What does sterilization mean. Cat sterilization: pros and cons


Sterilize Stériliser. Expose sterilization to do sterile. Sterilize surgical instruments. Sterilize. BAS-1. In all, the Paster applied its method of pure crops (wiring) in broths sterilized, i.e., dismanded, in the manner invented by it. RB 1889 3 140. Bacteriological (landscape). The method of studying the operation of microbes in the appropriate conditions - in the non-saturated soil, "alive", according to the science of expression S. N. Vinogradsky, who applied it for the first time. BME 1928 2 694. Sterilize . - Lex. ESS.1940: Steriliz but/ th; Eras. 1940: Sterilization / .

Historical dictionary of gallicalism of the Russian language. - M.: Wire Publisher ETS http://www.ets.ru/pg/r/dict/gall_dict.htm. Nikolai Ivanovich Epishkin [Email Protected] . 2010 .

Watch what is "sterilize" in other dictionaries:

    Sterilize - Neutualize liquids (or to. n. Items, immersing them into liquid). Boiling them in a special sterilizer device. A full dictionary of foreign words included in Russian. Popov M., 1907. Sterilize exposing ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Sterilize - Sterilize, sterilize, sterilize, perfect. and impeller. "Who is that. Subject (subjected) sterilization. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Sterilize - sterilize, zoyy, push; shared; . and impeller. 1. What. Make (do) sterile, disinfection (to figure out). S. Milk. S. Surgical instruments. 2. Who (what). Make (do) incapable of reproducing offspring by way ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Sterilize - Nesov. and owls. 1. Travel Subjected to sterilization [sterilization 1.]; decontaminate. 2. Couch.; . Subjected to sterilization [Sterilization 2.]; detect confidence ability. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    sterilize - Sterilizi AT, J, the comforts ... Russian spelling dictionary

    sterilize - (i), steriliz / Yu (s), Zu / Eat (Sia), zehp (Sia) ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    sterilize - Zoyy, plunge; sterilized; van, a, o; sv. and NSV. 1. What. Subject to sterilize (1 sn.), Make it sterile. Canned food. S. LED. 2. Who is that. Make it unable to confusion by sterilization (2 zn). ◁ ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    sterilize - Z / Yu, Zu / eat; sterilized; van, a, o; sv. and NSV. See the TZH. Sterilize 1) What to expose sterilization 1), make it sterile. Canned food. Sterilization / linu. 2) who is what ... Dictionary of many expressions

    sterilize - Steril / From / ov / T (Sia) ... Morphemno-spell dictionary

    CASTRATION - sterilize females of animals through ovariectomy ... Explanatory dictionary of psychology


  • Aerium. Technique in the kitchen ,. Aerium can replace several kitchen appliances and cook any dish: sandwiches and porridge, soup and roast, pizza and pies. He can smoke meat and fish and sterilize canned food. He…

