Leek is an annual or perennial plant. Leek: cultivation, care and storage

We sowed or planted most of the plants in the spring and it seems that in the middle of summer we can already relax. But experienced gardeners know that July is the time for planting vegetables for a late harvest and the possibility of longer storage. This also applies to potatoes. Early summer potato crops are best used quickly, they are not suitable for long-term storage. But the second crop of potatoes is exactly what is needed for winter and spring consumption.

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably lying on the ground, but you should not repeat this experience in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, a garter. My neighbors use all sorts of pegs, garters, loops, ready-made plant supports, and mesh fences. Each method of plant fixation in vertical position has its merits and side effects". I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises, and what comes of it.

Bulgur with pumpkin is a dish for every day, which is easy to prepare in half an hour. Bulgur is boiled separately, the cooking time depends on the size of the grains - whole and coarse grinding for about 20 minutes, fine grinding for just a few minutes, sometimes the cereal is simply poured with boiling water, like couscous. While the cereal is cooking, prepare the pumpkin in sour cream sauce, and then combine the ingredients. If you replace ghee with vegetable oil, and sour cream with soy cream, then it can be included in the lenten menu.

Flies - a sign of unsanitary conditions and carriers infectious diseases hazardous to both humans and animals. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of nasty insects. In this article, we will talk about the Zlobny TED brand, which specializes in fly protection products and knows a lot about them. The manufacturer has developed a specialized line of drugs to get rid of flying insects anywhere quickly, safely and without extra costs.

The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub is luxuriously fragrant with flowers from June to September. Florists willingly use large inflorescences for wedding decors and bouquets. To admire the beauty of a flowering hydrangea bush in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. Why this happens, we will tell in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are the three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects the appearance and yield of plants, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But at the same time, not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of the same nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, are one of the early fragrant berries that summer generously endows us with. How we rejoice in this harvest! In order for the "berry boom" to repeat every year, we need to take care of the care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in spring, and berries in summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory snack for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds have been pickled since time immemorial, but the process is laborious and time consuming. According to my recipe, it’s easy to cook pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and a spicy snack will be ready by the evening. The watermelon marinated with spices and chili is stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of preservation - chilled, this snack is just licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest - blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Reddening stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although very large, but also strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick Chickpea Soup with Vegetables and Egg is an easy recipe for a hearty first course inspired by Oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and the countries of Southeast Asia. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your liking. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in melted butter (ghee) or mix olive oil and butter, it's certainly not the same, but similar in taste.

Plum - well, who does not know her ?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent harvests, pleases with its variety in terms of ripening and a huge choice of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, somewhere she feels better, somewhere worse, but almost no summer resident refuses to grow her on her plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle lane, but also in the Urals, in Siberia.

Many ornamental and fruit crops, except for drought-resistant ones, suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period - from the sun's rays, enhanced by the reflection from the snow. In this article we will talk about a unique preparation for protecting plants from sunburn and droughts - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March, the sun's rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Each vegetable has its own time”, and each plant has its own optimal time for landing. Anyone who has experienced planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in spring, the plants have not yet started to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat, and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop in such a way that landings have to be carried out at the very height of summer.

Chili con carne in Spanish means chili with meat. This is a Texan and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and minced beef. In addition to the main products, there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, burning, very satisfying and amazingly tasty! You can cook a large pot, arrange in containers and freeze - a whole week will be a delicious dinner.

Cucumber is one of the most beloved garden crops of our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to get a really good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is a little secret that will significantly increase their yield. It's about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell in the article. An important point in the cultivation of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Most summer residents traditionally grow onions, and they pay little attention to perennial onions, of which there are a great many in nature.
They grow and winter well in our zone: multi-tiered onions, onions - batun and onions - slime, chives - onions, leeks.
They are valuable in that their fresh, juicy, green leaves, in which there are many ascorbic acid and essential oils, you can have on the table in early spring, when the snow has just melted, and there are practically no other vegetables from the open ground. Perennial onions are good - fresh, fried. They are an excellent seasoning for a wide variety of dishes.

The leaves of a multi-tiered onion are similar to onion feathers and have a rather sharp taste. Fresh leaves are used in salads, on sandwiches, good as a filling for pies. Air bulbs have a pungent taste and are used in a processed form.
In the middle of summer, behind the last leaf, an arrow begins to grow - powerful, thick-skinned and hollow, and at the end grow in several rows of bulbs - onions.

Bulbs and basal bulbs serve good material to propagate onions. The end of August, the beginning of September are the best dates for planting a multi-tiered onion. Bulbs have time to take root before the onset of cold weather.


Onion-batun is popularly called winter bow, bow - Tatar, piped.

