How to treat a small child for a cough. How to quickly cure a wet cough in a child

There are a lot of different cough remedies: pills, syrups, and physiotherapy. How to treat a cough in a 6-year-old child, what exactly should be used, should be prescribed by a specialist who will first examine the child.

Why there is a cough: causes of seizures

Why can a child cough? The reasons may vary. The main ones are:

  • mechanical effect on the mucous membrane;
  • allergy;
  • very dry indoor air;
  • chemical exposure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes respiratory tract.

Mechanical impact is when dust, bread crumbs or other foreign body gets into the throat. Naturally, a reflex arises, in which the body seeks to free itself from extraneous influences. The same goes for chemical attack (perfume, sprays or smoke). In this case, you just need to leave the place where the stimulus is. With dry air in the room, a cough can also occur, since the mucous membrane dries out and becomes irritated.

As for allergies, treatment is already required. But not cure for cough, but getting rid of the root cause of the allergy. Indeed, with such a reaction, not only a cough occurs, but also other unpleasant symptoms (runny nose, sneezing). Allergies should be treated with antihistamines, and, if possible, avoid being near allergens (wool, pollen and other substances).

The most common reason cough - infection. At the beginning of the disease, the child has a dry cough, as bacteria and viruses affect the mucous membrane of the throat - they dry it. And later at correct treatment dry cough becomes wet. Since cough is different, treatment is different in different cases.

How to treat a cough in a child 6 years old: medications

Medicines are prescribed depending on the type of cough and its cause. With dry attacks, it is very important to translate the cough into a productive one - wet. For this, drugs are used that help to accomplish this. In addition, for severe attacks, antitussives are used to relieve attacks. With a wet cough, mucolytics and expectorant drugs are prescribed. Here, the main goal is to thin and remove phlegm.

Important! It is impossible to give antitussive medicines with a wet cough.

Here are the types of drugs that are used in treatment:

  1. Antitussive. Such drugs relieve severe seizures (Bronchicum, Sedotussin).
  2. Mucolytics thin mucus. Lazolvan or Ambrobene may be prescribed.
  3. Expectorants accelerate the process of sputum removal (Pertussin, Mukaltin).

Bronchicum C is an antitussive herbal medicine. It has antibacterial properties and relieves spasms during seizures. Available in syrup and lozenges. The syrup can be consumed by children from 6 months, and lozenges are allowed for children 6 years old. Take 1 lozenge several times a day ( special instructions not). Rashes and hives may occur with the medication. Reception is not recommended for hypersensitivity to the components.

Sedotussin - has a weak anesthetic effect. You can use the product from 4 months with attacks of dry cough. Children 6-10 years old can drink 10 ml 3 times a day, at a different age the dose will be different. Side effects - nausea, dry mouth. You can not drink medicine when bronchial asthma and a wet cough.

Lazolvan is released in syrup. It helps with coughs with very thick mucus that is difficult to separate. Children 6-12 years old can drink 5 ml several times a day, at a younger age - the doses will be smaller. When taken, abdominal pain is possible, itchy skin... Of the contraindications - only hypersensitivity to the drug.

Ambrobene - the drug helps mucus to become less thick, is used for acute and chronic diseases respiratory tract. The medicine is in the form of tablets and syrup. Tablets can be used from 6 years old - ½ tablet 2 times a day. As for the syrup, at the age of 6 you can consume 2 ml a couple of times a day. When taking the medicine, nausea and vomiting may be disturbing. Do not use the remedy for kidney problems.

Pertussin is a syrup. Expectorant is used for wet coughs. Children 6-12 years old can take 1-2 tsp. several times a day. Treatment usually lasts 2 weeks. Heartburn and allergies may occur.

Mukaltin is used to relieve wet coughing attacks. it herbal preparation... It can be used 1 tablet 3 times a day for children 3 years of age and older. Of side effects mild nausea and mild allergies are possible. There are almost no contraindications, but the remedy is not recommended for children under one year old.

There are other medications that help with coughing attacks. The attending physician will decide on the appointment of certain drugs and a specific dose. It is necessary to follow the instructions strictly, as you can get the opposite effect.

Nuance! You should adhere to the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, since the drugs are allowed to be taken for a limited number of days.

How to treat a cough in a child 6 years old: other remedies

Of course, during the treatment, the doctor may prescribe different physiotherapy procedures. These include:

  1. Inhalation. This treatment with drugs, which enter the respiratory tract in the form of steam, without affecting the bloodstream and various organs (usually Berotek, Berodual are prescribed).
  2. Magnetotherapy - impact magnetic field on a specific area, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  3. Electrophoresis with medicinal herbs. Medicines or herbal decoctions break down into ions and affect the body, penetrating through the pores and sebaceous glands (use herbal collections).
  4. Massage - this procedure improves blood circulation and helps to remove mucus faster.

All of these procedures help in treatment, so specialists usually do not limit themselves to medications. Comprehensive treatment will be more efficient.

Folk remedies for cough

First of all, you need to give your child a lot to drink. It can be compotes and fruit drinks, mineral water is also allowed. A large amount of liquid will help the mucus thin, which means it will come out faster. In addition, in the room where the child is, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning more often and the whole room should be well ventilated and humidified. This will help speed up the healing process.

In addition, special folk remedies will help. When the child is 6 years old, a dry cough can be solved quickly than cure. A strong dry cough will help to remove milk with mineral water. It is necessary to mix these liquids in the same amount and drink a little, but often. The throat will soften and the cough will go from dry to wet.

In a glass of warm milk, dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey and butter. You need to drink a glass a day 20 minutes before meals. Milk should not be hot, otherwise tickling and irritation will worsen.

Milk can be prepared in a different way. It should be heated to 50˚C, then add chicken yolk and a tablespoon of honey. You need to drink in small sips after meals, 2 times a day is enough. The child may not like this medicine, but it is quite effective.

Black radish with honey is a proven remedy. The vegetable must be cut into slices and sprinkled with granulated sugar. Bake in the oven for two hours, then strain and drink a tablespoon of liquid 4 times a day. You can simply cut a depression in the radish and put a spoonful of honey there, after 3 hours the radish will let the juice go, you have to drink it by spoon.

Fact! The child may be allergic to any product, so you need to monitor the reaction when taking a new product.

