to the next ones.

Low-growing polycarbonate greenhouse tomatoes

It belongs to a variety with early fruiting dates. The color of the tomatoes is red, the shape is round. The taste and aroma are pleasant. Best for fresh food and fresh salads.

This variety is already good at conservation. The bushes are compact, the fruits are scarlet. Tomatoes are covered with a dense skin, under which juicy, aromatic and fleshy pulp is hidden. They do not burst in the jar during heat treatment. But you can eat these tomatoes fresh.

One of the highest yielding tomatoes. The fruits are small, such compactness is an excellent option for conservation. The skin is dense, the color of the tomatoes is red. Forms a lot of fruits on one cyst. Plus - excellent resistance to all adversity, including disease.

To many, this variety resembles Cherry, which is due to the fact that the variety produces small-sized tomatoes that cover the brushes abundantly. Good in any form - preserved, in salads, for decorating a festive table.

This variety has shown itself well in greenhouse cultivation. Suitable for preservation, the skin does not crack during processing. Forms fruits very well, excellent taste and aroma. The color of the fruit is red, slightly elongated into an oval.

The fruits look very appetizing and aesthetically pleasing, which is good for sale. They have a red color, smooth shapes. It belongs to varieties with early ripening periods, gives little stepsons. Doesn't require special attention to itself. The taste is very good.

Today it is impossible to imagine a table without tomatoes, although before in Europe they had not heard of such a culture. This is a southern plant, and does not grow in natural conditions under the climatic conditions of our country. To obtain crops in the open field, they use mainly the seedling method, and the seedlings can be grown independently or bought on the market. The seedling method allows you to accelerate the ripening of fruits, otherwise they will not have time to go through the entire natural cycle - there are too few days with optimal temperature conditions. Growing tomatoes in greenhouses will remove all problems, gardeners have the opportunity to independently regulate the timing of harvesting.

It must be understood that there are no universal tips for choosing varieties of greenhouse tomatoes, each gardener must take into account his individual conditions. What should you pay attention to?

Table. Factors determining the choice of variety

Influence factorShort description

Buildings can be summer without heating and winter with their own heating system. For the former, it is necessary to choose varieties that are more resistant to low temperatures; for the latter, this criterion does not matter. But there is one caveat - heated greenhouses can only bring profits to very experienced growers, everyone else should not be involved in them.

It is not recommended to choose varieties with a yield of less than 10 kg / m2. Low productivity becomes the reason that the financial resources invested in construction and the costs of growing are not paid off, the greenhouse instead of profit gives significant losses. Agronomists advise planting the following varieties: "Macarena", "Minaret", "Prazdnichny" - they have a high yield per square meter.

Greenhouses make it possible to obtain relatively large yields in a short fruiting period; some of the tomatoes are used for harvesting for the winter. For conservation it is recommended to plant Moneymaker, Kubyshka, Sugar Plum. The size of the tomatoes allows you to roll them into jars.

In order to save usable space, you need to buy tall varieties of tomatoes, the stems are tied up on special threads, which makes it possible to use the greenhouse more efficiently. Experienced vegetable growers prefer the following varieties: "Gold of the Scythians", "Black Prince", "De Barao", "Midas".

Tomatoes in greenhouses develop in unnatural conditions, which causes them hypersensitivity to all diseases. In addition, diseases spread very quickly in a confined space, which further complicates the fight against them. To reduce losses due to plant disease, breeders develop tomato varieties that have increased immunity to many diseases. "Intuition", "Erema", "Skylark" have proven themselves well, they are resistant to many diseases.

The microclimate in greenhouses is significantly different from the natural one. They have higher humidity, the air has less oxygen, there is not enough sunlight, it is difficult to maintain optimal temperature conditions without automation. Under such conditions, plants can reduce the intensity of the growing season, which causes a loss in yield. The following varieties are considered more adapted to deviations in microclimate: "Blagovest", "Lyubanya", "Yarilo", "Cavalier", "Gina", "Soyuz 3".

