Sunglasses: Why are they needed, what and how to choose. How to choose the right sunglasses that's why sunglasses need


A person's eyes are a unique human sense body, quite vulnerable and does not love the bright sun. Those who like to soak on the sun, sunbathe, without sunglasses It's hard to do. Eyes are especially affected in summer when the sun's rays are reflected from asphalt roads, glass, concrete, metal products, other materials used by a person to arrange their lives. Of course, the eyes need to be protected, so there will be a great option for them - to acquire sunglasses.

What is the benefit of sunglasses?

Based on the title, of course, in the safety of the eye from direct sunlight, although many people wear them as just a beautiful accessory. They put on dark glasses, both in a bright sunny day, and cloudy weather, when walking on supermarkets, when they go to work or meet with a business partner - just carry them without need.

Sunglasses are put on when there is a need for this. For example, on the seashore on a sunny day, in the desert or in the place where a large number of snow-white snow lies and a lot of bright sun. Also, the driver who is sent to the long journey must necessarily need to take with him the dark glasses in order not to happen the accident from the reflection of light from the roadway. In addition, photofobia may appear - this is fear of sunlight, when some discomfort and pain in the eyes appear.

According to doctors, it is necessary to wear dark glasses as needed, since in nature there is already a protective mechanism for the eyes. At the same time, they need to be correctly chosen during the purchase. Do not wear such glasses on cloudy days, evening. Pupils will regularly expand, which often leads to some violation of vision or even worse - to glaucoma.

Plastic or glass?

By purchasing dark glasses, it is worth thinking: plastic or glass? Of course, the glass lenses are broken, which leads to serious injury. Therefore, they cannot be chosen to a child, a motorcyclist, driver. Some researchers believe that glass glasses are not well protected from sunlight of the eye, but now there are good plastic glasses with special protection. Their composition has special components that provide reliable protection against UVB emissions. This designation can be seen on glasses, label. For example, the labeling of the form UV95% shows how much ultraviolet is absorbed by the points, also marking the type of UV400 denotes that all types of UV radiation are absorbed.

So, high-quality sunglasses, of course, do not buy on the bazaar, and have an appropriate price. On branded products, the manufacturer's marking will be on the label itself, and on the lenses (either on the arms). Self-tech often denote fake. Why do we need sunglasses?
February 21, 2013.

Why do we need sunglasses in winter and spring?

Of course, we are talking about days when the sun stands low above the horizon and its rays slide on the surface of the Earth, reinforcing many times, reflected from snow and ice. It is such a bright light, falling on the retina, and can sang eyesight.

How to choose sunglasses?

For more detailed advice, we turned to Alexander Bogachev, an ophthalmologist doctor of the microsurgery clinic on Weiner, 15 "Professors Plus":
"A rough ultraviolet is blocked by a cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, and a softer-lens, but still rays with a wavelength of 380-400 nanometers penetrate to the retina, damaging its cells. At the same time, the retina itself has a protection mechanism for these rays, but with the time of molecules that protect it from ultraviolet ends, and degeneration begins.
According to Euro-standards, all lenses for points that are issued under license have protection against ultraviolet (including bright lenses with dioptry). Minimum protection of 380 nm., Optimum 400 nm., Maximum 420-430 nm. (Parameters are indicated on the hannik or on the lens itself). The best protection for the retina is 420-430 nm., In this case, part of the blue-blue rays is also blocked, which in large quantities are capable of damage to the retina. Points with such protection rarely meet in conventional optics - such filters are designed for people working under conditions of high brightness of sunlight.
To wear sunglasses must be needed, not only on sunny days, because the UV rays are always in the bright time of the day.

Plastic or glass?

Sunglasses are not only a fashion accessory; Their lenses block dangerous ultraviolet rays. However, many people mistakenly believe that this is exclusively attribute hot summer. In fact, in defense against aggressive sunlight, our eyes need year-round. And in winter and early spring especially!

