First aid for injuries from firearms and special equipment. How to provide first aid for a gunshot wound

While on duty, a security guard of a private enterprise was attacked and received a gunshot wound in the right shoulder.

Objectively: on the front surface of the middle of the right shoulder there is a moderately bleeding wound, irregularly rounded, on the back surface there is a similar wound of somewhat large size with uneven edges. From the anamnesis it became clear that the victim was shot at a distance of about 30 m from a pistol. A paramedic was on duty at the health center of a neighboring enterprise, to whom the victim turned.

Sample answer:

The victim has a through gunshot (bullet) wound to the right shoulder.

The conclusion is based on anamnesis data (the victim was attacked) and an objective examination of the right shoulder (presence of a through wound with an inlet and outlet, characteristic of a gunshot wound; bleeding from the wound).

2. Algorithm for providing emergency first aid:

a) visual examination of the wound, to assess the condition in order to identify hemodynamic disorders ( early diagnosis traumatic shock);

b) the toilet of the wound and the imposition of an aseptic pressure bandage, objective research: forced position of the limb, deformation, local pain, crepitus and pathological mobility at the site of injury;

c) hang your hand on the kerchief;

d) immediately inform the duty department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by phone. 02 about what happened;

e) call an ambulance team medical care,

g) observe the patient until the ambulance arrives.

Applying a pressure bandage using the PPI is carried out according to the algorithm.

Sample answer to ticket number 26


The boy is 8 months old. Complaints about the child's lethargy, decreased appetite, unstable stools. Child from 5 pregnancy, proceeding favorably, urgent 2 births (weight - 3700 g, length - 50 cm). The neonatal period was normal. Breastfeeding up to 2 months, from 3 months. semolina was introduced without the advice of a doctor, unadapted mixtures were used. The child did not take vitamin D, rarely received juices. The walks were not daily. The weight gain was uneven. He had 2 acute respiratory infections. Material and living conditions are satisfactory.

Objectively: general state satisfactory, but the child is lethargic, pale, sweating. Sits with support on hands, round back. Muscle tone is diffusely reduced. The head is square, with prominent frontal and occipital tubercles. Large fontanelle 2.5x3.0 cm, pliable edges. The occiput is flattened, bald. No teeth. The chest is compressed from the sides, the lower edges are unfolded, there are small "rosary" on the ribs, pronounced "bracelets" on the arms. There is kyphosis in lumbar the spine, which disappears when the child is on the stomach. Palpation, percussion and auscultation did not reveal any changes in the respiratory and heart organs. The liver protrudes 2 cm from the edge of the costal arch. The spleen is not enlarged. The stool is unstable, urination is not disturbed.

Sample answer:

1. The child has rickets of the II degree, the heat stage. Iron deficiency anemia, mild. The conclusion is based on anamnesis data: breast-feeding only up to 2 months, early introduction of complementary foods, lack of vegetables and fruit juices in the diet, did not receive vitamin D.

Physical examination: sweating, pallor skin, decreased muscle tone, pronounced deformation of the bones of the skull, chest, spine, limbs.

Laboratory research: in the blood a slight decrease in hemoglobin, a decrease in phosphorus and calcium in the blood serum.

2. An additional symptom of this form of the disease is craniotabes, softening of individual parts of the occipital bone, which is determined by palpation. At the level of attachment of the diaphragm, a retraction occurs, "Harrison's groove", the timing and order of teething are violated.

3. In this case, the child does not need urgent hospitalization, and under satisfactory living conditions, treatment at home can be carried out.

4.In hospital conditions to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an x-ray of the distal bones of the forearm and determine the level of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase in the blood serum, which plays an important role in the processes of calcification of bones. First of all, you need to assign proper nutrition with daily inclusion in the diet of vegetable puree, cow's milk, kefir, grated apple, yolk, cottage cheese, low-fat meat broths, meatballs, liver. Within 30-45 days, the child should receive specific treatment for rickets with vitamin D in the form of calciferol 1600 IU per day. Given that the child has anemia, iron supplements (aloe syrup with iron) should be prescribed, ascorbic acid, vitamin B 1. Massage is required, daily physiotherapy, pine baths, walks in the fresh air.

