Distance learning for mothers on maternity leave. Free courses at the employment center

Like an ordinary mother on maternity leave, after two years I began to think about my career. I had nowhere to return to work, and I didn’t want to go in my previous profession (economist, worked in a bank). There was only one option - to look for advanced training courses and master a new profession.

I learned about the training courses for women on maternity leave by accident. It was before the summer, so, of course, there was no question of any study. However, after returning from the dacha at the end of August, I nevertheless decided to study this issue (especially since at the end of October my child was three years old, and maternity leave was coming to an end).

Sending his son to kindergarten, in September I still got to the Employment Center (at the place of registration). There a psychologist told me that such a program really exists. All mothers in Moscow can sign up for FREE courses and complete training once per maternity leave. There were over ten directions to choose from, I especially remember:

Business English (not for beginners):


Public procurement (professional development);

Something related to early childhood education;

HR records management.

By the way, there were courses for hairdressers, nail service masters, and so on ...

I have identified several areas for myself so that there is a choice if the seats are occupied. And, of course, a month before the start of classes, all the seats were already occupied :) But I was informed that there would also be a second set and promised to call back as soon as it was announced.

My second visit to the Employment Center was a great success. The beginning of the classes was determined for the second half of November, and I chose the course "Modern Office Work" for myself. The State Budgetary Institution "Women's Business Center" (metro Domodedovskaya) is responsible for teaching mothers on maternity leave, where, as expected, all classes will be held.

BUT! I was lucky again))) It was our courses that were transferred to the Youth Employment Center (m. Prospekt Mira, two minutes walk). There were spacious classrooms, computers for training and a very positive atmosphere in general.

Course duration: from 14 to 30 November, the time for classes is from 10 to 14:30. I managed to take my son to the garden, then pick him up and, fortunately, he managed not to get sick during those two weeks.

Teachers After the first week, it became clear that we were very lucky with the teachers. Three teachers were invited from the Department of Document Management of the Russian State University for the Humanities, we can say that these people are engaged in the development of all standards and instructions for office work in our country. It was really interesting to listen to them. We got acquainted with all the regulations in this area, with various documents, learned to independently draw up a list of cases, protocols, orders and other very important documents, learned a lot about electronic document management.

We also had two useful lectures with a teacher from another university, who is also an entrepreneur. He told us about the functions of a clerk (secretary) from the point of view of the head of the organization.

In addition, the Youth Employment Center organized a training session with a psychologist, who told about how to write a resume, look for a job and behave correctly in interviews. Two girls from our group, who have not yet turned 30, were able to take a career guidance test there.

Graduation document On the last day of classes, we wrote the final testing, and then the representatives of the "Women's Business Center" handed us a document confirming the completion of the refresher course.

Pros of learning

I will not talk again about the new knowledge that I received there. There was a lot of theory and practice that I hope will be useful to me in my future work.

As it turned out, few mothers on maternity leave do not know about such an excellent opportunity to gain new knowledge. I think I am really lucky. Girls, don't be lazy! If you have someone to leave your child with for at least two weeks (half a day each) or your baby is already attending the garden, be sure to check out your Employment Center. Mothers of many children studied with me, who found time for themselves.

PS It so happened that I completed my studies after my maternity leave. However, the referral was given to me in advance, so no one had any questions.

PPS Now I'm looking for a job in a new direction for me. I am considering vacancies of a clerk and office manager. I would like to find a job near my home so that I can take and take my child, so I am a little limited in my choice. The psychologist said that the search can take up to three months, the main thing is not to give up. You can apply for vacancies on large sites (HH, Superjob, Rabota, etc.), contact the Job Center, or simply send your resume to selected organizations, for example, near your home. Today I visited the Job Fair at the Expocentre, passed professional testing for free and found one attractive job for me.

That's probably all! I hope my experience will be useful for someone. I wish you all success in finding your dream job !!!

Here, the student can choose the appropriate format and courses of various lengths, receive secondary education by correspondence, first or second higher education... You can become a student in traditional daytime or evening forms, but the electronic format is most suitable for young mothers. After all, you can practice practically without leaving your home.

Special conditions and bonuses of the program:

  • the opportunity to get an academic leave;
  • the cost of training is several times cheaper than the full-time form;
  • support of psychologists;
  • assistance with further employment.

A special Internet marketing program allows you to get all the knowledge that freelancers need: skills in working with basic computer programs, the ability to write and edit articles, select and process photos, communicate with clients. This helps women to realize themselves during maternity leave and earn money without leaving home.

