Astra Types of varieties Care breeding. Astra Multilogomy

Astra perennial belong to the Astrov family. In other words, this is the nearest relatives of the annual Astra Chinese. The long-term variety is sometimes called the real or true.

Leaves of this plant have a lancing shape and dark green. Inflorescences - in the form of a basket, the diameter of which is about five centimeters. Flowers can have a simple, semi-grade or terry form. There are approximately 500 species of ASTR perennial.

Landing and growing

You can grow these flowers in one place for five years. After that, the plant is transplant. In general, the growing asters does not represent much difficulty. Acquire and plant seedlings preferably in the spring time. Then to the autumn of the autumn, your garden will be decorated with these magnificent flowers. For landing, it is best to choose a warm and solar place that has a fertile, not heavy, loose and water-permeable soil. Adding to the soil of organic and mineral fertilizers.

You can grow a multi-year and seed. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that they are blooming only in three years. Late-flowing varieties of plants are planted in spring time, and wound-filling-in the autumn season.

It is worth noting that these flowers almost do not have pests. Multi-ray dew is acting as the most common disease. These disease are susceptible to those plants that are grown in the shade. For prevention, you can use the Gumi and Phytosporin (at the same time).

Astra looks well in any landing. Nevertheless, growing these flowers, you need to be ready for blaming and drying the leaves on the bottom of the stem. Because of this trouble, landings may have an inaccurative appearance. Therefore, it is better to plant plants before Astrami that could hide their lower part.


Replancing and multiply the many years of astra in spring time. This plant is multiplied by green shuttless. In the spring or summer, young shoots appear on the stems of these colors, which are used in reproduction. These shoots easily give roots, quickly grow up. At the same time, strong bushes grow.

Please note that ASTRs multiply not only with the help of green shutdown, but also with the help of rooting.

In addition, this plant can be multiplied with seeds, but not always the result will be good. Often the seedlings grow weak.


Astra a long-term is a rather unpretentious winter-hardy plant. It is not allowed to fertilize the flowers with fresh manure. In addition, it is impossible to thicken the landing. Otherwise, this may lead to a disease. Periodically loose the soil around the stems (it is necessary to do it quite often). We have regular weeds.

Flowers needed infrequently, but to abundantly water into arid periods.

In water for irrigation, it is recommended to add a small amount of manganese. Remove the fading flowers regularly and be sure to tighten the tall varieties. If you fulfill all these simple requirements, then the plants will grow well and abundantly blossom.


A week after the seedlings go up, it is necessary to start their feeding. For these purposes, mineral fertilizers can be purchased in a specialized store.

In addition, it is recommended to support the soil before you gathered to plant seedlings or seeds. Please note that the use of organic fertilizers is unacceptable. To do this, it is better to use compost, humid or wood ash. On well anchored soil you can do without feeding.


Perennial Astra is an amazing starfall in your flower garden, these are peculiar bright strokes in the beautiful autumn garden palette.

Growing a multi-year Astra (video)

Description of shrub sorts

  1. Alpine Astra. This plant is widespread in America, Europe, as well as in the Southern Urals. Eesto is a low-speed plant, since its height reaches only 30 centimeters. Inflorescence reaches approximately 4 centimeters in diameter. This species begins its flowering about a year after the planting of the plant. Inflorescences can have blue, pink, white, purple or red. The species begins his flowering around the early summer. It is worth noting that bloom is very abundant, and it continues for about a month. The plant will look great in a group landing.
  2. Italian Astra or Romashkova. It also applies to many years of plants. Begins to bloom in July or at the beginning of autumn. Flowering lasts for quite a long time, about two months. Flowers lilac, pink or dark blue. The diameter of one inflorescence is about five centimeters.
  3. Novobelgia Astra. The height of the bush can reach one and a half meters. Inflorescences can have white, pink, lilac or light purple color. Flowers are not very large, in diameter they can reach 2.5 centimeters. Cut flowers can stand in the water of about two weeks.
  4. Novoangalian Astra. In Russia, this plant is widespread. Bushes of this species can reach two meters. The diameter of the inflorescence is about four centimeters. Flowers themselves can have pink, red, white, dark purple or blue color. Depending on its grade, Novoangali Asters differ at the beginning of flowering, as well as on its duration and color of inflorescences. Cutting plants in water are about 12 days.
  5. Shrub Astra. This species It has increased frost resistance. Blooming begins at the beginning of autumn. Blossoms last about 40 days. Flowers may have a pink, purple or reddish color. In diameter, inflorescences can be up to three centimeters. In dry weather, this plant requires abundant irrigation.

Action varieties (video)

Astra in the garden (20 photos)

These colors are light-headed, prefer light and not acidic fertile soils. And otherwise they are unpretentious and do not require painstaking care. We tell how to independently grow perennial astra from seeds and care for them.

There are about 500 species of perennial ASTR. Leaves of this plant have a lancing shape and dark green. Inflorescences are a basket with a diameter of about 5 cm. Flowers can have a simple, semi-grade or terry form.

Popular species and varieties Perennial Astra

Only some types of culture are grown in culture:

  • Spring (with an early flowering period) - Astra Alpine and Anders;
  • Summer (firmwerving) - Italian asters, obsolevitis, frishing;
  • Autumn (late driving) - asters of heather (good varieties Final, Schneegitter, Lady in Black), shrub (popular varieties Rudelsburg, Heinz Richard, Alice Haslam, Blau Lagune, Krishna, Schneekissen), NovoanGali (most common varieties BARRS BLUE. and Rudelsburg.), Novobelgian (for growing in the middle strip, varieties are suitable Marie Ballard, Mont Blanc, Jenny).

Features of reproduction Perennial Astra

The seedlings of late-flowing perennial Astra are planted in the spring, and the ballotting - at the autumn time. From the seeds most often grown by Astra Alpine.

The remaining perennial astra breeds predominantly green cuttings (in May-June) or the division of the bush. In March, the bushes are digging, the sharp knife is cut into parts, while each of them should have sufficiently young roots and stems, after which the decens are cleared.

You can propagate the perennial astra and gag: to swelling kidney trimming, the height of the bushes is adjusted to 15-20 cm, the drains provide high-quality irrigation, the shoots are separated in autumn.

In one place, many years of astra grows up to 6 years, but it should be noted that with seed reproduction bloom only for the second year.

How to collect Astra seeds

For the collection of seeds, there are several first complicated inflorescences. Note that the collection period occurs 40-60 days after the start of flowering. Therefore, it is often difficult to assemble seeds with Lodniming Ask, because in the fall, frosts often come from which flowers die with non-invalid seeds. In this case, the Astra head is cut in the fall until the moment of cooling and lay out at home on the windowsill. However, unfortunately, these seeds often lose their germination.

