Tryptophan rich foods. The benefits and importance of the aromatic alpha amino acid tryptophan for the human body Tryptophan role in the body

For the production of tryptophan, both a one-step synthesis using bacterial auxotrophic mutants with impaired regulation of amino acid synthesis, and a two-step synthesis, including first obtaining a precursor of tryptophan, and then its enzymatic transformation into the final product, tryptophan, are used.

In bacteria and other organisms, tryptophan is formed from erythroso-4-phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvic acid through a series of sequential reactions, including the formation of shikimic and chorismic acids, and anthranilic acid is the direct precursor of tryptophan.

The synthesis of tryptophan is allosterically inhibited by end products that act on enzymes that catalyze the initial stages of transformations associated with the formation of chorismic acid.

To shift metabolic reactions along the path of preferential formation of tryptophan, it is necessary to block the transformation of chorismic acid into prefenic acid, which is achieved by the action of mutagenic factors. In mutants with a reduced activity of enzymes that catalyze the conversion of chorismic acid into prefenic acid, an increased synthesis of tryptophan is observed, but for the normal development of these mutants, deficient amino acids - phenylalanine and tyrosine - must be added to the nutrient medium in quantities that do not cause regulatory inhibition of tryptophan synthesis enzymes.

For the industrial production of tryptophan, technologies have been developed based on the use of auxotrophic mutants: bacteria of the genus Bacillus subtilis with impaired synthesis of phenylalanine and tyrosine. All technological processes are organized in approximately the same way as the production of lysine using mutant strains of corynebacteria. Fermentation lasts 48 hours at 37 ° C, the concentration of tryptophan in the culture liquid reaches 10 g / L. After separation of the culture liquid from the bacterial cells, it is evaporated and dried at 110 - 120 ° C. The dried product is called tryptophan feed concentrate (CCP).

When receiving highly concentrated preparations of tryptophan, the culture fluid is subjected to additional purification. First, it is acidified with hydrochloric acid to pH 1.0 and then the precipitate formed is separated by centrifugation. Next, the centrifugate containing tryptophan is passed through ion-exchange columns with a cation exchanger, as a result of which the amino acid is bound and thus separated from the culture liquid. After washing the columns, tryptophan is desorbed with 5% ammonia solution in a mixture of isopropanol and water. The eluate is sent to a vacuum evaporator, after which the amino acid is crystallized at 4 - 8 ° C. The tryptophan salt isolated in crystalline form is washed with ethanol and dried under vacuum at 60 ° C. The dried crystalline preparation contains at least 99% tryptophan in the form of chloride. The sediment after separation of the culture liquid, containing the cells of the bacterial culture, is also dried and used as a high-protein feed additivecontaining an increased amount of tryptophan.

The synthesis of tryptophan in our country is carried out mainly according to a two-stage scheme. First, the precursor of tryptophan, anthranilic acid, is obtained by chemical synthesis, which is then converted into tryptophan with the participation of enzymes of microbial origin.

The biochemical conversion of anthranilic acid to tryptophan occurs in three stages: at the first stage, aminoglycoside N- (5'-phosphoribosyl) -anthranilic acid is formed from anthranilic acid with the participation of phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (FPPP), which, as a result of intramolecular rearrangement and decarboxylation-3- glycerophosphate. At the last stage, tryptophan is formed from indole-3-glycerophosphate and the amino acid serine under the action of the enzyme tryptophan synthetase. Due to the fact that as active group the enzyme tryptophan synthetase is pyridoxal phosphate; the rate of conversion of anthranilic acid into tryptophan depends on the presence of this coenzyme in the medium. Yeast is used as a source of enzymes.

The production process of biochemical conversion of anthranilic acid to tryptophan is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, the biomass of yeast, which is an enzyme producer, is increased. The nutrient medium for growing yeast is prepared from beet molasses, urea, and mineral salts. Fermentation continues for 24 hours at 30 ° C. Next, an alcoholic 5% solution of anthranilic acid and a 50% solution of urea are introduced into the fermenter. In 3 - 4 hours after adding antanylic acid, a carbon substrate is additionally fed into the fermenter - molasses in the form of a 25% solution. At the subsequent stages of fermentation, anthranilic acid and urea are periodically fed every 6 hours and molasses solution every 12 hours. The duration of fermentation is about 120 hours, and taking into account the time of the yeast biomass build-up, 144 hours. The tryptophan content of the culture medium is 0.3 - 0.5% (6 g / l). After evaporation and drying, tryptophan feed concentrate (CCT) is obtained, containing 90% dry matter, 48 - 54% proteins, 1 - 3% tryptophan, 1.5 - 1.9 mg (%) vitamin B1, 2.5 - 3, 3 mg (%) vitamin B2, 62 - 68 mg (%) vitamin PP.


An essential amino acid that acts as a mood regulator in the human body is L-tryptophan. Food supplements containing this organic compound, due to their influence on the production of hormones, help to fight anxiety, normalize sleep, enhance the process of burning fat, and create a natural calming effect. Tryptophan acts both as an independent element and as a basis for conversion into other substances, for example, the sleep hormone melatonin or nicotinic acid (niacin).

What is tryptophan

As you research information about healthy sleep, good immunity, mental health, or losing weight, you will come across the term tryptophan. It is a very important element of life, involved in the biosynthesis of niacin and melatonin (the precursor of serotonin). Tryptophan is an essential protein-type amino acid that is part of the protein compounds of almost all living organisms.

The only source of replenishment of the element is food. An irreplaceable amino acid can be obtained by microbiological (anthranilic acid and Candida yeast strains), chemical and chemical-enzymatic synthesis. The human body does not synthesize Tryptophan, so it needs to be replenished regularly with food and dietary supplements.

Benefit and harm

L-tryptophan has a positive effect on people prone to irritability, mood swings, increased tension. Taking the amino acid increases the brain's receptivity to information, improves the ability to withstand severe pressure, severe fright, and a situation of instability. A person with a sufficient amount of this element in the body increases efficiency.

Tryptophan amino acid has a positive effect on sleep, which is due to an increase in the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. There is a myth that regular consumption of foods containing tryptophan contributes to the development of sleepiness. This is not entirely true, because the amino acid is the source of the formation of the hormone of joy serotonin, and the production of melatonin occurs on demand. If, after eating, it tends to sleep, then this is due to its increased nutritional value, density or fat content, which often occurs after eating mushrooms and meat products.

Among other things, the amino acid tryptophan helps a person cope with the consequences of quitting alcohol, smoking, and drugs. The substance during rehabilitation reduces the need for chemicals, helps to reduce aggressiveness, excitability, nervousness, irritability. As for harm to the body, this component also has negative properties:

  • in case of malfunctions immune system an additional intake of an amino acid can provoke the development of oncology or strengthen an already existing disease, since malignant cells "love" protein compounds;
  • since Tryptophan enhances the sedative effect of antidepressants and sedatives, it is better to limit its intake while taking psychotropic drugs;
  • not excluded allergic reactions organism for an amino acid, especially if a person has an individual intolerance to products containing it.

