The edges of the wedge-shaped bone. Wedge-shaped bone - anatomy, seams, embryogenesis, biomechanics

One of the eight bones of the skull, the wedge-shaped bone has a complex structure. This article contains information on the structure and functions of wedge-shaped bone.

Do you know that?

The wedge-shaped bone is articulated with all the bones of the skull, so it is called "the cornerstone of the cranial box."

Of the 206 bones in the human body, 22 bones are found in the skull. Of these 22 bones, 8 bones of the skull, the remaining bones of the face. Skull bones include frontal bone, 2 dark bones, occipient bone, wedge-shaped bone, 2 temporal bones and lattice bone. Wedge-shaped bone has a rather interesting form. It is called "OS Sphenoidale" in Latin. The words "Splen" and "Eidos" mean "Wedge" and "shape", respectively.

Located in the center of the skull, it looks like a bat or butterfly with outstretched wings. One of the structural-sophisticated bones of the human body, the wedge-shaped bone consists of a middle corps, two large wings, two smaller wings, and two wing like plates. The main function of the wedge-shaped bone is that it helps in the formation of the side of the skull, the base of the brain department, as well as Niza. It also helps in the formation of the walls of each of the orbits, which are two cavities containing eyes. This bone lies in front of the temporal bone and forms the base of the skull, right behind the orders.

Location of wedge-shaped bone

Side view of the skull

Lower view of the skull

Anatomy of wedge-shaped bone

In addition to the fact that it plays an important role in the formation of the integral anatomical structures of the skull, this bone is also important for:

  • It acts as a place to fasten the muscles that help us fierce food.
  • It includes several cracks and holes that have round or oval holes through which the nerves and artery of the head and neck are passing. For example, the eye nerve passes through the orphanage, the topless nerve passes through the round hole Rotundum, and the mighty-eyed nerve passes through an oval hole.
  • It also helps in the formation of the side of the cranial arch and pits (anatomical concavity or depression, which act as a joint surface).

This bone consists of the following structures:

  • Two big wings
  • Two smaller wings
  • Two walled processes

View from the back of the skull

Median Body

The body, which is also called the housing of the wings is a wedge-shaped bone of a cubic shape of the section, which is located in the center. In general, there are six surfaces, which include, upper, lower and rear surfaces on both sides. The body contains wedge-shaped sinuses, one of the four air filled in the cavity cavity, which are connected to the nasal cavity. Sleepy grooves located on the sides of the body (channel-like passage) for internal sleepy artery. On the upper surface of the body is the Turkish saddle in which there is a large cavity for the pituitary gland. The saddle includes square form The backs of the Turkish saddle (from the back), the Turkish saddle tuberca (from the front side), the rear wedge-shaped, and pituitary pits (inside the Turkish saddle). The back wedge applies to the left and right side of the backrest of the Turkish saddle. The back and front wedge-shaped parts are enclosed in the rear and front walls of the Turkish seat around the pituitary gland, respectively. The comb-shaped crest (narrow ridge, bone) is located in the front of the wedge-shaped bone and the wedge-shaped shell, which lie on both sides of the ridge and limit the hole of the wedge-shaped sinus.

View from the top of the skull

Little wings

Smaller wings, also called Ala Minor, are actually smaller of two flattened, triangular shapes, wingid bones of plates that apply to lateral surface On both sides of the body of a wedge-shaped bone. Under them lie paired big wings. Optical channels that lead to orbits are located at the base of small wings. Small wings are a tiny part of the medial rear wall of the orbit, and act with its free edges as the boundary between the front and medium cranial pits. The ribs in the front of the small wings are connected to the orphanage of the frontal bone, as well as the lattice plate of the lattice bone. The basic slit, which represents a narrow hole located between a large and smaller wing, passes diagonally along the back of the orbit. Overall, block, triple and taking nerves pass through these slots. The optic nerve and the orphan artery pass through the optical channel located along the wings.

Big wings

These bone plates curved upwards. They help in the formation of the bottom of the skull, as well as the side walls of the middle cranial box. They have four surfaces. Large wings begin with a wide base on the side surface of the body of a wedge-shaped bone. Each of this wing has four surfaces (brain, orbits, temporal and topless). On a brain surface, which adds to the skull cavity, there is a round hole, which is called the Rotundum hole through which the maxillary nerve and branches passes trigeny nerve. The medial opening that is an oval hole acts as a passage for the mandibular nerve, a meningeal artery accessory, small stony nerves. Rear from the oval hole lies spinosum. Average meningheal artery And the shell branches of the municipal nerve pass through the holes spinosum. The orbital surface forming the lateral wall in the appropriate orbit, and the ovative lies on the temporal surface.

