How to properly keep laying hens. Laying hens: breeding at home

Living in a rural area is a good opportunity to start your own household. The most suitable birds for keeping at home are laying hens. Rapid growth and development allow you to get your own eggs in the first year of buying young animals. Correctly selected breeds of chickens can serve as a good source of meat in the future. Keeping laying hens at home is not whimsical, but you need to create suitable living conditions in order to have fresh eggs on your table all year round.

The main task of home keeping layers is high egg production. In order not to be disappointed in the breeding of hen poultry, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of breed. She must actively lay eggs and be healthy enough to withstand the harsh winter climate.

Layer Lohman Brown

One of the most common hen breeds among Russian breeders. It is appreciated for its high egg production, capable of laying up to 315 eggs per year. The reproductive system reaches maturity by 5 months, and retains high rates up to 3 years of life. Possesses good health, up to 98% of all chickens survive. It is resistant to diseases and severe cold in winter. The eggs are large, weighing 80 grams. Feeding costs are low, hen eats up to 130 grams per day.


The breed originates from Holland. The chicken weighs up to two kilograms. The readiness to hatch eggs is formed by 6 months, over time, egg production rates grow upwards. The number of eggs laid differs depending on the color: white eggs yield up to 290 pieces per year, while gray and brown birds are carried up to 320 pieces. This is due to a higher sensitivity to cold in winter among whites: they spend more energy to heat themselves, therefore they often arrange for themselves days of rest.

The egg weighs 65–80 grams, and has a strong shell, which favorably affects its transport properties.

Pushkin motley

Has a bright decorative color, and can easily decorate any courtyard. The number of eggs per year reaches 315; weight of one piece is about 75 gr. The character is restrained, without unnecessary fussiness, but overly proud, therefore, keeping with other breeds can lead to conflict situations.

With good care, the survival rate of chickens reaches 99%, among adults, mortality is slightly higher - 95% of the entire herd survive.

Kuchinskaya Jubilee

The chicken breed is adapted to the harsh climatic conditions. It develops and grows quickly, is versatile: it is suitable as a laying hen, capable of producing up to 240 eggs per year. It is beneficial as a beef breed due to its ability to quickly gain body weight. With good care and adequate care, up to 99% of chicks survive. The reproductive system matures by 5 months.


The eggs of the breed representative begin from 5 months. The number of eggs per year reaches 230 pieces. The weight of one copy is 60 g. The shell is strong, has a white color. Chickens are sensitive to temperature extremes; when the snap gets cold, they reduce the number of eggs laid, so it is important to provide comfortable conditions for their keeping.

Keeping laying hens in a walking house

Breeds of hens of hens, bred for difficult climatic conditions, are picky about care, but comfortable and convenient placement will provide the owner with good egg production. Often the bird is placed in rooms with other animals, and they feel comfortable there. But taking into account the sanitary and hygienic standards, the organization of a separate poultry house would be a more correct solution.

Separate ready-made chicken coop with dimensions

The poultry house consists of a main poultry house and an attached walking enclosure. The location of the building is chosen in a dry place, sheltered from the wind by other buildings.

The house should not be located in low-lying areas where there is a high probability of flooding. The enclosure is fenced off with a wooden fence or netting to prevent birds from scattering around the yard. It will also serve as an obstacle to the penetration of predatory animals into the chicken room.

The design of a summer chicken coop for a summer residence

The height of the building should not exceed 1.8 m so that the air temperature inside in winter does not drop below 15 ° C. As a ventilation system, the use of conventional vents is allowed. A more convenient option is to create a hood with the ability to close, which will help control the flow of cold air and prevent drafts. A litter is used as a floor covering. It is made up of dried grass, straw, leaves and wood shavings. Rarer option: wood or clay floor. It should be noted that additional insulation may be required in winter. If additional heating of the building is not provided, then the thickness of the litter should be more than 50 cm. The fermentation processes taking place in the thickness of the litter material will heat the air.

Wooden shelving nests in the chicken coop

When building a chicken coop, it must be borne in mind that 5 individuals are placed on 1 m 2.

For high egg production, chickens need good lighting. With the reduction in daylight hours, it is necessary to take care of additional lighting so that its length is at least 13 hours. An important condition for increasing light is that all birds must complete molt.

The original way of arranging sockets

In the poultry house itself, it is necessary to equip perches from poles, the diameter of which is from 4 to 6 cm. They are placed opposite the window, about 80 - 120 cm above the floor. The length of the perches is calculated based on the fact that one bird will need 20 cm of a pole. The distance between the perches should exceed 35 cm. As a nest for layers, wooden boxes are taken, which are installed at a slight elevation above the floor. Dry hay and straw are used as filling.

In addition to the main door for the owner, the house should have a loophole for the birds through which they can freely enter the pen. It is enough to make a hole up to 40 cm in diameter. Small dimensions will help keep warm air in the room.

Loophole in the chicken coop for walking

An obligatory attribute of the poultry house and pen is feeders. To do this, you need to build long narrow boxes. The number of feeders is determined by the number of individuals in the flock. One bird should have 10 cm of the box. Small containers are taken for drinkers - 5–6 liters are enough. They should stand in the room itself, as well as in the corral.

From large poultry farms, the method of keeping birds in cages in private yards was borrowed. Chickens in the country are usually intended to receive a small amount of eggs for personal needs, so the construction of a large poultry house is impractical. It is much more economical to keep them in a back room, or in a barn with other animals.

Continuous cages help keep birds from getting infected by keeping them from contact with other animals to a minimum. Birds are compactly located in a small area, and are under the constant control of the owner.

Unlike walking content, the owner does not have to search for laid eggs in the pen. Feeding costs will decrease as chickens use less energy. It will be possible to quickly identify and isolate an infected individual.

But keeping chickens in cages also has its drawbacks. Due to the sedentary lifestyle in birds, immunity falls, metabolism is disturbed, bones become fragile. It leads to fading away feeling unwell individuals, egg production often decreases. In the absence of natural sunlight, chickens do not get enough vitamin D, which degrades the quality of eggs. Natural nutrition disappears, there is a lack of nutrients that chickens receive in the process of absorbing insects and fresh greens.

To minimize negative consequences, many owners resort to mixed housing: they keep birds in cages in winter, and in summer they leave them in free grazing. Sanitary standards stipulate that the size of a cage for 7 chickens should not be less than 60 × 45 × 50 cm. Each cage is equipped with a separate feeder and drinker.

