Large breeds of dogs. The largest dog in the world (photo): Zeus and his colleagues Breed of the tallest dog breed

Large dogs can bring a lot of joy to the family they love. Naturally, they, like any other dog breeds, have their pros and cons. On the positive side is their remarkable character - large dogs, with proper education, are usually very gentle, loyal and good-natured creatures. They are easy enough to train and do not require much physical exercise... As for the disadvantages of keeping such dogs, they include quite large food costs, since such large-sized animals require an appropriate amount of food. Perhaps the most distressing factor is that large breeds often have a much shorter lifespan than their smaller cousins.

Despite the present disadvantages and the huge popularity of small dog breeds, many people prefer to have a large dog in their house, which will not only be a loyal and good friend to all family members, but also a reliable protector and guard of the territory.

In this article, we'll take a look at the 10 largest dog breeds in the world. In compiling the rating, first of all, the average body weight of dogs of each breed, as well as height at the withers, was taken into account (withers - the place on the spine between the shoulder blades, the highest point of the dog's body). The top includes dog breeds with an average weight of males of at least 40 kg and an average height of at least 60 cm.

10th place: Leonberger - a large breed of dogs, bred in 1846 in the German city of Leonberg by crossing St. Bernards, Newfoundlands and Pyrenean shepherd dogs. The growth of males ranges from 72-80 cm, and the weight is 54-77 kg. Bitches weigh 45-61 kg, height at withers 65-75 cm. The Leonberger is a large and attractive dog type. They have a unique personality that has earned them a reputation for being the ideal family dog \u200b\u200bwith a special love for children. Representatives of the breed are characterized as loyal, intelligent, easily trainable, reasonable dogs with excellent guard qualities.

9th place: Moscow watchdog - a large working dog, bred in the 50s of the 20th century in Russia by crossing following breeds: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard, Russian Pied Hound. According to breed standards, the preferred height for males is 77-78 cm (minimum height 68 cm), preferred height for bitches is 72-73 cm (minimum 66 cm), minimum weight for males is 60 kg, for bitches is 45 kg. The Moscow Watchdog is a self-confident, balanced, independent and sociable dog. Has excellent watchdog and security qualities. These dogs do not know fear and never back down.

8th place: Boerboel - breed service dogs with excellent protective qualities, bred in South Africa in the 17th century. It is a big, hardy, powerful dog with good reaction and plasticity. The growth of males at the withers is 64-70 cm, bitches - 59-65 cm, the weight of both sexes ranges from 70 to 90 kg. Boerboels need constant attention and care, which will consist not only in affection, but also in regular training and physical activity.

7th place: Newfoundland (diver) is a popular giant dog breed native to the northeastern coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen. Their webbed feet, water-repellent coat and innate swimming ability make Newfoundlands great lifeguards. Males usually weigh 60-70 kg, females 45-55 kg. Some members of the breed are known to have weighed over 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland record holder weighed 120 kg. The growth of males ranges from 69-75 cm, and females - 63-68 cm. They are known for their gigantic size, tremendous strength and extremely affectionate nature. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions.

As for the enormous strength, this is not an exaggeration: the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Allens Dark Hans, weighing 44 kg, who dragged 2289 kg on a concrete surface in Botella (USA) on July 20, 1979.

6th place: Tibetan mastiff - one of the most ancient breeds, which served in the monasteries of Tibet as guard dog, as well as accompanying nomads in the Himalayan mountains. Height at the withers: males - 66-81 cm, females - 61-71 cm. The weight of males varies from 60 to 82 kg, bitches - from 40 to 60 kg. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very calm, restrained, obedient dog, combining the ability to guard the house and be a good friend to the family in which he lives. home distinctive feature breeds - amazing cleanliness (somewhat similar to the cat). Interesting fact: A Tibetan Mastiff named Hong Dong is the most expensive dog in the world, for which a Chinese coal magnate paid € 1.5 million.

5th place: German dog is the tallest dog breed in the world. The minimum height of males at the withers is 80 cm, bitches - 72 cm, the weight of males can range from 54 to 91 kg, the weight of bitches is 45-59 kg. The record holder of this breed is the giant Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on its hind legs, it reaches 2.2 m in height. The giant's weight is 70.3 kg.

These large dogs combine power and nobility, strength and elegance. Great Danes can be described as kind, affectionate, loyal and obedient dogs.

4th place: Pyrenean mastiff is a breed of giant dogs, originally from Aragon, Spain. Originating in southwestern Europe in the company of Asian traders, this breed was originally used as herding dogs. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very large dogs: the height of males is 77-81 cm, bitches - 72-75 cm. The average weight is 70-81 kg, although you can often find males weighing more than 100 kg. The Pyrenean Mastiffs are known for being extremely intelligent and reliable dogs. Due to the remarkable qualities that are inherent in dogs of this breed, today they are often used as bodyguards and guards.

3rd place: St. Bernard is a giant breed of dog originating from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescuers. They are very strong, large dogs, the height of which is 65-80 cm in bitches and 70-90 cm in males. According to breed standards, the weight of the St. Bernard should be over 80 kg, the most common are dogs over 80 cm tall and weighing over 100 kg. St. Bernard named Benedictine, who weighed 166.4 kg, went down in history as the heaviest dog. Another St. Bernard named Major F. was recognized as the longest dog in the world, its length was 2 meters 59 cm. Calm, sensitive and friendly character makes the St. Bernards ideal companions.

2nd place: Spanish Mastiff is a breed of giant dogs, native to Extremadura, Spain. The breed was originally used to guard livestock from wolves and other predators. The growth of a male Spanish Mastiff ranges from 77-88 cm, weight - 80-120 kg, the height of the bitch at the withers is 72-88 cm, weight - 70-100 kg. This noble giant will be a great friend to all family members and a reliable guardian of the house.

