Neurosis in the practice of a gastroenterologist. Viewing the full version from voltage and neurosis can be sick

26.08.2015, 11:49

Good day! Dear doctors, please tell me if something happens to be neurosis or is really a serious illness. There are somatic symptoms that are bothering at the moment.
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A little about yourself- woman 39 years old, weight 47 (falls rapidly), height 156.
I suffer from depression for a long time, even attempts to treat drugs, but could not move the entrance to the antidepressants and threw it, and lived.
1.5 years after giving birth was a strong malaise, they walked around all doctors did not find anything. There was a terrible carchaticophobia, barely got out of the state. Lost for a while, then it all started again pain, weaknesses, sobs. Easy to drink a / d and tranquilizers, I lived a bit and all again. I had a psychotherapist, removed persistent pain for a few sessions, I am going six months, but I feel a steady deterioration. All new symptoms, I don't understand that I have either lymphoma, or a brain tumor, barely go.
How to understand the nature of the disease, nervous nature, either this is a organic. I read that neuroses very often happen in the composition of a somatic disease. There is no strength to honestly to live.
How to understand the cause? Looking for a body or go along the path of cure neurosis Medical make?
At the moment, we have dizziness, nausea, vision problems (diplopia, outbreaks, impairment of vision), intestines (diarrhea-constipation), pain and comes in the throat, the blasting of the gums and in the nose. In this constant weakness, crying the episodes of crying up to 10 times in Day, I regret myself, I am afraid of mirah and terrible diseases and all in this way. The rest of the doctors, after the reception we calm down for an hour, then I remember that something has undergone, I begin to doubt their competence. But it happens to the chevlovka and everyone thinks Nerves and in the end and there is nothing to be treated.
I formulate a question
treat medicible? So what?
continue psychotherapy? (not working)

26.08.2015, 14:02

Significantly expressed anxiety. Significantly expressed depression.
You need advice from a doctor and treatment!

The level of depression on the Beka scale (in points) - 45.
Pronounced depression. You need advice from a doctor and treatment!

The level of anxiety on the Beka scale (in points) - 40.
High anxiety. You need advice from a doctor and treatment!

01.09.2015, 12:31

Analyzes: OAK, Ferritin, TTG, T4Food?
What hell did you drink? Why only a month?

02.09.2015, 11:18

Moreover, I understand that by all my actions I destroy myself, but I can not stop. I don't give a damn on the family (which collapsed already), on a small daughter, the fear of death and especially from the disease and pain is stronger. We worked a lot of children's psychotrams, but now there are there , I wisely keep social activity poorly (I go to work, but half a day, the remaining half a day are engaged in conjunction).

03.09.2015, 11:37

Anathel in a minimum dose and only a month is very little.
You can add an antidepressant from the SIRES group in an adequate dose, only to start needed from 1/4 tablets.
TSG and T4Bed and ferrine - still do analyzes.
Psychotherapy continue.

03.09.2015, 12:40

I handed over, posting in the evening.
But why I get worse from psychotherapy, it was more quickly improved, and then how bodily symptoms appear, everything stops working.
Yesterday I decided myself a pituitary tumor, the stroke was already segged, and after all, all these sensations are unrequitable. I feel like settlement, I feel so bad.
By the way, the psychotherapist is fundamental very, drug therapy she does not recognize the type of soul pills do not treat, the body can be bad pushed ...

09.09.2015, 11:06

Your tests are fine.
You need to pick up tablets.
Need to continue psychotherapy. With a psychotherapist you meet regularly?

25.11.2015, 11:30

tablets I still take not unopened, followed by a new round-pain in the bones of the muscles of the tissues of the stomach or so that I do not know
Psychotherapy I threw because the year of the result was not brought
Is it possible in this case to talk about quite such a somatic disease?

25.11.2015, 12:56

Did you quit psychotherapy or completed?
Complete - it means to say goodbye within 1-2-3 sessions.
You do not need to throw psychotherapy.
If you are not ready to return to your psychotherapist - find a new one.
Tablets also need to pick up, with the doctor with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, which you trust.
Somaticism problems should exclude somatic doctors. As far as I understand, you do not have special problems.

25.11.2015, 14:57

Complete-my psychotherapist understood that there were no improvements and smoothly curled the year of classes.
Somatic doctors found some old antibodies to chlamydia and they have written off pain in the muscle joints of the bones, pain and stomach-related foods, nausea was written off to the surface gastritis. For the doctors it is difficult for me to trust, so I have to continue the diagnostic search for your deplorable I would Said states.

26.11.2015, 16:02

What antidepressants did you drink? Myrtazapine was?
Find a psychiatrist doctor or a psychiatrist doctor who you trust to pick up pills.
Find another psychologist psychotherapist or a psychotherapist doctor to start a new psychotherapy.

27.11.2015, 09:08

No, for all these three years, in addition to the month of Anafranil and tranquilizers, I did not drink anything, now I don't work the penazepam, but it doesn't really work. I can not choose a somatic doctor who I can trust, psychiatrist, I didn't even look for a psychiatrist After all, if there are testers from drugs, how can I distinguish flies from the kitlet, because I have everything hurts and many other problems. I can write them off on the side effects and miss a real disease. Does it hurt a bone and muscle with neurosis? everywhere they write that when cancer, well, honestly I have not checked them

30.11.2015, 12:42

The bones and muscles can root with neurosis. We even have a diagnosis of this: somatoform painful disorder.
Contemporary preparations are extremely few side effects.

07.12.2015, 11:14

In the end, Valafaxin 0.375 is prescribed by one tablet and eglonyl 200 mg -3 times a day. Doesn't the dose of the dose? The fact is that I have so mastopathy and chest hurts constantly, and there prolactin is produced can be complications. Many doctor told You have no choice, and I ask here, and maybe there is?
A very stomach hurts, and if you give a stomach and hurts whether it can be a somatoform disorder? Or a organic agent? For my timid question about psychotherapy, she said trees so first, will not help you will go then. This is the right approach, not ... in general contact with the doctor not Out of

09.12.2015, 14:48

Hello. Eglonil - Why? I think that you do not need it, especially since Mastopathy.
Psychotherapy can be combined with pharmacology.
Venlafaxine can be necessary, only the dose should be 1/2 tablets of 37.5 mg 2 times a day for 2 days, then 37.5 mg 2 times a day. And this dose (75 mg per day) is a minimum dose that can work. If after 10-14 days dose 75 mg / day does not work - you need to increase to 112 mg or up to 150 mg per day.

Signs of neurotic disorder They differ variability, inaccuracy, each person can neurosis can manifest themselves in their own way. Therefore, to accurately make a diagnosis and get adequate treatment, you need to refer to the psychotherapist.

The neurosis diagnosis is engaged in a psychotherapist. A diagram of therapy, which will help to cope with the disorder depends on the type of neurosis and its severity.

Neurosis is a functional disease of the nervous system. This means that the violation occurs temporarily, there is no infection in the body, nor the tumor, nor the resistant pathology of the vessels or internal organs. Negative factors The nervous system is depleted:

  • stress;
  • overvoltage;
  • internal conflict;
  • traumatic situation.

This causes violations in the work of the heart and blood vessels, disorder of digestion, incomprehensible pain and discomfort in different parts of the body. Somatologists (which are engaged in body diseases - therapists, neurologists) at the same time do not find any deviations: neither ulcerative disease, no deviations of the endocrine system (for example, thyroid gland) or inflammation.

The manifestations of neurosis in adults are often confused with other diseases, so most of the patients undergo surveys, and treatment does not result. In such cases, it is recommended to turn to a psychotherapist.

The body with neurosis is great, most analyzes are normal. "All diseases from nerves" - just about it.

How to recognize neurosis? It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • somatic manifestations (from the body) - indefinite pain, increased fatigue, blood pressure drops, temperature rise, sweating;
  • emotional instability - frequently unreasonable or unfortunate anxiety, fear, irritability, plasticity;
  • bad portable load - A person cannot concentrate, sometimes it cannot stop in place. Work suffers, and personal life, elementary matters are very quickly tired.

In the next part, we will consider in more detail how neurosis is manifested and what specific symptoms and complaints are possible.

How to identify neuroses

Symptoms depend on the shape of neurosis. The most common manifestations of the body and psyche is:

  • sleep disorders;
  • indigestion;
  • breathing problems, a feeling of suffocation;
  • violation of the heart and blood vessels;
  • vegetative symptoms - shiver, cramps, sweating, temperature differences, even pain.

One of the first possible signals - violations of sleep. Fucking, superficial or restless Son.frequent awakening. The sense of tension in the head in neurosis is the consequence of the fact that at night the nervous system is not completely restored. Sleep disorders lead to constant voltage, emotional "breakdowns".

Digestive system Sensitive to psychological traumatic factors. It reacts with loss of appetite, flatulence, frequent pain and discomfort in the abdomen, chalk problems. At the same time, a person has neither ulcers nor an intestinal infection. Frequent manifestation is nausea in neurosis, which is accompanied by a feeling of dryness in the mouth.

The nervous system is associated with all the internal organs, so the whole organism suffers from neurosis. True and reverse: if you give a specialist with the opportunity to cure the psyche - bodily symptoms will also disappear.

