Salicylic acid alcohol solution 2 percent instruction. How to use Salicylic Acid powder for fungus correctly? Impact on the ability to drive a car or other mechanisms


A mixture of salicylic acid and ethyl alcohol is called salicylic alcohol. For the first time, this antiseptic product was obtained from willow bark and used to cure rheumatism. Later, salicylic acid was used in dermatology to treat external skin rashes caused by the activity of bacteria and microbes. The substance belongs to the class of aromatic acids with pronounced bactericidal, vasoconstrictor, disinfecting properties.

What is Salicylic Alcohol

There are a huge number of different medicines that are included in every home medicine cabinet. Among them alcohol solution salicylic acid. This popular product can be found not only in home first-aid kits, but also in certain industries, in medical institutions and cosmetology. Salicylic acid alcohol solution is a keratolytic medicine that is used externally to treat various diseases the skin.


It is a synthetic product consisting of two components: salicylic acid, dissolved in ethyl alcohol in different concentrations. As a rule, the solution contains 1 or 2% of the antiseptic itself and 100 ml of 70% ethanol. The acid dissolves without residue in alcohol, resulting in a concentrated product with a pronounced therapeutic effect... The drug has antimicrobial, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory effect and performs other functions:

  • dries up blackheads and acne;
  • disinfects the skin;
  • takes off inflammatory processes;
  • destroys pathogenic fungi and bacteria;
  • narrows blood vessels at the site of application.

The use of salicylic alcohol

The drug is prescribed for infectious or inflammatory pathologies of the skin. Use the solution carefully. To avoid intolerance reactions, it is necessary to start therapy with a 1% alcohol solution. An alcoholic solution is used to treat increased sweating of the feet, hyperhidrosis, hyperkeratosis, psoriasis. Sometimes the substance is used for warts, but in this case, the effectiveness is low. The indications for the appointment of salicylic are:

  • fungal and bacterial dermatitis;
  • fungal pathologies of the feet;
  • eczema;
  • corns and calluses;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • acne vulgaris;
  • dyskeratosis;
  • red lichen Deverji;
  • pyoderma;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • skin rashes;
  • hair loss.

Instructions for use

You can buy a solution of salicylic alcohol in any percentage of concentration today at any pharmacy. Low price and high efficiency made the drug very popular among the population. Especially young people buy alcohol to fight teenage acne, rashes and acne. It should be remembered that this is a concentrated solution that can not only injure the skin, but also cause deep burns. For this reason, self-treatment is unacceptable. The duration and frequency of use of salicylic should be indicated by the doctor on an individual basis.

According to the instructions, an alcohol-based antiseptic is used to topically treat the painful area. Point application with a cotton swab is often used. If the lesion is small, then you need to use the composition for treatment 1 time / day. For sensitive skin, it is better to apply the drug every other day. Treatment lasts no more than 2 weeks. Do not apply an alcohol solution to healthy skin, as there is a high likelihood of damaging uninfected tissues.

For acne

In order to get rid of blackheads and acne on the face, a 1% solution of acetylsalicylic or salicylic acid is used. If there are a lot of rashes, then the product is applied to a cotton pad, then problem areas are wiped, if not enough, a cotton swab is used, and the drug is applied pointwise. After processing, you need to wait 15 minutes, then wash your face with plain water to neutralize the acid. If the result does not appear over time, after consulting a dermatologist, you can use a 2% acid solution.

The drug will only be effective when acne is caused by inflammation sebaceous glands... Alcohol helps:

  • disinfect the skin;
  • cleanse and tighten pores;
  • exfoliate old cells;
  • dry;
  • reduce sebum production;
  • reduce acne breakouts;
  • stabilize the sebaceous glands;
  • get rid of red spots.

Treatment of acne, acne and acne with salicylic can be done with a homemade mask. You need to additionally order from the catalog and buy cosmetic clay in the online store or in the pharmacy. It is a mineral rich cleanser. Blue or white clay tones the skin, removes toxins, dries, whitens, heals wounds. To prepare a mask for acne, you need salicylic acid (1-2%), white or blue clay (1 pack), water. The ingredients should be diluted to the consistency of a thick slurry and applied 2-3 times / week on cleansed skin for 15 minutes.

Application for age spots

The pigment that gives a person's skin a dark color is called melanin. Sometimes it is distributed unevenly throughout the body, accumulating in one place in the form of ugly spots. They make the skin look unaesthetic, forcing a person to look for ways to get rid of the problem. To treat age spots, use 1 or 2 percent salicylic resorcinol alcohol or salicylic alcohol for the face.

According to women's reviews, the use of alcohol is a salvation for problem skin. The cost of the product is a penny, and the effect of use is not inferior to expensive cosmetic procedures: the tone brightens and evens out, age spots disappear. Before using the drug, the face must be cleaned of dirt and makeup, then wiped with any antiseptic.

