Organization of social rehabilitation of disabled children. Rehabilitation rules for disabled children

Rehabilitation of disabled children is a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic measures aimed at eliminating or as fully compensating for the disabilities caused by health problems with persistent disorders of body functions. The goal of rehabilitation is to restore the social status of a disabled person, achieve material independence and his social adaptation.

There are the following types of rehabilitation for disabled children:

  • - medical,
  • - psychological,
  • - pedagogical,
  • - socio-economic,
  • - professional,
  • - labor,
  • - household,
  • - sports.

Medical rehabilitation is aimed at full or partial restoration or compensation of one or another impaired or lost function or at slowing down the progression of the disease.

Rehabilitation in medicine is the initial link in the general rehabilitation system, because a disabled child first of all needs medical care... In fact, there is no clear boundary between the period of treatment of a disabled child and the period of his medical rehabilitation, or rehabilitation treatment, since treatment is always aimed at restoring health and returning to active activity, however, medical rehabilitation measures begin in a hospital after disappearance acute symptoms diseases.

Medical measures for the rehabilitation of disabled children include the determination of the medical and physiological state of children, rehabilitation potential, rehabilitation therapy, reconstructive surgery, a certificate of professional suitability, as well as medical and social expertise. For a comprehensive assessment of the state of health, as a rule, a comprehensive clinical and functional examination of the child is carried out using clinical, instrumental, functional and physiological research methods, with the identification of the compensatory capabilities of the body, the child's tolerance to physical and neuropsychic stress, psychological status.

All other forms of rehabilitation of children with disabilities - psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic, professional, household - are carried out along with medical.

Psychological rehabilitation - This is the impact on the mental sphere of a disabled child. This form of rehabilitation accompanies the entire cycle of treatment and rehabilitation measures. First of all, a social educator must know and take into account psychology disabled child, to understand that he is, as it were, isolated from society and remains alone with his own problems. A closed space, limited communication lead to the emergence of nervous disorders in disabled people, which introduces additional difficulties in social and pedagogical work.

Psychological rehabilitation of disabled children includes, as one of the directions, psychological correction of developmental deviations with various options for limiting the child's capabilities. When studying the personal and intellectual spheres of the child's psyche, the focus is on the question of mental reasons deviations, their degree of severity. However, regarding childhood psychology and pedagogical assessment of developmental disorders cannot be complete if they do not also take into account deviations from the norm age development, on which the child is, the characteristics of his ontogenesis caused by disease processes or their consequences.

It should also be borne in mind that psychological problems are experienced not only by children with disabilities, but also by their parents, close ones, and other relatives. Therefore, they also need psychological help and support.

Pedagogical rehabilitation - these are educational activities aimed at ensuring that a sick child has mastered the necessary skills for self-service, and received a school education. It is very important to develop a child's psychological confidence in his own usefulness and create the correct professional orientation. The social educator carries out activities that provide for preparation for various types of activities available to them, creating confidence that the acquired knowledge in a particular area will be useful in subsequent employment.

Socio-economic rehabilitation includes a set of measures: providing a disabled person with the necessary and convenient housing for him; maintaining the confidence of the disabled child that he is a useful member of society; monetary support for a disabled person and his family through payments for temporary incapacity for work or disability, the appointment of a pension, etc.

Vocational rehabilitation provides for the training or retraining of disabled children in accessible forms of work, the provision of the necessary individual technical devices to facilitate the use of the working tool, the adaptation of the previous workplace of the disabled person to its functional capabilities, the organization of special workshops and enterprises with easier working conditions and shorter working hours for disabled children, etc. etc.

