Warmer with button inside. How to use salt heating

The heater is one of the most popular devices in home self-medication. IN traditional medicine Its services are resorted when there is a need to create a local thermal impact on different parts of the patient's body.

It is about the warmer that many remember when a tooth, ear or belly hurts. It helps to alleviate pain in the joints, remove the symptoms, useful to people with impaired circulatory. No first century resorts to her help. ABOUT useful properties The height was known in the ancient times. True, then the heating devices looked primitively and were often unsafe to use.

The "ancestor" of the rubber heating was a leather bag, a bullish bladder, a copper or clay vessel filled with hot. Sometimes instead of a liquid, an ancient heating was filled with hot sand, ash, alder or. Sometimes hot stones or bricks were used as a "heater" for the body.

More advanced heights, and immediately in several versions, appeared during the First World War. They were designed specifically for heating soldiers. The adaptations of the catalytic type produced heat due to the free oxidation or gasoline high degree Cleaning. The second most popular version of the heating device is a bottle filled with food salt and crushed iron. In factory versions, instead of iron, platinum was added to the mixture. By the way, this kind of personal "heaters" still recently used fishermen, tourists, hunters, because catalytic adaptations were given good and very stable heat (60-degree temperatures were saved from 8 to 14 hours). But still the most popular for more than a hundred years remains the old good rubber heater, created in 1903 by the Croatian engineer Edward Pencali.

Types of modern heights

Even relatively recently, in free sale, the heating was available only in one embodiment - rubber "bags" designed to fill hot water. Today the choice has noticeably expanded.

The market presents a variety of options:

  • rubber;
  • electrical;
  • salt;
  • gel;
  • chemical.

Each options has its advantages and disadvantages. But thanks to a wide range, the buyer can always choose the most suitable product personally for itself.


This is the most famous and still most popular of all the drig. It is a tank of rubber, which is filled with preheated water. Despite the simplicity of the design, many still consider it the most practical in use. It is possible to carry out procedures with rubber devices in almost any conditions, and in order to "adjust" the heat degrees, the container with hot water is sufficiently wrapped in several layers of fabric or towel.

Modern rubber heels are presented in a huge assortment. Products are of different colors and designs, manufactured from different materials. For example, for people with allergies to Latex, there are drifts from PVC, and for children there are safe "heaters" without using phthalates.

  • easy to use;
  • cheap;
  • reusable.
  • during the procedure, the patient must lie;
  • if it is not closed, you can get a burn.


This is a modern replacement of rubber heating. Top part The device is a case of natural material, inside it - an electric heater. Electric faces are of different sizes and shapes. For example, there are roofing of blankets, products in the form of a collar, belt or boots. Most models have a thermostat that allows you to adjust the power of heating.


  • does not cause allergies;
  • can adjust the temperature;
  • does not cool down (while connected to the network);
  • there can be different dimensions.
  • for use requires a power grid;
  • not the safest option.


Salt heating on the market appeared relatively recently and in a group of similar products are considered the most modern. They are plastic hermetically containers within which the salt in liquid form is contained. The peculiarity of such devices is that they do not need to be filled with hot liquid or warm up with additional devices. There is always a so-called catalyst on the salt warmer, which, in fact, launches the heating process. It can be a special spring or a button whose activation starts a certain chemical process in the heating. As a result of the reaction, the liquid salt begins to crystallize, and the transformation process itself is accompanied by heat generation. The maximum possible heat from such a height - 40-60 degrees Celsius. In order to achieve this temperature, the heating is usually necessary for no more than 15 seconds. So that after cooling the salt returned to a liquid state, the heating pad should be put on 10-15 minutes in hot water. After cooling it can be used again.

The ability to such transformations, the harrant salt saves about 12 years.

  • compactness;
  • variety of forms and colors;
  • easily "adjusts" under the contours of the body;
  • inside contains a non-aggressive substance, not allergic (if the shell of the heater damages and the contents will fall on the skin, it is enough to rinse under running water);
  • comparatively holds heat (3-4 hours).
  • it is afraid of punctures and cuts.


