British shorthair blue cat. Choosing a British cat: what you should know about the breed

It is worth considering all the reasons for getting a British cat, because there are practically no arguments against, except that your heart is closer to a dog.

Origins british breed are in ancient Rome

Of course, everyone chooses an animal for themselves in accordance with their temperament and aesthetic preferences, which is why British cats are also good because they have the widest range of colors and shades of not only wool, but also eyes. This makes it possible to choose exactly the color scheme that will constantly evoke only positive emotions in you.

Some people think little about what role color plays in our life, but after all, at the subconscious level, every person has a firm conviction which colors he likes and which he doesn't. Considering the dull industrial landscapes that surround us, it would be nice to imagine how you daily look at the sunlight carried in your eyes by a bright fiery ginger cat or a three-colored cat with golden shining eyes. For lovers of fog and dusk, British shorthairs will be able to offer a gray or black version of a teddy cat, whose eyes will resemble coals in a fireplace in the late evening.

British shorthair cats: history of origin

The origins of the British breed are in ancient Rome, where it once lived domestic cat, from which modern British descended. It appeared in Great Britain during the Roman Empire, and today it is one of the least changed older English breeds.

The British Shorthair is renowned for its excellent health, strong muscular hunting body, thick short coat and calm temperament, which has continued since ancient times. The fact that the breed has changed little over the millennia can explain the absence of health problems in its representatives.

The character and behavior of the British

The British Shorthair has a gentle, calm disposition and is very attached to her home. She restrains the expression of her emotions to such an extent that she may seem coldish, but her true feelings are simply not clearly shown. In fact, her affection for the owner or mistress is so deep that a British cat can become a person's best friend and show this quality at the very moment when people will most need support.

The British cat is independent, proud, cold and aristocratic, an innate self-esteem is developed - these are the inherent qualities of this royal cat.

Natural aristocracy does not allow the animal to behave unworthily: to scratch furniture, tear wallpaper or stain the upholstery. But he needs others to behave accordingly: no familiarity, no need to try to squeeze, lisp, shout or try to somehow infringe on his dignity.

The English king among his subjects is just as sweet, polite and tolerant of those around him, when they are sweet, polite and loyal to him, as British cats are to their surroundings.

British shorthair cat: breed description

Each breed has its own standards, which are used by breeders when breeding cats, and judges, thanks to the existing requirements, can evaluate the quality of purebred animals in the rings during exhibitions. The British Shorthair is no exception and is subject to the following criteria:

The head should be round with a broad skull and regular shape. A separate requirement is the presence of wings - wide full cheeks. A strong and straight chin, a straight small nose, a thick short neck complete the overall picture.

The ears should be small, with rounded ends, wide at the base and low set, and the eyes should be large, round, set wide apart, orange in color, but green or turquoise and blue eye colors are allowed in some colors.

The body should be firm and well developed, medium to large, with a volume and broad chest, the legs are very muscular, short and strong, with good proportions, and the legs are large, strong and rounded, the color of the pads on the feet should match the color of the coat.

The tail must be necessarily thick, of medium length, tapering towards the end, and the coat must be short, thick, firm and elastic. Any colors and patterns are allowed, a striped classic pattern of different colors with silver stripes, various spots and markings is very common. Breeders define more than 30 types of colors british cats... The most popular monochromatic or solid colors are blue, black, white, lilac, cream and red.

How the British differ from the Scots (video)

Gallery: British cat (25 photos)

British vs Scots

The British plush kitten should by no means be confused with the Scottish one. The British are massive large animals on short legs with a thick tail. The Scottish kitten will grow up to be thinner, its tail will be longer, and its cheeks will be much smaller. The British Shorthair is a purebred, full of natural health, moderately aggressive cat breed that has retained all its hunting skills, and the Plush Scottish Shorthair is a product of the genetic efforts of lovers of a soft and fluffy ball of warmth in their arms.

The short-haired Scottish plush cat is completely devoid of aggression at the genetic level, she does not know how to hunt and is unlikely to survive if she gets lost on the city streets. Scottish cats are distinguished by affection, sociability, even tenderness, they get along with everyone equally well and are simply ideal for a family with noisy and noisy children, where a true Briton will not be very comfortable. Therefore, it is not necessary to take him to such a family.

Place in the cat's horoscope

The fiery red smooth-haired Briton - handsome, clever, aristocrat, whose noble origin does not cause any doubts in anyone - is the king and master of all other cats in the house and the people around him.

Experts attribute the British breed to the astrological sign of the zodiac Leo. This is confirmed by the extraordinary charisma that British cats have, as well as the fact that they are much larger than other felines and fearlessly rush into battle at the slightest suspicion of insulting their greatness, although they are generous and noble by nature.

It cannot be said about such a cat that he is fat and lazy, because he is regal and majestic, and illuminates your house, honoring him with his presence. All the more valuable and touching are the manifestations of love and friendship of a charismatic animal, which he can bestow on a person.

Even small red-haired British kittens are already complete masters in the house where they live, and when they grow up, they consider every cat they meet as their own, and every other cat as their subjects.

Should you have a British cat? (video)

Buying a kitten

It is best to buy a kitten not in the poultry market, although this option seems at first glance the simplest, but in a professional cattery, where the breeder purposefully plans mating in order to get the desired result in the form of healthy, beautiful and full-fledged cats. And you need to take a baby to your home no earlier than he turns 2.5, or even 3 months, when he is already vaccinated, eats well and is accustomed to the tray.

A healthy animal does not have problems with a tray, by the way, as well as health problems. The British are even called the breed for businessmen. Not only because they easily survive the absence of the owner in the house, and not only because they decorate it like no one else, but also because caring for them is minimal and comes down to feeding high-quality food, occasionally combing the magnificent wool and fun games with their red-haired british when you have the time.

Love your cat, respect his independence, and he will answer you with loyalty and love, protect your home and become a healer not only of physical ailments, but also of mental wounds.

Attention, only TODAY!

