Is it possible to wash after cesarean. When can I wet a seam after a cesarean? Rules for the reception of water procedures

After giving birth, the female body needs time to recover. In a maternity hospital, where a young mother and a newborn spend several days, experts inform the woman about contraindications and prohibitions after childbirth and cesarean, which are not recommended to be violated within a certain period of time. Ignoring the advice and recommendations of a gynecologist often leads to serious complications in the health of a young mother. One of the prohibitions is taking a bath and visiting the pool. It would seem that water, having a relaxing property, will only be beneficial for female body... This is true, but basking in warm water while taking a bath or resuming swimming in the pool is recommended only after the approval of the obstetrician-gynecologist.

A categorical ban: to whom taking a bath instead of a shower and going to the pool are contraindicated

The delivery process is a serious burden for a woman. After the baby is born and the placenta has separated, the inner surface of the genital organ is a wound that bleeds. Gynecologists warn that each organism goes through the recovery path differently: some young mothers immediately start caring for the baby, while others take time even to get out of bed. That is why experts always advise a married couple before leaving the hospital: what can be done and what should be delayed.

In some cases, young mothers are faced with the development of postpartum complications. Sometimes the fault lies with the women themselves, who have neglected the advice and recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Modern doctors disagree about taking a warm bath after childbirth. Most doctors recommend waiting until the end of lochia - spotting after childbirth. But some obstetricians approve of relaxation in warm water as early as fourteen days after the birth of the baby, provided that the young mother has no complications or other contraindications.

Today, many physicians are returning to the practice of older generations. For example, before, midwives (women who helped a woman in labor to give birth to a child) insisted that after the birth of a baby, a young mother must take a steam bath in order to cleanse herself and improve her health. Therefore, some gynecologists do not see anything wrong with taking a warm bath. However, only the doctor should make the decision.

After childbirth, it is forbidden to take a bath immediately: a doctor's approval is required to avoid the development of complications

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the key to the health of a young mother. Therefore, many women sincerely do not understand why doctors so strongly advise avoiding bathing or going to the pool. Gynecologists explain the reasons for this prohibition:

  • the lining of the uterus recovers and heals completely six to eight weeks after the baby is born. While taking a bath or visiting the pool, pathogenic microorganisms can get on the wound surface, which often becomes the cause of infection of the genital organ;
  • the closed cervix acts as a barrier that prevents bacteria from entering the uterus. However, after childbirth, the cervix is \u200b\u200bopen and it takes time for the organ to return to normal. This requires one and a half to two months. If a woman neglects the advice of a gynecologist, this increases the risk of infection of the genital organ;
  • the delivery process is not always easy and fast. Often, doctors are forced to perform a gynecological incision to help the baby be born. Cervical ruptures sometimes occur. After the baby is born, the obstetrician sutures the gaps. If a young mother has tears and doctors have stitched, you will also have to refuse to take a bath and visit the pool in order to prevent the development of serious complications, namely, an infectious disease of the uterus.

Young mothers should be aware that tap water is not perfectly clean. While taking a bath, bacteria from the surface of the body, getting into the warm liquid, can also penetrate the wound surface of the reproductive organ. The same applies to the water in the pool, which is chlorinated, it contains a huge number of microorganisms that can provoke infection and inflammatory process internal genital organs of a woman. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to bask in the bathroom and swim in the pool:

  • women who have recently given birth to children and less than two months have passed since the birth;

    After caesarean section the recovery process takes longer. Therefore, the gynecologist may allow water procedures in the bath or pool to be taken no earlier than nine to ten weeks after delivery.

  • if the young mother has tears, stitches were placed or the baby was born with the help surgical intervention... Without the permission of a specialist, no action can be taken independently;
  • have postpartum complications requiring qualified medical care: opened uterine bleeding, increased body temperature, increased pain in the lower abdomen, poor healing of the seam after the CS, etc.

Many gynecologists recommend taking a bath no earlier than two months after giving birth.

Basic rules of intimate hygiene of a young mother

For example, in the maternity hospital they gave me a whole list of contraindications and prohibitions, which was printed in the form of a brochure for young mothers. The main information was the topic intimate hygiene after childbirth:

  • it is necessary to carry out an intimate toilet at least twice a day: in the morning and in the evening;

    If the woman has external stitches, the doctor may recommend washing after each urination to avoid infection of the wounds.

  • the water should be warm. Never direct the jet cold water on the genital area, this can lead to inflammation. Hot water often causes uterine bleeding to open. The optimum water temperature is 37 degrees;
  • before carrying out water procedures, you must thoroughly wash your hands with baby soap;
  • for intimate hygiene today, gynecologists recommend using specially designed products. Personally, the obstetrician recommended products based on natural ingredients (chamomile, licorice, green tea), also the composition must necessarily contain lactic acid;

    Before buying a special tool, you must carefully study the composition. It should not contain dyes, fragrances and harmful chemical components that can irritate delicate mucous membranes.

