Presentation on caution bad habits. Presentation "bad habits and their impact on health"

Bad habits, unfortunately, often accompany the life of not only schoolchildren, but also adults. That is why children, seeing the unworthy behavior of their older comrades or family members, try to imitate them in some way, without thinking that they are doing wrong. Presentations "Bad Habits" tell about the impact on the body of such terrible evils as smoking, drug use, alcohol. But these are far from all the bad habits that a person has. It is necessary to download the presentation on the topic "Bad habits" for free so that children, reviewing the slides, analyze their behavior, their own actions, their way of life and make changes in it, if necessary.

From childhood, the character of each little man is formed. Presentation for primary school on the topic "Bad habits" will tell students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 about such bad manners in behavior as picking their ears, biting nails and pencils, addiction to games on the computer and constant crying if they want to achieve something. Presentation on the topic "Bad habits" for grades 5, 6, 7, 8 talks about more evil addictions. At this age, it is time for children to start talking about the dangers of alcohol and tobacco smoking.

The work of the social educator is entirely aimed at eradicating and preventing bad habits among schoolchildren by showing them thematic presentations, conducting interesting actions.

Children are dear to you and you want to see them happy? Then let yourself go to the next class hour download the presentation "Bad Habits" and have a heart-to-heart talk with your pupils. Let these bad habits pass them by.

The presentation on the topic "Bad habits and their impact on human health" will tell in grade 4 about how bad manners gradually come into our life and remain in it forever, if there is no struggle with them. Download a presentation on the impact of bad habits on health and children's organism you can go to school hour, which is part of the cycle of activities for a healthy lifestyle.

"Bad habits and their impact on human health" ready presentation for 5, 6, 7 or 8 grade. It can be used during the health classroom hour to introduce students to addictions that cripple health. You can download a presentation on the topic of bad habits and their effect on the human body and show it at the classroom hour in order to warn children from the first step, which for many becomes fatal.

Not every parent knows how to properly deal with those bad habits that begin to form in a child. Parents' meeting in 2nd - 3rd grade on the topic "Bad habits of children" can be held with a presentation and tell moms and dads how to behave in extraordinary situations. There is a parenting test in the parent meeting presentation. The practical part of the presentation on the topic of bad habits contains situations that the parents present will certainly sort out at the round table.

Presentation "Bad habits and their impact on human health" on life safety for grade 5 is a ready-made material for an interesting lesson. 35 slides will help children understand why it is necessary to protect themselves from bad habits. A presentation on life safety about bad habits and their impact on health can also be used in the classroom hour in grade 5.

For the most curious kids presentation "Bad habits" for 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade on a healthy lifestyle. Her slides talk about both good habits in children and bad ones. We will strengthen and increase the useful ones, and fight the useless ones and watch a presentation on the topic of bad habits among elementary school students (grades 2, 3, 4).

The presentation on the topic "Bad Habits" will tell grade 1 students about small needs that a person does not need at all. Stop biting your nails and pen in class, it's time to stop using ugly words and throwing candy wrappers on the street. A class hour on the topic "Bad habits" in the 1st grade with a presentation will be not only interesting, but also useful. Let's declare a fight against bad habits together with the first graders!

Presentation on the topic "Prevention of bad habits", which can be downloaded for OBZH in grade 5, for open or planned class hours, proves incompatibility healthy way life and addictions or bad manners. The 22 slides of the presentation tell not only about a healthy lifestyle or bad habits, but also a lot of statistical data that speak in numbers.

The material contains a presentation for the class hour "Bad habits. Smoking, alogy, drugs". The event is recommended to be held in all classrooms. The purpose of the classroom hour is to tell students about the negative consequences of smoking, drug use. Advice on combating nicotine addiction is given.

Today, being healthy is fashionable! The correct attitude towards yourself, towards your health, towards nature and the people around you, love for sports, not having bad habits create the basis for a healthy lifestyle



tobacco is one of the most common bad habits. Over time, it causes the smoker's physical and mental dependence.

REMEMBER: it is easy to smoke, but it is very difficult to break the habit of smoking in the future, and you will be a slave to smoking, slowly and surely destroy your health

Alcoholic everyone can become with the systematic use of alcoholic beverages, including beer.

