Optical illusions of the picture. Spectator illusions

Illusion - illusion pictures with explanations

Do not feel serious about optical illusions, trying to understand and solve them, just so much eyesight works. So human brain Processes visible light reflected pictures.
Unusual forms and combinations of these pictures make it possible to achieve deceptive perception, as a result of which it seems that the subject moves, changes the color or an additional picture arises.
All images are accompanied by explanations: how and how much you need to look into the picture to see what is really not.

To begin with, one of the most discussed illusions on the network - 12 black points. The chip is that you can not see them at the same time. The scientific explanation of this phenomenon was found to German physiologist by the German physiologist in 1870. The human eye ceases to see the full picture due to lateral braking in the retina.

These figures move at the same speed, but our vision tells us about the opposite. On the first gif, four figures move simultaneously while they are adjacent to each other. After separation, the illusion arises that they move on black and white stripes independently of each other. After the zebra disappearance in the second picture, you can be seen in the synchronization of the movement of yellow and blue rectangles.

Carefully look at the black point in the center of the photo while the timer counts 15 seconds, after which the black and white image will become color, that is, the grass is green, the sky is blue and so on. But if you do not stare at this point (to cheer yourself), then the picture will remain black white.

Do not break off looking at the cross and you will see how the green stain runs along purple mugs, and then they will completely disappear.

If you look at the green point for a long time, then yellow points will disappear.

Look at the black point and the gray stripe will suddenly become blue.

If you cut a chocolate tile 5 to 5 and rearrange all pieces in the manner shown, then an extra piece of chocolate will appear. Do this trick with ordinary chocolate and it will never end. (Joke).

In the same series.

Consider football players. Now wait 10 seconds. Oops! Part parts are all the same, but one football player disappeared somewhere!

The alternation of black and white squares in four circles creates the illusion of the spiral.

If you look in the middle of this animation Picture, you will go on the corridor faster if you translate the gaze to the right or left, then slower.

On a white background, a gray band looks homogeneous, but it is worth a white background to change the gray stripe immediately acquires many shades.

A slight movement of the hand rotating square turns into chaotic moving lines.

Animation is obtained as a result of overlapping on a drawing of a black grid. In our eyes, static items begin to move. Even the cat reacts to this movement.

If you look at the cross in the center of the picture, then peripheral vision will turn the star faces of Hollywood actors in freaks.

Two pictures of the Pisa Tower. At first glance it seems that the tower on the right leans more than the tower on the left, but in fact both these pictures are the same. The reason lies in the fact that the human visual system considers two images as part of a single scene. Therefore, it seems to us that both photos are not symmetrical.

Which way does the train go to the subway?

So simple color change can be achieved that the picture will come to life.

We look at exactly 30 seconds not blinking, then we translate a look on someone's face, subject or another picture.

Workout for the eyes ... or for the brain. After rearranging parts of the triangle, suddenly, free space appears.
The answer is simple: in fact, the figure is not a triangle, the "hypotenuse" of the lower triangle is a broken line. This can be determined by cells.

At first glance it seems that all lines are curved, but in fact they are parallel. Illusion was discovered by R. Gregory in the Wall Cafe (Wall) in Bristol. Therefore, this paradox is called the "wall in a cafe."

See thirty seconds in the middle of the picture, then move the look at the ceiling or white wall and peel. Who did you see?

The optical effect that creates a false idea of \u200b\u200bthe viewer about how the chair is. Illusion is due to the original design of the chair.

English No (no) turns into YES (Yes) with the help of curved letters.

Each of these circles rotates counterclockwise, but if you fix the look at one of them, it will seem that the second round rotates clockwise.

3 D drawing on asphalt

Which way rotates the ferris wheel? If you look left, clockwise, if left, then counterclockwise. Perhaps you will be the opposite.

It is difficult to believe in it, but the squares in the center are fixed.

Both cigarettes are actually the same size. Just impose on the monitor two rules to cigarettes from above and below. The rules will be parallel.

Similar illusion. Of course, these spheres are the same!

Droplets pegs and "float", although in fact they remain in their places, but only columns are moving in the background.

Public beta included

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For this, nodding, people scold us. We are two, there are many of them. Why so strictly? .. Elya Chares "Fidgets from nature"

A new decade began, which marked the beginning of studies in the Presidive Academy for Rockudo and Savada. Mukuro has many incomprehensible Tsun objects, but he shouted from a sophomore with the words that he himself will figure it out. Looking at your schedule, Savad wanted to rhe off offenses. From the new items he had only protective magic and worship. Stop. I'm sorry, what?! - Already jumped Sawad - that this is!! - Something is wrong with the schedule? - asked Mukuro, leaving the bathroom. - Worship? Bo-th-service and ni-e?! - Wrought Tsun, throwing his rockeudo schedule, - I did not subscribe to it! I do not want ... Tsunayi fell on the bed, spreading his hands to the sides. Blue-haired went to the guy. Sitting on the bed next to a sophomore, he gently spent the hair of the Shawn. - This is just a lesson. Only a lesson, yes, unpleasant, but it only needs to be survived. - I taught worship with children's age, - Sawad sighed, closing his eyes, - in seven my father gave me to the monastery to increase and complete the disclosure of my abilities. This is an ordinary practice of elves - to give a couple of years to the child to study science and worship in humans. Fanatics with joy agree to accept us, hoping to pacify the spirit of the elves, learn to control them. But in a year everyone is taken, and they do not have time to make any harm to the ellites. My father left me there for ten years. Mukuro shuddered. - Ten years in the monastery? "Yes," Tsunayi exhaled, opening his eyes and staring at the ceiling, "the disclosure of magic at the elves occurs differently than those of people: I feel the magic from birth. In the monastery, magic seal so that the power has accumulated, and therefore increased. Year, maybe two are a bit. Everyone agrees that two years without magic are a small period if the reserve increases from this, then you can suffer. But for ten years I did not feel magic in myself. Ten years studied worship, runes, artifactorics, magical history and geography, potion. I know a lot from what is not given at the Academy for these subjects, but because of ... because of catharsisa magic * I could not use real magic, learn to own her when you honed the simplest techniques. Father took me from there only a year and a half ago, right before entering the Damedomagic Academy. And that pulled me only for the task. Savad was playing. Memories painfully burned from the inside. It seemed that he again felt the shackles of Qatarsis, imposed on his essence, on his fiery magic. He as if he returned back in time, feeling like a magic rebellion inside him, trying to rip the shackles imposed on it ... No. There are no more skills. They were removed before letting go. He still remembered the anger of the flame, which was trying to burn him from the inside for the fact that he dreamed of sowing him so for a long time. He remembered it and knew that he would never forgive this pain to church. "Somehow ... somehow you tell you ..." Rokudo said, leaning closer to the face of the guy, - can you explain everything from the beginning? "No," Tsuna shook his head, sitting down, "we are time to run. If you want to know this, then I can tell all this after classes. By the way, what are your couples today? - foresight, protective magic, worship. Then practice on runes and ritualistry. And you have? - runes, protective magic, worship and practice in potions and runes, "said the guy, looking at the schedule. - So, we have joint two pairs? - Synevosyy smiled, - and wonderful. I was already afraid that I would have to communicate with classmates. "You still have to communicate with them, I will not always be with you," Tsuna grunted, going, "you bought me a notebook yesterday?" "Yes, I already put them on your bag," Rokudo nodded, "let's go to breakfast?" "Yeah," Sawad nodded, with horror realizing that today he will have a couple from Reborn. Well, his personal devil-vampire moved to another academy, where he again dries on his brains. It will be necessary to somehow cope with this.

