Saltian hill for face. Saltian hill, itsrapeutic properties and contraindications

Hill Saltberry is an unpretentious soloncal soil semi-staple, which has unique healing properties. Like a plant relates to rare group Natural hepatoprotectors. Restoring the function and structure of hepatic cells, the Solyanka improves the quality of the life of patients and protects healthy from severe ailments.

The plant has long been applied in Tibetan medicine, held a special place among medical herbs from Siberian healers. For the first time to study the useful qualities of Solyanka became Russian scientists. It happened relatively recently - at the beginning of the 20th century. The selected substances from its composition showed good hypotensive properties (reduce arterial pressure). The main secret of the plant was discovered later by the Siberian healer of Elena Loch. Experts checked everything experimentally and agreed with the fact that Solyanka hill has exceptional medical properties. The effect of its impact on hepatic cells (hepatocytes) is comparable to such pharmacological preparations as "Legalong" and "Silbor".

Unpretentious Solyanka Holme prefers dry soil and perfectly feels like solonitsa, sands and dry ground. In Russia, it is found in the south of Siberia, in Baikalia, from the lowering of the Volga to the Far Eastern regions.

The collection of plants in wildlife is difficult, and the yield and quality of raw materials is difficult to predict. For this reason, in the Irkutsk region, engaged in the cultivation of Solyanka Holmova. Here it is collected, dried, crushed and prepare therapeutic extracts for delivery to the pharmacy network.

One-year semi-staple, refers to the family (earlier - marine). A shaped shape of a bush plant has small filamentous leaves with spiny bristles. From July to September blooms with small flowers of white and green or pink. In the phase of fruction joins in August, forming a small fruit - a seed. Solyanka meets its name - she has a salty taste.

Long root helps to extract moisture and fixes a plant in a sandy soil. Having lost the "fastenings", it is rolled under the gusts of the wind, scattering the seeds along the surface of the soil. In the people of Solyanka Holmovaya received the names: "Tatar Thistle", "Katun", "Camel Kolyuk", "Yandak". In fact, the "rolling-field" is the name of the whole group of plants, which in the dried state form a small traveling com.

Surprisingly, the spiny plant growing on depleted dry soils is characterized by a rich composition:

  • amino acids (glycine);
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides (saponin);
  • carotenoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • betain;
  • fatty acid;
  • polysaccharides;
  • gamma Linolenic Acid (GLK);
  • 14 micro and macroelements (silicon, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and others).


Components of the composition provide exceptional properties by a plant that practically does not have contraindications to use.

  1. Gamma-linoleic acid related to unsaturated fatty acids medical effects In atherosclerotic diseases, it has a beneficial effect on the brain and the central nervous system, facilitating the condition of patients with neurological disorders, promotes cellular breathing.
  2. Polysaccharides improve the function digestive system, normalize intestinal microflora and blood sugar levels.
  3. Betaine has breeching and choleretic properties, regulates the work of the gallbladder and bile ducts Liver. Refers to natural hepatoprotectors. Another rich source of this vitamin-like substance is beet.
  4. Amino acids, vitamins and mineral compounds are involved in the exchange of substances, contribute to the increase in the protective forces of the body.
  5. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is a powerful antioxidant. Its properties are aimed at protecting cells from damaging factors of toxic substances.
  6. Alkaloids - useful biologically active molecules of natural origin. Increase the efficiency of the brain and metabolism, remove the spasms of smooth muscles.
  7. Glycosides have tonic, diuretic properties, improve the secretory activity of the glands.
  8. Carotenoids act as antioxidants, provide protection of cells from aggressive environmental factors, improve the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, contribute to timely sexual maturation, strengthen their eyesight.


The main use of Solyanka hill found in official medicine. It is used as a means restoring the structure and function of hepatic cells.

The liver cells (hepatocytes) constantly fulfill the time-consuming work, participating absolutely in all types of exchange. In addition, they like filters are not allowed into the body toxic substances. In the course of complex reactions within hepatocytes, all toxins are inactivated and become harmless. But the process of neutralization does not pass without a trace for the cells themselves. In the regular effects of harmful substances, their structure changes, the functional properties suffer. Part of the hepatocytes, unfortunately, dies.

Toxic substances come to the body with medicinal preparations (antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis means), from an ecologically unfavorable medium or from harmful production. They are produced by infectious diseases Microorganisms.

But the bulk regularly falls into liver cells due to the fault of products, contraindicated for healthy nutrition (smoked, fats, sharp spices, nutritional supplements, alcohol).

Hill Salonka is used to restore hepatocytes and protect them from negative impacts for diseases:

  • hepatitis with acute and chronic flow;
  • intoxication (drug, alcoholic, food);
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis liver in the initial stage.

With the prophylactic goal of the medicinal plant, it is advisable to take in susceptibility to stone formation in bile bubbleAs auxiliary with pancreas and diabetes meal diseases.

The regular intake of the hill salt is shown for living in conditions of poor ecological situation and work in harmful production.

Positive properties The plant exhibits in prevention ischemic Disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis. Reduces cholesterol and sugar levels, improves lipid exchange.

The healing effect of grass is revealed with reduced immunite, anemia, hypertension, pathologically flowing climax, urolithiasis.

