Rabbits heart. Rabbit circulatory system

Rabbit anatomy has a lot in common with the internal structure of other mammals, but there are also fundamental differences. In this article, we will figure out what the skeleton of a rabbit consists of, as well as how it is located in its vital important organs.

The skeleton of a rabbit is in many ways similar to the skeletons of other mammals, but has distinctive features

Performs supporting and protective functions. It includes 212 bones. In an adult pet it takes 10% of the body weight, in small rabbits - 15%. Cartilage, tendons and muscles link bones together. It is subdivided into axial and peripheral.

Interestingly, meat rabbits have a smaller skeleton than their skin breeds..


Includes limb bones.

Subdivided into:

  • Pectoral limbs (front legs)... Represented by shoulder blades (belt), humerus, forearm, hand. The latter, in turn, consists of 9 short carpal bones, 5 metacarpals and 5 fingers, consisting of phalanges (the first has 2 phalanges, the rest - 3);
  • Pelvic limbs (hind legs)... Includes the pelvis, ilium, pubic and ischial bones, thighs, shins, feet, 3 phalanges of 4 fingers.

The collarbone connects the sternum and shoulder blades together, allowing the rodents to jump. Their leg bones are thin, hollow inside, rabbits lack a strong spine. For these reasons, they often have fractures of their paws, and if they are not careful, spinal injuries are possible.

The structural features of the skeleton allow him to jump to great heights


Includes major bones such as the skull and ridge.


  • Skull (brain and facial regions)... The bones are mobile, connected with special sutures. The cerebral section includes 7 bones (occipital, parietal, temporal and others). The facial includes the maxillary, nasal, lacrimal, zygomatic, palatine bones, etc. The skull of a rabbit is elongated, outwardly similar to the skull of other mammals. Most of it (3 \\ 4) is occupied by the respiratory and digestive organs;
  • Torso (vertebral column, sternum, ribs)... The vertebral column or ridge consists of 5 parts, which will be discussed below. Flexibility of the spine is given by the menisci that hold the vertebrae together.

Wide vertebrae are characteristic of fleshy breeds. Knowing this property helps breeders select the right species.

The cervical spine includes 7 vertebrae. The thoracic region is represented on 12-13. They are held together by ribs, forming chestwhere the heart and lungs are located. The number of vertebrae in the lumbar region varies from 6 to 7, in the sacral their number is 4. The caudal region is represented by 15 vertebrae.

The skeleton of a rabbit has 212 bones, wide vertebrae define the meat breed

Muscular system

The taste of meat and the appearance of pets are determined by the muscular system. Under the influence of impulses, muscles tend to contract.

Types of muscles:

  • Body musculature... It is represented by striated muscle tissue. This includes all muscles;
  • Musculature of internal organs... Consists of smooth muscle tissue. For example, the walls of the respiratory system, digestion, vascular walls.

Rabbits do not have strong lifestyles physical exercise, as a result of this, their muscles are insufficiently saturated with myoglobin and sarcoplasm. The meat has a white-pink tint, the color on the legs is darker than on the rest of the body. At birth, the muscular system of babies is poorly developed, accounting for no more than 20% of the total weight. With age, this number increases to 40%.

The muscles of eared pets are not very saturated with myoglobin, the meat is white-pink

Interestingly, the meat of an adult is higher in calories than the meat of a small rabbit.

Nervous system

Subdivided into:

  • Central (brain and spinal cord);
  • Peripheral (nerves of skeletal muscles, skin and blood vessels).

The brain is divided by a groove into 2 hemispheres (left and right), located inside the rabbit's skull. Scientists conditionally divide it into the following sections (middle, back, oblong, etc.), each of them performs a separate function. So, for example, the oblong is responsible for the respiratory and circulatory system.

The spinal cord is located in the vertebral canal, which begins in the brain and ends in the region of the seventh cervical vertebra. Weighs about 3.64 grams. It consists of gray matter, which resembles the letter "H" in outline, and white matter surrounding the gray.

It is customary to refer to the peripheral section as cranial and spinal nerves, nerve endings.

The spinal cord of a rabbit weighs 3.64 grams and consists of gray and white matter

The cardiovascular system

It includes everything that is somehow connected with blood: blood-forming organs (spleen), lymphatic system, arteries, veins, capillaries, etc. Each of them performs its own specific function: the spleen, whose weight does not exceed 1.5 grams, regulates blood pressure. The bone marrow is responsible for the production of red blood cells.

The thymus gland stimulates blood formation, its weight in newly born rabbits is only 2.3 grams, over time this volume decreases.

Up to 280 ml of blood circulates in the mammalian body. The body temperature of a healthy rodent in winter is 37 ° С, in summer it is 40-41 ° С. When the temperature rises to 44 ° C, the animal dies.

The anatomy of the rabbit heart has been studied for a long time, it is four-chambered, subdivided into 2 ventricles and 2 atria (chambers), weighs about 6.5 grams, and is located in the pericardial serous cavity. The normal heart rate is 110-160 beats per minute.

