Land in disabled people 3 groups. How people with disabilities get land plots

Today, the Earth is not a simple property - it is highly appreciated. Depending on the status of the site, it can be used for various purposes. For example, as an area under the garden or a garden or for personal subsidiary farm.

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Recently, great popularity is provided as they are intended to build residential buildings.

Allow the purchase of such a plot can only wealthy people in a general order.

An exception is the preferential queue, which includes people with disabilities. Unfortunately, the warning system in the regions works badly, so most of them do not know about their rights.


The Earth Provision Program is regulated.

It consolidates the main items, in accordance with which this category of the population has the right to improve living conditions.

Another regulatory act is. They envisage the right of persons with disabilities to receive land for personal purposes.


One of the federal significance programs developed specifically for disabled is the provision of this population group.

It is universally implemented in Russia, moreover, additional regional programs have been developed for its timely execution.

Information about them does not apply, but it is possible to learn more about this on the official website of the government of a specific subject.

If there is no access to the Internet or these information is absent, it will be necessary to contact the Office Office.


Disabled - a group of citizens, ranked with preferential categories. The state take care of them, trying to create the necessary conditions for living.

In our country there are three degrees of disability - 1, 2 and 3. Do they have the right to receive plots? Yes, if a person belongs to any group, then he has the appropriate right.

If a citizen is not disabled, but took care of a custody or guardianship over a child with a degree of disability, he also has the right to a preferential queue.

Providing land areas with disabilities under IZhS

Providing people with disabilities of land plots under ILS - the federal program implemented in each subject and throughout the country as a whole.

This requires to take into account certain conditions.

Under construction

Land sections with disabilities for individual housing construction are provided only once. Repeated for the realization of law and citizen cannot.

The exceptions are situations if the Earth:

  • ceased to exist;
  • it became unsuitable due to the impact of factors without the will of the disabled person (an earthquake can be caused as an example).

In this case, he has the right to reverse.

If the disabled person fails to provide a plot for the reason that it already has it out (bought for his personal funds), this is a violation of his rights.

Based on the legislation, it has the right to the territory in any case.


An important condition is the need to confirm the fact of the loss of the previous land plot.

Legislation strictly monitors that people with disabilities receive only a free territory that does not belong to other citizens.

Order of receipt

The procedure for obtaining land with a preferential group is extremely easy, since it is deprived of a bureaucracy.

The whole procedure is conditionally divided into steps:

  1. Collection of documents.
  2. Direction of the collected package to the local administration. From there, he enters the office and is considered by the Commission.
  3. After consideration of the documents, they are submitted in some instances of requests. This is required to confirm the truth of the documents granted to them from a citizen.

Until recently, the disabled were forced to pass each stage of the procedure on their own. She included collecting documents, standing in queues, filling out all sorts of blanks, etc.

Today, all this is simplified, there is even the possibility of using the service in electronic form. To do this, you will need to visit the site of public services.

Taking advantage of it, the disabled is obtained by the required list of documents that you want to collect.


One of the stages of obtaining land put on the collection of documents.

It is required to prepare the following package:

  1. Copy and original civil passport.
  2. Help indicating the availability of registration in the subject, it is important that the territory is issued only in the subject where you are registered.
  3. Certificate TIN.
  4. Help confirming the degree of disability.
  5. Statement.

The package of documents is small, so it is considered in a short time.

Sample application

The application is one of the key documents that you pass. It is required to be a competent language, otherwise it will not be considered.

It is important to mention all the facts that have legal significance - this will reduce the time of receipt of the sections:

  • in the upper right corner, when drawing up a statement, it is required to mention the body in which the document is sent;
  • it is important to specify all information about yourself;
  • specify, in accordance, with what right you are applying for the territory, your task is to indicate a disability category.

Rules for documenting the document:

  • specify the signature and the number, without this, the document will not be considered;
  • all information should be submitted briefly, but EMKO;
  • all information should be indicated on the A4 sheet;
  • it is allowed to use the computer, but the signature must be affixed by hand.


Typically, the time of consideration of documents and decision-making is prescribed in advanced programs and do not exceed one month.

For example, time for filing and subsequent consideration of applications in the administration also does not exceed thirty days.