  • the stream of water must be directed to the pubic area, and with light movements of the hand from front to back, it is necessary to wash the external genitals, and then the anus;

    Do not use sponges and washcloths for washing.

  • after the completion of the procedure, it is recommended to blot the perineum with a special towel made of natural fabric.

Also in this brochure, in boldface, there was information that taking a bath, visiting the pool and swimming in open water and the sea is strictly prohibited for at least two months. Then you need to make an appointment with the gynecologist and after the examination, only the doctor can authorize or prohibit water procedures.

The benefits and harms of visiting the pool

Experts have long confirmed that swimming is very healthy. Today, even in the cold season, you can afford to swim in the water by organizing a visit to the pool. Doctors say that nursing mothers can swim in the pool and this does not have a negative effect on the lactation process, but provided that the woman fully observes the instructions of the swimming instructor. Certain types of exercise can negatively affect milk production. The only condition that young mothers must adhere to after childbirth is that it is possible to start classes in the pool no earlier than three months after the birth of the child. However, if a woman underwent a cesarean section or some complications arose after childbirth, gynecologists recommend visiting the pool only six months after delivery.

Modern nursing mothers actively spend time with babies. Today, joint pool classes are very popular, during which women and babies under the guidance of an instructor are engaged in water aerobics or baby swimming. This not only strengthens the emotional bond between mother and child, but is also beneficial for the health of both.

Today, young mothers have the opportunity to do water aerobics in groups

If a young mother wants to visit the pool with her baby, this is quite possible. Before starting classes, it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician, who will conduct an examination and make a decision as to whether infant swimming will harm the child. In most cases, doctors are not against such exercises, because they also have a positive effect on the development of the baby. Swimming with a baby in the pool is allowed as soon as the child is three to four months old. Sometimes parents are offered to wait up to six months and only then introduce the baby to the "big" water.

Table: positive and negative points of swimming in the pool for nursing mothers and babies

The benefits of exercise in the poolPotential harm to health
Breastfeeding mom
  • Exercises in water help a young mother to quickly put her figure in order after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • swimming has a firming effect on muscles and blood vessels;
  • immunity increases, thereby increasing the body's resistance to infections and viruses;
  • a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system of a young mother has been proven, especially if there is a history of scoliosis, osteochondrosis;
  • improves blood microcirculation, which has a positive effect on the lactation process;
  • the hormonal balance in the body of a young mother is stabilized;
  • some psychologists recommend exercising in the water if a nursing mother is diagnosed postpartum depression... Swimming is great for improving mood and energizing;
  • improves sleep, helps fight insomnia
If a young mother follows all the doctor's instructions, starts classes in the pool only after the doctor's approval, there should be no negative consequences. But it is worth noting that sharp loads, complex exercises in the water can lead to injuries, therefore it is recommended to practice only under the guidance of an experienced instructor
  • With regular exercise in water, the muscles of the body are strengthened: babies begin to sit down, get up and walk faster;
  • the body is tempered, the body's immune forces are strengthened, so the child is less likely to get sick;
  • the work of the respiratory organs, especially the lungs, improves;
  • baby swimming has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle;
  • swimming has a positive effect on nervous system crumbs: the baby becomes calmer, his emotional condition normalizes;
  • improves appetite
  • The baby's body may not be ready for the stress that muscles experience during swimming. Some orthopedic doctors have the following point of view: first, the baby must learn to sit down, then get on all fours and crawl, and only then can he be introduced to swimming and exercise in the water;
  • there is a risk of infectious diseases ENT organs and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • in some cases, the child may have a digestive upset. This is due to the ingestion of some water while diving;
  • water entering the lungs during diving is very dangerous for the health and life of the baby

When can I take a bath and go to the pool after childbirth and cesarean section and how to do it right

With the advent of the child, the time for the parents goes unnoticed, because the young mother gets used to the baby, learns to care for the baby and take care of him. The body recovers, the pain passes and life returns to normal. Two months after delivery, a woman must definitely see a gynecologist. At the appointment, the doctor will conduct an examination to assess how the uterus has contracted, the degree of healing of the stitches, and take the necessary tests. In most cases, it is after eight weeks from the moment of birth that the specialist removes many prohibitions, for example, a young mother can resume water procedures in the bath, enjoying warm water. From the moment of the COP, at least eight to nine weeks must pass.

In some cases, a woman may be allowed to take a bath earlier or later. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the young mother's body, the speed of recovery after delivery and the presence or absence of complications.