A 6.5 g rabbit heart has 4 chambers where up to 280 ml of blood circulates

Digestive system

With its help, the rabbit processes food, thereby prolonging its life. The foods he consumes pass through the gastrointestinal tract within 72 hours.

The baby bunny has 16 teeth at birth. After two and a half weeks of life, milk teeth are replaced by molars. In adults, there are 28 of them, in other mammals there are more. They grow continuously throughout life. Rabbits have large incisors with which they gnaw through solid food; with the root teeth located below, the baby grinds its food.

Rabbits have 2 incisors at the bottom and top for crunching solid food

Interestingly, rabbits do not have fangs.

Chewed food enters the throat first, and then into the esophagus and stomach. The latter is a hollow organ with a volume of up to 200 cm3, it produces gastric juice. It must be said that the activity of rabbit gastric enzymes is higher than that of other animals. The fiber consumed by the eared ears is not digested here, and in an unprocessed form it immediately enters the intestine, which completes the digestion process. It, in turn, is divided into:

  • Small intestine . It breaks down substances, some of which (for example, amino acids) are sent directly into the blood;
  • Colon... It is characterized by fermentation processes. Undigested and undigested food is excreted in the form of feces (up to 0.2 grams per day). Moreover, during the day it has a solid shape, and at night it is soft. The stool secreted at night, individuals tend to eat, due to this property the body is saturated with the necessary proteins, vitamins of group B and K.

Rabbit stomach digests food more actively than other mammals

Respiratory system

The nose, pharynx, trachea, and lungs belong to the respiratory system. They provide the body with oxygen. The inhaled air is warmed up, filled with moisture, and cleansed of impurities in the nasal cavity. From there it enters the pharynx, then the trachea, and finally the lungs.

It is important to know that rabbits breathe more often than other mammals. Normally, the individual takes 282 breaths per minute. They have a fairly active gas exchange: when 478 cm3 of oxygen are consumed, 451 cm3 of carbon dioxide is released.

Furry pets breathe more often than other mammals, they normally take 282 breaths per minute.

Sense organs

Babies have developed the following senses:

  • Smell. It is carried out by receptor cells located deep in the nasal cavity. From 10 to 12 hairs are placed on their surface, which react to various scents. With its help, the rabbit can find her cub among strangers, easily finds food, chooses a male for mating, etc.;
  • Taste. It is carried out thanks to the taste buds located on the tongue;
  • Feeling. It is realized with the help of sensitive skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelids, lips, back and forehead. It helps pets navigate in space, avoid temperature fluctuations, respond to pain irritation;

Rabbits have an excellent sense of smell, sensitive hearing and excellent vision even in the dark.

Antennae help animals move in complete darkness, and hairs above the eyes tell you when to bend down to avoid collisions.

  • Vision. Rabbits see the world in color. The animal's eye is a globular eyeball that connects directly to the brain. The peculiarity of the eyes of rabbits is farsightedness and the ability to see in the dark;
  • Hearing. Distinctive feature - large auriclesthanks to which animals have sensitive hearing. The rabbits communicate with each other with high frequency sounds. To pick up the correct sound signals, animals turn their ears in different directions.

Genitourinary system

Represented by the genitals and urinary organs. The latter remove decay products from the body. The volume of urine is directly proportional to the age and nutrition of the animal. Daily rate it does not exceed 400 ml. The urinary canal itself is placed in close proximity to the reproductive apparatus.

Mammals have 2 oval buds. They take place in the lumbar region, promote the breakdown of proteins, mineral salts and other substances. Urine is formed continuously, it makes its way from the kidneys to the ureters, then to bladder, which accumulates liquid for some time, and then reflexively brings it out. Normally, it has a yellow straw tint. A bright yellow or even brown color is a sign of a disease.


The genitals of males and females are different. In the first, the reproductive apparatus is represented by paired testes, vas deferens, accessory glands, and the penis. The uterus, ovaries, oviduct, vagina and genital opening make up the female reproductive system. The eggs mature in the ovaries and, during ovulation, enter the oviducts. The shape of the uterus is two-horned. Ovulation occurs 10-12 hours after intercourse.

The peculiarity of the rabbit's uterus is that it consists of two horns

Endocrine glands

These include the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, pineal gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, testes and ovaries. Hormones go directly into the bloodstream, since they have no excretory pathways.

The adrenal glands regulate water and fat metabolism. The pituitary gland produces the largest number of hormones and is involved in many life processes. If the glands in the body for some reason becomes insufficient, this can lead to a deviation in growth and development..


Rabbit skeleton schematic matches the description internal structure other mammals. Knowledge in this area allows owners farms take proper care of pets, recognize the disease in time, if necessary, contact a veterinarian to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Rabbit anatomy in pictures

1. Large chewing muscle.
2. The neck of the trapezius muscle.
3. Thoracic part of the trapezius muscle.
4. The clavicle-mastoid muscle.
5. Brachio-graft muscle.
6. The transverse scapular muscle.
7. Clavicle.
8. Scapular part of the deltoid muscle.
9. The clavicular part of the deltoid muscle.
10. Superficial pectoral muscle.
11. Long head triceps brachii.
12. Lateral head of the triceps brachii.