5. Technique for measuring the height of children of different ages according to the algorithm for performing manipulations.

- This is a wound resulting from the action of shells (bullets, shrapnel, buckshot, shrapnel, shot) fired from a firearm. Distinctive features of gunshot wounds are a severe reaction of the body, massive tissue damage, a significant duration of healing, a large number of infectious complications and deaths. Pathology is diagnosed on the basis of history, examination data and x-ray examination... Treatment includes anti-shock measures, replenishment of blood loss, PHO with suturing or removal of damaged organs, dressings and antibiotic therapy.


W34 X95

General information

A gunshot wound is a set of injuries resulting from the action of a projectile fired from a firearm. In character and course it differs from other types of wounds. It is accompanied by the formation of a large array of non-viable tissues and heavy general reaction organism. There is a tendency to prolonged healing and frequent complications.

With gunshot wounds, all types of damage to organs and tissues can be observed: violation of the integrity of nerves, muscles and blood vessels, fractures of the bones of the trunk and limbs, damage to the chest, as well as damage to any hollow and / or parenchymal organs (larynx, liver, etc.). Injuries with damage internal organs pose a great danger to life and are often fatal. Orthopedic traumatologists, thoracic surgeons, vascular surgeons, abdominal surgeons, neurosurgeons and other specialists can treat gunshot wounds, depending on the damage to certain organs and tissues.

The reasons

The gunshot wound is the main type of injury in the conduct of hostilities. It is relatively rare in peacetime and can result from criminal incidents or hunting accidents.


For gunshot wounds, certain features are characteristic that distinguish them from other types of wounds. A zone of dead tissue (primary necrosis) is formed around the wound channel. The wound channel has an uneven direction and length. With through wounds, an exit hole of significant diameter occurs. In the wound, foreign particles are found drawn there due to the high speed of the projectile. After a while, new areas of dead tissue (foci of secondary necrosis) are formed around the gunshot wound.

The destructive effect of the projectile is due to two components: a direct impact, that is, a direct impact on tissues and a lateral impact, that is, the action of a shock wave that instantly forms a zone high pressurethrowing fabric to the side. Subsequently, the resulting cavity sharply "collapses", a wave with negative pressure, and tissues are destroyed due to the huge difference in negative and positive pressure.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the traumatic effect in any gunshot wound, three zones are distinguished: a wound canal or a wound defect (a zone of direct impact of a projectile), an area of \u200b\u200bcontusion (in this zone, primary necrosis is formed) and an area of \u200b\u200bconcussion (in this zone, a secondary necrosis is formed). The wound defect can be true or false. A true defect is formed when a piece of tissue is torn out (“minus” tissue), a false defect is formed when disconnected tissues contract (for example, when damaged muscles contract).


Treatment of a gunshot wound

The first step is to stop the bleeding. With slight or moderate bleeding, the wound is closed with a pressure bandage; with abundant bleeding, a tourniquet is applied above the injury site. The victim is given pain relievers, if possible, an intramuscular injection of analgesics is performed. The patient is placed in a horizontal position (the exception is wounds in the chest, in which, to facilitate breathing, the patient should be given a sitting or semi-sitting position), immobilization is carried out using special tires or improvised means.

If the delivery of the victim to honey. the institution is difficult or postponed, at the primary care point, anti-shock measures are carried out and prevention of wound infection is carried out by injecting antibiotics intramuscularly, washing the wound canal with antibiotic solutions, and also performing injecting the wound area.

Scope and order treatment measures in a specialized institution are determined taking into account the patient's condition. They replenish the BCC, carry out anti-shock measures, perform surgical treatment of wounds. In the course of surgery, contaminated and non-viable tissues are excised, if possible, the wound is washed and drained. The damaged vessels are tied up, the damaged organs are partially excised and sutured or completely removed, small fragments of bones are removed, large fragments are compared. Usually, skeletal traction is applied at the initial stage for complex and unstable fractures.