The British cat is a breed whose homeland is England. Representatives are distinguished by a dense hairline that protects them from moisture and insects. This aboriginal cat breed is one of the oldest and most popular in the world. Animals are endowed with good health, balanced character, endurance and unpretentious care and maintenance. There are 2 main varieties of Britons: short-haired and long-haired.

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    The origin and development of the breed

    There is no exact version of the origin of British cats, but there are legends about the appearance of these animals. According to basic information, cats were introduced to England by the ancient Romans in the 1st century BC. e. However, this information has not been documented.

    Thanks to their dense coat, the cats quickly adapted to new climatic conditions. Over the years, under the influence of humidity and coolness that reigned in Foggy Albion, the animals were developing their appearance features. For a long time, British cats have served as exterminators of small rodents.

    In the 16th century, hardy cats attracted the attention of breeders with their spectacular appearance. Since the 70s. In the 19th century, the first exhibitions with the participation of these animals began in their homeland. In the same period, experts began to develop a standard and actively breed the British.

    The best representatives of the breed were selected for selection. To consolidate the unique qualities of British cats, Persian cats were also used, from which modern pets inherited a slightly flat and rounded muzzle. In connection with the wars, the number of Britons decreased significantly, and to preserve the breed, breeders bred them with similar outwardly breed cats (Chartreuse, Scottish, Burmese, Russian blue).

    The British cat is one of the breeds that has not undergone rigorous selection.

    British cats received the title of champion in 1980. At the same time, their standards were developed. The breed was the first officially registered in the UK.


    The main characteristic of the British cat is a large body with well-developed muscles. The description of the breed is as follows:

    1. 1. Weight and height.In weight, representatives of this breed can reach from 3.8 to 7 kg. Height at the withers - up to 33 cm.
    2. 2. Body type. Large body with short, muscular limbs. Paws are rounded. The tail is of medium length, slightly thickened at the base and tapering towards the tip.
    3. 3. Head.Large, with smooth outlines, well-developed cheeks and wide cheekbones. A pronounced skin fold is present around the short neck. The nose is short, wide enough.
    4. 4. Auricles.At the base, the ears are wide, medium in size. The tips are slightly rounded. The auricles are set wide apart.
    5. 5. Eyes. Large, round in shape, painted in a rich amber shade. Distinctive feature the British is that kittens are born with blue eyes, and only over time, the color changes. Adults with bluish and emerald eyes are rarely seen.
    6. 6. Wool cover. The British have a thick, "plush" coat with a pronounced undercoat.

    The following hair colors are allowed by the standard:

    • plain (white, gray, black);
    • tabby;
    • color point;
    • smoky;
    • mackerel;
    • tortoiseshell;
    • chinchilla (silver and gold);
    • bicolor.

    Lilac and blue kittens

    The classic and most common colors for British shorthaired cats are lilac and blue.

    The external disadvantages of the breed include:

    • elongated torso;
    • any birth defects;
    • fuzzy outlines of the chin;
    • wrong jaw;
    • insufficient number of teeth;
    • the rim of the irises of the eyes;
    • color with foreign blotches of other shades;
    • too long and fluffy wool cover;
    • the presence of lavender, Himalayan or chocolate shades in the color.


    There are 2 types of British cats:

    View Description A photo
    British ShorthairThis species is classified as a bear type due to its delicate and dense coat. Smooth-haired Britons should have a fine, plush-like texture that is uniform in length. The average hair length is 2.4 mm. The disadvantage of shorthaired British cats, due to which they may not be allowed to participate in exhibitions, is the wrong structure of the coat
    British LonghairThe variety was obtained by English breeders by crossing short-haired British women with Persians. Representatives of the breed have a straight coat of medium length, a well-developed undercoat, a lush "collar" and "pants". Cats of any color can participate in exhibitions, except for the combination of snow-white with color-point

    British Shorthair cats are often crossed with Fold Scots, and Fold and Straight kittens appear in the litter. At the same time, the variety of British hanging ears does not exist.


    The character of cats of this breed is very independent. The downside of pets is that they make decisions on their own and often act against the will of the owner. The Briton behaves very reservedly with the owner, but loves him very much. Despite the fact that the cat does not flatter, does not ask for hands and is outwardly indifferent to affection, being separated from the owner, yearns for him and looks forward to it.

    Aggressiveness is alien to British cats. They do not enter into open confrontation and, in case of conflict, prefer to simply retire. Intelligent pets never release their claws and do not bite household members. These English cats treat guests very coldly and try to keep their distance from them.

    Despite the restraint, the British are quite playful. At the same time, they are not playful and do not spoil the owner's things during games. British cats meow rarely and quite quietly, but in a conversation with the owner they can make louder sounds. They communicate with the owner according to their mood: they cannot be fondled forcibly.

    The British get along peacefully with children and other pets, do not conflict with them. If the baby begins to annoy the cat with his games, the pet will simply go to another room.

    Features of care and maintenance

    Representatives of this breed can live both in small-sized city apartments and in spacious private houses. But in any case, the pet should be provided with comfortable living conditions. For a British cat, you need to purchase a bed, tray and 2 bowls. The containers should be spacious as cats have large heads. It is desirable that they are stainless steel.

    The undoubted advantage of a cat of this breed is that it is undemanding to care for.Clean pets take care of their own fur on their own, and the owner can only occasionally comb it out. During molting, the animal is recommended to comb more often, preferably every day. For the procedure, use a natural bristle brush or massage glove. Finally, smooth the coat with a metal comb with non-pointed teeth.

    It is forbidden to use slicker shoes for grooming the coat, as they can damage the animal's undercoat.

    It is necessary to cut the claws of a pet as they grow back using a special nail clipper. Press lightly on the cat's paw to show the claws. In the light, you can see the border of a reddish or yellow hue. It is only necessary to cut off the tip of the claw without stepping over the border of the vessel. If, when cutting the nails, it was nevertheless touched, the cut site must be immediately treated with Chlorhexidine. An alternative to a haircut is to purchase a scratching post for a cat.

    Bathing a Briton is necessary only if necessary, for example, before an exhibition. Only specialized shampoos for cats should be used to wash the coat. Products designed for humans cause animals allergic reaction and problems with skin.