Labor rehabilitation - lies in the fact that in rehabilitation centers the method of occupational therapy is widely used, based on the tonic and activating effect of labor on the psychophysiological sphere of a person. Prolonged inactivity relaxes a person, reduces his energy capabilities, and work increases vitality, being a natural stimulant. Occupational therapy as a method of restorative treatment is essential for the gradual return of disabled children to their normal life rhythm. Big role occupational therapy plays a role in diseases and injuries of the osteoarticular apparatus. Occupational therapy is of particular importance in the treatment of mental illnesses, which are often the cause of long-term isolation of a disabled child from society. Occupational therapy facilitates relationships between people by relieving tension and anxiety. Being busy, focusing on the work being performed distract the disabled child from his painful experiences.

Household rehabilitation - this is the provision of prostheses to a disabled child, personal means of transportation at home and on the street (special bicycle and motorized carriages, cars with adapted controls, etc.).

Recently, great importance has been attached to sports rehabilitation. Participation in sports and rehabilitation activities allows relatively healthy children to overcome fear of a sick child, to form a culture of attitude towards the weak, to include the child in the process of self-education, to acquire the skills to lead an independent lifestyle, to be sufficiently free and independent.

When developing and conducting rehabilitation measures, it is necessary to take into account both the medical diagnosis of a disabled child and the personality traits in the social environment. Rehabilitation differs from conventional treatment in that it involves the joint efforts of a social educator, social work specialist, psychologist and doctor, on the one hand, and a disabled child and his environment (primarily family), on the other hand, qualities that help optimal adaptation of a disabled child to the social environment. Treatment in this situation is a process that affects the body, the present, and rehabilitation is more addressed to the individual and is directed towards the future.

And, finally, we note that in accordance with the Federal Law "On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation "distinguish between the federal basic program for the rehabilitation of disabled people (this is a guaranteed list of rehabilitation measures, technical means and services provided to a disabled person free of charge at the expense of the federal budget) and an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (developed on the basis of the decision of the State Service of Medical and Social Expertise, a complex of optimal rehabilitation measures, including certain types, forms, volumes, terms and procedure for the implementation of medical, professional and other rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring, compensating for impaired or lost body functions, restoring, compensating for the ability of a disabled person to perform certain types of activities).

An individual rehabilitation program is of a recommendatory nature for a disabled person; he or she has the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of rehabilitation measures, as well as from the implementation of the program as a whole. A disabled person has the right to independently resolve the issue of providing himself with a specific technical means or type of rehabilitation, including cars, wheelchairs, prosthetic and orthopedic products, printed publications with a special font, sound amplifying equipment, alarms, video materials with subtitles or sign language interpretation, and other similar means.

Parents who want to provide their children with health problems with a normal life should find out what are the features of the rehabilitation of disabled children in 2020, how to get a rehabilitation program and what is included in it.

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From time to time, new ways of treating and restoring the health of disabled children are being developed.

They are taken into account by medical professionals when drawing up an appropriate program. Its development is carried out after the child has a disability group.

Main aspects

There are several options for the rehabilitation of minor children:

  1. Adaptation of the child to the conditions in which he was before the disability.
  2. Re-adaptation in new conditions.
  3. Application of treatment and prophylactic measures in a rehabilitation institution.

Treatment measures can only be taken after a doctor at the office medical and social expertise will develop a rehabilitation program taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Basic terms

During rehabilitation in medical centers some terms may be used, the meaning of which is often unknown to parents of children with disabilities:

Habilitation The rehabilitation process, during which the child develops and forms individual functional systems of the body, the full formation of which is difficult due to the presence of certain health defects
Abnormal children These are the children who have serious deviations in physical and mental development
Hyperactivity General movement disorder and restlessness, as well as concomitant impaired concentration
Disabled A person with a health problem due to any disease or trauma
Restriction of life activity A deviation in the development of a child from the norm arising from a health disorder. As a result, the disabled person is not inclined to self-care, movement, communication and orientation

According to the latest changes in legislation, it is possible to use maternity capital for the rehabilitation of disabled children.

In particular, parents can purchase goods and services that a child needs in order for him to adapt and integrate in society, and rehabilitation.

The main tasks of recovery

When restoring health, technical means of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy are used.

