Conspiracy protection against enemies. How to protect yourself from enemies and dangers

Today, I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell how to help conspiracies from problems at work, how to climb the career staircase? How to stay at work if shortened? And how finally find good workIf you are faced with the problem of employment? In practitioners, white magic has very good strong conspiracies and rites that give a real resistant result.

Conspiracy To respected at work - how to get contact with church egregor

To successfully make white rituals from bad people At work, there is a connection with church egregor. How to buy it? Yes, just as a connection with demons or cemetery - tireless practice. Combining Christian and Dark Egregors, in principle, it is possible, but it is necessary to do it consciously and carefully, so as not to suffer from your witch practitioners.

So, the demonic energies and the energy of Christian forces are not combined in principle, strongly conflict, and the magician who turned out to be seriously injured. Yes, so that then long will have to be recovered, to delay your own bitter porridge. But white magic and witchcraft rituals with the dead can be combined well, but you need to know and feel the subtleties of work - where to walk, and where to walk, annoying. Well, of course, it is not necessary to combine loerer magical practices with white rites through Christian forces; Very dangerous experiments.

With which only difficulties we do not encounter at work! I think the practical part of the article I think from an independent conspiracy that will allow you to get rid of a person at work - close the mouth of the envious and gossip, and even get rid of his dismissal in the literal sense.

Conspiracies for respect and love of people - help if at work conflict with colleague

Here is an example of a strong conspiracy of the guard from enemies at work:

"I woke up at the dawn in the dawn, I interpret the icon three times, I worship the earth itself. Get out of the house - around Svetlota, it goes from me true beauty. People are not higher than me, I am not lower by people. I will stand above all. Let me appreciate the old men, young men, young girls, gloomy widows and widows. Everyone would love me and read, with honor and joy took, I got up, the word was everywhere and in everything they were given. How many people are waiting for the spring, as everyone will be wading, they would have been waiting for and guarded, I would have treated me, I would have been treated with me. They ripe on me, looked, with me (name) did not descend the eyes, everyone would love and respected. I am to you, people, with Christ Easy, and you are to me, people, to one, with news. My head, in the veins of ore. Not oak, but iron, flint and fire. Amen".

This is a good strong conspiracy, strong protection against enemies at work. Closes the mouth with gossip groups, the envious will be silent and by side of you bypass, the slanderers will fight on you the bosses in vain to erect. You can read it those who practice black magic. With defined changes in the text home conspiracy from envious at workOf course.

Here is another proven conspiracy from ill-wishers at work. It is also necessary to read it at the dawn, on the growing moon:

"I will stand, the slave of God (name), from bed, crossing, I will go to the road, prying. I will see for all four sides - east, west, south and north; On one side, Eastern, is the house of God, the church is white. How do you look at the house of God, they charge, so let me, the slave of God (name) is all, big and small, guys and girls, old men and old women, all on Earth living and god praise singing, so would look at me and died And I would love everyone, to all from now on and dr. Amen".

And if you have such a situation in the work collective that you can be behind the threshold, read the plot to do not reduce at work.

Conspiracy on the abolition of dismissal from work - to open roads and getting rid of failures

Make on a decreasing moon. Men in men's magic days, women in women. For witchcraft rite We need from problems at work:

  • his photo
  • homemade fresh egg
  • 4 church candles
  • 4 New needles
  • dark natural fabric
  • loskooth black fabric

Taking a dark matter. Put in front of you a photo, from above - an egg (the egg must be fertilized, from the chicken, who knew the rooster). To fold the palm of your palm with a house and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. Then carefully pinched the shell, and insert the needle into the egg from four sides, so that they are sticking out, forming a cross. Reline the egg to your previous place. Candles straighten with needles sticking out of eggs, and light. On this preparation for the conspiracy so as not to be fired at work, completed.

When burning candles 12 times to read the text of the conspiracy from trouble at work:

"The terrestrial passions, human mounds, failures, walled and unlikely to take themselves with themselves (name), I send the land in the crude. Cheese Earth cleans me, the trouble delivers. Amen".

Wait until the candles will store. Egg, needles and candle flames to wrap in a piece of black fabric and bury in a deserted place. In this interpretation, the magic rite from ill-wishers at work is made through Christian forces. But, you can not work through the church egregor, but through Dark forcesas well as through slavic gov, for example, with the appeal to Veles. When working with dark spirits, candles in ritual use church inverted, in addition, upon completion of the strong conspiracy from bad people at work We need to spook. Working with Velez, take ordinary wax candles. As for the sputter, everything is here in accordance with the standard rules of work through pagan deities - highlighted relatives.