The dining room in the morning was almost completely empty. Only a couple of graduate students sat at their table and discussed something on athefactor. The teaching table was so empty. "And I hoped to talk to the back in the morning ..." Mukuro sighed, sitting down at the table, "he wanted to consult about the graduation. "You know that in the morning he prefers to sleep," Sawad snorted, making him a couple of sandwiches, "even in the past academy, where everyone is obliged to attend breakfast, he managed to be late. So it's better after a couple come up. Somewhere after half an hour, the rest of the students began to pull up. Next to Mukuro and Tsuny tried not to sit down, but they were only better. - See you need? - whispered Mukuro, leaning towards Savad. He shook his head negatively, continuing to scan to look at everyone who was held next to them. "No," Tsunayshi quietly said quietly. Whoever he needed, there was no way. "Don't despair," Mukururo patted the shoulder, "we will find it." "We will find," Sawad responded echo. That's just the mood still fell below the plinth. If there is no such loss here, you will have to climb into the magic institute, and there to issue your true essence. Shine the interest of the elves in a certain man It was forbidden by the Father, otherwise he would have already found this undoelf. Breakfast is over, and students began to diverge through the cabinets. Cabinet Rune was in another part of the Academy, but there will be a savad there only after lunch. Now his occupation took place in the spacious audience on the first floor near the dining room. There were still fifteen minutes to the pair, which Sawad decided to repetition a material for the first course. He was exactly those named Botany. But he had an excuse for this: in the Damegalic Academy of Knowledge, they were needed as air, because his own classmates could curse, and the hospital wing could not help much. That is why Savad did not hesitate his knowledge of runes, actively showing them in class. In order not to climb on the dog and knew who should not be associated with. There were no entertainment in the monastery at all, except for reading books and prayers. That is why he was not afraid of the theoretical part of the magic - in ten years he managed to learn all the books on magic and the services of churchmen who were given to him. But the practice was made at times more difficult, but for the sake of his security Tsunayshi coped with her. The lecture study was different from what he was accustomed to in the past academy. Here the tables were located amphitheater and were calculated at least fifty people exactly, while in another academy were small classes, in which the maximum of twenty people were placed - dark magicians always heard their cruel and aggressive temper, the teacher was easier to cope with as little as possible The number of students. After deciding not to move away from his image of a botany-tunning, Schuten approached the nearest desk from the board and began to fold his accessories on the table. Pure notebook - for drafts, handle and notebook with last year's abstracts. Savad never differed careful relationship To things, so it was difficult for him to disassemble his doodles, because of which he was forced to rewrite his lectures in the evening in their finishing option. Comemniks mowed a guy with a follower of a shoe and tried not to notice it. Tsuna just grinned it. If they thought that Ignoring him sly, then they had nothing burned out of this idea. He was accustomed to loneliness in his group and did not want to raise relationships with classmates. In the end, he is here only in order to find the escaped relative. "Hey, Drakun," Sawada waved in front of the nose, "you spoke when you talk." Tsun raised his head, arbuming an eyebrow questioningly. Apparently, he hurried with judgments, once his someone dreamed to disturb. Here are the fools are nonpougalian. In front of him stood a guy of the middle body. Large green eyes They gave out that he was either not a man, or somewhere long ago in his ancestors fired siren - only they get such a rich color of the eyes. Hot chin and almost reaching the shoulders Silver hair talked about clear relationship with this people, so Sawad even relaxed - to talk with their descendants is always hard, they have a lot of sampling (tested on the rockey), so there will be no chances that they will not touch him more Very high. - What do you need? - Shatten pronounced a friendly tone, although the words did not express this friend at all. "Know: You will try to curse some of us - and you are a corpse," the guy said toughly, "this is me, Gokuder Hayato, I promise." And what to answer this? .. - A young man, "Sawad said politely, putting on his feet, but without leaving the parties, even taking a pen just in case. You never know what to pay in yourself this right, it is better to be ready to reflect his attacks. The rune of protection - read as "Speed" - is a small circle that will be crossed in the middle of the long line. Rune is allowed to draw continuously, and for the months of staying in the Tsunayshi Tsunayshy, I learned to reproduce it, just looking at it, which is high degree Mastering a rune, but still have paper and a handle calmer at hand. "Gokuder Hayato," Tsun continued, "if I am from a hostile Academy to you, then this does not mean that I am going to attack you all. I came here for the knowledge that I was missing in my past academy, and therefore I ask you to shut up and give me a further calmly repeating the material, without any invasions in my personal space. The blonde alternate air suppressed from such an appeal. Behind the whisper heard, but Tsun was spit. How is it bearing such people who climb not in their own ... - Yes, as you dare ... - the guy hurt, raising his hand. Sawad tense. Runes or just a blow? Magic or curse? No, stop, this is the above-mentioned academy, no curses are passing here. Maybe he has an amulet or artifact? Hands have acted familiar to the brain, drawing the runes of protection and attack - zipper reading as Niruni. Gokuder, who had a rune-zipper on his hand, did not have time to react and utter a word activating the rune and flew out straight to the department. - I'll kill you! You ... - Screamed Gokuder, when it rose, already going to fall on Sawada, as another guy stopped, grabbing him and pressing him. Tsunayi got into a combat rack and did not reduce the view from the fighting guys. - Let me, Yamamoto! This creature should be killed! - broke the blonde, but Yamamoto kept firmly. - Hayato, what are you talking, he is a new student! - stopped the guy of the brunette, with an apoloible view looking at the slant. Sawad got up because of the desk and went to the guys. Hayato passed down even stronger, desperately jamming. - Niche Boge Niche, "said Shaten, pulling two fingers forward - the second level of mastering the rune, above only mental activation. "Noshiko" - a rune that makes all the living beings, looks like a vertical wave line, from above and below the bold dotted dots. "Niche" is another rune denoting weakness. The joint formula of two runes was so strong that the magician could not release himself. Gokuder instantly froze in the position in which there was a few seconds ago, and only looked fiercely on Savad. - Wow! - Yamamoto exclaimed, looking at Tsun, - I did not know that in the Dark Academy such a level of ownership of runes. "You want - you don't want to own this level, and you will have such a level, the environment is forcing himself," Tsunayshi answered calmly, looking at the Brunet's intently, "and keep your rusmallow on the tickle, and I can crush." He returned to his place, not even trying to argue a blonde. Having managed to make a strong barrier around him, so that no one bothered him, he allowed the runes to capture him and did not even listen to what was happening in the audience.

Jotto Primo - Director of the Presfinal Academy, as well as a teacher of Rune, was sitting in his office and looked through the affairs of the student translated students. If Rokudo Mukuro with the business, everything is fine - the average magic water school, ideal estimates and at a minimum of violations, then with the case of Savad Tsunayshi there were small inconsistencies. In it, absolutely nothing was said about the Middle Magic School, where people awaken their talent and begin to catch it up little by little. The case began immediately from the Tamomagic Academy, and after it was a statement of translation to the Presidest Academy to continue learning. In the cause of "family circumstances" somehow I could not believe, because neither in the area of \u200b\u200bthe dark, nor in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Presidive Academies in Sawad could not be relatives. Primo did not want to accept this person at all, and he would not accept, if the fair-haired middle-aged man came to him the next day, who strongly demanded the transfer of his son To this academy. From him and drove the power and power, and such fire was glowing in his eyes, which was scared to reach him. - Your son has no secondary education ... - He began to Jotto, gathering with the Spirit, but it was killed: - My son has the ideal performance and inhangation of secondary education does not prevent him from learning the best on his course, - a man fell calmly - either you are taking My son, or I destroy this academy. - What threats? - I got confused, angry with my eyes, - out of my office! "As you order," the blond nodded, getting up, "but I will fulfill my threat if my son will not learn in your institution." Purely because of the threats of Jotto had to take this guy, and now he was going to do everything to officially throw this "Golden Boy."

