What to do if the ink in the eye fell. Country eye urgent

All the time that a person is awake, he actively uses his body of sight - eyes. And the more interesting or more precisely, work should be performed, the more small details that require "jewelry" study, the wider the eyelids open and less attention is paid to what is happening around the events. In such conditions, the situation when a foreign body, be it eyelash, spark, dust or chemical has fallen into the eye, not uncommon.

In order not to lose sight, a number of events need to be taken, even if after the incident you almost does not bother you: some of the substances that have fallen in the ECO are able to continue their destructive action (for example, to eat chemically or cause thermal burns) and after you collapse. Of course, you need to go to the eyepiece or specialist of the department of "eye injury", because only a professional can completely remove the foreign body and tell about further events that will save the eye structures. Visit the doctor by calling "ambulance" or reaching the hospital or clinic, you need after providing first aid. What to do if something fell into the eye, we will consider below, depending on the nature foreign bodies.

About organ of vision

The person's eye is being protected from external exposure to special structures - centuries. These are subtle organs consisting of 2 layers:

  • outdoor;
  • internal.

The outer reservoir is represented by three different tissues. Outside - this is a skin that can be collected in the fold with the open century and straightens - with closed. The next layer is subcutaneous fiber, thin, with a small amount of fat cells; It can "absorb" the foreign body and shift it relative to its primary localization. Under the cellular layer is muscular. It consists of eye circular muscles whose bundles go circularly, the muscles of the city are a small muscle, covering the tear bag, and the muscles of the riolane - a narrow muscular strip extending between the edges of the eyelashes.

Muscular layer is quite massive and strong. He reflexively closes the eyelids in the face of the foreign body, a hot, cold or chemical solution. The same reaction occurs when irritating the twigs trigeny nerve Inflammation in those tissues on which he lies. So, blefarospasm (this is exactly the name of an involuntary closure of the eyelids) can be provoked by inflammation of the roots of teeth or sinuses.

Under muscular layer The century is a plate of connective tissue, which is called cartilage, although it does not contain cartilage cells. This plate has a semicircular shape, repeating an eye configuration.

Below is the inner layer of the century, which is considered a conjunctival shell (conjunctive). She wipes cartilage from the inside, and then goes directly to the eyeball, reaching the cornea. It passes a large number of vessels, there are accumulations of protective lymphoid tissue, and in the plot of conjunctiva, which covers from the inside upper eyelid, there are also added tear glands that produce tear fluid in not stressful conditions.

The part of the conjunctiva, which covers the eyeball, is transparent, through it you can see, although the main vision is carried out when the beam is passed through the cornea. It contains glazing cells that produce a small amount of mucus to moisture the cornea. If the conjunctive is inflamed, the volume of the mucus produced by it increases, it may become mucinous-purulent or pure purulent.

Front on the eyeball is a cornea - the first transparent sheath, transmitting light. It consists of several layers:

  1. upper - epithelial, almost such as in the mucous membranes of almost all of our internal organs. It is needed to protect the cornea, and also delivers oxygen to it and regulates the amount of fluid available inside the eye. In case of damage only to this formation, a foreign body or thermal / chemical agent irreversible consequences not happening;
  2. bowman membrane lying under the epithelium. It provides power epithelium and performs a protective function. If it is damaged, it is not restored on this site;
  3. the next layer, which is the most voluminous - it is a strom. It consists of horizontally a few fibers, between which there are cells needed to restore corneal damage;
  4. under the stroma lies another membrane - Descemeth. This is an elastic and rather stable damage structure;
  5. the inner layer is endothelium. In its structure, he resembles the epithelium, and its function is to remove excess fluid from the cornea, so that it can get food and do not swell. The endothelial layer is not capable of recovering after damage, so if the cornea was damaged during the injury, the cornea is damaged up to this layer, it develops here connective tissue. Such scarring leads to the cloud of the cornea; The latter loses the ability to carry out light into driving layers - develops Belmo. The centrally there is such a Belmo, the more vision suffers.

The cornea is located:

  • vascular shell consisting of a rainbow shell on the side of which is ciliary body, and on the back surface eyeball The vascular shell itself passes;
  • behind the distance between the parts of the Rainbow Shell - the pupil - is a crystal;
  • from behind the lens is a vitreous body, "wrapped" into the vascular shell, choroid;
  • behind the above structures, also wrapped in a chorioide, from the outside of which the non-transparent "continuation" of the cornea lies the retina.