Daily requirement

The norm of a substance for a person is different. It is determined based on the state of health, age, and the presence of chronic pathologies. Nutritionists say that the daily requirement of the enzyme is approximately 1 g. Doctors recommend that the daily dosage be calculated using the formula: 4 mg of a substance per 1 kilogram of body weight. Based on these calculations, a 70 kg adult needs about 280 mg of L-tryptophan daily.

Nutritionists and physicians alike agree that essential amino acid reserves are best obtained from natural products, rather than from drugs created by the pharmaceutical industry. You should know that the protein compound accumulates in the body, therefore, if you have not reached the norm, it will still be replenished from the reserves. The maximum acceptable dose of Tryptophan that will prevent side effects from developing is 4.5 g / day. When a substance is consumed above the norm, serotonin syndrome (fever, convulsions, delirium, coma) may develop.

Tryptophan containing foods

If you need to quickly cheer up, then drink freshly squeezed berry or fruit juice. They contain many vitamins that contribute to the production of serotonin. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in vegetable oils (flax seeds, olive, sunflower and others). Large amounts of L-tryptophan are found in raw algae (kelp, spirulina) and greens (spinach, dill, parsley). For the production of serotonin, it is necessary to consume fruits and dried fruits (bananas, dates, melon).

How much tryptophan is in foods:

% Tryptophan Daily Value per 200 g serving

red caviar

dutch cheese

soya beans

processed cheese

poultry (chicken, turkey), rabbit


sunflower kernels

fat cottage cheese

chum fish

chicken eggs

low-fat cottage cheese



boiled potatoes

rye bread


green onion

kefir, milk

Deficiency symptoms

Experiments on laboratory animals have shown that a low content of Tryptophan affects the reduction of the life of living beings by almost 2 times. Lack of essential acid in the diet can cause:

  1. Signs of protein deficiency. Among them:
  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • character changes;
  • swelling;
  • slow wound healing;
  • weight loss;
  • growth disorder in children;
  • hair loss and others.
  1. The development of pellagra (a type of vitamin deficiency). It is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • dementia;
  • diarrhea;
  • dermatitis;
  • fatal outcome.
  1. Decreased blood serotonin levels. In this state, it develops:
  • depression;
  • overweight;
  • poor memory;
  • impatience, insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • impulsiveness;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • cravings for carbohydrates.

You should know that foods with a high amino acid content are especially required by the body during bulimia, anorexia, PMS, seasonal disorders, depression, headache. The need for amino acid increases in people with obsessions, sleep disorders, schizophrenia, vascular and heart disease, hypersensitivity to pain. Provokes a lack of substance:

  • excessive consumption of sugar, proteins;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • diabetes;
  • hereditary disorders of tryptophan synthesis;
  • defect in the phenylalanine-4-monooxygenase gene;
  • hypoglycemia.

Oversupply symptoms

Nutritionists believe that foods with tryptophan cannot cause excess amino acids in the body. Even if you use an increased dose at the daily rate, the side effects will not appear. However, care must be taken, since studies conducted in 1989 showed that the use of dietary supplements containing the tryptophan formula caused the development of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome.

This is a systemic disease in which skin, circulatory system, internal organs, even deaths are known. With a large amount of Tryptophan in the blood, the following may develop:

  • tumor bladder;
  • pneumonia;
  • neuropathy;
  • myocarditis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • lung damage;
  • muscle weakness;
  • increased fatigue.

To determine the amount of essential amino acids, you need laboratory research blood and / or urine. Controlling the tryptophan values \u200b\u200bwill help establish the analysis for the content of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid. It allows you to detect abnormalities in the metabolism, which are the result of malnutrition and deficiency of an essential amino acid. If the result is several times higher than the norm, then this may indicate a tumor of the bladder.

Tryptophan tablets

In some cases, protein-carbohydrate food is not able to improve the depressed serotonin system. Then doctors prescribe medications of medical importance. Medicines produced by various manufacturers of pharmaceutical products are capable of restoring the required level of essential amino acids in the body. You should not buy the drug yourself, because the opinions of doctors on its use are ambiguous.

Some insist solely on natural amino acid saturation through food intake. Others claim a greater effect of pills. Both sides agree that tryptophan is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, therefore its ideal ratio is the correct nutritional balance with the parallel intake of dietary supplements containing an amino acid.

With serious pathologies in the body, it is not enough to take a trace element in capsules. Professional advice from a specialist is required so that he studies all aspects of the violation. Only after the appointment of a complex treatment is it allowed to support the body by using the substance in capsules. Medicines with amino acid:

  • NOW L-Tryptophan 500 mg (USA);
  • L-Tryptophan, Jarrow Formulas (USA);
  • L-TRYPTOPHAN 250 mg Kapseln (Germany);
  • Tryptophan 200 mg (Belarus);
  • Doctor's Best, Best L-Tryptophan, 500 mg (US);
  • L-TRYPTOPHAN ratiopharm 500 mg Filmtabletten (Germany).

Tryptophan from Evalar

The release of a synthetic drug was not ignored by the Russian pharmaceutical company Evalar. It is the country's largest producer of dietary supplements, located in Altai. Natural components of animal and mineral origin serve as raw materials for the products. Tryptophan is obtained by microbiological synthesis from unicellular microorganisms, fungi and plants. Evalar's Formula of Calmness is available in capsules of 15, 60, 90 pieces per pack.

Packaging of 60 pieces is very popular, since it is completely enough for a course of treatment. The doctors' comments on this supplement are mostly positive, since after taking it, there is an improvement in the immune system, an increase in the production of niacin by the body, and the resistance of the human body is regulated. The use of capsules reduces cravings for food, normalizes appetite, reduces anxiety, relieves depressive conditions. The serotonin generated after taking L-tryptophan increases the motivation to continue the diet.

pharmachologic effect

The preparation from Evalar "Formula of Calmness", according to the manufacturer, will help to keep calm and serenity during the day in any situation, and at night it will be easy to fall asleep and sleep well. The drug acts universally, since it promotes the biosynthesis of melatonin and serotonin in the body. Pharmacological action of the drug during the day:

  • retains emotional stability with increased mental stress;
  • cheers up;
  • increases efficiency;
  • stimulates cognitive activity even in stressful situations;
  • eliminates tension, fear, anxiety;
  • reduces the aggressiveness that has arisen against the background of giving up bad habits during diets.