Other recipes will help with a wet cough. For example, a mixture of honey, aloe juice and lingonberry juice is effective. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and mixed. Take a spoonful 2 times a day.

Cut the beets into pieces and add 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar. Insist for a day. Then give a teaspoon twice a day. This medicine has a sweet taste and bright color, so the child should like it.

Cough is a fairly common symptom that accompanies a child's cold. When the virus enters the child's body, the respiratory organs are damaged. Because of this, the baby's throat begins to tickle, a feeling of slight irritation is formed, and a natural desire to cough up appears. The symptom cannot be ignored so as not to aggravate the problem.

When a child develops a cold, the body produces phlegm, which softens the throat. However, after a while, when the manifestations of the disease disappear, there will be a slowdown in the excretion of sputum, the larynx dries up, resulting in a dry cough.

What is the danger of a dry cough in a child?

A dry cough is the reaction of a child's body to an infection that has settled in it. You should know that, oddly enough, but a cough is considered useful, since it helps the patient so that he can get rid of harmful substances - microbes, viruses, mucus. However, when breathing is hard, the airways cannot be released, and the baby cannot clear his throat. In the body of a child with a weakened immunity against the background of a disease, all metabolic processes, in particular protection against infectious diseases, are difficult to proceed.

A dry cough leads to the fact that the child recovers much more slowly, since there is no excretion of mucus from the lungs, but drying out and absorption into the child's body. This is the danger of a dry cough. Therefore, it must be started to heal as soon as possible.

What diseases can there be a dry cough?

With bouts of dry and debilitating cough, the first thing parents start to think about is that he caught a cold or caught the flu. However, this type of cough is also dangerous because it can signal the appearance of diseases that have no direct connection with the respiratory organs, but, for example, with the heart or the gastrointestinal tract. In a similar way, the body can react with the following phenomena:
  • acute rotavirus infections;
  • pleurisy;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • swelling in the respiratory system;
  • the presence of a foreign object in the lungs or respiratory tract.

Parents must pay attention and immediately show the baby to the doctor if he has a straining barking cough after eating. This is a sign of food particles entering the respiratory tract. If nothing is done, it will reach the pathways in the respiratory organs or the branches of the bronchi and block them. In addition, being stuck in any area, such a piece will not go through the process of chemical decomposition, as a result of which it will rot.

A dry cough that occurs in children during sleep can be a manifestation of sinusitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, heart failure, while attacks in the morning hours usually signal a chronic form of bronchitis, a disturbance in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The doctor should deal with the diagnosis.

Signs of a dry cough

It is usually quite easy to find a dry cough in a baby. Attacks occur several times a day, can be intrusive, then they cannot be held back. Moreover, it is similar to a dog barking, therefore it is called barking in another way.

Basically, attacks begin abruptly, unexpectedly, accompanied by spasms. Sometimes they do not go away for a long time.

Such a cough disrupts night sleep a child, may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, but this is not always the case. In some cases, vomiting occurs due to a severe attack.

How to treat a dry cough?

When a dry cough appears in a child, it is necessary to take him to the pediatrician as soon as possible so that he can prescribe a suitable treatment. In this case, it is impossible to select medicines on your own, otherwise you can provoke dangerous consequences... The method of treatment should only be selected by a doctor. Below are the most effective and commonly used treatments.

There are many dry cough remedies available in pharmacies.

  1. One of the most effective of these is Bronholitin syrup. It contains plant components, so it does not pose a danger to the crumbs. The drug begins to work on about the third day. For this reason, experts advise starting the application immediately after the first manifestations of dry cough are detected.
  2. Another effective remedy is Paxeladin syrup. It eliminates spasms in a short time, helps soften the throat. Suitable for treating wet coughs.
  3. Biocaliptol. The release form of this antitussive agent is a syrup, which is intended for children, therefore, it has a pleasant sweet taste.
  4. If the coughing baby does not have an elevated body temperature, when choosing a cough medicine, preference should be given to such a medicine, the action of which will be aimed at reducing spasm, removing phlegm from the lungs, and softening the throat. Similar drugs of combined action include Codelac, Codterpin. They can be used to treat cough in children over two years old.

A method of treating dry cough, which has been proven by more than one generation, is the use of inhalation. They are considered to be a very effective procedure in which seizures are reduced and the throat softened. You can use a nebulizer for these purposes, or simply breathe over the steam.

In order to carry out the procedure, you need to make a medicinal decoction with the help of medicinal plants. For these purposes, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus are well suited. You need to take the dried herb, pour boiling water and cover with a lid. After insisting (after about half an hour), pour 500 ml of broth into a saucepan, add a small amount of boiling water and carry out a procedure during which the child must breathe over the steam. In this case, his head must be covered. It is necessary to explain to the baby so that he breathes as deeply as possible.

This method of treating a long-lasting dry cough is suitable if the child does not have a fever. But we must remember that it is allowed to carry out the procedure only after agreeing on this issue with the doctor, who, after listening to the baby, will say whether he can be warmed up or not.

A dry cough compress is made on the basis of potatoes, which must first be crushed, honey and vegetable oil... The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the composition is applied to chest... Wrap the top with cling film and a warm scarf. The compress should be left for at least four hours. You are allowed not to take it off all night. Mustard plasters have a similar warming effect.

Medicines can help get rid of a cough in the shortest possible time. However, for some children, they are not suitable. This usually happens when the child has an individual intolerance to the components of some medicines... In this case, medicinal herbs will come to the rescue, which are sometimes no less effective.

Plants that have an expectorant and mucolytic effect are thyme, coltsfoot, licorice. They help clear mucus from the lungs. From the listed herbs, infusions and decoctions are made. For effective treatment it is enough to pour boiling water and wait until it is infused, a couple of tablespoons of one of the indicated plant. In a similar way, it will turn out to cure a dry cough in a child. In the course of therapy at home, not only herbal remedies can be used, but also other means. traditional medicine.

Folk remedies for cough

It is necessary that the means with which the child will be treated are absolutely natural, then they will not harm the sensitive children's body... This requirement is met by time-tested folk methods dry cough therapy.

But all the same, before starting such treatment, you need to consult a doctor. In addition, you must first make sure that the baby is not allergic to the product that you plan to use.