Many physical and chemical factors, especially with prolonged exposure or improperly rendered first aid (for example, it is not always possible to rinse your eyes with water) can reach the cornea, iris, lens, fiscame body or even the retina, which is complicated by a deterioration of vision.

Classification of eye injuries

Depending on the traumatic factor, eye injury is divided into:

  1. bruises (stupid injuries);
  2. penetrating eye injuries;
  3. foreign bodies that may be magnetic (from iron) and non-magnetic (from another metal, glass, wood, sand);
  4. eye burns: thermal, chemical and radial (for example, ultraviolet from the welding machine or from snow).

Depending on the nature, the injury can be:

  • mechanical: Socinet, scale, eyelating, branch, finger, metal chips;
  • chemical: alcohol, peroxide, spirits, acid, glue or alkali;
  • thermal: boiling water, butter;
  • combined. Most often it is thermo-mechanical damage, for example, a brazed or spark burn. There may also be thermo-chemical damage caused by, for example, a negro lime or pepper.

This classification determines the nature of the first aid. Thus, in mechanical injury, the eyes should be washed with water, or ordered by antibacterial, if necessary, pain relief drops, after which the sterile bandage is superimposed and you need to go to the doctor to eliminate damage to the deep layers of the cornea and other layers that are still deeper.

If we are talking about chemical damage, it is necessary to know the antidote, which will help turn the aggressive substance into an intact, which is not able to harm the eye shells.

The task of first aid with thermal damage - and remove the damaged substance, and quickly cool the eyes to stop the destructive effect of temperature on the eye structures.

There is also a classification of eye injuries by severity:

  1. Easy degree: Injury does not threaten vision loss or cosmetic defects.
  2. Medium-heavy injury: consequences of injury - a moderate reduction in vision or not disfiguring cosmetic defect.
  3. Heavy - is complicated by a significant impairment of vision or blindness due to the formation of the defects of the structure of the eye.

The localization of traumatic damage differences:

  • damage to the eyeball;
  • elets;
  • putting parts of the eye.

The main types of traumatic injuries are: inflammation, hemorrhage into any of its parts, the ingress of foreign bodies in the eyelids, a backlash, a cornea, or deep-selling structures, a violation of the integrity of one of its structures.

Symptoms of traumatic damage

When something falls into the eyes, be it sand, eyelashes, hair paint or metal chips or scale, it will manifest itself:

  • involuntary closure of the eyelids that are difficult to reveal independently;
  • redness of the eye;
  • pain in the eye;
  • tear;
  • attumania.

According to these features, it is impossible to say how damaged by the eye. It will be visible only to an ophthalmologist who will consider the struck structures through the microscope by increasing them.

Similar symptoms, except for pronounced tears, will be observed and after the foreign body was removed from the eye - if the damage was deeper than the top layer of the corneal epithelium. This is due to post-traumatic swelling, similar to that arises on the skin after its damage (abrasion, scratches). Therefore, that the question did not arise why the eyes were echoed, although the first aid was provided to seem to be correctly, after it is provided to visit an ophthalmologist for further recommendations.

What could be if competently not to provide first help in burns and eye injuries

The consequences of injury are:

  1. scar deformation of the eyelids;
  2. wrong eyelashes;
  3. the inability to completely open the damaged eye;
  4. breath of age;
  5. narrowing or obstruction of tearsing paths;
  6. clouding cornea with partial loss of vision;
  7. dry eye syndrome;
  8. cataract - clouding lens;
  9. chronic inflammation of eye structures leading to a gradual loss of vision;
  10. increased intraocular pressure - glaucoma;
  11. the death of the eye;
  12. the formation of rust around the metal chips falling on the eye structures.

What can not be done when a foreign body hit

If we have done something, it is impossible:

  • rub eyes;
  • try more often to blink;
  • jumble
  • put aloe juice, honey or apply other folk recipes.

Why not need to give the eye clogged after injury

The reflex coupling of the century may lead to an even deeper and durable fixation of the foreign body in the eye structures.

