The vitreous body performs functions except. Fiscame body: structure, functions, symptoms and treatment

To dissolve scars and scarpets, doctors often prescribe injections of the drug " Vitreous body". Instructions for use recommends applying it and to relieve pain in various neurological pathologies. This tool consists of natural ingredients, has few contraindications and rarely causes unpleasant side symptoms.

The composition of the drug

The current medication component is extracted from eyeball cattle. Animal organ of view contains a gel-like substance - a vitreous body. It is used to produce the drug.

Research has proven a beneficial effect on the metabolism of the drug "Glassy Body". Instructions for use recommends using this medicine in the form of injections. This medication is produced in the form of a colorless liquid substance in 2 ml ampoules.

"The vitreous body" when administered into the body of a person affects the metabolism in bone and connective tissue. It has a property - normalize metabolic processes. The composition of the vitreous body of animals includes useful amino acids, which have a positive effect on the growth of muscle cells. And this natural substance contains hyaluronic acid, which helps to maintain the normal operation of the heart and the good state of the joints.

Indications for use

Instructions for the use of "vitreous body" recommends appointing drug injections in the following cases:

  • for dissolving scars after burns, injuries and operations;
  • to restore movements in the joint in contractures;
  • for quick fractures.

The drug is also effective in neurological diseases: radiculitis, neuralgia, never. Pricks quickly remove pain in the field of inflamed nerves.

Widespread use found a "vitreous body" in gynecology. Instructions for use recommends applying this medication in the treatment of inflammation and sclerokystosis of ovaries. In this case, the drug is injected intravaginal. In the form of injections, this agent is used for the therapy of the adhesive process in a small basin.

Who is contraindicated to the tool?

"The vitreous body" is natural and safe preparation. But still, it is not necessary to apply it without appointing a doctor, as this medicine has the following contraindications:

  • acute infections and inflammatory processes;
  • strong exhaustion of the body (cachexia);
  • cancer tumors;
  • heart failure congestion;
  • nephritis;
  • sclerotic changes in the kidneys;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

The effect of medicines on the body of pregnant women and nursing mothers was not specially studied. Therefore, during the extension of the fetus and lactation, the reception should be excluded.

And also not studied the impact of the drug on children's organism. Instructions for the use of "vitreous body" for this reason prohibits prescribing a medicine under the age of 18 years.

Unwanted effects

Unwanted effects most often develop in patients suffering from allergies. In the injection site there is redness, swelling and pain. The occurrence of urticaria and anaphylaxis are possible.

How to use the drug?

Instructions for the use of "vitreous body" in injections recommends to make subcutaneous injections every day 1 ampoule (2 ml). The course of treatment of scar changes, injuries and contractures lasts about 20-25 days, the therapy of inflammation of nerves (radiculitis, neuralgium) is 8-11 days. The duration and dosage of the drug administration during intravaginal use is determined by the attending physician individually.

The medicine is not reached with other drugs. Instructions for the use of the "vitreous body" does not report the effect of this funds on the concentration of attention and speed of the reaction.

Storage conditions, price and analogues

Ampoules are stored at room temperature. The medicine can be used for 2 years. Such a shelf life determines the instructions for the use of "vitreous body". The price of the drug in pharmacies from 1250 to 1350 rubles (for 10 ampoules).

Patients are often interested in the analogues of this fund at a lower price. The pharmaceutical market has no other medicines made from the vitreous body of animal origin. Therefore, it is impossible to find a completely similar means in composition. Only drugs can be selected that act on the body in a similar way as biological stimulants. These include the following medicines:

  • "Aktovegin".
  • "Apilak".
  • "Hematogen".

Picking up similar drugs, you need to consider the testimony that the instructions for the use of the "vitreous body" report. Prices and reviews about the analogs will be discussed below. It must be remembered that not all biostimulants are applied with the same diseases as the "vitreous body". After all, these funds have a completely different composition.

"Actovegin" is a drug from the blood components of calves. It also improves metabolic processes in tissues and is used to accelerate wound healing. The medicine is produced not only in the form of a solution for injections, but also in the form of tablets, creams and gels. It can be taken pregnant women and children. The drug received many positive feedback from patients with the most different illnesses. This is a pretty expensive medicine, the price of the enclosure is from 1000 to 1200 rubles, and the tablets are about 1,500 rubles.

"Apilak" is also a means of biological origin. It is made of beeteric milk. It is used when recovered after suffering severe diseases. It acts as a biostimulator, but has other testimony for its intended purpose than the "vitreous body". Instructions for use and reviews about "apilators" do not report the effectiveness of this means in neuralgia, as well as its use in gynecology. The price of "apilat" is from 150 to 450 rubles.

"Hematogen" is a natural cattle drug. It stimulates blood formation and is used in the treatment of anemia and avitaminosis. The price of the drug is from 50 to 80 rubles.

The vitreous body is a transparent gel that fills the entire volume of the cavity of the eyeball behind the lens. Outside the gel is limited to a thin membrane, and inside is divided into several channels or paths.