At neurosis there are breathing problems: Typical complaints about the lack of air, difficulty inhale or exhalation, suffocation. Sometimes it seems to be a person that he forgot how to breathe. It is often observed when entering a conflict or emotionally significant situation.

From side of cardio-vascular system may be observed hypertensive crisis, heart rate disassembly, chest discomfort. Tachycardia with neurosis is a frequent complaint.

The nervous system assumes the main "blow" with constant stress. A man is trembling in a body with neurosis, frequent headaches, heat feeding, muscle cramps, a change in sensitivity (numbness of limbs). Sometimes it can complain that the head is spinning without reason.

All changes in neurosis are functional, that is, reversible. With adequate treatment, patients are completely recovered.

Mentally man becomes depressed, can not focus for a long time, the memory is reduced. The level of anxiety increases, too turbulent emotional reactions are possible. In psychoneurosis there are no hallucinations, but sometimes there is noise in the ears.

If necessary, sit quietly for some time, a person with neurosis is discomfort. For his own calm, he begins to knock the handle, play with the subject of clothing, tear your fingers.

Psychoneurosis: Symptoms and reasons for contacting a specialist

Frequent suppression of negative emotions, life in constant stress leads to protracted psychoneurosis. It is extremely difficult to get out of them without qualified care.

The person can torment chronic neurosis, whose symptoms are emotional "breakdowns" (hysterics, tears, irritability) or physiological reactions (stupor, voice loss, jump pressure, nausea) to a small conflict or difficulty. A person is simply not able to control behavior and emotions in a difficult moment.

If the therapist, a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist did not find anything - do not forget to seek the diagnosis of a psychotherapist.

Often in attempts to facilitate the state or find out the reason for permanent discomfort people find imaginary diseases. This is peculiar somatoformous form of disorder . A person gives all possible analyzes, absolutely all surveys. In some cases, in some cases, psychoneurosis burning skin or weakness in the legs (sometimes anyone, the slightest feeling in the body) is perceived as a symptom of a terrible, deadly disease.

This disease is reversible, but appeal to the psychotherapist - an important step towards recovery. The neurotic disorder worsens relationships with relatives, creates problems at work, leads to self-destructive behavior (alcohol, narcotic substances, attempts to take away from life).

The reason for the treatment of a specialist may be a violation of the thermoregulatory function of the body - speaking simply, an increase in temperature during neurosis. In a different way, it is called thermoneurosis. It is important to exclude other diseases here, so you can consult a neurologist at the same time.

Dizziness with neurosis, interruptions in the work of the heart, increased fatigue and other symptoms - the reason to pass the examination by the doctor.

Diagnosis includes:

  1. Personal conversation doctor with patient - The first and most important stage, on which the plan for further action depends.
  2. Consultation of neurologist - with suspected neurological disorders (numbness, pain, temperature increase, mobility violation).
  3. For differential diagnosis The doctor may appoint a neurotest and neurophysiological test system (with endogenous diseases), EEG, CT / MRI, blood tests for hormones and markers (indicators) of inflammation.
  4. If necessary, the doctor attracts to the diagnosis of a clinical psychologist or scientific experts, can convene a conceptivity.

Based on the obtained results of the diagnosis and history of the patient, the psychotherapist appoints the appropriate individual treatment. .

Pain in the stomach on the nervous soil

Anyone heard the phrase: "All diseases from nerves" and this is no accident. In fact, scientists have proven the fact of the impact of the negative sphere on the human body and the appearance of any deviations.

In people who stay for a long time in stressful condition, the stomach hurts from the nerves 3 times more often. In addition, other symptoms may appear in the form of nausea and vomiting. In the event of the appearance of pain on the background of mental overvoltage, it is worth seeking a doctor as soon as possible, because they can be the first call of serious pathology.

When the stomach hurts on the nervous soil, this state cannot be classified according to any particular disease.

As a rule, doctors use the term "neurosis of the stomach" for a number of states associated with the stomach, such as a stomach disorder (functional dyspepsia), bloating or even changes in the intestinal work.

The diagnosis is usually done by the doctor after analyzes and tests allow you to detect any particular cause of the stomach state and understand why it hurts. In most cases, the stomach may be sick as a result of problems with the nervous system or anxiety.

Types of pathology

Depending on which symptom prevails, the following forms of illness are distinguished:

Pain in the intestine on the nervous soil

It is interesting to find out if the stomach can be hurting from nerves? At the first manifestations of discomfort, many people begin to take various drugs that are able to worsen the state of health. With strong mental overexcitation, spasm of vessels occurs and the bloodstream of the gastrointestinal mucous membrane decreases.

Over time, the surface changes. The first manifestations of gastritis may appear. The gradually mucous stratum of the stomach ceases to function normally, and various diseases are developing (gastritis, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and 12 pans).

Also, inflammation also affects other organs of the digestive tract. There is soreness in the epigastric area, which is periodic or permanent. The inflammation of the gastric and intestine mucosa may appear even with normal power, the right and healthy lifestyle.

At the initial stage of damage to the BCT organs, the following symptoms appear:

  • abdominal pain in different areas (depending on the location of inflammation);
  • nausea and urge to vomiting;
  • open with air having an unpleasant smell;
  • meteorism and bloating;
  • heartburn, feeling of crowded stomach;
  • feeling lump in throat;
  • the rapid heartbeat leading to Tachycardia.

If your abdominal bloating is almost constant. When pulling and pressing it hurt below. Chair irregular, flatulence. If you are tested with the slightest overeating, then you may not have a disease, but a condition called an irritable bowel syndrome. For life, health - there is no threat, but the quality of life is significantly reduced.

An irritable bowel syndrome (CRC) is, first of all, an overly sensitive intent, which is painfully reacting to the most common life situations, such as breakfast, fees to work, the upcoming date, not to mention such events as a festive dinner, a challenge to the boss, Quarrel with loved ones.

The main differences between the SRC from other bowel disease and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract is the absence of a so-called substrate disease. What does it mean? For example, with ulcerative disease, there is a defect of the stomach mucosa or duodenum - an ulcer, which causes characteristic complaints.

An irritable bowel syndrome is mainly a psychosomatic disease. Most often, the CPC occurs as a result of suppressing negative emotions, which, not finding an adequate exit, increase the excitability of the autonomic nervous system and manifest themselves as bodily symptoms. For the same reason, a frequent satellite of irritable intestinal syndrome is a vegan dystonia.

Under the influence of psychological stress or chronic psychotrambulating situation, significantly less often - intestinal infection, in some people, the intestine becomes excessively sensitive. At the same time, the threshold of perception of pain decreases, and the intensity of the perception of pain becomes not an adequate incentive to its incentive.

Pain impulses from the intestine come to the brain. Since the brain receives an excessively strong impulse, the response signal directed to the intestine is also redundant. In response to the resulting strong pulse, there is a violation of the intestinal activity of the intestine, which is sick with an irritable intestinal syndrome as pain in the stomach, bloating, diarrhea or constipation.

Another of the leading causes of irritable intestinal syndrome is the change in the thoracic and lumbar spine (scoliosis or osteochondrosis), where the vegetative ganglia is located regulating the intestinal work.

Treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome complex. The diet is not needed, normal rational nutrition is necessary. Dynamic loads are required - targeted walking for 40 minutes per day.

When reinforcing pain - Duspatolin or Dicitel - 3 weeks

When swolling - Espumizan

It is very desirable antidepressants (a doctor appoints) or treatment at the psychotherapist.

Everyone knows that "on the nervous soil" is possible a variety of discomfort in the abdomen. Hence the expression "Heart in the heel". In fact, this means that the unpleasant feeling that began in the field of the heart is gradually moving into the abdominal cavity, causing a feeling of "fading" there.

But can be really pain in the stomach on the nervous soil? It turns out maybe.

Is it worth the existence of "phantom" pain? A person has long been amputated by a knee leg, but he clearly feels pain in the Mizior. In science, the appearance of stigmatics on the palms and feet in the religious devotees of the past, sincerely empathizing the religious plot of the crucifixion. Therefore, the functional pain in the stomach is possible. The main thing is the ability to distinguish it from the catastrophe in the abdominal cavity at which the urgent operation is needed.

It is known that the internal organs are innervated by the vegetative nervous system. She has significant differences from the somatic system: it does not obey our will, and working autonomously. And the painfulness of this system generates not such bright and specific, but stupid, spilled and poorly localized.

For example, if you have stuck your finger or leg, you can accurately show the place where the pain is most stronger. And if there is a pain from the passage of a stone on a ureter, then, despite the clear position of the stone at every moment of time, the pain will be spilled. Blurry localization - this is what distinguishes vegetative pain.

Pain in the stomach "from the nerves" first of all, happen from the violation of the function of this very autonomic nervous system. After all, tunnel syndromes and infringement of nerves in the abdominal cavity cannot be: there are no dense cartilage and bone formations, powerful ligaments in which the compression of long nerves may be subjected. On the contrary, in the abdominal cavity everything is perfectly "lubricated", and the guts are suspended on the mesenters.

Perhaps the only exception in which the nerves of the abdominal cavity are infringed - this is hernia, but the mesentery is quite rarely infringed with the hernial gate. The second situation is to twist the mesentery with the occurrence of gangremen intestinal loops, intestinal obstruction and development of peritonitis.