13. Internal brachial muscle.
14. Biceps brachii.
15. Radial extensor of the wrist.
16. Common extensor of the fingers.
17. Lateral extensor of the fingers.
18. The posterior muscle.

19. Large round muscle.
20. Latissimus dorsi muscle.

21. Ventral dentate muscle (chest).
22. Deep pectoral muscle.

23. External oblique abdominal muscle.
24. Aponeurosis of the external oblique abdominal muscle.
25. Gluteus medius muscle.

26. Superficial gluteus maximus muscle.
27. Internal oblique abdominal muscle.
28. Tensor of the wide fascia.
29. The vertebral head of the biceps femoris.
29. Pelvic head of the biceps femoris.
30. Quadriceps femoris muscle.
31. Semitendinosus muscle.
32. Semi-membranous muscle.
33. Calf muscle.
34. The peroneal longus muscle.
35. Long extensor of the toes.
36. Anterior tibial muscle

1. Ear ventral muscle.
2. Dorsal part of the parotid gland.
3. Ventral part of the parotid gland.
4. Isthmus of the parotid gland.
5. Submandibular gland.
6. Medial part of the masseter muscle.
7. Lateral part chewing muscle.

8. Facial nerve.
9. Parotid duct.
10. Special upper lip lifter.
11. Infraorbital nerve.
12. Dorsal buccal gland.
13. Middle buccal (chewing) gland.

14. Ventral buccal gland.
15. Large ear vein and nerve.
16. Atlas wing.

17. Cervical branch of the facial nerve.
18. The clavicle-mastoid muscle.
19. The sterno-mastoid muscle.
20. Latissimus dorsi muscle.
21. The neck of the trapezius muscle.
22. External jaw vein.
23. Internal jaw vein.
24. Jugular vein.
25. Cutaneous branches of the cervical nerves.
26. Facial vein.

Superficial muscles, vessels and nerves of the rabbit's neck. Left view

1. Ear ventral muscle.
2. Large ear vein and nerve.
3. Parotid gland.
4. Facial nerve.
5. Chewing muscle.
6. Internal jaw vein.
7. External jaw vein.
8. Jugular vein.
9. The clavicle-mastoid muscle.
10. The sternomastoid muscle.
11. Sternohyoid muscle.
12. Atlas wing.
13. Plaster muscle.

14. Cervical part of the ventral dentate muscle.
15. The neck of the trapezius muscle.

16. Thoracic part of the trapezius muscle.
17. The premature muscle.
18. The posterior muscle.
19. Occipital brachialis muscle.
20. Latissimus dorsi muscle.
21. The neck of the rhomboid muscle.

22. Accessory nerve.
23. II and III cervical nerves.
24. Scapular spine.
25. The beginning of the trapezius muscle.
26. Scapular part of the deltoid muscle.
27. Posterioracromial process.
28. The clavicular part of the deltoid muscle.
29. Large scapula lifter.
30. Shoulder joint.
31. Clavicle.

1. The nasal bone.
2. The intermaxillary bone.
3. Upper jaw.
4. Hook of the lacrimal bone.
5. The lacrimal bone.
6. Jaw tubercle.
7. Anterior supraorbital process.
8. Posterior supraorbital process.

9. Lattice hole.
10. Parietal bone.
11. Zygomatic process of the temporal bone.

12. Scales of the occipital bone.
13. External auditory canal.
14. The mastoid part of the temporal bone.

15. Tympanic bladder.
16. Jugular process.
17. Zygomatic arch.
18. Facial crest.
19. Lower jaw.
20. Incisor teeth.
21. Chin holes.
22. Articular process.

1. The longest muscle of the back.
2. The iliac rib muscle.
3. The scalene muscle of the first rib.
4. Trachea, esophagus.
5. General carotid artery, jugular vein.
6. Axillary artery and vein.
7. Aortic arch.
8. Phrenic nerve, left cranial hollow vein.
9. Pulmonary artery.
10. Left ear of the heart.
11. Left ventricle of the heart.
12. The apical lobe of the lung.

13. Cardiac lobe of the lung.
14. Diaphragmatic lobe of the lung.
15. V rib.
16. XIII rib, abdominal artery.
17. Left adrenal gland, left renal artery.

18. Caudal vena cava, left ureter.
19. Large psoas muscle.
20. Left kidney.
21. Liver.
22. Stomach.
23. Spleen.
24. The jejunum.

25. The descending part of the colon.
26-27. Cecum.
26. The third gyrus of the cecum.
27. The first gyrus of the cecum.
28. The ascending part of the colon.
29. Left uterus.
30. Oviduct.
31. Ovary.
32. Gluteus medius muscle.
33. Tensor of the fascia lata.
34. Pectoral muscles.

1. The longest muscle of the back.
2. Strainer of the wide fascia.
3. The iliac rib muscle.
4. The longest muscle of the back.
5. Psoas major muscle, right ureter.
6. The descending part of the colon.
7. Right uterus.
8. Ovary and oviduct.
9. Right kidney.
10. Caudate process of the liver.
11. Right lobe liver.
12. Stomach.
13. Cranial part duodenum... 14. The descending part of the duodenum.
15. Pelvic loops of the duodenum.
16. The ascending part of the duodenum.