A convenient option would be structures with an inclined floor. This will facilitate maintenance and will help the eggs slide into the pre-fitted chute, making them inaccessible to the brooding hens.

Features of keeping chickens in winter

Winter is often a challenge for the poultry farmer. To prepare for this difficult period, keep the livestock intact, and prevent egg production from dropping, several rules for caring for chickens in winter should be considered:

In winter, the laying hens must be released for a walk.

  • during the molting period, you should take care of an additional complex of useful vitamins and trace elements;
  • the house is insulated for the winter, a loophole for chickens is closed, a thick layer of litter is laid;
  • in frosty winters, you need to take care of additional heaters;
  • provide daily ventilation without drafts;
  • put artificial light;
  • water for drinking bowls should be heated;
  • in the first half of the day in winter, they give juicy feed, in the second half - grain;
  • at moderate air temperatures, poultry walking is allowed;

In winter, hens can be released into the greenhouse during the day.

Increased attention to the breeding conditions of layers in winter will help to survive this period. Good hygiene is important to prevent an outbreak of an epidemic.

Chicken diet

To get a large number of eggs from hens, you need to choose the right and balanced diet for them. The process of feeding chickens is simple, they use grain, combined feed, mineral supplements, herbs, vegetables. Laying hens are fed twice a day. To avoid painstaking selection nutrients, the most convenient way is to purchase compound feed.

As additional feeding, they give fresh greens, grass from the site, tops from vegetables. The amount is determined depending on whether the chickens were walking or spent the whole day in the house.

Approximate diet for layers

Approximate feeding of one layer per day:

  • grain 120 gr;
  • mash 30 gr;
  • boiled potatoes 100 gr;
  • cake 7 gr;
  • chalk 3 gr;
  • salt 0.5 g;
  • bone meal 2 gr.

The first feeding occurs in the early morning, immediately after waking up or turning on the light. The evening meal is carried out one hour before the lighting is turned off. The amount of feed is determined based on the breed of layers. Do not use spoiled foods in the poultry diet.

One layer can produce up to 200-250 fresh, healthy eggs per year

Keeping chickens at home is very simple, even a novice poultry farmer can cope with this matter. The bird is not picky about feeding, many breeds are resistant to frost in winter, and timely vaccinations and compliance with sanitary standards will help to avoid outbreaks of infections.


A home farm can be very profitable when properly cared for by hens. In this case, the breeding of layers at home or in the country has a number of nuances. Therefore, you should first study everything about keeping birds. And if chickens are raised correctly, this business can be quite profitable.

Creating the right conditions

The peculiarity of laying hens is that they have an increased egg production. And if you know how to keep chickens, having created all the conditions for them, one individual can produce up to 200 eggs per year. Particular attention should be paid to the equipment of the room and the nutrition of the laying hens at home (a video or photo of the process will help to better study it).

Before you start raising laying hens at home, you should properly equip the room. Breeding and keeping chickens can take place in different types of premises: a shed for animals, an outbuilding or in a specially equipped chicken coop.

At the same time, it should be dry, warm and clean both in summer and in winter. Raising chickens and raising hens for laying hens for eggs should take place in different rooms, which is due to a different diet. In addition, when equipping a room, the following instructions are important:

  • There is a need to walk the birds. They need a walk all year round, even in winter. The outdoor yard must be large enough for laying hens. In this case, one bird should be counted on about 1.2 square meters. m.
  • In the hen house you need to provide normal temperature... Laying hens are characterized by increased productivity if kept in conditions with constant temperature 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees Celsius. You should not make high ceilings, as it may be too cold in the room in winter. Egg production will decrease, so raising laying hens for eggs will be unprofitable.
  • Great importance should be given to ventilation. It is recommended to install grilles through which air can enter. In summer, you can leave the chicken coop door open all day.
  • Lighting. A home farm with chickens will only be profitable if you provide them with enough light. Therefore, in winter, you need to take care of lighting the chicken coops so that egg production does not decrease. It is necessary to observe the laying hens, especially the nests, so that they do not eat eggs. If this happens, you will need to make the lighting more subdued.
  • When interested in how to breed birds, you need to pay attention to the perches. These are perches with a width of 5-6 cm, on which laying hens sleep. For one chicken, it should be at least 20 cm, so the size of the perch is calculated from the number of individuals.
  • It's also important to pay attention to creating enough nests. For 10 chickens, it is necessary to make 2-3 nests, because laying hens are mainly carried daily or at least every other day. Small boxes with straw bedding can be used as nests. They need to be located in a secluded place so that the chickens do not peck eggs.
  • It is also recommended to make an additional hole through which the chickens can leave the hen house and return to it at any time. It is desirable that its size is at least 35 cm.
  • The best feeders for laying hens are small containers, from which 5-6 hens can feed at the same time. It is advisable to place them so that birds cannot climb into them with their paws. After all, otherwise a large amount of feed will be dug up and thrown away from their feeders. Drinking bowls should always be clean and the water in them fresh.

Adult chickens need at least 0.6 sq. m. free space

The stocking density of chickens in the hen house should be such that the birds have enough space while sleeping.

For one bird, you need to allocate at least 50-60 sq. see It is better to give preference to a clay or wooden floor, which is covered with straw.

Concrete is not suitable for floor maintenance, as it is cold and leads to the formation of increased dampness in the room.

Twice a year, a general cleaning of the chicken coop should be carried out, removing from it all the garbage and wastes of the hens. For disinfection, it is recommended to whitewash the walls with a limestone solution.

Feeding chickens

It is necessary to provide constant conditions for keeping chickens. To do this, they should develop a daily routine. There is a scheme according to which the chicken diet goes:

  1. Birds should wake up early, around 6 a.m. You shouldn't feed them right away. Better to let them go for a walk so that they work up an appetite.
  2. For the first time, individuals need to be fed at 9 o'clock. The food should be worn enough to last for 30-40 minutes. During this time, all feeders must be emptied. If all the chickens are full, and there is a lot of food left, it is probably necessary to reduce the amount of feed applied. Food remaining in the feeders should be removed to avoid the development of harmful microorganisms in it.
  3. Lunch for chickens is served at 15:00. After an hour and a half, it is necessary to wash the feeders, remove the droppings from the litter in the chicken coop.
  4. The last meal is one hour before bedtime. At about 21:00 the lights are turned off and the birds must be rooted.

If you want to make money on eggs, you need to know how to raise chickens correctly. To do this, you should provide them with an optimal diet. Usually, to increase egg production, they are given not only dry (morning and evening), but also wet food (at lunch).

