The benefits of walking barefoot. What you need to know about walking barefoot is there any benefit from walking barefoot

One of the typical arguments: when a person shoots shoes and stands on the ground, he has a feeling of lightness and liberation, because he drops a negative static charge. Believe it or not, everyone's personal matter. Nevertheless, professionals, orthopedic specialists and osteopaths believe that the walking barefoot is still an intelligent occupation.

It is important to get rid of "excessive expectations" of the miracle, "says our expert, osteopath doctor Boris Protasov. - The most useful barefoot for a modern person - prevention and treatment of flatfoot.

When should it go?

Myths are responsible for this simple question more than enough. Some are confident that it is better to walk in the morning, on freshly acted grass. Yes, so that the legs are wet from dew. Others believe that it is more useful to walk in the sand. Third - only on pebbles.

Yes, in Russian villages in the summer constantly walked barefoot. And from the flatfoot suffered units. Why? On the uneven surface, the muscular stop of foot training. And on the whole flat, on the contrary, it does not work.

Paradox! - Talks our expert. - In America, which the civilized world is obliged to fashion on the flow of barefoot, a huge number of cases of flatfoot. We have the same today. The origins of the "Bosyatskaya" fashion is understandable: modern man Practically stopped walking on foot. Ever barefoot. Let at least at least catching up ... But on the floor - "carpet", linoleum and other smooth artificial coverage. Therefore, the result of the prevention of flatfoot is negative.

Tips walk barefoot in the morning of the wet from dew the grass can also be attributed to the uncommon idealization. Perhaps a hardened man walking on dele and will not be harmed. But today these among us are units. And in the rest, it is enough to imagine the average office citizen who spent the working week at a time at the table, and at the weekend I decided to "run on dew". After that, for many, the sick leave becomes a logical outcome.

Grass, sand or stones?

Doctors believe that walking on pebbles in all respects is more useful than on the grass. During flatfoot even recommend a specific exercise. The patient daily rises in the box filled with pebbles, and trample on pebbles for 10-15 minutes.

In the natural conditions, it is useful in walking on any uneven surface. Sand for the prevention of flatfoot - also a good "coating". But pebbles gives an additional effect. At the foot foot there are certain points that are used during acupuncture, with a Japanese therapeutic massage to Shiatsu.

Galka walking stimulates, as with a massage, these points corresponding to, in turn, for the state of many organs and body systems.

Sand, tightly tight stop, does not give such an effect. But the grass, the more beveled, always works as a "pillow", smoothing irregularity of the relief. And yet: it is necessary to remember the hygiene. Is it worth it, for example, throw off shoes in urban parks? Unlikely…

By the way, lovers walk barefoot especially should not be forgotten about the prevention of fungal diseases and about elementary leg hygiene at all.

About prevention and delusion

There is an opinion that walking barefoot is useful for the prevention of hernia disks of the lumbosacral spine. Doctors consider him a delusion: "Bosnogium procedures" have a beneficial effect on general condition Spine, but no more.

More absurd advice to walk barefoot women who are constantly carrying studs in everyday life, "says our expert. - I supposedly need it to "often unload the spine." Such "advisers" incorrectly formulates goals and objectives. Harmful studs for spine? Without a doubt! And the output is not barefoot walk, but in comfortable shoes with a small heel!

High heel is harmful to the calf muscle, for the femoral muscle. But the "medicine" is one - normal shoes. By the way, in terms of the benefits for the spine, high-quality sneakers with a comfortable block are better even driving barefoot.

Development of flatfoot, deformation thumb And the formation of a bone on a bone from the inside of the foot is the common pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which worsening the lives of many people. Orthopedists to combat her are prescribed to their patients. different therapy And give useful recommendations. Experienced doctors are often advised to treat and prevent flatfoots to do under what conditions we will tell in detail.

What do the doctors about walking barefoot?

In general, the prevention of flatfoot contributes to walking barefoot on different surfaces, while the muscles will act more actively and the state of the feet as a whole will improve slightly.

Orthopedists are especially recommended massage of feet feet pebbles, which you need to walk with bare feet. Also useful walking on the grass, sand and other uneven surfaces. Walking on the usual smooth floor does not create such a powerful therapeutic effect.

Walking on various surfaces for the treatment of flatfoot

As it was said, for the prevention of flatfoot barefoot, it is better to walk on pebbles than soft grass. In some clinics, one effective exercise is even used: the patient rises in a special box with pebbles and trample on the spot for 10-15 minutes.

In natural conditions, you can walk on any irregularities. Even walking the barefoot on ordinary sand helps in the prevention of flatfoot, but pebbles or other pebbles are more effective in this regard. Explained therapeutic effect The location of the special, during walking, not only returns the bones of the feet normal position, but also healing the whole organism. They also have an impact on the Japanese healing massage and at acupuncture. When we go barefoot, these points are stimulated and normalized by a person with a flat-growing.