We comply with the main conditions: how to properly take a bath after childbirth

Experts recommend starting slowly, not rushing, but gradually giving the body an opportunity to get used to new sensations, even if the woman took a warm bath every day before giving birth, now it is better not to take risks and follow all the doctor's recommendations:

  • the very first thing a young mother should do is make sure the bathroom is clean. She can wash it herself or ask her husband to help. Then it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the bath with running water so that the residues of detergents disappear from the surface;
  • then you can open the water and fill the bath. The main rule is to monitor the temperature of the liquid, it should be 36-37 degrees. Higher water temperature, about 40 degrees, can provoke uterine bleeding;
  • it is necessary to set a time frame. For the first time, doctors recommend taking a bath for no more than ten minutes. This will be enough to relax the muscles, thereby not harming the weakened body. Gradually, the time can be increased, but the maximum time spent in warm water should not exceed twenty minutes;
  • do not experiment and get carried away with your favorite aromatic liquids, oils or bath foam. The components that make up the products are very often the cause of irritation. If a young mother has a desire to lie down not just in clear water, it is better to give preference to specially selected broths medicinal herbs for swimming. Most often they are sold in a pharmacy and are completely safe for the health of a young mother.

    From my own experience, I was convinced of the effectiveness of chamomile decoction: it not only helps to relieve tension, but also has antiseptic properties. I bought a special baby fee at the pharmacy. Various companies make disposable bath bags or sell them in a set, for example, three, five or seven bags per pack.

If a young mother likes to bask in warm water, she can do it every day, but you should not overdo it over time. Better to lie in the bath for ten to fifteen minutes and that will be enough.

Video: bathing features for a young mother

For health and shape: rules for visiting the pool

Lessons in the pool help not only to relax, enjoy swimming, but also are effective way get back in shape after the baby is born. Doctors warn that a nursing mother is strictly prohibited from the first visits to the pool to engage with increased stress. This can lead to overwork. fragile organism, muscle strain. Therefore, all classes should be supervised by an experienced instructor (individually or in groups), and last for a short time. Experts have developed a list of recommendations that young mothers should listen to when they decide to visit the pool after childbirth:

  • it is strictly forbidden to independently decide on the possibility of training in the pool. Only a gynecologist can allow or forbid a nursing woman to start this type of exercise;
  • the first lessons should not last more than half an hour. This time is enough for the body to begin to get used to new physical activity without overstraining;
  • gradually the time increases: first by 10 minutes, then by 15 minutes. In total, the maximum time for exercise in water should not exceed sixty minutes;
  • for the first four to six weeks, it is recommended to simply swim in the water, walk slowly. This is necessary so that the muscles begin to get used to the subsequent loads. Then you can connect exercises to strengthen the press. What types of exercises are allowed for a woman is decided only by the instructor. Much depends on the type of delivery (natural or CS), the degree of recovery of the body and the individual physical characteristics of the young mother. For example, some mums are more resilient, while others just swim in a relaxing liquid;
  • doctors warn that during lactation it is strictly forbidden to perform a set of exercises, which leads to overstrain of the shoulder girdle, as well as the muscles of the chest and arms. Such loads negatively affect breastfeeding due to a sharp decrease in the production of nutrient fluids. In some cases, children on their own refuse to breastfeed;
  • after class, you need to use a shower to thoroughly rinse off the remaining chlorinated water from skin... After bathing, you need to apply special protective agents to the delicate area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples;
  • experts insist that it is forbidden to visit the pool if the nursing mother has cracks or wounds on the nipples. During swimming, pathogenic microorganisms may get into the wound.

Aqua aerobics instructors for nursing mothers inform that to achieve the effect, it is enough to visit the pool two, maximum three times a week. It is this number of exercises that is enough not to overextend the muscles of the body.
If a woman wants, she can visit the pool with her baby.

  • Types of anesthesia
  • Stages
  • Recovery
  • The recovery and rehabilitation period after a cesarean section requires a special approach. Substantial restrictions are imposed on the woman's physical activity, on sex life, on planning the next pregnancy. Nutrition and care of the seams require special attention. There are also limitations regarding hygiene procedures, in particular, water. In this article we will tell you how and when a woman can take a bath, swim in the sea or river.

    Hygiene issues

    Most women after cesarean, when discharged from the maternity hospital, are so happy with the consciousness of an early return to their family that they simply forget to ask the attending physician about the organization of hygiene after surgical delivery. These questions usually arise before her in full growth only later, after discharge.

    Hygiene is a very important task in the postpartum period. Properly organized hygiene measures will help avoid infection postoperative wounds, will contribute to a faster recovery of the body after severe stress, which, of course, is a cesarean section.

    But the wrong approach to hygiene is fraught with the development of complications in the postpartum woman, and therefore the issue of water procedures, as an invariable component of hygiene modern woman, is quite acute.