1st place: English mastiff - an old English breed of dogs, which has the status of the largest dog breed in the world. The average height of these giants is 69-91 cm, and the weight can vary from 68 to 110 kg in males and from 54 to 91 kg in bitches. The record holder of this breed is a huge English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo, who entered the Guinness Book of Records, with a height of 94 cm and a weight of 155.58 kg. Mastiff aristocrats are known for their power, courage, poise and peacefulness. They do an excellent job of both the watchdog role and the companion dog role.

Dog to dog strife. There are tiny mini-dogs, which are carried in handbags by secular ladies, and there are real giants, not inferior in size to small horses. Giant dogs.


The seven largest dog breeds in the world are discovered by the Scottish deerhound or deer greyhound. This breed of dog was bred for unarmed deer hunting. Possesses a powerful bone, strong jaws and a calm, friendly disposition. The coarse blue-gray coat protects the animal from the harsh climate of the Scottish mountains. The breed was not widespread due to its size. Males reach 81 centimeters at the withers, and sometimes they are even larger. Dogs weigh up to fifty kilograms.

Russian hunting greyhound

The sixth place is rightfully taken by the legendary Russian hunting greyhound. The breed is first mentioned in the 17th century. Hunting with greyhounds was popular at court; dogs were presented to high-ranking guests as an expensive gift. The breed standard was formulated in 1888.
The Russian greyhound has well-developed muscles and is intended for hunting wolves. A greyhound can grab a wolf by the scruff of the neck, press it to the ground and hold it until a hunter drives up. The growth of a dog at the withers by standards reaches 82 centimeters, but the weight is rarely more than 50 kilograms. This is due to the addition of the hound, because this dog on the hunt develops a speed of 70 km / h, while the speed of a wolf does not exceed 56 km / h. Differs in willfulness.

Tibetan mastiff

This is not only the largest, but also the most expensive dog in the world. Last year in China, a red Tibetan Mastiff puppy was sold for $ 1.5 million. The value of the dog is due to the fact that the Tibetan Mastiff is a very ancient breed of dogs that live in the Himalayas. For their resemblance to a lion, these dogs are an object of worship. Mastiff puppies were also presented to Alexander the Great. The traveler Marco Polo wrote about these dogs and indicated that they were the size of a donkey.
The Mastiff has a straight back, well-developed shoulders and a wide muzzle. The height at the withers reaches 71 centimeters, and the weight of some individuals is 99 kilograms. At home, they graze and guard livestock. Unlike other mastiffs, Tibetan is not distinguished by a fierce disposition, but it will stand up for the owner.

The age of the Alabai breed or the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is more than four thousand years old. Alabaev has been used since ancient times to guard the house and graze livestock.

Alabai is smart, independent, wayward, prone to running wild. The largest Alabai lives in Russia, in the Stavropol region, with the breeder Alexander Khudyakov. The dog's name is Bulldozer, his weight exceeds 125 kilograms, and his height (if he rests on the shoulders of the owner) reaches two meters. At one time, Bulldozer made a splash in the dog ring. Now Bulldozer is retired and on a special diet. The dog allows the children to ride on him, but if he is stubborn, an adult man will not budge him. For several years he was considered the largest dog in the CIS, he has numerous awards and titles. Bulldozer's children and grandchildren guard dozens of houses in the North Caucasus and graze cattle. Unfortunately, none of the Alabai puppies have reached the size of their fathers, but still many "kids" reach a weight of 90 kilograms.

Mastino Neapolitano

Dogs of this breed are strong, majestic, of a rough constitution, in their ancestors they have Molossian dogs, which the Romans bred for baiting and fighting with wild animals, bulls and lions in the arena. They are not pugnacious, but they are distinguished by resilience in a fight. Unfortunately, cases of aggression towards people are known in Russia. These dogs should not be kept in apartments because they need space and movement. At the withers they reach 76 cm, and the weight of dogs can be over 70 kg.

English mastiff

The weight of dogs of this ancient breed reaches 113 kilograms. Breeders believe that the ancestors of the English Mastiff were the Tibetan Mastiffs. For several millennia BC, powerful dogs guarded dwellings in Asia and participated in the hunt for large animals. This is a massive dog with a large head and the obligatory black mask on the face.
The largest English mastiff, Hercules, who lived in England, was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest dog in 2001. It was owned by athlete Joe Flynn. Hercules weighed almost 128 kilograms, and his neck circumference was 96 centimeters. Earlier, in 1989, the largest dog in the world was the English Mastiff Aikama Zorba, owned by Chris Iraklides, who lives in London. The height of Zorba at the withers was 94 cm, and the weight reached 155.58 kg.

German dog

Great Dane is the pride of Germany. Sometimes this breed is mistakenly called the Great Dane. It seems to be the most big dog in the world.
The breed is distinguished by its balanced constitution and elegance. Great Danes have common ancestors with the Neapolitano Mastino - Molossian dogs. In the past, Great Danes were used to hunt wild boars. There are two known representatives of this breed, entered in the book of records as the largest dogs in the world.

This is the blue Great Dane Giant George, who lived in the USA, Arizona, which had a length from the tip of the nose to the tail of 221 centimeters, and the length of each paw was 110 centimeters. At the same time, George was distinguished by a rather harmonious physique and enjoyed walking and playing with other dogs living in the house. Its weight was 113 kilograms. Because of such a large pet, the owners were forced to change their house. George died at the age of eight.

