What is dangerous fast food for children. Fast food and harmful food - a delicious trap for our children

What is Fast Food is food that is quickly prepared and eats, very tasty, and at the same time absolutely not useful and even harmful. Children always perceive bright packaging with drawings of favorite cartoon characters, and all possible, exciting baby appetite, make this food even more desirable and beloved. Fast Food has become a common food that is increasingly found on store shelves, in the Cafe and Restaurant menu. But doctors warn about the danger, claiming that she threatens human health, especially during the formation and growth of the immature body of the child. And yet, despite the demonstrative protest slogans, the fast food industry develops rapidly and dynamically.

  1. Fast food dishes that are prepared in kiosks and fast food restaurants: sandwiches, hot dogs, pizza, pancakes and shawarma, fries, burgers and other similar products.
  2. Eating instant cooking: soups, porridge, pasta, mashed potatoes.
  3. Breaded food, snacks that can be reinforced on the go. They are filled with kiosks, shelves from Cass stores: potato chips, salted crackers and cookies, popcorn.

Fast Food is always complemented by mayonnaise, ketchup, sausage and sausages. This food is not natural, contains a large number of chemical additives. Sausages and sausages are noticeably inferior on food value criteria. In their preparation, low quality raw materials are often used. For satisfactory external view, colors and fragrances include chemical additives. In itself, in itself is safe, but more often manufacturers use unfairly.

Harm Fastfud.

Fastfund dishes high-calories, have low food value, contain a large number of chemical additives and GMOs.

To make sure that Fast Food is really harmful food, it is enough to bring in the example of the US residents, the population that has grown up for fast food. About 50 million Americans suffer obesity, the average weight of an adult is 100 kg. Recall that Russia is included in the top 10 of the most obese states. Not in vain in Western countries there was a slogan against fast food restaurants "Live Tolst and die young!".

Today, about Fastfud has many disputes, scandals, exposing claims and articles are being submitted, but nothing prevents manufacturers to develop and conquer the love of small consumers. This product is completely not falling under the category of culinary masterpieces, but rather, is the achievement of chemists.

Many calories

All food, which relates to fast powders is oversaturated and practically does not contain the necessary organism of vitamins and minerals. Normal lunch in restaurants serving fast food, contains about half daily norm Calories. Children overeat, at the same time, in dire larging vital substances.

The negative feature of the fast food is unreasonably huge portions and attractive restaurant shares that appear to eat more. It all inevitably leads to overeating, is postponed with an excess weight in the child's body. In addition, Fast Food affects the center of pleasure in the brain, reducing the threshold of saturation sensitivity. This means that the use of fast food threatens.

Problem for the digestive system

The incorrect ratio of food substances, harmful chemical additives is one side of the medal. Fastfud harm for digestive system lies in rapid use. Food, insufficiently moistened with saliva, inflexible, comes with slices in an empty stomach. It all inevitably leads to a stomach in the stomach and intestines, bloating. Frequent snacks like similar products are the reason.

Noise, which is the norm for McDonald's restaurants, also acts negatively on the body, delaying the release of digestive enzymes.

Excess fat

The use of fast food entails obesity, reducing immunity and organs with organs digestive tract.

The main part of fat food fats is represented by a cheap transgenic margarine. Fats can be from 20 to 70% of common calories.

Their harm for the child's body is obvious:

  • Reduce immunity.
  • Enhance the risk of development.
  • Reduce the amount of testosterone hormone.
  • Cause interruption of the exchange of prostaglandins that run a large number of vital important processes All organs and tissues.
  • Violate the work of the enzyme playing an important role in neutralizing carcinogenic and medicinal toxins.
  • Transgenic fats are very poor with fat soluble vitamins (,) necessary for polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Frequent use of such bold products inevitably overloads the work of the liver, clogs the vessels (prerequisites for atherosclerosis), increases the content of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Fats pollute the intestine, which disrupts the absorption of some substances and leads to a rapid overwork of the child.

On a note! According to WHO, transgira should be no more than 1% of the daily set of calories. Portion of Potato Fri for a third consists of these fats. Conclusion: Fats from one portion of harmful potatoes should be eaten in 50 days.