Cancels can not only in the warm season, but also in winter. For a witchcraft ritual from winter should not. To bury the nodules with all the contents, pre-break the place of hot water. The land quickly pulls out, and it will be possible to complete the rite to work at work.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

Conspiracy In order to be respected at work - to climb the career stairs

Before the rite, if you come rapidly at work, call the forces to help to which you usually appeal. And then, after calling, do the rite, read the conspiracy to love colleagues at work. Their strength, then you need to thank. If the saints called on, they thank them. If the angels ("Angel forces on the coffin of yours and a screeching of the doner ..."), then thanks to them. If the power of the godfather ("invincible and incomprehensible, the divine power of the honest and the life-giving cross, do not leave us sinning"), if you are called the power of God, then God and thank you. You need to read a letter of thanks on your own.

You can give your career a positive dynamics by simply by the power of the witchcraft rite for good luck in life.

To independently make a conspiracy on the boost at work, prepare the ingredients:

  • white cloth
  • 3 candles in candlesticks
  • bowl with spring water
  • 3 small tightly closing tanks

Shipping table with white matter, put candles with semicircle, and in the center - a bowl with water. Light candles clockwise. Read the home conspiracy at work at work and for success in the career 4 times, 1 time on 4 sides of the world, starting on the east side:

"As the staircase of the scenario on the saints of heaven is hard, it is hard for the service staircase. As at the very top of the staircase, the tsar-sovereign is standing on the staircase, the princes and the boyars are put, they honor and respect, the first person consider me, and me, the servant of God (name), honor and respect and upstairs raise. And I, the slave of God (name), on the stairs of that easy and fast to the very top of it. As the king is bowed to the princes and boyars, so my bosses are bowed. As the king of the sovereign, everyone honors his commands, and my word hears the bosses of mine, the word my secret fulfill, I am raised to the very top of the stairs. In this case, I have no rivals to me. In the word, my no equal to me. There is no one on the stairs before me. All in the case of their closet, easily on the stairs to the very top. The case is the key to the key gold. The key is golden put on the top of the stairs at the Tsar-sovereign in the legs, no one to get a key, in the case, I am tightly standing. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the candles store, thank the forces for help. Water on which the witchcraft conspiracy is read at work, divide into 3 parts.
  • Use one piece for washing - in the morning and in the evening.
  • We carry the second part of the water, and there they spray your workplace there.
  • And use the third part of the water to influence the boss, for example, spray the door of its office.

An independent rite is very effective. Try. And the next rite, which I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I want to offer you - this is an effective protective conspiracy from bad people at work, from slander, lies, envy and woven, and from other inspectors.

A strong conspiracy from inspecting at work - from Kazynaya Luda to bother

So as the magic from frequent checks to fight back and in the direction of going away, you need a ball of clean sheep wool to take, but make a magic ritual if you come up when checking at work. But, this rite do not with the help of white magic. Black is witchcraft, strong protection. For strong ritual When checking at work it is necessary:

  • motok thread
  • 3 Pyataka
  • handful of grave land

To make a protective conspiracy from the enemies at work, take the sheep's fur sheep wool, and how twilight will come, go to the cemetery. Take the grave of the namesakes of yours, throw the pussy on the grave, go to the cross and say:

"By I go, the head, I will confuse, but a stateless person from myself will be given away, and I will give you the dead. Let them know with you, let the word ride. Amen".

Then the end of the thread to bind to the cross and start to the right to be left the thread of the cross. Yes While independently make a cemetery ritual, read conspiracy from enemies at work:

"We are going to disappear for a cross on a cross, the stateful people will notice, and he will die to the dead, and I will die of death, but I will not fall into my eyes, then I will not come down on the court, yes, I'll go around the day, I will renselted Yes, the cross is consumed. Amen".

When the whole motility of the threads on the cross is wound up, the node is made everything, but to say so at the same time:

"The dead man will thank, yes, the state people will fold, then the node is fastened, the word is divided. Amen".

Take a handful of land grave, throw onto the road scratch, yes to read a strong conspiracy when checking at work:

"The way it will indicate, but I will refuse the provincial people, it is captured from me, yes to the dead to turn. Amen".

Work in accordance with the standard rules of the cemetery witchcraft.

However, the threat of a career is not only checking, but also competitors, and if you work in a team, where it is not a completely healthy atmosphere, you know how enemies can. And it happens that the boss is Samodor, from which there are also many problems. Here you note another strong conspiracy protection against enemies at work, which can come in handy when the head is touched and quit.

  • icon "All Saints"
  • 4 candles in candlesticks
  • black prayer bars
  • bowl with water
  • handful of salt
  • nail
  • On the descending Moon, read the plot if you come up at work.

    The table is covered with a white cloth, to expose the icons with a semicircle. Before each icon, put the candle in the candlestick, and in the center of the table a candle of your boss. Put on the table a bowl with water, and the salt is raw. In the slide of the salt, stick a nail. After these preparations on the floor, the black prayer canvas bed. Stand on it and call to help the Holy Trinity, Mikhail Archangel, St. Cyril, Bishop Tourvsky. Now ignite the candles. Hold your left hand on a bowl with water. And put the right hand on a slanting salt.

