DIY aviary for three dogs. Paradise is not in a hut: creating the perfect dog enclosure

If you have a country house and you want your beloved pet, outdoors, to have no less comfortable living conditions than yours, it's time to think about how to build an aviary for your dog. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that tetrapods contained in aviaries are susceptible to various diseases to a much lesser extent than those who live in the house with their owners. Today, in specialized stores, you can easily purchase a ready-made enclosure for your dog, however, as often happens, typical projects do not always suit your pets' taste. When building an aviary on your own, you can take into account all the preferences of your four-legged friend, choose the right size for him, and also make a beautiful shape of the structure that fits perfectly into the overall landscape of your site.

What you need to consider when building an aviary

In order for your pet to be comfortable and safe in its future home, the aviary, like many other outbuildings, must be erected, taking into account certain rules and regulations. Otherwise, you run the risk of building a structure that no one needs, which later will only be useful for placing garden tools.

The first thing that is the determining factor in building an enclosure is the size of the dog.

Optimal aviary area

  1. If the height of your pet does not exceed half a meter, an aviary of 5 m² will be the ideal area for it.
  2. In the event that the four-legged is taller than 50 cm, its territory should be increased to 7 m².
  3. For big dogs from 65 cm and above, the area of ​​the structure should not be less than 10 m².

Important! It is a mistake to believe that the more free space a dog has, the better it will be for him. The area of ​​the enclosure should be optimal for its size.

Today, the most common type of enclosure is considered to be a welded frame made of forged metal and mesh. The reliability of this design has been tested over the years. It is best to use a wooden plank as the flooring. With its proper thickness, the material will retain heat well, which is especially important in winter.


In order for your pet to be aware of what is happening around you, do not sew up tightly the walls of the enclosure (especially the front one, overlooking the house or garden). A lattice made of metal rods or a chain-link mesh will perfectly cope with this task. In the event that you nevertheless decide to make one, two or three walls blind, it is better to use an environmentally friendly and safe "breathable" material for this, for example, red (ceramic) brick, stone or wood.


Even in the circle of professional dog handlers there is no consensus about what the floor should be in the aviary. Some argue that a concrete surface is the optimal coating for dogs, others prefer a wooden or plastic floor, and still others believe that densely compacted earth will be much more useful and better for four-legged pets.

And if one can agree with the first two options, then there are certain concerns with the latter, in particular, there is a risk of undermining through the fence. In addition, wood, plastic or concrete surfaces are easier to care for, clean and clean. Before making your choice, it is also advisable to take into account the character and habits of your pet.


As for the roof, everything is much simpler here. A simple single-slope or design will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it, the main function of which is to protect against atmospheric precipitation. As the most often used, which creates a minimum amount of noise during rain.


Another important condition the construction of an aviary for a dog is the presence of a booth (kennel) in it. The booth can be made in two versions, as a free-standing structure, and a kind of compartment of the aviary, fenced off from its walking part, by a solid partition.

If the built aviary is planned to be used only in the summer, it is not necessary to insulate the booth. With year-round operation, dog house for sleep, you will have to warm it up well by insulating the walls and roof.

Experts highly do not recommend using other material for the construction of the booth, except for wood.

Important! To prevent the dog from getting hurt in the enclosure, all structural elements, including a bowl for water and food, must be securely fixed. For fixing the boards instead of nails, it is better to use self-tapping screws. Thus, you eliminate the risk of caps appearing on the surface.

Choosing a suitable location for the aviary

Before you can build a dog kennel, you need to find a suitable place to place it. As with construction, a certain number of rules should also be observed here, namely:

  1. The aviary should be located as far away from various sources of noise as possible. Passers-by from the street, loud neighbors, cars, all this, to one degree or another, can cause anxiety for your beloved pet. A short distance from the porch of the house (7-10 meters) will become ideal place placement of a dog enclosure.
  2. The lowland is also a highly undesirable place to build an aviary. After heavy rains, all the water from the site will accumulate there, turning the area into a real swamp. The solution to the problem can be drainage grooves or a storm sewer device on the site, but this will lead to additional financial costs.
  3. A dog, like a person, does not tolerate foul odors very well, the source of which can be: sewage, compost pit, fertilizer from the garden, being near the enclosure of a trash can, etc. Try to plan the structure so that it is as far away from the data fetid springs.
  4. To prevent your dog from being too hot in summer, it is worth positioning the aviary so that its front part looks to the east or west. If this is not possible, plant a small tree near the building, which will protect your four-legged companion from bright sunlight.

