Briton Fold Cat character and habits. British Shorthair Cat: Character and Features of Care

The British, although they look like a plush toy, do not have an angelic character: they are characteristic of self-esteem, the arrogance and feeling of their own dignity - there was no wonder in their time an exceptionally English aristocracy.

Features of the character of Brit

A British short-haired cat can be done busy people, as it is well tolerate loneliness.

It is famous for its independence - she calmly transfers loneliness. It is these cats that are recommended by busy people, a lot of time spent at work or in roads. But the love of solitude does not talk about the reluctance to communicate with the owners, on the contrary, Brita will gladly meet the owner after a long separation and will not mind getting their portion of caress.

By the way, if we were talking about caressing, this breed does not particularly like free tenderness. Perhaps she will allow themselves to stroke, but the process will be short-lived and soon the cat will run away the ravisa: no one has canceled personal space, and it is in the first place for Britov.

Cats have a hypertrophied sense of self-esteem: they will not help stroking themselves to strangers, and if there will be such attempts on the side of the guests of the house, the latter should be prepared for a fierce disposal. Perhaps "offender" and do not bite, but will definitely make it clear that the touch of a stranger is an animal unpleasant: get ready to obverse the furious face and the readiness for the attack - the claws in your direction will definitely be directed, although not allowed into the case.

In extreme situations, the British are not prone to aggression or attack. They can be called perfect pets for transportation, visits to grooming salons or veterinary clinics. IN in public places Cats behave with dignity characteristic of educated intellectuals.

Another manifestation of the aristocratic breed is delicacy. Unlike other cats, they never disturb the sleep or rest of the owner, no matter how boring and sad it was not. Never in life they will not bother loud "meow", but will wait patiently until the person deigns to climb.

Relationship with households

Cats of this breed of monochrob. No, they appreciate with adequate respect to all family members, but among the total mass allocate their own favorite. It is not difficult to guess that it is the breadwinner.

By the way, if you want to achieve the favor of my British, then invite it for lunch: he is experiencing special tenderness and attachment to the owner during feeding.

As for children, they need a separate conversation with them. The fact is that the cats of this breed are not accepted by the familiarity: the testicle, excessive tenderness - all this causes irritation. For the same reason british cats And restless babies are not entirely compatible.

Very often, the British are called companions, which is not surprising: in good mood Pets literally follow the heels of the beloved owner, taking part in any endeavors.

Questions of education

Cats british breed differ in stubbornness.

In this plan british cats And cats can be called perfect! Since childhood, they laid the basic rules of conduct peculiar to respectable Englishman. They never, do not spoil claws furniture (if available) - for the descendants of the aristocracy, it is not peculiar; Always eaten in the same place and do not like a personal breakdown.

Representatives of the breed can not be called super-active. Yes, as a child, they are glad to play with any items, but with age, interest in rolling games is noticeably weakened, so adult individuals are desirable to stir, otherwise they will turn into fat and harsh, respectfully, whom I wanted to spit on the world.

But you should not overload a cat strongly - after the satisfying lunch, the pet must be allowed to relax and sleep sweetly. Otherwise, you will have to face nervousness and excessive irritability - afternoon vacation for breed.

If we are talking about the dress, then in this regard, things are difficult, which is associated with the independence of the Britov: to make them do something against the will almost impossible! On the other hand, with the right approach of cats, you can teach a lot - they are able to remember up to 50 teams, but congenital stubbornness imposes its negative imprint on the educational process.

Attitude to other animals

It is completely tolerant of the British perceive new animals in the house. They get along without any problems with dogs, especially if they are miniature - the small growth of the latter allows the power of the breed to show its character in full force. By the way, the nature of the Briton is like a dog reminded.

British Shorthair Care Care

No special knowledge of care and content is required. The wool is short enough, so it is enough to comb her once a week. For these purposes, the trimmer or a soft brush is best suited, which is easily removed by undercoat - as a result, the furniture always remains clean and free from annoying hairs.

During molting, when there is an active process of changing the coplaceer, the cat must be combed every day. In the same period, the pet constantly lick themselves, leading an appearance in order, the stomach is clogged with hairs - insane. They not only interfere with digestion, but also the cause of blockage of the intestinal lumen. To avoid trouble, periodically give special pills or feed, contributing to the resorption of wool.

The British are prone to obesity, it is necessary to feed them in moderation and not to go on the pet, when the one between the case gives up a tallery piece.

There is no acute need for walks on the street in the cats of the British breed - they completely feel comfortable in a regular apartment and a closed space.

In care of the eyes, ears, some kind of special recommendations No - all these procedures do not differ from those from representatives of other breeds and are common to all cats.

Video for a British shorthair cat (Channel Tivik, "Home Zoo" program):


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Miloid appearance, charming, intelligence - all these qualities are not better characterized by British cats. But it is not so. The birthplace of the animal is the United Kingdom, so the character fully corresponds to the aristocratic and restrained British.

Together with communicability and friendliness, you can see the stubborn temper and imbibibility. The British cat will become a real dedicated friend only to someone who will be able to find the right approach to her and will respect her personality.