Chemical heater is a bag filled with a special mixture. In the interaction of components, a chemical reaction begins, accompanied by heat generation. Inside such devices, there may be an overtime lime (calcium oxide), which, when interacting with water, turns into calcium hydroxide, and at the same time produces thermal energy. A more common "recipe" is a mixture of salt and metal chips. To "run" most chemicals, they are enough to remember or be confused in their hands. After such manipulation, the device is heated to 70-80 degrees and retains heat to 8 hours.

  • does not require electricians or having hot water;
  • easy to use;
  • compact;
  • quickly heats up;
  • well warms.
  • most chemical "heaters" are disposable.


The drills of this type are largely reminded by salt. The difference is that inside the container is not a salt, but a gel-like substance. The device is heated by the same principle as its saline "relative". The maximum heat transfer is about 60 degrees, the time of "work" of the majority - about 1 hour. Adaptations of this type can be used as cold heels, from here the other name - "Flexible Ice".

  • oversized;
  • you can use both hot and cold.
  • quickly cools off;
  • you can damage the outer shell.

Application in physiotherapy

Any guilt is a source of dry heat, and it is on this that its therapeutic effect is based.

Affecting our bodies dry warmth Causes a number of responses:

  • relaxes muscles;
  • removes spasms from smooth muscles ( internal organs);
  • reduces pain;
  • soothes.

The essence of the heat medicine is to create more high temperature. The heater for such purposes is best suited. In addition, this is one of the few physiotherapy devices that is available for use at home.

The impact of soft heat soothes and relieves the pain in the lower back, so the heights are often used to treat the radiculitis. They can be useful for neuralgia, neurutity, arthritis, mositis, various kinds of injuries. Teplotherapy is prescribed when freezing, constant sensation of cold hands and feet, for the treatment of runny nose and dry or "barking" cough (if not increased temperature), with dental pain (if no suppuration). Heat helps to cope with the abdominal pain, if it is caused by stress, an emotional burst (but only in the absence of fever, nausea and diarrhea). This type of physiotherapy is useful in dyskinesia of biliary tract, relieves kidney, intestinal and bile colic (if the pain is not caused by cholecystitis, pancreatitis, pyelonephritis or appendicitis). Many women warmly applied to the bottom of the abdomen allows you to remove pain during menstruation, but it can be done only with the permission of a doctor. If after stroke or encephalitis paralyzed one part of the body, on the background of the developing exercises also often attribute the heating. In addition, dry warmth well affects the muscles of athletes before the competition. Babies, if there are no contraindications, a bubble with warm water applied to the stomach as help against colic, and nursing mothers such treatment helps to struggle with hardening in lactic glands.

Although the very name of the height indicates that it should warm, and initially the device was invented for this, but in some cases the doctor can prescribe physiotics using cold. In this case, the rubber container is not chiiled, but cold waterSometimes with the addition of ice pieces. Cold heating plands can be prescribed with bourssites, purulent arthritis, some types of pain in the lower back, nasal bleeding, after removing the tooth, to remove edema from an insect bite.

When the heater is prohibited

The heater with different diseases and disorders can be very useful. However, there are in these warming devices and contraindications. Sometimes local thermal impact can not only help, but worsen the patient's condition even more. Sometimes the improper use of dry heat can end even with a fatal outcome. So, in what cases is forbidden to use the heating floor?

Contraindications for thermotherapy:

  • acute or chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • availability in abdominal acute pain indefinite etiology;
  • pancreatitis;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • purulent inflammation (appendicitis, sinusitis, otitis, mastitis, bursitis, purulent arthritis);
  • abscess;
  • phlegmon;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • a tendency to bleeding or the presence of such (external or internal);
  • violation of blood circulation in the brain;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • heart failure;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • hyperactivity of the thyroid gland;
  • postoperative period.