When carrying out special treatment and rehabilitation measures, the following tasks are pursued:

  1. Revealing the potential of the child and its disclosure.
  2. Exercise dynamic control over the development of a minor.
  3. Determination of the degree of need for certain therapeutic measures, procedures.
  4. Drawing up a rehabilitation program and fulfilling doctor's prescriptions.

There are some principles for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities:

  • the state guarantees that the rights of persons with disabilities are fully protected;
  • the interests of children with disabilities are prioritized;
  • rehabilitation programs are available to everyone who needs them;
  • medical intervention is most appropriate for early stage diseases where serious health consequences can be prevented;
  • there are many different forms rehabilitation;
  • the activities of services that provide medical and social assistance to disabled children are coordinated by the state.

An important task is to prepare children with disabilities for life in society, the subsequent labor activity and socialization.

Normative base

The protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities is carried out by the state on the highest levelespecially when it comes to children with disabilities.

Some normative acts were issued that are observed by organizations that in one way or another interact with persons with disabilities:

  1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  2. Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  3. Convection for the rights of the child.
  4. Federal Law No. 419 on social protection of a disabled person, in accordance with which the concepts of rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people are established, the need to provide assistance to this category of citizens is fixed. In accordance with this law, an individual rehabilitation program for persons with disabilities is being developed.
  5. Federal Law No. 166 establishes the basic rules for the appointment and payment social pensions.

Those disabled children who permanently reside in Russia have the right to such assistance.

According to the law, children with disabilities are entitled to free sanitary treatment. Also, travel and accommodation for one accompanying person is paid.

In accordance with the Federal Law on the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, they should be provided with opportunities for social adaptation, playing sports, assistance in training and preparation for subsequent employment.

What you need to know

Restoring children's health is not easy. You need to approach it with all responsibility. Developing a program is just the first step towards recovery.

With the help of rehabilitation, the child's recovery process can be accelerated or the process of adaptation to new, unusual social conditions can be launched.

Photo: statistics on the number of disabled children

Due to rehabilitation, prevention of the occurrence of various complications can be carried out. In some cases, it is possible to return a person to an active life and prepare for the implementation of labor activities in the future.

Specificity of work (methods and technology)

There are several methods and technologies that are used by medical professionals for the rehabilitation of disabled children. So, projects for socio-cultural adaptation are being developed.

The main methods for social and domestic adaptation of persons with disabilities:

  • counseling events for parents of a disabled person;
  • conducting adaptation training activities;
  • assistance in teaching the child social skills;
  • adaptation of the housing where the disabled child lives to his needs;
  • organization of the educational process, leisure;
  • physical therapy, sports activities.

There are several methods of social rehabilitation:

  1. Social diagnostics.
  2. Therapy.
  3. Preventive actions.
  4. Psychosocial assistance.

Based on the diagnostics carried out, a psychological and pedagogical plan is drawn up, which should be used not only in treatment, but also in teaching a child with a disability.

Social therapy is carried out, the main task of which is to solve the child's social problems, correct behavior in society, and help in self-affirmation.

Individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child

IPR is a kind of medical project card developed by specialists in the bureau of medical and social expertise. The document format was approved by Order Ministry of Health.

The format of the document is an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person.

It includes the following sections:

  1. Personal data about a person with a disability.
  2. The level of education. The institution in which the child is studying is indicated.
  3. Disability group.
  4. Available restrictions.
  5. Medical rehabilitation program.
  6. Social project recovery.
  7. Project of psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of a child under 18 years old.

The most important section is medical rehabilitation. The main task of health professionals is to restore or maintain the same level of health of a child with a disability.

The program makes a note about which type of treatment was chosen:

  • general rehabilitation therapy;
  • surgery;
  • prosthetics;
  • restoration with the help of technical means for rehabilitation;
  • spa treatment.

In accordance with the IPR, a disabled person is assisted in the selection educational institution, the provision of technical means, the conduct of psychological and pedagogical and correctional work with child.