The plant is suitable for the treatment of glaucoma and an increase in visual acuity.

In cosmetology, the use of Solyanka Holmova improves the condition skin Pokrov and prevents aging. Used in moisturizing, tonic, softening, regenerating and anti-cellulite creams.

Medicinal forms

Hill Salonka is used in the form of dry raw materials or ready-made pharmaceutical preparations.


Of the dry grass, raw materials are obtained at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. on a glass of boiling water. After boiling, for 10 minutes, they drink 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day.


For cooking 1 tbsp. l. The plant base is poured 200 ml of boiling water. After an hour of insteading in the thermos, they filtered and take 15-45 ml (up to 3 tbsp. L.) Three times during the day before eating.

Ready extracts

Produced in liquid and powders, capsules, granules and bags. Liquid drugs can be supplemented by other components that increase the efficiency of the drug. For example, the hepatone-3 worst contains an apple extract except salt ascorbic acid and rosehip extract. If there are no contraindications, the drug will perfectly cope with anemia, reduced immunity, protect the hepatic cells and restores their functions.


The plant has no mutational properties, in other words, it is non-toxic. Contraindications are limited to:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • urolithiasis in the aggravation stage;
  • phenylketonuria.

Sin.: Katun, Tatar Thistle, Russian Thistle, Camel Spiky, Roll-Field.

Solyanka hill is an annual, weed, spherical, semi-staple plant with filamentous leaves, coated along the entire length of barbed bristles. This plant is a powerful hepatoprotector, which also has immunomodulatory, antioxidant, choleretic, lipotropic, hypoglycemic properties.

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Formula flower

The Flower Flower Holmova: O (5) T5P (2).

In medicine

Although Solyanka hill and is not a pharmacopoeial plant, scientists do not deny its useful properties. Numerous experiments have proven the ability of Solyanka Holme to act as a hepatoprotector, that is, to promote the normalization of functions, structure and metabolism of the liver parenchyma. The drugs of the hill sollete are prescribed in cirrhosis, cholecystitis, hepatosis, acute, viral and toxic hepatitis. They are taken to protect the liver during treatment various diseases preparations with hepatotoxic action, during helminths and infectious processes in the liver. They have an insulin-like action, that is, they can reduce blood sugar content. As a biologically active additive, Solyanka hill facilitates bone strengthening, has an immunostimulating effect, it serves to prevent violations of lipid metabolism and exchanging cholesterol, early forms of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases. In Russia, the following dietary supplements are approved, containing the hills of hills: "Askochol", "hepatosol", "Lohein", "extractal", as well as tea and extract from the plant. The latter is widely applied as an alkoprotector for treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindication to the admission of Solyanka Holme can be urolithiasis in the stage of exacerbation, phenylketonuria, individual intolerance. She is not recommended to take pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 18.

In cosmetology

In the cosmetology of Solyanka, the hill is used in the manufacture of various creams and lotions. It has an antiseptic and wound-healing property, effective in the treatment of acne, contributes to moisturizing the skin. Sunscreen with a solanx hill, contribute to a safe, smooth and resistant tan.

In animal husbandry

Holm Salt's grass if the plant is young, it may be food for livestock, especially camels.


Saltalka Holm (Lat. Salsolacollina Pall.) Refers to the genus of grassy and shrub plants Solyanka (lat. Salsola), which is included in the amaranth family (Lat. Amaranthaceae). Rod has different sources from 80 to 150 species of plants. Medical action In addition to Solyanka, Holmova also possess Richter Saltber (Lat. Salsola Richteri) and Palestsky Saltka (Lat. Salsola Paletzkiana).

Botanical description

Hill Saltberry - a strong tv, a ball-shaped plant with thin branches, soft at young age and rustling over time. Rounded stems are dressed up with pinkish stripes located along and covered with long up to 15 cm. The leaves at the Solyanka are filamentous, long, rolling or semi-cylindrical, extended at the base and ending with a shine bristle. The bristles cover the whole sheet. In height, the plant reaches 100 cm. Solyanka flowers Holme greenish-white or pink, small, rim, with semi-shaped, short leaves, are collected in a long corolla-shaped inflorescence. Formula Flower of Solyanka Holmova - O (5) T5P (2). Flowers plant from July to September, it starts fruit already in August. The fruit of Solyanka Holmova - a column-shaped seedside.


Solyanka hill grows on loamy, stony or dry sandy soils. The range of plants extends from the low-level Volga to the Far East and includes Kazakhstan, Baikalia, South Siberia and Central Asia. Solyanka hill - a weed plant that does not form constant thickets, so for industrial purposes the plant is specially grown on plantations located in the Altai Territory.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Preparation of raw materials

Since the yield of Solyanka Hill was unpredictable, and the collection of wild plants is difficult for many reasons, the plant was decided to cultivate. The raw material base was created in the Irkutsk region. The introduction of the plant solved the question of the inconstancy of the chemical composition and, as a result, the various chemical activity of wild solicitis. On the plantations, the above-ground part of the plant is collected with the help of special equipment, dried and crushed. In the same shops from the finished raw materials are obtained by the extract of saltwrites.