With a wound channel of a small diameter, sutures are not applied to the gunshot wound; with a large defect, the edges of the wound are matched using rare single sutures. Contraindication to surgical intervention is agonal state and traumatic shock. Shallow tangential wounds, multiple shrapnel and small superficial "stuffed" gunshot wounds are not subject to surgical treatment.

IN postoperative period prescribe antibiotics, continue to correct hypovolemia, perform dressings. In the future, it is possible to impose delayed primary sutures (after 5-6 days), early secondary sutures (after 10-12 days) and late secondary sutures (after 3 weeks). Since gunshot wounds, as a rule, heal through suppuration, in the long term, with such injuries, reconstructive interventions are often required: skin grafting, tendon grafting, nerve repair, intra- and extrafocal osteosynthesis, etc.


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

A gunshot wound is a wound received as a result of shells, bullets or shot fragments hitting the human body. Therefore, if a person was injured by any factor related to a firearm, then such an injury should be regarded as a firearm and first aid render accordingly. First aid to a victim with a gunshot wound is provided according to the same rules, regardless of what kind of damaging factor was the wound (bullet, shrapnel or shot). In addition, the rules for providing assistance are the same for gunshot wounds to various parts of the body.

Rules for calling an ambulance for a gunshot wound

The first step in providing first aid to a victim of a gunshot wound is to assess the situation and examine him for any external bleeding. If the person has visible heavy bleeding when blood flows from wounds jet, then, first of all, it must be stopped and only then called " ambulance". If the bleeding does not look like a stream, then first call the ambulance. After calling the ambulance, you should proceed to perform all other stages of first aid to the victim of a gunshot wound.

If the "ambulance" does not arrive at the scene within 30 minutes, then the victim should be delivered to the nearest hospital on their own. To do this, you can use any means - your own car, passing transport, etc.

Algorithm for providing first aid to a victim with a gunshot wound to any part of the body except the head

1. Call out to the victim to determine if he is conscious or fainting. If a person is unconscious, then do not try to bring him to his senses, since this is not necessary for first aid;

2. If a person is unconscious, his head should be thrown back and turned to one side, since it is in this position that air can freely pass into the lungs, and vomit will be removed outside without threatening to block the airways;

3. Try to minimize the amount of movement of the victim, as he needs rest. Do not try to move the victim to a location or position that is more comfortable for you. Provide first aid to the person in the position in which he is. If in the process of providing assistance you need to get to some parts of the body, move around the victim yourself, and move him as little as possible;


5. Do not clean the wound of blood, dead tissue and blood clots, as this can lead to very rapid infection and deterioration of the injured person's condition;

6. If organs are visible from the wound on the abdomen, do not set them back!

7. First of all, you should assess the presence of bleeding and determine its type:

  • Arterial - blood of scarlet color, flows out of the wound in a stream under pressure (creates the impression of a fountain), pulsates;
  • Venous - blood of dark red or burgundy color, flows out of the wound in a weak stream without pressure, does not pulsate;
  • Capillary - blood of any color flows out of the wound in drops.

If it is dark outside, the type of bleeding is determined by tactile sensations. To do this, a finger or palm is placed under the flowing blood. If the blood "hits" the finger and there is a clear pulsation, then the bleeding is arterial. If the blood flows out in a constant stream without pressure and pulsation, and the finger feels only gradual moisture and warmth, then venous bleeding. If there is no clear sensation of flowing blood, and the person providing assistance on his hands feels only sticky moisture, then capillary bleeding.
In case of a gunshot wound, the entire body is examined for bleeding, since it can be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inlet and outlet.

