All you need to know about the British cat. Correct care for British kittens

Pet acquisition is the case responsible, but not always planned. Especially when it comes to kittens! Care for British kittens, and it is about them today will be discussed, these are pleasant troubles and a lot of preparations. In order for your future baby to live well, let's figure it out: how to care for him? We bring to your attention instructions on leaving and content.

Preliminary list of objects

In order for your British to be nice and convenient to live in your apartment or house, you need to take care of the creation of a relaxer atmosphere, as well as buy a number of accessories. This will make it easier to care for it.

  • "Sleepy" place
  • Special feeding bowls and feed
  • Toilet and filler
  • House for transfer
  • Combs or brushes for wool care
  • Kogtetchka
  • Toys

Shopping does not depend on how you got a cat - it can be a gift, a conscious purchase or choice in the shelter. Care and nutrition for the British kitten is very simple, if you understand everything before the acquisition of the animal.

What and for what?


Move from different materials. If you can carry the animal by car, then you can safely acquire plastic - it does not lose the form and appearance, reliable, durable, allows for proper care. The only minus is its volume and size. For lovers to ride public transport, they immediately clarify that such a way of transporting kittens is not successful. The kids can be frightened, will begin to be nervous, and even if you calm them, for some time they will be "droogany" and constantly nervous.

An alternative option is the acquisition of a small "cell" of a small size - it is made from a special frame, covered with soft and warm materials, and is made convenient for the owner, and for a cat.

You can safely transfer the British kitten from one place to another, without fear for being sick, or will be injured by an abundance of the surrounding sounds.

Regardless of the selected type, remember that carrying also requires care - it needs to wash or erase the outer tissue after long-term use.

Place for sleep, it is a sleeping house

Correct care Behind kittens includes a bed control, and first time - even behind sleep mode, if you are dealing with a small kitten. If you have the opportunity, you can buy a special cat furniture in a specialized store. Usually, there is a wide selection of various houses, and most importantly, such a purchase will provide you at the same time with a clawing and some toys depending on the model.

For those who do not want to buy a house, but prefers to make care of their own hands, we attach instructions for the manufacture of a homemade house.

  • Use the box as the basis. For kittens, a small suitable, for an adult British you need to take this size so that he has the opportunity to completely pull out the paws and body.
  • Close the box, and in one of its sides, make the door.
  • Inside shy soft bedspread, old plaid or put a small pillow. Do not forget about the litter - it is desirable from the fabric that is easy to wash, clean the wool. The correct selection of the material will reduce the cost of care for the British.
  • Place the box itself in a quiet place where it will be warm. It is desirable, away from children and noisy sounds.


Each pet should have its own bowl for feed and water - this is the key to the right care. For feline representatives, special bowls are made - not high, with a small depth, but possessing a fairly broad basis, which will reduce the need for some special care. This is done so that the British can seem to access the contents of the bowl. You need at least three different bowls - One should have fresh water, in the other - dry food, and in the third you can occasionally put a delicacy or canned food.


The main points of care include various kinds of games, so it is worth thinking about the safety of such a lesson. For small individuals, choose elastic balls, but avoid toys on the elastic band - the high probability that he may accidentally swallow the gum.

It is also worth avoiding all sorts of balls, balls and the like objects with sharp edges and different tear-off details - remember that the care of the pet is not only in feeding, but also in games.

Scratching or houses

Holders of the purchased house in this case will sighed with relief - there are special "columns" at almost every house, which are designed not only to accurate claws. Care and education for British kittens with such a device will allow developing kids physically - to climb, jump and perform other exercises British will be with great pleasure.

Kitten care at the first stages

So, let's figure it out how to care for a British kitten in the first hours of getting to you in your hands, so that the kid grew up healthy and please you with his behavior? What are the main points of care?

Possible longing for mom

When you get a British on your hands, usually just a few months. It is clear that separation with feline society passes for him very difficult. It can wandered around the house or hide under large objects, meow. In general, in every way to attract attention, demanding the same care, as before it was from the mother. In this case, take the baby on your arms, and a soft, gentle voice, start talking to him. Usually, it calms the British. If the conversations do not help, there are several proven tips from experienced "cats".

  • Clock with loud tick. Set the clock next to the British Sleep Place. This will remind the British kitten to the heartbeat of the mother's heart, her care and care will help to fall asleep. Electronic hours for this purpose are not suitable.
  • Heat water to 36-39 degrees and make a heating. Wrap it with a towel and put next to the kitten - this will create the illusion of the presence of other kittens and parents. Remember that the baby is still inexperienced, and, although his self-preservation instinct is present, he still can burn. Therefore, carefully make sure that the guide does not become his "random" toy.

Do not hurry with games, Sysyukaniya and other familiar business - the British need to be mastered, and it takes time.

In the first few days, it is better to limit places where your cat can be. It must be available all the amenities - food, place for sleep and toilet, i.e. Necessary care, but no more. When in this "snack" he will be mastered - you can gradually acquaint him with an apartment or house.


Caring for British kittens includes the teaching them to the tray. If you bought it in the nursery, most often there have already begun to teach the animal to the tray, to the place. In this case, be sure to find out from breeders, which filler is worth using. Next, just tell the tray cat several times - it is better to do it after eating. He will quickly remember his whereabouts, and will not get a pacule territory. The main thing is to clean the toilet in time, and actually it will be all the care of the British in terms of waste. Remember that animals need to be kept clean, and it does not matter what kind of breed.

Proper care for newborn kittens includes the process of teaching the tray as soon as they begin to grow. It is better to buy an older British, because it is difficult to deal with a breaking room - especially if the animal is an inappropriate.

Children and other inhabitants of your home

If you have children, be sure to spend the "instruction" with them on the expense of how to behave with the British. Show in advance how to play with him, take on the hands. Explain that their new "comrades" do not like, and how to understand that they are not delighted with your actions. If your children are already going to school, tell them what care is needed by the British, let them feed the animal independently.

