Games treat teeth. Everyone should know! Demolition of the teeth from the gums: stages and techniques of operation, description of the procedure Removing the pulp, destroyed molar and fangs

Doctors in the world There are a great set. Some treat children, other adults, some specialize in heart disease, vision, endocrine system and other things. You can live a lifetime, but never get to the reception, say, to the oculist or neuropathologist, not to be on the Surgeon table and never visit the allergist. Just because there is no need. But there is a category of doctors to which each of us goes regularly. Unless, of course, does not live on an uninhabited island. You probably had already guessed what experts speech. Of course, about those who are engaged in dentistry, as the main characters of our new selection of games.

The majority of the population of the earthly ball visit them with enviable constancy, but at the same time hates sincerely and with all souls. It is the dentists of Moms frighten the unfortunate kids, trying to take the next one (too much, as it seems) candy. And just in such a terrible sadist doctor will turn you our new games to treat your teeth. Ready to become a monster in a white coat, who causing horror on the unfortunate patients with one of their views? Then forward! Funny girls for girls treat teeth waiting for no wait when you start playing them.

Bormina and other torture guns

After launching any game to treat teeth from this section, you will find yourself in a spacious personal Cabinetlocated on the second floor of super modern medical clinic. It is not clear at what point of the magic world she is, but, apparently, not on the edge of geography, because the turn under the door of your "Camera torture" never ends. During each game, the dentist unfortunate cartoons, knocking her teeth (more precisely, the few that left them) and pouring tears waiting for them when they were brought to the reception and get rid of the terrible pain.

First, as usual, having delivered even more terrible. And how can it be otherwise if the mouth of each patient resembles a garbage? Stuck slices of food alternate in it with slices of disgusting yellow Nalea, huge black holes sign about the resulting caries, some teeth are simply crashed the edges and they stick out the vampire fangs. But only imagine how from such a mouth can terribly smell! But there is nothing to do if the dentistry has come for the games, you will have to become a real pros, which is neither the smell or a terrible appearance oral cavity - no problem. At first, however, it would be nice to deal with all tongs, tweezers, hammers, elevators, hemostatic clips and boras that are available in the game menu.

They look really frightening (even for a doctor), but not Roby, but simply put on every mouse cursor and carefully read the text of the prompt. It will become clear from it, what and in what cases use. In addition, in almost all games where the teeth should be treated, the so-called "fool protection" is provided. This means that you just can not "take" the tool and use it is not intended. For example, in order to remove the sick tooth from the wells apply a bay-shaped elevator (similar to a small flat spatula with a wide double handle, like a corkscrew). But if you try to join the dental root of any other device, you just will not work. "Wrong" tool will slip out of the hands all the time and you can not even bring it to the teeth.

So boldly thinking about the case and do not be afraid of inexperience to harm the patient. Remove caries, filling holes, polish chips, pull the spoiled teeth and install artificial ones, and when you finish, be sure to read the tremendous patient a lecture on how to properly care for the oral cavity and what is best to eat. After all, if you regularly use toothpaste, brush, thread and do not abuse harmful sweets, you can reduce the frequency of your hiking to Dentist in two, and even three times. And, by the way, try not to forget about it myself. After all, playing a doctor virtually and sit at the reception at a real dentist, firing from an exhausting pain - two big differences. Remember this!

In Game My dentist The user will have to become a doctor who is engaged in treating teeth. The player will be a present expert who has three professions at once related to the treatment of teeth. Now the player at the same time dentist, orthodontist and hygienist. It will be necessary to produce various actions related to these areas of medicine. There are also three interesting mini-games.

Orthodontist is engaged in the correction of the bite, which was formed incorrectly, and ugly teeth. First you need to take a picture to find out what the reason lies. Then you need to prepare adhesive mass and special braces, rings from rubber and wires to create an optimal design.

The hygienist improves the purity of the oral cavity of the visitor. To do this, uses a tooth thread, a shovel for cleaning language, toothbrush, rinser. It is worth remembering that only natural components should be used for the manufacture of toothpaste, for example, mint, aloe vera, carrots.

The dentist is engaged in treating teeth in case of pain. To do this, bormer applies, medical tongs, enamel bleach and other devices. It will be necessary to remove the teeth rotten, put the seal, remove the stone. My Dentist game game We will certainly like the lover of this type of genre.


  • three mini games;
  • more than twenty tools;
  • good graphics and sound.

Do you dream to try yourself in a dentist career, but not sure what you get to master this hard profession? Make the first steps in dentistry you will help you to treat your teeth: in them you can conduct your first operations on the oral cavity! Just remember that during the game to treat teeth much easier than in reality. Therefore, you should not have rushing to experience freshly acquired knowledge on relatives, friends or pets!

Both Shvets and Reaper, and ... Blacksmith.

In the old days in Russia beautiful word "Dentist", of course, did not know. However, the oral diseases appeared much earlier than the developed and corresponding to the current level of development of civilization Medical Science! How did people cope with their diseases?

That which was not in Russia, the word "dentist" does not mean that there were no people who, in the measure of their capabilities, served as the functions of this essential physician. And the role of ancient dentists was performed, you will not believe, ordinary rural blacksmiths. Yes, they are not at all similar to modern clean doctors in white coats: in the soot and dirty work clothes, the then shorts were performed by the reception of "patients" right in their blacksmith.

