Cat cough sneezes and does not eat. Cat coughs as if supposed: treatment

In the process of communicating with fluffy pet, the owners often notice that the cat coughs, as if he was suppressed. It is impossible to let such a state on samonek, since the causes of cough can be a wide variety of: from elementary cold before the development of severe form of asthmatic disease.

It is possible to determine some causes of changes in the health of the animal independently, carefully by observing its behavior. Knowledge of the main factors leading to the cough in cats will help to diamitude to diagnose pathological condition and assist.

Cough in humans and animals is a protective reflex due to irritations of sensitive zones in the upper respiratory tract.

The stimuli can be the most diverse: mechanical (dust), chemical (acid, alkali), biological (viruses, bacteria, fungi). Through cough, the breathing pathways from mucus, inflammation products, foreign particles occurs.

Observing how coughing cats, the owners note that this phenomenon is a little similar to the usual human cough. However, animals take a specific posture: the animal pulls the neck forward, the characteristic sounds published causes the feeling that vomiting will follow.

The cough mechanism is associated with the development of irritation on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract: bronchi, lungs. Often to such a phenomenon inflammatory processes. Inflammation provokes the accumulation of mucus in the lumen of the larynx. Receptor irritation provokes an organism to get rid of exudate.

The brain contains a cough center, in a signal from which the nerve impulse reaches sensitive receptors located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx. The muscles of the upper respiratory tract reflexively declining, when inhaling the open voice gap causes a sound characteristic when coughing.

Having found the characteristic posture and the published sound from his pet, the owner must take measures to establish the causes of such a state. To this end, it is useful to know what kind of cough can be what they are characterized, which consequences for the health of the animal.

What reasons can cause cat coughing and how to help her pet, see this video:


Veterinary specialists distinguish the following cough categories from home homemade houses:

  • By duration: acute or chronic. The sharp cough is characterized by a sudden occurrence and duration of 1 to 7 days. Chronic can be delayed for a long time - up to several months.
  • The sound is ringing or muted.
  • By type of selection (or their absence) - dry or wet. Dry cough is characterized by a ripple sound. With a wetland, the owner may notice wheezing, bouffaging. Cough at the same time can be accompanied by the release of mucus, sputum, blood.
  • By the time of appearance: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night.
  • According to the strength: weak, noted, as daring and strongAt the same time, the cat coughs, as if he wants to snatch.

These features should pay attention to the owner of the animal. Detailed information on the form of cough will allow a veterinary doctor to properly assume the cause, assign diagnostic procedures and determine the treatment.

In addition to the above categories, veterinary specialists also celebrate respiratory shape and cordial. With respiratory form, the cough is usually ringing.

In the first stages of the inflammatory process, there are no accompanying symptoms in the respiration organs (runny nose, sneezing, increasing temperature) not immediately.

Cardiac or cardiac cough is the cause and accompanied by a deaf sound. The discharge of mucus, the sputum is not observed. The reason for such a reflex act is either a pathological thickening of the walls of the heart, or the accumulation of exudate in the lungs due to circulatory disorders in a small circle.

Causes of appearance

Causes why cat coughs, set.

Causes of cough



Irritating factors are often dust, household detergents, aerosols, filler for toilets, food, paints and varnishes. In the spring-summer period, many animals suffer from allergies to flower dust. The reflex act is happening in the pets in the content of them in the room where they smoke;

Hit foreign objects in respiratory authorities

The reason why the cat coughs, as if shifts, are bones, small objects, lumps of wool;


Cause of a protracted cough and deterioration general status Pet may be bronchial asthma. The disease is associated with genetic predisposition, often develops against the background of existing allergies.

The inflammation of the lungs is accompanied not only by the overall cough, rejection of the exudate, but also a sluggish state, increase in temperature;

Viral respiratory diseases

Infectious rinotracheit, calcivirosis and other viral and bacterial infections accompanied by the defeat of the respiratory organs ,. For viral diseases, an increase in temperature is characterized, rejection of feed, oppressed general condition;

Heart diseases

Deaf chronic cough, pale mucous membranes, the phenomena of shortness of breath at a pet may indicate the development of cardiac pathology.

When the cat coughs and sneezes what to do the owner in such a situation?
First of all, it is necessary to carefully watch the pet, understand the nature and features of the reflex act. A variety of collapses leading to cough requires a qualified animal inspection by a specialist. Independent diagnosis can lead to a deterioration in the state of the animal, and in some cases (foreign bodies in the trachea) even to death.

