The best drug for dry cough in adults. Dry cough tablets for adults: inexpensive but effective

There are many cough medicines on display in pharmacies, but which ones are effective is a difficult question. Not always the high cost and good advertising will be the key to the quick and necessary action of the medication.

Types of cough medicines

The medical literature describes a huge number of medicines and their varieties, but it is rather difficult for an inexperienced person to understand the specific terminology. If in specialized reference books all medicines are divided by the main chemical component, then, to facilitate understanding, medicines can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  1. According to the effect: antispasmodics, bronchodilators, mucolytics, homeopathic remedies, preparations of complex action.
  2. According to the symptoms and etiology (reasons) of cough: dry (unproductive), wet (productive, with sputum discharge), obstructive (unproductive, with sputum congestion in the bronchial ducts), spasmodic (allergic, asthmatic or psychosomatic).
  3. By composition: natural, inorganic, complex.
  4. By the form of release: medicines, tablets, solutions for internal use, solutions for inhalation.
  5. By side effects: agents that are hazardous to health and safe.

Choosing a cough medicine

Before choosing a cough medicine, it is necessary to determine which cough needs to be treated. With the wrong choice, you can harm the body. For example, taking a mucolytic (thinning phlegm) with a strong obstructive cough, you can provoke bronchial edema and blockage of the ducts, which will lead to severe difficulty in breathing, in this case it is necessary health care... To prevent the severe consequences of asymptomatic and uncontrolled drug intake, as well as in diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels, you should always consult a doctor.

The reflex, as a rule, develops according to the classical pattern: from top to bottom. That is, an inflammatory process, often aggravated by a viral or bacterial infection, causes hypersecretion of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, from where sputum flows down into the trachea. A dry cough begins as a protective reaction of the body against the ingress of mucus into the organs of the lower respiratory tract.

Penetrating into the bronchial ducts, inflammation begins to progress, leading to new clots of mucus and pus in the bronchi. A wet (productive) symptom develops. When the sputum does not come out for a long time and stagnates in the bronchial ducts, the clots dry out. This is also facilitated by a dry indoor climate, general dehydration of the body, and the use of antimicrobial agents. Bronchial congestion interferes with normal breathing and irritates cough receptors, causing a dry, spasmodic obstructive (unproductive) cough. Further, severe forms of bronchitis, pulmonary edema and other serious pathologies of the respiratory system can develop.

Medicines are prescribed strictly by doctors due to the possible onset of a large number of negative side effects.

Advice! When choosing effective cough medicines for children, you should always follow the advice of a pediatrician. Start with small doses to avoid serious and irreparable harm to your child.

Some mucolytics and bronchodilators contain potent components that have a negative effect on the central nervous system and cerebral apparatus (brain), and also contain drugs of a narcotic nature. This is important for adults to consider when working in hazardous conditions and driving a car. Pay attention to the instructions for drugs in the section describing drug interactions when taking other potent multicomponent drugs.

The use of antispasmodics

If a dry cough is not a consequence of a cold or an acute respiratory viral disease, but its cause is a reaction to irritants from the environment (dust, animal hair, strong odors, etc.), then an allergic cough takes place. With such a prolonged dry cough, you should immediately go out into the air and take an antihistamine. With increased spasms and coughing attacks, as well as the appearance of pain (headache, in the muscles of the neck and back, abdomen), take an antispasmodic - a drug that has a relaxing effect on the muscles, reduces muscle tone, expands capillaries and eliminates pain (No-Shpa, Spazgan, Papazol, etc.).

The use of mucolytics

When a cough goes from dry to wet (productive) and mucus is formed in the bronchi, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in combination with mucolytics. The most dangerous thing with a productive cough is drying out of the mucous membrane, leading to drying out and stagnation of sputum clots in the trachea and bronchi. This is how an obstructive (unproductive) cough is formed, turning into bronchitis, which is treated with a complex intake of mucolytics with bronchodilators. Mucolytic cough suppressants stimulate the hydration of the respiratory mucosa through its hypersecretion. The phlegm liquefies and comes out when you cough.

Effective mucolytic cough medicines for children are often produced in the form of mixtures and syrups with different tastes (Ascoril, Fluditek, Lazolvan), for adults - in the form of tablets and oral solutions with an increased concentration of active ingredients (Bromhexine, ACC, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, etc. ).

When severe cough with sputum in children, pediatricians recommend starting with mixtures and cough syrups vegetable origin based on licorice root (Licorice syrup), marshmallow root (Althea syrup), thyme extract (Pertussin), plantain extract (Doctor Theiss), thyme oil (Bronchicum C, Evkabal), etc. Herbal cough preparations cause fewer side effects, their main contraindication is individual intolerance and allergic reactions to the main herbal component.

The most inexpensive yet effective herbal cough suppressant tablet for adults and children over 12 is the over-the-counter cough suppressant. The drug is based on the herb of lanceolate thermopsis, which dilutes sputum and improves its discharge.

Use of bronchodilators

Obstructive cough (unproductive), accompanied by stagnation of sputum in the trachea and bronchial ducts, with difficulty in its discharge, often has a painful suffocating character with coughing attacks. If at the same time there is a feeling of tightness and heaviness in the area chest, the inability to take a deep breath, shortness of breath, then experts often use bronchilators - drugs that expand the bronchial ducts and relieve the increased muscle tone of the lower respiratory tract. Similar drugs are also prescribed to relieve coughing attacks in allergic bronchitis and asthma.

On a note! The main advantage of bronchodilators is speed and ease of use.

The drugs come in the form of pocket inhalers and can be used anywhere, providing an instant soothing effect. The most inexpensive and effective drug for dry and obstructive cough is Berodual, produced in 2 forms: a solution for inhalation with a nebulizer and a pocket aerosol. The effectiveness of treatment of adults and children with Berodual for dry asthmatic cough has been proven by research. But the drug has a large number of side effects and requires the consultation of the attending physician.

Berodual's analogs: Salbutamol, Ventolin, etc. Another drug for dry cough in adults, which received many positive reviews as the most effective and with the least side effects, but not as fast-acting as Berodual - Sinekod syrup.

Bronchodilators do not have a thinning effect on phlegm and only partially contribute to its expectoration, therefore, with strong stagnation of mucus and phlegm, they are used in combination with mucolytics.

Using homeopathic cough remedies

Slightly less effective herbal remedies for coughs are homeopathic remedies. The principle of their action is based on the positive effect of natural ingredients on the human body, but the nature of their effect is longer. Such drugs can be used with the simultaneous administration of antibiotics and potent inorganic antitussives. In fact, homeopathy is not a method of treatment, but adjunctive therapy, which improves the regenerative functions of the body and strengthens the immune system to prevent recurrent diseases.

The herbal preparation GeloMyrtol forte, which has both anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and mucolytic effects, has proven itself well among otolaryngologists and pulmonologists. Positive effect long-term use was also noted by people suffering from smoker's bronchitis and allergic bronchitis, working in hazardous industrial industries.

On a note! To soften the mucous membrane of the larynx and improve the discharge of sputum, Karmolis is indispensable - a natural preparation for cough and runny nose based on essential oils.

Moreover, Karmolis is indicated for problems with the nervous system and gastrointestinal disorders, to increase immunity. It is produced in the form of a solution for inhalation, drops for oral administration and lozenges for resorption. Vapors of essential oils relieve nasal congestion, improve breathing, stimulate expectoration and soothe dry and wet coughs.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs help and cleanse the body well, including licorice root, coltsfoot, thyme, linden blossom, sage, rose hips, mint, oregano, calendula, chamomile.

Cough is a symptom coldscausing a lot of hassle. Most people with the onset of cold weather suffer from coughing, it becomes more difficult to work, rest, sleep normally and eat. Discomfort is delivered not only to the sick person, but also to everyone around. When choosing a cough remedy, you do not need to self-medicate, you should consult a doctor for help and prescription of the drug. But, if you decide to choose a remedy yourself, remember that you need to buy the medicine first of all, depending on the type of cough: dry or wet. Here is a list of not only the most effective meansbut also affordable. Cough medicines are inexpensive and effective.

Dry cough

In the absence of sputum discharge, the cough is called dry. :

Effective Falimint

Price: from 211 rubles.

Its properties are similar to menthol. Provides a feeling of coolness and freshness in the mouth. Does not dry out mucous membranes, the effect and cessation of reflex cough is noticed after the first application. It is produced in the form of a dragee for resorption, can be given to a child, suitable for children from 5 years old, has no contraindications, except for minor allergic reactions.


Has a triple effect, reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings, relaxing the bronchi and reducing the response to irritation. It is also prescribed for children, the effect is observed within four hours after administration. It is produced in the form of tablets and syrup, is not contraindicated for children, there are side effects (dizziness, allergies, fatigue).

Price - from 450 rubles

The drug Codelac

Price - from 160 rubles for 20 tablets.

Herbion with plantain

Price: from 200 rubles


The price of the drug is 90 rubles.

Available in the form of tablets and syrup. Reduces inflammation, fights infections, relieves dry cough, has a positive effect on general state organism. Has a number of side effects, incl. drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, stool disturbance. It is not suitable, it is also contraindicated in children under 6 years of age. Link - .


Price: 150 rubles.