In the fall, it is better to dig a bush of plants, put in a spacious pot and then raise at home at a temperature of 16-20 ° C in a well-lit place. When inflorescences are covered, and their center will darken and covered with a white fluff, flower is cut, wrapped in paper and put into warm and dry place. Seeds are stored no more than 2 years.

Cultivation of Astra from seeds

Seeds of many years of astra sow on a sunny plot into an open ground under the winter (in November, the land or in the snow in December) or in the spring (in May). In this case, the seeds are plugged into the soil by no more than 0.5 cm. Shoots appear in spring with the onset of heat. With a spring crop, this process can be accelerated if you pre-germinate seeds in wet fabric.

Behind the seedlings, they take care of the usual way until the autumn: superficially loosen the soil, watered the weeds in a timely manner, remove weeds and several times per season are feeding with complex mineral fertilizer.

In the fall, the seedlings of perennial Astra transplant to a permanent place in the garden (it should be sunny). At the same time, the plot is prepared 2-3 weeks before plant landing.

The best predecessors for Astra - Velhets and Calendula, and unwanted - tulips, gladiolus, cloves Shabo, left, potatoes, tomatoes.

Soil for many years of astra

The soil on the plot should be light, fertile and not acidic. Astra does not like dampness and water stagnation, otherwise the roots are puments. The soil must pass the air and water well and not lifting. Surprising land is suitable with the addition of coarse sand and vermiculite. But the compost and humus is better not to use. Before planting colors, the soil shed a dark pink solution of manganese or phytosporin-m.

Sowing seeds of many years of Astra to seedlings

In case of a seaside method, the seedlings of Astra are grown in the same way as one years. Sowing is carried out in the second half of March - early April. The mounted seeds are lowered into a cassette or a small container with a fertile soil into a predetermined grooves to a depth of 0.5 cm. The container is covered with a polyethylene film or a plastic lid and kept in a well-lit room at 18-22 ° C.

Shoots usually appear after 3-5 days. After that, the container is opened and, if necessary, moisturizes the soil from the spray gun. During the day, the seedlings are kept at a temperature of about 20 ° C, and at night - at 15-17 ° C. The place should be light (come down the windowsill) and well ventilated.

In the phase of three real leaves, seedlings are picked - seed into separate small cups or cassettes.

After 10-12 days after the dive of the Astra fed ammonia nitrate (1 g per 1 liter of water). After another 2 weeks, 1.5 g of ammonium nitrate, 1.5 g of potassium sulfate and 3 g of superphosphate contribute to the ground. Fertilizers are bred in 1 liter of water.

Landing Astra in Open Soil

When seedling reaches a height of 7 cm and on each plant will be 5-7 real leaves, Astra transplant into open ground. But 1-2 weeks before transplanting seedlings should be ordered. For this, they periodically take them on the balcony.

Seedlings are transplanting in cloudy weather or early in the morning and then act. Strong and squat plants are not strongly plugged, and the elongated sprinkle to the lower sheets.

When disembarking, seedlings are useful to make a handful of wood ash in each well.

Plants have apart at a sufficient distance: between large astrams it should be at least 80 cm, between average - 50 cm, and between small - 30 cm.

2 weeks after landing in the soil, Astra is fed by complex mineral fertilizer, but without nitrogen. The following feeder is carried out with the same fertilizer during the bootonization.

Perennial Astra watered in a timely manner, but it is important that the water does not fall on the leaves. After each irrigation, the ground looser is shallow.

Plants are capable of wintering without shelter, but in the regions with honest and frosty winter, young asters are better to climb peat or cover with a noodle.

Observing these rules of cultivation, for the second year after sowing, you can easily get a beautiful bouquet of ASTR. From the mid-diluted bushes, you can form spectacular floral hedges. Dwarf plants are well suited to highlight the circuit of flower, lawns and borders. Groups of perennial ASTR large varieties will become an excellent background for Kurtic from small perennials.

Astra or Callistifus enjoys specially popular among domestic gardeners due to high frost resistance (maintains negative temperatures up to -7 degrees), high germination of seed material and ease of cultivation. Another advantage of the plant under consideration is considered a variety of species and varieties.

These flowers are considered grassy perennials, but there are annuals. Depending on the specifics of a particular type, these cultures can be distinguished in height or form of leaf. The inflorescences are mostly needles, made in the form of a basket.

Novobelgian asters are considered the most famous species, their height can vary from 30 to 140 centimeters.

Dwarf varieties have no less popular. They are used to decorate alpine slides, rosary, flower beds and flower beds. The flowering of such cultures begins in September and continues to the most frosts.


Danish grade is a culture of average growth strength with a weakweight colon-shaped bush. The shoots of the plant dense is weak. From other features of the lapto, intensive blooms should be highlighted by bush can simultaneously bloom up to 16 inflorescences. Blossom continues up to 2 months, the diameter of a separate flower can reach 9 centimeters.


Anomistical Astra has a beautiful branched bush to 45 centimeters in height. Inflorescences of dark red color up to 8 centimeters in diameter. Culture bloom is observed in July. The advantage of the plant under consideration is resistance to diseases.


The annual needlest Astra is distinguished by the middle flowering period (about 50 days). The height of these plants in the range of 55-65 centimeters. Inflorescences with terry petals, lilac shade, reaches 14 centimeters in diameter.


One-year needle grade has a pyramid shape of a bush. Plant height up to 80 centimeters, bonding bias up to 12 centimeters in circle. The period of flowering culture from the first decade of August in the middle of October. Buds have a diverse color: red, purple, beige, pink.


Dwarf Royal Astra is made in the form of a spherical busta to 35 centimeters in height. Slidery terry up to 5 centimeters in diameter. These asters bloom from mid-summer to late autumn, their feature is considered high resistance to diseases.

Snow White

The pink sort of annual Astra has a colon-like bush to 70 centimeters high. Self-detention White, dense, their size does not exceed 12 centimeters. The variety is characterized by a long bloom, about 2 months. Snow White flowers are used for cutting, its dignity is considered high resistance to fusariosis.


Annual grade excellent has a special appearance. The bush is compact up to 50 centimeters height. The inflorescences of terry flat-circular shapes, their diameter ranges from 4 to 8 centimeters. Petals have a few shades. The bottom of the inflorescence is white, central - blue.


The average Astra has high-scale shoots and branched bushes. On each such plant at one time, 20-25 inflorescences may dissolve. The period of flowering culture from the end of July on the basis of the autumn. Such flowers are grown for cutting.