How to determine what happened to the eye structures

Diagnosis of injury in ophthalmology does not differ particularly painful manipulations, but carried out in a timely manner, they are able to preserve vision. It:

  • inspection of the structures of the eyeball using the eyelids. This is due to the fact that any injury leads to reflex blofarospasm, open an eye in which it is not always possible;
  • biomicroscopy is an inspection in a slit lamp. This is painless manipulation. Often, it requires a preliminary injection of the eye anesthetic (so that it can be opened) and the coloring substance - drops of fluorescin, which will allow to analyze the integrity of the surface layers of the eyeball;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure. For this you need to lie on the couch; A pain relief solution is buried in the eye to ensure the insensitivity of the cornea to the touch of the weights, which is measured by pressure in the eyeball;
  • determination of visual acuity and fields. it subjective methods Research when the victim need to be answered, what the letters he sees when he begins to see a pointer on a special perimeter device.

Diagnostics is carried out by an ophthalmologist (oculist): This specialist has the necessary skills and equipment for examining the eyeball. Only with the eye burns may need a surgeon consultation - for the need for vaccination against tetanus.

Groups used in eye injuries

If something has fallen into the eye, such groups of drugs are used:

  1. Salt solutions. They are used for washing the eyes. This is a solution of sodium chloride 0.9%.
  2. Antiseptic solutions. They are as follows:
    • Albucid: 20% - for a child, 30% - for adults. It is baked when driving; There are studies indicating that the solution will be postponed in the cornea, but when it is repeatedly used. When providing first aid during the injury of eye structures, the use of sulphacyl sodium is justified - up to 6 times a day, 2-3 drops in each eye;
    • "NORMAKS" is drops based on Norfloxacin. They are used for 1-2 drops, at first it can be even dripping every half hour 2-3 times, then the interval between the bundles increases;
    • "Floxal". His active substance - offloxacin; Application frequency - 5 times a day. Do not apply in children, pregnant women and nursing;
    • "Ciprofarm", "Ciprolets" based on ciprofloxacin. It is used for 1-2 drops every 4 hours. Not used in children up to 15 years old, pregnant and nursing;
    • "Levomycetin". It can be used for both children and adults. Multiplicity of application - 1 drop 3 times a day.
  3. Antibacterial ointment. This is "tetracycling", "erythromycinic", Sulfacyl sodium.
  4. Anesthetics - preparations used to ensure the insensitivity of damaged eye structures. This "Novocaine" 4%, "Lidocaine" 2%.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drops. Used to remove inflammation in damaged eye structures. They may be hormone ("dexamethasone") and non-coronal ("Indocolly", "Diclo-F").
  6. Tools that improve the healing of eye structures. This is "Cornergel", "Taufon" and "SalkoSeril Gel".
  7. Combined drugs containing an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drug: "Tobradex".
  8. Preparations, in its composition, identical tear fluid: "Natural tear", "Vicersik", "Diffislez" and others.
  9. Preparations that eliminate eye swells after light eye injuries: "Vinner".

If the sorink or eyelashes got into the eyes

The situation when Sorinka fell into the eye (insect, eyelashes, dust), requires such an first aid algorithm:

  1. Try hard to blink so that the foreign body can get out with a tear.
  2. Take a mirror that has a supporting design so that you can arrange it on the table, under the light from the lamp or from the window. Wash your hands, take a piece of your cotton or a cotton disk that will be bent (you need a disk corner). Having touched the lower eyelid, rotate the eye, looking into the mirror to detect the confusion. Having found it, try to "expel" her into the inner corner of the eye, from where it will be easier to get it.
  3. If you are standing in front of a mirror with a drawn lower eyelid, and the sarill is not visible, you need to delay the top eyelid. To do this take the eyelashes upper century And twitch them to the eyelashes that came to the eye, "out" to the center of the eyeball, where you can see it.
  4. Syric / eyelashes under the top century can be tried to get as follows: pull one hand for the eyelashes of the upper eyelid, at the same time lowering the eyeball down. Take a syringe or pure fringe, type boiled cool water and paint the eye, orienting a stream up and sideways.
  5. You can dial cool boiled water into the palm or clean dishes, omit outdoor eyes there, after which you need to frort down in the water.
  6. If the Sorinka, the eyelashes, insect or dust, in the eyes of the eye, is not visible in the mirror, nor the assistant, there is a chance that it came out, but scratched the cornea, leaving behind the unpleasant feeling, forcing it to think about the fact that the foreign body is still in the eye. In this case, it will be useful to drip the eyes with antiseptic eye drops ("Ciprolets", "Ciprofarm", "Okomistin") and lay down under the lower eyelid, closing the eye and fading it lightly, restoring the Kornergel gel.