It is a combined agent, has an antitussive and mucolytic effect. It is used in the treatment of dry and unproductive coughs, produced in the Czech Republic. Available in the form of tablets, drops and herbal syrup. According to it, the drug is suitable even for babies.

Inexpensive drug Lorain

The remedy is suitable in the fight against dry cough, it is available in different forms: capsules, tablets, suspension and solution. Eliminates, has antipyretic properties, suitable for children from 6 years old. Side effects include increased blood pressure, dizziness, and mild irritability. Price: 200 rubles.

Bromhexine (tablets)

Price: 30 rubles.

It is used for acute and chronic bronchial diseases with high-viscosity sputum. The drug is well tolerated, prescribed from the age of 6, combined with antibiotics, facilitating their penetration into the bronchial secretions. During treatment, you need to consume more fluid, exclude driving a car and performing hazardous work.


Price: 25 rubles.

Bulgarian anti-inflammatory expectorant drug. It is also used for the prevention of respiratory tract infections, it is produced in the form of a syrup with a pleasant smell and raspberry taste. Helps with. It is intended (for dry and wet coughs), also treats tracheitis, pneumonia, whooping cough in a short time.


A natural remedy that fights wet coughs, relieves viscous phlegm that interferes with normal breathing. The effect of taking the pills is observed a couple of days after the start of the course. Contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, diabetes... Not addictive, children can be taken from 12 years old.

Cost: 15 rubles.

Cough is a natural reaction of the body to the ingress of dust, allergens into the respiratory system or the formation of phlegm, even in small quantities.

Therefore, if in the first case it is episodic and is observed immediately after being in a dusty room or under other similar circumstances, then in the second and third the reasons are more weighty and often require medical intervention.

Often, a dry, debilitating cough is a sign of allergies, developing bronchial asthma, etc. In this case, it will only be present:

  • at a certain period of the year (with individual hypersensitivity to the pollen of specific plants);
  • immediately after contact with certain substances, for example, animal hair, household chemicals or materials used in a particular production;
  • constantly (with intolerance to the components of dust or other substances with which a person involuntarily contacts daily).

In most cases, a dry cough is one of the many symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

In case of acute respiratory infections, the patient may additionally be annoyed by a sore throat, runny nose, fever and chills, and others. This is often observed with:

  • bronchitis of any form;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis.

Nevertheless, it can also be caused by the development of a number of diseases of the respiratory system and not only, including:

  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough and measles;
  • chlamydia;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • sinusitis;
  • pathology of cardio-vascular system etc.

Also as a relatively harmless cause of the appearance of a hacking cough

which a person breathes, which is often observed during the heating season.

In most cases, a dry cough is observed with acute respiratory infections or flu. This symptom may indicate irritation of the mucous membrane with a foreign object. Severe attacks of dry cough may indicate the development of bronchial asthma or pneumonia. A characteristic symptom is a whistle when inhaling.

In rare cases, a dry cough may occur when treating a high blood pressure... Such drugs as "Maleat", "Liznopril", "Enalapril" can irritate the mucous membranes. In this case, no special medications are needed to treat cough. One has only to cancel the drug from high blood pressure or reduce its dosage.

An allergic reaction to spring blooms or animal hair can cause bronchospasm. In this case, a dry cough manifests itself abruptly and does not stop until the patient takes an antihistamine. Frequent allergic coughing is a serious problem. If you do not deal with its elimination, bronchial asthma may develop.

In pharmacies, you can find many drugs with which you can overcome a dry cough. Treatment, pills and potions should be prescribed only by a doctor. To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you should initially identify the cause. The specialist conducts a series of tests that allow you to make the correct diagnosis. After all, treatment of an allergic cough with simple expectorant drugs will not give any results.

If the patient has a dry, excruciating cough that prevents him from sleeping and performing daily duties, combination drugs are most often prescribed.

contributing to the thinning of phlegm, as well as relieving throat irritation. It is worth remembering that mucolytic tablets for dry cough for adults and children are never taken together with antitussive drugs. Below is a list of the most commonly prescribed pills for adults.

Dry cough attacks in adult patients can be controlled with pills.

Such drugs act in different ways: some of them affect the cough centers and eliminate the cough reflex as such, others contribute to the transition of cough from a dry form to a productive one.

Which remedy is suitable in a particular case is decided by the attending physician based on the characteristics and severity of the course of the disease.

In addition, with a dry cough, sputum is not excreted from the respiratory system, in which pathogenic microorganisms multiply, and the disease in such cases often becomes protracted.

In general cases, a dry cough is a natural reflex, which is not an “instrument” of the body for getting rid of foreign mucous masses (unlike a wet cough, in which this occurs).

Sometimes a dry cough occurs not as a result of damage to the lungs and bronchi, but in sore throats.

In this case, such a reflex is due to excessive irritation of the mucous membranes, and it is enough to take antimicrobial agents and pills that depress the cough centers.

Dry cough is classified according to its duration:

  • acute (disappears within a month);
  • protracted (treated from 1 to 3 months);
  • chronic (lasts more than three months, with periods of remission and relapse alternating).

By the time of day when a dry cough appears, one can judge the disease that caused it.

Groups of pills

There are no universal pills for this symptom: depending on its form, certain drugs are used.

And in the case of a dry type of swelling in adults, the following types of tablets are used:

  1. Antitussive.
    Such funds suppress the activity of cough centersworking at a reflex level. Such drugs can affect the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eliminating irritation and preventing or stopping bronchospasm (these are peripheral action). Drugs that directly stop reflexes at the level of the central nervous system are mainly combined potent pills.

    The group of antitussive pills includes Helicidin, Levopront, Libexin, Tussin, Stopussin, Loraine and Bronholitin.

  2. Mucolytic.
    Drugs do not eliminate cough reflex and even to some extent it is provoked, diluting the phlegm accumulating in the lower respiratory tract and accelerating its discharge. Moreover, funds of such a plan often have additional anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties, facilitating the patient's condition. This type of pill does not help to reduce the intensity of the cough, but it provokes the release of phlegm, which leads to the natural elimination of the cough reflex.

    Among mucolytics, the most famous are Ambrobene, Reflegmin, Lazolvan, Mucobron, Sinupret, Ambrosan.

  3. Combined.
    These pills simultaneously have a bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and anesthetic effect.
    Such tablets include bronchodilator, loraine, stopussin, bronchicum.
  1. Ambroxol. A mucolytic and expectorant agent that does not inhibit the activity of the respiratory system.

    When applied within a week in patients, a dry cough transitions to a productive form. In case of an overdose, side effects such as nausea and headaches are possible.

  2. Lorain. The tool eliminates the cough reflex and at the same time relieves inflammation, eliminating irritation in the upper respiratory tract.

    The product has low toxicity and is used every 4 hours, two tablets, but no more than 12 tablets per day.

  3. Libeksin. The drug has a bronchodilator and expectorant effect, which prevents the development of bronchospasm. It is a potent remedy that quickly relieves severe attacks of a dry-looking symptom. The drug acts on the cough centers, reducing their sensitivity, but the respiratory functions in the body are not affected in any way.

    The average dose is one tablet up to four times a day.

    If the disease is severe, you can take two at a time.

  4. Bronchicum. A medicine that dilutes phlegm and speeds up its expectoration. When using such a remedy, bouts of boozing are softened during the first two days, the swelling of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree passes.

    Such tablets must be absorbed two pieces per day.

  5. Oxeladin. The drug has an inhibitory effect on cough receptors, but does not depress respiratory processes and is not addictive. The drug is prescribed for a wide range of diseases, ranging from pathologies of the lower and upper respiratory tract to allergic cough and smoker's cough.

    The drug is consumed three times a day, one piece.

  6. Codelac. Combined antitussive drug based on an opioid substance that blocks the activity of cough centers. The remedy is used in short-term courses of several days and only as prescribed by a doctor, since exceeding the dosage and duration of the course can lead to the development of serious systemic side effects.

    Adults should take two or three pieces of codelac per day, depending on the progression of the disease.

  7. Kaffetin. Multifunctional combination medicine containing caffeine, paracetamol and codeine. These components have an effect on cough centers, and the auxiliary drug propiphenazole has an analgesic effect.

    The drug is prescribed only to adult patients in the amount of 3-4 tablets per day.

  8. Sinecode. Effective drugblocking strong bouts of dry type of thumping and expanding the bronchial lumens, making breathing easier for the patient.

    Adults are prescribed two tablets of the drug per day.

  9. Codeine. A potent natural opiate that helps eliminate dry booze. It is not recommended for long-term use and is prescribed only for adults, as it can cause addiction and drug dependence.

    A day can be taken no more than four times, one piece.

Inexpensive drugs

The effectiveness of such remedies is not always lower, and sometimes such remedies cope even better with the problem of a dry type of symptom than expensive drugs. These medications are:

  1. Stoptussin.
    A complex action drug that dilutes phlegm and promotes its excretion from the respiratory tract. The medicine may have a mild local anesthetic effect.

    For adult patients, it is enough to take one and a half tablets per day.

  2. Glauvent. An agent that acts on cough receptors and reduces their sensitivity. The basis of the preparation is the alkaloid of the yellow mackerel plant. This medicine is low toxic and causes few side effects in rare cases.