    Caring for the postoperative suture before and for some time after removing the suture material means treating it with brilliant green from possible bacterial infection, as well as moderate drying with hydrogen peroxide and regular dressing changes.

    Complete tightening of the external scar on the skin is usually completed 3 weeks after surgery. If the early postoperative period proceeded with complications, then in this case it is quite possible for a longer healing of the suture, complications in the form of proliferation connective tissue, the formation of hernias, fistulas, keloid scar, divergence of part of the sutures. In this case, the ban on contacting the zone postoperative scar with water is renewed individually.

    If there are no complications, the suture heals well, for the first three weeks after the operation a woman should not take a bath or bathe in the shower. Upper part the body should be wiped with water, the external genitals should be gently washed away, being careful not to get water into the vagina and the seam area.

    During this period, douching is also contraindicated. The healing process of internal sutures on the uterus takes even longer than the process of scarring outside, and therefore it is necessary to exclude any possibility of tap water and bacteria or viruses entering the genital tract with it.

    A woman should wash the external genital organs two to three times a day, change the sanitary pads every 3 hours. It is important to maintain cleanliness and hygiene during the separation of postpartum discharge (lochia).

    When can I shower?

    It is recommended to bathe in the shower after a cesarean section not earlier than the healing of the outer suture occurs. According to experts, with uncomplicated rehabilitation period it takes about three weeks. Taking a shower right after stitches are removed is not the best solution.After the suture that ties the edges of the wound is removed, it takes about two more weeks for the external scar to be considered complete.

    Therefore, it is recommended to take a shower no earlier than 5-6 weeks after the operation. The water should be warm (not hot or cold), cold and hot showeruseful for improving muscle tone and restoring physical form after childbirth, it is advisable to practice not earlier than 3-4 months after surgery.

    When taking a shower, a woman should avoid directing a stream of tap water to the external genitals, to the area of \u200b\u200bthe postoperative scar. It is considered optimal at first to cover the seam on the skin with a surgical bandage and fix it on top with a special waterproof plaster. After bathing, the bandage is removed.

    Do not use a hard washcloth, much less rub it on your stomach and groin.

    It must be remembered that tap water is by no means as pure as it seems.It is inhabited by masses of microorganisms, not all of which are harmless. And if you consider that a woman's immunity is pretty much undermined after the operation, the consequences of improper organization of water procedures can be rather sad.


    It is recommended to take a bath after a cesarean section not earlier than two prerequisites are met: the outer suture will heal and postpartum discharge (lochia) will end. This discharge is completely natural and normal - this is how the uterus is cleared of blood that has entered the cavity during the separation of the placenta. Allocations are accompanied by the process of involution of the uterus - its reverse development, reduction to its previous physiological size.

    The first days after the operation, the discharge is bloody, bright, then it appears blood clots, after 5-6 days, serous fluid is present in the lochia, and after 2 weeks - mucus of a yellowish tint. When the discharge becomes common, characteristic of a woman before pregnancy, this is a conditioned signal that the uterine cavity is clean.

    This usually happens 6–8 weeks after surgery. But there may be a later cessation of postpartum discharge. At the end of the discharge, they talk about the primary healing of the internal scar on the uterus. Since that time, sexual activity with barrier contraception (condoms) is allowed, and it is also possible, at the request of the woman, to take baths.

    It is important at first not to lie in the bath for hours, but to limit yourself to a 7-10-minute procedure. Hot water should be avoided so as not to provoke blood flow to the pelvic organs and not cause bleeding.

    Bathhouse, sauna

    Baths and saunas are very useful inventions of mankind that strengthen health and improve blood circulation. But after the operation, they are unacceptable precisely for the reason high temperatures... A woman should not overheat, as this can cause an increase in postpartum discharge, bleeding. Washing in the bath is strictly prohibited.

    A woman who has recently given birth through a cesarean section can go to the bathhouse and sauna without harm to her health only when the inner seam on the uterus is sufficiently strong. Usually, these procedures are allowed at the same time as lifting the ban on abdominal exercises. Six months after the operation, a visit to the bathhouse, sauna will be safe and will bring a lot of benefits to a woman for beauty and health.

    Swimming pool visit

    Swimming and water aerobics are considered some of the earliest permitted physical activities after a caesarean section. But it should be remembered that there are even more bacteria and microorganisms in the public pool, where the woman comes, than in tap water. In addition, the water in the public pool is highly chlorinated, which is an additional irritant factor.

    A visit to the pool will be safe and useful only after 3 months have passed since the operative delivery. An important factor is the absence of postoperative complications. Therefore, before you start visiting the pool, you should definitely consult your doctor.