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    The first thing that rushes into the eye at the form of a British is an incredibly smart, meaningful and at the same time arrogant look. An important and solid appearance is supported by proud and slightly imposing a trial, emphasizing the aristocracy and the royal roots of the animal. The owner must definitely respect her personal space: do not impose his affection and do not force what she does not want.

    The pet itself decides when and what does he do, so if someone wants to have a living toy at home, which can be constantly stroking and hugging, is not to the British. At the same time, the animal is easy to contact, quickly adapts to the new setting, respects the routine of the day of households. The cat never will wake up the owners before the last time to feed it. It requires the same attitude.

    Among the characteristic features of the British can be allocated:

    • independence;
    • cleanliness;
    • failure;
    • difficulture
    • stubbornness and syradiability;
    • impressionability.


    British cat is the perfect option for business and occupied people. She calmly transfers alone and does not need the owner always beside. Of course, she rejoices his parish and will be happy to spend time with him, lying next to the sofa, but when he is absent, she will find a lesson in the soul. Adult cats spend most time in solitude. They can sleep for hours on the sofa or dying in a state of waste.

    Briton-boy to all family members relates the same, without highlighting a particular household, while the British girl expresses its location 1-2 people who pay special attention to her care. Representatives of this breed show their feelings very restrained, even if the owner is very like. The Briton will not have a long time near the owner and rub about his legs: he will just go into the room and will wait for him to talk and play with him.

    The Briton can delete everything, but not only the humiliation of his dignity. If the owner severely punished a pet (she shouted at him, hit, poked her face, etc.), he will express his protest, refusing food, hiding in secluded places, not responding to his nickname. The owner remains only sincerely apologize for his behavior and try to ride the guilt of your favorite delicacy.


    No breed can boast such a passion for cleanliness: the English cat will not tolerate a unmanded tray, dirt in an apartment or undislained wool. For hosts, this is a big plus, since the pet will not allow himself to go to the toilet in the wrong place. It is in charge of the tray for 2 days, especially at a young age.


    And British shorthair, and Scottish Fold tolerantly belong to other pets: not only for cats, but also to dogs. If the pet has a contact between themselves and close and warm relationships are installed, the Briton will show their love to lick his friend. An important point: these breeds are not accustomed to competing with anyone, so each of the pets should have their own bowl and its food. Otherwise, the British will remain hungry.

    Cats are very restrained for children. In order to avoid provocations from the child (jerking behind the tail, dragging on the floor, suffocating hugs), the animal tries to avoid its company. An adult pet, realizing that it is dealing with the baby, will never bite him and will not hide angrily, making a discount on his age. When children do not show such persistent caress, the British may not hide, but with curiosity to look at their younger companion.


    The British are very selective in relations and never go to hands to unfamiliar man. They may consider a stranger from afar, carefully sniff and at best give to touch with hand. Even if the pets are pette and gentle with the owners, it does not mean that other people seek such honor. The location of the cat must earn, and it takes time, strength and patience.

    Stubbornness and syradiability

    Any coercion of the British is perceived as violence, so it is to make them make something fraught with negative consequences. The relationship between the cat and the owner deteriorates when a person begins to dictate its conditions and redo the pet. It is unacceptable with the British: they will certainly take offense or immediately express discontent, biting the hand or completely ignoring the owner.

    Foldful cats are distinguished by the case: after humiliation of their own dignity, they begin to avoid the owner. An animal can lie under the sofa by day until a person starts to worry about his health and will not make concessions.


    Despite the external calm and confidence, in the soul of the British boil emotions. Representatives of this breed is not a stress resistant. They become tense, nervous and disturbing during:

    • exhibitions;
    • moving, short trips, any movements outside the house;
    • noisy parties and parties in the apartment with a large number of people;
    • quarrels between households.

    Even if the screams do not belong to the Briton, the noisy atmosphere still scares it and turns into a stupor. An animal begins to lick with the tripled force, trying to calm himself and get rid of discomfort.

    Features of behavior

    Up to 1 year kittens are active and movable. They are glad to be included in the gameplay, showing incredible dexterity and ingenuity. Their movements are graceful, accurate and rapid. Seams their mama-cat's dust, which causes the licking to calm down and exit the overall state. Baby, admirable habits and parental behavior, are also accepted to lick each other, but not in hygienic purposes, but in order to establish a closer connection.

    In the process of the game, small kittens copied adult behavior and play all sorts of situations:

    • meeting with the opponent;
    • fight of adult cats;
    • threatening attack;
    • protection of production;
    • hunting process;
    • the behavior of the mother who protects its offspring.

    The object of the game becomes any item nearby: a tangle of threads, rustling paper, a plug, a piece of fur, etc.

    Adults British are distinguished by moderate activity. In the game they do not need a company: it is enough to equip a game area with suspended toys, a laying and clawing, so that the pet has the opportunity to have fun. If the owner does not play with the animal and does not provide toys, a pet splashes his energy, jumping through the cabinets, tables, desiccated from the surfaces all the objects falling under the paw. Particularly attractive for representatives of this breed is a game of hide and seek: they can involve the host in the process on their own initiative.