If the morning of the next day does not pass the scratch, you need to seem an ophthalmologist.

If boiling water got into the eye or splashed oil from a frying pan

Such an impact leads to the eye burn. Allocate several of its degrees:

Burn 1 degree

It is manifested by redness of the skin of the eyelids and conjunctiva; At the cornea, the doctor spending a sample with coloring drops - fluorescin, can see swelling and surface erosion. In most cases, damage takes place independently, not leading to impairment of vision.

Loose 2 degree

In this case, the skin of the eyelid is damaged, swelling and dieting the surface layer of the conjunctiva occurs, the cornea is affected up to the level of desceret membrane. Outwardly, you can see the burn bubbles on the skin of the eyelids, and the eye over the iris becomes muddy, grayish, uneven.

2 The degree of burn can lead to deterioration and even complete loss of vision. The state requires compulsory treatment with an ophthalmologist, mainly without hospitalization.

Burn cornea

The reason for this state often the situation becomes when the oil fell into the eye and it was not removed from there. Also, the burnt burn is called:

  • hit by aggressive chemical things: acids, alkalis;
  • ultraviolet (during welding, while in conditions of high snowfall and bright sun without sunglasses), infrared radiation;
  • ferry;
  • preheated metal chips;
  • cold liquid.

Note retina

It rarely arises from boiling water or oil. Most often, it is caused by a welding or sun, reflected from snow or water, a laser, bright light, concentrated acid and alkali. The pathology is manifested by such symptoms as:

  • redness of the eye;
  • patient pain, most often - cutting nature;
  • after a short time, the head begins to hurt, the acuity of sight is reduced, the edema of the age, tearing, is developing. The affected eye still hurts.

Only an ophthalmologist can be diagnosed.

When burning eye burn, the following steps are required:

  1. Try to bulk the eyelids; You can make it clean your fingers.
  2. Submold the eye for cool flowing water from the crane, periodically remove from the crane, blink, but in the amount you need to rinse about 15 minutes. Optimally, if boiled cold water or sodium chloride physiological solution will be used instead of running water. It is also good to use a weak manganese solution for washing or a weak and cold tea brew.
  3. The main thing is that the washing has begun as soon as possible, preventing further thermal defeat of deep-haul eye structures.
  4. After washing into the conjunctival bag, you need to drop 2-3 drops of antiseptic drops (optimally "Tobradex", you can - "Levomycetin" + "dexamethasone"), while holding the eye open for 5 seconds, so that the droplets are separated by the conjunctiva vessels.
  5. If the washing has been launched on time and violations of view, there are no longer 5 days, 5 times a day (every 3 hours). Also 2 times a day under the eyelid laid "Cornergel" and eye gel "SalkoSeril".
  6. For strong pain In the eyeball, you can drink anesthetic drug: "Analgin", "Ibuprofen", "Naz" or the other, after which, impoverished over the closed eyelids, a dry sterile bandage, go to the separation of the eye injury or to the clinic to the ophthalmologist (if the injury occurred during the daytime ).

Chemical burns: glue, pepper, peroxide, soap, etc.

Consider various situations.


If the acid got into the eyes, the first aid algorithm is as follows:

  1. Dissolve a teaspoon of food soda in a liter of warm water.
  2. Enter the solution.
  3. Take sterile cotton wool, macked it into the cool solution, do not press.
  4. Nursing cotton wool slightly spend on the edge of the eyelid in the direction of the temple to the nose. This action is 15 minutes.
  5. If the eye hurts, roll in it 4% novocaine. You can drink anesthetic ("Naz", "Analgin").
  6. After that, you need to introduce an eye antiseptic in the conjunctival cavity: "Ciprolet", "Okomistin" or the other.
  7. The eye is stuck with a dry sterile bandage, wear on top sunglassesAfter that, you need to go to the "eye injury" department for inspection and further treatment.


If the lime hit the eyes, the first aid will differ, depending on which - as a liquid or powder - the form, it was, which lime is a hawker or smaller.

When powdered lime gets, it is necessary to remove it as quickly as possible or with a cotton wand. It is possible to rinse the eye only after that, otherwise the reaction between the lime solution and the cornea can lead to the latter and aggravation of the position of view.