This remedy - of course, occupies a leading position among all those helping to get rid of a debilitating cough. It is important - only warm milk can be used. The following treatment options are possible:

  1. Milk with butter. A tablespoon of oil is taken for 250 ml. For these purposes, you can use butter or cocoa butter. Honey is added if desired.
  2. Milk with honey. For kids, a small amount of honey is added to a warm drink, and for older children, nutmeg, cinnamon and other spices are allowed. Added baking soda (¼ tsp) will also be beneficial, but not all kids will enjoy this drink.
  3. Milk with mineral water. The drinks are mixed in equal proportions. It should be taken into account that mineral water should be taken alkaline, or soda should be added, but this will significantly spoil the taste of the finished product.
  4. Milk with figs. This recipe allows for both fresh and dried fruit. In the first case, 250 ml of milk will require about three pieces, adding which to the product, you need to boil for one minute and, after cooling down, you can drink. In the second, the fruits should be put in cool milk for 30 minutes so that they soften and only then put on fire for two minutes.
  5. Propolis. If the attacks do not go away, you can use this remedy, but only if the baby is older than one year. Take a couple of drops of propolis water tincture and add to a third of a glass of milk.
  6. Ginger root. The product is crushed with a grater and poured with one and a half liters of fresh milk, a couple of tablespoons of green tea are added. Put the composition on the stove and wait until it boils. Insist half an hour. Breasts cannot be treated with such a remedy.
  7. Milk and banana. Fresh fruit is crushed to puree, milk is added. A tasty and effective cough medicine is ready.
  8. Coniferous milk. To prepare such a remedy, you will need pine buds. 50 grams of raw materials must be boiled in 500 ml of milk for 15 minutes. Take in small doses - a couple of sips at regular intervals throughout the day. The daily dosage is one glass of the product.
  9. Milk with garlic. Although such a drink cannot boast of taste, it is one of the best in its effectiveness. Several cloves of garlic must be peeled and boiled in a liter of milk until they soften. Add oil if desired. It is not recommended for the treatment of cough in very young children.

Eggnog is an effective and harmless remedy that helps to quickly get rid of attacks of dry cough. For cooking, you need yolk, a small amount of honey and granulated sugar. Before you start cooking, you need to make sure that the product is fresh. Beat the yolk with granulated sugar until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The kid should drink a tasty medicine up to four times a day, a dessert spoon. The product helps to soften the throat, relieve irritation. The recommended dose is diluted in 100 ml of warmed milk for the child to drink. If he does not have allergic reactions to bee products, honey can be added. Children over three years old are allowed to add a spoonful of cocoa powder to the medicine. This remedy helps to improve sleep, accelerate the healing process.

Dry cough massage

With the help of cocoa butter, a coughing baby is given a massage, gently rubbing it in the chest and back area. If the child is more than two years old, you can melt lard, add a few drops of camphor oil and honey, and massage with this composition. Usually, after using such a remedy, the condition improves quickly. The chest and back are massaged, cloth napkins are applied on top and left for three hours. After this time, with the help of cotton swabs, the remains of the composition are removed, skin covering wipes off thoroughly.

Compresses with potatoes, low-fat cottage cheese, as well as massage of the chest, feet and hands have a calming effect on the respiratory system.

Cough drops

To help your child overcome a severe dry cough, you can prepare a tasty treat to help him cope with this problem. To prepare such candies, you need to take a little granulated sugar, put it in a tablespoon and hold it over the stove with the fire on. The sugar will melt, and when cooled, it will harden, and its appearance and taste will resemble candy. The child should dissolve such lozenges during coughing fits.

For crumbs who do not know how to suck lollipops, you can dissolve such sugar in boiling water in a ratio of 1:20. The resulting syrup is offered to the baby in the amount of one tablespoon after a meal. If desired, you can add berry juice or honey to the candy.

The temperature rises with a dry cough

Not in all cases, if a child coughs dryly, he has a fever. It is allowed to treat such a cough at home only until its increase occurs. If a similar symptom occurs, you should immediately call a doctor. Heat indicates that the process of absorption of mucus into the child's blood has begun, because of which it can affect internal organs... In such a situation, the doctor will definitely prescribe the baby antibacterial drugs... When choosing an antibiotic, factors such as possible individual intolerance, age, body weight of a small patient, the reason that provoked a deterioration are taken into account.

If the baby has a dry cough for a week, if there are no signs of recovery, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Children's health is the most precious thing that parents have, so we need to take care of it and treat it with all responsibility and care.

Video: cough medicine for children

Cough accompanies most diseases of the respiratory system. It significantly poisons life, is often strong and debilitating. Coughs are especially difficult for children.

There are folk remedies that can help relieve a cough pretty quickly or get rid of it completely. But before using them, it is worth understanding what kind of cough torments the child. There are two types of cough: dry and wet. The first one most often appears in the early stages of the disease. A wet cough usually precedes the final stage disease. But with prolonged excretion of sputum, recovery may be delayed.

How to treat a dry cough in a child

Dry cough is dangerous because phlegm does not leave the respiratory tract and accumulates there in large quantities. Children can cough for a long time, there is a sore throat. This negatively affects general condition, complicates recovery, can lead to complications. In this case, the child should be given expectorant drugs that will make him feel better.

A mixture of salt and soda dissolved in water perfectly removes phlegm. 0.5 teaspoon and a pinch of salt must be dissolved in 0.5 cups of warm water. The remedy is taken 2 times a day. It is optimal to give it to your child in the morning before breakfast and before lunch.

You can add a spoonful of honey and 0.5 tablespoons of soda to warm milk, give the child a drink before bedtime. This is a proven method for alleviating dry coughs, helps to remove accumulated phlegm, improves the baby's condition, and promotes restful sleep. Instead of soda, alkaline mineral water can be added to such a product.

How to quickly cure a wet cough in a child

For quick disposal from a wet cough in children, inhalation helps. They are great for holding essential oilswhich can be purchased at any pharmacy. The most effective are inhalations with the addition of essential oils of fir, cedar, eucalyptus. They not only contribute to a faster discharge of phlegm, but also perfectly calm the child, normalize his sleep. When inhaling for children, it is enough to add only 3 drops of oil to hot water.

If there are no essential oils in the house, and the pharmacy is far away, you can get by with inhalations with a decoction of potatoes. When wet vapors are inhaled, sputum is quickly released from the bronchi, which significantly brings recovery closer.