Be sure to follow the way your child plays with animals - it will avoid possible injuries, fear and misunderstanding between them.


If you have other pets at home, you need to introduce your feline replenishment with them. Before familiarization, be sure to make sure that all representatives of the animal world are healthy. Remember that the senior individuals may not take very good to the baby, especially if they are one sex or one species. In order for the British not stress, try to stick to such a procedure.

  • In the first few days, organize Quarantine to the British kitten. Keep it in a separate room, do not let it with other animals. Be sure to leave the carry - it will be a "house for a new one" so that the Briton has the opportunity to hide.
  • Do not forget at this time to pay attention to other things to reduce their anxiety, but do not forget about need care Behind the kitten. Show them that you also love them, so that they are not jealous, and did not perceive the new kitten in your home, as a possible threat.
  • Organize a planned meeting for pets. Be sure to be in the room when your favorites will meet. Each of them leave the opportunity to retreat, do not interfere with mutual examination and sniffing.
  • They can hiss and lying on a friend - it is also normal if it does not reach open aggression. If something went wrong, and your familiar animal reacts to a new one more aggressively, divide them for a couple of days, and then repeat the acquaintance procedure again.
  • Respect the rights of your pets - do not take away your favorite territory in favor of the new! Otherwise, jealousy and permanent fights between them are provided. Do not forget about care for them, do not sacrifice them in favor of the British.
  • Be sure to provide your pets with different trays and bowls, brushes to care for wool. This is done so that no one remains hungry, and you did not have to remove the "surprises" from the jealous cat, for example, in different parts of the house.


For British kittens, it is advisable to purchase a rubber brush, preferably in the form of an oval, which will be equipped with a soft material of small sizes. It will allow care painlessly: remove the "statics" - electricity that accumulates on wool, with it easy to massage the skin without injury. Since the British have short wool, no need to care for her in some special way. If the kitten lines - wet your hand in warm water, and obscure the wool and skin of the animal. Care for British Fold kittens in terms of wool is absolutely not complicated.

Take care of security

It all understands that animals are extremely inquisitive, because of what, in fact, not only often get involved in troubles and get injuries, but also give their owner a lot of trouble. In order not to be a regular client at the veterinarian, adhere to these rules in everyday life:

  • All medicines, household chemicals and other hazardous liquids store in a closed place. Preferably on the key or on the castle.
  • Go to the bathroom? Be sure to close the bathroom so that the kitten does not come there.
  • Toy toys must be locked. Playing with them yourself, he can randomly swallow them, spray or hit any item, having won. Remember that care is not only games and feeding, but also take care of the British.
  • Close the doors to the utility rooms or in the garage.

Start: Moving

If the trip is single, you should not bother at the expense of various kinds of containers - especially if we are talking about baby. Caring for British kittens in 2 months does not require their transportation, so you can slightly "pull" with the purchase of carrying. Be sure to show the kitten veterinarian - Special attention should be paid to the eyes and ears. It is advisable to do this in another familiar to the British Cat atmosphere.

Teaching to the toilet

As the baby gets into an unfamiliar place, in the first few days you can detect surprises in the most unexpected places. In this case, plunge the paper in the "bomb" and fool the cat tray - it will allow you to give to understand the kitten, for which this place needs. Another option is to pour a filler, and when it will remove the whole problem - pour out the filler in the tray.

The correct approach to the upbringing of the baby will avoid problems and quickly make friends with the British kitten.

The British cat is perhaps the most common and popular in our country. Luxurious, independent and full feelings of self-esteem, these animals do not leave indifferent and fall in love with themselves at first sight. But in addition to the external characteristics, when choosing a pet, you need to take into account its temperament, care requirements and nutrition, as well as many other factors, because, like any other breed, the British cat is not suitable for everyone.

Appearance and nature of the breed

Usually, when mentioning the British, we imagine a blue cat of medium sizes with a round face and short plush wool. On the household level, everything is true, but not all blue cats are British, as well as not all British blue cats. To distinguish the yard Murk from the purebred Englishman, turn to the breed standard, especially since the main felinological systems of the world (FIFE, WCF, CFA, TICA) are united in its description.

Description and photos

The British, according to the standard, are short-haired chores, compact medium and large size (cats are usually significantly larger), well-folded, massive, with a pronounced muscular and wide bone.

The wool is uniform in length, dense, "plush" (not adjacent to the body), very pleasant to the touch, with a thick undercoat, often differ in color from the main one.

Important! The separation of the British on short-haired and long-haired is not recognized by the majority of felinological organizations, although fans of cats with long wool do not fold weapons. So, according to the dominant position, it was the "plush" short wool for a long age was the sign that tried to preserve breeders in British, using the massiveness of long-haired Persian cats and extends. For this reason, by the way, from two purebred Britons still can "randomly" be born a long-haired kitten. No matter how much a breeder praises such a baby, formally the animal is subject to disqualification and to comply with the purity of the breed for further tribal breeding is not allowed.

The limbs are short and strong, the tail is also short, thick, with a rounded tip.
British cats have a characteristic round-headed head with wide cheekbones, tightly sitting on a massive short neck. The eyes are huge, round, wide open, saturated gold, blue or green (depending on the wool color) color. The nose is straight, not flattened. The ears are short, giving the face even greater roundness.

Did you know? According to generally accepted opinion, it was the British cat with her round and, as it were, stretched to the face of the muzzle inspired Lewis Carroll to create an image of the famous Cheshire cat.capable of appearing, then disappear, leaving only a wide smile instead.

Bill scissor-shaped either glue. Submissions or snack within two millimeters is not considered vice.

Now about the colors. Contrary to popular belief, British cats do not have to be blue (however, it should be recognized that this color is most popular, in connection with which sometimes even identify subspecies - "British Blue").
The breed standard admits at least three dozen different colors of the British, and the "monochriness" is not at all necessary. Moreover, even in monotonous animals, deviations from the uniform of the score of the fur are allowed - various sings, casing, smokyness.