Use of aggressive heat treatment methods

High temperatures . Carcinogenic substances are highlighted from fats and oils under the influence of temperature. It is worse than the fact that the same fat is undergoing heat treatment several times, and this is rapidly increasing the number of carcinogens.

During frying at a temperature of more than 180 degrees in fried potatoes, fried cakes are formed toxic acrylamide substance, which has a harmful effect on nervous system, kidneys, liver, irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, is able to cause gene mutations. If you believe some sources, the food of fast food restaurants contains this substance 10 times more than WHO is allowed.

Big content of salt

Salt delays fluid in the body, increases the load on the heart and kidneys. Salt in the norm can not be used at all, its quantities in all natural products are quite enough for normal vital activity of the child.

Chemical additives

Frequent use of food with content leads to a decrease in appetite causes irritation of the gastric and intestine mucosa. The listed components are potential allergens.

I must say that noodles fast cooking According to Rollton, Miwin and others are safe and allowed for eating, but nested bags with salt and spices contain a lot of harmful. To such pasta better add a piece butter. The consumer is unknown - what exactly additives and in what quantities are used in the preparation of fast food.

Amplifiers of taste

Thanks to their content, the uncomplicated food becomes delicious, it will also want to eat faster. After drinking such food, normal food The child is perceived as fresh and unappletent and does not cause appetite. Sodium glutamate contributes to the development, enteritis.


Labor-free, heavy food, which is poor with vitamins, minerals, worsens the mood, constant use and can cause child depression at all. In England, since 2006, they have banned the advertisement of fast food products in children's television channels and in adult television programs in childhood.

It is interesting to know: scientists from the University of Adelaide argue that the development of dependence in the child to the fastfood has two critical periods of development.

  • First - .
  • Second -.

At this time, it is worth a special care to prohibitive fast food.

American scientists from the University of Ohio found out that, often use fast food, children not only, but also stupid. Due to the lack of in this food, suffers from the insufficiency of the oxygen of the brain, which leads to a decrease in intelligence, academic performance at school.

Fast food benefits

Tips how to use fast food with minimal health risk

  • Select dishes without mayonnaise and ketchup, mayonnaise can be replaced by sour cream.
  • Refuse fried pies, whites, potatoes fries and pancakes - leaders in the number of harmful fat.
  • Avoid dishes with cheese and bacon.
  • Many fast food restaurants have an assortment of fresh salads, so they must be taken.
  • Do not let go of the children's restaurants like McDonalds on an empty stomach.
  • Instead of a carbonated drink, choose the baby's juice or.
  • Pizza can be selected with, and better vegetarian and not with ketchup, but with natural tomatoes.