Young mothers receive enough practical training in the chosen direction. Teachers and practicing experts regularly conduct master classes and webinars where theoretical knowledge is applied in practice.

The graduation document will not contain a note that the training was conducted online. In turn, the specialists of the employment center at the university help the mother and child find a job.

New profession for free or the benefits of education on maternity leave

In many cities, employment centers implement programs according to which mothers on maternity leave can receive correspondence vocational education free of charge or take advanced training courses in their field. But this offer is only available to those who are officially employed and are on parental leave. You can use the program until your child is three years old.

For preferential admission, you will need to collect a package of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • a copy of a valid work book;
  • certificates and other documents confirming maternity leave;
  • child's birth certificate.

In some regions, scholarships are even paid to students who show success and regularly attend classes. In Yaroslavl, for example, these are payments of 2500 rubles per month.

The list of specialties that can be obtained through such programs is extensive. For example, you can become a professional accountant, estimate engineer, tailor, translator and completely change your occupation.

For those who have chosen refresher courses, this is a great opportunity to keep up with colleagues and keep up with the times.

For those who want to acquire new knowledge without interrupting their maternal responsibilities, online courses of all kinds are suitable. There are a lot of them on the Web, there is plenty to choose from:

  1. Coursera is one of the most well-known free sites where you can get a lot of useful information and even find complete courses in subjects. Here programs of different universities of the world are published for free access. Most of the programs are developed in English and are suitable for those who know it at the proper level.
  2. edX is a collaborative non-profit project of several American institutions that also caters to women who speak English. For obtaining a certificate of completion, you will need to pay a certain amount, but you can simply study for yourself for free.
  3. National Open Internet University "Intuit" offers distance learning and various retraining programs. All materials are posted on the Internet platform and are available to any user. The knowledge gained can help to get a new position.
  4. TED is a site that brings together lectures by professionals in various fields, businessmen, politicians and other prominent personalities. This site can be used both to study of English languageand for self-education.

Having learned how to use the Internet with benefit, you can find many more useful and interesting things. Modern technology opens up many opportunities for us that were previously inaccessible.

Difficulty learning during maternity leave

It is not so easy to combine study with parenting, even when studying completely remotely.

Part-time or distance learning involves a lot of independent work. You need to be able to properly organize your time and calculate your strength, otherwise there is a risk of not finishing what you started and quitting halfway.

Studying at a university can take up to 6 years, and if you want to get a degree, you will most likely have to pay for it.

Exams, credits and coursework defenses often cause anxiety and stress, which can adversely affect the health of a nursing mother.

There is less time for yourself and for rest.

Of course, if there is a strong desire to master a new profession, no obstacles are terrible. There will be time for the child, for the family, and for study.

What else to do on maternity leave

Not every mother has the opportunity to receive a second diploma during parental leave. But to spend this time with benefit, it is not at all necessary to go to study. You can buy a new hobby, read new books, watch popular science programs and programs, try to master it yourself foreign language, start making money remotely. There are many opportunities, and each mother chooses the activity that will fill her life with meaning, in addition to raising a baby.

Apply to Top Distance Learning Institutions

Parenting leave is a great time to learn something new. Often it is in the decree that a woman begins to wonder: does she like her current job or is it time to retrain and even get additional education.

Photo GettyImages

In the Chelyabinsk region, the state program "Promotion of employment of the population of the Chelyabinsk region for 2015-2019" is being implemented. One of the directions of the program is the organization vocational training and additional vocational education for women on parental leave until they reach the age of three.

Photo GettyImages

How to participate in the program?

1. Contact your local employment center.

2. Take with you a passport or a document that replaces it, a birth certificate of the child (children), a copy of a document related to work and confirming that you are on parental leave.

3. Fill out the application (a sample can be taken at the employment center or on the website www.szn74.ru).

An employment service specialist will select a profession (specialty), taking into account your wishes, education, professional qualifications, the end date of parental leave.

Important! Receiving higher or secondary vocational education in the direction of the employment service is not provided. Training lasts from 1 to 5 months, depending on the chosen specialty.

Women undergo retraining and advanced training courses in the professions: accountant, cook, pastry chef, nurse, paramedic, cutter, hairdresser, manicurist, HR manager, teacher preschool education, photographer, administrator, clerk, computer and computer operator (with specialization), etc.

After training, a woman can leave the decree to her previous job or try herself in a new profession at a new job.

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Zhangabulova Lilia, mother of three children, lives in the village of Narovchatka, Chelyabinsk region. From 2011 until maternity leave she worked as an inspector in a penal colony in the Chelyabinsk region.