It is perhaps the most winter-hardy, growing in early spring. The batun does not form a large bulb; the fistulous leaves and thickenings of the lower part of the stem are used as food.
July is considered the best time for sowing batun: the plant shoots less compared to early spring sowing. With vegetative propagation - dividing the bush - it can be planted at the end of August, and with warm autumn and later.
Care consists in loosening the row spacing, weeding, thinning in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. Leave the distance between plants 4-6 cm. When sowing in summer, it is impossible to cut the leaves in the first year so as not to weaken the plant before wintering.
In early spring, after overwintering, when there is no more snow, but the soil has not yet thawed, the bed must be cleared of last year's leaves, loosened, and full mineral fertilizer applied. Then the rapid growth of leaves will begin. And if the bed is poured with warm water and covered with a film, they will grow 2-3 weeks earlier. The leaves are ready for harvest at a height of 30-35 cm. They are cut every 25-30 days. During the season, the greens are cut 3-5 times with a part of the false stem at a height of 5-7 cm above the soil, if lower, then the yield is reduced.
In the fourth year, the leaves coarsen, but by this time one plant has formed up to 50 daughter plants. Bushes divide and lay a new plantation.

Onion - slime

The slime onion probably got its name for the slimy consistency of its juice, and it is also called ferruginous - there are a lot of iron salts in its leaves. It is very useful for both adults and children suffering from anemia. Its flat leaves grow back early in spring, almost do not coarsen, it is less sharp than onions, slime is unusually decorative, beautiful during the flowering period.
It is better to propagate the slime in July - August, separating the false bulbs from the mother plant. In the second year, 3-4 more from this bulb, in the third - 10-15. Leaves are cut no more than twice a season.
Once you plant this onion, you will have early greens and planting material for many years to share with your neighbors.

Schnitt - onion

Schnitt is an onion or chives, so named for its small tubular leaves.

It is valued both as an early vitamin product and as an antiseptic anthelmintic. Schnitt - onions are suitable for filling pies, salads, first and second courses. Schnitt bushes strongly and it is also better to propagate it vegetatively - by dividing the bush and do it after three years. Then the green grows very quickly and can be cut many times over the summer. As an ornamental plant - it blooms with beautiful lilac-pink inflorescences, chives are planted in various flower beds, by the way, its flowers are very attractive to bees.


The latest supplier of vitamins is leeks with unusually tasty and healthy white “legs”.

This bow is used not only with legs, but also with foliage that can be chopped, salted and stored in a cool place. Use the blank when cooking soups and borscht.
"Bleached" legs are well preserved in plastic bags or in wet sand in the cellar. A small amount of onion can be stored in the refrigerator.
positive quality leek is that it is not afraid of autumn frosts and can be left in the garden until the soil freezes.

What do bows love?

All onions love fertile light soil, therefore, in spring, fertilizing with nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, loosening the soil and sufficient moisture are required.
Perennial onions are unpretentious, practically do not get sick, after cutting they give fresh greens.
If there are such onions, then onions can be grown only on turnips.
In September, with the onset of cool weather, two - three-year-old chives and
slime onions can be dug up with a root for winter forcing. It is necessary to prepare containers of at least 8-10 liters, on the bottom of which pour drainage, then a layer of river sand of 10-15 cm, and then light fertile soil.
Cut the excavated plants, leaving "stumps" 2-3 cm high and plant in groups of 3-5 pieces in a container, water, compact and cover with peat. Until severe frosts can be kept on a glazed balcony. With the onset of stable cold weather, bring into the room closer to the light and water regularly. The feather is usually cut off once or twice, and then the roots are thrown away.
Small bulbs of multi-tiered onions can also be planted at home in flower pots and have green onions on the table in winter.

Depending on the leek variety and growing conditions, the false stem reaches from 10 to 35 cm in length and up to 10 cm in diameter. Leaves are flat, linear, appearance resemble garlic leaves, but much larger (35-70 cm long and 3-7 cm wide). Leaf color is light to dark green.

Growing leeks

This is a plant with long growing season(up to 7 months), so leeks are often grown. Leek seeds for seedlings are sown in March, since by the time of planting it should be 50-60 days old. The containers are filled with a nutrient mixture and well spilled with water on the eve of planting. Sow with dry seeds, placing rows at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. The seeding depth is 0.7-1.2 cm. After sowing, the leek seeds are sprinkled with a dry mixture, slightly compacted and watered, then the containers are covered with glass or film and placed in a dark place. Before the emergence of seedlings, the temperature is maintained at a level of 20-25 ° C, and after their emergence, it is reduced by 3-4 days to 8-12 ° C at night.

Our advice:

Make sure that the soil during the period of seedling growth is not dry, but waterlogging should not be allowed.