8. If bleeding is arterial, then it should be stopped immediately, since every second in such a situation can be decisive. Seeing a gushing stream of blood, there is no need to try to look for materials for a tourniquet and remember how to apply it correctly. You just need to stick the fingers of one hand directly into the wound from which blood is pouring, and plug the damaged vessel with them. If, after the introduction of fingers into the wound, the blood does not stop, then you should move them around the perimeter, looking for a position that will block the damaged vessel and thereby stop the bleeding. At the same time, sticking your fingers in, do not be afraid to expand the wound and tear part of the tissue, since this is not critical for the victim's survival. Having found the position of the fingers at which the blood stops flowing, fix them in it and hold them until a tourniquet is applied or wound tamponade is performed.

For packing a wound you need to find pieces of clean tissue or sterile dressing material (bandages, gauze). Before the start of packing the wound, the fingers pressing the vessel must not be removed! Therefore, if you are alone with the victim, you will have to tear him or your clean clothes with one hand, and with the other squeeze the damaged vessel, preventing the blood from flowing out. If there is someone else around, ask them to bring the cleanest items or sterile bandages. Tear the clothes into long strips no more than 10 cm wide. To plug the wound, take one end of the tissue with your free hand and insert it deep into the wound, while still holding the vessel clamped with the other hand. Then push a few centimeters of tissue tightly into the wound, tamping it down to form a kind of "plug" in the wound channel. When you feel that the tissue is above the level of the damaged vessel, remove the fingers pressing it. Then, quickly continue to push the tissue into the wound, tamping it down until the canal is filled to the very surface of the skin (see Figure 1). From this point on, the bleeding is considered stopped.

Figure 1 - Tamponade of a wound to stop bleeding

Tamponade of the wound can be performed when it is localized on any part of the body - limbs, neck, trunk, abdomen, back, chest, etc.

If there is arterial bleeding on the arm or leg, then after squeezing the vessel with fingers, a tourniquet can be applied. Any long object that can be wrapped around a limb 2-3 times and tied tightly, for example, a belt, tie, wire, etc. is suitable as a harness. The tourniquet is applied above the bleeding site. A tight bandage or clothing is left directly under the tourniquet (see Figure 2). The tourniquet is very tightly twisted around the limb, squeezing the tissue as much as possible. Having made 2 - 3 turns, the ends of the tourniquet are tightly tied and a note is placed under it with the exact time of its application. The tourniquet can be left for 1.5 - 2 hours in summer and 1 hour in winter. However, doctors do not recommend trying to apply a tourniquet to people who have never done this before, at least on a dummy, since the manipulation is quite complicated and therefore more often harmful than beneficial. Therefore, the optimal way to stop arterial bleeding is pinching the vessel with fingers in the wound + subsequent tamponade.

Figure 2 - Applying a tourniquet

Important! If a tamponade or tourniquet cannot be applied, then you will have to squeeze the vessel until an ambulance arrives or the victim is delivered to the hospital.

9. If a venous bleeding, then to stop it, you need to strongly squeeze the skin with the underlying tissues, thereby squeezing the damaged vessel. It should be remembered that if the wound is above the heart, then the vessel is squeezed above the point of damage. If the wound is below the heart, then the vessel is squeezed below the point of damage. Keeping the vessel compressed, it is necessary to perform wound tamponade (see point 5) or apply a pressure bandage. Wound tamponade is the best way, because it is highly effective and does not require any special skills, and therefore can be used by anyone in a critical situation. The tamponade can be performed on any part of the body, and the pressure bandage is applied only to the limbs - arms or legs.

For applying a pressure bandage it is necessary to find a clean piece of cloth or sterile bandage that completely covers the wound in size, and any dense object with a flat surface (for example, a box, a control panel, a glasses case, a bar of soap, a soap dish, etc.) that will press on the vessel ... You also need a band of dressing material, such as a bandage, gauze, pieces of clothing, or any clean cloth. First, put a piece of clean cloth on the wound and wrap it with 1 - 2 turns of a bandage or bandage made from scrap materials (torn clothes, pieces of cloth, etc.). Then put a dense object on the wound and tie it tightly to the limb, literally pressing into soft tissue (see figure 3).

