Tablets Imodium 2 mg Instructions for use. Imodium - full instruction

Registration number - n 016140/01

Trade name of the drug - Imodium

International unpatient name - Loperamide

Chemical name - 4 - n, N-dimethyl-2,2-diphenylbutamide hydrochloride

Dosage form
- lozenges

Active substance: Loperamide hydrochloride - 2 mg.
Auxiliary substances: gelatin, mannitol, aspartame, mint flavor, sodium bicarbonate.

White or almost white round lyophilized tablets.

Pharmacotherapeutic group - controversial means

ATX code - A07DA03.

Pharmacological properties

Loperamide, binding to opiate receptors in the intestinal wall, suppresses the release of acetylcholine and prostaglandins, thereby reducing the peristaltics and increasing the time of passing the intestinal content. Increases the tone of the anal sphincter, thereby reducing the incontinence of carts and the urge to the defecation.
Tablets for resorption bioequivalent of Capsules Imodium and Tablets with film shell. Loperamide absorption - 40%. It is subjected to intense metabolism in the process of oxidative N-demethylation under the "first" passing through the liver. Communication with plasma proteins is about 95%, mainly with albumin. The half-life is an average of 10.8 h (from 9 to 14 h).
It is excreted mainly through the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), a minor part is removed from the urine (in the form of conjugated metabolites).

Indications for use

Acute and chronic diarrhea
- Regulation of the chair in patients with the Ielest


Children's age (up to 6 years);
- increased sensitivity to Loperamid and / or other components of the drug;
- acute dyseneteria and other infections of the gastrointestinal tract (caused, including Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter);
- intestinal obstruction (including, if necessary, avoid the suppression of the peristaltics), diverticulosis, acute ulcerative colitis or pseudo-membrane enterocolitis (diarrhea caused by antibiotic intake);
- first trimester of pregnancy
- Lactation period.


With hepatic insufficiency

Application during pregnancy and during lactation

Despite the lack of indications for teratogenic or embryotoxic effect, during pregnancy, the Imodium can only be prescribed if the intended benefit of therapy for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, the reception of the immodium is contraindicated. Since small amounts of the drug can penetrate into breast milk, receiving tablets for sinking with breast feeding is contraindicated.

Method of application and dose

Inside. The tablet is put into the tongue, it dissolves in a few seconds, after which it is swallowed with saliva, without drinking water.
Adults, including older, and children over 6 years old:
Acute diarrhea:initial dose - 2 tablets (4 mg) for adults and 1 tablet (2 mg) for children, in the future they take 1 tablet (2 mg) after each defecation act in the case of a liquid stool.
Chronic diarrhea: Initial dose - 2 tablets (4 mg) per day for adults and 1 tablet (2 mg) for children; This dose is further individually corrected so that the frequency of the chair is 1-2 times a day, which is usually achieved with a supporting dose from 1 to 6 tablets per day.
With acute I. chronic diarrhea in adults - 8 tablets (16 mg); In children, the maximum daily dose is calculated on the basis of body weight (3 tablets per 20 kg of the body weight of the child - up to 8 tablets (16 mg)).
When a normal chair appears or in the absence of a chair, more than 12 hours are canceled.

Side effect

Allergic reactions (skin rash);
- constipation and / or bloating;
- intestinal colic;
- urine delay (rarely);
- intestinal obstruction (very rarely);
- pain or discomfort in the stomach;
- nausea, vomiting;
- fatigue;
- drowsiness, dizziness;
- dry mouth;
- a sense of burning or tingling of a language that occurs immediately after receiving a tablet for resorption.


Depression Central nervous system (CNS): stupor, coordination disorders, drowsiness, alie, increased muscle tone, respiratory depression; Intestinal obstruction. Children are more sensitive to impacts on the central nervous system.
Treatment Symptomatic: Washing the stomach, activated coal (no later than 3 hours after the intake of the immodium), artificial ventilation of the lungs. Antidote - Naloxone. Since the duration of the imodium action is more than Naloxone (1-3 hours), it may be necessary to reinstate the latter. To identify possible oppression of the CNS, the patient should be under thorough observation at least for 48 hours.

