Horse chestnut tincture indications. Horse chestnut medicinal properties and contraindications

The medicinal properties and contraindications of horse chestnut were first experienced by a French doctor in 1896. He successfully used this medicine to treat hemorrhoids. And he revealed the main value of chestnut - its venotonic, vaso-strengthening properties. The plant prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels... The need for this plant in modern medical practice it increases every year. Many medicines can be prepared at home, but not a single pharmacy can do without ointments, suppositories, capsules, injections, tablets, tinctures based on horse chestnut. Unfortunately, the number of vascular diseases has grown significantly and "rejuvenated".

Features of horse chestnut

What are the health benefits of horse chestnut? What parts of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes? How to procure raw materials? What diseases can you take? What contraindications can there be?


It is not necessary to give a botanical characterization of the horse chestnut. Many beloved, beautiful and very ancient tree. On the territory of Europe in the pre-glacial period there were whole groves of chestnut trees. The homeland of this species is considered to be Northern Greece. The tree is found in South, East, Central Europe, grows in India, North America, East Asia, China, Japan. Chestnuts are often grown as an ornamental plant. The tree adorns city parks, alleys, gardens with its crown and beautiful candles in spring.

The water chestnut does not belong to the sapind family. This is how the people call sweet marsh grass, or Chinese water nut. It is widely used in cooking, especially in China. Rich in carbohydrates, potassium, manganese, vitamin B6.


Healing properties are found in all parts of the plant - fruits, fruit peel, leaves, branches, bark, flowers.

  • When to start harvesting... Horse chestnut flowers are harvested in May-June. Leaves are also recommended to be removed during the flowering period. The fruits are harvested in autumn and the bark and branches in early spring.
  • Drying features... Leaves and flowers are dried naturally, out of direct sunlight. The fruits are collected under the trees, shaken off, plucked. It can be dried naturally, but in cold and damp conditions, electric dryers are used (however, the temperature should not exceed 25 ° C).
  • Storage. All parts of the plant can be stored for no more than 1 year; they must be protected from dampness.

The use of horse chestnut fruit as a feed raw material has been known for a long time. It is also known that fruits were endowed with special magical powers - it was supposed to carry 3 fruits in a pocket or in a bag to ward off all diseases. And only at the end of the 19th century were medicinal properties of this plant, it was officially started to be used in pharmaceuticals and harvested as a medicinal raw material.

Healing action

  • What are the medicinal properties of chestnut flowers? They contain flavonoids, tannins, mucus, pectins, glycosides. The most valuable of the flavonoids is quertecin, which stimulates the processes of tissue metabolism, tones the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, puffiness, and acts as a wound-healing agent. Also classified as a strong antioxidant.
  • What are the fruits (seeds) valuable for? They contain a lot of glycosides, saponins, thiamine, tannins, fatty oil and vitamin C. The most valuable substance in fruits is aescin saponin, which lowers blood viscosity. The glycosidic substance esculin is also valued. It stimulates the production of antithrombin, strengthens capillaries, reduces their permeability, improves blood circulation in veins.

The same beneficial substances are found in the bark, branches and leaves of the tree.

pharmachologic effect:

  • hemostatic;
  • absorbable;
  • wound healing;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • pain reliever;
  • decongestant;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • venotonic.

Indications for use

For what symptoms and diseases does horse chestnut treatment give a positive result?

  • Phlebeurysm... A common disease in which the venous walls become thinner, the lumen of the vessels increases, and nodes are formed. Varicose veins are most often diagnosed on the lower limbs, although pathology can be in the esophagus, rectum, and spermatic cord. Horse chestnut with varicose veins strengthens the walls of capillaries and veins, dissolves nodes, prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • ENT organs. With broths and infusions, they wash the nose with sinusitis, disinfect the nasal passages with a cold. Also, these products are good antiseptics for the mouth and throat.
  • Respiratory system . For colds, ARVI, flu, bronchitis, tracheitis, the remedy can be taken orally for coughing Chestnut relieves inflammation of the respiratory system well.
  • Digestive system... The remedy is effective for diseases of the spleen, liver, pancreas, gastritis with high acidity. It has a beneficial effect on the work of digestion, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  • The cardiovascular system... It is useful to drink with atherosclerosis, high blood cholesterol. Relieves spasms in blood vessels, is indicated for heart diseases, high blood pressure... With thrombophlebitis, relieves pain, swelling, and dissolves blood clots.
  • Joints and muscles. Used externally for the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, arthritis.
  • For women . Since the plant has a hemostatic property, promotes blood clotting, it is prescribed to stop uterine bleeding. With inflammation of the female genital organs, they can be prescribed in complex therapy douching and fruit rind baths.
  • For men . It is useful to drink the remedy for inflammation of the prostate gland. Another indication for use is varicocele - an expansion of the veins in the spermatic cord of the inguinal canal. The disease leads to stagnation of blood, a decrease in the number and mobility of sperm, which can lead to male infertility... Treatment depends on the severity and stage of the disease. Surgical treatment is usually prescribed.

As a hemostatic agent, horse chestnut is used not only for uterine, but also for nasal, pulmonary, intestinal bleeding.

What are the contraindications for horse chestnut? Acute renal, heart failure; increased blood clotting; individual intolerance and allergy to chestnut saponin (escin); gastritis with decreased secretion; chronic constipation. There have been cases of poisoning of children with horse chestnut, therefore, its use inside in childhood is prohibited. You should also not take this herbal remedy during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

Preparation and use at home

What is the use of horse chestnut in traditional medicine, pharmaceutical industry, scientific medicine?