Last Friday sterilized her cat. Not from great desire, but rather from the need. Prehistory is as follows. We went with her husband to rest, walkers (we have two - mom and daughter) left the parents. They live in an apartment on the third floor, the windows in the summer are open. Unfortunately, the mother-cat began to flow, probably, she heard the cat's calls under the window and jumped down, then he was sigul into the basement. I found it there only a week after "escape." As you understand, the kittens have already been once - they have already knitted for money with a thoroughbred cat, they picked up so that the kittens were born not in the season (it's easier to attach). As a result, it was also born six kittens - pretty, fluffy, large and dirty. But! Not even for the season (winter) half of the thoroughbred abaldensely beautiful kittens were completely difficult to attach. In addition to a small amount of those who want, the most important problem - kittens returned. One girl - twice! You see, then she does not eat the Whiskas (although they warned that the baby is accustomed to the natural booth), then her children offend (of course, it's hard to raise children, it's easier to return the kitten), then she does not go to the tray (before and after these Mount-hosts In the tray goes without misses). As a result, so as not to break the psyche of the baby, left it to themselves. So one more litter, moreover, the "basements" kittens to produce and attach at all did not want to be - already laid the same thing. So I decided to sterilize the cat, even with suspicion of a possible pregnancy. Of course, many will coordinate me, but many will understand, especially those who dealt and engaged in the hint of kittens and adult animals, who knows how difficult it is not to find that good, but just normal and adequate owners for pets, those who will not throw them On the street or not surrender to the separation of Calov or Labor. So, I chose a veterinary clinic and a doctor (according to Internet reviews). I decided to sterilize the white line - so safer and safer. Made in advance on reception. For 6-12 hours before surgery, the cat was banned (to eliminate a possible vomiting reflex to use anesthesia), water was allowed to give an injection. For transportation, I used plastic carrying - after the operation, it allows you to bring an animal without shaking and pressing. Now about the procedure. The doctor made a cat injection (anesthesia), we planted it in carrying for 10 minutes, I stroked her and she fell asleep (got out of the truth with open eyes). Then the doctor took her away and took the operating room. I called me somewhere after half an hour - minutes of forty, when the operation was already done and the cat was dressed in the oppon. She shook her eyes so that the cornea was not dried, since she slept with his eyes open, the cat had to periodically close his eyes ("blinking") until she woke up. He said to process the seam once a day with hydrogen peroxide and levomecomber ointment, after surgery to keep the baby warm in the room where there is no possibility to jump on something. The cat still in the clinic began to move away from a narrow, she had a call for vomit, she was very shaken as from the cold. The same continued on arrival home. I put it in the kitchen (I removed only chairs from there, but simply did not jump on the table or kitchen headset). Put in a soft manipile with small sideboards (stayed from that time when she gave birth and fed kittens). When the cat moves away from anesthesia, you have to be very attentive - the cat can behave inadequately - try to jump somewhere, run away and hide, show aggression, because it does not understand what happens to her. My girl was trying to go somewhere, made a couple of steps and fell on the side, so the manusik greatly facilitated me that evening. The cat was waking up and tried to run somewhere, it fell asleep. I reached the tray - I began to write and so fell asleep. I will say right away - the first couple of days with a cat is very hard, plus it is necessary that someone constantly looked after it. Personally, my opinion is the best option to make an operation on Friday, as Saturday-Sunday can be followed by a favorite. But! It is important that the weekend has access to veterinary care In case of complications (good, many clinics are now working not only daily, but also around the clock). In the first evening, the cat drove water and almost immediately pulled out. When the cat moves away from anesthesia, this is normal, you have to be ready for this. Although the vet said that the appetite would appear the next day, our cat did not eat two days (the operation was on Friday, the appetite returned only in the evening on Sunday), before that I poured into her mouth with a syringe without a needle boulevards - fish, chicken, liquid from preserves - To not be dehydration. Friday and Saturday the cat was chills, so the heater or heater will be useful to you. Then everything was improved. Appetite appeared, the temperature was normalized, chills disappeared. It is important to watch the cat for the first four days to go to the toilet to shift (our already did the next day). In the absence of stool give vaseline oil. Every evening we treated the seam as it should be plus changed the oppon. I had two of them - we dressed on a cat, another wash, sushi and stroking with a ferry so that everything was clean and if possible sterile. This is important, since the cat's first days wrote a half-day-half-hour and a lot of urine fell on the sponge. For weeks already as we proceed, we change the popone and depart after the operation. Already signed up for the removal of the seams. From the bad - under the skin, a seal was formed, but it is said that this is either a reaction to the suture material or the accumulation of the fluid that it all dispels itself. Wednesday at the veterinarian I recognize. The cat appetite is not something that has improved, but has become more than before. In the afternoon, she to go to tolerate hates, barely picks up, dies on the paws and expresses its discontent in every possible way. Once, until no one was at home, managed to remove the poporn, so he ran like a crazy while I did not wear it back. I raged my seam - there was little redness and the threads were now broken, but it seemed to carry, and the seam did not split. I hope that soon we will completely get better. About the operation now I do not regret at all. Of course, this is a personal choice of each owner, but than to produce anyone not necessary kittens, which with a huge share of the likelihood will be on the street, where at best will live in the basement, and in the worst - they will fall under the car, in the teeth of the dog or in calves, so better cat sterilize. Of course, the first couple of days is the torment for the cat and the owner, but then no one will suffer from empty leaks and does not poison hormonal means.

Soft, fluffy, gentle, lashing lump - great happiness in the house. However, as we grow and transformation from the kitten in an adult cat, natural instincts begin to manifest itself, and with them - and sleepless nights, and loud meowing, and sharp mood swings. The cat ceases to be obedient, becomes unmanageable, may refuse food and relieves escape all the time.

And if it has the opportunity to exit the house, after a few months it brings kittens, which we usually have nowhere to give. The way for the animal and its owners is a way to get rid of all this and return peace of mind in human-feline relations - the sterilization of the cat.

What are cats sterilize? Pros and cons sterilization

Cat sterilization is needed in order to reduce the highlight of hormones - so-called estrogen causing sexual activity. After sterilization, the animal calms down, ceases to suffer from hormonal bursts. As a result, the risk of occurrence is reduced malignant tumors uterine, neoplasms of the mammary glands, ovarian polycystosis, as well as other diseases associated with a "donkey" reproductive system and / or long application hormonal drugs. Thus, after the operation, the cat's life will be healthier and, most importantly, longer (according to the results of many years of observations veterinary doctors).