After cleansing the eye structures from lime pieces, it is necessary to start washing. Optimally do it 2% solution boric acidFor which you need to buy in the pharmacy of 10 grams of "boric powder acid" and dissolve it in 500 ml of hot water. The washing is performed by non-splashing cotton wool, which should be carried out from the outer angle of the eye to the internal for a quarter of an hour. After that, the eye is dripped with an antiseptic ("Floxal", "Tobradex"), anesthetic "Novocaine". You can also take an anesthetic in tablets. It is mandatory to drink an antihistamine ("Loratadine", "phenyatil", "diazoline").

In order to get into the eye, the eyes of the eyes was richly washed with water, then with a 3% solution of the disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) acquired in the pharmacy.

Glue hitting

If super glue fell into the eye, the following occurs: The active substance provokes the pouring of the glue on the cornea or conjunctiva with the formation of the film. Such a film causes a chemical burn. To minimize the action that has a glue moment, the first aid algorithm is:

  • do not give the eyelashes to glue; If this happened, you will have to comprehend them;
  • rinse the eye structures with water or physiological sodium chloride. This can be done with a pipette, rolling, a syringe without a needle or a cup; in the last eye macate and make them circular motions. Washing the eye lasts at least 15 minutes;
  • try visualizing the film in the mirror, then remove it with a robe, a corner of the shawl or a cotton disk. Tweezers do not use;
  • drink the eye with antibacterial and painkillers;
  • save the tube from under the glue to show it to an ophthalmologist, which, on the basis of the specified ingredients, will know what further assist.


If the paint fell into the eye, ambulance Next:

  • remove the paint from the age of cotton swab in gasoline or liquid for removing varnish without acetone;
  • richly rinse the eye with water;
  • drink an anesthetic drug;
  • drink drops with an antiseptic, and then with anesthetic;
  • contact your duty oculist.

Hanging peroxide

When the peroxide got into the eye, you need:

  • rinse with water - for 15-20 minutes;
  • drink anesthetizing drops;
  • install the antiseptic to the conjunctival cavity;
  • impose a dry sterile bandage;
  • go to an ophthalmologist.

If he got pepper

When the pepper fell into the eye, you need the following help:

  1. Washing not with water, but tea brewing, decoction of calendula or chamomile. It can be used for this fresh, not refinery milk. You need to do it with a piece of cotton wool or lowering outdoor eyes into a liquid, rotating the eyeball inside the liquid.
  2. We can not rub the eyelids.
  3. Install antiseptics and anesthetics.
  4. On the closed eyelids put cotton swabs dipped in a cold chamomile branch or tea.
  5. Going to the doctor.

Similar actions are held when it turned out that I got a canister on the eye structures. The fact is that most of the canopy are pepper, therefore assistance in getting their contents in the eyes - the same.

In case of alcohol and alcohol solutions

If the alcohol fell into the eye, it needs to be washed with water for 15-20 minutes. After that, anesthetic, antiseptic, is buried in the conjunctival bag. In the eyelid, a cold compress made from gauze moistened in water, or from a sutch tea bag. After 10 minutes, when the compress is warm, it must be changed on a new one. Before that, under the eyelid, the "Cornergel" or "SolkoSeril" is laid.

The same events are applied if the spirits fell into their eyes.

In case of vinegar

When vinegar came to the eye structures, before applying to an ophthalmologist, which in this case is not at all discussed, the eye is washed with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. At ambulance or with the help of relatives with the sick car, it is delivered to the "Eye Injury" separation.

When she got solvent

If the solvent got, you need:

  1. running with cold water 15-20 minutes;
  2. call a doctor;
  3. drink anesthetic;
  4. install the antiseptic.

Soap got into the eyes

When the soap fell into the eye, it is necessary to rinse it for 5-10 minutes, after which it is possible to organize an antiseptic solution of the "Floxal" type or "Tobraks".

Mechanical injury - chips, sand

If the chips hit the eye, you need to perform such actions:

  • do not give the centuries to climb;
  • find a well-lit room, go to the mirror and inspection of eye structures. To view the space under the upper century, you can use a cotton wand. It is located vertically, pressed by a cotton end on the middle of the century, and the other hand pulls behind the eyelashes of the upper eyelid so as to turn it out. So you can explore the conjunctiva, lining from the inside the upper eyelid, where probably got into the eye from the Bulgarian;
  • rinse the eye with boiled water, trying to get rid of chips;
  • drink a "novocain" or other anesthetic;
  • consult a doctor - be sure.

