Light illusions. Optical illusions for eyes, or illusion

The illusion of vision is an inaccurate perception of surrounding reality, which arises from a person under the influence of various factors. It can be created involuntarily or deliberately, for example, when looking at any picture, under the influence of certain substances or in some ophthalmic diseases.

The form, color, dimensions of the figures, the length of the lines in the image, perspective are evaluated incorrectly. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the human visual apparatus, as well as with the psychological perception of the image. The most spectacular pictures with explanation are shown below.

Why occurs

Scientists have long been studying the nature of optical deception, but so far it was possible to establish the causes of only some visual illusions. There are three main groups of factors, under the influence of which an optical illusion arises:

  • The false transfer of the visual stimuli signals, as a result of which the cerebral receptor cells incorrectly decipher the pulses and transmit a fake picture.
  • Optical effects, for example, when refilling light from a subject, shadow crossing, etc., resulting in an optical illusion.
  • Violation of the functions of the visual apparatus or the cerebral cortex responsible for the visual perception arising against the background of certain diseases, receiving some drugs or narcotic substances.

At the same time, sometimes deceptions are due to several factors at once. Summary pictures that perceive human eyes are transmitted to the brain. There they decrypt and fold into the image familiar to man. But sometimes there is a failure on the path of transmission of the visual pulse, and the decoding occurs incorrectly.

Often, the entire template perception of visual pulses with neurons of the cortex of the brain. It is necessary that the brain is faster to handle the received information with minimal energy costs. But templates can also play an evil joke, introduce a misleading brain and cause an optical illusion.

A classic example is a black and white chessboard. The brain does not agree to adequately perceive the specks on the cells and as a result gives the visibility of a large convex circle in the center of the board. But this is only the most "innocent" illusion of vision.

Varieties of optical illusions

Depending on which reasons for the deceptions of view, they allocate them several different species.

Researchers are classified by such signs:

  • object size;
  • color and light;
  • the form;
  • perspective;
  • seeming volume and movement, etc.

Some optical deceptions are created by nature. This is all the famous mirages in the desert or moving in the sky figures in the mountains. Northern Lights is another natural visual illusion. These natural phenomena scientists have long solved and explained, so they are already surprising and do not cause issues.

False Light Perception is due anatomical structure Human visual apparatus, in particular, its retina. For the same reasons, a person incorrectly perceives the size of the items. It has been established that the error of the human character is about 25%. The accuracy of the chammerator often depends on the background, as has shown some studies. Similarly, the brain may incorrectly interpret the color of the same object on a different background. But there are a lot of such studies and theories. This once again proves that opportunities human organism It is only partially studied, despite perennial and even centuries-old work.

In fact, with optical illusions, humanity is familiar for thousands of years. The ancient shamans had astounding knowledge about the work of the human visual apparatus, despite the absence of any equipment and laboratory studiesAs used to create amazing optical effects and misleading the entire tribal.

Stone figures found during the excavations of the settlements of the Paleolithic period, are simultaneously depicting two animals depending on which side to see them. And the Romans knew how to create the most real 3D mosaic to decorate their homes and temples.

Depending on which point to look at the figures, you can see Mammoth or Bizon

The most entertaining pictures

A classic example of an optical illusion is the so-called cafe wall. This effect was discovered in 1970 by researchers of the University of Bristol. Such a mosaic wall, indeed, exists in one of the coffee houses. When looking at it it seems that the tile is not square, but the trapezoidal, that the straight lines are arranged at an angle. And if you look at the mosaic for a long time, the strips will begin to move in different directions.

In fact, the mosaic is square, and such an effect is created due to gray lines between the tiles of contrasting color. Black seems more white less, it leads to illusion of vision.

Here is another interesting similar example with white stripes. Here, bright, contrasting arrows play their role, which are confused with brain neurons.

And this is an example of the illusion of perspective, where the template perception of the brain also works. According to the prospects, it seems that the long-round blue line is longer, as it covers three squares, and the front green is shorter, because it closes the side of only one square. In fact, the lines of the same length.

Another type of visual view is subjects and pictures depicting several different objects at the same time. One of the most famous pictures is "my wife and mother-in-law."

And now look at these.