Alcohol has a deep and lasting weakening effect on the body. A dose as small as 80 g of alcohol retains its effect for 24 hours. Taking even small doses of alcohol lowers performance and leads to rapid fatigue, absent-mindedness, complicates the correct perception of events, weakens the will. The state of intoxication, accompanied by a weakening of deterrent factors, a loss of shame and a real assessment of the consequences of the actions committed, often pushes young people to frivolous, casual sex, which often results in unwanted pregnancy, abortion, and infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Prevention of bad habits Since alcoholism and tobacco smoking also refer to narcotic substances, it means that we will single out several general rules: "Not!" drugs !

Constantly develop a firm "No!" any drugs in any dose, no matter how small, in any setting, in any company. You must have a firm attitude: "Always only" No! "To any drugs. Only" No! "" This is your reliable defense.

Constantly form a habit of enjoying yourself while doing your daily activities. Academic excellence, athletic performance, participation in certain household chores with parents, work on summer cottage, visiting sports clubs, classes in technical creativity circles, etc. All this is necessary for you to prepare for a prosperous adult life, and success in studies, sports, homework brings constant pleasure and contributes to your spiritual and physical development. So, "No!" idleness. "No" to idle pastime, life should be filled with useful and necessary activities.

A firm "No!" their shyness and instability when offered to try the drug. Remember! Life is more expensive! The tragedy of drug addicts lies in the fact that they voluntarily fell into a slave dependence on narcotic substances, perhaps because for the first time they were ashamed to refuse a drug sample. Cultivate the Resilience of Not Trying narcotic substance, whoever offers it to you. Remember that you do not have to explain the reasons for your refusal to anyone. To say: “I don’t want to, and that’s all” is your right.

    IV... - What habits that threaten your health do you know? (bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drug addiction) 7 slide These are the worst health destroyers because they can be deadly. We know a lot about the dangers of smoking and its effects on humans.

    V... - But can everyone resist an invitation to try to smoke? Now the guys will act out the situation, it can be useful not only in a specific case, but also in any life situation, if a person is offered to do what he does not want (smoke, drink, skip class). Watch the dialogue carefully, and then you tell me who was more convincing (participants Tolya P. and Misha B.

    T.Let's have a smoke!

    M... I'm not allowed.

    T. Why?

    M. My parents will see me.

    T... And we'll go around the corner.

    M. I can't, I was sick recently, smoking is harmful for me.

    T... Well, you won't die from one cigarette ?!

    M... And I don't smoke "our" cigarettes.

    T. I have foreign ones.

    M... And I don't light matches from matches.

    T... And I have a lighter.

    M... No, my parents will see me.

    T. We will go to the basement.

    M. Confused and doesn't know what to say.

    - Who won, who was more convincing? (Tolya) What can you say about the participant Misha? (In my opinion, a very significant argument has never been used: “I DO NOT WANT”, - arguments Mishaconfused and insignificant.) When a person justifies his refusal in this way, it seems that he is about to agree. If you really do decide to refuse, choose the argument that is the most weighty from your point of view and insist on it. Let's see another example. (Participants Christina K. and Nastya S.)

    TO. Smoke!

    H... I won't.

    TO... What then came here?

    H... Just.

    TO... Well, then get out of here!

    VI. Ability to refuse any offer is a must in everyday life. 8 - 9 slides (smoker's teeth, lungs), 10 slide - Did you know that every eight seconds a new smoker appears in the world, the death rates from smoking are increasing every year. According to research scientists, by 2030, tobacco will kill 300 million people. - What would you say if you were offered to smoke? (No, thanks, I don't smoke! No, thanks, I don't like smoking! No, thanks, it's not for me! No, thanks, I'm fine as it is! No, smoking is not fashionable!) 11-12 slides (Be able to say no!) Resisting an invitation to try a cigarette is a truly grown-up act to be proud of. Smokers cannot give up this occupation - they have fallen into the slavery of cigarettes, but those who can resist are truly strong and free people.

    Vii. - What else can you do to stay healthy? 3 slide. Read in anagram:

    “P D O R AND F U S O S O P T O S R M! ”(Make friends with sports!)

    30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day significantly supports and improves health. It doesn't matter if you are walking at this time, riding a bike or racing football, it just has to be every day. No wonder they say: "Health is a case of beauty." If you go in for sports, you will be beautiful. According to scientists, daily physical exercises slow down the aging of the body and add an average of 6-9 years of life! 13 - 15 slides

    VIII. Speech of the propaganda team

    Participants of the propaganda team go on stage to the sound of a chant:

    One two three four.

    Three is four, one is two.