    Read 4 times the words of the conspiracy on protection from the evil chief at work:

    "The blue fire burns, the flame is raging, blue water red fire floats, hatred and evil fades. Evil evil in the heart of God's slave (name), the chief of mine. As a nail Siepel, Kraschel, buzzed, and cooled in blue water, and in the heart of my head, God's slave (name), hatred fades, evil does not burn, the head cools his heart. As melts easily salt in blue water, so melt soldering chiefs to me, God's slave (name). Salt melts, the ordirit from the language falls, evil in the heart of the slave of God (name) melts, it does not melt. The evil of the heart does not nibble, after the moon will fall. As with the full moon, the round sides of the moon is stupid, in the sky there is a month, it hits, it will villy out with the heart of God's slave (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

    In the bowl crucifably roll salt. Heat the nail on the fire, throw in the bowl, and read a conspiracy from ill-wishers at work 4 more times. When the candles burned, say thankful prayer to the forces. The nail hide under the threshold in the cabinet of the evil chief. And the water pour the threshold of that building where you work.

    Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

    Specialty in rustic magic. Conspiracies, rituals, attractions.

    Posted articles

    In the vitality of each person there are ill-wishers and enemies. Our ancestors have learned to resist the unfinished ideas with conspiracies and magic. And today, the effect of these magical rituals helps to surround a person with a shield, through which the evil envy will not penetrate, hatred, damage. The rite or conspiracy from enemies is used for different purposes: to instill in the unfair fear, punish the enemy, neutralize its action, and in emergency situations - for revenge.

    Some nuances of rituals from ill-wishers

    Every person has its own enemies, and their action lies in the same thing:

    • creating a hopeless situation;
    • obstacle career growth;
    • revenge;
    • damage;
    • destruction of family relationships.

    The conspiracy from enemies is effective and relevant in all difficult situations. The main thing to believe that the ritely completed rite and uttered words are able to protect you from negative energy and neutralize dangerous ideas in your address. There are different protective rituals.

    1. Protection against negative energy. Rites, as if shield, protect against the dangerous influence of enemies, neutralize the action of the evil eye and damage.
    2. Detection of enemies. Using such rituals, you can easily recognize people who act against you secretly without giving out their ideas.
    3. Getting rid of enemies. The action of the ritual deprives the ill-wisher of memory - he just forgets to harm his intentions. Such plots - universal method Combating envious, they do not belong to black magic and are not able to harm those who fulfill them and says.
    4. Punishment of enemies, revenge.

    It is important to remember that such rites should be treated extremely rarely - their action will certainly affect those who use the protective magic of this type.

    Note: The most effective recognizes conspiracies against ill-wishers on the headdress and salt.

    Magic ceremonies from unfriendly

    If you do not feel the obvious presence of enemies in life, it does not mean that you do not need protection from them. Read more conspiracy on those things that most Time is with you, for example, on a salt or pin, headdress.

    Conspiracy on the pin

    The universal rite is applied in all difficult life situations, as well as to neutralize enemies. You will need a new pin, which you want to take into my hands and say:

    "Kolya, cut, cut off, drive enemies! Amen!"

    Then pin should be added to any personal thing and not shoot.

    Conspiracy on the header

    Any headdress is used as a subject of conspiracy. The main thing, after the ritual wearing it. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

    "This hat is my defense! While she is on me, I am stronger than all your enemies! And their evil intent but attack - all past me! Amen!"

    If possible, speak all the caps in the house. This will help at times to strengthen the protection against unfriendly influence.

    Conspiracy on salt

    Salt is a substance capable of accumulating dark and light energy. Only from you depends - how white crystals will act in your hands.

    Say words:

    "With me, a spouse, small children and all loved ones, a hateful damage forever left. Entraw shrouting Salt will take. The case is evil on the salt, at midnight on the flame of the candle burned. Evil energies Let them go to the powder, this evil will be as soon as possible. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

    Now put out the fire, the remnants of the candles together with salt, plump the earth in an unlike place. Usually, positive action The rite comes in 10-14 days. If necessary, two weeks later repeat the ritual.

    If the enemy is unknown

    If everything was broken in your life overnight, nothing happens at either work, nor in family relationships, most likely, you fell under the action of a strong enemy who prefers to act secret. In this case, you should seek help from universal rituals from an unknown nebaw.

    Conspiracy with candles.

    "Jesus Christ, escaract me close to my and my shelter! Save the case of my from the unknowing thoughts and deeds of my enemies, from whom I suffer and whose names call! Remove, save yes. Amen!"