Combination ASTR with other plants

Astra are perfectly combined with many floral cultures. These flowers feel well next to the lion's zev, cloves and peonies. They are not recommended to combine together with lilies or roses.

To prevent development of astra diseases, it is not recommended to plant near potatoes and tomatoes, as well as gladiols and phizalis, because such plants can carry fusariosis. Also, the flowers should not be seen near the coniferous trees, they can get rust from them.

How to plant Astra

Landing ASTR in open ground can be carried out with the help of a seeding method or directly seeds. We will get acquainted with each technology in more detail.

Eat method

The purpose of the seeding method is considered to be the pre-cultivation of seedlings, which, with favorable weather conditions, will be transferred to the flower bed in the garden. On the initial stage Works must be prepared:

  • small drawers or containers in a depth of 4-5 centimeters;
  • purpose material, for example, polyethylene film or transparent glass;
  • a solution of mangartee minimum concentration to disinfection soil;
  • nutritious substrate of the proper composition;
  • wood ash, sacred sand and perlite.

The nutrient substrate is prepared by mixing equal parts of ordinary garden soil, compost and sand. The substrate is disinfecting by steaming, then 200 grams of wood ash and a little perlite are added to 10 kilograms of the mixture.

In order to prevent the appearance of a black leg in seedlings, it is necessary to hide sand at high temperatures in the oven.

Treatment of seeds

Before preparing the seed material, it is necessary to wash with soap seedlings. After that, their surface is treated with a solution of manganese. Drying grain allows you to protect young plants from a wide variety of diseases. Seed treatment implies their soaking in a solution of fungicides.

One of these is considered to be Maxim. During the procedures, 2 millilita of this substance is diluted in 2 liters of water and placed there seeds for 20-30 minutes. After this time, the grains are pulled out and dried slightly, so as not to stick, then their sowing is carried out.

Sowing seedlings

Qualitative seedlings ASTR can be obtained from seeds collected last year. The grains need to have time to hang out from the last decade of March in the middle of April. When tightening the timelines, Astra's landing is better to implement immediately into open ground.

Wooden box or plastic container fill the previously cooked nutrient substrate. The land is slightly compacted and shed a pink solution of manganese for re-disinfection. When the liquid is absorbed into the ground, make grooves to a depth of up to 2 centimeters and put seeds in them. Next, the grains are sprinkled with a thin layer of loose soil (about 2 centimeters). When growing seedlings, the distance between adjacent furrows 2-3 centimeters.

After implementing all the above operations, the container must be covered with transparent glass or polyethylene film, which will create greenhouse effect, prevents intensive evaporation of moisture. The first shoots of colors usually appear 7-9 days after sowing. Next, you need to remove the shelter and move the seedlings to the windows well lit by the sun. Temperatures in the range of 15-18 degrees and natural light will contribute to the intensive development of seedlings. The lack of sunlight can provoke stretching sprouts.

Care for seedy

The main event for the care of the ASTR is considered soil moisturizing from the spray gun. For this purpose, it is recommended to use warm rain or dilated water. Do not dilute with watering, because the oversupply of irrigation fluid in the soil can provoke the damage to the black leg. If this happened, it is necessary to remove patients with a drawer culture along with an earthen room. The formed jams fall asleep with fresh soil and spill a fungicide.

Prication of seedlings

Such events are carried out after the appearance of two or three real leaves in plants. During the Astra transplant period, it is necessary to place in separate plastic cups or small pots. These containers fall asleep soil similar composition with the addition of fertilizer.

Pots or cassettes are filled with a nutritious substrate in such a way that it does not seek after the first irrigation. In the center of the tank with a pencil or wooden sticks make a deepening for the free placement of the root system of the seedlings. Crops with a well-developed root system pinch individual roots. Next, carefully remove the seeder from the seedlings and move it to the new container of shuffling in the seedy leaves.

The ground around the plant needs to be slightly compressed, so that its roots are not blurred during irrigation.

Warm water is used to moisture an ASTR after dive. The jet is moved from the edge to the center, while the liquid should not fall on the stalks and leaves of the plant. Next, the seedlings are moved to room with room temperature on the swollen window sill. With further care, the seedlings need to pour warm water as the upper layer of soil drying. In additional feeding plants do not need, because the land was pre-mixed with mineral fertilizers.

Preparation for landing

Finished to the transplant to open seedlings should form 5 or 6 of these leaves. At such an age of culture, there are dark-green color, possess glittering leaves. Preparation of young plants for landing lies in their gradual hardening on the street or on the balcony. At first, Astra takes out an open air for 15-20 minutes, a few days later increase the time of the plant staying in natural conditions.

Astra is transplanted after the threat of return freezers, although these flowers can withstand negative temperatures up to -2 degrees. Before holding such events, the bunches should harm, and the leaves are freezing.

Plants transfer preferably in the evening with cloudy weather. After planting the plants temporarily shadow.

Sowing Seeds Astra in Open Soil

Sowing seed ASTR in open ground can occur in two main terms: at the beginning of spring or in autumn. In the first case, the landing is carried out in the last decade of April or in early May, when the soil temperature reaches the optimal indicators. Sowing autumn is carried out when the soil is frozen. Here the planting material must be laid in pre-prepared shallow grooves.

Autumn Asters bloom two weeks later than spring fellows, but have abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Technology of sowing work

  1. In the prepared soil we make a groove with a depth of 2 centimeters and shed them with a solution of manganese.
  2. Seeds are placed in the previously made recesses and sprinkle loose ground.
  3. Pour the area with warm water and cover with a film (for spring landing). A similar method implies a girling mulch by a 4-centimeter layer.
  4. Further watering plot is carried out after seed germination.
  5. Sluorrow must be done after they appear 3-4 real leaves (the distance between plants depends on the variety used).
  6. If necessary, unnecessary seedlings are carefully removed with the land of land and transplant to another place.

In the case of sowing ASTR, in the autumn period, the soil seeds will not work out, as she has already managed to climb. In connection with this, the plot is mounted with a compost or a power layer 3-4 centimeters. With the arrival of spring, after establishing a stable warm weather, loosened aisle, but the mulch leaves on the garden until the first sprouts appear.

Astramy care in open soil

Caring for flowers is not particularly difficult. All you need to do is loosen the aisle, water the plants and make fertilizers. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to make regular quenching of rivers and remove weed plants.

Watering and feeding

Soil moisturizing is carried out as it is drying out. When implementing such events, it is necessary to avoid overvolding. It is not recommended to grow flowers at lowrages or heavy soils, because in such places there are often wets of moisture, which can cause rotting plant root system.

With arid summer, we inspire straw or hay, cheese or wood sawdust. This will help keep the soil moisture.