Modern approaches to the problem

In modern society, the following measures are taken for the rehabilitation of disabled people:

  1. Medical.
  2. Socio-economic.
  3. Professional.
  4. Pedagogical.
  5. Psychological.

The main task is to prepare the child for adulthood, the implementation of labor activities, socialization.

The number of people with disabilities is increasing, just as the state's expenses for their maintenance are increasing. The problem of rehabilitation is reflected in many modern legislative acts, as well as in UN documents.

Great attention is paid to the development unified system for the restoration and adaptation of citizens with health problems.

Difficulties in social and psychological recovery

A child who has been assigned a disability group, in addition to the usual problems that are inherent in any citizen, also has certain needs.

Failure to fulfill them can cause a person to be unable to adapt in society, feel flawed and inferior. With such an attitude, the child will not be able to develop as a full-fledged personality.

The difficulty lies not only in choosing the right rehabilitation program, but also in implementing it. The child needs to be prepared for the fact that later he must become a full-fledged citizen and carry out labor activities.

Practical problem solving

The state, in order to ensure a decent life for people with disabilities and help in solving existing problems, takes the following actions:

  1. The size of social pensions and benefits is increasing.
  2. Motivational programs are being conducted for employers who can find it very profitable to hire a disabled person.
  3. A whole system of compensation payments is envisaged when paying for utility bills.

At any time, a disabled person can get advice on any issues that have arisen by calling the social assistance service.

Special centers

A disabled child and his parents can receive medical and social assistance by contacting a specialized center.

A large number of them were opened in large cities of Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, but they are also available in sparsely populated areas.

Such specialized institutions include correctional kindergartens and general education schools, rehabilitation centers.

Photo: dynamics of disabled children living in Russia

Disability means that its owner has been diagnosed with chronic health problems, that is, there is an injury or a complex disease. Moreover, these conditions limit human life, social activity. As for disabled children, they are usually unable to control their reactions and behavior due to serious mental, neuropsychiatric and / or physical abnormalities. Self-service, communication with peers is also difficult for them, and training and further work are sometimes not even feasible. Considering all this, the state creates various opportunities for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Next, we will reveal the topic in more detail.

Understanding and directions of rehabilitation of disabled children

According to experts, more than 600,000 minors with this status are registered in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the figure increases annually due to the ill health of young parents, social problems, poor environmental conditions and for other reasons. Therefore, to ensure conditions in which disabled children can live as fully as possible, taking into account their characteristics and limitations, a rehabilitation system has been created.

Rehabilitation, in fact, is a set of measures designed to help injured or sick citizens with disabilities health, so that they have the opportunity to study, be busy at work, live a normal life and fully participate in the life of society. Conditionally, rehabilitation is divided into:

Medical - here we are talking about measures that should reduce the impact of the pathology-provocateur of disability on the body;

Physical - means the correction, restoration or compensation of lost physical. the capabilities of the body due to adaptive and physiotherapy exercises;

Psychological - consists of a complex special measureswith the help of which a psychological environment is created so that a disabled person can live comfortably in society and in general;

Social - an element of psychological orientation that contributes to the independence of a person with disabilities, his adaptation in social terms;

Professional - in this case we mean providing people with disabilities with competitive education and developing the skills of prof. activities for employment.

The listed actions for a disabled child can be fully implemented only on the basis of an individual rehabilitation program (IPR) and a plan with all relevant directions in them. IPR is issued based on the results of a medical and social examination.

The standard program (since 2005) contains information about a disabled child, a disease diagnosed in him, the established degree of restrictions and a group of disabilities. It also spelled out the types and volumes, the procedure and terms for the implementation of medical, physical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation measures.

In the latter case, it is implied:

Getting a disabled child of preschool and school education;

Psychological and pedagogical work with the aim of correcting the corresponding violations;

Provision of the necessary material and resource equipment for training.