In addition to blue, monochrome British cats are black, white, chocolate, creamy, red (red), as well as pink-blue (lilac), and each of these colors has its own variations, for example, in the lilac three are bright, medium and dark (coffee with milk).

The first of these variations is a turtle. In such animals throughout the body, the stains of two colors, such as black and red or blue and creamy, are evenly distributed.

Did you know? It is noted that the turtle color is manifested by the British only on the female line, the cats are almost never a turtle.

In addition, there are colors with the presence of silver - smoky, shaded and chinchilla. In each of the species, a variety of variations are possible.

Another variety of colors - Pictures (Tabby), inside which, in turn, highlight marble, tiger, or mackerel (it is this color that has a British kitten, depicted on all products of the company "Wiscas") and spotted.

In addition, there are colorspoints (like a Siamese cat) and bicolor (two-color) depths of British cats.

Important! Each color and its shade, as well as the color of the eyes according to the generally accepted in the fellinologists, the encoding corresponds to a certain conditional designation (for this, figures, the letters of the Latin alphabet or their combination) are used). Thus, any cat can be described by a certain formula, looking at which the expert clearly imagines an appearance of an animal up to each spin (for example, BRI NS12 62 is a British Cat Chinchilla Color with Orange Eyes).

The British are exceptionally harmonious animals. Anyone, even a minor retreat from the standard immediately spoils the overall impression. Of course, not all disadvantages are a reason for choosing an animal and prevent it from tribal breeding, but you need to know every breeder.

In this case, the correct selection of the pair can level the existing vices and as a result of the offspring abolished according to the characteristics. But there are deficiencies, unambiguously meaning disqualification (for example, mentioned above long-haired, broken tail and some others).

Features of a British character

The breed in question is British not only by name, but also on temperament. These are true gentlemen (or lady), respecting themselves, intelligent, independent and restrained. With the right attitude towards himself, such an animal will not cut the whole house provided by itself, but this does not mean that it does not need your attention.

Important! If the Abyssinian cat does not tolerate loneliness, but the Persian, in essence, anyway, there is someone in the house or not, then the Briton is a harmonious "golden mean". You can leave such a cat for a whole day itself, but, returning from work, take time to communicate with your favorite, and he will answer you thanks and love!

Many owners of plush aristocrats celebrate their mind, lupileness and willingness not just to perceive the wishes of the owner (and sometimes even satisfy them, fulfilling this or another team), but also adapt to the conditions proposed by them and the temperament of family members. Of course, this trait makes honor to a noble animal and demonstrates his wisdom and the ability to social adaptation.

At the same time, such a cat will not demolish the obsessive caress and any manifestations of disrespect. An animal must have a personal space and will actively defend it. The desire to play or hug should be mutual, otherwise you will have to face hard disorders. This feature of the British must be considered, especially if there are in the family small childnot understanding that domestic cat - It is not only fluffy wool, but also sharp and teeth.
However, the true British never show aggression, in any case, in their adequacy you can be sure. Such cats are not impulsive, but stubborn and vindictive. If you have selection, they prefer not to defend himself, and proudly and with dignity to be removed. And only if the unlucky binary being does not understand that his attention is undesirable, the cat is forced to explain its position more intelligible.

The British rarely choose one owner among households, as dogs do.Their attitude is equally friendly and even to all - two-legged and four-legged family members, and yet you will always feel a certain distance that this beast ranks with each other and surrounding. But if someone fell ill or got into trouble - British this instantly feels and speaks his support and sympathy.

English cats - inborn leaders. They will easily become a leader of the flocks if there are other animals in the house, and also try to "drag the blanket for ourselves" in communicating with a person. Here the owner needs to be patient and perseverance: any animal must unconditionally recognize the authority of a person, otherwise both will suffer (the owner - from dissatisfaction with animals, and the animal is the fact that they are dissatisfied with the owner).
So, the British cat is suitable for you if:

  • in the family there are small children who dream to squeeze a woolen animal;
  • you want to have a dedicated friend and companion, which at any moment will appear on your call and will adapt to the differences of your mood (for these purposes, the dog is at all better);
  • you need a cat as a purring addition to the home environment (Persians are perfectly coped with such a role);
  • you think that, giving the animal of herbal and food, it is entitled to treat him as his property (with such thoughts of domestic pets it is not worth it).

A bit of history

The British is an original English breed. At least over the course of several centuries, the ancestors of today's representatives inhabited the territory of Misty Albion, adopting from its Majesty's subjects, dignity and impertility.

Did you know? There is a version that these strong and endless cats fell into England from ancient Rome, brought on the ships by the legionnaires of the Military Emperor Claudia, who decided to "march Britain" a little and put it with tribute. As you know, Britain, although they submitted a great Rome, but not immediately, not badly and, on a historic scale, not long. But the Roman cats without a single shot conquered the hearts of proud British times and forever.

The methodical work on breeding, of course, began not immediately, however, Felinology as science at all appeared relatively recently. The ancestor of the idea is considered to be Animalist Harrison Wayira, the organizer and the inspirationant for the first cat exhibition in the world.
She took place, by the way, in England, in the Crystal Palace, July 13, 1871. Already then, Sir Wair noted the beauty of local yard cats, however, no one has spoken about the standard of the breed. He appeared for the first time in 1889, and the first official representative of the British was a white cat.

The peak of breeding work on the formation of the current appearance of the breed fell on the 30s of the last century. The main task was to maintain the "plush" wool and enhance the massive case with a characteristic round face and full cheeks.

Unfortunately, the second world War It didn't just prevent the continuation of breeding work, but almost led to the complete disappearance of the rock (including the physical - a huge number of animals died of bombing, bullets and under the rubble).
To restore British, breeders (not only English) began to actively use a number of similar rocks, including Persians, exothers, Russian blue, European and American short-haired and especially Chartresses. So today's British cat is very different from the one that caused such admiration for Harrison Wayra.

Nevertheless, at this stage, breeding work is generally considered complete, and the mixing of British blood with others is usually not allowed.