But in this situation, the mesentery with a circulatory impaired mesenter was directly caused, and the corresponding neurological disorders were a secondary consequence of acute ischemia, and they should not be considered.

Most often, the cause of abdominal pain from nerves is a vegan dystonia. Disruption of the balance between the sympathetic (stress) and parasympathetic (trophic) department of the vegetative nervous system leads to different states. For example, to hyperhydrosis, an increase in blood pressure, lethargy, the feeling of heat.

One of these abdominal (abdominal) manifestations of a vegetative dystonia is an irritable intestine syndrome, which is manifested by an attack of diarrhea. In this case, it is possible to appear pain in the stomach functional, or nervous nature.

It is known that in his life, every fifth person suffers such a disorder, in cities this indicator is significantly higher. The reason other than vegetative disorders lies in the acceleration of the passage of food by intestines, as well as a functional impairment nervous regulation Peristaltics, which is reversible.

This is due to the occurrence of conditionaloreflector ties between upper department Gastrointestinal tract and a large intestine. Efficiency of the "Rady Stomach" receptors by mistake are taken for a crowded intestine.

Fortunately, this process continues short time. Such errors of the nervous system occur, for example, during recovery from pneumonia, severe infectious diseases. At this time, the body is still weakened. The nervous system is also weakened. This condition is called asthenovegetative syndrome.

Often patients hurt the stomach from nerves. They, not trying to figure out the root cause of illness, consume the first drugs. Scientists have proven that people who regularly experiencing stress complain about the discomfort in the stomach three times more often. Additional signs may be observed in the form of nausea and vomiting.

Pain in the stomach can occur from nerves

Find out whether the stomach is rooting on the nervous soil. With a uncomfortable feeling in the stomach, people take a lot of medicines that can only worsen the condition. In psycho-emotional overexcpension, blood flow in the mucous layers is reduced. The surface of the digestive body changes.

The mucous membrane of the stomach gradually ceases to function normally. Arises pain syndrome. Discomfort can be permanent or periodic. The gastrointestinal diseases begin to develop due to the damage present.

Symptoms and causes of intestinal neurosis. Diagnosis and treatment of neurosis

The listed symptoms of the intestine neurosis are also found with other diseases (tumors, inflammation, erosion, diverticulosis, etc.) and are not strictly specific. The diagnosis can be suspected when a person has a series of symptoms, which correspond to diagnostic criteria (Roman criteria).

Diagnostic criteria include repetitive abdominal pains or discomfort in the abdomen of at least 3 days a month over the past 3 months, which are combined with the following signs:

  • well-being improved after the act of defecation;
  • the delay or participation of the chair provokes the beginning of pain syndrome;
  • the beginning of pain syndrome is associated with changing the consistency of the chair.

Abdominal pains must be combined at least two signs:

  • chair with a frequency less than three times a week or more often three times a day;
  • the chair is solid or bobuminous (sheep) or a liquefied, watery character;
  • long-term outline during the act of defecation;
  • excretion of mucus with the feces during the intestinal emptying;
  • the feeling of bloating, overflow in the abdomen or incomplete emptying of the intestine after the defecation.

To make the diagnosis and exclusion of tumors, inflammatory processes, acute intestinal infections are carried out by a mandatory diagnostic minimum:

More than a billion people in the world suffers from manifestations of irritable intestinal syndrome (CRK) or intestinal neurosis. According to statistical data, residents of developed countries and citizens are more often susceptible to the disease, which can be explained with both greater availability of medical care and the tendency to more closely analyze their health.

This condition is called a biopsychosocial disease, emphasizing its psychosomatic nature. The direct relationship of transferred stressful situations and the formation of the SRC has been proven. It can be both a single traumatic situations in the distant past or within a few months before the onset of the disease and extended events, aggravating bowel neurosis.

The symptoms occur more often in people with other impaired functions of the autonomic nervous system, in particular with vegetative dystonia (VDC). An important role is played and personal features Patient - increased sensitivity, leaning to experiences. There is a hypothesis and a genetic predisposition to the SRC, but at the moment there is no reliable evidence of its existence.

The influence of the diet on the development of intestinal neurosis is also not excluded - abuse of coffee, alcohol, chocolate, excessively abundant or unusual food can help occur, and will certainly contribute to aggravation, SRC symptoms. The infectious intestinal neurosis theory is being developed.

The main difference between the intestinal neurosis from other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - the absence of an obvious morphological substrate of the disease. For example, with colitis there is an inflamed mucous membrane of a large intestine, with a bricken-sized disease - stones in bile bubble. With the neurosis of the intestine, it is not possible to detect any characteristic changes. Therefore, the SRC is often a diagnosis of exception when, with an in-depth examination, it is not possible to find pathological changes.

The combination of the stressful situation and the disturbed functions of the nervous system leads to an increase in the intestinal sensitivity. Also, in stress, the peristalistic is often strengthened or accelerated. The combination of high sensitivity and more active peristaltics is perceived as a pronounced pain stimulus.

The brain receives excessive signals from the intestine and, respectively, the response signal is also redundant. As a result, the intestinal motor activity is disturbed, the excretion of enzymes is enhanced or decreases. Thus, a closed circle occurs - excess pulses from the intestine cause too much a response that affects the state of the intestine, causing even stronger signals.

Due to the psychosomatic nature of the disease, SRC symptoms are extremely diverse. Traditionally, they are divided into three main groups - stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea), abdominal pain and increased gas formationwhich are simultaneously the main signs of intestinal neurosis. Attempts to unify the diagnostic signs of intestinal neurosis led to the development of Roman criteria II (1999.

  • Meteorism and bloating;
  • Various violations of the defecation process (the presence of urgent urges, the need for long-term outrelary, sense of insufficient intestinal emptying);
  • Presence of constipation (chair less than 1 time in 2 days) or diarrhea (more often 3 times a day);
  • Abnormal consistency of Cala.

In 2006, in Roman consensus III, these criteria were modified: a time frame was reduced, now the diagnosis of intestinal neurosis can be exposed if the symptoms listed above are at least 3 days in a month within 6 months. The concept of nonspecific CRC is also added - now this diagnosis can be exhibited even in the absence of classical symptoms.

Other characteristic intestinal neurosis symptoms (abdominal pain and meteorism) also have characteristic features. The pain syndrome can significantly differ in force (from minor discomfort to intense parietal pain) and localization (often at the bottom of the abdomen, but it can be marked in any of its department).

Often pain appears or enhanced after meals. Very characteristic is the absence of pain in a dream. The patient never wakes up due to pain, but they may appear even at night if the dream was interrupted. The meteorism at CRC is often very pronounced, causes significant discomfort, because of which the patient is forced to give up visiting mass events, wearing clothes with a belt.

Chair in neurosis of the intestine also has characteristic signs. When constipation, cavalous masses consist of separate small glued pieces (sheep) or a long narrow tape (a pencil of a pencil). It is often found and a chair in the form of "traffic jams", while at the beginning of the act of defecation, the chair is more dense and diluted to an end.

Diarrhea in patients with neurosis of the intestine occurs more often in the morning in the form of repeated defectors of a small amount, often with an admixture of mucus. Other pathological impurities (blood, rose) are absent in the feces. In addition, there are conditions accompanying bowel neurosis. Their symptoms are as follows: heartbeat, sweating, headaches, sleep disorders, gynecological problems in women.

Diagnosis of SRK

The diagnosis of intestinal neurosis, as mentioned above is the diagnosis of exception. For its formulation, a full-fledged examination is necessary, which includes:

  • Clinical blood test;
  • Microscopic Cala's Research;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Endoscopic stomach study.

In the presence of threatening symptoms (changes in blood analysis, the presence of pain in the night hours, a blood flow in feces, the presence of intestinal cancer in relatives, age over 45 years old) This list of studies can be expanded.

Therapy of the disease is complex and includes both the treatment of gastroenterological manifestations and the correction of the psychological status accompanying the bowel neurosis. Treatment is primarily based on regime: compliance with diet and frequency of food receptions, compliance with the recommendations of the psychologist to reduce stressful influences, an increase in physical activity.

Diet with CRC includes a large number of foods containing food fibers. Food mode - fractional, small portions of 5 - 6 receptions. Very effective in the treatment of intestinal neurosis, psychological methods and psychotropic drugs. The inclusion of them in the treatment regimen significantly increases its efficiency and speeds up recovery.

Of course, traditional medical preparations are used. Due to the fact that the most common complaint is pain syndrome, more often used antispasmodics. Highly efficient all their groups. Mullropic spasmolitics, in particular duspedoline, possess the maximum effect at a minimum of side effects.

With diarrhea, Loperamide (IMODIUM) has proven well. The constipation is most often possible to adjust with the help of a diet, if necessary, it is possible to appoint lactulose preparations. Also used auxiliary drugs. Probiotics in order to normalize microflora, enzymatic preparations (festal, mesim) to increase the release of bile acids and normalization of peristalsis, as well as other symptomatic means. Non-drug methods are effective - physiotherapy, reflexology, therapeutic physical education.