The instructions indicate that taking the "Calm Formula" drug, a person will feel increasing self-confidence every day. Cheerfulness and good mood will return to him. How the drug works at night:

  • improves the depth and quality of sleep;
  • creates mental relaxation;
  • helps to fall asleep easily and quickly;
  • eliminates the problem of intermittent sleep;
  • helps you get a good night's sleep even in a short time.

Indications for use

Taking the "Calm Formula" drug reduces the likelihood of exacerbation of many diseases, and in some cases, the disease completely recedes. List of indications for prescribing the drug:

  • eating disorders accompanied by overeating and a sharp feeling of hunger (bulimia);
  • some types of obesity;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • anxiety, psychological disorders of various etiologies;
  • irritability, aggressiveness;
  • frequent headaches, migraines;
  • obsessive states, neuroses;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • nicotine, barbiturate, alcohol dependence (during complex therapy);
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • depressive disorders;
  • panic attacks;
  • hyperactivity in a child;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • irritability due to weight loss;
  • complete lack of appetite syndrome (anorexia).


Due to its balanced composition, Evalar's Formula of Calmness has a mild effect on the human body, rarely causing side effects. One capsule contains 200 mg of the active substance L-tryptophan, 1 mg of vitamin B6 and 2.5 mg of vitamin B5. How the ingredients work:

  1. L-tryptophan. Without this amino acid, the body does not produce serotonin, which a person owes to the feeling of happiness, joy, physical and mental performance. It has been proven that in a depressed or prolonged state of depression, the level of serotonin is close to zero. With the onset of night, melatonin is formed from the hormone of joy, which is a regulator of sleep, youth, and longevity. It regulates the phases of night rest, its duration.
  2. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Participates in the metabolism of tryptophan, nucleic acids, lipids. Pyridoxine regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous systemse. Lack of vitamin B6 leads to the loss of the ability to catabolize 3-hydroxykynurenine, which leads to the development of diabetes mellitus.
  3. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). It promotes the absorption of amino acids in the intestine, participates in the biosynthesis of many hormones, including melantonin and serotonin, and supports the function of the adrenal cortex.


As written in the instructions, Evalar L-tryptophan capsules are taken 30 minutes before meals. It is advisable to drink the medicine with plenty of plain non-carbonated water or juice. For these purposes, it is forbidden to use milk or other products that contain animal protein. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor in each individual case. The average dose indicated in the instructions is 2 capsules / day. For the treatment of insomnia, 2-3 capsules are prescribed, which are taken immediately before bedtime.

With the combined treatment of drug and alcohol addiction, take 1-4 capsules 3-4 times / day while consuming food saturated with carbohydrates, which increase the activity of the essential amino acid. The duration of the course is 1 month. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated 2-3 times a year. If the "Calm Formula" drug must be taken simultaneously with other drugs, it is recommended that the admissibility of such treatment be agreed with the doctor.


With uncontrolled intake of the drug, an overdose is possible. If any of its signs appear, it is necessary to cancel the use of the drug and contact the attending physician to correct the treatment regimen. Overdose symptoms:

  • increased gassing;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • migraine;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • serotonin syndrome (mental disorders, convulsions, accelerated heart rate).

Side effects

The annotation to the preparation indicates that side effects the drug does not show on the human body. This does not mean that they do not exist at all. In isolated cases, mild disorders of the condition are observed, such as constipation, nausea, flatulence, drowsiness. Patient reviews indicate other side effects:

  • violation of appetite;
  • dry mouth;
  • heartbeat failures;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • aggressive state.

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of the drug with medications from the group of MAO inhibitors, selective inhibitors, heterocylic and tricyclic antidepressants can provoke serotonin syndrome, manifested in the form of tremor, hypertonicity, hallucinations, hyperactivity. These conditions are independently eliminated after discontinuation of the drug.

Since, unlike tyrosine, Tryptophan can penetrate into brain cells only with the participation of carbohydrates, it is undesirable to use the Calm Formula drug together with blockers of these organic substances. Therapy with this medication is prohibited if the patient is using antidepressants, the active substances of which are:

  • paroxetine;
  • fluoxetine;
  • imipramine;
  • sertraline;
  • clomipramine;
  • tranylcypromine;
  • phenelzine;
  • amitriptyline.


Since taking the drug can provoke drowsiness, it is not recommended to use it when administered vehicles or while working with potentially life-threatening equipment. Also, the "Formula of Calmness" from Evalar is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is due to insufficient research in relation to people in this category. It is forbidden to take alcohol during treatment.

Any alcohol-containing drink interferes with the synthesis of melatonin and serotonin, provokes the development of metabolic disorders. The main contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Constant medical supervision is required for persons suffering from:

  • chronic impairment of food digestion;
  • cataracts;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • bladder cancer.


The pharmaceutical market offers many preparations containing tryptophan, similar to the “Formula of Calmness” capsules from Evalar. Most Popular:

  1. Timogen. An immunomodulatory drug produced in Russia. Available in the form of a solution, cream, spray. 1 ml of solution contains 100 μg of alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan. One spray dose has no more than 25 mcg. 100 g of cream contains 50 mg of active substance. The spray is injected into the nasal passage 2 times / day for 7 consecutive days. Intramuscular injections with the drug are prescribed at 300-1000 mcg / day for no more than 10 days. The cream treatment lasts 20 days.
  2. Bestim. Lyophilisate for injection from a Russian manufacturer. Contains gamma-D-glutamyl-tryptophan sodium. Stimulates humoral and cellular immunity. It is prescribed for adults in complex therapy for the treatment of immunodeficiency after infectious pathologies, injuries, surgical interventions and other conditions. Introduced intramuscularly at 100 mcg daily 1 time / day for 5 days.
  3. L-Tryptophan, Double from the American manufacturer Now Foods. The food supplement "Double Strength" does not contain GMOs and complies with the international quality standard. Tablets weighing 1000 mg, each package contains 60 pieces. Before being sent for sale, each batch is subjected to a microbiological test. According to the instructions, the drug should be taken 2-3 times / day, 1-2 capsules on an empty stomach or with the last meal before bedtime.
  4. Vita-Tryptophan. Manufacturer Nittany Pharmaceuticals Inc (USA). Indications for use are chronic fatigue, emotional instability, depression. You can not use the drug for glaucoma, pregnancy. According to the instructions, the capsules should be taken 1-2 times 2-3 times / day half an hour before meals.

In addition to direct analogs, drugs are sold with a different composition, but similar in their effect on the body. It is not recommended to purchase another replacement drug on your own, since all medicines have contraindications. The following are considered similar in action:

  • Cytoflavin;
  • Armadin;
  • Keltican;
  • Mexidol;
  • Mexiprim and others.


The availability of drugs in pharmacies is high. A wide range of drugs from different manufacturers are sold without a prescription. Average cost in Moscow and the region:


Manufacturer country


Price / rubles

Calm formula

275 mg / 60 pcs.