Family patronage and, if required, counseling parents on the adaptation of a sick child (and not only), providing psychological support;

Russian laws on the rehabilitation of disabled children

Today in the social state. In politics, the topic of adaptation and comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled children is one of the priority places. This is largely due to integration into the world community, where the observance of the freedoms and rights of people with disabilities has long been a sign of a civilized society and a norm. In addition, one should not forget about the increase in the number of sick children.

In any case, in the Russian Federation, rehabilitation activities are carried out based on the Declaration on the Rights of the Child and the Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the United Nations. In the indicated documents, the right of underage disabled persons to economic and social

ensuring satisfactory living conditions. They are guaranteed psychological and medical support, opportunities to study, show their abilities and prepare for work.

Plus, the rehabilitation and social protection of children with disabilities are based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Federal Laws "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation", "On basic guarantees of the rights of the child", "On education", "On social services for senior citizens and disabled people in the Russian Federation." Additionally, the topic under consideration is regulated by special decrees of the President of the country and federal target programs created to provide social assistance to people with disabilities, improve their living conditions.

Social rehabilitation of disabled children

In order for a child with a disability to have an idea of \u200b\u200bsociety, its values, culture, accepted norms of behavior, in general, develop, receive an education, be brought up correctly, be able to interact with others, a set of measures for social rehabilitation has been developed. Thanks to various activities, children with disabilities should also become more independent, master home orientation and self-care.

And since disabled children are mostly isolated from their peers, cannot or with great difficulty visit objects of historical and cultural heritage, the main task of social rehabilitation is to organize the environment and space where the child will be able to develop and demonstrate the inherent skills, will be involved in communication with others children, with the world around them.

It should be taken into account that in the rehabilitation of disabled minors, not only the medical direction should be actively developed. Of course, the treatment of diseases and their prevention are vital, but this should not contribute to the isolation of children with disabilities in separate schools for signs of health problems. Although long years there was a practice of placing disabled people not only in special schools, but also in closed medical institutions, sanatoriums, etc., today, with the help of social rehabilitation, they strive to integrate special children into one space with healthy ones in order to overcome rejection, fear, complexes and contribute to the disclosure of their potential.

For more successful integration of people with disabilities, attention is paid to:

Facilitation and improvement of their living conditions through the use of household appliances and technical means;

Creation of special conditions for practical interaction in society;

Recovery and development of physical opportunities;

Realization of their creative abilities;

Organization of space and leisure to make it comfortable to visit museums, cultural events, development centers, etc.

Psychological support, relevant for both disabled children and their parents and relatives.

The considered types of activities are designed to help a child with a disability and his relatives to integrate into the social environment, to become a part of it.

Rehabilitation of disabled children at home

If parents want their child to undergo rehabilitation at home, the first step is to consult with the attending physician. Consultations with a neuropsychiatrist and a teacher will not be superfluous. Honey. specialists and teachers should investigate the condition of the disabled person, as well as assess his physical and intellectual capabilities, record the degree of limitations and development of motor skills.

As a result, an individual lesson program is formed, and at the initial stage it is permissible to complete most of the tasks together with the usual tasks of caring for a child. For example, in the process of daily care, children with disabilities can develop the skills of self-care, independence, while simultaneously contributing to their physical development.

It is important that homework is enjoyable and successful at the same time. To achieve these goals, experts advise adhering to the following principles:

Give small assignments;

Develop safe functions using a set of exercises;

Alternate activities, avoiding monotony and monotony;

Intersperse new tasks with simple and mastered ones, so that after applying efforts, the child can relax a little;

Evaluate the achieved results positively, encouraging the child and, if necessary, providing support (if he cannot do something himself);

Adhere to the plan, adjusted by the teacher, drawn up for at least two weeks.

For all the benefits of home rehabilitation, parents should prepare for the whims of a disabled child, unwillingness to complete assignments, and other possible difficulties.

Rehabilitation centers for disabled children

Recovery measures in the complex, that is, in the required areas, are carried out in special rehabilitation centers. They have all the conditions for the social, pedagogical, physical and medical rehabilitation of a child with a disability.