    Once a week, a four-legged pet needs to clean its eyes with a cotton pad dipped in warm water. A couple of times a week, you should brush your pet's teeth with a special toothbrush and cat paste. Cleaning is recommended twice a month auricles A cotton swab dipped in hygienic ear lotion, available from your veterinary pharmacy or pet store.


    British cats are prone to rapid weight gain, and obesity, in turn, leads to the development of serious pathologies. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the composition of the pet's diet, which should be balanced and nutritious. You can feed a British cat natural food or industrial feed.

    As for natural food, the following foods can be included in the British diet:

    • fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream, kefir);
    • meat (lamb, beef, chicken);
    • beef and chicken offal (kidneys, heart, lungs);
    • boiled sea fish, deboned (can be given occasionally);
    • chicken and quail eggs (only yolks);
    • porridge on the water (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
    • vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots).

    Meat can be given not only boiled or raw, but also added as minced meat to cereals and vegetable stews. Dishes for your pet should be prepared without adding salt, pepper and spices.

    An adult British cat should be fed 3 times a day, without feeding between meals. When feeding with natural food, it is recommended to include vitamin complexes in the animal's diet (Beaphar Kitty's Mix, Farmavit Neo).

    The British are prohibited from giving the following foods:

    • pork;
    • cream;
    • chicken skin (it is not digested by the cat's stomach);
    • raw fish;
    • potatoes;
    • smoked meats, sausages, marinades;
    • chocolate and other sweets.

    Milk is given to the British only up to 3 months. For adults, dairy products should be replaced with fermented milk.

    When choosing to feed with industrial products, you should purchase dry and canned food of premium or super-premium class for your pet, for example Royal Canin or Hill's. It is advisable to buy food specially formulated for British cats.

    Routine vaccination

    British cats, like any other pets, need preventive examinations at veterinarian and routine vaccination. The first vaccinations for the representatives of this breed should be done at 2-3 months, and the subsequent ones at the age of six months. Before vaccination, it is imperative to carry out treatment for worms. The drug is given to the cat at least 10 days before the intended vaccination.

    British cats are vaccinated against the following diseases:

    • calcivirosis;
    • rabies;
    • panleukopenia;
    • rhinotracheitis.

    The most common vaccine used by veterinarians is Nobivac Tricat. To create strong immunity, it is recommended to repeat the vaccination 2 weeks after the first vaccination, and then to carry it out every year. Even if the pet does not have free access to the street, it is recommended that worms be prevented annually. It is advisable to use Prazicid once every 3 months.


    Since British cats are an aboriginal breed, there are no congenital abnormalities or genetic diseases in them. Animals have a strong immune system and proper care do not get sick. At the age of 5 months, kittens may have watery eyes, but, as a rule, profuse lacrimation goes away on its own over time, without medication.

    With a prolonged stay in a draft, a Briton can catch a cold, and if you ignore brushing your teeth and improper feeding, the risk of tartar and the development of gingivitis increases. In rare cases, British cats have:

    • nail fungus;
    • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
    • hemophilia.

    British cats are considered centenarians and live an average of 12-15 years.

    Buying kittens and breeding

    It is advisable to purchase British kittens in specialized catteries. The largest number of organizations are located in St. Petersburg. The following establishments are engaged in breeding and selling purebred babies:

    • Britney Shache (St. Petersburg).
    • "Britanic" (Moscow).
    • "Of Lunar Dynasty" (Kursk).
    • "Brit-Fiord" (St. Petersburg).

    Breeding kittens of the British breed can only be done by an experienced person. Animals have a feature that complicates the mating process. If a pet has blood type B or A and mates with a male with the opposite blood type, kittens of both types are born. Such babies live no more than 3 days. That is why it is extremely important to ensure that the blood of the cat and the cat is of the same type.

    British cats grow up to 3 years old, and full body formation occurs only by 6 years. It is highly discouraged to knit them before reaching the age of one year, since the pet will not stand pregnancy and childbirth, and the male will lose the ability to produce offspring by 2 years.

    The case does not cause any particular difficulties. Most auspicious days for crossing are the 2nd or 3rd day of estrus. If the cat did not become pregnant during the first mating, you can repeat it during the next estrus. It is advisable to mate on the territory of the male.

    Cats bear kittens for about 2.5 months. In one litter, British women can have up to 6 babies.British kittens are characterized by uneven physiological development. First, their limbs are enlarged, then - the body and head. In this case, the sequence may change. This process is not pathological for the British, and the owners need not worry.


Origin: Great Britain

Class: british shorthair domestic cat

Using: for exhibitions and home life

Color: British cats have different colors: solid gray / white / blue / beige / cream / black and others, bi-colors, color-points, spotted (tortie) or with tabi marks

Dimensions: weight of the British shorthair cat - 4-8 kg

Life Expectancy: from 12 to 16 years old

"Teddy bears", which are pleasing to the eye and give their owners peace of mind from just one presence, are British cats.

The head of the Briton has a round shape with wide-set ears, and the muzzle stands out with thick cheeks, a medium-sized nose and huge cat eyes.

Strong, medium-sized, muscular animal has wide legs and a thick tail with a slightly rounded tip.

The character of British cats can be called ideal for the home. As well, they are calm, unpretentious and get along well with people.

A list of breeds with a similar character can be found in the article

History of the breed

The British Shorthair cat became known back in 1898, but was finally approved as a breed only 84 years later.

Such a long recognition was due to the fact that there were many complaints about the cat's standards.

For its perfection, breeders have worked hard, crossing the best and most beautiful English domestic cats with (and then, after the war, with Cartesian cats).

The first cat (the progenitor of the British breed) is Garrison Fair.

The history of the appearance of these cats in Britain has two versions. Some claim that they were brought by legionaries from Rome.

Others insist on the version that the British were brought by French sailors who kept cats as excellent rat-catchers.

Character and psychology

The British shorthair cat has an excellent character: he is docile, calm, very smart and clean.

Speaking about these adorable plushies, I would like to note the peculiarities of their breed.