In the first year of life, it is recommended to give hens more protein food, due to which they will intensively gain weight. The mash should be crumbly as sticky food can lead to intestinal blockage. You can learn more about bird nutrition by reading the article "How to feed laying hens?"

Chicken and Chick Care

You can breed and raise chickens right at home. To do this, you need to ensure the normal fertilization of eggs. Therefore, it is recommended that there be 1 rooster for 5-6 hens. Since layers are poor brood hens and rarely sit on eggs, several other breeds of hens can be purchased.

You can also buy or equip your own incubator. But you need to know how to use it, otherwise all eggs can be spoiled. You should also study the question of how to raise a chicken so that it develops normally.

Chickens begin to hatch from eggs after 3 weeks. The process can take 2-3 days. In the first days of life, they are very weak, so they need to provide enough heat and light.

It is necessary to feed them with dry food with the addition of vitamins and minerals. Over time, they can be released for a walk, because young chickens need to move for rapid development.

Caring for chickens and chickens consists in regular cleaning of the hen house and territory. Change your floor mat at least once a week. Otherwise, bacteria will spread, leading to the occurrence of diseases in chickens. All inventory must be clean. To do this, it must be washed with a solution of water and soda.

Walking chickens

If it's warm enough outside, you can let the laying hens go for a walk. In this case, you should make sure that they are on the street for the maximum amount of time. It is advisable to release them in the morning. It is recommended to organize chickens walking in the winter season. Chickens can be bred right in the country.

Laying hens must be cared for properly. After all, it is necessary to ensure that they give the maximum possible number of eggs. But sometimes it is impossible to achieve optimal conditions without the use of special equipment. Therefore, you need to install lamps, make heating.

The ventilation of the air must also be well established. After all, a high concentration of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the air should not be allowed. In such an environment, caring for chickens will be much more difficult. By the way, home conditions are much better for growing poultry than industrial ones.

Choosing a place: at home or in the country?

You can breed laying hens both at home and in the country. However, both options have their pros and cons. If you can make good money on eggs, then you can buy compound feed with the money. It is added to the main food, due to which the productivity of individuals improves.

True, summer residents are most often interested only in how to grow chickens from spring to autumn. Indeed, in the winter period they do not have the opportunity to devote sufficient time to this process.

Therefore, raising chickens does not make sense. It is better to purchase adult laying hens. In the country, they quickly adapt and begin to lay eggs.

In addition, this breed has high reproductive qualities. You can easily breed laying hens at home. They grow very quickly, and after 4-5 months the hens begin to rush. If necessary, you can watch a video about the content of layers on YouTube.

The table below describes how the maintenance of laying hens in the country and at home is carried out.

Food Mode Smell Purity Walking
Houses Chickens are given food waste, slops. You can feed 3 times a day. Bad smell from chickens can enter the house. You need to regularly clean the entire yard. It is necessary to make a special poultry yard.
In the country For chickens, you can add grated products grown in the country (potatoes, carrots) to their food. To comply with the chicken regimen, you need to go to the country house 3 times a day. You don't have to worry about an unpleasant smell if no one lives in the country. Cleaning can be done less often, since no one lives in the country. Birds can be released throughout the suburban area.

People who are poorly versed in subsidiary farming are often interested in whether different types of animals can be kept in the same room. In particular, the issue of joint breeding of rabbits and chickens is being considered. There are both supporters and opponents of this phenomenon.

And this will affect not only their health, but also their reproductive abilities. When chickens are kept on the floor, there is a risk that they may peck at small rabbits. Therefore, it is best to keep chickens and rabbits separate.

There are different breeds of chickens. Basically, laying hens, meat and broiler chickens are isolated. Of course, you can keep them together. But different breeds of chickens require different care, diet and living conditions.

After all, if you feed your hens like broilers, they may run worse. Conversely, meat chickens may gain less weight if they are not well fed. Learn more about how chickens behave different breeds, and how to care for them, you can read in the article "Maintenance of broilers and laying hens".

Most often in household keep chickens, geese and ducks. But if you place all these birds on one walk, it will be very noisy. This sometimes worries farmers. But this is not the only cause for concern.

After all, geese and ducks are waterfowl, so they develop well only if there is enough water. But breeding layers will give more results in the presence of dry conditions. Moreover, high humidity can only harm their health.

Moreover, rivalry can arise between different species of birds. This is especially true for males. Keeping chickens, ducklings and goslings at home from childhood will help avoid negative contact between them.

  • Dangerous dampness for birds. The wet floor develops bacteria that affect the health of birds. You can, of course, increase ventilation and heating, but this is an additional waste.
  • We have to do the cleaning more often. If the litter gets wet, it emits bad smell... Therefore, it needs to be changed almost daily.
  • Have to make high and low nests / drinkers.
  • Between the birds different types fights are possible.
  • Feeding regimen and diet is different, so birds need to spend more time during the day.
  • Chickens need light for greater egg production, and geese, on the contrary, need darkness.

Is the chicken business profitable?

Of course, one of the most important issues in the chicken business is its profitability and profitability. Is it profitable to keep chickens at home? It depends on how you make money: only on laying hens or only on eggs. After all, if you sell both, you can get a good income.

So is it possible to make money on chickens?

One chicken eats no more than 100 grams of feed per day. This means that 5 chickens take about 500 grams. This is about 3 rubles for 5 chickens. An egg costs 8-10 rubles. And if each chicken lays down, then you get 5 eggs - 40-50 rubles.

Therefore, raising laying hens at home is a rather profitable process. Payback of all costs during breeding is guaranteed.

After all, you can sell not only eggs or chicken meat, but also feathers, chicken droppings, chickens. But you need to pay attention to how to care for laying hens in order to reduce the likelihood of illness and death.


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Laying hens, pleasing to the eye of the owner and beneficial, have always been considered unpretentious and profitable pets of a private backyard. And remembering how many pleasant minutes the collection of tasty, fresh eggs from the nests brings, there is no reason to doubt - laying hens are simply necessary in the household.

Keeping domestic layers for long, harsh winters is much more troublesome and differs significantly from the care and cost of poultry in the summer. True, the creation of the necessary conditions is not a difficult task and does not require large material costs. Having properly prepared the place of detention for the winter period, having prepared nutritious and fortified feed, you can not only save the livestock, but also get healthy homemade eggs all winter.

