Paid services. Paid services Avant-garde 4 maxillofacial surgery

Today we will be interested in the hospital on Avangardnaya. This medical institution is of interest to many residents of St. Petersburg. After all, it offers a lot of services to the population. Or rather, children. Children’s health issues are of great concern to parents in general. If you need help, it is important to understand that this is the hospital that will provide fast and quality service. What is the opinion of the parents about the hospital on Avangardnaya? The most important points will be presented to our attention. Anyway, all helpful information about this institution will be affected. It is important to study every nuance, every component of a medical institution, before entrusting it with the life and health of your own child. So what do people pay attention to the most?


The first step is to find out where our current hospital is. Location plays an important role for some citizens. The easier it is to get to the facility, the better. By the way, we are talking about the children's city hospital No. 1.

This institution is located at: Avangardnaya, house 14. Quite old, but large building. The hospital itself has been operating in the city since 1977.

To be honest, this is not the only address of the clinic. We are not just dealing with a hospital. She also has a polyclinic. Of course, the hospital on Avangardnaya also has several departments. One of them is located at a different address, albeit near the central "office". To be more precise, on Avangardnaya, 4. It is called hospital number 15 (or blood transfusion department). This kind of division is not too happy for visitors. But the advantage is that the blood transfusion station is very close to the central children's hospital. This means that there will be no special problems with service.

Help finding

Are you interested in Avangardnaya, 4 (Hospital 15)? How to get to this medical center? There are several options for solving the problem. The point is that it is possible to use a bus or a route taxi. Trolleybuses also operate on this route. This means that this transport should not be overlooked. By the way, it doesn't matter where you want to go - Children's City Hospital 1 (main department) is located near the blood transfusion station. Therefore, you can get to 15 and 1 in the same way.

Fortunately, there is usually no problem with access to a medical facility. You can get from the Prospekt Veteranov metro station to your destination by trolleybuses No. 37 and No. 20. But there is only one bus to our medical institution - No. 130. But this is not particularly problematic, since there are more than enough minibuses in this regard ...

Do you prefer to travel by fixed-route taxi? Then the hospital on Avangardnaya offers to use cars numbered 130, 20, 195, 246, 197, 165. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Get to our present medical centers not that difficult. This makes the parents very happy. Especially those who prefer to use public transport for quick movement around the city.


A huge role is played by such a moment as contacts with this or that medical institution. Sometimes they are the ones that visitors need. For example, to clarify any information or get advice at the reception.

We are interested in the hospital on Avangardnaya. This institution has a phone, even several. It all depends on which particular department you are going to call. You can go to the blood transfusion station, and to the clinic at the hospital, and to the inpatient department. By the way, in the latter it is allowed to call around the clock.

What numbers can I use? 1 on Avangardnaya Street in St. Petersburg offers the combination: 812 417 21 21 to call the clinic's registry. You can call every day from 8 am to 8 pm. Except weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, you can only call here from 9:00 to 16:00.

But in the admission department of the hospital, as it was said, you have every right to call not just every day, but at any time, around the clock. To do this, you need a phone number: 812 735 44 44.

But if you are interested in Avangardnaya, you will have to call the number: 812 736 00 11. You can call the department only during its opening hours. More precisely, from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00. The blood transfusion station is closed on Saturday and Sunday. This upsets many parents. Fortunately, the services of this department do not often have to be used. Therefore, this disadvantage does not play a significant role.


"Vanguard" hospital has a variety of departments. They are also of interest to many parents - it is important to know what kind of assistance this or that medical institution can provide. In our case, the range of possibilities is almost unlimited.

There are all the departments here that only have a place in the most ordinary hospital. For example: burns, outpatient clinics, ward with a swimming pool, surgical, intensive care, pediatric and so on. You can continue for a very long time.

Besides, distinctive feature is that separately located, as already mentioned, the blood transfusion department. This is hospital 15 on Avangardnaya. Not everyone is happy that this institution is not located at the clinic. But among the pluses, there is a close location to the main department of the hospital.


A huge role in any medical institution the staff who work there plays. And when it comes to the life and health of children, this point becomes almost the most important. It's not a secret for anyone that often in hospitals, the outcome of services, analyzes, procedures and operations depends on the actions of the staff.