  • Energy. While the British are small, they are, as expected, very nimble and energetic. But an adult British blue cat (and other colors) is becoming more restrained and even lazy, just like a cat or. Be sure to drive him around the apartment, including in outdoor games, so as not to get fat (these breeds are prone to obesity).
  • Friendliness. Their friendliness and dedication make Brits true family members. They adore their owners and treat babies with patience, but they do not like excessive care, preferring to periodically retire in a place secluded from the human eye.
  • Compatible with pets. The British quite quickly find language with other pets, but they like to show their superiority and some importance. Their familiar attitude towards people and animals is conditioned by genes from the Persians.
  • Patience (restraint) and its boundaries. Appearance is pretty deceiving, and in the case of the British breed too. Despite their plush toy appearance, they do not like lisping, although they can endure for a long time - until the actions of the one playing with them seem unworthy of their persona (degrading their dignity). The degree of their patience depends on personal qualities, which will eventually become known to their owners. In order to avoid the released claws directed towards the player who is playing with him, do not exceed the bounds of what is permitted and remember that it is necessary to "cheat the cubs" in moderation.
  • Training. Kittens british cat they do not respond well to training, but this is not particularly necessary. Their genes endowed cats with intelligence, aristocracy and good breeding. Therefore, you do not have to worry that their claws will scratch your furniture and carpets, and the bedside rug will become a toilet.


Black British cat, red, white or any other color - this lump of warmth and happiness will become a favorite in your home.

How to choose a kitten

If you want to purchase a purebred true British, then you should pay attention to the characteristics of the breed (the standards of which were approved back in 1982).

These standards include:

  • strong muscular body;
  • powerful legs, like u;
  • massive round head on a short powerful neck;
  • straight wide and slightly shortened nose, without stop, but pronounced towards the forehead;
  • rounded muzzle without indentations (pinch is not allowed), well-developed chin, round, wide-set eyes;
  • rounded ears set wide apart (the height of which should not exceed their width);
  • straight (medium in length, but wide) tail with a rounded tip;
  • short, dense coat with a plush texture;
  • skin fold around the head.

In addition to the features of the breed, you should definitely pay attention to the documents and conditions of keeping kittens.

If the breeders do not treat the animals properly (the place is not clean, has a characteristic bad smell, the animal is given cheap food for food, it is contained in the cage), turn around and go to another place.

It is worth paying attention to the kittens' parents (you can understand what your "bun" will be). Look at color, weight and other features.

If your Briton belongs to, then his offspring will be the same.

Pay attention to the fact that kittens should not be purchased before 12 weeks of age, as they still need maternal care.

Care features

As we said above, the British are unpretentious cats. They do not require special care, neither in food nor in brushing.

Combing out

The plush wool of the British is a pleasure to care for.

You do not need to comb the hair of cats often, just twice a week.

They love their privacy, preferring not to be disturbed during their seclusion.

Equip for them several "climbing frames" with a roost, think about the presence of a house and dense boxes in secluded places - believe me, your "plushies" will appreciate it.

The British are excellent hunters, they enjoy walking on the grass and chasing something alive.

Give them walks in the fresh air and don’t forget to put them on.

The rest of the British content is no different from the standards: take care of your claws (take care of), watch your ears and eyes, feed correctly, do not forget about clean drinking and give love.


The question of what to feed the British cat cannot be answered unequivocally, since everything depends on your choice ().

It is important not to overfeed the cat, since no matter how much you give them, they will eat everything, because they are by nature the most real gluttons.

Meals should be regular and balanced. For dry food, give preference to more expensive options, taking into account the characteristics of your pet.

Speaking about natural nutrition, I would like to note that we are not talking about human food.

It is important to understand that the animal has its own characteristics of the digestive system, and it should not be given sweet, salty, fried and spicy products.

Improper nutrition leads to various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of the animal.

Natural food for a British cat is: lean meat (boiled or scalded) and offal, cereals, vegetables, eggs, low-fat fermented milk products and water (fresh, clean).

You need to feed the Briton 2-3 times a day.


Given the efforts of the breeders, the health of the British turned out to be strong.

These cats are prone to obesity and watery eyes, but otherwise are prone to the same diseases as cats of other breeds.

Typical diseases

If you care for your pet incorrectly: poor feeding, not providing proper care and not taking care of it mental state, then he can get sick with one of the following diseases:

  • ICD, cystitis, nephrosis and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Bronchitis, rhinitis and other respiratory diseases;
  • spinal cord inflammation and neurosis;
  • stomatitis, pharyngitis, ulcer
  • and many other diseases.

British cat helps to prepare for Easter

All manipulations must be marked in the passport. When buying a kitten, you need to check them


Mixing of rocks is not allowed. It is advisable to knit animals with one eye color, the color does not matter.

British cats: plush softness and royal nobility

Shorthaired British cats are distinguished by their excellent character: they are docile, calm, very smart and clean. Speaking about these adorable plushies, I would like to note the peculiarities of their breed.

British Shorthair cats are considered one of the oldest furry breeds in the world. They are beautiful, noble, intelligent and active, which makes pets very popular all over the world. Like all other cat breeds, the British have their own characteristics and preferences. Today I will tell you how they appeared shorthair british cats, how they differ from other representatives of their species, and how to properly care for this breed.

Origin of the British Shorthair cat breed

Most modern felinologists still have not come to a final conclusion as to when the first representatives of the British shorthair appeared. Many even suggest that the first kittens of this breed were recorded in the days of Ancient Rome.

If we talk about the date of registration of the breed, then the first fluffy, falling under the description of the shorthaired British, appeared in Great Britain in the middle of the 19th century. Thanks to their activity and developed hunting instinct (these purrs are very fond of chasing rats and mice), they have gained popularity among many peasants who want to protect their crops from rodents.

With the spread of fuzzies throughout the British Isle, it became necessary to record the characteristics of the breed. This allowed the British to take part in the cat show, which took place in London at the end of the 19th century. Plush fluffy cats have since become popular not only among the peasants, but also among the aristocrats. They appeared on the canvases of artists and became heroes of stories (for example, the famous Cheshire Cat from the fairy tale "Alice Through the Looking Glass" was a short-haired British).