Keeping laying hens in the winter at home - general recommendations and advice

Preparation for wintering of layers should be started long before the onset of the first frost. First of all, when you grab a chicken coop or another place planned for placing feathered pets, you need to try to create comfortable conditions so that the coming bad weather and cold affect the way of life of the layers as little as possible. When preparing the chicken coop for winter, you should pay attention to the livestock, leaving the necessary minimum of healthy, well-laying birds for the winter.

During the cold season, laying hens should be particularly well fed. High-quality and varied feed will help the bird to endure the winter more easily, will help maintain active egg production.

Features of the diet and rules for feeding laying hens in winter

The summer diet of poultry is very rich and varied. The abundance of plant and protein foods, vegetables and fruits, being a good feeding, fully meet the needs of the chicken for nutrients and minerals, vitamins. In late autumn, this wealth begins to dwindle, and the poultry house is required to diversify and saturate the feed with everything necessary. Let's talk in more detail about the diet of laying hens in winter.

What is the best way to feed laying hens in winter?

Practical tips for feeding laying hens in winter:

When choosing a balanced diet and setting the daily amount of food, you need to remember that excess nutrition has a bad effect on the egg production of laying hens, including in winter. They gain extra weight, lose activity and run worse.

One bird consumes about 150 grams of food per day. Based on this, the daily volume required for all livestock is determined. The correct indicator is considered if there is almost no food left in the feeders by the next feeding.

Each house sets the feeding schedule and teaches the poultry. Usually the first visit to the chicken coop takes place from 6 to 8 in the morning. For lunch, chickens are fed at 1 pm, at night between 5 and 6 pm. In the morning and for lunch, they give mash, at night, grain of cereals. Each time, be sure to top up with fresh, warm water. Fresh hay is added. Remove low-quality food debris.

Giving hens products from the home table need to rememberthat sweet pastry, black bread, meat are not recommended. Do not give beets in large quantities. Potatoes in the diet of chickens should only be boiled.

Video: how to feed chickens in winter

Note! Many poultry houses grow fodder roots and vegetables specifically for feeding laying hens in the winter.

Preparation for winter must be carried out long before the onset of the first frost. You need to start with a chicken coop or other place planned to accommodate feathered pets.

When preparing a chicken coop for the winter keeping of domestic layers, you must:

  1. Conduct general cleaning places of detention, disinfect the room as efficiently as possible.
  2. Verify ventilation work.
  3. Conduct overhaul of chicken coop equipment, perches and nests.
  4. Qualitatively insulate the room, excluding the slightest drafts and moisture getting into the chicken coop.
  5. Prepare quality lightingrequired by hens on a short winter day.

Video: lighting in the hen house in winter

The easiest way is to prepare a capital chicken coop for winter. If the bird is planned to be kept in another place, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for its keeping.

Thorough warming of the house brings great positive results. For the health of the entire flock of layers, it is very important to eliminate all drafts, as well as the possibility of moisture entering the room.

Video: heating a chicken coop in winter

How to insulate a chicken coop for the winter?

General requirements to the hen house intended for the winter keeping of hens:

  1. Comfortable temperature... The optimum temperature for keeping hens in a hen house should be between + 10 ... + 18 ° C. Lower or heat begins to significantly reduce the egg production of birds. A thermometer should be installed in a convenient place for monitoring. If there is a fear of a drop in cold temperatures below +10 ° C, you need to think about a stationary heating source. When choosing a heating system, special attention must be paid to the safety of the layers.
  2. Optimum air humidity. The relative humidity in the house should be 70%.
  3. Correctly placed equipment. Perches and nests must be at least 60 cm above the floor. Drinkers and feeders should be approached comfortably.
  4. Effective lighting... The hen house should be provided with high-quality lighting that artificially prolongs the short winter day. Daylight hours for laying hens in winter should be at least 13 hours. Artificial lighting is applied early in the morning and at sunset, extending the daylight hours as needed. The coop is best lit fluorescent lamps... It is best to turn the light on and off at the same time, developing a regime that is beneficial for laying hens.
  5. Good ventilation. The room must have effective ventilation.
  6. High quality bedding. The floor in the hen house in several layers should be expelled with litter. Hay or straw, sawdust, chopped reeds, dry moss are used as material. Wet litter should be removed immediately and replaced with dry one. Once every few days, it must be agitated, turned over. High-quality bedding not only maintains hygiene in the room, but also provides an additional source of heat.
  7. Mandatory ash drawer, flutters.

The installation of automatic relays, turning on the light, automating ventilation and heating, greatly simplifies the maintenance of the chicken coop in winter.

Video: warm chicken coop in winter

How to keep chickens in winter in the absence of a warm room or without heating

If there is no warm, stationary chicken coop to keep the hens, you should not despair. Quite simply and inexpensively for poultry, you can adapt almost any existing room. Chicken-birds are picky and tolerate winter well even in poorly adapted conditions. Moreover, in prepared and equipped places they winter with pleasure, constantly delighting the owner with eggs.

Whatever room is converted, the main requirement for it remains the same - to create comfortable conditions for feathered pets.

Taking into account the prescriptions that are mandatory for a stationary chicken coop, everything necessary must be completed as much as possible.

Is it possible to keep laying hens in the garage

Many poultry houses have long and quite effectively used the garage for keeping layers in winter. Of course, the place initially not adapted for the life of feathered pets will have to be re-equipped, creating acceptable conditions. The concrete floor of the garage is detrimental to bird health. Therefore, it is advisable to cover it with wooden flooring and fill it with bedding. Usually, poor ventilation in garages will also need to be remodeled to accommodate the new tenants. Create the desired humidity, make lighting. Re-equipping a garage for a chicken coop does not take much time and effort, bringing benefit and pleasure to your wet-nurses.

Overwintering hens in a polycarbonate greenhouse

In recent years, many poultry houses have found an interesting solution - wintering of laying hens in greenhouses. The use of premises that are empty during the winter is becoming more and more popular and is considered a very effective and expedient occupation. In order for the bird wintering to be successful, it is required to create favorable conditions, having carried out work on the arrangement of the greenhouse.

When preparing a greenhouse for placing hens for the winter, it is necessary:

  • clean the room, remove excess land;
  • eliminate drafts;
  • make ventilation;
  • carry out artificial lighting;
  • sprinkle the floor with a litter;
  • install the necessary equipment, perches.

The most important issue that the poultry house will have to solve is maintaining a comfortable temperature regime. Even in the most severe frost, the temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below 0 ° C, below the chickens simply cannot stand it. Therefore, additional heating is indispensable.