Chemical composition

Solyanka hill contains antioxidants, including tocopherols, flavonoids - quercetin, rutin, tritin, isoramnetine, amino acids, sterols, betaine, alkaloids, polysaccharides, amino acids. It has such minerals as iron, copper, silicon, phosphorus, potassium. Scientists have discovered in Solyanka a hill unique complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including gamma linolenic acid.

In contrast to the Richter and Solyanka of the Palestsky, the Saltanka contains a minimum amount (no more than 0, 001%) alkaloids of salsolidine and Salsolin.

Pharmacological properties

Therapeutic properties of the Solyanka hill, identified as a result of various biopharmaceutical and chemical studies, are due to its unique composition. The plant differs extremely low content of alkaloids of Salsolidine and Salsolin, converting Richter Salzanka and Palestsky Solyanka to an effective remedy for hypertensive disease. However, these alkaloids are very toxic. The fact that in the Solyanka hill is so little, deprives the plant of a number of properties, but negates and the poisoning effect. The presence of hill-flavonoids and amino acids in the solanka of the hill flavonoids and amino acids, explains its hepatoprotective effect. A gamma-linolenic acid found in the plant, which contributes to the restoration of the protective function of the cell membrane, is particularly valuable. D-fructose polysaccharides and homopolysaccharides D-Mannosa, also known as Inulina and Mananians, make it possible to use saltwood drugs in diet and therapy sugar diabetes. They contribute to the stabilization of blood sugar levels. The presence of more than 14 different micro- and macroelements explains the immunomodulatory and constructive properties of the plant. The presence of hill and copper and copper is especially important. The first is a skeletal-forming element whose flushing is one of the causes of aging. Natural silicon sources are very small, among plants containing a valuable element - nettle, bamboo, horsetail. In Solyanka, hill silicon is greater than in many other biopharmaceutical sources, up to 50 mg / l. The lack of copper leads to the Malokrovia, inhibits the absorption of iron, which felt its disadvantage, the Solyanka protects the body from anemia, contributes to the process of blood formation and strengthening immunity.

Despite numerous clinical studies confirming the therapeutic properties of the hill solicky, the plant is not pharmacopy and does not include the state register medicines. However, Bades based on Solyanka Holmova are certified by the Federal Center for GosanaPidnadzor and is recommended by the RAMS Institute.

Application in folk medicine

In folk medicine, Solyanka Holmovaya is used to treat and prevent liver diseases, restoring its functions. She is considered effective tool With cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis and hepatitis. The plant increases blood clotting, promotes prevention and treatment iron deficiency anemiaSugar diabetes. Hille Saltian preparations are also used in digestion disorders after intestinal infections, Reception of antibiotics, poisoning. It is believed that grass is capable of treating fibromic, glaucoma, increases visual acuity. It is drinking, trying to prevent osteoporosis and ischemic heart disease, as a choleretic agent, an immunostimulator. Sollyanki Holmova tea brewed, striving to cope with the metabolic disorders, excessive body weight, an increased level of blood sugar. The hill salt extract is treated with an abstineent syndrome, it is assumed that it is useful for the liver, heart muscle, improves brain activity. The concentrated infusion of the plant has a laxative action, is useful in hemorrhoids, peptic disease Stomach I. duodenal gut.

Historical reference

Solyanka hill was widely used by residents of Siberia in folk medicine, but its properties remained unexplored until the end of the XX century. Interested in grass People's Siberian healer Loche Elena Vasilyevna. Its studies caused interest in the scientific environment and led to a number of clinical trials confirmed healing properties plants. Including the effectiveness of Solyanka Holmovaya preparations as a hepatoprotector was confirmed, studied chemical composition plants. In honor of the healers, the liquid extract of Solyanka Holmova - "Lohein" is named.


    Lunyak N.K, Lunyak Yu.S., Chirkin A, a. "Biologically active additives Based on Solyanka Holm and Lipids with Gamma Linolenic Acid, Moscow, Fitos project, 2003.

Release form, approximate price in pharmacies:

  • extract 100ml Fl.
  • capsules extract for 0.15g FL
  • fL 50ml extract

Pharmacological group

Bad for maintaining the liver function, biliary tract and gallbladder

Active active ingredient - holm Salt Planted Extract, Hill Salt

Askohol; Loolein; ; Solyanka hill extract; Tea Solyanka Hill; Extractor; Solyanka Holmova extract.

- the hepatoprotector, it is recommended as a means for the prevention of liver diseases, to protect and restore the liver cells and improving digestion processes (hepatitis, hepatosis, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis). It is used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis. Can be used in persons prone to increased level Sugar in the blood, as well as in persons with overweight.

Active-active substance:
Hill Saltka / Salsola Collina.

Dosage forms:
Granulated powder.
Liquid extract.
Filter packets.

Properties / Action:
The infraces and hill hill hoods are used for more than a hundred years, as a means of people's Medicine (Tibetan, Siberian).
Solyanka Holm (Holle Salt Plant, Salsola Colina Pall.) Contains: amino acids, glycine, betaine, phytosterols, flavonoids, carotenoids, glycosides, isoquinoline alkaloids, inulines, saponins, ketodicarboxylic acids and over 14 micro and macroelements in a digestible form: iron , phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, silicon, copper, etc.
Unique is the presence of higher fatty acids, including polyunsaturated gamma linolenic acid, which is the predecessor of the prostaglandins and the energy substrate in the process of intracellular respiration.