Choose a kitten

So, you decided to buy a purebred Englishman. Where to begin?

Important! The first rule: in the market, in random places and random people Kittens buy those who simply decided to make a kitty at home. Powdish animals are purchased in the nursery, through the club or professional breeders.

Fortunately, the British Cat today is not uncommon, and a purebred baby can usually find nearby - in its city and even the area. But even if it did not succeed, do not agree to receive the animal at the "neutral territory" and, moreover, do not go to the transmission through the intermediary, the conductor on the train, passing the car, etc. The matter is not even that you may be deceived , Just it is important to see with my own eyes, in which an atmosphere is growing to the baby, what does he see what kind of care is provided to him.
Of course, the purebred animal is expensive, but the pricing in this case should be due to the high cost of growing a kitten, and not a challenge for profit. To distinguish the true enthusiast from Hapuga and Rvach is very easy, but for this you need to cross the threshold of his house where cats are contained.

Important! According to the rules of the most recognized World Cat Federation in Europe (WCF), which includes most clubs in our country, the breeder does not have the right to overcome the kitten from the mother before reaching the child of a 12-week age.

Three-month is already a small cat. She has formed the main habits and attitudes towards the world around the world, including people. If the animal was kept in isolation or in constant fear, unprofiled and disliked - you will definitely experience the consequences of such a "education".

And the second conclusion from the same rule: if the breeder does without any problems agree to sell you a half-month kitten - think about whether you buy an animal in that place.
Make sure the kitten is healthy. It must be in the measure of the fastened, the eyes should not be hushed, there should be no dirt in the ears and all the more pus, the anal hole is clean and not inflamed. The stomach in a healthy animal is always soft (even after a dense dinner).

Try to make sure that the animal meets the standard (described above). Looking at the child, it's not always easy to do this, so carefully consider parents or at least mom if the cat lives separately from the cat.

Talk to the seller kittens, ask him in detail about the breed, about the peculiarities of animal care, its character and other things. If what you hear is fundamentally different from your preliminary information about British cats (for example, "My eating everything, even borsch"), - refuse to buy!
Ideally, of course, buying a thoroughbred animal, you get a properly decorated pedigree, confirming the purebredness of your pet. But if, in order to save you, you take the kitten "without documents", it in no way removes the duty from the breeder to give you a veterinary passport with the vaccinations and information about degelminting.

Important! For three months, the kitten should be made two vaccinations - primary and revaccination. At the same time, with the second standard vaccination, the animal is usually vaccinated from rabies, but some breeders do not make it intentionally. Vaccination against rabies in any case is obligatory if the kitten has to cross the borders of the state in which he was born.

And last. Choosing a baby, listen to the voice of your heart. Often one mutual look is enough to understand: a person and cat are created for each other.

The best conditions for the British

Any cat is a born hunter. She can sit on the windowsill, at first with a living interest, and then with a longing watching the birds flying past. Therefore, if you are a happy owner of a country house, your pet is incredibly lucky. Give him the opportunity to take a walk in the garden, and the animal fully implements its natural predator instincts.
Take the British to walks on the street in the conditions of the city - the task is not so simple, as it seems, but in the presence of free time and the desire is quite perfect.

However, the content of cats is also attractive that mandatory daily walking these animals do not require.They can quite comfortably feel in an urban apartment, so in all her life and without crossing her threshold. And yet, since we are talking about a sufficiently massive and quite active breed, the more spacious it will be the range, the better it will feel.

As for the optimal climate, here the range is quite wide. If you believe the legend that the British cats once lived in sunny Italy and then adapted perfectly to foggy and raw English weather, you can not doubt: this breed will be equally well in charge of both heat and frost.

Important! Preparing for the settlement of the baby, equip all windows with protective nets, remove objects that a curious animal can swallow or spoil. Take care that furniture and other dimensional items are tightly moved to the walls or, on the contrary, have sufficient passages so that the animal does not borrow in the gap and do not suffocate while you are at work.

And while your favorite will not grow up and do not rise, keep all the cabinets and drawers closed, watch the kitten not jumped when you open the doors, and in general - see yourself under your feet: until six months you may seem to see that You do not have one cat, but somewhat active these little fidgets are.

Home care

It is easy to care for a British cat, however, from how strictly you will perform the most important procedures, health will depend on the appearance, and the well-being of your favorite. Of course, special attention and care requires a kitten, but also in a mature age, the animal cannot be fully granted itself.

Necessary "Shabby"

The main thing is that you need to purchase before your house settled a little fluffy lumpy, is and. The first - so that the animal immediately learned to protect his natural needs in the same place (take a big tray immediately, then not to move the unfortunate beast), the second is that your furniture and wallpapers have not turned into miserable rags after a meeting with sharp feline claws.

Important! British cats are actively digging the filler in the tray, so it is better to stay on tanks with high sides.

Everything else - at discretion and at will. For trimming claws, there will be special tweezers, but not all owners spend this procedure on their own (before viscous and before the Cogging exhibition it is necessary to cut it, but if you appeal to a specialist, it will use my own tool). To care for wool, you will need a brush - rubber or bristle, in no case is not tough, so as not to damage the undercoat and the skin.

Today, today is a huge selection of various houses, multi-tiered structures and various toys for domestic cats. Of course, your pet will appreciate a similar gift, but much more, he needs your love, and not striking. The attachment of the cat can not buy!
Rubber toys and balls will quickly get bored with a kitten granted to himself. Instead of expensive color fixtures, designed to satisfy your vanity, than the needs of the cat, you can independently make a "mouse" from the rope and tied to her rusting paper (but not from foil - she will spoil your beloved teeth): while the thread will be in your hands, animal I will be happy to hunt the slipping "prey".

Features of care

The main hygienic procedure for the British - caring for wool (thick undercoat dictates its own rules).

Important! One of the shortcomings of the breed is a leaning to mol. The British are linked at least twice a year, in the offseason, and during this period they create certain inconvenience to households.