L-Tryptophan Powder (powder)

50 mg / 90 capsules


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment... Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Tryptophan - what it is and what foods contain it, amino acid properties and tablet indications

All people are subject to mood swings. But few people know that to avoid this you need to control the level of tryptophan in the blood. It is important to adjust your diet, have adequate sleep and a positive attitude.

As you know, tryptophan affects the rhythm of a person's sleep and improves his mood. When tryptophan is ingested, it stimulates the production of serotonin, thereby inducing relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Useful characteristics

As a rule, people rarely turn to healthy protein to improve their mood. Usually, preference is given to alcoholic beverages or even drugs.

Unfortunately, not all people choose a hobby, sport or communication with loved ones to enhance their everyday positive tone.

One of the best ways to increase your positive attitude is to use saturated with protein food products. This automatically means that the food contains tryptophan.

Fans of diets will be pleased with the following information: the substance helps to establish a normal weight. The amino acid reduces the desire to eat sweet and flour products, which, subsequently, has a positive effect on weight.

A person on a diet, usually irritable and angry. Tryptophan successfully reduces these manifestations. To do this, you need to eat foods containing this amino acid.

There are scientific studies that claim that the amino acid reduces the symptoms and manifestations of PMS in women.

Foods that contain tryptophan

As you know, amino acid must be obtained from food. At the same time, it is important not only the amount, but also the interaction of the amino acid with minerals, vitamins and other substances. If there is a lack of vitamin B, zinc and magnesium in the body, then it is difficult for the substance to affect the human brain.


If you need to raise the general mood, freshly squeezed juice is ideal. For example, after drinking tomato juice, health quickly improves. Do not forget that berry and fruit juices contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, which contributes to the production of serotonin.

Animal and vegetable oils

Omega 3 fatty acids are directly involved in the organization of the brain. It is these acids that are found in both animal and vegetable oils. Some of them:

  • flax seed oil,
  • cod liver oil
  • sardine oil.

Vegetables and fruits

It is important to know which specific foods contain tryptophan.

The largest volume of the substance is found in raw algae, including kelp and spirulina.

But the easiest way is to provide the body with this amino acid by buying fresh spinach or turnips on the market.

In addition, tryptophan-rich foods include:

  • beans,
  • parsley leaves,
  • cabbage: broccoli, Beijing, cabbage, cauliflower and kohlrabi.

Dried fruits and fruits

Fruits have a small content of a substance, but at the same time, they have a more important task - they provide the body with vitamins.

For the production of serotonin in the blood, it is necessary to eat: For diabetics it is important to know how well they combine, and the information on our website will help in this matter.

  1. bananas,
  2. melon,
  3. dates,
  4. oranges.



Hard cheese is a real record holder for serotonin content. In second place in terms of serotonin content:

  • milk,
  • cottage cheese,
  • processed cheese.

Cereals and cereals

For the full functioning of the body, it is important to eat porridge. Scientists have different opinions as to which ones contain this amino acid. It is believed that in buckwheat and oatmeal. Porridge contains complex carbohydrates that balance.

Moreover, these carbohydrates normalize insulin levels. He is directly involved in the transport of tryptophan, directly to the brain.

Product Tryptophan % of the daily value in 1 portion weighing 200g.
red caviar 960 mg 192%
black caviar 910 mg 182%
dutch cheese 780 mg 156%
peanut 750 mg 150%
almond 630 mg 126%
cashew nuts 600 mg 120%
processed cheese 500 mg 100%
pine nuts 420 mg 84%
rabbit meat, turkey 330 mg 66%
halva 360 mg 72%
squid 320 mg 64%
horse mackerel 300 mg 60%
sunflower seeds 300 mg 60%
pistachios 300 mg 60%
a hen 290 mg 58%
peas, beans 260 mg 52%
herring 250 mg 50%
veal 250 mg 50%
beef 220 mg 44%
salmon 220 mg 44%
cod 210 mg 42%
mutton 210 mg 42%
fat cottage cheese 210 mg 40%
chicken eggs, 200 mg 40%
pollock 200 mg 40%
chocolate 200 mg 40%
pork 190 mg 38%
low-fat cottage cheese 180 mg 36%
carp 180 mg 36%
halibut, walleye 180 mg 36%
low-fat cottage cheese 180 mg 36%
buckwheat 180 mg 36%
millet 180 mg 36%
sea \u200b\u200bbass 170 mg 34%
mackerel 160 mg 32%
oat groats 160 mg 32%
dried apricots 150 mg 30%
mushrooms 130 mg 26%
barley groats 120 mg 24%
pearl barley 100 mg 20%
wheat bread 100 mg 20%
fried potatoes 84 mg 16.8%
dates 75 mg 15%
boiled rice 72 mg 14.4%
boiled potatoes 72 mg 14.4%
rye bread 70 mg 14%
prunes 69 mg 13.8%
greens (dill, parsley) 60 mg 12%
beet 54 mg 10.8%
raisins 54 mg 10.8%
cabbage 54 mg 10.8%
bananas 45 mg 9%
carrot 42mg 8.4%
onion 42 mg 8.4%
milk, kefir 40 mg 8%
tomato 33 mg 6.6%
apricots 27 mg 5.4%
oranges 27 mg 5.4%
garnet 27 mg 5.4%
grapefruit 27 mg 5.4%
lemon 27 mg 5.4%
peaches 27 mg 5.4%
cherry 24 mg 4.8%
strawberry 24 mg 4.8%
raspberry 24 mg 4.8%
tangerines 24 mg 4.8%
honey 24 mg 4.8%
plums 24 mg 4.8%
cucumbers 21 mg 4.2%
zucchini 21 mg 4.2%
watermelon 21 mg 4.2%
grapes 18 mg 3.6%
melon 18 mg 3.6%
persimmon 15 mg 3%
cranberry 15 mg 3%
apples 12 mg 2.4%
pears 12 mg 2.4%
pineapple 12 mg 2.4%

Tryptophan in dietetics

Now in any pharmacy you can buy a drug containing this substance. However, doctors have developed a "tryptophan diet".

Every day, the human body needs 350 grams of food with tryptophan. Scientist Luca Passamonti is an adherent of this diet, he claims that it reduces aggressiveness and even helps prevent suicide, although it is not known how much.

The need for tryptophan for a person per day, on average, is only 1 gram. The human body does not produce tryptophan on its own. However, the need for it is very high, since it is involved in the structure of protein. Protein depends on the levels at which the human nervous and cardiac systems will work.

Tryptophan is necessary for the synthesis of not only serotonin, but also another, equally important for life human body substances - niacin or nicotinic acid. The sounded compound belongs to the B vitamins and has the corresponding abbreviation B3. An interesting fact is that for the synthesis of vitamin PP, only 3% of the total amount of tryptophan present in the body is required.