Alcohol-based salicylic helps those who have oily skin or mixed (combination) skin. For dry skin, preparations containing salicylic, resorcinic acid or sulfuric ointment are not suitable. The easiest way to deal with age spots is to wipe them down with a product every morning and before bed. The course of treatment is 15 days. In case of insufficient effectiveness after a 5-day break, therapy can be repeated.

For the treatment of lichen and fungus on the skin

According to the instructions, treat fungal infection and lichen on the human body is needed only as part of complex therapy... Since the drug has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, it is often used to get rid of nail fungus. It is recommended to clean and steam the nail plate before the procedure. For this, a soap and soda, vinegar or salt bath is suitable.

It will take about 15-20 minutes to steam the nails. Thanks to this procedure, salicylic acid reaches the focus of infection faster and neutralizes pathological microorganisms. After the bath, the nail plates should be dried and a 5 percent alcohol solution should be applied (2 times / day). Fungus treatment lasts at least a month. Sometimes longer antimycotic therapy is required (up to 6 months).

Salicylic acid successfully combats the manifestations of lichen different kind... For treatment, a 2-3 percent alcohol solution is taken, which is applied to the affected area 2 to 4 times / day. In order not to dry the skin, after applying the drug, it is necessary to spread the treated area on top with a thin layer of nourishing cream (you can use it for children) To improve the effectiveness, this tool is combined with tar and sulfuric ointment.

Use for chickenpox

Inexpensive but effective drug also used to treat the skin during chickenpox. In a severe course of the disease, when there are a lot of chickenpox acne and they fester, constantly burst, it is especially necessary to use salicylic alcohol, regardless of the patient's age. If the festering areas are not treated, they will turn into a bullous form.

The danger of this condition is persistent rashes, merging into deep and large ulcers. They do not heal for a long time, and then leave scars and rough scars, devoid of melanin. The painful form of chickenpox is caused by streptococci and staphylococci, which are excreted from the body for a long time and only in complex treatment, which must include alcohol-containing drugs.

Alcohol solution of salicylic in a standard concentration of 1-2% for chickenpox should be applied up to 3 times / day, but carefully so as not to burn. The course of treatment is until complete elimination of the disease. Salicylic is most effective in the treatment of rash caused by classic or bullous chickenpox... Drug action:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • drying;
  • prevention of suppuration;
  • oppression of pathogenic bacteria;
  • disinfection;
  • acceleration of the tissue healing process.

For ingrown hair

For cosmetic purposes, salicylic is also widely used. An integral part of personal care is the removal of unwanted body hair. The most common side effect of epilation is ingrown hairs, regardless of the method (epilator, razor, resin, wax, sugaring, etc.). This happens mainly in the bikini area, armpits, lower limbs... A little less often the problem occurs on the hips, abdomen, face.

Although there are many remedies available today for treating ingrown hairs, salicylic or resorcinol alcohol is considered the most effective. These drugs eliminate the side effect of hair removal in a short period of time. The product removes irritation, moisturizes, cleanses the pores, has an exfoliating effect, and creates a peeling effect. During the procedure, an alcohol solution has an antiseptic effect, prevents the development of suppuration in the hair follicle.

Best used for ingrown hair removal salicylic chatterbox, which is easy to prepare yourself at home. You should take 2% alcohol, glycerin and water. According to the recipe, you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. salicylic, 0.5 cups of cold water and 20 g of glycerin. For the effect of the talker to be effective, it is necessary to apply it 1-2 times / day, smearing the area of \u200b\u200bthe ingrown hair. According to a doctor's prescription, a talker can be made in a pharmacy by pharmacists. Duration of treatment - until the problem is completely eliminated.

Can you drink salicylic acid?

It is strictly forbidden to ingest an alcoholic solution of salicylic acid. When taken, the mucous membrane is severely affected, and the very first sip of acid will cause a serious burn of internal organs. If the solution accidentally gets into your mouth, you need to urgently take the following actions:

  • rinse oral cavity soda solution (1 tbsp. l. 300 ml of warm water);
  • drink a lot of milk;
  • to accept activated carbon for stomach adsorption (1 tablet per 10 kg / weight);
  • to cleanse the intestines, make an enema with water;
  • in case of severe poisoning, call a doctor who will prescribe symptomatic treatment.

Pregnancy and lactation

Doctors and scientists are strictly forbidden to use salicylic acid for expectant mothers. It cannot be used not only inside but also outside. The acid is quickly absorbed into the epithelial cells, deeply penetrates the skin. All products containing salicylic acid (creams, lotions, ointments, gels, peels) can cause irreparable harm to the fetus, because, being absorbed into the blood, the substance easily passes through the placenta.