Pharmacy preparations

Horse chestnut preparations are readily available at the pharmacy. However, before using them, a mandatory doctor's consultation is required.

  • Aescuzan horse chestnut liquid extract... The preparation contains horse chestnut extract and thiamine. The agent has a pronounced venotonic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and capillary-protective effect. It is prescribed for chronic venous insufficiency, drunk in a long course (up to 3 months) under the strict supervision of a doctor. Also, the remedy helps with hemorrhoids, cramps, muscle pain, swelling; eliminates vascular network, hematomas, heals ulcers with thrombophlebitis. They drink it to prevent atherosclerosis, stroke, thrombophlebitis. Besides liquid extract, tablets or ointment, Eskuzan gel are offered.
  • Candles with dry extract of horse chestnut bark... Prescribed for hemorrhoids, rectal fissures. It is often used in combination with other herbs - belladonna, chamomile, yarrow, gorse, galangal.
  • Horse chestnut ointment... A variant of the ointment can be cream, gel, foot balm. The main indications for use are thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, prevention of thrombosis, edema, venous damage, post-traumatic care. Cannot be used when open wounds, rashes, skin ulcers. Ointments can only be of plant origin with the addition of other herbs. For example, chestnut and mint go well. This ointment is used for fatigue, heaviness, swelling in the legs. Often the plant is combined with the leaves of grapes and the ginkgo tree, as well as the synthetic substance troxerutin.


Most often, a decoction is prepared from the bark of a tree. It is taken for diarrhea, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, inflammation of the liver and spleen, shortness of breath, anemia. Helps with digestive disorders, gastritis with high acidity, hemorrhoids.

Making a decoction from the bark

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. chestnut bark.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Insist 1 hour.

Filter the broth before use. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day after meals. Outwardly used to treat the throat, nasal sinuses.

Preparation of a decoction of fruits

  1. Take 20 g of minced fruit (including the fruit rind).
  2. Pour in 2 cups of water.
  3. Boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Insist 4 hours.

Strain before use. This broth is often used externally in the form of compresses and lotions for the treatment of purulent wounds, ulcers with thrombophlebitis. It is also prescribed for douching with uterine bleeding, sitz baths and enemas for hemorrhoids.


The infusion can be prepared from the bark, fruits, flowers, leaves in the collection or separately.

Fruit rind infusion recipe

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over.
  3. Insist 1 hour.
  4. Strain.

This infusion is taken in 1 tsp. 3 times a day after meals.

Bark infusion recipe

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. chopped bark.
  2. Pour 2 cups boiling water over.
  3. Insist 8 hours.
  4. Strain.

This infusion is taken before meals - ½ cup 4 times a day. Helps with internal bleeding, diarrhea, gastrointestinal diseases.

Fresh Juice

When the chestnuts are in bloom, fresh juice can be made. To do this, the flowers need to be chopped with a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. The juice can be drunk twice a day, 20-30 drops, diluted in ¼ glass of water. This remedy is most effective for varicose veins in the legs and hemorrhoids.


What is the use of horse chestnut tincture? it effective medicine with diseases of the joints and muscles. It is used in the form of rubbing for arthrosis, neuralgia, rheumatism, gout.

Chestnut flower tincture

  1. Take 5 tbsp. l. flowers.
  2. Pour in ½ liter of vodka (40% alcohol).
  3. Insist 14 days.
  4. Strain.

It is an effective pain reliever for joint and muscle pain.

Tincture of chestnut fruit with vodka

  1. Chop 10 ripe fruits.
  2. Pour in ½ liter of vodka.
  3. Strain.

Used for rubbing, after the procedure, it is recommended to insulate painful areas.


Chestnut oil extract can be purchased at a phyto-pharmacy, but you can also prepare it yourself from the flowers and fruits of the tree. To enhance therapeutic action it is recommended to make an extract with grape seed oil. But you can use any other vegetable oil.

How to make horse chestnut oil

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials.
  2. Pour 10 tbsp. l. grape seed oils.
  3. Insist 14 days in a warm place.
  4. Strain.

It has a venotropic effect, it is applied externally (rubbed into the skin) in courses of 10 days. It helps not only with varicose veins, but also strengthens the walls of the capillaries, eliminates the vascular network on the face, relieves fatigue of the legs, muscle and joint pain. It acts as a lymphatic drainage agent, enhances the outflow of lymph, therefore it is used for cellulite, puffiness.


It is known that chestnut is an excellent honey plant. Moreover, horse chestnut and sowing chestnut give different varieties of honey, but both are valued as medicine... What are the features of chestnut honey?

  • Horse chestnut... Transparent, liquid, crystallizes quickly, it is usually not left to bees for the winter. Therefore, all honey is considered marketable.
  • From sowing chestnut... Tart, bitter taste. Dark in color, thin, slowly crystallizes. The scent is reminiscent of chestnut flowers. Leave for wintering bees.
  • Medicinal use... Like any honey, it has biocidal properties, helps with inflammation of the respiratory, digestive, and urinary system. Supports the cardiovascular system, normalizes arterial pressure... It is taken orally for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis. A powerful natural antioxidant, helps to eliminate toxins and toxins.

Read more about it in our other article.