Due to the fact that this breed was bred naturally and was not given to crossbreeding with other cats, it managed to retain all its original features and characteristics even after several centuries.

Initially, this breed of cats was called British blue (because of the characteristic color of the animal). However, over time, many other colors of cats appeared. Today, more than 100 variants of fur color are distinguished, which became the reason for changing the name of the breed to British Shorthair.

External features of the breed

As I said, the outward appearance of the British blue cat has changed little since the 19th century. Let's take a close look at the main features of appearance:

Criterion Description
Head Has a round shape
Nose Straight, smoothly into the forehead.
Ears Small in size, slightly rounded in shape, set at a wide distance from each other.
Eyes Large, round. Like the ears, they are set wide apart. They are distinguished by their large size and, as a rule, a deep amber or yellow shade. Some colors (eg point) have gray-blue eyes.
Chest and shoulders Wide, large.
Paws Thick, short, rather strong.
Tail It has a rounded shape, long. It has a wide base, tapering to the tip.
Wool Plush with a shiny overflow, rather thick and, as the name suggests, short. The undercoat is pleasant to the touch and has a dense texture.
The weight Adults weigh 8 to 12 kilograms
Overall growth 30-35 cm.

The character of the British shorthair

Moving away from looks, let's talk about the nature of British cats. Fuzzies have a quiet and calm disposition, which is why they are ideal for people who like to spend time in peace and quiet. Like true British, these animals have aristocratic habits - they do not like to throw off things, ruin furniture or wallpaper, and would rather give up active games in favor of a more relaxing pastime.

Of course, in adolescence, pussies can be a little naughty. However, the adult shorthaired British cat shows restraint and independence. She loves her masters, but prefers to spend most time alone (for example, watching what happens outside the window).

At the same time, purrs are very curious and active, they like to try something new. This breed of cats is perfect for people who, due to circumstances, have to spend a lot of time traveling or at work. Pets do not get bored, being alone in an apartment and can easily occupy themselves in the absence of a person.

At the same time, the British are very loving. They do not have a favorite among one person and are equally attached to all family members. From time to time, a cat may ask for attention. Spend time with the animal talking and playing. The main thing is not to violate the personal space of the fluffy if he wants to be alone.

This pet breed quickly finds common interests with other animals.

Interesting: The vast majority of British shorthair cats do not like it when you carry them for a very long time. So do not regularly carry the animal from room to room. The cat feels much better with all four paws on the ground (floor).

The British Shorthair cat will perfectly get along both in a small apartment and in a large private house. The main thing is to provide the animal with a sleeping place, which can be a blanket, your clothes or a special bed for kittens. In addition, you will need to buy:

  • tray;
  • scratching post;
  • toys;
  • bowls for food and water;

The plush coat should be brushed 1-2 times a week. To do this, use a special natural bristle brush.

Clean the animal's ears and bathe the cat about 2 times a month.

If you do not want to breed British kittens, neuter the animal in time. This will help avoid many diseases in the future.

Nutritional features of British shorthair cats

With regard to nutrition, British cats are very picky. Of course, it is advisable to give the animals special food designed specifically for this breed and to avoid cheap food.

Many people find table food (foods that family members eat) ideal for four-legged friends. However, this is not quite true. Modern feed has a balanced diet that contains all vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal growth and development of an animal. So, when choosing what to feed a British kitten, give preference to premium, super-premium food, as well as holistic. You can read more about cat food.

The British Shorthair cat treats well both dry types of food and wet or pate.

Please note that the British are not very active. With age, they become lazy altogether. So make sure that the animal does not gain weight. This breed tends to have problems with obesity (especially for neutered cats and cats).

On average, with regard to feeding, veterinarians recommend calculating the daily portion as follows: 65-70 kilocalories per 1 kilogram of animal weight. Products such as smoked meats, cow's milk, corn, onions, garlic should be strictly avoided.

Health and disease

Since shorthair cats were bred naturally, they are in fairly good health. Pets rarely get sick and do not have serious genetic abnormalities. With proper care of British cats, they can live up to 20 years.

The first rule that must be adhered to by everyone who wants to have a Briton is timely vaccination. Timely vaccinations will allow the cat to protect itself from rabies, calcivirosis and many other serious infectious diseases. Also, prevention of worms is important. All these questions should be addressed to an experienced veterinarian. It is he who will appoint the schedule of vaccination of the animal.

The only health problem common to all members of this breed is obesity. Do not overfeed your pets with too fatty high-calorie foods. Otherwise, with age, problems with cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to regularly take your cat for a checkup to the veterinarian for the prevention and timely treatment of diseases.

Many potential furry owners are interested in how long British Shorthairs live. The life span of this breed is quite high, ranging from 13 to 16 years.

Photo of british shorthair cats

I have already said that there are several dozen color options for British Shorthair cats. Each of them is interesting and undoubtedly deserves your attention. Allocate:

  1. Solid color. In this case, all fur of the fluff has the same shade. Solid colors include: black, brown, chocolate, lilac, blue, red, milky, white, gray. The rarest ones are those with black or red hair.

  2. Tortoiseshell (cake). This is a beautiful color combination that is often found in British shorthaired kittens. As a rule, it manifests itself in a combination on the body of a red (red) and black shade, as well as blue (gray) and milky.
  3. Color point. Outwardly, this color strongly resembles Siamese cats. Among British shorthair cats, color-point is found in such variations as: cream, red, purple, chocolate, blue.
  4. Tabby. This color resembles brindle, and also have much in common with the marbled Briton. Another main feature of this type of coloring is the characteristic darker M-shaped pattern located on the animal's forehead, as well as several rings on the pet's tail and paws. Among British shorthair kittens, it distinguishes golden, silver colors tabby.

  5. Chinchilla. In another way, this color is also called smoky. The undercoat of such pets, as a rule, has a light shade. While the ends of the coat are colored dark. The presence of light wool on the sides of the animal is also characteristic.

  6. Bicolor. This color implies blotches in the main shade. white... For example, you can often find bicolor as a combination of tortoiseshell and white colors.

How much do British Shorthair kittens cost?