17. The jejunum.
18. The first gyrus of the cecum.

19. Second gyrus of the cecum.
20. Third gyrus of the cecum.
21. Appendix cecum.
22. The beginning of the colon.
22-23. The ascending part of the colon. 24. The transverse part of the colon.
25. Diaphragmatic lobe of the lung.
26. Cardiac lobe of the lung.
27. The apical lobe of the lung.
28. Heart.
29. Brisket, pectoral muscles.
30. Axillary artery and vein.
31. Trachea, esophagus.
32. Common carotid artery, jugular vein, vagus trunk and sympathicus.
33. First rib.
34. V rib ..
35. Line of attachment of the diaphragm.

Rabbit intestines on the right side. Semi-circuit

1. The gatekeeper.
2. The descending part of the duodenum.
3. The ascending part of the duodenum.
4. Bending of the duodenum and jejunum.
5. The jejunum.
6. The ileum.

7. Rounded pouch.
8-11. Cecum.
8. The first gyrus of the cecum.

9. Second gyrus of the cecum.

10. Third gyrus of the cecum.
11. The appendix of the cecum.
12-14. The ascending part of the colon 12. The beginning of the colon.
13. Center loop.
14. Distal loop.
15. The transverse part of the colon.
16. The descending part of the colon.
17. Rectum.

Bunny pelvic cavity organs - left side

1. The gluteus medius muscle.
2. The ilium.
3. Sacral bone.
4. Left internal iliac artery and vein
5. Superficial gluteus maximus muscle.
6. The longest muscle of the lower back.
7. Square psoas muscle.
8. Psoas major muscle.
9. Small psoas muscle.
10. Left external iliac artery and vein.
11. Left kidney.
12. Ureter
13, 13 ". Right uterus.
14, 14. "Left uterus.

15, 15 ". Left wide uterine ligament.
16. Right wide uterine ligament.
17. Egg pipeline
18. Ovary
19. Mesentery of the colon

20. Descending knee of the colon
21. Ampulla of the rectum
22. Caudal muscle.
23. External sphincter of the anus
24. Vaginal vestibule
25. Vulvar constrictor
26. Clitoris
27. Internal obturator muscle, pelvic fusion

28. Rectus abdominis muscle
28 ". Securing the rectus abdominis muscle
29. Bladder
30. Lateral ligament of the bladder
31. Bubble umbilical ligament
32. Umbilical artery.
33. Venous plexus of the vagina
34. External pudendal artery and vein.
35. Superficial inguinal lymph node
36. Long tail lifter
37. Long tail dropper
38. Muscle of the rectum and tail

Rabbit external genitals - left side

1. Wing of the ilium.
2. Articular cavity.
3. Ischial tubercle.
4. Thoracolumbar fascia.
5. Sacral bone.
6. The sciatic nerve.
7. Caudal muscle.
8. Penile retractor.
9. External sphincter of the anus.
10. Bulbous canal muscle.
11. Ischiocavernous muscle.
12. Penis

13. Prepucial gland.
14. Ampulla of the rectum.

15. Iliac-lumbar muscle.
16. Femoral nerve.
17. Attachment of the psoas minor muscle, external iliac artery and vein.
18. Inguinal ligament
19. External oblique abdominal muscle
20. Internal oblique abdominal muscle

21. Aponeurosis of the internal oblique abdominal muscle.
22. The rectus abdominis muscle.
22 ". Securing the rectus abdominis muscle.
23. Left Cremaster
24. Right Cremaster
25. Vaginal membrane and left spermatic cord
26. Testes
27. Internal obturator muscle.

Muscles, nerves and vessels of the pelvis and thigh of the right pelvic limb of the rabbit - medial surface

1. VII lumbar vertebra.
2. Wing of the sacral bone.
3. The lateral part of the sacrum.
4. Small psoas muscle.
5. Medial iliac muscle.
6. Psoas major muscle.
7. Left external iliac artery.
8. Left internal iliac artery.
9. Left external iliac vein, right external iliac artery.
10. Femoral nerve, right external iliac vein.
11. Middle sacral artery.

12. Right internal iliac artery and vein.
13. Obturator nerve, obturator artery.
14. Iliac part of the internal obturator muscle.
14. "Sciatic-columnar part of the internal obturator muscle.
15. Caudal muscle.
16. Deep femoral artery and vein.
17. Circumferential lateral femoral artery and vein.

18. Strainer of the wide fascia.
19. Cutaneous lateral nerve of the thigh, circumferential deep iliac artery and vein.
20. Rectus femoris muscle.

21. Broad medial muscle.
22. Femoral artery and vein, the saphenus nerve.
23. Artery of Saphen, medial vein of Saphen.
24. Scallop muscle.
25. Adductor.
26. Slender muscle.
27. Pelvic union.
28. Semi-membranous muscle.
29. Tailor muscle.
30. Semitendinosus muscle.
31. The gastrocnemius muscle.
32. Superficial finger flexor.
33. Popliteal muscle.
34. Extender II finger.
35. Cranial tibial muscle.