Fast Food in child nuts... So I foresee the exclamations: "Yes, you! Also oblamed? " I would have responded too. For the time being.
Previously, I also prepared my son 5 times a day, everything is fresh, from the most best products. But as soon as I had to go to work (and this is a full-time), then Zeietnotes turned out to be the main problem. However, I really wanted it to reflect as little as possible on my children. Especially since my son is an allergic child and there is a need to prepare me food separately.
My stomach has long been accustomed to Shawarme, hot dogs, nuts from the package during a snack and a pair of chocolate-muesli in the desktop drawer. And at home in the freezer cozy, the package of frozen dumplings and cutlets-semi-finished products for dinner are cozy. I do not argue that this is not the most useful food in the world. But alas, time for cooking culinary delights is enough only on weekends.
While I was sitting at home, and the children were very small, there were no special problems. Milk, the best "children's" product, has always been with me. The feeding period also cost without difficulties - various purees were often helped. But as soon as these young gourmets grew up, a dilemma arose: how to feed them forever busy mom so that food was "not in sin", but provided the baby with the useful substances? What to do when the time to cook dinner dinners is disastrously lacking? The answer was one: to be caught in fast food!
Immediately make a reservation: just not what we used to eat themselves (do not think that I urge to score the cabinet to beg packages). For example, my child (and I think he is no exception) reacts very brightly to all sorts of preservative dyes and other low-oral components of the "adult" food. At the same time, it, like most babies, very respects sausage, fried potatoes and dumplings. But the fast food for children can be right! I'll try to prove it.
When I don't have a minute for cooking for breakfast, instant cereal, which we began to feed the Son in the first year of life are still coming to the rescue. The choice of these porridge is huge - you can always find the one that will have to the baby in the shower. In addition to the obvious advantage, the speed of preparation, such kaski have a number of other advantages: valuable in food, are well absorbed, both vitamins and microelements are often enriched.
Of course, a nine-year-old daughter, you will not please such as cask: it saves his native domestic Hercules. Three minutes - and you have a good bash, you should add raisins, muesli, nuts, dates or other favorite fruits, as "again this Hercules" turns into a rack dish for breakfast, which loved even our dad.
Here on the forum it was about blender. I did not regret it for a minute about this acquisition: Quickly washed fruits, a couple of minutes in a blender - and here on your table awesome air and gentle fruit puree! The most present, without preservatives and additives!
I also like the yogurtnitney: it's not expensive at all, but it helps it often. From milk and shopping "live" yogurt overnight prepares natural delicious drink for breakfast. Again add fillers to it: nuts, confident, honey, fruit - sodium!
In the most extreme case, cornflakes are seized in our kitchen cabinet, which, together with milk and fruit berries, are capable of providing a full-fledged breakfast.
For a children's dinner, we have the easiest: My child is enough soup, dessert and drink. In case of "emergency preparation" of the first dish, the freezer was sheltered a variety of packages and bags with frozen vegetables: these are collected from its own plot of vitamins, and the purchased stores. Ledge, borsch pea soup, spinach, beans, broccoli - the range of such vegetables and mixtures is simply huge, so every day you can cook something new. The main thing is to choose the "correct" package.
First, as usual, we are looking at the packaging: the expiration date, the manufacturer data, the compliance of the GOST, the preparation method and composition (the product that in the vegetable mixture contains the most indicated first).
Then squeeze the bag hand: its contents should be "crumbly", it is easy to separate apart from each other. If in the package of ice com, then the vegetables have already been defined, and then they were frozen again.
When you open a package with a vegetable mixture, look at the color of the contents - all the vegetables, if they are really frozen "fast" in the way, must have a bright, saturated, "live color.
Throwing a handful of ice cream vegetables into a boiling broth or water, cook literally 5-10 minutes (the time of their cooking is much less than ordinary fresh vegetables), crushing the blender, sprinkle the grated cheese or refuel the whole yogurt - the delicious soup is ready to eat!
If the same boiled vegetables fill vegetable oil Or again yoghurt, then you will get a delicious and useful salad.
Do not want to "chew the Bott"? Add to the same vegetables thin slices boiled on the eve of meat or birds.
Quick dinner ... What do you think about? Children immediately scream: "Sausages!" But how are they useful for kids? They say that the best adapted for the child special children's sausages. I believe manufacturers and nutritionists and choose only those meat semi-finished products that are written "recommended for baby food".
Son still loves frozen fish fillets, roasted in breading. And the daughter especially honors boiled pasta with cheese - tasty and nutritious.
But the favorite combination of "Spaghetti Cutlet" in the baby diet is better to avoid. Nutritionists say that it gives an excessive carbohydrate burden on the organism of the crumbs.
But still, of course, you need to prepare the child as often as possible and more diverse. Just not always enough time for it. In particular "grave" moments for the rescue comes my special "tricky" method. It is called "ourselves". Yes, yes, it turns out that even a three-year-old child is able to pour water into a small saucepan and gently omit the testicle into her. But with what appetite, it blends this very egg - all my culinary masterpieces and not standing nearby!
Quickly cut bread, tomatoes, cheese, let out the oil, and the son of Koryabano-Ivyabano smears the bread with oil, stacked on top of the leaf of salad, cheese - prepares sandwich. Himself eats with an unprecedented appetite, and then it feeds me, and you know - delicious! Who knows, maybe the talent of the virtuoso culinary will be wanted in my crumbs!

Conversation on the topic: "Food of modernity - fast food"

Purpose: education careful relationship To your health, formation healthy image Life; Education of the culture of behavior, the development of cognitive abilities.

Communication and discussion of the material.