Wingoid processes

The walled processes are two bone outflows that descend down from the connection site of large wings and body of a wedge-shaped bone. The sole-shaped channel from the rear to the front is based on each walled process. Each of these processes make up lateral and medial plates. The walled pink is a cavity or vpadin, which is between lateral and medial plates. Lateral wing muscles, facilitates movement lower jaw When chewing and attached to the side plate. Muscles involved in swallowing are attached to the medial record. The hook-shaped expansion of the medial wingid plates is called Hamulus, which also helps in the process of swallowing.

In conclusion, I want to see, the complex structure of the wedge-shaped bone is explained by the fact that it is articulated with several skull bones. It helps in the formation of orbits, and also serves as an embedding for important muscles facilitating chewing and swallowing. It also acts as a passage for important nerves and blood vessels.

Alae minores and big wings, lat. Alae Majores) and wonder outgrowths (lat. Processus Pterygoidei).
Sphenoid bone
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Body of wedge-shaped bone

On the upper surface of the body there is a deepening - Turkish saddle (lat. Sella Turcica) containing the pituitary gland. The front boundary of the saddle is the saddle tuberculor, the back is the back of the saddle. Sleepy grooves with cavernous sines are located on the sides of the Turkish saddle, which pass internal carotid arteries and accompanying nervous plexuses. Ahead from Bugorka saddles is a groove of the crossroads, on which the crossroads of optic nerves is located. The back of the saddle in the lateral departments protrudes, forming the rear inclined processes. The rear surface of the backrest of the Turkish saddle smoothly continues the upper surface of the basilar part of the occipital bone, forming a scat.

The body of the wedge-shaped bone is connected to the perpendicular plate of the lattice bone and the coulter by means of a vertically located wedge-shaped crest. Behind the body of a wedge-shaped bone growls with a basilar part of the occipital bone.

Most of the body of the wedge-shaped bone is made by air-free wedge-shaped sinus, separated by the partition into two halves. In front of the sinus is limited to wedge-shaped sinks located on the sides of the wedge-shaped crest. The sinks form holes - apertures, through which the wedge-shaped cavity communicates with the cavity of the nose. The walls of the wedge-shaped sinus are lined with mucous membrane.

Small wings

Small wings are directed to the side from the reserving corners of the body in the form of two horizontal plates. Their foundations are located openings of a rounded form that are the beginning. visual channelscontaining visual nerves and eye artery. The upper surfaces of small wings are facing the skull, the lower - in the cavity of the eye, forming top Walls Upper basic slots. The front edges of the wings are tested with the headquarters of the frontal bone. The rear edges are freely lying in the skull cavity, being the boundary of the front and medium skulls.

Small wings are connected to each other by a wedge-shaped elevation, located in front of the sword furrow.

Big wings

Large wings move the duck from the side surfaces of the bone body. The large wing distinguish four surfaces and three edges. At the base of the Big Wing there are three holes: a round hole (ForaMen Rotundum) through which the maxillary nerve passes; oval (FORAMEN OVALE) through which the mandibular nerve passes; Ostial (formen spinosum) (it passes the average meningeal artery, vein and nerve).

Surface of the Big Wing

Brain surfaceThe upper, facing the skull's cavity.

Foreign surface, renger, has a diamond shape. Facing the cavity of the orbit, forming part of it lateral wall. The lower edge of the wing surface along with the rear edge of the orphanage surface of the upper jaw forms the bottom of the orphanage.

Topper-eyed surfaceFront, has a triangular shape, small size. From above is limited to the orders surface, on the side and bottom - the root of the walled process. The maxillary surface is involved in the formation of the posterior wall of the piano. It contains a round hole.

Temple surface, Upper-block, shares a hatching comb on directly temporal and walled Surfaces. The temporal surface is involved in the formation of temporal pits. On the wonderland, an oval and ostic opening opens. The wingid surface forms the front wall of the omitous fox.