The amino acid also participates in metabolic reactions. First of all, I mean energy exchange. In other words, tryptophan promotes the production of energy, which is then expended on the body to perform various functions and to carry out high-intensity mental and physical activity.

You can list many more responsibilities of the irreplaceable constituent of protein. This is the relief of premenstrual syndrome in women, and the improvement of the functioning of the nervous system, and the stimulation of insulin production, and the normalization of body weight. Tryptophan has a positive effect on heart function and circulatory system and protects the body from the harmful effects of nicotine and ethanol.

The amino acid is useful for everyone, without exception. But besides the fact that it is actively used in medicine, this compound is also widely used in the field of sports, namely, to increase the physical performance of athletes. And this is not surprising, because the protein component helps to increase muscle mass, endurance, fights fatigue, prolonging the period of vigorous physical education. Due to its appetite-regulating properties, this amino acid is used during "drying" as a means of suppressing hunger and cravings for foods rich in carbohydrates.

Excess and deficiency of tryptophan

Not everyone can boast of the presence in their own body of a sufficient amount of the organic compound we are considering. Many suffer from a lack of tryptophan. It is easy to recognize by the following symptoms:

  • poor concentration;
  • sleep problems;
  • depressive conditions;
  • sudden weight loss and weight gain;
  • slow growth (in the younger generation);
  • weakness;
  • overeating due to cravings for carbohydrate foods.

Lack of tryptophan is caused by the use of treats poor in vitamin B6; hobby for intoxicating drinks and smoking. The factors provoking a deficiency of the amino acid are diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia.

If we talk about an excess of the protein component, then it practically does not exist. Even exceeding the maximum daily dose of tryptophan, equal to 5 g, does not cause, according to experts, any side effects. Nevertheless, taking dietary supplements, which are based on an essential amino acid, should be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor. The fact is that in some cases the use of dietary supplements containing tryptophan, especially in its pure form without additional components, is fraught with the development of a serious illness called eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. At least, this is exactly what happened back in 1989. This ailment is characterized by an increase in body temperature, shortness of breath, swelling of the extremities, pain in joints and muscles, weakness in the whole body. Then more than a thousand people who took the ill-fated dietary supplement fell ill, and for 30 of them the case ended in a completely fatal outcome. And although numerous experts argued that the cause of the terrible diagnosis and disappointing conclusion of that story was the contaminant found in the batch of the drug, it is still better to beware and not engage in amateur activities.

Tryptophan source foods

So, in order to avoid the lack of tryptophan in the body and the need to take food supplements based on it, you should enrich your own diet with foods with a large amount of this organic compound in the composition.

The leaders in the content of essential amino acids are nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin and sesame seeds. In 100 g of any of the listed delicacies, scientists have found more than 550 mg of the compound of interest to us. Soy and soy products and cheeses have about the same value in relation to tryptophan.

The third place is rightfully shared by fish, seafood, sprouted cereal seeds and bran. The amount of tryptophan in them is in the range of 330-335 mg.

The poorest sources of the essential amino acid are chicken eggs and legumes (except for the already mentioned soybeans). 100 g of these products contain from 115 to 167 mg of the substance.

This is the overall rating. If we focus on specific treats rich in tryptophan, it turns out that the best sources of organic compounds are peanuts, cashews, almonds, black and red caviar. Unfortunately, due to the high price, few people have access to most of these products.

Ponomarenko Nadezhda

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Tryptophan (L-Tryptophan or L-Tryptophan) is an essential amino acid, because the body itself does not produce it, and we can get this substance only with food. It is a hormone of "good mood", since it is from it that serotonin is produced. In fact, tryptophan is the chemical basis for human joy. Tryptophan is also considered to be an assistant in the synthesis of niacin and melatonin.

With the help of experiments on laboratory animals, they showed that the low content of this amino acid in the blood of experimental subjects affects the reduction of life by almost one and a half times. Recommended for people with disorders eating behaviorsuch as anorexia, bulimia and obesity, addicted to nicotine or alcohol, people with depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders and just anyone who wants to maintain their health.

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Daily intake of tryptophan

The norm of tryptophan for humans in various sources varies from 1 to 2-2.5 grams per day. It should be noted that this amino acid tends to accumulate in the body, and if on one day you “did not get enough” the norm, then it will certainly be replenished the next day.

The consequences of a lack of tryptophan in the body

Signs of a lack of this amino acid are headache, despondency, close to a depressive state, nervousness, excessive fatigue, cravings for sweets, alcohol and tobacco, insomnia, lack of concentration and rapid weight gain.

The consequences of an excess of tryptophan in the body

An excess of tryptophan in the human body can lead to bladder swelling. But do not be afraid of such an unpleasant prospect - an excess of this protein component is extremely rare and is recorded by specialists.

Useful properties of tryptophan

In people who regularly consume the required amount of this amino acid, the level of serotonin in the blood is regulated, which contributes to an easier course of headaches with migraines or even their absence. Women who are not devoid of tryptophan experience PMS more easily. In general, the number of strokes decreases, memory, working capacity and human performance improve. He has an even skin tone, looks prettier, younger, fresher and more joyful.

Tryptophan is responsible for the synthesis of melatonin, which allows a person to get enough sleep and feel more alert throughout the day. As you can see, you should not ignore this amino acid in your diet.

Contraindications and harm to tryptophan.

This amino acid is very important for the human body, and cases of its deficiency in the blood prevail over cases of excess. A contraindication to taking tryptophan or limiting it can only be a person's individual intolerance or certain diseases that are detected by the attending physician.

Tryptophan-rich foods

A large amount of tryptophan is found in chia seeds (you can also find the name "Spanish sage"), cheese, soybeans, pine nuts, walnuts and pumpkin nuts, sesame, mushrooms, oatmeal. Tryptophan is rich in bananas, dairy products (cottage cheese, yoghurts) and milk, seafood, figs, meat.

Tryptophan can be replenished with the help of special drugs. The main thing is to choose it correctly among the huge variety of pharmacological products.

Complete list of foods containing Tryptophan watch

Daily Value: 1000 - 2500 mg.

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is essential for making proteins.

Presented in protein foods of animal and plant origin. The only way to replenish its reserves in the human body is through properly selected food products.

Meaning for a person

This substance has incredible wide range positive effects on the body. Tryptophan is used to fight insomnia and sleep rhythm disturbances, and is used for depression and anxiety. It has also been observed that the presence of the required amount of the amino acid relieves the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, facilitates the process of quitting smoking, and helps people who participate in sports to improve their results.

