Find out how reconstructive ostomy surgery works in israel. How are the operations performed Where to find out how the operation was

I was recently admitted to the hospital. It's okay, alive and well.

In this post I decided to describe how operations are carried out in our Krasnodar, so to speak my experience.

Prehistory of the disease

Recently I discovered a small hard lump above my navel. Probably I am one of the few who feel themselves)) And this is necessary. I got worried because since the period of breastfeeding, I remember that there should not be any hardness on the human body, unless it is of course a bone))

I went to the state clinic, where they told me that it was a hematoma. The doctor thought that someone hit me in the stomach, and I don't want to admit it. I was prescribed to do compresses and if the hematoma does not resolve in 2 weeks, come again.

I did the compresses so hard that I even burned the skin)) Hardness was sometimes not even felt in the morning, but returned to visit in the evening. Compresses didn't help. I come again. Here the doctor makes a helpless gesture and gives a referral to the KBC hospital to a more experienced surgeon.

In the KBC, a seemingly burnt-out surgeon from the first palpation gives a diagnosis - a hernia. And immediately, without explanations and other conversations, it was as if he was a distant relative of Ellochka the cannibal, somewhere he began to write me down and give a list of tests that I had to pass.

What is it for, doctor?
- For the operation.

Of course, I did not expect that the doctor would deliver his verdict as quickly as the executioner on the scaffold, as if a queue of the same unfortunate people like me had already accumulated behind me. As it turned out, the queue had accumulated. Everything in the hospital is on stream. Wait, which is good, not long - 3 weeks. They set the exact date and begin to shred to the sounds of the city radio.

Of course, I tried to ask the surgeon questions, he looked at me in surprise, as if I had to read about my problem on the Internet and graduate from the medical institute in absentia. I really read about my problem on the Internet and it was not scary. But the surgeon did not really answer, he spoke 1-2 words and made it clear that these conversations did not make sense.

I'm certainly not a fan of idle chatting. But as for my navel or other part of the body, I would still like to know specifically about my pain. I never really received answers to my questions. Maybe you should have gone to another doctor? I do not know. But for some reason this stern man in a white coat inspired confidence.

On my problem, there really are two options: the application of a bow or a surgical knife. I certainly believe in the power of the bow, especially after the tale of Cipollino. But if I choose between a bow and a knife, I will choose a knife, somehow safer and faster, although I am not delighted with modern medicine.

Of course, a hernia is not an emergency operation, people live with it for years, it may not grow, you may not feel pain, you may not be bothered by anything, and you may not even know about it, or later undergo surgery after ... tse years. Yes, they do that too. But I have decided to end this case now, once and for all.

So, the tests were completed, day X was approaching, I was almost not afraid, because I experienced an emergency cesarean section and was in the balance of death. What are they afraid of here, where everything will be much easier. But on the eve of the operation, of course, I was upset, I felt hurt, because in fact I got a hernia due to my stupidity and forgetfulness. What to do? Women get stupid over the years - that's about me. But I hope this will be a lesson for me as with the knees that I almost lost. If I wish, I will tell you about knee injuries another time, how I cured them absolutely without doctors and without operations.

The day of the operation came.

I was told to come by 8 am, and I have to leave the next day at 9 am. That is, to lie for a day. In fact, it is a day hospital. As they said, there is a department where they lie for days, but very seriously ill patients are sent there.

There are only three wards on the floor: a man's, a woman's and a VIP ward with two beds, in which we still did not understand its vip. During the day, no more than 4 operations are performed, and two operations are performed simultaneously in one operating room, that is, you can wave your pen to another patient))

On this day, 3 operations were to be performed. We were waiting in the wings. With me were two young girls who looked 25-35 years old, who decided to remove veins in their legs (varicose veins). Their varicose veins were visible from a kilometer away, they have specific problems, as they say, varicose veins began at school. As I understood, their veins were removed. I don't really believe in this operation, because I remember my grandmother, who, at more than 60 years old, decided to cut out her veins and died a couple of months after the operation. Then everyone concluded: it would be better to walk with swollen veins. In general, in my opinion, this is a dubious operation. It's all about diet and lifestyle and maybe something else. But I could of course be wrong.

