Man paranoid who. Paranoia: what it is, symptoms, which means

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Often in films and news show people who reveal some secret conspiracy against them themselves or all of humanity.

Others believe that they are following them, so build a whole action plan, how to protect yourself, hide. So the paranoia manifests itself, which can be found among people from your circle of communication.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to deal with the signs in time to learn about the problem and not yielding to the trick of Paranoika, on time to help turn him to a specialist.

Paranoia - what is it and what is her symptoms

Paranoia is a mental disorder that is characterized by violation of thinkingIn which people all are suspected of a negative intent against them.

Like any disease, each manifests itself in different ways. In most cases, paranoids are characterized by obsessive the idea of \u200b\u200bpersecution. It seems as if someone (police, work colleague, a neighbor in the entrance) watches him.

This often adds to this. nonsense damage - A person thinks he wants to harm (poison, kill, talk behind his back).

Since there is always a fear of persecution, the patient is in constant voltage and active attention, so as not to miss the alarming "signs" from the surrounding. Therefore, often arise hallucinations. As a rule, auditory. Hears, as if they whisper through the wall about him and make plans.

Because of the increase in suspicion, hostility rises to familiar. The person becomes aggressive, intense, embittered on the whole world, anxious. Insomnia is also developing: it's hard to fall asleep, it may be drunk in the middle of the night. Characteristic frequent increase in pressure, sweating.

on the soil of jealousy - This is another common form of impaired psyche. A person thinks his partner constantly changes with someone or flirting.

Paranoque of this type checks the partner's phone: calls and correspondence. Maybe to work and watch whether his passion is there. He also sacred believes in his fantasies and can expand the scandal on the soil of invented delusional history.

Such a concentration of attention on the thoughts that people have conceived something or have already done, does not allow Adequately and objectively think, so everything is broken.

A person becomes forgetful, when talking, a logical connection between proposals is disturbed. Often paranoia develops as a brain injury, so it is clear why all the work of this body suffers.

Favorite phrases Paranoika

Paranoik is a person who can suspect in spiritual unhealthy According to such phrases:

  1. Always acknowledged and watching what is happening around.
  2. If they treat me well, then you probably want something from me, or try to cover your actions.
  3. Where you won't go, they wait for the envious.
  4. I do not speak openly about what I think that people cannot use these words against me.
  5. No time relax.
  6. No one knows how it will end.
  7. Often I suspect that someone intends to harm.
  8. I want to punish those who offended me.
  9. I do not see the point and reasons to trust people, because they always deceive or submit.
  10. I am looking for confirmation of my thoughts.
  11. These people need to withdraw on clean water.
  12. Again around one.

Causes of paranoia

One of the reasons why paranoia can develop is violation of functions brain.

It may develop when the exchange of proteins is defect, which affects the well-coordinated operation of neurons. Actually, various violations in nervous system Also can affect the psyche.

In the elderly Diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson may develop. With them, attention, thinking, emotional background. Changes in the very personality are occurring: people become evil and suspicious.

Often such paranoia is characteristic of nonsense damage. Think that "from old people everyone wants to get rid of"

If someone from relatives had similar symptoms, they could pass in heredity.

Also frequent cause Diseases acts. For example, the child was frightened that there were evil people who could harm. They should not be trusted, and better bypass. Or from mom with dad child heard that neighbors and friends are jealous of their family.

Perhaps already in more adulthood, a person inflicted a serious psychological trauma. People were deceived, substituted, or simply fell a poor team. After that, the injured person begins to treat with fear.

In this case, low self-esteem, or depressive disorder could provoke the development of paranoia.

When for some reason I had to be in long-term isolation from society (for example, a heavy illness), then after going to society, it may not be quick adaptation. Therefore, a person may be afraid and fear of others.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you have noticed that familiar has the above-described symptoms, you need to immediately consult a doctor: a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist. They will hold a conversation and testing that will give to understand what a violation in the patient. After that, individual treatment is prescribed.

Therapy is aimed at the main cause of occurrence. For example, if it is violations In the brain, the treatment will be engaged in treatment, prescribing pharmacological preparations.

Medicines are also used if the patient has nonsense or hallucination. In such cases, neuroleptics give. Or tranquilizers, if a person behaves very restless.

With psychological trauma The psychotherapist is trying to find the situation with the client that negatively affected the peace of mind. The specialist explains that people around do not want evil.

The psychologist is trying the facts to show that there is no "universal conspiracy". And also uses different techniques for lifting self-confidence, self-assessment of the client in particular.