And despite the fact that a person is unable to synthesize tryptophan on his own, this substance is extremely necessary for normal life. For example, production of vitamin B3 (niacin) without tryptophan would stop completely. It would also be problematic for the body to produce serotonin - the so-called "hormone of happiness", which is of particular importance for the functioning of the brain and nervous system. In addition, it is on the concentration of serotonin that our mood, quality of sleep, the level of pain threshold and even the correct peristalsis of the intestine and the immunity of various kinds of inflammation depend.

In addition, tryptophan is an excellent aid in the fight against hyperactivity in children, stress, excess weight and excessive appetite. Most people with migraines have been found to have abnormally low tryptophan levels.

Other functions of the substance include:

  • activation of growth hormone;
  • beneficial effect on the heart, by neutralizing the effects of stress;
  • partial protection of the body from the harmful effects of nicotine;
  • prevention of recurrent bulimia.

Interesting research

  1. Grumpiness

Scientists conducted an interesting experiment involving people who identified themselves as "grumpy". The participants in the experiment were given 100 mg of tryptophan three times a day, and soon they were able to record positive results. People became more compliant, their behavior was replaced by more pleasant for others, the experimental subjects decreased cravings for quarrels. But 500 mg of the substance, taken once, relieves adolescents from increased physical aggressiveness.

  1. Insomnia

Sleep disturbance is the cause of irritability and moodiness in many people. In the 1970s, it was believed that tryptophan, taken in a dose of 1-5 grams, helped improve sleep quality. But then it was found that 250 mg of the amino acid is enough to enter the deep sleep stage. Further studies have shown that 1 g of the substance helps to effectively fight insomnia, significantly shortens the time to fall asleep, reducing wakefulness in the evening. Tryptophan has also been shown to be effective against obstructive sleep apnea.

  1. Malice

It is already known that a bad mood, depression and anger are most often the result of a lack of serotonin, and therefore tryptophan. But there is one more curious fact. It turns out that an amino acid deficiency can affect facial expressions, causing a more evil facial expression.


After absorption of tryptophan from food, the body converts it into the form of 5-hydroxytrophan, after which - into the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for the exchange of impulses between nerve cells. But the complete metabolism of a substance is possible only with adequate doses of vitamins B6, B9 and C.

Daily requirement

The daily allowance for tryptophan is determined based on the person's age and health status. And on this issue, the opinions of experts were divided. Some argue that the need for a healthy adult body for an amino acid is about 1 g. Others the recommended daily dose is determined by the formula: 4 mg tryptophan per kilogram of body weight. Thus, a 70-kg person should receive approximately 280 mg of the substance daily. But both of them are unanimous in the opinion that reserves of a useful substance should be drawn from natural foodrather than pharmacological drugs. By the way, there is evidence that the consumption of carbohydrates and proteins at the same time increases the amount of absorbed tryptophan.

People with all kinds of mental disorders, migraines, sleep disorders, low blood pressure should be extremely attentive to the use of the necessary daily allowances for tryptophan (and even a little more). pain threshold, cardiac diseases, with syndrome chronic fatigue, anorexia, bulimia, and alcohol addiction.

The use of amino acids in higher doses can be dangerous for people with Price, Tad, or Hartnup syndromes, or those with tryptophan accumulation disorders.

What does a lack of amino acids promise

First, and most importantly, tryptophan deficiency entails a lack of serotonin and vitamin B3, the production of which is directly dependent on this amino acid. Hence - nervousness, sleep disturbances, PMS. Secondly, insufficient intake of tryptophan against the background of a lack of magnesium causes spasms of the coronary artery. Dermatitis, digestive problems, diarrhea can also signal an amino acid deficiency, mental disorders... In addition, a lack of substance can cause heart disease, as well as cause an unhealthy addiction to alcohol and fatigue.

Dangers of overdose

Despite the many positive effects of natural tryptophan on the human body, there are some warnings about taking the substance in the form of dietary supplements or tablets. Overdose can cause heartburn, stomach pain, belching, flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and bladder swelling. Other possible side effects include headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, muscle weakness, and dry mouth.

The maximum allowable safe dose of tryptophan that does not cause side effects is considered to be 4.5 grams. When used in excess of the specified norms in combination with antidepressants, it can lead to the so-called "serotonin syndrome" (delirium, convulsions, heat body, sometimes - a state of coma). Also, tryptophan should be treated with caution in people with kidney or liver disease.

Laboratory blood tests can determine the real amount of tryptophan in the body, in particular, for an indicator of the content of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid.

Food sources

Tryptophan is a traditional ingredient in most protein foods.

There are amino acid reserves in chocolate, oats, dates, milk, yoghurts, cottage cheese, red meat, eggs, fish, poultry, sesame seeds, chickpeas, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, bananas, peanuts, and corn. You can also replenish the amount of amino acids from asparagus, beet tops, Swiss chard, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, watercress, spicy greens, radishes, ginger, pumpkin, carrots, seaweed.

But perhaps the most popular product traditionally associated with tryptophan is turkey. The researchers split into 2 groups: some argue that the meat of this bird is extremely rich in tryptophan, others reject it. But recently, the controversy seems to have come to an end: the parties have agreed that there is as much tryptophan in turkey meat as in most other birds.

Seeds, nuts 567
Soy products 575
Cheese 571
Meat 415
Bird 404
Fish 335
Seafood 330
Bran, sprouted grains 335
Eggs 167
Legumes 115

And if you analyze each category of these products, then among the seeds and nuts, sesame, sunflower, pistachios, cashews, almonds and hazelnuts can boast of the highest concentration of the substance. Among soy products, it is better to give preference to tofu, while parmesan, cheddar and mozzarella are the favorites in the cheese category. While that doesn't mean you shouldn't neglect varieties like Edam, Gouda or Swiss - they also contain tryptophan.

Rabbit is the most amino acid-rich meat (100 grams of the product contains more than 130% of the recommended daily allowance). Somewhat less substance, but also quite a lot, is found in pork, goat meat and veal. Among poultry meat, chickens, turkey, chickens (wings and legs) are in the lead.

When choosing fish, it is better to opt for halibut, salmon, trout or mackerel. But you can take everything seafood. Crawfish, octopus, shrimp, lobster, crayfish, oysters and scallops, even in small portions, will satisfy the daily need for tryptophan.

The most useful grains are wheat germ, buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat bran. The best legumes: different varieties of beans and lentils.

If you decide to cook something from chicken eggs, wanting to increase serotonin levels, know: soft-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs contain a little more tryptophan than hard-boiled ones.

Interaction with other drugs

It is important to be careful when taking tryptophan along with antidepressants that also increase serotonin levels. An excess of this hormone can lead to health problems, including the development of heart disease.

Taking tryptophan with sedatives can cause excessive sleepiness.

For a sufficient formation of amino acids, the body should not be deficient in vitamin B6, ascorbic and folic acidas well as magnesium.