The vitreous body is already needed in the early stages of the development of the eyeball - in the intrauterine period, since it passes through its composition, the so-called hyaloid artery, feeding the crystal and, partly, the front segment of the eye. Over time, after the completion of the formation of the lens, the hyaloid artery is exposed to reverse development and disappears, although in rare cases, in adults it can be detected by its residues in the form of gentle lights. In addition, the development of the retina and its blood supply depends on the vitreous body.

The vitreous body performs the following functions:

  • carrying out light rays to the retina, due to its transparency;
  • maintaining the constancy of the intraocular pressure required for exchange processes and the functioning of the eye as a whole;
  • ensuring the correct location of intraocular structures - retina and lens;
  • compensation of intraocular pressure drops with sharp movements or injuries due to its gel structure.

The structure of the vitreous body

The vitreous body has a volume, about 3.5-4.0 ml and 99.7% consists of water, due to which it maintains the constancy of the volume of the eyeball. In addition, the vitreous body participates in the outflow of the intraocular fluid, which the ciliary body produces. Part of the fluid enters the vitreous body from rear camera And then absorbs, directly into the blood vessels retina and disk spectator nerve.

In front, the vitreous body goes to the lens, forming a small recess in this place, in the sides, in contact with the ciliary body and throughout the retina.

The vitreous body is limited outside the border membrane, which is located, actually a vitreous body, separated by a set of membranes into separate spaces. Only in two areas, the vitreous body is not covered with a membrane - this is the area of \u200b\u200bthe optic nerve disk and the place of attachment of the vitreous body in the toothed line, the so-called glassy body.

The border membrane of the vitreous body is divided into the back, lying back from the toothed line, and the front, located kinfish from it. The front hyaloid membrane is divided into retold and zonular parts, the boundary between which is, the so-called, the bunch of a vigrar, which comes from the glass-like membrane to the lens capsule. The rear hyaloid membrane is tightly soldered with the retina on the edge of the optic nerve disk and the toothed line is less tightly joined to the blood vessels of the retina. There are such changes as the rear disconnection of the vitreous body, in which the destruction of the membrane bonds in the fields of its attachment and the liquid vitreous body is freely distributed into the area between the retina and the rear hyaloid membrane. It is also possible to develop a durable compound of the membrane in the macular zone and the development of retinal traction leading to a decrease in vision.

From the inside the vitreous body is divided into, the so-called, funnel-shaped complexes or vitreal paths. Selects preset, median, corn and hyaloid paths. The middle and theft tracts originate from the zonular part of the anterior hyaloid membrane, due to which they stabilize the front separation of the vitreous body with the movements of the eyeball. With the exception of the preset path, all other are curved in the form of the letter S. The cortical layer contains cells - hyalocytes synthesizing hyaluronic acid and reticulin necessary to maintain the structure of the vitreous body. In areas above the disk of the optic nerve, blood vessels or modified retina, cavities are formed in the cortical layer - the so-called hatches are formed. If the retina ruptures occur, these hatches are easily broken and promoted further development detachable.

Inside the vitreous body, the bubbles canal are also isolated, which is the remnants of the artery tissue, the blood consumption in the intrauterine period.

Methods for diagnosing vitreous body diseases

  • Bomicroscopy - under the microscope the front segment of the vitreous body is estimated.
  • Ophthalmoscopy - changes in the preset departments of the vitreous body and its rear segment.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Optical coherent tomography - identification of changes in the ratio of the rear hyaloid membrane and retina in a macular zone, for example, retinal tracts.

Symptoms for diseases of the vitreous body

Congenital changes:

  • The residue of the embryonic artery, which goes to the lens of the eye from the disk of the optic nerve.
  • Persistent primary glassy body.

Acquired changes:

  • Walking of the vitreous body.
  • Body turbidity.
  • Destruction of the vitreous body.
  • Grooms of a vitreous body.
  • Hemorrhage into a vitreous body or hemophthalm.
  • Fiberglass detachment.
  • Inflammatory changes in the vitreous body with endophthalm or panofaltite.

As a rule, most of the changes in the vitreous body are manifested by floating clouds in the form of points, threads, kleks of various sizes and so on. Reducing vision occurs with pronounced hemorrhage into a vitreous body, a pronounced inflammatory process, tractions in a macular zone.

To understand what functions performs the vitreous body, it is necessary to deal with its role in the system. This anatomical structure is located behind the lens of the eyeball. From the outdoor side, the vitreous body of the eye is limited to a thin membrane film, with the inner - divided into paths (channels).


If you look more attentively, as an eye is arranged, you can see that the vitreous body is most The contents of the eyeball. It comes into contact outside with the plane of the cyiliary structure, and behind - with a disk of the optic nerve. In humans, the vitreous body affects the full ripening of the retina and its sufficient blood supply. It does not have vessels and nerves. The constancy of the gel environment promotes the process of one-sided osmosis nutrients From the liquid produced inside the eye. The vitreous body has low bactericidal activity, so leukocytes and antibodies are detected in it not immediately after infection, but after some time. With partial loss, the gel substance is not regenerated, but is replaced by an intraocular liquid structure.