Unconditional advantages of sterilization of cats:

- Sterilization allows you to prevent unwanted offspring. What will a person who his favorite "brought in the Podol" a bunch of kittens? Well, if you can attach in good hands. And if not? Will throw out to the street? Each half-creation cat is capable of quoted up to 4 times a year.

Consider how many homeless cats will appear in a year? And after two? And after 10 years? What is better - once to sterilize one single cat or get in perspective a huge orava homeless animals?

- the breeding of thoroughbred animals is not always the goal of the owner of the cat's cat. Many acquire an animal in accordance with their preferences, wanting to have a friend and, if you like, the interlocutor, but do not have the slightest desire to do breeding. An unequivocal advantage for such people will be able to sterilize the cat.

In urban apartments, where the cat lives without the possibility of entering the street and search for a cat, she begins to worry and suffer. During the period, the cat almost ceases to eat, she can get wool, it begins to mark the territory and loudly appear to meow. From all this is the animal itself, and the whole family. After sterilization, the cat stops hunting, it disappears so annoying owners. Careful vocalization disappears, it stops looking into the street and strive to escape. The hosts will finally be able to sigh calmly.

We will also take another point to the pros of sterilization. Cats that have access to the street and communicate with their stray relatives have a high risk of infection with dangerous and incurable infectious diseases . First of all, these are viral immunodeficiency and virus leukemia of cats. In addition, the risk is illiciable with infectious peritonitis of cats (IPK, FIP). These diseases are impossible to propagate, there are no preventive protection methods from them, they are difficult to diagnose and cannot be treated. In addition, diagnosis and treatment are very cost. Sterilizing the animal, the owner, perhaps he saves his life!

Cons sterilization of cats:

- The most important minus is the need to use anesthesia. Sterilization is conjugate with damage to the integrity of the skin, the muscles of the abdominal wall and reproductive organs (uterus). This requires adequate anesthesia. Young cats are well transferring anesthesia, without any consequences for the body. Anesthetic risk for older animals increases many times. In addition, there are so-called breed groups of risk, the use of anesthesia that can lead to sad consequences. For example, Maine Cuns, Sphinxes, British and Scottish Fold Cats, as well as some other breeds, have a tendency to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (GKMP), in which the anesthesia can cause thromboembolism and death of the animal. Reduce the risk will help additional surveys before the operation and consultation of the cardiologist.

As a result of a decrease in activity and an increase in appetite as a result of sterilization, the cat increases the risk of obesityAnd with him come and heart problems come. Prevention of obesity from sterilized cats is quite simple - it is necessary to streamline food, stop feeding the favorite food from the table and go to special feed for sterilized cats (eg Royal Canin Neutered Young Female). They contain a smaller amount of fats and energy than contribute to the maintenance of optimal weight.

Methods of sterilization of cats

Sterilization and castration

What is the difference between sterilization from casting cats?
Modern Russian veterinary medicine under the sterilization of the cat usually means ovaruectomy (OE) - Surgical removal of ovaries. As a result, sex hormones cease to be produced, hormonal background changes, flows and related phenomena stop. The risk of tumors and cyst is reduced. Typically, this method applies to young and bombing female with a healthy uterus.

Photo 1. ovarian young healthy cat

It's important to know
: After conducting the ovariectomy, the risk of the development of purulent processes in the uterus, the occurrence of endometritis and pyometers. If these diseases manifest themselves in old cats (and, as a rule, it is in old age that they manifest themselves), the operation becomes dangerous for physiological reasons associated with the risk of anesthesia. Therefore, most veterinary doctors prefer casting cats.

Castration is the removal of not only ovaries, but also the uterus (ovirobysectomy, OGE). It is carried out by cats of all ages, as a planned procedure or by testimony (uterine pathologies, unfavorable childbirth, extirpation of uterus with fruits, etc.). As a result, castration is reduced to no risk of uterus and many other health problems.

Pipe occlusion

Otherwise - reflection of phallopy pipes - The method at which sexual behavior is fully maintained, but the possibility of pregnancy is eliminated. In veterinary medicine, it is rarely applied, mostly those cats whose owners insist on the preservation of sexual behavior in the Pitomician, wanting to provide her conditions, stereotypical human.

The method suggests operational intervention, according to the degree of impact on the body, the same as OE or OGE, but without removing reproductive organs or their parts.