    Adults need to consume one piece three times a day.

  3. Pectusin. A product with the inclusion of mint, eucalyptus, essential oils and menthol. The drug liquefies and removes phlegm in diseases of the bronchi and lungs, when the patient has severe bouts of dry thumping.

    The medicine dissolves under the tongue, it is recommended to take no more than three pills a day.

Treatment reviews

“Recently, after suffering bronchitis, I had a prolonged cough as a complication, which occurred in attacks closer to night, but could also appear during the day.

For the treatment, I was prescribed the drug codeine, and its effect was noticeable already on the fifth day.

The drug is addictive, so a week later the doctor replaced it with more neutral tablets - pectusin. "

Valery Grinchenko, Bryansk.

“When I just start showing signs of a cold in the form of a dry cough, I start taking stoptussin tablets.

In the first two or three days, the cough begins to subside and the irritation in the throat disappears, and then phlegm appears, which easily goes away thanks to this remedy.

Daniil Teleshev, Pyatigorsk.

Dry cough tablets are the most preferred form of treatment for adults.

But the reception of these funds must be agreed with the attending physician, especially if applied complex therapy and some drugs can neutralize each other's action.

Consider before using any cough tablet possible contraindications, in the presence of which treatment may result in a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Antihistamines - means, blocking the synthesis and / or interaction of histamine (a substance responsible for the development allergic reaction) with the corresponding receptors.

They are used exclusively for dry allergic cough, which is proven by the results of allergy tests, UAC and the findings of an allergist. The list of such medicines is very extensive and includes: Tavegil, Claritin, Zodak.

Antitussives - strong drugs, depressing the cough center of the brain, as a result of which the nerve impulses that cause the cough reflex cease to flow to the respiratory organs.

They are used for diseases in which phlegm is not secreted in the bronchi and lungs, and the cough does not have physiological functions, that is, with whooping cough, measles, pulmonary emphysema and some other pathologies.

Most of them contain codeine, a narcotic substance that, with prolonged use in high doses, can cause the development of addiction, that is, dependence.

The medicines in this group include: Kodeterp, Terpinkod, Kodelak, Kodterpin, etc. Nevertheless, today there are drugs on the pharmaceutical market that do not cause drug dependence, these are: Libeksin, Omnitus, Sinekod, Panatus.

News when choosing a medicine

The main factor determining the choice of the most effective drugs is the cause of the cough.

Before taking drugs for dry cough, a person needs to listen carefully to the nature of forced exhalation. They can be caused by infectious, inflammatory, allergic diseases, or of a physiological origin.

Dry cough is divided into several types:

  1. accompanied by a sore throat (phlegm is not formed, cough occurs due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and nasopharynx);
  2. spasmodic (caused by narrowing of the lumen of the bronchial tubes);
  3. unproductive (sputum accumulated in the respiratory tract is viscous, therefore it cannot be excreted naturally).

All types of dry cough are treated differently. It is quite difficult to choose an effective medication on your own.

A spasm of the bronchial tree is called the narrowing of its internal lumen. The mechanism of occurrence is the appearance of an irritant from which the airways are protected. With the help of a spasm, the bronchi do not allow the pathogen to penetrate lower, but at the same time it is accompanied by painful manifestations for a person.

With a spasm of the tubular passages, swelling of the walls occurs, which further aggravates the patient's condition. As a result, the gas exchange process is disrupted. The patient cannot make a full exhalation: he begins to choke, turn pale and cough violently.

The cause of bronchial irritation and spasm is:

  • infection (viral, bacterial);
  • allergens (household, medicinal, food);
  • chemicals (smoke, harsh perfume, lime dust);
  • foreign objects (small parts, instruments for medical manipulations);
  • inhalation anesthetics;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases (COPD, asthma);
  • stress.

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Regardless of what caused the dangerous condition, it is necessary to provide first aid to the person. After stopping the attack, it is advisable to find out the nature of bronchospm and directly treat its cause.

The list of dry cough medicines is incredibly long. All because one cough is different. To choose the right product, you need to pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • hoarseness and inflammation of the larynx;
  • easy breathing, accompanied by a debilitating cough;
  • absence of wheezing and noise in the lower parts of the respiratory system;
  • there are no additional disturbing manifestations.

If the symptoms of the disease correspond to the listed points, then the person needs pills for dry cough. If wheezing occurs, the temperature rises, or thick mucus is coughing up, such drugs should not be used.

This situation requires converting a dry cough into a wet one with phlegm-thinning and expectorant medications.

Also, when choosing a medicine, it should be borne in mind that the patient should not have contraindications to its use. All antitussive formulations are prohibited for use with hypersensitivity to active substances.

Most of these drugs are unacceptable for use in children, pregnant and lactating women.

Do not combine the use of dry cough remedies and mucolytics. The last aspect in choosing a drug is the possibility of its independent use. If the medicine is dispensed with a prescription, then using it without a doctor's prescription is unacceptable.


A popular mucolytic agent with an expectorant effect. Prescribe the drug during development infectious diseases respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum. Bromhexin tablets help to dilute the secretion in the bronchi, due to which a dry cough develops into a productive one.

Bromhexine tablets should not be taken simultaneously with codeine-containing drugs. Such treatment will not give any result. Only under the supervision of a specialist should the drug be used for patients who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Adults take one tablet three times a day. As soon as a dry cough develops into a productive cough, the use of Bromhexin should be discontinued.

Which pills work best?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which drugs are the best and most effective, since everything depends on the causes of the disease and the individual characteristics of each person, which no doctor can determine "by eye".

The only way to understand which remedies are suitable for the patient is to contact a highly qualified specialist, but even in this case there is no 100% guarantee of getting the effect from the first prescribed drug.

Sometimes, especially in severe systemic diseases, the search for a medication suitable for a particular patient can take quite a long time.

Sometimes a combination of different drugs is required that will enhance each other's action and produce the desired effect.

At the same time, expensive does not mean good. Quite often, cheap, long-studied and known to many drugs are the most effective.


Popular dry cough tablets for adults, the main active ingredient in which is ambroxol hydrochloride. The auxiliary components are lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch and microcrystalline cellulose. The drug "Halixol" has an excellent mucolytic and expectorant effect.

Do not prescribe the drug to children until they reach the age of five. During pregnancy, tablets can only be taken from the second trimester under medical supervision. People with renal failure medication Haliksol is not prescribed.


Popular mucolytic pills for dry cough for adults. Like the previous product, Lazolvan is based on Ambroxol. Additionally, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate are used. Lazolvan tablets are excellent for the treatment of dry cough in case of acute respiratory infections and flu, as well as for thinning sputum in case of pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

It is worth remembering that Lazolvan tablets are a mucolytic drug. Therefore, it should not be taken in conjunction with antitussives. This will only lead to difficulty in removing phlegm from the bronchi.

When dry cough occurs, adults take one tablet of the drug "Lazolvan" three times a day. As soon as the cough becomes productive, the drug is stopped.

Antitussives, expectorants for dry cough

Drugs of this kind can only be used as directed by a doctor, especially when a child needs to be treated. They inhibit the cough center of the brain, as a result of which they block the appearance of painful attacks "in the bud."

But such a strong effect is fraught with the development of many side effects and the need to be careful when using the drug, since the list of contraindications is quite extensive.

In most centrally acting drugs, the active substance is codeine, a narcotic drug that can inhibit the cough center.

Some modern medicines (Sinekod, Omnitus, Panatus, Codelac Neo, Stoptussin) use a safer, non-addictive and drug-free compound - butamirate.

It also acts on the brain, but in addition it has an emollient effect on the mucous membranes, has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

However, most modern medicines of this group are complex agents, which additionally include herbs, licorice root, sodium bicarbonate and other compounds that have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease.

  • children under 2 years of age or more, depending on the composition of a particular drug and dosage active ingredients;
  • patients suffering from respiratory failure of any origin;
  • when taking mucolytics, since this is fraught with the accumulation of a large amount of sputum in the organs of the respiratory system and the development of dangerous complications.


For dry cough, it is not recommended to prescribe medication in tablets based on codeine for an adult if he suffers or has been successfully cured of drug addiction.

In such situations, preference should be given to other, more modern drugs.

At the same time, one should not be afraid of these medications if there are pronounced indications for their use, for example, with whooping cough in a child.

In situations like this, they are great at helping to cope with debilitating attacks.

And the short term of use and the exact adherence to the dosage regimen make them safe and effective.

It is also sometimes necessary to drink during pregnancy drugs that reduce the excitability of the cough center.

In many situations, doctors prefer them, since powerful attacks provoke an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and, accordingly, uterine tone, which can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

If there are indications and the choice of the correct dosage form (according to the annotation, many medicines of this group can be used from the second trimester of pregnancy in the form of a syrup), treatment with antitussives of central action is justified, and the benefits of their use exceed possible risk for the fetus.

On this topic:

Gelisal: instructions for the use of cough syrup. Testimonials

Althea cough syrup: instruction. Reviews. For children and adults

Cough is a protective, reflex reaction of the body that removes pathologically altered bronchial secretions from the respiratory tract. Sometimes it occurs when foreign substances are found in the trachea or bronchi.