Interactions with other drugs

Not noted.

special instructions

Since tablets for resorption are rather fragile, to avoid damage they cannot be used through foil. In order to get a blister tablet, you need to take foil over the edge, completely remove it from the wells, in which the tablet is located and, carefully pressing the bottom, remove the packaging tablet.
Reception of the drug must be immediately discontinued if constipation or bloating is developing.
Since the treatment of diarrhea with imiodium is only symptomatic, along with it, if possible, apply etiotropic agents. In patients with diarrhea, especially in children, hypovolemia can occur and reduced electrolyte content. In such cases, the most important replacement therapy for filling fluid and electrolytes is the most important.
Under acute diarrhea, if a clinical improvement is not observed within 48 hours, the reception of the imiodium should be discontinued and excluded the infectious genesis of diarrhea.
Do not apply with diarrhea accompanied by blood impurity in a chair and high temperature.
Patients with AIDS should immediately discontinue treatment at the first signs of bloating. In some cases, in patients with AIDS with infectious colits, both viral and bacterial nature, a toxic expansion of the colon may develop during treatment with imiodium.
Patients with impaired liver function should be under thorough observation of signs of toxic lesion.
Due to the period of treatment, the diet and the replenishment of the fluid is recommended.

The effect of the drug on the ability to drive a car and manage technician

During the period of treatment, it is necessary to refrain from driving transport and classes potentially hazardous species Activities requiring increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Form release
Primary packaging: 6 or 10 tablets for resorption in a blister from aluminum / aluminum.
Secondary packaging: 1 blister (6 or 10 tablets) or 2 blisters (10 tablets) along with the instructions for medical application In a cardboard pack.

Imodium (MNN - Loperamide) is an effective patented antidiare agent used both in non-infectious and infectious character. It is one of the preparations of choice with the so-called diarrhea of \u200b\u200btravelers. It is considered the most effective means against this unpleasant and often unexpected illness. The main driving force of the Imodium - Loperamide is a synthetic opiate, but it is not worth afraid of such a frightening-formidable characteristic: it interacts only with peripheral opioid receptors, without possessing a systemic morpho-like action and not passing through the protective glands of the hematostephalic barrier. The system action is not implemented even with the condition that the imiodium is absorbed in the intestine. This is due to the peculiarities of its biotransformation in the liver and the absence of active derivatives in the blood. For a long time, pharmacologists believed that this method of impact on diarrhea (through opioid receptors) is the only one. However, in the future, the immodium revealed the medical community and other verge of their pharmacological "talent" - the presence of antisecretory activity. The drug has an impact on intestinal secretion in several ways: through opioid and non-constituer receptors, by suppressing the squamine protein, controlling cell and enzyme processes, blocking calcium channels and leveling the effects of intestinal peptides and mediators that increase the bandwidth of cell membranes.

The imodium increases the tone of the outdoor sphincter anus, replete the frequency of urges to the defecation, dulls the painful desire to go "in large", reduces the hyperproduction of the mucus in the colonist. The drug may be a real salvation with such a common attack "Homo Urbanus", as an irritable bowel syndrome (CRC): in various sources, its effectiveness in such situations was estimated in the range of 64-100%. And although B. last years There were attempts to occupy this niche of the Imodium, for example, by the same Ondansetron, but the results of the last work in this direction still do not allow to recommend to the last patient with the Diarian version of the SRC in view of the development in a number of cases of ischemic colitis.

Imodium is produced in two dosage forms: Pills for resorption and capsules. There is also an improved form of immodium - immodium plus, which, in addition to Loperamide, also includes a wind turbulent tool, absorbing excess gases. In general, the Imodium, as well as the imodium plus, should be recognized by fairly safe drugs, as evidenced by post-marketing research, within which cases of negative development side Effects There were rare, and the degree of their severity is insignificant.


Antiodeary agent. Reduces the tone and motility of the smooth intestine muscles, apparently, due to binding with opioid receptors in the intestinal wall. Inhibits the release of acetylcholine and prostaglandins, reducing the peristaltics and increasing the time of passage of the intestinal content.

Enhances the tone of the anal sphincter. The action comes quickly and lasts 4-6 hours.