During the growing culture of culture nutrients In the soil decreases. Enrich land with useful components helps wood ash, humid and mineral fertilizers, such as potassium sulfate, superphosphate. Such components are diluted with water and water the plants or bring into the soil in the form of granules. For the first time, Astra fed 12-15 days after the seedling landing, the second - during the formation of buds and once again during flowering.

Reproduction of Astra

With seed material

It should be noted that the grains of these plants lose their germination over the years, they can be stored up to three years. The seed material of annual varieties is seeded in seedlings or in open ground when setting a stable warm weather with temperature indicators + 18 ... + 20 degrees. With normal humidity, the soil seeds will give shoots in 8-10 days from the date of sowing.

Dividing bush

Additional plants can be obtained as a result of the division of the ASTR bush. Such procedures are desirable to do early in the spring, while each piece should have 3-5 shoots and kidneys with roots. They plant them every 20-40 centimeters depending on the species, after which they cover the shoots of 3 centimeter mulch.


The reproduction of ASTR methods can be carried out throughout the growing season. For rooting, a stalk is taken with a length of 5 ... 7 centimeters from the top of the plant and move it to the moistened nutritious substrate from the garden land of sand and peat in the ratios 2/1/1. The cuttings are grown in the shaded greenhouse for two months. After rooting, they are moved to a permanent place on the flower bed.

Seed collection and storage

A feature of ASTR is considered to be the ripening of a seed material after 1.5-2 months from the date of the appearance of the first inflorescences. In some cases, it is time for the collection of green gets on protracted rain or autumn freezing, which often leads to the death of flowers.

Many gardeners cut off the heads of Astra in advance and laid them on the windowsill, but such a seed material does not always give good shoots.

To preserve geogide, it is necessary to dig a plant and transplant it to the Vazon, which is later installed on the windowsill. For ripening, culture will need about two or three weeks. All this time, the bus must rotate around the axis, so that it receives a sufficient amount of sunlight.

After fading the inflorescences and drying the petals in the center of the flower, a dark spot and a gun will appear. At this time, you need to rip the heads and put them in a paper bag that should be stored in a dry and warm room. On the package, it is mandatory indicated by the date of the collection of seeds, the Astra variety and color. We do not advise you to store seeds for a long time, in two years later, their germination will decrease by 2.5 times.

Diseases and pests affecting asters

During the growing season, Astra may be affected by all sorts of diseases. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Fusariosis. A fungal disease occurs from infected soil at high temperatures and high humidity. This disease most often suffer annual cultures. It manifests itself in the form of dark stripes on the flower leaves. With intense defeat, leafy plates begin to yellow, buds fade, which often leads to the death of the whole bush. Effective struggle With the disease lies in the removal of thephid from the site and the deoxidation of the soil by making lime.
  • Blackleg. I am striking shoots, causes the blackening and thinning of the stem. Without normal access of nutrients, the plant perishes. The spread of the black leg contributes to the high acidity and humidity of the soil. The disinfection of the garden tool and disinfecting the nutritional substrate will help the disinfection of the nutritional substrate.
  • Rust. The virus is another disease in the soil along with organic remains. The appearance of pathogens on culture leads to the appearance of brown and rusty spots. Mushrooms are quickly multiplied with high humidity and temperature within + 22 ... + 24 degrees. The cultural disease is destroyed, the rest are treated with a Bordeaux mixture or copper chlorokister with a frequency of 12-14 days.
  • Jaundice or Mosaic. It is transferred to a plant with tough or cicades. Under the influence of the virus on the leaves of Astra, light bodies appear, the bush ceases to develop, the buds are not formed. Effective methods The fight against the disease has not yet come up with. Preventive actions are to destroy damaged colors and fighting insects.
  • Bacterial spotting. It manifests itself on the leaves and boots of culture in the form of brown dots, which gradually develop into spots, causing drying and focusing. At the first symptoms of the landing disease are treated by the Bordeaux mixture. Subsequent spraying are carried out every 10 days.

To prevent the appearance of fungal diseases, watering an ASTR is carried out by informs on nettle or cleanly. Making a folk preparation is quite simple. 1 kilogram of grass is poured with 10 liters of hot water and insist for 3 days, and then filter. During watering on the water bucket, a glass of infusion is added.

The cultivation of ASTER at home can even be engaged in inexperienced flower water. All you need to do is periodically water the plants and remove weeds, ensure that symptoms of diseases or pests do not appear on colors. If they are presented, relevant measures.

Autumn over a park shady ... falls
Gold maples on the water pond.
The leaves are spinning ... Birds were squeezed ...
In the frowning sky looks
Astra, radiant Astra - Star

Astra (Lat. Aster) - This is the order of annual and perennial herbaceous plants of the Astrovy family, or the complex color, numbering different opinions from 200 to 500 species, most of which grows in North and Central America. In Europe, the Astra flower was taper brought in the XVII century from China by the French monk. Translated from Latin "Astra" means "star". There is a Chinese legend about how two monks, trying to walk to the stars, climbed along the highest mountain of Altai many days, but when they reached the top, the stars over them were still distant and also not available. Then they, frustrated, without food and water, spending a lot of heavy days on the way, returned to the top of the mountain and saw a wonderful meadow with beautiful flowers. "Look," said one monk, "we were looking for the stars in the sky, and they live on Earth!" The monks dug out several flowers, brought them to their monastery, began to grow them and gave them the star name "Astra". Sincerov in China, Astra has become a symbol of beauty, elegance, modesty and charm. Astra - a flower born under the sign of the Virgin, a dream symbol about the unexplored, the gift of God man, his guard, his guiding star ...

Listen to an article

Landing and care for Astramy (brief)

  • Landing: Sowing seed early spring (in March) or under the winter in an open ground or in the second half of March to seedlings. Seeding landing - in April or May.
  • Bloom: summer autumn.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight, half day.
  • The soil: Fertile, aligned with a depth of 20 cm. Suglinka.
  • Watering: moderate. In the heat - less often, but abundance.
  • Feeding: 3 for the season: a week after the appearance of germs, during the bootonization and at the beginning of flowering.
  • Reproduction: Annuals - seeds, perennial species are usually vegetative (dividing the bush and cuttings).
  • Pests: Slying Potnnitsa, spider ticks, leafy and gallic nematodes.
  • Diseases: Puffy dew, ring spot, gray Gnil Flowers, verticillaty wilt and viral jaundice.