Many use the height to eliminate their stomach pain. If the discomfort is caused by colic, then the procedure can actually help. But in appendicitis, the heating of the abdomen causes rapid progression of the disease and peritonitis, which in the absence of timely medical care Ends in death.

It is impossible to use the heating places in the presence of malignant neoplasmsSince heat accelerates the growth of cancer cells.

When cystitis, dry heat applied to the bottom of the abdomen or perineum helps relieve pain and burning. But if inflammation in bladder bubble It occurs with the formation of pus or the presence of blood in the urine, warming can cause severe bleeding or the spread of pus to the kidneys.

How to use at home

If it is necessary to use a rubber warmer, it is important to know how to use it correctly. The container is filled with hot water only on 2/3, while extruded from it excess air. After that, the tank is tightly closed and tested by tightness. If the liquid inside is too hot, the rubber "bag" is left to cool. Thermal flow is then placed either into a special tissue case, or wrap a towel and applied to a patient, pre-lubricated fatty cream or vaseline.

With elevated caution, warming fixtures should be used if it comes to children, people unconscious or with disturbed susceptibility, as high risk of burns. Such patients can not be installed directly to the body, and during the procedure it is important to periodically check the condition of the skin.

In the absence of a factory heaters, its function can perform a linen bag with preheated sand, salt, a cereal or a common bottle filled with warm water.

The heater in many cases helps to overcome the pain without using tablets, which is undoubtedly a huge plus for liver and kidney. Meanwhile, the uncontrolled application of warming devices can sometimes be deplorable, because prohibitions for the use of dry heat almost as much as indications for it.

It has long been noticed - the colic in the baby passes much faster, if you grow up with the tummy. Prior to the invention, the heating plants with young mothers had to warm the water and pour it into the container, to ensure that it does not flow and there was a suitable temperature. Now life has facilitated the salt warmer, it can be found in any pharmacy.

All kinds of salt drifts are self-heating, that is, they do not require heating from the outside. Salt (salt) Gloor there are two types:

  • disposable;
  • reusable.

Disposable saline primer produces heat as a result of the reaction between its contents and oxygen and is not subject to recovery at the end.

The second option is more econner for the parents of the newborn, since it can be used repeatedly. This tool is also called the thermochemical heating or simply chemical heating. In addition to combating colic, this device can also warm the baby in the cold room or walk.

Benefits of salt heating:

  • highlights dry soft heat;
  • quickly heats up;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not require any additional sources (socket - for electrical heating, water - for normal);
  • convenient in any atmosphere (both on the street and indoors).

The salt warmer occurs in the form of a mattress or funny figures. In a warm state, it takes the shape of the child's body. Such a format is very convenient to put in the crib or in an envelope for infant, without delivering to him the inconvenience.

How the salt warmer works

The principle of operation of the hydrochloride is in the separation of heat in the transition of its liquid content in the crystalline form. Externally, this is a sealed volumetric container, inside of which is a suspension solution of sodium acetate.

The funny solution is very easy to remove from equilibrium, so any intervention, including a simple pressing of a special button inside, leads to the formation of the crystallization center. The excess of sodium acetate is crystallized in the form of a precipitate with heat isolating until the solution becomes saturated. Thanks to this type of heating heating, you can significantly save time if the child has colic.

How to restore salt heating after use

Since this guide is considered a multi-sighted, after another use its contents need to be made again liquid. For this, the remedy needs to be wrapped into the fabric and leave in a boiling water saucepan for 15 minutes. The solution inside the heaters becomes immediate, the crystals are dissolved, and the content is made liquid.

It is also worth remembering what you do not need to do with the warmer:

  • do not warm up in the microwave;
  • while boiling in the water, the height must be wrapped into the cloth so as not to damage her shell;
  • do not bend the heap during boiling, otherwise it can burst, better boil each side alternately;
  • do not calculate the material of the heating, if there are proceedings - it needs to be thrown out;
  • if the boards was in the freezer and managed to crystallize, you do not need to boil it right away - it is worth waiting until the contents are warm to room temperature;
  • it is necessary to protect the heating from falls and blows - it can self-express.