An extra time can be spent on sending requests to instances and various refinements.

What if you refuse?

If for certain reasons, the refusal is made in consideration of the documents, the reason is indicated.

This is possible if you are trying to realize your right to receive a plot for the second time.

As a rule, the most frequent cause The failure is an incomplete package of documents or the falsity of the information provided.

If the reason for refusal is not explained, then it is necessary to make a complaint to the department of the prosecutor's office.

Frequently asked Questions

The applicants often have issues related to the process of obtaining land. The most frequent of them will try to consider right now.

Where to contact?

Land legislation of the Russian Federation provides free allocation of land plots for certain categories of the population. As a rule, these are people who have great merits in front of the state or are poor, for example. One of the categories that can qualify for the allocation of land is a disabled.

The appropriate law on the provision of free land under the number 181 was adopted back in 1995. But the receipt of a piece of disabled person, the benefits to Earth - these questions did not become quite simple even after the release of the law.

The process itself, when land plots are provided for the disabled, provides for the implementation of certain conditions, so not all of this category will be able to become landowners for free.

How is the provision of land plots with disabilities, whether all the disability groups can take advantage of the benefits of what documents are needed for the application? These are important questions, information on which will be useful and relevant.


Without privileges, land plots are provided on a fee. If there is no big amount, the earth can be leased. More opportunities for land use gives certainly the redemption of the site at auction.

But there are socially unprotected categories of the population, which the state can provide put on free. After all, a person, limited in its capabilities, in employment and income, is difficult to assemble the necessary means for buying land, quite expensive real estate. Therefore, the state made a decision as a disabled person of 2 groups to get a land plot.

ATTENTION! The law "On the social protection of persons with disabilities" is indicated, as in some other legislative standards. In the service of social protection, people with disabilities should inform about all the possibilities, the benefits that he will receive with the assignment of the category of disability.

The land is issued for several use purposes. On the received free section, the disabled may:

  • to build a house;
  • build utility rooms;
  • conduct personal subsidiary farm;
  • gardening or gardening.

A free area can be provided to the person's disabilities or a family that has in such a person.

Important for a preferentate category is information that not only land plots for disabled, but also services for the integrity of these sites, according to cadastral registration, are provided.

This is a significant help for disabled people, as a low-income category, since in other cases expenses covers the buyer of the site. People with serious health problems have a lot of money to spend on treatment, medicines, rehabilitation. Therefore, the state's assistance in obtaining land area, its design is significant.

Persons who are responsible for the provision of land, its design, must comply with these requirements of the legislation. They are obliged to check the fact that the plot under ISS or under the PCH does not belong to anyone, is free.


  1. It is distinguished by disabled, including children, free of charge the land that belongs to the municipality or state. A queue must be compiled from those who are on the benefits of land. In the queue, the disabled themselves, having limited opportunities, their guardians or adoptive parents, parents.
  2. Earth with disabilities, adults or children, is free for a long time for rent or fully in property. Even if the site is allocated for rent, then the disabled person will be able to privatize it.
  3. As transferred free land, it depends on what the land owner needs.

Even in the disabled person, the land can be selected if for three years after the selection of the host does not deal with any activity on it, the construction began. Is there always a plot for the construction of a preferentate category?

If the disabled person has normal household conditions, if it does not need to expand the living space, the application for the provision of incident under ILS may be rejected. The land is laid for such a goal in the case when in the family per person accounts for less than 12 square meters. M or house where the disabled person lives, is in disrepair, is not safe.

Procedure procedure

Get information on how to make an application for land, you can in the service of social protection, in local authorities, in services that are engaged in the allocation of land. The procedure is not complicated, but you need to observe it for sure.

  • First, an application is applied to the local government. A sample application for land put on can be taken there. The application should specify the desired location of the station.
  • Information about how the site is planned to be used. For an organ that will be allocated to the territory, it is important to know, there will be a house or garden, garden.
  • The applicant may be provided with a list of sites and their location. You need to choose the most suitable that meets most of the requirements.
  • For the procedure for posting the Earth, it is necessary to prepare a list of specific documents. You can clarify the list in the same municipality.
  • Further, the question is considered in the local administration, a positive or negative decision is made. Since the allocation of land with disabilities is based on special acts of legislation, a negative decision is made in extremely rare cases.
  • The decision of the municipality will become the basis for the design of the cadastral passport, other documents.
  • The new owner also needs to issue a certificate of ownership of a free land allocated by the state.

