Mirgorod 3 Botkinskaya. Hospital Botkinskaya, St. Petersburg: reviews, operation and address

Today I will show you one of the largest hospitals in the country. Yes, and with history. Alexandrovskaya Barakh Hospital appeared in St. Petersburg back in 1882, a little later, she was given the name of Sergei Petrovich Botkin. Since 1972, one of the first blocks of intensive therapy in infectious patients began to work in the Botkin Hospital. And the hospital has met its 120th anniversary as the largest infectious hospital in the country at 1210 beds, who took up 35 thousand patients annually.

Since 2017, half of the complex moved to a new platform on Piskarevsky Prospect, however, four buildings for 525 beds continue to function in Mirgorodskaya street (that is, almost half of the Botkin Hospital Coutes). This part of the hospital is located almost in the very center of St. Petersburg (the Moscow railway station can be reached in less than 15 minutes).

I will start with a little impression of the patient who posted his post yesterday:

"I am lying in the largest infectious hospital of the Russian Federation - the hospital named after Botkin.<…> Boxing condition, where I was put, and this is an infectious compartment, where there are 5 beds. Beds are sold and I already have a spin note after the first night. Toilet, bathroom, corridors. In the dining room go together by the whole department, all infections on one breakfast. I'm shocked, I discharge the day after arrival. "

And here are exactly all the scenery for some horror about zombies - on computer graphics can be saved.

Photo: vk.com / Group

Restroom. It's just all terrible here.

Photo: vk.com / Group DTP and PE | St. Petersburg | Peter online | St. Petersburg


Photo: vk.com / Group DTP and PE | St. Petersburg | Peter online | St. Petersburg

Of course, this indignation is far from one, in St. Petersburg, the hospital has long been called "Botkin bars" (this name did not have a negative context with its occurrence). Here is a remarkable feedback from the correspondent of the TV channel "St. Petersburg:

On the Internet you can easily find a lot of information on the hospital, as well as photos from the inside. I want to show the territory. Outside, believe me, the situation will not please you either. There are a lot of problems here.

1. The main entrance looks far from the best. However, in this case, at least new windows (and not everywhere).

2. Actual vacancies.

3. Another entrance is no longer used, and indeed the arch is completely falling apart.

4. Admission office.

If you have a thought for a second, "What is this?", Then here is the view from the reverse side. Some asshole also decided to put his trough in this mud. Someone else is surprised that Russian cities in dust and dirt?

5. Between the road housings is approximately in the same state.

6. Some of the asphalt ends.

7. This is still the territory of Russia's largest infectious hospital.

8. Here, I think it is appropriate to put a link to the news about the restoration of Palmyra by Russian specialists, well, or on how Russia collected money for the restoration of Notre Dame.

9. After all, you can sit on such a bench and rejoice that we helped the brotherly Syrian people in the restoration of the cultural monument.

11. Part of the enclosures are derived from operation. Now they simply fall apart, although externally still have pleasant for the eyes.

12. There are workers' buildings, but they look no better.

13. Here is the building of the prevention and medical examinations in this building.

14. Eternal trouble of Russia - ads "on leaves".

15. Local navigation.

16. Building of advisory and diagnostic clinic and administration.

17. Inside the staircase in hell.

18. The clinic is decorated with doctors for the new year.

19. If you still left the territory of the hospital, then do not share - towards the subway will have to go along the fence. Not even fences, but fences - they are here everywhere (even the fate of the lawn from all sides is taken).

Basically, of course, the reaction to all this has an ordinary person - pizdets! And it periodically recognizes the doctors themselves, and the city authorities of St. Petersburg, and residents. However, the horror is also in the fact that there are those who believe that all this is normal for Russia. Reasons for so thinking can be different: "In the regions even worse," "free medicine", etc.

Health observation is an extremely important component of every person's life. You have to study information about a particular medical institution before contacting it. Today, the hospital Botkinskaya will be introduced attention. St. Petersburg is the region about which is in question. This medical facility will have to learn everything that only you can: work hours, a list of doctors working here, patient reviews, stays of stay. Only after that, you can judge how well the hospital copes with its tasks.

