Reproductist for cats. Reproductology

Doctor cents reproduction and animal health ark.

Candidate of veterinary sciences. Member of EVSSAr, a member of the Association of Practitioners of Veterinary Doctors, a member of the Russian Society of Veterinary Immunology. Rapporteur of international veterinary congresses and regional conferences. WORLDSKILLS RUSSIA Expert.

Experience: more than 10 years of veterinary practice in animal reproductions. Partnership with the HSB-BENDIVET veterinary center, Germany.

Education: MVA. K.i Scriabin.

Postgraduate education: reproduction, ultrasound, endoscopy.

Specialization: Reproduction.

The main task in its field, considers the receipt of a healthy generation of puppies and kittens, with characteristic requirements for each breed. Therefore, in the center, under the leadership of Natalia Ivanovna, a cryologist was created for the conservation of animal genetic material.

About her work: the success of veterinary reproduction depends on the strong team of doctors and high-tech equipment. Today I have everything necessary to provide high-quality modern assistance to my patients.

In 2008, he was trained on the echographic diagnosis of urgent states on the basis of the FSU of the Pediatric and Children's Surgery of Roshedtehnology.

In 2010, a training course was held ultrasonic diagnostics organs abdominal cavity On the basis of the clinic Biocontrol

In April 2012, it graduated from a hard endoscopy training module.

In 2015, he entered the graduate school MGAVM and B-MVA. K. I. Scriabin at the Department of Anatomy and Histology. Scientific Director Honored Science Worker, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Slesarenko N.A.

In June 2016, an internship was held on reproduction in the Blendivet clinic under the leadership of Conrad of Blendine Gera in Germany.

Joint development with members of the EurAsEC documents for transporting sperm of dogs across the border of the Russian Federation. The result was 30 May 2017

additional chapter No. 45 in veterinary and sanitary requirements for goods subject to veterinary control.

Since 2017, the coordinator of the section of the reproduction of the Moscow International Veterinary Congress.

In 2018, graduate school at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MVA named after K.I. Scriabin "with the assignment of training teacher - researcher.

In 2019, he defended his dissertation. Theme: "Algorithm for assessing the reproductive potential of dog females."

Speaker of International Veterinary Congresses (MVC, Purina Partners, Fecava).

As a lecturer, made presentations and conducted master classes in a large number of cities of our country from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok.

It has publications in leading Russian and European magazines of veterinary medicine.

On the basis of the center of reproduction and animal health "Ark" conducts training students of senior courses and graduate students of MGAI and B-MVA. K. I. Scriabin and Russian State Agrarian University. K.A. Timiryazev

Cat owners are often faced with various reproductive problems:

  1. Chronic viral infections
  2. Outbreaks of sharp viral infections in the nursery
  3. The problem of selection of a couple
  4. Stress when transporting viscosity
  5. Basic mating
  6. Chronic non-infectious diseases Cats that prevent natural pairing
  7. Diseases of the reproductive system
  8. Need operational intervention in pathological gods
  9. Neonatal death kittens

Many of these problems can be solved with modern methodsused in veterinary medicine using new reproductive technologies.

Feature of the sexual cycle, ovulation, sexual behavior, hidden viral infections and disorderly breeding - all these factors need to be considered during the reproductive examination of the cat.

For getting good results In the breeding of cats it is necessary to combine the possibilities of a repair specialist with an absolute understanding of the owner of the cat of all the difficulties of the upcoming procedures.

In our center we are constantly working in the direction of the reproduction of cats. We provide advisory, diagnostic, surgical and reproductive services using modern possibilities of veterinary medicine.

1. We conduct extended diagnostics chronic and sharp viral infections. With regard to patients with severe chronic incurable diseases, we agree with the principle: "If the patient cannot be cured - this does not mean that he can not help." According to life testimony, we also conduct such patients with operations of any level of complexity. This is especially important in relation to cats suffering from immunosuppressive and / or oncological diseases.

3. Diagnostic studies are held in the center:

  • Ultrasound procedure(urogenital system, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland),
  • Ophthalmological examination

Various methods for assessing sperm cats Allow the presence of pathological processes. Which allows you to assess the reproductive functions of the patient and pick up effective schema Treatment.

Better work in our center is underway karobanka Frozen seed cats.

Does your pet wait for the offspring? Are you worried about your favorite health and expected replenishment? Are you sure that you can give proper assistance to pets? Our branch of the reproductologist will be able to help you avoid complications and get a reward excellent offspring.

The content of dogs or cats of unique, rare breeds is becoming increasingly popular. In pregnancy an animal, it is very important to protect not only the mother, but also to preserve newborns. Veterinarian Reproductist in our clinic is fully responsible for the life and health of the animal. Only a professional will be able to assist in time in case of any complications.