Although the eye has its own own protection - the narrowing of the pupil and thereby a decrease in the light falling into the eye, it is not worth counting on prolonged natural protection: you are pursing, your eyes get tired and then hurt. And the prolonged and intensive effects of the sun on the eyes leads to degenerative changes retina and lens.
Therefore, ophthalmologists recommend to select sunglasses not only for hot summer days, but also for winter, as they will help to remove the stress from the eye and will not allow "to substitute" the pupil, the retina and the crystal in the danger flow of UV rays.
When buying points, many primarily ask themselves: "Do me have these glasses?" And "how much do they stand?", forgetting about the main thing - about protecting your eyes from sunlight.
But just "dark" or "colored" glasses may not be sunscreen!

On glasses or labels always write a lot of incomprehensible codes and symbols. Let's deal with what they are denoted.

On the inner or side of the alignment should be printed with a unstable number - this is the model code. Be sure to indicate one Latin letter (A, B, C or D), which means color.

On the handles of the glasses also print the inscription Filter Cat with a number from 1 to 4 is the degree of dimming the lenses from the bright to the darkest.

Shadiness has nothing to do with ultraviolet protection!

Therefore, it doesn't matter what points you have are transparent or dark, if there is a special UV filter, they can be equally well protected from ultraviolet.

If BLOCKS AT LEAST 95% UVB and 60% UVA is written on the label or glasses, it means that the points do not pass 95% of ultraviolet rays in and 60% ultraviolet rays A.

The designations of 100% UV Protection or UV 400 indicate that the glasses have one hundred percent protection against ultraviolet. Typically, this indicator is indicated on a transparent sticker on the lens.

For more detailed advice, we turned to Alexander Bogachev, an ophthalmologist of the microsurgery clinic "Professor's Plus":

Be sure to wear points after the operation on the extraction of cataracts and implantation of artificial lens. Although artificial lens They have filters close to a natural lens, but, nevertheless, can not provide such protection as natural UV filters. "

The color of the points is better to select not in accordance with the aesthetic preferences, but according to the recommendations of ophthalmologists.

The fact is that filters of different color can strengthen the work of some photoreceptors of the eye and weaken others, which affects the degree of "tensions" of the eye.
For susceptible sensitive eyes, for example, lenses of brown, gray or greenish shades are ideally suited. They practically do not distort the color background and retain natural paints, plus enhance the clarity of the image and block the harmful blue light.

But with multicolored "eyepieces" you have to be careful!
Blue lenses are categorically contraindicated to children under 12, since they stimulate the expansion of pupils and cause irreparable damage to the lens. Unbalanced people are not recommended to wear red and bright yellow lenses, because this color is annoying nervous systemYes, and the eyes in such glasses quickly get tired.
If wearing glasses constantly, it may occur to photophobia - fear of light, and even even quite normal lighting will be unacceptable for a person, will cause discomfort and pain in the eyes. Therefore, doctors recommend to wear dark glasses not as an integral part of the style and image, but only if necessary.

Plastic or glass?

It used to be believed that only glass lenses can protect their eyes from harmful solar radiation. Currently, most sunglasses are plastic. Manufacturers have already learned to do plastic lensesnot missing UV rays.

How can sunglasses can harm?

The human eye is arranged in such a way as to perceive light. Nature itself took care of his protective mechanisms to which there are eyelids, cornea and, of course, a rainbow shell, in which there is a pupil. With increasing illumination, it is narrowed to skip fewer rays. And with bad lighting, the pupil expands.

The trouble is that it is often for street trays for sale of dubious quality. Some of them do not have ultraviolet protection at all. Wearing such glasses is very dangerous. The darkened glasses reduce the brightness of light - and pupils are expanding and turn out to be defenseless before radiation. They skip even more ultraviolet rays that cause retinal diseases.

When buying high-quality sunglasses, you must give a certificate, warranty card and offer a gift case and a napkin as a gift.

Sunglasses are not only a fashion accessory; Their lenses block dangerous ultraviolet rays. However, many people mistakenly believe that this is exclusively attribute hot summer. In fact, in defense against aggressive sunlight, our eyes need year-round. And in winter and early spring especially!
Of course, we are talking about days when the sun stands low above the horizon and its rays slide on the surface of the Earth, reinforcing many times, reflected from snow and ice. It is such a bright light, falling on the retina, and can sang eyesight.
Although the eye has its own own protection - the narrowing of the pupil and thereby a decrease in the light falling into the eye, it is not worth counting on prolonged natural protection: you are pursing, your eyes get tired and then hurt. And the prolonged and intensive effects of the sun on the eyes lead to degenerative changes in the retina and lens.
Therefore, ophthalmologists recommend to select sunglasses not only for hot summer days, but also for winter, as they will help to remove the stress from the eye and will not allow "to substitute" the pupil, the retina and the crystal in the danger flow of UV rays.
When buying points, many primarily ask themselves: "Do me have these glasses?" And "how much do they stand?", forgetting about the main thing - about protecting your eyes from sunlight.
But just "dark" or "colored" glasses may not be sunscreen!