If you want to know how much a British cat costs, keep in mind that the price will depend on the purpose for which you take the kitten. Regular Britons cost between $ 100 and $ 250, depending on color. If you want an animal with a pedigree and plan to breed and sell kittens, you need to take a purr with a noble birth. Its cost starts at $ 300. In this case, in addition to the cat, you will receive all the necessary documents confirming its origin.

Show (show-class) British Shorthair - this is the most expensive category of cats in this breed. They are sold primarily for performances at various exhibitions. The cost of a kitten starts at $ 500 and can even go up to $ 2,000. It varies according to color. For example, red-haired British people are considered the most expensive.

There is also not a big difference depending on the sex of the animal. However, it is not that significant. Most often, cats cost a little more ($ 20-50) than cats, as they are taken for breeding.

Many unscrupulous breeders or simply scammers sell the breed, which is called the British Fold. Please note that this breed is not recorded by any felinological organization. So, if you want to get a kitten with hanging ears, take a closer look at the Scottish fold.


British cats will become a faithful friend and member of your family. Despite their rather peculiar character, kittens of this breed are immensely devoted to their owners and always confirm this with gentle purring. The main thing is to spend enough time with your pet (especially when he asks for attention), play with the cat, teach something new and, of course, love her.

All Meow,

This breed of cats is one of the most ancient, because they learned about it back in the 19th century in England. There are many speculations and conversations about how this breed appeared, but there are still no reliable sources.

It is very interesting that the British Shorthair was recognized as the best cat breed.

Since then, it has enjoyed immense popularity all over the world. Many people confuse this breed with the Scottish Fold, but this cannot be done, because they are two completely different registered breeds.

Every year the price of British kittens is growing, but it never exceeds a thousand dollars.

Cats of this breed are very beautiful and cute, outwardly they resemble toy teddy bears, and every person, at the sight of such a kitten, just wants to cuddle and stroke him.

  • The body of British cats is relatively small, but with powerful breasts and beautiful posture, they look great.

    And thanks to the short limbs and at the same time massive paws, cats of this breed have an iron grip and their enemy will not do well.

  • The head of these animals is round and voluminous, the muzzle is wide, and the cheeks are plump. Ears of medium size are set wide apart, slightly pointed at the tips. The eyes of British cats are very large and slightly protruding. In small kittens, they have a dull color, then gray, and, in the end, they acquire a very beautiful and rich color - bright yellow.
  • The hair of the animals of this amazing breed is simply incredible - it is very short and resembles plush to the touch - just as soft and velvety.

    British shorthair cat: care features

    Previously, all cats of the British Shorthair breed were of the same color - blue, however, over time, the colors became more and more and now kittens can be born with absolutely any coat color.


British shorthair cats are very affectionate and freedom-loving.

They are incredibly attached to their home, but despite this, the British cat will not pay attention to the long absence of the owner. He will go about his favorite things or sleep peacefully. Cats of this breed are very playful and before buying a kitten, you need to take care of your pet's leisure time.

In pet stores you can buy a large number of toys specifically for British cats. Photos of toys can be viewed on the Internet.

The British are real fidgets, they are interested in absolutely everything that is going on around: a book fell, a cat runs to see what happened there, the doorbell rang - the British knocking down everything in his path rushes to the front door.

However, despite this, they are very clean and smart, they easily learn to use the toilet and scratching posts.

Care and nutrition

Before buying a British kitten, you must first arrange a place where he will sleep and rest. Otherwise, the pet will choose a bed for itself and it will not always work out well.

Cats of this breed do not need special care and it is necessary to carry out standard procedures: trim the claws, watch the ears and eyes of the animal, bathe and comb in time.

In spring, cats of the British breed begin to molt and you need to comb their hair daily, otherwise, the whole house will be covered in fine cat hair.

When the kitten is still small, the owner should decide on nutrition for him and choose either natural or forage food.

Both cats of the British breed must not be fed, otherwise they will have health problems. Also, to avoid complex diseases, vitamins should be included in your pet's diet.

British Shorthair cats are great friends and tend to be everyone's favorites.

Back to the list of cat breeds with names and photos

British cat - breed description

This beautiful, dignified cat is the perfect pet.

The breed is a real pride of the English nation, and in the world, cats of the British breed are gaining more and more popularity.

A brief description of the appearance of the British cat

The description of the British cat breed traditionally begins with a description of its appearance. This is a fairly large cat with a well-developed muscular body.

The set is dense, the legs are of medium length. These cats have a round head with pronounced cheeks and small, erect ears. The tail is of medium length, rather thick. Cats of this breed are somewhat larger than cats.

British may have different kinds colors, but the most popular is the traditional smoky gray color. There are short-haired and long-haired representatives of the breed.

Shorthaired Britons have very dense, dense coat that does not require much maintenance. The description of the breed of the British Longhair cat practically does not differ from the description of the shorthaired representatives, except for the difference in the length of the coat. In the long-haired, it is silky and thick, sometimes slightly curly. Long-haired cats often have tassels on their ears and between their toes. Their tail is very fluffy.

The character of the British cat

From the description of the breed and character of the British cat, we can conclude that this perfect cat for a city dweller.

It is not for nothing that it has the name "businessman's cat". Representatives of this breed are quite independent, they can safely stay alone in an apartment for a long time. They will always find something to do. Until the age of one year, British kittens are playful, they can spend a long time with the subject that interested them.

Older cats lose a little activity, spend more time sleeping and hygienic procedures, but until old age they retain a playful disposition and are sometimes ready to have fun with a piece of paper or a bow fixed on a thread. Despite their independence, these cats become attached to their owners. They always meet them at the doorstep, often follow them on their heels.

Get along well with young children.

British shorthair cat

Although they do not play with them, they are ready to patiently endure their harassment, without showing aggression. British cats are very clean, they quickly get used to the toilet and spend a lot of time licking their own fur.

Such cats and cats can easily live in the same apartment with other animals, including other cats.