From the Ophthalmology section "Anatomy of Eye" you can get a detailed idea of \u200b\u200bthe volume of the vitreous body. It turns out, it is no more than 4 ml, despite the amount of 99% of this amount consists of water. Due to fluid filling, the volume of the eyeball is immutable.

How is formed

The formation of this gel substance occurs in the early stages of intrauterine development. The initial function of the vitreous body was to ensure the power of the eye lens and the front segment through the hyaloid artery. After the crust of the fetus is fully formed, this vessel disappears over time, and the child appears already without it. But as you know, any rule has exceptions: in some cases, hyaloid artery is detected in adults in the form of converted severity of various sizes.

For what is necessary

The main function of the vitreous body is the transmission of an intraocular fluid produced by the cyiliary eye separation department. Partially the substance comes from the rear chamber, getting directly into the fiber vessels and the optic nerve disk. The front on the vitreous body has a slight recess, which corresponds to the place of adjustment of the back of the crust. It is this semi-fluid substance that guarantees its durable connection with (ciliary epithelium and internal border membrane).

In addition, thanks to the vitreous body, which retains its shape, even when exposed to cargo, cautious slapping of the shells without its subsequent spreading is possible. The cortical layer of this part of the eyeball consists of hyalocytes synthesizing reticulin and hyaluronic acid necessary to maintain proper consistency. It is often formed by micro-filling due to the retinal break, which, in turn, contributes to the development of its detachment in the future.

As changing with age

If you draw attention to how an eye in an adult is arranged, then when considering the vitreous body, changes in its structure will be noticeable. In the newborn, this substance is a homogeneous gel mass, but over the years it is reborn. With a period of maturing a person, a person is sticking out of individual molecular chains into larger compounds. Gelpe-like mass over time turns into an aqueous solution and cluster of molecular compounds. Changes are reflected on the quality of vision: these floating groups are noted by a person in the form of splashes in front of the eyes, "flies." At the final stage of this process, the vitreous body is observed and pecking it from the retina, which is manifested by an increase in the amount of molecular suspension. In itself, this violation does not carry a significant threat, but in isolated cases it can entail a retinal detachment of the eye.

What role plays for sight

Perform all its functions the vitreous body starts from the moment of the appearance of a person to light. The physiological purpose of this department of the eyeball is as follows:

  • Due to its absolute transparency of the gel fluid, the rays of light penetrate directly to the surface of the retina.
  • Due to the unique structure of the vitreous body, intraocular pressure indicators remain stable, which is fundamentally important for the implementation of metabolic processes and the normal functioning of the visual body.
  • The vitreous body provides the optimal arrangement of the retina and lens.
  • In case of harsh movements or injury, the pupil function is designed to compensate for intraocular pressure drops.
  • The ball shape of the eye is the "merit" of the vitreous body.

Diseases that may arise

The turbidity process of the semi-liquid structure can flow differently. In most cases, pathological changes occur behind the cornea and lens. The vitreous body in this case undergoes pretrolling clouds. In other cases, changes occur in the central part of the organ or manifest themselves combined.

Conditionally all diseases of the vitreous body are divided into congenital and acquired. The first group includes such pathologies:

  1. The presence of residues of the embryonic artery that provided the power of the lens in the womb.
  2. Primary percision of the vitreous body.

With age, the development of a number of pathological phenomena and diseases of the vitreous body is possible. These include:

  • loss of consistency;
  • destruction;
  • turbidity;
  • hernias;
  • hemophthalm (hemorrhage).

Often, patients are diagnosed with inflammation of the vitreous body of the eyeball - endophthalmite or panofalmite. A rare phenomenon is the rear detachment of the substance, due to which the connection of the membrane film is disturbed in the attachment places. Against the background of the progression of pathology, the vitreous body spreads between the retina and the rear hyaloid shell, which leads to a rapid reduction in visual acuity.

How diseases appear

Speaking about symptoms that are disturbing patients with diseases of the vitreous structure of the eye, it is worth noting that they are manifested, as a rule, floating point clouds. Patients merry blots, threads, flies of various sizes. As for a tangible impairment of sight and pain in the eyes, these signs are more often occurring during hemorrhage and inflammation of the vitreous body.

In the event of a decrease in the functionality of the vitreous body, the patient may not disturb any symptoms for a long time. In this case, the likelihood that the disease will entail a deterioration of vision is quite large.

Causes of vitreous body pathologies

Provice violations in the work of the visual system are capable of nervous experiences, constant stress, as well as deterioration of visual functions caused by age-related changes. In the treatment of vitreous body pathologies, the continuous monitoring of the ophthalmologist and the periodic conduct of a comprehensive examination is primarily important. Only qualified specialist Able to assign competent treatment of the problem.

The risk group of the diseases of the vitreous structure of the eye belongs to patients older than 40 years. If the problems with vision appeared in more early ageThe person needs to reconsider his lifestyle and, if possible, exclude provoking factors.

What is destruction

It is about the destruction of the vitreous body, which leads to the emergence of very pronounced symptoms. The filling substance becomes muddy, which is perceived by the patient as the occurrence of floating interference - villion, stripes, points, nodules. The process of destruction of the vitreous body is most often caused by violations of the blood supply to this zone, diseases endocrine system, eye injuries and heads, stress. Of course, the age factors play.