How to use salt warming with a button for newborns

If you have to use the harrant to combat colic with a child up to a year, you need to perform a specific action algorithm:

  1. Press the applicator - run heating the heating.
  2. At the age of the child up to 4 months, it is better to closure to a fine towel.
  3. Slightly stretch hardwood.
  4. When the slices are placed in the tummy in the tummy baby for 5 minutes.

When colic retreats, the baby, as a rule, calms down and falls asleep.

Do not be afraid that the child burns the heating, as it does not heat up more than up to 54 degrees. This temperature is optimal and comfortable for the newborn. The heat is stored for several hours - depending on the size of the heating and air temperature.

Additional use of salt heating

Salt heating can be used not only from colic, but also for warming various organs - throat, nose, ears in babies. It is also effective in dysplasia. In addition, adults can also be used for removing voltage from muscles or headaches (cold compress). The duration of the use of heating wrapped in a towel is 20 - 30 minutes. When the warmer cooled a bit, you can remove the towel and leave the tool for another 10 - 15 minutes.

Salt Greet Mattress Delta Term How to use video

How safe is the salt warmer for a newborn

Salt heater for a newborn is absolutely safe. Sodium acetate is used as food additive As a preservative, acidity regulator and flavoring. It is also found in many fruits and is formed in fervent fermentation.

Why do you need a doctor consultation

Of course, it can be treated with many ailments to warmth, but in some cases, Peppers shopping the salt drifts, it is better to consult a pediatrician. So, the height cannot be used to women in the position, or if there are inflammation, wounds on the skin. In addition, the tool is not recommended to breast kids who have guns or ulcers on the body.

And even more so - not every stomach pain is a sign of colic. If the reason is more serious, you will need another treatment. It can only be appointed doctor. He will also advise, which model of the heights to choose if necessary.

How to care for the salt warming

In compliance with the instructions for use, the salt ground does not require any additional care, but it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to store it in a dry cool place. It is strictly forbidden to lay the heating for a long time in the freezer, otherwise it will be self-express. In total, the salt drill is designed for 50-time use. The term of its shelf life is about 3 years.

What to do if the boards does not work

Sometimes parents face that the heater gives a failure in work. This manifests itself during boiling after use. Typically, the contents becomes liquid. But there are cases when fluid after boiling, immediately crystallizes. First of all, it is recommended to check whether the button or valve warmer will not be shed.

If this is all right, the salt heal is advised to leave in the water in which it boiled to full cooling. If it does not help, you should once again boil the heating and repeat the procedure. Include it is not advised to fully cool.

by Notes of wild mistress

Daily people face with various diseasesThe result of which there may be health problems and all sorts of complications of the work of the internal organs. To avoid this, it is necessary to take appropriate measures in a timely manner and resort to treatment.

Among the whole diversity of existing today medicines so easy to get lost, so many give preference people's methods Treatment, one of which is the use of salt heating, which has proven its effectiveness over the years.

Modern salt heating rates differ significantly from those that have been used for several decades ago. Let's look at what salted warmers are needed, and how exactly they should be used at home.

What is salt warmer

The salt warmer is a fairly easy to use the sample, which will be useful in every home. This is a universal heat source, for heating whose power supply or other auxiliary heating appliances will not need.

The principle of operation of the salt heating is quite simple, so everyone can cope with her. Due to its versatility and mobility, the salt heater can become an excellent heating agent in hiking conditions and on the road.

Salt Gloor - This is a container filled salinewhich, in fact, is a source of heat.

Principle of operation of salt heating

In order for the solution to begin to heat up, it is enough to proceed a starter that is inside the tank and made in the form of a small stick. In some models, the height instead of the starter inside the container is a button on which you need to click on the heating of the heating.