His successor Zeus lives in Michigan (USA) in the family of Kevin and Denise Durlag. He was 2.5 cm taller than George. Despite being thin, Zeus does not suffer from loss of appetite. He eats 12-14 bowls of food a day, loves chicken and steaks. The dog has a ton of responsibilities: he visits hospitals and nursing homes, where he participates in dog therapy, and also earns money to save animals by taking pictures with the public.

Irish wolfhounds, Russian terriers, German Leonberger and some other breeds also belong to large dogs. Those wishing to have such a puppy should remember that large breed dogs are capricious, intelligent, independent and do not allow themselves to be controlled, and - alas! - live very shortly. The only exception is the Tibetan mastiffs. They live up to 15 years.

Large dogs can bring a lot of joy to the family they love. Naturally, they, like any other dog breeds, have their pros and cons. On the positive side is their remarkable character - large dogs, with proper education, are usually very gentle, loyal and good-natured creatures. They are easy enough to train and do not require a lot of exercise. As for the disadvantages of keeping such dogs, they include quite large food costs, since such large-sized animals require an appropriate amount of food. Perhaps the most distressing factor is that large breeds often have a much shorter lifespan than their smaller cousins.
Despite the present disadvantages and the huge popularity of small dog breeds, many people prefer to have a large dog in their house, which will not only be a loyal and good friend to all family members, but also a reliable protector and guard of the territory.
In this article, we'll take a look at the 30 largest dog breeds in the world. In compiling the rating, first of all, the average body weight of dogs of each breed, as well as height at the withers, was taken into account (withers - the place on the spine between the shoulder blades, the highest point of the dog's body). The top includes dog breeds with an average weight of males of at least 40 kg and an average height of at least 60 cm.

30th place: Estrel Sheepdog (other name - portuguese mountain shepherd) - the oldest dog breed in the Iberian Peninsula, originally used as a herding dog. The average height of males at the withers is 65-72 cm, weight 40-50 kg, in bitches the height is 62-69 cm, weight 30-40 kg. In Russia, dogs of this breed are little known, because rarely found outside Portugal. Those who want to have a dog of this breed should know that Estrel Sheepdogs are completely unsuitable for life in the city, but they are ideal as hunting dogs.

29th place: - One of the most ancient breeds of European hunting greyhounds, the mention of which was first recorded in Scottish chronicles in the 16th century. The average weight of males is 40-50 kg, bitches - 35-43 kg, the minimum height is 75 cm for males and 70 cm for bitches. Their tremendous flair and great reaction make deerhounds a natural hunter. They are very active, hardy, balanced, love children, can be trained easily and easily remember commands.

28th place: Cane Corso (other name - italian mastiff) - a breed from Italy, tracing its roots from the dogs used in the war by the ancient Romans. Cane Corso is focused on protection and protection. The average height of males is from 64 to 72 cm, weight is 45-50 kg. The average height of bitches is 60-64 cm, weight 40-45 kg.

27th place: Russian hunting greyhound is a breed of hunting dogs dating back to the 17th century. Height at withers in males from 75 to 86 cm, bitches - 68 to 78 cm.Weight 36-61 kg.

26th place: Dogo argentino (other name - argentine Mastiff) is a hunting dog breed bred in Argentina in the 20s of the 20th century. Average weight of males 45-65 kg, bitches 40-55 kg. Average height: males 60-68 cm, females 60-65 cm.

25th place: (another name - big japanese dog) is a dog breed that arose in the United States after World War II on the basis of the ancient Japanese Akita Inu breed (it was to this breed that the famous dog Hachiko belonged). Americans and Canadians do not consider the American Akita as a separate breed, holding the opinion that the American and Japanese Akita are two varieties of the same Akita breed. Males of the American Akita breed weigh 45-66 kg with a height of 66-71 cm, bitches have a weight of 36-54 kg and a height of 61-66 cm. Japanese Akitas are shorter and lighter.

24th place: South Russian Shepherd - herding breed, bred by the landowner Falts-Fein (1863-1920) in the south of Ukraine. There is an opinion that the ancestors of this breed were brought from Germany, and the breed itself is identical with the Old Germanic, Old French and Old English Shepherd Dogs (this type of shepherd dog almost disappeared in Europe, but in our country, thanks to large sheep breeding, they multiplied as guardians from wolves and survived). The average height of males is 65–66 cm, bitches are 62–66 cm, the average weight of dogs of both sexes is from 48 to 50 kg. This dog is not suitable for the elderly and people with poor health, as it requires an active lifestyle.

In the photo - South Russian Shepherd Dog and Fox Terrier

23rd place: - a breed of dog originally from the Swiss Alps. The growth of males of this breed is 65-72 cm, weight 50-64 kg, bitches height 60-69 cm, weight 48-54 kg. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is not suitable for city life, it needs space, fresh air and physical activity.

22nd place: - ancient french breed dogs belonging to the group of mastiffs. In the Middle Ages, they were used as hunting and fighting dogs, and today they are known for their excellent watchdog qualities and calm, benevolent nature. The minimum weight for these powerful, muscular animals is 45 kg in bitches and 52 kg in males. The height at the withers in females varies from 57 to 65 cm, in males - from 60 to 69 cm.

21st place: - a large breed of domestic dogs, bred by English gamekeepers in the 19th century to protect estates. The growth of bullmastiff males at the withers ranges from 64 to 71 cm, weight - from 50 to 59 kg. Bitches weigh on average from 45 to 54 kg, and their height varies from 61 to 66 cm. Brave, loyal, calm and balanced - this is how you can describe the character of bullmastiffs. They are very disciplined, docile animals, easy to train and, possessing an excellent sense of smell, are wonderful bloodhounds.