As for the sand, when driving a barefoot on it, he fits the feet and does not create such a powerful effect, and exactly beveled herb works like a pillow smoothing the irregularities of the base. But for the prevention of flat-standing barefoot, you need to walk at least on the grass or sand - it is better than nothing.

Barefoot on a massage rug - prevention flatfoot

Drinking barefoot in the massage rug helps as measures of prevention during flatfoot. You can buy it in a sports store or an ordinary hypermarket and walk on it at any time of the year. Rugs are different and distinguished by the view of the embossed surface. Choose the most rigid and convex so that these irregularities are better massaged the deformed feet. For such a rug for prevention, flatfoot must be trapped daily for 10-20 minutes or more.

Do you remember these pleasant feelings of grass or warm sand under bare feet? While walking barefoot, a person interacts with nature, it feels its strength, warm or humidity. Almost any person gives pleasure walking barefoot, especially if under his feet pure sand, grass, or the seashore.

Our legs are created by nature for walking barefoot (Bernd Vegener statement). The foot contains many receptors that provide sensitivity. Footwear Many sensations suppresses. While walking barefoot, all the small muscles of the legs are more differentiated than when wearing shoes.

Walking barefoot treats the body and heals. German physiotherapist Sebastian Knaip recommended all his patients to walk barefoot for effective treatment.

Barefoot walks are able to treat emotional experiences, depression. While walking barefoot on the ground, the foot feet are gradually adapted to the uneven surface. This process strengthens and trains the leg muscles.

Why man shoes if you can walk barefoot? In any case, a person cannot do without shoes. It provides stability, safety, i.e. Allows you to walk on stony or contaminated territories. In addition, shoes protect the legs from the cold and heat.

Walking and running barefoot

Specialists advise at least 15 minutes a day to walk barefoot (herb in the garden). Barefoot walks on the lawn or soft forest glade strengthen health. However, many people do not have the opportunity to walk barefoot daily, or just do not want it. It is important to understand that walking or running barefoot strengthen the immunity, the muscles of the legs, which you can not tell about the shoes.

If you started running barefoot, you should remember that the training should not last longer than 30 minutes. In addition, running barefoot should be made no more than 2 times a week. The body must first get used to this process, adapt. Over time, you can increase the frequency and time of running barefoot.

Contraindications: arthritis, allergies on insects.

During run barefoot, you must pay attention to the ground, grass. Observe caution in the presence of acute garbage, insects, herbs with spines. The temperature of the Earth and herb should not be too cold or hot (sand). In addition, it is advisable to make a tetanus vaccination to avoid infection (wildlife, forest).

Bee use of barefoot

Walking barefoot helps to relax the body and mind, so you can get rid of stress and internal tension. However, while walking barefoot, you should carefully look at Earth, because It can contain sharp objects (metal, glass). Barefoot is better to make a barefoot in the garden, in the forest, or on a pure meadow.

Hippocrates said: "The best shoes are the lack of shoes." Walking barefoot - an ancient proven way to strengthen health. With regular barefoot walks, blood circulation is improved, eliminated by the symptom of "Cold Feet", constipation, insomnia, different kinds Head pains, irritability, nervousness, fatigue.

Walking barefoot massaging the feet on which there are many nerve endings. Massage has a positive effect on the internal organs and the whole body.

Walking barefoot favorably affects not only the calf muscles, but also on. In addition, it helps to avoid the development of veins on the legs ( varicose extension veins), serves preventive against the fungus of the foot. Contact of the skin of the foot with the Earth activates the nerve cells and stimulates the brain for the production of endorphins.

With the onset of summer, the residents of the metropolis dream of reset shoes and make a barefoot walking on green grass, sand on the beach or sea pebbles. However, do not forget about precautions. Tips gives our expert - Neurologist Mikhail Krykkin.

Mikhail Alexandrovich, it turns out that even to run in the sand you need to be able to. Please tell us how to do it right.

You should run on wet sand, leaning only on the front of the foot - fingers and transverse arch. The support on the heel during running on wet sand often ends with a small hematoma and a long, multi-month pain in the heel. Well, if you run, then by the ankle in the water. In this case, water acquires damper properties, and the beat of the foot on the sand under the water layer is significantly softened. Wet sand is not molded under your foot, that is, does not take the shape of the foot. On a rigid surface, which is wet sand, the stops of the foot are flattered, and the ligaments of the foot are excessively stretched. Therefore, a long, even if even calmly walking the barefoot on the banks of the river, can turn spilled pain in the foot the very next day.

And what else can affect barefoot on wet sand?

Wet river sand, even in a warm, sunny day, has a flow temperature, river water. Local cooling of the stop, as a rule, causes a reflex spasm of nasopharynx vessels, which manifests itself in a vasomotor rheorch the day after a walk through the cold sand. Therefore, if I so want to feel the wet sand with bare feet, "notice, but for a while, after which you wear sandals with orthopedic soles and walk on health.