    Words are pronounced three times. The effectiveness of the ritual is high, but if for some causes of trouble continues to pursue you, hold a rite once a week. Such a conspiracy will protect you from enemies in everyday life and in the workplace, will exclude ill-wishers from your circle of communication.

    Conspiracy is universal.

    Read it at midnight, in a decreasing phase of the month before carrying out the main protective rite, thereby, you increase the protective effect of the ritual. It is necessary to light the church candle and say:

    "Lord, protection I ask for my body, my business and thoughts. Heal from the envious and secret, from those whose names I know and do not know from whom it is undeservedly suffering, removing. Save in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

    After do not touch the candle until it burns.

    Universal rituals


    Conspiracy is read three times:

    "Jesus came down from the sky, brought 77 shutters from 77 enemies. Close, Lord, enemies of my mouths, grazing and eyes, so that there was no slave of God (Slave God) "Name" and throw the key to the pit bottomless. Who will get it, he will condemn me. Amen!

    The unbelievable charm is a strong protective conspiracy, prayer, which carries the old pagan and relatively new Orthodox traditions. It is not known how old this text. He is able to completely absorb the negative energy of the one who reads the text, as well as to protect against any misfortune and enemies.

    In the article:

    Unbelievable charm - what is it

    There is not a single person who has no enemies. However, no one knows to the end, for which these ill-wishers are capable. Separate of them are repulse and desire to assign someone else's, and to harm, these people resort to black magic. It is easy to guess that to warn the magic attack is easier than trying to get rid of the consequences.

    The unbelievable guard, as it is clear from the title, it is impossible to kill. When there are enemies, they will never harm, but try, they will regret it.

    there is fortoxile OberegWhat is also called non-passable. Different in that punishes the enemies for what they are going to create or have already done to harm the person.

    Unbreakable wubbler from enemies - compliance with the rules

    It is allowed to read the fortiest and unbelievable charms from enemies to baptized person. He does not work for the one who does not believe in the power of prayer and does not understand what anyone asks through this text. There is an opinion that it is impossible to put protection for a person with a tattoo on the body. It is impossible to say for sure whether it truthfully, it is believed that God hears everyone. These are strong, and require an appropriate approach.

    Women and men read those in different days. Men's - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Women - Wednesday and Friday. On Sunday read is prohibited. It is impossible on this day and teach them by heart, pronounce mentally.

    They do not ask for the punishment of enemies. Higher forces themselves know what these people deserve. Do not try to influence their will. Do not call the names of the nonsense - the Lord knows everything, do not doubt it.

    It is impossible to talk about what they did such a charm. Silence is the main component of any sacrament, and do not violate this rule. Texts of conspiracies learn by heart. Despite the possibility, they prayer, and read them for relatives and loved ones.

    Preparation for the creation of a non-brushed guard

    It is necessary to increase personal energy, which will go to give the strength to the ancient words of the conspiracy. When strong protection against enemies really need, you will have to change the lifestyle for a certain time.

    Seven days before the rite observe a strict post. Do not forget, post is not only nutritional restrictions. At this time, give up smoking, alcohol, as well as entertainment. Many compliance with the post seems difficult, but educational events are not prohibited. Think with what benefit for the future will spend this time.

    For the week of preparation for the ritual, visit the Church. Allocate for four days from seven. One dedicate to go to the temple and pray for the forgiveness of enemies. But do not call specific people - the Lord knows the enemies himself. Forgive them, and also understand that they will not bring any more evil.

    How to create a forty-seater and non-brushed charm

    Recommendations for the creation of a forty-seated and unbelievable guard from enemies are completely the same, characterized by icons, before which texts are read.

    The best time to get powerful protection from enemies in this way - morning, from dawn and until noon. It is believed that dawn symbolizes victory over dark forces.

    Get rid of what interferes - it is impossible to interrupt. Disconnect mobile and urban phones, TV, computer, as well as doorbell. Worry, knock on the door, close in the far room.

    Dress up everything is clean, better white color. They advise being in the light of the Sun during reading, but not necessarily. Decorations and makeup are not welcome.

    Three times squeerty yourself with a congestion and burn three church candles. Made simultaneously from one source of fire - matches. The unbelievable charm is read in front of the icon of the Lord of the Almighty, and the Sorokasile - in front of the dimensions of the martyrs of Sevastia.

    After drinking the sip of the holy water and read the text of the overag three times. Make every word and understand, do not rush. Learn in advance.