20th place: - service dog breed, bred in the USSR. The average weight of males is 50-60 kg, height is 72-78 cm, for bitches the indicators are as follows: weight 45-50 kg, height 68-74. This dog is not for sitting on a chain. The Russian black terrier needs constant communication with the owner, the family in which he lives.

19th place: - An ancient breed of dogs originally from Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, where it is still very highly regarded as a shepherd's guard dog. The height at the withers, depending on the gender, can vary from 71 to 81 cm, weight - from 40 to 65 kg. Kangals are very loyal, obedient, energetic, child-loving, have a sharp mind and are easy to train.

18th place: - a large breed of shepherd, known for its unusual appearance... Its massive body is covered with long white wool, rolled in original cords. The average height of males is 70-80 cm, females - 65-70 cm, the mass of the former ranges from 50 to 60 kg, and the second - from 40 to 50 kg. Smart and balanced Komondors are used as guard dogs, they are very affectionate and loyal, they easily adapt to life in urban conditions.

17th place: - a breed of large service dogs originating from France. For hundreds of years, this breed has been used by shepherds to guard livestock on the steep slopes of the Pyrenees. These gentle, strong-willed, good-natured and intelligent dogs are robust and elegant. The growth of males ranges from 70-81 cm, weight - 50-54 kg, as for bitches, their height at the withers is 65-75 cm, and their weight is 36-41 kg.

16th place: Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound (other name - hotosho) - an ancient breed of dogs, widespread in Buryatia and adjacent territories. According to the breed standard, males must be at least 74 cm, females at least 66 cm. Weight - from 45 to 70 kg.
Dogs of this breed have long lived at Buddhist monasteries and guarded herds of cattle, camels, flocks of sheep. Buryats and Mongols often used these dogs for hunting. Now khotosho is a guard and guard dog, companion and bodyguard, used in the search for people in emergency situations.

15th place: Caucasian Shepherd Dog - one of the oldest breeds, whose homeland is the Caucasus. Representatives of this breed are characterized by a strong type of constitution and a sufficient a big increase... The height at the withers, depending on the sex of the animal, varies from 64 to 75 cm, and the weight of adults is 45-90 kg. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have a decisive and courageous character, distrustful of strangers. They are distinguished by special endurance and undemandingness, they are able to adapt to any climatic conditions.

14th place: Kuvasz - an ancient breed of service dogs of Hungarian origin. In the Middle Ages, their status was so high that only persons of royal blood or persons close to them were allowed to have a dog of this breed. The weight of the males ranges from 48-90 kg, the height at the withers is 70-76 cm, the average weight of the bitches is 34-68 kg, the height is 65-70 cm. Kuvasi are strong, brave, loyal dogs, which are very easy to keep.

13th place: - a large breed of hunting dogs, which arose as a result of crossing dogs brought by the Celts to Ireland with local pickling dogs. Bears the status of one of the tallest dog breeds in the world. According to existing standards, the minimum height should be 79 cm (males) and 71 cm (females), and the minimum weight should be 54.5 kg and 40.5 kg. Despite their imposing size, Irish wolfhounds are by nature very quiet and calm creatures. They are loyal and loving dogs, get along well with children and are relatively well trained.

12th place: Neapolitan Mastiff (Napoletano Mastino) - a service breed of dogs that appeared in the south of the Apennine Peninsula in ancient times. Since ancient times they have been used as guard dogs. Neapolitan Mastiffs have a strong, rough type of constitution. The height at the withers in bitches is 60-74 cm, in males - 65-79 cm. The weight of males ranges from 60 to 70 kg, bitches - from 50 to 60 kg. In addition to good guarding qualities, representatives of this breed are known for their playful and very friendly character in a homely atmosphere.

11th place: (other names - turkmen wolfhound or alabai) - an ancient breed of dogs, originally from the regions of Central Asia. The average height at the withers in males is 70-75 cm, in bitches - 65-69 cm. Weight can vary from 50 to 80 kg in males and from 40 to 65 kg in bitches. Dogs of this breed do an excellent job with the guard and security service. Although the Alabai appear to be clumsy, slow and very calm, they have an explosive nature, excellent reflexes and a strong muscular body.

10th place: - a large breed of dogs, bred in 1846 in the German city of Leonberg by crossing St. Bernards, Newfoundlands and Pyrenean shepherds. The growth of males ranges from 72-80 cm, and the weight is 54-77 kg. Bitches weigh 45-61 kg, height at withers 65-75 cm. The Leonberger is a large and attractive dog type. They have a unique personality that has earned them a reputation for being the ideal family dog \u200b\u200bwith a special love for children. Representatives of the breed are characterized as loyal, intelligent, easily trainable, reasonable dogs with excellent watchdog qualities.

9th place: Moscow watchdog - a large working dog, bred in the 50s of the 20th century in Russia by crossing the following breeds: Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard, Russian Pied Hound. According to breed standards, the preferred height for males is 77-78 cm (minimum height 68 cm), the preferred height for bitches is 72-73 cm (minimum 66 cm), the minimum weight for males is 60 kg, for bitches is 45 kg. The Moscow Watchdog is a confident, balanced, independent and sociable dog. Has excellent watchdog and security qualities. These dogs do not know fear and never back down.

8th place: Boerboel - a breed of service dogs with excellent guarding qualities, bred in South Africa in the 17th century. It is a large, hardy, powerful dog with good reflexes and plasticity. The growth of males at the withers is 64-70 cm, bitches - 59-65 cm, the weight of both sexes ranges from 70 to 90 kg. Boerboels need constant attention and care, which will consist not only in affection, but also in regular training and physical activity.