Muscles at the nerves and vessels of the scapula and shoulder of the right limb of the rabbit - the medial surface surface

1. Scapular cartilage
2. Subscapularis muscle
3. Large round muscle
4. The premature muscle
5. Pectoralis minor
5 ". Pectoralis minor muscle
6. Prescapular nerve
7. Subscapular nerve
8, 8 ". Cranial pectoral nerves
9. Axillary nerve
10. Dorsal pectoral nerve
11. Subscapular artery and vein, radial nerve
12. Pectoralis major muscle
13. Axillary artery. and Vienna.
14. Superficial pectoral muscle
15. Dorsal thoracic a and vein.
16. Latissimus dorsi
17. Cutaneous muscle of the trunk
18. Brachial artery and vein.
19. Ulnar nerve
20. Accessory head of the triceps brachii
21. Caudal cutaneous nerve of the forearm
22. Medial head of the triceps brachii muscle, musculocutaneous nerve
23. Median nerve
24. Scapular part of the deltoid muscle
25. The clavicular part of the deltoid muscle
26. Clavicle
27. Biceps brachii
28. Transverse a of the elbow
29. Collateral ulnar artery and vein
30. Long head of the triceps brachii
31. Radial extensor of the wrist
32. Round pronator
33. Radial flexor of the wrist
34. Deep digital flexor
35. Elbow wrist flexor

The skeleton is the basis of the rabbit's skeletal system. , which consists of 212 bones movably and motionlessly connected into a single whole with the help of joints, ligaments, cartilage and muscle tissue, not counting the teeth and auditory bones. The skeleton weight of a newborn rabbit is 15% of body weight, an adult - about 10%. The skeleton of a rabbit of a meat direction has less weight. It performs supporting and protective functions: protects internal organs (brain, stomach, heart, lungs, liver, etc.) from damage.

In terms of bone structure, rabbits are no different from other farm animals. Bone, as an organ, is composed of a compact and spongy substance. Outside, it is covered with periosteum and gealine cartilage. Inside the bone is the red bone marrow. The processes of destruction and restoration are constantly taking place in the bone.

The skeleton is subdivided into axial and peripheral (Fig. 1).

The axial skeleton includes the bones of the head, trunk, and tail. In the peripheral - the bones of the chest and pelvic limbs.

Fig. 1. Rabbit skeleton:

1 - bones of the skull; 2 - cervical vertebrae; 3 - thoracic region; 4 - lumbar; 5 - sacral section; 6 - tail section; 7 - scapula; 8 - ribs; 9 - bones of the chest limb; 10 - bones of the pelvic limb

The skeleton of the head can be subdivided into cerebral and facial sections. The bones of the head are movably interconnected with the help of seams. The cerebral section of the skull serves as a receptacle for the brain; it is formed by four unpaired (wedge-shaped, ethmoid, occipital, inter-parietal) and three paired (parietal, temporal and frontal) bones. When connected immobile, they form the cranial bone. The facial region of the skull consists of seven paired lamellar bones (maxillary, nasal, incisal, lacrimal, zygomatic, palatine, pterygoid), turbinates and unpaired bones - vomer and hyoid. The facial region is highly developed and makes up 3/4 of the entire skull. It serves as the basis of the oral and nasal cavities, in which the individual organs of the digestive and respiratory systems are located. The mandibular and hyoid bones are movable parts.

Have different breeds individual parts of the skull are not equally developed. In terms of head size, black-brown rabbits are superior to white and gray giants, Soviet chinchilla animals, and especially silver rabbits.

The bones of the body include bones - the spinal column, sternum, and ribs. The vertebral column is divided into five sections (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal). Each section of the spinal column consists of an unequal number of segments: there are 7 in the cervical, 12-13 in the thoracic, 6-7 in the lumbar, 4 in the sacral, and 14-16 in the caudal. Each vertebra has a hole through which the spinal cord passes. The vertebrae are interconnected by cartilaginous plates (discs), thereby causing the flexibility of the spine.

15.7% of the rabbit's body length is cervical spine spine. Due to the peculiarity of the first two vertebrae on the neck, the rabbit can make various movements with its head.

The thoracic vertebrae are not reduced. In the vertebra, a body, a nerve arch and processes are distinguished. With each thoracic vertebra through the joints articulates a pair of arched bones - ribs, which in thoracic 12-13 pairs. Connecting from below to the sternum, seven pairs of ribs (true ribs) form the ribcage, which contains the vital organs - the heart and lungs.

The longest part of the spinal column (32% of the body length) is the lumbar region. The bodies of the lumbar vertebrae are elongated, with large lower ridges.

By the width of the lumbar vertebrae, one can judge the fleshiness of rabbits, as well as conduct their selection by this indicator.

The relatively short sacral region consists of four vertebrae that merge into one sacral bone.

The caudal region occupies 13% of the total length of the spinal column.

The peripheral skeleton consists of the skeletons of the thoracic and pelvic limbs, represented by the skeleton of the girdle (scapula, pelvis) and the skeleton of free limbs.

The skeleton of the thoracic limb consists of a scapula (belt), humerus, forearm, hand, which includes 9 short carpal and 5 metacarpal bones and 5 fingers. The finger consists of phalanges: the first of two, the rest of three.