And with the functions, these guys coped with their own. Of course, they did not know how to treat caries and fill the canals, but they could just snatch the sick tooth - and the case with the end! No tooth - no problem. Then why not tear them at home? Nevertheless, they did when milk had fallen out: tie a thread to the teeth .. to the door ... That's just the indigenous teeth - they are indigenous, which is sitting in the jaw firmly, and snatch them with the root - the task is very difficult. Who is better able to cope with such work than a strong and dozen blacksmith? Yes, and with tools in the forge there are no problems: you want - ticks, you want - what you want! And if there is no necessary tool, then to someone to make it, how isn't the same blacksmith? ..

In modern stomatologists

Of course, today there are no trace from those barbaric methods. Now dentistry is a whole science, and it actively uses the best achievements of different other sciences. Games where you need to treat your teeth will get acquainted with the device of a modern dentist, and you will be surprised at how much everything is in high tech. Tips for bormers are made of superproof nanocomposite materials, a filling paste developed in collaboration with leading chemical concerns and pharmaceutical companies ...

Therefore, it is not easier to study at the dentist than on any other doctor. Although it would seem to be responsible for him less than the same surgeon or even the therapist! After all, the diseases of the oral cavity are rarely associated with risk for life or serious consequences for health - it is impossible to compare the tooth (which we still have 32 - the couple will fall out, so the top ten will remain) and, say, the heart!

But, like any disease, strongly worsening the quality of life, toothache Included in the top of the most important deviations in human health. And the competition in dental universities is higher than in MGIMO! If you want to demonstrate on the entrance tests to demonstrate that you really are worthy of the high rank of the dentist, you will have to start prepare now. Games in which you need to treat your teeth do not pull you to the exam, but it will be possible to accurately understand what is this profession, and whether you really like so much.

Yes, and practice will never be superfluous! It is good that today there are virtual simulators that allow you to comprehend the foundations of the specialty even those who are early to enter the university. During the game, treat teeth for girls and boys a lot of details open, about which they used to and did not think. The best free games for girls who need to treat teeth, carefully assembled on our site - choose anyone and enjoy!

and rejoice in the fact that many people surrounding can smile and give their spiritual warmth close.

Why is it worth downloading a children's doctor: dentist on android?

Now it's time to realize such important factthat only as a result of his own efforts and permanent work on the body, you can smile and rejoice at each individual day spent. Thanks to this game, you can give a smile to every person on the planet, you just need to try to make a maximum in order to carefully care for your teeth of your patients. It is necessary to treat them in time and as carefully as possible, because only in this case, health will be at the same level with you.

Download Children's doctor: Dentist on android And proceed to active care about your pets is quite important. Watch how the development will allow you to enjoy the presence of many animals here, which came to the reception to treat your own teeth and learn to be a dentist to whom the whole world will envy. As well as people, animals also need constant treatment, otherwise they may spoil and stop doing their main destination.

Download Children's doctor: Dentist for Androidand use the hints existing here in order to get used to use your pleasant opportunities and joys to try to become better and learn to apply all your important talents for the benefit of each individual character presented in this development. Four-legged pets are already waiting for your attention and care for them, so use training in order to explore the functions here and try to help poor things that suffer from pain. To provide any assistance and become at the same level with many other participants in modern society, everyone can only have an appropriate desire.

Very useful toy for those who study dentistry or just wondering her. Maybe she will even help choose someone to choose a profession. It was based on professional directories and textbooks, as well as the councils of practicing dentists. There are a lot of useful and educational information that can be useful in the future. You will treat, delete, whiten your teeth, insert prostheses and seals, do painkillers. In general, to do everything that these strange people are doing, who for some reason are afraid.

The dentist to be at all is not easy, years go to the training of this profession, and you can get Ase all in a few hours, and even in a game form. Or maybe you will overcome your fear before going to the doctor when you find out that it is not easy to "drill something" in the mouth of Bormshina. Now you will definitely learn how to determine the presence of caries and you will know how to cope with it. In the game 12 levels of complexity and 12 patients whose teeth should be like new after your treatment. Some of them will only need to remove the dental flare, well, and with someone will have to tinker.

Fashion hacked full version, download a virtual dentist on android, cheats and a lot of money. Imagine that you save them from painful dental pain, and she is grateful to you for it. In addition, they are famous peopleFor which a beautiful smile is half of the success. Time for one patient is limited, do not have time - the level begins again. Poorly cured - go to trace. To pass all levels, you need an excerpt and a solid hand. Movements should be clear and confident, like a jeweler. A little practice, and it will not be completely difficult. You will need 6 tools to work with which you need to learn to masterfully own. For incorrect application, glasses are removed. To each of detailed description In the "Help" section, explaining what it is intended for.

In addition, you will see tips to help make right choice Tool or action. The graphics of the game are not bad, everything is quite realistic and understandable. Quality translation and sound accompaniment make the game even more interesting. It can be recommended to people of any age, without restrictions, because there are no elements of violence or cruelty. "Virtual dentist" is not an empty pastime, it is a really developing game that will give you new knowledge. And if you want to have a little fun in your free time, and at the same time learn something new, then this is exactly what you need.

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