Going to class, Jotto remembered that he could not talk to the studies with translated disciples. Having made a note in the head that you need to invite Sawadu and Rokudo to my office and ask how they were doing, the blond went into class. Seeing the painting unfolding there, the director wanted to firmly. Around the department stood immobilized Gokuder Hayato, a class crowded around him and tried to argue him. In the first page, a translated student was sitting around, around which the papers were lying on which the runes were recorded quite serious formulas that do not pass in the second year. "And the guy does not slip," - displeasually recognized Primo. - What happened here? - I decided to take control by the director. - Savad enchanted Gokuder, and we cannot cope with this formula! - the girl replied indignantly, showing his finger on Tsunaja. - really he owns such high levels Runes, that you all together can not punch his spell? - Ironically pronounced Jotto, coming to Gokuder, - I was disappointed ... "Although he really owns the runes well," the teacher thought, looking at Gokuder, "that's just a lot of strength uses, the experience is missing that they have confused. And enjoys unusual formulas, I saw just on the examination of the archigrata. "Libery Hayato, he had to catch a guy for the elbow, otherwise he would have rushed to Savad with his fists. "Calm down right now," the director said firmly, "it's violently not to solve. What happened between you? "Nothing special," the student burned, pulling his hand and passing on his place. "Savad Tsunayhi, raise my head on me," said the teacher, destroying the Shathen spell. The guy raised his director. - Yes, professor? - Lift and explain to the class, why did you enchanted Gokuder, the director said strictly. "Why professor? I am so highly appreciated or was it sarcasm? " "Because he tried to attack me." And it saw the whole class, "said Schathen calmly, looking straight in Jotto's eyes," Gokuder approached, Nahamil me. I nahamil him in response, he tried to attack me, I put the defense, and then hit. After the strike, he immobilized him and just in case put the protection around him, so that no one touched me. "Laugh after classes, I need to talk to you," said Jotto and, waiting for the nod, continued, - Well, this incident is exhausted. We can start a lesson ...

After the runes, the second course went to magical history and geography, but by Sawad, who course work Included the knowledge of the senior courses, cut her clock, and therefore he needed to go to the first chemicals on protective magic. Locking, as I asked the director, Tsun approached the department. Primo sat at the table and filled out the magazine. "Tsunayshi," he said softly, closing the notebook and raising her eyes, "you understand why I asked you to linger?" "You want to give me a reprimand, because I solve the problem with the help of violence, not a conversation, but I honestly tried not to resort to spells, I asked Gokudera not to touch me," Sawad replied, "I did everything that could." "I don't think so," Teacher shook his head, "violence is not a way out." Even for self-defense purposes. In your case, the attack is an exception of self-defense. Unfortunately, I can conclude that you are not ready to learn from us, as you are used to another atmosphere at school. Understand, we solve all the problems peaceful way, and if you can't do it, then I will be forced to put a curator to you, who will guide you and make sure that you don't do something like on your first day at school When you started a fight with a senior site. "I didn't start her ..." I understand, "the director smiled," you think that you have defended. " But for all you are her filling. So today's case with Gokuwell is the second time you violate the rules. In the decade, I will pick you up a curator who can show you how to behave in our Academy. "Excellent," Sawad spoiled, feeling how indignation rises inside. For what curator? For what he defended himself from Hibari? Or because it wanted to attack this gloomy makeup? It's not fair! - I can go, professor ? - Ironically asked Savad, understanding that a little more and he would blow up. "Still sarcasm ..." - sighed Prio and said: - Go. Kivnow, Savad ran out of the audience, heading for the Cabinet of Protective Magic. On the way, he met Mukuro. - Well, how was the foresight? He asked in Synevosoye. "It was hard," the rokudo exhaled, hiding his hair, - it was tougher than during the study of the races of Adelheide. - Is everything so bad? - Sawad was surprised. - Yeah. Light-sensing is just a monster when it comes to the future. I was scared just to be with her in the same room - she knew everything about me. "How good that I have no foresight for me," Tsun smiled. "And I hope that I am released before I do the fourth course." - How are you doing with runes? You ran out of the office with such an evil face ... - The curator was put to me for the fact that I defend myself for the second time, when I was attacked, "Sawad's lips prayed. - Will, did you manage to fight again? - He first started! .. They went to the audience, where they should have a protective magic. This was again a huge office made in the form of amphitheater. Farmakers were hot discussed their first lesson in the potions, on which they cooked a decoction of femids. When new students entered, they first quit, but then they spoke with a double strength, telling about particularly complex components of potions. "They are so funny," Tsun smiled, looking at chatting newcomers. "You yourself were the same," Mukuro snorted. Savad looked at him offended, and Rokudo immediately recovered: - Almost the same. "The same," Tsuna chuckled, getting a notebook and handle. They sat down with Mukuro to the second row, since the whole first was busy with restless freshmen. "Sorry, please," some girl came out to the guys suddenly turned around, "and you do not know what kind of potion is there after the ragow of the femids?" - After the serum, the potion passes the potion of petition, "Tsunayi replied, smiling at her. Finally, he met at the Academy, in which only people, people learn! True people, man with moral magic! Hooray! "Thank you," she smiled and turned away. "I wonder," said Rokudo, getting a handle with a notebook, "how will the occupation from Reborn on Protective Magic?" Usually he was so fascinated that he could have cursing someone in classes, and then rapid the consequences. - Truth? - the same girl was surprised. "Yeah, I once flew in me," Tsunayshi snorted, "the horns could not remove for a long time. I had to spill first, and then the acid to eat. "What a horror," the girl's eyes rounded, "and on protection he usually calm and judicious ... - Who? Reborn? - skeptically raised the eyebrow Mukuro. - And what, I do not impress the white and fluffy? Said someone at the door. It was reborn. Reborn was a brunette year of thirty-five in appearance with unusual for the vampire - and he was right - tanned skin. His fangs were slightly written so that he was not afraid of at first glance, but the eyes were cold, evil, so no one doubted: this person (vampire) is dangerous. - Reborn Sensei! - jumped Tsun and Rokudo. The brunette just grunted and went to the department, the gesture allowing the guys to sit down. Those sat down, puzzling at first-year students. - What polite people studied in the Tamomagic Academy. Not that in the ledge, - shook his head Reborn, delranously indignant. Freshmen fascinably lowered their heads, but no one risked to get up and welcome the teacher. "Be that as it may," the brunette sighed, opening the magazine, "we need to start a lesson." Since our guests were not in the first few lectures, then let someone rewrite them. And now we will write down the following lecture. Our today's topic: "Shields. Varieties of protective shield char. "Our task is to this lecture ... Students opened notebooks, took sticks and began to record. It must be said that Reborn, who teaching dark magic, and Reborn, telling about bright magic, is completely two people. If he was a bright, causing, with dark brilliance in his eyes, as well as a frightening aura, then in bright magic, he really was a calm and judicial professor who looked a lot and gladly told about his subject. If Tsunayshi did not accurately not remember that before him was Reborn, he would have thought that it would be an old chubby old man who had almost nothing to pay for the passage of practice, completely plunging into textbooks. For the reborn, oddly enough, only Mukuro and Tsuna were recorded. The rest did what they wanted: someone wrote her homework, someone played, someone learned passes from household magic, and someone just slept, putting his head on his arms and not hiding from the Terrible ... no, oddly enough , a completely calm look of the teacher. "I feel that there is no whom to rewrite lectures," Sawad whispered softly, without breaking away from the abstracts. - Where are they going to take them? - Also quietly asked Rokudo, carefully looking at the passes that the teacher did. "Let's come up to the original source," Tsuna shrugged, sketching all the movements of Reborn. The lecture flew unnoticed. What could not be taken away from Reborn - this ability to tell me so that everyone listened. True, on the penalized students of the Presidive Academy, this, as it turned out, does not work. - The next lecture will be in the form of a blitz poll, so get ready, "the reborn squinted, but no one has listened to him. After the call, all students started a gallery, absolutely not listening to the teacher. - Immediately you can see - they did not shout on them, - the rokudo grunted, gathering calmly. - And I did not curse, - added Shathen, looking at the department, where Reborn was already going, - Reborn Sensei, please wait! All the first holidays have long gone, so it was possible to calmly talk to the rebound, not afraid of mockery or whispering. - What do you, asked me a duet? - Brunette sighed, turning to the guys. - Give lectures! - immediately began the rockeudo, the coming to go from his rudeness. - Do you want horns on my forehead? - She squinted the vampire's eyes. "No," the guy shook his head, "well you yourself saw that no one wrote anything." I do not think the rest of the lectures were recorded differently. "What is very strange," Sawad added, looking at the teacher suspiciously, "you drove us into a tail and gone to the mane, and they do not pay attention to them, even if they sleep. - Bright and dark magic themes are distinguished that teachers have a different approach to them. These are bright magic let themselves minor mistakes, because they are not terrible and not dangerous, but dark can try apart with life for the slightest oversight, - Reborn replied, opening a bag and getting a notebook from there - here all the first courses are here Protective magic. Losing - destroy. - Thank you so much, Reborn-Sensei! - the guys exclaimed the guys, - I will not lose it! "I trust you, so don't betray my trust," the brunette smiled, "tell me how you passed classes on Dark Magic without me. How is the teacher? Did you get it? "Gone," Tsunayi smiled, "I sincerely hated me at first glance, so I handed over the dark magic, but still five. And ... he is not you. He is a good teacher, but his knowledge is incomparable with yours. "Believe me, in bright magic, I also do not have equal," Brunette pronounced smugly, but suddenly he felt and asked Tsuna, "why didn't he be heal?" - Because it does not make sense. It's just a bruise, "Tsunayshi shrugged," all the more, I have a quick regeneration ... - which does not act on the bruises, "the teacher snorted, turning to the department," go to the pair, you now, if I'm not mistaken, worship? "Yes," Sawad jerked, somehow beats looking at the vampire. - Go. Worship is an important thing, because the teacher is a creature, "said Reborn," Besides, I now have another couple from the third course. - Goodbye, Reborn Sensei! - Rokudo shouted, leaving the class. Tsuna bowed to the teacher and went beyond Mukuro.