In order not to lose sight of any trifle, at the initial design stage, it is advisable to draw a detailed plan (drawing) of the future aviary. It must contain information about the size of the structure, the materials from which it will be made, its location, the location of internal zones, etc.

DIY aviary construction - drawing

Aviary construction stages

An aviary for a dog is a fairly simple structure that does not have any special frills and complex knots, so anyone can build it with their own hands. The construction is carried out in just three stages:

Stage one

Like any building, building an aviary with your own hands begins with pouring the foundation. Since the weight of the building is small, it will be enough to fill in a concrete screed with a thickness of 5-7 mm. with a slight slope, which will be needed for the smooth drainage of water.

Aviary concrete screed

If the foundation for the aviary is not provided, made of metal pipes with a cross section of 2 mm. or wooden blocks 50 × 50 mm. - a frame is being erected, under which gravel bedding is made with a thickness of at least 10 cm. Then, from the edged boards, a wooden flooring is placed on the lower strapping, which is securely fixed with self-tapping screws. The floor can be insulated if necessary.

Second phase

After the frame is built and the floor is laid, you can start building walls and partitions. Installation features will differ depending on the material you choose. For example, if you decide to choose boards, and the frame was made of metal posts, you will need a screwdriver and special screws with a drill at the end to attach them.

  1. To begin with, holes are drilled in the boards, the diameter of which should be equal to the thickness of the screws.
  2. Further, using a screwdriver, the boards are screwed one by one to the frame. In the event that you decide to make the walls not solid, but with a certain gap, it is better to prepare a special spacer, which, during installation, will need to be inserted between the boards, so you are guaranteed to get the same gap everywhere.
  3. The front of the enclosure is a little more complicated. If reinforced metal rods are used as a material, a welding machine will be needed, if the mesh is self-tapping screws and ties. Information on how to properly fix the netting to the aviary can be found on the Internet.
  4. If necessary, the walls of the enclosure (if they are solid) can be insulated. To do this, on the inside, between the vertical posts, mineral wool is placed or, after which everything is covered with plywood, 5-6 mm thick. Thus, a kind of sandwich panel is obtained, which has excellent thermal insulation properties.

Stage Three

The final stage in the construction of the aviary is the construction of the roof. It is done quite simply.
Shed roof

  1. On top of the frame, with a step of 100-120 cm, wooden beams are placed, which are fixed to it with metal corners or self-tapping screws.
  2. Further, depending on the selected type of roof, a crate is made. For soft tiles, solid plywood, for slate, ondulin or metal, boards are additionally nailed, which are laid perpendicular to the beam.

Read in the article

What types of dog enclosures you can build with your own hands with photo designs

You don't have to spend a lot to buy a dog enclosure. It is better to spend time and build your own structure, which will serve faithfully, and will also make a worthy contribution to your own self-esteem.

First, let's figure out why an aviary is needed, and then we will consider typical designs.

So, the aviary is:

  • full-fledged personal living space of the animal;
  • weather protection;
  • protection of the territory from unauthorized walking;
  • animal safety from outside world in the absence of the owner.

According to the type of structure, dog enclosures are divided into temporary, closed and capital.

How to build an outdoor dog enclosure with your own hands

While the puppy is growing up, it's time to think about his further whereabouts. To build an aviary, you need to decide on the place of construction, drawings, materials, tools and time.

To build a beautiful dog enclosure, it is good to have skills in handling materials and tools. But even without experience in such work, it is worth remembering that unnecessary haste will not be beneficial, but a phased approach and studying all aspects of the process work wonders.

How to choose an outdoor enclosure location for large to medium sized dogs

If you need to build an aviary with your own hands for a husky, a shepherd dog, an alabai and other rather large dogs, then the process is complicated by the fact that a lot of space for the structure will be required, and the consumption of materials increases.

What building materials are better to use

When choosing a stationary aviary, one wall is made deaf. To do this, use either, or.

You can save on building materials and attach the aviary to the wall of the house.

What tools are needed to work

How to properly install the walls of the house for the dog and the lattice fence of the enclosure

When the base and flooring are ready, proceed to the stage of wall construction. Further work proceeds according to the selected material.