In neurosis of the intestine is favorable. This state does not switch to heavier organic lesions of the gastrointestinal organs, does not have a tendency to be reincarnated in malignant neoplasms and successfully succumbed.

Possible causes of pathological condition

There are a lot of factors that can provoke pain syndrome, nausea and vomiting in humans. The main ones are pathogenic microorganisms, but there are also psycho-emotional reasons: anxiety, stress and severe anxiety can lead to a decrease in the body's protective force.

As a result, the body's resistance decreases sharply and the chance of ill is increasing several times. Hence the pain of different character, giving in the stomach. The following are the factors leading to the appearance of discomfort.

Many factors can lead to a nauseous state or painful sensations affecting the stomach (when it hurts regularly and the pain does not stop for a long time).

Viruses and bacteria are the main physical reasons for pain, nausea and vomiting. Nevertheless, it is emotions that, especially anxiety, stress and excitement, can help reduce immunity, weaken the organism and lead to negative consequences in the form of infectious diseases and frequent pain in the stomach.

Among the causal factors of this type are worth it:

  1. Social anxiety. Every person she may arise in certain situations. It can be like a trip to a party where there are no familiar people and the first day at school or on a new job, forcing people to worry.
  2. Stress or fear. It is possible to attribute banal things to this factor: the commissioning of the next mortgage payment for the apartment, entering the university or hooligan, who met on the street.
  3. Overexcitation. This is the most frequent factor for stomach disorder. Thoughts about a grand large wedding, graduation day or long-awaited vacation can cause an elevated level of excitement and, as a result, it leads to abdominal pain (while the stomach may be sick for a long period).

The human digestive system and processes inside it can suffer greatly from changes in emotions and condition, such as stress, anxiety, depression and other disorders on the nervous soil.

Mental state also affects the physiological state. Some doctors believe that when a person receives a "portion" of stress, an excess of distinguished acid in the stomach causes irritation to its mucous membrane, leading to the appearance of symptoms imitating heartburn.

The condition known as the irritable bowel syndrome, in combination with stress and anxiety, as well as a broken nervous system, can additionally cause nervous pain in the stomach. In children, it often appears as a result of mockery from peers and pressure teachers about the time of the educational process and testing tests.

Chronic overvoltage on the nervous soil is also able to cause and exacerbate the stomach ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

According to recent studies, people tend to worry about issues such as health, money or career all the time (i.e., on an ongoing basis), which leads to the irritable intestinal syndrome, while the state goes into a chronic form and exacerbates .

General stomach neurosis symptoms consist of:

  • diarins;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • separation of mucus or blood in the chair;
  • chronic stomach pain (the stomach can be sick in waves).
  1. Ulcers.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Regurgitation (acid reflux, irritating stomach).
  5. Heartburn.
  6. Abdominal completeness.
  7. Pumping after meals.
  8. Discomfort or stomach pain when the latter often hurts intensively.
  9. Ottage and meteorism.

At times, the overeating or use of any products causing additionally allergies can also lead to the above symptoms.

Most of the symptoms are lasting for several days, however, when they become commonplace, they are able to cause a number of complications that can easily disrupt the familiar life of a person.

Prevention of psychogenic pain

Pain in the stomach due to nerves and stress can be treated with medicines and some changes in lifestyle. Depending on the diagnosis and severity of the flow, the attending physician can prescribe psychotropic drugs, anti-nausea or diarrhea or constipation drugs.

For those who suffer from anxiety on the nervous soil and the "nervous stomach" (when it hurts, due to stress) specifically prescribe certain types of antidepressants.

Antacids can also be prescribed to help alleviate pain in the stomach due to a decrease in the bloating, the secretion of acid and gas.

In addition to these drugs, herbal medicines also help in reducing the problems of the stomach disorder. Herbs, such as peppermint, ginger, chamomile, etc., have winder properties that prevent gas formation in digestive tract. They are lungs and can help relieve common gastrointestinal problems.

Valerian, Kotovnik, Estragon, Dyagil, Fennel, Anis, etc., are herbs that can not only relax a person during overstrain, but also to save it from the stomach disorder.

Regular exercise and proper nutrition are also able to support the mind and body in a healthy state. Practice of meditation and deep respiratory techniques, such as pranayama, have healing propertiesif applied on a regular basis.

Stress, anxiety and depression definitely contribute to the appearance of pain in the stomach (it often hurts and worries a person). In most cases, the abdominal pain is temporary, however, when it goes into a chronic form, this suggests that it is urgent to apply to a medical institution to a specialist.

People who feel abdominal pain due to nerves, as a rule, observe its manifestations in one part of the abdomen (with the left or on the right side). The pain tends to be so serious that a person sometimes is simply difficult to walk.

In case the patient suffers from pain in the stomach due to nerves, he must take appropriate measures to relax and learn how to enjoy life without nerves.

There are some very simple methods that can be used to get rid of problems with the nervous system leading to abdominal pain.

Ginger (or ginger root) is very popular to calm the stomach and reduce the probability of irritation of its mucous membrane. It is great for help with digestive problems and to remove cramps.

It is also an anti-virus agent, which means that it is able to help cope with cold or influenza.

If a person is unpleasant to a strong taste of ginger, you can eat it in a raw form or add some sugar to him. It is also possible to turn the ginger in tea: you only need to add grated ginger in a small amount in hot water, it must draw it in it for several minutes, then you can drink it.

You can use both fresh leaves of mint, and put them in the water for a while and then drink such a tincture.

Alternatively, there is an opportunity to make tea from mint leaves. If there is no leaves of this plant at hand, you can buy mint tea in bags at any grocery store.

This is a very popular look of tea and it is very easy to find. It is enough just to boil the water and pour the mint leaves with steep boiling water for 3-5 minutes, and then drink.

In addition, almost every person has a food soda in his house: this is a popular product with hundreds of use. Instead of buying dubious medications For the treatment of gastric colic, you can simply use the food soda that is available in all.

Soda is an ordinary sodium bicarbonate, it works like antacid tablets, which reduce symptoms of many common diseases, such as stomach disorder, heartburn, nausea and stress pain.

It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of food soda with warm water and drink a mixture to facilitate the state.

Rice also remarkably helps to cure disorder and pain in the stomach, especially if the abdominal pain is accompanied by diarrhea and were caused by nervousness. Rice is a light and gentle product that has a high fiber content.

It is also ideal for absorbing the fluid, so it can help cure diarrhea and harden the chair. This product absorbs any toxins in the stomach that provoke the appearance of pain in it.

It is also desirable to practice certain breathing exercises to help calm the nerves. This can be done by closing the eye and slowing the breath. You need to delay your breath, considering mentally up to five, and then slowly breathe air.

This exercise can be done about ten times to help slow down the rapid heartbeat.

In addition, it will help calm down anyone after chaotic and tense day. You can make these breathing exercises anywhere and at any time to calm down and quickly remove stress.

In any case, as soon as the symptoms of pain on the nervous soil arise, it is not necessary to panic and take all the medicines in a row, you need to consult with a doctor who will tell you why pain in the stomach arose and how to cope with them.

It is also necessary to practice a healthy lifestyle and, if necessary, add certain changes to it. On the nervous soil you do not need to live, you need to live on optimistic!

Obviously, the main prevention of psychogenic pain should begin long before birth, when the mother shears the fruit. If the conditions for a pregnant woman are adaptive and favorable, the kid has an adequate nervous system, and the lifestyle prevention is a positive family environment and reasonable upbringing.

Almost all factors provoking psychogeneity belong to the period of childhood. Of course, the neurotic component of psychogenic pain can be adjusted at the stage of adult, and in a mature age, but these processes are difficult to pass, it is very long and accompanied by certain resistance from the patient, aspiring to preserve their unconscious secondary benefits.

The prevention of psychogenic pain can also be concluded in simple rules that are familiar to many, but few of them adhere to:

  • Compliance with the norms and principles of a healthy lifestyle, refusal to harmful habits.
  • Motor activity, sports, fitness, gymnastics.
  • Study and regular use in practice of relaxation techniques, mental unloading, anti-stress receptions.
  • Timely appeal to the doctor in signs of malaise, the habit of undergoing regular dispensary surveys.

If a person will keep a positive look at his surrounding reality, learn to competently respond to changing circumstances and express its emotions of the feeling, then the saying "all diseases from the nerves" will not have the slightest relationship.

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kiev National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "Therapeutic business"

  • balanced nutrition in the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • compliance with the power mode;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory processes in the intestine;
  • timely detection of hidden anxious depressive diseases;
  • adequate physical activity during the day;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Psychogenic abdominal pain

The discomfort in the abdomen may occur after overeating or poisoning, as a result of infection with intestinal infections or bacterium, which settles in the stomach and leads to the destruction of its wall, or due to the failure of the internal organs.

Regardless of the cause of dysfunction, a person always feels pain syndrome. It is he who makes it clear that there was a failure in the wellland system. According to the nature of pain, its intensity and localization, it can be assumed the reason for its occurrence. But sometimes the irradiants or wandering abdominal pain appear, which complicates the diagnosis.

To understand what treatment is necessary, you need to figure out how the stomach hurts and where it hurts. In the abdominal cavity there is a stomach, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder. The pathological processes occurring in the peritoneum can cause pain of different intensity and duration.