Details about the cultivation of ASTR read below

Astra Flower - Description

Astra - Rhizome plants with simple leaves, inflorescences - baskets, assembled in panicles or shields, edible flowers they have a bunch of all sorts of shades, and central - tubular, small, almost always yellow color. Cultivate astera flowers in Europe from the XVII century, and the flower scientists have succeeded in breeding, growing grade of amazing beauty, among which there are copies of all sorts of coloring and forms. Collect Astra seeds. Depending on the quality of the inflorescences and height of the stalk of Astra are used for borders, group landings, rails, rocaries or as decoration for balconies and terraces. Very beautiful bouquets from Astra, who are long standing in the cut.

Cultivation of Astra from seeds

The cultivation of astra of their seeds is carried out by repentable and reckless ways. Early varieties of Astra are sown in the soil at the beginning or middle of March, and then in July you can already admire their flowering. Later varieties - in late April-early May, when the air temperature is not lower than 10 ºC. But know that asters grown from seeds with a reckless way, bloom later than those you started to grow in a greenhouse.

Sowing Astra is produced in shallow grooves (up to 4 cm deep), it is plentifully watered, soils fall asleep and with the onset of dry weather either mulch, or cover the place of landing by passionable material until shoots appear. Then the underfloor material is used only in the case of frosts. In the development phase, the seedlings of two to three real leaves are thinned in such a way that the distance between the shoots was 10-15 cm. Extra Seeders Pere in another place.

In the photo: Astra seeds

When sow Astra

Early varieties of Astra bloom 90 days after landing, medium - after 110 days (in early August), later - after 120-130 days (in late August-mid-September). That is, before sowing the Astra, you need to make simple calculations. Late Astra varieties can bloom to the most frosts.

Sow Asters not only in the spring, but also in the late autumn, under the winter, right into the grooves along the frozen soil - in this case, the plants are almost not damaged by fusariasis.

When the spring will appear shoots, ride them. By the way, do not forget that the shelf life of seeds is small: after two years of storage, germination decreases twice.

In the photo: Seedlings Astra

Sow Astra to seedlings

Astra cultivation with a seaside way It is much more reliable than the reckless, although it requires a little more time and labor. Sowing at seedlings in early April or May, depending on the variety. A week before sowing, wrap the seeds of Astra into the fabric and soak in a weak solution of manganese. After 10-12 hours, press the cloth from excess moisture, put in a plastic bag and place it in a warm place for germination. You can use drawers or pots as a container for growing Astra to seedlings.

Pests Astr.

As for insect pests, there are a threat of such as a meadow bug, slumping Potnnie, a swollen mucus, the deskrotka ordinary, a web tick, kidnew and scoop.

As preventive Mer we are offering to you:

  • thorough autumnal resistance of the earth in the garden;
  • removal and mandatory combustion of annual plants and resolving perennial plants by falling to the autumn;
  • the right approach in choosing plant varieties for the garden;
  • improving the soil by limeting and making humus and compost;
  • compliance with the desired distance between plants so that they do not grow weak and elongated due to forced tightness.

If the pests still appeared, then it is necessary to fight with them either by pesticides or folk remedies. Passion slug is destroyed either mechanically (collect and destroy), or the drug metaldehyde is used; Uvyptka ordinary - spraying plants by Fundazole, slumping Pennica, a scoop, a spider tick and a meadow cluster is destroyed by a carbofos solution, phosphamide or pyrethrum.

Astra Flowers - what to do

Garden Asters after flowering

Garden (annual) Astra after flowering is desirable to dig and burn so that viruses, mushrooms and pests killed, which could settle them in them. If you have collected seeds of the varieties that you want to grow next year, you can sow seeds into the soil after the first frosts, but already on another site of the garden. Press the seeds in the grooves, pour them with peat or humus.

Promination can be carried out right in the snow in December-January.

For this, the grooves are made directly in the snow, which is pre-finished, and on top of the seeds are saturated with the same peat. Sowing in the snow is even more reliable, because then the seeds are not afraid of sudden thaw. In the spring, after snow comes down, to accelerate the germination of seeds, cover the seed plot.

In the photo: How the Astra bloom on the flowerbed

The Astra seeds are collected as follows: Wait for the grade you like to fade the inflorescence, and the center will darken it, and the white gun will appear in it, make the inflorescence, place it in the paper package in which it will continue to dry. Sign the package not to confuse the varieties. And remember: It is best to hang on seedlings or in the soil last year's seeds, because in two years they dramatically lose their germination.

How to save asters in winter

Perennial Astra can grow in one site up to five years, so autumn is the busiest to dig and sear the perennial asters who have reached the five-year age, especially since they are good we multiply the division of the bush. Be careful with the root system, try not to damage it.

In the photo: dropped and closed astra flowers

Perennial astra frost resistant, so their wintering in open soil Special alarms at the flower water does not cause. But there are some varieties whose young plants are desirable for the winter to cover peat, dry leaves or sweets. If the stalks of ASTR dried, it is better to cut them before shelter. In the spring, remove the shelter to your asters as soon as possible went to growth and decorated your garden with their extraordinary colors.

Twilight are near. Thin and sharp
In the sky of constellations, the light pegs.
Astra on flowerbed, fragrant and motley,
Looks like far sisters shine,
And sends him hello from Earth.
(Sun. Christmas)

Astra species and varieties

Astra with its straight petals
Since ancient times, called the "star".
So you would call her themselves.
In it the petals fled the rays
From the core is completely gold.

What asta

There is one difficulty: when we talk about Astrach, you need to understand what is meant. There is a genus ASTR, to which are treated both annual and perennial species and varieties and which we talked above, but there is a so-called garden Astra, taken by amateurs for annual Astra, which is actually a few other plant. Astra annual, or how to correctly call it Callistephus (lat. Callistephus) - Chinese monotypic genus of flowering plants of astrova family, or complex colored, close to the genus Astr.

Callistefus - a plant one or two years, in the flower growing called Astra Chinese, or Astra Sadovaya, whose homeland, as clearly from the name, China. In 1825, this single representative of the kind was described by Karl Linneiem called Aster Chinensis, Alexander Cassini, named Callistephus chinensis, or the Callistemphus Chinese.

Stems in the plant are green, sometimes dark red, branched or simple. The root system is basic, powerful, well branched. Leaves are regular, sweet, inflorescences - basket, fruit - seed. In culture there are about 40 groups that include about 4,000 varieties. Here we are usually dealing with Astra's relative, when Astra Annuals are planted in the gardens.

Perennial Astra

Perennials of the genus Astra are divided into flowering timing into two groups: Rannetic and OssennetsNews.

Rannuneyurizing Perennial Astra

The Rannetic Group is not very numerous and is represented only by such species as Astra Alpine (Aster Alpinus), Astra Bessarabic (ASTER BESSARABICUS) and Astra Italian (Aster Amellus).