While the baby is in the mother's belly, her body is the only source of nutrition. High concentration of salicylate, can cause fetal anemia or chronic pathology of cardio-vascular system The child has. The use of the drug will negatively affect the woman in labor - it can provoke a decrease in labor activity or painful contractions. A woman during childbirth will not be able to push normally, which will lead to a severe rupture of the perineum.

The most serious illness, to which not only systematic but also periodic use of salicylic acid by a pregnant woman can lead - Reye's syndrome. Pathology leads to kidney problems, heart disease, disruption of the child's brain. The syndrome can even provoke death in children 4-12 years old. Also, the use of salicylic during pregnancy or lactation can cause reproductive dysfunction in boys.

Side effects

An alcoholic solution of salicylic acid must be used carefully, because the alcohol in the composition can provoke side effects. Local skin reactions include:

  • severe redness (the skin becomes burgundy or bright red);
  • increased dryness of the skin, peeling;
  • tightness ( severe discomfort cause facial movements);
  • new skin rashes;
  • burn;
  • allergic reactions.

These phenomena are not the reason for the cancellation of therapeutic measures if they have an average or weak degree severity. It is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug and monitor the further reaction of the body. If the side effects disappear after 1-2 days, the treatment can be continued. If negative manifestations persist, the use of the drug should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted to replace it.


Like anyone medication salicylic alcohol has its own contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • allergy to salicylic acid;
  • carrying a child (pregnancy);
  • breastfeeding (lactation);
  • renal or hepatic impairment;
  • infancy;
  • open wound surfaces;
  • drug intolerance.

It is important to know that salicylic acid can only be used for cosmetic purposes if you have oily or combination skin. People with skin prone to dryness, it is better to choose another product. When using salicylic, it should be borne in mind that the described medication does not interact with all drugs. For this reason, it is necessary to resort to treatment with this drug only after consulting a dermatologist.


Sell \u200b\u200bsalicylic alcohol in dark glass vials of 25 and 40 ml. You can store the drug for 3 years. After opening the bottle, alcohol is suitable for only 1 month, since it tends to weather out. If there is sediment in the bottle or bad smell, then you cannot use the tool. The best storage location is a dry, cool place that is not exposed to sunlight.

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy. The cost varies slightly depending on the volume of the drug and the percentage. average price in pharmacies of the Moscow region:

Drug name

Price in rubles

Alcohol solution 1%

Alcohol solution 2%

Alcohol solution 2%


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment... Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Salicylic alcohol - instructions for use, indications, side effects and price

On a huge list drugs there are medicines, the action of which has been tested over the years, generations and numerous studies. These drugs include salicylic acid, which is often used to treat skin diseases and facial skin defects. But is this miracle remedy suitable for everyone?

Salicylic acid is usually sold in pharmacies as an alcoholic solution at a concentration of 1% to 10%

Salicylic acid properties

Since the first synthesis of salicylic acid - and this is the beginning of the 19th century - this substance has not acquired new properties and indications for use. It is still a drug that is:

  • strong antiseptic;
  • irritant;
  • keratolytic.

In more detail, salicylic acid is antimicrobial and antibacterial drugwhich can be used as an external disinfectant. Its most common application is considered to be wound treatment, treatment of dermatological diseases and cosmetic defects.

The irritating effect is accompanied by a mild pain relieving effect due to distracting mechanisms. Salicylic acid is able to penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate blood flow. The keratolytic properties of the drug are an exfoliating effect due to the ability to dry the top layer of the skin. Like any other acid, salicylic acid can discolor the body.

Salicylic acid was first obtained from the bark of a willow tree and for some time it was extracted from plant materials. Now this medicine is produced in industrial volumes from carbon dioxide and sodium phenolate using a special technology. We can say that this is a 100% synthetic drug. You can buy it in pharmacies in the form of an alcohol solution or ointment.

Salicylic acid does help clear skin, get rid of acne and inflammation, but only when used correctly

Salicylic acid for the face: action

Salicylic acid has the following effects on the skin:

  • regulates the production of sebum;
  • fights bacteria that cause acne and acne;
  • makes acne spots less visible;
  • discolors blackheads;
  • whitens the face and dries the top layer of the skin.

Salicylic acid is the main component of most antibacterial agents for the care of problem skin. It is a part of the so popular "Zinerit" and other stronger medicines. What is the mechanism of its action? The acid disinfects the surface of the skin, penetrates inside, killing the bacteria living there, both harmful and beneficial. The upper layer of the skin dries out, while inside the production of sebum is reduced, available purulent inflammation disinfected and go out through the ducts.

Applying salicylic acid once a day for 2-3 days, you can get rid of acne spots without squeezing and other harmful manipulations. No other means are required. If the skin is thickly covered with pimples, the healing process will take much longer, but the effect is usually fixed for a long time.