    The older the animal becomes - the less it moves and needs entertainment.Adult pets can sleep until 20 hours a day. The individuals with a phlegmatic character are prone to obesity, so you need to try to control their diet, do not overpay and involve into the gameplay.

    The British love freedom very much, so it is unacceptable to limit them in space.British girls are especially offended by the owners who close the doors to other rooms. By nature, animals are very curious, so they will still penetrate into the forbidden premises.

    They love to relax next to the owner, but not lying on his knees. An animal must have his own personal corner with a cozy bed: this will allow him to feel its significance and satisfy their own ambitions. It is desirable that the place for recreation is on the elevation.

    The British are very unpretentious in care, and this feature is the main advantage. By nature, a clean cat with proper upbringing will never leave wallpaper, scratching furniture, sofas and go to the toilet in the wrong place. If this happened is either the lack of upbringing from the owner, or a way to take revenge on the person for inflicted. There is another characteristic feature: the cat always responds only to his nickname and ignores the abstract "Kis-Kis", forcing the owner to handle her personally.


    British cats have the formation of a habit that affect the further nature and behavior of the pet occurs until 12-monthly age. If the kitten brings up a mother cat, she since childhood teaches his elementary rules of behavior, and the obedient kid in clarity copies parental habits. If the kitten was early separated from the mother, the responsibility for the upbringing falls on the owner. The educational process is recommended to begin at the age of 2-3 months, when the Briton is already strong enough and understands many things.

    A positive chassal includes love for the game and interesting toys, as well as fishing. The appearance of bad habits is due to the peculiarities of the nature and education of the pet.

    Catching mice

    The British has a well-developed hunting instinct. They catch everything that moves, so at a young age they grab the owner by arms, legs. If at home or at the cottage, mouse started - you can not doubt that they will be in powerful and strong feline paws. It is noteworthy that the British, prone to obesity, catch the mice better than their slender conifers.

    Such a hawth can be sent to the constructive channel, giving the animal the opportunity to cut down, and at the same time get rid of annoying rodents. The cat will not miss any mouse. If the pet ignores the rodent, it is temporary: he is just tired or lazy him. When he restores strength, he will fulfill his hunting mission.

    Bodying and scratching

    British's hand to bore and scratch the British's hands begin at a 4-month old, when their teeth are cut. It is not worth ignoring such a habit because the animal must understand that the hands are not a toy. If you ignore such behavior, in adulthood, the cat will also scratch, but the wounds will be much deeper and more and more and most, and the animal will assume that it behaves correctly.

    As soon as the kitten starts scratching, you need to give him a toy, for example, a sishal mouse. If the kid holds his hand tightly, you need to relax to measure, then slowly make the movement with hand towards the pet, approaching it with hissing. An animal will scare it, and the hand will cease to interest him.

    Throwing items

    The British attracts the process of falling the item from height. As a result, the owner reveals broken vases, bottles with spirits, figurines, and goes for a cat to punish it. Actually punish the animal can only be early age. As soon as the cat wants to climb on the table, you should publish a sharp loud sound or dear in the face with water from the spray.

    With adult individuals need to be acting differently:

    • Turn the table top with an orange crust or apply a few drops of oil with citrus aroma. Such odors scare away any cats, so the animal is not close to such an unpleasant place for him.
    • Put empty tin cans on the table, which with a crash will fall when trying to jump on the table. You can use an aluminum pallet with water - not a single cat like it to be in a puddle of water.
    • Do not leave any foreign objects on the tables. To satisfy the pet desire to follow the fall, you can leave a pencil, his toy or any other unnecessary and harmless item.

    Sniffing things

    The British are very curious by their nature, so they love sniffing the guests of the guests. Do not be surprised that in a bag left by a friend in the corridor, a cat is sitting. And if the pet detects something delicious - it will certainly treat.

    Such a habit is rather harmless and does not require the use of educational measures, because the cat punish the cat for its natural instincts is unacceptable. It must be remembered that the bags should certainly be removed into the closet, hang on the shelf, to carry with them, so that the Briton does not have the opportunity to get to it. If he wants to sniff her - let it do in front of the owner. Then the animal will be in sight and will be able to control the process.

In no guidance or a book, which describes the breeds of pets, it is impossible to meet the characteristic of the Fold British. At the same time, we often meet ads for the sale of kittens of this breed. So is there such a breed in fact, or is it only invented as a marketing stroke?

Informal breed

A large number of people have an idea about the lugberry Scots. This breed is currently useful in people who love to buy pets. Cats of Breed Fold Scots are able to make a good impression due to their appearance and unusual character. The main unusual feature of the cat is her ears that have an unusual position. They are bent forward And hang in the direction of the cat look.

The origin of the breed was rooted in Eurasia. In the literature, which went out in the XIX century, you can find the first stories and characteristics of cats with a curved form of the ears. For example, in one book it is mentioned that the British Fold Cat or a cat was delivered to the territory of the United Kingdom. Additional information about this story was not found.

On the territory of Russia, the lopokhi cats spread not so long ago - in the 90s of the last century. Breeders began to think how to produce this breed profitably. Then breeders scheduled crossing Scottish cat, possessing curved ears, along with the British.