Since the method is not effective in terms of unwanted manifestations of reproduction instinct (the flow of characteristic behavior will continue, the desire to escape in search of a partner), it is practically no applied.

Chemical temporary cats

The owners of cats, not planning in the near future to pair their favorite, but those who want to do this in the future, one can recommend the temporary chemical sterilization of the cat by the introduction of an implant under the skin. For example, the Preparation of Superorin has perfectly proven itself as a reliable means for castrating cats with a chemical way.

When it comes to sterilizing cats, in modern veterinary medicine is usually meant ovaredectomy or ore-hydraectomy. They can be conducted in various ways.

Surgical sterilization methods

Sterilize cats, as a rule, one of the three main ways that differ in essence, only access to the abdominal cavity:
Access on the white lines of the abdomen (the most common way)
Side section access
One or more punctures of the abdominal wall in order to remove reproductive organs with laparoscopic equipment.

1. Sterilization of cats with surgical access White Belly Line - The most common and usual way. The animal shake the wool from the navel to the last pair of nipples, carry out the cut of the skin, then disseminate the aponeurosis of the abdominal wall (in the center, between the muscles, without bleeding).

Photo 2. Crumpled skin when sterilizing cats with access on a white lines of belly

After that, the surgeon extracts the horns of the uterus, and, depending on the sterilization method, ligates the vessels and removes only the ovaries or the ovaries and the uterus.

Photo 3. Castra Cats. Removing out abdominal cavity and the removal of the uterus and ovarian

Then the seams are applied to the abdominal wall and the skin.

Photo 4. The abdominal wall invested by a continuous seam of absorbing thread.

The peritoneum is sutured by a resinking suture, skin seams are performed in various ways, depending on the particular animal, the wishes of the owner, the conditions of detention, etc. A little later we will stay in more detail on the seams imposed by cats during sterilization.

So that the cat does not raise the seam and did not bring dirt and infection, put on the postoperative popone. Remove the poporn on the day of the seams, not before.

The cut length with ovari and ore-hydraectomy with access along the white line of the abdomen - from 1.5 to 5 cm, depending on the size of the animal, the presence of pathologies and skills of the surgeon.

2. Operational access through side cut Designed and applied in-mainly in the implementation of the system of sterilization of homeless animals, without overexposition. Woken after anesthesia cats are immediately released into an external environment. Therefore, the method provides for a small trauma of tissues, a relatively small incision and the lack of need for seams. This way is most often conducted by ovaredectomy.

Photo 5. Removing the uterus during the sterilization of the cat through the side cut of the tissues

The method is good in that the length of the seam is much smaller than with traditional ovirobridectomy. The cat after such an operation is rapidly restored and requires less care than after an operation with a section of a white line.

Tissue injury is more pronounced due to the damage to the muscular layer. When sterilizing on a white line, not muscles are damaged, but aponeurosis (connecting tissue).

Veterinary doctors dislike lateral access due to the inability to objectively assess the condition of the animal organs and take appropriate measures to either give recommendations to the owner on the further diagnosis or treatment of the animal (for example, an enlarged spleen or coprostease in the intestine). In addition, the restoration of the muscles may be even more painful than the restoration of the aponeurosis.

3. Modern, small-acting and safe way -. Allows you to combine the possibility of complete visualization of the abdominal organs and ultra-alone tissue damage.

Photo 6. With laparoscopic sterilization of cats, the highest degree of sterility is provided

Laparoscopic sterilization of cats is carried out by a special tool - laparoscope, which is a tube with a video camera unit and lens. The resulting image is displayed on the monitor and allows the doctor to carry out the procedure under full visual control.

Photo 7. Purphious wall puncture with a laparoscopic sterilization of cats

The operation is carried out through small cuts (up to a centimeter in length) in which the manipulator and laparoscope are injected.

Photo 8. Samples of 3 mm, remaining after the laparoscopic sterilization of the cat, do not need to sew. They are simply sealed with medical glue.

To create an operational space, carboxyperitoneum is created - the abdominal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide, the abdominal wall rises, and internal organs are in excellent visual access for the surgeon. All manipulations are made directly in the abdominal cavity, bleeding is stopped by coagulation of vessels and tissues, removed organs are removed through the puncture in the abdominal wall. Laparoscopically can be carried out both sterilization and castration of cats.