This is what our chamber looks like. Everyone has water, because only water can be drunk. In general, before the operation, you do not eat for almost a day, and you can only drink water, then you cleanse the intestines and lie down under the knife, half dead.

Before operations, everyone is given a painful injection in the ass - a sedative, so that they probably don't twitch, but if they had given permission, they would probably have tied them to the bed))

Then the doctor comes, takes the girl with varicose veins and draws crosses and lines on her legs with a black marker, where she will cut. I did not have this, they felt it and let me go to my bed to rest for a couple of hours.

While there is time, I walk the floor. When you are on the verge of death, you become closer to nature and feel all its charms. So I noticed that the trees were already completely green.

There, ordinary life goes on behind the fence: children go to school, adults scratch to work, and you stand and feel sad as if you were in prison, although only an hour has passed in this ward))

Stick-lock for the window.

Almost my own gurney))

Place of the doctor on duty.

The floor is essentially empty, because there are only three patients that day.

A couple of hours later, I and another girl with varicose veins are called. We need to completely undress and put on a white sheet on ourselves as if we are going to take a steam bath. Oh, if only so! Already in the operating room, they put on special white slippers, shoe covers, which no longer instill confidence in the future. And before my eyes is a white operating room with a white ceiling. Why not stick butterflies on the ceiling? It would not be so dreary and lonely in this world.

I lie down on the operating table, having seen a lot. A big bearded anesthesiologist approaches, asks to turn his back. Well, I think they gave me epidural anesthesia in the maternity hospital - it's not scary. But then this big uncle takes the thickest needle and presses on the spine. It was very painful! And then I got a shot in my leg with great pain. It hurt so much that I screamed, tears instantly fell from my eyes and I jumped to the ceiling! What was that mother, yours ?! The doctors are surprised by my jumps. And the "kind" anesthesiologist calmly says: "What shot? It happens." It happens? Fuck, in the hospital I was given such anesthesia that I didn't even feel the needles! It happens with him!

Well thinking the fun started. But as it turned out later, everything was fine. I could not feel my stomach, and my legs eventually gave up. We made the curtain so I didn't see my intestines, but in vain, I always wanted to know what my organs look like)) I remember that it was also in the hospital, only there was a glass lamp above me, which reflected the entire operation. In theory, I should have fallen asleep then, but the process of taking life out of my belly was so interesting that I looked at the ceiling with all my strength, then I passed out, then I looked again, and when they showed the baby, I fixed the time with my ears and fell somewhere ...

Here the guts were not visible. The two above me grouped together and began to cut. The knife is felt, but as if a felt-tip pen is being passed over your stomach, i.e. doesn't hurt. Then, according to the sensations, they began to wind the guts around the fist, not very pleasant, but not painful either, as if your hair was being wound around a fist and pulled somewhere.

I'm bored, I look around, I see how doctors have accumulated over another girl and cut her legs, she seems to be calm, she has probably been waiting for this day for a long time.

My operation is fast - about an hour. Sewn up beautifully, I saw it later. Straight courses on cutting and sewing took place. In a word - well done!

They put me on a gurney, because my legs do not belong to me, they begin to take out somewhere - this is the most pleasant thing in operations! They roll you, and you lie! They carefully dump it into my bed in the ward and say that my legs will come to me soon.

I lie, feel up, but not down. I try to jerk my toe and I can't. It’s an awful feeling when you want to move your finger and it does NOT move! It's like you're paralyzed. Then the right leg comes to life, I keep moving it like a fool, I am glad that I can walk)) The second leg comes later, I am happy again. And I got bored, I start reading the book. Later they bring a girl with varicose veins, her leg is bandaged from heel to crotch. The operation was also about an hour.

Then the third girl leaves, she is operated on for a long time, my neighbor and I exchange glances, they say, is she alive? What's taking so long? 3.5 hours pass and she still comes back, says that she was told that the veins were sealed like an old woman's. I don't know what that means, but she is cheerful and cheerful. Then I learned that each leg is operated on different days, i.e. you can't have two legs in one day. And if there are varicose veins on both legs, then you have to sign up again in the queue and take a hundred tests for a new operation.