Short description

First of all, it is necessary to understand what the institution is studied. Botkinskaya Hospital (SPB) - What is this organization?

This institution is represented by a hospital who has several units. In the institution are studying, diagnosis and treatment infectious diseases. Accordingly, the studied organization is an infectious hospital. It provides for a polyclinic center, and hospital.

From here it follows that specialists in the institution work different, but they are all associated with the treatment or diagnosis of infectious diseases. Is not multi-profile centerAlthough tests and ultrasound research are performed here.

A bit of history

In general, Botkinskaya Hospital (SPB) began to exist in the 19th century. More precisely, it was opened in 1882, on April 17. In 1891, the institution was assigned name Sergey. Botkin. Since the opening, the hospital has undergone a huge number of changes.

Initially, the institution was calculated for 300 seats, but it expanded all the time. Already by 1915, the organization could accommodate 700 people. Pharmacy, located at the hospital, supplied medicines from different doctors, maternity shelters, schools.

In 1918-1919, hospital decline marks. The barracks began to collapse, the water supply and heat systems were injured. There was a lack of medicines in the institution. The staff left the hospital, and the patients were starving.

In 1922, Botkin's Hospital (SPB) began to revive. Here began to attract new frames, they carried out repair work. Already in 1924, the institution worked in full force. At this stage, the organization has already placed 800 people.

In wartime, the number of infectious diseases has increased. This led to high mortality in the walls of the institution. In 1966, the next hospital reconstruction was organized. The organization has accompanied 1,600 beds and had 3 therapeutic buildings. They could accommodate 828 people.

Botkin infectious hospital (St. Petersburg) In 1972, one of the first in Russia opened a block of intensive therapy for people with infectious diseases. In 2002, the organization was named the largest infectious hospital. In it, the hospital is designed for 1210 people.


And where is the studied organization? The address of the Botkin hospital in St. Petersburg may be different. It all depends on what kind of separation is in question. The hospital is located in one place, and the polyclinic is in the other. This fact must be taken into account when contacting the organization.

The address of the Botkin Hospital in St. Petersburg is offered by the following - Russia, St. Petersburg, Mirgorodskaya Street, house 3. It is here that it is necessary to come for treatment and surveillance in the hospital.

But the clinic will be able to find elsewhere. Polyclinic departments at the Botkin hospital are several. One is located on the address already specified. And the other is located in St. Petersburg, at Piskarevsky Prospect, 49.

There are no more branches or branches from the organization. Therefore, remember the proposed addresses will not be difficult. It is recommended to immediately contact the main hull of the hospital. It will relieve from the need to move to the hospital for further treatment.

How to get there

Many potential visitors are interested in how to get to the learned institution. Make it is not so difficult. The location of the clinic allows you to walk.

It is clear where the Botkin Hospital is located (St. Petersburg). How to get to inpatient compartment? This is recommended to use the metro. The exit will have to at the station "Square Alexander Nevsky-2". Next, go around 500 meters on foot.

In general, the infectious hospital is located as follows:

  • "Alexander Nevsky Square-2" - 402 meters;
  • "Alexander Nevsky Square-1" - 512 meters;
  • "Ligovsky Prospect" - 1 kilometer 200 meters.

Transport junction near the clinic only pleases. Getting to it is not difficult. If you do not want to move on the subway, you can simply take a taxi and get to the establishment at the previously specified addresses.

Hospital structure

What corps of the Botkin hospital (SPB) take place? To date, the institution has a developed structure. Despite this, narrow specialists do not accept patients here.

The structure of the Botkin hospital in St. Petersburg can be divided into the following compartments:

  • receiving;
  • profile (about 20 compartments);
  • obstetric;
  • surgical;
  • resuscitation and intensive therapy (2 compartments);
  • hyperbaric oxygenation;
  • extracorporeal hemocorrection;
  • polyclinic;
  • pathoanatomic;
  • instrumental diagnostics;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • aIDS / HIV prevention;
  • sweese for people homeless;
  • immunological center.