How to behave with paranoid

It is not always possible to convince the paranoid that he needs to go to the doctor.

It may scare that they want to close in the ward, "feed pills." Or, this is quite distant to you a person who does not have influence. Therefore it is worth knowing rules how to behave with him.

  1. It is necessary to comply with all the rules and norms of courtesy.
  2. When conversation, refer to evidence, laws.
  3. Be very open and clearly talk about your intentions, purposes.
  4. If some misunderstanding arose, immediately explain.
  5. Sometimes it is useful to give paranoid to feel more important for him to feel his power control, and was sure of that.
  6. It is better to go around, because a lot of conspiracy guessing will come to the surface.
  7. Do not speak in a negative key about this person behind him behind him, because he still knows everything.
  8. If the employer suffers to paranoia, then it is better to go to another job. Since he will always suspect you something. Or there is an option to stay, but become a faithful quiet servant.

Paranoia, as a rule, is a serious violation in the psyche of a person, so it stands with such people to behave neatTo further not consolidate his suspicion in the surrounding people.

If possible, you need to persuade him to contact a specialist and at the same time it is necessary to explain that you advise it just because we are sincerely worried about the health and well-being of this person.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Heavy time now has come. People experience very many changes in their life daily, even thanks to politics. We constantly do not know what can happen tomorrow or what happens to us. Just live I. Believe in a good future.

However, not all people are able to think so.

There are people who cannot understand what is true, and that only the fruit of their imagination. Call such people with paranoids and we will talk about them today.

Who are paranoids

Now we will try to figure out who are such paranoes and what they are they differ from other people. We start for example. In your life there are situations that make a lot of thinking about them.

There are different situations, may be associated with work or personal relationships. And you have to think a lot about it, doubt, make mistakes, to be right, and so on.

All these situations lead to what we start thinking about situations as they not really. It turns out that personal beliefs in something are not good, and that is not true.

However, there are people - paranoids who are not able to understand What is true, but what is not. They closes a lot in themselves, while trying to disassemble the situation in their heads. This gives a certain failure and a person begins to radically change his opinion, as a result of having nothing, which is able to coincide with reality.

Suppose we give an example. You fell in love with a girl and think a lot about her. She really is also very in love, but she does not have to give a desire. In this situation, you begin to think about how it would be interesting to meet it or spend time, and the girl also thinks about.

And one day you saw her how she walks with some guy. At this moment for you the whole world collapses And it seems that the loss of the girl occurred, due to the fact that she walks at a completely different guy, which is still very nice to communicate with her. You think that this is all will not be on.

These are the attacks of paranoid, because if the person hesitates himself constantly, then this gives a negative result. And in the end, it turns out that it was her brother who came from another city. They have not seen any long time, and she still thinks about you. Even shares with his brother and asks him.

This is the paranoia itself - disgusting feelingFrom which you need to get rid of. Paranoids do it extremely difficult, because their world arranged a little different and thoughts have a completely different direction. They can be both good and dramatically change their direction to negative and terrible.

With this you can fight If you are constantly distracted from this, try to avoid negative thoughts and not shook the horrific things yourself, the existence of which is not even confirmed. This is a human trait that affects a strong person and its further actions.

You can not succumb to emotions with reflections, because there can be a daily problem, leading to a loss of reason. Loss for a person will not challenging taskNo matter how much it wanted.

We are all capable think negatively But someone knows how to control their thoughts, free the soul from torment, and someone is not even able to understand this. This is the difference between paranoid and man, healthy-assessing the situation.

They are capable not only to give the desired advice, saving the situation from the swamps, but also push up on positive thoughts in the future, thereby attracting you to the fun.

Unfortunately, paranoids are very closed people and they may even be shy to contact others. Doing this in no case should not be closed in itself when you do not see the exit, otherwise the disastrous consequences will attract diseases that are clearly not a positive outcome

On this, perhaps, everything. We figured out who is a paranoid and why it is bad. Remember that every personality is unique, but no ideal people. All have shortcomingsfix that is very difficult. Do not knock yourself on trifles, you only spoil your nerves and your own forces that will be needed in the future.

Better relax, look at some comedy and distract yourself from the situation. It is constantly impossible to think about it, otherwise everything will go very far away and it will be impossible to get out of it. Everyone has a fraction of fear for himself and for his loved onesThis is normal, it is given to us from nature.

And it is impossible to constantly think only about one, because the negative, this is a rule of life begins to go. Remember this and never become the best friend for yourself, otherwise you can lose this friend instantly. I wish you in the future few such situations and a lot of only positive in your bright life!