We lie, talk, read books. This is how the evening passes. In the evening I want to eat, because I have not eaten for almost 1.5 days. I’m not allowed to eat until morning, but my neighbors can and they chew cookies, and my stomach screams good obscenities so that I can eat at least something too! And I ate it. This is probably my mistake.

Then I sit down. Doctors tell me that I can't sit and walk until morning, but they don't explain why. I think that here it is like with a cesarean, the faster you get up, the faster it will become easier, and the fact that you are lying is even worse. Maybe I'm wrong, of course. But I myself walked in the evening, not a lot, but I did, I didn’t feel much pain in the abdomen, but I got out of bed sideways so as not to strain my abdominal muscles.

I am twice offered to do painkillers, but I refuse, because I hardly hurt.

It is worth noting that all the staff were sent to me by God - all friendly, smiling, with jokes and jokes. Nobody yelled or mocked as is usually done. I got such a negative experience in the 4th maternity hospital, where almost all the nurses were animals in dressing gowns, and almost all the doctors were indifferent and squeamish, as if you were a piece of dead meat for them. Everything here was wonderful, it was some kind of medical paradise. I even got into a conversation with one hospital employee, who said that there used to be two operating rooms on the floor. more operations, and now the hospital receives almost no funding (before the operation, I was asked to buy saline solution for 100 rubles in a pharmacy). Salaries used to be normal, but now they have been cut in half, many have left.

I walked around the floor, looked out the window, clouds came running and I think it was starting to rain.

Looking at workplace doctor and go bainki.

The next day I got up early, began to get ready faster, I could not wait to get out of here as soon as possible, because I had not been on the street for a day! They examined me and quickly released me. Then they told me to come for a dressing. I was only bandaged a couple of times. At the same time, it was impossible to wash the abdomen for 2 weeks while the wound heals. And then the stitches were removed in my clinic, before that the navel was always under the adhesive plaster, I could not even touch the wound area.

The cut hurt for only a couple of days. I could walk, but when I walked for more than 30 minutes, my lower back hurt - this is a very unpleasant feeling, because it never hurt me. And here I am like old grandma kept constantly on the lower back. Of course, I was prescribed 2 weeks of rest! But with my rhythm of life - this is impossible, what peace, if you have a three-year-old active child? It was necessary to lock me up in the hospital for this period, but no one offered me this, and I myself did not think of lying down somewhere. And who will look after the child while I am in the hospital for days?

So when my stitches were removed ... I felt my hernia again. Again something solid rested over my navel. WTF? The doctor at the local clinic said it seemed to me. And the doctor at the hospital said that the hernia can quickly come back if I am active, but refused to feel my stomach. Probably afraid that the hernia would bite off his finger.

Maybe it really seems to me, and I'm fine. Or maybe my problem is so small that, as some doctors say, "it should get worse and then after the operation you will feel the difference."

After the operation, I cannot lift weights for a month, and even my 15-kg fidget child. You need to rest a lot, lie down and not move for 2 weeks, as if you were already a dead person. After removing the stitches, I felt great, even though I had to unload the cars, but I decided not to experiment and wait exactly 30 days, although this is very difficult for a person who is always active.

During surgical treatment for colorectal cancer, it is sometimes necessary to form a stoma - a hole in the side abdominal cavitythrough which the feces are removed. A stoma is resorted to after resection of the intestine, connecting its surviving parts (formation of an anastomosis) in cases when it takes time to recover the intestine after surgery.

When is an operation to remove a stoma performed in Israel?

In most cases (more than 80%), the stoma is temporary - after the intestinal tissues have healed, it is removed, restoring the natural way of excretion of feces (through the rectum and anus). Occasionally, the stoma is permanent. This happens after resection of a significant part of the intestine, when there is no way to connect the intestine with the anus. This obstacle is not insurmountable technically, since there are a number of reconstructive techniques that allow you to cope with the problem, but sometimes it is a question that the patient's health condition impedes the operation - as a rule, this applies to severe oncological cases.

