Cyclodinone tablets jazz place you can drink them. Cyclodinone: indications for admission, contraindications and possible side effects

Mint flavor, water, sodium saccharate dihydrate, 96% ethanol.

  • The composition of 1 tablet of Cyclodinone contains 3.3-4.8 mg dry common rod extract ... Additional substances: microcrystalline cellulose, indigotin, silicon dioxide, , lactose monohydrate, starch, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, talc, iron oxide, , copolymer of emethacrylic acid, copolymer of ethacrylic acid.
  • Release form

    • Transparent, yellow liquid with aroma common rod ; formation of a small sediment is permissible during long-term storage. 50 ml drops in a glass bottle with a dropper, 1 bottle in a paper box.
    • Greenish matte tablets of round shape, biconvex. 15 tablets in a blister, 2 or 4 blisters in a paper box.

    pharmachologic effect

    Dopaminomimetic action.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

    Is cyclodinone a hormonal drug?

    The medicine is obtained from raw materials vegetable origin, therefore, it is not hormonal, but has a normalizing effect on the content of sex hormones.

    Mechanism of action

    The main component is common twig ... The dopaminergic effects of the drug eliminate causing weakening of production. Increased content prolactin disrupts synthesis gonadotropins , due to which violations of the development of follicles, corpus luteum and ovulation leading to imbalance estradiol and progesterone and is able to cause mastodynia and changes in the menstrual cycle.

    Prolactin demonstrates a stimulating effect on the processes of cell development in the mammary glands and can stimulate the appearance connective tissueand also cause an increase in milk ducts.

    Reducing content prolactin causes regression of pathological processes in the mammary gland and relieves pain. Correct production and regulation of the proportion of gonadotropic hormones normalizes the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle.

    Indications for use

    Indications for the use of the drug:

    • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
    • mammalgia .


    Hypersensitivity to drug components.

    Side effects

    Side effects are rare and appear cutaneous, less often - temporary psychomotor agitation, confusion and hallucinations.

    Instructions for use of Cyclodinone (Way and dosage)

    How to take the drug?

    Drops are taken orally, pre-shaking the bottle. When taking all forms of release, you must drink them with water.

    Instructions for the use of drops

    The medicine in this form of release is taken orally 40 drops once a day in the morning with water.

    Cyclodinone tablets, instructions for use

    Tablets are also taken orally, 1 piece once a day, in the morning, with water and without chewing.

    Treatment is usually carried out within a quarter, without interruption during menstruation. After relief of symptoms and improvement of the patient's condition, therapy should be continued for another 2-3 weeks.

    If, after the completion of treatment, complaints reappear, you should consult with your doctor.

    From what day of the cycle should you start taking the medicine?

    The drug can be taken regardless of the duration of the menstrual cycle.


    There are no reported cases of overdose.


    For persons receiving dopamine receptor blockers , mutual weakening of the drugs' effects is not excluded.

    Interactions with other drugs have not been studied.

    Terms of sale

    On prescription.

    Storage conditions

    The drops are stored in a dark place at room temperature. The tablets are stored in a dark, dry place at room temperature.

    Shelf life

    Three years.

    special instructions

    If you experience pain in the mammary glands, lethargy, menstrual irregularities you need to see a doctor.

    Lactose intolerance (tablets include lactose) may be the cause

    Latin name:Cyclodynon
    ATX code: G02CX03
    Active substance: Fruit extract
    common barnacle
    Manufacturer:Bionorica, Germany
    Pharmacy dispensing condition: On prescription

    Cyclodinone is one of the homeopathic remedies, it relieves premenstrual syndrome, corrects the cycle, and also treats mastodynia.

    Indications for use

    • Severe premenstrual syndrome
    • Menstrual irregularities
    • Signs of mastodynia, endometriosis.

    Cyclodinone is also prescribed for menopause in order to eliminate characteristic symptoms lack of estrogen.


    Cyclodinone drops (100 g) contains a herbal monocomponent, represented by an extract of common rod, its mass fraction is 193-288 mg.