“While on vacation, I thought about self-development and a possible change of profession. To implement my plan, I turned to the Employment Center of the Agapov District. The inspector suggested that I undergo training in a new profession. In the spring of 2016, I started training in the specialty "hairdresser" ",- shared Lilia Nagashbaevna.

The training took about 4 months and took place at the Business and Health training center in Magnitogorsk. The students were provided with all the materials necessary for practical training (shampoos, paints, scissors). On the practical lessons clients came, ready to trust the students.

“After training, friends, neighbors, familiar with the wishes to change their image, to do their hair for an event, began to contact me. - says the newly made hairdresser. - Currently, I have already returned from maternity leave and continue to work. But after retirement I plan to open my own hairdressing salon. ”

But that's not all!

Citizens who apply to the employment service and are recognized as unemployed can receive public services:

- for vocational training (to get a profession necessary for starting a business and in demand on the labor market);

- for self-employment (get free advice and financial assistance from the state for paperwork to start a business).

Also in the Chelyabinsk region there is a new subprogram until 2020 to provide subsidies to people with disabilities. If a disabled person decides to start his own business, he will be provided with a subsidy in the amount of 67,620 rubles. This is the sum total of the maximum unemployment benefit for the year. The subsidy compensates for the costs of: acquisition of fixed assets, lease of an office or production facility, purchase of a license software etc.

Photo GettyImages

Since the program provides compensation, the disabled person must already have start-up capitalto start your own business. This year, the compensation subsidy will be allocated to 10 people with disabilities. To do this, a disabled person must contact the employment service at his place of residence, register, be recognized as unemployed, register his own business. Or there may be another situation: the disabled person was already registered as unemployed, opened his own business. In either case, you need to apply for compensation within 3 months from the date of deregistration at the employment service.

Let's clarify that the subroutine operates throughout the region and is not tied to any cities or towns. An application for participation is submitted to the employment service at the place of residence.

Golovacheva Anna Vladimirovna applied to the employment service of the Agapov region for the sixth time in May 2016. She is 39 years old and has a 3rd disability group.

“For health reasons, I had to quit my job. There was a state of despair, but I immediately turned to the Employment Center of the Agapov District, - shared Anna Vladimirovna. - After a conversation with a career guidance specialist, I again believed in my own strength and decided to open my own business in the profession I already had as a designer-designer. I used a self-employment service at the employment center and opened my atelier in February 2017. Now everything is working out for me: I have my clients, my products are in demand. I can safely say that I live a full life! "

The employment service provides not only work for people, but also training. If your profession is not very popular, then you can master a new one. Usually, such centers offer several specialties, from which you can choose the one that suits you. Training from the employment center allows you to get a document with which you can. And all this is provided free of charge, since it is funded by the budget. You just need to know what is required for this.

Pros of retraining

After losing a job, a person usually turns to a labor exchange where vacancies are offered. Sometimes people cannot choose a suitable specialty. But for this there is from the employment center. The advantages of such courses are that:

  • vacancies in demand;
  • a new profession will be mastered;
  • new knowledge will not be superfluous;
  • training is free, since it is paid by the state;
  • scholarships are provided to many categories of citizens.

Training from the employment center is conducted by experienced teachers, specialists from various educational institutions. The unemployed are offered not only retraining, but also the issued document will serve for employment.

Cons of learning

But vocational training from an employment center also has disadvantages:

  • there are not always interesting vacancies, sometimes you have to wait long enough for suitable ones;
  • technical equipment in many regions is not so rich;
  • if after training to refuse several vacancies, then the unemployed person is not paid benefits.

Therefore, you should think carefully before signing up for training from an employment center. Reviews indicate the need for retraining, because after that there are job opportunities. Many citizens are happy to receive free training in a specialty of interest, especially since it is conducted at a convenient time. Most people are attracted to the courses for lack of fees.

Still, there are such reviews indicating the ineffectiveness of retraining. The exchange does not always offer an interesting profession for a person. And then you have to wait a long time for the desired vacancy.

Who needs training?

Free courses at the employment center for the unemployed are laid down by Russian law. All unemployed citizens can sign up for them. Training is performed in the following cases:

  • lack of qualifications;
  • difficulties with the selection of vacancies;
  • the need to change the profession;
  • the inability of a citizen to do his job.

The main goal of the courses is further employment, increasing competitiveness, opening your own business.