There are two ways to create a stoma, depending on which part of the intestine has been removed:

  • Ileostomy - the formation of a fistula of the small intestine;
  • Colostomy - the formation of a fistula of the colon.

Reconstructive surgery after stoma consists in excision of an artificially created opening and stitching of the two ends of the intestine with the restoration of its patency along its entire length. Surgical techniques may differ depending on which part of the intestine has been resected; operations can be performed in an open and laparoscopic manner.

After surgical intervention it takes some more time for the intestines to fully restore their functions, this can be a long process, from several months to a year or more, but ultimately, all patients who have undergone reconstructive surgery after a stoma recover intestinal functions.

Reconstructive surgeries after an ostomy in Israel are routine, their risk is minimal, in almost all cases they result in complete restoration of intestinal function. The approach of Israeli specialists is that even though a person gets used to a stoma, and over time, proper care it ceases to cause serious inconvenience, the quality of life without it is much higher.

Reconstructive surgery after an ostomy is one of the specialties of surgeons.

Cost of ostomy repair surgery

How to prepare for a reconstructive stoma removal surgery?

The period during which it is optimal to carry out a recovery operation after a stoma is 2-4 months after its formation. Sometimes, according to indications, it can be increased up to a year, but at present, doctors have experience of successfully carrying out reconstructive surgery after an ostomy after 10 or more years. However, the more time has passed since the formation of the stoma, the higher the risk of complications, and the longer it will take to restore the ability of the intestines to excrete feces naturally. The reason is a decrease in the muscle tone of both the intestinal stump and the pelvic floor, and the anal sphincter. There is also a risk of developing structural changes in the intestine.

Preparation for reconstructive surgery begins with a thorough examination, which includes:

  • Colonoscopy or irrigoscopy;
  • Colonography;
  • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis and abdomen;
  • Chest x-ray;
  • Assessment of the safety of the functions of the anal canal and sphincter.

In the preparatory period, the patient needs to prepare for the change in his life due to the temporary loss of working capacity and some other social functions.

What Happens After Stoma Removal Surgery?

Usually, the patient is discharged from the clinic three to ten days after the reconstruction surgery after the stoma - the exact time depends on the rate of recovery.

Don't expect what it means full recovery normal bowel movement. As already mentioned above, for this a period of rehabilitation must pass, and active rehabilitation, with the efforts of the patient himself and his relatives.

Consider the following points:

  1. The defecation mode is set individually, but as a rule, in the early postoperative period it is far from normal. For example, there may be imperative urges - that is, urgent. Episodes of fecal incontinence may occur (6-8 weeks after surgery). You need to be ready for this.
  2. Feces are often looser than usual, and their discharge can be accompanied by uncontrollable flatulence.
  3. In connection with the above, some restrictions are introduced during rehabilitation: you cannot drive a car for about six weeks after the operation, an exception physical activity within 10 months, etc.

All the described violations and unpleasant symptoms are transient, subsequently the body adapts, control over intestinal functions is restored, the restrictions are completely removed or remain minimal.

After the operation, the patient is under the supervision of specialists medical center "Meir", which teach him the correct behavior in the recovery period, schedule a diet, and also give a number of recommendations to accelerate rehabilitation.

So, in order to restore the intestines and its functions as soon as possible, it is recommended:

  • Intestinal hydromassage;
  • Drug therapy;
  • Diet therapy.

Diet therapy in this case plays an important role, the duration of the recovery period largely depends on how seriously the patient takes the diet.

Do you need a diet after ostomy surgery?

After reconstructive surgery to remove the stoma, a ban on the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits for 6 months is introduced. Heat-treated vegetables and fruits (baked, boiled, stewed) are allowed to be consumed no earlier than 3 months after the operation. Rough and irritating food should be discarded for the entire recovery period. These products include coarse bread, some cereals (barley, corn), spicy, fatty, fried, salty and smoked foods. Fermentation products are excluded from the diet - kvass, cider, beer, wine, etc.