Thus, a long-term noving or stupid pain, the intensity of which varies depending on the position of the body, may be due to the disorder of the intestinal operation, which leads to the delay in the roam masses and the accumulation of gas.

In this case, the emptying of the intestine will help to eliminate pain. To help yourself, you need to take a laxative, change the diet, adding more fiber and fermented fiber to it. A continuous sharp, burning or cutting pain occurs if inflammation develops in the stomach. It may be a gastric or duodenal ulcer, a biliary disease, pancreatitis.

The painful feelings that appeared at the bottom of the epigastria, and giving to the crotch, accompanied by weakness, indicate the presence of gynecological problems in women or the intestinal disease in men.

If it hurts in the upper part of the abdomen, it may indicate pathological processes in the liver, anguil bubble, pancreas, spleen. Pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of appendicitis, poisoning or gynecological disease.

In order for the doctor to be able to assume what kind of disease in the patient and send it to the passage of the necessary analyzes and research confirming or refuting his guess, the patient must accurately describe what type of pain appeared in the abdomen, where it arises and how long it is already worried.

But sometimes the exact localization of pain is quite difficult to understand, since it can move and arise to the left, on the right. As a rule, such a wandering pain speaks of the dysfunction of one body, and not neighboring.

In most cases, it hurts in the area where the body is located, whose work is broken. But it happens that the pain gives completely different place. In this case, the pain is called irradia. For example, the liver does not have nerve endings, respectively, it cannot be sick.

The discomfort in the patient appears when the sizes of the organ as a result of inflammation are significantly increased, and it begins to put pressure on the adjacent anatomical areas. Another example, the patient complains of severe abdominal pain on the left and from above, and the study show that the function of the right lung is broken.

Causes of wandering abdominal pain:

  • shingles;
  • diarrhea;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • blockage of ureter stone;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammation of small pelvis organs (cyst, ovarian tumor, uterus).

Acute appendicitis begins with a wandering pain, then a few hours later, it is already localized in a certain area, namely in the right upper part of the abdomen under the ribs. With inflammation of the heart-shaped process, the patient takes a forced position of the body, as it facilitates the state. One of the signs of appendicitis is that the pain is poketed if the patient lies on the right side, and on the contrary, it increases, if lies on the left.

If the belly hurts on the left and at the same time gives to the lower back, while there are problems with urination, the swelling and bags under the eyes appeared, then this is a sign of the disease of the excretory system, mainly kidneys. If in the left side hurts in the hypochondrium or in the iliac bone, then the cause in the wandering kidney. The peculiarity of the disease is that the pain passes in the lying position.

A wandering pain that spreads from the lower back of the abdomen may be a sign of the disease of the bladder or urolithiasis. With urolithiasis in any organ of the urinary system, a stone may be formed. These stones are able to migrate into the underlying organs.

For example, a stone from the kidneys can come down into the ureters, the bladder, the urethra. In the blockage of the ureter, an approached pain that increases with active movement occurs, an increase in body temperature is observed. The pain in the renal colic can be given to the lower back, low part Belly, inguinal region.

Diarrhea can begin for various reasons. They can be relatively harmless (for example, overeating, consuming too fat food), and be the result of serious poisoning. In diarrhea, the motor function is enhanced, which leads to accelerated intestinal emptying.

It is dangerous by this symptom in that the body dehydration occurs and the necessary substances do not come into the blood. A diarrhea is particularly dangerous, in which the wandering pain in the stomach is noted, this may be a sign of violation of the structure of the intestinal mucosa.

Shingle is a deck is an infection that affects the central nervous system. Its symptoms is to increase body temperature, rash in the form of bubbles that appear around the perimeter of the affected nerve. The patient feels a strong itching and raising in place of defeat.

Pain can wear different character. It can be permanent, patients describe it as a strong burning, or allood, when burning, sharp pain appears when affected by the affected nerve.

Painfulness in the stomach without clear localization may appear on the nervous soil. The pain does not occur in the field of a particular organ, it is rather "spilled" throughout the abdomen. She is not acute. At the same time, there may be a violation of the chair and imperative calling for defecation.

The wandering pain in the field of navel is a sign of an irritable intestine syndrome. In this case, the patient is also observed, the rumbling in the abdomen, diarrhea, replacing constipation. If the patient is worried about a wandering abdominal pain, the doctor will appoint a comprehensive examination.

It will be necessary to pass urine, blood and feces. At their foundation, the doctor will be able to judge the work of the excretory and digestive system. The necessary hardware studies will also be assigned to detect the causes of the work failure and the appearance of wandering abdominal pain.

You should not solve the problem independently if the abdominal pain is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort for a long time does not pass or intensity increases;
  • body temperature increases;
  • blood is noticeable in the cartoons;
  • pulse is rapidly;
  • if discomfort arose after injury;
  • if the urine of an unusual color or blood appeared in it;
  • there was a dark color vomiting.

Before the arrival of the doctor you need to ensure complete peace. If there is a suspicion of appendicitis, it is not recommended to give an anesthetic, as this may affect the objectivity of tests confirming the inflammation of a heart-shaped process. If the symptoms are not like appendicitis, then an antispasmodic preparation can be enjoyed to remove the pain syndrome (but-pieces, papaverine).

Without the permission of a doctor, in severe pain in the stomach you can not drink and eat, make laxatives or to do enemas. It is forbidden to warm the abdomen, because if the reason in the bacterial infection, it will contribute to its development.

If a wandering abdominal pain appeared, then you should not deal with self-medication, you need to immediately consult a doctor common practice. After the study, he will find out in which agency failed and will send to a highly specialized specialist, for example, a urologist, a gynecologist, a hepatologist, a gastroenterologist.

Abdominal neurotic pain or abdomalgia is most often diagnosed in patients with a demonstrative type of personality. Psychoic abdominal pain is manifested by spasms, colic, SRK (irritable intestinal syndrome). Also typical for ablomalgia cardiosphazms, chronic vomiting. Psychodic abdominal pain is often diagnosed in patients with anorexia, for whom pain is a reason and argument of refusal of food.

Among the factors provoking psychogenic abdominal pain, psychotrames are leading, most often obtained in early childhood. Over time, the child gets used to demonstratively to attract attention to his personality in this way, an adult has already unconsciously reacts to the stomach pain on social conflicts, problems in the team, family.

Diagnosis of abomomalgia, in contrast to psychogenic headaches, is more simple, since the absence of organic pathologies is determined pretty quickly and clearly with the help of ultrasound, FGDS and laboratory studies.

Message from mamucho666A What do you eat in the morning?

I sometimes happen to eat apples in the morning on an empty stomach, so writing gone. True helps if at least eat something.

In general, I prefer to drink milk or yogurt in the morning there is a dairy.

So feel better. It's not, of course, I will not be bad if I am both sandwiches or something else. But the dairy in the morning still goes better and after running to chew somehow reluctance.

I eat somewhere at 10 o'clock and always tight salad, a chicken with buckwheat or oatmeal, and so

Spasms in the intestine

Spasms - involuntary cuts (compression) muscles - often appear cyclically, i.e. lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes, after which they calm and repeated again after a while. Spasms can be in various organs, while the symptoms are somewhat different.

One of the most painful spasms is a spasm in a smooth intestinal musculature. And although more often such spasms are short-term and do not carry much danger, it is impossible to leave them without attention. Permanent, intestinal recurrent spasms may indicate enough serious pathologies, therefore are a signal to urgent visits to the gastroenterologist.

How do intestinal spasms manifest?

Intestinal spasms are primarily expressed suddenly appearing or bolts In the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen wearing an attacking character. Other symptoms are:

  • feeling of bloating and gravity in the stomach;
  • frequent urge to empty the intestines;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

The appearance of listed symptoms is due to the fact that intestinal spasms often provoke disorders of the motor and contractile functions of the digestive system. The discsority of the muscles in the spasme leads to a delay and stagnation of the contents of Tolstoy and thin gut. The appearance of pain is explained by the fact that the intestinal wall contains many receptors, which, with different dysfunctions, send signals to the brain.

The modern world brings people more and more stresses reflected in the end on the health of the body. The situation when psychological factors affect the emergence of physiological disorders has become quite ordinary today. Nervous endings are located in all tissues: muscle, connective, epithelial. And since there are very many in the gastrointestinal tract in the system, it is extremely sensitive to the influence of external and internal factors. Therefore, there are different forms of the disease, including neurosis of the stomach and intestines. To figure out how neurosis of the stomach is manifested, we turn to the deep consideration of the topic "Neurosis of the stomach symptoms and treatment".

Prank neurosis

A peculiarity of the gastrointestinal tract is the location of a large number of nerve endings. Strong stress, depression, fright through emissions of stress hormones often leads to their strong irritation and failure in the work of the entire digestive system. Calculating the extension of the will is impossible to control the effort. Sometimes it is complemented by an irritable bowel syndrome.
The disorder most often occurs in children, women up to 40 years old before important or causing fear events immediately after stress or has a deferred effect. In the latter case, the disturbing moments could occur in the past or accumulated small portions gradually. However, at some point in time, under the influence of concerns, the events managed to manifest.

Pathology in its external manifestations does not differ from diseases caused by organic reasons. However, the diagnostics does not allow to see any anatomical disorders.