In summer unheated greenhouses, the first harvest can be obtained a month earlier than in the open field. Modern heated buildings allow to have up to three harvests a year, these are very complex from a technical point of view and expensive buildings, almost never found on personal plots. For summer options it is recommended to buy "Verlioku", "Poisk", "Samara".

This factor is of interest only to large connoisseurs of tomatoes. "Marisol Violet" has a dark color, "Malachite Box" - green, "Honey King" - yellow, and "Pink Flamingo" respectively pink.

It is important not only the time during which the fruits do not lose their original taste and appearance, but also the transportability of tomatoes. To increase this property, special hybrid varieties are bred by sectioners; they have excellent keeping rates. But it must also be said about the general disadvantage - in terms of taste, the hybrids are noticeably inferior to the usual varieties of tomatoes. The following varieties are suitable for transportation: "F1 Salahaddin", "F1 Ivanovets", "F1 Krasnobay".

Important. Remember that the cultivation technique for growing tomatoes in greenhouses is very different from the technology for open ground. It takes much more attention, knowledge and physical effort.

In greenhouses, the growing conditions of plants are completely changed, which increases the risk of diseases. For general development, let's talk about just one of the many negative factors. There is no ultraviolet radiation in greenhouses. These rays have a complex effect on living organisms, in natural conditions they have a positive effect. For example, UV rays inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, as a result of which tomatoes in the open air are much less likely to get sick than in greenhouses. In addition, big problems arise with the land, a lot of effort is spent on maintenance and periodic repairs of the structure, on the creation of automatic microclimate control systems, etc.

We will provide a list of only the most bought varieties, each grower has his own preferences. The list will allow newbies to navigate the popularity ranking.


Quite widely known among both amateurs and professionals. In greenhouses with heating, it is suitable for growing in winter, ripens at 110–118 days, fruit weight ≈ 140 g. Tomatoes are slightly elongated, plants are resistant to serious diseases (fusarium, verticellosis). The stem height is up to one meter, tomatoes are distinguished by high taste, they are used both for making salads and for preservation.

The "Kaspar" variety has a high resistance to diseases


It is very resistant to viral diseases, which is important for all types of greenhouses. The fruits are quite large, some weigh up to 250 g, tasty, juicy and fleshy. They have a pronounced smell of tomatoes, the yield, subject to the recommended growing technology, exceeds 10 kg / m 2.

"Gina" is one of the most popular greenhouse tomatoes

The plant was specially bred to be resistant to fusarium, a disease that can reduce yields by more than half. Bushes do not require manual labor to form the correct crown, the labor intensity of growing is minimized. Tomatoes have universal use and can be used both in the home kitchen and for industrial purposes for the manufacture of various products.


One of the most resistant varieties to sudden and unfavorable temperature changes, which makes it an excellent crop for growing in summer greenhouses. In these structures, it is very difficult to control and regulate microclimate parameters in constant time mode. In such conditions, the emergence of critical temperatures is inevitable, "Cherry" tolerates these fluctuations without problems.

The height of the stem reaches two meters, it must be tied up. A large number of small-sized fruits with a weight of ≈ 60–100 g are placed on a long stem. The variety has several hybrids with different characteristics... Yellow or red tomatoes with a noticeable sourness are the usual taste of natural organic tomatoes.


Equally effective tomato for both unheated and heated greenhouses. The height of the bush reaches ≈ 1.5 m, bears fruit along the entire length of the stem. This increases the productivity per square meter of the greenhouse (up to 13 kg / m 2). Tomato weight ≈ 150 g, growing season ≤ 108 days. The fruits are slightly sour, but they have high transportability. The pulp is fleshy and firm, the skin is deep red. Breeders, through the use of genetic engineering, have achieved high plant resistance to dangerous diseases: tobacco mosaic, Alternaria and Fusarium.