It also provides psychological assistance to family members of a minor with disabilities. For example, parents are consulted, taught methods of upbringing, introduced into a circle of support and communication with the same people.

The key tasks of the center are the comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled children, their social adaptation of children, the creation of a suitable environment and a favorable climate (in the family, between children). In rehabilitation centers, they get down to business qualified specialistsfrom doctors to trainers. This guarantees the implementation of individual ways of working with each disabled child.

Plus, in such centers cultural, educational, cultural, sports and other events are held taking into account the characteristics of students. Often parents and healthy children are invited to participate, which allows everyone involved in the process to find unique experience communication and not only.

Rehabilitation of disabled children is a system of measures that are aimed at eliminating disabilities or at their fullest possible compensation.

The goal of rehabilitation is to restore the social status of disabled children, their adaptation in society and their achievement of material independence. There are three types of rehabilitation - medical, social and professional.

The concept of social rehabilitation of disabled children

Social rehabilitation is the process of a child's assimilation of a certain system of knowledge, values \u200b\u200band norms that characterize the culture inherent in a society or a social group as a whole. As a result of social rehabilitation, disabled children can function as active subjects of social relations.

Socialization includes education and upbringing, but it cannot be reduced only to these processes, since it is carried out under the influence of many conditions, both controlled and directed, and arising spontaneously.

Social rehabilitation of disabled children solves the problem of the general development of the child, instills in him labor skills, forms the foundations of correct behavior, teaches self-service, and also helps in orientation in everyday life and adaptation in society.

As a result of social assistance, the opportunities for disabled children are leveled - it is easier for them to overcome the difficulties of self-realization, to establish interactions with family and loved ones. The child integrates into joint activities with the same children with disabilities.

One of the main problems of children with disabilities is the violation of their connection with the world, the poverty of contacts with peers, limited mobility and communication with nature, the inaccessibility of cultural values \u200b\u200band many aspects of education. The task of any rehabilitation, including social, is to create an environment that performs a rehabilitation function and contributes to the development of the child's potential.

As a result of socialization, the violation of the connection of children with the outside world is prevented. Their everyday and social activities are being restored, corresponding to their potential. For the implementation of social assistance, there are special rehabilitation centers for disabled children, but often rehabilitation is carried out at home.

Social rehabilitation methods for disabled children

Medical measures aimed at the rehabilitation of disabled children are only the basis for long-term work on social adaptation. A child with disabilities must find his place in society and fully demonstrate his own abilities.

The methods of social rehabilitation of disabled children are diverse and include the following activities:

  • Preparation for education and assistance in enrolling in a specialized school;
  • Development of the child's physical and spiritual abilities;
  • Creation of conditions for children with opportunities to learn practical skills that allow them to participate in the life of society;
  • Establishing the most comfortable contact with the outside world;
  • Facilitation of housing and living conditions;
  • Organization and conduct of leisure, as well as full participation in cultural and social life;
  • Support and restoration of moral and physical strength;
  • Inclusion in the rehabilitation process not only of the child, but also of his immediate environment.

In Russia, the social policy for the rehabilitation of disabled children is based on the medical model of disability, that is, disability is viewed as a disease, illness, pathology. Such a model weakens the social position of a disabled child and separates him from the society of healthy children.

Especially acute this problem is felt in the field of education, when special educational institutions and sanatoriums are created for children with disabilities, isolating them from a healthy children's society and turning them into a minority with discrimination of rights.

The task of social rehabilitation of disabled children is to relieve fear of the environment, which is inaccessible, to liberate the child and direct his spiritual and physical strength to the development and manifestation of talents and abilities.

Equalization of opportunities for children with disabilities is ensured through social services that organize work with all participants: the child, his family and the immediate environment. Parents, receiving support, begin to more objectively assess the problems associated with disability, do not focus on their child and show social activity.

Cultural, educational and club events, in which disabled children participate with their parents and healthy peers, help the child gain experience of communication and activities in a team.

Thus, social rehabilitation helps children develop the necessary skills and abilities, as well as painlessly integrate into society.