Cooking applications

Horse chestnuts are used only for medicinal purposes, they are not suitable for eating - they are bitter, astringent in taste. Sometimes in the form of flour they are mixed into animal feed. Edible chestnuts include fruits from other tree families. The most famous of them is the sowing chestnut, or real, edible, noble (belongs to the beech family). This tree loves a humid, warm subtropical climate - the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, the Caucasus. In Russia, this tree can be found on the Black Sea coast, more often in the Tuapse region. For example, in France, where the fried fruits of this tree are loved, a separate variety of chestnut was bred - kugurdon. Chestnut festival is celebrated annually in France in October. These fruits are eaten raw in France, fried, boiled, baked, added to meat and vegetable dishes. Delicacies are prepared from them - ice cream, pastries, cakes, sweets.

Horse chestnut - the first remedy for diseases of cardio-vascular system... It is mainly used for varicose veins, including hemorrhoids, for rheumatic, gouty pains. This is a valuable raw material not only in traditional medicine, but also in pharmaceuticals. It is used to prepare medicines in the form of a liquid extract, ointments, balms, gels, tablets, rectal suppositories.

Horse chestnut is a deciduous tree that can be found in park areas in Russia. All its parts are used for medicinal purposes. The benefits and harms of horse chestnut are determined by the dependence on the degree of influence on the human body.

Description of horse chestnut

Horse chestnut has a second name - stomach, the genus of these plants belongs to the sapond family. It is endowed with a kind of epithet due to the fact that the fruits are similar in color and brilliance to the shade of a chestnut horse's mane. Nuts are inedible, but they contain substances that are used as raw materials for pharmaceuticals. The tree can grow up to 25 m, it has large leaves with long petioles. Dense foliage contributes to the formation of a branched crown. The acorn begins to bloom in late spring or early summer, its flowers are pink-white, they contain up to 75% sucrose.

Nuts ripen after flowering, they represent a seed box, in which there are 1 - 2 nut-like seeds. A temperate climate, deep, moist, mineral-rich soil is suitable for a tree. The genus includes several species that can be found in North America, southwestern Europe, and central Russia. Chestnut is used as an ornamental tree. In addition, nuts, flowers, and bark are common in the pharmaceutical industry, traditional medicine, and cosmetology.

Why is horse chestnut useful?

The history of the use of useful medicinal properties begins in 1896, when an unknown physician from France used a medicine prepared from the fruits of horse chestnut on himself. Since then, the properties of the stomach have been used as a medicinal raw material.

The main actions that the plant has:

  • helps to strengthen blood vessels;
  • has venotonic properties;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques;
  • has an analgesic and anticonvulsant effect.


  • activates restorative tissue processes;
  • helps to stabilize pressure;
  • is beneficial as a substance that lowers blood cholesterol;
  • has the ability to heal wounds, relieve puffiness.


These medicinal properties of horse chestnut are used to treat varicose veins and trophic ulcers on the extremities, with vasospasm and venous stasis.

A leaf-based decoction enhances the diuretic effect, it useful property suitable for reducing edema of varying severity.

The anti-inflammatory properties of decoctions are used to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes. respiratory tract... In addition, the composition has a calming effect, is able to relieve symptoms of anxiety and anxiety.


Stomach fruits are harvested in early autumn and then crushed. Medicines are prepared on the basis of this raw material. Chestnuts contain essential oils, tannins, and an increased amount of starch. These compounds have several effects on the state of the body:

  • decongestant;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent.

They are used to treat inflammation of the articular type, with arthritis, salt deposits, bruises, burns, trophic ulcers. Oils and ointments are suitable for relieving fatigue at the end of the day, helping to minimize the effects of bruises, and have a pain relieving effect.


The bark is harvested in the fall, at this time the maximum amount of nutrients is concentrated in it. The bark contains escin, tannins, glycosides, essential fatty oils. On the basis of the bark, decoctions, infusions are prepared, it is added to the ointment as a dry ingredient. The medicinal properties possessed by the horse chestnut peel are applicable in the preparation of medicines that are effective in the treatment of dental infections, relieve inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, in gynecological diseases, for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits or harms of taking horse chestnut-based medicines for the body depend on the method of preparation and the expected effect. The bark after processing helps to strengthen the body's defenses, has the property of acting as an antibacterial agent, relieving inflammation and edema, and promoting the regenerative process of the upper layers of the epidermis.

The use of horse chestnut in traditional medicine

The fruits, flowers and bark of the horse chestnut have medicinal properties that are actively used by traditional medicine. All parts of the tree are suitable for the preparation of decoctions, infusions and ointments. They are used to treat:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • vascular disease;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • inflammation of the joints and ligaments.

Horse chestnut infusion

The infusion is prepared on the basis of crushed tree bark. 1 tsp raw materials are poured into 2 tbsp. cold water, insist 8 hours, then filter and take 2 tbsp. l. 4 times daily.

The properties of horse chestnut infusion are applicable to the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and inflammation of the larynx.

Infusions can be the basis for lotions, compresses and wet dressings.

Horse chestnut decoction

This dosage form is prepared from an equal amount of crushed dried flowers and bark. Raw materials are poured with water, boiled for 30 minutes, then filtered, diluted with warm water, take 1 tbsp. l. daily. The volume is increased gradually, by the end of the week, it is brought to 100 ml in 1 dose.

The decoction treats digestive diseases, relieves pain syndromes in diseases of the joints, and is also used to treat gynecological and urological diseases.