All courses should have been going to a lecture on worship, regardless of whether they were on them before or not. Worship was considered one of the most important items, so no one bold to miss these classes. - How are we dark literature? - I asked Mukuro at Shaenta, - when you need to walk and teach, and the subject it seems to be not important. "Exactly," Sawad nodded, "but in fact, the service is even worse." On the dark literature it was necessary only to read and remember the general meaning, and here you should know all the teachings by heart. - How is it by heart?! - In horror, exclaimed Rokudo, blowing his impressionable first grasses with his cry. "Fully," Tsunay's guy finished, "by the way, you are unlikely you know, but by the service we have an exam." Twice a year. - Why? .. - Muchurically martyrs, fluttering at the desk and covering his eyes. Tsuna went closer, putting things on the table. "So that people remember that they should always be ready to kill other races" for the benefit of their nation, "Shathen muttered, sitting next to Sinevos. - Where does such information come from? - Rokudo opened one eye. "As I already told you, I was under the catharsis of magic in one of the countless monasteries." In addition to science, I studied the teaching there. I know him completely by heart. But one teaching to teach is boring, so potions, runes, artifactorics, magical history and geography - and many other disciplines I know for a long time and extensively. "So that's why you have such a luggage of knowledge," the guy grunted, sitting down and swaying, "and I, a fool, envied your knowledge." I would know that you're from the monks - would only arouse. They were silent. - What is "catharsis magic"? - asked Mukuro. - Sealing the magic with the aim of its tamper, if it is unmanageable, and (or) an increase in the reserve, Sawad said to the diverse tone, as if he had already asked it many times. - Sealing? - Rokudo's eyes rounded, - this is now unbearable pain ... - She dults over time, "Tsuna smiled weakly," and when Catharsis was removed from me, then I literally suffocated from the wrong strength. She raged in me and demanded an exit, even though I controlled it. At first, she, accurately fearing to be locked again, responded to every emotion and broke into reality, but after we found a common language with each other, and I am no longer a metal fire with the smallest mood difference. "There must be fun then," Mukuro snorted, seeing the echoes of pain in the eyes of the Shawn. He knew that the saten had a hard past. This was spoken of his college and hatred for any prohibitions, as well as the ruthlessness to all sense students who had the negligence to get to the "Green Forestry" and who received a couple of fractures. He had repeatedly seen how Tsunayshi rushes in nightmares, which for some reason it was impossible to remove magic and which he did not speak in the morning, without showing the curator and hung on weakness. Even when the rokudo directly asked about how he feels, he did an surprised face and said that everything was in order. So all this was the consequence of Qatarsis ... "Someone goes to class," Tsun said, "steps are confident." Most likely the teacher. And indeed: a high brunette in the form of a clergy came into the audience. By the way, the church did not approve of magic if she had not man. They love and respect only people. The dark races church does not like, and the elves sincerely hates, not understanding why they are believed to light races. Well, why exactly the church must own fiery magic?! "I am a corpse," Sawad said softly, sliding under the desk. Mukuro hardly managed to catch him before he finally gone under the desk, and planted back. - Take it easy. - He owns fiery magic. He is my teacher to hold elements. And he is a church. Why do I go to them so much?! "Recall the silence in the audience, for we pray to God to our whisper, we reward praise to him," the teacher said in a thunder. All froze. - Stand up, mortal children! May I bring the same prayer to him! Students nestroinously stood up, folded their hands on the chest, putting his palms on the shoulders. Tsunayshi reluctantly rose, almost a kick forcing Mukururo from the place. - Play come on. We are on someone else's field, here you have to play according to their rules, "Tsuna joined the guy. Rokudo is reluctant, but still rose and folded his arms on the body. - O Great! You gave us magic! You loved us, insignificant people, gave us morality! But we, your stupid children, rejected your will, having engaged in connection with the monsters dark! Yes, forgive me and all of us for that! Save our mortgages and give strength to us to pass your test Boge **! The teacher allowed everyone to sit down, and Mukuro immediately sat down on a chair, almost disintegrating and wipe. Savad calmly sat down, exhaled. The head was empty, and the words of the teacher repeated their lips during the prayer. And it scarecrow. Tsuna thought, so what was thought there - hoped! - What year in the Tamyagic Academy will remove all the habits of the past, since it is no time to pray or re-read the teaching he did not have, and desire too. He would have walked so much to forget about all these years spent behind the bare, with strong pain In the chest and forever pursuing his thought that the father forgot about him and never take him. And only a minute of this prayer again reminded those years. Tsuna felt as soon as the prolonged wound was ruthlessly opened again and terribly bleeded. - For those who do not know me, I will see: I'm your teacher of theology, the servant of God talked, - a man bowed, - my lectures should wake up in you the strength to fight evil and untrue! I, as a minister, will introduce you to teaching and learn to read it. My subject is very important in the Presidive Academy, so every semester you will take the exam in my subject. I will not give an overlooking anyone, for it is told in teaching: "Only heavy trials and evil goats can save you from the soul meal and from dirty paws of dark races." "And then it says:" Do not be angry to the soulless, in order not to become such a thing, "whispered Shahno Mukuro. The guy crushed it. - I and so since the birth of silent, for I endowed with the most terrifying magic of all - fiery! - Turned out to the side of Savada, - Stand, the involuntary slave, and call yourself, who damed to reach the teacher! - Neval slave? "Rokudo's brow lifted himself. Students swept away. As if Sawada did not try to talk quietly, but due to the fact that everyone was silent, except by tall, his comment was heard all. Gokuder snorted and folded his hands on his chest, even despite the slant. Yamamoto smiled understandingly, and Hibari, who, too, was on this lecture, looked at the suicide in surprise and already anticipated the spectacle, on which she spoiled his arguments of this arrogant. "You made a mistake, the servant of God talked," Tsunayi got up, gathering with the Spirit, "I am a unwitting broadcaster. My name is Savad Tsunayshi and I'm damned, like you, from the birth of flame magic. He bowed to a man, folding his arms with a cross as a prayer. I did not seem to have discouraged a similar answer, because he looked at the bow for a long time, but after nodded, allowing him to sit down. Hibari put a disappointed sigh and laid his head on his arms, continuing to touch quietly. Anyway, nothing more interesting, he does not know about this strange guy. "The unwitting broadcaster, stay after classes, you need to talk," said the teacher, taking in chalk and writing on the "first lesson" on the board. - The main task of my lectures, which last throughout your course - to instill true moral principles, as well as hatred for evil and injustice, - turned to the audience a teacher, but your own self-education is important. Therefore, you need to independently read the teaching completely. Class lit up. - What for? - Almost not heard asked Mukuro, putting on the teacher to not hear. - Cranulate hatred. Church of Lyuto hates even people not with moral magic, and other races do not tolerate in any way ... In the teaching, it is mainly described how moralists protect the Earth from other races and from traitors - no people with moral magic, - Tsuna answered quietly, not tamping The teacher, - after reading, many begin to hate everyone and everything, even themselves, if you do not have moral magic. She looked at Sawad, but said nothing and began to calm the class. Tsuna took a handle and, opening a notebook, wrote on the fields on the Runic: "But there is silent about torture over sirens, persecutions on a roar and as the remains of vampires allowed the sacred relics. Nowhere is not written as the elves in the lively disassembled on the ingredients for the potions. Therefore, do not believe, do not believe that it is written there. Better I will tell you everything yourself than you will be blindly written. Okay?" Rokudo nodded, and Tsunayshi snatched a sheet by leaning it. Hiding his hand under the table, he, while talked soothing some impressionable paragraph, burned a piece of paper, and ash absorbed into my senses. The blue-haired looked blankly at Savad. - With the Church it is dangerous to be dissent, "whispered on the rune Tsuna," I already realized that there are few people ruffling ruffies, so only the minister noted and director Primo can understand us. - I can understand why the director understands us - in the end, he is a teacher of Rune, he should be. But why also the servant tilt? - asked Mukuro, putting on the leafy of the teaching of the church. "All monks above the rank of involuntary listeners study Runic at the level of a quick reading and a calm conversation," Tsun answered quietly. - The first part, stop false whispering, - strictly tested, raising the guys. "But the minister, we talked on Runic," answered Mukuro, looking at the teacher inadvertently, "as far as I know, it is impossible to lie in this language. - In the Tamomagic Academy, such a level of preparation of its students, which is already at the end of the first year, they run fluently on the runes? - No, this level is achieved only when moving to the fourth course, "Tsunayshi said," I studied the runes in the monastery. - Involver broadcast, in which monastery did you study? - asked the teacher. Savad to myself sinking. Hibari raised his head. "But this is already interesting," he licked from the inside the fangs. "I lived in Namimori, the minister," Shathen said quietly, feeling his heart falls into the abyss. And the man did not deceive his expectations. He pulled out in String, the look became harsh, trying to find at least something that indicated that Savad was not a man. - Catharsis magic? He threw a fishing rod. "So accurately, the minister," Schaten nodded, already seeing how the minister's head is fighting about the skull of a variety of thoughts. "If only the exorcists did not call ..." - Sawad thought with horror. "As I said, stayed after classes, a broadcaster," after a while I told tilt, I resolving the guy with a gesture that he had happy with joy. "And I will start an occupation," said Brunet, getting up, "the topic of our classes is the Berkhid purity. The teaching is written in many languages, but the name of each campaign is written by the runes so that people remember about the truth! I will dictate to you, and you will write ... if you have time, then let's talk, but if not, then you will disassemble at home. So ... Everyone grabbed the handles, fearing that talked would quickly dictate. Hibari, like many other sorrowers, won the pen to record dictated, and he decided to disassemble all the information he knew about elves and compare it with what he heard today. First, all elves live long. A very long time. As he learned from the book on races, which he hardly scoring up in the library, almost eternity. They look like people and they have light red eyes, and the pupil is bright orange, carrot. The skin is light to white, there are fangs, which are even longer than himself, although he and the vampire. Nails are dense and dark, without a lunula, like a werewolf after transformation, long pointed ears. The main feature is the ability to spend dark races, because of which they are hated both dark and people. Live in Wongolsky forests, of which almost do not go out. At the long-time contract, all its children are given for two years in the monasteries for the humility of Gordini and other nonsense. He did not find the names of the monasteries, but the way I froze the forever, the bored teacher brought to the idea that this Namimami is one of those most monasteries where Elphyat is sent. It was already the second confirmation of his thoughts that this translated student is an elf. It remains a bit, and he will prove it, forcing the director with disgrace to drive out this arrogue elf from the Academy. There is nothing to command the future heir of the Great Vampire Clana. It was much more difficult to record novice for the servant than their senior comrades. Nalled dictated quickly, periodically breaking down on Runic, which brought young brothers to horror, they did not understand how to write it and confused even stronger. Mukuro, in the habit, developed in the past academy, wrote the runes, automatically translating in the head with universal to ruffy, because it was easier. Savad generally wrote with some kind of rags, which he called "Stenograph". - ah! - cried out Mukuro, throwing a pen and clutching around the brush. - What happened? - a teacher broke away from the abstract. - I burned runes! You're lying! - Rokudo indignant. "The church never lies," the tilt snot coldly, "you made a mistake in the records." - Not! I ... - You have a mistake, "Tsuna looked at other people's records," there should be a point, not the line. Shathen reached out to fix and wrote a point. The rune has developed into a diametrically opposite word: "defend" turned into "torture". - And you write the translation at the top, - the guy smiled, "sorry, the minister, he really was mistaken. "Not scary," the man replied, continuing to dictate. Tsunayshi continued to write, and on the fields of the airtal sheet with the help of a flame, burned out: "I warned." "But I didn't believe," Mukuro sighed, continuing to write on universal and making himself a note to ask Shaten about Stenograph.