    Who walks together in a row?

    Fighting squad of guys!

    Everyone! Everyone!

    Good day!

    Get sick and lazy out of the way!

    We love to study, work, have fun.

    Hey friends, where are you in a hurry?

    Student 1: We are for health

    Student 2: We are for happiness

    Disciple3:For a sober mind

    Student 4:For clarity of thought,

    Disciple5:For childhood, youth,

    Student 6:For the joy of life!

    TOGETHER:You are welcomed by a propaganda team 4 in class

    Disciple7:We solve big problems with you,
    The task must be set seriously,
    A healthy life is the most important topic
    You can't rely on luck here.

    Student 8:We know the laws of a healthy life
    There is no reason for bad habits
    We are familiar with the enemies of health

    And they are ready to throw off their masks.

    Disciple1:There are many bad habits in the world:

    Children try to drink beer,

    Apprentice2:Bully tone and vulgar speech

    All this brings the sword over the lives.

    Son:“If I start smoking -
    This is very bad?"
    Apparently caught by surprise
    Father's son with a question.
    Dad quickly got up from his chair,
    He threw the cigarette.
    And the father said then
    Looking into the eyes of his son:
    Father:“Yes, sonny, smoking tobacco -
    This is very bad ”.
    Son, having heard this advice,
    Asks again:
    Son: You've been smoking for many years
    And you're not dying? "

    Father:“I lit a cigarette from a young age,
    To seem like an adult
    Well, and became from cigarettes
    Less than normal growth.
    Heart, lungs are sick
    There is no doubt about that.
    I paid with health
    For your smoking.
    I quit smoking five times
    Maybe more
    But the trouble is - I smoke again.
    There is not enough will.
    You are my dad, I am your son,
    Let's cope with the trouble.
    You quit smoking alone
    And now there are two of us.
    And we decided to continue
    And father and baby:
    Son and father together:“Let's do well
    And let's not - it's bad! "

    (music to leave)

    Disciple1:We are the youth of the twenty-first century
    The fate of man is in our hands.
    We are against smoking
    Healthy generation of our country!

    Apprentice2:We are citizens of our country!
    We are the future of Russia!
    We are our parents' hope!

    Apprentice3: We entered the 21st century

    And let this century be completely safe

    Let's say NO to bad habits

    Be, man, healthy and beautiful.

    Disciple4:Strengthen your health with sports,

    Go hiking and meet the sunrises

    The secret of success in life, know for sure

    Your health, you remember this.

    Disciple3:We choose life! Life is Beautiful!

    Disciple4:We want to love, believe in honesty, do good!

    Disciple1:We declare to the whole wide world:

    Apprentice2: Life, yes!

    Student 3:There is no death!

    Student 4:Sports, yes!

    Apprentice 5: No nicotine!

    Student 6:Health, yes!

    Student 7:No alcohol!

    Apprentice 8: Our health is a gift of nature

    So be healthy, man In the era of technology and fashion

    16 slideIX. Cartoon "Pipe and Bear" X. The song "I choose sport!"

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"Presentation to class. hour "No bad habits" "

Presentation on extracurricular activities: " No bad habits »

The presentation was prepared by a primary school teacher of the 1st qualification category MOAU secondary school No. 17 Dzekh T.I. ...

  • Compliance with the daily routine
  • Hygiene
  • Proper nutrition
  • Hardening procedures
  • Do not have bad habits

  • To preserve health Strengthen your body, You know and I know There should be a regime for the day.


  • So that not a single microbe Didn't accidentally hit the mouth Wash hands before eating Needed with soap and water.
  • There is also such advice, Brush your teeth, my hands! Then you will forget about the doctors, and healthy you

will you .

Proper nutrition

Eat vegetables and fruits Fish, dairy products - Here's a healthy meal Full of vitamins!

  • 30 minutes of work on the computer, a break of at least 30 minutes.
  • Do not watch TV for more than 2 hours.
  • Do not carry the phone on your body.

Don't start bad habits

  • People's life because of wine both dangerous and difficult. Cigarettes - nicotine, enemy to everything number one!
  • We will not let them defeat us, In a healthy world we all want to live.


"Make friends with sports"

  • To be healthy in full Everyone needs physical education. First, in order - Let's do some exercises in the morning!
  • To develop successfully Need to play sports From physical education There will be a slender figure

  • Go out for a walk Breathe fresh air. Just remember when leaving: Dress for the weather!
  • Get hardened and then You are not afraid of the blues

Here's some good advice,

Secrets are hidden in them, How to maintain health. Learn to appreciate it!