If you are prone to constipation, you need to pay attention to the drinking regimen: drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

When severe flatulence and intestinal cramps are helped by fennel or peppermint tea.

It is important to follow the diet: food is taken in small portions at short intervals ( fractional meals), the strict postoperative menu is gradually expanded. You should not eat before bed.

Is symptom management necessary after stoma removal?

In order to control symptoms, patients are usually advised to keep a food diary: note the time of food intake, what exactly was eaten, then the bowel reaction, indicating the time of this reaction. So the patient learns to control the activity of his intestines, to select the optimal products and their combination, to identify those products, the use of which should be limited or excluded completely. This allows you to create an individual diet that will best contribute to the rehabilitation of this particular patient.

In some cases, the patient may be prescribed drug therapy aimed at regulating bowel function: antidiarrheal drugs or drugs that increase the volume of feces. Medicines are selected by the attending physician so that the patient can establish control over the symptoms, while avoiding side effects.

Special care for the skin around the anus after surgery

During the recovery postoperative period, care is needed not only for the suture on abdominal wall, but also behind the anus. The skin in this area is sensitive, and frequent emptying leads to irritation, which, if left untreated, can develop into inflammatory process... To prevent this from happening, after each act of defecation, it is recommended to wash the skin of the anus with warm water and then dry it, gently blotting it with a soft towel.

When this is not possible, you can use wet sanitary napkins. Once or twice a day on the skin of the perianal area (the skin around the anus) should be lubricated with baby protective cream.

Training of the pelvic diaphragm and rectum muscles after surgery

One of the consequences of a stoma is the inevitable weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor, rectum and anal sphincter, and the longer the stoma functioned, the more pronounced muscular dystonia. Its consequence is the most unpleasant symptom that patients have to experience in the postoperative period: fecal incontinence.

In order to restore muscle tone, special exercises are prescribed to strengthen the pelvic floor and sphincter, for example, Kegel exercises. The attending physician will help to master them, and the patient must approach their implementation with all responsibility. Such gymnastics can shorten the unpleasant period of loss of control over bowel movements from several months to several weeks.


One peasant's wife got sick. Sent her to ...

One peasant's wife got sick. He sent her to the hospital, where she urgently underwent surgery. After some time, Ivanov calls the hospital to find out how the operation went:
- Hello! is it a hospital? who's on the phone?
- Sister on duty!
- Listen, sister, call the doctor who operated on the patient Ivanova. It is her husband who bothers you.
“I'm listening,” they answered into the phone.
- How was the operation?
At that moment, the telephone operator mistakenly switched another subscriber to Ivanov, where the auto mechanic was talking to a client who had handed over the car for repair.
Ivanov heard the following:
- We replaced her ass.
- Ass? .. oh! - Ivanov was surprised. - Yes.
- Are you out of your mind? She had a pretty decent ass!
- Please do not argue. Her backside is so worn out that it was impossible to restore it, apparently it was used without the knowledge of the owner through bushes and stones. Therefore, there are scratches on the lower part, in addition, the buffers are completely sagged, we also tightened them up a lot. The front end was also worn out that it would have been impossible to use it further. We planted a sleeve for her, expanded it to a normal diameter and achieved a tight fit, she apparently ate a lot of oil, ate so much that she herself was not worth it. We have eliminated this defect for her.
- That she loved butter with me is true, and if you made her eat it less, that's good. With regard to the backside and all sorts of things there, it's just impudence ...
- Please do not argue, you listen to me to the end. We did everything that was necessary for her and after that we tried it once. True, at first she behaved somewhat restlessly, threw up a lot, sneezed, let off a lot of gas, got very hot, but then she began to breathe evenly, so tomorrow you can come, we will try it in front of you, and you try it in our presence. Then you can take it for your personal use. I hope you enjoy it.

Many patients who have to undergo surgery are very anxious before going to the hospital. The reasons for the excitement are clear: a person is in the dark, ignorance of how the operation is going, makes him nervous and lost in conjecture. Health is the most important thing in the life of every person, if it comes to surgical intervention, every little thing is important, you must follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

Preparing for surgery

So, to begin with, let's not talk about how the operation goes, but about preliminary manipulations. Proper preparation plays a significant role in ensuring that the operation itself is as successful as possible.