    The text of the unbelievable guard from the enemies:

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    I bow for forty holy fathers.
    I bow to their fortification hearts,
    Sorious souls,
    Sorious eyes. Honest fathers
    Holy righteous
    How do you, Jesus Christ, did not leave
    Under the torture faith did not betray him,
    I pray and you too,
    Save and save:
    From seventy seven pigeons
    From any unbearable pain
    From the executioner in the night, from fire and water,
    From death in vain, from death terrible,
    From the hard-hearted authorities
    From cunning enemies and friends,
    From sublegate denunciations, damage and breakdowns.
    Whether you, my guard, strong, Silen
    And the Lord Jesus Christ is blessed:
    At night, in the morning, day and all the hours of daily.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

    The text of the fortiest chamber:

    Thank Father, thank Son, thank Holy Spirit.
    Lord, save the slave of God (name) from any evil,
    From goat, comments, secret appearance,
    Networks, catchal, poisons, swords,
    Conspiracies, soviests, cunning, insidious negotiations,
    From enemy visits, from imprisonment,
    From bribing and the sword, from the word, spoil,
    From the enemy meeting, from a false promise,
    From water pouring, from the wave of stunning,
    From the beast, from the fire, save the Lord, save me
    From the wind of the rain, from the ice from the Lord, save me!
    From the evil sorcerer Save the Lord, save me
    From the hands of terrible, from early death in vain,
    From an inverted Cross, save my God, save me.
    Chur My Duma, Chur My flesh,
    Chur my live red blood,
    Chur me wildly thought.
    Angel my keeper, for my soul pray,
    Everything that I said is that the seagreewoman did not say
    The word for the word come and the slave of God (name) from all sorts of saved.
    Key. Castle. Language.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    How to protect yourself from enemies, from ill-quality neighbors, work colleagues, people in in public placesAnd the dangers that may arise outside the house? Such questions can not be ignored, since we live in a imperfect society and need to know how to behave with different people And be able to apply ways to protect against enemies.

    No matter how we treat this topic, we want it or not, but we have a relationship with people in different ways and even if we are friendly to everyone, people who not only frankly love us, but also Wish evil.

    Why does it happen? There is a lot of reasons. Most people are inherent in such qualities as envy, the desire to be higher than others. They can cause ill-advantage to you if you are superior to a person, more successful, are consistent. Envy can cause youth, personal life, health, positive traits character.

    Envy is one of the most negative and sinful qualities of a person. She can break out unexpectedly for the person himself. This negative energy and aimed at you can cause you failures in life or trouble.

    How to protect yourself from envy? First of all, modesty, restraint, inconsistency.

    Wishing happiness to relatives, neighbors, work colleagues, friends, random people In transport, in stores, on the street. Presenting a person, mentally tell him: "I wish you happiness!".

    The wish of happiness to other people is good. Your life will be miraculously changed, and the relationship is to strengthen. It is only necessary to wish happiness from the soul.

    And what if you are a friendly person, everyone wants all the best, but still feel uncomfortable in the society of some people. Of course, it is better not to communicate with them, but this is a simple option and it is not always possible to follow him.

    According to the Vedas, each person is located in one of the three Gongs: Gun Goodness, Guna Passion, Guna of ignorance. Now the people of ignorance are dominated on Earth. If you belong to the other gunner, you can experience the incompleteness of representatives of the municipality of ignorance and improve relationships, if you love them. Imagine a person and mentally tell him: "I love you!". Of course, it must be done constantly.

    Going out of the house or approaching it, coming to work, do not forget to send all your love "I love my neighbors (colleagues)!", Wish happiness "I wish you happiness with my neighbors (colleagues)!", Bless everyone "I blessed my neighbors. ! "," I bless everyone at my work! ".

    Performing daily actions, you cultivate love in your heart, kindness, goodwill. You will be the benefit of the world.

    You can cause dislike if you emit negative energy. Subconsciously people feel your mood, thoughts. You emit to the space condition of your soul, the quality of your character. And if you are scandalous, angry, evil, caustic, dull, envious, greedy, displeased to everyone, then you need to not defend yourself from other people, but to change yourself.

    Work on yourself, change your character and you will always have a good relationship with people.

    If you are afraid of quarrels, scandals, condemnation, gossip, you will be constantly involved in such situations. Get rid of the fears of attacks by people, and in your life will not be unfriendly.

    Feel yourself strong, self-confident man, because people feel weak and make them the object of their attacks.

    Use affirmations.

    Affirmations to improve relations with people

    "I am always surrounded by caring and friendly people"

    "I love people and people love me"

    "I always have the most excellent relationship with people."

    "Around me beautiful people"

    "Only good, friendly, friendly people meet me in life.

    If you have not worked with affirmations earlier, read more details with this topic in the article ""

    According to the theory of shower reincarnation, we can stay unfinished in other livelies with people and if they were negative, then in this embodiment you will meet with these people and will give them your debts.

    If you once caused someone evil and not repent, did not ask for forgiveness, now they will have to pay. In this case, it will best help. Ask mentally forgiveness from a person and forgive him before those while they do not build a good relationship. Take care of patience, humility and be consistent.

    Fortunately, if you fell good neighbors. If a neighbor or neighbor is not in himself and at each meeting crepts you with curses, ask for forgiveness from her or he, goodbye yourself, wish happiness, health. Love her or him. Never join quarrels, be calm and humble, do not wish in response to the same.