After that, the process of crystallization of the solution begins, during which heat is allocated. The saline solution passes from the liquid state in solid, and the heated heat is heated to 50 degrees Celsius in just a few seconds.

Before using it, to avoid burn, it is recommended to wrap the heating with a towel or handkerchief. The usual salt warmer keeps heat for 3-4 hours and can take the shape of the body, depending on which place it was attached to.

Varieties of salt heels

Due to the popularity and efficacy of salt heating, there were several types of their species, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. Classic salt warmer It has the form of a bag that can be of different sizes, depending on the purpose of the heating.

Another pretty popular view of the salt drifts is warmer "Collar"which allows you to warm up cervical, relieve pain and tension from the muscles of the collar zone.

With help lumbar height Eliminate back pain and lower back. In the cold season, as well as in some diseases, will be very useful foot Salts. They are made in the shape of a stelc and fit into shoes, perfectly warm up the sole and for a long time maintaining heat.

In cosmetology are popular salt heats made in the form of face masks. They work on the same principle as the usual heights, however, have a non-standard form, thanks to which they perfectly impose on the face and warm it in the right places, allowing cosmetic tools caused to the skin, better to penetrate it and quickly digest.

Areas of applying saline

One of the most common areas of the use of salt heating is Laura-disease. If you are worried about runny nose or cough, it is enough just to undergo a course of treatment with the help of salt heating, applying it to the nose or to the throat daily to complete recovery. It effectively copes with such a complex disease as a sinusitis and well helps with ear diseases.

Sometimes salt drills are used as a means for heating bruises and joints. In some cases, such heating plants are recommended for the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism and convulsion.

In the cold season, the salt drift can be put in a stroller with a child, as it is an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic.

Ekaterina Makhnonosov

Chemical salt applicators are convenient tools for warming or cooling compress. And if at home salt drifts can be replaced by electrical devices, then in the tourist campaign without them just do not do.

Types of salt healing

Chemical heater is a container filled with an oversaturated hydrochloric solution, which is in an inactive state in equilibrium. In different manufacturers, the accurate composition of the mixture may differ.

All Salt Autonomous Applicators on the market can be divided into two large groups:

  • disposable;
  • reusable application.

Disposable heating pads have a simpler composition. Externally, these are small rag or rubber cases, usually rectangular shapes in which there is a dense dry mass. When activated, this mass is heated.

The chemical warmer is reusable represents a more complex design. The body for it is made of rubber. Inside the case, except for the solution, there is a special trigger, which is responsible for launching the crystallization process. Also, this device may have an additional microfiber case and an electronic starter.

Why are salt applicators better than analogs?

In comparison with other autonomous heaters, chemicals have several advantages:

  • They can be purchased at each tourist equipment store. Reusable heights are also sold in pharmacies and shops with goods for children.
  • These devices are portable. They have small sizes.
  • In contrast to the same gasoline portable heating, the salt dies do not smell during operation.
  • They are convenient to use.
  • Chemical heating pads are safe even for young children, as hypoallergenic and sealed.
  • They do not need to buy additional filters or interchangeable details.
  • They are durable. The shelf life of disposable applicators is 2-3 years, and reusable can be used to 1000 applications.

And how much is the heater chemical reusable? The price of an autonomous heater of any kind of democratic. Disposable heater costs 20-50 rubles. And prices for reusable devices depend on the manufacturer's country, size and shape of the heating, but usually fluctuate in the range of 300-2000 rubles.

Indications for use

When treating dry heat, vessels are expanded. Because of this, blood circulation is improved. Therefore, there are a number of medical testimony, in which the doctor may prescribe warming up the autonomous chemical applicator:

  • arrhythmia;
  • heart failure;
  • menstrual spasms;
  • headache;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • rhinitis;
  • frontitis;
  • hymorite;
  • angina;
  • frostbite;
  • pain in the legs;
  • other colds.

But warming compress can not be done at:

  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • rotting lesions of the skin;
  • allergic skin reactions;
  • fever;
  • with pain and spasms of unclear origin.