Cough is not a disease, but a symptom, therefore, it should be treated as a manifestation of the underlying disease. The choice of drugs that affect cough depends on the individual characteristics of the person, type and clinical manifestations diseases.

The effectiveness of the basic treatment of any disease accompanied by a cough is significantly increased with the rational use of antitussive, mucolytic and expectorant drugs. We will look at the causes of dry cough and the medicines used to soften it and translate it into a productive cough, into a wet one.

The choice of a drug primarily depends on the nature of the cough and must be agreed with the doctor:

  • Dry, painful cough, painful, unproductive, frequent, leading to impaired appetite and sleep, the choice is antitussives or combination drugs.
  • Productive cough, but with hard-to-separate, thick, viscous sputum, choice - mucolytic drugs.
  • The cough is productive, with phlegm, and it is not viscous, and not thick - the choice is expectorant medicines for coughs.
  • Mucolytic drugs should not be used concurrently with antitussive drugs.

Most often, a dry cough occurs at the onset of colds, flu, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as inhalation of various substances that irritate the mucous membrane. In the event of a severe attack of dry cough, inhalation is accompanied by a hissing noise between coughing tremors. This is due to the narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, larynx or trachea and leads to difficulty breathing. Before a dry cough, pain may be felt with a deep breath.


Highly good pills dry cough. The medication belongs to the group of mucolytic agents. The medicine, like the previous ones, is based on ambroxol hydrochloride. The auxiliary elements are calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, magnesium stearate, and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Means "Ambrohexal" in tablets are not prescribed for babies under 6 years old, as well as for women in the first half of pregnancy. During breastfeeding, the drug is also contraindicated. Only under the supervision of a doctor is it worth taking pills for people with peptic ulcer... In rare cases, there may be hypersensitivity to the main components of the medicinal product.

The best cough remedy. Best dry cough remedy

Dry cough tablets for adults are prescribed in the form of narcotic and non-narcotic medicinal compositions. These drugs have a central action, that is, they affect the respiratory center, suppressing the cough reflex.

The active substance of the tablets works in the medulla oblongata.

This group of medicines is dispensed from pharmacies as prescribed by a doctor. It is forbidden to use centrally acting antitussive tablets on your own, and it is also unacceptable to independently increase their dosage.

Uncontrolled use can lead to respiratory depression and even be fatal. It is recommended to strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions during treatment, and if you feel worse, seek medical help.

To achieve an extensive effect, multicomponent tablets are used for dry cough in adults: effective drugs of a combined type. They have multiple effects based on how the ingredients work.

The majority of combined antitussives are sold without a prescription, but the purchase of some pills obliges the patient to have a medical appointment.

Dry cough tablets for adults are inexpensive. The purchase of such a tool will cost no more than 300 rubles.

The composition of the drug includes butamirate, which has an anesthetic effect on the receptors of the respiratory system, and guaifenesin, which increases the secretion of bronchial mucus.

The tablets give an antitussive, expectorant effect, accompanied by a bronchodilator effect.

The medicine is in the form of tablets, which costs about 200 rubles. The drug has a bronchodilator and expectorant effect. It contains glaucine with ephedrine. The medicine can affect the work of the heart and nervous system.

Tablets based on antibodies to morphine, histamine and bradykinin. They have antispasmodic, antitussive, bronchodilator, antihistamine and anesthetic effects.

The tablets are intended for resorption. According to medical research, the drug has unproven efficacy. The cost of the medicine barely reaches 200 rubles.

Many herbal combination antitussives come in syrup form but are not in tablet form.

Many people know what a cough is, because this condition is not always associated with an illness. In this way, the body cleans the respiratory tract from viruses, bacteria, dust or foreign bodies that have entered them. A cough can be caused by various reasons, but in any case, it is annoying and does not allow you to work and rest normally.

In most cases, it signals serious illness and requires immediate treatment. Many people are looking for the best cough remedy, but it is impossible to understand the abundance of drugs without the help of a doctor. Indeed, with the wrong choice of medicine, you can only aggravate the problem. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to consult with your doctor and determine which cough is bothering the patient. In addition, in most cases, even the best cough remedy will not help unless the cause is eliminated. On the contrary, it can only get worse.

Types of cough

Depending on the characteristics of the disease, you need to choose drugs. After all, different drugs have different effects. And before you can determine the best cough remedy, you need to know what it is. Usually, the instructions for the medicine indicate what type of medicine it is treating.

  1. A dry cough can occur for a variety of reasons. It is mainly caused by irritation of the mucous membrane by chemical or physical factors... It also occurs with viral infections and colds.
  2. A wet cough is characterized by the discharge of phlegm that accumulates in the lungs or bronchi. It can be unproductive when it is viscous and difficult to cough up. Or wet, when a lot of sputum is released.
  • Colds and infectious diseases - tonsillitis, tracheitis or ARVI. They can be viral or bacterial. This is the most common cause of coughing.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs - bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess or tuberculosis.
  • Allergic reactions such as bronchial asthma.
  • Respiratory tract irritation from chemicals or dust.
  • Heart failure.
  • Hit foreign body into the respiratory tract.
  • Organic brain damage or neurosis.
  • Smoking.
  • Taking certain medications, such as blood pressure lowering drugs.

Without identifying the cause that caused it, it will be almost impossible to cope with the symptom. And in some cases, the use of antitussives or expectorants is completely contraindicated. But most often, when they are looking for the best cough remedy, they try to eliminate the most common cause of it - infectious and inflammatory diseases.

In this case, you need to remember that the disease begins most often with a dry cough, which eventually turns into a wet one. Therefore, treatment should be changed throughout the course of the illness. It is not recommended to suppress a dry cough, you need to try to translate it into a more productive one, so that bacteria and viruses that caused the disease come out with sputum.

And with an allergic cough, on the contrary, drugs are prescribed that suppress the cough reflex and antihistamines. If the cough has arisen on a nervous basis or against the background of heart failure, you do not need to take any additional medications at all. Having cured the underlying disease, a person gets rid of it too.

When the cause and type of the disease is clear, then you can choose a drug for its treatment. They all have a different effect:

  1. Suppress the cough reflex. These drugs can be narcotic and can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. They are needed if the cough is painful and dry. He does not allow you to communicate, eat, or sleep. But in no case should you drink them with wet coughso that there is no stagnation of phlegm in the lungs.
  2. Expectorants increase the production of phlegm and facilitate its excretion by stimulating the bronchi. Such medicines are used only to treat a wet cough, if it is dry, they will be useless.
  3. If there is a lot of sputum, but it is hard to cough up, mucolytics should be used. These are agents that thin it and facilitate its excretion.
  4. There are also local cough remedies. They treat it with an anti-inflammatory and aseptic effect. They sometimes have a local anesthetic effect, and if the cough is caused by irritation in the respiratory tract, it stops.
  5. Recently, combined preparations have appeared that contain various substances and have a complex effect on the respiratory tract.
  1. Tablets or capsules. They are most commonly used to treat coughs in adults. This form of medication is convenient if the treatment is prolonged and the drug needs to be taken several times. After all, they are easy to take with you and drink at work or on the road.
  2. Effervescent dissolving tablets or powders have a quicker effect due to easier absorption and a large amount of drinking water. But they can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Syrups, drops and potions are most often used to treat children, as they have a pleasant taste. They are also easy and quick to digest.
  4. Lozenges or lozenges are used mainly in the treatment of coughs caused by upper respiratory infections or allergic reactions.
  5. Means for inhalation, rinsing and compresses are used to relieve coughs that result from inflammation.

DETAILS: From tachycardia pills during pregnancy

In many cases, a dry cough is so painful and exhausting a person that the only salvation will be means that suppress it. Such medicines are divided into two groups:

  1. Dry cough suppressants that target the cough center in the brain. They are used only in the complete absence of sputum and are on a different basis:
    - with a narcotic effect - drugs "Codeine", "Hydrocodone", "Morphine chloride" and others, sold only by prescription;
    - without narcotic effect - means "Tusuprex", "Sinekod", "Glauvent" and others (they can be purchased without a prescription, but should be used carefully).
  2. Drugs that act on the nerve centers of the middle sections of the respiratory tract. These are the means "Libeksin" or "Levopront".

But recently, drugs of a new generation are most often prescribed, which have a combined effect. In infectious and inflammatory diseases, if the cough is unproductive and there is no sputum, complications are possible, since the infection is not cleared from the respiratory tract. Therefore, medications are needed that do not suppress cough symptoms, but help sputum discharge.

But a dry cough is often so exhausting for the patient that it is necessary to slightly reduce its intensity. Modern combined drugs have just such a property. The most famous of them are Stoptussin, Tussin Plus, Butamirat, Lorain and others. At the moment, the best remedy for dry cough is Bronholitin.

Its peculiarity is that in addition to antitussives (glaucine and ephedrine), it contains basil oil. It dilates the bronchi, has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the viscosity of phlegm. This drug has a mild non-narcotic effect on the cough center and bronchial muscles and is available in the form of a syrup. Therefore, we can say that this is the best cough remedy for children over 3 years old.