Probably most of us have had to deal with irritability and bad mood, logical explanations for which, at first glance, there was no. But in fact, everything is much simpler - the diet lacks foods rich in tryptophan. Now you know this, as well as where to look for the sources of your happiness. After all, sometimes happiness is really - in healthy food. So why not cook something delicious from the above products right now? And may happiness be with you!

In our article, we will take a closer look at what an essential amino acid is. tryptophan... Let's tell how to overcome depressionusing natural vitamins and eating right. Everyone knows that healthy sleep is extremely important for health, but most people have not even heard of the unique substance that makes us sleep well. Also, with its deficiency, performance decreases and mood worsens.

The amino acid in its optimal natural form and dosage is contained in beekeeping products such as pollen, royal jelly and drone brood, which are part of many natural vitamin and mineral complexes of the Parapharm company: Leveton P, Elton P, Leveton Forte ”,“ Elton Forte ”,“ Apitonus P ”,“ Osteomed ”,“ Osteo-Vit ”,“ Osteomed Forte ”,“ Eromax ”,“ Memo-Vit ”and“ Cardioton ”. That is why we pay so much attention to each natural substance, talking about its importance and benefits for a healthy body.

What is tryptophan substance:
chemical properties of amino acid

If you want to understand what kind of substance tryptophan is, you need to consider a group of essential amino acids - compounds that cannot be produced in the body and are supplied with food. For normal development and growth, a person must receive these substances within the daily norm. This group includes tryptophan.

Moreover, it occupies an important place among proteinogenic amino acids, necessary for the formation of protein. It has been established that this substance is found in all living organisms. It is part of many proteins, but most of all tryptophan in fibrinogen, as well as blood globulins.

In nature, this compound exists in two isomeric forms: L and D, as well as in the form of a racemate. Note that the first of them is the most useful for humans. In its pure form, L-tryptophan is a white to yellowish powder that tastes bitter. Its board temperature is 283 degrees Celsius. This amino acid is readily soluble in water, worse in ethanol. Important chemical property tryptophan - when interacting with a number of substances, it gives color reactions. Note that this is an unstable amino acid that easily oxidizes. It is rapidly degraded during acidic hydrolysis of protein.

What is the fault of the irreplaceable
amino acid tryptophan?

Many do not know that tryptophan was able to isolate in 1901 such chemists as F. Hopkins and S. Kohl from casein. But interest in this substance aroused among scientists only by the 60s of the last century. After many experiments, it turned out that the essential amino acid tryptophan has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. He was called at that time one of the best antidepressants... Biochemists have suggested that the aggressiveness of the Indians of South America - the Mayans and the Aztecs - was due to the predominance of corn in their diet, which is low in tryptophan.

Very soon after such publications, tryptophan and preparations containing it became extremely popular in Western countries. They could be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. The benefits of the essential amino acid, such as efficiency and cheapness, have steadily increased the sales figures for tryptophan. But already in the mid-80s, the reputation of this substance received a serious blow. In particular, in 1989 in the United States broke out "Tryptophan scandal", the echoes of which are still heard. Then more than a thousand Americans fell ill with a serious disorder - the syndrome of eosinophilia-myalgia. The patients had severe pain in muscles and joints, fever, shortness of breath and weakness.

As a result, 38 patients died from this disease. In 1991, the country's government introduced a complete ban on the sale of tryptophan drugs. Later, as a result of the investigation, it turned out that only the products of the Japanese company Showa Denko led to such disastrous results. Moreover, it was not the drug itself that was to blame for the disease, but the violation of its manufacturing technology. Tryptophan appeared on the market in the early 2000s, but the stain on its reputation has not been cleaned up. Many nutritionists in the United States still believe that taking large amounts of this substance is hazardous to health.

Unique properties.
The value of amino acids for the body

As we said above, tryptophan is an essential amino acid that cannot be produced by the body. Its regular intake with food is especially important when you consider the importance of the amino acid for the body. This substance plays a huge role in the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. In particular, it is necessary for such an important physiological process as sleep.

In addition, it is important for relaxation and rest, which means that with its help we will always look good. Tryptophan can be called a natural antidepressant, thanks to it we feel calm and harmonious. Why? It's simple: it is responsible for the production of many substances important for the body in the brain. First is niacin (vitamin B3). Secondly, serotonin, the most important neurotransmitter, which is called the "hormone of happiness". It is the main fighter against depression in our body, which creates a sense of emotional well-being.

Importantly, tryptophan is also required for the formation of melatonin. It is melatonin that contributes to faster falling asleep and sleep duration. By the way, serotonin is produced during the daytime, and melatonin is produced at night. Also, this amino acid is necessary for the production of: kynurenine, quinolinic acid, which are essential for normal growth and development.

Let's highlight other important functions of a substance in the body:

  • participates in protein synthesis;
  • helps control appetite;
  • enhances immunity;
  • takes part in the production of growth hormone;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • increases the pain threshold;
  • effective for hyperactivity syndrome in children;
  • helps with chronic fatigue syndrome.

In addition, we can say that taking tryptophan drugs improves the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Also, the substance is suitable for the complex treatment of alcoholism, since it reduces the toxic effects of ethanol and relaxes the body during withdrawal symptoms. This substance is especially beneficial for women as it relieves PMS. Effective in treating obesity as it helps to reduce hunger.

Daily rate

The body must receive this amino acid in the required amounts, otherwise it will act as a limiting substance. This means that its deficiency can become a factor inhibiting the development of the body. Moreover, the body will take the necessary compound from internal reserves - muscle tissue cells. It is especially important to prevent such a development of events in adolescents whose bodies have not been fully formed. According to most scholars, daily tryptophan- 0.25 g. Of course, with intense training, this figure will grow.

It is believed that it is better not to consume more than 3-4 grams of the amino acid at a time. It is also necessary to take into account the genetic component of the issue. Some need a little more of this substance for normal protein metabolism, others a little less. To determine how much tryptophan you need, you can use this formula: multiply 3.5 mg by your body weight.

What products contain
the essential amino acid tryptophan

As we said earlier, the main source of this substance is protein. At the same time, the essential amino acid tryptophan is found in both plant and animal foods. To the delight of vegetarians, let us say that many "humane" foods are extremely rich in this compound. Below is a list of healthy dishes, the number next to the name indicates the content of the substance in milligrams per 100 grams of the product.

Animal food:

  • chicken -350;
  • turkey - 480;
  • veal - 250;
  • beef - 220;
  • pork -190;
  • eggs - 200;
  • red caviar - 960;
  • salmon - 220;
  • dutch cheese - 790;
  • cottage cheese - 210;

Plant food:

  • oatmeal - 160;
  • soybeans - 600;
  • buckwheat - 180;
  • peas - 260;
  • sunflower seed - 300;
  • pine nuts - 420;
  • almonds - 630;
  • peanuts –750;

Scientists have found that the most high amino acid content in a rare animal - a sea lion (2589 mg). All poultry is rich in this product.