For destruction, chaotic cloues are characteristic. At the same time, visual interference may occur before the patient in any visibility zone. In the process of destruction of the vitreous eye structure, moving transparent splas that have clear boundaries appear. In one place they do not stand and move after the pupil. The functions of the visual organs do not suffer, therefore the treatment of destruction is extremely rare, only in the presence of critical deterioration.

To date, therapy implies splitting of turbidity areas with a laser. It is important to note that any surgical intervention On the vitreous body can cause complications.

What is dangerous detachment and hemorrhage

In both cases, there is a risk of vision loss, and therefore any of the pathologies should be treated seriously. When detachment, short-term flash, glare, lightning or black dots arise before your eyes. The process of separating the vitreous body is safe for the patient. It is possible to do without intervention when the symptoms have a weakly exposed blurred character. But if you do not accept any healing measures, the decline in the visual function is inevitable.

In addition, in ophthalmology there are cases of hemorrhage to the area of \u200b\u200bthe vitreous body. Even if no discomfort does not bring the disease, the patient needs to be regularly visited by a specialist. Repeated hemorrhage episodes lead to loss of vision, so the priority task of the attending physician is the prevention of recurrences and maintaining the functions of the vitreous body.

Ophthalmological diagnostics

To identify the pathology of the vitreous body ophthalmologists carry out the following types of diagnostic studies:

  1. The visometry is a "standard" procedure that allows you to determine the visual acuity in the patient. Such a study passed each: with the help of tables and posters with sufficient lighting, the oculist checks the visual functions of the right and left eye.
  2. Biomicroscopy allows you to estimate the state of the front area of \u200b\u200bthe vitreous body under the microscope.
  3. Ophthalmoscopy is designed to determine the changes in the rear section of the vitreous body.
  4. Ensures the identification of retinal pathology for detachment.
  5. Ultrasound - a detailed study of the state of the eyeballs.

Before the beginning of the treatment of any disease of the vitreous body, eye is important to accurately differentiate it from other pathologies by the type of identified changes in the degenerative or inflammatory nature.

Achievements of scientists

In the presence of diagnosed violations from nervous system Patients are recommended to go surgery vitreous body. This operation is called Vitrectomy. After removal of the gel fluid, the department is filled with an unfulstand in physical characteristics.

Today, scientists-ophthalmologists have developed methods of synthetic cultivation of hyalocytes. They are planned to be used to create a vitreous bodies substitute, which has changed its structure. The analogue should be deprived of the deficiencies of the silicone fluid, which is introduced to patients after the vitrectomy today.

Effective means to restore vision without operations and doctors recommended by our readers!

Flashing spots in the eyes, lightning, outbreaks and clouds, these are the first signs of developing the destruction of the vitreous body. This disease is mainly developing in old age. The vitreous body to meet in fifty percent of the elderly, age from 65 years old. At this age, the vitreous body is considered normal phenomenon. But there are cases that, the vitreous body appears in young people. The vitreous body consists of fibers that are responsible for the visual nerve. The visual nerve, in turn, delivers the nervous messages to the brain. The optic nerve is responsible for processing and perception of information. Also in the eye is a tear gland, which performs many functions. This is a pair body that is in the upper and lower part of both eyes. In this article, we will consider what functions performs a visual nerve and tear gland. How to treat the visual nerve, and which inflammatory processes have tear gland. And we learn what a society and its functions in the human body.

The vitreous body of the eye is located in the middle of the retina and lens. It is made on ninety-nine percent of water, and one percent of hyaluronic acid, fibers and other materials. Contrary to the fact that these substances are small, and they are quite important components.

Film Body Functions:

  • Reimburses pressure drops;
  • Ensures the elasticity of the eyeball;
  • Sends a picture to the retina eye.

Elets, its function

Eyeless, this is bone pit, she protects the eyeball. Four sides: upper, bottom, outdoor and internal, well connected with each other. But each of them has its differences. The outer wall is one of the spirits, and the internal on the contrary falls into the slightest damage. The eyeball is connected to a straight line with a skull, which is a very serious problem in the event of inflammation.

The structure of the eye, consists of several departments:

  • eyelids;
  • cornea;
  • eyelashes;
  • eye sclera;
  • limbo.

Eyes playing them playing big role In the life of everyone. If at least one eye category is broken, you can lose sight.

You also need to know, everything that is behind the eye is no longer applied to ophthalmologic problems, and already to neurological. Neurology is related to vision disorder.

And therefore, they often cannot figure out what disease is, and what exactly needs to be treated, vision or neurological pathology. Since neurology is localized behind the eyeball.

What is the function in the optic nerve

The optic nerve of the development function is one of the important. It is responsible for the quality of the light image. The first and very important feature is to ensure the visual transmission of information in the brain area.

Even the smallest damage, suffer heavy complications and consequences. If nerve fibers break, vision loss will occur. Not large damage leads to partial loss of visibility and color fields.