Causes for refusal

There are only a few reasons when the local administration has the right to refuse to disabled in his application for the allocation of free land.

  1. The applicant, even if he refers to a preferential category, a land plot can already have. In this case, the other does not stand out.
  2. Another reason is the lack of free land in the area that the applicant pointed out.
  3. A plot for the construction of a private house will not be issued if the existing housing conditions meet the standards on the area and quality.

If the local administration takes a negative decision and rejects the request of the disabled for the allocation of land, the applicant has all the grounds to apply to protect its legitimate interests in the prosecutor's office, the court.

ATTENTION! You need to have a written refusal to the municipality on the provision of a free plot.

Changes in legislation

Recent years has not been noted innovations or changes in issues related to the provision of sections with disabilities free of charge. Therefore, representatives of the preferential category can safely contact local authorities, collecting documents. If you have questions, you can contact them to explain to the experienced lawyer experienced in matters.


  • In each subject of the Federation, a program is implemented in which the Earth is allocated to disabled.
  • The plot is issued once. If the face of the preferential category has already received a free one, it is not necessary to spend time and contact again with the application for the site - it will be rejected. The exceptions are situations when the quality falls, it becomes unsuitable for construction or gardening. But the fact of damage should be confirmed documented.
  • If the disabled earlier for his own funds bought put on, he has the right to get another one for free from the state.
  • When highlighting the Earth, the child with disabilities is the main thing - the observance of his interests. The procedure involves not only the Commission from the local government, but also a representative of the guardianship authority.

Required documents

  1. It will take a civil passport confirming the identity.
  2. A document that proves the fact of registration in this territory of the subject. After all, it is allocated only at the place of residence.
  3. Document confirming disability.
  4. Certificate of Inn.

If parents of a disabled child or his guardian are engaged in obtaining land, they will need more documents that will indicate related links or other relations.

Disability benefits - this is a significant assistance to the state to those who have serious health problems, who are limited in their physical abilities. When making a group of disability, you should always be interested in what kinds of help can be obtained.

Social programs developed at the state level provide a number of preferences for people with limited features, including in terms of gratuitous allocation of land. To send a request for the provision of a person with disabilities 1, 2 or 3 groups, it is not necessary to come to the reception personally or take part in the auction.

Document paperwork is entitled to obtain the land of the Earth, a member of the disabled family or a representative, whose authority is confirmed by notarial power of attorney. Land plots are provided to people with disabilities on the basis of lease agreements or stand out under individual buildings.

Preferentially obtaining land plots is possible for the following purposes:

  • placement of country buildings;
  • horticulture and gardening;
  • erection of an individual residential building;
  • maintaining personal subsidiary economy;
  • placement of auxiliary premises.

Right to preferential receipt Land plot is provided to all people with disabilities regardless of the category of disability and severity of the disease. Disabled 1, 2 and 3 groups have equal opportunities for the acquisition of land within the framework of the state social program.

But in these circumstances, it is necessary to take into account an important point: a group of disability must be obtained on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, a citizen is not entitled to qualify for free allocation of land on this basis.

But with any option, apply an official statement to the municipality, since the decision is made on the basis of the specific situation. In addition, the various nuances of obtaining land within the framework of preferential programs can be indicated in regulatory acts of regional importance.

Therefore, the range of applicants for the free provision of land can be expanded within the framework of the decisions and orders of the local level.

The fundamental issue to obtain the land free of charge is the design and collection of the necessary documents confirming the status of a preferential category of citizens.

In contact with local authority, specify the following information:

  • the desired location of land put on
  • the presence of a base for obtaining a site (disability of the relevant group);
  • the planned target appointment of land;
  • a petition about the possibility of free provision of a land plot without auction;
  • possible legal basis for the use of land for their own needs.

If you have evidence of a complex material situation, then you must attach them (certificate of work loss, document on the need for expensive treatment, loss of the breadwinner, etc.).