The result of this experience was the British Fold Cats on the territory of Russia. Such a person includes curved ears, exactly the same as at the Scottish breed, and a massive torso. But this breed is not yet official. That is why all generations of kittens, which are born with such characteristics, are conventionally called Scottish lop.

Description of external cat data

British folds of cat breeds are beautiful, strong, have an impressive structure, and also have a well-developed and flexible body. From the first hours after the birth of the kittens already have big size. In 2-3 years, cats and cats fully achieve their maturity. At the same time, adult cats are much larger in their size than females. The cat at this age has a weight of 5-8 kilograms. The cat is slightly inferior to this weight.

British Fold Breeds possess beautiful and pleasant face. Rounded faces of the face attached pets even more power and power. At the same time, the curved ears complement the image of the cat and make her face slightly surprised and cute. Cat's eyes of a large size and rounded shape. The most common coloring eye is honey. At the same time, you can meet green, golden, blue and even multicolored eye coloring.

Breed wool is smooth and fluffy, has thick undercoil. Most pet owners believe that this breed has only one color. In fact, pets have a sufficient variety of colors:

Features of the nature and behavior of the British Cat

Any breed of cats has its own individual and unique character, as well as a set of behavior. Some individuals can combine calm and pupil, second storm and mobility, third activity and curiosity, and fourths - slowness and calm.

It is worth noting that this breed has appeared on the light as a result of the selection of two breeds - the British and the Scottish Individuals with curved ears. It is because of this that the nature of the pet may have several traits at once, taken from both breeds. Fold Cat can be like its character and manner of behavior on the British short-saving fellow.

Cats in this sense are the most affectionate. They are quickly masterful And get used to the person with whom they used to live. Capable to love all family members. Also, the British Fold Oracle is perfectly communicated with young children. Cats patiently provide children to iron them and play with them.

British breeds have one characteristic feature that is inherent in the Scottish Fold Person. They can stand in the hind legs for a long time. Usually they become on them to see the item in detail, which caused their curiosity.

In most cases, cats always behave friendly and calmly, do not show aggression towards the owners. They are quite difficult to bring out of themselves, but if this moment comes, then the cats immediately release their sharp claws and teeth. British Fold Oracle will never begin to show aggression first, therefore it is time to spend time and communicating with other types of pets. If they are unpleasant to communicate with the inhabitant of the house, they simply go to another room or another quiet place.

Also, another dignity of this breed is its cleanliness and well-groomed. Fold British are carefully watching their purity and do not tolerate unnecessary mud on woolen cover. If the animal collises with such a situation when it cannot take care of its appearance, it will become more irritable and unwitting to communicate.

British Fold Oracle, although they are considered fairly calm, but will never miss the opportunity to hunt for their prey, using trees. Cats have well-developed hunter skills. The cat can long track and watch the prey for a long time, therefore, their patience qualities can only be envied.

How to communicate with a cat and where better to contain?

Individuals of this breed adore in the free and spacious rooms, where no special source of noise. The best animals will be in country houses. So, the cat will be able to walk at any time of the day, walking around the garden, play, run and make a hunt in it. But cats can also be good in a city apartment. At the same time it should be quite spacious and big. It is worth considering that the pet perfectly adapts to the climate and does not need certain conditions. Cats are perfectly coping with increased temperature Air and frosts.

Voshulokh British can be called a full-fledged predator. But sometimes they are unable to keep their greed. If the cat is offered several types of delicacies, then it is most likely will not hold back and will eat everything. That is why you should not feed a pet too much, he will be enough everyday norm of feed.

British Fold Cats have strong and volitional character, but can also get serious stress and sad mood. For example, the cat can become uncomfortable after the owner's swearing. On the one hand, the impression may arise that the pet is still on the occurred conflict. An animal can calmly sit aside and wash. But it is this behavior that can say that the pet is trying to come to himself and stop nervous.

Sometimes it happens that the pet is too much losing the sections of his body, which leads to the presence of Lysin in some places. This may mean that the animal is susceptible to jealousy (for example, if the owner acquired a new pet and spends a lot of time).

If the British Fold Some stops watching his external species And it becomes clumsy, it can say that she has fun and feels like better. It may also be so that the cat recently pulled a lot and now there are a lot of wool in her stomach. But at the same time the owner is not worth a panic, because it does not threaten the health of the cat. Over time the problem will solve themselves. Can happen and so that the cat picked up viral infection. If a general state And the view of the cat with every day it gets worse, then the pet should be sent to the immediate inspection of a veterinarian.

Adults do not have special activity. But at the same time will never give up games with the favorite owner. During the game, the pet manifests various emotions and interest. For example, the cat is hidden from the owner or runs to another place. This can be understood in different ways: either the animal continues to play, or it is tired and wants to take a break for a while.

The cost of Fold British

In fact, this breed does not apply to the British breed of cats, so their price parameters are significantly reduced. So, the British British Cat, who especially came to your taste, you can acquire a symbolic fee.