Status diagnostics

After collecting anamnesis, which includes information about the conditions of the content, the pictures of the beginning of the pathological process, a veterinary specialist will hold a number of diagnostic measures:

A variety of diagnostic methods and techniques indicates the complexity of the diagnosis of the causes of such a phenomenon as a cat coughing.


When the cat cough and scrolls, just a veterinary specialist can be determined to treat it. Therapy will depend on the causes of the pathological phenomenon. If the cough is caused by the injury of the upper respiratory tract, the animal will be rendered immediate qualified assistance. In this case, the delay in this case can threaten the death of an animal from choking.

Most often, with serious pathology, antibiotics are applied in the form of injections: "Amoksoyl retard", "Enrofloxacin", etc. For effective treatment Before appointing antobacterial drugs, an analysis is performed on sensitivity.

Spacer for cats with bronchial asthma

In addition to antibiotics, pets are prescribed expectorant and mercolitic drugs, which improve the separation of mucus from the upper respiratory tract. Immunomodulators and vitamins have important importance. Vitamin A and ascorbic acid will be especially useful.

If the cause of chronic cough has a myocardial pathology, the therapy is aimed at the treatment of cardiac pathology. Astmatic etiology is stopped by bronchyolitic drugs, glucocorticosteroids. With allergic etiology, the actions are aimed at identifying allergen, its elimination. To facilitate the state of the pet, antgistamines are used, for example, "Tuese", "Supratin".


Experienced breeders I. veterinary doctors I recommend to carry out the following preventive activities:

  • Pet content in pure and ventilated room. Regular wet cleaning, use of humidifiers, the absence of tobacco smoke reduces the risk of developing reflex cough in domestic pets.
  • Prevention of supercooling is the content in the warm room, without drafts.
  • Regular processing of animal against helminths. Exception from diet pets of raw meat and fish.
  • Vaccination against viral infections such as rinotracheit, calcivirosis, etc.
  • Strengthening pet immunity: feeding with full feed, vitamin and mineral prophylaxis.

The owner of the fluffy house should not ignore the cough. The cause of the reflex act can be serious diseases Upper respiratory tract, lungs and even hearts. In no case cannot be engaged in self-treatment of a pet. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the correct and timely diagnosis.

Orates of catfish family rarely suffer from coughing. The presence of such a symptom indicates not only about, but also on the presence of foreign substances and objects in the esophagus or on the mucous mouth. And other irritants are also possible.

The causes of the cough near the cat can be a lot.

General main causes of cough in cats:

  • foreign bodies;
  • inhalation of poisonous stimuli;
  • household dust or food;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • allergy;
  • heart disease;
  • glice invasion.
  • Foreign objects in the esophagus , sip or airways Usually accompanied by a nutritional cough. An animal is trying to push the small bones, which hit during food.
  • It happens that kitten swallowed a small toy Or any other subject. Such a situation will also be accompanied by this symptom.
  • Tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, evaporation household chemicals or any other toxic substance Also strong irritants for mucous membranes.

    Tobacco smoke may cause cough in cats.

  • Possible household dust reaction Or finding indoors where the spraying of flour, powder mustard or pepper happened.
  • Viral or bacterial respiratory diseases Almost always accompanied by cough syndrome. Possible aids: Larygitis, tracheit, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • Various allergic reactions , The presence of bronchial asthma will provoke at any stage.

    It should be noted that the absence related symptoms It will be observed only in mechanical effects on the mucous respiratory tract: the ingress of foreign bodies, inhalation of poisonous vapor, gases, dust.

    After the cat is cleared, the symptoms of the suffocation are no longer repeated.

    As soon as the problem is eliminated by pumping the stimuli or exit from the toxic zone, the symptom is most often no longer repeated. All other cases are usually accompanied by additional symptoms.

    Respiratory diseases

    So, if there are respiratory diseases, except for cough attacks, shortness of breath, nasal selection.

    In respiratory disease, discharge from the nose is possible.

    Wheezing and cough

    It often arises an increase in body temperature, there are worshi, difficulty breathing.

    When coughing, there is often an increase in temperature.

    • The behavior of the animal is changing. , apathetic, possibly decreased or no appetite.
    • With hyperthermia there is a thirst.
    • The nose is dry and hot to the touch.
    • Possible hyperemia of visible mucous respiratory tract.

    Heart diseases

    In heart disease, the cat decreases activity.

    Heart diseases are accompanied by the same shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.

    Skin and visible mucousse can have a blue shade. Cat behavior also changes. Pitomian tries to move gently, the activity is reduced, since physical exercise Will cause unpleasant sensations in the heart area. There is no appetite, permanent drowsiness. Possible edema extremities.

    Glice invasion

    In terms of glycean invasion, intestinal disorders are possible in the form of vomiting or due to the toxicity of products of the life of worms.