Broths are suitable for rinsing with stomatitis, gingivitis, bleeding gums.

Horse chestnut extract (extract)

Dried flowers and nuts are mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. The mixture is sealed in a jar and stored in a dry, dark place. Take 10 drops 3 - 4 times a day. The medicinal properties of horse chestnut have unconditional health benefits for men. Extracts help in the treatment of prostatitis, hemorrhoids, gout.

Flower juice

The benefits of preparing medicines based on horse chestnut flowers are assessed by the degree of health impact and the elimination of possible harm.

The liquid obtained from the inflorescences by pressing is rich in natural useful phytoncides and glycosides. The maximum benefit from the intake is achieved by using freshly squeezed juice. It is taken in 25 to 30 drops daily to relieve joint, hemorrhoidal, or menstrual pain.

Information! The juice from the flowers is very bitter to taste, so it is recommended to dilute it with warm water before taking it.

Horse chestnut ointment

The benefits of horse chestnut fruit are used in the preparation of a variety of external remedies.

The ointment is prepared on the basis of the fruits or inflorescences of horse chestnut, because they contain an increased amount of healthy fatty oils. The raw material is crushed, vegetable or olive oil is added for structuring. Beat the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

The disadvantage of a self-prepared ointment is its short storage. In the refrigerator, horse chestnut ointment retains its beneficial medicinal properties for 2 weeks. The ointment helps to relieve inflammation, has the property of reducing swelling.

Horse chestnut oil

Home cooking is associated with the peculiarities of the technological process. From chestnuts harvested in summer, oil is obtained after hand pressing. For this, you must use special devices. The resulting product should be cleaned of impurities. Horse chestnut oil is rich in acids, antioxidants, flavonoids and naturally occurring glycosides. It has several beneficial effects on the body:

  • decongestant;
  • tonic;
  • regenerating;
  • calming.

Horse chestnut in official medicine

Official medicine uses the raw materials of the stomach to prepare effective medicines.

Horse chestnut in cosmetology

Medicinal properties are useful in the manufacture of preparations in home cosmetology. This is due to the healing effect on the skin of the face or scalp.

Homemade ointments are used to relieve inflammation on the skin of the face, to whiten and remove age spots.

Hair is rinsed with useful decoctions based on flowers and fruits. This helps to strengthen the hair follicle, relieves irritation and itching on the scalp.

A positive effect on blood circulation is used to prevent and relieve the symptoms of cellulite. To do this, apply a cream or oil under a plastic wrap. This is one of the home wrap options.

Harm and contraindications to the use of horse chestnut

It should be remembered that stomach nuts are inedible and can be harmful due to the presence of substances that cause indigestion.

  1. Infusions, decoctions, drops are not taken during pregnancy due to possible harm in the form of increased uterine tone, provoking unwanted contractions.
  2. Internal remedies are not taken for complicated kidney and liver diseases. The substances of the composition can cause harm in the form of a negative effect on the activity of these organs.
  3. Ointments, oils, creams are contraindicated in the presence of allergic reactions. Possible harm can provoke the development of negative consequences.

Can horse chestnut be used during pregnancy

Reception of infusions and decoctions inside is contraindicated. External remedies, on the contrary, are prescribed during pregnancy as a means of helping to get rid of varicose veins. In women, during the period of bearing a child, swelling of the extremities becomes a concomitant symptom: in order to relieve tension in the muscles and reduce the manifestations of puffiness, a daily foot massage with homemade cream is recommended.


The benefits and harms of horse chestnut are determined by the ability dosage formsprepared on the basis of parts of a tree, affect human health. Medicinal properties can affect the principle of activity circulatory system, relieve inflammation and swelling, prevent venous congestion.

Dosage form

Transparent yellowish-brown liquid with a specific odor. During storage, sediment may form.


To prepare 1000 ml of the extract you need:

Horse chestnut ordinary seeds - 1000 g,

Ethyl alcohol 60% (ethanol) is a sufficient amount to obtain 1 liter of extract.


The liquid extract of horse chestnut seeds is used as a symptomatic agent in complex treatment varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency of 3-4 class according to the clinical International classification of chronic venous diseases lower limbs (CEAP), accompanied by pain, a feeling of heaviness and a feeling of tension in the lower extremities, night cramps of the calf muscles, swelling of the legs.

Liquid extract of horse chestnut seeds as active ingredients contains triterpene saponins, the main component is escin. The drug has a pronounced angioprotective, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The pharmacological action of the drug is due to a decrease in the concentration of lysosomal enzymes, as a result of which the disintegration of mucopolysaccharides in the region of the capillary walls decreases, the permeability of blood vessels decreases, preventing the filtration of low molecular weight proteins, electrolytes and water into the intercellular space. In addition, the drug has moderate antioxidant, antihypoxic and diuretic properties.

Herbal venotonic agent, reduces capillary permeability, has venotonic, anti-edema, anti-inflammatory and angioprotective effect.

Prevents activation of lysosomal enzymes that break down proteoglycan, increases the tone of the venous wall, eliminates venous congestion; reduces capillary permeability and fragility.

Reduces exudation, reduces fluid effusion in the tissue and accelerates resorption of existing edema.

It inhibits inflammation processes, improves microcirculation, promotes the repair of organs and tissues.


After oral administration of 50 mg of horse chestnut fruit extract, Cmax in blood plasma is reached after 2.35 hours and is 25.31 ng / ml.