Video: wintering chickens in a greenhouse in winter

Important! In winter, a greenhouse adapted for a chicken coop can be covered with a layer of snow from the sides. This will significantly preserve the internal heat.

Video: how chickens winter in polycarbonate greenhouse

Walking hens in winter

In winter, letting a bird out of the hen house is not only possible, but also necessary... The walk should be arranged on a sunny, not frosty day. It is not recommended to let laying hens outside in winter when the frost is more than minus 10 ° C, the bird can freeze its paws, catch a cold. The total time spent on the street should be no more than two hours. The walking area needs to be lined with hay, and the old bedding from the chicken coop is also suitable. The best time for walking chickens in winter is a thaw and not frosty, sunny days.

Factors affecting egg production in chickens in winter

Winter leads to a decrease in natural biorhythms in chickens. A decrease in winter temperature and a decrease in daylight hours also affect egg production. Vitamin deficiency, lack of plant and protein foods have a negative effect. Proper care, no stress, balanced nutrition helps to significantly extend the period of egg production and get fresh eggs almost all winter.

Video: how to feed chickens in winter so that they lay eggs

Read more about the features of egg production in chickens in winter.

Every day it becomes easier and more profitable to keep laying hens. New, more productive breeds are being developed, effective, balanced feed and various additives appear. Manufacturers offer automated bird care systems. New building materials make it easier to build chicken coops. As a result, the number of laying hens is increasing. Join us and there will always be fresh homemade eggs on your table.

Video: the correct device for a winter chicken coop

In contact with

Among other poultry, novice farmers are more likely to prefer layers and broilers. These birds are considered the most unpretentious. But at home for beginners it is not the easiest thing. In order for livestock to generate income and organic food, careful preparation work must be done. Take care of the conditions of keeping birds and the diet for them, know the principles of breeding and be prepared for the appearance of diseases in the livestock.

Breed selection

Despite the wide selection of chicken breeds for home breeding, novice mowing owners should pay attention to only a few of them. The most undemanding to food and living conditions are simple mongrel chickens. But the results of breeding will be incomparable with specially bred breeds.

If the goal of buying chickens is to get eggs in the future, such as Russian White, Leghorn are suitable. They are virtually immune to viruses and require less feed than broilers. They feel great at temperatures from 2 to 25 degrees.

In order to get the most of chicken meat in a season, you should stock up on broiler chicks in the spring. These less mobile birds require less space to live, but more nutritious food. The owner will have to closely monitor the health of meat hybrids: the infection spreads among them at a high speed. You can start by buying a dozen chickens of the COBB 500 or ROSS 708 breed.

Preparation of conditions

A house must be prepared in advance to meet the tenants. The chicken coop should contain feeders, drinkers, broiler cages or laying nests, as well as cleaning equipment.

Chicken coop

If there is no room ready for use, you will have to start building a chicken coop. It is important to keep in mind the requirements for construction.

  1. Location. The most successful solution here is a building on a natural hill. The poultry house should be illuminated by the sun as much as possible and not stand at the intersection of winds.
  2. Temperature conditions. The cracks in the walls can bring not only drafts harmful to the health of birds into the house, but also change the optimal temperature inside the room. Depending on the season, it should be 12-25 degrees.
  3. Ventilation. The ventilation system ensures an optimal level of humidity in the chicken coop. If no special pipes are provided, the air is ventilated through the windows.
  4. Shine. Proper lighting is essential for all chicken breeds. Daylight hours in the chicken coop should last at least 14 hours in the cold season and up to 17-18 hours in summer. The sun's rays should illuminate the house at any time of the year, this is important for the egg production of layers. Lamps are installed under the ceiling, if necessary, protected with a net.
  5. Rodent protection. To prevent mice, rats, weasels and other animals from entering the poultry house, when building it, you need to take care of the following:
  • the basis of the floor is cast concrete; there should be no cracks in the walls. The room will be raised above the ground using special stands;
  • from the outside, the house should be fenced off with a net, not only on the sides, but also on top;
  • facilities where feed is stored should be located away from chicken dwellings.

In winter, infrared lighting should work in addition to ordinary lamps. Such heating lamps are placed closer to the chickens, they must be covered with a net or grate.

Drinking bowls and feeders

The sizes of the feeders and drinkers are calculated based on the number of chickens. One individual requires approximately 10 centimeters of a feeding and drinking container (chicks need 2–3 cm per head). The feeder should be in the most straightforward place, be stable and without cracks or holes. Drinking containers can be traditional, simple cups, buckets, or small basins. For these purposes, you can purchase nipple, vacuum and siphon drinkers.

Feeders can contain three compartments: for dry grain, wet mash and additives to the basic diet (chalk, shell rock, etc.). Instead, you can use separate containers for each type of bird menu. so that chickens do not scatter feed with their paws and do not climb inside. Material for production: wood for bulk feed, enamel or metal cup - for mash, enamel basin - for ash, shell rock or chalk.


As a rule, breeding of chickens starts from ten to a maximum of fifteen individuals. In this case, perches can be placed along the side of the house, but not close to it. There should be no gaps on the selected wall. The most successful arrangement of the bars is opposite the window.

The poles are also placed one above the other at different angles. The main thing is to maintain a distance between them of at least 30-35 centimeters for layers and 35-40 for broilers. A convenient version of the perch is removable, when the crossbars can be removed to disinfect the room.

If the experiment on domestication of poultry is not gigantic in scale, a vertical handle on a box can serve as a roost. The bottom of the container is covered with a net: in this case, the droppings remain in it, and the cleaning process becomes easier.

If perches are installed for layers, there should be 20 cm of bar per bird. The structure is installed at a height of about a meter, at least 90 centimeters. Broilers are larger and require more space: 30 cm per head is calculated per head. Height is allowed up to 55-60 cm from the floor. The grown-up chicks will climb onto bars that are 30 centimeters above the floor. For one chick, 13-15 cm along the length of the bar is enough.


Laying nests vary. They are used as boxes made of cardboard, boxes made of wood or plastic. Lovers of antiquity and ethnicity prefer wicker baskets for this purpose. Whatever material is used, the main thing is that it is intact, without holes or sharp chips.

The best place to nest is away from direct sunlight and artificial light, where the least noise reaches. The nests are never placed on a floor where drafts are common. A ladder should lead to a structure raised from the floor. The size of the nest is 30 * 30 * 30 cm (based on a medium-sized chicken).