7th place: Newfoundland (diver) is a popular giant dog breed native to the northeastern coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen. Their webbed feet, water-repellent coat and innate swimming ability make Newfoundlands great lifeguards. Males usually weigh 60-70 kg, females 45-55 kg. Some members of the breed are known to have weighed over 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland record holder weighed 120 kg. The growth of males ranges from 69-75 cm, and females - 63-68 cm. They are known for their gigantic size, tremendous strength and extremely affectionate nature. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions.

As for the enormous strength, this is not an exaggeration: the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Allens Dark Hans, weighing 44 kg, who dragged 2289 kg on a concrete surface in Botella (USA) on July 20, 1979.

6th place: - one of the most ancient breeds, which served in the monasteries of Tibet as a guard dog, and also accompanied nomads in the Himalayan mountains. Height at the withers: males - 66-81 cm, females - 61-71 cm. The weight of males varies from 60 to 82 kg, bitches - from 40 to 60 kg. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very calm, restrained, obedient dog, combining the ability to guard the house and be a good friend to the family in which he lives. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its amazing cleanliness (somewhat similar to that of a cat). Interesting fact: a representative of the Tibetan Mastiff breed named Hong Dong (Hong Dong) is, for which a coal magnate from China gave 1.5 million euros.

5th place: German dog - the tallest breed of dog in the world. The minimum height of males at the withers is 80 cm, bitches - 72 cm, the weight of males can range from 54 to 91 kg, the weight of bitches is 45-59 kg. The record holder of this breed is the gigantic Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, whose height is 111.8 cm, and standing on its hind legs, he reaches 2.2 m in height. The giant's weight is 70.3 kg.
These large dogs combine power and nobility, strength and elegance. Great Danes can be described as kind, affectionate, loyal and obedient dogs.

In the photo - the tallest dog (Great Dane) and (Chihuahua)

4th place: - a breed of giant dogs, originally from Aragon, Spain. Originating in southwestern Europe in the company of Asian traders, this breed was originally used as herding dogs. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very large dogs: the height of males is 77-81 cm, bitches - 72-75 cm. The average weight is 70-81 kg, although you can often find males weighing more than 100 kg. The Pyrenean Mastiffs are known for being extremely intelligent and reliable dogs. Due to the remarkable qualities that are inherent in dogs of this breed, today they are often used as bodyguards and guards.

3rd place: St. Bernard is a giant breed of dog originating from working dogs from the Italian and Swiss Alps, which were originally bred as rescuers. They are very strong, large dogs, the height of which is 65-80 cm in bitches and 70-90 cm in males. According to breed standards, the weight of the St. Bernard should be over 80 kg, the most common are dogs over 80 cm tall and weighing over 100 kg. St. Bernard named Benedictine, who weighed 166.4 kg, went down in history as the heaviest dog. Other st. Bernard named Major F. was recognized as the longest dog in the world, its length was 2 meters 59 cm... Calm, empathetic and friendly nature makes the St. Bernards ideal companions.

2nd place: - a breed of giant dogs, whose homeland is Extremadura, Spain. The breed was originally used to guard livestock from wolves and other predators. The growth of a male Spanish Mastiff ranges from 77-88 cm, weight - 80-120 kg, the height of the bitch at the withers is 72-88 cm, weight - 70-100 kg. This noble giant will be a great friend to all family members and a reliable guardian of the house.

1st place: - An old English breed of dogs, which has the status of the largest dog breed in the world. The average height of these giants is 69-91 cm, and the weight can vary from 68 to 110 kg in males and from 54 to 91 kg in bitches. The record holder of this breed is a huge English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo, who entered the Guinness Book of Records, with a height of 94 cm and a weight of 155.58 kg. Mastiff aristocrats are known for their power, courage, poise and peacefulness. They do an excellent job of both the watchdog role and the companion dog role.

The range of sizes, proportions, shapes, temperaments, purposes in dogs is simply amazing. Over the centuries, in generations of four-legged friends, all sorts of features have been honed so that they can perfectly fulfill the roles of guardians, hunters, companions, shepherds, guards, toys, rescuers, companions, fighters. For some breeds, large size was the most important quality in achieving excellence in solving their problems. He helped them quickly catch up with the game, protect the house from threats, and keep warm in the bitter frost. In the rich variety of the dog world, there are many breeds that are classified as large. Several dozen of them have earned the title of "giant".

There is no strict definition of giant size for dogs. A popular universal criterion is weight over 45 kg and height at the withers over 75 cm. Below is a list of ten undisputed giants - from the tallest to the largest dog breeds in the world among the heavyweights.

Gallery: the largest dog in the world (25 photos)

German dog

The tallest dog in the world. The breed is characterized by smoothness and elegance, power and nobility. Its representatives have an unforgettable regal bearing. Great Danes are not champions among heavy dogs, but their height is exceptional. The record holder is a dog named Zeus, which, standing on its hind legs, reached an incredible 2 meters 20 centimeters. Great Dane can not boast of longevity as well as growth. Average life expectancy - 8 years... Zeus died of old age at only 5. Despite the frightening size, the owners characterize Great Danes as soft, docile and obedient dogs.

  • The ancestors were bred to hunt wild boars.
  • Newborn puppies weigh less than a kilogram. They grow so fast that you can sometimes notice a difference in their size after a long sleep.
  • An adult dog does not need much food to feed. Two to three cups of dry food per meal is sufficient.


Looks like a greyhound overgrown with wool. Deerhound is an ancient breed from Scotland, the clear standards of which were described in the 16th century. It was ideal for unarmed deer hunting, for which it was appreciated by the Scottish nobility. In the past, it was forbidden to own such a dog to a person below the count's title. The exclusivity of these dogs almost became the reason for their disappearance.