Sometimes I want to run bare heels on the grass. Hope it is safe?

The attractiveness of driving barefoot on low, clean grass, for an urbanized man who is familiar with the violated grass of urban lawns is in comprehending the natural nature and some kind of forgotten truth of childhood. Contraindications for this there are no. However, snakes should be feared in abandoned forests, and outside the city - broken bottle glass. Hence the conclusion: walking the barefoot on the grass now - an exotic event, it is necessary to conduct it on a well-known, clean field. For other long-term walks on the grass, you should wear sandals, sneakers or sneakers, even if you have a barefoot.

Mikhail Aleksandrovich, I love more on pebbles to wander. I even advised me to make such walks. Do you have any contraindications, tips on this?

Motivation of driving barefoot in the sea pebbles is similar to the one that the barefoot pushes you to walk on the grass or on the edge of the river sand. At the same time, pebbles should be shallow, because by a large pebble, read - on hot cobblestones, not sugar.

Reflexotherapeutic doctors are told about the undergoing benefits of walking in small pebbles. They will inspire you will tell you about the sole of your foot, as a geographical map, on the relief of which the projections of all your internal organs And, that, massaging these zones by small stones, you spend the healing session by switching some kind of qi energy from one meridian to another. Maybe so, but as learningly boring on the shore of the warm, affectionate sea to speak and think about real or possible diseases! After all, health is not treated! So you do not think, but enjoy primitive freedom, plunge into salty, sea water, go barefoot over the sea pebbles.

And what do you say lovers to walk barefoot on road dust, like powder?

Such ground roads, dry, passing, whose ruts are filled with warm dust, preserved only in the outback central Russia, somewhere in the Nizhny Novgorod region, among the Kuban Sunflower Fields and in the Sun-Swednings of the Crimean Fiolent. It drains the rain into these ruts dirt, it dries under the summer sun, and split her wheels, swaying, in dust. Do not think about boring benefits, just go, because you have an endless life in front!

On the warm, warmed sun, the sand is useful to walk barefoot. Probably everyone knows that there are a huge number of active points that are associated with various organs of our body. And, here, when we go to the sand barefoot, these points are massaged and have a beneficial effect on our bodies.

In addition, the hikes of the stop are trained, it is necessary to work with the muscles that with our sitting life are rarely involved. If we walk barefoot on the sand or edge of sand and water daily at least half an hour, then you can get rid of. But you need to start classes from 5-10 minutes and add minutes to 10 every day.

On the beach is useful just to lie on warm sand. This is especially useful in osteochondrosis and tendency to cold illness. However, you need to remember that it is impossible to lie long on the sun. For the procedure, it is enough to 10-15 minutes daily.

But if the sun was gone, and the sand remained warm, you can lie longer, it is at the same time the nervous system, spoiled with stress, will restore. To do this, you just need to lie on the sand on your back, close your eyes and. Breathing should be slow. In order to relax better, you can first strain the whole body, and then gradually "let go" stress, starting with the tips of the fingers and mentally climbing, slowly, more and higher, until the legs, hollows, back, hands, neck, eyes , forehead and everything face. It is necessary to discard all thoughts and listen only to the whisper by the shore of the waves. True, choose for this procedure a quiet place, where no one is jumping through you and does not play loud music. If you do this for 20-24 days daily, then with rest you can return to completely rested and full forces.

To get rid of cellulite and to give the skin smoothness It is recommended to break into the sand for 10-15 minutes. Course 15 procedures after 1-2 days.

And specialists recommend ... lay the castles on sand. You can join this game with children or with your loved one. On the palms as well as on the feet, there are active points associated with the whole organism, and the sandbank, caressing palms, stimulate the nerve endings, bringing not only pleasure, but also health. Scientists say that engage in sanding from sand, we launch the process of healing the body itself. Psychologists say that if you return to childhood fun and start building cities from sand, you can achieve a stable fortification nervous system, get rid of the consequences of stress and even.

More of course on the sand it is useful to play various ball games And just run and jump or walk, especially in the morning and evening hours. But you can do all this only if the beach is clean and complied with everything sanitary norms. In the dirty sand, the larvae of worms are often inhabited, which can get into the body and start developing.

Observe hygiene on the beach:
- Even resting on the finest beach, you do not need to touch your face with your hands, there are unwashed hands.
- Returning home from the beach, you need to take a warm shower and to launch cool water for 1-2 minutes.
- On the skin you can apply a special cream or lubricate the body with ordinary olive oil with the addition of 1-2 drops essential oil Lavender, rosemary, jasmine, roses.

If you observe these simple rules, then resting on the sand near the water will give not only the impressions that warm in the cold winter months, but also hardened health, and rejuvenated skin.

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