Hill Saltka helps to optimize the functions of the liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys in almost healthy people.
Hill Saltberry - Fitodobank to protect the liver tissues. Holme Saltian preparations have a hepatotropic effect. Their recommended as an effective prophylactic tool for protecting the liver, incl. In hepatitis.

  • has hepato-protective activity on various models toxic hepatitis (SS14, D-Galactosamine, allyl alcohol), as well as hepatosis caused by ethyl alcohol;
    • is a direct inhibitor of free radical reactions and reduces the formation of lipoperoxidation products, increases the anti-radical activity of membrane lipids;
    • contributes to the preservation of high content of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylhotyolamine hepatocyte membranes;
    • stimulates the regeneration and excretory function of hepatocytes and glukeonation of bilirubin;
    • normalizes the content of reduced glutathione, the activity of glutathioneer-peroxidase, glutathiones and glutathionerase;
    • increases the catalytic activity of cytochrome P-450 and conjugation of xenobiotics with reduced glutathione;
    • prevents the formation of detergent lysophosphatides;
    • counteracts the accumulation of triglycerides and the formation of a common staitosis of the liver parenchyma due to the normalization of the activity of oxybutratedehydrogenase and increasing the synthesis of the transport form of lipids - lipoproteins of low and very low density;
    • improves the respiratory function of mitochondria;
    • stabilizes the membranes by lysosomes and prevents the release of necrosgenous hydrolauses, including phospholipase A;
    • has an immunomodulatory action, stimulates the development of an immune response to the T-dependent antigen in healthy and poisoned animal hepatotoxins;
    • reduces side effects prednisone observed when used.
      • Clinical researches It is evidenced that already in the first week after the start of treatment, patients with chronic cholecystitis improves significantly general state: disappear or decrease pain attacks, dyspeptic phenomena. A positive result was also obtained in the treatment of patients with chronic active hepatitis of moderate degree of activity and chronic persistent hepatitis.
        Salt cabin contains the components necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and the hormone-producing function of the pancreas.
        Holl Saltian preparations are effective for the treatment of alcoholism and abstinence syndrome. Apply to the prevention of stress loads (dispatchers, drivers of locomotive brigades) and the prevention of influenza morbidity during the epidemic flash period (ascolt, extract). Recommended for the prevention of stress lesions of metabolism.
        Holl Saltian preparations contribute to cholesterol utilization, normalizes blood sugar levels in diabetes patients.
        Holl Saltian preparations are used for the prevention and treatment of ischemic heart disease and early atherosclerosis forms. Actively participates in the stabilization of the hepatobiliard system, normalizing cholesterol levels and lipoproteins of various density.
        Holmovoy Saltian preparations have high clinical efficacy, comparable to the drugs Spotch (Legalone, Carsyl, Silbor); Do not have cytotoxicity in a wide range of doses under conditions of acute and chronic experiment, are deprived of embryotoxic, mutagenic, allergenic and immunotoxic properties, i.e. Safe.

        Indications for use

      • acute hepatitis (mainly medicinal, toxic, alcoholic), food, medicinal and alcohol intoxication (especially effective against hepatotoxins);
      • chronic persistent and active hepatitis (viral);
      • fatty hepatosis of various etiology;
      • chronic cholecystitis, tendency to education bile stones (prevention of education);
      • initial stage liver cirrhosis;
      • people living in extreme, environmentally unfavorable areas;
      • impact on the body of toxic substances and radiation;
      • prevention of cardiovascular diseases, early forms of atherosclerosis, disorders of cholesterol and lipid metabolism, ischemic heart disease;
      • as additional means in dietherapy of diabetes;
      • chronic weakening of the body, fatigue, permanent weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome, reducing the protective forces of the body in old age.

        Method of application and dose

        Packages, Filter Packages

        Adults and children over 12 years old 2 tablespoons or 2 filter-packs of 3.0 g are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes. Take 1/3 - 1/4 glasses three times a day before meals. A course of reception 3-4 weeks. With diet and therapy of liver diseases at least 4 weeks. With the preventive purpose of taking 0.5 glasses per day regularly.

        Granulated powder

        Adults 2 - 5 g 2-3 times a day during food with food, pre-soluble in 100 ml of cooled boiled water (juice). The duration of reception 2 months.

        Liquid extract
      • For medicinal purposes, 5 - 10 ml is appointed as a hepatoprojector three times a day before meals. Dissolve in 1/3 glasses of water. As a secrets and preventive tool, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. With increased acidity of the stomach, it is recommended to use after meals. For prevention of 10-15 drops daily. With diabetes mellitus, a recommended dose is 10 ml 3 times a day. Course duration 3-4 weeks.
      • It is advisable to conduct repeated courses 2-3 times a year.


        individual intolerance to the drug, phenylketonuria, urolithiasis in the aggravation phase.

        Application during pregnancy and lactation

        Side effect

        Allergic reactions are possible.

        Medicinal interaction

        Possible sharing with choleretic means and spasmolitics.

        Storage conditions

        Store in a dry, cool, protected from light place. For liquid extraction, precipitate is allowed; Before use to shabby.