Metal walls are mounted using.

If the product is made of metal mesh and piles, then it is welded to them. Using shaped pipes the principle of operation is the same.

DIY installation of the roof of a dog enclosure

The construction of the dog enclosure is completed by erection and installation. A shed is needed in any case: the dog can live on the street from spring to autumn, and bad weather happens any day. The hot sun will also easily damage the health of a four-legged friend.

What can be used to make a roof:

  • slate;
  • wood and roofing material;
  • awning fabric.

They make both gable and pitched roofs.

When using an awning fabric, it is simply pulled over the frame and attached. But first you have to choose the dimensions and flash it, which not everyone can.

When the choice is made in favor of roofing material, first you need to fill sheets on the frame, and already sheathe them with roofing material or soft tiles.

Installation of the door and equipment of the place for sleeping and feeding the dog

The front door should be comfortable for the owner, and not assume that he will bend over when entering.

How to make a home dog enclosure with your own hands

Do-it-yourself aviary for a shepherd dog in an apartment is problematic to make. For an animal with serious dimensions, no less impressive dimensions of the fence are needed. But for breeds less than average, a problem-free construction of a small enclosure is quite possible. This does not mean that the dog will sit in it around the clock: this is a forced measure during the arrival of guests, with a short absence of the owner from home. Also, in such a secluded corner, the whelped pet of the family will feel protected, and the growing kids will not spoil all the furniture in the apartment.

Selection of materials and calculation of the size of the dog enclosure in the apartment

To create a project for a home dog enclosure, take into account the size of the animal and its age, as well as the purpose of installing the structure.

Depending on the type of the future cage, bars, mechanisms for locking the door, a screwdriver with self-tapping screws, boards, will be useful in the work.

The size of the beast will help you calculate the height. If the puppy feels good in a net with sizes from 50 cm, then an adult small dog requires 60 cm. So that a large dog can easily fit into a home enclosure, the height is made 1 meter.

Instructions for making your own home enclosure for puppies and dogs

The work is carried out in several stages.

The floor is covered with soft tissue for the convenience of the pet.

Common mistakes when creating dog enclosures

If the home enclosure provides for taking the dog out into the street, then the street does not give such freedom due to the absence of owners on the site or their employment. To simplify cleaning, it is worth making the floor with a slight slope - this way it is easier to rinse the impurities out of the hose. And in the home cage, you can provide a compartment for a tray or a post for a small need.

Another mistake is not to take care of fixing the feeder - active animals will constantly overturn it.

Caring for our smaller brothers is entirely on the conscience of the owners!

Most dog breeders need specialized enclosures for large dogs.

Specialty stores offer a huge selection of ready-made structures that your pet will love.

Many owners prefer to independently produce a structure for their animal.

How to make an aviary with your own hands? You will find the answer to this question in our material. Here are step-by-step instructions for correct assembly.

Aviary construction principle

Before proceeding with the independent construction of a building, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with general principles that provide for every detail of the design.

The main requirement of the aviary is the safety and comfort of the animal. The height and width of the building should be several times the size of the dog.

The minimum area of ​​an average dog enclosure is about 7 m2. This area is enough for the dog to move freely around the territory of his possession.

Do not build too large a structure. The fact is that in the winter period of time, the animal can constantly freeze, since the room does not have additional heating.

The drawing of the aviary helps to get acquainted with the project of the future building. All wall and ceiling parameters are displayed here. Optionally, additional sections and doors can be added for unhindered access to the animal. The size of the enclosure is selected based on the size of an adult dog.

How to choose a floor for an aviary

Making an aviary is quite simple. Many dog ​​breeders are thinking about what kind of flooring to choose for construction. Here, breeders' preferences are not unanimous.

Someone prefers to leave the soil under the feet of the animal, while others, on the contrary, choose the purity and aesthetic appearance of a specialized coating.

When choosing one or another option, it is necessary to take into account the preference of the dog. As a rule, many animals like to dig the ground, hide bones and lie in earthen pits. Pet will feel uncomfortable with artificial turf.

Wall decoration

When building an aviary with your own hands, you need to think about what walls will be in this structure. It is worth noting that any dog ​​is a rather curious creature that loves to control everything around. The walls in the room should not be completely blank.