You can not try to get it with a tweezers, mix the magnet from speakers or any other, you can not try to make it with a cotton or handkerchief: sharp edges can dug even deeper.

The same actions are held if the scale hit the eye. Keep in mind: After assisting the doctor, the turbidity will be observed. This symptom will be held against the background of "absorbing" therapy.

If hit the sand

When the sand hit the child, you will need:

  • pure water;
  • wet napkins without alcohol, with neutral pH;
  • bandage or pure handkerchief.

First shook the sand from the face. Do it in the direction of the eyes. Next, you need to not give the child to rub your eyes, but, wiped him with a wet napkin, carry a baby home for washing the eyes. It is necessary to do this cool, preferably boiled or bottled water, not paying attention to the cry (tears will be "on the arm", additionally washing the sand). After careful, for 15-20 minutes, washing, you need to stop antiseptic drops. This is usually "Albucid" 20%, "Vigamox" or "Okomistin". The same means will need to be installed another 5 days, even if the child does not complain about anything.

If you got a finger into the eye, it is necessary to rinse with an antiseptic agent. "Okomistin" or "Ciprolet" for an adult will fit. After that, under the lower eyelid, it is necessary to lay the "Cornergel" or "Salkoeril" -Egradable gel.

Thermal and mixed injury

Consider what you need to do if the welding got into the eyes:

  • rinse with cold running water for 15-20 minutes;
  • drink leftomycetin or any other drops with antiseptics;
  • to impose in the eyelid eyes, where I was sparking, compress from chilled tea bag or moistened with cold water gauze. If this is not, you can lower my face in cold water or applied to the agent to half the potholes and washed potatoes;
  • fix the compress a gauze-cotton dressing, and from above - plaster;
  • contact a multidisciplinary hospital where there is a department of "eye injury", told that in the eyeball, most likely, there is a scale or you "in a bunny".

If the eyes got into the eyes of hot oil from a frying pan, the actions are the same.

If you get into the eyeball of the scale, the ophthalmologist should examine the eye. To do this, he will not "tear off" of the eyelids, and dries the eye anesthetic. After that, it will remove the foreign body or by washing, or, after repeated anesthesia, ophthalmic spear (small and thin needle). In the course of this manipulation, it may be necessary to expand the pupil, so the turbidity of the vision can be due to the intentionally (and temporary) impaired eye reaction to the light. At the end of the procedure, the ophthalmologist bursts the antiseptics in the conjunctival bag, imposes a pressure bandage for 24 hours, prescribes antibacterial, anti-inflammatory local agents, sometimes - antibiotics in tablets. Often, it is necessary or hospitalized, or repeated inspections of the eyepiece.

What to do if the cornea is cloudy after injury

In this case, consult with ophthalmologists about the use of honey droplets prepared at home (this is not quite " folk remedy"- He recommends that most doctors). For cooking, you need floral May honey. It must be used in breeding, and use long - up to the year. This breeding of honey distilled water is preparing, which is sold in the pharmacy:

  1. 1 week: half a teaspoon of honey to drain 3 teaspoons of water;
  2. 2 weeks: 1 tsp. Divide the same amount of water;
  3. 3 weeks: 1.5 ppm honey on the same volume of water;
  4. 4 week: 2 ppm on the same level of water;
  5. 5 week: 2.5 ppm for 3 tsp distillate;
  6. 6 And the next weeks: honey: distillate \u003d 1: 1.

Such a recipe does not apply under any viral lesions of the cornea, especially caused by herpes virus, otherwise it will provoke the exacerbation of pathology.

In case of eyes chemical substances (detergent, hair paints, solvent) Immediately remove from the eyes contact lenses - They contribute to the penetration of poisonous dangerous substances into the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye and, thus, to create serious complications.

The main thing is to rinse the eyes with clean water immediately: do this procedure for 10-15 minutes to make sure that the harmful substance is removed.

As soon as possible, contact a specialist. During consultation at the doctor, name the exact name of the substance that has fallen into the eyes - this will determine the nature of future treatment.

What to do if a foreign body got into the eye?

If some kind of foreign body got into the eyes, in no case try to rub the eye - so you risk damageing a lean or you can push the interference deeper into an inaccessible zone.

Do not try to pull out the foreign body with unwashed hands, you should wash your hands well with soap. Otherwise, you risk the infection in the rink formed during damage.