Our brain interprets pictures, folding them out of small parties of the information received. They can be false, as an incorrectly compiled puzzle or rebus. But the brain perceives them right. There are also such paradoxes that can also be attributed to the optical illusion.

Easy to detect Bill and Hilary Clinton

The color perception is also often "deceiving" the brain. Some see an orange cube inside the blue, others - outside.

And a few more entertaining pictures causing the illusion of vision. Rings in this picture do not actually intersect.

And if you want to get a maximum of impressions, browse the video of the optical illusions of 3D. This is an interesting and incredibly exciting spectacle, which you will probably want to view more than once.

So, it's not too seriously to perceive optical deceptions of view, it is not a sign of any pathology of the eye or mental violation. Periodically, visual illusions arise from each healthy man, and is due to the anatomical structure of organs of vision and certain peculiarities of brain activity. But the illusion of vision can be used to create interesting art objects and just for an interesting pastime.

We used to perceive the world around us as a givenness, so we do not notice how our brain is deceiving its own owners.

The imperfection of our binocular vision, unconscious false judgments, psychological stereotypes and other distortion of worldview serve as a reason for the emergence of optical illusions. Their huge set, but we tried to collect the most interesting, insane and incredible and incredible of them.

Impossible figures

At one time, this genre of graphics received such widespread that even received own name - impussilism. Each of these figures seems quite real on paper, but there can be no simplicity in the physical world.

Impossible trident

Classic Billine is perhaps the most vivid representative of optical drawings from the category "Impossible Figures". No matter how trying to determine where the middle prong originates, it will not work.

Another bright example is an impossible triangle of Penrose.

He is in the form of the so-called "endless staircase".

And also the "impossible elephant" Roger Shepard.

Eix room

Optical illusions questions were interested in Adelbert Amesa Jr. from early childhood. Becoming an ophthalmologist, he did not stop his research on the perception of depth, the result of which the famous Eix Room became.

How the Eix Room works

In a nutshell, the effect of the Eix room can be conveyed like this: it seems that two people stand in the left and right corner of its rear wall - dwarf and giant. Of course, this is an optical trick, and in fact these people are quite ordinary growth. In fact, the room has an elongated trapezoidal form, but because of the false perspective it seems to us rectangular. The left corner is stronger from the sight of visitors than the right, and therefore the person standing there seems so small.

Illusions of Movement

This category of optical tricks is the greatest interest for psychologists. Most of them are based on the intricacies of the combination of colors, brightness of objects and their repetition. All these tricks are misleading our peripheral vision, as a result of which the perception mechanism is knocked down, the retina fixes the image intermittently, jumps like, and the brain activates the bark sites responsible for the motion recognition.

Floating Star

It is difficult to believe that this picture is not an animated GIF format, but an ordinary optical illusion. The drawing was created by the Japanese artist Kaya Nao in 2012. A pronounced illusion of motion is achieved due to the opposite direction of patterns in the center and at the edges.

There is quite a lot similar illusions Movement, that is, static images that are movable. For example, the famous rotating circle.

Or Yellow arrows on a pink background: with a close look it seems that they are pegged there and here.

Caution, this image can cause a row or dizziness in people with a weak vestibular apparatus.

Honestly, this is the usual picture, and not a gif! Psychedelic spirals seem to be tightened somewhere in full of oddities and wonders of the universe.


The most numerous and cheerful genre of drawing-illusions is based on the change of direction of view on the graphic object. The most simple pictures need to simply deploy 180 or 90 degrees.

Two classic illusions-invertes: nurse / old woman and beauty / urodin.

A more highly artistic picture with a trick - when turning 90 degrees, the frog turns into a horse.

Other " double illusions»Have a more subtle background.

Girl / old woman

One of the most popular dual images was published in 1915 in the PUCK caricature magazine. Signature to the picture read: "My wife and mother-in-law".

Old men / Mexicans

Elderly couple or mexicants singing under the guitar? Most of At first he sees old people, and only then their eyebrows turn into Sombrero, and their eyes in the face. Authorship belongs to the Mexican artist Octavio Okampo, who created a lot of pictures of illusions of this character.