The edges of the Big Wing

Opt mound, the upper, connects with the orphanage of the frontal bone, through a wedge-hair seam. The outer departments of the frontal edge ends with an acute dark edge forming with the parietal bone of a wedge-parietal seam. Interior departments The frontal edge is transferred to a thin free edge, which is limited to the bottom of the outer basic slit.

Zhilogo region, front, connected with the frontal process zhilogo bone, Forming a wedge-hair seam.

Scaly region, rear, connects with the wedge-shaped edge of the temporal bone and forms a wedge-hair-scaly seam. Rear and outside the scaly edge ends with the rust of the wedge-shaped bone. Knutrice from the ocean of the scaly region is located ahead of the rocky part of the temporal bone, forming a wedge-hair-stony slot with it, moving media into a torn hole.

Wingoid processes

Each process consists of medial and lateral plates, which are fascinated in the front-upper parts, limiting the front of the walled hole. Free, unreasonable ends of the plates limit the wingid clipping, filled with a pyramidal bone effect. The bottom end of the medial plate ends with a walled crochet, directed down and the dust.

  1. Wedge-shaped bone, OS sphenoidale. Located between the frontal, occipient and temporal bones. Fig. A B C.
  2. Body, Corpus. Located between large wings. Fig. A, B.
  3. Wedge-shaped elevation, Jugum Sphenoidale. Connects small wings of a wedge-shaped bone. Fig. BUT.
  4. (Previously) Cross Groove, Sulcus PrechiasMaticus. Located between the right and left visual channels. Fig. BUT.
  5. Turkish saddle, Sella Turcica. Snack located above the wedge-shaped sinus. Contains the pituitary. Fig. BUT.
  6. Tuberculum Sellae, Tuberculum Sellae. Walking in front of the pituitary fossa. Fig. BUT.
  7. [Middle inclined process, Processus Clinoideus Medius]. Located on the side of the pituitary fossa. Present is impermanent. Fig. BUT.
  8. Pypofizar pits, Fossa Hypophysialis. Filled with a pituitary. Fig. BUT.
  9. Saddle back, Dorsum Sellae. Is from behind from the pituitary fossa. Fig. A, V.
  10. Rear inclined process, Processus Clinoideus Posterior. Bilatheral sites back saddles. Fig. A, V.
  11. Sleepy groove, sulcus caroticus. It starts from the middle of the torn hole and goes forward. It passes internal carotid artery. Fig. BUT.
  12. Wedge-shaped tongue, Lingula Sphenoidalis. Located laterally from the place of internal carotid artery in the skull. Fig. BUT.
  13. Wedge-shaped comb, crista sphenoidalis. Located in the middle line on the front surface of the body and serves as a place to attach the perpendicular plate of the lattice bone. Fig. IN.
  14. Wedge-shaped beak, Rostrum Sphenoidale. It is a continuation of a wedge-shaped crest book. Connects with a couch. Fig. IN.
  15. Wedge-shaped sinus, sinus sphenoidalis. Steam air-capable skull cavity. Fig. IN.
  16. Wedge-shaped partition, Septum Intersinuale Sphenoidale. Separates the right wedge-shaped sinus from the left. Fig. IN.
  17. Aperture of a wedge-shaped sinus, Apertura Sinus Sphenoidalis. Opens to wedge-shaped-lattice recess. Fig. IN.
  18. Wedge-shaped shell, Concha Sphenoidalis. Usually a steam concave plate, struggling with a body of a wedge-shaped bone. Forms the front and lower walls of its sinus. Fig. IN.
  19. Small wing, Ala Minor. Fig. A B C.
  20. Visual canal, Canalis Opticus. Contains the optic nerve and eye artery. Fig. BUT.
  21. Front tilted process, Processus Clinoideus Anterior. A paired conical protrusion of small wings in front of a pituitary pocket. Fig. BUT.
  22. Upper basic slit, Fissura Orbitalts Superior. Located between large and small wings. Nerves and veins are passing through it. Fig. A B C.
  23. Big wing, Ala Major. Fig. A B C.
  24. Brain surface, Fades Cerebralis. Frames towards the brain. Fig. BUT.
  25. Temple surface, Fades Temporalis. Passed dust. Fig. B, V.
  26. Topper surface, Fades Maxillaris. Directed toward the upper jaw. It is a round hole on it. Fig. IN.
  27. FEBIC SURFACE, FADES ORBITALIS. Passed inside the orbit. Fig. IN.
  28. Zygomatic region, Margo Zygomaticus. Connects with zicky bone. Fig. IN.
  29. Front edge, Margo Frontalis. Tits with the frontal bone. Fig. BUT.
  30. Dreadland, Margo Parietalis. Connects with a parietal bone. Fig. IN.
  31. Scaly region, Margo Squamosus. The scaly seam is articulated with temporal bone. Fig. BUT.
  32. High comb, crista infratemporaalis. It is located between the oriented vertically temporal and horizontally lower surfaces of the Big Wing. Fig. B, V.
  33. Round hole, Foramen Rotundum. Opened in the walled-paciflement. Contains the maxillary nerve. Fig. A B C.
  34. Oval, Foramen Ovale. Located medial and kopeda from the oestoid hole. It passes the mandibular nerve. Fig. A, B.
  35. [Venosum venous hole, Foramen Venosum]. Located medial from Foramen Ovale. It contains an emissary vein that originates from the cavernous sinus. Fig. A, B.
  36. Sweet hole, Foramen Spinosum. Located lateral and stop from the oval hole. Designed for the middle meningeal artery. Fig. A, B.
  37. [Stony hole, Foramen Petrosum, []. It is between oval and ostic holes. Contains N.petrosus Major. Fig. A, B.
  38. Ax of wedge-shaped bone, spina ossis sphenoidalis. Departs from the Big Wing and is directed down. Fig. A, B.
  39. Furrow hearing pipe, Sulcus Tubae Auditoriae (Auditivae). Located on the lower surface of the large wing laterally from the base of the walled process. Contains a cartilaginous part of the hearing pipe. Fig. B.
Until 7-8 months of intrauterine development, the wedge-shaped bone consists of two parts: the prefenoid and the postSfenoid.
  • The prefenoidal part, or the prefenoid is located in front of the turkish saddled tubary and includes small wings and the front of the body.
  • The postSphenoid portion, or the postSphenoid consists of a Turkish saddle, the backrest of the saddle, large wings and the wonder-shaped processes.