After receiving insido, the absorption of the Loperamide is about 40%, is subjected to intense metabolism at the "first passage" through the liver. A small amount of unchanged loperamide enters systemic blood flow. Does not penetrate the BC.

Metabolized in the liver.

T 1/2 is 9-14 hours. Is excreted through bile with a fee in the form of conjugated metabolites, a slight part is removed from the urine.

Form release

Solid gelatin capsules, size number 4, with a green lid with a white inscription "Imodium" and a dark gray case with a white inscription "JanSsen"; Content capsules - white powder.

Auxiliary substances: monohydrate lactose, corn starch, talc, magnesium stearate.

Composition of the capsule shell: titanium dioxide, iron oxide yellow, sodium indigotindisulfonate, gelatin, iron oxide black, sodium erytrosin.

6 pcs. - Blister (1) - packs cardboard.
20 pcs. - Blister (1) - packs cardboard.


Adults with an acute diarrhea, the first dose - 4 mg, then 2 mg after each defecation act in the case of a liquid stool. With chronic diarrhea, the first dose is 2 mg, the dose supports is chosen so that the stool frequency is 1-2 times in the day (2-12 mg / day).

The maximum daily dose for adults is 16 mg.

Children at the age of 4-8 years - 1 mg 3-4 times / day for 3 days; 9-12 years - 2 mg 4 times / day for 5 days.


It is believed that with simultaneous use, a kolistramine can reduce the effectiveness of the Loperamide.

With simultaneous use with co-trimoxazole, the ritonavir increases the bioavailability of the Loperamide, which is due to the inhibiting of its metabolism at the "first passage" through the liver.

Side effects

From side digestive system: Pain in the stomach, bloating, nausea, constipation, dry mouth.

From the CNS side: increased fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness.

Allergic reactions: skin rash.


Symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea of \u200b\u200bvarious genes (including allergic, emotional, drug, radiation; when changing the power and high-quality composition of food, with a violation of metabolism and suction; as an auxiliary means with diarrhea of \u200b\u200binfectious genesis). Regulation of the chair in patients with iley.


Intestinal obstruction; Constipation, abdomen, subjection, acute dysentery (as monotherapy), acute ulcerative colitis, pseudomembranous colitis resulting from antibiotics wide spectrum actions; childhood Up to 4 years, I trimester of pregnancy, increased sensitivity to Loperamid.

Features of application

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the II and III trimesters of pregnancy, Loperamide can be prescribed in cases where the expected benefit of therapy for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.

Since a small amount of loperamide is found in breast milk, the reception during breastfeeding is not recommended.

Application with violations of liver function

Caution use patients with impaired liver function, with liver failure.

Application in children

Contraindicated in childhood up to 4 years.

special instructions

Caution is used with liver failure.

It should not be used in clinical situations when the intensity of intestinal peristalsis is required.

In the absence of an effect through 2 days of application of Loperamid, it is necessary to refine the diagnosis and eliminate the infectious genesis of diarrhea.

Caution is used in patients with impaired liver function.

Under the overdose of Loperamide, Naloxone uses as an antidote.

Diarrhea in children can develop various reasons. However, regardless of which pathological processes provoked diarrhea in a small patient, the danger represents not only the disease itself, but also its symptom. Diarrhea is capable of dehydrating the body, especially dangerous for the child.

In diarrhea - acute or chronic - pediatrician may recommend the reception of the drug administration of the Imodium. What is included in his composition? How many years do it give and how to apply it? What are the testimony for the use of the medication and is there any contraindications to use? How can I replace the medication? Tell together.

Properties, composition and form of release of the drug Imodium

Imodium represents medicine Antiodeary action. The main thing active substancewhich is part of all pharmacological shapes Medication is Loperamide hydrochloride. The substance in oppressively acts on reopphatika intestines, allowing you to stop the diarrhea.

Imodium is produced in 2 forms - both are designed for oral administration. These are capsules and pills for sinking with mint smell. The means is effective due to the rapid suction in the gastrointestinal tract, while its system action remains insignificant. Output with feces and bile.