Lovers / Dolphins

Surprisingly, the interpretation of this psychological illusion depends on the age of a person. As a rule, the children seemed to see children - their brain, not yet familiar with sexual relationships and their symbols, simply does not extend in this composition of two lovers. A older people, on the contrary, first see a couple, and then the dolphins.

The list of such dual pictures can continue infinitely:

In the picture above, most people see the face of the Indian first, and then the look left to the left and distinguish the silhouette in the fur coat. The image below is usually interpreted by everyone as a black cat, and only then the mouse appears in its circuits.

Very simple picture-transverse - something like this can be easily made with your own hands.

Illusions of color and contrast

Alas, the human eye is imperfect, and in their assessments we have seen (without noticing themselves) often rely on the color environment and brightness of the background of the object. This leads to very interesting optical illusions.

Gray squares

Optical illusions of colors - one of the most popular types of deception. Yes, yes, squares a and b are painted in the same color.

Such a trick is possible thanks to the peculiarities of our brain. The square B drops the shadow without sudden boundaries. Due to the darker "surrounding" and a smooth gradient of the shadow it seems that it is significantly the lighter square A.

Green spiral

In this photo, only three colors: pink, orange and green. Do not believe? This is what happens if replaced with pink and orange on black.

Dress white and gold or blue-black?

However, the illusion color based on the perception is not uncommon. Take for example, at least the white-golden or black and blue dress in 2015. What color actually it was a mysterious dress, and why different people Did you perceive it differently?

Clarification of the phenomenon dresses is very simple: as in the case of gray squares, it all depends on the imperfect chromatic adaptation of our bodies of vision. As you know, the retina of a person consists of two types of receptors: sticks and colodes. Wands better fix light, and columns - color. Each person has a ratio of colums and chopsticks, therefore, the definition of the color and shape of the object differs slightly depending on the dominance of this or that type of receptors.

Those who saw a white-golden dress paid attention to the brightly lit back background and decided that the dress was in the shade, which means white color Must be darker than usual. If the dress seemed to you blue-black, it means that your eye first drew attention to the main color of the dress, which in this photo really has a blue shade. Then your brain judged that the golden shade is black, brightening because of the sun rays and poor quality photo.

In fact, the dress was blue with black lace.

But another photo that put millions of users who could not solve the wall in front of them or a lake.

Optical illusions on video


This insane optical illusion is misleading: it is difficult to determine which foot shape is supporting and, as a result, to understand which way the ballerina rotates. Even if you managed it, while watching a video, the reference foot can "change" and the girl as if starting to rotate in the other side.

Popular optical illusion of "ballerina"

If you easily able to fix the direction of the ballerina, it speaks of a rational, practical warehouse of your mind. If the ballerina rotates in different directions, it means that you have a stormy, not always a consistent imagination. Contrary to popular belief, on the principle of the right or left hemisphere it does not affect.

Face Monsters

Interest for lovers of unusual things represents the chair of the design of Chris Duffy. It seems that it relies exclusively on the front legs. But risking to sit on him, you will understand that the shadow, discarded by the chair, is its main support.

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Illusion - illusion pictures with explanations

Do not feel serious about optical illusions, trying to understand and solve them, just so much eyesight works. So human brain Processes visible light reflected pictures.
Unusual forms and combinations of these pictures make it possible to achieve deceptive perception, as a result of which it seems that the subject moves, changes the color or an additional picture arises.
All images are accompanied by explanations: how and how much you need to look into the picture to see what is really not.

To begin with, one of the most discussed illusions on the network - 12 black points. The chip is that you can not see them at the same time. The scientific explanation of this phenomenon was found to German physiologist by the German physiologist in 1870. The human eye ceases to see the full picture due to lateral braking in the retina.

These figures move at the same speed, but our vision tells us about the opposite. On the first gif, four figures move simultaneously while they are adjacent to each other. After separation, the illusion arises that they move on black and white stripes independently of each other. After the zebra disappearance in the second picture, you can be seen in the synchronization of the movement of yellow and blue rectangles.

Carefully look at the black point in the center of the photo while the timer counts 15 seconds, after which the black and white image will become color, that is, the grass is green, the sky is blue and so on. But if you do not stare at this point (to cheer yourself), then the picture will remain black white.