Effective therapy

If the neurosis of the stomach is in the running stage, then there is a risk of infection of intestinal diseases, which over time acquire a chronic form. Therefore, as soon as you noticed the first symptoms of the disease, do not sit and do not expect that everything will go through, but head to the doctor on the reception. The neurosis launched shape will lead to the aggravation of the state and can cause a whole bouquet of heavy complications.

Neprise treatment includes a set of activities that are aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease and all unpleasant manifestations. After visiting such specialists as a neurologist, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist can be made by an effective scheme of therapeutic measures. Complex treatment of the disease includes:

  1. Reception of psychotropic medicines - tranquilizers. Their sales are carried out strictly by recipe.
  2. Treatment with the help of a psychotherapeutic course, which will solve the conflict situation.
  3. Physiotherapy, including massage, baths and appliqués. Such treatment is aimed at normalizing processes in the nervous system.
  4. Conventional preventive actions, involving therapeutic manipulations, vitaminotherapy, resort treatment.
  5. Fitotherapy is based on ragners, tinctures. But only the attending physician should pick up such therapy.

In addition to the presented events, the patient must relax more often and be in the fresh air. Therefore, attempt to bring recreation and work to normal. Your night sleep should last at least 6 hours.

Rational nutrition is an important condition for successful recovery. Thanks to the correctly composed diet, it will be possible to eliminate abdominal pain in neurosis. It is compiled taking into account such features of the body as the presence of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract in chronic form, the level of acidity of the stomach.

Such treatment involves the use of only natural products (nuts, dried fruits) that have a positive effect on the mental state of a person. Refuse will have to meat and fried dishes. The basis of nutrition should be vegetables, fruits in fresh or boiled form.

Types of neurosis

The presenter of symptoms allows you to highlight the neurosis of the stomach of several species. Pathology can manifest itself strong heartburn. She arises constantly. It is not possible to remove drugs and diet food.

Disorder is accompanied by aerophage. A distinctive feature of this type of distance is the constant belching. She comes out with loud sounds, scream. It occurs due to involuntary ingestion of air. Additionally, man annoys meteorism.

Intestinal neurosis is manifested by stool disorders. Often accompanied by diarrhea. Without any objective reason, the liquid chair appears up to four times a day. It occurs mainly in the morning. On the contrary, with a decrease in acidity, constipation appear, poor appetite, frequent abdominal pain. There is such a disorder in different ways. Sometimes constipation is replaced by diarrhea. In other cases, the chair is regular, but even after a defecation, the feeling arises that there are still cavities in the intestines.

Gastronurosis manifests itself and disorders of appetite. With anorexic form, a person is disgusted with all dishes, even beloved. Prolonged neurosis of this species leads to death.

Sometimes the disorder is characterized by an increased appetite. The patient is experiencing constant hunger. He eats a lot, but the dietary masses immediately come out with vomiting. It occurs involuntarily, not accompanied by pain and nausea.

Separate forms of the disease

Under the individual forms of neurosis, it is implied by its most severe and pronounced symptoms and manifestations. They are developing on the basis of the main disease and additional factors (neuralgia / nervousness / regulation of the device of human nerves / the presence of infectious and bacterial diseases (colds, inflammation of the gastrointestinal organs):

  • Nervous vomiting. It comes after each food intake. A feature is the absolute lack of nausea, pain, discomfort (considered one of the manifestations of neuralgia).
  • Aerophagia. Loud belching arising on the soil of swallowing a large amount of air inside the organism. This process may be accompanied by a cry, specific loud sound. Aerofagia is characterized by improper ingestion. In some cases, the patient can boil than and provokes an attack of Aerophagia. Perhaps psychotherapeutic treatment of aerophagia (explanation of the possibility and need to suppress exemption).
  • Development of bulimia or anorexia on the basis of changes in appetite.
  • Nervous heartburn. Differs in durability and resistance. Heartburn does not pass even when switching to proper nutrition and adherence to a special diet.

The reasons

The intestinal neurosis is more often manifested in vulnerable, weakened diseases, fatigue and experiences of people. However, he often attacks a completely healthy person who is accustomed to send his alarms and anxiety into the depths of consciousness.

The mechanism of the occurrence of pathology is associated with the enhanced excretion of cortisol and adrenaline in situations that are perceived as stressful or are indeed those. Stress hormones have impact on nervus vagus, under the influence of which the gastric juice is produced in small quantities or, on the contrary, too large. This leads to a violation of the digestion of the dietary masses, the appearance of an ulcer, a stool disorder.

The causes of neurosis can be divided into several groups:

  1. Mental. Irritability, psychological injuries, increased anxiety, internal conflicts, constant anxiety, behaves. Increases the likelihood of the appearance of violations of hypersensity and constant dissatisfaction with itself.
  2. Nutrition. This group of reasons include frequent use of sharp, fatty dishes, overeating or, on the contrary, malnutrition, lack of fluid. Appearance neurotic disorders Rare abundant food, taking too cold or hot meal. Adults are alcohol consumption.
  3. Pathology gasts. Inxication, infectious and inflammatory diseases, endocrine diseases.
  4. Voltage. Cause constant stress pathology, chronic fatigue, mad rhythm of life, mental and physical fatigue, lack of sleep.

Preventive measures

The patient can avoid recurrence of the disease, following such preventive actions:

  • In a timely manner to contact the doctor, if the abdominal cavity hurts, problems arise with the general condition of the body, psychological regulation.
  • Pay attention to the psycho-emotional component of health. It should be treated with nervousness / neuralgia / track, whether the patient is nervous in everyday life, identify the features of its condition.
  • Learn self-control. When a psychological tension appears in the patient, he wants to recover and throw out anger, one should choose an alternative relaxation method (medicines, sports, hobbies and so on).
  • Take medication prescribed by the attending physician. Prescribe soothing drugs based on medical herbs (If the patient is nervous). Possible reception of brazers from mint, mother-in-law, valerian, rosemary. Medications should be taken in the event of a disease with colds and other infectious diseases that can be used in parallel with calm (learn about the compatibility of drugs follows the attending doctor).
  • Conduct more time in the fresh air, to make respiratory gymnastics.
  • Rationalize physical detail (it is recommended to do a daily charge and join one of the sports to choose from).
  • To establish a social connection. If the patient has a bright and rich life, the time "permanent" simply will not remain. It should take the most of the patient's own time, stop nervous, fill life with impressions and loved ones in spirit.


The manifestations of neurosis of the stomach and intestines are quite varied. They are connected mainly with discomfort, painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tract, its dysfunction. There is a rumbling, nausea, belching. The feeling does not disappear that the stomach is filled, the stomach cuts, swells, colitis appears. It is often accompanied by a violation of appetite. A person constantly wants to eat or, on the contrary, experiences disgust for food. In many cases, multiple diarrhea arises, in other patients complains of constipation.

Another group of signs is associated with vegetative disorders. It is tachycardia, frequent urge to urination, headache, pressure jumps. The patient complains of sweating, cold limbs. In some cases, the temperature rises.

The third group of symptoms refer signs of a psychological plan. Anxiety attracts attention, irritability, bad mood, Hypochondria, anxiety. A person suffers from sleep disorder, fears.

Most symptoms are manifested only during the day. At night, they disappear.

The probability of the appearance of neurosis of the stomach in different categories of the population

How dangerous is the appearance of such a few as neurosis of the stomach, due to which further treatment will be required, it can be understood by considering neurosis in the overall understanding of this word. This disease is a neurotic properties disorder, which manifests itself in a person, regardless of gender and age, as well as social status. Negrosis is even in newborn children who have a shock from appearance. At such a moment the child needs to be surrounded by care so that he felt safe. Nevertheless, there are specific risk groups. The first includes persons who are in a certain stage of natural biological development (publity, climax) or persons subject to influence various diseases (Vegeth-vascular dystonia). In the second group there are people whose pathological condition of the psyche is due only to external depressing circumstances or internal unresolved conflicts.

Important: This disease negatively affects the entire body, so it is worth considering their well-being comprehensively, eliminating other manifestations of neurosis, including neurosis of the heart, as its consequences are very negative.


The main goal of all diagnostic measures is to determine the correct diagnosis. The neurosis of the stomach, an irritable intestine syndrome is important to differentiate from gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The patient is prescribed:

  1. Blood tests. The total allows you to detect signs of inflammation, anemia. Biochemistry indicates disorders of metabolic processes.
  2. Study urine. Detects metabolic disorders, inflammatory processes.
  3. Calais analysis. Monitor the presence of hidden blood, remnants of untapped food fibers. Painting is carried out to detect intestinal infections.
  4. Ultrasound internal organs. The study allows you to see the features of the structure of the gastrointestinal tract, its pathology.
  5. Colonoscopy. Detects the pathology of the colon.
  6. RectorOnoscopy. It is assigned to exclude pathologies of the sigmoid and rectum.
  7. Ezophagogastroduodenoscopy. Excludes tumor processes, allows you to see ulcers, manifestations of gastritis, necrosis of fabrics.
  8. MRI, CT. Studies are carried out to obtain a clear picture of anatomical changes.

Diagnostic activities include counseling neuropathologist, psychiatrist and gastroenterologist.