After a couple was a whole hour of free time, which all students spent at dinner in the dining room, so Sawada had time to stay with the village. Sitting to the department, the guy was internally trembled and tried not to meet the servant, because he had a bad trouble in magic of thoughts, and read this discipline will be only in the third year. "So that's what you studied in Namimori," the man said, straightening the cape on the mantle. A brooch shine under it, and immediately tilt down his scarf slightly lower, hiding her. "So accurately, the minister," Tsun walked out, trying to calm down. "Well, why was I lucky to stumble upon an exorcist?!" - This is a closed monastery, and just so there is not going there, "brunette slowly, removing the abstracts - and escape from there, especially since. - I did not escape, my father took me out of him, "answered not asked question Tsunayshi, - He sent me there through his acquaintances, so that I could control my flame. For this, I was imposed by Catarsis Magic for several years. - Did Catharsis removed you? - Yes. - Fully? "This is a prohibited question for people with rank without" God, "Schathen squinted. - I have this rank. - And I do not have. The exorcist dismissed the shoven. He resist him steadfastly, even inside he trembled as an aspen leaf. "I have to ask anything, an involuntary broadcaster," said Schraiskoly, folding, cape, "I am a church investigator." "Here are marsh devils, he still said it! Ahhh what to do what to do?! " "Then you lay down, calling a lower rank than you have, Mr. Exorcist," Shatten said coldly, "and Vrania in the church is painful than torture over vampires." "They were not, the broadcaster, we were only defended," brunette lips poured, and Tsuna realized that he had nothing to answer. "I thought so too, until the runes and burned me on the word" defend "instead of" torturing. " This happened before my receipt in the Damed Magic Academy. - Do you want to say that the teaching is lying? - Dangerously asked the exorcist, granting for the straw, without realizing that he was drunk in a trap, is a church crime, an unwitting broadcaster. Do you doubt faith? - I just tell you that the teaching is written on the universal, where the lies are written freely, and not on the Runic, like all the historical books, - Tsuna bowed, - and also I declare that exorcists do not have the right to teach, but only torture. The last word - shokaro. - Sawada did not just allocate the intonation, but also said on Runic. A talked understood that he was trapped. Even if he would say the director that Elf would learn in their academy and demanded to expel him, then Sawad can also show him and say that he is not a servant of God, but an exorcist. The church will not forgive him if he is expelled from the Presidive Academy. The church had everywhere had their ears, except for the Damegic Academy, but they were not going to climb there. And if there is noble, they can close the discipline worship in this academy completely, which is not needed by the church. It was here that she gained the best soldiers, and that is why talked should have done anything to stay at this place. - All for the benefit of God, yes? Shatten asked Gorky, - She Well, Dok Boge "? Old church phrase, which translated from the elegant on ordinary meant:" I will trust you, and you will trust me. Going? " How not to accept such a generous proposal? - She Well, Dok Boge, "Brunette seriously answered, - I am looking for in this Academy of Nobers. "And I'm looking for one elf," Tsunayi sighed, sitting on the department. Shooting on such arrogance did not pay attention, recognizing equal in Shenten. - I do not know anyone, nor as he looks, is not even sure that he owns fiery magic. - Elf?! Here?! - In horror, said Brunette. "He is in one of the highest magical educational institutions," Tsuna slowly said, "Last Academy and the Magic Institute remained. There is no it in the Thomnogical Academy. I completely fasted it - there is no one that is certain - there are no them at all. "Well, besides me, of course," savad himself grunted. "Therefore, he is here, somewhere here, reptiles, hiding ... - Are you an exorcist, broadcaster? - asked brunette, calming down. "No," the guy shook his head, "I am a doctor." Magic healer, if you want. Exorcism was taught at a very low level, you can even say on theoretical. "Clear," I got up and got out of the department, approaching Savad. Putting his hand on his shoulder, he said: - I will help you, colleague. We are with you in one boat. "I thank, Mr. Exorcist," Tsunayshi nodded, realizing that he would never come for help to this teacher. *** Hibari walked at the Academy with an impenetrable view. He called him director of Primo, and, as Kay believed, it was a bad sign. He did not fall, even blood almost did not drink all the time as he was at the Academy, because of which his magical forces worsened a bit. Brunettes hoped that he would succeed at the time of practice sufficiently saturately in the blood, so that his reserve was sufficient for the winter exams to receive "excellent" in all subjects. But for what caused him to him? Going to the office, Hibari sighed deeply. Not that he was afraid of this man, but he did not want to fly out of the Academy, when a year and a half left before the end of his studies. Having told and having heard the permission to enter, the student opened the door and went to the spacious office of the director of the Presidive Academy. "Sit down," the blonde pointed to the chair, continuing to engage in his documents. Kei obediently sat down. Having finished with the filling of papers, Jotto raised his head. "Hibari," he began, connecting the palm with his finger pads, "as you know, two students from the Tamomagic Academy were transferred to us. I confess, I did not want to take one person, because he has a pretty blurred past, but I was convicted in the opposite. That's just his behavior leaves much to be desired. It is necessary to convey to him the rules of conduct in our school. That is why I appoint you to the curator of Savad Tsunayshi at that time until he stops behaving like this, like a wild wolf who fell into the streets of the capital. Do you have any questions? Hibari questions were a lot, but most of Of them drowned in relief. So, he was not disclosed. It's fine. "Why did you appoint me to look after this ... a student?" - the guy asked disseminally, internally almost spreads through the chair with a smooth layer. From it as if all the feelings disappeared, and the bones were replaced by jelly. With this condition it was very difficult to maintain a neutral expression of the face, as if he would not care about this boy at all. Still as worried. This is full of darkness, terrible mistake. Elf learns with vampires! The main enemy of all vampires, the one who can subordinate the dark races. Keia hardly restrained, so as not to show the fangs right in front of the director. - You are the best student of your course and the most disciplined throughout the Academy. You trust you like older courses and your homework. You call for younger courses respect for yourself, you can lead people. I can trust you completely, not afraid that you will expand. You can influence this student as not a single teacher. You have a rare charm and charisma, which have people to you. If you try, then Tsun will fully trust you and will behave accordingly and disciplined. Hibari squinted. So many compliments - and everything in his address? Apparently, this Tsunayshi strongly pumped the director, since he asked to look at him the strongest and dangerous man in Academy. Rather, not a person. But no one needs to know about it. - What are my responsibilities? - The Kay asked, internally bored with a bored species. He will be able to learn and prove to all that this translated student is an elf. Since he is his curator, he will have more time to be near the wards, which means sooner or later, but he will give himself something. - You must look after him. If he behaves somehow not so - you will explain to him that it is impossible to do so and why. Also, if you notice that he behaves ... somewhat strange - you will tell me. I have some assumptions that he is not the one who gives out. Hibari wondered. So, not he alone believes that something is wrong with this guy. So he has an ally. Maybe you should tell him about my suspicions? .. No, early. We will talk when there are facts, and not assumptions. Then, having learned something important compromisingHe will come to the director. - I agree, Mr. Director. "Hold on, Savad Tsunayshi. Now I can spy for you perfectly legally ... "