Deerhounds are among the largest dogs due to its outstanding height: males reach 80 cm at the withers and weigh about 50 kg. Their temperament is truly aristocratic: they rarely bark, are friendly to people, restrained in relation to their relatives. But thanks to a strong hunting instinct, they are extremely partial to other animals.

  • Observation Hound (pursues game, relying on sight, not scent).
  • Learns slowly, requires consistency and patience.
  • Poorly tolerates heat.

Irish wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound, like the Deerhound, belongs to the group of greyhounds. The breed is much older than the history of the country that gave it its name. There are many dark spots in its origin. It is known that the ancient Celts bred gigantic dogs, similar to the modern wolfhound, using them to hunt big game and protect their homes.

This breed can compete in growth even with a Great Dane. If we take the average size as a criterion, then the Irish wolfhound can be considered the tallest dog in the world. At the withers about 85 cm with a weight of at least 50 kg - imagine a huge dog the size of a donkey. Despite the harsh destiny, these are quite quiet and good-natured dogs.

  • Good digger.
  • Unimportant caretaker due to lack of distrust and aggression towards strangers.
  • Spends a lot of time on sleep and rest.


Working dog. Unlike many large breeds, designed for protection and hunting, they are created to help fishermen. Large and muscular dogs are capable of towing boats, pulling nets, return items that fell overboardrescue drowning people. Besides the fact that they are excellent swimmers, Newfoundlands have one more quality that is irreplaceable in their work: these dogs are extremely calm, and they are comfortable being in passive contemplation. The latter is very important in order not to accidentally rock the boat while sailing. Representatives of the breed grow up to 71 cm and can weigh up to 70 kg.

  • Received the nickname "nanny dog" for his special love for children.
  • Has webbing between the toes, swims in a special style.
  • Has a huge lung volume.

St. Bernard

A powerful, giant-sized dog, whose history is surrounded by myths and legends. Traditionally, it is believed that the breed was bred at the monastery of St. Bernard in the Alps around the 11th century. Experts believe that its appearance took place a little over half a century later. Before the Beethoven movie was released, the St. Bernard was famous as a dog with a barrel of brandy around its neck, which was also an artistic fiction.

It is a breed with outstanding rescue ability. and a sense of the threat of an avalanche. St. Bernards are able to find the victim in the snow, warm him up while waiting for help, or drag him to a safe place. Now they are kept mainly as companion dogs. Adult St. Bernards weigh at least 50 kg and grow up to 90 cm.

  • It takes a long time to mature, up to three years.
  • Barks very rarely.
  • Due to the large salivation, he needs to drink plenty of fluids.


The correct name would be the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. A very ancient breed with a history of 5000 years. It was not created by man, but arose as a result of serious natural selection on the territory of the Great Silk Road from China to the Caspian Sea. Dogs were used to guard caravans, hunt, protect property, and livestock. They were often participants.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is hardy, fearless, intelligent and self-sufficient outside the home. A healthy adult male Alabai must be at least 70 cm at the withers and not lighter than 50 kg. Champion among Alabaev became a dog named Bulldozer from Russia. Its weight is 125 kg and is over two meters tall in a rack on its hind legs.

  • He successfully fights snakes, Lego carries their poison.
  • Possesses exceptional hearing, is able to catch the slightest rustle.
  • Likes to run away from the yard: he makes tunnels, jumps over fences.

Tibetan mastiff

None of the existing records can determine the exact time of occurrence. But we can say with confidence that this is one of the oldest breeds. DNA evidence suggests the existence of the dog decades ago. Cynologists consider him a possible ancestor of all mastiffs and bulldogs. ... Traditionally was the guardian of monasteries in the Himalayas and was used for grazing by herders in India, Mongolia and Nepal.

The largest Tibetan mastiff was named Lio Chang and weighed 120 kg. In addition to size, the breed holds records in the category thanks to two well-known purchases of puppies from breeders for $ 1.5 and 1.6 million.

  • Bitches are more ferocious than males.
  • Prone to a nocturnal lifestyle.
  • Not indifferent to birds. It hunts all birds, regardless of their type and size.


A beautiful, fluffy, powerful working dog, a descendant of dogs from ancient Japanese burials. At home, the breed is of particular importance. The Japanese government has awarded the breed the status of one of the national treasures. There is a custom to give the parents of a newborn child a small figurine of Akita as a talisman of health, happiness and longevity. Named after Akita Prefecture, where the breed was bred to hunt big game in deep snow, including a bear ... Dogs grow up to 70 cm at the withers and gain up to 50 kg.

  • Features webbed feet to reduce pressure on snow.
  • Felinely obsessed with the cleanliness of our fur.
  • If you do not add kelp to feed, you may suffer from iodine deficiency.


It resembles a St. Bernard crossed with a Newfoundland. This is how the breed arose, if you do not take into account the admixture of the Pyrenean mountain dog. Its creator pursued the goal of creating a dog that looks like a lion. Events took place in the German city of Leonberg in the first half of the 19th century. Leonberger dogs are huge companion dogs weighing up to 77 kg and growing up to 80 cm. It should be added that representatives of the breed can handle any tasks: from saving people to grazing livestock. The Leonbergers were supported by many famous noble persons: Emperor Napoleon II, Empress Elizabeth of Austria, Prince of Wales, Bismarck and the Italian king Umberto.

  • It has sexual dimorphism like lions: males and females differ markedly in appearance.
  • It is used more often than any other breed for the search and rescue of people.
  • Fastidious in food, can go without food for several days.