Astra Alpine

Astra Perennial from the Alpine Group in May, have a height from 15 cm to 30 cm, the inflorescences of a single diameter of up to 5 cm are similar to simple daisies, often used for rocaries. Varieties:

  • astra Alpine Glory. - Height 25 cm, flower diameter - 4 cm, blue-blue chamomile with yellow-hot middle;
  • astra Wargrave - Height up to 30 cm, diameter of a pink flower with a yellow middle of 4 cm, blooms in May-June.

In the photo: Astra Alpine (Aster Alpinus)

In the photo: Astra Alpine (Aster Alpinus)

Astra Italian

or, as it is also called romashkova, blooms in June-July. The inflorescence of her is large - up to 5 cm, baskets - shovel inflorescences, bushes tall up to 70 cm. Good for rocky gardens and rocaries. Varieties:

  • astra Rosea. It has branch flowers of pink color, and tubular - light brown. Blooms up to three months since June;
  • grade Rudolf Goeth. - large global inflorescences up to 4-5 cm with a diameter, tongue flowers - purple, tubular - yellow;

In the photo: Astra Italian or Romashkova (Aster Amellus)

In the photo: Astra Italian or Romashkova (Aster Amellus)

Astra Bessarabskaya

Also called falnoitalian. A bush tall up to 75 cm, numerous lilac flowers with a brownish middle.

Ossennets-listening perennial astra

Ossennets-driving asters are presented more diverse: Astra Novobelgian, Astra Shustock and Astra Novoangali.

Astra Shustachnikova

The earliest of the autumn Astra - Astra Shusta (Aster Dumosus), whose homeland is North America. The varieties of this type are growing from 20 cm to 60 cm, the stems are so much designed, which even in a flaky condition can decorate the garden like the bushes of the Samsit. The most famous varieties:

  • Niobe and Alba Flora Pleni - Asters with white flowers;
  • Blue Berd. - a dwarf grade up to 25 cm high with gentle blue flowers, like a more tough Bouquet and Lady in Blue;

In the photo: Astra Shusta (Aster Dumosus)

In the photo: Astra Shusta (Aster Dumosus)

Astra Novobelgian

The most common asters in our gardens belong to the Astra, Novobelgian (Aster Novi-Belgii), or Astra Amra Virgin, having both dwarf varieties (30-40 cm) and tall - up to 140 cm high. The bushes for this type of ASTR Powerful, Buretter Bowls, Blue Flowers, White, Purple, All Shades of Pink and Burgundy. Varieties:

  • dwarcs - Snowsprite with white flowers 35 cm height, jenny - red asters, up to 30 cm high, pink Audrey grade up to 45 cm high;
  • middle - Blue-purple Royal Velvet up to 60 cm high, Winston S. churchill - juicy-ruby, bush height 70-75 cm;
  • tall - Dusties Rose - a bush high up to 1 m with gentle-raspberry flowers with a diameter of up to 4 cm, Desert Blue - Lilac-blue flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter on the bushes height up to 1 m.

In the photo: Astra Novobelgian (ASTER Novi-Belgii)

In the photo: Astra Novobelgian (ASTER Novi-Belgii)


Or astra North American , also a popular view in our autumn gardens. It differs from other many years of astra fact that its bushes reach a height of 160 cm. In all the rest, it looks like Novobelgian: very abundant flowering of small inflorescences. Varieties:

  • Browmann. - bush up to 120 cm high, the diameter of cyutious inflorescences - up to 4 cm, it blooms plentifully since September. Language flowers - purple;
  • variety Constance - The height of the bush can reach 180 cm, branching stems, durable, inflorescences up to 3.5 cm with a diameter, tubular flowers - brown or yellow, and purple-purple. Blooms in September, frosty;
  • Septemberrubin - a half-one-meme bush, tongue flowers - red-pink, inflorescence with a diameter of 3.5 cm.
  • , peonies and other flowers. Trying to bring order in this incredible variety of varieties and species, scientists have created different classifications, but none of them is perfect. We will introduce you briefly with some of these classifications.

    By the time of flowering, Astra is divided into:

    • early (blooming since July);
    • middle (bloom from the beginning of August);
    • late (bloom from the middle or end of August).

    The height of the Astra bush is divided into five groups:

    • dwarcs (up to 25 cm);
    • shorty (up to 35 cm);
    • middle (up to 60 cm);
    • tall (up to 80 cm);
    • giant (above 80 cm);

    For the purpose of growing, there are three groups:

    • coting (high growth, large flowers, long flowercours);
    • casuale (compact, low, good for both flower beds and as potted plants);
    • universal (Compact, medium sizes, long, color, large inflorescences).

    In the structure of inflorescences, Astra is divided into three groups:

    • tubular - inflorescences consist exclusively of tubular flowers;
    • transitional - Inflorescences have 1-2 rows of tongue flowers and tubular flowers filling the middle;
    • language - Inflorescences in which the tongue flowers close the tubular or tubular are not at all.

    The tongue group is divided according to the principle of the structure of inflorescences for such types:

    Neahno simple

    • Edelweiss, Pinocchio, Vallerce - varieties with minor inflorescences;
    • Salome - a variety of medium inflorescences;
    • Rainboy, Margarita - varieties with large inflorescences;
    • Madeline, Sonnestin - varieties with very large inflorescences.


    • Ariaka, Tikum - Small Inflorescences;
    • Aurora, Office, Laptal - average;
    • Princess, Astra Anemonevoid, Ramona - Large;
    • Erfordia, Princess Giant, fantasy - very large.


    • small: Victoria, Matsumoto;
    • middle: minion, rosette.


    • Comet, Tiger PAVZ - average inflorescences;
    • Ostrich Pen, the queen of the market - large;
    • astra Chrysanthemum, California Giant.

    Spherical (spherical)

    • Milady, Lido, Triumph - average inflorescences;
    • American Beauty, Germany, Astra Pionic - Large Inflorescences;
    • Spherical - very large inflorescences.


    • Voronezh, Victoria, Tausendshen - Middle Inflorescences.


    • Record, exotic - average inflorescences;
    • Riviera, old - large;
    • Compliment, risen, anniversary - very large.
    • Rating 4.56 (62 Votes (s))
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Ecology of farming: Perennial Astra is a set different species: Alpine, Novobelgian, shrub, etc. Most often, we have to grow them from seeds purchased

Packing, September or Octobridge - Flowers that successfully decorate the autumn garden, becoming a bright color ball at a time when everything around the autumn paints. However, not everyone knows that these perennial plants They are close relatives familiar to all Assault annuals. In nature, there are about 500 species of perennial ASTR, but few are grown in garden culture, because we consider only the most common.