As already mentioned, Botkin's infectious hospital in St. Petersburg is one of the largest in Russia. All listed compartments operate on the established mode. The hospital is envisaged here around the clock.

Operating mode

What mode of work of the Botkin hospital (SPB) is offered to the population? As already mentioned, the hospital works around the clock. It can be treated from infectious diseases. The receiving department also works constantly. But the polyclinics have special graphs.

For example, a compartment in Mirgorod openly from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday here is weekend. The procedural office works from 8:30, doctors take from half to 9 am to 16:00.

Polyclinic of the Botkin hospital at Piskarevsky Avenue is open only on weekdays. It works from 9:00 to 18:00. It is such a job schedule that adheres to the institution.

Visiting patients

Hospital Botkinskaya (St. Petersburg) allows you to visit patients. This fact Pleases almost all citizens. It is enough to remember the reception hours.

Today, patients visits are permitted both on weekends and holidays and on weekdays. On weekdays you can visit a citizen passing treatment in the Botkin Hospital, from 4 to 7 hours of the day. On weekends, visits are resolved from 12.

There are no more rules about visiting hours. Remember them is not difficult. Patients and their loved ones do not complain about the time allotted for visiting. You can be confident that in the allotted intervals of visitors will allow patients.


Now the schedule of the work of the Botkin Hospital is understood (St. Petersburg). About the time of visits to patients is also known. Another important factor is the contacts to communicate with the institution. There are a lot of them. The specific number will depend on the goal of the citizen's appeal to the organization.

For example, you can use a universal multichannel combination. It allows you to call hot line Hospitals and contact anyone her branch.

The clinic also has different numbers. All of them can be found on the official website of the institution.

In addition, there are separate combinations for issues related to vaccination, medical commissions for foreigners, testing tests, as well as to clarify the state of hospital patients.

It is not difficult to reach the institution. The main thing is to call in line with the established work schedule of the hospital.


What specialists do you work here? What does the Botkin hospital offer (SPB)? Doctors, workers in the walls of the institution, are usually associated with infectious diseases. Or rather, their diagnosis and treatment. Narrow specialists here not to find. They are invited individually if necessary from other medical facilities. This must be remembered to all potential visitors.

There are no more specialists in the institution. Only the Botkin Hospital (SPB) offers them. Doctors working here in full cope with the tasks set.

About services

Separate attention should be paid to the services provided in the hospital. The fact is that the main direction in which the institution is working is to provide medical care for free. For this, the citizen must have an OMS policy.

Optionally, you can use paying services. They allow you to get a medical advice outside the general queue, as well as to stay in more comfortable hospital conditions. There is nothing surprising in this. Full normal phenomenon for anyone medical institution in Russia.

Botkin Hospital (SPB) Paid services offers the following:

  • consultations of all infectious doctors;
  • the ability to quickly pass tests (blood, urine, sputum);
  • chambers round-the-clock hospital increased comfort;
  • vaccination;
  • conducting medical examinations;
  • removing warts and nonsense;
  • Ultrasound research;
  • radiography.

There is nothing surprising in this. No one incorporates patients to tremendous treatment. It turns out that, as already mentioned, at the discretion of visitors.

About prices

Of course, paid services imply certain spending. Botkinskaya Hospital (St. Petersburg) is very large medical organizationwhich works a huge number of experienced specialists. Therefore, some believe that paid services will have to spend a lot.

In fact, it is not. Numerous reviews indicate that population service prices in the Botkin hospital are medium. They cannot be called too high or low. Rather, within the normal range.

Despite this, Botkin Hospital (SPB) Reviews get a variety of. There will always be patients pointing to the overestimated cost. paid servicesrendered in the walls of the institution. This is a normal phenomenon. Nevertheless, a citizen must understand that the proposed rates for Peter are indeed low.


What does the Botkin hospital look like (SPB)? The photo presented below demonstrate that the organization has good cosmetic repairs. The situation here is estimated at different criteria.

Some say that in the polyclinic departments, the repair is normal, and in the hospital he leaves much to be desired. There are no complaints about payable chambers. There repairs are made fresh, the furniture is updated if possible. Feeling enhanced comfort. Externally special complaints to the form of institution today is not. Although several years ago they were. Patients complained about old furniture, lack of repair and antisanitia.