    Additional components of drops include:

    • Mint flavoring component
    • Sorbitol (70% solution)
    • Sodium saccharate dihydrate
    • Polysorbate
    • Povidone
    • Ethanol 96%.

    Cyclodinone tablets (1 pc.) Include 3.3-4.8 mg of the phytocomponent in dry form (rod extract). Each tablet contains an additional component:

    • Cellulose in microcrystalline form
    • Talc
    • Copolymer of ethacrylic and emethacrylic acid
    • Magnesium stearate
    • Lactose monohydrate
    • Iron oxide
    • Starch
    • Macrogol
    • Indigotin
    • Povidone
    • Silicon and titanium dioxide.

    Healing properties

    Many are interested in the question of whether Cyclodinone hormonal drug or not, why is it appointed to drink. It should be noted that this remedy is one of the non-hormonal herbal remedies, it is intended to normalize the level of sex hormones.

    Therapeutic effects homeopathic pills and drops associated with specific properties a phytocomponent, namely the cane extract, which is one of the plant dopaminomimetics. Prutnyak triggers complex chemical processes in the body and has almost the same effects as the dopamine substance, which is produced in human body brain cells. Along with this, dopaminomimetics have a stimulating effect on the synthesis of natural dopamine. Cyclodinone activates the work of some brain structures (pituitary and hypothalamus), this happens when the level of dopamine in the brain increases.

    Dopamine is a so-called inhibitory mediator in both the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus; it reduces the increased activity of these important brain structures. Under the influence of dopamine, there is a decrease in the production of gonadotropic hormones (prolactin, somatoliberin, and also somatotropic). The more dopamine is produced, the lower the level of prolactin and other gonadotropic hormones in the blood will be. Due to this action, dopaminomimetics are used for complex treatment various ailments associated with excessive production of prolactin, somatropin, and somatoliberin.

    It should be noted that the regulation of prolactin production plays an important role in the female body. When high level of this hormone, menstrual irregularities develop, soreness and severe engorgement of the mammary glands, PMS are observed, in some cases, the occurrence of fibrocystic mastopathy is diagnosed. In addition to the increased production of the hormone prolactin, the synthesis of other hormones is activated - FSH, LH, while the process of follicle formation, the onset of ovulation and the subsequent formation of the corpus luteum are disrupted. In patients with such disorders, hormonal imbalance is diagnosed, the amount of progesterone and estrogen produced changes, and pathologies of the reproductive system appear. The lack of dopamine substance is associated with the appearance of amenorrhea, aggressiveness, the development of restless legs syndrome.

    A woman taking a homeopathic remedy reduces the production of prolactin in her own body, thereby normalizing the level of progesterone and estrogen. Against the background of phytotherapy, the menstrual cycle is corrected, activity is normalized genitourinary system, manifestations of mastopathy are eliminated, pain in the mammary glands and their engorgement, PMS is completely eliminated, the course of the second half of the MC is normalized. Treatment of mastopathy is carried out by neutralizing the effect of prolactin on proliferative processes in the mammary glands.

    Release form

    Homeopathic medicine comes in two forms:

    • In tablets - bluish-green with a matte finish (there are 15 pcs in a blister pack, 2 blister packs with instructions are placed inside the pack)
    • In drops - a translucent yellowish-brown solution with a characteristic herbal aroma (produced in glass bottles with a dispensing cap, instructions are additionally attached).

    Cyclodinone: instructions for use

    The dosage regimen depends on the use of one or another dosage form.

    How to take pills

    Price per tab: from 430 to 650 rubles.

    There is no difference on which day in the menstrual cycle the woman began to take homeopathic remedy... Simultaneous food intake does not affect the absorption rate of the phytocomponent.

    Usually phytotablets are taken orally, one twice a day (preferably in the morning and in the evening), unless the doctor has prescribed a different dosage regimen. Drink given medicinal product regardless of when they eat. During the use of the medicine, it is worth drinking the phytotablets with a sufficient volume of liquid.

    If you do not drink other drugs to normalize hormonal levels, then the course of treatment is 3 months. After relief of symptoms, there is a need to extend the prescribed treatment for 2-3 weeks.