Flamenco variety is valued for its resistance to diseases and excellent taste of the fruit

"Russian soul"

About five kilograms of tomatoes are removed from the bush, the weight of the fruits is sometimes 900 g. The full ripening period depends slightly on the microclimate in the greenhouse, but in most cases it does not exceed 115 days. Bush height ≈ 1.5 m, a garter is required. Tomatoes are multipurpose, have high taste characteristics. Can long time stored in room conditions, while they do not require special antiseptic treatment of the peel surface. They are used both fresh and pickled.

"King of Kings"

According to most gardeners, this variety can be attributed to one of the best in all characteristics. In greenhouses, it is found everywhere and has no special complaints from vegetable growers. The height is two meters, which somewhat complicates the care process, but greatly increases the yield. At least 5 kg of fruits are removed from the bush, the weight of each reaches ≈ 800–1000 g. In terms of taste, it fully corresponds to the name, many vegetable growers read it as a reference. Due to its large size, it is not used for pickling and salting, it is most often used fresh. But there are enterprises that accept crops for industrial processing.

Among the greenhouse varieties, "King of Kings" produces the largest fruits


Average weight 600 g, hybrid bred specifically for greenhouse cultivation. Bushes ≈ 1.5 m high, tomatoes ripen about 115 days after the start of the growing season. Up to four kilograms can be harvested from a bush; after harvesting, the stems must be immediately removed from the greenhouse. The flesh is sweetish, red, with a small amount of underdeveloped seeds. Like any hybrid plant, growing seedlings from seeds at home is impossible. Tomatoes are used fresh for salads. Industrial enterprises make tomato pastes and juices from them.

"Cardinal" has large juicy heart-shaped fruits

"Cap of Monomakh"

Not all growers like the unassuming appearance, but it is fully compensated by excellent taste and high yield. A mid-season variety with a bush height of ≈ 1.5 m, the first fruits appear 110 days after the start of the growing season. The tomatoes are delicious, the flesh is very fleshy. The variety is constantly present among the laureates of numerous agricultural exhibitions. Productivity within 14 kg / m 2. Weight of one fruit ≤ 200 g. One of the significant advantages is high resistance to late blight, the most dangerous disease of nightshade crops.

"F1 Eupator"

A unique hybrid, in many ways it has no equal. The growing season is 100 days. Weight ≤ 150 g. Fruits look great, have an almost perfect round shape and natural red color. The palatability satisfies the most demanding users, the pulp is firm and fleshy.

The plant is highly resistant to most dangerous diseases, keeps well under normal conditions. The main advantage is the unique yield, about 40 kg of fruit can be harvested per square meter. The thick skin makes it possible to transport tomatoes to large plants, while the number of damaged tomatoes is minimal.

The F1 Eupator hybrid has no equal in terms of yield


Modern agronomic science allows you to create varieties with unique properties, and it is necessary to use its achievements. This will not only increase yields, but also greatly facilitate maintenance. But only on one condition - the seeds will be real and without re-grading. Place orders only with time-tested companies and a large number of users, they must be the official representatives of manufacturers. When choosing, consider your capabilities, the characteristics of the greenhouse and the climatic zone of residence. Individual varieties must be used for each location.

Video - The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

Growing tomatoes in greenhouses has its undeniable advantages. But not every gardener on various reasons can equip such a structure on his site, but there is a desire to grow tomatoes. But excellent crops can also be harvested from open ground. Success depends a lot on the right varieties. How not to be mistaken when choosing them can be found on the pages.

Every year, gardeners try to select the best and most suitable tomato varieties for their greenhouses. The choice is usually based on personal preferences and characteristics of a particular variety, hybrid. The article below discusses the best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, recommended by experienced gardeners.

The best hybrid tomato varieties for greenhouses

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are represented by a wide range. Hybrids form a separate category. They have higher yields and can grow in difficult conditions with a lack of sunlight and high humidity.