Plasma protein binding is 84%.

T1 / 2 is 19.87 hours. After oral administration, 0.11% of horse chestnut extract is excreted by the kidneys in the form of escin.

Side effects

Possible allergic reactions (fever, skin rash, urticaria, angioedema, rarely anaphylactic shock), dyspepsia (nausea, heartburn).

Selling features

Available without a prescription

Special conditions

In case of insufficient or unsatisfactory symptomatic effect within 4 weeks of treatment, the patient should be advised to consult a doctor in relation to others possible reasons edema.

In case of a sudden appearance of severe symptoms of venous insufficiency (especially on one leg) - edema, discoloration of the skin, feeling of tension and heat, pain, you should consult a doctor to exclude venous thrombosis of the lower extremities. The content of the absolute ethyl alcohol in the maximum single dose of the drug is 0.15 g, in the maximum daily dose - 0.47 g.

During treatment, kidney function should be monitored periodically.


It is used as a symptomatic agent in the complex treatment of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency of 3-4 class according to the clinical International Classification of Chronic Vein Diseases of the Lower Extremities (CEAP), accompanied by pain, a feeling of heaviness and a feeling of tension in the lower extremities, night cramps of the calf muscles, edema legs.


Renal failure, I trimester of pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the escin.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 18 years.

With care: functional diseases of the liver, kidneys, alcoholism, traumatic brain injury, brain diseases, concomitant use of anticoagulants.

Drug interactions

It is possible to enhance the action of indirect anticoagulants.

Prices for Horse Chestnut Extract in other cities

Buy Horse Chestnut Extract,Horse Chestnut Extract in St. Petersburg,Horse Chestnut Extract in Novosibirsk,Horse Chestnut Extract in Yekaterinburg,Horse Chestnut Extract in Nizhny Novgorod,

Contraindications, prohibitions on the use of horse chestnut

The tincture has a number of contraindications, which are recommended to be studied before using the product. It is forbidden to use herbal medicine in such cases:

  • childhood (it is better for children under 15 to use other formulations of alternative medicine);
  • regular constipation;
  • low pressure (taking the drug will lead to a sharp decrease in pressure, headaches, fainting);
  • poor blood clotting;
  • long, intense menstruation.

During pregnancy, it is also better to refuse to use the tincture - there is a risk of negatively affecting the growth and development of the fetus.

Improper use, excess dosage, errors in the preparation of the product can cause considerable harm to the body.

Bleeding, disturbances metabolic processes, bowel disorders, general malaise - only a small number of complications that can arise if the basic requirements of treatment are not followed.

In the treatment with horse chestnut tinctures, one should not forget about the toxicity of plant materials.

Only by observing caution in the treatment process will prevent unwanted complications, deterioration of health, achieve the desired results, and stop the development of diseases

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Useful and medicinal properties

A whole palette of components in the composition of horse chestnut has anesthetic, venotonic, anti-sclerotic, wound-healing, hemostatic, diaphoretic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antitumor properties on the body.

  • coumarin helps to reduce blood clotting, fast healing wounds and cuts;
  • vitamin K strengthens the vascular walls, prevents hemorrhage;
  • tannins have astringent, protective properties;
  • vitamin C relieves inflammation, strengthens the immune system;
  • carotene prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, the accumulation of carcinogens in the body;
  • pectins ennoble the intestines, remove toxins and harmful components outside.


Chestnut leaves, by preparing an infusion, decoction, medicines, relieve pain and pneumonia, normalize sleep and facilitate the process of falling asleep, have a diuretic effect.

The leaves are used to treat:

  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • vascular spasms;
  • pyelonephritis, cystitis.

Recipe for a decoction of leaves for the treatment of biliary disease, bronchitis, gastrointestinal dysfunction, gout rheumatism:

  • 1 tbsp. l. pour dry raw materials with water (0.5 l);
  • boil, stand in a water bath for 15-20 minutes;
  • cool;
  • take before meals 100 g.


Fresh chestnut flowers strengthen the body, increase immunity

Especially in winter, when it is extremely important for people. Ointments, tinctures, creams are prepared from the inflorescences for the treatment of diseases:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • endarteritis;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • prostate adenoma.

Prescription for hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins:

  • squeeze juice from flowers, chopping them in a meat grinder (in a blender);
  • take fresh 35 drops 0.5 hours before meals 2 times a day.


Nuts have an anti-edematous, astringent, antioxidant effect on the body, due to the content of tannins, starch, and fatty oils in the composition.

  • If the nuts are dried, then weeping erosion, burns, trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds can be treated.
  • If you prepare an ointment, alcohol tincture, then you can use it for muscle inflammation, arthritis, joint pain.

Prescription for prostatitis and adenoma in men:

  • grind the nuts into a powdery state;
  • mix 15 g with alcohol (70%);
  • stand for 2 weeks in a dark place;
  • take 10 drops 15 minutes before meals.

The course of therapy is 3 weeks.


The largest amount of valuable substances (fatty oils, glycosides, tannins, escin) begins to accumulate in the bark in the fall, during the harvest season.

  • An aqueous infusion is prepared from the bark for the treatment of diarrhea, inflammation of the spleen, gastritis, stomach ulcers, liver failure.
  • The broth is used for rinsing the mouth in order to suppress pathogenic microflora and dental infections, relieve pain in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Sitting baths from a decoction are indicated for hemorrhoids.
  • Douching - for women with cervical erosion, vaginitis, candidiasis.