Treatment of optic nerve

Spectator nerve treatment is quite difficult. Since the destruction of nerve fibers is not possible. If the treatment of fibers run, you can go blind on a painful eye. Basically, nerve disease does not occur independently, but due to pathological processes. Which affect other visual tract departments. To cure this nerve, you first need to find the cause of disease.

Functions of the lacrimal gland

The tear gland eye is necessary for the formation of tears, it performs a special structure and features for the eyes:

  • Wets the eyeball. It helps to turn to him on the sides.
  • Supplies a cornea.
  • At the moment of stress, the liquid is distinguished, which is characteristic of controlling the sharp emissions of adrenaline and hormones.
  • Helps to remove various sorts from the eye.
  • Provides image display.

The tear film for moisturizing and the corneal content contains three layers:

  • The first layer is the inner layer, consists of a thick material of Muzin.
  • The second contains a liquid base, and is based on small tear glands.
  • The third layer is outdoor, it consists of fats.

How the body destruction is formed

In normal condition, it is transparent with everything. But under the influence of certain reasons, collagen is split into small grains, which become muddy. It is them that we are visible in the eye in the form of spots.

The destruction of the structures of the vitreous body leads to the injury of the retina, and in the end a person begins to see in the eyes of the light of the light.

In bad cases, destruction is very noticeable. And in this state the collagen is quite a lot, it floats throughout the body and prevents from seeing. Basically, such cases are observed among mature people.

One of the prestruction options is silver or golden rain. This is due to the fact that the complications of cholesterol crystals in the middle of the eye begin. When the eye moves, these small grains slowly move and flicker that it provides a brilliant image.

In very difficult moments, destruction leads to the dying of the vitreous body, and fiber clips. Ultimately there is strong hemorrhage.

Sources of destruction

Old people are considered to be a normal phenomenon. Since it is created due to the aging procedure. If such a disease appears at an early age, this happens because of such reasons:

Poor blood circulation in the middle of the eye. If problems with vessels and heart, neck and head vessel processes are observed.

  • that is, myopia. In the normal state of the eye of the round form, but in the disease of myopia, it turns into an oval form. At this moment the body changes.
  • Mechanical eye disorder. This is observed when the body is deformed from impact. Fibers are torn and start moving around the vitreous body.
  • Bad metabolism. Due to diabetes mellitus, poor nutrition and Parkinson's disease.
  • Infectious eye diseases.
  • Viral diseases.
  • When the brain does not accept normal number oxygen.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Lack of minerals and vitamins.
  • Neurology and mental disorders.
  • Hormone failure. This pregnancy, disease internal organs and age.


Usually checking the vitreous body, not heavy and formed on clinical picture. Also necessary, do not miss the diseases similar to destruction. It can be a concussion of the brain, diabetes and hypertensive crisis.

In case of destruction, the stains are always visible, regardless of the position of the body.


At the moment, there is no treatment from this disease. But then how to treat? There are methods of prevention and prevention of sources that create a disease of the vitreous body.

Non-media methods

First you need to refuse harmful habits. This smoking and alcohol consumption. It has long been established that nicotine does not affect the human body, and provokes various diseases, including the destruction of the body. If you have a sitting job, you need to carry out massages, in particular in the neck area. And you can also do yoga.

You should also change the diet. Every day you have to eat fruits and vegetables, as well as greens. Try to rest a lot, and less nervous. Neurology and stress, well affect the destruction of the body.

It is necessary to remove the load on the eyes. If you often work at the computer, make more interruptions, so that your eyes rest. It would be good to carry out an eye. Or just close them for a couple of minutes and give them relax.

Spend a massage for the face and in the eye area. This will improve blood circulation.

Folk ways of treatment

One of the best treatment options, these are drops for eyes cooked from honey and aloe.

- Four teaspoons of aloe, mix with one teaspoon of good honey, and hold for a few hours. Drip into each eye, three drops, three times a day. They are well soaked with tissues with useful substances and settles the blood flow.

Surgical treatment of destruction

There are two types of this treatment:

Vitrectomy. This is the removal of everything or part of the vitreous body. Free space is filled with artificially medium. This method uses in extreme cases.

Since it is very dangerous, and complications after surgery may be undesirable. After the operation, the retinal detachment may occur and cause cataract.

When cataract, use a lens for the eye. Artificial lenshelps to improve image quality. The lens of the eye looks like an ordinary lens made from a transparent material. Artificial lens is compatible with tissues, and after the operation does not harm the eyes.

Vitreolysis. Circuits of the vitreous body of the eye with a laser are removed. In this case, the laser beam splits bunches into small particles, and after the operation they are not perceived by the eye.

Unfortunately, this procedure is small. Because, after surgery, complications may begin, as well as it is difficult in technical plan, as you have to work with a moving object.

Prediction and prevention

Not heavy levels of degradation, are observed by almost everyone, but they do not affect the human life. Since many get used to this and do not pay attention to them.

Strong destruction, can cause certain problems. In this case, you need an operation.

In order not to be changed in the vitreous body, follow yourself. Because of a bad lifestyle and destruction of the body.