How to choose sunglasses?
On glasses or labels always write a lot of incomprehensible codes and symbols. Let's deal with what they are denoted.
On the inner or side of the alignment should be printed with a unstable number - this is the model code. Be sure to indicate one Latin letter (A, B, C or D), which means color.
On the handles of the glasses also print the inscription Filter Cat with a number from 1 to 4 is the degree of dimming the lenses from the bright to the darkest. Shadiness has nothing to do with ultraviolet protection! Therefore, it doesn't matter what points you have are transparent or dark, if there is a special UV filter, they can be equally well protected from ultraviolet.
If BLOCKS AT LEAST 95% UVB and 60% UVA is written on the label or glasses, it means that the points do not pass 95% of ultraviolet rays in and 60% ultraviolet rays A.
The designations of 100% UV Protection or UV 400 indicate that the glasses have one hundred percent protection against ultraviolet. Typically, this indicator is indicated on a transparent sticker on the lens.

For more detailed advice, we turned to Alexander Bogachev, an ophthalmologist of the microsurgery clinic at the Vanener, 15 "Professors Plus":
"A rough ultraviolet is blocked by a cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, and a softer-lens, but still rays with a wavelength of 380-400 nanometers penetrate to the retina, damaging its cells. At the same time, the retina itself has a protection mechanism for these rays, but with the time of molecules that protect it from ultraviolet ends, and degeneration begins.

According to Euro-standards, all lenses for points that are issued under license have protection against ultraviolet (including bright lenses with dioptry). Minimum protection of 380 nm., Optimum 400 nm., Maximum 420-430 nm. (Parameters are indicated on the hannik or on the lens itself). The best protection for the retina is 420-430 nm., In this case, part of the blue-blue rays is also blocked, which in large quantities are capable of damage to the retina. Points with such protection rarely meet in conventional optics - such filters are designed for people working under conditions of high brightness of sunlight.

To wear sunglasses must be needed, not only on sunny days, because the UV rays are always in the bright time of the day.

Be sure to wear points after the operation on the extraction of cataracts and implantation of artificial lens. Although artificial lens have filters close to a natural lens, but, nevertheless, cannot provide similar protection as natural UV filters. "

The color of the points is better to select not in accordance with the aesthetic preferences, but according to the recommendations of ophthalmologists.
The fact is that filters of different color can strengthen the work of some photoreceptors of the eye and weaken others, which affects the degree of "tensions" of the eye.
For susceptible sensitive eyes, for example, lenses of brown, gray or greenish shades are ideally suited. They practically do not distort the color background and retain natural paints, plus enhance the clarity of the image and block the harmful blue light.

But with multicolored "eyepieces" you have to be careful!
Blue lenses are categorically contraindicated to children under 12, since they stimulate the expansion of pupils and cause irreparable damage to the lens. Unbalanced people are not recommended to wear red and bright yellow lenses, since this color is annoying the nervous system, and the eyes in such glasses quickly get tired.
If wearing glasses constantly, it may occur to photophobia - fear of light, and even even quite normal lighting will be unacceptable for a person, will cause discomfort and pain in the eyes. Therefore, doctors recommend to wear dark glasses not as an integral part of the style and image, but only if necessary.

Plastic or glass?
It used to be believed that only glass lenses can protect their eyes from harmful solar radiation. Currently, most sunglasses are plastic. Manufacturers have already learned to make plastic lenses that do not miss UV rays.

How can sunglasses can harm?
The human eye is arranged in such a way as to perceive light. Nature itself took care of his protective mechanisms to which there are eyelids, cornea and, of course, a rainbow shell, in which there is a pupil. With increasing illumination, it is narrowed to skip fewer rays. And with bad lighting, the pupil expands.