Figure 3 - Applying a pressure bandage

Important! If it is impossible to either tamponade the wound or apply a pressure bandage, then you will have to squeeze the vessel with your fingers until the arrival of an ambulance or the delivery of the victim to the hospital.

10. If a capillary bleeding, then just press it with your fingers and wait 3 - 10 minutes until it stops. In principle, capillary bleeding can be ignored by dressing the wound without stopping it.

11. If possible, one ampoule of Dicinon should be injected into the tissues near the wound to stop bleeding and Novocaine, Lidocaine or any other anesthetic drug;

12. Cut or rip clothing around the wound;

13. If the internal organs have fallen out of the wound on the stomach, then they are simply carefully collected in a bag or clean cloth and glued to the skin with tape or adhesive plaster;

14. If there is any antiseptic solution, for example, Furacilin, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, alcohol, vodka, cognac, beer, wine or any alcoholic beverage, you should gently wash the skin around the wound with it. In this case, you cannot pour an antiseptic into the wound! It is only necessary to clean the skin around the wound. If there is no antiseptic, then you can use just clean water (spring, well, mineral water from bottles, etc.). The most simple and effective way such treatment of the skin is as follows: pour an antiseptic on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and quickly wipe it with a clean piece of tissue in the direction from the wound to the periphery. Then pour over another area of \u200b\u200bskin and wipe it either with a new clean piece of cloth or with a clean part of a used cloth. Thus, treat all the skin around the wound;

15. If it is impossible to treat the wound, then this does not need to be done;

16. After treating the wound, if possible, lubricate the skin around it with brilliant green or iodine. Neither iodine nor brilliant green should be poured into the wound!

17. If there is Streptocide powder, then you can pour it into the wound;

18. After the bleeding has stopped and the wound has been cleaned (if possible), a bandage should be applied. To do this, cover the wound with a sterile bandage, gauze, or just a piece of clean cloth. A layer of cotton wool or a small twist of fabric is applied on top. If the wound is located on the chest, then instead of cotton, a piece of any oilcloth is applied (for example, a bag). Then all this is tied to the body with any dressing material (bandages, gauze, pieces of cloth or clothing). If there is nothing to tie the bandage to the body, then it can simply be glued with tape, adhesive plaster or medical glue;

19. If there are fallen organs on the abdomen, then before applying a bandage, they are covered with rollers made of fabric and bandages. Then the bandage is applied over the rollers, without squeezing the organs. Such a bandage on the stomach with the internal organs that have fallen out should be constantly watered with water to keep it moist;

20. After applying a bandage, ice pack can be applied to the wound area to reduce pain... If there is no ice, then you do not need to put anything on the wound;

21. Place the victim on a flat surface (floor, bench, table, etc.). If the wound is below the heart, lift the victim's legs. If the wound is in the chest, then give the victim a half-sitting position with the legs bent at the knees;

22. Cover the victim with blankets or existing clothing. If the injured person is not in the stomach, give him a sweet, warm drink (if available).

23. If the blood has soaked in the tamponade or dressing and is oozing out, it does not need to be removed and changed. In this case, another bandage is simply applied over the blood-soaked bandage;

24. If possible, take a broad-spectrum antibiotic (Ciprofloxacin, Amoxicillin, Tienam, Imipinem, etc.);

25. In the process of waiting for an ambulance or transporting the victim to the hospital by any other transport, it is necessary to maintain verbal contact with him if the person is conscious.

Important! If you are wounded in the stomach, you should not give the person food or drink. Also, you can not give him any medications through the mouth.