The skeleton of the pelvic girdle and free limbs are represented by the skeleton of the pelvic limbs. The pelvic girdle includes the pelvic nameless bones, which are fixedly connected to each other. The free limb consists of a femur, a lower leg, a paw of six metatarsal bones, four metatarsal and four fingers. All toes of the hind legs are represented by three phalanges.

The structure of the peripheral skeleton of a rabbit, unlike other farm animals, includes the collarbone, which is a thin and rounded bone that connects the handle of the sternum and the scapula.

In the connection of bones in rabbits, no significant differences from other farm animals are observed.

Rabbit muscular system Is the active part of the system of organs of derived motion The exterior and quality of meat largely depend on muscle development. The musculature in rabbits is divided into the musculature of the body and internal organs. The first consists of striated muscle tissue and occupies the bulk of the entire musculature. The musculature of the internal organs, represented mainly by smooth muscle tissue, constitutes an insignificant part of the entire musculature. It is located in thin layers in the walls of the digestive system, respiration, bladder, genitals, in the walls of blood vessels, in the skin at the hair roots.

Bone and muscle tissues are the basis of the structure of the animal and allow movement. The basis for this, of course, is the skeleton. In the rabbit, it consists of 212 bones, excluding the teeth, as well as the auditory bones. In adults, the skeleton occupies 10% of the mass of the whole organism, and in rabbits - 15%.

In structure, the skeleton of a rabbit is similar to the skeleton of other mammals. It can be conditionally divided into two types: axial and peripheral. The axial includes all the main bones, that is, the head and ridge. The peripheral skeleton is made up of limb bones.

If we consider the skull of rabbits, then in its structure it differs little from the skull of other animals. Most, and this is about 3/4, is the front part. Here are some organs for the exercise of respiration and digestion. Individual parts of the skull determine the shape and size of the muzzle and differ in different breeds of rabbits.

Crawl head structure diagram

The rabbit's backbone can be roughly divided into five parts: neck, chest, loin, sacrum and tail section. They all have an unequal number of vertebrae. So, for example, the largest number of them is in the tail, and the smallest in the lumbar. Although the lumbar section is the largest in length, it has elongated vertebrae, which is clearly visible in the photo below.

As for the peripheral skeleton, like in other domestic animals, in the rabbit it has a shoulder and pelvic region, as well as free limbs. But the difference lies in the presence of the collarbone. It connects the sternum and shoulder blade, which allows the animal to jump. It is also worth talking about the muscular system, since its development indicates the exterior and meat qualities of the animal. This system includes the muscular part of the internal organs and the body itself.

Other organs of hematopoiesis

Also, this system of the animal includes such organs as the spleen, appendix, bone marrow, the lymph nodes and the thymus gland. Their role is to form additional blood elements. For example, the spleen weighs no more than 1.5 grams and is responsible for regulating blood pressure. It forms lymphocytes and destroys "old" outdated erythrocytes. They, in turn, are created by the bone marrow. The thymus gland stimulates the formation of blood in other organs. Its weight does not exceed 2.3 grams in rabbits, but it decreases with age.

Digestive system

It is one of the most important systems that carries out and maintains the body's nutrition and life. In rabbits, like in many other herbivores, the internal organs of this system are adapted to process large amounts of voluminous and roughage. The digestive apparatus is very well developed, and the entire length of the intestine occupies more than 18% of the total body weight. What is included in this system you can find out in more detail from the diagram The first stage of food processing begins with grinding it in the mouth.


Rabbit teeth have their own characteristics. Newborn animals have 16 teeth, which change from the 18th day of life. Adult rabbits have only 28 teeth, which is less than other animals. They also have 4 large incisors above and 2 below, with which the animal gnaws food. With molars, which are on the side, he grinds food. Food, crushed by teeth and moistened with saliva, goes down the throat, then into the esophagus and stomach.


Rabbits have a fairly voluminous (up to 200 cm3) stomach with one chamber, which is a striped internal organ. The gastric juice secreted by the glands consists mostly of hydrochloric acid and a special substance - pepsin. The total acidity ranges from 0.18 to 0.35%, and the activity of its enzymes is much higher than that of other animals. It is important to note that the stomach of rabbits does not digest fiber and it moves further into the intestine itself. There is already happening final stage digestion.


The intestine makes up the thick and thin section. In the first, the main splitting of all substances occurs. Here amino acids and other substances are absorbed, which are immediately sent into the blood. Then the food moves to the thick section, where fermentation processes take place. Here fiber is broken down and absorbed. Remains of feed and waste are removed from the body approximately nine hours after eating.

Rabbit digestive system: 1 - heart; 2 - lungs; 3 - liver; 4 - esophagus; 5 - stomach; 6 - kidneys; 7 - small intestines; 8 - large intestines; 9 - cecum; 10 - bladder

Respiratory system

The enrichment of the body with oxygen is supported by the respiratory organs, namely the nose and its cavity, pharynx, trachea and lungs. In the nose, the air is warmed, humidified and cleaned of dust, sent through the pharynx to the trachea and then to the lungs. It is important to note that rabbits are very sensitive to air quality. The high content of ammonia, dirt, dust, carbon dioxide in the air negatively affects the condition and health of animals.