    With glides, diarrhea is possible.

    Disruption of appetite: from increased to the complete absence. There is a monuance on mucous membranes, gluable matted wool, itching in the anal area. In the cartoons, the presence of blood is possible.

    In order to detect the cause of this feature, it is necessary full integrated animal examination . Diagnostation is carried out by way laboratory research blood and urine. If there is a suspension of melting contamination, the fence is carried out. Also recommended ultrasound procedure Hearts and respiratory tract.

    Therapy and treatment of cough in cats

    The elimination of the symptom is made only in a complex with specific treatment, detected separately taken disease.

    Sometimes if a third-party subject in the respiratory tract, the animal cannot cope on their own. In this case, the pettomitsa must be delivered to the clinic to remove the subject by the specialist. In difficult cases, it is possible surgical intervention .

    In case of difficult case, the stamping of the subject is required surgical intervention.

    Respiratory diseases Measure the use of comparative common therapy. With pneumonia, the first cases use drugs that help bring the substance accumulated in Alveoli and bronchi. This uses musolitic and expectorant drugs. During the ethics, diuretics are shown. Cardiac means are recommended to reduce the load on the heart. Antibiotic therapy, probiotics and vitamins are carried out. The presence of pain syndrome is eliminated by painkillers and spasmolitis.

    Glice invasion It is treated by the use of antigels. Mostly assign funds wide spectrum Actions: Dronal, Profhendder, Stronghold, Pyrantel, Kannavtel, Provite, Prazicide, Pratera.


    If the cause of cough attacks is asthma, the treatment will be directed to the removal of seizures of choking and maintaining the overall state of the animal.

    With asthma, cats need to remove attacks of suffocation.

    It is not possible to cure a completely similar underage, so it is most often a genetic pathology and has an allergic origin. It is important to prevent the presence of allergens, both in food and in the environment of the pet.

    With trachea, antibiotics are prescribed.

    It is recommended to be administered orally or inject vitamins through injections. Needless symptomatic therapy . In the case of intoxication and intravenous infusion of physiological solutions are allowed.

    In addition to eliminating hazardous products or other substances provoked allergic reactionrecommended using steroids. Also admit the drug cortisone. In preventive purposes, antihistamine drugs are recommended.

    Diseases of the heart

    Heart diseases on such a rare phenomenon in cats. Such animals need, above all, peace and comfortable living conditions. Recommended the purpose of beta blockers: Atenolol, propranolol. Showing blocks of calcium channels - diltiazem. Preparations are also prescribed: Benazepril, Ramipril, Enalapril, Pimobhendan. Permissible to use diuretics in the form of furosened.

    Whatever the cause of cough pet, it is important to remember that independent treatment May lead to the death of a pet. Timely diagnosis and treatment is of great importance.

    Cook cough video

Animal cough is not always the reason for excitement, cough and healthy cats, and sick. Due to this protective reaction, the feline body ensures the safety and purification of respiratory organs from elements capable of harming it.

Understanding whether the cat coughs with health benefits, or she is sick, will help her master in time to intervene in the situation and eliminate the factor threatening the life of a beloved pet.

Causes of the appearance of cough in cats

The cough of the cat is not particularly different from the cough with another representative of mammals - a person, it also happens to be wet and dry, rare and constant, painful and no.

Impact of external factors

Why does a hoarse and harking sound bend from the cat's pharynx, and she herself, having accepted a half-sided position, beats her back and pulls her neck to the floor, trying to suppress the cough reflex?

Since the cough receptors are located in the larynx, trachers and bronchops, the causes of the cough may be their irritation, both with outdoor and reverse side of the respiratory lumen.

This happens in the following cases:

  • ingestion of annoying mucous membranes of objects: fish bones, spacious toys sprayed with sharp edges trauming throat and causing cough with wheezing;
  • clusters in the stomach of lumps of wool, formed after the guide animals of a thorough toilet, disturb the digestive organs, so the cat is getting rid of them through a sharp and deep exhalation;
  • hitting the throat of small substances flying in the air (dust, spices, flour) or smoke with a caustic, unpleasant smell launch a protective reflex, protecting the animal from unwanted impact external factors on her well-being.

The cough arising for these reasons is not dangerous to the health of the pet, and, on the contrary, it is necessary for him: thus the body evacuates from the respiratory tract dangerous and unwanted foreign objects for him.

Respiratory infections

Unfortunately, cats, like a person, can pick up the infection and get sick with bronchitis, laryngitis, flu, or inflammation. Most often, cough provoke viral infectionsThat getting into the body is striking the trachea and bronchi, and are accompanied by dry and supervised cough. With pneumonia in an animal heatlowered appetite, difficulty breathing and convulsive, frequent cough.