Algorithm for providing first aid to a victim with a gunshot wound to the head

1. See if the victim is conscious. If a person faints, then do not bring him to consciousness, as it is not necessary;
2. If a person is unconscious, tilt his head back and at the same time slightly turn to one side, since it is in this position that air will be able to freely pass into the lungs, and vomit will be removed outward, without threatening to block the airways;
3. Move the victim as little as possible, keeping him at rest. A person with a gunshot wound is shown to move as little as possible. Therefore, do not try to move the victim to a more comfortable place or position, in your opinion. Provide first aid to the person in the position in which he is. If in the process of rendering assistance you need to get to some parts of the body, move around the victim yourself, trying not to move him;
4. If there is a bullet in the wound, then do not try to get it, leave any foreign object inside the wound channel. Attempting to remove the bullet can cause increased bleeding;
5. Do not try to clean the wound of dirt, dead tissue, or blood clots as this is dangerous;
6. On the wound hole in the skull, simply place a sterile tissue and do not wrap it tightly around the head. All other dressings, if necessary, should be applied without affecting this area;
7. Examine the victim's head for bleeding. If there is one, it must be stopped by pinching the vessel with fingers or applying a pressure or simple bandage. A simple bandage consists of tightly wrapping the head with any available bandaging material, such as bandages, gauze, cloth, or torn clothing. A pressure bandage is applied as follows: a piece of clean cloth or gauze, folded in 8-10 layers, is placed on the bleeding area, then it is tied to the head in 1-2 rounds. After that, on top of the bandage, any dense object with a flat surface (remote control, bar of soap, soap dish, glasses case, etc.) is placed on the bleeding site and tightly wound it, carefully pressing the soft tissues;
8. After stopping bleeding and isolation open wound with a napkin, it is necessary to give the victim a lying position with raised legs and wrap him with blankets. Then you should wait for an ambulance or transport the person to the hospital yourself. Transportation is carried out in the same position - lying down with raised legs. Before use, you must consult a specialist.

Before performing any actions, you need to assess the severity of the damage by three factors: the type and location of the injury, the condition of the victim. It is important to remember that the damage from firearms is deep, the bullet remains inside the body or goes through.

First aid for a gunshot wound to the head

Most headshots result in instant death. If the victim is alive, he must be carefully placed on a flat surface and ensure complete rest. If bleeding is severe, cover your head with a sterile tissue.

In no case should the victim be disturbed and transported to the hospital. This can lead to cardiac and respiratory arrest.

Gunshot wounds to arms and legs: what to do before the ambulance arrives?

With gunshot injuries to the extremities, the main danger is profuse bleeding if an artery is affected. The death of an injured person may occur a few minutes after being wounded, so you need to act quickly. A tourniquet is needed to reduce blood loss.

After stopping bleeding, bandage the wound with a sterile bandage and immobilize the affected arm or leg. The condition can be relieved with anti-shock and pain relievers.

How to deal with a gunshot wound to the chest and abdomen?

If the stomach or chest is injured, then first you need to determine the extent of the damage. The internal organs that have fallen out do not need to be adjusted in any case. Provide the victim with complete rest: lay on his back and bend his knees.

To prevent infection, the area around the wound should be treated with a disinfectant and a sterile dressing should be applied. Severe bleeding is difficult to stop, often the victim's condition worsens due to internal bleeding.

If the heart is damaged, then the condition of the wounded person changes quickly, loss of consciousness is possible, the complexion becomes sallow. A gunshot wound can cause acute heart failure, filling the pericardium with blood, and other deadly organ problems. With such injuries, it is necessary to provide the victim with complete rest, only a specialist can provide first aid.

To save the life of a person with a gunshot wound, you need to determine the extent of the damage as soon as possible and provide first aid before the ambulance arrives. If you do not know how to help the victim, you can consult with the specialist who takes the call by phone.

A wound is called a gunshot wound if it is received due to a bullet, shot, buckshot, or shell fragments hitting the human body. A gunshot wound is considered one of the most severe injuries a person can receive. It is very life-threatening due to the fact that a person immediately loses a lot of blood and infection of blood and tissues can occur.

Trauma features

The firearm differs from other wounds in that it is characterized by significant tissue damage, a severe reaction of the whole body, the healing of such a wound continues for a long period, moreover, it can provoke infectious complications, and depending on the complexity of this gunshot wound, it can be fatal the outcome.