What is Fast Food is food that is quickly prepared and eats, very tasty, calorie and at the same time absolutely not useful and even harmful. Children always perceive with a bark of bright packaging with drawings of favorite cartoon characters, and all possible smell and taste amplifiers, exciting baby appetite, make this food even more desirable and beloved. Fast Food has become a common food that is increasingly found on store shelves, in the Cafe and Restaurant menu. But doctors warn about the danger, claiming that she threatens human health, especially during the formation and growth of the immature body of the child. And yet, despite the demonstrative protest slogans, the fast food industry develops rapidly and dynamically.

To make sure that Fast Food is really harmful food, it is enough to bring in the example of the US residents, the population that has grown up for fast food. About 50 million Americans suffer obesity, the average weight of an adult is 100 kg. Recall that Russia is included in the top 10 of the most obese states. Not in vain in Western countries there was a slogan against fast food restaurants "Live Tolst and die young!".

The task.

The teacher sets the guys questions and invites them to draw a favorite product of Fastfud.


1. When did you try a hamburger for the first time?

2. Do you like Coca-Cola?

3. Do you like to eat chips, crackers?

4. Do you go with parents to fast food restaurants?

5. What is Fast Food?

Answers guys.

Indeed, many of us very often use such food. But the consequences of this food Behavior May be dangerous to health.

Fast Food harm for children

    Avitaminosis . Developed by lack of nutrient elements. If the child often feeds fast food, all organism systems can suffer. Fast food and child are two incompatible concepts. Avitaminosis is manifested by fast fatigue, a decrease in the power of the immune system, the deterioration of memory and frequent colds.

    Problems of the digestive system. Coming after taking oily high-calorie food. If you eat fast food, gastritis and ulcers may occur. Fatty food is very slowly digested and loads the digestive system.

    Diseases of the liver and pancreas. Fast Food contains a high percentage of fats and cholesterol, which is a huge liver load. The pancreas, which is superimposed by a very difficult job.

    Diseases of the kidneys Fastfud harm for children is due to a large amount of salt, which is contained in fast food dishes. Two hamburgers contain a daytime portion of salt. Such dishes have a very strong burdens.

    Cardiovascular diseases. Now there are a lot of children in childhood have heart problems. Many diseases acquired, and a decisive role was provided for incorrect meals. Fatty products lead to the blockage of vessels and can cause the formation of vascular plaques, even in very small age.

    Poisoning of the body. Fastfud harm for children is food additivesthat contain fast food dishes. A large number of Carcinogens is postponed inside the body. All this leads to a failure of metabolism and endocrine system. Trans-fats, which are contained in Fast Food, may cause oncological diseases.

Tips how to use fast food with minimal health risk

    Select dishes without mayonnaise and ketchup, mayonnaise can be replaced by sour cream.

    Refuse fried pies, whites, potatoes fries and pancakes - leaders in the number of harmful fat.

    Avoid dishes with cheese and bacon. Many fast food restaurants have an assortment of fresh salads, so they must be taken.

    Do not go to the McDonald's restaurants on an empty stomach.

    Instead of a carbonated drink, choose juice or water.

    Pizza can be selected with seafood, and better vegetarian and not with ketchup, but with natural tomatoes.

    Products are prohibited by all children under the age of 6 years.


The task.

2. Remember how you answered questions at the beginning of the lesson. Compare your old and new answers and make out for yourself

(Answers and statements of children. Summing up.)

Fast food - This is the most diverse easily prepared food, which has become popular in elite with a constantly accelerating tempo of the modern lifestyle. The inability to prepare complex dishes in accordance with the hourly life of everyday life was the reason for the appearance of the tradition of "family dinkers spent on time to descend on the weekends during nutrition in the occupied weekdays only with sandwiches, rolls and rolls.

Fast food itself can be extremely useful food, depending on the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the chef. However, recently, the term "fast food" became synonymous harmful foodhaving an attractive taste, but overloaded with empty calories and not possessing no nutritional value. Whereas a useful fast food, such as salads or soy burgers, it is recommended to include in a healthy daily diet, harmful fast food, in particular burgers sold in fast food networks, carbonated drinks, pastries and candy, negatively affects human health and it is necessary Use in moderate quantities. From the continued use of harmful fast foods can seriously suffer so hard to control the appetite and the taste of children. Harmful food is rich in calories causes obesity, which contributes to the development of numerous more serious diseases.