Walking area

As a rule, the walking area is closely adjacent to the chicken coop and is connected to it by a bird passage. To avoid contact of the livestock with other inhabitants of the courtyard (or the village as a whole), the site should be fenced. The simplest solution is a chain-link mesh. On the one hand, it does not interfere with the penetration of sunlight, on the other hand, it protects the area from visits by rodents and forest predators.

Such a site is planned at the rate of 1 sq m per one individual. The optimal size is 8-10 m per head. The paddock can be sown with perennial grasses. An additional feeder and water tank is installed inside this expanse. In the spring, before the sprouts appear, and in the fall, when the harvest has already been harvested, the birds can be sent for a walk in the garden.

To prevent the walking area from turning into a swamp during the rains, a canopy is erected over it. Additional drainage drains will remove excess water from the aviary. And dividing the zone into two sections will help grow grass for the herd throughout the summer: while on one chickens feast on clover and peck alfalfa roots, the other is sown with a new batch of seeds.

The diet

What question does novice bird owners have immediately after buying chicks? Of course, the question of feeding. What can chickens eat, how much? Is winter feeding different from summer feeding?

Feeding chicks

Chickens determine the amount of food for themselves. After eating, they look for a warm place to take a nap. Interestingly, the newly hatched inhabitants of the eggs need much more water than food. They are able to drink twice as much water per day as they eat food. Therefore, there should always be fresh water in the cup.

For the first week of life, chicks eat small crumbs or grains from a cardboard sheet. The menu includes crushed grains, boiled and crumbled protein and yolk, zero-fat cottage cheese. Already on the second day, they can be offered chopped grass mixed with an egg. On the third day, the chicks are able to digest the mash based on yogurt.

Breeding laying hens is a responsible business. The main point is the choice of the breed. The main task of sellers is ...

  • by 20 weeks of life, chickens reach one and a half kilograms of weight;
  • outwardly, the chicken should not stand out thin or obese;
  • feather cover of pullets - homogeneous, smooth, glossy feather;
  • soft pink skin color under the feathers. Yellow shades indicate liver disease;
  • the eyes are slightly protruding, without darkening and growth;
  • the abdomen is even in outline, elastic, but soft;
  • strong paws on which the chicken stands evenly and confidently.

Despite the fact that the chicken herd will inhabit the courtyard all year round, its maintenance in summer and winter is different. This mainly concerns the arrangement of the poultry house and feeding. Increased egg production in layers and rapid weight gain in broilers will indicate that the care is organized correctly.

Autumn winter

With the onset of cold weather, you should take care of the insulation of the chicken coop. If the building is wooden, on the eve of the cold weather, you should get rid of the cracks that have appeared over the summer. Material for "restoration" - tow or ordinary forest moss. Sawdust or straw can help create an air cushion on the floor. The litter layer should be 20-25 cm.

Second frames are placed on the windows as soon as the temperature outside the window drops to -5 degrees. The roof is insulated from the inside with a felt layer. Farmers advise using infrared lamps to heat the house. The devices are wrapped in a net to prevent the birds from hurting themselves out of curiosity.

There is less ventilation in the house in winter than in summer. Thermal insulation increases humidity, therefore, increases the volume of droppings in the air, which evaporate with moisture. To avoid this, it is necessary to install ventilation holes under the roof. To prevent visits from rodents, cover the holes with bars.

Spring Summer

As soon as the spring sun begins to melt the snow, the second frames are removed from the windows. In the summer, when the real warmth comes, the first frames are also removed, the window openings are tightened with a mosquito net. This approach allows additional ventilation of the room.

In summer, you need to be especially careful to ensure that the bird gets enough water. Additional drinkers are installed not only inside the main house, but also on the walking area. In the open air, the container should be in the shade.

The thickness of the litter in the house in the summer decreases from 20 to 5-6 cm.This approach gives less greenhouse effect... Sawdust or hay are also used as material.

If you take layers only for the summer season, it is not necessary to purchase a cockerel for them. Moreover, the presence of a host with a comb will change the egg production of hens downward. In order for a family of three or four people to have breakfast in the morning with fresh fried eggs, it is enough to have six cackling individuals.


Where can a novice bird breeder save money? First of all, on the construction of a chicken coop. From century to century, chickens survive in the most unpretentious conditions. The walls can be folded from slabs, the roof can be covered with chips or reeds and there are no windows. True, there will be few eggs in the nests, and the chickens will not recover at all.

You can also save money on the stern, and choose from several options:

  1. In the fall, leave a minimum of individuals and consume much less feed. Taking into account the fact that the life expectancy of chickens is more than short, the annual slaughter of livestock is biologically justified. The lifespan of meat breeds is no more than a year. Layers are productive in the first year of life, although some are kept for up to three years. The biological life limit of a bird is 5 years.
  2. Buy feed at a reduced price or take it for free. Compound feed is cheaper in bulk: to take more of it, you can partner with other farmers. If you can agree, you can collect waste from meat and fish processing shops or from the kitchen in kindergartens. True, you will have to make sure that there are no complaints from the sanitary and epidemiological station against you.
  3. Feed the livestock with leftovers from your own table. But in this case, it is difficult to achieve a balanced and healthy poultry diet. In addition, such a treat, with all the wishes of the owners, will not be the main food for the inhabitants of the chicken coop: the birds eat too much.

You can save finances if you do not spend money on the annual purchase of young animals. Breeding chickens will be successful if you purchase an incubator and brooder. How economically profitable is such a shift in priorities, it is up to the owner of the birds to decide.

Chicken diseases

Bird disease can make raising hens and broilers a painful process. In order to respond in time to an infection or to suspect the presence of harmful insects, you need to know the signs of ailments.

A sick bird is indifferent to feeding. Laughing, he sits aside from the general fun. This behavior may be a sign of vitamin deficiency. Treatment - add freshly cut grass and vitamin E to the diet. In addition, heat the bird with ultraviolet light.

Often there are moments of pecking in a flock of chicks. Chicks can peck at themselves and weaker neighbors. Pecking their own paws indicates that babies are malnourished. The solution to the problem is to increase the weight of the feed. Pecking the heads of other chicks means that hierarchical relationships are established in the livestock. A damaged cloaca is a sign that the diet should be revised, the elements of which should not irritate the feathered intestinal tract.

Vomiting and diarrhea can occur from feed that is not intended for the young. Fermented milk supplements (curdled milk, whey, cottage cheese), abundant drinking will help to solve the problem. If the food is low in minerals, the bird will begin to pluck feathers from itself. Chicks often start to fall to their feet. The cause of the malaise can be not only a lack of vitamin D, but also a lack of calcium.