Rehabilitation of disabled children at home

Classes with a child can be conducted not only in specialized rehabilitation centers for disabled children, but also at home. To do this, first of all, parents should consult with a neuropsychiatric doctor and teacher who will tell you how and what to teach the child.

Taking into account the specifics of the impaired functions, the state of intelligence and motor skills, the main task of learning is determined. First, the child is carefully examined, and then an individual step-by-step training program is drawn up. Most of the assignments at the beginning of the course are carried out in the course of day-to-day childcare activities.

In order for the child to show his best side, parents should:

  • Offer the child a variety of short tasks, alternate activities;
  • Alternately use new tasks with already learned and easier ones;
  • Assess self-service skills in a suitable setting;
  • Involve other family members to assess the skills formed;
  • Assess new achievements in the form of a game;
  • Include in training the training of those skills that contribute to the development of any relatively safe functions;
  • With the help of a teacher, draw up a plan for 2-3 weeks in advance.

Parents should be prepared for certain difficulties in the learning process, for example, the child does not want to complete the task, although he can, or it is difficult for him to concentrate. These and other problems can be solved by first teaching the child to obey the requirements of adults, or turning to the advice of a qualified specialist.

Parents should divide the learning process into three stages:

  • Explain to the child what needs to be done;
  • Provide assistance if necessary;
  • Create a situation of success and reward the child for the completed task.

Thus, the main goal of the rehabilitation of disabled children both at home and in special institutions is to improve their quality of life and create conditions for equal opportunities with other members of society. This contributes to their integration into society and creates the foundation for further independent life.

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Some babies are born with abnormalities, while in others, pathological changes appear with age. In both cases, medical rehabilitation of children is required. This is a struggle for the future healthy development of the child. The main difference from simple treatment is the normalization of vital functions, taking into account the age of the baby.

The main goal of rehabilitation is to return to the patient the lost opportunities, skills, health, adaptation to society, everyday life.

Medical rehabilitation of children Is a set of measures to maximize the restoration of the child's health in physical and mental terms.

According to the WHO, 650 million people, of which a third are children, have serious illnesses that require rehabilitation. Their number is increasing every year.

Sometimes, medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities, disabled people, is extremely necessary from the very first days of life. Special centers and services help in this.

Rehabilitation includes all types and methods of services provided for different age categories... It is a complete complex that socializes children with disabilities.

In addition to health, there is a full or partial restoration of working capacity.

Acquired deviations usually appear after a serious illness, trauma, both physical and psychological.

There are such main types of rehabilitation:

  1. Medical. To restore the lost functions. Step-by-step treatment is performed, which is carried out until complete or partial recovery. There is an activation of the body's capabilities. They conduct psychotherapy so that the baby learns to calmly accept his illness, to fight it on his own ( physical exercises, positive attitude, learning).
  2. Social. Social and household adaptation. Helps to draw up a daily regimen, taking into account the characteristics of the child, his age. Under consideration necessary care for children with special needs. This view helps the child to perceive himself and his family in a positive way, to be aware of the surrounding society. Social help rehabilitation is great: adaptation, getting specials. funds, housework, material assistance, education in special institutions.
  3. Labor (professional) activity (for children - training). There is a high-quality preparation for learning, for perception, memorization curricula... Funds are allocated for study, career guidance or retraining.

Note! Society plays an important role in the healthy development of the younger generation.

The essence, features of rehabilitation

The main point is the maximum restoration of health in physical and mental terms. Rehabilitation centers and health care organizations carry out rehabilitation. It is also worth doing it at home on your own.

The first place where recovery begins is the maternity hospital. This is followed by a polyclinic, various consultations, hospital treatment... When the baby grows up, further treatment is possible in special sanatoriums, camps, boarding schools, schools, kindergartens, dispensaries.

To improve the condition of the child, to develop his capabilities, they use certain programs that are prescribed directly by the doctor. This could be:

  • physiotherapy;
  • drug treatment.