English mastiff

If the Irish wolfhound can be compared to a donkey, then the English mastiff looks like a pony. It is huge. This is the same undisputed champion in weight among dogs, as the great Dane is the record holder in height. Sizes of males: 75-90 centimeters at the withers, 70-130 kilograms of weight. And this is not the limit for outstanding individuals. The largest mastiff was named Zorba, he weighed 155 kg with 95 cm height.

The distant ancestors of the English Mastiff were fierce dogs, not at all similar in temperament to the current benevolent hippopotamus. The breed was formed in ancient times for war and participation in battles with animals. The rivals in the arena were other dogs, lions and bears. Modern mastiffs are smart, calm, balanced and obedient, for which they received the fame of excellent family dogs.

  • Very prolific. Record holder for the number of puppies in one litter. In 2004, a mastiff bitch gave birth to 24 puppies at a time, twenty of which survived within one week.
  • Does not have a characteristic canine smell.
  • Very gluttonous. Nearly disappeared after the First World War due to food shortages.

Here are the top ten of some of the biggest dogs in the world. It is impossible to describe all the giants in a brief overview. The list is worth adding a champion in one more nomination: the strongest dog in battle.

Bonus: fila brasileiro

This controversial primacy can be divided by several breeds of dogs. A worthy contender for the title of invincible fighter is the Fila Brasileiro - a giant dog bred to defend against jaguars and catch runaway slaves.

The breed is endowed with such undeniable fighting qualities that its representatives are prohibited from participating in dog fights. In many countries around the world, a special permit is required to maintain fila brasileiro. State bans on the import of these dogs are not uncommon. The fila is not subject to the rules of dog shows on disqualification for aggression towards judges - extreme intolerance towards strangers is one of the qualities of the breed. Fila brasileiro males weigh at least 50 kg and are about 70 cm tall.

Yes, the largest dogs in the world are strong enough to pose a significant threat to humans. But most of them are docile and endlessly loyal to their masters.

Attention, only TODAY!

Vladimir Putin was presented with a six-month-old puppy of the rare Taigan breed. The President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov made a generous gift as a sign of respect to Vladimir Vladimirovich: puppies of this national aboriginal breed are usually given to the most honorable guests of the country. The dog has already been given the nickname Sherkhan, and the dog handlers unanimously speak of the Taigans as unique hunting dogs.

The breed has not yet been recognized by the International Cynological Federation, but it already has every chance of becoming a unique specimen in the Red Book, as it is on the verge of extinction. The breed is more than 12,000 years old, so these dogs have excellent health and are extremely resistant to heavy loads. One of the relatives of the Taigan is considered the Scottish deer greyhound - the darkhound - one of the largest dogs in the world.

Deerhound (Scottish deer greyhound)

Deerhound is a rather thin dog (up to 45-46 kg), but due to their high growth (from 71-76 cm) they deserve to bear the title of giants of the canine world. The breed has the advantage of being able to compete with deer speed. Thanks to this, deerhounds are used when hunting deer without weapons.

9 largest dog breeds in the world


The name of the breed originates from the German city of Leonberg, on the old coat of arms of which a lion was depicted. It is believed that the breed was bred precisely as a recognizable symbol of the city.

Several of the largest breeds "had a hand" in the creation of the Leonberger: St. Bernard, Newfoundland and Pyrenean Shepherd Dog. The proud beauties resulting from many years of crossbreeding not only became one of the largest breeds, but also earned a reputation as an excellent "family dog". A calm and even gentle character, sociability and goodwill towards all family members are the distinctive qualities of Leonberger. It is this breed that is adored by the Hollywood actor of Scandinavian origin Alexander Skarsgard.


This good-natured aristocrat came to Russia from the Canadian province of Newfoundland, bordering the waters of the Atlantic. It is not surprising that the representatives of this breed are excellent swimmers. And not only - on their native island, they were shifted the responsibilities of pulling nets with fish out of the water, carrying heavy objects over fairly long distances, and even working as a nanny.

The quiet nature of the Newfoundland ensured that the dog would not overturn the boat. Some owners argue that Newfoundlands know how to determine which side of the coast is when the horizon is shrouded in fog.

Newfoundland is a huge dog, but not a record large: average height - 66-61 centimeters, weight - 54-68 kilograms. However, the largest Newfoundland known weighed 117 kilograms, and its length from the tip of the nose to the tail was 182 centimeters.

Tibetan mastiff

In general, there are several varieties of mastiffs, and almost every one of them deserves to be included in the top of the largest dogs. To this day, the Tibetan Mastiff is shrouded in a halo of mystery, because it is one of the most ancient, rare and expensive breeds in the world.

The first mentions of this breed in the literature date back to the 4th century BC. Even Aristotle admired the complaisance, strength and endurance of these dogs. In the old days, one Tibetan mastiff was exchanged for a pack of 20-25 greyhounds - their hunting skills were so highly valued! The "migration" of this breed to the New World is also surprising - in the second half of the 20th century, the Dalai Lama himself presented such a puppy to President Eisenhower.

"Planet of the Dogs": Tibetan Mastiff

Nowadays, due to the mystery of this breed, many people far from cynology have the impression that the Tibetan Mastiff is the largest dog in principle. But this is not so, and to be convinced of this, it is enough to visit the exhibition (if you are lucky, and this rare breed will be present at it). The weight of these dogs can vary from 60 to 80 kilos, their height is about the same - from 60 to 77-78 centimeters (depending on gender).