In the context of fighting blackheads, salicylic acid is also very effective. Due to the fact that oily skin is prone to the formation of comedones, the acid solves two problems: it discolors blackheads and slightly dries the skin, eliminating the oily sheen.

Salicylic acid works especially well in cases where acne can be treated separately

Who can use salicylic acid

This remedy should not be used by people with dry sensitive skin, although it is this one that is least of all attacked by bacteria that cause acne and other inflammation. It is not advisable to use salicylic acid in winter, when the skin is already thinning and dries up due to the peculiarities of the climate. This is especially true for people with severe acne. During the period of drug treatment, it is impossible long time being in the sun due to the increased likelihood of the appearance of age spots.

You can use salicylic acid in the following cases.

  1. For oily skin with single and multiple acne, blackheads and enlarged pores.
  2. For normal and combination skin with multiple acne, comedones.
  3. For dry skin with single acne and spots from them.

The exception is allergic reactions against the background of individual intolerance to salicylic acid or ethyl alcohol. If the skin is prone to frequent appearance of acne, which covers the surface of the face with a dense network, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist before using the acid.

Cotton swab - universal tool for spot application of salicylic acid

Application methods

Salicylic acid is available over the counter in the form of a 1-10 percent ethyl alcohol-based solution. It is a 1% solution that is considered optimal for skin healing. With a simple picture, it is enough to put a cotton swab into a bottle with a solution and lubricate the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin (the top of the pimple) with it. If the face is thickly covered with acne, it is necessary to apply the acid with a cotton pad very gently, not rubbing, but rubbing slightly. Feelings of slight tingling and burning are possible. A few minutes after application, you can rinse your face with cool water.

Before using salicylic acid, it does not hurt to do a sensitivity test. To do this, start "treating" one pimple, for example on the forehead, and not a whole scattering of them. Intolerance to this drug can manifest itself with severe itching and peeling, redness in the area of \u200b\u200bapplication, burning. In this case, you will have to use either an alcohol-free lotion, of which there are a lot on sale, or a completely different drug.

Typically, acid treatment is performed in the evening before going to bed to combat acne on the face after thoroughly cleaning the face of makeup and dirt. After applying acid and rinsing with water, the skin can be lubricated with panthenol, levomikol or other caring anti-inflammatory creams. The procedure is repeated for 2-3 days, as a rule, during this time the pimple "matures", opens and dries up. Further, the matter is small - to prevent the secondary appearance of foci of inflammation and make acne spots less noticeable. To do this, over the next few days, it is advisable to lubricate the face or problem areas with a salicylic acid solution, while not forgetting about anti-inflammatory creams.

To enhance the effect, salicylic acid can be combined with other drugs in masks and lotions

Salicylic Acid Facial Recipes

A particularly strong solution can be made at home to combat acne. This will require a 1-2% acid solution, streptocide powder and chloramphenicol tablets. Pour 2 sachets of streptocide and 5 crushed tablets of chloramphenicol into a bottle with acid. All are well shaken and applied to problem areas of the skin pointwise. The application procedure is carried out in the evening for 3 days, then a break for 2 days - and again the treatment. The procedure can be supplemented with panthenol-based care products.

Specialty and salicylic acid are on sale. Such products are great at fighting the problem of blackheads, discoloring them and cleansing the skin. In the case of oily skin, you can regularly (2-3 times a week) lubricate problem areas of the face with a 1% salicylic acid solution. It promotes discoloration of blackheads and self-cleaning pores.

A less aggressive method is masks based on cosmetic clay with salicylic acid. After dilution, a teaspoon of salicylic acid is added to the usual clay mask. The mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water and a caring cream is applied. This mask not only cleanses the pores, but also promotes cell regeneration, increases blood flow, increasing skin nutrition.

The use of salicylic acid for facial treatment is not recommended for pregnant women and people with sensitive, thin and dry skin. In addition, the skin quickly becomes accustomed to the action of acid, so breaks should be taken during treatment.

Salicylic acid is not a panacea, but a very strong and effective remedy for acne treatment and skin cleansing in general. It was used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, but not because there were almost no other means of fighting for the beauty of the skin, but because of the speed of the effect and ease of use. There are practically no age restrictions for its use, and the main contraindications are indicated above.

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Gross formula

C 7 H 6 O 3

Pharmacological group of the substance Salicylic acid

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Salicylic acid

White fine needle-like crystals or odorless light crystalline powder. Little soluble in cold water (1: 500), soluble in hot water (1: 5), easily soluble in alcohol (1: 3).


pharmachologic effect - wound healing, antiseptic, local irritant.