Appeal to accompany the following documents:

  • a certificate, justifying the availability of an appropriate group of disability (conclusion of a special medical commission);
  • a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • document on family composition;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • a copy of the person certifying the identity;
  • certificate of income;
  • documents confirming the complainant's serious financial situation (the presence of dependents living together with the applicant, a document on the absence of income).

The term of consideration of the above documents in accordance with the requirements of the legislation does not exceed 30 days. In practice, the answer from the municipality comes within two weeks.

If there are circumstances that require additional explanation and provision of supporting references, the deadline for consideration of documents can be extended to 45 business days.

On the need for prolongation of the term for checking information, justifying the possibility of obtaining land, the applicant is necessarily informed.

If the documents submitted comply with the requirements of the legislation, the municipality includes a citizen in a queue of beneficiaries, awaiting free provision of land plots.

The procedure for obtaining land for persons with disabilities is absolutely free. As part of the social support of unprotected layers of citizens, people with disabilities are exempt from paying the state fee for registration of rights to land.

Recall that for all other categories of citizens who do not fall under preferential categories, the amount of state duty is 1000 rubles.

If there are real bases (the presence of a confirmed group of disability provided for life), then you have every chance of getting a land plot for free, based on the desired purpose (construction of a residential building, agriculture and so on.).

pay attention to legislative Base Your region on the allocation of land plots in the framework of state programs social support The least protected categories of citizens. In each particular region, there is its own characteristics to provide land plots with preferential categories of citizens.

The allocation of land for free is not the responsibility of state bodies. Governmental support The poor and socially unprotected citizens stand out based on the possibilities of the budget of the region.

How to get land with disabilities 2 groups

Citizens who have the disability of the second group have the right to rely on the free receipt of land plots on a par with the disabled and third group. The order for preferential provision of land for land is not divided into disease categories, citizens of the first group of disabilities do not have preferences before the representatives of the two subsequent groups.

Algorithm of actions to receive a plot of land in a nice manner for the disabled of the second group following:

  • prepare medical documents confirming the assumptions of disability;
  • suppose the official appeal to the local governance organ with the substantiation of the position about the need to allocate the land plot in music.
  • get the answer of the municipality (within the framework of the current legislation, the decision on the preferential provision of land plots is accepted by local authorities in a period not exceeding one month);
  • with a positive response, collect a package of documentation for registration of land rights in the Rosreestra authority.

How to get land with disabilities 3 groups

The legislation does not provide for individuals for allocating free areas of land for representatives of the third group of disability. The procedure for obtaining land for all categories of disabled people is identical.

To competently arrange a petition for receiving, follow the following instructions:

  • write an appeal to the municipal authority of state power (in the text of the appeal, indicate the desired location of the site, the intended target use, the complexity of the material situation for the independent acquisition of the Earth);
  • give them to the authorized body the necessary identification of the identity of the information (passport details, the number of individual accounting of the taxpayer, a copy of the pension certificate);
  • direct the officially executed conclusion of the medical commission on the presence of a disease, which is the basis for assigning the applicant to the third group of disabilities.

The procedure and conditions for free provision of land plots are determined at the level of regional legislation.

Federal regulatory authorities do not provide for duties for local authorities for the allocation of land for free. This issue is solved by the authorities of the region based on the financial capabilities of the regional budget.

Features of obtaining land with disabilities are as follows:

  • disabled people have a priority for free reception of areas compared with other preferential categories of citizens;
  • in some cases, local authorities may be determined the cost of obtaining land plots (the revenue of the disabled one average in the region, the disabled has real estate on ownership and is not needing improvement in housing conditions);
  • the representative of the preferential category of citizens has the opportunity to challenge the refusal of the municipal authority in providing a plot at no cost, directing evidence of its preferential position (the need to improve housing conditions, low income level, high cost of treatment, etc.).

Additional amendments are constantly amended into the legislation of the Russian Federation, new programs are being developed that contribute to improving the living conditions of people with a disabled category. So, on the basis of one of their such programs, disabled gave the right to receive free land. As a disabled person of 1 groups to get a land plot, consider in this article.