Causes and methods of treatment of varicose veins

The main reasons leading to the development of varicose veins are quite simple:

  1. Heredity. If someone in the family, on the paternal or maternal side, had this disease, then with a high degree of probability, under certain conditions, you may also develop varicose veins.
  2. Passive, that is, a minimally active lifestyle. This may apply to the type of work as well. During sedentary work, the blood stagnates in the vessels and cannot circulate normally, which leads to their stretching and deformation.
  3. Overweight, as well as the consequences of carrying a child by women. Excessive stress on blood vessels, exerted by fetal pressure during pregnancy, as well as fatty deposits, plays a role here.

Dangerous varicose veins also have their consequences. It can provoke the development of thrombosis, which is even worse, since in this situation there is a threat to life.

At the moment, there is far from one method of dealing with varicose veins. Certain methods of treating varicose veins have contraindications and are rarely used independently. The most effective is a complex method of treatment, which includes several specific types of therapies.

You can often find methods of treating varicose veins with folk remedies. Among them: infusions, ointments, and also creams, which include, in addition to horse chestnut, herbs, vegetables or berries, which also have useful medicinal properties and rare contraindications.

The most popular are:

  • bitter wormwood, nettle, common hops, nutmeg nuts;
  • kalanchoe;
  • potatoes;
  • apples;
  • wood lice (starwort);
  • mountain arnica.

This is just part of the list of tools that will help in the fight against varicose veins.

Horse chestnut tincture recipes for varicose veins

Horse chestnut tinctures have proven themselves so well that they have received approval and are often recommended for therapeutic use even the most experienced professionals who do not recognize traditional medicine.

Alcohol tincture

To make an infusion according to a recipe, you need to pour 50 g of chestnuts, pounded with peel, with a small volume of vodka, about 1/10 liter. The infusion process lasts from 14 to 20 days in a place inaccessible to sunlight. Should be taken 10 drops twice or thrice a day. Contraindicated in people with alcoholism.

Infusion of inflorescences of chestnut

Prepared horse chestnut flowers need to be poured with 50 grams of vodka. The duration of infusion is up to 30 days. Reception consists of 50 drops before meals.

Chestnut flower extract

The inflorescence juice is also suitable for use in the treatment of varicose veins, it only needs to be squeezed out. The medicinal juice should be consumed in small portions several times a day after meals. In addition, they can lubricate sore areas on the legs. The properties of chestnut inflorescence juice will improve blood flow in the veins, protecting them from stagnation.

How to use horse chestnut for varicose veins correctly

Horse chestnut fruit is used to create homemade tinctures that will ease the course of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

For example, you can make a tincture of horse chestnut fruit with vodka:

  1. Collect the horse chestnut fruit and dry it for two weeks.
  2. In a deep container, for example, a liter jar, pour half a liter of vodka, add about fifty grams of dried fruits, leave to infuse for two weeks in a dark place.
  3. After the tincture is ready, strain it.
  4. It can be used for both internal and external use in the form of compresses (the tincture is mixed in equal proportions with boiled water, applied to gauze and applied to the places of swollen veins for at least 2 hours).

Horse chestnut juice for varicose veins

In the course of herbal medicine in the treatment of varicose veins, horse chestnut juice squeezed out of the inflorescences of the plant is used.

To prepare the juice, the flowers must be crushed and put under a press. The daily dosage is 30 drops of juice (can be divided into 2-3 doses). Since the juice itself is very bitter, it can be diluted in boiled water and drunk in one gulp.

Horse chestnut ointment for varicose veins

In the pharmacy, you can buy special ointments and gels based on this remedy.

Consider a short list of horse chestnut-based drugs that are used in the treatment of varicose veins:

  • Venitan - horse chestnut cream for feet. It contains escin. It is an extremely effective angioprotective agent. The main contraindication to its use is the tendency to thrombosis.
  • Aescusan. Available in the form of a horse chestnut gel or ointment. Has a complex effect on blood vessels, active substance his is esculin. Also applies to venotics.
  • Herbion Aesculus. It is produced in the form of a gel, contains esculin and escin. Has a combined effect on the course of the disease.
  • Dr. Theiss gel. The combination of the medicinal properties of chestnut and calendula flowers helps to accelerate the improvement of the patient's condition, reduce pain, edema, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The big drawback of this remedy is the fact that it cannot be used on areas with injuries and ulcers, plus, it is categorically impossible to use it for venous dermatitis.

Other Uses for Concooked Chestnut

Interesting fact number 1 !!!

It was a great discovery for me to learn that some cosmetologists recommend using horse chestnut cream not only for the legs, but also for the face !!!

It is believed that with it you can achieve improved skin color, moisture, activate accelerated regeneration in the cells of the epidermis, and also reduce the phenomenon of rosacea!

I haven't tried it myself, but I've read a lot about it. Friends, do you have experience? Share)

Interesting fact number 2 !!!

Who would have thought, but horse chestnut can cope with cellulite too !!!

A special mixture will help with cellulite, which must be used in conjunction with a massage.

For this we need:

  • one hundred grams of crushed horse chestnut seeds;
  • two hundred grams of vegetable oil;
  • chopped fresh basil, about one hundred grams;

The above ingredients should be combined and infused for a week and a half, strain, then add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture and massage the product into problem areas with massage movements.

The effect will not be long in coming.