The cost for the kitten on which there is no additional documents may vary from 2000 to 5,000 rubles. You can purchase these kittens with eases on the street, in the alleys, or on the market. Sometimes the owners even give the offspring of newborn kittens in good hands for free.

If the score of the British breed will have documents And all the certificates about the passage of vaccinations and injections, it will have a much higher cost. The price of such a cat can reach up to 14 LLC rubles.

How should Votulo British breed?

Breeders who first began to breed the Scottish Fold Cats, suffered difficulties with the consequences of crossing two breeds with curved ears. From such pets all the time there were unviable kittens. Born kittens possess violations from the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Spliced \u200b\u200bvertebrae.
  2. Strongly shortened bones.
  3. Thickened articulations.

If the cat breed lives in your house, and you want it to make a new offspring, never try to cross the two individuals of the same breed. So, the cat for crossing should have simple, straight ears. At the same time, it is not necessary to think that all kittens will be false, because some of them will have the same straight ears.

Immediately on the first day after the birth of the offspring enough it is difficult to recognize individualswho will have a curved ears. Such unusual manifestations of representatives of the British Fold breed may occur on only 21 days after birth. Their ears will be sinking down to the surface of the head.


In the end, it should be reminded that Fold Cat or a cat is an ideal pet, which has the appearance of a cute owner, or a teddy bear. Cats possess a cute look good and good character, calm temperament, grace and special pupil. A large number of colors and colors will allow you to choose the breed according to your capabilities and personal desire.

For a long time, the breed of British cats attracts the attention of many fans of these animals. And indeed, these cats are similar on soft, plush toys, and their smart eyes always look kindly. According to many of the British owners, this breed has certain features of character that distinguish it from others.

Real aristocrats

The British Shorthair Cat is distinguished by a pronounced aristocratic character. They resemble these British with their chases: they go majestically, they do not noise, they can lie in one place for hours and carefully watch what is happening in the room.

Jumping and playing you can see only small kittens, adult cats extremely rarely allow themselves to rush around the apartment, will not ride on the curtains and spread everything in their path (see).

British for rarity clean animals. They are constantly licking, do not tolerate dirty paws, very love when they are combed with a brush. For them, it is important that their place is as clean, as they themselves, so the owners need to often wash the litter on which the animal sleeps and change the contents of the tray.

British short-haired cats do not like when they are too actively told by the ears or twitch behind the tail. Such an attitude towards himself, he will not tolerate and will try to get away from the annoying caress.

If you want to make an animal nice, just intend it and talk to him, the calm sound of the voice of the owner will delight him.

Features of British behavior

These cats love a calm dimension life. They feel very sensitive to attitude towards themselves: if you scold the animal, especially on elevated colors, wait for the offense. A kitty can leave and for a long time not to show on the eyes.

Do not expect the British "Suitable To Make" first. So he makes respect himself. If you want to return the location of the animal, you will have to apologize for the rough attitude. As an "apology", you can give the cat a special treat. Folded and pleased, he will forgive you.

Animal discomfort manifests itself in an excessive desire to put themselves in order. Usually after the terrestrial stress, the British long and especially carefully lick. They try to calm themselves this procedure.

It should be noted that a noisy company in the house or conflict in the family can become stressing for the British. Even when the screams do not belong to it, the impressionable Briton will worry.

Also anxious will feel like a Briton after exhibitions, so after participating in such events, try to be to the animal as careful as possible, calm it in a tender word.

The British are smart enough: they quickly understand the rules of accommodation in the house, get used to the schedule of life (they will not wake the owner with the persistent requirement of food), to their place, when choosing which, by the way, it is better to consider the opinion of the animal himself.

Despite its heavy form and melancholic behavior, the British can be excellent mouselists and even rats. If you have got rodents, your pet may well bring you prey soon. Like many cats, they will most likely eat it, but will definitely tell the owner of a successful hunt. Do not forget to praise your pet!See all.

Ideal households

If someone has no house too long, the British begin to worry, search. They show restrained joy when households return home.

You should not wait for the cat around you, most likely he will meet you at the door and will wait in the room when you find time to chat with him.

They love children very much, patiently tolerate children's pants, never attack the child themselves, extremely rarely produce claws or bite. And if the child plays as the Briton do not like, he will just leave and will try not to come across his eyes.

But if the cat wants, with pleasure it will entertain the child with fun with a rope, glomerulum or a ball. Sometimes even adult animals are frolic as small kittens if they notice that the child is pleasing to their actions. The main thing is not to humiliate the foll dignity, do not show cruelty or rudeness. A cat can for a long time to take offense and avoid this family member.

Cats of this breed are easy to get along with other animals, so do not worry that they will attack other cats or dogs, to show jealousy. But it is better if the British has a separate bowl: he does not like to compete with other animals during meals and, giving way, can stay hungry.

But to unfamiliar people who came to the house, cats will be wary. Guests can not even dream that they will be able to take a teddy cat on the handles; At best, he will allow him to touch, but not stroke. If the guest seems to be an interesting Briton, the cat will be afar to watch him.