Nowadays such a problem is almost any child. Therefore, parents must follow the children, walking out in the fresh air, so that the books are right and watched the TV. Also, there must be good lighting, so that the child's eyes did not deteriorate.

Also neurology can cause droppings. Know that you need not only to visit an ophthalmologist, but also a neuropathologist. At least once a year for prophylaxis.

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2-12-2012, 21:22


The structure and functions of the vitreous body

The vitreous body is called a transparent, colorless, gel-like substance, filling the cavity of the eyeball. A glass of the vitreous body is limited to a lens, a zonular bundle and ciliary process, and the back and on the periphery - the retina.

The most surround eye formation, which makes up 55% of its internal content. In an adult, a mass of a vitreous body is 4 g, a volume is 3.5-4 ml.

The vitreous body has a spherical shape, a somewhat flattened in the sagittal direction. Its rear surface goes to the retina, to which it is fixed only at the disk of the optic nerve and in the region of the toothed line in the flat part of the ciliary body. This section in the form of a width of 2-2.5 mm wide is called the base of the vitreous body.

In the vitreous body distinguish Actually, the vitreous body, the border membrane and glass (bubbles) channel, which is a tube with a diameter of 1-2 mm, which comes from the disk of the optic nerve to the rear surface of the lens, without reaching its rear bark. In the embryonic period of a person's life through this channel, an artery of a vitreous body, disappearing by the birth of birth.

Thanks to the use of modern prominent methods for the study of the vitreous body, it was possible to establish that it has a fibrillar structure and that interfibrillary intervals filled with liquid, viscous, amorphous content. The fact that the nude vitreous body does not spread and retains its shape even when the cargo is applied to it, indicates the presence of its own outer shell, or the membrane. A number of authors consider it the finest, transparent independent shell. However, the point of view is more popular according to which it is a more dense layer of the vitreous body, which formed as a result of the thicance of its outer layers and fibril condensation.

By chemical nature The vitreous body is hydrophilic gel organic origin, 98.8% of which is water and 1.12% - a dry residue containing proteins, amino acids, urea, creatinine, sugar, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphates, chlorides, sulfates, cholesterol, etc. while proteins, The components of 3.6% of the dry residue are represented by vitrochin and mucin, which ensures the viscosity of the vitreous body, are tens of times greater than the viscosity of water.

Normally the vitreous body Does not have fibrinolytic activity. However, it was experimentally established that in cases of intravitreal hemorrhage, the thromboplastic activity of a vitreous body, aimed at stopping bleeding, is significantly increasing. Due to the presence of the vitreous body of the antifibrinolytic properties of fibrin for a long time It is not resolved, which contributes to cell proliferation and the formation of connective tissue clouds.

The vitreous body has the properties of colloidal solutions, and it is considered as a structural, but unoccalued connective tissue. Vessels and nerves in the vitreous substance are not. The livelihood and constancy of its medium are provided by osmosis and diffusion of nutrients from intraocular fluid through a vitreous membrane, which has directional permeability.

Biomikroscopicthe structure of the vitreous body is represented in the form of gentle gray ribbons of various shapes and sizes with the inclusion of point and male-shaped whitish formations. When the eye moves, these structures "pegs up". Between the ribbons are colorless, transparent areas. With age in the vitreous body, floating cloues and vacuole appear. The vitreous body does not regenerate and during partial loss is replaced by intraocular fluid.

The presence in the vitreous body of the DC liquid is confirmed by the results of radiographic studies: the movement of the indifferent paint or radionuclide isotopes entered extractuagular, in the vitreal masses. The liquid produced by the ciliary body enters the base of the vitreous body, from where it moves along the paths of the outflow - to the front chamber and the stop - in the perivascular spaces of the optic nerve. In the first case, the fluid is mixed with chamber moisture and is given together with it, in the second from the rear section of the vitreous body, bordering the optical part of the retina, the liquid recesses the perivascular spaces of the retinal vessels. Knowledge of the characteristics of the circulation of intraocular fluid allows you to present the nature of the distribution medicinal substances In the cavity of the eye.

The vitreous body has low bactericidal activity. Leukocytes and antibodies are detected in it after some time after infection. According to a number of authors, the antigenic properties of the vitreous body are not different from those proteins of blood.

The main functions of the vitreous body are

  • maintaining the shape and tone of the eyeball;
  • light;
  • participation in intraocular metabolism;
  • providing retinal contact with vascular shell.

Pathological processes in a vitreous body

They manifest themselves in violation of its transparency, which leads to a decrease in vision of varying degrees, up to his loss.

Blind of vitreous body may arise due to violation of metabolic processes in diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, as well as inflammatory diseases Vascular tract and injuries. The intensity of cloues varies from minor, like "flying flies", to coarse, dense lumbness, sometimes fixed to the retina.

"Flying flying"- It is gentle clouds in a vitreous body (its modified and glued fibers), which, with bright light, discard the shadow on the retina and perceived by the eye as floating in front of it the dark formations of various sizes and shapes (wavy lines, specks). They are most clearly visible when viewed. on a uniformly illuminated white surface (snow, light sky, white wall, etc.) and move when moving the eyeball. The phenomenon of "flying flies" is usually due to the initial destructive processes in the vitreous gel and often occurs at myopia and in the elderly Aged with objective studies (biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy) cloues usually do not detect. local treatment is not required, the main disease is carried out.