Interesting fact number 3 !!!

Horse chestnut for weight loss is also often used !!!

For this you need to do special wraps.

Horse chestnut oil is applied to the body, it can be supplemented with a few drops essential oils citrus, the body is tightly wrapped in a film, after which you should wear warm clothes or wrap yourself well with a blanket, after half an hour or an hour, the film should be removed.

Such a wrap contributes not only to weight loss and smoothing of the skin, but also to the elimination of toxins !!!

The effect of the drugs used

All products have been tested over the years, their history dates back to our great-grandmothers. With their help:

  1. The tone of the walls of blood vessels will improve.
  2. The blood will become thinner, and its permeability through the veins will increase.
  3. Blood clots and blood clots will dissolve.
  4. The pain and swelling of the legs will disappear.
  5. The outflow of blood will increase.
  6. Stagnation in the blood will pass.

If you combine folk remedies with medication prescribed by a phlebologist, the effect will increase. In the event that it is not possible to prepare a drug at home, the following drugs have been developed, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, these are:

  • venitan gel;
  • drops of Escuzan;
  • Herbion Aesculus.

It is not difficult to apply them, since each package contains instructions for use, with which you can easily calculate the dose and determine the contraindications.

Today in pharmacies you can find Shark fat with horse chestnut cream. This remedy has a strengthening effect, relieves fatigue, pain cramps, cramps and swelling of the legs. After a long stay on his feet, he will become a lifesaver. It is very convenient to use. You can take it with you on a trip, carry it to work and, if there is heaviness in your legs, lubricate them. Upon returning home, you need to thoroughly wash your feet, rub them with a terry towel and rub the cream into them.

Use for various diseases

Positive results have been proven from taking chestnut for the following diseases and symptoms:

  • varicose veins to strengthen the walls of the capillaries and resorption of nodes;
  • sinusitis, runny nose for washing and disinfection of the nasal cavity;
  • colds (ARVI, flu, bronchitis, tracheitis) to relieve inflammation;
  • gastritis;
  • diseases of the liver, spleen in order to normalize their functions;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia for external use;
  • inflammation of the female genital organs and prostate gland in men;
  • varicocele.

Tincture recipe for varicose veins radiculitis, prostatitis:

  • Pour 20 g of dry chestnut inflorescences with alcohol (70%);
  • insist in a dark place for 21 days;
  • take 25 drops three times a day.

From inflammation of the lower extremities, with hemorrhoids:

Take a tincture of 1 tbsp. l. at knocks for the first 2 days, then at feeling unwell and good tolerance - up to 3 times a day. The course of therapy is 8 days.

From kidney disease - 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Beneficial features

Horse chestnut tincture is especially popular, as it contains many useful trace elements that can improve human well-being.

Chemical composition:

  • Vitamins C, K, B.
  • Starch.
  • Saponins.
  • Protein.

These substances determine the usefulness of the product. It contributes to:

  • Reducing the risk of blood clots.
  • Strengthening blood vessels.
  • Restoration of the myocardium.
  • Elimination of inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Normalization of the heart rate.
  • Improving the chemical composition of the blood.
  • Bone tissue restoration.
  • Raising the general tone of the body.
  • Strengthening the protective properties.

The tincture is quite popular in folk medicine, but it has certain indications and contraindications. As with any medicine, it requires prior consultation with a specialist.

Horse chestnut, the use of which is widespread in folk and traditional medicine, is a plant capable of strengthening the vascular walls of capillaries, thinning blood, and normalizing their tone. Use fruits (with or without peel), leaves, flowers, seeds, bark. The ground parts of the tree are suitable for harvesting all season, but better time for collecting bark - May, June, inflorescences - at the beginning of flowering, nuts - in September, during their full ripeness.

The use of chestnut for treatment

Horse chestnut is famous for its medicinal properties and is successfully used in folk medicine for healing ailments. Consider the diseases for which it is used and the recipes for preparing a healing potion.

With joint diseases

Destructive-dystrophic pathologies of the joints, as a rule, appear with age. They restrict human mobility and cause aching pain... It is impossible to cure the disease, but it is possible to take measures that alleviate physical suffering with a medicine from horse chestnut.

For joints in folk medicine, tincture is used. To prepare it, you need a little more than half a kilogram of chopped (in a blender, meat grinder, coffee grinder) fruits, which are poured into 1 liter of vodka. The medicine is brought to readiness, setting it aside for 2 weeks in a dark place, after which it is used not only for internal use (40 drops after meals every day), but also for external use (the sore joints are rubbed with cake).

How to use for varicose veins

It leads to fragility and varicose veins excess weight, wearing uncomfortable shoes, forced standing for a long time, and hereditary factors also influence. As a result - the formation of blood clots, which can come off and wander through the body.

Chestnut fruit

50 g of nuts together with the peel are crushed to a powdery state and poured with vodka until the raw materials are completely immersed. Future drops are insisted, set aside in a dark place for 2 weeks, and after a while, 10 drops are taken daily, 2 times a day.

Interesting to know! The healing effect of horse chestnut on the walls of blood vessels is determined by the substances that make up it: esculin and escin. Complex compounds have an angioprotective, venotonic, anti-edema effect, and also eliminate the likelihood of blood clots due to blood thinning and improved antithrombin synthesis.