One wall of the building should have a lattice base that allows observation of the surrounding space. For this you need a special grill.

The surface of the coating must be free of any defects. At the moment the dog moves, these little things can cause significant harm to the animal.

Aviary location


If you place it too close to the fence, then the animal will react to every movement of cars and pedestrians.

It is best if your pet is located opposite the front door. This is how the dog will learn to recognize its owner.

Construction stages

If the dog enclosure will be located in the same place, then the first step is to dig out a place for the foundation. The depth of the pit can be from 1 to 1.5 m.

A layer of large stones is laid at the bottom. After that, they are fixed with a concrete solution. For complete drying of the mixture, it is necessary from 1 to 3 days from the moment of pouring the concrete.

At the end of the foundation laying, they proceed to the installation of fences. For this, a frame of metal elements is prepared in advance. All parts must be firmly fastened to each other, which guarantees the reliability of the structure.


Each detail can be fixed using electric welding or special fasteners.

The next step is to install the roof. This will require durable materials that can withstand any climatic disasters.

Basically it is: slate, polycarbonate, plywood, roofing felt. The photo of the aviary shows the best options for buildings for the animal.

DIY aviary photo


If you have a pet, of course, you want to travel out of town as often as possible in order for your four-legged friend ran and swam, rested and stretched his legs. The best option is if you have a summer cottage or garden, and the best option is if you have a whole country house where you can enjoy nature all the time. But here comes the catch - how to control the movement of the dog over the area of ​​your grounds and how to make it a worthy place to sleep in the yard or dressing room. If you have a dog that is large or slightly larger than the average breed, you just need to make an aviary near your house so that your friend is safe.

Aviary for big dog irreplaceable if:

  • the dog is really very large and its presence in the house is completely excluded. Examples of large dogs are Caucasian Shepherds, Alabai, Mastiffs, Newfoundlands, etc.
  • You sometimes want your dog to be isolated for a while. For example, if you are visited by family guests or undesirable conditions on the street, let's say finishing work.
  • If the dog is accustomed to guarding and is constantly in the yard. In this case, the dog enclosure will become a haven for your friend and can easily shelter him from bad weather.

Alternatively, you can buy a ready-made aviary in a pet store or arrange it to order. But if you have at least a little building skills, aspiration and desire - building an aviary for a dog with your own hands will not be a big problem!

Determining the location

The most important thing is to choose a location for building an aviary. It is better not to do it too far from the house or in the very corner of the site. You may become very disappointed with this idea: a dog, separated from society, will begin to worry and disturb you with its barking.

The aviary will be out of place near the fence. In this case, the dog will be too interested in passers-by, and if it is also massive, then it is absolutely not a problem for him to jump over the fence, for example, in a snowy winter, pushing off the fence. Such a scenario, of course, will not please anyone.

A great place for an aviary - front of the yard! In this case, it will be located simultaneously next to the gate and close to the walkway. The dog will have the opportunity to observe the situation while in his house.

Try to arrange for the dog Better conditions for existence. Building an aviary is not a joke, you should think it over and take a responsible approach to this matter. Before starting construction, consider:

  • breed, sex and age of the dog;
  • the location of the site and the wind rose.

Characteristics of the dog enclosure

The first requirement for the aviary is this: do not forget that the house for your dog must be cozy, calm and comfortable... In it, the dog should feel in place, it should be warm and dry. The dog there not only satisfies the needs of food and sleep, it also lies there and rests, plays and guards your site!

The dog should be spacious in the enclosure. This means that, moving along it, she should not feel cramped, therefore:

  • construction of a booth for medium breeds (<50 см в холке): спаниеля, бигля и др., должна быть просторнее 6 квадратных метров по площади.
  • huskies and labradors and similar breeds (65-70 cm) - the area will be starting from 8 square meters.
  • Caucasians and Alabai, as well as similar breeds, will be able to live only in a ten-meter enclosure, and the more, the better.

These are the rules for the square. How are things going with your pet's gender? Bitches and males have different requirements. The bitch will feel the need in the maternity ward and the vestibule, they must certainly be in the aviary! Better as much as possible from rain and wind, because the puppies will not lie in one place, but will use the entire enclosure for their own fun. The dog will need a strong and spacious kennel, because they are physically more built and strong. A massive dog can easily break it, so it's best to think about it in advance.