Given the ability child's body, rehabilitation has certain features:

  • drawn up individual plan (taking into account the existing changes, violations, characteristics of the patient), according to which all prescribed rehabilitation complexes are carried out;
  • the highest efficiency is manifested if treatment is started in the early stages of the disease, deviation;
  • an integrated approach is applied;
  • all prescriptions are carried out daily, without missing;
  • rehabilitation pursues a goal full recovery or adaptation to the prevailing circumstances.

In chronic forms of diseases (poliomyelitis, vices, asthma), the essence of rehabilitation for a child is to support the body, compensate for the lost functions for the diseased organ.

Children are registered, they are regularly examined. For example, medical rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy can occur long time, with periodic exacerbations. The main thing is not to give up, but to continue the treatment.

Rehabilitation means

It is necessary to seriously approach the organization, the choice of methods for the rehabilitation of a child with some deviations. After all, a correctly selected treatment regimen gives more chances for recovery. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the medical rehabilitation of children according to a special program.

There are basic rehabilitation provisions recognized in our country and abroad:

  • the place where the rehabilitation is carried out must apply all types of treatment, have a connection with similar institutions;
  • recovery begins from the early stages of the disease with an integrated approach;
  • the treatment is performed without interruption, until the maximum positive result;
  • all treatment stages are carried out in a comprehensive manner;
  • individual programs are assigned for each patient (it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of each organism);
  • the goal is, if possible, to return health, to form a positive attitude towards future life, to teach how to cope with elementary everyday tasks, to instill a desire to fight for one's health, to reveal a desire to study.

Not always after visiting treatment centers children quickly return to their old conditions. They need time. In order not to have a relapse or another disease, you need to carefully consider the adaptation of the baby.

It is necessary to reorganize the daily routine with the activities prescribed by the doctor. Use massage, exercise therapy, adhere to the prescribed diet, physiotherapy, work on the child's psyche (the main thing is not to injure her).

Stages of medical rehabilitation of a child

There are state programs for the rehabilitation of children with certain diseases, medical rehabilitation of children with disabilities has been developed, which consists of the following stages:

  1. Clinical. It takes place in a hospital. The work is aimed at the affected systems of the body, which need to be cured or improved. It also prepares the baby for further work on their deviations. To help the child as much as possible, at this stage they include all methods: medicines, massage, diet (in the acute phase of the disease - unloading, during recovery - high-calorie, with vitamins, easy digestibility), exercise therapy, physiotherapy. The results of achievements are recorded after various analyzes (biochemistry, indicators of functional capabilities, ECG).
  2. Sanatorium. An important period when the affected systems return to normal. Here, more attention is paid not only to the physical state, but also to the mental (the character of the child is taken into account). Measures are taken to temper the body in order to quickly increase immunity, normalize the main indicators of health. If this stage is performed correctly, the body begins to grow and develop normally. It is important to maintain positive emotions in the baby, good sleep, high-quality nutrition, and excellent health. The stage is completed with the disappearance of pathologies.
  3. Adaptive. Almost all indicators of the state of the body are already normalized, the baby returns to normal life. Procedures also continue to be individually tailored and performed continuously. It is carried out both at home and in the centers designated for this. At the end of this period, the child's health must be restored or improved as much as possible.

Carrying out rehabilitation measures, they must be entered into the patient's personal card.

Personal qualities, a positive life position are important. Teach your child the basic rules to follow in society.

Each person is complete, regardless of his physical capabilities. In the future, active group games in the fresh air will help maintain health and establish social ties.

Important! The main thing is to make the child not lose heart, to believe in himself and his capabilities, to help him gain confidence. If necessary, they turn to a speech therapist or to another pedagogical method.

Unfortunately, some of the consequences of diseases leave their mark on the entire future life of the baby. And in order to make his existence more complete, rehabilitation is needed. It will help to regain lost functions or compensate for lost opportunities. Thus, the child will feel comfortable leading a normal life.

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