Perennial Astra, depending on the period of flowering, are divided into the Rannetic and Spring), Mednical Watching (Summer) and Ossennpelving (Autumn).

1. Astra Perennial with spring flowering.

Astra Alpine, the cultivation of seeds of which among domestic gardeners is practiced more often than other varieties. A low-speed plant with a height of 15-30 cm, with single inflorescences, in diameter not exceeding 5 cm. Blossom starts in May a year after sowing and lasts about a month. W. various varieties Inflorescences can have a white, blue, purple, pink and red coloring of tongue flowers and an orange or brownish shade of tubular flowers located in the middle.

Astra Anders is a low-voltage plant with purple inflorescences.

2. Astra with an average flowering period, blooming since July and until the end of August.

Italian Astra with large shield lilac inflorescences (up to 5 cm) and spherical bushes reaching 30-70 cm in height.

Astra Percar with dark purple inflorescences and bushes over 70 cm in height.

Astra is a person with a small 2.5-3 cm in a diameter of lilac with a bluish tinge and a height of a bush to 1 m.

3. Asters blooming in autumn.

Astra heather. Herbal plant with a height of a bush 80-105 cm, straight stems and linear leaves. Inflorescences are small (about 1 cm in diameter), but numerous, white flowers. Zasso- and frost resistant. The flowering period is from September to October.

Astra shusta. It has dense bustling bushes with a height of 25-60 cm. Early varieties of this species bloom at the beginning of autumn, sweating with white and gentle blue inflorescences. In addition, due to the abundant foliage of Astra, the bush perennial is often grown as a decorative-deciduous plant on a par with the samshet.

Astra Novoangali, also called North American. The height of the bush on average reaches 160 cm. The bushes themselves are column-like, do not require additional supports. Inflorescences are small 2.5-4 cm in diameter, numerous. Depending on the variety can have a white, pink, purple, red, blue color. Bloom in September-October, they can maintain a considerable amount of inflorescences to the most frosts.

Astra Novobelgian or Virginsky. Along with Novoangali, it is considered one of the most common varieties. As part of this species, there are Astra perennial low (up to 40 cm), the cultivation of which is particularly popular when creating compositions, average (up to 75 cm) and tall varieties (up to 150 cm). Whiteline inflorescences with an abundance of flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm tightly covered the bush. In the coloring of the tongue flowers prevail purple, blue, red, white, various shades of pink color.

Reproduction of Astra Perennial

Unlike his annual relative, the long-term Astra effectively multiplies in several ways: seeds, dividing bush, stalling and vertical chains.

1. Perennial Astra: Cultivation of seeds.

It is worth noting that this method is most often used when growing from seeds Astra Alpine, in relation to other species is extremely rarely used, because seedlings are pretty weak and not always inherit maternal qualities.

Sowing is carried out in the fall immediately after the collection of seeds. If the flower you choose is Astra Alpine, the cultivation of seeds of which is more common, then it is better to sow it in the spring when the soil warms up. With the onset of heat appear seedlings, which leave at the site of landing until autumn when they are transplanted to a permanent place. Caring for young plants, ranging from shoots and to transplant, simple and consists in timely watering, periodic feeding with complex mineral fertilizers, soil looser and weeding. For the most part, it is similar to the cultivation of astronomy from seeds in the open soil before the start of flowering.

2. Asters Perennial: reproduction of the division of the bush.

To multiply ASTRA Perennial division of the bush can be when the plant reaches 4-5 years of age. Simultaneously with the division of the bush, the plant is transplant to a new site, since the term of the ASTR content of this type in one place should not exceed 5-6 years.

The reproduction of ASTR in this way is carried out both in spring and autumn. It is recommended that the bushes of early varieties blooming in spring time are recommended, divided in the fall, and for late varieties, spring will be optimal for the fission of the bush. For this, adult bushes dig and free the roots from the soil. And in the fall, this is made approximately the week four before the onset of frosts, and in the spring until the swelling swelling. When the bush is separated, segments having stalks and roots separate the semator. We certainly need to initially make sure that the separated part will have a young developed root system and 3-5 healthy shoots. The old rhizomes are better removed at all, and the young can be fired a bit.

3. Astra Perennial: reproduction with grooves.

The reproduction of vertical grains is possible for 4-year-old bushes of perennial ASTR. For this early spring, shoots are cut off, leaving hemps at 1.5-2 cm. At the same time, to obtain a larger amount of landing material, it is necessary to provide proper care to the plant, namely, timely watering and feeding. When shoots grow up to 10-15 cm from the base, they are plunged. The center of the bush must be tightly fall asleep, in order to avoid rapprochement of the stems. After 20-25 days, secondary dips is performed. It is advisable to make it after the rain or abundant irrigation.

The separation of the chains is carried out in the fall or early in the spring of next year. When transplanting the plants cut off, leaving no more than 2-3 kidneys on them. The flowering of ASTR, grown out of the jackets, should be expected no earlier than in a year-second.

4. Astra Perennial: reproduction with cuttings.

The greatest number of young plants are obtained in the reproduction of many years of species Aster with stalling. The source material in this case will be the tops of a long 10-15 cm long, which in the shaded place are planted under the film shelter. The rooting of cuttings occurs within a month.

When the cuttings harvesting, the lower cut is made obliquely, and the upper should be a straight line, located on a half astimeter above the kidney. To reduce evaporation, the upper leaves are shortened, and the lower and removed at all. Before boarding cuttings, it is better to keep in water. Also, for better survival, they can be treated with a growth stimulator in accordance with the instructions. Low part The cutting of 12-15 hours is placed in a solution of the drug to a depth of no more than 2-3 cm. It is important to avoid getting the drug to leaves.

For rooting cuttings, boxes, greenhouses or specially prepared ridges with film shelter stretched on the frame are suitable.

The landing mixture should consist of a delicate land, sand and peat in proportion of 1: 2: 2. The soil layer with the specified composition should be about 8-10 cm. From above in the same amount, perlite, coarse sand or mixtures of equal parts of the vermiculite and sand, sand and peat to choose from are poured. For the purpose of disinfection, the resulting substrate is desirable to be treated with a pink solution of manganese. Dry cutlets to a depth of no more than 10 cm under the tilt. The optimal landing scheme is 5 × 5 cm.

After landing, the cuttings is important to pour and take it.

For effective rooting of cuttings, it is necessary to create an optimal microclimate with scattered sunlight, air temperature of 22-25 degrees and a humidity of about 100%. It is worth avoiding sharp temperature differences. It is desirable that the soil temperature is higher than the air temperature, 1-3 degrees.