In the usual time, the cat can be combed once a week, in winter, just more carefully, as the britis in this period they grow strongly, but during the molting procedures it is better to do daily. You do not like to swim home cats, but for the health of the skin and wool a couple of times a year you need to organize a wash. During the head and the ears of the animal from water should be careful special shampoos For cats with soft wool and in no case to dry the pet with a hairdryer.
So that the wool, which in large quantities falls into the Brit's stomach during self-bathing, did not lead to a disorder of the digestive system, special wool pastes are used, most of the cats are with pleasure they will fly.

Behind the ears and eyes should be followed by removing the raid and dirt with cotton disks, clean napkins or hygienic chopsticks. In addition, it is important to regularly inspect a pet's paws on the subject of initial manifestations of fungal diseases on claws. For the British, this is a real problem.

Preventive vaccinations are made annually, and degelminting - every three months, one of them is ten days before vaccination. Both procedures are made only with a completely healthy animal!

Pet diet

Contrary to the emerging opinion, the "human" food in the overwhelming part of cats is contraindicated. Of course, if an outdoor animal dying with greed destroys the black soup - this is what is called, less evil, then feed the porous porciply porous pork cottlets - the present crime.

There are two food options cats - natural or dry food. Both are entitled to existence, but under one condition: acquiring a British kitten, decide right away how you feed it, because, accustomed to one type of food, a graceful animal with extreme reluctance changes its addiction. We will not talk about dry food, we will not talk much, in it in a balanced form contains all the substances necessary for the animal, and the recommended daily norms, age and other characteristics are indicated on the package. For those who have chosen such a diet, you should only keep in mind that the feeding dry food of the cat needs much more water than an animal that is nuts with natural meal, so you need to monitor particularly carefully.

And, of course, only a super-premium or premium class should be food for purebred animals, you will immediately be able to notice the wool quality of your favorite, his mood, chair and general well-being. If you do not have money on expensive feed, use natural food.


Before reaching the six-month-old food, he should receive often (at least four times a day), but gradually.
In the diet, we include:

  • meat: low-fat beef, chicken, offal (beef or chicken). The meat can be boiled either in the raw form (minced or finely chopped sliced), however, in order to avoid hot-sliced, pre-raw meat is either fucked, or is dried with boiling water. Sub-products, especially chicken, be prepared;
  • fish: only sea, low-fat and without bones, exclusively in boiled form. Baby fish should be given no more than once a week;
  • raw quail eggs or boiled egg yolk (no more than once a week);
  • equality products (milk as such cats are contraindicated!): low-fat sour cream or cream, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.;
  • vegetables (carrots, cabbage, zucchini) - boiled or grated;
  • cruses (porridge): rice, oat, buckwheat.

Important! If you want to force your baby there is a porridge, take advantage of the recipe: the raw beef stuffing mix with stolen in boiling water with cereals of Hercules (in the ratio of two pieces of meat on one piece of oatmeal), roll small meatballs and freeze. Before "feeding" for a while, get out of the freezer. Your favorite will be just happy!

Do not forget about clean water and vitamins. The latter is needed in physical feeding to correctly pick up the composition, consult a veterinarian.

Adult Kota

For an adult cat, the optimal feedback schedule - twice a day (from six to eight months, feed the animal three times a day, so that its body is used to rare meals, and then we remove one feed). One-time portion is 150-300 g, depending on how much your favorite weighs.

Did you know? The hosts of the Britiet often complain that their aristocratic pets refuse to drink purified water from the drier and with greeding the liquid from the most "non-abused" places - from an open crane, buckets in which just rinsed the sex rag, and even from the toilet bowl. The fact is that cats are hunters. Without the possibility of getting food (getting it "on a saucer"), they are trying to hunt at least water. In order to protect the animal from serious poisoning, it is recommended to go for a trick: to place a container with purified water in hard-to-reach tanks (for example, in a watering watering can, where it is not so easy to put a spout) and in unexpected places. Sometimes it works!

The formula is as follows: meat (once or two per week - fish) - the basis of the diet, as a supplement - vegetables and cereals (the best rice). Meat, in addition to the above species, can be diversified by veal and turkey. Equality products are also extremely useful if they are not fatty and not salty.

The British adore greens, but not all home plants are safe for their stomach.Pamper the pets with lettuce, mint, dill, parsley and other fragrant herbs, and even better - land for your favorite your own "lawn". In pet stores, you can purchase special mixtures of seeds of grass for cats, but you can use the usual oats - the cats adore him!

Possible diseases

In general, the bright is not too rayful cats and do not get sick.

In addition to the specified painful states, which, in general, are subject to any cats, at the Britom there is a "own" disease that has a genetic basis. It is called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, abbreviated GKMP.

7 once already

Decided to start a pet? Soft, gentle, playful kitten with unusually beautiful lively curious eyes of the fascinating copper color will very quickly find its place in the heart of each household. And the kids, and the adults of the British breed are perfectly soldered with other animals and people, including children, which allows them to harmoniously fit into any family, becoming an integral part of it. Shortly after its appearance in your home, the British kittens will become the best friends of children, accompanying them everywhere, taking an active part in children's fun and cakes, repeatedly causing you a happy smile of dignity and tamping to tears of warm tenderness. Under the roof of your dwelling will open a cat-human kindergarten. In general, kittens of this breed are simply ideal for families in which heirs will be grown. Firstly, such a kitten is quite unpretentious in matters of care, leaving most of your care native baby. Secondly, the kitten from the British parents will never be offended by the master child: it does not scratch, it will not bite, will not cause any harm. Thirdly, the cat's kid committed adequately responds to the games of human children, without being frightened by the cross-gamps associated with them. And, most wonderful, the child from the earliest learns to love, take care, be friends, i.e. Acquires quality important for a full-fledged happy life. The appearance of a kitten in the house will only have a beneficial effect on the physical condition and the health of your children and adult households.