It should be noted that only a qualified specialist can assess the severity of such an injury. Therefore, only providing first aid is not enough, the victim must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

In case of a gunshot wound, the victim may have a violation of the integrity of the nerves, blood vessels, muscles, there may be fractures of the bones of the arms, legs, spine, chest trauma, there may be damage to both hollow and parenchymal organs (liver, larynx). If the injury has affected the internal organs, then in most cases it is fatal.

Surgeons treat gunshot wounds, but based on the location of the wound, these can be traumatologists, neurosurgeons, abdominal surgeons, vascular or thoracic surgeons.

Types of injury

Gunshot wounds are classified according to the classification accepted in traumatology:

  • by the type of wounding weapon, the wound is shrapnel or bullet;
  • depending on the depth of damage, a blind, through or tangential wound is distinguished;
  • by the presence of damage to the body cavity, wounds are divided into penetrating and non-penetrating;
  • by the type of tissues affected, injuries can be with damage to internal organs, tissues, nerves, blood vessels;
  • according to the characteristics and number of injuries, they are divided into single, multiple or combined, this is when more than two organs in one anatomical region are affected;
  • by location, there are wounds in the abdomen, limbs, chest, pelvis, head.

But with combined injuries, in addition to firearms, other reasons may be involved.

First aid

In case of a gunshot wound, before the arrival of the ambulance brigade, the victim must immediately receive first aid, because his life may depend on it.

For bullet wounds, first aid is usually identical for all parts of the body:

  • First, the intensity of the flow of blood from the wound is determined, it can beat with a fountain, then such bleeding must be stopped immediately, and only then call an ambulance.
  • In the event that there is nothing at hand to stop the blood, then fingers are simply thrust into the wound to block the artery.
  • They hold their fingers until there is something to damp the wound or at least apply a tourniquet.
  • If an abundant flow of blood is not observed, then you can call an ambulance, and then take care of the victim.
  • Based on the situation, after rendering necessary assistance, it is allowed to take the patient to medical institution by your own car, or by passing transport.

To stop bleeding, if it is small, then the wound can simply be bandaged, but with a strong release of blood, a tourniquet must be applied above the wound. If pain relievers are available, an injection with analgesics can be given. To stop bleeding and anesthesia, you can prick an ampoule of Ditsinon, Novocaine, Lidocaine near the wound.

The victim is given anti-shock therapy, and then, if possible, they do all the procedures to avoid infection of the wound. To do this, antibacterial drugs are injected intramuscularly, they try, if possible, to wash the wound with antibiotics, and prick the surface adjacent to the wound with them.

If a person is unconscious, then you should not bring him to his senses, you just need to arrange him so that he can breathe freely. The victim is turned on its side so that the vomit that may appear could not block his breathing, and the air would pass unhindered into the lungs.

The injured person should be less moved from place to place, he should remain in the same position, and if necessary, the person providing assistance should move around the victim.

It is also impossible to insert the fallen organs into place (for example, when injured in the abdomen), you cannot clean the wound from blood and dead tissue on your own, because this can provoke infection and the patient's condition will become even worse. The fallen organs are collected in a bag or a clean cloth, and cling next to them with tape.

If you have any antiseptic, be it alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate or any alcoholic drink, based on what is at hand at the moment, you need to very carefully wipe the skin around the wound. But one must carefully observe so that the antiseptic does not get into the wound itself. As a last resort, you can use plain clean water. Then grease everything around with brilliant green or iodine. If the wound is small, Streptocide powder is poured into it.

After that, a bandage is applied, which can be made from a sterile bandage, gauze or clean cloth. All this is tied to the body with a bandage or glued with tape. To reduce pain, and if possible, ice can be put on top of the bandage.


After the victim is taken to a medical facility, they are already performing surgical treatment wounds. Remove contaminated, damaged tissue, wash well the wound. If the wound is small, then the hole is not sutured, and a large wound can be sutured with rare single sutures.

After surgery, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, dressings are performed. Be careful!

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