Diagnostic methods

The basis of diagnostics is the detection of the main reasons that contributed to the formation of pathology. For this, the doctor must eliminate the intestinal diseases and other digestive system organs that may have similar symptoms. Only integrated gastroenterological diagnostics will be able to help this issue.

Taking into account available clinical pictureThe differential diagnosis is made with ulcerative disease, glides invasion, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. In the absence of other functional stomach pathologies, the experimental neuropathologist conducts a further examination. He will be able to send a patient for an additional consultation to the psychiatrist. Such events are needed to collect detailed history and develop psychotherapeutic treatment. Its essence is the correction of the psycho-emotional state of the patient.


The results of the diagnosis and symptoms of the neurosis of the stomach determine the treatment, its tactics. Complex therapy is usually carried out, based on the removal of gastrosimptoms and the normalization of psycho-emotional background. Medicinal preparations are used, psychotherapy methods, physiotherapy, folk remedies. The diet plays an important role.


To remove spasms, pain in the stomach is prescribed but-shu. Espumizan, Simetikon help meteorism and blooming. With diarrhea - Loperamide.

In the presence of symptoms of intestinal neurosis and stomach treatment includes enzymes, for example, Creon. Lactulose improves intestinal motor functions.

Medicase treatment includes sedatives. This is a tincture of Valerians, Pans. Conduct therapy with antidepressants - Grandaxin. Vitamins are prescribed.


An important part of the treatment is the use of psychotherapeutic methods. They help to figure out the cause of neuroses, reduce anxiety.

One of the main objectives of their application is to teach a person to cope with stressful situations, establish barriers among themselves and traumatic circumstances.


Folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies Aims to reduce mental stress, removal of anxiety, restoration of normal sleep. It is recommended to use them as a doctor's appointment:

  • It helps to relax the bath from the yarrow (1 tbsp. L.), Wormwood (1 tsp.), Melissa (1 Art. L.) And mint (3 h.). The decoction is boiled for half an hour, filtered and mixed with water. It is recommended to take such a bath every day.
  • Receive required vitamins You can, eat drink vegetable juices or a rose tincture.
  • Crowding will help tea from the oregano. Treat depression - a decoction from the Hypericum.

Diagnosis and methods of treatment of neurosis of the stomach.

In order to have a clear understanding of the "neurosis of the stomach of symptoms and treatment" in the article, it is necessary to understand the process of diagnosing the disease.

Unfortunately, the process of formulation of the diagnosis of neurosis of the stomach includes not just the primary reception to one doctor. In this case, it will have to be guided by the method of exclusion and by visiting the therapist or immediately a narrow-controlled specialist of the gastroenterologist, eliminate all organic causes of the ailment. First of all, it is gastritis, ulcerative disease, response, colitis, infectious diseases. During the formulation of the diagnosis of neurosis, possible cancer of the stomach will be checked. If, after passing the tests and the passage of other examinations, the doctor puts the conclusion that physiological disorders in the work of the stomach is not observed, then the question of the psychological reasons for the occurrence of existing pains is raised. After that, a visit to a neuropathologist or psychiatrist is recommended.

It is worth noting that from the qualification of the first visited physician in this chain and its attentiveness to patients depends. The neurosis of the stomach, as well as the bowels of the intestines and their initial reasons, as we figured out earlier, still lead to a valid violation in the work of the body, which will appear after the survey. Therefore, in these circumstances, the gastroenterologist needs to find out what the nature of the problems found. It is exclusively organic or combined with personal factors. Otherwise, the treatment will be only appointed, in which the prescribed medicine does not affect the neurosis of the stomach or it only smoothes symptoms and solve the problem temporarily. Therefore, it is worth always listening to your feelings and consider the problem versatile.

Perhaps the most difficult case for the diagnosis of the stomach neurosis is the long-term oppression state of the psyche, in which the symptoms appear quite brightly, and the treatment is prolonged.

Reasons for neurosis:

  • Permanent stay in a tense atmosphere
  • Unrealized in any of the spheres
  • Intrapersonal conflicts
  • Disadvantages of basic needs
  • Low self-esteem
  • Hypochondria or mbility
  • Tendency to hysteria or apathy

With long-term concentration, obsessive states occur on the problem. As a result, such psychosomatic cases in the launched versions work as a vicious circle, since the emotional patient's background deteriorates because of his thoughts about a possible terrible disease. By purchasing the form of obsessive states, the experiences provoke the emergence of new physiological manifestations of illness. In this case, pain can enhance or manifest itself in other sites.

When the neurosis of the stomach is diagnosed, the treatment is appointed by drugs with support from physiotherapy procedures, folk remedies and optimization of lifefall. As for medicines, sedatives are discharged with a soft effect working with the nervous system. For example, phenibut and the phenazepam helps with the neurosis of the stomach. Rudotel is also appointed with stomach neurosis. In addition, such drugs are discharged to improve gastric activities, like Motilium, Imodium, etc. As for physiotherapy, it will help to struggle with muscle contractions, which are peculiar to the oppressed state of the nervous system. Such reductions lead to squeezing the nerve endings and further to painful sensations. At the same time, procedures such as exercise, ultrafoforenesis, electrotherapy, darsonvalization, magnetolaser therapy are shown. In addition, drugs can be appointed, suitable precisely for your case of neurosis, solving specific individual problems. For example, due to neurosis, the problem of increased acidity.

In addition, when the question of "neurosis of the stomach symptoms and treatment" stands in front of a person, then there is a desire (including) an independent decision.

The neurosis of the stomach and the treatment of folk remedies is a separate point, worthy of attention. Such treatment methods are directed to work with the nervous system and the removal of inflammation. The recommendation in this case will be the use of tea and decoctions. Soothing teas with chamomile, Melissa, lavender, as well as herbal infusions from Valerian, mother-in-law, oak bark. To eliminate pain you can apply a decoction of flax seeds, which envelops the mucous membrane. In addition, mint and degilla roots have antiseptic and bactericidal properties. And from the symptoms of the overflow of the stomach helps the root of Altea and herb of drying.


The occurrence of any pain in the gastrointestinal tract is the basis for a thorough diagnosis and exclusion of organic lesions. A complex of preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of neurosis of the stomach includes an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, walking.

Anxious thoughts, fears, concern better to try to work immediately or with the help of a psychologist. You shouldn't just forget about them, you should try to understand their reasons, consequences and ways to make it so that they do not appear again.

How to recognize diseases?

Most often recognize the neurosis of the stomach by the exclusion method. When applying for medical care, the patient describes the state of about this: "I am a lot of nervous and, it seems to me, against the background of this, the immunity and development of diseases occurred. I feel unreasoning, like a cold and pain in the abdomen (stomach / intestines), which may be associated with ulcers or inflammation of one of the internal organs. "

After the diagnosis of B. medical center It turns out that the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Then follow tests for determination of psychological and mental states Patient, after which it will be possible to put an affirmative diagnosis. Diagnostics and further therapy are carried out by several doctors: a gastroenterologist, a neuropathologist, a psychologist (or psychotherapist) and the main doctor.

Establishing diagnosis

You can diagnose the disease in several criteria, the first of which is based on symptoms. The doctor's attention turns the weakness of the muscles in more than one limb, there is a tendency to progression. The lesions are relatively symmetrical, reduced or lack the reflexes of tendons. Symptoms quickly increases and stops fourth week.

Complement all the data of electroneuromiography, it allows you to establish the fact of degeneration and destruction of the myelin shell of the nerve. Of laboratory methods Interesting analysis of the liquor and biopsy of the nerves in order to exclude polyneuropathy as a result of diabetes or uremia. I doubt the CT or MRI.

What can be said in general about the disease

The first signs of pathology were described a long time ago, as was the connection between the use of alcohol and the appearance of symptoms. It was done in 1787 by Letts, later in 1822 his thoughts repeated Jackson.

Pathology develops, regardless of age and gender, the main thing here is the abuse of alcoholic beverages, it also does not have racial, national affiliation. Although it was established that it often begins in women, and this is 9% of all problems that leave behind alcohol.

The reasons for the appearance of neurosis

Pathological state may be provoked by physiological causes. Failure failure, low food quality, poor-quality food chewing are some of the possible factors that provoke the appearance of dyspepsia.

Intestinal neurosis, which arises as a result of the peristaltic disorders, or other gastrointestinal departments can be due to psychological factors:

  • mental overvoltage;
  • change of furniture (new school, place of residence, working team, etc.);
  • lack of sleep and rest;
  • depression;
  • frequent stress situations;
  • severe psychological disorders, etc.

The pathological condition may be a consequence of virus nature diseases. For example, the neurosis of the rectum occurs as a result of inflammation of the mucous membrane in this area.

Most often neurosis is the predecessor and provocateur of other diseases of the digestive organs. The likelihood of the fact that symptoms of dyspepsia appear as a consequence of the disease already present in the organism.


The forecast of the real nervous dyspepsia depends primarily on the extent of the existing general neuropathic predisposition and is also located depending on the external circumstances and the lifestyle of patients. If patients are easily amenable to relevant suctionative treatment, then with the "nervous dyspepsia" it is easy to achieve the most brilliant successes, especially in cases where patients were very strongly depleted physically due to too cautious nutrition and where they are quickly stronger and corrected, provided that the diet and the corresponding mental influence.