If your pet can not give birth to himself, then our doctors will operate Caesarean in dogs. Such a procedure, of course, is little pleasing to the owners of animals, but in emergency cases, it can cost the salvation of your pet. Cesarean section in dogs is a very difficult operation that requires certain skills and knowledge. Our doctors who have rich experience in the treatment and operating of animals will help you carry out an operation with the least consequences. It is worth noting that the price of cesarean section The dog in our clinic is significantly lower than the generally accepted rates. Cesarean cat or dog takes place in the cabinets, fully equipped with all the necessary equipment and medicines. In the event that the operation is carried out at home, the specialist of our clinic always has everything you need with you. In the case of severe birth or problems with the born offspring, the clinic can provide a car with specialized boxes for the content of weak puppies or kittens.

What is the work of the reproductologist?

The main functions of the doctor of this area is:

  • conducting birth
  • pregnancy
  • determining the exact period of childbirth
  • cesarean section in cats and dogs

The treatment of infertility in dogs, as well as the treatment of infertility in cats requires a special approach and high professionalism. Our specialists will help determine the true cause of the problem. They will conduct all the necessary procedures and prescribe treatment that will help your pet acquire offspring.

Do not save on your pet's health, trust his life to professionals. We are always happy to help you get offspring and assist in the event of identifying various kinds of pathologies or deviations in the process of childbirth. Take care of your favorites, and we will help you!

If you want to use the reproductologist's doctor, then you can make an appointment on our 24-hour telephone 747-50-50. We have affordable prices both for childbirth and for treatment of infertility in cats, dogs and other animals. We are glad to see you in our vgobet.

Veterinarian. Anesthetist.

Total work experience in the specialty is 9 years old.

Educational institution:

In 2008, she graduated from Stavropol State Agrarian University with a specialty veterinary doctor.


  • Anesthesiology
  • Radiology
  • General oncology
  • Chemotherapy

Previous work:

Veterinary clinic "Swans", veterinary clinic Vesta, veterinary clinic Zoomir, Belante's veterinary clinic.


In the clinic oncology of animals MNII them P.A. Herzen - the branch of the FGBU "NMITs Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia has been working since 2016.

It is a member of veterinary seminars, conferences, congresses, including anesthesiology, as well as medical research conferences held on the basis of "MNII them P.A. Herzen - branch of the FSBI "NMITs Radiology" Ministry of Health of Russia "devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

  • Surgeon-oncologist. Veterinarian. Candidate of veterinary sciences.

    Common work experience in the specialty is 14 years old.

    Educational institution:

    In 2003 he graduated from MGAVMIB. K.i Scriabin with a specialty veterinarian.


    • Oncology
    • Surgery

    Degree - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences.

    In 2009, he completed training in the graduate school of the Veterinary Academy. K.i Scriabin.

    Name of dissertation work:

    "Complex treatment of the neoplasms of the perianal region in dogs."

    Participant of veterinary congresses, including international, as well as medical scientific and practical conferences held on the basis of "MNII them P.A. Herzen - branch of the FSBI "NMITs Radiology" Ministry of Health of Russia "devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

  • Veterinary doctor - oncologist. Surgeon.

    Educational institution:

    In 2016, graduated from Moscow state University Food industries with a specialty veterinarian.


    • Oncology
    • Targeted immunotherapy
    • Citato-tunic oncological surgery


    • Course Abdominal Surgery in Veterinary Endoscopic School Vesk
    • Individual internship on the profile of the oncology of small pets, at the school of postplomal education them. V.N. Mitina at K. B.N. Shimshirt A.A.
    Permanent participant of veterinary conferences and master classes.
    • National Veterinary Conference (NVC) -2016
    • National Veterinary Conference (NVC) -2017
    • Veterinary oncological conference "Care more importantly treatment"
  • Veterinarian.

    Ultrasound diagnostic specialist.

    Total work experience in the specialty is 16 years old.

    Educational institution:

    In 2002 she graduated from MGAVMIB. K.i Scriabin with a specialty veterinarian.


    • Therapy
    • Ultrasound diagnostics
    • Anesthesiology

    In the MNII them P.A. Herzen - a branch of the FSBI "NMITs Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia has been working since 2018.

  • Veterinary doctor - cardiologist.


    • Therapy
    • Cardiology

    In the MNII them P.A. Herzen - a branch of the FSBI "NMITs of Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia has been working since 2017.

  • Administrator.

    Total work experience in the specialty 19 years.

    Educational institution:

    In 1999 he graduated from the Stupinsk Medical School in the specialty "Nursing".

    Additional education:

    In 1999, the "laboratory business in X-ray" in the Tula School of Improving the qualifications of medium health workers was held in the specialty "X-ray".

    In the MNII them P.A. Herzen - a branch of the FGBU "NMITs Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia has been working since 2013.

  • Assistant veterinary doctor.

    Total work experience in the specialty 3 years.