Despite this, Botkinskaya Hospital (SPB) feedback earns for the situation are not the best. Patients say that a certain severity is in the air. State infectious hospital - everything is said. There is a sense of stay in a place, which or will give hope for a normal life, or will become a permanent residence of a person.

In general, the studied organization is not much different, according to reviews, from any state clinic. Some say that the institution needs overhaul or moving to another place. Such opinions are not so rare. But they do not repel patients.

Work of doctors

Treatment of hepatitis C. In the Botkin Hospital (St. Petersburg), as well as any other infectious diseases, is carried out quite effectively. Many visitors to the institution note: despite the heavy situation and the lack of the latest repair, the doctors here know their job. Not all, but many.

Very often you can find positive feedback on the treatment of certain infections. Someone says "pulled out of the world", "gave hope for new life"," saved. "Such statements are not uncommon.

But sometimes you can meet far from the most best Reviews On the activities of the organization. Hospital Botkinskaya (St. Petersburg) is a place where it is possible to cure everyone. Some experts here may not cope with the tasks set, tend to patients. But such claims are rare. And this fact pleases. No wonder the established institution has a good reputation among large infectious hospitals of the country.

Finding in the hospital

What is famous for the Botkin Hospital (SPB)? Analyzes are not formed here, doctors try to work for conscience. But in the hospital is something that many patients are often quenched. Especially those who are undergoing treatment without paid services.

Feed in the clinic well. And this fact is celebrated by the majority of patients. At the same time, attention should be paid to the claims of the population. Visitors say that the conditions of stay in the hospital often leave to desire the best, the service service is not organized very well, in some chambers and departments "reign chaos". For example, relatives who come to the ward among the nights can be careful for some patients and begin to make noise. All this happens on illegal grounds - nurses are allowed for a certain reward.

Fortunately, there is no evidence that the established rules are violated in the institution. Yes, felt in state clinic. But, as some visitors say, the conditions are not terrible in the Botkin hospital. Often terrible feedback on how bad it was in hospital in treatment, refuted positive opinions.

No antisanitarian - everywhere is constantly removed, follow the order. It can be said that the service here, as well as staying in the hospital, is generally proposed worthy.

The effectiveness of treatment

What do you talk about the effectiveness of treatment in the institution? As already noticeable, the reviews are divided into several categories - positive and negative. No opinion is confirmed documented. Therefore, it remains only to hope for the best.

You can see how some visitors talk about fast and effective treatment A variety of infectious diseases. Analyzes are made quickly, diagnoses are rechecked, no one is intimidated. The effectiveness of treatment is great.

But sometimes there are reviews indicating the complete opposite. Someone complains of a long lack of diagnosis, some on ineffective treatment. As emphasized, no one can prove the accuracy of such opinions. Therefore, they do not pay attention too often.

Results and conclusions

From now on, it is clear that it is a new Botkin hospital (St. Petersburg). Address of this institution, the mode of its work, phone numbers and basic reviews have been studied. What can be summed up?

In general, the studied institution does not look very good. It currently requires a small repair. Botkin Hospital in St. Petersburg provides professional medical care Both paid and free of charge. The latter takes place most often.

Conditions of stay here are acceptable. Not the best, but not terrible. The bulk of doctors and nurses are high-class specialists who know their job. They help to cure many visitors.

Nevertheless, there are no guarantees that the patient will be 100% satisfied with the services provided. This is a normal phenomenon for any state hospital. The studied institution today is the largest infectious hospital in Russia. It serves thousands of people annually.

Some visitors rejoice that they fell into the Botkin hospital. It is impossible to say with confidence that the institution is perfect. He has its drawbacks. But they are fascinated compared to the benefits expressed successful treatment Most infectious diseases. You can safely entrust your health to specialists working in the walls of the organization.

People who are accustomed to private medicine will not be too cozy here. But for public service, the service in the clinic is designed not worse. The bulk of similar institutions is significantly inferior to the Botkin Hospital in the provision of medical services.

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