    Open reservoirs

    I want to swim in the lake, river and sea, especially if it's hot summer outside. But it should be understood that the likelihood of infection after surgery when swimming in an open water body is higher than in a public pool. Any open body of water is a natural habitat for numerous microorganisms. At the same time, stagnant water bodies (ponds, lakes) are more dangerous than the sea, in the salty environment of which not all microbes and viruses survive.

    Rest at the sea, freshwater and smaller reservoirs should be postponed to a later time.

    In the first 3-4 months after the operation, such rest, as well as being on the beach in the open sun, if a cesarean section was performed, are contraindicated.

    General rules

    Water procedures after a cesarean section will require a woman to follow certain rules.

    • Do not use toilet soap with rich perfumery fragrances, it dries the skin very much, especially in intimate places... Choose either regular baby soap or special means for intimate hygiene. Pay attention to the composition. It is desirable that the composition contains lactic acid.

    Can i take a bath after a cesarean section? And how long after giving birth? Let's look at the hygiene issues of a newly-made mother, whose childbirth took place with the help of a planned or emergency caesarean.

    Can i take a bath after a cesarean?

    When to take a bath after a cesarean section

    • in hot water, the scar that has not healed after the operation will become limp, which will stop its healing and may even provoke tissue suppuration. For this reason, even under the shower, you cannot wet the seam if it has not completely healed, but do with rubdowns, avoiding the scar area;
    • pathogenic bacteria, which are abundant in raw water, can enter the uterus through the seam or cervix;
    • hot water will increase postpartum hemorrhage (fucking). Therefore, until they stop, bathing is prohibited;
    • the immunity of a woman who has given birth, and especially a woman who has been operated on, is weakened, therefore, any risk of infections and complications should be avoided.

    As you can see, the ban on taking a hot bath has a completely logical justification. To protect yourself from possible complications, it is better to postpone taking a bath and limit yourself to local hygiene procedures. And after about a week, when the suture heals, you can normally wash in the shower.

    You can take a full bath only after the discharge has stopped (about two months after birth) and the permission of the observing doctor.

    What should be the bath after cesarean?

    Even when the doctor allows you to pamper yourself with a relaxing bath, you need to adhere to certain rules at least the first time:

    • the bathtub must be well washed and disinfected;
    • water - not hotter than 40 ° C;
    • you can add a decoction of chamomile to the water, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and will also help to fully relax and rest;
    • adding salt and fragrances to the water after the operation is not recommended;
    • it is best to wash with natural baby soap;
    • the first bath should be short-lived (up to 10 minutes), over time you can afford to soak up a little longer.

    By following these simple rules, you can avoid many postpartum complications. By the way, permission to take a bath after a cesarean also means that you can swim in the sea or other bodies of water. Of course, if the water in them is not cold and clean.

    Caesarean sections are performed when vaginal delivery is impossible or life-threatening for the mother or fetus. This is the most common operation in obstetrics. What should a woman who underwent this intervention pay attention to in order for the postoperative period to pass safely?

    When is surgery required?

    During a cesarean section, the uterine wall is dissected. Indications for surgery can be on the part of the mother, when, due to one or another disease, childbirth poses a threat to her health, and on the part of the fetus, when the labor act is an exorbitant burden for him. More often, indications are simultaneously from the mother's side and from the fetus's side.

    Indications for surgery may occur during pregnancy (complete, premature detachment of a normally located placenta, inconsistency of the uterine scar after a previous cesarean section or other operations on the uterus, narrow pelvis, severe forms of toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, severe diseases of the mother (heart defects, diabetes mellitus, myopia high degree), IVF, etc.). In such cases, a planned cesarean section is performed. It happens that indications for surgery arise during childbirth (weak labor, not amenable special treatment, acute fetal hypoxia, etc.), when produced.

    What is the postpartum period?

    The postpartum period is the period during which the reverse development of those organs and systems that have undergone changes in connection with pregnancy and childbirth ends. Usually this period, taking into account the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, lasts 6-8 weeks. The exception is the mammary glands, whose function reaches its maximum development during the first days of the postpartum period and continues during lactation.

    The main task of the postpartum period is the prevention of infectious complications in women and newborns. In this regard, it is especially important for a woman to observe the rules of personal hygiene. The penetration of infection into the genital tract and mammary glands is a great danger to the health of the mother and baby.

    Necessary measures after cesarean

    Immediately after the end of the operation, an ice pack is placed on the lower abdomen for 2 hours to better contract the uterus and prevent bleeding from the uterus. She is transferred to the intensive care unit, where in the first 12-24 hours after the operation, general condition, the size and condition of the uterus, secretions from the genital tract, function bladder, measure the pulse, blood pressure... Solutions that improve the condition of the blood are injected intravenously, depending on the amount of blood loss (for an uncomplicated operation, it is 500-800 ml). If necessary, the mother is transfused with blood components - erythrocyte mass, fresh frozen plasma. The need for this is determined by the woman's condition - the hemoglobin level before and after the operation, the amount of blood loss, etc.