Often, signs of intestinal upset or vitamin deficiency are the result of hypothermia in chickens. If they are immobile and have diarrhea, try transplanting them to a warmer room. They will warm up, and the disease will go away by itself.

Anyone who buys chickens for the first time in a household should remember seven basic rules. They will provide not only a problem-free existence of the winged livestock, but also please the owners with indicators of meat gain or increased egg production.

  1. Choose the right breed and age of birds when purchasing. Before deciding to purchase chickens of certain breeds, find out their features. If you are planning to breed hens, it makes sense to buy sexually mature pullets.
  2. Change the water in the sippy cup in time. The water must always be fresh and in sufficient quantity. This moment is especially important for chicks and.
  3. Keep the feed balanced. Proper nutritionbest prevention the main number of bird diseases. If the birds regularly receive the prescribed amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals, this has a beneficial effect on their health.
  4. Follow the chicken life regimen. If you feed the quads in different time, egg production will instantly drop. If the light regime is not observed, the chicks show signs of rickets.
  5. Create appropriate living conditions for the wards. The coop should be warm, light and dry. Only under these conditions will it be possible to avoid stress, which young individuals are especially susceptible to.
  6. Pay close attention to the laying nests. Too cramped or uncomfortable structures will force chickens to lay eggs anywhere, just not in the chicken coop. Plan one nest for five individuals.
  7. Vaccinate the young flock in time. This will save the wards from uncontrolled outbreaks of infection and accidental infection with diseases.

Keeping chickens privately is a popular activity. Laying hens have always been a priority. They are valued for their high productivity, small financial investments and unpretentiousness. Novice poultry farmers tend to breed egg and meat-egg breeds more often, since it's easy to care for them. As a result, it is possible not only to provide the family with fresh and clean products, but also to sell it in parallel. A competent approach to housekeeping brings significant profits. With an early maturity, the payback of such an enterprise comes in the next year.

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    Popular breeds of laying hens

    Chickens that are bred at home are divided into 3 categories: egg, meat-egg and meat. The first ones are intended for obtaining a large amount of egg products. The latter are a versatile species, since they produce quality meat along with eggs. The latter are grown exclusively for meat.

    We are talking about laying hens capable of supplying the farm with a large number of eggs. It is difficult for novice farmers to understand the vast range of breeds available. A brief overview of the most popular ones, which are presented in the table, will facilitate the choice:

    Breed name Characteristic Egg productivity, pieces / year
    Leghorn white Common chickens are exclusively egg-based. Lively, active, unpretentious in food. Adults weigh about 1.5–2.5 kg. They begin to rush early, at 4-5 months. The eggs are white. For a small subsidiary farm, chickens of this breed are recommended, but dwarf ones. Their weight is no more than 1.6 kg with similar productivity 250

    Hisex Brown and Hisex White

    Dutch highly productive representatives. In addition to the large body weight, they begin to rush actively from four months. Large eggs, weighing 65-70 g 300
    Lohman Brown
    Bred by crossing two breeds: Plimtruk and Rhode Island. Birds with brown feathers. Endowed with a calm and accommodating disposition. They are not fearful, they easily adapt to any conditions, they consume little food. They begin to rush from 5.5 months. The eggs are large, weighing 62–64 g, with a creamy shell 320
    Rhode Island
    Originally from America. Highly productive layers of dark red color with black-green tails and yellowish beak. They have a decorative tail and small wings. The weight of an adult rooster is 3.8-4 kg 200
    Russian white
    Descendants of white Leghorns, they are most adapted to the Russian climate. Egg production is stable regardless of the season and weather conditions. Eggs are laid from five months of age, with a white shell and weighing about 57 grams 200
    Adler silver
    Strong, muscular birds with large bones. They gain weight quickly and lay eggs steadily. Compliant and hardy 200–220
    Large layers intended for obtaining eggs and meat. They quickly adapt to the local climate and conditions of detention. With proper care, egg production does not drop for several years in a row. Eggs with a beautiful golden creamy shell 240
    Zagorsk salmon
    They got the name because of the light meat that tastes good. A rooster weighing 3.6 kg, a chicken 2.7 kg. Productive layers. White eggs, weighing 60–62 g 260
    Pushkin striped-motley
    Laying hens with a good clutch of eggs, pure white in color. Males reach a body weight of 2.5 kg, females - no more than 2 kg. They differ in external decorativeness. A black-and-white pattern can be traced on a white background. Combs, earrings and barbs in deep red color. The beak is strongly bent. Birds are ideal for a private backyard, as they cannot fly. Their meat is tasty and tender 250–270
    Kuchinskaya jubilee
    The breed combines the best performance of egg and meat chicken breeds. Early maturing layers, hardy and unpretentious. Males gain up to 3.8 kg of live weight, hens are one kilogram less 180
    Highly productive cross with a high yield of meat and egg products 200–220

    Egg breeds are prized for a number of factors:

    • unpretentiousness to conditions of detention and care;
    • persistent immunity to infectious diseases;
    • quick addiction to free range;
    • the ability to independently obtain food for themselves;
    • consistently high egg production.

    Despite the low productivity in terms of meat, a carcass weight of 3 kg is quite sufficient for home consumption. Chickens at the age of 125–130 days of age begin to actively lay eggs and hatch offspring. Any laying hen can produce at least 250 eggs per year, which is difficult to achieve from large broilers. Meat and egg representatives are often referred to as laying hens, since they are no less active in this matter.

    Where should you start?

    The first thing that is necessary at the initial stage is to acquire a healthy and productive bird. Several competent recommendations will help in this:

    • Buy only from trusted breeders or poultry farms. Inspect their place of detention and conditions. The coop should be clean and all the inhabitants healthy.
    • The external condition of the hens is visually assessed. Discharge from the eyes and nostrils, bald spots on feathers, lesions on skin, dryness of the ridges.
    • Feeling chickens are always on the move. Therefore, only active individuals are selected.

    When there is lethargy, inactivity, purulent discharge from the eyes, it is better to refuse to purchase. Most likely, the bird is infected with a viral infection. It is recommended to purchase birds in a batch of at least three pieces. They prefer to be always in the company, but they get bored alone.

    Conditions and principles of keeping adult chickens

    Chickens are unpretentious to living conditions. For this, a spacious barn will be enough, and in a metropolis, it can be kept in cages. The second option is more successful for the city, but financially costly. An initial cash investment will be required to purchase the cells. In addition, the enclosures require regular cleaning. At the dacha and in a country house, the first option is preferable. Birds in this case most of time they are on a free range, and at night they are driven into a chicken coop.