The use of the drug contributes to the intestine that the secretion of mucus is oppressed, and its quantity is normalized. The tone of the rectum and anal sphincter increases, which contributes to the holding of the carts, the urge to defecation occurs less frequently, and the time of passage of the gastrointestinal tract increases.

The treatment of the specified drug does not cancel the need for diagnostic measures to establish the reasons that provoked the appearance of a symptom.

Before use, it is necessary to get acquainted with the instructions and consult a pediatrician about the children's dosage of the drug.

Indications for use

The reception of the immodium is shown in diarrhea (acute, chronic, diarrhea of \u200b\u200b"perfunctions"). Imodium for children under 6 years of age can be assigned exclusively in tablet form. Tablets kids up to 6 years old can only be given to the appointment of the attending physician if there is indications for use. Capsules are allowed for reception after 4 years.

Instructions for use for children of different ages

Reception of the drug in any form is allowed only by appointing a doctor who has given an accurate diagnosis. Only qualified specialist can determine what medication It will help in a particular case, and it will calculate the appropriate dosage, which is especially important in the treatment of children. Before applying the medication, you must examine the instructions.


Children take this drug orally. It is intended for symptomatic treatmentBut not to eliminate the disease. One tablet is put in tongue. Saliva in a few seconds dissolves the medicine, and the child swallows it easily. I do not need to drink a tablet with water or other liquid.

The chronic form of diarrhea requires a cautious approach to the choice of dosage. At the very beginning of treatment, 1-2 tablets per day are prescribed, then the doctor adjusts the amount of medication depending on its effectiveness (the number of defecations should not exceed 2 times a day). Supporting dose for a child is up to 6 pieces per day.

Tablets need to use strictly according to the instructions, observing the dosage

If diagnosed acute diarrhea, the patient is given 1 tablet, the reception of the drug is repeated after each defecation before the sealing of the carts. In the event that there is no chair for 12 or more hours, the intake of the immodium is also stopped. The maximum daily dosage of the medication for the child is determined by its weight - no more than 3 tablets per 20 kg of body weight and no more than 8 pieces per day.


The drug in the form of capsules is used to eliminate diarrhea proceeding both in chronic and in acute form. The initial dosage is 1 capsule per day. The maximum daily dose for children over the age of 4-8 years - 1 mg 3-4 times a day, from 9 to 12 years - 2 mg to 4 times a day. Supporting therapy requires one-two-time reception during the day until the patient's condition is normalized.


Before offering the drug to the baby, it is necessary to eliminate the presence of contraindications to the use of the immodium. With the liver dysfunction, the medication is used with extreme caution. The main contraindication to the drug admission is the individual intolerance to the substances included in its composition.

In view of possible contraindications, the drug is used only by appointment of a doctor
  • constipation - the tool can aggravate the patient's condition, because reduces the already reduced tone of the rectum;
  • enterocolite bacterial etiology;
  • ulcerative colitis in acute form;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • pathological processes accompanied by bowel dysfunction (paralytic ileus, etc.);
  • pseudomambranous colitis, which has developed as a result of antibiotic therapy;
  • In acute form.

In the presence of blood gains in the cartoons, the treatment with imiodium is also contraindicated. If the small patient has risen the body temperature, this may indicate the development of the pathological process included in the presented list of contraindications, therefore the use of the drug in such cases is not recommended.

Possible adverse reactions

Reception of the medicinal product can lead to side effects. The most common of them is constipation. This is due to the peculiarities of the effect of the drug on the intestinal peristalsis. The probability of development of this by-reaction Depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

In rare cases, the reception of the immodium provokes allergic reactions, Up to the swelling of Quincke. Sometimes patients appear signs of drowsiness, the oppressed state of consciousness is observed.

Some patients complain about indentation of the stomach, nausea and vomiting, headaches, tremor, fainting and urine delay (recommend reading :). In children, symptoms are observed much more often than adults. Recommended symptomatic treatment, reception activated coal, washing the stomach. As an antidote, you can take the drug Naloxon.

Imodium action is aimed at eliminating symptoms, but it does not affect the cause of the pathological process. In the event that the drug is ineffective (the symptom does not disappear 48 hours after the start of therapy), then its use is terminated.