The advantages of the laparoscopic cat sterilization method:

  • Minimal fabric trauma
  • The highest degree of sterility in operation (the contact of the organs and hands of the surgeon is completely eliminated, only the sterile instrument)
  • Good visualization. Opportunity for a surgeon to conduct an audit internal organsAs during the operation and after it, to evaluate postoperative risks. Modern Laparoscope video cameras give a great magnification. Comfortably and with high quality can be operated even hamsters, mice and chinchillas.
  • No need for postoperative treatment. Shavi processing minimum. If the puncture is made by a trocar of 0.3 or 0.5 cm - the seams do not apply at all, the wound is just stuck.

The main drawback, due to which laparoscopy is available in a very limited number of veterinary clinics - the high cost of equipment and the need for additional training of employees.

The cost of laparoscopic sterilization of cats is always higher than the cost of traditional sterilization methods.

With any of these three methods you need general anesthesia.

Seams in cats after sterilization

In any way of sterilizing cats on the wound impose seams. The abdominal wall is cut by ketgut (it is rarely applied) or synthetic resorpting threads (PGA, VIKRIL, etc.).

Skin seams are performed in two ways:
1. Classic skin seam. Apply non-disseminating threads (Silk, Capron, etc.). Depending on the situation, impose a nodal or continuous seam.
2. Nodal or continuous intradermal seam that does not require removal.

In what situations do these or other seams impose?
For example, in photo 9 shows the classic nodal seam imposed by us when sterilizing the courtyard cat.

Photo 9. Skin nodal seam in a cat after sterilization

Such seams provide high reliability of tissue fixation, eliminating the discrepancy between the edges of the wound. In our case, the owner will not be able to watch the homeless cat constantly, there is no guarantee that the animal will not hurt the seam or when jumping, so the most reliable, but not very pretty, the method of imposition is selected.

Photo 10. Overlaying continuous seam on the skin

In photo 10 shows the skin nodal continuous seam. We impose such a seam in 95% of cases of sterilization of cats. It is the least labor price, well keeps the edges of the wound and easily removed. In addition, such a seam has an excellent cosmetic effect - after six months after the operation, the skin defect is almost impaired.

Photo 11. Continuous intradermal seam near the cat after sterilization

In photo 11 shows a continuous intradermal seam. We impose such seams at the request of the owner. For example, if it cannot carve time for visiting the veterinary clinic to remove the seams or if the animal is aggressive. A special thread is used, resolving 50-70 days after surgery.

Seams are usually removed by 7-10 days after sterilization or not removed at all if the seam is intrader.

Care for any skin seam comes down to maintaining purity and prevent infection in the wound. Good wound protection is achieved by using spray with aluminum. Small particles spray reliably close the wound from bacteria and dirt.

Photo 12. Treatment of skin seam in a cat aluminum-spray

Optimal cat age for sterilization

Reproductive organs in cats reach full development to age for 5 months. From this age, hypothetically and you can start planning the operation. However, we would not advise in a hurry. Five-month kittens are hard enough to carry anesthesia, and, according to some observations, they even delay in growth and development compared to cats, the sterilization of which was carried out a little later, at 7, 8 or 9 months.

However, it is not worth postponing "for later" the decision on the operation. If during several years of flows pass without pairing, the cats may develop diseases of reproductive organs (very often - polycystic ovaries), so it should not be too tightening with the operation.

Optimal for sterilization, we consider the age of a cat from 7 months to 10 years. The operation is permissible and later, according to the testimony is performed at any age, if the animal has no serious health problems. It should be remembered - the older the cat, the higher the anesthesiological risk. Anesthesia can lead to the exacerbation of chronic diseases and the death of the animal. Therefore, the elderly, we assign additional surveys before the operation.

Preparation of a cat to surgery

Sterilization is quite serious surgical intervention In the animal's body, so it is necessary to approach this case with great responsibility, besides, the procedure requires common anesthesia. Therefore, the owners of the animal must listen carefully to the doctor and fulfill all the recommendations. Before carrying out the operation, the doctor may assign analyzes and ultrasound procedure, as well as a survey at the cardiologist and the therapist. This is reasonable precautions, as the doctor must be sure that the cat will move well and during the procedure does not arise complications. It is especially important for the elderly cats (over 10 years old), since they may have pathologies of internal organs (tumors, polycystic, inflammation, etc.), as well as heart problems.

Before the operation, the cat is not feeding 8-12 hours, and in 2-3 hours it can not be given water. If something is in the intestines (even water), with the introduction of vomiting in the anesthesia. Vomit mass can get into airways, enters the bronchi harmful bacteria, and cause aspiration pneumonia. The body weakened by anesthesia poorly copes with infection and the cat can even die. That is why the adherence to the Hungry Diet regime is so important for the successful performance of the operation.