Leek Care

Seedlings are planted in open ground from about May 5 to May 15, 25-30 plants per 1 m 2. In order for leek seedlings to take root better, shorten the roots by 1/4, and the leaves by 1/3 of the length. Plants are buried to the first leaf. Leeks can be sown in the summer, until July. By autumn, the plants will be able to form 4-6 leaves. Heaped with earth, they overwinter well and the next year in May-June, you can harvest.

Leek care during the growing season is the same as for all onions - weeding, loosening the soil, watering as needed. Leek responds well to top dressing. On poor soils, 1-2 feedings with mullein (1:8) can be carried out. During the growing season, 2-3 hilling of plants is carried out. In hilled plants, the false stem becomes longer and has a more delicate taste. In leeks, the growth of leaves goes until late autumn. Mature plants are frost-resistant, tolerate frosts down to -7 °C.

Leek storage

Harvest pearl leeks before frost. Plants are cleaned of damaged and dirty leaves, left for a short time in the air to dry, the roots are cut to 1 cm and a third of the length of the leaves. Leek is stored in a cellar in moist sand at a temperature of 0-2 ° C or in a refrigerator.

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Leek is rich in potassium, iron, sugars, essential oils. He possesses healing properties: doctors recommend it for rheumatism, obesity, urolithiasis and other diseases. One of its remarkable advantages is the ability to accumulate vitamin C during storage, this property is absent in other vegetables.
In the Non-Chernozem zone, two varieties of leek are cultivated - Karatansky early ripening and Bulgarian late ripening,
Leek is a biennial plant. In the first year, it develops green leaves and a thickened false stem or white
bark stalk, which is the main edible part of the plant. The white leg can beat 15-30 cm long and thick
3-7 cm. The next year, the leek can be left in the garden, where it throws out a flower stalk with light lilac flowers.
In the middle lane, leeks are grown in seedlings. Onions are sown on March 15-20. Seeds before sowing are soaked in hot water at a temperature of 50 ° C for 20-25 minutes, then they are well washed and soaked in a damp cloth for 5-7 days. After that, the seeds are slightly dried and sown in boxes or a greenhouse. They try not to thicken onion crops, sow seeds at a distance of 2x2.5 cm. When growing leek seedlings, you need to monitor soil moisture and air temperature. During the day, the temperature should be maintained at 18-20 ° C, at night
- 14-15 ° C. After 50-55 days, the seedlings are ready for planting. Before planting, her leaves and roots are shortened by 1/3. Seedlings are planted in a garden bed in soil well seasoned with organic fertilizers. 1 bucket of humus or compost is added per 1 m2, 2 liter jars of prepared sawdust, a half-liter jar of ash are added. From. mineral fertilizers make 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska and a teaspoon of urea. Everything is dug up well to a depth of 20-22 cm. Leek is planted in grooves 12 cm deep, well watered with a solution of potassium permanganate pink, 12 cm deep, placing row by row on
24 cm, and plants in a row by 12 cm. After planting, the onion is not watered for 3-4 days.
Plant care consists in loosening row spacings, weeding and hilling three times. During the growing season leek need to be watered regularly, about once every five days, 10 liters per 1 m2. 20 days after planting, leeks are fed. For this, a half-liter jar of mullein and 1 teaspoon of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate are diluted in 10 liters of water. Dose of fertilizer solution - 3-4 liters per 1 m2 Before hilling the plants, a glass of wood ash per 1 m2 is added to them
Removed from the garden, leeks can be stored upright all winter dug in wet sand at a temperature of 0-1 ° C.


This onion contains vitamins C, B, PP, sugar, potassium, magnesium and iron salts. Batun onion winters well, grows quickly in early spring and retains tender, juicy leaves for a long time. Cutting leaves stimulates branching in plants. Varieties: Maysky 7, Saladny 35, Gryabovsky 21.
Onions are grown on fertile soil. For 1 m2 of beds, add 1 bucket of compost, 1 tablespoon of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 1 cup of fluffy lime or chalk, or a half-liter jar of wood ash. Seeds are soaked in a damp cloth for 3-4 days before sowing. Sow early in the spring, April 15-20, then the plants have time to develop well before winter. 3 g of seeds are consumed per 1 m2. Thicker planting improves feather quality, leaves grow thinner and more delicate. Leaf cutting begins from the second year of life, from spring to autumn.
In warm, dry weather, onions are watered once every 5-6 days, 10-12 liters per 1 m2. In order to get early onion production in spring, it is necessary to close the bed with a film in mid-April. Batun is grown for greenery in one place for 3-4 years, but it is better to sow it annually in early spring, and harvest it with a root the next year in May. You can also sow in summer and before winter.


This perennial with a small false bulb and flat narrow leaves. Is different high content carotene and ascorbic acid. Tender leaves are used, which have a slightly garlicky taste. They grow in early spring and grow until autumn without turning yellow. The yield of leaves with arrows (they are also eaten) is 2.5-3 kg per 1 m2. In one place, this onion grows 3-4 years.
In order to get fragrant onions 2 weeks earlier in the spring, they cover it with a film.