Cost and analogs

If a small patient has developed a diarrhea, a doctor may recommend not only Imodium, but also similar drugs Based on Loperamide or means containing other actors. Imodium is a fairly expensive drug, which is strictly forbidden to apply to children under 1 year, so in some cases the choice is based not only on efficiency, but also at the cost of the medication.

Drug nameActing componentForm releaseAge restrictionsAverage cost, rub.
ImodiumLoperamide hydrochlorideTablets, capsulesFrom 6 and 4 years, respectively.170
Loperamide (recommend reading :)Loperamide hydrochlorideTablets, capsulesFrom 4 years.15-20
LopediumLoperamide hydrochlorideCapsulesFrom 6 years.28-30
Enterol (recommend reading :)Saharomyzet BulardiPowder, capsulesFrom 1 year.200-600
SmektDioEctadric smectitisPowder for cooking suspension for oral administrationWithout restrictions, including under 1 year.150-170
Baptiform Baby (more in the article :)Bifidobacterium strainsOil SolutionChildren's drug give from birth.380-510
BakskyubtilPowder of gram-positive bacteriaCapsules3 years.920
Linex.Vissal lyophilized lactic acid bacteriaCapsulesFrom the first days of life, including newborns.300-340

Preparation: Imodium®

The active substance of the drug: Loperamide
ATH encoding: A07DA03
CFG: anti-diary symptomatic drug
Registration number: P №016070 / 01
Registration date: 11/25/04
Owner reg. Entrepreneur: JanSsen-Cilag N.V. (Belgium)

Edition form Imodium, packaging of the drug and composition.

Capsules are solid gelatin, size No. 4, with a green lid with a white inscription "Imodium" and a dark gray case with a white inscription "JanSsen"; Content capsules - white powder. 1 caps. Loperamide hydrochloride 2 mg
Auxiliary substances: lactose, starch corn, talc, magnesium stearate.
The composition of the shell capsules: titanium dioxide, iron oxide yellow, sodium indigotindisulfonate, gelatin, iron oxide black, sodium erytrosin.
6 pcs. - Blister (1) - packs cardboard.
20 pcs. - Blister (1) - packs cardboard.
Tablets for resorption of white or almost white, round, lyophilized. 1 tab. Loperamide hydrochloride 2 mg
Auxiliary substances: gelatin, mannitol, aspartame, mint flavor, sodium bicarbonate.
10 pieces. - Blister (1) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Blisters (2) - packs cardboard.

Description of the drug is based on officially approved instructions for use.

Pharmacological effect Imodium

Antiodeary drug. Loperamide, binding to opioid receptors in the intestinal wall, suppresses the release of acetylcholine and prostaglandins, thereby reducing the peristaltics and increasing the time of passing the intestinal content. Increases the tone of the anal sphincter, reducing the incontinence of carts and the urge to defecation.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

After taking the drug inside the absorption of Loperamide is 40%.
Binding of plasma proteins is about 95%, mainly with albumin.
It is subjected to intense metabolism in the process of oxidative N-demethylation at the "first passage" through the liver.
T1 / 2 is an average of 10.8 h (from 9 to 14 hours). It is excreted mainly with the feces. A minor part is derived from the urine in the form of conjugated metabolites.

Indications for use:

Acute and chronic diarrhea;
- In order to regulate the chair in patients with Ilehosta.

Dosage and method of use of the drug.

The drug is prescribed inside.
In case of acute diarrhea, adults and elderly patients are prescribed in the initial dose of 4 mg, in the future - 2 mg after each defecation act in the case of a liquid stool. Children over 6 are prescribed in the initial dose of 2 mg, in the future - 2 mg after each defecation act in the case of a liquid chair.
In chronic diarrhea, adults and elderly patients are prescribed in the initial dose - 4 mg / day. Next, the dose is adjusted so that the stool frequency is 1-2 times / day, which is usually achieved with a supporting dose of 2-12 mg / day. Children over 6 are prescribed in primary dose of 2 mg. Next, the dose is adjusted so that the stool frequency is 1-2 times / day, which is usually achieved with a supporting dose of 2-12 mg / day.
Maximum daily dose with acute and chronic diarrhea in adults - 16 mg; In children - 6 mg per 20 kg of body weight - up to 16 mg.
When a normal chair appears or in the absence of a chair, more than 12 hours are canceled.
The pill for resorption should be put in the language. For a few seconds it dissolves on the surface of the tongue and it can be swallowed with saliva, without drinking water.