  • Many owners often have a question: "Who is such a veterinarian reproductist and what does he do? "And most often get the answer that this is a doctor only for breeders or owners who decided to tie their animal. Yes, this veterinarian has a narrow specialization and until recently, the reproductologists were interested in exclusively breeders. But the time goes and now the usual owners of dogs and cats are puzzled by problems and questions that were previously relevant only for nurseries.

    1. Sterilization and castration of dogs and cats. Previously, the question of the sterilization of animals the answer was quite unequivocal: tribal-give birth, no-sterilize. In the delayed period of this kind, a number of inconveniences could cause some owners, because the deprivation of an animal sexual function was irreversibly and not all owners were quite prepared for the delayed consequences of this procedure. Today, in the arsenal of reproductologists, there are a number of techniques for temporary interruption of sexual function, both in males and females. An individual approach and analysis of each individual clinical situation makes it possible to optimally control sexual function Animals with minimal negative consequences on health as a whole.

    2. Not surgical treatment inflammatory diseases Reproductive tract in dogs and cats. More recently, the diagnosis of a peeometric or prostatitis was a sentence for a tribal animal, and meant an imminent end of the reproductive career, because the main method of treatment was surgical removal The uterus at the bitches and castration in males. Today, veterinary reproductologists have developed techniques not surgical treatment Piometrs and prostatitis in dogs and cats. When using these techniques, the animal may have completely successfully continue to use in breeding. The possibility of applying the above treatment schemes is largely limited. common state Animal and has certain risks, but with timely appeal to the reproductologist, we can hope for a positive result.

    3. Chemical castration Dogs, cats and ferrets. Is it possible to castrate / sterilize the animal medication? How long will keep this effect And what effects can be expected from this procedure? Reproductist will answer all these questions.

    4. Unwanted pregnancy in dogs and cats. No owner of a sterilized cat or dog is insured against unwanted pregnancies. In the case when the animal in a passion accomplished "escape" and we are not sure about the absence of sex contacts, and they are not ready for the emergence of fruits of "criminal love", in such cases, procedures are carried out to exclude pregnancy. In situations, when conception occurred and there is a testimony for interrupting pregnancy, non-tribal animals occur through the removal of the ovaries along with the uterus, but if the pet was assigned to breeding, the doctor reproductist will select a scheme for drug interruption, depending on the period of pregnancy.

    5. Artificial feeding of kittens and puppies. The rejection of feeding offspring is not uncommon in dogs and cats, the reasons for this set, from violation in the psyche, before the shortage of milk. Veterinarian-Reproductist will tell you what to do if the mother refused to feed off the offspring, how to care for newborns than and how to feed, how to control the state of health and what kind of symptoms to pay close attention.

    6. Planning knitting in dogs and cats. Animal breeding is a responsible process. As practice shows, only thorough preparation for viscosity minimizes the likelihood of not productive pairing. The main points include a preliminary exclusion of genital infections in both partners and the exact definition of ovulation at bitch.

    In addition, the reproductologist responds to questions about the types and methods of excluding infections in cats and dogs, a reliable determination of the offensive of ovulation at the bitches, the preparation of animals to mating, the right organization and the conduct of knitting of dogs and cats.

    7. Phenomenon false pregnancy In dogs and cats. Many animals suffer from this unpleasant state almost after each flow. Treatment and prevention of false pregnancy in cats and dogs - as well as the work of the reproductologist, which will tell for what reason this situation arises and warns against the negative consequences for pets.

    8. Infertility in dogs and cats. Often the reason for not the occurrence of pregnancy is primary animal infertility. The reproductologist assesses the quality of the sperm of the dog, explores the reproductive tract and the hormonal bitch background. Diagnosis and treatment of infertility in dogs and cats are one of the main directions of the veterinary reproductologist. If after a few mating with different partners you never received offspring, then this is a reason for conducting diagnostic tests to identify infertility in the animal.

    9. Injection of urine at the bitch. One of the unpleasant delayed sterilization complications of the SUK, especially large breeds of dogs, is the appearance of urinary incontinence. This problem is due to a reduced sphincter tone against the background of hormone deficiency. You can choose medications to normalize the hormonal background at the reception of the doctor of the reproductologist.

    10. Preparation for childbirth and their conduct. The sphere of professional interests of the veterinary reproductologist is also associated with the delivery. The specialist will help prepare a dog and a cat for childbirth, will answer questions about the testimony for cesarean section.

    We listed some of the private reasons and questions to appeal to the reproductologist, which arise from ordinary owners. Take care of your pets, if you have health problems, do not postpone the appeal to the narrow specialist!

    If you need a veterinary reproductist, then contact the VetState veterinary clinic. A narrow specialist -reptologist will answer all the questions you are interested in will make necessary diagnostic and will help solve all questions regarding reproductive function in the animal.

    We are glad to see you 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Without holidays and weekends from 10.00 to 21.00.

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