Every mother should remember that before treatment it is necessary to consult a pediatrician who will help you choose the most optimal and safest way. It will also tell you how to use it correctly, and select dosages in accordance with the age, weight and gender of the child.

How to cure a cough in one day, the question is especially relevant in the cold season. Cough is the main symptom of colds, including tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia; it also occurs against the background of allergic reactions. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to treat the disease and, along with the main treatment, take measures that will help get rid of the cough. At the same time, thanks to coughing, the respiratory tract is cleared of dust, phlegm, and harmful bacteria. It is necessary to take emergency measures only when colds are accompanied with a cough, as can be judged by an increased body temperature and general weakness.

If the cough has just declared itself and the child's temperature is not higher than 37 degrees, warming procedures will help him. Keep your feet warm at all times. To little child mustard powder should be poured into socks, and older children need to steam their feet in mustard before going to bed. Simultaneously with thermal procedures, it is necessary to start taking antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, without waiting for the infection to spread to the bronchi and lungs. Apply a warming ointment to the baby's chest and back and massage gently into it. The massage will ease the baby's condition and help speed up the release of sputum.

Expectorant effect has syrups, for example, "Ambrobene", which children drink with pleasure. But the syrup should only be taken as directed by a doctor. But you can always resort to the help of folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time. Warm milk with honey, a lump of butter and a pinch of baking soda will help with a harsh cough. Not all children will like this drink, then on the basis of milk you can prepare another cough remedy that will appeal to everyone without exception. Chop two small figs finely, cover them with a glass of warm milk and let it brew for 20 minutes. Give your child a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

Herbal preparations are the first assistant for any diseases. They can be used to treat bronchitis, cough, tracheitis and pneumonia. It is important to properly prepare the herbal infusion. Usually herbs are poured with boiling water and insisted for a while. And in order for the herbs to provide curative action they need to be brewed as follows: pour cold water, Heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, then insist for half an hour. The resulting liquid is filtered and the volume is adjusted to 200 ml.

When coughing, the collection of currant leaves, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, oregano, sage leaves, linden and dandelion flowers helps. Take all the ingredients in equal amounts and grind them. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with two glasses of hot water, and then insist in a thermos for two hours. Take half a glass every three hours. For taste and enhancement of healing effects, it is advisable to add a spoonful of honey to herbal tea.

The infusion from the leaves of coltsfoot and elderberry well removes phlegm. It can be cooked in a water bath or insisted in a thermos.

If a hoarse voice and a sore throat, an infusion of blackberry, raspberry, coltsfoot and lime blossom leaves, taken in equal amounts, will help. Pour two teaspoons of the collection with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. The infusion is used to gargle and is used instead of tea.

In folk medicine medicinal properties onions are used in many recipes. "Onions for all ailments" are especially effective in treating coughs.

Mix the chopped onion head with two tablespoons of sugar and 100 ml of water. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, add two tablespoons of honey. Take a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

Fried onions are also useful for coughing. It is fried in butter and mixed with a spoonful of honey.

Get rid of cough folk remedies you can also use garlic. Chop 3-4 cloves of garlic, mix them with a tablespoon of honey, and eat this mixture throughout the day.

Dissolve a few drops of garlic juice in a tablespoon of warm milk and drink before bed. Restful sleep guaranteed to you.

Honey is traditionally used in the treatment of colds. It is added to herbal infusions, mixed with milk, and medicinal gruels are prepared from it.

The simplest and available remedy for cough - drink warm milk with honey several times a day. Nice results gives a mixture of honey (100 g) with the juice of one lemon or horseradish juice. In folk recipes, honey is mixed with grated black radish. But you can cook radish with honey differently. The radish is thoroughly washed, then cut off from it upper part, in the middle I make a depression into which two tablespoons of honey are poured. Let it brew for 3-4 hours, then take a tablespoon before meals and before bedtime. This remedy is recommended for both children and adults.

Honey is especially effective with raspberries, coltsfoot and other plants that have an expectorant effect. Honey and herbs enhance each other's healing effects.

Honey is used for inhalation, it is mixed with flour, cottage cheese, cakes are formed and placed on the child's back and chest to warm up.

How to quickly cure a cough in one day

Remedy number 1 for coughing - inhalation. This procedure is performed at home over a saucepan. A home with children must have an inhaler. It is not only more convenient, but also safer for the child. Inhalation can be done with any herb that has an expectorant effect, potatoes. For the procedure to be effective, it must last at least 15 minutes. Healing vapors warm up the airways and bronchi. If you use potatoes for inhalation, it is enough to wash it, but not peel it. The healing properties of this root vegetable are precisely the peel. After inhalation, potatoes can be used for warming up. Knead it up and place it on a cotton cloth or several layers of gauze. The compress should be done before bedtime, applied to the back or chest. When the potato mass has cooled down, the compress must be removed, and in order not to torment the cough at night, drink a "medicinal cocktail" of two whipped yolks, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of vodka. After such effective warming from the inside and outside, in the morning there will be no trace of coughing.

How to quickly get rid of a cough and a runny nose for a child at 2 years old



rinse the spout with saline (dilute water with salt), and you can also rinse your throat with saline against a cough, and then honey and milk (preferably natural cow), naturally warm. You can smear the chest and back with honey at night or very well warms the spa cream "Badger", Mustard plasters or mustard (dry in the bath) and steam the child well (but only if there is no temperature). be healthy

Irina Karshina

First, cough m. B. due to a runny nose (mucus flows down the back of the pharynx and irritates), so focus on eliminating the runny nose, and, secondly, only after a doctor's examination will the child be able to get an adequate solution to the cause and effect of the disease. Recover!


radish with honey helped my children a lot from coughing: in the radish on top you make a funnel, pour honey there, put it with a tail into a glass, where the juice (mixed) will drain and give a teaspoon after 2 hours (add honey (as the radish begins to shrink - a new ) (wash only the radish) and warmed the nose like this: pour coarse salt heated in a frying pan into a cotton sword and warm up the sinuses (put on top of the nose, just control the temperature)


With a runny nose, it is important to prevent the mucus from drying out, otherwise the inflammation may descend into the lungs (mucus contains substances that neutralize viruses). Rinse the baby's nose with an isotonic solution (buy "Salin" or "Aqua-Maris" in the pharmacy), then drip oil drops. Drink plenty of fluids when coughing. Do not rush to give your child synthetic drugs. A very good expectorant is a decoction of plantain leaves (pour 1 tsp of herbs with 1-1.5 glass of water and boil in a steam bath for 15 minutes). Inhalation with herbs (licorice, sage, string) will also help relieve coughs: brew in a thermos and use after 2-3 hours. However, remember that inhalation is contraindicated at temperatures above 37 ° C. After the procedure, give the baby a back massage - this will help the sputum go away faster.