The first thing that doctors will require of you is to pass all the necessary tests, they are called in one word - general clinical. If you look at which analyzes are included in this group, you will see a rather long list. There will also be analyzes that, at first glance, have nothing to do with your problem. However, you should not argue with your doctor, and even more so with your surgeon. Any operation is a very serious burden for the body. AND general analyzes will help the doctor to have a general picture of the state of your body, assess endurance and what kind of loads your body can withstand, how to avoid certain complications in the future. General state health is a very important indicator during any operation.

After carrying out all the analyzes and studies, the therapist or attending physician makes a conclusion about the possibility of an operation, about the presence of contraindications, and gives the necessary recommendations.

Preoperative home period

Now that the date of the operation has been set and all the specifics have been clarified, all preoperative time is divided into two stages: the time spent outside the hospital before hospitalization and the period of stay in the hospital immediately before the operation.

Surgical intervention is always very stressful for the body. Your task is to prepare the body as fully as possible for a future shock. The main thing on which you must direct all your forces is your well-being. By the period of hospitalization, you should be as healthy as possible, it depends on you. If you smoke, you should quit at least 6 weeks before the proposed surgery. This will avoid complications of the respiratory system. If you are overweight, try to lose weight, this will reduce the load on cardiovascular system and will avoid many complications. Try to fix dental problems, especially if you have loose teeth. The anesthesiologist can damage them with special equipment while maintaining the airway.

Preparation should be not only from a physical point of view, but also from a psychological one. You must develop a certain attitude that would help your body to cope with the psychological stress and to endure it as painlessly as possible. Try to do your best to avoid unnecessary anxiety, which may negatively affect the upcoming surgery. Be sober about future intervention, and even more so do not panic.

In addition, during this period you must take care of everything you need and prepare all the documents.

  • First, take your passport with you.
  • Secondly, all documents with the results of the analyzes performed.
  • Be sure to bring comfortable and loose clothing: pajamas, bathrobe, change of underwear, and comfortable slippers.
  • Don't forget your everyday toiletries.
  • If you wear lenses, be sure to take a container for them, you will need to remove them before the operation.
  • You should not take jewelry and jewelry with you, you do not need them at the hospital, and clinics are not responsible for their loss.
  • Take care of your entertainment, you can take your favorite book or MP3 player with you.

Hospital stay and preparation for anesthesia

Usually doctors do not talk about how the operation is going, they only follow instructions on how to behave immediately before hospitalization. If no special instructions about food was not, then on the day before the operation, you can eat the same food as usual and drink the amount of fluid the body needs. Remember that even if your doctor and anesthesiologist do not give any instructions, you should not eat on the day of surgery and stop drinking fluids two hours before surgery. The less food you have in your stomach, the more successful the anesthesia will be.

Showering or bathing the day before surgery will reduce the risk of infection during surgery. On the morning of surgery, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly. You must extract everything foreign objects from your body: lenses, piercings, removable dentures, hearing aids. Nail polish can interfere with the reading and tracking of your breathing by special devices, so doctors strongly recommend getting rid of it before surgery. Remember that this period greatly affects how the operation goes in general.

Postoperative period

When the operation is left behind, an equally important and crucial period begins. You must strictly follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of your doctor. What they will be depends only on how successful the operation was. But in general terms, we can say that one should not get behind the wheel soon after the operation, after anesthesia, the reaction is slowed down, and attention is dispersed. For the same reasons, you should not use technically complex devices and equipment, you cannot sign documents and solve important issues. You must be in complete peace.

If the anesthesiologist has not given you any special instructions, then the water intake can be resumed no earlier than an hour after the end of the anesthesia. Increase your fluid intake gradually, and drink in small sips. Eating can be resumed if the fluid has successfully taken root in your body. You need to start with a light meal.

Knowing how the operation is going, you can prepare for all possible consequences and the whole period treatment will pass quite calmly.

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