The British easily carry loneliness. Even if you spend a lot of time outside the house, do not worry that your favorite will suffer greatly without you. Most likely he wakes up somewhere in a soft chair, waiting for your return patiently. But when you return, do not forget to greet his goodwalk, because the animal very reacts to the inattention.

If the Briton appeared in your house, it is necessary to create such conditions for it in which it will feel comfortable.

Therefore, if you decide to start the animal that is precisely this breed, consider the following recommendations:

  • The cat must have their own place for recreation and games (a rug for sleep, bowl, bratechka, tray).
  • Try not to make noise in the house, do not take a cat in a noisy company.
  • Do not scold the cat, he is touching. Do not even increase your voice on him.
  • Talk to the cat, but for a long time to iron and keep it on your hands you may not work.
  • Let's a cat opportunity to walk around the rooms, do not close in one place; If you have the opportunity, allow you to run in the yard, but keep in mind that when in contact with street cats, your animal can be very frightened.
  • The pet feels the attitude towards himself, so show him your love, and he will answer you a good attitude and even love.

British short-haired cats are kind, smart cats, with a pronounced sense of self-esteem, restrained behavior. They can lie around you with clock and carefully watch what you are doing. Pay your favorite more time, and he will surely answer you mutual respect and devotion.

The British cat is a plush miracle that few people leave indifferent. It is not wonderful that the heart of our compatriots won the British kittens - these are cute, calm and leisurely pets, which are perfectly soldered with children and dogs. They are affectionate, but in moderation, it is impossible to call them obsessive.

This breed of cats has its own characteristics of the nature, behavior, care, which must be known before purchasing a pet.

Features of breed

British shorthair cat - the description of the breed is found in ancient sources. The pedigree has rich, officially dates back to 43 a year of our era. It was at that time that Claudius, uncle of the murdered emperor Caliguly, having received the desired throne into the inheritance, decided to secure him, having taken hostilities with Britain. In the direction of the islands, he sent 4 Roman Legion. It so happened that the ferocious legionnaires on the shore of Britain were not alone, but with cats.

What does a British cat look like? The British are distinguished by a large size, while the male is significantly larger than the female. An adult British breed cat can reach weight up to 5-8 kg. Representatives of this breed as a whole look very harmoniously. British cats have a dense body and strong backbone.

The Briton must have a compact body, a large head on a strong neck, not too big strong paws. The British cat breed is distinguished by the presence of a flexible, not very long, thick at the base of the tail, which has a cone shape with a rounded tip. A british straight cat has a rounded face profile, an elongated torso, the tail is long and the tip is a bit narrowed. British Cats Color can have different: black, silver, purple, spotted, tebby, turtle.

Standard of the British Shorthair Cat:

  1. The head is round, the right form. Skull wide. British breed implies that the animal's face should be as close as possible to a circle.
  2. The nose is straight, short and wide. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridges, a small deepening.
  3. Low small ears.
  4. Round eyes, big. Most often - gold color.
  5. The body is strong, muscular and wide-distance.
  6. Wool can be long or short.
  7. Each Briton has its own color, which must fully comply with all standards of a certain type of rock.

The character of the cats of the British breed

British cat character has a good. She is contact and communicable, friendly and gentle. Another positive feature of character is to get along with all family members and other animals (except birds).

The nature of the British cats is ideal for people who spend a lot of time outside the house and do not have enough time to care for animal wool. The cat is unobtrusive and capable of taking care herself for its fur coat. A teddy pet under no circumstances will demonstrate its weakness. The reason for this is congenital aristocracy.

The nature of British cats is very proud. If you forget feed the pet, then he will definitely ask for nothing and remain hungry. After that, he will only look at you as if you are to blame for all mortal sins.

Coloring British cats

The first officially recognized Briton was pure white color. The desire to withdraw a large, strong, hardy, with a calm character of the cat led to the fact that the colors of the British cats numbered 25 species. Some species are so rare that their cost is available to a little.

Types of British cats are diverse. The first representatives had dense undercoat and short hair. Reliability with the Persian breed gave rise to a half-legged British.

Types of colors can be divided into groups depending on the type of pattern, the predominance of a specific color and type of pigmentation. Blue Briton - standard breed color. It is a monophonic wool, without bright wool, undercoat sometimes a little lighter. The brighter wool, the more expensive the British Blue Cat is appreciated. Kittens are permissible in the first months of the residual drawing, which is completely disappearing by age 1 year. The myth that the British Blue should have bright orange eyes - delusion. All kittens are born, having blue or gray muddy eyes.

Very rare British color of Cinnamon and Favn, more common - black, blue, white, red, chocolate, purple.

Lilk British Cat has a monophonic color, combining blue and pink color. It should be remembered that the black and brown British shorthair cat should not have a light poured. Cinnamon is very attractive, but rare color British dog breed cinnamon. White British Cat can have blue or multicolored eyes. Golden Briton has big eyes of bright emerald color, which are planted quite wide. Little ears with rounded tips slightly tilted forward. The Golden British Cat has limbs like all the British - pretty strong, with rounded paws. You can learn more about the British cats of the selected view from the breeder. There you will get complete information about the pedigree.