Promotes the cleansing of the wound from purulent discharge and its healing, eliminates perifocal inflammation. It has a distracting, keratolytic (high concentration) and keratoplastic (low concentration) effect. Suppresses the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Application of the substance Salicylic acid

Monotherapy and in composition combination drugs with inflammatory, infectious and other skin lesions, incl. burns, psoriasis, eczema, dyskeratosis, ichthyosis, acne vulgaris, warts, hyperkeratosis, calluses, callus, oily seborrhea, pityriasis versicolor; hair loss; sweating feet.


Hypersensitivity renal failure, infancy.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Side effects of the substance Salicylic acid

Local irritation (itching, burning at the site of application), allergic reactions.


Cheap drugs that are sold in every pharmacy can easily replace expensive cosmetics or some drugs. So, salicylic acid is able to have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and skin cleansing effect, and this remedy can be bought in several forms: in solution, ointment or powder. Learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of the drug from this substance.

What is Salicylic Acid

This substance and its derivatives can be found in some plant species, especially willow bark or spirea flowers. Scientifically, salicylic acid is a phenolic or 2-hydroxybenzoic acid that dissolves well with ethyl alcohol and poorly cold water. Hydroxybenzoic acid is chemically produced as a colorless powder, and then subjected to other types of processing.

Composition and form of release

The name of the drug already speaks of the main active ingredient - salicylate acid. The aids are different and depend on pharmacological form release:

  • The alcohol solution is 1-2-3-5-10 percent and is available in bottles of 25 or 40 ml. In addition to the active ingredient, the liquid contains ethanol 70%.
  • Salicylic ointment is 2-3-4-5 and 10%. Produced in tubes or small dark glass jars with a volume of 25 grams. In addition to the main active ingredient, the ointment contains petroleum jelly.

Salicylic acid action

All such preparations are classified as antiseptics. Ointments and solutions are available for external use only. In pharmacies, you can find pills containing salicylic derivatives. They are used orally. All types of agents produced on the basis of salicylic have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, local irritant and antipruritic properties. A large amount of salicylate has a keratolytic effect.

What helps

Acid is added to many medicines and has been actively used by physicians for more than a dozen years. As a separate therapeutic agent or in combination with other drugs, it is used to treat:

  • psoriasis;
  • ichthyosis;
  • burns;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • eczema;
  • corns;
  • corns;
  • warts;
  • multicolored lichen;
  • hyperhidrosis of the feet;
  • hair loss;
  • dermatitis;
  • acne;
  • pyoderma;
  • other infectious and viral skin diseases.

Salicylic acid application

Due to its many positive properties, salicylic is used in different areas activities:

  • Salicylic powder is used to treat burns, open wounds, cleanse the affected skin from pus.
  • Due to the fact that the acid is obtained from substances of the phenolic group, this compound is classified as aromatic, so do not be surprised to find salicylic on the label of your favorite eau de toilette.
  • The antiseptic properties of acid are successfully used in food preservation.
  • This substance is even used in metallurgy as a reagent for the separation of thorium ore.

In medicine

The widest field of distribution of hydroxybenzoic acid is pharmacology. Even at the beginning of the 19th century, this component was used for the external treatment of rheumatism, diathesis and in the production of certain drugs. Today salicylic drugs are classified as NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Salicilka can be found in Lassar pasta, zinc ointment, Bepantene, Galmanine, ear drops... It acts as an emollient component in a corn patch.

In cosmetology

This component has exfoliating, drying and anti-inflammatory properties, due to which it is actively used by cosmetologists. Salicylic acid lotion will help remove teenage acne, acne, and relieve inflammation. The active ingredients easily penetrate through the skin cells into the sebaceous glands, dissolve sebum, enhance tissue regeneration, while not affecting the microflora of the epidermis.

Phenolic acid cream helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles, slows down the aging process, brightens the skin and helps get rid of age spots without increasing the photosensitivity of the epidermis. Salicylic powder is added to peeling products. As the active ingredient, this substance can be found on the label of anti-dandruff shampoos.

In dermatology

All dosage forms of phenolic acid have an antiseptic effect, help in the fight against fungus, which is why they are an indispensable product in dermatology. Here, as a rule, an alcohol solution is used. Its effectiveness directly depends on concentration active substances - the more salicylate, the more effective the liquid. Solutions are used to treat lichen, eczema, manifestations of psoriasis and dermatitis.

Instructions for use

As a rule, when buying any drug based on salicylate, there is a detailed annotation with it, which clearly indicates the method of using the drug, its dosage and duration of use. However, there are a number of unspoken rules that should be taken into account when using phenolic acid:

  • It is not recommended to apply the preparations to hairy warts, papillomas located on the face and genitals, or birthmarks.
  • Use salicylate solutions near the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and nose with extreme caution. If liquid gets on them, rinse the area thoroughly under running water.
  • Doctors do not advise using the solution and ointment at the same time due to the fact that this interaction formula excessively dries the skin.
  • You should not deal with the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin with salicylates without first consulting a dermatologist.