    Maybe sometime you were offended by this person deliberately if you thought badly about him and forgot about it, and now we pay the attacks on his part, and you can give you a test, wanting to teach you for a person, humility and love for your neighbor.

    If you visit the church, put a candle on the health of this person.

    How to protect yourself from enemies and dangers of an Orthodox Christian

    Protection against ill-wishers is the greatest shrines: which is never removed, holy water and prosforas that are accepted in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Great power have prayers for protection against enemies. Spiritual fathers are recommended before each exit from home to read the ninetieth psalm, even if you go out several times a day.

    Psalm 90.

    "The crowd in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TME while passing, from shaking, and Demo Halfuna. It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not approach your tele ways, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all the ways of yours. In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call me, and I will hear him: I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glue it, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, and I will declare my salvation. "

    Another prayer from ill-wishers from St. John Zlatoust:

    "I deny you, Satano, the pride of yours and serving you, and combine you, Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    You can buy a clutter in the church, on which the text of the 90th Psalm "Live in the help of Vynyago" and a prayer is an honest cross "and God will resurrect," and always wear it.

    Prayer "God will resurrect"

    "God will resurrect him, and the gazes are harmful, and it is fought by his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax from the face of the fire, so the demaths will die from the face of those who love God, and marked with the godmond sign, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, to hell to hell, The strength of diatling, and we have been gratifying you the cross your honest to the defendance of a suggestion. About the pretensible and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen".

    Brief Prayer Honest Cross

    "Fence me, Lord, the power of honestly and life-giving your cross, and save me from all slander."

    It is resorted to it if someone threatens the danger, but there is no strength or courage to help.

    For help, they turn to ArchReart Mikhail and their angel keeper or holy ash builders: George Victory, Feodoro Stratilat, Dimitry Donskoy. They give them a special authority to give asking power to defeat enemies.

    Prayer for protection against enemies visible and invisible

    "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Holy Holy Angels and Prayers of the All-Straightener of the Mother of Virgin and Nadrodnika Mary, the power of the honest and life-room cross, the Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail and other heavenly forces of the Baptist, Holy Prophet and the forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John, Holy Apostle and the evangelist of John the Theologian, the Holy Martyr Cyprian and Martyrs of Justina, St. Nicholas Archbishop World of Lycian Wonderworker, Saint Lion Bishop Katan, St. Iosafa Belgorod, St. Mitrofan of the Voronezh, Rev. Sergius, Radonezhsky, St. Seraphim Sarovskago Wonderworker, Saints Martyr Faith, Hope, Love and Mother their Sofia, the Saints and Righteous Bogotets of Joacima and Anna and all the saints of yours, help me, unworthy of your slave (the name of the prayer), relieve me from all the corner of the enemy, from any witchcraft, magic, sorcerence and from the evil person, do not be I have some evil. Lord, the light of your shine will save me on the morning, for the day, for the evening, the coming dream, and the grace of grace is turning and removed and removed any kind of worshii, acting on the bait of the devil. Who thought and did - return their evil back to the hell, I can eat your kingdom and strength, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    On the multiplication of love and eradication of hatred and any malice

    Tropar, voice 4th:

    The Union of Luke is the apostle of your couple, Christ, and us, your faithful slaves to themselves, tightly linking, creating your commandments and each other loved by Nelianno Schatvory, the prayers of the Virgin, one humating.

    Kondak, voice 5th:


    About hated and offended us

    Tropar, voice 4th:

    About the collapse of the tall, vague, Lord, and the slave of yours about the sorry, pray for the headless, hate and offended us, and from all slander and the villaness to the brotherly and virtuous people to have a residence, humbly plenty of you bring you; Yes, in the consistence of the Odylony, I willcilitate, the unagnigu of the human man.

    Kondak, voice 5th:

    Jacques of your Stefan's first-killing of you, Lord, and we have fallen with molims that hate everyone and offended us, in Hedgehogs, for the sake of them for the sake of death, but everyone to escape with the gratefulness, God all walked.

    Prayer for reconciliation of the warring

    Vladyko the humanity, the king of the centuries and the subman, who destroyed the hosts of the mediastinum and the world, who had fallen by the genus, Darui and now the world is a slave, ware in their fear of your and each other's love approve: Ugashi will have anything to have a break, eliminate all declining and temptation. Yako, you are our world and you are ashamed to you, the father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed and forever and ever. Amen.

    You can order a special prayer in the church about yourself - Sorokoust "On the Health" so that the Lord kept and helped in good deeds.

    If there is an opportunity, it is very good to order a psalm (a federated psalm) about health.

    This is an unceasing prayer, a special genus of prayer. A fiery psalm is called this because its reading occurs around the clock, without breaks. Such a prayer pray only in the monasteries. It has an unprecedented force that the demons crushes, and the hearts softens, and silences the Lord.