This mental disorder is characterized by long periods of unreasonable distrust of others, as well as increased susceptibility. Although this disorder is not counted for psychosis, people exposed to him often have great difficulties in relationships. They, as a rule, are very critical to others, without accepting, however, critics in their address.

Mental violation, characterized by suspicion and well-informed system of suspicious ideas acquiring in case of excessive severity, the character of nonsense. This system usually does not change; It would be completely logical if the initial pathological ideas were correct. Since the degradation in patients paranoia is most often happening only at the final stages of the disease (they often manage to give the visibility of reality to their delusional thinking, involving in legal processes or other craying activities), they rarely find themselves in psychiatric hospitals. In patients with paranoia, there is no cordial behavior, emotional instability, grotesque hallucinations and unusual ideas observed in other psychopathological conditions. Many of them are able to maintain, at least superficially, economic and social adaptation. Only when their motives come to a conflict with public well-being, it becomes obvious that hospitalization is necessary. On the other hand, there are cases of paranoia when the patient expresses strange ideas: for example, one patient claimed that he was married to God.

Paranoia should be distinguished from other delusional disorders called paranoid; They are often associated with organic pathology (cerebral atherosclerosis, seeding psychosis) or with functional psychosis, in particular with schizophrenia. During paranoid disorders, it is changeable and not so logically worked as when paranoia. In addition, he can accompany hallucinations, shifts emotional states And socially unacceptable behavior.

Theory of the occurrence of paranoia

The story is replete with paranoids. Multiple theories are put forward explaining the mechanism of paranoia. One of them is the theory of Z. Freud, which suggests that the basis of paranoia is fixation, or a delay, at a certain stage of sexual development of the child. We are talking about the stage of homoeotic - the period when the boys play with boys, and girls - with girls (about 4 and 11 years). When a boy who has a fixation on the homoeerotic stage, reaches the freedom of an adult, over him, unsatisfied attraction to small boys, and he is forced to either involve in homosexual activity, or subdued by social pressure, to seek compensation in such behaviors such as alcoholism or men's aggression. This behavior becomes a kind of cover unconscious aspirations for homoermic contacts.

If Paranoia arises as a compromise, then nonsense prosecution is the projection of domestic fantasy desire: problems associated with homosexuality, as if contained not in the person itself, but are imposed on the outside. Indeed, male paranoids usually "pursue" men or male organizations, and paranoid women - female female. Sexual adaptation, including marriage, is most often missing. In patients with paranoia, which marry, going to meet the requirements of heterosexuality, there is a bad adaptation to family life or home detachment. Independent individuals, regardless of what socio-economic layer, he belongs, forever devotes aggressiveness, the fight against imaginary enemies and demonstrations are emphasized by male behavior bordering with heroism. The cycle never comes to an end: as soon as one enemy is defeated, another, even more dangerous appears.


Paranoia treatment remains unsatisfactory. The main reason is that patients are rarely asked for help. As a result, the study based on observation and treatment is impossible. Currently, medicine does not have specific ways of treating these states.

see also

Literature and links

  • Freud Z. Outlusion, paranoia and perverse (it.)
  • de Oliveira L.E.P. (Dir.) Schreber et La Paranoïa: Le Meurtre d'Âme. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1996
  • Psychoanalytic notes on the autobiographical description of the case of paranoia (Schreher's case) Z. Freud. 1911 - Psychoanalysis
  • Dissociative, somatoform and paranoid disorders. Tutorial on Psychiatry R. Shaider on the site about psychiatry and psychopathy

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Quite often on TV, in various films and transmissions, mention such a word as paranoia, we hear it many times, but never think what paranoia is? You will be surprised, but a lot of people suffer from this disease, we simply do not notice what we did not touch. It is almost impossible to cure the disease, since still doctors do not quite understand why he appears. To dull symptoms, the patient is being treated with a psychotherapist's doctor, but they do not give a 100% guarantee of getting rid of the illness.

Symptoms of manifestation of ailment

What is paranoia? This is complex mental illness. It is sometimes accompanied by insane thoughts, mastered the patient's consciousness. It is definitely impossible to answer the question of what paranoia is. Symptoms with this disease can be the most different, in most cases they remain for life. This is not quite understandable to us, an inverted awareness of reality. It can be expressed, for example, in a constant feeling of fear, a person is afraid of. Or he is experiencing endless attacks of jealousy, obsession with something or someone, mania of persecution, etc. The patient is almost impossible to dissuade into something. If he claims that he is an aliens or god, he will be sure of it to the end. Often patients show explicit infrautudeship and bouts of rage. Paranoik begins to tell how he sees things or objects that are not really not.