How to quickly cure a child's cough with safe remedies

Cough treatment can be carried out after the cause of its occurrence has been determined. A cough is a defensive reaction of the body that occurs as a result of bacterial, allergic or chemical irritants entering the respiratory tract. Therefore, in order to quickly cure a cough in a child and adults, it is important to establish the cause of its occurrence.

Why does a cough occur?

The occurrence of cough attacks does not always indicate the development of the disease, sometimes such a process can be caused by an allergic reaction of the body. It is customary to single out such factors, in the presence of which this symptom is often observed in children:

  • respiratory viral infections;
  • proliferation of adenoids;
  • inflammation of the ENT organs;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • the body's reaction to dry air.

Depending on what exactly caused the appearance of cough in children, it is customary to divide it into several types. It can be dry, "barking", wet, paroxysmal, suffocating.

How is the treatment going?

When asking friends how to quickly cure a cough in a child, you should remember that treatment should be carried out only after the child has been examined by a pediatrician.

It is impossible to prescribe medications on your own to a child, since such actions can lead to serious and irreversible consequences.

In the process of treating a cough, a child may be prescribed funds belonging to several drug groups... The following medications will help to overcome cough:

  1. Mucolytics - drugs aimed at thinning sputum and removing it to the surface of the respiratory tract. These include such medicines as Ambrobene, Haliksol, Lazolvan.
  2. Antitussives - funds that suppress the activity of the cough center. Among the drugs of this action are Mukaltin, Pertussin, Licorice root.
  3. Expectorants - drugs that accelerate the process of expectoration. Most often, Gedelix is \u200b\u200bappointed.

Herbal preparations

If a cough occurs in children, it is better to give preference to herbal remedies. The main advantage of such drugs is their versatility, they help to cope with dry or wet coughs. In addition, they are low-toxic, practically do not cause side effects, therefore, they are usually prescribed to children.

Licorice root is an effective and safe natural remedy that is widely used in the manufacture of medicines. These can be syrups, medicines, tablets - licorice syrup, propolis tablets, breast elixir. The maximum effect in the treatment of cough will be given by the use of tea from licorice root, which includes other antitussive and anti-inflammatory herbs.

Marshmallow root reduces the intensity of coughing and promotes sputum discharge. Children are prescribed such drugs based on marshmallow root:

  • Mucaltin;
  • Chest fee number 1;
  • Bronchostop syrup;
  • Alteika.

For coughs caused by bronchitis, plantain preparations are often used, because the leaves and seeds of this plant are endowed with anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Plantain extract was included in such products as Plantain syrup, Stopussin Fito, Evkabal, Tusavit, Pectoral.

Homeopathic preparations based on ivy extract are used as an antitussive agent for acute and chronic bronchitis. This plant is used in the production of medicines Pectolvan ivy, Gedelix, Prospan.

Primrose is a plant that has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial and antipyretic effects. The extract of this medicinal plant was included in the syrup of Primrose Herbion, Sinupret, Bronchipret.

Herbs such as thyme and thyme are the classic components of cough medicines in folk and traditional medicine. Thyme is endowed with powerful antimicrobial properties, it is a part of Stopussin Fito syrup, Bronchipret drops and syrup, Eucabal syrup.

Some Indian drugs made on the basis of ancient Indian recipes are also popular in pediatrics. These include the following homeopathic medicines:

  • syrup Kofol;
  • cook syrup;
  • Dr. Mom;
  • Travisil.

Despite the fact that medications vegetable origin are considered relatively safe, they can be taken only as directed by a pediatrician, observing the dosage and treatment regimen indicated by him.

Alternative treatment

When wondering how to quickly cure a child's cough, you can find many effective recipes traditional medicine. With the development of respiratory viral diseases, accompanied by a cough, such folk methods will help:

When coughing, it is useful to carry out thermal procedures - steam and foot baths, warming up the chest and back. Salt warming can be done to reduce cough. To do this, heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a cloth, put it on the baby's chest and back. Do not use too hot salt, as severe skin burns may occur.

Parents should know how to quickly cure a child's cough, thus preventing the development of complications of the common cold. However, it is possible to independently carry out treatment only with mild forms of cough, when you can do without medication.

Often the question arises before a person: how to cure a cough in one day, which arises especially acutely in the winter-autumn period. Cough is one of the signs various diseases respiratory tract, ranging from a common cold and ending with bronchitis and pneumonia, in addition, it can occur when allergic reactions... When treating a cough, it should be remembered that with its help the body removes foreign bodies and dust that have got there from the respiratory system, as well as phlegm along with pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, the most effective measures are those that are aimed at getting rid of the cause that caused the cough. Measures to eliminate cough in a short period of time can only be taken if it is caused by a cold, the other symptoms of which are fever, general weakness, runny nose and stuff.

Rapid cough treatment in a child

On initial stages cough in the absence of fever in children, warming procedures can be used. Care should be taken to keep the baby's feet warm. To do this, you can pour dry mustard powder into socks and put them on the child. Older children are given mustard foot baths. Together with these procedures, a set of measures should be taken to destroy the infection and its pathogen, as well as to eliminate the inflammatory process. Otherwise, the disease will progress and may invade the lower respiratory tract. A warming ointment is applied to the chest and back of the baby, which is rubbed with light massaging movements. Such measures will improve overall well-being and make it easier for sputum to pass.

There are special children's syrups that have an expectorant effect, usually babies drink them with pleasure, but you should not prescribe them to your child yourself, only a qualified doctor should do this. In addition to such drugs, there are also remedies offered by traditional medicine. Often, their effectiveness is not inferior to special ones, and there are much less side effects.

You can get rid of an annoying, debilitating cough with warm milk mixed with honey, butter and a little baking soda. True, such a remedy is often not very popular with children. You can try another recipe. For him, you need to finely chop two medium figs and pour them with a mug of warmed milk. This mixture should be infused for 20 minutes and taken 5 times a day in a large spoon.