Try to slightly raise the upper eyelid on the injured eye and rinse with warm water. If, when picked up the century, the foreign body can be noticed, try to remove it with a napkin or a clean wet loskutka fabric.

If the feeling of discomfort does not disappear, refer to the eyepiece - it is quite likely that you failed to properly or completely remove the interference.

Another way to get rid of the foreign body that has fallen into the eye is a slightly rubbing another, not affected by the eye, no matter how strangely did this advice sounded. Such actions will help provoke tears in both eyes and thereby get rid of painful and annoying interference.

Our permanent consultant ophthalmologist, k. M. N. Mikhail Konovalov tells how to assist with eye injuries - the most common in the summer of accidents in the forests and at the cottages

Eyes "Vampire"

Ophthalmologists share eye injuries to penetrating and impervious. Trouble in dacnisters usually cause the latter. With imperimental injuries (hit the ball on the eye, the capillaries often burst on the proteins, and the eyes are often poured with blood. With all the "entepping", such injuries, if the blow is not very strong, less dangerous. In essence, it is the same bruise, only on the eye proteins. If there are no internal damage (and this will determine only a specialist!), Then the "vampire" bruises disappear after two to three weeks.

Taking a strike

Another impermeal injury is cornea. This is when a small blow or surface scratch occurs not to the protein, but on the cornea. With this injury, the epithelium is "rushing" - a protective layer of eyeball cells. Fortunately, this epithelium is rapidly restored. If the integrity of the eyeball is not damaged, the oculists cope with this ordinary injury for the week. Most likely, treatment is limited to the appointment of epithelium-based drugs. With such injuries, patients complain about pain and thread in their eyes, severe tear, to look at the light. The discomfort will continue until the epithelium is completely restored. As a rule, cornea costs without damage to blood vessels.

Do not remove the steps with tweezers and magnet!

Much more dangerous penetrating injuries. These injuries are insidious: often they cause short-term pain in disruption of the integrity of the eyeball. For example, during the roll of wood or work on the metal, the "Torpeda" fragments are flying inside the eyeball. It seems to man that, "blinking", he got rid of the sortie. Less often, such injuries are accompanied by tearing,

redness explicit damage eye shell, Temperature. Often discomfort and deterioration appear a few days after the injury. It is especially dangerous if metal (especially copper!) Shark falls into the eye - after a couple of days, the "piece of iron" begins to oxidize. If you do not have a medical, but often surgical helpthen you can lose sight. Self-treatment is unacceptable. The only advice of ophthalmologists in such cases is to use protective glasses. Do not resort to K. folk methodtrying to get a shard magnet! First, due to the large number of nerve endings in the eye, even microscopic foreign particles, which come inside, seem huge, and without anneasiating, any manipulations with them cause terrible pain. Secondly, removing so fragments, it is easy to damage the lens, the retina or a visual nerve.

Remember a simple rule. At e, it does not matter, he is chemical or thermal,

It is impossible to rub your eyes with hands, additional damage is applied with these mucosa. The only thing that can be helped at home is abundantly and long (not less than half an hour) rinse the damaged eye with cold running water. Without losing time, run to the hospital!

By the way

No less often, the conjunctive is damaged in imperimental injuries - a special film that protects the eyes and eyelid. This also quickly passes - sometimes it does not even need to appoint special drugs. Sufficient rings from welding or anti-inflammatory herbal collection. But the final diagnosis should not be delivered to the all-knowing mother-in-law, but an ophthalmologist.

What if the paint got into the eyes?

With the mucosa, beyond the paint with water. Then you can make a compress from tea. Do not wash off the paint from the eyelids and eyelashes popular as acetone - hitting the mucous membrane,

He calls. Seasonably watked with a cotton wand in a varnish removal fluid (without acetone!) Or kerosene. At worst - in gasoline. Gently rinse the paint, after which it thoroughly wash the residues of the solvent with water. But it is better to go to the doctor with this "beauty" - there are special services for this.


carefully drawing the eyelids, inspect the proteins and pupils - there is no traces of punctures, small bypass or fragments. If there is, do not try to pull them out with your fingers or tweezers. Verify a sterile bandage and go to the doctor.

Maximum what can be done at e - rinsely rinse the eye with running water and running to the oculist;

disinfect the wreck - Drink any eye drops (Albucid, Levomycetin, Colbyocin, Tobrax, etc.);

take anesthetic - analgin, barallgan, but-shpu, spasmalgon, etc.

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