    Summer conditions of breeding imply the presence of a covered area and a walking area. For floor placement of cages with chickens, you will need a room with the calculation of 5 heads per 1 sq. m. Comfortable temperature range - 7-8 ° C. For stable egg production, it is necessary to be dry, light and warm. Regardless of the season, the bird stays in the hen house at night. Therefore, perches are needed, which are at the same level. One chicken relies on 20 cm of free space.

    In winter, you will need an insulated room... When self-building a chicken coop, the optimal size is calculated based on the planned number of livestock. A place for the location of the chicken house is looked for with medium illumination and dry. There must be a nearby spacious grazing area. One unit requires 1 sq. m of space.

    After preliminary calculations and preparation, construction work begins:

    • The building is located on a dais so that there is no access to rodents and other pests inside. It also protects the bird from the cold. The base is made of concrete or columnar.
    • An important point is the construction of walls. They must be strong to keep out the wind. In addition to boards, aerated concrete slabs are used. The main thing is to keep the house warm.
    • The roof is built depending on the financial capacity. Usually it is cobbled or slatted, with a slate coating. The area for walking is fenced off with a net.
    • Make large window openings for the unhindered entry of sunlight. They will equip a small manhole so that the birds can independently go out into the fresh air.

    From the inside, the room is equipped with artificial lighting and everything necessary for the full maintenance of laying hens. If the insulation is not solid, you will need to install heating devices for the winter. The floor is covered with sawdust or straw. Feeders are divided into three compartments: for dry feed, mineral additives and wet mash. The drinker is placed at a distance. By the time the guests appear inside, it is necessary to build nests for them. Ordinary wooden crates lined with straw work well. Placed somewhere in the depth, away from prying eyes.

    Raising chickens

    For day old chicks, a dense box is quite suitable, which is installed in a warm place. Newspapers are covered at the bottom. To prevent babies from dying from hypothermia, at first they maintain a temperature regime of at least +30 ° C. Heating devices or conventional lamps will help with this. The last option is more successful, since in addition to heat, the lamps are illuminated.

    Comfortable development of chickens is guaranteed if no more than 35 units are placed per square meter.

    In the initial period, the availability of light around the clock is required. By two months, daylight hours are gradually reduced to 9 hours. From three weeks of age, the chicks are transferred to more spacious aviaries. The calculation is as follows - 7 individuals per square meter of territory. Cells are used or separate compartments are rebuilt.

    The diet of young animals up to two weeks from the moment of birth consists of crushed boiled eggs and cottage cheese. Step by step, they begin to accustom to roughage: grain, vegetables, juicy grass. Chickens need water more than food. Therefore, it should be available constantly and only clean. You can sometimes solder with a glucose solution. In the morning they are given potassium permanganate diluted in a low concentration. The mash is cooked in sour milk or meat broth. They are fed exceptionally fresh, each time preparing new portions. Only crushed cereals are suitable for up to 2 months.

    The menu must include vitamins and mineral supplements. Crushed shells serve as a source of calcium, and pebbles and crushed shells are provided to improve digestion. From 2 months, they are transferred to adult nutrition, that is, combined feed and food waste. When the chicks reach puberty, they are separated. Laying hens and roosters must be kept separately.

    Chicken diet

    In the diet of adults, the emphasis is on balanced feed, which includes:

    • corn;
    • wheat bran;
    • barley flour;
    • sunflower cake;
    • fish and meat and bone meal;
    • feed yeast;
    • table salt and minerals.

    The mixture in its original form and with mash is given to the birds 2-3 times a day. For the stable functioning of the stomach, they are fed with dry grains: oats, millet, rye.

    Food should be not only balanced, but also moderate. Overfeeding leads to obesity and impaired egg production. The eggs then hatch without shell, covered with a shell. Bursting, they fill the nest. Chickens, having felt the taste, further peck at the laid eggs.

    On the day, laying hens need the following amount of food:

    • wet mash - 70-80 g;
    • dry grain mixture - 35–45 g;
    • fresh chopped root vegetables - 20-30 g;
    • germinated cereals - 12-14 g;
    • yeast, fish oil - 2-3 g each

    Gravel and shells are placed inside the chicken coop so that they have free access. The more varied the menu, the tastier the eggs... The mash includes any food leftovers from the common table, herbs, fruits. Chickens are especially fond of mangoes and oranges.

    Chickens rush fully up to 15 months of age, then productivity decreases and the meat becomes tougher. By that time, a new generation is growing up. Thus, the process does not stop.


    Whatever the care and conditions of detention, birds and rodents can bring infections to chickens. Daily examination is necessary to identify sick individuals and separate from the rest, to begin treatment.

    Common bird diseases are described in the table:

    Disease Symptoms and Treatment Visual photo
    Pseudo-plague Bird symptoms include shortness of breath, wobbly gait and diarrhea. Chickens become lethargic and lethargic, often stretching their necks and falling to one side. Is not amenable to treatment, immediately slaughtered and destroyed
    Salmonellosis Lack of appetite, depression, inactivity, inflamed eye sockets and cloaca are signs of damage. Antibiotic therapy: Streptomycin and Furazolidone
    Streptococcosis It is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, seizures, and lack of appetite. The joints become inflamed, and the birds stop rushing. It is treated by course piercing of antibiotics
    Tuberculosis The disease cannot be treated, the bird goes to slaughter. Typical signs are exhaustion, loss of decorative appearance: the crest wrinkles and loses color saturation, the wings sag lifelessly on the sides
    Smallpox The exposed parts of the body in chickens are covered with multiple spots. There are problems when swallowing feed. Therapy is possible on initial stage... The affected areas are treated with a solution of furacilin, antibiotics are given inside

    Besides infectious diseases, other pathologies occur when growing poultry. Avitaminosis occurs when there is an insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the diet. Chickens become lethargic, interest in food disappears. Top dressing with greens will correct the situation, fish oil and ultraviolet radiation. It is more terrible when cannibalism appears in the herd. Any wound on the chicken's body attracts the attention of neighbors. A similar phenomenon is immediately suppressed by separating the chickens seen in this separately.

    Breeding chickens in a subsidiary farm is profitable and promising for many reasons. The unpretentiousness of birds to the environment and feeding greatly facilitates care. With a minimum of financial and physical investments, the whole family will be provided with fresh produce all year round. It is important to take a responsible and correct approach to business, then a positive result is guaranteed.

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