This onion is intended for cutting, has leaves rich in vitamins. The content of vitamin C in it is much higher than in onions. Chives grow back quickly after being cut. In late April - early May, it is sown directly in open ground to a depth of 2-3 cm, the soil is slightly compacted. The duration of germination is 2-3 weeks. Chives prefer sunny, rich nutrients soil, medium-heavy, humus, not waterlogged, pre-fertilized with manure. Winter-hardy.

Leek is a perennial plant with a two-year development cycle. Its homeland is considered to be the eastern regions of the Mediterranean coast, Iran. Iraq. In the wild, leek is found in southern Europe. It has lily-lanceolate (flat) leaves with a strong wax coating. Depending on the variety, from 6 to 15 leaves are formed, located in the same plane and fan-shaped extending from the false stem (leg), which can be up to 60 cm long and up to 5-6 cm in diameter. The plant is very light and moisture-loving.

The leek is often referred to as the king of onions. It has a high content of potassium salts, solids, including sugar, as well as ascorbic acid, carotene. The most valuable part is the bleached base of the false stem, which has a slightly spicy taste and is a dietary product. Recommended for metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, to improve liver function, kidney stones, obesity. Leek has a valuable property - it is one of the few vegetables that increase the content of vitamin C during storage.

Growing seedlings

In the Middle lane, it is recommended to grow leeks in seedlings. I sow seedlings in mid-February. I soak the seeds for 2-3 days before sowing, then dry them a little and sow them in boxes and cups. The literature generally recommends using boxes for seedlings of leeks. I noticed that seedlings grown in small cups (diameter 4 cm) are stronger, more powerful, have one more leaf when planted in the ground, which is important. And when planting, the root system is not injured. As a result, from such seedlings, plants are obtained larger.

The soil in boxes and cups is light humus. Before sowing, I lightly tamp it, water it abundantly, and then sow the seeds. In boxes - at a distance of 2x2.5 cm, in cups of 3-4 seeds. When growing leek seedlings, you need to monitor soil moisture and air temperature. During the day I try to maintain the temperature at 18-20 C, at night - 13-14 C. Seedlings need regular watering, 1-2 top dressings with complex mineral fertilizer.

I plant seedlings from May 1 to May 30. I pre-prepare a bed 20 cm high, 1 m wide. I bring 1-1.5 buckets of humus, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of complex organo-mineral fertilizer and 2 cups of ash, I dig up the soil on a full bayonet of a shovel. Across the beds with garden juice I make trenches 15-20 cm deep at a distance of 40-50 cm from one another, and I place the earth from the trenches between them. At the bottom of the trenches, with a pointed peg, I make indentations every 15 cm. I water the seedlings in the box and carefully take them out. I cut the leaves and roots to a third of the length. When planting plants, I press the soil around the roots tightly and lightly water. The depth of planting onion seedlings is 1-2 cm. I transfer seedlings from cups into holes located after 20 cm. I do not touch the leaves and roots.

Agricultural technology

During the growing season, leeks are regularly watered with warm water. In the dry season - about once every 5 days, 15-20 liters per 1 m2. I spend the first top dressing 15-20 days after planting seedlings with complex mineral fertilizer. In the future, I do top dressing every 2-3 weeks, alternating organic and organo-mineral fertilizers. I noticed that the leek especially loves the infusion of chicken manure (1:15). To obtain as long as possible, juicy, tender, bleached legs, as the plants grow, I fill the trenches with soil from the row-spacing. When the trenches are filled with earth, I additionally spud the stems with soil. Some leek varieties have very long stems. In this case, bleaching can be done using black material that wraps around the leg. Unlike onion leek is almost never affected by diseases and pests. Leek leaves grow until late autumn, when other species no longer produce greenery, and it can tolerate frosts down to -7 C.


I harvest leeks at the end of October, before the onset of persistent frosts. I dig the plants with a pitchfork, shake off the ground, cut the roots to 1 cm, and the leaves - by one third. For large false stems, I leave leaves 25-30 cm, and shorten the roots to 2 cm. After drying, I place the plants in tall boxes in a vertical position, fall asleep with wet sand and store on a glazed loggia until spring.

Of the varieties, I would like to highlight Vesta and Goliath (early), Premier and Bandit (middle late), Elefant and Karantaisky (late). A very good mid-season Tango variety. The length of the plant exceeds 1 m, and the weight reaches 1 kg. But I consider the mid-season Dutch variety Columbus to be the best, which forms a long bleached part with minimal hilling up to 40 cm in length and up to 6 cm in width. And its mass last season ranged from 900 g to 1 kg 500 g. In addition, it has excellent taste.

Igor DUNICHEV, Kaluga

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