Grounds for providing

Gratuitous issuance of land plots by incapable citizens is carried out under a number of conditions:

  1. If about a person, which has serious health problems, is indicated in the law "On Sociable Disabled".

The legislative act states that the right to land receive the following persons:

  • citizens with any group of disability;
  • families who have in the education of Choo with a disabled group;
  • adopters or guardians engaged in the supervision of chad-disabled.

All these persons who express the desire to obtain some territory under development for a significant improvement in the conditions of personal accommodation are required to submit documents and must be in line with their urban district.

  1. The territory for the construction of the construction is given to citizens with disabilities of health local authorities First on the specialists of the lease, then translated into the property.
  2. For 3 years of use, its owner must begin construction work. With the beginning of construction, he reforms to property. However, if for this period, the construction of the site did not start, then it is returned to the state apparatus. At the same time, the preferential person is deprived of the right to repeated free provision.
  3. An important requirement for receiving the site is to establish the fact of need. The disabled falls into the category of needy if:
  • in his family, each member accounts for less than 12 m2 of living space;
  • it has no other apartments.

, I walked freely, can use it with the goal:

  • building houses;
  • planting trees and vegetables;
  • conducting agricultural activities;
  • the construction of the garage.

For your information! Land made, provided by persons of the preferential category, is removed from the Land Fund of the local or state ownership.

What requirements are presented to beneficiaries?

In order for the face of limited capacity to receive the right to free, it is necessary to comply with such conditions:

  • the presence of the disability of the first, second or third group (the type of disease does not matter);
  • the presence of facts proving the extremely poor financial condition of a person;
  • the presence of a fact proving the housing problems of a citizen.


Citizens falling into a preferential category, the authorities are obliged to allocate a plot for the construction of a residential structure on it. Restrictions are not provided here. If for some reason the administration refuses, then such a step will be considered infringement of the beneficiaries.

The Federal Law specifies that it should be provided with beneficiaries for free, should have borders (be marked) and cadastral number. In addition, they should not have any official ownership.

If a person who is different with his health problems is the owner of a certain plot of land, then it does not lose rights obtained on land under the perspective of persons with disabilities.

What documents mentioned above will have to attach?

To get up officially in a special land mentioned above, a preferential category is needed to submit an appropriate special procedure to the administrative body and be sure to attach a number of such documents to it as:

After 14 days after submission of the application, the authority provides the in need of the land in need. For 30 days, the recipient must fulfill the state registration of the site.

Where to contact?

Legislation suggests that the representatives of the city administration are obliged to carefully take advantage of the granting of land under Izhs to persons with limited capacity. Therefore, to submit a statement with documents to needy citizens will have to the Department of Property. Either to the municipality to which the site belongs.

The statement necessarily indicates the place where the applicant wants to get put on, its size and purpose.

Step-by-step scheme for receiving

To get from the state a free territory for development, a disabled will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Provide evidence facts that he is a poor.
  2. Provide a statement in government agencies, to express a desire to obtain the territory for the construction of the house (the desired district and appointment is specified).
  3. All documents necessary for the occasion are collected.
  4. There is a formal statement in the queue.
  5. Obtaining land. The face becomes a tenant and receives the right to further redemption.
  6. In case of refusal, it is necessary to deal with a complaint to court.

Current questions and answers

  • Question 1. How is an incapacitated person who has the first wheelchair and moving in a wheelchair, to apply for a detailed building, if there is no opportunity to arrive in the municipality? Answer 1.In this situation, the application is possible through the representative. For this, a representative will require a notarized power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of those in need of local authorities.
  • Question 2. How to be an incapacitated citizen if he was voiced by officials refusal? Answer 2. Often, the power of the injuries refuse to gratuitous issuance of the Earth, referring to its absence in a given area. Or refer to the fact that the person is not needing the provision of land and does not have the need to improve its housing conditions. These reasons for refusal are illegal, so they are subject to appeal in the court or in the prosecutor's office itself. For 3 months after receiving a refusal, the applicant should complain about the court.
  • Question 3. When registration of registration of the right to land, will the beneficiary need to pay for state duty? Answer 3.No. The program of support for citizens with disabilities does not imply the payment of state dresses upon receipt of the territory under construction within the state program.

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