The structure of the roof, floor and walls in the booth

If a yard dog will live in the enclosure, it becomes an important task to protect it from drafts, as well as to close the rear and adjacent walls of the booth. The best materials for building walls are:

  • wooden shield;
  • grooved board in frames;
  • cinder block
  • concrete;
  • brick.

The wall, which will be open, should have a direction to the south, southwest or southeast. It must be made from twigs.

An important point: rods are a good choice, not mesh! It will be more expensive, but much more reliable. The mesh is likely to be torn after a while.

When making a gate, make it from iron rods and a frame. Dogs are very smart, so pay special attention to the enclosure's castle. It should not just open, but the constipation should be on the side of the street and ensure the reliability of the closure.

The dog must have a dry floor. The most worthy choice - wooden floor... The imposing planks are durable and will provide protection from the wind. The base can be concrete, but you need to have a ventilated bottom flooring of wood.

An important point! Do not make a floor of asphalt, concrete and other hard and similar materials - this can injure the dog, injure his claws, joints and paws.

The tree must be treated against rotting and fungus, the material must be sanded so that there are no splinters, nails and boughs, so as not to injure the pet.

The option of flooring in the form of a shield is allowed. In this case, it is necessary to build a frame made of metal (from a pipe). After that, process it with boards, not thinner than 40 mm.

When equipping the floor in the aviary with your own hands, pay attention to the fact that the boards should lie tight and stable. Slots and deflections are unacceptable - the dog will easily climb there with its paw. At the bottom, let the boards remain open - they will rot more slowly. It is advisable to waterproof the soil, for example, with roofing material.

To create a gap, the flooring must be placed on a support such as bricks.

The aviary floor should slope towards the center and towards the front.

On the roof, everything is easier, the main thing is to make the visor larger. The roof can be made from:

  • metal tiles;
  • slate;
  • professional sheet;
  • roofs.

The most worthy roof is the one that protects the dog from precipitation and noise, i.e. the enclosure is good soundproofing. The roof must be tilted towards the drain. With this solution, you will solve the problem of water accumulation under the decking.

The basic principle of a dog's life in an aviary is the availability of places for a walk and a spacious booth! It does not have to be huge, and yet the dog needs to fit into it, falling apart to its full size. When it's cold outside, the dog's body can warm the kennel from the inside. The place for a walk is also determined by the needs of the dog - there she can go to the toilet, walk and run. A vestibule can also be installed near the booth. There you can easily put toys, bowls, tweeters and other personal belongings of the dog.

What should be the height?

The height of the ceiling in a dog enclosure is determined by a fairly simple pattern. It is necessary to put the dog on its hind legs. To the resulting height, add ten to twenty centimeters. Only with this indicator will the dog feel free and spacious. A low ceiling can negatively affect the psyche of an animal, making it aggressive. Along with this, the dog may simply not like his home and, at the first opportunity, will try to escape from there.

Important! If you are making an enclosure for several dogs, for example, for a whole dog family, increase all sizes (area and height) by one and a half to two times.

Aviary drawing (examples)

If you have successfully completed the previous steps, it's time to move on to building the drawing. You can take a ready-made one or make your own completely. After that, buy the necessary building materials.

Examples of drawings:

It is easy to make an aviary for a dog with your own hands, it would be a desire. It is good if you have welding tools available, but you can also use a hammer drill.

In addition, for work you will need: a metal corner, a rod or lattice, material for finishing the roof, wood and the booth itself.

Build a booth with your own hands

When it is finished with the drawing of the aviary, the location, dimensions and building materials, construction work can begin. You need to start by driving the corners into the ground along the perimeter of the building. Attach the cross corner, it will connect the vertical corners. Do not forget about the gate and the cutout at the bottom of the grill, this is necessary so that strangers can feed the dog. Along with this, such a precaution is appropriate if the dog becomes aggressive!

Start working on the floor. Don't leave it earthen for a very logical reason: the dog will simply dig a hole and run away. Sheathe the side and back walls with boards. You can use plastic or slate as a wall, but still wood is a proven and reliable material. These walls must be dense and solid, so as not to chill the pet.

After that, place the rods on the rest of the walls. The roof can be made both above the booth and along the entire perimeter of the enclosure. You can always use a fence as walls.

The lattice can be either welded to the fence or connected with rods.