Fig. Parts of wedge-shaped bone: PRSPH - prefenoid, BSPH - postSphenoid, Orbsph - orbital part of the small wing of a wedge-shaped bone, Alisph is a big wing of a wedge-shaped bone. In addition, the scheme marked: Boc - the body of the occipital bone, Petr is a rocky part of the temporal bone, SQ - scales of temporal bone. II, IX, X, XI, XII - cranial nerves.

In the process of embryogenesis in a wedge-shaped bone, 12 osening cores are formed:
1 core in every big wing,
1 core in every small wing,
1 core in each lateral plate of walled processes,
1 core in each medial plate of walled processes,
2 kernels in the prefenoid,
2 kernels in the postsphenoid.

Division on cartilage and membraneous ossification of a wedge-shaped bone:

Large wings and wingid processes are formed as a result of membrane osxification. In the rest of the wedge-shaped bone, the ossification occurs on the cartilage type.

Fig. Crying and membranous osxification of wedge-shaped bone.

At the moment of birth, the wedge-shaped bone consists of three independent parts:

  1. Body of wedge-shaped bone and small wings
  2. Right big wing together with the right wonder outgrowth in one complex
  3. Left big wing together with the left walled process with one complex
During the first year of life, three parts of the wedge-shaped bone merge into a single whole.

Anatomy of wedge-shaped bone

The main parts of the wedge-shaped bone of an adult is a body in the form of a cube and the three pairs of "wings" from it.
A small wings are departed from the body of a wedge-shaped bone in the ventral direction, large wings of a wedge bone are laterally from the body. And finally, caudally from the body of a wedge-shaped bone is the wonderful processes. Wings, or woven processes join the body "roots", between which channels and holes are saved.

Body of wedge-shaped bone

The body of a wedge-shaped bone has the shape of a cube with a cavity inside - sphenoidalis (Sinus sphenoidalis).

Fig. Body of wedge-shaped bone andsinus sphenoidal.

On the upper body of the body there is a Turkish saddle, or Sella Turcica .

Fig. Turkish saddle, or Sella Turcica wedge-shaped bone.

Small wings of a wedge-shaped bone depart from the body with two roots - upper and lower. Between the roots remain a hole - visual canal (canalis Opticus), through which the visual nerve passes (N. Opticus) and the orphanage (a. Ophthalmica).