    How to take the solution

    Cap price: from 299 to 545 rubles.

    It is best to take Cyclodinone in solution before meals. Non-hormonal drops act on the body in almost the same way as drugs in tablet form. The extracts contained in the drug are quickly absorbed by the mucous membranes and enter the general bloodstream, influencing the production of sex hormones.

    The woman begins treatment with 40 caps. daily in the morning, in the future, the doctor can adjust the regimen. The duration of phytotherapy is not hormonal agent is 3 months.

    Cyclodinone is also prescribed to relieve the symptoms of menopause and treat endometriosis. It is recommended to start treatment after consulting a doctor. Cyclodinone with endometriosis can be administered according to a different scheme. From which day of the cycle it is better to drink drops, check with your gynecologist.

    Application during pregnancy and hepatitis B

    It is contraindicated to start using the phytopreparation for this group of patients.


    Excessive susceptibility to the common rod medicine and similar herbal preparations.

    Precautionary measures

    According to the instructions, the tablets include lactose, the phytopreparation is not prescribed for admission to patients with intolerance to this substance.

    If a woman drank the drug according to the scheme and during treatment an individual susceptibility to Cyclodinone arose, the MC was disturbed, breast tenderness was observed, it is worth completing the started therapy and contacting an obstetrician-gynecologist.

    It should be noted that in a single dosage there is no hormonal pills and phytodrops are 0.03 XE.

    Cross-drug interactions

    The interaction of some drugs with Cyclodinone can lead to a weakening therapeutic action the latter.

    By taking dopamine receptor antagonists, a weakening of the drug effect of each drug can be observed.

    Alcohol compatibility

    It is impossible to combine alcohol intake with phytotherapy with a rod-based drug, as multiple adverse reactions... Cyclodinone and alcohol are not compatible.

    Side effects

    If a long-term phytotherapy was prescribed, the following reactions may develop on the drug:

    • Appearance on skin in the form of rashes
    • Psychomotor overexcitation, development of hallucinations, confusion of consciousness.


    If a woman takes the drug as prescribed by the doctor, the risk of developing an overdose is minimal.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    Drops with tablets do not require the creation of certain conditions for their preservation, each of the drugs retains its own medicinal properties at a temperature of 15-25 C. Shelf life of herbal remedies - 3 years


    Biologische Heilmittel Heel, Germany

    Price from 420 to 918 rubles.

    Gynecohel is a herbal preparation based on plant extracts. It is prescribed for the treatment of gynecological ailments associated with hormonal imbalance and active inflammatory process in the internal genital organs. Gynecohel is produced in the form of drops.


    • Natural composition
    • Low likelihood of developing adverse reactions
    • Available without a prescription.


    • High price
    • Inconvenient reception regimen (three times a day)
    • The drops contain ethanol.

    Cyclodinone is herbal preparation, which helps to normalize hormonal levels, which is used for menstrual irregularities, mastodynia (pain in the mammary glands), as well as premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

    The therapeutic effect is achieved by reducing the level of the hormone prolactin, the excess of which disrupts the hormonal balance in the woman's body, affects the regularity of the cycle and worsens health.

    In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe Cyclodinone, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for it. medicine in pharmacies. REAL REVIEWS women over 40 who have already used Cyclodinone can be read in the comments.

    Composition and form of release

    The pharmaceutical industry produces two dosage forms the drug Cyclodinone. These are tablets and drops for internal use.

    • In tablets - the active ingredient is the dry extract of the common fruit (Agnuscastus). Used as auxiliary substances: colloidal silicon dioxide, povidone, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose.
    • The solution of the drug contains the active ingredient - dry extract of common barnacles (Agnuscastus). Used as auxiliary substances: purified water, polysorbate 20, povidone, sodium saccharate dihydrate, sorbitol 70% (non-crystallizing), ethanol 96%, peppermint flavor.

    Clinical and pharmacological group: phytopreparation used for menstrual irregularities, mastodynia and premenstrual syndrome.

    What does Cyclodinone help with?