Do not break off looking at the cross and you will see how the green stain runs along purple mugs, and then they will completely disappear.

If you look at the green point for a long time, then yellow points will disappear.

Look at the black point and the gray stripe will suddenly become blue.

If you cut a chocolate tile 5 to 5 and rearrange all pieces in the manner shown, then an extra piece of chocolate will appear. Do this trick with ordinary chocolate and it will never end. (Joke).

In the same series.

Consider football players. Now wait 10 seconds. Oops! Part parts are all the same, but one football player disappeared somewhere!

The alternation of black and white squares in four circles creates the illusion of the spiral.

If you look in the middle of this animation Picture, you will go on the corridor faster if you translate the gaze to the right or left, then slower.

On a white background, a gray band looks homogeneous, but it is worth a white background to change the gray stripe immediately acquires many shades.

A slight movement of the hand rotating square turns into chaotic moving lines.

Animation is obtained as a result of overlapping on a drawing of a black grid. In our eyes, static items begin to move. Even the cat reacts to this movement.

If you look at the cross in the center of the picture, then peripheral vision will turn the star faces of Hollywood actors in freaks.

Two pictures of the Pisa Tower. At first glance it seems that the tower on the right leans more than the tower on the left, but in fact both these pictures are the same. The reason lies in the fact that the human visual system considers two images as part of a single scene. Therefore, it seems to us that both photos are not symmetrical.

Which way does the train go to the subway?

So simple color change can be achieved that the picture will come to life.

We look at exactly 30 seconds not blinking, then we translate a look on someone's face, subject or another picture.

Workout for the eyes ... or for the brain. After rearranging parts of the triangle, suddenly, free space appears.
The answer is simple: in fact, the figure is not a triangle, the "hypotenuse" of the lower triangle is a broken line. This can be determined by cells.

At first glance it seems that all lines are curved, but in fact they are parallel. Illusion was discovered by R. Gregory in the Wall Cafe (Wall) in Bristol. Therefore, this paradox is called the "wall in a cafe."

See thirty seconds in the middle of the picture, then move the look at the ceiling or white wall and peel. Who did you see?

The optical effect that creates a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe viewer about how the chair is. Illusion is due to the original design of the chair.

English No (no) turns into YES (Yes) with the help of curved letters.

Each of these circles rotates counterclockwise, but if you fix the look at one of them, it will seem that the second round rotates clockwise.

3 D drawing on asphalt

Which way rotates the ferris wheel? If you look left, clockwise, if left, then counterclockwise. Perhaps you will be the opposite.

It is difficult to believe in it, but the squares in the center are fixed.

Both cigarettes are actually the same size. Just impose on the monitor two rules to cigarettes from above and below. The rules will be parallel.

Similar illusion. Of course, these spheres are the same!

Droplets pegs and "float", although in fact they remain in their places, but only columns are moving in the background.

Deception is called such effects of visual perception, which arise involuntarily or consciously in a person observing certain images.

Such effects are also called optical illusions - errors of the visual perception caused by the inaccuracy or inadequacy of the processes occurring with an unconscious correction of visual images. In addition, the physiological features of the organs of vision and psychological aspects of visual perception are also involved in the process of optical illusions.

Optical illusionSubmitted in this section of the site is to distort the perception by improper estimation of the length of the segments, the size of the angles, the colors of the visible object, etc. Its most popular types are the illusions of the perception of depth, flippers, stereo pairs and illusions of movement.

The illusions of the perception of depth include inadequate reflection of the depicted object. The most famous examples of such illusions are two-dimensional contour pictures - with observation, they are unconsciously perceived by the brain as simply connected. In addition, distortion in the perception of depth is capable of improperly evaluating geometric sizes (in some cases, an error reaches 25%).

Optical illusion Crawling lies in the image of this picture, the perception of which depends on the direction of the view.

Stereo pairs allow you to observe a stereoscopic image by overlaying them to periodic structures. Focusing look at the picture leads to the observation of the stereoscopic effect.

Moving illusions are periodic images, a continuous view of which leads to visual perception of movement from individual parts.

See the frog and horse to this deception of sight?

This picture is very famous. Turn it over to see how men see women, skipping 6 bottles of beer.