Salicylic acid alcohol solution

This remedy is actively used by dermatologists and doctors of other specialties for the treatment of inflammatory or infectious diseases skin. The maximum daily dose for adults is 10 ml. Children should treat wounds and the affected surface with a diluted solution in the amount of 1 ml. Apply liquid to problem areas of the body with a cotton swab or stick several times a day. The average course of treatment is 4-5 days.


The duration of this dosage form salicylki should not be more than 20 calendar days. It is necessary to apply the product pointwise, affecting only problem areas of the skin, from 1 to 3 times a day. For severe inflammation, the ointment can be diluted with medical petroleum jelly 1: 2 or 1: 4. Before using the ointment, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic, and a gauze bandage must be applied over the product. Depending on the degree of skin damage and the type of disease, an ointment of different concentrations is used:

  • in the treatment of seborrhea and acne 2%;
  • to remove cornified calluses 10%;
  • in the treatment of psoriasis 1-5%;
  • treatment of the scalp with ointment 5-10%.


Represents fine needle-like crystals of white or almost white sweetish in taste and odorless. Pure powder is used very rarely; it will also be difficult to find it in a pharmacy window. Typically, this form of salicylate is used to cleanse the skin of dead cells or provide emergency assistance with burns. Due to the fact that the powder is a concentrated substance, it should be used in small dosages:

  • when preparing an alcohol solution for 100 ml of ethyl alcohol, 1-2 grams should be taken;
  • for ointments, the volume of the concentrate should not exceed 2-3 grams per 100 g of the product.

Salicylic acid derivatives

Sodium salicylate, amide or salicylamide and acetylsalicylate, also known as aspirin, are widely used in medicine. All these substances are derivatives of phenolic acid and have antipyretic, antirheumatic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, there are other derivatives of hydroxy benzoin:

  • phenyl salicylate - used as an antiseptic;
  • para-aminosalicylate - active against tubercle bacillus, some types of virus;
  • methyl ether or methyl salicylate - analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent.

Preparations containing salicylic acid

Derivatives from salicylate can cause allergies, irritation, and are poorly absorbed by the body. If you have a hypersensitivity to this component, you should refuse to take the following medical supplies:

  • Analgin;
  • Aspirin;
  • Phenacetin;
  • Butadion;
  • Viprosala;
  • corn fluid;
  • methyl alcohol;
  • teymurov's pastes;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Belosalik;
  • Elokoma;
  • Betadermika.

Features of use during pregnancy

The acid is able to quickly penetrate the skin and soft tissue, with a blood flow entering all internal organs... Because of these properties, doctors strongly discourage the use of creams, lotions, shampoos and hair dyes with salicylate during pregnancy or lactation. The same rule applies to medicines that contain this substance.

It was experimentally found that phenolic acid, first of all, will harm the health of the child. Its use contributes to the development congenital defects in infants, subsequent appearance chronic diseases, complications during childbirth, the occurrence of Reye's syndrome in the fetus. The main symptoms of an oversaturation of salicylates in the body of a pregnant woman are: itching of the skin, burning, rash, dryness of the epidermis, frequent headaches.

Side effects and contraindications

With point treatment of the affected areas of the body, there are practically no negative reactions from the body. It is extremely rare for sensitive or dry skin to experience allergic reactions, a feeling of heat, shortness of breath, soreness in the places where the product is applied. This substance and its derivatives are contraindicated:

  • for people with allergic reaction ethanol and phenolic acid;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with poor blood clotting;
  • patients with renal and liver failure;
  • newborns and infants under one year old.

The use of salicylic acid in cosmetology

There are a huge number of cosmetic products based on this substance: creams, lotions for cleansing the skin, tonics, conditioners, balms, face masks and scrubs, shampoos against dandruff and against hair loss. Much of the above can be done with your own hands, and some cosmetic products have to be purchased. When choosing such products for face and body care, it is important to know how to choose them correctly, use them and what can be prepared from this at home.


Cosmetic tonics for the face with salicylic deserve special attention. They have anti-inflammatory properties, help to lighten skin tone by several shades, and slow down skin aging. However, this tool has one significant drawback - the lotion dries the skin a lot. Before you start using the tonic, you should consult a beautician about whether it is possible to wipe your face with salicylic acid in your case and whether such treatment will bring unnecessary problems.