Side effect Imodium:

From the digestive system: constipation and / or bloating, intestinal colic, pain or discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth; Very rare - intestinal obstruction.
From the CNS and the peripheral nervous system: fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness.
From the metabolism: hypovolemia, reduction of electrolyte content.
Allergic reactions: skin rash.
Others: It is possible a feeling of burning or tingling language, occurring immediately after taking the drug in the form of tablets for resorption; Rarely - urine delay.

Contraindications for the drug:

Acute dysentery and other tract infections (called, incl. Salmonella SPP., Shigella SPP., Campylobacter SPP.);
- intestinal obstruction (including, if necessary, avoid suppressing peristaltics);
- diverticulosis;
- acute ulcerative colitis;
- pseudo-membrane enterocolit (diarrhea caused by antibiotic intake);
- I trimester of pregnancy;
- Lactation period ( breast-feeding);
- children's age up to 6 years;
- Increased sensitivity to Loperamid and / or other components of the drug.
Caution should be prescribed a drug during liver failure.

Application during pregnancy and lactation.

Imodium is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Despite the lack of instructions on teratogenic or embryotoxic effect, in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy, the Imodium can be prescribed only in cases where the intended benefit of therapy for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.
Loperamide in small quantities stands out from breast milkTherefore, if necessary, the use of the drug during the lactation period, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Special instructions for the use of Imodium.

Reception of the drug must be immediately discontinued if constipation or bloating is developing.
Since the treatment of diarrhea with imiodium is only symptomatic, along with this, it is necessary, if possible, apply etiotropic tools.
In diarrhea, especially in children, hypovolemia can occur and reduced the content of electrolytes. In such cases, the most important replacement therapy for filling fluid and electrolytes is the most important.
When acute diarrhea, if a clinical improvement is not observed within 48 hours, the intake of the Imodium should stop and eliminate the infectious genesis of diarrhea.
Do not apply with diarrhea with blood and high temperatures.
Patients with AIDS should immediately discontinue treatment at the first signs of bloating. In some cases, the toxic expansion of the colon may develop in patients with AIDS with infectious colitis in patients with infectious colitis in the treatment of immodium.
Patients with impaired liver function should be under thorough observation in order to timely detect signs of toxic damage to the central nervous system.
Due to the period of treatment, the diet and the replenishment of the fluid is recommended.
It should be borne in mind that pills for resorption are rather fragile, so in order to avoid damage they can not be used through foil. In order to get a blister tablet, you must take foil over the edge, completely remove it from the wells, in which the tablet is located, and carefully pressing the bottom, remove the tablet from the package.
Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms
During the treatment period, it is necessary to refrain from driving transport and occupation potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and high velocity of psychomotor reactions.

Overdose by the drug:

Symptoms: the oppression of the central nervous system is a stupor, coordination disorders, drowsiness, alie, increased muscular tone, respiratory depression, intestinal obstruction. Children are more sensitive to impacts on the central nervous system.
Treatment: stomach wash, appointment of activated carbon (no later than 3 hours after administration of the immodium), IVL, conducting symptomatic therapy. Antidote - Naloxone. Because The duration of the imodium is larger than Naloxone (1-3 hours), it may be necessary to re-assign the latter. To identify the possible oppression of the CNS of the patient should be under thorough observation, at least within 48 hours.

Imaging Imodium with other drugs.

Drug interaction of the drug Imodium was not observed.

Terms of sale in pharmacies.

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Terms of the condition of the preparation of the drug Imodium.

The drug should be stored in an inaccessible place at temperatures from 15 ° to 30 ° C. Shelf life - 5 years.

Imodium - anti-infamine drug. By binding to opioid intestinal wall receptors, the active substance of the drug inhibits the release of prostaglandins and acetylcholine, and this leads to a decrease in the bowel abbreviations and an increase in the time of the contents of the content on it. Imodium increases the anus sphincter tone and thus reduces the urge and incontinence.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in two dosage forms - shell capsules, and lingual tablets.