    Solyanka Holm - a semi-stabiliar with therapeutic properties used in China's medicine, Tibet. In Siberia, the grass has long been used in the therapy of liver pathologies. Today, pharmaceutical enterprises produce Lohein. The drug is named after the famous Irkutsk herbal, E. V. Loch. In co-authorship with a member of the Academy of Sciences, Professor Chupin, she created a drug that received a silver medal at the World Exhibition in the capital of Belgium (1994).

    Solyanka Holm - Composition and Medical Properties

    Solyanka Holm, therapeutic properties and contraindications of which are investigated by many scientists in our country, contains:

    • free alcohols or sterols that control the permeability of cell shells affecting metabolic processes;
    • flavonoids and carotenoids that have an antioxidant effect that prevents the deposits of cholesterol plaques in vessels that slow down tumor processes;
    • tanines, positively affecting the secretory function of the tract and anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects;
    • high molecular weight carbohydrates that give the cells strength providing their energy processors that protect tissue cells from drying out;
    • glycinbetain, choline;
    • alkaloids with hypotensive properties;
    • g-linolenic acid providing the structure of the cytomembrane;
    • saponins that increase the transport of substances through the cell membrane;
    • amino acids, including about 35% indispensable.

    Solyanka hill, unlike other species, contains a slight amount of alkaloids, which show antispasmodic and hypotensive effect. The fact that their plant content is less than 0.001% causes the safety of the use of drugs in the therapy of children and elderly patients.

    Inulines and Mananas cause the use of grass in disease therapy associated with metabolic disorders. They provide normalization of the level of glucose, as well as restore the normal intestinal microflora. More than 14 types of micro- and macroelements were found, which explains the immunomodulating effect of the use of salt plant extract.

    An important factor is the presence of a plant organic (in the form of ions) of silicon and copper in the green part. Silicon participates in mineralization bone tissueAnd his loss leads to osteoporosis. In nature, organic silicon sources are very small, and it contains it much more in the hill, than in the horsetail, nettle savory and bamboo.

    The disadvantage of copper in the body leads to a violation of the synthesis of erythrocytes, blocks the absorption of iron, therefore solicki preparations are prescribed in the treatment of anemia.

    Saltian preparations have pronounced properties:

    • hepatoprotective;
    • hypoglycemic;
    • hypolypidemic.

    They are used both as a means of prevention and in complex therapy various pathologies.

    Areas of use

    Holm Solyanka Holl grass preparations are used in medicine for therapy:

    • diseases of the liver and biliary tract (cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gallstone disease);
    • pancreatic pathologies;
    • cSS diseases - atherosclerosis of vessels, ischemic disease, hypertension;
    • anemia;
    • climax's pathological flow;
    • urolithiasis;
    • glaucoma;
    • osteoporosis.

    Solyanka hill has an immunostimulating effect. The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication of drugs is the treatment and prevention of diseases of the hepatobilline system.

    With prophylactic purposes, drugs are prescribed when using medicines with hepatotoxic properties, as well as with glides invasion in the liver and poisoning.

    Plant extract is used to relieve the abolition syndrome during alcoholism. Scientists who studied the clinical properties of Solyanka hill in the treatment of alcoholism noted that, thanks to the unique amino acid composition, Lohein has a protective (hepatoprotective), action, stimulates the cleansing of organic cells from toxins. Nice results The combined treatment of the Lohein and Enterosorbent "Polyface" has shown. Studies confirm the therapeutic efficacy of Logene and Salzocollin in diseases of the hepatobiliary system, including children.

    In folk medicine, the Solyanka is used to treat:

    • diseases of the tract - dysentery, reduced or increased products of gastric acid and digestive enzymes, hemorrhoids;
    • violations exchange processes - obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis;
    • gynecological pathologies - fibromomy, endocervicitis, thrush;
    • purulent inflammation of hearing organs.

    Also on the basis of plant extract produced lotions, creams, shampoos for children and adults. Thanks to antioxidant and regenerating properties, the plant is used in cosmetology in rejuvenating creams, softening and regenerating means. The seeds contain organic silicon, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other substances that stimulate elastin synthesis, which makes it possible to prevent the aging of the skin and eliminates small wrinkles.

    Bioactive substances of Solyanka Holmovoy seeds are used in cosmetology from cellulite.

    They contribute:

    • regeneration of skin cells;
    • stimulate the metabolism;
    • eliminate the feeling of strut and contribute to the deduction of moisture;
    • protect from UV - radiation.

    The plant has a disinfecting and regenerating effect, so successfully applies to the means for treatment acne, acne, rosacea. Sunscreen with green part of the plant provide a smooth, resistant tan and protect from sunburn.

    The use of Solyanka Holme in cosmetology does not end with the skin of the face and body. Plant extract enters phytochpuna for growth and strengthening hair. The agent has a beneficial effect on the skin of the head - eliminates dandruff, eliminates itching, restores cells, heals small damage. Bioactive substances stimulate blood supply and nutrition of hair bulbs, which leads to rapid growth and strengthening hair.

    Hill Salonka - Instructions for use

    The use of hydranki highly depends on the shape of the drug, the type of disease and the associated pathologies.

    Decorations and infancy

    For the treatment of inflammatory processes from the grass prepare decoction:

    • 30 g of grass;
    • 250 ml of water.