The kitten is not a toy that can be thrown into a distant corner or hand over after the interest in it is lost. Before deciding to such an acquisition, it is necessary to weigh all the "for" and "against". Thoroughly collect information about the requirements for the care of cats of the British breed. Clarify what related purchases will have to commit a new pet for a comfortable life. To bring references about nurseries for which the British kittens specialized specialization. To learn how to determine the degree of kitty health at the time of purchase and how to maintain it in the future.

When all doubts and discussion are behind and the decision is made finally, it is time to prepare a decent welcome to the new family member. To take care that the kitten was comfortable and calm from the first minutes of staying under your roof. These are troubles, but the troubles are pleasant. To simplify your life and not rumbers in confusion from the store to the store, from one angle of the apartment to another, you can prepare a plan of action and a list of purchases preceding the appearance of a kitten in the apartment.

Cats Accessories:

    Sleeping place

Feel the safety and comfort of your own corner of British kittens can in one of the production houses or sun beds, which are presented in modern pet stores with a wide range. And you can manifest creativity and equip a sleeping place yourself.

    Bowls for feed

Each animal must have his own blue and feed bowl. Moreover, it is desirable that the bowls for dry feed and canned food are separate. Water needs to be changed every day, and it would be nice to use not a water, but a bottlened one.

Choosing a toy, think about the degree of its safety. Avoid sharp edges and details that the kitten can swallow

    Toilet place

As a rule, if the kitten grew up in a good nursery, it is already accustomed to the pot. It is worth learn what filler he is used to, and acquire the same. For the first days several times patiently show the location of the tray in the new house. Soon the kitten will remember the lesson, and the confusion will not be repeated. Most importantly, follow the purity pot, in time by changing the filler

    Container carrying

With one-time transportation of the kitten in a new religion, you can do without additional devices. But if you plan to become the owner of this teddy miracle, then it is worth choosing an option for carrying an animal. Modern sales points for animals will present your attention a huge number of diverse models. The choice will depend on your taste and financial opportunities.

    Brush and rival

Oval rubber brush with small soft teeth will be enough enough to the British kittens pleased the households with a healthy view of their short plush wool


Special designs are used as brackets equipped with columns with platforms and houses. This is a whole playground for your kitten, which carries a developing and entertaining function, parallel to the acute animal claws.

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These special kittens, externally similar to the bear, appreciate their independence and do not like excessive affection. A hungry kitten will simply suit his bowl, to push the food will never be.

There are others interesting Facts About kittens with which you can get acquainted with this article, which is an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat they are worth or not to make themselves in the house or apartment of the British.

British kittens of breed features, breed, standard, characteristics

According to the standard of the kittens of medium size with a powerful chestRound head on a short neck. Boys have appetizing cheeks, girls have a more tender face. Eyes round and expressive. Paws are short and thick. Thick short and shiny wool, with a dense undercoat. Color black, white, blue, marble, gold and silver.

British kittens character and care, food and feeding, upbringing,

Potted by the nature of kittens-British friendly and affectionate. Perfectly get along with all family members. They are friendly even with dogs. These independent and not requiring special care of the kittens are suitable for people who are spent most of their time outside the house.

Delete dead hairs needed every day with a special mittens, and combing enough once a week. Battle of British kittens are not more often every three months.

Rising kittens of this breed, you should be attentive and restrained, since the kitten itself is very restrained in emotions. Although no special education is required by these smart kittens. Even a very small kitten will not go to the toilet in the wrong place and will not spoil the furniture with its curls.

The kittens of this breed is an excellent appetite and feed them often in small portions.

The dishes should be clean, food temperature. Add vitamins to the diet. From natural food kittens prefer: crude beef, chicken, boiled fish, milk. When buying a dry feed, you should carefully read what is written on the package. It is impossible to give kittens food for adult cats. British kittens should not be given chocolate, it is very harmful, can cause even poisoning from an animal.

British kittens care for eyes, vaccinations what to put kittens, how to choose, colors

It is important to care for the eyes of the kittens of the British breed, as they can be sick. And such sections need to be removed with a cotton swab moistened in welding. An animal is worth showing the veterinarian if the pus is highlighted from the eyes. Even if the kitten lives in the apartment, he needs vaccinations.

The first vaccination is made at the age of 2-3 months. First vaccination without rabies. Re-vaccination is done already with rabies. After vaccination 14 days, the cat can not be released from the house. During these days, immunity is produced. Vaccinations are made every year.

Single-colored colors: black, white, blue, marble, gold, silver, chocolate, cream. Moreover, each hairs must be painted in the same color from the root to the tip itself. There should be no spots and other shades.
Cats are with a turtle color. There are also colors with silver.

Kittens of the British Breed Fold Description and Signs

Very popular among cats, the main sign of which are ears hanging down. Kittens of this breed balanced, love a calm lifestyle, adore children. Tied to the owner and to the house. With an excellent appetite in kittens good health, they are unpretentious in care. It is known that fold British Excellent intuition.

How to distinguish a British kitten from ordinary

Inexperienced in feline affairs can confuse British with other kittens. Although they have such features that are inherent only by British kittens: a surprisingly calm character, some degree, importance. They are a round face with chubby cheeks do not confuse with other breeds. These kittens will never meow without reason, and spoil furniture.

British kittens precious colors, eye color cost (price)

The special pride of the owners is the British kittens of precious silver and gold colors. The kittens of these unmatched colors are expressive emerald or bright sapphire eyes. The price for such a kitten from 15 thousand rubles.

Today's material will allow you to plunge into the unhappy feline world, understand its features, device and laws. It will help you in this description of the Cat of the British breed. Of course, having become acquainted with only one breed, it is impossible to learn how to find a common language with all cats and cats.

This article will be useful as experienced "catbars", which decided to acquire representative of this breed and those who are just starting or plans to start to care for the cottages of the British breed.

Where did the British come from?

The British breed of cats is one of those little lucky, whose biography is rooted in the events that took place before our era. In the distant forty-third year BC, Uncle Emperor Caliguly, took the throne. He decided to strengthen his power, opening the war with Britain, and therefore sent the troops. Upon return, together with the Romans, who fought in Britain, returned cats.