With increasing degradation of a vitreous body, i.e. its discharge (transition from the state of the gel to the sol), it detects turbidity in the form of flakes, strips, tapes, translucent films, etc., shifted when the eyeball moves. They are characteristic of the nice destruction of the vitreous body, often observed at high myopia, the severe flow of hypertensive disease, expressed atherosclerosis in old age. The grainy destruction of the vitreous body, manifested in the formation of a suspension of grayish-brownish smallest grains (accumulation of pigment cells and lymphocytes migrating from surrounding tissues), is observed when retinal detachment, inflammatory processes In the vascular path, intraocular tumors, injuries. The process of progression of the nichlya and grainy destruction of the vitreous body can suspend in case successful treatment The main disease.

In the elderly and during diabetes mellitus, the destruction of the vitreous body is often noted with the inclusions of cholesterol crystals, tyrosine, and others floating when the ocular apple is moving in the form of "silver" or "golden rain". Deep destructive processes are usually developing at myopia high degree, general violations Exchange processes, as well as injury.

Fiberglass detachment It occurs in the presence of dystrophic changes. Distinguish the front and back detachment of the vitreous body.

Front delay It is often observed in old age, less often - in injuries and inflammatory processes in the vascular path. It can be detected during biomicroscopy. In this case, the space between the crystal and the vitreous body seems optically empty.

Rear delay The vitreous body often occurs at myopia and often precedes the retinal detachment. The rear detachment can have different heights, shape and length, be complete or partial. The most frequent option is the full rear disconnection of the vitreous body, detected throughout the rear pole of the eye with a more or less pronounced displacement to the center. In these cases, the vitreous body is removed from the disk of the optic nerve and with biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy ahead of the optic nerve disk, a gray oval ring is detected, and the subvitreal space is filled with liquid. A partial detachment is less common and either happened, or gradually increases and goes into full.

The most severe manifestation of the dystrophic process in a vitreous body is considered wrusting(reduction in volume), often detected in chronic inflammatory processes in the retina and vascular sheathAfter penetrating eye wounds, as well as traumatic intraocular operations, accompanied by the falling out of the vitreous body.

With inflammatory processes in the vascular path and retina (iridocyclite, chorioretinite), cloues consisting of cellular and fibrous elements appear in the vitreous body - exudites. The mechanism of their formation is as follows: cellular inclusions (leukocytes, lymphocytes, plasmacites) are deposited on the rear surface of the lens and in the retrenental space, where in the light of the slit lamp they have a look of brilliant small points. Then these inclusions in large quantities appear in the front and rear sections of the vitreous body. Later, when empties are formed in it, cells accumulate in them, laying off on the walls like precipitates. In these cases, the eye is seen in the fog due to the large number of serous exudate.

The outcome of the exudative process is different. In some cases, the exudates are completely or partially absorbed, in other cellular elements and protein exudate spread throughout the vitreous body. With biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy, they have a kind of flakes of floating clouds various forms and magnitude.

The most severe and prognostically unfavorable pathological condition of the vitreous body is endophthalmitacharacterized by considerable severity of inflammatory changes in it and the ability to spread them to the surrounding structures of the eye. In these cases, due to diffuse turbidity of the vitreous body, the light reflex from the eye bottom is missing, the pupil becomes gray or yellow.

Intravitreal hemorrhage It usually occurs when changes in the walls of the retinal vessels and the vascular path. They burst into injuries and during intraocular operations, as well as as a result of inflammatory or degenerative processes ( hypertonic disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus). Among the causes of hemorrhages in the vitreous body, the leading position occupies traumatic damage to the organ of vision, accompanied by hemorrhages in more than 75% of cases.

The first signs of intravitreal hemorrhage are the weakening or absence of reflex from the eye bottom, a decrease in vision of varying degrees, up to its complete loss. In these cases, the vitreous body seems reddish, and blood is often visible behind the lens.

Spilled and massive hemorrhage In the vitreous body are indicated by the term "hemophthalm". To establish the degree of filling the cavity of the eye, the blood is carried out with a diaphlary transmission using a diaphlastoskop. The glow of the sclera testifies to local hemorrhages in the vitreous body. The absence of a glow at the maximum intensity of the light beam indicates massive hemorrhage, or hemophthalm.

The outcome of hemorrhages, as well as the formation of vitreal clouds, depend on the nature and severity of injury, the volume of the incered blood, its localization, organism reactivity, the duration of the pathological process and the fibrinolytic activity of the vitreous body. However, regardless of the factors affecting the outcome of the hemophthalma, this pathological condition It is characterized by interrelated processes, the main of which are hemolysis, blood diffusion, fibroblast proliferation and phagocytosis.