In the latter case, the rods are driven in approximately ten centimeters apart. Wooden beams are also purchased, notches are made on them, as wide as twigs. The bar is applied to the rods in such a way that each rod goes into the notch. After that, everything is recorded.

It is better to fix the door at the gate with hinges or bolts. You need two locks: a padlock and a latch, the latter can be two: outside and inside. Internal will be needed if the need arises for installation and the owner with the dog will close inside.

Photo instruction

STEP 1. Mark and cut the slats of the required size. We make measurements for the holes and drill small holes for the fasteners.

STEP 2. We put the finished slats together in separate wall panels, add a metal mesh and varnish the surfaces of the future enclosure.

STEP 3. Create a complete wooden frame. We process the walls with varnish and stain.

STEP 4. We put the prepared panels on top of the frame: the door is fixed with hinges. A latch should be provided on it.

STEP 5. Blank walls are sheathed with plywood sheets. A roof is installed on top. In the end, all that remains is to reinforce the structure with cross beams and the dog enclosure will be ready!

Lunch place in the booth

The booth is the most important thing in the aviary, where your dog lives, rests and sleeps. Let's summarize this part of the construction. The booth should be the size of the pet, the dog should stretch inside, but do not overdo it, otherwise the dog will freeze. For walls, it is permissible and highly recommended to use coniferous trees, if the climate is cold, it is necessary to additionally insulate the walls, the roof can be made removable! This will make it easy to reach your dog if it gets sick.

As for the roof, it is better to make it flat... A flat roof will be like a balm for the soul for a dog, for it it will be like an additional point of view. However, here again, one should not forget that dogs are quite smart. Do not get carried away and control the height of the fence, or the dog will use the booth as a springboard on the way to freedom and easily sneak out of the enclosure.

Make a place for feeding by the fence. Buy or make a table with space for food and water.

Pet options

In general, an aviary for a dog can be useful not only for suburban people, but also for those who live in apartments. Such structures will be more modest, however, they will also be very useful if the pet needs to be restricted from moving around the apartment, if you want to equip him with a personal cozy corner in which the animal will feel comfortable.

Minivoller for puppies

The minivoller will be very good for puppies if the dog becomes pregnant. Also, after giving birth, when the pet has a feeding period, this will be a very good decision, because the dog will be able to feed there without unnecessary spectators in the form of other pets or small children.

Before installing a pet enclosure in an apartment, consider your decision several times. Is it really necessary to install it, or can you get by with a cage, a carrier, or just some kind of small house.

In an apartment enclosure, equip everything as in a suburban one, provided only a smaller space. There must be a space for rest, a diaper (in the absence of a latrine in the form of a platform) for the needs of a dog, bowls, all kinds of toys, and most importantly - a soft and comfortable bedding.

Advice! Do not punish the dog, this is its home. The dog should go to the enclosure in a good mood, be there in comfort and peace. Also, you can not punish and beat a pet in his home.

Now, having familiarized yourself with the basic rules for building a dog house, you can easily equip your dog with a comfortable aviary with your own hands. Finally, we recommend watching the video to see everything clearly.

If you want your pet to feel good being in a private home, you can build a dog enclosure with your own hands. This will allow not only to provide your dog with a home, but also to protect his health. In this article, we will tell you everything about the construction of a structure, present a detailed step-by-step instruction with dimensions and drawings.

General requirements for the aviary

If you decide to make an aviary for a dog with your own hands, then in order to achieve a good result, you must fulfill certain requirements:

  1. The size of the animal. It is not recommended to save on space, but he also does not need too much space.
  2. Consider carefully the choice of building material from which the floor will be made. The best option would be to equip only part of the building with a floor.
  3. Part of the walls of the enclosure should be packed tightly, and the second part can be made lattice. Recently, more and more often you can find reviews on the network according to which the use of a metal mesh netting only harms the animal - the dog can easily be injured.
  4. To protect the dog from rain and snow, carefully consider the presence of an awning or roof, mark its dimensions on the drawing.
  5. The door to the shepherd's enclosure should open inward.
  6. You should also pay attention to the construction of the booth inside the structure (video by Alexandra).

Preliminary work

Seat selection

First of all, a large outdoor dog enclosure with your own hands should be built taking into account the choice of location.