The opposition of the Romans and Celts did not end the forty years. But the British shorthair cat in this war between people did not take any participation. They conquered their beauty and caress more and more people. Therefore, when at the end of the nineteenth century, it was about the favorite nation of animals, the descendants of the most cats were used as the basis as the basis, which could still reconcile two rusty people in the past.

Another legend

In the old scriptures and documents, they say that the usual cat suddenly turned out to be very strong and hardy, knew how to survive in a variety of conditions, and at the same time did not lose his charm and charm. We will find out about this from G.Veira - the founder of feline exhibitions. This is the story of the British breed.

Quite often, scientists argue about which of the breeds of cats, closest to the British. Definitely, they have something in common with Persian cats - a slightly flat face of a round shape, but not more.

Description of breed

First of all, let's remember that the British are pretty afraid, and even a partly offensive - something, and the pride of these little animals is attended by no less than their owners. The main thing is not to confuse the Scots and the British - their owners will definitely find it an insult. Just remember that cats British are purebred animalswhich came to their appearance by adaptability, acquiring experience and mutation. But Scotland is a derived genetically breed, like many other cats that appeared relatively recently.

Distinctive features


Since cats breathe almost always, it underlies their instincts (unlike people who know how to independently go to the breath of the mouth), it is important to pay attention to the nose and the correctness of its structure. The purebred British rock breed will be short, but wide, without curvature or changes. There is a small, barely tangible, but inconspicuous recess. If the nose is twisted, then the cat can "hoarse" when breathing or publish other strange sounds.


The British Shorthair Cat is an exception to cat rules. If usually cats always "keep the Ear End", then the British breed does not have such a feature. Ears they have low and at a great distance from each other. In this case, the ears are small and slightly rounded. Outside on them enough wool. This does not apply to the Fold British - their ears are often omitted, and are located pretty close, as well as closer to the back of the head.


The British breed has quite large eyes, while open, and somewhat, round shape. Like ears, they are pretty wide. The color of the eyes of the British is predominantly golden. Less often are blue, bright green and lavender. Cats are appreciated, both unusual and pronounced typical eyes. But dull eyes or iris with stains, rims, and so on, not just not appreciated, but also consider a disadvantage.


The origins of the appearance of standards for the body and physiology of British cats take their beginning in those distant times of their appearance. Since the British felt themselves by the owners of their own lands, they grew up in muscular cats, which have a lot of power. At the same time, they can be large or medium-sized international classification.

They have a wide yard, and at the same time, a massive and muscular back, which allows them to write out all sorts of pyruets even in everyday life. Paws are closer, but strongThat allows the cat to periodically land only for three of four, and the "spare" paw is used as an attacking gun in the case of a mining jump.

As for the tail, he is also rather short. Slim only in kittens, while at the British of all ages, he must narrow to the ground.

Weight and size

British breed cat is much larger than a cat, but this is expressed only in appearance, and not in their characteristics. Speaking by scientific words, this breed is inherent in the demorphism of the floors. Kittens, regardless of floor, quickly gain weight. Of the little, skinny British, they quickly turn into miniature copies of parents, but only externally. Weight they are gaining long, the growing process also lasts for several years.


After four years, the physical part of the British organism is fully formed, and by five years he has a sustainable personality. At this age, cats weigh about five - eight kilograms, and cats from four to six.


It is here that the striking differences begins between the rocks, which are the British, but at the same time are fundamentally different.

Two directions for the development of this breed are distinguished: long-haired and short-haired. In addition to wool, there are no differences in the physical level.

Long-haired British Cat is a kind of elegant and representative aristocrat. It is impossible to cross with other rocks, only with the British, otherwise at the exit risk getting a brown Briton with incomprehensible color. But there will be a partner of such an animal with short or long wool - does not matter.

Despite the fact that the breed is called long-haired, along the length of the wool reaches only an average level. Without waves and twigs, straight, with a rich underworker, which provides a heat conservation cat. Wherein tail is always very fluffy. There are a variety of colors, the only exception that is not recognized is a combination of white with Siamese or partial color on the legs, a muzzle and tail.

As for individuals with short wool, they always have a surprisingly tender color. Wool is dense, evenly distributed over the body. The average length of the wool is up to three millimeters.


Preferably, one-hand color must be uniform and monotonous so that the wool does not stand out in some places. At the same time, the breed of the British can be something like haze on wool or sings in any color - this is not prohibited by the standard of the breed.

According to official data, there are three dozen variations of the color of the British.

The most popular monophonic types of this breed:

  • Breed of red
  • Cream breed
  • Black breed
  • White breed
  • Breed of gray
  • Breed Lilo - a combination of gray, gray and pink.

The most popular two-color breeds:

  • SERO Blue Breed
  • Marble
  • Tiking breed
  • Breed Tabby ("Freckles" on wool)

Recently, the turns are gaining the cats of the British breed with color in the style of "Whiskas". The name went from the advertising of the famous feed. But this is just a domestic or colloquial name, and if you contact the specialists, they will explain to you that it is the type "Macrel". The main color of these Britons is silver. On the back there should be only three dark stripes, and already on the body there is an unlimited amount of dark strips. It is important that the strips be darker, not lighter.

Cat development

Disadvantages of body parts, head

Nose deformation, consisting in the too strong nose hubber. Flat forehead, big "eyebrows", long nose. The nose is too narrow, the bite is not amenable to correction, as well, the face of the face is broken.

Lack of the desired level of "teddyness". This feature depends on the undercoat, which ideally should be smooth and very dense. Then the wool fluffy and looks like a plush. The lack of necessary signs most often happens to have large cats, cats with color Cinnamon, as well as Tabby.

If a pet occurs at least one of the above disadvantages, it will not be considered perfect purebred.

Therefore, if you expect to take part in exhibitions or contests, you should choose the animal of this breed with special care. And if you acquire a friend of myself home, then these external features have no meaning - on health, breed or character they do not affect any way.