The lungs are paired organs that exchange gas. Despite the very low weight (about 0.36% of the total mass), the respiratory rate in rabbits is higher than that of other pets and depends on body temperature. Normally, the rabbit takes up to 282 breaths per minute, while it absorbs over 500 cm3 of oxygen. If, for example, an animal has absorbed 478 cm3, then 451 cm3 of carbon dioxide will be released, which characterizes a very active gas exchange.

Genitourinary system

In the rabbit, this system includes both the genitals and the urinary organs. The latter include the kidneys, ureters, and urethra. This system ensures the elimination of decay products from the animal's body. The amount of urine depends on age and nutrition; per day it can range from 110 to over 400 ml. The urinary canal itself is closely connected with the genitals, or rather, in females with a vagina, and in males with a glans penis.


Paired organ in the form of beans, which is located on both sides of the spine in the lumbar region. The process of urine formation in the kidneys occurs continuously. Here proteins, mineral salts and other substances break down. Content from the kidneys through the ureters enters the bladder, where it accumulates until a reflex reaction occurs.


In male rabbits, the genital apparatus is represented by paired testes, vas deferens, accessory glands and the penis itself. Testes with appendages weigh about 6 grams and are slightly elongated. Up to 3 months in rabbits, they are in the inguinal canals and only then descend into the scrotum. The male during one mating is able to release up to 3.5 ml of sperm.

In females, the reproductive system includes the uterus, ovaries, oviduct, vagina, and genital opening (slit). Eggs mature in the ovaries, which fall into the oviducts during ovulation. The uterus in rabbits is double and consists of two horns. The release of the egg, that is, ovulation, begins 10-12 hours after insemination. All this time, the sperm is inside the vagina.

Endocrine glands

This system includes the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, as well as the testes and ovaries. These glands have no excretory pathways, so hormones are released directly into the bloodstream. The thyroid gland creates a special hormone thyroxine, which regulates metabolic processes, development and growth of the organism. The adrenal glands regulate water and fat metabolism with the help of a hormone. The largest amount of hormones is secreted by the pituitary gland, this is about 10, which are involved in many vital processes.

Video « Rabbits on display in Dusseldorf»

Want to see what different bunnies there are in the world? Then this video will be interesting. Don't miss to meet funny little eared ears.

The anatomical structure of rabbits is very similar to the structure of the body of other mammals, but still has its own characteristics.

Today we will consider the structure of the skeleton, internal organs and the main body systems of these animals.


There are 112 bones in the skeleton of a rabbit, it is necessary for the protection of internal organs and the implementation of movements. The weight of the skeleton in adults is about 10% of the total body weight, in young animals - 15%. The bones that make up the skeleton are connected by cartilage, tendons, and muscles. The skeleton of a rabbit consists of peripheral and axial.

Did you know? In the wild, rabbits live very little - only 1 year, while domestic individuals sometimes live up to 12 years.


This part of the skeleton includes the bones of the limbs:

  1. Pectorals, consisting of the humerus, shoulder blades, hands, forearm. The hand has a certain number of bones: metacarpals - 5, carpal - 9 fingers.
  2. Pelvic, having a pelvis, ilium, ischium and pubic bones, legs, thighs, feet, 4 fingers and 3 phalanges.
The sternum and shoulder blades are tied by the collarbone, allowing the rabbits to jump. The spine of rabbits is rather weak, the legs are also hollow, so animals often injure their paws and spine.


This part of the skeleton consists of the main bones - the skull and the ridge.

The axial skeleton structure is presented:
  1. The skull, consisting of the brain and facial sections. The skull is characterized by the presence of movable bones, which are connected to each other by certain seams. In the brain region there are 7 bones, represented by the parietal, occipital, temporal and others. The facial region has the maxillary, nasal, lacrimal, zygomatic, palatine bones. The shape of the skull is elongated, there is an external resemblance to the skull of other mammals. The main part of the skull is occupied by the organs that carry out breathing and eating.
  2. The body, characterized by the presence of the spinal column, sternum, ribs. The ridge is divided into 5 sections or divisions. The spine of a rabbit is quite flexible, due to the presence of menisci connecting the vertebrae.

The vertebral bodies work in compression, while the ligaments and muscles that connect the vertebrae to each other work in tension.

The main sections of the spine are presented:

  • cervical, consisting of 7 vertebrae;
  • thoracic, consisting of 13 vertebrae, which are connected with the help of ribs and form the rib cage, which contains the heart and lungs;
  • lumbar with 7 vertebrae;
  • sacral with 4 vertebrae;
  • caudal with 15 vertebrae.

Important! Rabbit meat breeds have wider vertebrae than normal rabbits, which often helps breeders in choosing the right animal when buying.

The extent to which the musculature in rabbits is developed allows you to prematurely form the concept of the features appearance and the taste of meat.