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British cats are aristocratic creatures. The breed was bred in England, which could not but leave an imprint on their character: stiffness, arrogance, intelligence, innate good manners and tact, restraint in communication - this is the true face of a real British. It is difficult to predict what the behavior of a particular pet will be, because each animal is unique in its kind, but the habits inherent in genetics cannot be eradicated by any upbringing.

Relationship with household members

Despite the outward arrogance, British cats are friendly and loyal to the owner, while they are wary of guests.

They get along with children, but prefer to stay away from them: they do not like being squeezed and caressed.

British cat. About the cat breed: description of the British cat breed, prices, photos, care

The animal cannot be called intrusive, most of the time it prefers to deal with its persona in splendid isolation. If he wants tactile contact or close communication, the cat will not use to inform about it: it will start rubbing on its legs or fondle the owner when he lies down to rest.

Sitting on your knees and purring peacefully is not about the British.

You will have to make a lot of efforts to keep the pet in your arms - another manifestation of independence.

By the way, the self-sufficiency of these cats is a positive character trait for busy people who spend little time at home. The Briton is not afraid of loneliness, he can be at home for a long time himself, not particularly worried about this.

But it is always happy to meet the owner after a long separation, showing unexpected tenderness and affection.

Main character traits

The British shorthair cat is notable for its patience - it stoically endures all grooming procedures, which do not turn into familiarity that can humiliate it.

Aggressiveness is not about them.

There is no kinder animal in the feline world. Although you shouldn't infuriate them either: they will not attack, but they will hide the hidden resentment for a long time.

This breed belongs to the leaders. They will calmly accept the appearance of another animal in the house, be it a dog or a cat, but at the same time, with all their appearance, they will show primacy and primacy.

The cat will not need special education. She is too intelligent to walk in need in the wrong place. From the first days of life in a new home, the pet knows where to sharpen his nails, where to eat, and where to sleep.

She cannot be called a lazy person, but after a hearty dinner she always needs a rest. Lack of daytime sleep not only spoil the mood, but also worsen general state, which will manifest itself as a lack of appetite, apathy and a little nervousness. Cleanliness is manifested by excessive licking: they can engage in a hygienic procedure endlessly.

By the way, this process is also necessary to achieve a sense of peace during times of stress. For example, after visiting a veterinarian or on a long trip, you may notice how diligently your pet licks its fur.

Behavioral factors of British cats

In infancy, they love to frolic, running headlong from room to room, hunting for a fictional victim.

The British are great inventors: anything can be the object of prank. It is difficult to classify cats of this breed as hyperactive. With age, the craving for play dies down altogether, but this does not mean that the cat should be allowed to spend all day on the couch.

An adult animal is very useful to provoke to play.

Movement is life, and active exercise will keep the kitty healthy and keep the muscles in good shape.

An interesting observation - they love to hide, while they deftly involve a person in the fun.

Owner reviews:

When considering adopting a foster child, many potential owners seek advice from experienced breeders. In the process of preparing this article, we spoke with experienced cat owners, and asked them to describe their pets in a few words.

Nina Mikhailovna about Ninel (10 years old):

Surprisingly wayward cat, but it also captivates.

Fondles only when hungry and begs for a treat. Sometimes it can rub against the legs in a moment of excessive tenderness. You can hold it in your hands only while walking. Likes to watch other people's activities: he will sit down in a chair and move his eyes from side to side, watching your actions. Excellent quality - never bites or scratches. If small children suddenly stick to her, she runs away. Absolutely not a vengeful animal: for ten years of keeping, it has never harmed anyone.

She perfectly understands the intonation: you will shout at her for pampering, she will only snort displeasedly, but will stop pranks, retiring in irritation.

(pictured - niece of Nina Mikhailovna with Ninel in 2011)

Lena about her cat Kesha (5 years old):

Docile character, calm and balanced.

When needed, he always goes to the tray, and sharpens claws in a strictly defined place. It is impossible to cuddle: as soon as you pick it up, it immediately begins to wriggle, like in a frying pan, pulls out of your hands, runs away and demonstratively turns away, showing discontent.

Occasionally allows you to stroke during an afternoon nap.

Of course, any cat is an individuality, and during their stay in the house their own demeanor and habits are developed. Only one thing can be said with certainty, having understood the character of a "plush" cat, you are imbued with sincere love for her as a friendly and docile family member.

Video about the British

Finally, we highly recommend watching a video selection from the life of a British cat, which very reliably conveys the dynamics of the breed's character:

Cat breeds\u003e British shorthair cat

The British shorthair cat is a stocky, sturdy animal with a wide chest, has a dense, short and very thick coat. Representatives of the breed are unpretentious in care, they easily get along with a person.


The breed is compact, with short or medium limbs.

The forelegs are straight, the feet are firm and round. The head is large, round in shape with widely spaced rounded ears, round cheeks, large wide-open eyes and a medium-length nose. The tail is straight, not long, thick at the base and slightly rounded at the tip.

A characteristic feature of the British is a skin fold around a massive head on a thick, short neck. There are individuals of medium and large sizes - cats are usually smaller than cats.

Possible colors: solid bluish-gray, black, lilac, smoky, chocolate, tortie, tabby, bicolor, colorpoint.

The nature and duration of life

The British are calm, non-intrusive, self-sufficient animals that respond well to affection and attention, but do not like to be "squeezed". Aggression is not peculiar, not vindictive, respond well to children.

The breed is of late development, the animal reaches full maturity at the age of 3 to 5 years.

British shorthair cats are distinguished by strong immunity, but they are sensitive to cold, do not tolerate drafts and overheating, and can catch colds.

The average life expectancy is from 10 to 15 years.

Features of maintenance and care

They are trainable, they adapt to the conditions of detention well, they do not require walks in the fresh air. The care is simple, it includes brushing once a week, bathing only as needed.

Characteristics of British cats - height, weight, size

Good appetite, weight norm for a cat is from 3.5 to 7 kg, for a cat from 2.5 to 5 kg. They are prone to constipation, it is recommended to add a few milliliters of petroleum jelly to food a day. There should always be clean drinking water.

Breeding Britons younger than a year is dangerous for a young body.

In general, mating and childbirth are easy.

Who should start?