If desired, lotions can be purchased at a pharmacy, convenience store, or prepared yourself. For example, to get rid of comedones, acne and teenage rashes, an anti-inflammatory tonic is suitable, which can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. In a glass, mix 100 grams of salicylic alcohol with 1 tablespoon of dry calendula inflorescences. If desired, 2 tablets of levomycetin can be added to the solution.
  2. Let the solution sit in a warm place for 24 hours.
  3. Then strain the liquid through several layers of cheesecloth.
  4. Before applying, dilute the lotion with water in the ratio: 1 tablespoon of the solution to 200 ml of warm water.?


For oily and inflammation-prone skin, use a glycerin-based moisturizer. Instructions for preparing the product at home are as follows:

  1. Dissolve over low heat, stirring continuously, 5 grams of beeswax.
  2. Add 10 g of any cereal oil, preferably rice oil, to the melted wax.
  3. Whisk the mixture with a blender, gradually adding 1 ml of the phenolic solution.
  4. Pour the mixture into a jar and store in the refrigerator.

If you cannot prepare a standing anti-wrinkle cream or a toning cosmetic product at home, you should pay attention to specialized cosmetics. At an affordable price, the following effective remedies can be found on sale:

  • acne cream Clerasil Ultra;
  • nourishing agent "Clean Skin Active";
  • foundation BB-cream from Garnier;
  • matting product from the Israeli firm Matte "Perfect".

Salicylic solution for hair

At home, you can also prepare a simple shampoo that will help keep your hair fresh for a long time, add color to dyeing, and prevent hair loss. In order to make the solution yourself, use the instructions:

  1. Mix a standard portion of shampoo with water in a small container until a light lather appears.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of salicylic alcohol to your shampoo.
  3. Leave the product to infuse for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Then apply to hair roots burr oil, and the prepared mixture on the roots.
  5. Leave the solution for 2-3 minutes and rinse.

How much does salicylic acid cost in the pharmacy

Regardless of the form of release, it is allowed to store salicylate derivatives only in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees. Shelf life - 3 years, after which the use of substances is prohibited. You can buy a medication inexpensively at any store with a discount or special offer, or order delivery from an online pharmacy. The cost of funds in Moscow and St. Petersburg can be found in the following table:


Latin name:Salicylic acid
ATX code: D01AE12
Active substance: Salicylic acid
Manufacturer:Pharmstandard, Russia
Pharmacy dispensing condition: On prescription

Salicylic acid is an antiseptic for external use and has keratolytic properties.

Indications for use

Salicylic acid is prescribed for use both for monotherapy and as part of complex treatment a number of diseases, namely:

  • Diseases of the skin of a different nature: hyperkeratosis, psoriasis, dyskeratosis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, burns, warts, oily seborrhea, corns, pityriasis versicolor
  • Alopecia
  • Hyperhidrosis of the feet
  • In cosmetology: for the manufacture of a drying mask for dry skin and as a remedy against blackheads.


For the preparation of the solution, a dry powder is used, which has a similar name. An alcoholic solution with a volume of 100 ml contains 1 g or 2 g of the main active ingredient - salicylic acid.

Ethyl alcohol acts as an auxiliary component of the solution, percentage which in solution is 70.

In 100 g of ointment, the mass fraction of salicylic acid is 2 g or 3 g, an additional component is petroleum jelly.

Healing properties

During local use of this drug, an irritant as well as an antiseptic effect on the upper layers of the skin is observed. When low concentrations the drug has a keratoplastic effect, and with elevated - keratolytic.

The highest plasma salicylic acid level is reached 5 hours after the application on skin covering or under an occlusive dressing. About 6% of salicylic acid is excreted in the urine in its original form, most of the excreted components of the drug are represented by inactive metabolites.

Salicylic acid solution

Price from 8 to 28 rubles

The dosage form of the drug is a colorless liquid without a pronounced odor, like the powder itself. Available in 25 ml or 40 ml vials with 1-3%, 5% or 10% concentration.

Instructions for the use of acid

Often, an alcohol solution is used in cosmetology, as it helps to solve the problems of increased oily skin, relieves acne... Salicylic acid for the face is used in a concentration of 1-3%, it is such a solution that exhibits gentle drying properties, thereby not overdrying the skin.

The dosage form of the drug allows you to prepare an excellent anti-inflammatory agent at home, it can be used to get rid of acne. For preparation, you will need medicines that everyone has in the first-aid kit.

Homemade drying agent recipe

Salicylic acid for acne will be used in combination with other drugs that will enhance its effect on inflamed skin.

In a bottle with a 1-2% salicylic acid solution, you must add 2 sachets of streptocide powder or 5 tab. crushed levomycetin. All components should be shaken well, then you can use the prepared product, applying to the skin, but not in the form of a mask, but pointwise. It is necessary to carry out procedures immediately before bedtime for 3 days. After a two-day break, treatment can be continued. It is recommended to use panthenol-based face cream as a care product.