You need to choose a tool strictly individually. For example, a syrup is better for children, and dissolving tablets work much faster than conventional tablets. But you need to know that, unlike expectorant drugs, even the best cough remedy without phlegm has many contraindications. Most of these medications should not be taken:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with allergic reactions;
  • those with respiratory failure or bronchial asthma.

In addition, it must be remembered that as soon as sputum begins to drain, it is necessary to change the drug. In no case should such a cough be suppressed, as it can cause serious complications.

It is very important that phlegm that collects in the airways is removed easily. Many drugs for the treatment of wet coughs are designed to increase and facilitate its excretion. When there is a lot of phlegm, you need to help the airways to get rid of it. Therefore, the composition of drugs for the treatment of wet cough includes substances that restore cells of the broncho-pulmonary tissue.

In addition, they thin the phlegm itself. Most often, such drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect and contain herbal ingredients. The best remedy for a wet cough - this is the drug "Bromhexin". It easily helps to cope with the disease and has few side effects. Therefore, it is even given to children.


A popular antitussive drug in the form of tablets. The main component is citrate butamirate. Additionally, hypromellose, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, and magnesium stearate are used. Omnitus dry cough tablets are prescribed to stop severe attacks caused by infectious diseases such as influenza, whooping cough, acute respiratory infections. The agent can also be prescribed to suppress reflex cough after surgery.

Some of the least expensive are these dry cough pills. The price of the drug in pharmacies does not exceed 200 rubles. But you should not buy the drug without the advice of a specialist. Often there is a sensitivity to some elements of the drug. Omnitus tablets are also contraindicated during lactation. In the second half of pregnancy, the medication should be used only if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the potential harm to the baby.

How to choose inexpensive but effective dry cough pills for adults - a review of drugs

The most powerful drugs are considered to be centrally acting, many of which are of low cost.

But since they can only be prescribed by a doctor, other options should be considered, such as syrups.

Available and effective in most cases are considered:

  • Rengalin;
  • Prospan;
  • Linkas;
  • Ambroxol (Lazolvan, Ambrobene);
  • Ascoril.

we treat dry cough

A dry cough is often painful, without sputum discharge, accompanied by rawness and catarrhal symptoms (redness, swelling of the tonsils) in the throat.

In this case, a prolonged, spastic cough occurs, and the patient often (with damage to the small bronchi, in initial stage pneumonia) complains of shortness of breath and inability to take a deep breath.

The herbal preparation reduces the excitability of the cough center and increases the viscosity of sputum. It is used for harsh cough, but with prolonged use it causes addiction, Allowed for admission from 6 years.

Estimated cost: 140 rubles.

A more expensive drug with a similar effect is Libexin (does not have dependence). The antitussive drug Tusuprex has a high toxic effect, therefore, although inexpensive, it is rarely prescribed.

  • Thermopsis cough tablets

The history of the use of these tablets goes back decades, which confirms its effectiveness and safety. The herb of thermopsis and ordinary soda (sodium bicarbonate), which are part of the preparation, effectively fight dry cough. Reception is prohibited under 12 years of age and pregnant women with stomach ulcers.

Estimated cost 50 rubles.

Estimated cost 15 rubles.

Quickly (after 30 minutes) relieves irritation of the mucous membrane, thereby eliminating cough, and dilutes phlegm. Available in tablets and syrup (Halixol, price 90 rubles). Forbidden during pregnancy, negatively affects the digestive system.

Estimated cost 20 rubles. per package (20 tab.) and 50 rubles. (syrup).

More expensive analogues: Lazolvan, Ambrohexal, Abrobene. When choosing a syrup, be sure to take into account the dosage of the medicinal substance.

Tablets (children's dosage - 20 mg of butamirate, adult - 50 mg) and syrup have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve the condition with a dry cough. Omnitus has a lot of side effects, it is forbidden for babies under 6 years old and pregnant women.

Estimated cost 90 rubles.

Lozenges or syrup have a phlegm-thinning and antitussive effect. The drug quickly eliminates unproductive cough. The composition includes butamirate, which reduces the excitability of the nerve endings of the respiratory tract, and guaifenesin, which reduces the viscosity of sputum.

Estimated cost 240 rubles.

An aerosol containing antimicrobial agents from the sulfonamide group and essential oils... The components not only make it easier to breathe with a dry cough, but also improve nasal breathing. Ingalipt is indicated for diseases accompanied by a sore throat and a cough that occurs against its background. The composition includes alcohol and sugar.

Estimated cost of 100 rubles.

Absorbent cough tablets fail to provide a local cooling and soothing effect on irritation. There are practically no contraindications: the age limit applies to children under 5 years of age. It is extremely rare that it can provoke a minor allergic reaction.

Estimated cost 150 rubles.

Combined drug: glaucine suppresses the cough reflex, ephedrine relieves bronchial spasm. Basil oil has a local soothing and antimicrobial effect. Bronholitin syrup is indicated for coughing without phlegm.

Estimated cost 55 rubles.

Coughing is a troublesome symptom of a cold. Most people with the onset of cold weather suffer from coughing, it becomes more difficult to work, rest, sleep normally and eat. Discomfort is delivered not only to the sick person, but also to everyone around. When choosing a cough remedy, you do not need to self-medicate, you should consult a doctor for help and prescription of the drug.

What is possible from a cough for a child 6 months old is indicated in this article.

How to treat a cough and runny nose without fever in a pregnant woman is indicated in the article.

Coughing is a defense reaction to various irritants. A similar symptom may occur if dust, smoke or chemical substances... Often a cough develops with allergies. But most often the cause of the development of an unpleasant symptom is an infectious disease. A dry cough irritates the throat and makes it difficult to sleep at night.

Bronchitis is a fairly common ailment. It is often a complication of colds. Pathology is characterized by a cough, high temperature, shortness of breath. With this disease, bed rest, warming up of the chest area, inhalation are recommended. To reduce the strength of the cough, it is necessary to take expectorants and antitussives. But there are a lot of such drugs on the shelves of pharmacies. How to choose a medicine for bronchitis and cough in adults? And how to find the most effective one?

Selection rules

How to choose best medicine for bronchitis from coughing for adults? It should be immediately noted that universal remedies simply do not exist. After all, each person has his own individual characteristics. And a drug that is effective for one patient may not bring relief at all to another.

Therefore, in order to choose an effective medicine for cough bronchitis for adults, it is necessary to consider several important points:

  1. Distinguish between dry and wet cough. Each type has its own medications that have a certain effect. Medicines can reduce pain when coughing or help clear mucus from the airways.
  2. Before buying a drug, be sure to read the instructions for use. Pay special attention to contraindications and side effects.
  3. It is best not to self-medicate, especially as a serious illness such as bronchitis. It is recommended to consult a doctor who will diagnose the patient and prescribe the most appropriate medications.
  4. At the time of buying medical supplies you should try to get medicines that have been tested by the manufacturer. If such drugs are very expensive, then you can consult a doctor. It will help you find cheaper, but no less high quality and effective counterparts.

Various types of medicines are used to treat bronchitis. What medicine for bronchitis from coughing for an adult will bring maximum relief? To answer the question, you need to determine the nature of the symptoms.

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, a dry cough is severely irritating to the throat. Therefore, medications are prescribed that reduce pain and the frequency of attacks.

Excellent antitussives come in the form of:

  1. Syrups - "Bronhikum", "Sinekod", "Stopussin".
  2. Tablets - "Codelac", "Stopussin", "Falimint".

A good result is achieved with the use of combination drugs. These are medicines that provide both antitussive and expectorant effects.

Symptoms change with the development of the disease. The cough becomes moist. Sputum appears. At this stage, you should not take medications that reduce coughing attacks. It is necessary that the fluid from the bronchi come out.

Therefore, now you should take a cough medicine for bronchitis for adults, which helps to thin the sputum.

The drugs cope with this task quite effectively:

  1. Syrups - Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Haliksol.
  2. Tablets - "Ambrobene", "Halixol", "ACC" (effervescent pills).

Now let's take a closer look at some medicines. This will determine which medicine to choose for bronchitis and cough in adults.

The drug "Mukaltin"

It is a well-known medicinal product for a long time. Available in tablet form. It helps with coughing well and has almost no contraindications. It should not be taken only with an ulcer or in case of individual intolerance.

The active substance of the drug "Mukaltin" is marshmallow extract. The medication acts on the bronchi, enhancing expectoration and accelerating the excretion of sputum.

The biggest plus of this medicine is the minimum price. A blister of 10 tablets costs an average of 15 rubles at a pharmacy.

The product is produced in the form of tablets. It is an effective cough medicine (for bronchitis). The medication helps to remove phlegm, provides expectoration. It is used during diseases of the respiratory tract, in which the excretion of mucus is difficult, including due to its viscosity.

Tablets that have analgesic and antispasmodic effects. They contribute to the expansion of the bronchi, reduce coughing.

The main active ingredient of this medication is prenoxdiazine hydrochloride. Take "Libexin" for coughs of any etiology.

The medication is contraindicated for:

  • intolerance to its components;
  • diseases with increased production of mucus in the respiratory tract;
  • you can not take it also after anesthesia.

With particular caution, the drug "Libeksin" is prescribed to children and pregnant women.

The price of a medication per pack (20 tablets) is about 250 rubles.