Types of professions

The list of offers for retraining is quite rich. In many centers, it reaches 70 professions. The most popular are the following areas:

  • economic: accountant;
  • working: plumber, locksmith, turner;
  • service: cook, security guard, secretary;
  • social: psychologist, educator;
  • entrepreneurship;
  • IT: designer;
  • creative and educational;
  • management;
  • medical.

In each region, the list of professions may differ, it all depends on the labor market of the region, as well as the availability of educational institutions and teachers. In many organizations, you can get training as a welder from an employment center. Accountancy courses are also in demand, since with this specialty employees are required almost everywhere. All necessary information can be obtained only at the employment center.

Each person has the right to choose a specialty, no one can arbitrarily enroll him in training in any profession. If you wish, you can not go to the courses, but wait for the appearance of a suitable vacancy.

Features of admission

The term of study lasts 1-6 months, depending on the program. Groups are recruited in different time of the year. In some institutions there are queues, thanks to which you can study for the desired profession.

Accounting courses are the most demanded direction, as they provide an opportunity for profitable employment. This profession is always appreciated, and even more so, such employees receive high and stable salaries. Training moms on maternity leave from the employment center is widespread. During this period, they receive benefits and learn a new profession.

Training benefits

Although all unemployed citizens have the right to improve their qualifications, there are still priority groups of people who are given greater preference:

  • disabled people;
  • unemployed registered for more than 6 months;
  • dismissed citizens;
  • military personnel and their families who have lost their jobs;
  • school graduates.

For such people, the employment center offers all the available professions, from which you can choose your favorite. It is important for the state to find a job for them in the first place.

If you have experience in vocational training, then the employment center should be required to enroll in the required course. It is also important to find out where such training is funded.

Training from the employment center for many citizens is carried out with the payment of a scholarship. Also, one-time financial assistance is provided, travel compensation, accommodation, if there is a need to stay in another area.

Funds may not be paid when a person does not attend training. After that, a document confirming the receipt of the specialty is provided. You can find a job with him.

In decree

Training from the employment center is also offered for young mothers who are on maternity leave. It is important that the child is under 3 years old, and the woman has official employment.

The following conditions must be met:

  • you need to apply only to the employment center that is fixed at the place of residence;
  • training is provided only if it is one during parental leave;
  • at the time of graduation, the leave must still be valid;
  • if there is no part-time or home work.

What is required from the documents?

Before starting training, the employment center offers to collect a list of documents:

  • statement;
  • the passport;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a copy of the document confirming maternity leave.

What services are provided?

The employment center offers full training, which includes the following services:

  • vocational orientation: there is an opportunity to take a test, on the basis of which a suitable specialty will be chosen;
  • familiarization with the labor market providing employment opportunities;
  • referral to training.

Types of training

Depending on the need, the following types of training are selected:

  • Preparation: Skills are acquired in a short time.
  • Retraining: programs are studied to gain additional knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Professional development: improving personal knowledge, skills and abilities in the profession received.

In the employment center, professions are selected on the basis of wishes, as well as existing education, professional qualifications, and vacation time.

Where does the training take place?

Usually it is carried out by universities, educational institutionscooperating with the employment center. The list of establishments must be provided by the employees of the labor exchange or on their website.

Sometimes they are sent to study in another city. In this case, compensation for travel and accommodation expenses is due. All this is documented.

How is training done?

The forms of training are:

  • full-time;
  • part-time (evening).

Classes can be held in individual and group forms. Distance learning is also practiced. The duration of the courses depends on the program, but usually it is not more than 6 months.

Features of employment

After training, you can get a job, but you should know how to do it correctly in order to find a suitable vacancy. Employers put forward certain requirements for applicants. This is due to the fact that the employee will perform one of the important work for the development of an enterprise or company. Therefore, the following requirements are imposed on applicants:

  • Education: preferable to secondary specialized or higher.
  • Some vacancies require knowledge of a foreign language.
  • Work experience: important almost everywhere.

If a person fits all the criteria, then he will definitely be hired. Additional skills may also be required: driving a car, knowledge of English. This information in the resume must be indicated honestly, since the untruth will still be revealed.

Writing a resume

When looking for a job, it is important to write a resume correctly. The main information in it is:

  • address;
  • marital status;
  • education;
  • citizenship.

The resume should include additional skills. This often helps to find the right job. These include knowledge of languages, use of computer programs, driving a car.

After training, you can get a job referral. It is necessary to take a testimonial on the passage of practice. The resume should even include a part-time job, if there was one. If there is no experience, then this should be indicated.