This process has its own nuances and we propose to learn about them:

  • arrangement of a cage with an awning should be carried out away from sources of noise or a fence, in particular, if there is a busy street nearby;
  • metal kennels for dogs should be installed near the door to the house, this is necessary so that the dog can always see it;
  • homemade and ready-made prefabricated structures for a large dog, two individuals or puppies, it is advisable to install on a hill so that the dog can always control what is happening on the site;
  • so that the animal's sense of smell is not affected, the cage with a net and an awning should be installed away from any compost pits or stinking places in principle;
  • the entrance to the cage should be marked in advance on the dimensional drawing and must be installed on the east or west side, otherwise the animal will be too hot or cold.


As we said earlier, before you build an aviary for a dog, you need to take into account the size of the pet, which depends on the size of the animal. If you have puppies or small animals, then you can purchase a structure about one and a half square meters in area. In the event that the size of the dog at the withers is less than 50 cm, then the area of ​​the future dwelling should be about 6 square meters. meters.

If the size of the animal is larger - up to 65 cm, then the size of the cage with an awning should be increased to 8 "squares". A big pet must live in an open-air cage, the area of ​​which will be at least 10 sq. M.

If a construction is being built for two or more puppies, then its size should be increased by one and a half times. As for the height, it should be such that the dog can stand on its hind legs inside without any problems. The height may be slightly lower if a cage with metal mesh and awning is needed as a temporary residence.

Drawing preparation

Simple drawing for building a structure

An important point in the manufacture of a structure is the preparation of a drawing. The drawing of a metal cage with an awning for one dog or several puppies should be thought out in advance. The drawing is made taking into account the above nuances, in particular, the size of the animal and other factors, for example, the presence inside the booth. When building a drawing, all the nuances should be taken into account, so this step should be approached responsibly.

Aviary construction instructions

Now let's talk about how to make an aviary for a dog at home. Every dog ​​breeder will be able to cope with such a task if he observes the requirements specified in the instructions below.

Tools and materials

The selection of materials must be carried out in a proper way - they must be safe for your pet. For example, it is best to use a fine metal mesh for arranging a cage with an awning, a fine mesh will not allow the animal to be injured, but iron bars can cause injury - paws easily get stuck in them.

The floor must be made of asphalt or concrete, the second option is preferable due to the simplicity of the arrangement. However, concrete can be too cold in winter, this should also be considered. Ideally, wood should be installed on the concrete. In general, the tree should cover at least a small piece of the area - about two square meters. Instead of wood, you can use insulated crushed stone, and a solid foundation can be replaced with a point one, in order to leave a part of the earth for the pet (video author - Andrey Savin).

As for the tools, there is a standard set that includes a hammer, nails, screws, etc. In general, everything that every owner has.


So, if you do not know how to build a dog enclosure, then right now we will tell you in detail about this process.

  1. First, the lower part of the structure is equipped - the foundation is poured and the floor is made. Four pipes are driven along the perimeter, after which gravel or expanded clay is poured here. Then the frame is laid out of a bar. To avoid the accumulation of moisture in the dog's home, a slight slope of the floor should be considered at this stage.
  2. The next step will be the construction of fences. It is necessary to make a frame from pipes, but it should also be taken into account that a door will be located on the front wall, so another horizontal pipe should be installed here. After that, the walls need to be sheathed with wood or equipped with a lattice.
  3. If your region has very cold winters, then wooden structural elements can be supplemented with ecowool or mineral insulation. When installing the net, it is important to consider so that it does not break when exposed, otherwise it will lead to injury to the animal.
  4. The next step will be the installation of the roof - as mentioned above, any material can be used. As for the mounts, it is better to use self-tapping screws or other hidden parts for this so that your pet is not injured.
  5. You also need to take into account the fact that all wooden components of the structure must be pre-treated with sandpaper and varnish. This will not only increase the service life of the aviary, but will also improve its appearance.

Below are some practical tips for building an aviary at home:

  1. Too large an area of ​​the structure will prevent the concentration of heat during the cold season in the aviary, therefore, of course, there is no need to save space, however, it is also not advisable to allocate an area that is too large.
  2. The best option would be to use a forged lattice and wood. Forged elements are practical, and wood will act as a natural material.
  3. Be sure to install a kennel, as it is she who will be able to protect your dog in the winter season.

Ready options

Ready-made versions are purchased in stores. Their cost may be different, but you can be sure of the quality of such a design.

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