Groups of pills


If an adult has a dry cough, Libexin tablets will be able to help. The main substance of the drug is. Talc, glycerin, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, and corn starch are used as auxiliary components. "Libeksin" dry cough tablets can be taken for various inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract. Often, a drug is prescribed before a bronchoscopic examination.

Libexin tablets are contraindicated in patients with diseases in which there is an increased secretion of bronchial secretions. The remedy is not contraindicated for children and pregnant women. Treatment must necessarily take place under the supervision of a physician. In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug develops.

Can you do without medication?

With a dry cough, which tablets are optimal, only a doctor can tell. But what if you can't ask for help? Exist folk methods, which will temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms. Perfectly liquefies phlegm warm drinks... It is worth heating the milk and adding a teaspoon of honey to it. This drink is not only expectorant, but also relieves throat irritation. Besides, milk with honey is very tasty.

Good results are obtained with conventional inhalations with medicinal herbs. It is necessary to bring two liters of water to a boil and add a little chamomile infusion. You will have to breathe over a container of hot water, covered with a towel.

In general, with most viral infections, the body can independently cope with the disease and fully recover without the use of any medication.

In situations like this, they can help you cope with the disease easier and recover faster.

Milk with soda for coughing: proportions. Recipes. How to cook?

In more difficult situations, for example, when diagnosing whooping cough, tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc., it is impossible to do without the use of a number of drugs, including not only antitussive drugs, but also antibiotics, antimicrobials and other drugs.


Not everyone knows, if a dry cough develops, which pills to take. Many people strive to achieve several effects at the same time. For such purposes, combined medications... A striking representative are the tablets "Stopussin", which have both expectorant and antitussive action.

The main active ingredient is butamirate dihydrogen citrate. Additionally, colloidal silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, glyceryl tribegenate, and magnesium stearate are used. Tablets "Stopussin" are prescribed for the treatment of dry irritating cough, which develops as a result of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Do not prescribe Stoptussin to patients under 12 years of age, as well as to women in the first trimester of pregnancy. During breastfeeding, tablets can only be used after consulting a pediatrician.


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Cough is a reflex act aimed at cleansing the surface of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system from accumulated particles of mucus, pus and dead cells. In other words, a cough is a way of cleansing the mucous membranes of the bronchi, trachea, lungs and throat from accumulated and irritating particles. Since the respiratory organs are constantly in contact with the environment, they often get various irritants and pathogenic microorganisms that cause the cough reflex. This is why coughing is the most common symptom people go to see their general practitioner or pharmacist.

Currently, there is a wide range of different drugs, which in everyday consciousness are combined into one large group called "cough". However, from the point of view of pharmacology and doctors, this group is not homogeneous, since it also includes drugs that suppress the cough reflex, and facilitate sputum discharge, and dilute secretions, etc. In principle, all these drugs affect cough in one way or another, but this does not mean that any of them can be taken in all cases. The choice of the drug "for cough", which in this particular case will be effective, depends on the type of cough and the underlying disease that provoked the symptom. To do this, you need to know the varieties cough medicines and the features of their action.

Cough tablets - classification, brief description, international names of active ingredients

Depending on the mechanism and characteristics of action, all cough drugs, including tablets, are divided into three large groups:
1. Antitussives;
2. Mucolytic agents;
3. Expectorant drugs.

Antitussive drugs are agents that suppress the cough reflex itself at the level of the nervous system. As a result of the action of drugs of this group, a person simply turns off the cough reflex in the brain or at the level of nerves, and he stops coughing.

Mucolytic agents are drugs that liquefy thick and viscous phlegm, making it easier to excrete from various organs of the respiratory system.

Expectorants of resorptive action are currently used quite rarely, since a wide selection of highly effective and safe means of reflex action, containing natural herbs, has appeared. It is the expectorant drugs of reflex action that represent the majority of "cough suppressants" displayed in the windows of pharmacies.

In addition to these groups, there are also combined cough drugs, among which the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Antitussive with expectorant effect - Tussin, Stopussin, Protiazin;
  • Antitussives with anti-inflammatory effect - Bronholitin;
  • Mucolytics with expectorant effect - Bromhexin, Ambroxol, Ascoril;
  • Expectorants with anti-inflammatory effect - Chest collection 1, 2 and 4, Sinupret, Pulmotin, licorice root syrup, Glycyram;
  • Expectorants with antibacterial effect - Gelomirtol, Prospan, Evkabal;
  • Expectorants with bronchodilator effect - Gedelix;
  • Expectorants with mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect - Suprima-Broncho.
The above classifications indicate international names all cough preparations available on the domestic pharmaceutical market, regardless of their form of release. Among these drugs are tablets, syrups, drops, and chewable lozenges. In the future, we will give the names and consider only those drugs that are available in the form of tablets.

Cough tablets - names

Here are the commercial and international names of cough tablets from various groups (antitussives, mucolytic and expectorants). In this case, we will be the first to indicate the international name of the active substance, and in brackets next to it commercial names finished products available on the pharmaceutical market.

Antitussive pills include the following medications:

  • Codeine (Quintalgin, Kaffetin, Codelak, Codelmikst, Codterpin, Nurofen Plus, Parkocet, Pentabufen, Prohodol forte, Terkodin, Tepinkod, Tedein);
  • Glaucin (Glauvent, Bromhexin, Ascoril, Solvin, Bronholitin);
  • Oxeladine (Paxeladin, Tusuprex);
  • Ethylmorphine (Ethylmorphine hydrochloride);
  • Dextromethorphan (Alex Plus, Gripex, Gripand, Caffetin Cold, Padevix, Toff Plus);
  • Butamirat (Codelac Neo, Omnitus, Panatus);
  • Prenoxdiazine (Libexin).
All of the above tablets have the property of stopping a painful, hysterical, dry cough of various origins.

Mucolytic tablets include the following:

  • Acetylcysteine \u200b\u200b(ACC, Acestin, Vicks Active ExpectoMed, N-AC-ratiopharm, Fluimucil, Mukobene);
  • Carbocisteine \u200b\u200b(Mukodin, Carbocisteine, Mukopront, Mukosol);
  • Bromhexine (Ascoril, Solvin, Bromhexin, Phlegamin);
  • Ambroxol (Lazolangin, Lazolvan, Reflegmin, Suprima-Kof, Mucobron, Ambrobene, Ambrohexal, Ambrolan, Ambrotard 75).
All of these mucolytic tablets thin the mucus and make it easier to pass. The drugs relieve a hard and strained cough that produces a small amount of viscous, dense, and sticky phlegm.

Expectorant cough pills include the following:

  • Potassium iodide (Amtersol);
  • Sodium bicarbonate (Sodium bicarbonate 0.25 g);
  • Guaifenesin (Stoptussin, Ascoril);
  • Thermopsis (Cough tablets, Thermopsol, Thermopsis herbs tablets 0.1 g, Codelac Broncho);
  • Marshmallow Root (Mukaltin);
  • Licorice (Doctor IOM, Linkas Lor, Travisil, Fitolor);
  • Thyme (Gelomirtol, Bronchicum C, Bronchipret).
Expectorants are rarely available in tablet form because they are relatively complex technologically. Insofar as most of drugs of this group are extracts and other options for extracts from medicinal plants, it is more convenient to produce liquid dosage forms, such as syrups, solutions, granules or powders for the preparation of solutions, etc.

Cough pills - what are the varieties

Currently, cough pills, depending on their physical properties and application features are divided into the following types:
  • Coated tablets. These tablets must be swallowed whole without chewing and drinking plenty of water (at least half a glass);
  • Effervescent cough tablets. These tablets are intended for the preparation of oral solutions. Effervescent tablets are either mucolytic or expectorant;
  • Sucking (chewable) cough tablets. These tablets are designed to be slowly absorbed or chewed in the mouth. Chewable tablets are mucolytic or expectorant drugs with a distracting effect.

Effervescent cough tablets

Effervescent cough tablets available on the domestic market are ACC and Mukobene. Moreover, both drugs - both ACC and Mukobene are mucolytics, that is, they thin mucus and facilitate its passage. In terms of their clinical effects, effervescent mucolytic tablets do not have any advantage over conventional coated tablets. However, when using effervescent tablets, the clinical effect occurs much faster, therefore, with a subjectively severe tolerance of a cough with thick sputum, it is recommended to use this dosage form. In other situations, you can use those cough pills that a person likes more for any subjective reasons.

Sucking cough tablets

The sucking cough tablets with the most pronounced clinical effect are Alex Plus and Doctor IOM lozenges. Moreover, Doctor IOM lozenges are expectorants, and Alex Plus is mucolytic. In addition to these drugs, there is a wide range of different sucking lozenges sold in pharmacies not as medicines, but as over-the-counter symptomatic remedies, and also referred to as cough pills. Examples of such sucking cough drops are Halls et al.

In principle, cough lozenges have the same clinical effects as coated tablets. However, sucking tablets contain components that provide a distracting effect due to a cooling effect in oral cavitywhich subjectively makes a person feel much better.

In addition, cough sucking tablets are effective against irritation of the upper respiratory tract caused by inhalation of various harmful substances, dust particles, etc. In such cases, the effect of sucking tablets is similar to that of peripheral antitussives, that is, they suppress cough and relieve a person of a painful symptom. There is now a wide selection of these cough sucking pills, which contain extracts of honey, cherry, menthol, eucalyptus, licorice, acacia, linden and glycerin.