Caring for cats

Caring for a British cat is a kind of skill, and to some extent even talent. It is good that the manufacturers of different cat utensils think about the owners, and from year to year on the market of feline accessories appear upgraded models of houses, comb, leashes, shampoos, etc., with which they take care of the pet. Your task is to understand the care of cats and skillfully use them.

So, the owner of a homely British cat, dwelling exclusively in the apartment, the question of the tray and its filler will be interesting. In practice, there are many cases when the owners are forced to abandon the pet just because of the unpleasant odor emanating from the toilet room. In this case, in care to a British shorthair cat, you can find a solution, correctly pick up the tray and filler for it. In no case do not save and do not cut the toilet room for a cat from cardboard, wood - these materials are raw and rot. The cat and soon won't want to use such a toilet. For a feline toilet, it is better to buy a plastic tray, preferably with a grille.

The following factor is a filler. Some British cats are not needed, but another natural instinct indicates to dig and dig. In this case, too, it is also not to save and recruit dirty sand on the street. First, the sand does not neutralize the smell, and secondly, it can soon spread throughout the apartment thanks to the legs of a fluffy pet. It is better to buy granules that have a property of coming when moisture getting, that is, it doesn't have to change the tray, when the cat will fighter, it will be enough to replace the lump of wet granules.

An important moment in caring for British cats is hygiene.

The next discrepancy point is wool. With a strong molt, contact the vet, it may be a consequence of avitaminosis. Next - proceed to combing. First, take a cat to the brush, do not hurt, do not clamp it in the corners, do not scare. In compliance with these conditions, the combing process will bring pleasure and to you, and a pet.

Sometimes it is not bad and pamper your favorite miracle. The store shelves are now broken from different toys, vitamins, brates. These little things, which, at first glance, may seem in excesses, will significantly affect the vital activity of the cat. She herself will be able to sweat a teeth about toys and claws - about a special plank, and not your sofa. British kittens - character and care requires a special approach. Care for cats correctly and get true pleasure from your work.

Cat food

If you still think that the British breed of cats can be powered by the owners from the table, they are deeply mistaken. Residues from the table, bone, raw meat, sweets, can have a destructive effect on the health of your fluffy friend. Diet of a pet, as well as a human diet should consist of necessary daily norm Useful substances. On average, the nutrition of the British of Mature Age should include every day 150 g of protein, 50 g of carbohydrates and substances necessary for digestion, water and vitamins. It is undesirable to leave the British cat without food for 2-3 days, it is important to monitor the presence of water in a bowl. Please note that the British Shorthair Cat Breed is very clean.

If the bowl is dirty, it can refuse food.

Based on this, you have several feeding options. First, it is natural foodThat is, the one that is done by you for your favorite pet. Be prepared that you will donate on your own and the time for the sake of pet health. But from this situation it is not so difficult to find a way out - prepare in your free time for the entire week, distributing portions by packages and freezing them in the refrigerator.

What can be prepared? In general, each dish must match the proportion - 60-70% meat or fish, 15-20% - vegetables, the rest - cereals. Meat is the main product in the pet's nutrition, because it contains the taurine substance, the deficit of which leads to a deterioration of vision, disorders of nervous and of cardio-vascular system. Cat delicacy is, of course, fermented dairy products. However, it should be remembered that British cats should not use products with high percentage of fat content, it is better to give a light kefir, ryazhenka.

Secondly, you can use industrial food. Healthy and joyful animals are drawn on bright packages, which is the manitis of the owners. Let's open a simple truth - no matter how expensive feed, it will never replace natural products. Pluses of the feed still have: manufacturers with scientific accuracy calculated required diet Cats and on the basis of this prepared them delicacy. If you still decided to buy food your favorite, then alternate it with natural products. Remember - you are responsible for those who have tamed.

Cat health

The guarantee of the health of a pet is the result of attention and care for its owner. After all, it is pleasant to watch a healthy and movable cat, which has no problems with appetite, breathing and coordination of movements. Therefore, in addition to regular independent supervision, which is important, it is necessary to periodically show a pet veterinary doctorbecause many diseases may not be noticeable to human eye. For example, it is very difficult to recognize cancer, often manifested in adult cats, he in some cases may not interfere with the processes of their livelihoods.

Cats breed Briton can be sick AIDS, cystitis and a number of other diseases that can be detected only by a specialist.

So what you can do to prevent poor well-being meowing friend? The proven method is to touch the cat's spout. In a healthy pet, it will be wet and cool, if he is dry and hot - this is the first cause for concern.

Try to prevent cat poisoning, hiding all poisonous substances in advance in the house. Watch your cat to come into contact with foreign animals, which can be distributors of infection. This applies not only to dogs or cats; Often cats are sick because of the bites of ticks, fleas and other insects. In this case, before walking, it is desirable to handle the animal wool special means protection.

Improper nutrition is a direct path to a gastric or liver disease. When feeding the Cat of the British breed with one dry feed, you are subject to an animal of real danger. In addition, inappropriate food can cause caries pet. Therefore, if suddenly, on a walk, your cat will start eating grass, in no case do not interfere. The pet is headed by the instinct of self-preservation, it has the ability to self-medicate. From here and the well-known phrase "to slide wounds": the fact is that the feline saliva contains a lizozyme substance, under the action of which the wound is neutralized and heals the faster. Therefore, worry about small scratches and wounds is not worth it.