    The raw materials are crushed to size 0.5-2.5 mm, poured with water and adjust on slow heat to 60-70 ° C. The temperature is maintained before evaporation of ½ volume of water. Vessel Immerse B. cold water With ice so that the decoction cooled to 25-30 ° C. Such instant cooling makes it possible to avoid the thermal decomposition of bioactive substances. The filtered decoction takes 50-60 ml 3 times a day for 30 minutes. Before meals.

    To stimulate appetite prepare infusion at the rate of:

    • 30 g of grass;
    • 250 ml of water.

    Grinded raw materials are poured with a corresponding boiling water, the capacity is closed, wrapped and insist 1.5-2 hours. The fluctuated infusion takes 1-2 tablespoons before meals.

    Also prepare concentrated water infusion. The thermos is covered with 40-50 g of chopped salt and 250 ml of boiling water are poured. Insist 4-6 hours. Drink ¼ cup before meal in water, urolithiasis, difficult urination. Children, elderly, the amount of grass reduce to 1 teaspoon. Take 1 tablespoon before meals in the treatment of glaucoma, the prevention of osteoporosis, maintaining the function of myocardium, strengthening vessels.

    Saltian in tablets, capsules

    Prepared preparations based on holm solicky grass prescribe:

    Title Preparative form Production of the drug for one-time acceptance (per day) The duration of the course of treatment (days)
    Lohein dragee. 2 pcs. 3 30
    Extrac granules 1 tsp. 250 ml of water 4-5 60
    Holmovaya Solinsky Extract capsules 2 pcs. 3 30
    pills 1 1 30-40
    liquid 5-10 ml 3 60
    Hepatosol powder 1 tsp. on ½ tbsp water 3 30
    Asskokol. powder 1 tsp. on ½ tbsp water 2 30

    Preparations are taken in 15-30 minutes. Before the meal and only ascolt and tablets of Solyanka Holmova - during food intake.

    Solianki extract

    Holmovaya Salt's extract can be purchased as in the finished form - liquid, pills or capsules, and prepare at home. In industrial conditions, the extract is obtained by extracting the above-ground part of the green plant with an aqueous alcohol solution of low (25%) concentration.

    To obtain an extract prepare water-alcohol infusion.

    For its preparation take:

    • 30 g of grass;
    • 100 ml of 25% alcohol solution in water or vodka.

    The raw materials are crushed, poured with vodka and kept in dark glassware for 14 days, periodically shaking the container. Alcohol tincture Take 20 drops to ½ tbsp. Water before meals for liver diseases, to stimulate the selection of bile, hormonal imbalance, cancellation syndrome. In ready liquid extract Ethanol is contained in a low concentration - less than 2 ml per one reception. She does not cause intoxication, but ensures the target transport of the Bav to the liver and other organs. According to some studies, it improves the activities of the CNS. Course of use, depending on the severity alcoholic intoxicationFrom several hours to 5-7 days.

    In the treatment of tumors of reproductive organs, 20 drops of infusion are mixed with 1 tsp. sea buckthorn oil. Take 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

    Useful properties of tea with grass Solyanka hill

    Tea with Solunka Holmovo can be prepared by buying chickel or independently from dry grass plants. One filter bag contains 3 g of dry raw materials. For a one-time adult and children over 12 years old are taking 2 bags or 2 tbsp. Herbs and brew 250 ml of boiling water. Insist under the lid of 20-30 minutes.


    • for therapeutic purposes 1 / 3-1 / 4 glasses 3 times a day before meals. Course of treatment 3-4 weeks;
    • as part of diet and therapy, the course of treatment is at least 4 weeks;
    • for the prevention of liver pathologies and biliary tract, take ½ cup once a day regularly.

    Tea from the plant has all the above properties, but due to the low concentration of bioactive substances, its reception should continue longer than more concentrated forms.

    Application when losing weight

    Solyanka hill is used in diet therapy to reduce body weight. Properties of the plant affect lipid metabolism, cholesterol and metabolism help to lose weight. In addition, the grass has a diuretic and laxative effect, normalizes intestinal microflora and stimulates food digestion processes. For this purpose, the solicky hill hill is taken before eating ½ cup. To enhance the effect you need to stick proper nutrition, abide by sleep and rest mode, exercise.

    Hill hill grass for weight loss can be used in mono or polisburs with dandelion (roots), chicory (roots), rosehip (fruits), plantain (leaves), degylem, fuza, bubble, gossip, bearish ear, mother and stepmother, strawberry Forest, elderberry (flowers).

    Contraindications to the use of hill solicky

    Holl Saltian preparations do not have proven contraindications. In the Vitebsk Medical Institute, studies were conducted on laboratory animals to identify the toxic properties of the plant and establish a dangerous dose. The injected amount of the drug exceeded therapeutic dose For a person per 1 kg of body weight almost 500 times. In this case, no symptoms of intoxication were observed.

    • children under 3 years old;
    • pregnant women;
    • people prone to allergic reactions;
    • patients with urolled or grooming disease In the stages of exacerbation.

    Despite the long history of the application of the plant in folk medicine, numerous scientific research, Solyanka hill is not included in the state register of medicinal plants.