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are hybrids.

  • Hannie Moon F1 Is a versatile pink tomato grown in greenhouses. Tomatoes ripen in clusters of 4-5 pieces. Fruits reach a weight of 220 g, round, dense. Inside, the pulp is fleshy, juicy, sweetish. The advantages include: commercial qualities, productivity, resistance to temperature extremes, keeping quality.
  • "Pink Claire F1" - pink, early (100 days), tall tomato for the greenhouse. Fruits grow in clusters, each 250-300 g on average, almost round, dense, very tasty. They do not crack when overripe, tomatoes grow even at increased air temperature and humidity, and by the end of the season they do not shrink.
  • "Supernova F1" - an early greenhouse hybrid. The first fruits can be tasted as early as 65 days after planting the seedlings. The plant is not tall, the fruits are red, round in shape with a small spout, weighing about 300 g. Productivity 100 t / ha. Grows well in different climatic zones, but in greenhouses.
  • "Big Beef F1" has a very high yield, while the fruits do not shrink, regardless of the amount or time of ripening. There is resistance to fusarium, verticillosis, stem cancer, TMV, gray spot, nematode. Medium early hybrid, productive, tall. Fruits weigh up to 330 g, flat-round, red, tasty.

The best tall varieties of tomatoes

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Tall, the best varieties of greenhouse tomatoes can produce huge yields. And if you are creative in their cultivation, then such plants can become a real decoration of the greenhouse.

Tall varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

  • "Russian Happiness F1" grows over 2 meters in height. Ripening occurs 115 days after planting the seedlings. It is grown only in plastic or polycarbonate greenhouses. Possesses stable immunity to some diseases. Tomatoes are rounded-flattened, pink, slightly ribbed, weighing up to 300 g. The peel is dense - suitable for transportation and storage. Productivity 5-6 kg / plant.
  • "Scarlet Mustang" grows up to 1.8 meters in height. In clusters of 6-7 fruits. The tomatoes are elongated, weighing within 200 g. The color is red or raspberry. Mid-season - 115 days. There is a high resistance to disease. With good care, up to 5 kg of the crop is harvested from the bush. Best for salads.
  • "Major F1" grows from 150 cm and above. Fruits ripen in 100-110 days. After ripening, they are pink, almost round, weight - 250-300 g. Despite the fact that these tomatoes are juicy, they tolerate transportation well. Productivity 8-12 kg / m. sq.

The best undersized tomato varieties for greenhouses

Low-growing best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are in great demand. They give tasty fruits at different times (depending on the variety), but caring for them is not as troublesome as for tall varieties.

Low-growing best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

  • "Openwork" grows up to 90 cm in height. Ripening takes 100-110 days. Tomatoes have an average weight of 250 g, red, rounded and slightly flattened on top, 4-chamber. The rind is dense, which allows them to be preserved and salted. The pulp is fleshy, aromatic. The variety is not afraid of high or low humidity. Productivity up to 12 kg / m. sq. Similar to this variety is "Bourgeois".
  • "Banana legs" - a variety of medium ripening. Grows up to a meter in height. Passionate behavior is moderate. The fruits are collected in a brush, look like long cream yellow color... The taste is delicate, with a hint of citrus. Recommended for fresh consumption and preservation. Productivity 5 kg / bush.
  • "Mercury" - early hybrid. Ripens in 97-100 days. Grows up to 65-70 cm in height. Tomatoes ripen in clusters of 5-7 pieces. The shape of red fruits is flat-round, weight - 150-170 g. Resistant to TMV and Alternaria. Productivity 12.7 t / ha.
  • "Doll Masha" grows from 50 cm to 100 cm in height. Ripening occurs within 80-90 days from the moment of planting seedlings. Fruits have a uniform color, even, weighing up to 300 g. Inside there are 4-6 chambers with seeds. It lends itself well to transportation, storage. Has a universal application. Productivity per bush - 7 kg.