Hemolysis and Diffusion of Blood According to the deadline correspond to the middle of the 1st - the end of the 2nd week after hemorrhage. Blood is located in the form of heavy tapes along the fibrous structures of the vitreous body. In the course of hemolysis of entire erythrocytes, only their "shadows" and fibrin are determined. By the 7-14th day in the injured eye, cell-free film formations, consisting of fibrin and lysed erythrocytes, oriented in the course of fibrous structures of the vitreous body are formed. A feature of this stage The flow of hemophthalma is acoustic non-informativeness, since the length of the acoustic wave is proportionated to the magnitude of the lysed blood elements, so the vitreous body in sleep concepts looks acousticly homogeneous. Later, more coarse clouds are formed due to fibroblastic proliferation.

Treatment. Conservative treatmentwhich, as a rule, spend in early deadlinesIt should be aimed at resolving hemorrhage and prevent his relapses. To this end, it is advisable to use angioprotectors and Vikasol.

After 1-2 days after hemorrhage shown comprehensive treatment, the main component of which is absorbing therapy. In these cases, heparin is used (0.1-0.2 ml - up to 750 units) in combination with decxazone (0.3 ml) in the form of concluded injections.

The main pathogenetically oriented treatment method in early term is therapy of fibrinolytic means To increase the fibrinolytic activity of the vitreous body and resorption of hemorrhage. For this purpose, streptodecase (immobilized streptocinase) is used, which translates inactive plasminogen into an active enzyme capable of split fibrin. The drug has a prolonged action, it is introduced retrobulbarno or subconjunctivally in a dose of 0.1-0.3 ml (15,000 - 45,000 pm), as a rule, 1 time per day for 2-5 days. Taking into account the fact that streptodecase is an antigenic drug, until its purpose, 0.3 ml of 0.1% of the decxazone solution is introduced under the conjunctival. Subcontractant administration of fibrinolytic drugs is recommended in the presence of gifema and hemorrhages in the front third of the vitreous body. When the localization of the vitreal hemorrhages in the middle and / or rear third of the vitreous body is advisable to introduce streptodecase retrobulbarly.

In hemophthalmam, the processes of lipid peroxidation processes are significantly activated, as a result of which hydropercycles and hydroperical radicals are accumulated, which have a damaging effect on the lipid layer of cellular and membrane formations. To reduce the activity of recycled oxidation processes, it is recommended to use antioxidants(Emoxipin and Taufon).

Hemorrhages in the vitreous body can be accompanied by an increase in intraocular pressure up to 35-40 mm Hg. As a result of the time blockade of the paths of the outflow of blood decomposition. An increase in intraocular pressure is stopped using hypotensional therapy.

Surgical treatment of traumatic hemophthalma. The results of numerous studies suggest that the pathological changes of the vitreous body at traumatic hemophthalma are deeply violated the cycle of metabolic processes in the vitreous body and the surrounding tissues, which are accompanied by a disorder of the acid-base state, accumulating intermediate metabolic products, which in turn provides An adverse effect on the further flow of exchange reactions. The so-called vicious circle is formed, in connection with which the removal of the vitreous body is vitrectomy- acquires a pathogenetic orientation. During the vitrectomy, the vitreous body dissect into small parts, removed from the cavity of the eyeball and at the same time replaced with a balanced saline.

Vitrectomyit can be performed with the opening of the eyeball (open vitratectomy) and with the help of special tools (fiber illuminators, the tips of irrigation-aspiration and cutting systems), which are injected into the eye through one or two puncture (closed vitrectomy).

The vitrectomy process consists in gripping with a vacuum (suction) of a small portion of the vitreous body aspiration needle of the vitreotoma, followed by cut-off of this portion. Then suck and cut down the following portion and thus the tissue of the pathologically changed of the vitreous body is resolved in stages. The speed of its excision and aspiration depends on the strength of the vacuum, the frequency of the movements of the Vitreotoma knife and the state of the vitreous body.

After removal of the front of the vitreous body, the vitreot is sent to the rear pole of the eye. As the muddy vitreous body removes, the pink reflex from the eye bottom appears everything brighter. After the removal of the vitreous body is completed in the optical zone and becomes visible to the rear pole of the eye, proceed to the removal of its peripheral part. If necessary, remove almost all the vitreous body. The most difficult to remove the base due to its durable fixation in the zone of the gear line and the flat part carnish Body. In these cases, there is a real threat to lens. The presence of cloud residues along the periphery usually does not cause violation of visual functions after the operation.

From complications that may occur during surgery should be noted intravitreal bleedingwhich stop by artificially improving intraocular pressure at a reinforced feed of the replacement fluid.

In order to prevent recurrence of hemorrhage in the cavity of the vitreous body patients in the preoperative period are prescribed antigermorgic drugs (Neutin, Ditinon, Askorutin, Calcium chloride, etc.).

Numerous clinical observations and analysis of the functional results show that when using modern vitreotomes and vitrectomy techniques, it is practically safe, and the risk of complications is much lower than with a long-term location of a large amount of blood in the vitreous body. Moreover, early restoration of the transparency of the vitreous body allows Already at the initial stages of the lesion, to identify changes in the retina, if necessary, to coagulate these pathological foci by the energy of laser radiation and thereby prevent the emergence of new blood portions.

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