And when, on the contrary, it is necessary to slow down blood circulation, the chemical heated drill is used for cooling. Indications to this serve:

  • bruises and bruises;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • stretching muscles and tendons;
  • high body temperature;
  • blood tides to the head;
  • first hours after injury;
  • recovery period after surgery.

But the cold warmer is chemical contraindicated with shock, collapse and spastic pain in the stomach.

For ease of use, manufacturers make reusable applicators with different designs. Mattresses and collars are best suited to warm out large areas of the body: lower back, neck and joints. And special knee pads are comfortable to attach shape and strings to the knee. There are heating pads in the form of a rake in shoes or lining for the nose and face.

How to make a thermal compress?

The activation of the applicator in the heating mode depends on what type it refers.

Disposable heights need to be released from the packaging, then how to smash. But at the same time, open the bag with the filler does not follow. After that, the applicator should be left outdoors for a while. In 5-10 minutes it will become warm. This means that the heater is chemical ready for use. It can be removed in a pocket or in shoes and warm with its help and legs for 3-4 hours. To allow the contact of the heating with a naked body is impossible.

Reusable applicators are activated using a special trigger, which usually has a start-up stick look:

  1. The trigger needs to be bent, squeezing the heating or by pressing the special button. This will launch the crystallization reaction.
  2. After that, the heights need to be a little bit in their hands and attach to the patient to the organ, so that it heats it to take the right anatomical form. A few minutes after switching on, the solution will be solid.
  3. So that there is no burn on the body, the applicator should not touch the naked skin. Therefore, it is better to remove it into a special case or wrap a towel.
  4. So that the device does not shift, you need to stay alone at all the time of receipt of the compress.

The time of operation of the multi-sized heating pad is at about 30-90 minutes. After that it needs to be restored.

Cooling rules with salt applicator

For cold compress, a reusable instruction for use is also used: an inactive applicator for half an hour is removed into the refrigerator, after which it is immediately ready for operation.

Such a heater will store the cold three times longer than ordinary ice. And besides cold compresses to the body, with its help, you can also cool the equipment and food products. Such salt applicators are used when transporting products.

At the same time, it is impossible:

  • Place in the refrigerator heated active heating. From the temperature difference can be broken.
  • Cool the applicator in the freezer. At minus temperatures, the solution is crystallized inside it, harden and comes in disrepair.

Recycling and repairing heating

Immediately after using the heater, the chemical disposable is disposed of with household waste, and reusable - only after the solution will end the deadline. Until then, the reusable height can be restored after each application. For this you need:

  1. Wait until it finishes to heat and get cool.
  2. Wrap the heap in a simple fabric.
  3. Place in boiling water by 5-20 m.
  4. Merge water and give dry.
  5. Remove until the next use in a dark dry place in which the room temperature is maintained.

If necessary, the reusable height can be reused immediately.

Kids often have colic and a teeth are cut. And during the cognition of the world, small children may accidentally borrow. Therefore, a device with which the child can be done in minutes to make a cooling or heating compress, so valuable when careing children.

Autonomous applicators for children are produced in a special design. They have a look bright and colorful, which makes them similar to toys. Such heels, in addition to traditional compresses, use:

  • for heating a baby carriage while walking;
  • for heating a bed before bedtime.

Any salt is absolutely safe thanks to hermetic packaging. In this case, the device does not cause allergies and takes the shape of the body.

Use of heating in cosmetic procedures

Spark the skin of the face before applying the nutrient mask. It will also be departed with small acne and relax the muscles of the face after a hard work day, which will benefit on the overall health and smoothness of the skin. Make such a procedure will help the instructions for applying it for cosmetics purposes is very simple and does not differ from the rules of use in the usual thermal compress.

To do this, it must be activated and attached to the face for the area of \u200b\u200binterest. As the heat heated does not root the skin, the device can be additionally wrapped in marley or towel. The main thing is that the heater itself, and the towel is clean, since during the compress in the extended pores it is possible to apply infection.