High humidity is supported during the first two weeks. At the same time, 5 spraying of cuttings by water is allowed in the heat throughout the day, and 2-3 spraying will be enough on cloudy days. Leaves at this time must be constantly moisturned.

The full time of rooting is 3-4 weeks, and the first signs of the appearance of Kalyus appear after 1-2 weeks after landing.

For growing, the obtained plants can be transplanted for a sexual segment. Also at the point of rooting they can be left until the next spring, when they already be quite developed plants with strong roots. The only thing that for the winter they will be better to hide the sweetheart, sawdust, straw, fallen leaves or peats. In May, they can be calmly replant with a permanent place.

Perennial Astra, the cultivation of seeds of which is less common than other methods of breeding, are a real highlight of the autumn garden and beautifully look in the cut. They are resistant to heat and cold. And with elementary care (№9), the abundance of bright fluffy inflorescets-stars will be given. Small asters are probably one of the most favorite autumn colors for many gardeners. Especially since numerous elegant inflorescences and often later flowering dates are combined with the unassumage of these plants to growing conditions. But at the same time, the decorativeness of the bush and abundant bloom can only be obtained initially choosing a suitable place for Astra and providing her elementary care. So, Perennial Astra: landing and care.

Where to plant the Astra many years?

It is worth noting that the best of all the many years of assets grow on sunny sites or in a half. While Astra, the garden planted in the shady corner can gradually lose their attractive appearance, weakly or not bloom at all. In addition, this location along with the probability of water stagnation in the soil usually contributes to the development of various kinds of diseases.

Choosing a place, it is also necessary to pay attention to the mechanical composition of the soil. Despite the undemanding of plants to this factor, for the ASTR perennial, neutral light and medium-free nutritious soils with good moisture and air permeability are more suitable.

Tall varieties, for example, Astra Novobelgian, when landing, try to place on areas protected from drafts and winds, so that they do not spawned a bush.

Prepare for landing Perennial Astra recommend in advance, reincave and supports the soil organic (humid, compost, peat) and mineral fertilizers (superphosphates, potash fertilizers), since they, like Asters annuals grow much better and flower ones exactly on properly refilled areas. If the acidity level in the soil is increased, then you can additionally add a dolomite flour or lime (about 200 g per 1 m.). If the soil is heavy and with bad drainage, large sand is introduced into it under people.

Landing Technology Astra Perennial

When landing Astra, it is important to take into account the height and features of the bush. So, the low-speed asters plant in the soil according to the scheme 20 × 30 cm, the average - 30 × 50 cm, and the tall 50 × 80 or 60 × 100 cm. For example, Astra Shustock, landing and care for which not many different from other many years of species may have a height of a bush from 25 to 60 cm depending on the characteristics of a particular variety, and the bushes themselves are strong and richly covered with foliage, therefore it is better to plant it less than the same Astra Alpine with single inflorescences and less voluminous bushes.

The seedlings of perennial ASTR, obtained as a result of the root division, or the seedlings and cuttings intended in a separate section are planted at a permanent place in a well-reinforced loose and already fertilized land. Depending on the humidity of the soil, it is possible both double watering (in the holes and on top of the compacted soil during arid weather) and one and one, on top of a slightly compacted land when landing into a sufficiently moistened land. It is important to ensure that the roots are not damaged, and the soil faced tightly around them and there were no air pockets.

Sutting off asters, it should be remembered that in one place they will grow 4-6 years, after which the bushes need to be divided and transplant to another site.

Perennial Astra: Care

For the most part in our gardens Perennial Astra do not require special care. The main thing is not to forget about timely irrigation (especially during drought, when it is poured abundantly, but not often, and in the period of active growth of the vegetative mass), periodic soil looser on a small depth (up to 7 cm) and the removal of weeds.

Simplify the task with the departure will allow mulching. The mulch layer (for example, anonymous peat) stacked around the bush immediately after landing. Thus, the crust is not formed on the soil around the plant, weeds grow less and the moisture will disappear so quickly, which is important in the heat.

If the soil is nutritious or well-seasoned before planting, then additionally feed asters optional. At the same time, they will have a positively respond to feeding by water-soluble complex or phosphorus-containing fertilizers during the bootonization period, as well as for limeting at the stage of growth.

Depending on the characteristics of a particular type, their nuances in caring for these plants can be. Thus, Astra Shustachnikaya, landing and care for which as a whole is identical to the agricultural engineering of other types, may require more attention to the formation of a bush by trimming the tops, which will not only stimulate the growth of side shoots, but also to get neat live fences, which will be covered with flowers . Paging the tops in other abundant grades contributes to an increase in the amount of inflorescences.

Tall views such as Astra Novoangali, especially if they grow in a half or a bushes are overly thickened, sometimes require garters to additional supports. For this purpose, specially robbed pegs are used or plants are originally planted along the hedge.

During flowering, to extend it and save the decorativeness of the bush, it is certainly worth removing the blurred inflorescences.

Fighting diseases and pests

Asters themselves, Astra Perennial is very resistant to different kinds of pests and diseases. But with adverse weather conditions or insufficient care, gray rotting or pulse dew can be affected. Best prevention The disease can be the right agricultural engineering, in particular, a sufficient distance between plants, and sometimes a spraying of assemblers with copper content (copper sulfate, copper chlorine tentatively 10 g per 10 liters) or special preparations (Gumi, PhytoPorin, Topaz) in accordance with instructions. Sometimes as an alternative to chemicals use soap mortarconsisting of 10 liters of water, 40-50 g of soap and 30-50 g of calcined soda. They proceed 3-4 times per season with an interval in two weeks.

Sometimes, gardeners face the problem that the middle of the Astra bush begins to dry, and young side stems seem weak and flowers become smaller. This is the correct indicator that the plant requires rejuvenation, and simply speaking, the bush must be divided and transplant the received plants to a new place.

Preparation for winter

Most of the species of perennial ASTR, especially aster the heather, are resistant to frozen and do not require additional warming for the winter. When blooming is over, it is recommended to cut asters under the root, and the soil above the bush fall asleep with compost, dry leaves or layer of garden land, which can serve as a mulch in the spring. Also winter shelter from the hustery, leaves, etc. May be needed with young rapid plants.

Perennial Astra, landing and care for even the novice gardener, often planted as borders or alive hedges. They look great in gravel gardens and alpine slides. They are appreciated for later flowering, which looks effectively both next to other blooming perennials and evergreen coniferous bushes. Planted by single curtains or single-circuit groups, during flowering Astra becomes like huge bouquets destroyed by many elegant inflorescences. Published

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