What features of the British cat are distinguished from representatives of other "cat races"? First of all, these are manners. Its narrowing, and the impossibility of getting to her - the larch is still that, especially if the person is not like a pet. At the same time, a rather wayward animal, despite its cute appearance. Of the permanent characteristics of the character that are inherent in this breed at any age, independence and stubbornness can be noted.

The British are very friendly and affectionate creatures, they are very easy to contact.

They love a friendly and soft tone, do not tolerate orders or demands in relation to themselves - especially if it is not from the owner, but from someone else.


The British breed is easy to contact with dogs, loves to play with children. Does not like when it is bored, but at the same time, in the case of a small child, will endure until the latter, so as not to knock the paw. What is special in the British? This breed easily transfers loneliness. If you rarely visit the house, but love the cats, then the Briton for you is an excellent solution. They calmly stay alone with themselves, play, sleep, study the outside world. And although they miss the owner, they will not become at the meeting or in his absence to arrange a mess in all rooms.

Be healthy and beautiful!

The unique qualities of British cats are the ability not to hurt even in very harsh conditions. They have no hereditary diseases, as such, with the coolness of the cat tolerated persistently. However, this does not mean that the British do not hurt in principle - they are characterized by typical for cat disease.

  • Gingivitis. This is inflammation and subsequent rotting of the teeth. It is important to show an animal to the veterinarian on time, because at the first two stages the disease can be cured. But it is much easier for his simplicity to prevent - brush his pets to his pet and not give him to eat any nonsense.
  • Cardiomyopathy, which arises because of too much load or, on the contrary, due to its absence. The main symptoms is a catastrophic weight loss, the loss of interest in the world around the world, the owner, toys, the slowdown of the pulse and breathing, wheezing.
  • Also possible partial paralysis. Usually - this is the hind limbs. In addition to the above, pay attention to the pads of your pet. If they change the color on the blue - urgently to the doctor.
  • Sometimes the British have hemophilia. Here, too, nothing can be done, the best option will just follow the pet, so that he does not get injuries.
  • And the last typical disease is a fungus that appears on claws. It is possible to recognize it by deformation or stains on the claws, so pay attention to the paws of a pet.

To prevent heart problems, doctors recommend to make a survey - heart ultrasound, at least one per year, ideally every six months.



The difference between the British breed from many other breeds is the lack of need for scrupulous and thorough care. This breed in his accommodation is unpretentious, although it has a number of its features, but care for them will not require a lot of time.

The first thing you need is to remove undercoat once a week. To do this, it is worth purchasing a soft rounded brush of rubber or a special material that will take statics with wool. When the cat starts to lift, it is necessary to comb her dailyOtherwise, this process will reflect on your furniture.


The British are a very neat breed, and even though cats, even cats, are very careful about their hygiene, so the wool constantly lick. Because of this, their stomach is often clogged with wool. You do not need to wait until the kitten becomes bad and he himself get rid of lumps of wool in the internal organs, because it is not a fact that until the moment they do not harm. To prevent this, let's do your own special medicines that are sold in the form of tablets and feed, and absorb lumps in the gastrointestinal tract.

And returning to the legs - be sure to regularly inspect claws so that there is no fungus, cracks or chips.

Crop the claws regularly or dump the British into a special interior if you cannot execute this procedure yourself. Do not forget to purchase a bracelet.

Finally, remember that the features of the British cat do not mean that the standard procedures are not applicable to it. Washing eyes, specialized cleaning of ears and pads - it is necessary to each cat of purebred rock, and not just a British.

How to feed than feed when and where?

Immediately rush to disappoint fishing lovers - do not need fish. At all. No - be it feed or ordinary fish. Do not believe advertisements that advertise fish feed is just a marketing move. Yes, your cat will be happy to eat the fish, but this does not mean that it will have to do with him. How to feed British cats? - you ask. Let's describe in detail the diet for such a cat.

  • Meat. Most of The diet of your pet is meat products. Three quarters, sometimes a little less, the meat component must be from the diet.
  • The best variant for the cat will be a beef or a bird, as well as by-products. Giving a cotton a piece of meat - an unreasonable solution. Freeze the meat, then it should be skipped through the meat grinder or cut. In general, prepare for food a cat.
  • Garnish. One quarter of the diet makes various porridges, potatoes and vegetables. It can be a side dish from your desk, but you can prepare for a cat separately.
  • Once every five to seven days, let's give the British egg.
  • Occasionally you can give dairy products - it can be cottage cheese or kefir, cheese, rickene. You can use dry food from premium - there is all required substances For a cat, however, his taste leaves much to be desired, alas.

What can not give cats?

  • Milk. Lactose allergies are especially pronounced among thoroughbred cats.
  • Sweet. Even occasionally. And on holidays, it is also impossible. Consider the cat should be followed by the figure!
  • Marinated and salty. The marinade contains an acid that poorly affects the cat's body, and the salt delays the output of water from the body.
  • Alcohol and coffee. It does not just harm the body, but leads to problems with a heart.

Remember that the British breed of cats is prone to completeness, so they must be monitored.

Where to buy, why and why?

The main characteristic of the Cat of the British breed is a photogenicity. These seams love to play at any ageYou can teach them to pose, and most importantly, they know how to smile! It turns out just amazing photos: a smiling cat in a pot from under a flower, in a bath hat, winding in the air at the moment of jumping. And what fun videos are obtained with their participation! These seals are sometimes too smart, but training is amenable to "Hurray." Therefore, you can not worry about the obedience of such a cat.


As for the place of purchase, you have several options. The most common is a feline market. Popular, but unreliable option. Prices there are two times lower, but here you have a danger. Not the fact that the animal bought in the same market will be healthy And with all vaccinations. Of course, you can make vaccinations, cure, and so on, but is it worth it? Yes, and a healthy kitten is better than a sick.

With hand

Can be purchased british breed From people who are engaged in breeding British. Reliability, as the price, will be higher, but there are pitfalls here. You can not always check the documents and purebredness of the breed, and also do not get any guarantees.

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