What is paranoia and how does it manifest? You can not always answer this question immediately. Sometimes it is very easy to determine the paranoid, even without an intervention of a psychotherapist. Many people suffering from this disease, since childhood, there are signs of a strongly overestimated "I", imagining themselves the center of the Universe, believe that everything should be rotated only around them, they are big fantasies, inventors, consider themselves the senses. All these symptoms from childhood affect the perception of such people in society, and, as a rule, in most cases they are disliked, which further complicates the symptoms of the disease, and over the years it develops into complex form of paranoia.

What does Paranoia mean

Any comments of other people with paranoid are regarded as a manifestation of envy. The feeling of jealousy, vigorous, distrust grows over the years. All this leads to the progression of the disease. But obvious signs can be stalled at a certain stage, and the disease will be quiet to wait for a possible occasion to show itself. Answer a notch can anew any important event in life, loss, loss, and so on, which can significantly exacerbate the disease. In short, what is paranoia.

To the concept, paralyonal schizophrenia can be attributed to strong perseverance, a complete denial of perception of reality as it is, distrust, constant condition of suspicion, insults of innocent people and simple passers-by. People with such a disease seem closed, unreleased from this world, they completely lack the sense of joy and the ability to respond to humor. They can easily work, but only on solitary operation, with the bosses will constantly join overwriting and quarrels and prove their excellence.

About character type

The paralyonal character from the paranoia itself and paranoian schizophrenia is different easy Stage leaks. Here in patients there are no hallucinations, nonsense, they more or less can exist in society with the preservation of reality perception, but differ from all their intrusive ideas, incomprehensible outbreaks of anger or jealousy, everywhere seek to defend their leadership and independence, and if it does not work, can strongly Avenge offensive.

But the paranoia itself is manifested in conscious adulthoodShe is accompanied by a cruel feeling of jealousy, a constant thought about pursuing. Such people constantly invent something, consider their identity to the center of all things. Most often, all the thoughts and ideas of such people are simply incomparable with a reality that happens and cause surprise. Paranoia may proceed from a more complex stage of paranoid character.

Why is it a terrible disease and how to deal with paranoia

Doctors believe that the appearance of such disorder is associated with disturbed exchange process in the brain. But a constant incorrect reaction of a potential patient can run this disease to any life situations, troubles, losses, problems at work.

On the initial stages You are hardly the difference between such people in the crowd, they are absolutely social, their phases of thinking are not yet violated. Society perceives them quite adequately, because of which paranoids begin to implement their delusional thoughts, they begin to appear that this is not nonsense, and the most real reality. All their beliefs and actions are the basis of delusional thoughts. Sick everywhere sees a catch and betrayal, such people it seems endless that a wife or husband changes, children smoke and drink, employees at work are plotting and so on.

It is worth treating such a non-group sessions, and better if the patient comes along with his family. It is necessary to improve the adaptation of the patient to reality, help him find his place in society, rid of situations that injured the psyche.

How to cope with the ailment

Since there are still unknown methods for treating this disease, the most effective and only way is permanent psychotherapy. Doctor on

the reception is trying to become a patient partner to teach it to work in a pair, help with further adaptation in society. This treatment is not easy, patients are very critical and refused to go to any contact, do not express confidence.

How to deal with paranoia? First of all, you need to establish contact with the patient. At that moment, when the patient completely began to trust the psychotherapist, can work with him in a pair, treatment can be considered successful. The patient must be aware and pronounce loud that the psychotherapist wishes to him well and wants to help. This is a very long process, especially for a doctor, since he will have to endure a lot of hatred and negative, aimed at him from the patient, and bring it all difficult to bring it to a comfortable state. But there is nothing impossible.

How to establish contact with the patient?

The best way to achieve a dialogue is trusting relationships with sick, joint work, well, if both enjoy jokes, if you manage to discuss common fears, mistakes, incorrect actions and laugh together. Paranios do not miss anything by themselves, no detail will pass unnoticed, every movement, yawning, or something else - all this will be announced by the patient, it is simply impossible to hide something from them.

The surrounding most often subjected to a discussion of the statements and actions of such a patient, someone can tell him: "You are crazy." With a doctor, everything should be different. It is necessary to properly prevent him from the replacement of his imaginary sensation to the real: what if it were anyway? But it should be done very delicately: if the patient notices a neglect of his views, it will make his thoughts even more paranoid, and treatment can be recognized as invalid.