If the employer's resume suits him, then he invites the applicant for an interview. To prepare for this event, you need to follow these tips:

  • you must behave confidently;
  • the voice should be firm and the smile calm;
  • the interviewer needs to face;
  • answer questions honestly;
  • it is advisable to choose discreet clothing;
  • women need to make makeup discreet;
  • there should be a small amount of jewelry in the image.

Even in the absence of work experience, you can get a job if you prove yourself. It is important to show a desire to work and develop further. Often this allows you to get the desired position.

After training, the employment center usually offers several vacancies by providing job referrals. After training, most people still find the necessary vacancy and successfully find a job.

Having a baby radically changes a woman's life. Career and higher education for a mother fade into the background, giving way to happy family concerns for several years.

Decree \u003d pause in education and career?

It is almost impossible to continue education for mothers on maternity leave. Even if a woman wants to combine the upbringing of a child with study and can find time for this, she needs additional support that is nowhere to be obtained. So often little child there is no one to leave at home with, and to get an education, mom must go to classes. If a woman did not have time to go to college or university before the birth of a child, then she needs help with career guidance.

The financial side is also a significant problem. While on parental leave, a woman is forced to limit her expenses, and higher education is expensive. Free training programs for new mothers are inconvenient because they have a rigid schedule. The small choice of areas of training in such courses also limits the training for young mothers, and the certificate of completion is incomparable in the eyes of the employer with a diploma from a prestigious university.

A career break is also fraught with difficulties. The modern labor market requires specialists to constantly improve their level of education, improve their skills and experience. It's almost impossible for a mom with children. infancy... When she goes to work, she discovers that she is far behind her colleagues and cannot count on career advancement.

Training for mothers on maternity leave

Synergy University has developed a special program “ Education for young mothers", Which allows you to acquire a profession or improve your qualifications in the most demanded specialties on the labor market:

  • Management and business.
  • Economics, jurisprudence.
  • Hotel and restaurant business.
  • Banking.
  • Information Technology.
  • Sports management and marketing.
  • Internet Marketing.
  • Design and advertising.
  • Psychology.
  • Linguistics.

All levels of preparation are available to you: short courses, college, first and second higher education. A convenient program has been implemented for mothers distance learning according to an individual schedule. In addition, you can choose a form of study that involves attending a university: full-time, part-time, evening or weekend.

Teaching young mothers at Synergy: special conditions

Our educational program involves young parents who want to create an optimal balance between career and family. In response to their wishes, Synergy University developed special conditionsto make the training of mothers with many children and mothers on maternity leave as comfortable as possible:

  • Personal curator of your education.
  • Granting academic leave if necessary.
  • Organization of special courses for mothers.
  • Additional support from psychologists.
  • Discounts and bonuses, reduced tuition fees.
  • Job placement assistance and counseling on how to find a job for a mother and child.

Distance education for young mothers

It is much easier and more convenient to receive education for mothers remotely, that is, via the Internet, thanks to the following advantages of Synergy University:

Free training schedule. You can create your own class schedule. The dates of exams and tests are flexible and easily transferred. You do not move on to new material until you have studied the previous topics.

Personal online tutor. You can ask any of your questions to the online tutor. You pass tests and exams to him, you communicate with him on the organization of the educational process. Basically, you prepare individually, and your curator is always in touch with you.

Low cost of education. Compared to other forms of education, where you need to attend a university, distance learning will cost you 1.5 - 2 times cheaper.

Practical training. Despite the fact that a remote training program for young mothers is being implemented, practice in the chosen specialty is necessarily provided. At master classes and webinars with recognized experts, you in groups and individually solve cases, exchange experiences, consolidate the material covered in the format of workshops.

Prestigious diploma. Upon graduation, you are awarded a diploma from a leading Moscow university that does not contain a postscript on distance learning.

Work remotely on maternity leave. The Employment Center actively helps Synergy University students and graduates find work in their specialty. Work for mothers sitting at home is possible both in our university and in partner organizations of the university.

Work for young mothers at home

Thanks to a diploma from one of the main universities in the country, it is not difficult for mothers to get a job in Moscow and the regions of Russia. If you are looking for work for moms on the Internet, then our educational programs provide you with a great opportunity to acquire the skills that freelancers require. So, if a mother wants to work from home, then she most often needs to be able to write texts, process digital photos, know HTML layout, and be ready to communicate with clients. After graduating from the Internet Marketing program at our university, you will receive all this knowledge and even more: you can open your own online business. If you are a mother of many children, freelancing work will become a stable source of constant income for you. Investments in studies will quickly pay off due to high salaries and professional self-realization for a young mother who works remotely.

You can view the reviews of young mothers who were trained in the distance form

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