  1. Chestnut flowers. They should be collected at the beginning of their flowering and filled with vodka. Alcohol tincture is prepared for 1 month, after which 50 drops are taken before meals.
  2. Freshly squeezed juice from chestnut flowers. It can be used as a medicine for both internal and external use, using as a basis for the preparation of an ointment.

The juice is squeezed out of the flowers and taken a few drops after meals in the morning and evening.

Suspension for the treatment of vascular walls is made from the following ingredients: 5 pcs. crushed fruits of plants and flowers, 0.5 l of oil (vegetable, peach, almond, olive to choose from). The components are mixed in a bowl and placed in a water bath for 2 hours. After, filter, pour into a glass jar and put in the refrigerator on the door.

Green peel of a plant

A decoction is prepared from it: pour 2 liters of water, boil for about 10 minutes, set aside in a cool place overnight. You can use it in the morning for 1 tbsp. spoon 1 time per day for 2 weeks.

You can also prepare a highly concentrated formulation from the fruits and leaves of the plant. The components are crushed, poured with vodka and infused for several days. Compresses from this infusion work well on varicose veins.

How to lose weight

The composition of horse chestnut is effective for weight loss due to its property to remove toxins and accelerate metabolic processes in the body. You can use the following recipe:

  1. 25 pcs. cut the peeled nuts in half, put them in cheesecloth and place the bag on the bottom of a 3-liter jar. For weighting, you can put another small stone.
  2. The container is filled with warm boiled water in a volume of 2.5 liters, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tbsp. serum, set aside in a dark place for 2 weeks (preferably near the battery).
  3. The tincture is applied 2 times a day, 1 glass for a month.

In order that the next portion does not have to wait another two weeks, you should drain the tincture immediately after preparation, and add water and sugar to the remaining cake. She will be ready again in a day. 4 more fruits should be added every two weeks.

Horse chestnut against cancer

The plant can also help with oncology, but it is not used as an alternative to clinical drugs. At home they are prepared according to the following recipe: 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers + 200 ml of water. But it should be calculated that the medicine is 1.5 liters. The liquid is brought to a boil, set aside for 8 hours and filtered. All 1.5 liters are taken in small sips throughout the day.

Horse chestnut with hemorrhoids

Tincture based on plant bark quickly relieves irritation, itching, promotes tissue regeneration and prevents swelling. The ingredients of the dosage form are: bark, sage, chamomile, powdered fruits with peels. They are put in a ratio of 5: 2: 3: 3 per 1 liter of water. The container with the future tincture is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, set aside overnight and used for baths for 10 days.

Treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses without a puncture

Sinusitis is a common disease in which there is a lesion maxillary sinuses... To avoid unpleasant consequences and not to start the pathological process of a condition requiring a puncture, it is recommended to prepare a medicinal mixture based on horse chestnut. It is able to kill viruses, fungi and other microorganisms that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa and maxillary sinuses. Also, a remedy based on this herbal component can cause sneezing, which will lead to cleansing the nose of mucus and purulent clots.

Important! The use for medicinal purposes with sinusitis or lingering sinusitis is recommended only in the absence of contraindications.

The medicinal properties of chestnuts are also used raw. The fruits are soaked in water for several hours so that the brown skin can easily come off. How to apply? The white contents are crushed and injected into the nasal passages (not too far) using an ear stick. Can also be mixed with honey. Leave the medicine for 1.5-2 hours. But the effect of its action can be observed within 15 minutes. The course of treatment is up to 5 days, with a chronic form - up to 9 days.

Horse Chestnut Oil for Respiratory Treatment

An oily substance with a characteristic odor is made from chestnut seeds by extracting nutrients with the help of absorbents. What does chestnut oil treat? Its action is aimed at eliminating inflammation and stagnant processes in the respiratory organs. It is used as aromatherapy and for cold and hot inhalation. Add 5-10 drops of oil to the aroma lamp or the capacity of the air humidifier and turn on the device for 15-20 minutes.

Important! Like any other plant, horse chestnut has contraindications. These include: pregnancy, kidney and liver diseases, atonic constipation, constantly low blood pressure (the plant also lowers it), breastfeeding, irregular menstrual cycle, childhood. Therefore, before using infusions, decoctions, and other dosage forms, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Application in cosmetology

Horse chestnut extract has found its application in cosmetology for the face, hair, arms, legs. The widespread distribution of the plant is due to its vitamin and mineral composition, which can fight inflammatory processes skin, as well as enrich cells with useful substances, preventing aging.

Interesting to know! Triple Horse Chestnut Cologne - Unique hygiene product for men. It can relieve inflammation after shaving, or simply unclog pores from clogged dirt.

For whitening, early regeneration of the skin of the face, you can prepare a cream at home. This will require a flower (5 tbsp. L.) And vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients and simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes. After that, the suspension is cooled, filtered and poured into a glass container with a lid.

Used for hair, enriching them with shampoos, balms. Such a cosmetic product:

  • strengthens the hair follicle;
  • will give a healthy shine to curls;
  • relieve dandruff and skin irritation;
  • saturates the hair shaft with nutrients.

The beneficial composition (tannins, tannins, fatty oils, saponins) promotes the healthy growth of curls, which will be easy to comb and style.

The chestnut treatment cannot be basic. Despite the high concentration of components useful for the body, the plant is used only as an auxiliary in the main course of treatment. If the specialist found only initial stage development of vascular or vein disease, prescribed treatment folk ways, then the article presented the best recipes. They are easy to prepare, effective and have been tested by many patients through personal experience.

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