If the abnormal representations and painfully excited general condition were too deeply in patients, the results of treatment are insignificant and unreliable. In the same way, it is rare to expect a long-term improvement where harmful effects continues. mental influences or other causal points, whereas the elimination of the aforementioned harm can still lead to complete recovery even with apparently the most difficult conditions. Of course, when there is a general nervous constitution, there is almost always a tendency to relapses.


In many cases, an experienced doctor can be likely to establish a diagnosis of nervous dyspepsia for one character of complaints. Comcompaning universal state, the clear appearance of fearful and hypochondriad representations, sometimes the offensive of pronounced fears of fear with a strong general spiritual excitation, the variability of complaints and their dependence on the state of well-being (on the one hand, excitement, on the other - distraction and scattering), other accompanying nervous disorders, As headache, dizziness, heartbeat, feeling of constraint, etc., - all this makes the right judgment.

However, incorrect recognition of the disease is easily possible, because the doctor lens to the assumption of the presence of an organic disease of the stomach in cases where objective symptoms of the disease are revealed, and secondly, because in case of nerve patients of this gastric Suffering it is completely masked by common nervous.

Therefore, in apparently simple cases, an accurate objective study cannot be omitted. It goes without saying that it is necessarily necessary in all persistent and leading to severe disorders of diseases.

If a objective research, as often happens, establishes data normally in all respects (nothing pathological in external inspection, normal position, secretion and emptying of the stomach), then this is the most confirmed diagnosis; Often one thing acts on patients with the most favorable way.

Therefore, for many nervously - dyspeptic patients the best therapeutic agent is a detailed study. A somewhat more difficult is the judgment in cases where there was no, however, found signs of unconditional organic disease (even there are neither tumors, nor signs of narrowing of gatekeeper, nor gastric bleeding, etc.), but still known deviations were discovered.

For example, they find very often increased acidity and superection, in more rare cases the lack of acidity, very often gastroptosis, sometimes (however, quite rarely) a slight slowdown in the gastric emptying (the so-called muscle atony of the stomach).

In our opinion, with such an interpretation would be quite frequent errors. After all, the aforementioned states, as we clearly emphasized in previous chapters, are so frequent by themselves and proceed at the same time often completely without symptoms, which in many cases they are purely random and having a coincidence, especially when on a series of A sharp signs of nervous dyspepsia are simultaneously found gastroptosis, or moderate superation, or lack of acidity.

I believe that it is impossible, however, to leave these states with absolutely no attention, but at the same time it is impossible to overestimate their clinical significance. In the therapeutic terms with them should also be construed, but at the same time it is never necessary to forget about usually much more important general-minded events. Such cases, as already been indicated, are very suitable for the use of suggestive medical methods.

In our opinion, the differential diagnosis between ulcer and nervous dyspexia in cases with clear supests, but without indisputable peptic symptoms, is most difficult. In addition to weighing all individual phenomena, it is often crucial here only a further course, as well as the success of the applied treatment.

With strict treatment of ulcers, the patients with nervous dyspepsia are often increasingly weakened, while the opposite treatment gives often striking results. In all such cases, it is necessary to always produce X-ray study of the stomach and duodenum, since it often it can make it easier for the right solution.

What it is?

The neurosis of the stomach is a psychosomatic disease that arises against the background of neurasthenic, hysterical or psychoshenic neuroses. Refers to vegetative neurosis. Includes symptoms that are usually taken for signs of gastrointestinal diseases. However, differs from somatic diseases by the presence of accompanying nervous disorders.

Distinguish the neurosis of the stomach from diseases caused by organic reasons, quite difficult. A comprehensive examination is necessary, which includes gastroenterological and psychological diagnostics.

How to get rid of the problem

Many patients manage to independently get rid of the problem, without the use of medicines. To do this, it is necessary to get rid of stress, normalize sleep and provide a full-fledged rest of the nervous system. It is well managed with the help of spa treatment.

If it is not possible to take leave and relax, the following measures are recommended to get rid of stress:

  • daily walks before bedtime;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • balanced diet;
  • no processing.

It is important to normalize the working chart so that during the treatment to refuse recycling and night shift. To get rid of stress, healthy sleep is needed, a duration of at least eight hours. Since, with neurosis, patients often mark problems with sleep, hiking in the evenings and the reception of natural soothing splashes based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint, melissa) before bedtime.

If the disease is accompanied by the symptoms of vegetative dysfunction, good effect Reaches with regular adoption of a contrasting shower.

In neurosis of the intestine and the stomach, patients often refuse food due to nausea and lack of appetite. At this time it is necessary to eat right - to give preference to light and healthy food, there is little, but often. It is recommended to eat in small portions every three hours. The menu should give preference to fermented products and porridge.

Single preventive measure With such violations is the lack of stress. To do this, it is necessary to normalize the mode of the day, get rid of insomnia and not nervous on trifles.

Forecast and preventive measures

In neurosis of the intestine, the treatment of which was started in a timely manner and correctly, in most cases the positive outcome of therapy is predicted. But there is no guarantee that the disease will not resume. To prevent gastric neurosis, the patient is recommended:

  • avoid stressful situations;
  • eat properly;
  • normalize physical activity;
  • forever refuse bad habits;
  • reduce the intensity of physical exertion;
  • pay enough time to sleep and rest;
  • treat all diseases in a timely manner.

If a timely not start treatment, neurosis can cause violation of the work of the digestive bodies. Some of the pathologies may be dangerous for life, for example, ulcer.

Causes of the disease

Gastric neurosis is more common as one of the symptoms of vegetative dystonia. ICC is accompanied by a violation of the normal operation of the vegetative nervous system, so it can manifest itself in different ways, including both neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract.

Often the bowels of the intestine first appear after the stress suffered. In this case, the symptoms of the disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are the response of the body to the stressful state. Stress is a strong test for the body. Its consequences can affect the functions of any organ, including the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the psychoneurological causes of the disease can be the following pathologies and conditions:

  • vegetative dysfunction;
  • stress;
  • emotional or physical overvoltage;
  • lack of vitamins and trace elements in the diet.

All these reasons are closely related to each other and often happens that one goes into another. So, unbalanced nutrition leads to a lack of vitamins, which negatively affects the nervous system. The patient's condition is aggravated by stress, which, in turn, leads to the development of neurosis.

Features of the disease

One of the main features and dangers of pathology is that patients do not pay due attention to disturbing symptoms and are often engaged in self-medication, instead of consulting a doctor.

Symptoms are not organic, but psychological, therefore activated carbon, drugs from poisoning or heartburn will not have the necessary therapeutic effect. While the patient independently tries to get rid of problems with digestion, the nervous system suffers even more, so with time the symptoms are only aggravated.


The manifestations make themselves to know the violation of movements and sensitivity in the field of lower extremities, there are cases when symptoms appear pain in muscles in various parts of the body. The pain may know about himself together with a violation of mobility, a sense of numbness, tingling, paresthesia, in the form of a feeling of "crawling of goosebumps".

The first symptoms, after which it is worth thinking, are paresthesias and weakness of muscles. All begins with legs, and after a few hours or day the problem is moved and on hand. Sometimes there is a simultaneous lesion of the upper and lower extremities.

In most patients, the tone of muscles, reflexes, up to the complete absence of the latter are reduced. Violations are capable of affecting the mimic muscles, severe forms are manifested by relays in urination. The duration ranges from 3 to 5 days, after which everything passes.

In the deployed stage of the manifestation of polyneuropathy against the consumption of alcohol use are somewhat different. Appear in varying degrees of paresis and paralysis, the muscles become weak, which is observed from one or both sides. Tempends reflexes are sharply oppressed, gradually they completely fade away. Violated surface sensitivity in the direction of increasing or decreasing.

Heavy pathology options have other manifestations expressed in the weakness of the muscles responsible for breathing, which requires the use of IVL. Sensitivity changes dramatically, which is observed in half of patients. The work of the autonomic nervous system is disturbed, which makes itself felt in the form of bradycardia, arrhythmia, falling blood pressure, the sweat separation increases.

The manifestation of pain is characteristic of forms at which there is no deficiency of thiamine. It is in the footsteps, wears a nunning or burning character, but most often soreness is root, felt in the course of the nerve barrel. In severe, the cranopy nerves are affected, in particular, the second, third and tenth pairs. The disorders of the psyche in severe cases are not excluded.

External manifestations

The sensitivity impairment affects the state of the gait, which becomes splitting with the motion form of pathology, the person is forced to highly raise his leg up. The movements of the fingers and foot are becoming limited. Leather Stop blue or marble tint, against the background of the normal blood supply to the limb cold. The skin is pigmented, covered with trophic ulcers, the hair cover is reduced. Pressing on the nerves brings a sharp pain.

The manifestations grow gradually for weeks or months, then the hospital stage comes. Conducted adequate treatment leads to the opposite development of pathology.


So, by summarizing the foregoing, you can say: treat the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract on the nervous soil, without postponing. However, if you recently noticed some symptoms of the distance, first of all try to harmonize your life and reduce the impact of stress. Perhaps soon you do not remember the aless.

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