    Pain relievers are prescribed. The frequency of their administration depends on the intensity pain... Pain relief is usually needed within the first 1-3 days after surgery.

    To prevent infectious complications, antibiotics are administered to a woman: during the operation, 12 and 24 hours after the operation. In cases of high risk of infectious complications (in the presence of chronic infectious diseases, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc., poor results of vaginal smears), antibiotics are administered for 5-7 days.

    After modern operations, after a few hours, it is recommended to turn in bed, move your arms and legs. You can sit down and walk around the ward in 5-6 hours. The first time the postpartum woman raises nurse intensive care wards.

    12-24 hours after the operation, the woman is transferred to the postpartum department.

    The postoperative suture is examined by a doctor once a day. Every day, the nurse treats it with brilliant green or manganese solution to remove possible bacteria that can cause inflammation, and seals it with a special sterile bandage. On the 5-7th day, the stitches are removed from the abdominal wall and an ultrasound is performed, which allows one to judge the size of the uterus, its cavity, its contents, the condition of the stitches. After removing the stitches on the 5-7th day, they can continue to be treated with the same solutions and apply a sterile bandage at home until complete healing. Applying a bandage prevents the suture from rubbing with the laundry and ensures better healing. Solutions and sterile dressings are available from pharmacies. When the scab (crust) on the postoperative suture is completely removed, the bandage can no longer be worn. In the event of pain after discharge home, any discharge from the postoperative suture, especially if the temperature rises, a woman needs to urgently consult a doctor.

    The skin scar is formed approximately on the 7th day after the operation; therefore, within a week after the cesarean section, you can take a shower completely calmly. Just don't rub the seam with a washcloth - you can do it in another week. For 7 days, until a skin scar has formed, you can use wet wipes or wash up to the waist from above, leaning over the bathtub or shower tray.

    On the 7-10th day, a woman can be discharged home under the supervision of a antenatal clinic doctor.

    The maternity hospital doctor pays special attention to the nature of the discharge from the genital tract and the change in the size of the uterus. (postpartum discharge) in the first 3 days have a bloody character, on the 4-9th days they become serous-bloody (yellowish-brown), and from about the 10th day they take the form of liquid light discharge. By the end of the 2nd week, the lochia becomes very scarce, and by the 6-8th week, the discharge from the genital tract stops. During breastfeeding, the spotting may increase at first.

    It is necessary to wash the genitals with warm water after each urination with movements from front to back - from the urethra and vagina to the rectum - to prevent intestinal bacteria from entering the urinary and birth canal. If not allergic reactions, you can use special products for intimate hygiene with antibacterial additives.

    Postoperative problems

    Contraction of the uterus... The size of the uterus in the hospital is measured every day, and by the 10th day after the caesarean section, its size is slightly larger than the size of the uterus before pregnancy. In lactating women, the size of the uterus will normalize faster.

    Within a few days after delivery, the uterus should normally shrink greatly. Such contractions of the uterus cause minor pulling pains lower abdomen, as during menstruation. The pain may worsen with breastfeeding. during feeding, the hormone oxytocin is produced, which contributes to the contraction of the uterus. But after an operative delivery, due to the presence of a suture, sometimes the uterus does not contract well enough. As a result, blood residues can accumulate in it and inflammation and body temperature can rise. Contractions of the uterus can be painful and, as with, intensify with feeding. In such cases, the woman receives pain relievers and drugs that improve uterine contraction in the form of tablets or injections. The duration of such treatment, as a rule, is several days, and it depends on the condition of a particular woman. Treatment begins in a maternity hospital under the control of an ultrasound of the uterus; it can be completed on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a female doctor. For better contraction of the uterus, it is advisable to periodically lie on your stomach, light massage of the abdomen is useful, you need to wear a bandage, regular bowel movements, it is also recommended to apply ice on the lower abdomen 3-5 times a day for 7-10 minutes.

    Constipation... After a cesarean section, a decrease in normal bowel function is possible - constipation.

    On the 2nd day after the operation, a cleansing enema is applied to stimulate the intestinal activity and better contraction of the uterus, since after the operation the intestines are in a relaxed state, which contributes to the accumulation of gas and prevents the normal movement of food through the intestines.