Lack of tryptophan in the body

Note that the lack of tryptophan in the body is easy enough to identify. Let's name a few of the main characteristic symptoms:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • persistent headaches;
  • reduced performance;
  • unstable and shallow sleep;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • irritability;
  • poor concentration;
  • growth retardation in children;
  • a tendency to overeat.
  • spasms of the coronary arteries.

It has been noticed that the lack of vitamin B3 is associated with a lack of tryptophan in the body. Also, some scientists believe that people who are prone to aggression have little of this important substance in their blood, and as a result, a deficiency of the "happiness hormone", serotonin, develops.

Excess tryptophan in the body.
Amino acid overdose

It must be said that an excess of tryptophan in the body is a rather rare phenomenon, but there are several diseases that are accompanied by the accumulation of this amino acid. In this regard, it is necessary to mention familial hypertryptophanemia, which occurs due to metabolic disorders. Its consequences are sad: joint pain, visual impairment, developmental delay. Also worth mentioning is Tada syndrome, which most often leads to dwarfism. This disorder develops when tryptophan is not converted to kynurenine.

Tryptophan should be taken with caution by people who suffer from diabetes mellitus, cataracts, achlorhydria. It is necessary to name the symptoms of an amino acid overdose: vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, flatulence. In rare cases, serotonic syndrome occurs, accompanied by agitation, anxiety, lacrimation.

What tryptophan works with

It has been proven that this amino acid is absorbed only with B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. In the course of a number of experiments, it was found that tryptophan is combined with carbohydrate food. So it gets to the brain much faster, where it starts producing serotonin. Therefore, it is effective to consume this substance along with oatmeal or fruit. You can drink it with water or juice; combination with milk and other protein products is not recommended. Note that tryptophan enhances the action of antipsychotics, anxiolytics, alcohol.

The use of amino acids in
industry and medicine

In order for you to have a complete idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of substance tryptophan is, you need to talk about the use of the amino acid in industry. It is successfully used in pharmaceuticals for the production of food supplements and medicines. The main goals of these drugs are to fight depression and normalize sleep. Proven to be a unique substance can help even with severe depression and chronic insomnia. In such cases, the dosage of tryptophan preparations is high and reaches 3 g.

In addition, this amino acid is used in the production of animal feed. The supplement obtained from it is necessary for agriculture - it helps cattle gain weight, improves the absorption of food.

Tryptophan in sports

It must be admitted that tryptophan is used much less frequently in sports than, say, BCAAs or L-arginine. . But this does not mean at all that athletes do not need this substance. Quite the opposite, it is this amino acid that is required for the production of growth hormone, which triggers muscle growthby accelerating protein synthesis. Perhaps the most important tryptophan is for bodybuilders, as it helps control appetite during the "dry" period.

Taking tryptophan alone hardly makes sense for most athletes. Natural vitamin complexes will have much more benefit for them. In this regard, it is worth highlighting food additive "Leveton Forte", containing such components as drone brood, pollen pollen, leuzea root. It is the drone brood that contains the amino acids necessary for the athlete, including tryptophan. All components of this vitamin complex successfully complement each other, increasing endurance and increasing efficiency.

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Vladimir Manannikov

Tryptophan is a type of amino acid that is essential for the human body.

Lack of it in the body has a bad effect on health, sleep is disturbed, mood disappears, a certain lethargy and inertia in everyday life is felt.

Tryptophan is a basic element for the production of serotonin hormone of joy and happiness, which contributes to a good mood in every person. Tryptophan is useful for children with hyperactivity, it also controls body weight, normalizing the synthesis of growth hormone.

The benefits of the amino acid tryptophan for the human body are considerable. It helps regulate appetite, normalize sleep, and improve mood. The daily requirement of the human body for this element is not so big - 1 gram.

With all this, it is desirable to obtain tryptophan from natural products, and not in the form drugs or various kinds of additives. Many foods contain tryptophan.

Most often, this amino acid in their arsenal contains plant-based products: cottage cheese, cheese, milk, yogurt, soy, bananas, oatmeal, mushrooms, dates, walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, pine nuts, red meat, fish, seeds, legumes, eggs, red and brown rice.

The need for this amino acid lies in the fact that it often takes part in the structure of a protein that is so necessary for our body. As a result, it affects the nervous and vascular systems the human body as well as the heart.

An insufficient amount of tryptophan can lead to impaired growth, weight loss (excess accumulation), irritability, depression, anxiety, irascibility, inability to concentrate, insomnia, poor appetite and memory.

With a lack of tryptophan, the following symptoms are observed:

a state of depression;
slight irritability;
frequent headaches;
inability to concentrate;
increased feeling of tension;
special sensitivity to all kinds of pain;
rapid weight gain (or vice versa, loss);
sleep problems;
stunted growth in children;
excessive passion for "bad" foods - alcohol, cigarettes, very fatty foods, a huge amount of sweets.

You must be extremely careful with the use of foods containing tryptophan. The thing is that an excess of it in the body has very bad consequences. Although it is extremely difficult to do this, it is still possible to overdo it with the concentration of tryptophan. Especially when you are taking it in the form of medications rather than extracting it from natural products.

Many studies have shown that excess tryptophan leads to muscle and joint pain, fever, general weakness of the whole body, and swelling in the legs and arms. In some cases, even the development of a tumor in the bladder was recorded.

Daily use of foods that are rich in tryptophan in your diet has a good effect not only on health, but also on the entire human body - its condition, appearance.

You will forget about chronic diseases, which are associated with the heart and blood vessels, reduce the risk of stroke, you will sleep well, the seasonal feeling of fatigue will disappear.

Tryptophan can also help relieve PMS. But this is not only good for women. This amino acid has a beneficial effect on external beauty - a healthy complexion, shine of hair, strong nails, vigor and energy of the whole organism.

Considering how much useful, necessary and good tryptophan does for the health and general condition of a person, you need to know which foods contain the most of it. This will allow you to include them in the diet in order to maximize your saturation with this amino acid.

Most richest in tryptophan red and black caviar, dutch cheese, peanut, almond.

IN following products the proportion of tryptophan is about 50% of the daily value:

rabbit and turkey meat,
sunflower seeds,
a hen,

Less than 50% of the RDA:

cottage cheese,
chicken eggs,
dried apricots,
pearl barley.

About 10% of the RDA or less:


This does not mean at all that one should only overeat with caviar, peanuts and almonds. Even those products in which the percentage is very small are very useful and necessary in the daily diet.

For example, milk drunk at night will give you the opportunity to have a great rest and sleep. Oatmeal for breakfast or yogurt, various cheeses are the key to a wonderful, full of vitality day.

Therefore, eat a variety of foods - they are all good for your health!

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