* Catharsis Magic - Full Sealing Magic Force. Used for its tamper, if it is unmanageable, and increase the reserve when performing certain exercises.
** Boge "- Runic pronunciation of the word God in this world. So the Church says that their God really exists, even in fact it proves nothing.

Optical illusion is a deception of human vision. Observations for some images, leave visual illusions in our consciousness.

Illicit vision is an unreliable perception of certain visual information. A man looking at the illusion, incorrectly assesses its size or shape, creating a deceptive image in the mind.

The cause of erroneous perception is the feature of the structure of our visual organ. Physiology and psychology of view allow us to make the wrong finite result and instead of round forms, a person is able to see square, and large pictures will seem small.

Illusion - an error of visual perception

An area of \u200b\u200bview can be distributed into several basic types:

  • wrong color perception
  • incorrect contrast-based perception
  • incorrect perception of the size of the subject
  • incorrect perception of image depth
  • curved illusion
  • "Perevilty"
  • illusions that move
  • pictures "3D"
  • continuation of vision

The human brain is able to deceptively respond to some images. It seems that the image is moving or even changes its color only due to the fact that the brain perceives visible light of some pictures.

Moving pictures illusion, photo

Some of the most popular are the so-called moving pictures. The secret of this type lies in color and contrast perception.

moving picture

It is enough a few seconds to look at the center of this pattern, then take a look at one of the sides of the text image, as the picture literally "floats."

Moving Illusion "Wall"

This illusion can be attributed to two types of "curvature of the form" and "moving illusion". First, not uniform placement of cubes makes it possible to conclude that the lines are curves.

However, they are absolutely smooth. Secondly, if you move the picture up-down using the runner on your monitor on the right, then you can see how the cubes are moving and run.

Moving illusion

Thanks to the texture image, the feeling is that squares in the center of the drawing move.

illusion that moves

Thanks to the contrasting image of round disks, it seems that they move in different directions: clockwise and against it.

Illusion moves

Patterns in the picture of different sizes and are highlighted by bright contrasting paints. That is why the feeling that lines and bends move.

What are the pictures on the entity for children?