The most productive varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses have higher yields. However, there are species that stand out from the rest in the amount of fruits that are harvested from them.

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses have an increased yield.

  • "Octopus F1" - a unique type of indeterminate tomato. It is also called the tomato tree, as the plant forms a long stem and crown, which can reach 50 square meters. He has unlimited growth and, if possible, he can grow up to 5 meters in height. Maturation takes place over 120 days. Fruits are collected in bunches of 5-6 pieces, each weighing up to 150 g. On an industrial scale, 1.5 tons of tomatoes are removed from one such tree per season.
  • "De Barao" - a tall plant that can reach 4 meters. Tomatoes ripen in clusters of 6-7 pieces. Each tomato weighs about 100 g. The color can be different, depending on the variety: yellow, red, pink, black. Late blight-resistant variety. The yield in the greenhouse reaches 40 kg / m. sq. Differs in long shelf life, resistance to transportation.
  • "Buffalo Heart" - early variety, ripens in about 100 days. Grows up to 80 cm in height. Its main feature is huge fruits weighing up to 1 kg. Heart-shaped, pink-crimson color. The consistency is dense, so they are not afraid of transportation. TO positive qualities excellent taste and small amount of seeds can also be attributed. Productivity per bush - 10 kg.
  • "Southern Tan" - an indeterminate variety that grows up to 1.7 meters. Has an average ripening period. Large fruits - 150-350 g, s increased content vitamins. The pulp is juicy, with a reduced amount of acids. Productivity up to 8 kg / bush. The application is universal.

Cherry for greenhouses

Cherries are increasing in popularity every year. These are not just delicious mini tomatoes for salads or a snack. The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses from the cherry group are very convenient when closing in jars, pickles, and decorating various dishes. The peculiarity of cherry is in the sweetness and evenness of tomatoes. They rarely bend, almost never crack, and are resistant to many diseases.

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses from the cherry group

  • "Honey drop" has a long shelf life. This variety has yellow pear-shaped tomatoes. The taste is sweet, rich. Foliage gives little.
  • "Ildi F1" - a hybrid with an average ripening period. Tall, grown on a trellis or tied. Yellow or orange tomatoes are collected in bunches. The use is universal, the taste is excellent. Up to 6 kg of crops are harvested from a square meter.
  • "Date red F1" - late hybrid. Recommended for drying or pickling. Oval tomatoes, red color.
  • Madeira F1 gives round, red fruits weighing 20-25 g. Number of nests - 2. Ripen in 85-90 days. Productivity up to 7 kg / m. sq.

Polycarbonate greenhouse tomato varieties

Polycarbonate greenhouses are very popular today. They are easy to use, which is why they are built in personal gardens. The best tomato varieties for this type of greenhouse are described below.

The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

  • "Lollipop" grows in polycarbonate greenhouses up to 2 meters in height. The plant needs a garter or is simply grown on a trellis. The number of stepchildren is controlled - forming 2-3 stems. Tomatoes are oval, scarlet, even. In clusters, 8 pieces are collected on average. Weight - 30-40 g. The taste is slightly sour, slightly sweet, very juicy. They do not crack, do not crumble, they tolerate temperature changes normally.
  • "Gem Emerald F1" grows over 2 meters in height. Tomatoes are formed in clusters of 12-16 pieces. Ripe tomatoes have an emerald color, hence the name, small (30-40 g), oval with a spout. The peel is translucent. The taste is sweet and juicy. Productivity 6.7 kg / m. sq.
  • "Mikado pink" ripens 96-100 days after sowing the seeds. It grows more than 2.5 meters, gives a lot of side shoots (stepson), each plant needs a lot of space for growth - they are not planted densely. Pink tomatoes, weighing 300-600 g. Peel of medium density - transportation and long-term storage is possible. The pulp is sugary, sweetish. The yield per square meter reaches 12 kg with proper care.

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