But it is best to buy a special device that has a suitable size and anatomical shape. Complete to the applicator for cosmetic procedures there is a convenient microfiber case.

Will the heights help in a tourist campaign?

Going on fishing, hunting or just to relax in nature, you must take with you some autonomous heating. They will be useful to:

  • heat off sleeping bag;
  • great hands in pockets;
  • great and dry legs.

To use chemicals you just need to activate applicators and remove them into shoes. It is best for this purpose or disposable heights, or reusable devices in the form of a rack.

But it is possible to heal in this way only locally. If the general overcooling of the body was admitted, then the compression needs to be abandoned, since in this case the blood flow to the heated organ, having deprived the remaining normal blood circulation. What will lead to even greater freezing.

Knowing how to use the chemical warming, you can have time to provide first aid for injury and warm up even during winter fishing.

The salt heater is an excellent physiotherapy for home use, it works completely autonomously, without an external heat source. It has low weight and small size and heated in a matter of seconds to a temperature of + 52 degrees. The main advantage - the warmer is reusable.

The salt boards consists of PVC film, salt solution and a starter stick (trigger). The saline solution is applied in the food industry, so it does not have a negative impact on human health.

The salt heater is a reusable self-heating heater, which is based on the effect of heat release when changing the phase state of some materials, often - crystallization of the salts from the oversaturated solution.

Benefits of salt heating:

  • It works completely autonomously:
  • reusable enclosure;
  • long retains heat or cold;
  • eliminates burns or overheating;
  • hygienic in use;
  • safe for people and animals.

Salt heating can be used not only for heating, but also for cooling.

The salt warmer is used to quickly produce heat at any time and anywhere: at home, at work or on vacation. The heater instantly heats up to + 52c and holds heat for a long time.

Salt heating can be used as heating for domestic animals when carrying in the cold season.

Indications for the use of salt drifts:

Salt drills are widely used in medicine, as well as for heating hands and equipment when working in the cold. As a heating agent is often used fishermen and hunters.

Salt rains are indispensable when walled diseasesAs for adults and children, have more than 200 indications for use. Salt heights recommend doctors, cosmetologists, coaches.

Instructions for the use of salt heating:

Launch of the self-heating heating.

The saline racing is a capacitance with a suspended brine, most often used as such using sodium acetate solution. The solution is in equilibrium state. Inside the solution flooding a wand - "Starter" or trigger. When the ladder stick is inhibited (trigger), the solution comes out of the equilibrium state, the bent trigger becomes the center of crystallization, causing a phase transition of a solution from a liquid state into solid. The transition is accompanied by heat excretion and the heated heat is heated to refurbishment 50-54 C.

The operating time of the salt heating is from 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on its size and external temperature.

After turning on the heating, it is necessary to argue in the hands so that it becomes softer and easily took the shape of a warmed surface.

Restoration of salt heating.

The recovery process is a reverse process: the heating was wrapped in the fabric and placed 5-20 minutes in boiling water. The dissolution of salt crystals occurs with heat absorption, after which the heater is again ready for reuse.

Application of salt heating in cold compress

Place an invincible warmer in the refrigeration chamber for 30-40 minutes, during this time it will cool up to + 4c - + 6c. Such a compress is 3 times longer saves cold than ice.

Attention! Do not place hot heating in the refrigerator - it can lead to a breakfast breakdown. Do not place the heating in a solid (launched state), because In the future, it will be inconvenient as a compress. Do not place the heating floor in the freezer of the refrigerator, because At -8c, the heater is self-filled.

If the boards you bought did not start the first time - this does not mean that the heater does not work. Anti-Obpair Measures Thermal manufacturer takes that when transporting the heights did not turn on independently with strong impact. In this case, before the first use you need to boil the heating.

Contraindications: oncological diseases, inflammatory processes, bleeding and injury. Before applying for therapeutic purposes, consult your attending physician.

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