  • Summary illusions are one of the most popular intellectual entertainment for children. Observations for the pictures allow you to develop a child's thinking
  • He tries to understand why this happens that the desired is not issued for the actual
  • In addition, the groups of eye muscles exercise. This helps to improve blood circulation to the auditorium, and therefore serves as a kind of prevention of blindness and other problems

During observation of illusions, the child exercises its logical thinking And develops the brain.

The most popular illusions for children:

Animalist transfers

Such illusion helps to understand the baby, which animal is depicted in the picture: a cat or still a dog. The child analyzes all the external features and remembers the characteristics, besides, he tries to visually turn the image that his eye muscles train.

Volume illusion

This illusion provides the child with the opportunity to see the three-dimensional image. In order to do this, you need to bring the face to the image to the middle, to send a sight in the middle, dispel your eyesight for five seconds and then quickly bring sharpness. Such an occupation is intensively trains eye muscles and allows the child to develop eyesight

Mirror illusion

Monotonous prints located mirrored to each other allow the baby to find common features of external parameters in different animals.

optical illusion

This image allows you to develop abstract thinking: on the proposed picture you can see a simple branched tree. But if you correctly read the contours, the eye will appear the image of a newborn baby.

What are hypnosis pictures illusion?

Some images are called "pictures of hypnosis" because they are able to mislead and some trance when a person diligently tries to understand what the secret of drawn items and why they move.


There is a conviction that if you look at the center of a moving image for a long time, a person is immersed in a deep tunnel without the bottom and edge. It is this immersion that distracts it from other thoughts and its trans will compare hypnosis.

Illusion pictures Black and white, illusion in contrasts

Black I. white colors - Absolutely opposite. These are the most contrasting colors of all existing. Looking at such a picture, the human eye literally "doubts" on which colors to pay major attention and that is why it turns out that the pictures are "dancing", "swim", "moving" and even appear in space.

The most popular black and white illusions:

Parallel Black and White Lines

The secret of the image is that dashes on the lines are depicted in different directions and that is why it seems that the lines are completely not parallel.

Black and white illusions

Image data allow us to see two images in one picture. The drawing is built on the principle of contour and contrasts.

Black and white illusion based on concentration

In this illusion, it is necessary to look at the red point in the image for a long time.

It will be enough for one minute. After that, the look is assigned to and on any subject you see what was previously observed only on the monitor.

What is the illusion of 3D pictures?

This type of illusions allows a person to literally "break the brain". All because the picture displays the location of the items so that in the first place they become bulk on the plane, and secondly, sometimes too complex for understanding.

Simple 3D illusion

This picture does not understand the location of the items for a person: their sides and surfaces. Nevertheless, the drawing is perceived by volume.

Sophisticated picture-illusion in 3D

More complex images suggest long-looking person in the depths of the picture. It is necessary to completely dispel and split vision and after some time to restore it sharply.

On a completely flat picture there will have a bulk figure (in this case, a woman) with clear contours.

Optical illusions pictures of deception

Optical illusions of view are errors that may occur in our vision. Reasons optical illusions are perception errors.

During the viewing of the picture, inexplicable movements, endangered and appearance can occur. All this is justified by the physiological and psychological aspect of visual perception.

Optical illusion "Black Point"

The secret of the illusion is that noticing a small black subject in the center, we do not pay attention to the surrounding.

Optical illusion of "Elephant"

Not a clear image of contours allows you to see the elephant instead of four - eight legs.

Optical illusion "Sun"

Contrast colors and not clear boundaries of the drawing allow the image to literally vibrate into the one, the moment when we look at it and stay immobilized when we translate a look at something else.

Optical illusion "One picture - two images"

Based on mirror mapping with precise repetition of all shapes.

Incoice viewing: Dress, explanation of illusion

  • Famous Network "Virus" and a joke "Blue or Golden Dress" is based on the perception of vision, depending on the individual characteristics of each person
  • Sometime, everyone came in social networks from friends picture with the signature of what color dress? ". And many of your friends answered this question completely differently: either blue or gold
  • The secret of perception of the picture lies in how your auditorium is built and under what conditions do you observe this picture
  • In the retina of the human eye in each particular case there is a certain number of colums and chopsticks. It is the number that plays the role of perception: one will be blue, others - gold

Optical illusion "Dress"

It is important to pay attention to the fact of lighting. Look in the image with bright light - you will see a blue dress. Go for half an hour in the dark room and then take a look at the picture - most likely you will see a golden dress.

Double pictures Illosity, what is the secret?

As mentioned earlier, the secret of this illusion is hiding in full repetition of the drawing lines when it is mirror. Of course, this can be done in fact not with every picture, but if you clearly choose a form, it will be quite an interesting result.

Classic dual picture "Old or young woman?"

looking at this image you need to decide for yourself: "What do you see first?" From possible options, you will face a young girl turned with a profile with a pen in a headdress or an old woman with a long chin and a big nose.

Modern double image

From more modern options Double images can be distinguished by pictures that are simultaneously depicting two separate patterns. In such cases, the features of one image are read in different lines.

Video: "Five of the most incredible optical illusions. Optical illusion"

Illusion - illusion.

Types of deception of view:

illusion on the basis of color perception;
illusion on the basis of contrast;
curvaturing illusions;
optical deception of the perception of depth;
optical deception of size perception;
contour illusion;
illustrate "transverse";
ames Room;
moving optical illusions.
stereo illusions, or, as they are also called: "3D pictures", stereo circuits.

Illusion of the size of the ball
Is it wrong, the size of these two balls is different? Top ball greater than Lower?

In fact, this is an illustrate: these two balls are completely equal. You can use a ruler to check. By creating the effect of a removing corridor, the artist managed to deceive our vision: the top ball seems to us more, because Our consciousness perceives it as a longer object.

Illusion of A. Einstein and M.Mro
If you look at a picture from a close distance, you see the brilliant physics of A. Einstein.

Now try to move away a few meters, and ... a miracle, in the picture M.Mro. It seems to be everything without a deception of sight. But how?! No one painted the mustache, eyes, hair. Just from far vision does not perceive some trifles, and more accent does for large details.

The optical effect that creates a false idea from the viewer about the location of the seat is due to the original design of the chair invented by the French studio IBRIDE.

Peripheral vision turns beautiful faces in monsters.

Which way is the wheel spinning?

See, not blinking, in the middle of the image 20 seconds, and then transfer a look at someone's face or just a wall.

Wall face illusion with window
Which part of the building is the window? With left, maybe with the right?

Again our eyesight was deceived. How did it become possible? Very simple: the railway part of the window is depicted, as a window located on the right side of the building (we look, no matter from below), and bottom part - With left (we look from above). And the middle of sight perceives, according to the desired consciousness. That's all deception.

Illusion of bars

Take a look at these bars. Depending on what end you are looking, two pieces of wood will be or located nearby, or one of them will lie on the other.
Cube and two identical cups

Optical illusion created by Chris Westoll. On the table there is a cup, next to which there is a cube with a small cup. However, with a more detailed consideration, we can see that in fact the cube is drawn, and the cups are absolutely the same size. Such effect is noticed only at a certain angle.

The illusion of the "Cafe Wall"

Carefully look into the image. At first glance it seems that all lines are curved, but in fact they are parallel. Illusion was discovered by R. Gregory in a Wall cafe in Bristol. Hence the name of her name.

Illusion of the Pisa Tower

Above you see two pictures of the Pisan Tower. At first glance it seems that the tower on the right leans more than the tower on the left, but in fact both these pictures are the same. The reason lies in the fact that the visual system considers two images as part of a single scene. Therefore, it seems to us that both photos are not symmetrical.

Illusion of wavy lines
It does not even have a doubt that the shifted wavy lines.

Remember how the section is called - an area of \u200b\u200bview. You are right it is straight, parallel lines. And this is a curvatiming illusion.