The trouble is that it is often for street trays for sale of dubious quality. Some of them do not have ultraviolet protection at all. Wearing such glasses is very dangerous. The darkened glasses reduce the brightness of light - and pupils are expanding and turn out to be defenseless before radiation. They skip even more ultraviolet rays that cause retinal diseases.

When buying high-quality sunglasses, you must give a certificate, warranty card and offer a gift case and a napkin as a gift.

Today, most models are produced with plastic lenses. True, still it is the opinion that glass lenses better protect their eyes from the sun. First, it is not quite so - plastic prevents the penetration of ultraviolet rays no worse.
Secondly, plastic lenses have a number of benefits: lightness, injuries security, a variety of forms and the possibility of applying additional coating. Points of S. glass lenses They are unsafe - they can easily crash and damage their eyes, so they are not recommended to wear those who lead an active lifestyle.


In addition to glasses with conventional protective lenses, today you can find a lot of models with an additional coating. For example, motorists should look at the polarization coating points - it improves the contrast and protects against blinding glare. Photochromic lenses (chameleons), depending on the degree of lighting, can change their shade from light to dark, thereby providing more reliable protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation. The lenses with a mirror coating are capable of diminishing compared to conventional lenses, as well as heat rays. Glasses with mirrored lenses are ideal for skiing and swimming.

Color lenses

When choosing high-quality sunglasses, pay attention to this factor as the color of the lenses. The most optimal option is glasses with gray and brown lenses. Gray allows you to naturally perceive the worldAnd brown provides excellent contrast. Drivers are recommended to choose glasses with yellow lenses - they remove the stress from the eye and improve the perception of the surrounding space. Green lenses provide good contrast and more reliable protection against ultraviolet and infrared rays. Orange color neutralizes the blinding effect of bright light at night. But glasses with blue and purple lenses are better to avoid. The fact is that these shades will slow down the motorcy and the tempo of thinking. For long wearing Headaches, irritability and fatigue may appear such glasses.

The form

The form of lenses must be selected, focusing on the individual features of perception. For example, someone is more comfortable in glasses with flat lenses, and someone, on the contrary, is more suitable for lenses of convex form. In any case, if you feel at least the slightest discomfort during fitting, then this model should be refused.


Separate attention when choosing sunglasses deserves the material from which frame is made. After all, this will depend not only weight, strength and appearance Points, but also allergic properties. Your skin can negatively respond when contact with nickel, which is often used in many alloys. Hypoallergenic materials include gold, silver, titanium and stainless steel. Also do not forget to rate the mobility of the noseofer. If they are too hard, then there will be a strong pressure on the briefs area, which in turn will cause discomfort and lead to fast fatigue. The same applies to both towers - they should not put pressure on the area behind the ear and whiskey.


The most important parameter when selecting sunglasses is a coefficient of protection against ultraviolet radiation. The "UV-400" sticker means that the glasses provide complete protection against ultraviolet. True, this inscription may not be, since this level of protection is provided for by the standards of manufacture. The marking of the glasses must be present on the marking of the CE - it is indicated by numbers from 0 to 5, depending on how much sunlight lenses are missing. Nuclear and first category includes so-called image glasses. The second category is suitable for protection against sunlight in urban conditions. In glasses with a third category, you can safely go to the beach, and from the fourth - in the mountains covered with snow.

Where to buy

Going for buying such an important accessory as sunglasses, it is necessary to remember that a good model cannot cost less than 5000 rubles. Cheap fakes that are sold on bazaar portable trays and in underground transitions, not only quickly break, but also harm. That is why buying glasses follows only in specialized salons of optics!

Main rules

  1. When choosing sunglasses, pay attention to the passability of ultraviolet glasses. On glasses that do not miss ultraviolet radiation, a 400 nanometer marker must be standing (UV-400).
  2. Glass lenses of glasses will serve longer plastic and better protect you from sunlight. But in the event of a breakdown, the particles of glass can get into your eye and inflict injury.
  3. If suddenly the glasses have caused you at least the slightest doubts, you should not take such glasses.
  4. Never buy glasses without fitting. You do not have to experience their discomfort when wearing them.