Immunity relaxed from viruses, makes the cat's body with an object for the destructive work of malicious bacteria. Such symptoms such as sneezing, snot, diarrhea, purulent mucus from eyes and nose are joined to cough.

It is worth noting that the bacterial neoplasty infections affect cats rarely. This fact is explained by a good antibacterial immune home predator system laid in nature. Without such protection, survive in the difficult conditions of wildlife, struggling for their existence, the ancestors of home cats simply could not.

Cardiac (cardiac cough)

Utrobal, monotonous coughing urge, increasing over time and not accompanied by the discharge of the sprocket - a sign of a heart cough. From the outside it seems that the cat, flashering and stretching the neck to the floor, as if he was stifled and tries to get rid of the subject stuck in the throat.

Attacks such cough enhanced after active actions Animal: Games, Walking. The cause of cough is becoming increased in the size of the heart muscle, it presses on the nearby trachea and annoys the cough zones located on its surface.

Invasion cough (helminthia)

Find an invasive, moderate cough with vomit urges from worms, a representative of the glorious Feline family can at any age, even without going outside. Kittens are infected with worms through Mother's milk, and an adult person through food, from other pets, items brought to the house from the outside.

Bronchial asthma

Hereditary predisposition or action of allergens (dust, food, tobacco smoke, various household sprayers, natural factors) can cause cat-suffocating cough in cats (just like a person).

High sensitivity to stimulus becomes the reason for the occurrence of a respiratory illness, like a bronchial asthma. During an attack of cough, the animal sneezes, rubbing his nose, wheezing and breathing heavily, as chronic inflammatory processes in respiratory organs limit the inflow of air into bronchi and lungs. The disease is most often manifested in young cats.

Injuries, oncology, diaphragmal hernia

The painful cough happens at home cats that received the throat wound and trachea damage as a result of a bite or fight with another animal while walking outside the house.

Among the heavy pathological conditions, life-threatening animal and accompanied by cough can be oncological diseases chest area diaphragmal hernia, cluster B. chest Liquid and air.

How to help fluffy pet?

What to do when a favorite cat suddenly began to cough? Methods Assistance to its ward when coughing depends on what it was called.

Veterinarians warn that not all means from cough sold in ordinary pharmacies for people are suitable for pets, so it is important to know which medications will help bring viruses and microbes from the body and facilitate the condition of the animal. During treatment, the cat is desirable to provide peace, as well as fresh and wet air, which will make it easier for breathing difficult infection.

Effective preventive measure capable of securing the cough cat is good care and care, which are expressed in timely visits to the veterinarian, vaccination and maintaining it immunity by receiving vitamin and mineral complexes.

When will the veterinarian visit?

If the cat coughs strongly and often, chips and scrolls - he is sick. Another reason for substantiated anxiety is a cough, combined with other deviations in the body: vomiting, purulent and mucous discharges made of nasopharynx or even blood loss.

It is not necessary to experiment and check on the tail member of the family the reliability of the theory of "nine lives by the cat", offering him antibiotics and antitussive pills at their discretion, urgently take it to the vet.

Only in conditions medical institution After diagnosis (including x-ray, endoscopy, cardiogram, clinical analyzes blood, crops on the microflora and other types of surveys), the doctor can accurately establish the cause of cough and advise what to do for the right and effective treatment of cat.

In addition, the self-making measures taken on their own, can smooth the overall picture of the disease, eliminating the symptoms needed to diagnose and prevent the doctor to determine the true source of the problem. The opportunity to avoid complications or tragic consequences depends entirely on how promptly the owner of the cat will react to changes in the behavior of the pet and seek help from a specialist.

Cats are independent and proud individualists, but their lives may depend on the person who took her under her roof. After all, we are responsible for those who have taught. So be attentive to your small family members and take care of them!

Today, within our article, we will again affect the topic related to animals. Or rather, we will talk about why cats sneeze and what could be the causes of this phenomenon.

Why a cat often sneezes

If your cat or cat living at home, periodically sneeze, give special attention to this phenomenon. As in humans, the "fluffy" such reflex is a protective reaction of the body, which is activated when inserted into the mucous membrane of all sorts of allergens. However, if you have noticed that such an animal behavior began to acquire the systematics and you want to know why the cat is constantly sneezing, it's not worth slowing here, because it may mean serious problems.

It is difficult to believe in it, but one of the reasons for the permanent sneezing of the animal may be a dental problem. The fact is that when infections in feline teeth, animals begins adverse reactionwhich lies in sneezing.