Fig. Small wings of a wedge-shaped bone.

Small wings of a wedge-shaped bone are involved in the construction of the rear (dorsal) wall of the orbit.

Fig. Wings of a wedge-shaped bone in the construction of the dorsal wall of the orbit.

Small wings are projected onto the side surface of the skull in the area of \u200b\u200bthe frontal zicky seam of the outer wall of the orbit. The projection of the small wing corresponds to the almost horizontal segment between the frontal zicky seam ventral and Perison doorsally.

In addition, small wings are a "step" between the front cull with the frontal shared of the brain, and the medium cranial fossa with the temporal fraction.

Large wings of a wedge-shaped bone

The large wings of a wedge-shaped bone depart from the body with three roots: front (known as the top), middle and rear root.

A round hole is formed between the front and middle roots (for. Rotundum), through which the topless branch of the Tripher Nerva (V2 - ChmN) passes.
The oval hole is formed between the middle and rear roots (for. Ovale) through which the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (V3 -HMH) passes.
At the rear root level (either in it, or at the site of the compound of the large wing with the temporal bone) is formed a spiny hole (for. Spinosum), through which the average meningeal artery is held (a. Meningea Media).

Large wings of a wedge-shaped bone have three surfaces:

  1. Endocrancial surface participating in the base of the middle cranial fossa.
  2. The orbital surface forming the dorsolateral wall of the orbit.
  3. Extracranial surface of the Pension region.

Fig. Endocranne surface of large wings of a wedge-shaped bone.

Fig. Orbital surfacelarge wings of wedge-shaped bones rearning wall orbit.

Fig. Big wing of a wedge-shaped bone on the side surface of the skull of the skull.

The hare comb shares a big wing into two parts:
1) vertical, or temporal part.
2) Horizontal, or advantage.

In the very back of the big wing there is an auxiliary bone, or spina ossis sphenoidalis.

Wedge-shaped sutures

Connection of wedge-shaped bone with occipant bone.Wedge-shaped-occipital synchronosis, or as osteopaths say: ES-BE-ES is not important for importance anywhere else. For this reason, to describe it together with other seams would be completely offensive and not fortunate. Let's just say it later and separately.

Connection of wedge-shaped bone with temporal bone.
Presented in the form of seams with a rocky pyramid and with scales of temporal bone.

Wedge-shaped scaly seam, or SUTURA SPHENO-SQUAMOSA:
Wedge-shaped-scaly seam is the combination of a large wing of a wedge-shaped bone with scales of temporal bone. The seams also, as well as a large wing begins on the heap of the skull and then moves with the side surface of the skull's arch on its base. In the area of \u200b\u200bthis transition there is a reference point, or Pivot - PUNCTUM SPHENO-SQAMOSUM (PSS). Thus, in the wedge-hair-scaly seam, two parts can be distinguished.

  1. Vertical part of the seam - from Perion to the support point, PUNCTUM SPHENOSQUAMOSUM (PSS), where the seam has an outer cut: temporal bone covers wedge-shaped;
  2. The horizontal part of the seam - from the reference point (PSS) to the oxide of the wedge-shaped bone, where the seam has an inner section: the wedge-shaped bone covers the temporal bone.

Fig. Scaly-wedge-shaped seam, Sutura Spheno-Squamosa. Vertical part of the seam and the beginning of horizontal.

Fig. Scaly-wedge-shaped seam, Sutura Spheno-Squamosa. Horizontal part of the seam.

Fig. Scaly-wedge-shaped seam, Sutura spheno-squamosa on the inner surface of the base of the skull.

Wedge-hair-rocky synchronosis. Or, as they speak in the people, wedge-petrogenous. He is Synchondrosis Spheno-Petrosus.

Synchondrosis combines the ass jumper part of the large wing of a wedge-shaped bone with a pyramid of temporal bone.
Sphenopetrosal seam passes dorsolterally from the torn hole (for. Laceerum) between the large wing and the stony pyramid. Lies above the cartilage of the hearing pipe.

Fig. Wedge-shaped synchondrosis synchondrosis (Synchondrosis Spheno-Petrosus).

Harker, orpetrosophenoidalSindesmm, or ligamentum Sphenopetrosus Superior (syndesmosis).

It goes from the top of the pyramid to the rear wedge-shaped process (to the back of the Turkish saddle).