Man is heavy pathological conditionswhich are characterized by disorders of intellectual, mental activity and emotional disordershaving a different degree of severity.

What include

To begin with, let's see what they understand under such a term as "psychotic disorders". This is a manifestation of psyche diseases in which human activity does not correspond to the surrounding situation or reality. At the same time, the reflection of the real world is very distorted in consciousness, which leads to violations in the behavior, the emergence of pathological syndromes and symptoms.

There are psyche disorders that arise due to meningitis, encephalitis, brain tumors, injuries, brain syphilis, as well as in degenerative, vascular and other organic illness or brain lesions.

Nervously- mental disorders Also include post-tramatic stress, behavioral and mental disabilities in women relating to reproductive function (Pregnancy, postpartum period, premenstrual syndrome, etc.), paranoia and many others.

Why are mental disorders arise?

The reasons that can cause such ailments, a huge amount. Let's stop at the most common.

  1. Neurosis. Even the most elementary anxiety depletes, we often draw various horrors in the imagination, imagine unimaginable things, and then it turns out that they worked in vain. These are such anxiety in the end capable of pouring into a significant mental disorder.
  2. Neurasthenia. It often appears as an answer to the constant impact of any traumatic situation. A great tendency to such fell personality with increased anxiety, a sense of duty.
  3. Depression. Constant sadness, rejection of food, unwillingness to do something, apathy often leads to drug use, alcoholism, suicides.
  4. Chemical and toxic substances. Medicines, poisons, food components, heavy metals, alcohol lead to exhaustion, lack of vitamins, respectively, to the development of psychosis.

Signs of mental disorder

TO characteristic symptoms One or another disorder includes disorders of mood, behavior or thinking that do not fit into existing norms. To other features that will be noticeable to patients or people themselves, add:

  • physical symptoms (pain, insomnia);
  • emotional signs (anxiety, fear, sadness, etc.);
  • cognitive violations the impossibility of clearly thinking);
  • behavioral signs (aggression, the inability to perform everyday functions);
  • hallucinations.

Each disorder is characterized by specific features. If in one case a person will have a deviation in behavior, then in another situation, even such species as a violation of its dynamics (speech slow motion), operating part and motivation can be observed. In the early stages it is very important to seek medical attention.

What is dangerous paranoia?

On this disorder it costs separately the attention, since it has not yet been fully studied, and medicine does not have any effective ways to adjust it. The disease feature is that until the occurrence of the terminal phase, there are no signs of the disease. This leads to its progression, because the patient does not appeal for help.

Symptoms of paranoia

Paranoika is a person who has all the delusional ideas. It can be expressed in excessive suspicion, unreasonable distrust of others. People with such a diagnosis are able to clearly perceive the emotional background of other people, but here it is correct to interpret it. Sometimes the sowful trifles are of great importance, and even with a negative color.

For example, paranoid - this is a person who in the harmless person will suspect terrorist or maniac. He will be confident that all the most "terrible plans" of ordinary passes is unmistakably "calculates". If a man with such a diagnosis he drives his wife, he will not be able to prove anything to him, and he himself can bring his wife to his nonsense to a heart attack.

What is the behavior of paranoid?

People in the presence of such a mental disorder are constantly inclined to criticize without any of the reasons, but they will not tolerate any statements in their address. However, even at the same time, they behave relatively adequately, without showing excessive aggression. Paranoik is a person who is not pursued by hallucinations or some special visible deviants for which one could suspect ailment.

Yes, the relationship with the surrounding people in paranoids is difficult due to deviations, but it does not prevent them from logically thinking and be quite active in social terms. In addition, if such a person builds his own logical chain, it will be so ideal and accurate that it will be impossible to find any flaw in it. However, the basis of such conclusions is mainly based on suspicion, therefore absolutely does not comply with this Regulation.

When can paranoia manifest?

Most often, the manifestation of such alend is observed in adulthood, people have a middle-aged. However, paranoia is laid, like many other mental disorders, in childhood. For example, it's no secret that small boys and girls are usually never in one very friendly team. How do children react when the boy and girl at school are planted for one desk? It may seem to them that in this way the teacher does specifically, trying to mock the guys or punishing them for a particular offense.

And later, after a while, when heterosexuality is developing, the situation changes and gets another direction. And now if the psyche of personality could not successfully go through this period, and "stuck" in it, the risk of falling paranoia in the future is very high.

Paranoid is a person who needs to be treated as soon as the first alarm symptoms. The main methods of treating this ailment are in psychotherapeutic courses. They are carried out individually with each patient.

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