    It is a semi-staple, annual, in the form similar to a ball. The branches at Solyanka are thin, young plants are soft, in adults - hardened. Sleeping stems are covered with longitudinal strips of pink shade, squeezed by hairs to 15 centimeters in length. The leaves of the plant are bristles, elongated in the thread, long. The root system consists of a long root that contributes to the production of moisture, but poorly holds the plant in the ground. Often the root breaks and the Solyanka rolls around the field, obeying the gusts of the wind like a rushing field. The height of the shrub reaches a meter. Flowers Solyanka with pale colors, slightly greenish or pink shade, inflorescences hide on spikelets. The flowering period begins in the height of the summer and lasts until autumn, the seed fruits appear at the end of the summer.

    In the people of Solyanka, the hillone is called camel barrel or hay, Katun, tumbleweed weed, Tatar thistle. "Solyanka" the plant was nicknamed for salty taste.

    The area of \u200b\u200bsaltwood spread is the North American region and Eurasia. In our country, Solyanka Hills can be governed in the southern regions of Siberia, in the Far East, in the Volga region and Pribaikal regions. The plant feels perfectly in a dry climate, on sandy soils, salt marshes, dry ground. Often, Solyanka is growing along the plains, meadows, in the fields, along the roads, on wastehouses, bowls and pastures.

    Billet and storage

    Drug properties possess the green shoots of Solyanka Hill, they are harvested in August, before the flowering period begin. It is believed that the collecting hill in natural conditions is quite complicated, so successful attempts to cultivate the plant for the workpiece are being taken in our country.

    To collect a saltwatch, armed with tight gloves so as not to proclaim the plant. Cut shoots are dried in a darkened room, at low temperature and good air circulation. The dried raw material is stored in packages in a dry ventilated room at a temperature not higher than 25c. Under the storage conditions, the raw materials retains their beneficial properties for two years.

    History of use

    Solyanka hill - relative to the "young" guest in European phytotherapy. Chinese herbalists and monks of Tibet used the Solyanka long-founded - in particular, to reduce blood pressure, but their knowledge of long time did not cross Europeans. It is known that Solyanka Holmovaya was used by folk healers and herbalists in Siberia and other regions, but this practice was not ubiquitous. It can be said that deserved attention has not been paid to this healing plant. An independent study of Solyanka was started fairly late - in Russia in the early 20th century. The discovery of the healing forces of the Slander is associated with the name of Elena Loch, studied therapeutic effects of the plant and its impact on the liver. Later, the data was confirmed experimentally and Salonan Hill received the well-deserved fame of the natural hepatoprotector. Scientists confirmed that Solyanka normalizes the work of the liver, improves performance, increases endurance and activates the internal reserves of the body. Solinsky extracts were isolated and the production of medicines based on it was launched. Were restored and entered into a wide use of folk recipes The use of saltwrites.

    Chemical composition

    As part of Sollyanki, there are substances that are beneficially affecting the functioning of all digestive organs. Polysaccharides regulate blood sugar content, restore the balance of microflora in the intestine.

    Unsaturated fatty acids help uninterrupted work of cardio-vascular systemare struggling with atherosclerosis, improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system, reinforce cellular respiration processes.

    Among the natural hepatoprotectors - the vitamin-like substance betaine, which has gone properties, contributes to the proper operation of the gallbladder. Vitamin E in the composition of the Solyanka Holmovoy protects the body from the action of toxins and free radicals. Alkaloids improve the metabolic processes, stimulate the brain and have antispasmodic effect. Glycosides increase the secretory function, have a diuretic effect and increase the body's tone. Carotine has positive action On the skin, organs of vision and endocrine system.

    Solyanka Holmovaya has a property to reduce blood sugar levels, like insulin, therefore helps sick diabetes maintain normal well-being, for healthy people, it serves preventing diabetic disorders.

    Tools based on hill solrenna render a general positive impact on the digestive system and the metabolism, normalizes the acidity of the stomach, contribute to getting rid of the stomach and duodenal ulceneous disease, dysentery, renal diseases, including pyelonephritis. The use of solickens contributes to curable from biliary disease by removing sand. The positive effect is achieved in the complex therapy of cholecystitis, and studies show reducing pain and manifestations of dyspepsia. After transferring infections or exposure to antibiotics, Solyanka helps to restore a healthy intestinal microflora.

    In the gynecology, Solyanka is known as a natural agent, effective as part of herbal fees from cervicitis and fibromomy.

    The high content of copper in the plant makes it useful for the blood formation system. Solyanka also has the ability to put blood pressure, helps to establish the uninterrupted work of the heart, serves as prevention of atherosclerosis, ischemic disease. Rutin as part of the plant strengthens blood vessels. Solyanka hill is also able to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, as it contains iron, therefore it is considered useful for anemia. It is useful to take a saltwater for the prevention of osteoporosis, silicon in the composition of the Slander contributes to the strengthening of bones.

    There are also information that with the help of a saltwood you can cure diseases of the organs of vision - it is used for therapy of glaucoma, and in general, affects the beneficial effect on the eyes, improving vision.