Fig. Wedge-shaped bundedHaloligamentum Sphenopetrosus Superior).

Connection of a wedge-shaped bone with lattice bone, or Wedge-shaped seam, or Sutura spheno-ethmoidalis.
In the extensive combination of the front surface of the body of a wedge-shaped bone with the back of the lattice bone, three independent areas are distinguished:

  1. The lattice process of wedge-shaped bone is connected to the back of the horizontal (dended) plate of the lattice bone (in the figure with green).
  2. The front wedge-shaped comb is connected to the rear of the perpendicular plate of the lattice bone (in the figure in red).
  3. Sepassing of wedge-shaped bones are combined with semi-chasums of the lattice bone (in the figure yellow color and weaving).
Fig. Wedge-shaped seam, Sutura spheno-ethmoidalis.

Connection of wedge-shaped bone with parietal bone It happens through SUTURA SPHENO-TEMPORALIS.
The compound lies in the region of Perion, where the garde edge of the large wing of a wedge-shaped bone is connected to the front corner of the dark bone. In this case, the wedge-shaped bone covers the dark.

Fig. Connection of wedge-shaped bone with parietal bone, or Sutura Spheno-Temporalis.

Connection of a wedge-shaped bone with a sky bone.
The compound occurs in three independent areas, why and there are three seams:

  1. The wedge-shaped process of the sky bone is connected to the lower surface of the body of a wedge-shaped bone with a harmonious seam.
  2. The orbital process is connected to the leading edge of the body of a wedge-shaped bone with a harmonious seam.
  3. The pyramid process with its rear edge enters the walled gap. Movement of shuttle.
Connection of a wedge-shaped bone with a frontal bone, or SUTURA SPHENOFRONTALIS.
Large and small wings of wedge-shaped bones are ventrally connected to the frontal bone and form independent seams:

The compound between the front surface of the small wing of a wedge-shaped bone and the rear edge of the orbital plates of the frontal bone is a harmonious seam (in a picture of green). On the side surface of the skull, this deep seam is projected in the region of the lobnosculum.

Seam between the L-shaped joint surface of the large wing of a wedge-shaped bone and the outer pillars of the frontal bone (in the figure in red). L-shaped seam is more complicated, and there is a small shoulder in it (directed to the Turkish saddle) and the big shoulder (directed to the tip of the nose). A part of the L-shaped seam is available directly palpation on the side surface of the skull in the region of Perion: Ventral from the large wing of a wedge-shaped bone.

Fig. Connection of a wedge-shaped bone with a frontal bone.

Connection of wedge-shaped bone, or to
In the outer wall of the orbit, the front edge of the large wing of a wedge-shaped bone is connected to the rear edge of the zick bone.

Fig. TO linnid-Zhilogo seam, or Sutura Sphenozygomatica.

Connection of wedge-shaped bone with couch, or Sutura Sphenovomeralis.
On the lower surface of the body of a wedge-shaped bone is the lower wedge-shaped comb that connects to the top edge of the coulter. At the same time the connection is formed: Shindeliz. It is possible longitudinal sliding movements.

Craneosacral mobility of wedge-shaped bone.

The role of wedge-shaped bone in the implementation of the primary respiratory mechanism is immeasurable. The movement of the front quadrants of the skull depends on the wedge-shaped bone.

The axis of the movement of a wedge-shaped bone.
The axis of the craniosacral mobility of the wedge-shaped bone passes transversely through the lower edge of the front wall of the Turkish seat. It can also be said that the axis lies at the intersection of two planes: the horizontal plane at the bottom level of the Turkish seat and the frontal plane at the level of the front wall of the Turkish seat.

Fig. The movement of the wedge-shaped bone on the phase of flexion of the primary respiratory mechanism.

On the surface of the skull, the transverse axis of a wedge-shaped bone comes out, crossing the spheno-squamous beer (PSS - PUNCTUM SPHENOSQUAMOUS PIVOT).
Next further, the axis of the movement of the wedge-shaped bone crosses the middle of the zilly arc.

Fig. The crosspiece corresponds to the projection of the axis movement of a wedge-shaped bone. The arrow is the direction of movement of large wings on the phase of flexion of the primary respiratory mechanism.