What does the Children's City Hospital No. 1 on Avangardnaya offer? There are different doctors working here. And by their qualifications, and by work experience, and by education. But, as noted by many, people with higher education (medical), distinguished doctors, as well as with a long "internship" in the field of medicine. It is almost impossible to meet new and inexperienced personnel, as well as interns in the hospital. Neither in the outpatient department nor in the hospital. This gives visitors a certain amount of confidence that they will receive only quality service.

The chief physician of this medical institution is an Honored Doctor of Russia. He is also a Doctor of Medicine and Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the Pavlova State Medical University. This information is indicated on the official hospital page. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find details about doctors here. Only phone numbers as well as positions. Because of this phenomenon, parents are often unhappy. I always want to know who works in a medical facility. FROM modern technologies it is quite common to provide information about employees. And without specifying information about doctors, you have to constantly ask other parents for feedback about a particular frame. Sometimes this process takes too long. However, this shortcoming does not yet indicate terrible service. Because of this, you shouldn't refuse to visit the institution.

Different possibilities

What else is worth paying attention to? The children's hospital located at Avangardnaya, 14 offers a huge range of services. This can be understood already by the number of departments in a medical institution alone. Among the advantages, several features stand out in this area. The first point is the provision of free medical care. For this, the child must have a policy and also SNILS. Here, both in the hospital and in the outpatient department, every child has the right to receive the services that are due to him by law. No one has the right to demand money from you for help.

The second point is that 1 city hospital on Avangardnaya offers its visitors not only free service. Some services may be chargeable. Nobody has the right to force you to them, parents themselves must choose what kind of help they receive. In principle, the range of paid and free options of the institution is the same. Just when you pay, you, as in most clinics, are promised a quick and high-quality examination, as well as good treatment without delays and disputes. Just what many people need!


What else can the St. Petersburg Children's Hospital No. 1, located at Avangardnaya, 14, offer? Nutrition in the hospital plays a huge role. True, this topic worries only those parents whose children can stay for treatment in a hospital or any particular department. A growing child needs to eat, but if the feeding is poor, there is a high probability that the baby will simply starve. After all, it is not forbidden to transfer your own products from home to the hospital, but not everything is allowed. Only a certain list, which is too small to enrich the body with all the essentials.

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of parents point out that the hospital on Avangardnaya (children's) does not indulge its patients with culinary delights too much. They feed here, according to both children and their legal representatives, most often not very well. Yes, you can eat, but without pleasure. There are also more or less tasty dishes, but there are very few of them.

This pattern is most often seen in free patients. With "paysites" they stand on ceremony more, but the level of nutrition still remains low. Parents recommend that if your child is going to the inpatient department of Children's Hospital No. 1, give him food with you. Especially if the baby is not used to hospital food, and is also too picky about what he is offered for lunch. Only those whose children sweep everything in a row have no complaints about nutrition. But there are very few such people.

Junior staff

An important point, emphasized by parents, is the junior staff of the institution. Avangardnaya 14 (children's hospital) is not very famous in this area. Especially when it comes to serving "freebies".

The problem is that the younger medical staff does not differ in conscientiousness and politeness. Parents point out that they have no particular complaints about most doctors, but about nurses - full. They are rude, rude, disdainful of children. Performs most of junior staff their job duties without any interest, carelessly. This, naturally, noticeably affects the quality of treatment.

True, if you paid for the service, you can at least hope for a careful attitude towards your child. Although not always - even the paid basis of treatment at Children's Hospital No. 1 does not give any guarantees that you will not be rude and will do the job as you should.

Appointments to doctors

The "avant-garde" children's hospital (polyclinic too) does not have a very good reputation among parents due to some negative aspects. In fact, they are extremely important. For example, recently more and more dissatisfaction from the side of visitors in the matter of making appointments to doctors has been growing.

Why does this happen? The thing is that there are 2 schedules in a medical institution - paid and free appointments. As a "free agent" it is extremely difficult to sign up for a procedure or a simple consultation. Parents point out that in fact, you only have a chance to enroll for one day a month. Just keep in mind that there are not enough tickets for admission, you will have to hurry. It is not difficult to guess: a free entry is snapped up instantly, it is not enough for all visitors. You have to either wait or sign up for a paid appointment.