Fast Food Impact on Children

Harmful fast food and carbonated drinks lead to an increase in blood sugar levels of children. This increases the likelihood of the development of the second type diabetes, that is, the state in which insulin produced in the body turns out to be unable to cope with the amount of sugar. The diabetes of the second type almost 4 times increases the likelihood of the development of heart disease and largely contributes to the damage to the kidneys, and also increases the risk of dementia. Saturated fats cause an increase in blood cholesterol. Cholesterol is sadly known as the cause of various heart problems - it can lead to serious heart disease.

Often, the harmful fast food contains a lot of salts. And although they contribute to the emphasis of spicy aroma and taste reinforcing appetite, excess sodium or potassium (which are indispensable components of salts, including sodium chloride, i.e. dining salt) is the main reason for increasing blood pressure. Blood-related disorders are able to provide a severe overwhelming effect on human life.

It is believed that an artificially created spicy fragrance is addictive. Children who are accustomed to harmful fast food, it is difficult to adapt their taste buds to relatively fresh healthy food. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a source of energy and nutrientsrequired to develop the body of children. Iron deficiency, for example, can lead to anemia. Anemia, in combination with the ability of the body with complex sugars and saturated fats contained in any harmful fast food, may become the cause of weakness and usual apathy in children.

Almost the complete absence of green (sheet) vegetables and fresh fruits in the diet causes a deficiency of macro and micro-nutrients in the body. It is harmful immune system organism and makes a child susceptible various diseases and a little gland. Calcium deficiency causes damage to teeth, nails and bones, reducing density bone tissue and increasing the likelihood of skeletal damage and destruction of the teeth.

Obesity contributes to a sedentary lifestyle, as children with obesity cannot take part in the activities that require physical activity as intensively as healthy children. An obese caused by the feeling of awkwardness can also push the child to keep a recovery lifestyle. Lack of regular physical Loads In turn, it contributes to further enhancement of obesity and significantly increases the likelihood of the development of the second type diabetes.

Fast Food Alternative

As already mentioned, Fast Food is not necessarily harmful food. Salads, fruits (preferably fresh and whole / sliced \u200b\u200bby slices or in the form of fresh fruit juices), nuts and untreated cheeses can serve useful and delicious products for fast snack. The inclusion in the diet of more vegetables and fruits will never hurt, although children often refuse relatively fresh food in favor of spicy harmful products, even despite the fact that more fresh food is more useful. The teaching children to the useful food and the exception from their diet of harmful products from early childhood is the most reliable and effective method Protection of children from harmful fast food that allows you to do without any suggestion. Studies show that even the abuse of harmful fast food of a pregnant woman can cause the formation of a predisposition of her child to the preference of the taste of such food.

  • If we remove the child from harmful fast food, try at least if possible to make this food more useful.
  • Choose a pizza without a traditional additional portion of cheese. Anyway, no one feels the presence of additional cheese for the taste!
  • Burgers can be ordered with one cutlet instead of two and with an additional portion of salad (or laid cabbage), tomatoes and onions.
  • Whole grain bread contains a lot more fiber than ordinary white bread, and therefore contributes to digestion. In this regard, the preparation (or order) of sandwiches made from whole grain bread is more useful.
  • Grilled or baked meat is not as harmful to health, like fried, due to lack of need to use oil for roasting, which contains saturated fats. It also applies to other food products that are usually hot, but can prepare and without oil use, such as potatoes.

Home "Harmful Fast Food" can be prepared more useful for health, for example, by reducing the number of spices, sugar and salt, or the use of dairy products with low fat content. Freshly prepared, homemade "harmful fast food" is initially more useful for sale in fast food networks. Although soups are universally considered one of the most useful dishes, cream increase the content of calories in them, reducing their benefits to a minimum. Soups without cream are, without a doubt, one of the most useful and rich dishes.

Following the above councils can help reduce the adverse effects of fast food on a child, even if you have to succumb to the desire to use harmful food. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the thrust for spicy tastes is natural, and the full ban on fast food can only be exacerbated. Whereas with long-term use, the harmful fast food definitely adversely affects human body, not to refuse the pleasure of occasionally to enjoy them - this is normal. Control over the frequency of use of the harmful fast food also helps to teach children the importance of compliance in all moderation.

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