Caring for the cat after sterilization

After sterilization, a special care is needed. At a time when it is under anesthesia, the body temperature drops, so it must be put in heat, you can cover the blanket. At the same time, the Lena should be necessarily on the floor and away from the items from which you can fall (tables, sofas, etc.) and which you can hit (batteries, bedside tables, etc.). Even under the influence of the anesthesia, the cats can start walking and jumping into furniture, but during this period coordination of movements in the animal is broken, so it is necessary to closely monitor so that no injuries are noted.

It is also necessary to monitor and so that the cat will not raise the seam - some cats manage their rough tongue in a week wipe the beabons of the back. Therefore, control over the state of the poppoup and seams is very desirable.

Photo 13. After sterilization on the cat, it is advisable to wear a popphone

On the litter on which the cat will lie, it is better to put an absorbent diaper, because Under the influence of anesthesia, the animal does not control urination. In addition, vomiting may occur.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the seam, it should not be bleeding or fed.

It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor's care physician. It is usually no difficult interventions. When sterilizing the cat in our clinic, for example, it is not necessary for the processing of seams by the owner, only monitoring the condition of the protective layer and limiting the mobility of the animal.

Other specialists can designate daily seam hygiene antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, dioxidine) or lubrication of seam ointment.

Antibiotic therapy B. postoperative period It is necessary in most cases. As a rule, prolonged antibiotics are applied wide spectrum Actions (for example, Sininoks, Amoxoyl, Amoxicillin). Two injections are most often prescribed, with an interval of 48 hours. The second injection of the antibiotic owner can do independently or come to a doctor.

The recovery period after sterilization can last up to ten days and, as a rule, does not cause difficulties among the owners of cats. If you do not have a desire to care for animals yourself, many veterinary clinics Offer a hospital service.

Changes in the behavior of the cat after sterilization

Sterilization does not entail changes in the nature of the cat. After the operation, the manifestations of reproduction instinct are completely disappeared. The cat will not have flows, sudden attacks of obsessive storm or aggressiveness. Usually after sterilization, the cats become gentful and obedient. Fully retained hunting instinct, playfulness, desire to communicate with people and animals.

Changing the hormonal background as a result of sterilization can lead to an increase in appetite, so you need to ensure that the animal does not gain excess weight, After all, obesity is also a disease. Therefore, it is necessary to provide normalized nutrition, not to overflow a cat, and also more often to play with it.



2. Artificial alleviation, deprivation of childbearing ability through a special operation (honey).

Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


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    - (from Lat. Sterilis Bidflest): Sterilization (Microbiology) Complete release of various substances, items, food products from living microorganisms. Sterilization (medicine) deprivation of childbearing ability (by ... ... Wikipedia

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  • Disinfection and sterilization in dentistry. Workbook, Arutyunov Sergey Darcheevich, Volchkov Lyudmila Vasilyevna, Karpova Veronika Markovna. The teaching manual (workbook) contains informational materials and tasks intended for the self-preparation of students to practical occupationplay theme "Disinfection and ...
  • Disinfection and sterilization in dentistry. Propaedeutics of dental diseases. Workbook. Vulture of the Ministry of Health, Arutyunov Sergey Darcheevich. An educational and methodological manual (workbook) contains information materials and tasks intended for the self-training of students to practical occupationpiece theme 171; disinfection and ...

Sterilization I. Sterilization (lat. Sterilis Bidside)

the elimination of all types of microorganisms and their dispute on the surface and inside various items, as well as in liquids and air. It is used in medicine, microbiology, ovenobiology, food industry and in other areas. C. is the basis of asepsis (aseptic), has great importance In the fight S. hospital infection, as well as in the prevention of postoperative purulent complications, hepatitis B, HIV infection and purulent diseases. All tools are sterilized, drainage, dressing material, in contact with a wound surface, blood or injection preparations, as well as medical instruments and devices that are in contact with the mucous membrane during operation and can cause it. Disinfect in the operating room (see Operational Block), Surgeon's Hands and Operating Sisters (see Hand Treatment).

Modern methods of C. are divided into physical and chemical. Physical methods include steam, air, radiation. ultrasonic. Chemical S. is gas and solutions of chemical preparations. C. At high temperatures (steam, air) are called thermal, and at temperatures below 100 ° (radiation, ultrasound, etc.) is cold. Sterilization with radiation, ultrasound and some other methods is technically complex and can be carried out only in special conditions. The selection of this or that method S. depends on the characteristics of the sterilizable object and the method itself. At the same time, for the set time (sterilization excerpt), everyone like pathogenic and, incl. Sporied forms. In addition, the selected methods, means and modes C. should not cause changes external view, strength, operational qualities and other properties of sterilized products. After C. The chemical method of the product should not become toxic for the body. Termistral products are sterilized by cold methods, and damaging moisture - gas or air. Under all equal conditions, preference usually gives thermal sterilization methods. With a steam method, the exposure is shorter, and the temperature is lower than when sterilizing with dry hot air.