Irish wolfhound

One of the tallest dogs in the world, the Irish Wolfhound has a long history full of greatness. As early as four centuries BC, the Celts used them (more precisely, their ancestors - the Celtic greyhounds) for hunting. The outstanding size, strength and speed of the Irish wolfhounds marked the beginning of the massive demonstrative baiting of wild animals with their help. Alas, this also led to a reduction in the breed's livestock to a critical level.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the breed had practically disappeared, and only thanks to an enthusiast named Richardson, who traveled the islands of the British crown far and wide in search of the "old-type" female Irish wolfhound, today we can enjoy these curly, muscular paws.

Pyrenean mastiff

Although this breed is more than three thousand years old, the Pyrenean Mastiff was officially recognized only in 1946. According to experts, this breed was bred by the ancient Phoenicians - primarily as a shepherd and watchman. Males reach 80-81 centimeters in height, females 72-75. Average weight hovers around 70 kilograms.

"Affectionate giant" - this is what their owners call the Pyrenean Mastiffs. This dog is distinguished by a truly doglike affection, it is very patient with the tricks of the smallest family members, although often it may not purposely knock the child down while playing. However, in the presence of strangers, the Pyrenean Mastiff is always on the alert. The dog understands perfectly well that it instills fear in one species, therefore, usually in communication with strangers, it is limited to barking, but does not go on to "combat" actions.

St. Bernard

The St. Bernard is undoubtedly one of the strongest, most courageous and kind dogs. Males of St. Bernard can grow up to 90 centimeters at the withers. The curious history of this breed is known to many. Back in the 9th century, monks who lived in a monastery hidden in the mountains of Switzerland brought Tibetan mastiffs from Asia. Over the years of interbreeding with European breeds, they have developed a faithful companion for dangerous mountain travel.

The dog was distinguished by thick hair that saved it from frost and wind, an excellent scent, which made it possible to find people buried under an avalanche, docility and excellent learning ability.

One of the most famous pupils of the San Bernard monastery is St. Bernard Barry, who at the beginning of the 19th century found a boy buried in the snow, warmed him with his tongue and carried him to the monastery on his back.

German dog

Great Danes, recognized giants of the canine world, do not even have an upper height limit in the breed standard: girls-dogs should not be less than 72 centimeters, and boys - 82. It was to this breed that the tallest dog in the world belonged - the Great Dane George, which will be discussed just below.

A powerful body, not devoid of grace, nobility expressed in every movement, combined with an innate delicacy, make the Great Dane an excellent companion in life for responsible, active people.

The pedigree of the Great Dane is so closely related to the pedigree of the English Mastiff that the debate about which of these two breeds is larger continues to this day.

The largest dog breed in the world is the English Mastiff

This ancient English breed has the status of the largest among the variety of canine species. The standards for this breed are as follows: males reach about 0.9 meters at the withers and weigh approximately 100-110 kilograms. However, the largest English mastiff, Hercules, grew up to 94 centimeters and weighed as much as 155 kilograms.

English mastiff trying to climb onto the sofa

Despite its awe-inspiring size, the English Mastiff has a good-natured disposition and is an excellent companion.

The largest dog in Russia

The record holder for the largest among Russian dogs is Alabai Bulldozer. Its owner, Alexander Khudyakov, adored dogs as long as he could remember. And the man always gave preference to large breeds: boxers, rottweilers, shepherds. But the strongest affection was the Turkmen wolfhounds, they are also Central Asian shepherd dogs - Alabai. Therefore, having moved to a private house in Mineralnye Vody, he immediately got to try himself as a breeder of this breed.

The puppy, which went down in history as the largest Alabai, was born in December 2003. From the first glance at the massive chest of this kitten, it was clear that the dog will grow outstanding. By the way, he was named the Bulldozer for the similarity with snow removal equipment - so intensely and persistently puffing the kid helped Alexander to clear the snow from the paths.

Legendary dog \u200b\u200bbulldozer

By the age of five, the Bulldozer, who eats five kilograms of pure meat and ten liters of porridge every day, reached a weight of 125 kilograms, and standing on his hind legs, he could easily put his front legs on the shoulder of even the tallest man. He was already a recognized star of dog fights, the grand champion of Russia. Every day the owner had to walk with him for six hours to keep Bulldozer in shape.

Unfortunately, in February 2012, Bulldozer died. The press cited poisoning as the cause.

The largest individual dog in the world

Although Great Danes are not in the first place in our rating, the largest dog in the world still belonged to this noble breed.

For a long time, the largest dog in the world was considered a blue-colored Great Dane named George. By the age of four, he had reached 110 centimeters at the withers (213 on his hind legs) and weighed more than 111 kilograms.

Its owners, Dave and Christy Nasser, purchased the puppy in 2006 and could not even imagine that this baby (by the standards of great dogs, of course) would grow into a real giant. By the first birthday, the dog had outgrown the master's bed and was moved to a personal double mattress. The Nasser family spent about $ 250 on his monthly food - every month George ate about 50 kilograms of feed.

Blue Great Dane George

In 2010, Giant George entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in history, after which he was even invited to the Oprah Winfrey show and awarded a certificate that officially confirmed the title of the largest dog in the world.

Alas, due to the great weight, the Great Dane started to have health problems. Veterinarians strongly recommended that the owners put the dog on a special diet. But this did not help - in 2013 George passed away, literally a week before his eighth birthday. Soon after the death of George, a new record holder was declared: Great Dane Zeus, who bypassed George by only one centimeter.

No matter how big the dogs are, they are still far from the size and abilities of some birds. City dwellers are accustomed to seeing only a small part of the rich ornithological world, while on other continents one can find birds weighing up to 100 kilograms. How big can be representatives of the animal world among birds, read our material.
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