    Protection against ill-wishers and envious people

    During a conversation with a person, in transport, the following actions can be performed on the street:

    1. It is necessary to cross your arms and legs.

    2. Two fingers together - index and thumb One hand and fingers of the other hand. And simply impose free fingers on each other. Make a circle from the index and thumb, you will get a ring, and put it in the palm of another hand. Change your hands. Make it necessary three times.

    2. Apply information and biological protection. For this, you should mentally build a shell around yourself, which will protect. Give it the shape of the ball. Fill it with bioenergy, which will protect you. The best color for this will suit - purple or silver. Imagine that this ball pushes all unnecessary energy with the words: "I don't need it (not needed)."


    Alerts - good defense against ill-wishers. Some of them:

    1. Look inside out lower clothes (for example, T-shirt).

    2. On a silk ribbon of red to tie 7 nodules and sew it on the inside of clothes.

    3. Line aspen put in a pocket of clothing or in a bag. Do not forget before throwing a twig, ask for forgiveness from the tree.

    4. Take a pin attached to the inside of clothes, head down, in the solar plexus area.

    5. To hold on both hands "Figi" so that the thumb is between Middle and Unnamed, hands are lowered along the body so that the thumbs are directed down.

    Special psychological techniques

    Use psychological techniques that will help neutralize the negative directed by you, do not respond to attacks, to maintain imperturbability.

    1. Analyze your reaction. Remember what kind of actions, actions or words, you respectfully react. Then mentally draw the picture of the shock. Imagine that sit opposite your offender, which, not embarrassed in expressions, is trying to seriously vulnerable. Imagine that there is a powerful fan between you (directed towards the detractor), which immediately disperses all the arrows in you. Thus, it turns out that no ulcer phrase and no insult reaches its goal.

    2. Implement that all people are negative about you are just the children who are foolishly reacting. They are angry, in every possible way they express their own whims, throw tools for the floor, put their feet, waving their hands and squeezed. Imagine that you are the only adult and wise person on this "playground", which understands that everything is happening - the result of powerlessness. Therefore, you just have to give them the opportunity to get tired of themselves and finally exhausted. In the meantime, you preserve non-vulnerable, without reacting to their attacks and not perceiving their words seriously.

    3. Use such a reception of psychological protection, as bringing one or another situation to the absurdity. If someone hints at something unlucky - act "from the opposite". To do this, you need to grasp for the thought proposed by someone or the situation and loud to hyperbolize (exaggerate) it beyond recognition. Your goal is to make such attacks against you do not cause anything other than laughter. In this way, you can knock out a very serious psychological weapon from the opponent's hands.

    4. Address yourself an endless thick impenetrable glass, for which only water and your offender. He is in rabies, it is eager to be bent under his psychological sweat, strives as much as much as possible to vulne you in your words. You can see it and "read" on the face and gestures of emotions, but at all do not hear his silent. Each of his word is absorbed by the water element and turns into harmless air bubbles, rapidly rising to the surface to finally dispel. It turns out that you have nothing to react, respectively, you do not lose self-control and exit the winner from the situation.

    5. Visit everything with humor. Laughter is the most efficient weapon in the fight against stinging criticism. The witty answer will not only shut up for the belt of any offender, but you yourself significantly raise the mood.

    We can protect yourself from unfriendly and evil people if we forgive them, love and wish them happiness. In serious situations, it should be resorted to the help of the church and order health services, use prayers to protect against enemies and Christian shrines. Wearing the enemies will help wearing faith. Special psychological techniques allow you to set protection before negatively configured people and maintain composure. Affirmations will help improve relations with people.

    Change your character and only benevolent people will surround you.

    I wish you happiness!

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    We live in cruel and complex modern worldIn which the danger can touches even those whose lives seems safe and serene. Around us a lot of human envy and malice - and this is the worst thing that is in this world. And even a person can become a victim, the evil himself is not causing anyone and who does not want. Incompleteners may want to take revenge on him for its very existence, happiness and well-being.

    Conspiracies from enemies help free you, your home and those who do you dear from damage, the evil eye and other black magic rites. Properly set magical protection helps to repel the blow and return it to the one who struck him.

    Effective options for rituals

    There is a huge variety of conspiracies from enemies, but they all allow you to put reliable protection against external negativity. If you know that you can expose the energy attack, it is better to hold a rite in advance. A large number of Universal rituals, they are suitable for many life situations.

    Conspiracy to Obereg

    Very big force has a conspiracy from evil people to the charm. Conspiracy needs to be written on a small white block of paper.

    The text of the conspiracy is:

    "Obereg protects, the evil will save.
    All that witch kovdovy
    All that the enemies were sent,
    I will not fit me
    They will twice themselves to them. Amen".