    The instructions for Cyclodinone state that this drug must be used in the following cases:

    • with chest pains before menstruation and diffuse (evenly distributed in both mammary glands) mastopathy - small cysts dissolve under the action of cyclodinone.
    • with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - an increase in LH production helps to increase the secretion of progesterone and prevent symptoms characteristic of PMS;
    • in case of menstrual irregularities - the restoration of the hormonal background contributes to its normalization.

    pharmachologic effect

    Phytopreparation, the components of which have a normalizing effect on the level of sex hormones. It has a dopaminergic effect, which causes a decrease in prolactin production, i.e. eliminates hyperprolactinemia.

    • An increased concentration of prolactin disrupts the secretion of gonadotropins, as a result of which disorders of follicular maturation, ovulation and the corpus luteum phase may occur, which further leads to an imbalance between estradiol and progesterone.

    It is this hormonal imbalance that causes menstrual irregularities and mastodynia. Cyclodinone normalizes the ratio of gonadotropic hormones, which leads to the normalization of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

    Instructions for use

    The choice of the form of the drug is subjective. Determined by ease of use, taste, characteristics of the organism.

    1. Before using drops of Cyclodinone, you must shake the bottle. Should be taken 40 drops 1 time / day with sufficient water.
    2. Cyclodinone tablets are taken 1 piece 1 time / day. The tablets must be swallowed whole, without chewing, with a sufficient volume of water.

    According to the instructions for use, Cyclodinone treatment should be continued for 3 months (without a break for the period of menstruation). After improvement of the condition, treatment should be continued for several more weeks.
    If, after discontinuing the drug, complaints reappear, you should consult your doctor.


    Cyclodinone is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

    Side effects

    The drug is well tolerated by women. Side effects are associated with individual intolerance to the components. In rare cases, the appearance of:

    • stomach pain;
    • diarrhea;
    • hallucinations;
    • headache;
    • confusion of consciousness;
    • nausea;
    • mental agitation;
    • shortness of breath;
    • dizziness;
    • rashes on the skin.

    In addition, the appearance of bloody discharge from the genitals during menopause, in the middle of the cycle, is possible.


    In some cases, Cyclodinone analogues may be prescribed to treat menstrual irregularities. The main analogs of Cyclodinone include the following drugs: Femoston, Epigallat, Epigen. Known analogs of Cyclodinone, which also contain an extract of the common rod fruit: Agnucaston, Mastodeon, Mastodinon.


    The average price of CYCLODINONE tablets in pharmacies (Moscow) is 460 rubles. The drops cost 440 rubles.

    In general, I believe that, as you know, hypertension is an organic disease, so it needs to be treated, not prevented, otherwise you will break your head. The main thing is the correct diagnosis.

    10/15/2015 5:57:16 PM, Aleks M

    Very good article, thank you very much! With hypertension, you really need to follow a diet. And my mother still drinks a drink called Hypertofort, to normalize blood pressure, and so does without pills. Excluded spicy, salty, fatty from the diet.

    04.03.2015 18:13:55, Lyubarskaya Ksenia

    Total 3 posts .

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    The main active ingredient "Cyclodinone" is an extract obtained from the common rod. This plant is known for its healing properties since ancient times. It has been used in the treatment of female illnesses and as a sex drive reduction agent.

    In modern medical experiments, it has been proven that the common twig blocks the release of prolactin from the cells of the pituitary gland. This effect is due to the ability of the active components of the plant to stimulate the dopaminergic receptors of the pituitary gland.

    With prolonged use of the drug in the blood, a significant decrease in prolactin is determined, in some patients by 40-90%. Exactly this effect determines the therapeutic effect of "Cyclodinone".

    Against the background of the use of the drug:

    • the menstrual cycle normalizes;
    • the phenomena of mastodynia decrease;
    • the level of estradiol and progesterone in the blood is restored.

    "Cyclodinone" is produced in the form of two pharmaceutical forms:

    • pills;
    • oral solution.

    Cyclodinone tablets contain up to 4.8 mg of the main active ingredient (extract from common willow). In addition, the composition of the drug includes: lactose, cellulose, fillers, magnesium stearate, and the shell also contains a small amount of dyes.