Mysterious face found on Mars. This is a real photo of the surface of Mars, made by Viking 1 in 1976.

Peer in four black dots in the image price of about 30-60 seconds. Then quickly close your eyes and turn to something bright (to the lamp or to the window). Valued to see the white circle with the image inside.

Beautiful illusion of a moving bike (© Akiyoshi Kitaoka: Used with a resolution).

Illusion of moving curtains (© Akiyoshi Kitaoka: Used with a resolution).

Interesting illusion of vision with perfect squares (© Akiyoshi Kitaoka: Used with a resolution).

And once again perfect squares (© Akiyoshi Kitaoka: Used with a resolution).

This is a classic - no need to explain.

In this picture there must be 11 persons. The middle manner sees 4-6, attentive - 8-10. The best see all 11, schizophrenics and paranoids 12 and more. And you? (Do not take this test too seriously, I heard that there may be 13 people.)

Do you see your face in this pile of coffee beans? Do not hurry, it really is there.

Do you see squares or rectangles? In fact, here only straight lines in different directions, but our brain perceives them quite differently!

Look at the photo of the cake. See the red strawberries? We are sure that she is red?

But in the photo there is not a single scarlet or even pink pixel. This image is made using shades of blue, however, we still see that the berries are red. The artist used the same effect of illumination, which divided the world into two camps due to the color of the dress. And this is not the most delicious picture of the wizard of illusions. We share with you the most interesting.

1. Hearts change color

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

In fact, the heart left is always red, and the right is purple. But these strips are confused.

2. The ring whites and black

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

What color ring in this picture? In fact, it consists of a strip of two colors - blue and yellow. But what happens if you break the picture in the pressure?

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

It will happen that on the left half the rings will seem white, right - black.

3. Spiral cheat

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

We see two types of spirals: blue and salad. But they are all one color: r \u003d 0, g \u003d 255, b \u003d 150. You can check and guess what the trick of this illusion is.

4. Flowers - deceivers

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

Flower petals appear blue on top, and be green below, although they are one color. These flowers are also spinning in opposite sides.

5. Strange eyes

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

What color is the eye of the doll? Red, Blue, Green or Yellow? Gray. In all cases.

6. Medusa, which grows

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

Consider carefully. The artist believes that this is a jellyfish that increases in size. Medusa or not - you can argue, but what it grows is true.

7. Bunny hearts

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

When we translate a look from one row on the other, the hearts begin to pulsate.

8. Blue Mandarins

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

There are no orange pixels in this image, only blue and gray shades. But it is so hard to believe.

9. Mysterious rings

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

These rings are deceived three times. First, if you look at the picture, it seems that the inner ring is compressed, and external expanding. Secondly, try moving away from the screen and get closer to it again. During the movement of the rings rotate in opposite directions. Thirdly, these rings also change shades. If you look at the picture close and focus the view in the center, the inner ring will seem more red than the external, and vice versa.

10. Umbrellas

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

On these pictures, we see umbrellas with two rings of different colors. In fact, on each umbrella both rings of the same color.

11. Glowing cubes

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

Thanks to the game of colors, it seems that radiance is separated from the corners.

12. Field covered with waves

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

The field is forced by squares, but where then the illusion of movement?

13. Rollers.

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

This is not an animation, but it seems that the rollers are spinning!

14. Cleaning lines

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

Everything crawls in different directions, although there is no animation here.

15. The ball who will not go anywhere

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

It seems that on the floor, laid out with tiles, someone forgot the ball with the same pattern, which is about to go.

16. Stereogram

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

And this is a stereogram. If you look at the drawing, shifting the focus by the image, in the middle you will see a circle. Try to get closer to the drawing as much as possible (almost pour your nose into the screen), and then slowly move away from it without moving through your eyes. At some distance the circle should appear by itself.

17. Creeping snakes

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

It seems that they are still crazy from the picture.

18. Working gear

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

It is difficult to believe that this is still not an animation, although gears are spinning.

19. Elusive buttons

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

If your eyes have not yet betraged, then try to stop all these buttons.

20. Soothing fish

Akiyoshi Kitaoka /

It is said that to remove stress it is necessary to observe the fish in the aquarium. There is no aquarium, but floating fish in place.

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