Ship or arch?

This illusion is a real work of art. The picture drew Rob Gonzalves - Canadian artist, a representative of the magic realism genre. Depending on where you look, you can see or the arch of the long bridge or the ship's sail.

Illusion - Graffiti "Letter"
Now you can relax, and do not think that there will be another illusion. Let's admire the artist's fantasy.

Such graffiti made a wonderful artist in the subway surprisingly to all passersby.

Effect of Cretiful
Look at the picture and say, in which part red lines are brighter and contrast. Right not?

In fact, red lines in the picture are no different from each other. They are absolutely identical, again illusion. This is the effect of Cretiful, when we perceives in different ways of color, depending on its neighborhood with other colors.

Illusion of color change
Is the color of the horizontal gray line change in a rectangle?

The horizontal line in the picture does not change all over and remains equally gray. Do not believe, right? This is an illicit. To make sure this is the closeup of the paper surrounding its rectangle.

Illusion of a decreasing sun
This magnificent photo of the Sun made the American Space Agency NASA. It shows two spots in the sun directed directly to the ground.

Much more interesting is another. If you pass around around the edge of the sun, you will see how it is compressed. This is really great - without cheating, good illusion!

Solner Illusion
Do you see that the lines of the Christmas tree in the picture are parallel?

I also do not see. But they are parallel - check the ruler. My vision also turned out to be deceived. This is the famous classic Solner Illusion, existing from the 19th century. Because of the "needles" on the lines it seems to us that they are not parallel.

Illusion-jesus christ
Look at the picture 30 seconds (it may be necessary and more), then transfer the view to the lightly smooth surface, for example, on the wall.

Before your eyes, you saw the image of Jesus Christ, the image is similar to the famous Turin shroud. Why does this effect arise? In the eye, a person has cells that call wizards and sticks. Columns are responsible for the transfer of color image to the human brain with good sanctification, and sticks help to see a person in the dark and are responsible for the transfer of black and white low-definition image. When you look at a black and white image of Jesus, the wands "tired" due to long and intensive work. When you take a look from the image, these "tired" cells do not cope and cannot pass new information in the brain. Therefore, the image remains before your eyes, and disappears when the sticks "will come to themselves."

ILLUSION. Three squares
Sit down closer and look at the picture. Do you see that the sides of all three squares curves?

I also see curves lines, despite the fact that the sides of all three squares are perfectly smooth. When you move away from the monitor for some distances, everything falls into place - the square looks perfect. This is due to the fact that the rear background makes our brain perceive lines of curves. This is an optical illusion. When the background merges and we do not clearly see it, the square seems even.

ILLUSION. Black figures
What do you see in the picture?

This is a classic illusion. Throwing a quick glance, we see some incomprehensible figures. But looking just longer, we begin to distinguish the word lift. Our consciousness is used to seeing black letters on a white background, and also continues to perceive this word. It is very unexpected for our brain reading white letters on a black background. In addition, most people first glance thrown into the center of the picture, and this still complicates the challenge to the brain, because he used to read the word from left to right.

ILLUSION. Illusion of Uchucha
Look at the center of the picture and you will see the "dancing" ball.

This is a cult optical illusion, invented in 1973 by the Japanese artist Ouchi and named after him. There are several illusions in this picture. First, it seems that the ball moves a bit from side to the side. Our brain cannot understand that this is a flat image and perceives it as a volume. Another deception of the illusion of Ouchi -Printing that we look through the round keyhole on the wall. Finally, the size of all rectangles in the picture is the same, and they are located strictly in the rows without apparent displacement.

Illicit vision - an inaccurate visual perception of any picture: incorrect estimate of the length of segments, the colors of the visible object, the magnitude of the corners, etc.

The reasons similar errors Consist in the peculiarities of the physiology of our vision, as well as in the psychology of perception. Sometimes illusions can lead to absolutely incorrect quantitative estimates of specific geometric values.

Even carefully looking at the picture "Ocecript", in 25 and more percent cases can be mistaken if you do not check the eye evaluations using the ruler.

Pictures of Deception Vision: Size

So, for example, we turn to the next drawing.

Pictures of Deception Vision: Circle size

Which of the circles located in the middle, more?

Proper answer: Circles are the same.

Pictures of deception of view: proportions

Which of the two people above: Dwarf in the foreground or a person going behind everyone?

The correct answer is the same growth.

Pictures of Deception View: Length

The figure shows two segments. Which one is longer?

The correct answer: they are the same.

Pictures of Deception Visual: Paredolia

One of the types of illusions of view is a paheidolia. Paredolia is the illusory perception of a particular object.

Unlike the illusions of the perception of length, depth, dual images, pictures with images that are specifically designed to provoke the occurrence of illusions, paheidolia can occur by themselves when viewed by the most ordinary objects. For example, sometimes when viewing a pattern on wallpaper or carpet, clouds, stains and cracks on the ceiling, you can see fantastic changeable landscapes, unusual animals, people of people, etc.

The basis of various illusory images can be the details of a really existing drawing. The first to describe this phenomenon was Jaspers and Kalbaumi (Jaspers K., 1913, Kahlbaum K., 1866;). Many paheidolic illusions may arise when perceiving well-known images. In this case similar illusions May take place at the same time in several people.

For example, in the next picture, which depicts the building of the Center for International Trade in Fire. Many people can consider on her the terrible face of the devil.

The image of the devil can be seen in the following picture - the Devil in Smoke

In the next picture you can easily distinguish your face on Mars (NASA, 1976). The game of the shadow and the lights caused the appearance of many theories about the ancient Martian civilizations. Interestingly, in the later pictures of this section of Mars, the person is not detected.

And here you can see the dog.

Pictures of deception of view: color perception

Looking at the drawing, you can perekly the illusion of color perception.

In fact, the circles on different squares of the same gray shade.

Looking at the next picture, answer the question: chess cells on which there are points A and in the same or different color?

It's hard to believe, but - yes! Do not believe? You will prove photoshop.

How many colors are you in the following picture?

Here are only 3 colors - white, green and pink. You may seem that there are 2 shades of pink, but in fact it is not.

What do you think these waves?

Brown stripes painted? And here is not! This is only an illusion.

Look at the next picture and tell the color of each word.

Why is it so hard? The fact is that one part of the brain is trying to read the word, and the other perceives the color.

Pictures of Deception Vision: Extralling Objects

Looking at the next image, look at the black point. After a while, colored spots should leave.

Do you see gray diagonal stripes?

If you will look at the central point for a while, then the stripes will disappear.

Pictures of deception of view: Capture

Another type of visual illusion is tolets. The fact is that the image of the object depends on the direction of your view. So, one of these optical illusions is "Utokozyac" this image can be interpreted and as an image of a hare, and as a duck image.

Close, what do you see in the next picture?

What do you see in this picture: musician or girl's face?

Strange, in fact - this is a book.

A few more pictures: illusion

If you will look for a long time on the black color of this lamp, and then look at the white sheet of paper, then this lamp will be visible and there.

Look at the point, and then remove a little and close to the monitor. Circles will spin in the same way.

So Features of optical perception are complex. Sometimes and your eyes should not believe ...

Snakes crawl into different directions.

Illusion of the afteraction

After the long period has been continuously looking at the image for a long period, some time will be on vision. For example, long contemplation of the spiral leads to the fact that all items around will rotate 5-10 seconds.

Illusion of the shadow figure

This is a common type of erroneous perception, when a person gave the shape in the shade of lateral vision.


This is a visual deception that leads to the distortion of the size of the subject put on the contrasting color background.

Phosphine phenomenon

This is the occurrence of unclear points of different shades before closed eyes.

Perception of depth

This is an area of \u200b\u200bview, implying two options perception of the depth and volume of the subject. Looking at the image, a man on understands a concave item or convex.

Optical illusions: video

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