    Cyclodinone solution is produced for oral administration. It contains a rod extract, in 100 ml of the drug it contains about 288 mg.

    Also in the composition of the pharmaceutical product there are additives that give a pleasant taste and aroma: mint flavor, sodium saccharate, sorbitol. This also includes polysorbate, ethanol and other components.

    In pharmacies, you can buy bottles of different sizes: 50 or 100 ml.

    Reviews of Cyclodinone

    Instructions for this medicine states that, like drops, the tablets are drunk once a day, without chewing and drinking plenty of water. It is not recommended to use tea or coffee or other hot drinks for this purpose.

    The course of treatment should also be three continuous months. The tablets can be replaced with drops and vice versa.

    How to take the drug?

    Drops are taken orally, pre-shaking the bottle. When taking all forms of release, you must drink them with water.

    Instructions for the use of drops

    The medicine in this form of release is taken orally 40 drops once a day in the morning with water.

    Cyclodinone tablets, instructions for use

    Tablets are also taken orally, 1 piece once a day, in the morning, with water and without chewing.

    Treatment is usually carried out within a quarter, without interruption during menstruation. After relief of symptoms and improvement of the patient's condition, therapy should be continued for another 2-3 weeks.

    If, after the completion of treatment, complaints reappear, you should consult with your doctor.

    From what day of the cycle should you start taking the medicine?

    The drug can be taken regardless of the duration of the menstrual cycle.

    The most common analogs of Cyclodinone are listed below: Prefemin, Agnucaston, Mastodinon, Bromcriptine, Indinol, Mastopol.

    The doctors' comments about Cyclodinone indicate a fairly high effectiveness of the drug when used to normalize the cycle. Reviews for mastopathy and menopause characterize the remedy with positive side.

    Of the shortcomings, high prices and frequent negative effects on the skin with prolonged use are often noted.

    Online forum discussion does not reveal difference in clinical effects different forms release (tablets, drops). It is also worth recalling that pregnancy is a strict contraindication for taking the drug.

    The price of Cyclodinone in tablets No. 30 (60 tablets in a package are quite difficult to find on sale) in Russia is 430-640 rubles. The price of drops of Cyclodinone 50 ml ranges from 450 to 510 rubles.

    Ukraine gives approximately comparable prices: the cost of the indicated package of tablets reaches 340 hryvnia, and buying 50 ml of drops will cost no more than 260 hryvnia.

    Despite the fact that Cyclodinone is not a hormonal drug, it is dispensed in pharmacies only with a prescription.

    Cyclodinone tablets should be taken once a day. They are swallowed whole, in no case are they chewed. You need to drink the medicine with 100-150 ml of water. You can start taking "Cyclodinone" from any day of the menstrual cycle.

    The scheme of taking Cyclodinone drops is the same as for tablets. You need to know how to drink the alcoholic solution of “Cyclodinone.

    It is taken once a day, preferably one to two hours after meals. There is a convenient dispenser on the medicine bottle with which you can measure the required number of drops.

    The usual dosage is 40 drops, it is better to dilute them in a small amount of water (100-150 ml) and then drink them in small sips. Store the bottle in a cool dark place, shake it a little before use.

    The duration of treatment with tablets and Cyclodinone solution should be at least three months. During menstruation, you cannot interrupt treatment, you need to take the medicine in the usual dosage.

    After the symptoms of mastodynia decrease and the menstrual cycle is restored, treatment with Cyclodinone is continued for another two to three weeks, only after that it is canceled.

    Indications for use

    Hypersensitivity to drug components.

    The main contraindication to taking "Cyclodinone" is intolerance to the common rod, as well as additional components in the composition of the drug. Also, this pharmaceutical is not prescribed to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

    According to doctors and patients, "Cyclodinone" rarely causes any side effects... But if, against the background of treatment with the drug, the temperature rises or the menstruation increases, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    Also, after using it, allergic reactions in persons sensitive to the herbal component of the drug. In addition, there are indications of the appearance of pain and engorgement in the mammary glands in some patients.

    During the entire period of application of "Cyclodinone" there were no cases of its overdose.

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