The effectiveness of C. depends not only on how correctly the elected method is applied, but also on the degree of purity of the sterilizable products, the massiveness of their microbial dish. Tools used when purulent operations, diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations in infectious patients who have undergone in the past in or hepatitis, which is not specified, as well as the nav-antigen carrier, are subject to pre-disinfection (disinfection). It is carried out by boiling, as well as exposure to water saturated under pressure, dry hot air, hydrogen solutions, hydrogen peroxide, formalin, DEZON-1, chlorhexidine Bigluconata, dichloro-1, sulfolchlorantina, etc. After disinfection with a chemical method, the product should be washed in the flow Water to complete removal of the smell of disinfectant.

All products after disinfection, as well as products used for the first time or after "clean" operations, must undergo prerequisite cleaning in order to remove protein, fat and mechanical pollution, as well as medicinal preparations. Connecting products disassembled parts. New products are cleaned with compressed air from dust, then wash. Tools and other products used during operations and various manipulations are thoroughly washed with flowing water, free from mucus, blood, pus and other contaminants. When the preservation of tools contaminated with blood is not immediately after their use, then they must first be immersed in a 1% solution of sodium benzoate, which is a metal corrosion inhibitor. After washing with water, the products are immersed at 15 min. In a 0.5% biotot solution heated to 40 °, or in a complex solution consisting of 17 ml 27.5% hydrogen peroxide solution, 5 g. Synthetic detergent (lotus, progress, Aina, Astra) and 978 ml drinking water At a temperature of 50 °. Then each product was washed in the same solution using a tam or cotton tampon, and then re-washed in flowing water for 5-10 min. When using one of the detergents. The detergent solution can be used repeatedly before its contamination for 1 day. From the moment of preparation, preservation of cleaning ends with drying products in drying cabinets at 85 ° to the complete disappearance of moisture. The quality of cleaning of surgical instruments and other products from the blood is determined by performing benzidine, orthhotoline or amidopyrin samples.

Dry products are grouped by appointment and, depending on their features and sterilization method, are laid into sterilization boxes (bixes), packaging material or open containers. C. is carried out in a specially equipped room - sterilization or central sterilization compartments, where products are sterilized for several departments of the hospital (polyclinics) or several medical institutions.

When sterilizing the steam method, the sterilizing agent is a water saturated under pressure. C. produced in steam sterilizers (see sterilization equipment) for 20-22 min. With a steam pressure in a sterilization chamber 2 ± 0.2 kgf / cm 2 (0.2 ± 0.02 MPa) and a temperature of 132 ± 2 °. The steam method is sterilized by products from textile materials, glass, corrosion-resistant metal, rubber. Sterilizable objects are placed in or without filter sterilization boxes, moisture-resistant paper, such as parchment, and a double layer of bosities are also used as packaging. Sterilization boxes without a filter should be seduced from the inside by one layer of cotton fabric. For the effectiveness of C. and the achievement of the necessary warming is necessary full removal Air from the sterilization chamber and sterilized objects. In steam sterilizers that do not have vacuum pumps and manually controlled, it is necessary to oust air steam (purge) for 10 min.. The quality of air removal is influenced by the density and uniformity of the sterilization chamber, packaging and the density of the location in it sterilized objects. The advantages of the steam method are its high reliability, ensuring sterility not only on the surface of the products, but also in their thicker, the ability to sterilize materials that are destroyed under the action of hot dry air. However, it is not suitable for S. products unstable to heat or moisture. The disadvantage of the method is also the likelihood of secondary infection of sterilized objects. It occurs immediately after the end of C. and due to the fact that when cooled along with air inside the package (except sterilization boxes with the filter) enters. In this regard, after C. Packages are folded on special tables covered with sterile sheets, and covered the second sterile sheets until the sterilizable objects are completely cooling. Sterilized sterilization boxes must be closed. It is strictly forbidden to produce sterilized products to their complete cooling.