Cough tablets - application (selection rules depending on the type of cough)

The choice of cough tablets should be made individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the current disease and this particular person. For the selection of drugs, the following main factors must be considered:
  • Type of cough (dry, wet, productive with viscous sputum);
  • The presence and type of sputum (thick, liquid, large or small amount, etc.);
  • Possible provoking factor of cough (for example, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, chronic bronchitis, allergic cough, etc.).
Only after clarifying the above factors, you can proceed to the selection of cough tablets. General rule the choice of tablets can be formulated as follows:
  • For a dry, debilitating cough antitussive drugs are indicated without sputum discharge. Moreover, it is recommended to use either central non-narcotic antitussives (Glaucin, Bromhexin, Ascoril, Solvin, Paxeladin, Tusuprex, Padeviks, Kaffetin Cold, Panatus, Codelak Neo), or peripheral drugs (Prenoxdiazin, Libexin). Centrally acting narcotic antitussives (Codeine, Codelac, Codterpin, etc.) are recommended to be used only as directed by a doctor, since they can cause severe side effects (constipation, hallucinations, etc.) and addiction quickly develops to them;
  • For severe cough with the discharge of a small amount of viscous, sticky and thick sputum, it is necessary to use mucolytic agents, such as ACC, Acestin, Mukobene, Fluimucil, Carbocisteine, Mucosol, Solvin, Phlegamin, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, etc. These drugs liquefy its mucus, exfoliate the surface of the respiratory tract and facilitate coughing. Mucolytics are the preferred drugs for severe bronchospasm because they do not increase mucus production;
  • With a productive cough with abundant sputum discharge, expectorant drugs such as Amtersol, sodium bicarbonate, Stopussin, Ascoril, Thermopsis, Termopsol, Mukaltin, Travisil, Bronchipret, Gelomirtol, etc. are shown. These drugs accelerate the excretion of sputum from the respiratory tract and eliminate its stagnation.
Antitussive drugs used for bronchospasm, allergic inflammation, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchopneumonia, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy or pulmonary emphysema, accompanied by a dry, painful, debilitating cough. In addition, antitussive drugs can be used at the initial stages of colds, when there is still no sputum discharge, and a painful cough does not give an opportunity to rest. Antitussives, with the exception of Bromhexine and sucking tablets, are allowed only for adults and children over 7-10 years old.

Mucolytic drugs used for acute laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis or pneumonia in order to dilute viscous sputum. These drugs are indicated for use in the early days of the disease in combination with moisturizing steam inhalations.

Expectorants should be used when there is a productive cough with the discharge of a large amount of sputum. This must be done so that sputum does not stagnate in the respiratory tract, provoking secondary infection and spread inflammatory process on adjacent organs and tissues. In addition, timely removal of sputum is necessary so that decay products are not absorbed into the bloodstream, causing intoxication.

Important! Antitussives, mucolytics and expectorants cannot be used simultaneously, believing that they are all "cough pills". You can combine mucolytic and expectorant drugs, gradually switching to taking only expectorant tablets. It is impossible to combine antitussive drugs with expectorant or mucolytic, under any circumstances, since they have a multidirectional effect. As a result of the use of mucolytics or expectorant drugs in combination with antitussives, aspiration of sputum and mucus may occur, followed by asphyxiation.

Tablets for various types of cough

Consider what types of tablets should be used for different types cough.

Dry cough tablets

If a dry cough appears against the background of a cold, then it is recommended to use drugs from the group of mucolytics, such as ACC, Acestin, Mukobene, Fluimucil, Kabocysteine, Mucosol, Solvin, Phlegamin, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, etc. Mucolytics liquefy thick and viscous phlegm, which is very poorly and difficult to separate from the surface of the respiratory organs, and therefore provokes a strained, painful and dry cough. When the cough becomes productive with sputum discharge, it is recommended to switch to expectorant drugs.

If a dry cough appears on the background chronic diseases respiratory organs, for example, obstructive bronchitis, pleurisy, emphysema, tracheitis and others, it is recommended to take antitussives of peripheral or central action. Moreover, with long-term diseases, peripheral antitussives are recommended, such as Prenoxdiazine, Libeksin, etc., since they act gently, without provoking additional bronchospasm. When acute diseases with a dry cough, it is recommended to take non-narcotic antitussives of central action, such as Glaucin, Bromhexin, Ascoril, Solvin, Paxeladin, Tusuprex, Padeviks, Kaffetin Cold, Panatus, Codelac Neo. These drugs can be taken until symptoms have subsided.

Only with a painful and debilitating dry cough, characteristic of pleurisy, whooping cough or heart disease, it is necessary to use centrally acting narcotic antitussives, such as Codeine, Quintalgin, Kaffetin, Codelac, Codelmikst, Codterpin, Terkodin, Tepincod, Tedein. Codeine preparations can only be taken for 5 to 7 days in a row, as more prolonged use leads to addiction.

Wet cough pills

Tablets for wet coughs must be taken in order to ensure the removal of all sputum from the lumen of the respiratory organs. If a small amount of sputum is released when coughing, then it is recommended to take mucolytic drugs (for example, ACC, Carbocisteine, Fluimucil, Ambroxol, etc.) or combined agents with mucolytic and expectorant effects, for example, Bromhexin, Ambroxol, Ascoril, Suprima-Broncho. After the appearance of a large amount of sputum, you should switch to taking expectorant drugs.

If a sufficiently large amount of sputum is released during coughing, then it is necessary to take expectorants (Amtersol, sodium bicarbonate, Stopussin, Ascoril, Thermopsis, Termopsol, Mukaltin, Travisil, Bronchipret, Gelomirtol), which will improve, accelerate and facilitate its excretion from all, even the most small bronchi. Expectorant drugs are necessary in order to prevent sputum from stagnating and causing secondary infection of closely located organs.

Among the expectorants, it is recommended to use Bronchipret, Stoptussin, Thermopsis, Mukaltin and other tablets, which include thermopsis herb, guaifenesin or herbal ingredients. Tablets containing sodium bicarbonate or iodides (for example, Amtersol) can have an unpleasant taste and cause painful side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, etc.

Allergic cough tablets

Allergic cough tablets can be used only as an emergency aid, since this condition requires the systematic use of drugs. So, if a person has an attack of allergic cough, provoked by any irritating factors, then he needs to take narcotic antitussive tablets of central action based on codeine (for example, Codeine, Quintalgin, Kaffetin, Codelac, Codelmikst, Codterpin, Terkodin, Tepinkod, Tedein). If it is not possible to take a drug with codeine (they are sold only by prescription), then you can use a non-narcotic antitussive agent of central action, for example, Glaucin, Ascoril, Solvin, Paxeladin, Tusuprex, Padeviks, Kaffetin Cold, Panatus, etc.

In addition, with an allergic cough, it is necessary to additionally take an antihistamine, for example, Erius, Telfast, Zirtek, Cetirizin, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc., which will eliminate spasm and swelling of the soft tissues of the respiratory tract, and also stop the production of mucus.

Cough pills for bronchitis

Cough pills for bronchitis must be taken depending on the stage and form of the pathological process. So, for chronic bronchitis, accompanied by a dry and unproductive cough, it is recommended to use mucolytic drugs (ACC, Carbocisteine, Fluimucil, Ambroxol) or peripheral antitussives (Libexin). During periods of exacerbation chronic bronchitis be sure to use mucolytics and expectorant drugs (Amtersol, sodium bicarbonate, Stoptussin, Ascoril, Thermopsis, Termopsol, Mukaltin, Travisil, Bronchipret, Gelomirtol).

In acute bronchitis in the initial stages, when the cough is dry and unproductive, it is necessary to use peripheral antitussives and mucolytics. Then, when a cough with sputum appears, you should switch to taking expectorant tablets. Moreover, expectorant tablets must be taken until the cough completely stops.

Cough tablets for children

Rules for the selection and use of cough tablets in children general provisions the same as for adults. However, due to the peculiarities of the structure and physiology of the respiratory tract in children, there are some peculiarities in the use and choice of cough tablets. Consider these features of the use of cough suppressants in children.

Firstly, centrally acting antitussives based on codeine (Quintalgin, Kaffetin, Codelac, Codelmikst, Codterpin, Nurofen Plus, Parcocet, Pentabufen, Prohodol Forte, Terkodin, Tepincod, Tedein, etc.), which are narcotic, are not in children apply. These funds are used only by doctors. specialized hospitals in critical situations.

The main direction of the treatment of cough in children is its transfer from dry and obsessive to wet and productive with sputum discharge. This tactic is due to the fact that in children, cough is mainly associated with the formation of viscous and thick sputum, which is separated from the walls of the respiratory organs with great difficulty. Therefore, when a dry, strained cough appears in a child under 7 years old, he must be given mucolytics, such as Bromhexin, Ambroxol, Dornaza Alpha, ACC, Carbocisteine, Stoptussin, Guaifenesin. And in a child over 7 years old, antihistamines (Erius, Telfast, Suprastin, etc.) should be added to these drugs to relieve bronchospasm. Mucolytics only thin the phlegm without increasing its volume, so there is no risk of aspiration into the lungs when used. In principle, mucolytics are the drugs of choice for treating cough in children. The only situation when mucolytics cannot be used in children is a cough against the background of bronchial asthma.