    Hill Saltberry - Hemorrhoid Aid, otitis, inflammatory processes Various localization. Basic-based preparations stimulate immunity, used as immunomodulators. It is especially recommended to use Sollyanki to those who will live in environmentally unfavorable areas whose work is related to increased psycho-emotional loads and stress, as well as for prevention to expected flu epidemics. The positive effect of the complex therapy of chronic fatigue syndrome, the decrease in immunity, the overall weakening of the body is proved. Salvanka helps reduce the impact on the organism of radioactive and toxic substances, gives strength and reduces fatigue. Microelements that are part of the Solyanka contribute to the active work of the brain and the nervous system. It is believed that the use of Sollyan Holmovoy promotes longevity and youth. Cosmetologists confirm that Solyanka brakes skin aging processes, increases the elasticity of the epidermis, so it is added to anti-axis complexes, means for combating cellulite, tonic lotions, moisturizing and nutrient creams.

    Used parts of the plant

    • Root
    • Epishers



    For part of the plant - root

    With sand in the kidneys and bladder, during water, like a diuretic.

    10 grams of crushed root pour 100 ml. Boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    For part of the plant - shoots

    With pyelonephritis.

    12 grams of crushed grass pour 300 ml. Water, boil on slow fire for 5 minutes, insist 2 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals.

    With hepatitis.

    2 tablespoons of crushed grass pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 glasses 3-4 times a day, before meals.

    With a bad appetite.

    1 tablespoon of chopped grass pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

    Additional materials

    • Gonadotropic schemes for gynecological diseases

    18.01.20 Yulia

    I was so glad to find a decent and competent resource among the internet trash)). I learned a lot here useful information, Thank you. And yet I ask the council.

    Immediately began to drink the Borovoy Makeup + Red Brush (Your Hormone Alignment Scheme). I love these herbs)) always helped with PMS, and quickly.

    Ultrasound from 11/20/19: The uterus is increased, CRP - 53 mm, longitudinal - 71, transverse - 60. Clear contours. Intramural Myomatous nodes with pronounced central blood flow: 21 mm, 10 mm, 16 mm and small. M-Echo Clear, 2.5 mm, not deformed, without GPE and polyposis. There are no formations in the Channel. PH 32 cm ^ 3, two-chamber sample 37 * 29 * 32 mm with anechogenic content of la 5.8 cm ^ 3, follicles 2-5 mm single. There is no free fluid. Conclusion: Mioma, t. M., Cyst (cystoma?) Right ovary.

    The gynecologist appointed Vobenzym for 3 weeks, CLIMADINON 2 months. I all got it, he added the collection: Burning, sabelnik, chaga, cleanliness. Separately decoction of mistletoes. For the night - a sedative collection.

    The last three menstruation: 1) August or September; 2) 06.12.19 (scant mazation once); 3) 16.12.19 (scant bleeding 1 day).

    Uzi-control 20.12.19: The uterus is increased, CRP - 52 mm, longitudinal - 71, transverse - 60. Intramural myomatous nodes with moderate blood flow 20 mm, 10 mm, 8 mm. M-ECHO Clear, 2.5 mm, without GPE and polyposis. There are no formations in the Channel. PI 8.1 cm ^ 3, follicles not more than 8 mm, 2-3 in scans, i.e. in small quantities. La 9.5 cm ^ 3, follicles 3-5 mm, 3-4 in scans, there is a follicle of 17 mm. There are no formations in the field of appendages. Cyst in the right ovary regressed. Conclusion: Stable Mioma TM The ultrasound doctor said that the day of the cycle was closer to the middle.

    Analyzes for hormones were not prescribed, but still passed (I do not know if it is possible with "Mirenaya").

    12/06/19: TTG - 1.686 MME / L (0.660-3,690); T3 total - 2.48 nmol / l (1.34-2.73).

    12/09/19 (D.Ts. unknown): estradiol - 108.9 pg / ml (follicular: 12.5-166; ovulatory: 85,8-498; Luthein 43.8-211). OAK - Norm.

    26.12.19: Estradiol - 1367 PMOL / L (Follicular: 46-607, ovulatory: 315-1828, Luteinova: 161-774); Progesterone - 17.5 nmol / l (follicular: 0.6-4.7, ovulatory: 2,4-9.4, luteinova: 5.3-86).

    Now: well-being is better than much, sometimes discomfort at the bottom of the abdomen (with full urinary). Sleep normalized.

    1. Please adjust the collection from myoma, I drank only a month. On the site is just a chic selection of herbs)).

    2. How to be with a borovy uterus + red brush (do not drink from 16.12, when incomprehensible periods started).

    Thus, now your estradiol is too high, and progesterone is relatively low.

    But most importantly, you are time to get rid of myself. She did not stop the growth of new mi. But perhaps it was provoked by mud procedures!

    Cancel them, replace the intake of chondroprotectors inward (though, I do not know the mechanism and consequences of injury); Remove the Miren and then you can wait for a natural cycle under the cover of antitumor tactics and reducing estradiol levels.

    1. The white melon decoction is a tincture and continue receiving.

    Omelo tincture:

    50.0 grams of crushed fuses of mistletoe white Place loose in dishes and pour 500.0 ml of 60% alcohol. Insist in the dark 2 weeks. Strain, squeeze and drink 20 drops three times a day after meals. The course - 2 months is not intermittent and repeated twice after 3-4 weeks under the control of ultrasound.

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