One hedine capsule contains 2 mg of Loperamide hydrochloride and auxiliary components (talc, starch corn, magnesium stearate and lactose). The composition of the capsule shell includes iron oxide yellow, iron oxide black, sodium indigotindisulfonate, titanium dioxide, gelatin and sodium erythrosine. Imodium capsules are packed by 6 or 20 pieces into blisters, in a cardboard pack 1 blister.

Lingual tablets have white or almost white color And round shape. In 1 tablet, 2 mg of Loperamide hydrochloride and auxiliary substances (aspartames, sodium bicarbonate, mannitol, mint flavor and gelatin) are contained. Imodium tablets are packed in blisters of 6 or 10 pieces, in a cardboard pack 1 or 2 blisters.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, the Imodium is used for the symptomatic treatment of chronic and acute diarrhea, as well as in order to regulate the chair in patients with an iley (giving a solid consistency of the chair, a decrease in its volume and reduce the frequency of defecation).


Application of immodium is contraindicated in case of diseases and states as:

  • Complete or partial intestinal obstruction;
  • Acute dysseteria and a number of other infections of the gastrointestinal tract caused by, including Campylobacterspp., Salmonellaspp. and shigellaspp.;
  • Pseudomambranous enterocolitis;
  • Acute ulcerative colitis;
  • Diverticulosis;
  • Bloating, constipation;
  • Children's age up to six years;
  • Pregnancy (I trimester);
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Hypersensitivity to Loperamid or other medication components.

Caution requires the use of immodium in patients with hepatic insufficiency.

Method of application and dosage

Capsules are taken inside, not chewing and drinking enough water; Lingval tablets are put in tongue until complete dissolution, after which they are swallowed with saliva.

The initial dose of the immodium, according to the instructions, is 2 tablets (capsules) for adults and 1 tablet (capsule) for children over six years old.

With acute diarrhea, 1 tablet (capsule) is prescribed after each liquid chair, and when chronic - adjust the dose until the number of acts of defecation decorated chair will be reduced to 1 or 2 times in 24 hours. Supporting daily dose of the immodium is usually equal to 1-6 tablets (capsules).

The maximum dose of the drug in diarrhea is 8 tablets (capsules) per day for adults and 1 tablet (capsule) by 7 kg of body weight for children.

Side effects

During the use of Imodium, the following side effects are possible:

  • From the digestive system: dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, intestinal colic, discomfort and abdominal pain, bloating and / or constipation; Extremely rarely - intestinal obstruction;
  • On the part of the central and peripheral nervous system: dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • Allergic reactions: rash on the skin;
  • Others: a sense of tingling or burning language arising immediately after the application of the immodium in the form of lingual tablets; Rarely - urine delay.

special instructions

Since the drug is intended for symptomatic treatment if possible, it is necessary to prescribe etiotropic therapy aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

With acute diarrhea, especially in children, it is possible to dehydration and reduce the content of electrolytes. In this case, it is important to stick replacement therapywhich fills the level of fluid and electrolytes in the body.

In the absence of improvements within 48 hours, it is necessary to stop using the Imodium and consult a doctor.

In patients with liver dysfunction due to the peculiarities of Loperamide metabolism, it is possible to increase its plasma concentration, therefore, for this category of patients, additional medical observation is required to identify possible symptoms toxic damage to the central nervous system.

When developing partial intestinal obstruction, bloating or constipation Reception Imodium should be stopped immediately.

The drug does not violate the speed of psychomotor reactions, however, when driving, dizziness or fatigue occurs, you should refuse to manage motor vehicles and work with potentially hazardous mechanisms.


The structural analogues of the immodium with the same existing substance include:

  • Loperamide;
  • Lopedium;
  • Superhof;
  • Diara;
  • Loperamide-acry;
  • Loperamide Grindex;
  • Faith-loperamide;
  • Loperamide Stadian.

Terms and conditions of storage

According to the instructions, the imodium should be stored in a dry, inaccessible place at a temperature of 15-30 ° C. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.

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