    Fold this piece of paper and pin to the belt that always wear on yourself. It will be your charm. If someone's rage threatens your home, you can hide the same charging (a piece of paper with a plot, punctured pin) under the threshold. Then the charm will not allow damage to your home.


    With a nose handkerchief

    The conspiracy from the enemies on the handkerchief is also a fairly strong protective measure, but it needs to be repeated every time you go to where, in your opinion, you can be diagnosed or damaged. To do this, you need a new, completely clean handkerchief, has never been able to use.

    Before going out of the house, bring this handkerchief close to the face and whisper will spoken into it:

    "Angels and Serafim Heavenly,
    All the Lord are honest servants
    from the evil of the unexpected me will protect me,
    From the evil eyes will defend.
    The evil damage will not reach me,
    All that neither in this handkerchief will leave. "

    Write the face with a handkerchief and put a handkerchief in your pocket. After that, feel free to go where they were going. No damage to you will not stick to you. Before the next way out, you can repeat the conspiracy from evil people into the same handkerchief, but it certainly needs to be wrapped. The evil directed at you, going to the scarf and, wiping the face not a wicked handkerchief, you can let into myself.

    From enemies at work

    Very often promotion over the career stairs interfere with the miscariuses of ill-wishers-colleagues. With the help of magic, you can easily get rid of their negative impact. To do this, use a photo of a colleague that delivers you trouble. You can take a picture of it in secret on mobile phoneand if it is not possible to do this, then you can cut the image necessary man From a group snapshot, which is always available in the team. It is necessary to retire in a separate room, and light the candle.

    A snapshot of a detractor should be riveted on a black thread and speak such magic words:

    "I, the slave of God ( given name) I am aim a strong will of his will, his strong word is for the fact that my belongings, the slave of God (the name of the colleague), could no longer be able to retire his dark things towards me. And what was done was to them so that he did not reach their goal. I am not a black thread shaw, but a magic punch and a matter of my enemy's dark enemy in her forever thump. He will donate in it and will forget about me forever. Amen".

    After reading the conspiracy, you need to take the ends of the thread and tie them into three strong nodes.

    In the process of this, these words should be pronounced:

    "I, the slave of God (actually the name) so I want, and, it means that it will be."

    After that, the conspiracy photo must be burned. To do this, you can use a candle, but it is better to do it on an open fire on the street. This is a very strong rite, so in no case cannot be used for him a group photo entirely.

    From unknown ill-wishers

    It often happens so that you feel evil around yourself, do not know from whom it comes. This is usually manifested externally in an endless line of various troubles that are not suitable for the definition of the black life strip. That is, the white stripe does not occur for a long time. In this case, you need to spend a special rite, which will allow you to get rid of the negative emanating from an unknown ill-wisher. The rite must be carried out only during the period of decreasing moon.

    To do this, it is necessary to retire in a separate room and, standing by the window, pronounce the following conspiracy:

    "I appeal to you by the Lord God of the Most High and All-Figure, I, Slave (-A) of God (s), to protect me close to mine, my housing! Save me and my business, my work sails from the ill-wishers and enemies of visible and invisible. Relive me from the evil of those I do not know and I do not want to recognize them. Amen".

    This is a very strong rite of white magic and can be carried out several times a week, without fear of negative consequences.

    Get rid of evil surrounding you, using the energy of fire. Its cleansing properties were known for a long time. This rite should be fulfilled and refers to the means of black magic. It should be remembered that the impact is very powerful and allows you to quickly get rid of the influence of the worst enemy. But at the same time it is very important to stay from your own negative emotions to the ill-wisher. Without keeping away from evil thoughts, you only aggravate the situation and you can comprehend large life disappointments.

    The rite is held at midnight in a secluded room. It is very important to sit in a comfortable position and frozen visualize the image of your enemy. At the same time you only need to see a picture, but no feelings in relation to it do not exhibit. If this failed to be achieved, then the rite should be refused.

    Having achieved a certain state, you need to pronounce these words:

    "I, the slave of God (own name) urge the element of fire. I spell, destroy any goats of enemies and give them their evil action. Remove and unscrew the black envy of the enemies and the damage to them. Flame with holy and strong feeding all the roads of the evil eye of enemies leading to me and ensure reliable protection against enemy influences. Amen".

    After writing words, it takes some time to sit in silence in complete concentration, but at that moment evil thoughts must be disabled from ourselves. The rite is very fast, but if after a couple of days there is no luck in your life, the ritual can be repeated.

    Conspiracies from enemies can not be combined with the desire to take revenge on them. It is very dangerous, first of all, for the executor of the rite. Applying magical rites to eliminate the enemies, you need to put the goal protects against the enemy, and give it the opportunity to make your own life choice. As a rule, after such rites, it simply loses interest in you, switching to other classes.

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