Herbal preparations also help with diseases of the respiratory system. For a full treatment with these funds, it is necessary to be able to properly prepare infusions and decoctions of herbs. Most people pour boiling water over them and leave them to infuse for a while. However, for the greatest effect, herbal preparations should be brewed in the following way. Prepared dry herbs are poured with cold water, then heated with a water bath for a quarter of an hour, after which they are insisted for half an hour. The resulting infusion must be filtered and topped up with boiled water to 200 ml.

For cough relief, you can use a collection of currant leaves, oregano, coltsfoot, sage, St. John's wort and linden flowers. All this is crushed and mixed in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured into a thermos, about two glasses of hot water are poured into it and left for two hours. The infusion should be taken in half a glass every 3 to 4 hours. You can also add a little honey to it, this will make the taste more pleasant, and the healing effect is more effective.

A mixture of elderberry leaves and coltsfoot is suitable for removing phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. From these components, an infusion is prepared using a thermos or water bath.

For hoarseness and sore throat, use lime blossom mixed with raspberry, blackberry and coltsfoot leaves. Such a remedy is prepared at the rate of two small spoons per glass of boiling water, and is used both inside and for rinsing an inflamed throat.

Recipes to cure cough in one day

Traditional medicine in response to the question: how to cure a cough in one day, recommends various recipes based on onions.

The onion head is chopped, then mixed with a large spoonful of sugar and half a glass of water. All this is boiled over low heat for half an hour, after cooling, add two large tablespoons of honey. Take the resulting product 6 times a day for a tablespoon.

You can add a spoonful of honey to onions fried in butter and eat it several times a day.

Besides onions, garlic is often used in the treatment of coughs. For example, this recipe: a few crushed cloves are mixed with honey and consumed during the day. To get rid of a nocturnal cough, before bed, you need to drink a large spoonful of warmed milk, which is mixed with a few drops of garlic juice.

For the quick treatment of cough, honey is very popular, which is mixed with milk, herbal infusions and decoctions, as well as other components.

One of the simplest, but quite effective means - warm milk with honey. Also, honey can be mixed with lemon or horseradish juice.

A popular folk recipe for a mixture of honey and black radish will also help get rid of cough. It can be rubbed finely or used whole by cutting off the top and adding honey to the prepared depression.

Honey can be mixed with minced garlic in equal proportions, and then taken one tablespoon in the morning, at noon and in the evening. When honey is added to decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, it enhances their effectiveness. It is used for inhalation and warming up.

Inhalation - how to cure a cough in one day

Inhalation has a very quick effect, so it will help get rid of cough in a short time. At home, this procedure can be carried out over a saucepan, but it is much better to purchase a special inhaler, because its use is much more convenient, simpler and safer. When coughing, inhalation can be carried out with expectorant herbs or potatoes. In order to achieve a noticeable effect, the procedure should last no less than a quarter of an hour. During this time, the vapors will have time to warm up the airways throughout. When using potatoes, it is worth remembering that it is enough only to wash it, but it is undesirable to peel it, since most of medicinal substances will remain in the peel. In addition, after inhalation, the remaining potatoes can be kneaded, laid out on a prepared tissue and applied to the chest and back. Such a compress is done before bedtime to eliminate cough at night; it can be removed after the mass has completely cooled. Adults, along with such a procedure, can take a mixture of two whipped yolks, a tablespoon of vodka and the same amount of honey before bedtime. In most cases, this therapy is enough to completely forget about coughing in the morning.

How to cure a cough in one day: 9 traditional medicine ways

There are many ways that can help reduce the treatment time of the disease to five to seven days. But the very next day after starting therapy, your well-being will improve. If you let the disease take its course, the recovery period can drag on up to two, and sometimes three weeks.

Cough is a protective function of the body. He points to inflammatory process the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Symptoms of a dry cough include sore throat, pain when swallowing and speaking. In this condition, there is no expectorant mucus, which means that the body is unable to cope with the infection, because bacteria cannot escape through the phlegm.

At the first symptoms, it is necessary to start treatment. You need to start taking medications that thin the phlegm, but only a doctor should prescribe the necessary remedy. How to cure a cough in one day? Only traditional medicine can answer this question. The fact is that the most effective methods of treating dry cough were invented by our great-grandmothers. This is categorized as "generational wisdom".

Traditional methods that will tell you how to cure a cough in one day:

The presented methods will help you get rid of your cough quickly and effectively. And besides, traditional medicine is the most financially beneficial way of treatment and quite convenient. Think about your health and do not get sick! After all, the treatment is always long.

Such an unpleasant symptom as a cough is familiar to almost everyone firsthand. It appears with the development of colds and some other diseases. By coughing, the body tries to eliminate pathogenic microbes, to remove foreign bodies from the body.

Medicine today offers a huge selection of drugs, which are very expensive, not always effective and with many side effects. Folk remedies for coughs, just as effective, but without chemicals and time-tested.

How is a cough treated?

Consideration should be given to how to cure a cough with folk remedies quickly and what should be done for this so as not to waste time in vain.

Folk recipes involve the use of those products that are always at hand for rinsing, inhalations, compresses, making decoctions and tinctures. When treating with traditional medicine recipes, the following procedures are carried out:

  • Rinsing. It is used for dry cough with sore throat. The purpose of rinsing is to flush mucus from the tonsils and prevent it from sinking lower.
  • Compresses. They are used to quickly convert a dry cough into a wet one. These procedures can be performed if the body temperature is below 37.2 degrees. Do not apply a compress to the heart area.
  • Reception of tinctures and decoctions. it effective method, which helps to thin phlegm and remove it from the body.
  • Inhalation. Promotes steaming of mucus in the bronchi and its excretion.

Perhaps the family already has recipes with which its representatives have been successfully treated for many years. They need to be passed on to the younger generation in order to preserve recipes that are reliable and effective.

How to get rid of a cough in 1 day. Video:

Folk remedies for coughs for children

It is important to know that before using traditional medicine, the child must be examined by a pediatrician and given permission for such treatment.

Adults, on the other hand, should be guided by the presence of additional problems they have. For example, if you have an allergy, then you should abandon recipes that include an allergic component. Children are treated with the following traditional medicines.

Drinking plenty of fluids for children

One of the principles of cough therapy in a baby is to consume a large amount of warm drink. When dehydrated, blood and phlegm thicken.