Try to eliminate all the items that your cat can be borrowed.

Little kittens need feeding 2 times more often than an adult cat. For 2 months, a small kitten should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, that is, it should be fed a little, but often.

It is reasonable to ensure a kitten permanent access to food.

Thus, feeding on demand is ensured. Cats are very rarely transmitted. If the overeating happened, then it is better to return to feeding by the clock.

Harmful products:

  • butter and other fats;
  • pork;
  • blue bones:
  • sausage;
  • raw fish.

In conclusion, another advice, how to feed a monthly kitten - if the kitten refuses to eat from the bowl, offer him new food from his hands and the problem in most cases is immediately resolved. Cut the right little pet, and he will give you every time with his irrepressible vigor and soothing purr.

Basic information related to cat health will help you to feel the danger and take action. Remember, the life and health of the living being depends on your attention.

Piting pet

On advertising posters, in glossy magazines, television screensavers can often see the main actor - Little kitten, such a funny, helpless, weak legs, which makes the first unsure. And an unconscious desire arises to give her child the same fluffy live toy. The search for a newborn kitten is beginning to raise it from a cat and bring to their home. But is it right? At what age take a kitten?

Raising cats - the process is not only necessary, but also fascinating for you and your purr. Taking home the animal, you undertake to be responsible for it. The way you raise your cat will affect its future to you and family members, on her character and habits.

The first thing to start the process of raising the cat is to give her a name. Select such a nickname to which the kitten will respond instantly - short and ringing. Try to call the animal with all the names chosen for him, and on what should be stopped - you will understand by his reaction.

Teaching to the tray is a mandatory moment of upbringing from the first days of the pet's settlement in your home.

Many different products presented in pet stores that will help to equip a feline toilet. Choose the most convenient for you and your pet option. If he is still quite a kitten, buy a small tray in size. Give a cat to her personal toilet; Let she remember the road to him. If the animal made his "dirty case" in the wrong place, explain to her that it is impossible to give it back to the trailer. In no case do not scold her, otherwise the animal will be afraid and will not become a friend for you. In this method of a quiet explanation of the situation, you sooner or later inspire the cat "what is good and what is bad."

Raising cats, like raising children, requires a lot of patience. In order for the animal faster to understand what is required of it, as often as possible encourage it. British cat She sweat the claws on a special plank, and not on the back of the sofa - praise it, intend. Encouraging not only caressing, but also feeding (as the circus animals feed, when they perform the trick).

The British Cat does not understand human speech, but it is capable of understanding a man in intonation, behavior towards him and the pronunciation of the spell in his address of the word (the name of the pet, the team "To eat", "Go here" and others).

Play with your cat, pay attention to her and then she, in turn, will be gentle and becomes a friend for you.

Knitting pets

Attachment in his house of a female kitten, you must understand that at a certain moment the period of puberty will come in her life, which will be associated with the solution of many issues.

British cats have sexual ripening already for 7-8 months of life.

The behavior of your favorite will tell about the beginning of this period. Usually cats become more affectionate and begin to ride on the floor, lasting the feet of the owners, furniture. Noticing such behavior, know - your cat has grown up and will soon be ready to become a mother. In addition, the breeding of cats British Shorthair can bring good income.

If you made a decision on mating, do not hurry. Let the cat reach the age of 1 year, and better wait until she is 1.5 years old. Knitting cats at an early age may be unsuccessful (which will affect the health of the cat and her kittens).

When you and your kitty will be ready and configured to mate, go around the suitable cavalier. The applicants are better to look for at exhibitions, but you can also use the search for viscosity ads in the press. Consider carefully color of the cat, the characteristic of the breed. After all, the breed and the color of the wool will mainly affect the appearance of future kittens.

By choosing a worthy groom for your kitty, make a negotiated mating with its owners. This refers to not only cash issues, but also the room in which the preparation itself will be trained and the process itself. The place must be warm, clean and spacious. Bring everything you need: familiar to the cat, her bowls, tray, rug. You can take her favorite toys. The cat will be nervous while in someone else's room. To avoid this, take her things that will create the usual home furnishings.

The knitting of cats should be safe for both participants. The hosts must be attacked by the pets to the veterinarian to check for the presence of invasive, fungal, infectious and viral diseases.

2 weeks before the process, it is necessary to conduct preventive degelmination of animals.

When everything is ready, you can get your cat on a visit to the cat. You need to be prepared for the fact that animals can respond to each other in different ways. At the beginning of the process, the British cats are hissing on cats, let me up after 3-5 attempts. It all depends on the stage of puberty.

Custom knitting will be successful if all its moments are met correctly. Basically it depends on the readiness of the cat, because the cat can do this at any time. The process itself lasts about 7 minutes, after which there comes ejaculation. After the first time, fertilization may not happen, so there are usually animals left alone up to 3 days. After that you can pick up your kitty home. Kittens appear on the light in 58-68 days.

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