The pet does not require constant attention, it differs from other breeds in its special independence, it can remain alone for a long time, therefore it is suitable for people who spend a lot of time at work, outside the home. If required, they can become excellent mouse-catchers and rat-catchers.

The animal is quiet, meows softly and rarely, but rather playful - shows interest in outdoor games until a late age.

Obstinacy is characteristic, it is necessary to educate from a very early age.

How to choose the right one

When buying, you should pay attention to the pedigree of the British kitten and its state of health: the coat should be thick, dull, eyes without discharge, scissor bite, fangs correctly positioned.

The nose should be without hump - visually it should look short, to the touch it should be even from nose to forehead.

The norm is a slight striping in a kitten of a uniform color, especially on the tail - over time it will disappear. Kittens at the age of 4 months undergo the first molt, the color of their eyes begins to change - the process will be completed by the year.

It is optimal to buy a pet from 2 months of age, a future breeding animal - from 6 months.

British cats weight

1. Our Briton is 2 years old, weighs 6 kg, and how much should he weigh at this age?

Answer: The normal weight of a British cat should be 5-8 kg.

The maximum weight is reached by the age of 4. The weight of cats is usually less.

2. And how much should a kitten weigh at 6 months

Answer: The normal weight of a cat at the age of 6 months is 2.5-3 kg.

3. We bought a kitten, he is 3 months old, but he is kind of small. How big should a British be at three months?

Answer: At three months, on average, a British kitten weighs 1.5 kg-2 kg.

However, the weight depends on the sex - the cat is smaller than the cat, on heredity - how big his parents are, on nutrition, diseases, etc. Find out what the kitten was fed in the cattery. Sometimes proper nutrition you can correct the errors of rearing, and your kitten will gain the necessary weight.

4. I now have excellent british kitten 3 months.

How much should he weigh? And how can I find any suitable chart for further weight management and development?

Answer: British cats can differ in weight by almost two times.

In addition, cats weigh more than cats. Here are the average data: 1 month - 0.5-0.7 kg 2 months. - 1.2-1.5 kg, 4 months - 2 kg, 6 months - 3 kg, 9 months - 4 kg, 12 months - 5 kg, 2 years - 6 kg.

My cat will soon be 3 months old, but he is very thin about 1.2 kg, we gave him a liquid from worms yesterday, tell me how soon he will start to gain weight and how much should he weigh at 3 months?

Answer: If your cat has a normal appetite, then there is nothing to worry about.

Character of the British cat - breed description

At 3 months, kittens weigh about 1.5 kg. The most important thing is to establish a proper balanced diet and daily routine. Be sure to watch the chair. If everything is in order, then the weight will return to normal.

6. Is 3800 normal weight for a 5 month old British kitten?

Answer: if a kitten is a cat, then it's okay.

It will be a big cat. If it's a cat, then a bit too much. Perhaps you are overfeeding her?

7. Help please, I have a British cat, she is 7 months old, she is thin. .... we give Royal Canin, water and vitamins, but she is not gaining weight ... help me, what should I do ???

we also give tablets for worms, now it weighs 2.3 kg.

Answer: First of all, remove Royal Canin and vitamins.

No vitamins c ready-made feed you can't give! Hypervitaminosis is much more dangerous than hypovitaminosis.

8. How much should a Briton weigh at 2.5 years old and how can he be fattened?

Answer: A Briton at 2.5 years old should gain his optimal weight. Depending on a particular specimen, the weight can vary from 5 to 9 kg.

If the cat is small by nature, then no matter how you feed, he will only accumulate fat, which is not useful. If the cat is thin and lacks appetite, then you need to find out the reason.

Maybe it's time to get rid of the worms, maybe the wrong diet. If you cannot determine for yourself how emaciated the cat is, then it is better to contact your veterinarian.

9. The British cat was castrated at 7 months, weighed 4 kg, now he is 9 months old, weighs the same 4 kg. Swallowed, kind of funny, plays.

Eats a little meat, but mostly dry food. Maybe the food doesn't suit him?

Answer: Perhaps it's the stern. Dry food can be given once a day in one feeding, only super premium class for castrates.

The rest of the diet should be made up of natural products: meat, poultry, offal, (raw, scalded with boiling water), dairy products, cottage cheese,

10. Hello, I have a Scottish Straight kitten, he is 5 months old, he is very thin and weighs about 2.5 kg.

Tell me how to fatten him up? We feed him with Hills dry food, and canned Whiskas. Maybe this is due to the fact that boys flutter slower only by the year he will take his shape and gain enough weight.

Answer: Scottish Straights are naturally smaller than British ones. However, excessive thinness speaks of improper nutrition. We recommend initially feeding kittens at least six months with natural products.

But if you do not have such an opportunity, and the kitten has received only dry food and canned food since childhood, then you can hardly expect that it will become large and well-fed.

11. The cat is 7 months old, weight - 3 kg. Feeding Dry Hills - Is It Right?

Answer: Adult cats can weigh 4 kg, 5 kg, 6 kg, etc.

If now she weighs 3 kg, then by the year she may be 4.5 kg - and this is normal. I believe that if possible, then it is better not to give dry food until a year. And after a year - once a day. Recently, there have been signals from breeders that blood appears in the feces of cats after the hill. I transferred my cats to the yams and they are fine.

12. British kitten (girl) 1.5 months, weight 600 grams. This is normal?

Answer: not enough, of course, but it also happens. Girls weigh less. We need to feed better.

13. I have a British smooth-haired cat, 4 months old, weight 2.8 kg. Is the weight normal for this age, too little or over normal? Do you have any links to something like a feline calculator would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: for a cat at four months old, this weight is not small. Whether it is more than the norm and how much is difficult to say, since adult cats are large and small.

Their normal weight can vary from 5 kg to 9 kg. How your cat will grow up, we do not know. It depends not only on feeding, but also on heredity.

14. My lop-ear is 5.5 months old. Tell me, how much should he weigh at this age?

Answer: a cat in six months can weigh 3-4 kg.

There may be deviations corresponding to this specimen, taking into account heredity, conditions of detention, the number of kittens in a litter, etc.

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