Drinking a large volume of warm drink thins the blood and phlegm, then the mucus is quickly removed from the body, and at the same time the toxins that accumulate with a cold. Treatment of cough in children with folk remedies is the use of a sufficient volume of liquid. You can drink the following drinks for children:

To protect the baby's body from dehydration, it is required to keep the temperature in the room no higher than 20 degrees and humidity 50-70%.

If you do not follow them, then the baby's moisture will be quickly lost, and the child will drink and sweat more.

Recipes for children from dry cough

The most effective recipes from baby cough used by ancestors. They are approved traditional medicine, and pediatricians always suggest together with medications use folk recipes... For a dry cough, the following formulations are useful:

When making various decoctions, it is important to remember that the baby may be allergic to the herb or honey used. Always remember this and treat your child carefully.

Recipes for children from a wet cough

With a wet cough, treatment with folk remedies helps to get rid of phlegm faster. If a lot of it has accumulated, but it leaves poorly, then this can provoke pneumonia. In the presented case, the following recipes of traditional medicine will help:

If the baby is coughing up well, there is a cough with sputum, then you should not use the presented therapy. Syrups are also prohibited for use - there is no need for this. Children are allowed to play outdoor games, after which they begin to cough up well.

Taking a bath is also not forbidden - it acts as an inhaler, since after breathing in the steam of warm water, the baby leaves the remains of phlegm.

Outdoor walks are also necessary, they also play the role of inhalation.

Inhalations for children

Steam inhalation is used if the baby has a dry cough, and the mucus is viscous and there is little of it, so it does not go away. The purpose of inhalations is to improve blood circulation in the lining of the respiratory organs, moisten the sputum so that it comes out faster.

Usually inhalation is prescribed for bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and other diseases. Inhalations are carried out in different ways:

For children's inhalation, it is forbidden to use medications without a doctor's prescription. To make it convenient to carry out inhalations, you need to buy a special device - a nebulizer.

Inhalations for children are performed in compliance with following recommendations and the rules:

There are times when it is impossible for a child to inhale:

It is important to comply with the requirements presented so as not to harm the baby. Home remedies for coughs should be given to small children carefully. If there is a deterioration in the condition, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Baby massage

Has an effective effect drainage massage ... It can be performed both for infants and older children. It is required for those babies who are not yet able to clear their throat on their own. Any mother is capable of performing it, in which the following sequence is required:

  1. Place the child on your lap so that the butt is above the head.
  2. Pat on the back, making movements from the bottom up.
  3. Tap the baby's back with your fingertips without touching the spine.
  4. Let the child lie down, wrapped in a blanket. The phlegm will begin to drain quickly.

Half an hour before the session, you need to drink an expectorant or inhale. Do not massage at temperatures. The actions presented are resorted to three times a day for 5 minutes.

How to treat a child's cough. Video:

Rapid cough treatment with folk remedies in adults

Adults also often suffer from acute respiratory infections, suffer from coughs, fever and other unpleasant symptoms. If the disease is not started, then folk recipes can be quickly and easily cured.

In severe cases, they are used together with drug treatment... To heal an adult, you should use the folk remedies described below.

Folk remedies for dry cough

Colds are often accompanied by dry barking cough without the release of phlegm, which makes breathing difficult and worsens the general well-being of a person. To remove phlegm, it is necessary to soften the mucus, then it will quickly and easily come out. The most effective recipes for dry coughs are:

1. Licorice root is excellent for dry coughs and sore throat. Pour a spoonful of the grated root of the plant into an enamel bowl, pour in a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil. Let stand for 2 hours and drain. Drink 4-5 times a day on a spoon before meals.

2. Ginger with sugar - this is best remedy from cough, but only adults can use it in treatment.

Mix 200 g of fine granulated sugar and a spoonful of ginger in a bowl, moisten the mixture with water and put on low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until a viscous mass is formed. Eat ½ teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

3. Ginger and mustard. Mix equal amounts of ginger and mustard powder. Put a couple of spoons of honey to them.

You can take the resulting mixture 3 times a day to reduce the intensity of the attacks. It should be noted that this is the best expectorant for dry coughs.

4. Good for dry coughs help decoctions of marshmallow root, leaves of coltsfoot, onion, apple.

They also help relieve intoxication, which is a faithful companion of colds. Any berries are suitable: fresh, frozen, dry.


Compresses for colds are the surest home remedy. A good compress can turn a dry cough into a wet one in one day. Of these, the most effective two recipes are distinguished.

1. First - boil the potatoes until tender and put them in several bags, where to knead them. Place these bags on the back and chest and secure. The patient should lie under the covers and stay there until the puree cools down.

2. The second is to take cotton wool and soak it with vodka, you can use alcohol. Apply cotton wool to the throat area and cover with foil so that the alcohol does not evaporate. Tie all this with a bandage to the throat.

To speed up the release of sputum, it is imperative to do inhalation. Treatments with sea salt and soda, onions and garlic, pine needles and various herbs are useful for better expectoration. Essential oils of cedarwood, eucalyptus, lavender and mint work well.

Sometimes a dry cough does not go away for a long time, and the attacks end in vomiting - this indicates a complication after a cold, accumulation of mucus in the nasal cavity, about untreated pneumonia or heart problems.

The presented symptom is common in bronchial asthma, and in the presence of bleeding, it may indicate tuberculosis or oncology.

If there are similar symptoms with a severe cough, medical attention is immediately required.

We must not forget about healing properties lemon, onion, garlic, ginger. For a wet cough, rubbing and compresses are helpful.

They help to cough up and warm up the chest, cause a lot of sweating.

Rub well with badger or goose fat. It is necessary to melt it in a water bath, then pour in a little vodka and honey. Rub the mixture into the chest, back of the head and under the shoulder blades. Wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down for 30 minutes.

Inhalation is not required for a wet cough. The phlegm is already coming out, you just need to liquefy it and help it leave the respiratory system faster. Remember that before starting procedures based on folk recipes, you must consult your doctor.

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When a child falls ill, we experience doubly. And a symptom such as a cough is very exhausting for a child, regardless of his age, whether it is a two month old baby or a ten year old child. To start treating a cough, you first need to find out the cause of its appearance.