When a wet cough appears with sputum discharge, children should be given expectorant drugs to remove all mucus from the respiratory system. Most of the expectorant drugs are made on the basis of medicinal plants, but this does not mean that all of them are safe for children, rather, on the contrary, many are quite dangerous. So, the child should not be given expectorant tablets containing ipecac and thermopsis, since they increase the gag reflex, which can provoke sputum aspiration into the lungs. If a child has diarrhea against the background of a cough, then pills containing licorice, oregano and anise should not be given, since they have a laxative effect. Iodide tablets are not tolerated by children, since the therapeutic dose is too large and can provoke poisoning. Thus, with a wet cough, a child can be given expectorant tablets containing guaifenesin (Stopussin, Ascoril), marshmallow (Mukaltin) or thyme (Bronchipret, Gelomirtol, etc.).

Antitussives in children are used very rarely, only with a very strong cough with vomiting, which exhausts the child and does not allow him to sleep. In such situations, you can give the child peripheral antitussives, for example, Glaucin, Paxeladin, Tusuprex.

Cough pills during pregnancy

Pregnant women can use tablets containing as active substance dextromethorphan. This substance does not cross the placenta and does not affect the growth and development of the fetus.

Currently, the following antitussive drugs in tablets containing dextromethorphan and approved for use in pregnant women are available on the domestic market:

  • Padeviks;
  • Tussin plus.
In the instructions for use, manufacturers may indicate that dextromethorphan is contraindicated for use in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, this information is inaccurate and outdated, since during the last 1 - 2 years clinical trials have been carried out that have shown the harmlessness of dextromethorphan at any stage of pregnancy. However, the bureaucratic machine is cumbersome, and therefore it takes a long time to register any changes in the instructions for the use of drugs due to the careful checks of the submitted scientific data. And therefore, in any instructions for a drug with dextromethorphan, the "first trimester of pregnancy" is indicated in the contraindications column. But women should know that the drug is tested and safe for pregnant women at any time.

Dextromethorphan is the best drug for eliminating dry cough in pregnant women. However, many drugs, along with dextromethorphan, contain other active ingredients that cannot be used by pregnant women.

In the presence of a wet cough with sputum secretion, expectorant and mucolytic drugs are indicated, most of which are based on medicinal herbs. Often, cough tablets contain herbal ingredients, many of which cannot be taken by pregnant women, since they can adversely affect the course of pregnancy, provoking an increase in uterine tone and other adverse effects. Pregnant women can take cough drops containing lime, ivy, or citrus peel ingredients. Among herbal tablets with antitussive and expectorant effects, pregnant women can use the following:

  • Bronchicum C - lozenges;
  • Bronchipret - coated tablets.
The instructions for use for these drugs may indicate that use during pregnancy is undesirable. This phrase means that the drug was tested on animals, and in experimental models, no negative effects on the fetus and the course of pregnancy were detected. But in order to indicate in the instructions that the drug is safe for pregnant women, experiments on animals are not enough, tests should be carried out on women "in position". For obvious reasons, such studies are not carried out. Therefore, drug manufacturers, based on data on the harmlessness of the drug obtained during experiments on animals, but not having the results of tests on pregnant women, indicate in the instructions that "the drug is undesirable for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding." Therefore, this phrase does not mean that the drug is potentially dangerous to a pregnant woman and fetus.

In addition, with a wet cough, pregnant women can take medications containing bromhexine as an active substance. Currently, the following medicinal products containing bromhexine are available on the domestic market:

  • Bromhexine syrup, tablets, capsules;
  • Solvin solution and tablets.
All of the above cough tablets can be used at any stage of pregnancy. In addition, there are also drugs that can be taken starting from the second trimester, which include drugs containing the antitussive components codeine and libexin, for example, Stoptussin, Coldrex Knight, Falimint, Libexin, etc.

In general, the simplest and most accessible rule for choosing cough medicines for a pregnant woman is the following - she can take those medicines that are allowed for children under 3 years of age.

Good cough pills

IN medical practice there is no “good” or “best” because the drugs on the market are designed for different situations. This means that each specific medicine, including cough pills, has clear indications and contraindications, which include conditions for which the drug is most effective. This means that in each specific situation, those cough tablets that are shown in this case will be good. And these drugs are called optimal, not the best or good.

For example, with a dry cough, tablets with antitussive components - codeine, dextromethorphan, glaucine, oxeladine, butamirate, prenoxdiazine or levodronpropizine - will be good. Among the listed, the most dangerous will be pills containing codeine, and drugs with the rest of the antitussive components are safe.

For a wet cough with a small amount of sputum, mucolytics will be good remedies, among which the safest, effective, well-tolerated and rarely provoking side effects are tablets containing guaifenesin, bromhexine, ambroxol, acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bor carbocysteine \u200b\u200bas active ingredients.

With a wet cough with a large amount of sputum, expectorant tablets containing herbal ingredients as active ingredients, for example, Mukaltin, Bronchipret, Gelomirtol, Thermopsis, etc., will be good.

Cheap cough pills

The cheapest cough pills are:
  • Expectorants - Sodium bicarbonate 0.25 g tablets, Potassium iodide, Thermopsis herbs tablets 0.1 g, Cough tablets, Termopsol, Mukaltin, Travisil, Stopussin;
  • Mucolytic drugs - Stoptussin, Bromhexin, Ambrohexal, N-AC-ratiopharm, Mucosol;
  • Antitussives - Codterpin, Glauvent, Tusuprex, Ethylmorphine hydrochloride.
Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

Before prescribing any medicine for dry cough, the doctor must find the cause of such an unpleasant and most common symptom.

According to statistics, cough is one of the most common complaints with which a physician or pediatrician is consulted.

therefore, all patients with an unproductive cough need medical supervision, examination and adequate treatment, including antitussive drugs.

Reasons for the appearance

Before taking pills, you need to understand possible reasons its appearances:

Irritation of the mucous membrane infectious agents (viruses, fungi, bacteria). Most often, a dry cough is a symptom of laryngitis, acute bronchitis and tracheitis, in which there is also a sore throat. In some cases, the cough becomes productive.

Chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs (a form of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, congenital emphysema, etc.).

In this case, an unproductive or unproductive cough is a constant symptom, which increases in case of an exacerbation of the disease.

Chronic heart disease and digestive tract (left ventricular heart failure, gastroesophageal reflux disease). Dry periodic cough is a pathognomonic, but not a specific symptom of the listed diseases.

In addition to infectious pathology, a dry cough in a child may occur due to aspiration of a foreign body. Sudden obstruction (usually against the background of complete well-being), asymmetry of wheezing will be a confirmation of this.

In girls of puberty or psychological problems a history of cough of psychogenic genesis is often found. The appearance of a symptom is possible due to a tumor process in the bronchi or prolonged use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.

Thus, the most common causes of an unproductive cough reflex are respiratory infections, gastric reflux, bronchopulmonary system abnormalities, heart failure and bronchial asthma.

Types and classification of drugs

When a complaint such as a dry cough appears, medications are prescribed only by a doctor after a full questioning and examination, and, if necessary, after a set of diagnostic measures.

List of medicines used for barking, dry and paroxysmal coughs of various natures:

  1. Central Mechanism Antitussives the effects of narcotic and non-narcotic orientation. These include Codeine (has the following commercial names: Codelac, Codipront, Codelac Neo, Terpinkod, Kaffetin), Demorphan, Vicodin, Glautsin, Sedotussin, Sinekod.
  2. Drugs with peripheral exposure: Libeksin, Gelicidin, Levopront.
  3. Combined action: Bronholitin, Stoptussin, Lorain, Tussin plus, Hexapnevmin, Erespal, Ascoril, Protiazin.
  4. Mucolytics and mucokinetics are used for dry coughs much less often, subject to the presence of thick and difficult to separate sputum - in order to stimulate its discharge (Thermopsis, Mukaltin, Bromhexin, ACTS, Lazolvan, or Ambroxol).

Medications of the central mechanism of action inhibit opioid receptors, which are mainly located in the medulla oblongata, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cough center.

Non-opioid drugs act on slightly different structures in the brain, while being less effective.

Despite the fact that Codeine and its derivatives are the most powerful and best medicine for severe dry cough, doctors use it extremely rarely and only in short courses due to the presence of a large number of adverse reactions.

The most famous undesirable effect after using narcotic drugs is

Syrups and tablets with peripheral effects reduce the activity and sensitivity of receptors located in the thickness of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi. As a result, the frequency of cough shocks and their severity are reduced.

Due to their complex composition, combined medicines have several beneficial effects (except for antitussive).

Berodual belongs to combined medicines and has a high anti-constrictor efficacy.

It is produced in special nebules, and is dosed dropwise: from 2 to 20 drops 3-4 times a day (in the nebulizer itself it is diluted with saline one to one).

Pulmicort is prescribed for severe obstructive bronchitis or an attack of bronchial asthma. A single dose is 0.25-0.5 mcg through a nebulizer or spacer.

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