    A woman after a cesarean section is suitable for a diet with the use of a large amount of fermented milk products with increased content bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (kefir, yogurt). Flour products (bread, pasta) in the diet should be reduced to a minimum. Raw vegetables and fruits are excluded, because their use through breast milk can lead to severe gas and diarrhea in the child, as well as increased gas production Mom. Reasonable physical activity stimulates the intestines well. If bowel function is not normalizing, you should consult your doctor. Now in pharmacies you can buy the domestic drug Lactusan. It is approved for use in pregnant and lactating women. The principle of operation of Lactusan is to attract liquid into the intestinal lumen, due to which the stool is softened and the process of defecation is facilitated. It also has the ability to normalize the intestinal microflora and fight against dysbiosis, which is especially important for women after cesarean section and the use of antibiotics.

    Food women after cesarean section, as well as after normal childbirth, should be high in calories and varied and contain 2500-2800 kcal per day. Preference should be given to protein foods (meat, milk, kefir, etc.) as the main source for the synthesis of the required amount of milk and recovery of the body after pregnancy and childbirth.

    On the first day after the operation, you can drink mineral water without gas. On the second day, you can eat broths, cereals, boiled meat, cookies, jam, cottage cheese, sour cream, and drink tea. From the third day, normal meals are possible, with the exception of products not recommended for breastfeeding (milk porridge, fruit jelly, vegetable broths and side dishes, steamed cutlets, boiled meat and fish, vegetables are recommended). It is necessary to exclude from your diet fatty, fried, smoked, salty, flour and sweet, soda, chips, hamburgers, etc.

    Recovery of abdominal muscles... In the postpartum period, it is recommended to wear a special postoperative bandage, which promotes better recovery of stretched and weakened abdominal muscles.

    After giving birth, for several weeks, even without special stress, the muscles of the abdominal wall contract by themselves. Immediately after the cesarean section, you cannot swing the press, because the stitches may part, - you should wait 2 months. During this time, you can support the muscles by wearing a postpartum bandage for several hours a day. The bandage is worn according to indications for 1 month or more of the postoperative period. You can start wearing a postoperative bandage from the first days after surgery. Modern bandages are made of elastic fabric that is breathable. It can be worn over a sterile suture dressing. The postpartum postoperative bandage provides support for the abdominal muscles, their fixation, exerting moderate regulated pressure on them for their faster contraction and restoration of their tone in the postoperative period, thereby ensuring the normalization of intra-abdominal pressure. The bandage protects against the development of hernias and their increase in size, stabilizes the position internal organs and uterus, provides the postpartum woman with more comfortable movement and walking. Also, the bandage fixes the sutures after the cesarean section and in postoperative period helps to reduce pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe postoperative suture.

    Lactation... Milk production after caesarean section is generally the same as after natural childbirth, except for the timing of the onset and establishment of lactation. After the operation, when pressing on the nipple, colostrum begins to be released, then milk. There is not much colostrum, but it is 10 times more nutritious than milk, so even a small amount of colostrum is enough to feed a baby in the very first days after birth.

    Milk comes in the same way as after spontaneous childbirth, on the 3rd-10th day (as a rule, after emergency operations carried out against the background of the onset generic activity, - a little earlier - on the 3-4th day, after planned operations - on the 5-10th). After being transferred to the postpartum ward, a woman should wear a special bra to prevent excessive engorgement of the mammary glands. To prevent excessive engorgement caused by milk production, limit drinking to 800 ml per day. The first attachment to the breast is possible already in the intensive care unit on the first day after the operation, if this is provided for by the conditions of the maternity hospital, or in the postpartum department. You should carefully examine the nipples, on the surface of which there should be no cracks.

    The main condition for successful lactation, especially after operative childbirth, is a woman's stay in an atmosphere of complete psychological and physical rest and her correct attitude.

    A woman after a cesarean section is injected with a large number of different drugs. Despite the use of pain relievers, antibiotics and other medications that pass into milk, a woman can fully breastfeed her baby after a caesarean section. In the postpartum period, drugs are used that are compatible with breastfeeding. The feeding schedule (on demand or by the hour) is determined by the conditions of the maternity hospital and the woman's desire. But in each specific case, a woman should additionally check with a doctor about the possibility of such a combination.

    The most comfortable posture when feeding a baby for a woman after a cesarean section in the first days after surgery is lying on her side, because in this position, there is no effect on the postoperative suture. In the future, when recovering from surgery, other postures are possible - standing, sitting.

    If it is impossible to breastfeed (in a serious condition of the mother or child), it is necessary to express milk according to the number of intended feedings.

    After recovery

    All women after a cesarean section with a scar on the uterus should be registered in the antenatal clinic immediately after discharge from the hospital. Dispensary registration is a regular preventive observation of a woman and the identification of diseases or complications after surgery on early stage, which allows for more timely and therefore effective treatment... Women should be on it for at least 2 years after the operation, since it has been established that the restoration of the full-fledged structure of the muscular layer of the uterus after a cesarean section occurs within 1-2 years. This is also done in order to diagnose earlier and start treatment if disorders occur. menstrual cycle, inflammatory diseases the genital area, adhesions in the abdominal cavity, possible after a cesarean section, and for the speedy restoration of normal reproductive function.