Bad habits: Let's change consciously!

The concept of habits A habit is an automated action, the implementation of which becomes a need under certain conditions.

The concept of bad habits A bad habit is a way of behavior fixed in a person, aggressive towards the person or society itself. Bad habits seriously worsen a person's health (physical and mental)

These include: tobacco smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction.

Smoking is one of the worst habits. Smoking is a social problem of society, both for its smokers and non-smokers. For the first - the problem is to quit smoking, for the second - to avoid the influence of the smoking society and not "get infected" with their habit, and also - to preserve your health from smoking products, since the substances entering the smoke exhaled by smokers are not much safer than if a person he smoked himself and took in nicotine and much more that is included in a lit cigarette

Passive smoking Passive smoking is the forced inhalation of tobacco smoke by non-smokers generated by other people in the process of smoking. Secondary smoke exhaled by a smoker pollutes the air with nicotine, carbon monoxide, ammonia, tar, benzopyrene, radioactive substances and other harmful components. Researchers of secondhand smoke have concluded that in a poorly ventilated room, a non-smoker inhales as much smoke in 1 hour as a smoker gets from one smoked cigarette. Passively inhaled tobacco smoke is a strong irritant to the lungs, which can lead to diseases of the pulmonary system. Tobacco smoke is especially harmful in case of passive smoking for patients with angina pectoris. Passive smoking causes an agitated state in non-smokers, irritability, it affects the psyche, impairs attention, and reduces the ability to perceive knowledge. Tobacco smoke reduces the amount of negatively charged ions in the air, which contributes to an increase in body tone and performance.

Composition of tobacco smoke Currently known about 2500 chemical substances included in the tobacco leaf, and more than 4700 substances that make up tobacco smoke.

The effect of tobacco smoke on the body

A smoking man is a slave to a cigarette !!!

Exposure to tobacco smoke affects: Pulmonary system Digestive organs Cardiovascular system

About the dangers of smoking Illustrative example differences between the lungs of a smoker and the lungs of a non-smoker:

You should know it! Smoking damages the respiratory system cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. Smokers suffer from lung cancer several times more often than non-smokers and make up 96-100% of all lung cancer patients. Smoking increases the likelihood of other types malignant tumors (oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, pancreas, stomach, colon, kidney, liver).

Smoking is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction). 13 times more often get angina pectoris 12 times - myocardial infarction

Signs of nicotine poisoning: Bitter taste in the mouth Cough and dizziness Nausea Weakness and malaise Pale face

Alcohol is a mood-altering drug that acts directly on the brain to suppress or eliminate our inherent inhibitions on certain types of behavior.

Alcohol is called the "mind thief". They learned about the intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages 8 thousand years before our era, when people made alcoholic drinks from honey, grapes, palm juice, wheat. The word "alcohol" means "intoxicating." In the past, drunkenness on weekdays was considered a sin and a shame. Alcohol affects brain cells, a person becomes angry, aggressive, loses control over himself, becomes mentally unbalanced. Alcoholism Alcohol is an intracellular poison that destroys vital important organs human - liver, heart, brain. 100 grams of vodka kills 7.5 thousand brain cells. 30% of all crimes are committed while intoxicated. A drunkard in a family is a grief, especially for children. Children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely than other people to fall ill with alcoholism and drug addiction. Alcohol is especially harmful to a growing body and “adult” doses for children can be fatal or disabling if the brain is damaged.

Alcohol, its effect on the body Chronic gastritis of the stomach Develops cirrhosis of the liver (destruction of the liver) Affects the brain Accelerates biological aging Leads to the development of alcoholism

Signs of alcohol poisoning Dizziness, nausea and vomiting Decreased heart rate, decreased blood pressure Agitated or depressed state

First aid for alcohol poisoning Lay on one side and clean airways Smell a cotton swab dipped in ammonia Rinse the stomach Put a cold compress on the head Call an ambulance

Drug addiction - (from the Greek. Numbness, sleep, madness) is chronic illnesscaused by drug use Signs of drug addiction: - irresistible craving for drug use; - a tendency to an increase in the amount of substance taken

Drug addiction and substance abuse Occurs as a result of substance abuse, causing a sense of short-term enjoyment mental state Signs of addiction and substance abuse: Psychic dependence Physical dependence Changes in drug sensitivity

Official statistics Russia is the largest heroin market in Europe. The total number of people who use drugs in Russia ranges from 3 to 4 million, a third of whom are heroin abusers. In Russia, the rate of HIV infection associated with injecting drug use is one of the highest in the world. In March 2010, the annual report of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) at the UN was published, where it was said that 500 thousand drug addicts were officially registered in Russia, but according to the INCB, the total number of people could reach 6 million, or 4% population size. 2 million Russian drug addicts are young people under the age of 24.