Cough reasons

  • Cough, as one of the symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection, is the most common cause in childhood;
  • The presence of adenoids and inflammation of the ENT organs;
  • Cough like clinical sign bronchial asthma;
  • Inhalation foreign body into the respiratory tract;
  • Reaction to dry and cold air;
  • Cough as a manifestation of allergies.

Types of cough

The cough can be barking, dry, paroxysmal, bothersome, wet.

Depending on the type of cough and its cause, treatment is prescribed. It should be noted that the treatment of cough in children should be prescribed by a pediatrician after a complete examination and examination. Self-treatment can lead to adverse effects.

Types of medicines for the treatment of cough

  • Mucolytics - funds that liquefy phlegm and promote its excretion (Ambrobene, Haliksol, Lazolvan);
  • Antitussives - funds that suppress a painful cough (Bronchikum, Sedotussin);
  • Expectorants - means that accelerate the process of excretion of sputum (Gedelix, Mukaltin, Pertussin, Licorice Root).
  • More details in the article "Inexpensive cough medicines".

All about treating baby cough

If a child develops a cough, they should be shown to a doctor right away. This is dictated by the fact that in young children in the respiratory tract, the inflammatory process spreads very quickly and can threaten the life of the baby.

Dry cough treatment provides for its rapid transformation into a productive moist cough... To do this, use a plentiful warm alkaline drink in the absence of a temperature, warming compresses and medications (for example, bronchodilators as prescribed by a doctor).

Wet cough treatment consists in taking mucolytics and expectorant drugs.

In the absence of temperature for treatment different types For cough, a variety of physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used: electrophoresis with drugs, inhalation, magnetotherapy. Banks, mustard plasters, rubbing, and, of course, massage also help well.

After the examination, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Antiviral or antibacterial drugs to suppress pathogens.
  • Antitussives ( dry cough): broncholitin, glaucin, libexin, butamirate, paxeladin, herbion with Icelandic moss.
  • Expectorants ( with a wet cough): syrups of licorice root and marshmallow root, sodium bicarbonate, herbion with primrose, gedelix.
  • Mucolytics: acetylcysteine, ambroxol, carbocisteine.
  • Lozenges: Septolet, Dr. Mom, Dr. Theiss with sage.
  • Antihistamines to relieve laryngeal edema: fencarol, diazolin, cetirizine.
  • Bronchial dilators: salbutamol.
  • Nasal drops (if the cough is caused by rhinitis): naphazoline, oxymetazoline, xylometazoline.
  • To prevent recurrence of respiratory tract infections: broncho-munal, broncho-vaxom.
  • Rubbing: turpentine ointment, Pulmex baby, eucabal.
  • Other anti-inflammatory drugs: fenspiride (erespal).
  • Additional methods: compresses, massage, inhalation, physiotherapy exercises.
  • It is obligatory to take a large amount of liquid to facilitate the excretion of sputum; medicinal herbs are brewed: linden, mint, thyme.

It should be remembered that the dosage of drugs for children is different from adult dosage... Only a doctor can prescribe a medicine, taking into account the condition of the child, his age, weight and individual intolerance to the drugs.

If the cause of the cough is allergic, an examination by an allergist is prescribed.

Psychogenic cough in children requires the consultation of a psychiatrist.

Sometimes, to eliminate a child's cough, it is enough to adjust the humidity in the room, since dry air dries out the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and the cough occurs reflexively.

Treatment of cough in children with folk remedies

Many folk recipes work well for both adults and children. To treat a cough in a child, the dosage should be reduced by about half. Below are some popular recipes specifically for the treatment of baby cough.

  • Carrot juice with honey. When a child coughs, we recommend carrot juice with honey. Carrot juice should be freshly prepared. Take a tablespoon of the mixture 4-5 times a day.
  • Radish with sugar. Cut the black radish into small cubes, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain, discard the baked vegetable pieces, and pour the liquid into a bottle. Give 2 teaspoons 3-4 times daily before meals and at night before bed.
  • Lemon with honey. Simmer 1 lemon over low heat for 10 minutes until it becomes soft and more juice can be squeezed out of it. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice (preferably with a juicer). Pour the juice into a glass, add 2 tablespoons of glycerin, stir thoroughly and top up the glass with honey. For a rare cough, take the resulting syrup 1 teaspoon several times a day. Shake well before use. If the cough bothers you at night, take 1 teaspoon of the syrup at night and another at night. With a strong cough, drink 1 teaspoon syrup 6 times a day - in the morning (on an empty stomach), before and after lunch, in the evening, after dinner and at night. Reduce the number of receptions as the cough decreases. The product is recommended for both adults and children. It is effective in cases where other medicines do not help. You can use apple cider vinegar instead of lemon.
  • Milk with mineral water. Coughing it is good to be treated with ordinary milk. Drink hot milk with alkaline mineral water (1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup borjomi) or honey (1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of hot milk). And for babies, it is best to add figs to warm milk.
  • Honey with anise. Add 2 tablespoons of anise seeds and a pinch of salt to 1 teaspoon of honey. Pour all this into 250 ml of water and bring to a boil, and then strain. Take an adult 2 tablespoons every 2 hours. Reduce the dose for the child by half.
  • Honey with butter. Take 100 g of honey, 100 g of fresh butter, vanillin powder. Stir everything well. Take one teaspoon three times a day.
  • Fig. Figs (or figs), boiled in milk (2-3 fruits per glass of milk), have long been used for coughs, whooping cough, coldsespecially in children. The broth should be taken warm at night. An infusion of fig leaves was recommended for bronchial asthma.
  • One of the popular traditional medicines for treating coughs is badger fat... It is used externally in children under three years of age, rubbing the back, feet and chest, and then covered with warmth. For older children, badger fat is given internally, as a rule, dissolved in warm milk with the addition of honey.
  • Radish... Often a syrup is used, made by cutting the pulp out of the middle and filling it with honey. The resulting syrup is taken orally.
  • Honey mustard cake compress... An equal amount of honey, flour, mustard powder, vegetable oil and vodka is taken. A flat cake is made and divided into two parts. They are laid out on the fabric and applied to the breast and / or back. Now we fix it, wrap it up and leave it overnight.
  • Lemon - twist in a meat grinder and add one tablespoon of honey, leave for three hours and give a teaspoon twice a day.
  • Salt heating... Heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a sock. Thus, we warm up the chest and back.
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