Important: Do not go with glasses in the dark time of the day, since pupils are constantly expanding in the dark, as a result of which the outflow of intraocular fluid is disturbed.

Do not buy points in the markets and in the transitions, it is there, most likely, and sell fakes! They can be distinguished from the original by the title - errors and in various small marriages and "inaculting" on the glasses themselves are possible.

I am not the smartest guy and therefore the first 28 years of your life did not wear sunglasses at all. Of course, I have shifted in front of the friends of Oakleys Painna in the eighth grade, but in reality I did not see much sense in the glasses. You can just pouch in the sun, and the face without a rim sunlights evenly. So I thought until I began to torment the half-hour headaches every time I saw the camera outbreak. The intolerance of the bright light is the consequence of my carelessness. Now I need to take the ibuprofen pill or drink a couple of strong drinks to be near the flash and not suffer.

Points cool look. At least they should look cool, because their million species to choose from. But if you do not count their coolness, why still need sunglasses? Does the visor of the caps do not protect against bright sunlight? Doesn't you just cover your eyes with your hands when looking towards the sun?

Here Barack Obama takes care of his eyes. Take an example from it.

I decided to apply for expert opinion To the ophthalmologist Lisa Park, working in the hospital at Columbia University, to find out why we need glasses (if you do not take obvious aspects).

Sunglasses will help you not lose sight. 1-0 in favor of glasses.

Lisa Park explains that there is at least three important occasion to protect the eyes. "The first is the protection of the retina inside the eye. With age, people can develop a macular dystrophy (there is a risk and to lose their eyesight because of this), and the points will protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation, which leads to it.

The second reason is the protection of the eye lens. Over time, everyone is blocked by vision, we call this process of cataract. Protecting eyes from sunlight, you conduct prevention and this disease. " Glasses are now leading with a score of 2-0.

The protection of the eyes from the Sun is required for everyone, but is doubly important for patients with the history of oncological diseases.

"Skin cancer often begins with eye eyelids - This is a very common case. " Sure, sunglasses Do not apply for the title of medication from cancer, but why not progress and in such a way that does not require much effort.

There are two types of ultraviolet waves: UVA radiation contributes to aging, and UVB may cause cancer cell growth. The park claims that sunglasses must be protected from UVA, and from UVB rays. One of the most reliable models from the point of view of caring about your eyes - polarization glasses. Usually they protect from UVA and from UVB rays, but not always, so you need to approach the choice of lenses and the rim carefully. By the way, they will also save their eyes from glare, which, although not so dangerous, like straight sun rays, but also do not benefit vision. As for the color of the lenses, "he doesn't matter," as the park says. Nick did not have proven that darker lenses protect the eyes better.

5 glasses models that will definite you from ultraviolet

(These are glasses with polarization lenses)

Glasses Tom Ford, 29 350 rub. on

Ray-Ban glasses, 14 599 rub. on

Glasses Bottega Veneta, 35 650 rub. on

Spring finally came, and now we have a lot of warm, joyful and sunny days. At least, I want to hope that the sun will light often - because we have so dreamed of this all long winter! However, today's sun is not only warmth and light, it is also an aggressive radiation that affects our skin, hair and the whole organism.

And most of all in sunny summer days they suffer, if you do not protect them from bright, dazzling and even scorch rays, especially in large cities, where heat and light are reflected from glass, asphalt, metal, concrete and other materials used by man for a civilized device Life.

Meanwhile, the eyes are not only vision and beauty, this is what reflects our inner world, the "soul mirror", as the ancient philosophers said. And of course, in the summer, the eyes should be protected, and the simplest solution is to buy sunglasses.

In fact, glasses have long been a practically necessary accessory modern manBut if the points with diopters suggest a serious attitude, a visit to the doctor and individual selection, then the ratio of the relationship is different. Often we buy and wear such glasses, without thinking about whether they are suitable for us or not, and how they will affect our vision, well-being and health.

What are sunglasses for what we need when wearing sunglasses

What are sunglasses for? As follows from their name - to protect the eyes from the Sun, however, many people wear them just like that a tie, clock or handbags. Such people wear glasses not only on a sunny day, but also in cloudy weather, and at twilight, on the beach, in stores, visiting and business meetings - they are just used to hiding behind them.