Photos of people before and after they started taking drugs

Signs of drug poisoning Increased muscle tone Pupil constriction and weakening of their response to light Skin redness

1. From the following phenomena, select the symptoms acute poisoning nicotine: a) bitterness in the mouth; b) redness of the eyes; c) coughing; d) cough and dizziness; e) nausea; f) swelling of the face; g) weakness and malaise; h) loss of orientation; i) increase lymph nodes; j) pallor of the face. Check yourself, what do you remember?

2. From the following symptoms, select those that are signs of alcohol poisoning: a) hearing impairment; b) dizziness, nausea and vomiting; c) yellowing of the skin; d) lack of reaction of pupils to light e) decrease in heart rate and decrease in blood pressure; f) lack of speech; g) agitated or depressed state; h) temperature rise.

3. From the following signs, select those that indicate drug poisoning: a) nausea and vomiting; b) increased muscle tone; c) dizziness; d) constriction of the pupils and weakening of their reaction to light e) bleeding from the nose; f) skin redness; g) runny nose; h) bitterness in the mouth.

Your own master

Or how not to become a hostage to tobacco smoking

Slide 2

  • You can't buy health
  • Man is not only the master of his own destiny, but also of his health.
  • Taking care of yourself is made of love for your body.
  • We interact with the environment, natural and social. This means that the body is subjected to different tests.
  • A person decides for himself what to do and what to avoid.

Slide 3

  • Harmful temptations
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Addiction to drugs

Slide 4

Why do people smoke

  • Tobacco smoking has become a social norm. Nowadays, both men and women and teenage children smoke. They believe that it is
  • relieves stress;
  • makes them socially significant;
  • allows you to have a good time with the company.
  • Many teenagers smoke for self-affirmation.

Slide 5

What does a cigarette include?

Tobacco smoke consists of

  • nicotine
  • soot
  • resin
  • arsenic oxide
  • carbon dioxide
  • formic and acetic acids
  • formaldehyde
  • ammonia
  • hydrogen sulfide

Slide 6

The effect of tobacco on the body

All components contained in tobacco smoke pass through oral cavity in the respiratory tract, irritates the mucous membranes and settles in the lungs. With age, these substances accumulate so much that it becomes difficult for a person to breathe and live.

Slide 7

Harm from tobacco

  • There are cancers of the larynx, respiratory and digestive organs, and the genitourinary system.
  • Women who smoke age faster, cannot give birth to healthy children, or generally lose the ability to carry a child.
  • Teens lack mental and physical activity.
  • 400,000 people die a year.

Slide 8

Tobacco addiction

A smoker goes through 4 stages of tobacco addiction:

  • rarely, from time to time;
  • 5-10 cigarettes per day, easy attraction, independent refusal at any time;
  • 1-2 packs of cigarettes per day, persistent attraction, impatience, if it is impossible to smoke - irritability, nervous agitation, increased pressure, increased heart rate;
  • more than 2 packs a day, defeat internal organs, specific cough, yellow-gray skin color, wrinkling, impaired motor functions.

Slide 9

To smoke or not to smoke

Anyone who at least once picked up a cigarette thinks that smoking will not become a habit and he can easily and quickly get rid of this addiction. It is a big misconception that smoking is easy to quit. If it were possible, there would be fewer and fewer people with cigarettes.

Slide 10

What to do?

The easiest way out is not to try smoking at all, so as not to acquire a bad habit.

When a dependency occurs, use effective means getting rid of it.

Slide 11

Means of getting rid of tobacco smoking

  • medicines, plasters, capsules;
  • folk remedies;
  • personal psychology: self-hypnosis, self-regulation, willpower;
  • material question.
  • Each person chooses for himself the most acceptable option, how to quit smoking forever.

Slide 12

  • If you want to live long
  • Quit smoking soon
  • Therefore, there is no more harmful
  • Ill-fated cigarettes.
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