At the phase of flexion of the primary respiratory mechanism:
The body of a wedge-shaped bone rises;
Large wings are coming Ventro Caudo-laterally - in the direction of the mouth.
The walled processes diverge and fall;

At the phase of extension of the primary respiratory mechanism:
The body of the wedge-shaped bone is lowered;
Large wings go up the messenger and knutut;
The walled processes converge and rise.

Sphenoid bone

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Wedge-shaped bone is a major bone element of the skull, formed by merging several bones. Articulations form central Division The base of the skull: side walls, part of the brain and facial departments.

In the structure of the skeleton there are some more bones with the name -triclinovoid bones of the foot. Enter B. bone structure The middle feet of the foot.

Cranial bone

Anatomy is complicated here, includes the body and three paired elements: a large wing, a small wing, a wing-shaped process.

The body of a clinoid dice of a cubic shape, with a sinus inside. The structure is determined by six functional surfaces: top, rear, front, lower and two side.

The body is connected to the occipital, lattice bone of the skull, the orphanage of the sky bone, the wings of the coulter, the orphanages. The sides are moving into small and large wings. Upstairs there is a deepening for the pituitary location. Through the body run:

  • optic nerve;
  • sleepy and basilar artery;
  • medulla;
  • bridge.

Anatomy of small wings. Plates with roots, between which there is a channel with optic nerve. Ahead of the wings form a toothed connection with the frontal and lattice bones of the skull. Rear smooth edge is not connected with anything. To oblique processing mocks solid shell brain.

The upper surface is a small wing in the cavity of the skull, and the bottom participates in the formation of the walls of the orbit. The cavity between the small and large wing is called the top of the orphanage, there are several nerves.

Anatomy of the Big Wing. Wide base with three holes. Through the round and oval pass II and III branches of the trigeminal nerve. The oestoid hole is small, the average meningeal artery runs through it. A large wing has four surfaces: brain, topless, temporal, orgeon.

The wardoid process is moving vertically down from the base of the Big Wing. In a narrow walled canal, vessels and nerves run. The front edge of the process comes out onto the wonderland-pavement, rear - on the external base of the skull in the area of \u200b\u200ba wedge-shaped astand.

It has an absolute and lateral plate in front. The second is wider and shorter. The rear edge of the plates is divided into the wingid pumpe, the lower edge - with a clipping. The medial book goes into a wonderland hook.

Bone damage

The wedge-shaped bone of the skull structure has a complex structure. It participates in the formation of many departments of the cranial box. Through it, nerves and blood vessels. All this plus the proximity of the brain makes it a fracture very dangerous for the life of the victim.

Any head injury is considered a fairly serious occasion for concern for the health and life of the patient. Even if there is no fracture, the brain, vessels, nerves or internal organs can be damaged.

Bone integrity disorders is classified as a fracture of the base of the skull. It can be an independent injury or accompanied by a crust of the arch.

The severity of injury is determined by the number of damaged elements. Fracture with displacement is more dangerous, nearby fabrics and organs can be injured.

The treatment complex is selected, based on the nature of injury and the available complications. Antibacterial prevention is required, as well as the sanitation of the nasal and ear cavities, ophthalmic, neurological, surgical and ENT diagnostics.

Conservative treatment is provided in the event of not heavy injuries, operational, if present:

  • common fracture;
  • squeezing or injury;
  • likvorea or purulent infections.

The anatomy of the foot is not so complicated as in the skull. The wedge-shaped bone is not alone here, their whole three. Located in front of the variance. Part of the middle feet of the foot.

The joints are connected to each other and the tie bones of the foot. Intermediate wedge-shaped bone is somewhat shorter than two others.

The wide side of the intermediate and lateral is drawn up, the third bone is down. Rear joints form a laden articulation. On the sides of contact with each other and in places of connection with other elements of the foot also have articular sites.

Damage to bones

The fracture of the middle feet is rare. You can get such an injury only as a result of direct impact or drop in a heavy item.

By nature, this is more often a fracture without offset or comma. Complicated by breaking bundles. Located at the inner edge of the foot, the medial bone is more susceptible to external influence, but this does not exclude the fracture of all three bones.

During treatment, local anesthesia is carried out, the modeling of the arch, immobilization by 1.5 months. After, a complex of rehabilitation and preventive measures is required.

As can be seen, the described elements of the skeleton except the title, little is common. But knowing the location of the bone, as well as given the peculiarities of its structure, you can foresee the consequences of injuries.

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