Meanwhile, the need for sunglasses occurs not so often when the lighting is really very bright - for example, in summer on the beach or in the city, as well as in certain climatic conditions - in the desert or, on the contrary, where there is a lot of white snow and shines the sun . Drivers departed in far RideAlso surely need to have sunglasses, since a bright reflection of light from the road can lead to accidents.

If wearing glasses constantly, it may occur to photophobia - fear of light, and even even quite normal lighting will be unacceptable for a person, will cause discomfort and pain in the eyes.

So listen to the recommendations of the doctors still worth it, and they recommend not to wear sunglasses Without a special need, choose them correctly and in general, if possible, to accustomed the eyes to the light, because nature itself has provided protective mechanisms for the eyes.

Do not wear dark glasses in public transport, in the evening or on cloudy days, since the soft rays of the sun are needed to our eyes. If on a cloudy day to limit daylight access to the eyes, then pupils are constantly expanding, and this can lead to violations of vision, and then, after 40 years, and to glaucoma.

How to choose sunglasses?

However, sunglasses are still needed, and it is better to select them with the help of an oculist who can determine the individual features of your vision.

Remember that the main function of sunglasses is not decorative, but protective, although of course they must have elegant and modern design. According to the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation, glasses can be divided into 5 categories.

The weakest protection is the zero category, and such glasses are passed to 80-100% of visible light. The higher the category, the stronger the defense: the first passes from 43 to 80% of the light, the second - from 18 to 43%, the third is from 8 to 18%, and the fourth is only 3 to 8%. Today, various glasses are produced, with different additional coatings: photochromic, water-repellent, anti-reflective, hardening, etc. Good sunglasses must correspond at least three main parameters:

  • First of all, they must ensure the eyes of comfort with a bright sun, reducing the visible light - the sun should not be blind. The chromaticity and contrast of the image should be preserved, vision - remain clear, but should not be optical distortion.
  • The following requirement is safety. An invisible ultraviolet part of the solar color should be completely absorbed by sunglasses completely, otherwise there may be diseases that ophthalmologists are called sun-dependent: photoretinite - the backbone of the retina, the clouding of the cornea, cataract, etc. These diseases are not manifested immediately, but they make themselves to know over time, and then you have to be seriously treated.
  • And of course, sunglasses must fit your image, individual features, being fashionable, beautiful and inadequate. Of course, it is not necessary to choose dear glasses, but it is worth considering all the requirements for them.

Fans of colored glass should be remembered that the predominance of one of the colors in the usual range can lead to rapid fatigue with all the ensuing consequences. Recently, dyes for polymer lenses have become very widely used in Russia, and the colors and shades of dozens. How to perceive it?

Just as a fashion that does not have anything to do with health and preservation of vision, and rather can bring harm than protecting the eyes.

Do not pick up sunglasses to the color of hair, clothes or accessories, as well as the color of the lenses to the color of the rim - it is completely wrong, and can not only aggravate problems with vision, but also cause the development of mental diseases.

Imagine how an easy-made person will feel if it all the time will look at the world through pink glasses? The main criteria when choosing sunglasses should remain protected, security and comfort - otherwise it is better not to wear them at all.

The density of the stew filter also depends not only on the degree of their darkening, but also from color. Do not distort the color perception of green or gray lenses, yellow are good in cloudy weather, mirrored, reflective light - by the sea or in the mountains.

What material is optimal for the manufacture of lenses? Experts believe best Material Mineral glass, as it does not distort the visual perception and at the same time ensures the eyes maximum protection. Such glass is made from natural quartz sand with additives, and its properties do not change over time.

Plastic lenses with acrylic coating are also well protected by eyes; Different with ease, almost weightlessness, but they are vulnerable, and they are easy to scratch them.

There are also more expensive and durable lenses, for example, from a nylon, providing better flexibility, or polycarbonate, which does not be afraid and does not crumble - such lenses are often used in the manufacture of sports glasses.

Photochromic lenses, which are also called "chameleons" are very comfortable. The principle of their action is known to all: they are darker in the sun, and in the room become transparent. There are even photochromic lenses designed specifically for drivers - DRIVEWEAR.

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