In addition, if such behavior of the animal is also accompanied by the discharge with blood, it can mean oncological diseases.

Why cats sneeze and cough

If the sneezing of the animal is also accompanied by a cough, it may mean that a foreign object hit the cat's body. That is how the cats reflexively try to diliate and extract foreign body From yourself.

In addition, the cough may be proof that the animal body is subject to any infection, because in this way the animal may also flick and accumulated in the organism of the allocation.

What to do if the cat sneezes

If you are interested not only by the question, why the cat sneezes, but also to treat it, then in this situation solutions there is not so much. Of course, the very first thing you need to do is make self-diagnostics.

First of all, it is necessary to make sure that nothing threatens the respiratory tract of the animal. To do this, carefully inspect the mouth and the cat's throat for foreign objects. If foreign bodies will be detected as a result of the inspection, try to help the pet get rid of them.

In the same case, if the presence of foreign objects in the respiratory tract of the pet will not be detected, visiting the veterinarian can be called the only correct solution. Only an experienced graduate specialist will be able to help your favorite and save it from both cough and sneezing.

If the cat coughs, as if he was suppressed and wants to snatch - this is not a reason for panic. Do not begin to treat the animal yourself. It is better to pay attention to what other symptoms are observed. You can make a video when coughing a pet, and to visit the veterinarian clinic as soon as possible.

Types of symptomatics

Cough means one thing - the cat's body is trying to get rid of something. The muscles of the respiratory organs are reduced and make a push, at that moment the cat coughs. Such attacks are accompanied by other symptoms. The cat sneezes or fractures, breathing heavily, his eyes are watched.

There is a violation of the natural microflora throats, esophagus and lungs, so the cat is developing a cough reflex. The immune system Strengthens secretion secretion, directs leukocytes to combat symptoms. Cough has different reasons:

  • microbes;
  • foreign bodies;
  • viruses;
  • ranks.

But the essence of one - allocations accumulate, and they need to get rid of them. Feline body is arranged so that strong cough From the side looks as if the animal is nowhing.

When a homemade pet coughs, the symptoms differ by:

  1. 1. Duration: Sometimes the state is developing by attacks, in other cases - constantly torments the animal.
  2. 2. Intensity: Light shames or so strong manifestationsthat the cat hurts to watch. Condition may be accompanied by vomiting and snot.
  3. 3. Sound: Cough is painful and deaf or loud. In other situations, the cat is constantly breathing hard.
  4. 4. Allocations from the mouth and nose: dry curves are dangerous, but worse, when purulent and bloody traces are noticeable.
  5. 5. Manifestation time: respiratory disorders are exacerbated either at night or after sleep. For diagnostics, it is important, at what time of year the cat got sick. Behavior varies - the animal coughes after hissing or stretching and pressing to the floor. All these moments are important for diagnosis.

Causes of cough and how it manifests itself

When the cat has such cough, as if she wants to snatch, it says about the following states:

If the cat appears such symptoms, and it coughs, as if supposed, you do not need to try to determine the reasons yourself - you can harm your pet.


If it is in a foreign body or wool lumps, usually cat rolls them out. Sometimes they pass through digestive system and go under defecation. But if the item is stuck in the throat or esophagus, surgical intervention will be required.

  • take advantage of fitomins for pasture wool;
  • independently try to pull the foreign body with tweezers (if it is really visible in the throat) - it is important not to rush, not to panic and not to do sharp movements;
  • try to help the cat snatch - you need to slightly press on the root of the pet language.

If the attacks are repeated often, consult your doctor.

In order for the doctor to understand what is the problem, to remove the camera in advance how the cat coughs. Already on the sounds, a professional will determine in which direction to look for the source of the disease. So, with a squeezed cough and wheezing, a cat will be sent to a cardiac check.

The vet will pay attention to the fact that there are purulent, mucous and bloody discharges to eliminate infectious inflammation of the respiratory tract. The necessary strokes and tests will be assigned to determine the type of pathogenic microorganisms.

Can be appointed and medication tools For the treatment of coughing cat. We need such drugs so that the animal that sneezes and coughs get rid of an excess mucus in the throat. Appointed with dry cumulars or with weak natural expectoration. They will also give an allergic reaction, will reduce the swelling, the respiratory tract will be released. If asthma is worried - the main emphasis on treatment is made in the spring and autumn periods. Properly chosen by the doctor medications Effectively suppress the inflammatory process.

If the appointment was not received, do not acquire such medicines on their own. They are selected only after thorough analyzes. So that treatment with antibiotics has passed successfully, it is necessary to understand what kind of type of microorganisms caused an infectious infection to not harm the cat's health.

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