    Menstrual function after cesarean section is not much different from that after natural childbirth. In the case of a full breastfeeding on demand, more than 11-12 times a day (including night feeds), menstruation is absent for 6-12 months after delivery. If for one reason or another there is no breastfeeding, then the first menstruation after the operation comes about 8 weeks after childbirth.

    For 1 to 2 years after a caesarean section, reliable contraception is needed. An abortion performed after surgery seriously worsens the prognosis for a planned re-pregnancy.

    Independent after cesarean sections are possible, but only in a certain group of women. This possibility depends primarily on the state of the scar after the previous cesarean section, on the readiness of the birth canal for the child to pass through them, on the experience of the maternity hospital doctors, the indications that caused the cesarean section, etc.

    Ekaterina Venediktova
    Obstetrician-gynecologist, City Clinical Hospital No. 67, Moscow

    Personal hygiene has great importance in the life of every person. After a caesarean section, the body is weakened, has experienced stress.

    Exposure to microbes on the skin and mucous membranes, as well as improper body care, can have consequences. Therefore, you need to know some of the features of care in this difficult period.

    The postpartum period is a special time in a woman's life. Lasts 6-8 weeks. It carries a lot of restrictions, especially if you have had a cesarean.

    Women in labor during this period have a lot of questions about their condition and body care. One of the first questions: when can you take a bath after a cesarean?

    If you had a cesarean, then in order to remove the baby, an incision in the anterior abdominal wall and uterus was performed. All tissues were sutured, but scars remained, which took time to heal.

    On the front abdominal wall the seam through which the infection can enter abdominal cavity and the uterus if not cared for properly.

    Running water is not at all a sterile environment, so it cannot be wetted until the suture heals. This will happen on the 7-10th day. Until this time, the shower is contraindicated, only rubdown. On the 6-7th day, the suture will be removed, and the doctor will tell you whether the scar has healed well.

    If there are no complications, then you can take a shower. But don't scrub the scar with a washcloth. After the procedure, blot with a disposable towel and treat with brilliant green.

    If you notice that your scar turns red, the skin around it is hot, there is a discharge of pus or blood, you are worried about pain, in no case should it be wetted. See your doctor!

    Interesting Today, some maternity hospitals offer special glue for a suture after a cesarean section. It is applied right in the operating room and protects your seam from germs.

    Daily dressings and suture treatments are not required. And most importantly, you can take a shower after a cesarean using such glue in a day.

    Bath after cesarean

    With a shower, everything is clear, as soon as the scar on the skin heals, you can wash. Those. a week later. But as for the bathroom, you will have to deny yourself this pleasure for a longer period.

    In order not to succumb to the temptation and not harm your body, let's look at the reasons:

    1. The seam on the anterior abdominal wall is a weak spot through which germs can enter.
    2. There is a scar not only on the skin, but also on the uterus. It takes time for it to finally form and heal. Hot water can disrupt this process.
    3. is a continuous wound from the inside. It will take 6-7 weeks to heal. You and your doctor can monitor this process with postpartum discharge. As soon as they stop, the uterine cavity will heal.
    4. Hot water dilates blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation in the pelvic organs as well. Uterine bleeding is possible, which is not safe for you, especially if you close yourself in the bathroom or no one will be at home.
    5. Examine the breasts and nipples. If they have cracks, this, like the suture on the anterior abdominal wall, is an entrance gate for infection.

    It will take at least 2 months to restore the body. But, before taking a bath, it is worth visiting a gynecologist to rule out complications and dispel all doubts.

    It should be armed that taking a bath is contraindicated in varicose veins veins, hypotension and hypertension, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, pulmonary tuberculosis, oncological diseases.

    How to cleanse after a cesarean section with benefit?

    Not everything is so scary, already 2 months after the operation, you can swim in the bathroom, but do not steam yourself up for hours in boiling water (the water should be 38-40 degrees, and the duration of the bath is no more than 20 minutes).

    This procedure has a positive effect on the body:

    1. Improves immunity.
    2. Improves skin tone.
    3. Relaxes muscles.
    4. Will relieve combat syndrome.
    5. Accelerate the healing of hemorrhoids.
    6. Helps you relax and relieve stress.

    The addition of herbs gives the bath other positive properties:

    • will calm jasmine;
    • relieve fatigue rosemary;
    • have an antiseptic effect chamomile, calendula, string;
    • tone up the skin mint, rose petals.

    Thus, it is possible to swim in the bathroom after a cesarean only after consulting a gynecologist and no earlier than 2 months later. And following simple rules will help your body to bounce back faster.

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