Parents grumble, suggesting that this phenomenon was invented by the hospital management in order to get more money and their patients. After all, forced paid receptions are good way earn extra money. Unfortunately, no customer complaints about the hospital are valid. Because of this, you will either have to wait for a miracle to get an appointment for free, or pay for an examination. Small extortion, but legally. This is how parents describe their appointment with doctors.

Another drawback is that it is simply impossible to get through to the registry. A similar situation occurs in most municipal medical institutions. Therefore, it does not surprise patients and their parents too much. Although, if you try, then you can really get through to the registry and even get there all the information you are interested in. Although, as practice shows, it is better to independently contact this organization. Phone calls are often ignored.

And there are good reasons for that. The hospital on Avangardnaya (or rather, the polyclinic department thereof) has a huge flow of visitors. Everyone needs to be served. There is simply not enough time for this. After all, the number of working personnel in the institution is limited. And, to be honest, the hospital receptionists do not work too fast, they do not seek to increase the speed of their work. As in most cases, if you rush the staff, in response there is a chance to hear rudeness and rudeness. Calls can be ignored even when completely unloaded (which is rare). All this is due to the staff's disdain for their duties. Parents often point out that only a few are truly interested in their work. The rest "do nothing, ventilate themselves, cool off."

General impressions

The hospital on Avangardnaya earns mixed reviews from patients. Now you can find absolutely opposite opinions about this medical institution. Do not be surprised - a lot depends on the doctors and on the department where the child was staying. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how conscientious the organization is in front of us.

Most often, you can see short but positive reviews. Something like, "I liked it, great hospital!" Often, such posts on the Internet are not credible. They do not reflect important information for potential visitors. As practice shows, the vast majority of such reviews are fraudulent. Purchased opinions of ordinary users who do not even visit the selected medical facility. This is a common technique for getting attention. Although truthful positive reviews (even short ones) also take place. Basically, there are no complaints directly to the doctors. But the attendants and junior medical staff at the children's hospital, according to the parents of the patients, are not the best. He is often the subject of discussion.

And precisely because of this, among the detailed and well-founded reviews, there is a negative attitude towards the organization. It is noted that in some departments, even doctors treat children in bad faith. For example, in the intensive care unit. There are posts telling about the negative consequences of visiting this hospital. Sometimes there are even reviews telling how children suffered after treatment from complications due to the neglect and inattention of doctors and nurses. Rare phenomena, but they still occur.

Of course, the constant problems with a free appointment, the inability to get through to the reception are often emphasized. If we are talking about a polyclinic, then the live queue here is endless. Have you made an appointment for a specific time? There is no guarantee that you will be accepted! We'll have to wait several hours in a live queue. A similar practice exists when visiting any doctor in the polyclinic department.

Parents very often do not hesitate in expressions, leaving reviews about our today's medical institution - the hospital on Avangardnaya. There are no complaints except for the blood transfusion station. And then - it is constantly emphasized that she works too little.

The last drawback is the renovation. To be honest, the hospital on Avangardnaya has been operating for a long time. And it has not been renovated for a long time. This phenomenon repels many parents, and even more so for children! It is not very pleasant to be in this medical facility. This moment does not particularly affect the quality of treatment and assistance, but it plays an important role for the overall picture. Parents often point out that it is high time to close the hospital for repairs. Some finishing works are in progress, but in parallel with patient care. This is especially frustrating and causes discontent and indignation when such work is carried out in departments. Children neither have a good rest, nor sleep.

Special attention should be paid to visits by relatives of patients. Parents are not overly impressed by the possibilities offered by the hospital on Avangardnaya. No, of course, they are allowed to come, but only for a short period of time. Moreover, in some departments, they are not even allowed to see the child for a while. Parents of very young patients should be allowed to stay overnight, but this phenomenon is also not practiced very often. Should I turn to Vanguard for help? If you need to, then yes. But choose the doctor with whom you will be followed carefully!

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