With oily skin, blackheads are the most important problem. For their treatment, 1-2% salicylic acid is used.

The recipe for solving problems with the skin of the face is quite simple: you need to regularly (twice or three times a week) wipe the problem areas of the skin with an alcohol solution of salicylic acid. Many patients doubt whether salicylic acid helps with acne or not. The answer is clear - yes, it helps. The alcohol solution allows the pores to cleanse themselves of excess sebum, discoloring areas of the skin with blackheads.

Salicylic acid mask recipe

At home, you can easily prepare drying masks that gently affect the skin of the face. The contents of a regular clay mask should be diluted with a teaspoon of an alcoholic 1% solution, and then mixed thoroughly. It is necessary to apply the product on the skin with a thin layer as the description recommends; the mask lasts 20 minutes. After that, it is recommended to wash off the cosmetic and apply any kind of face cream. With the help of such a mask, you can not only cleanse the pores at home, but also improve the condition of the skin, since the proposed remedy has a regenerating effect, improves blood flow, and nourishes the skin.

Salicylic acid ointment

Price from 21 to 32 rubles

The ointment is represented as a dense homogeneous mass with a light yellowish or creamy tint. The content of salicylic acid in the ointment is 2-5% and 10%. Ointment is dispensed in glass jars containing 25 grams of the drug.

Instructions for using the ointment

The ointment is used for problem skin, a cream is made for this.

Salicylic ointment cream recipe at home

It is necessary to mix the dexpanthenol cream with 2% salicylic ointment. For the first week, the cream should be applied to the skin every evening. After the desired effect has been achieved, prophylactic use of the cream is recommended twice or three times a week. It must be remembered that salicylic acid exhibits drying properties, therefore its use at home is not advisable for those with sensitive or dry skin.

Salicylic ointment (2%) together with sulfuric can be used in the fight against oily seborrhea and alopecia. Ointments are mixed in equal amounts and applied to the scalp, the procedure is carried out every day for 20 minutes. Then it is washed off with detergent. The duration of treatment is determined by the observed therapeutic effect.

Applying ointment for skin diseases

In case of skin diseases, it is necessary to apply an ointment after preliminary cleansing of the problem area from dead tissues; in case of blisters, you should open them, and then wipe the skin with an antiseptic solution.

Given the nature of the course of the disease, the drug can be smeared on the affected skin, covering it with a sterile bandage. It is also possible to wipe the wounds with a clean napkin soaked in ointment, or apply directly to the wound area.

It is necessary to smear the drug on the skin taking into account the recommended dose (0.2 grams per 1 cm 2), the dressing change procedure should be carried out twice or three times throughout the day.

Treatment with ointment lasts until the wounds are completely cleared of purulent-necrotic masses.

Application during pregnancy and hepatitis B

Alcohol solution should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, as it has a toxic effect on the mother and child. During this period, the use of salicylic solution and ointment is allowed in the treatment of corns and corns. The permissible dose of a 2% solution is up to 5 ml.


The ointment is contraindicated in children. The use of the drug in patients with excessive sensitivity to salicylic acid should be excluded. The solution is not used for children under 1 year old.

Precautionary measures

Salicylic acid preparations should not be applied to moles and birthmarks (including the skin of the face and genital area).

In case of contact with mucous membranes, it is recommended to immediately rinse this area with running water, and then consult a doctor.

It should be noted that in skin diseases accompanied by active inflammation and hyperemia, as well as in the presence of weeping lesions, the absorption of salicylic acid increases.

Cross-drug interactions

Salicylic acid increases the absorption of other medicines local applicationto cause negative effects on the body.

The use of salicylic acid together with sulfonylurea derivatives, Methotrexate, as well as hypoglycemic agents can provoke adverse reactions from using the latter.

An alcohol solution cannot be combined with zinc oxide, resorcinol, since as a result of chemical reactions between drugs, insoluble compounds and melting mixtures are formed.

Side effects

Local allergic manifestations are not excluded.

Conditions and shelf life

Store the solution and ointment in a dry place out of the reach of small children, away from direct sunlight. The temperature at which it is recommended to store the solution is up to 15 C, the ointment is up to 20 C. The shelf life of the solution is 3 years, the ointment is 2 years.


Stifel Laboratories, Ireland

average price - 190 rubles.

Duofilm is a drug for local treatment warts, has antimicrobial properties, has a cauterizing effect. Duofilm contains two active ingredients: lactic and salicylic acid. The form of the drug is a solution, dispensed in a 15 ml bottle


  • Effectively relieves warts on the upper and lower extremities
  • You can use the drug to cauterize calluses
  • No prescription required upon purchase.


  • Not assigned to children under 2 years old
  • Contraindicated in pigmented nevus
  • Expensive.
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