The muscular system of rabbits is represented by:

  • the musculature of the body, which, in turn, consists of striated musculature, covering absolutely all the muscles of the body;
  • the musculature of the internal organs, which covers the smooth muscles that cover the respiratory organs, organs digestive system, vascular walls.
In rabbits living in cages, activity is minimal, therefore the muscular system has little myoglobin and sarcoplasm, which causes a very light white-pink color of the meat. The main activity falls on the paws, so the meat on them is darker.

Little rabbits have an underdeveloped muscular system, which takes up less than 20% of the total weight of the animal, and as they grow older, the musculature grows and reaches 40%.

Nervous system

The nervous system of rabbits consists of:

  • central, represented by the brain and spinal cord;
  • peripheral, represented by skeletal muscle nerves, blood vessels and skin.

The cerebral hemispheres of this animal are separated by a small groove, the brain has three sections, represented by the middle, posterior, oblong, each of which is necessary for performing separate functions. For example, thanks to the oblong section, the respiratory organs and circulatory processes work.

The spinal canal allows the spinal cord to be located, the beginning of which is in the brain and the end in the seventh cervical vertebra. The weight of the spinal cord is 3.5 g. The peripheral section consists of the spinal cord, cranial nerves and nerve endings.

This system covers all processes in the rabbit's body that deal with blood, that is, the hematopoietic organs, lymphatic system, veins, arteries and capillaries. Each element is required to perform specific functions.

The rabbit's body contains an average of 250-300 ml of blood. In winter, the animal is characterized by low temperature body, which is +37 ° С, in summer - +41 ° С.

The rabbit heart has 4 chambers, consisting of two ventricles and two atria. Its weight is 7 g, position is pericardial serous cavity... The normal pulse for an animal is within 140 beats per minute.

Important! If the rabbit's body temperature rises by 3 degrees in summer and reaches +44 ° C, then it will die.

Digestive system

This system allows the body to process the food consumed by the rabbit. The full cycle - from ingestion to processing food products in the gastrointestinal tract - is three days.


At birth, the rabbit already has 16 teeth, in the process of growth, at 3 weeks, the milk teeth are replaced with molars. Adults have 28 teeth, their growth is stable throughout life.

The jaws consist of large incisors, designed for crunching solid food, and molars, which are necessary for grinding other food. The food that has been crushed by the teeth is transported to the pharynx, the next step is to transport it to the esophagus and stomach.


In a rabbit, this is a hollow organ with a volume of about 200 cubic meters. cm, which is capable of producing gastric juice. Rabbit gastric enzymes are highly active when compared to other animals. The fiber that the ears consume is not digested by the stomach, it is sent to the intestines.


The remains of food, which the stomach could not handle, enter the intestine, which carries out the final processes of digestion.

Authority represented by:

  1. The small intestine, which is involved in the breakdown of substances, including amino acids, which directly enter the bloodstream.
  2. The large intestine, which is involved in fermentation processes. Food that has not been split and assimilated comes out under the guise of feces, its amount is 0.2 g per day. In the daytime, feces are characterized by a hard form, at night - soft. The feces that are secreted at night are eaten by animals, due to which they receive essential proteins, vitamins K and B.

Respiratory system

The respiratory organs in the rabbit are represented by the nose, pharynx, trachea and lungs, which provide the body with oxygen. Inhaling air, the nose is heated, moisturized, and cleansed of impurities. Further, its advancement begins into the pharynx, trachea and lungs.

The respiration of rabbits is rapid compared to other mammals. The norm is 280 breaths per minute. Ears have accelerated gas exchange processes: consuming about 480 cubic meters. cm of oxygen, they emit 450 cubic meters. see carbon dioxide.

Sense organs

Individuals have the following senses:

  1. Smell, which is possible thanks to the prescription cells located deep in the nose. The cells have 11 hairs that react to a variety of scents. Due to the sense of smell, individuals choose a mate for themselves, and the female can distinguish her cubs from strangers by smell.
  2. Taste, which is captured by special papillae covering the tongue.
  3. By touch, the functioning of which occurs with the participation of a sensitive skinlocated on the eyelids, lips, back and forehead. Thanks to this feeling, pets can orient themselves in space, perceive temperature changes and avoid overheating, and react to painful irritations. Thanks to the antennae, animals can move around at night, when the cage is completely dark. Hair located above the eyelids allows rabbits to navigate and sense obstacles.
  4. Vision, which is provided by the eyes, consisting of eyeball in the form of a ball connected to the brain. Rabbits can distinguish colors, and a feature of vision is farsightedness and the ability to navigate in the dark.
  5. By hearing, in connection with big earsthat allow rabbits to be good at identifying and recognizing sounds.

Genitourinary system

This system in the body of rabbits consists of the genitals and urinary organs. The urinary organs are necessary to remove waste products from the body. The amount of urine excreted directly depends on the age and nutrition of the animals. One individual can excrete no more than 400 ml of urine per day. The urinary canal is located very close to the reproductive apparatus.

Did you know? Communication of animals with each other is possible thanks to high-frequency sounds. To catch some of them, individuals can turn the auricles in different directions.

Mammals have two oval buds, which lie in the lumbar region and are necessary for the decomposition of proteins, mineral salts and other substances.

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