Sterilization by the air method is carried out by dry hot air in air sterilizers (see sterilization equipment) at 180 ° for 60-65 min. or at a temperature of 160 ° for 150 min.. We sterilize products from metal, glass and silicone rubber, as well as collapsed under the action of moisture. They are placed in kraft paper bags (slyphite-wrapping paper) or in open containers. Packages glue 10% polyvinyl alcohol solution or 5% starch glue. After laying a sterilizable material, the free edge of the package is driving three times and fastened with metal clips. In the chamber of the sterilizer, areas with a significant temperature difference can be formed. Therefore, it is better to use sterilizers equipped with mechanical devices that enhance air circulation in the sterilization chamber. It is necessary to ensure that intervals remain between objects, as well as between them and the walls of the chamber. The air method cannot be used in sterilizing thermolabile materials (products from textiles, polymers, rubber).

Chemical methods allow you to sterilize optical products, radio and electronic equipment, as well as products from thermal materials, metal, glass. Sterilization is effective in the case when chemical absorbed by a sterilizable object. Chemicals in dissolved and especially in a gaseous state have a minor penetration rate into a sterilizable object, which requires a longer sterilization excerpt and a very thorough preservation of purification of porous materials. The disadvantage of the method is also the need to neutralize or degassing the chemicals remaining in sterilized objects. Solutions of chemicals can not sterilize products from moisture-resistant materials.

The ethylene oxide pairs have high bactericidal properties, easily penetrate through various fabrics and materials, do not spoil them, but are explosive. Sterilization of ethylene oxide is carried out for 960 ± 5 min.. The explosiveness of ethylene oxide is significantly reduced in a mixture of it with a methyl bromide in a weight ratio of 1: 2.5 (mixture of OB). Metyl bromide is not lit, but also has high bactericidal properties. A mixture of 5 times more efficient than each of the components included in its composition. For sterilization, a formaldehyde is used 16% formalin solution (according to formaldehyde). C. carried out for 300 ± 5 min. At a temperature of 75 ± 5 ° and relative humidity of 96 ± 2%. C. Ethylene oxide and a mixture of OB is carried out in stationary gas sterilizers and microanostate, formaldehyde - in a stationary formalin sterilizer. As a packaging material, polyethylene film, parchment, bagproof paper, are used. Products sterilized by the gas method are applied after their excerpts in the ventilated room (at air velocity 20 m / S.) For 1 day. (Glass and metal products), 5-13 days. (products made of polymeric materials), 14 days. (products having a long, more than 30 min. Contact with tissues, mucous membrane and blood), 21 days. (products made of polymeric materials used in children). To neutralize formaldehyde products before use, immerse at 1 c. At 23-25% ammonia solution.

The sterilization of soluble-chimic preparations is performed in closed containers coated with intact enamel, as well as made of glass or plastics. Sterilizable objects are immersed in solution at a temperature of 18 ± 2 °. Sterilization exposure time in a 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide - 60 ± 5 min., Desoksone-1 - 45-50 min.. After C. Products are washed with sterile water in aseptic conditions.

Quality control is carried out with the help of physical, chemical and bacteriological methods. Pressure gauges, thermometers, manovacummeters, etc. allow you to observe the temperature, steam or gas pressure, sterilization exposure time and other parameters. The chemical method of control C. is based on the property of some substances to melt or change at a certain temperature. As indicators with thermal methods C. Benzoic acid can be used (T ° 122.36 °), urea (132.7 °), thiourevine (187-182 °), ascorbic acid (187-192 °) and others also use thermal indices in the form of painted gauze tapes, which, when heated, change their color and accurate to 1-2 ° indicate the temperature level in the range from 111 ± 2 ° to 212 ± 1 °. The bacteriological method of controlling the effectiveness of C. is the most specific and accurate, allows you to state the achievement of the necessary temperature and exposure of S. on the basis of the death of the dispute of high-testic test microorganisms. However, this method is labor-intensive. When sterilization with a steam method, soil samples (garden land), containing saprophytes, which withstand the effect of water saturated steam at 120 ° for 3-5 are used as biotest. min.. To control the Air Method C. Use bacteriological test tubes, infected by the controversial suspension of a hay stick, perishing after 5 min. at a temperature not lower than 180 °. Control of S. also sowing microflora from sterilized products.

Bibliography: Vashkov V.I. Means and sterilization methods used in medicine, M., 1973, bibliogr.; Timofeev N.S. And Timofeev N.N. and antiseptics, p. 14, M., 1980.

II. Sterilization (lat. Sterilis Bidside;. Assignment)

complete release of any substance or subject from microorganisms by influencing them by physical or chemical factors.

Sterilization radiation -C. carried out with ionizing radiation.

Cold sterilization (s. Frigida) - S. without exposure to high temperatures.

III Sterilization

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.


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